LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

Page created by Laurie Mendez
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

         February 1-10

                   Content is correct at time of print
                      (19/1) and is subject to change
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                              tuesday 1 / February

                               LIVE 10AM-12NOON               LIVE 10AM-12NOON         6-630PM                    LIVE 12.30-9PM             7-10PM                        LIVE 12NOON-3PM
                              THE FOOTBALL                   THE FOOTBALL              EFL GOALS:                ICC U19 MEN’S               HOW THE 2002                 NFL: GOOD
                              SHOW                           SHOW                      LEAGUES 1 & 2             CRICKET WORLD               RYDER CUP                    MORNING FOOTBALL
                              Top pundits and                Top pundits and           Goals galore from         CUP: SUPER LEAGUE           WAS WON                      Kay Adams presents
                              big‑name guests look           big‑name guests look      the latest round of       SEMI-FINAL 1                A look back at the           three hours of
                              at the latest news.            at the latest news.       fixtures in Sky Bet       Two teams go head-          tournament at The            breaking NFL news,
                                                                                       Leagues 1 and 2.          to-head in the first        Belfry in Warwickshire       interviews, analysis,
                                                                                                                 semi-final at the           in 2002. The teams           opinions, highlights
                               LIVE 2-6PM                     LIVE 7-10PM                                        Sir Vivian Richards         were tied on eight           and much more.
                              PSL T20 CRICKET:               GILLETTE SOCCER            LIVE 7-10PM              Stadium in North            points each going into
                              ISLAMABAD UNITED               SPECIAL                   SPFL: HIBERNIAN           Sound. In the 2020          the Sunday singles
                              V MULTAN SULTANS               Julian Warren and his     V HEART OF                tournament, India           matches, but Sam             5-7PM
                              Islamabad, the                 studio guests bring       MIDLOTHIAN                beat their fierce rivals    Torrance’s Europe            NFL: CHAMPIONSHIP
                              Pakistan Super                 you live reports from     All the action from       Pakistan by 10 wickets      ended up beating             HIGHLIGHTS
                              League winners in              all of tonight’s games.   the Cinch Premiership     in this match.              Curtis Strange’s US          All the big plays
                              2016 and 2018, take                                      Edinburgh derby at                                    side 15½-12½.                from Sunday night’s
                              on the defending                                         Easter Road. Hibs and                                                              AFC Championship
                              champions in this big                                    Hearts drew when          9-10PM                                                   game, followed by
                              game at the National                                     they met earlier in the   PSL T20 CRICKET                                          highlights of the NFC
                              Stadium in Karachi.             LIVE 1.15-9.15PM         season (k/o 7.45pm).      HIGHLIGHTS                                               Championship match.
                              Islamabad won both             RACEDAY LIVE                                        The best of the             8.30-10.45PM
                              games against the              Live coverage of                                    action from this            PORTUGUESE F1
                              Sultans last season.           today’s biggest horse-                              afternoon’s game            GRAND PRIX                   7-9PM
tuesday 1 / February / 2022

                                                             racing meetings.                                    between Islamabad           A full replay of last        NBC’S PRO-
                                                                                        LIVE 2-6PM               United and Multan           season’s race at the         FOOTBALL TALK
                               LIVE 7-10PM                                             PSL T20 CRICKET:          Sultans in Karachi.         Algarve International        Mike Florio and Chris
                              SPFL: HIBERNIAN                                          ISLAMABAD UNITED                                      Circuit in Portimão,         Simms host the lively
                              V HEART OF                                               V MULTAN SULTANS                                      won by Mercedes’             NFL talk show that
                              MIDLOTHIAN                     7.30-9.30PM               Islamabad, the                                        Lewis Hamilton.              tackles all the latest
                              All the action from            NBA: LOS ANGELES          Pakistan Super                                                                     news and rumours.
                              the Cinch Premiership          LAKERS @                  League winners in          LIVE 7-10PM
                              Edinburgh derby at             ATLANTA HAWKS             2016 and 2018, take       GILLETTE SOCCER
                              Easter Road. Hibs and          All the action from       on the defending          SPECIAL                                                  LIVE 11PM-MIDNIGHT
                              Hearts drew when               Sunday night’s            champions in this big     Julian Warren and his        LIVE12.30-4.30PM            NFL: TOTAL ACCESS
                              they met earlier in the        Week 15 game at the       game at the National      studio guests bring         LIVE RACING                  A round-up of news
                              season (k/o 7.45pm).           State Farm Arena.         Stadium in Karachi.       you live reports from       Horse racing from the        and reports from all
                                                                                                                 all of tonight’s games.     meeting at Limerick.         32 NFL teams.

                                                                                                                 LIVE 7PM TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1 SKY SPORTS FOOTBALL
                               LIVE2PM TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1 SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT                                  SPFL: HIBERNIAN V HEART OF MIDLOTHIAN
                              PSL T20 CRICKET: ISLAMABAD UNITED V MULTAN SULTANS                                 Expect fireworks as Hibs and Hearts clash in the Cinch Premiership Edinburgh
                              Islamabad and Multan go head-to-head at the National Stadium in Karachi.           derby at Easter Road.

                              LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                                wednesday 2 / February

                                 LIVE 10AM-12NOON               LIVE 10AM-12NOON              2-5.15PM                 LIVE 12.30-9PM               8-11PM                         LIVE 12NOON-3PM
                                THE FOOTBALL                   THE FOOTBALL                   SPFL: HIBERNIAN         ICC U19 MEN’S                 HOW THE 2002                  NFL: GOOD
                                SHOW                           SHOW                           V HEART OF              CRICKET WORLD                 RYDER CUP                     MORNING FOOTBALL
                                Top pundits and                Top pundits and                MIDLOTHIAN              CUP: SUPER LEAGUE             WAS WON                       Kay Adams presents
                                big‑name guests look           big‑name guests look           A full replay of        SEMI-FINAL 2                  A look back at the            three hours of NFL
                                at the latest news.            at the latest news.            last night’s Cinch      Catch every ball in           tournament at The             news, interviews,
                                                                                              Premiership Edinburgh   the second Under-19           Belfry in Warwickshire        analysis, highlights
                                                                                              derby at Easter Road.   World Cup semi-final,         in 2002. The teams            and much more.
                                 LIVE 2-6PM                     LIVE 6.55-9PM                                         live from the Coolidge        were tied on eight
                                PSL T20 CRICKET:               AFRICA CUP OF                                          Cricket Ground in             points each going into
                                PESHAWAR                       NATIONS FOOTBALL:               LIVE 7.30-10.30PM      Osbourn, Antigua. In          the Sunday singles            7-9PM
                                ZALMI V LAHORE                 SEMI-FINAL                     SPFL: CELTIC V          the 2020 tournament,          matches, but Sam              NBC’S PRO-
                                QALANDARS                      Live coverage of the           RANGERS                 Bangladesh beat New           Torrance’s Europe             FOOTBALL TALK
                                Today’s HBL Pakistan           first AFCON 2021               All the action from     Zealand by six wickets        ended up beating              Mike Florio and Chris
                                Super League game at           semi‑final. At this            the Cinch Premiership   at this stage to win a        Curtis Strange’s US           Simms host the lively
                                the National Stadium           stage in the 2019              Old Firm derby at       place in the final.           side 15½-12½.                 NFL talk show that
                                in Karachi sees                tournament, Senegal            Celtic Park. When                                                                   tackles all the latest
                                Peshawar clash with            beat Tunisia 1-0               these fierce rivals                                                                 news and rumours.
                                Lahore. These teams            thanks to an own goal          met in August, Filip    9-10PM
                                contested the 2017             in extra time (k/o 7pm).       Helander’s goal         PSL T20 CRICKET
                                final, which Peshawar                                         was enough to give      HIGHLIGHTS                     LIVE 1.15-9.15PM             LIVE 11PM-MIDNIGHT
wednesday 2 / February / 2022

                                won by 58 runs.                                               Rangers all three       The best of the action        RACEDAY LIVE                  NFL: TOTAL ACCESS
                                                               9-9.30PM                       points (k/o 7.45pm).    from this afternoon’s         Live coverage of              A round-up of news
                                                               PREMIER LEAGUE                                         T20 at the National           today’s biggest horse-        and reports from all
                                 LIVE 7.30-10.30PM             WORLD                                                  Stadium in Karachi.           racing meetings.              32 NFL teams.
                                SPFL: CELTIC V                 An inside look at all
                                RANGERS                        the latest top-flight
                                All the action from            news and stories.              7.30-10PM
                                the Cinch Premiership                                         BRITISH
                                Old Firm derby at                                             BASKETBALL
                                Celtic Park. When                                             LEAGUE: CUP FINAL
                                these fierce rivals                                           – MANCHESTER
                                met in August, Filip           9-11.10PM                      GIANTS V
                                Helander’s goal                SPANISH F1                     LEICESTER RIDERS
                                was enough to give             GRAND PRIX                     A full replay of
                                Rangers all three              Highlights of last             Saturday night’s
                                points (k/o 7.45pm).           season’s Grand Prix            men’s BBL Cup final
                                                               at the Circuit de              at the Utilita Arena
                                                               Barcelona‑Catalunya.           in Birmingham.

                                 LIVE 2-6PM
                                PSL T20 CRICKET:
                                ZALMI V LAHORE
                                HBL Pakistan Super
                                League cricket live
                                from the National
                                Stadium in Karachi.

                                 LIVE 7-10PM
                                GILLETTE SOCCER
                                Julian Warren and his
                                studio guests bring
                                you live reports from
                                all of tonight’s games.

                                                                LIVE 6.55PM WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 2
                                 LIVE12.45-8.15PM              SKY SPORTS PREMIER LEAGUE
                                LIVE RACING                    AFRICA CUP OF NATIONS FOOTBALL:
                                Racing from Leicester,         SEMI-FINAL                                             LIVE 7.30PM WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 2 SKY SPORTS FOOTBALL
                                Exeter, Dundalk and            Two teams go head-to-head in the first AFCON           SPFL: CELTIC V RANGERS
                                Kempton Park.                  semi-final, with a place in the final up for grabs.    Celtic and Rangers clash in the Cinch Premiership Old FIrm derby at Celtic Park.

                                                                                                                                    The very best of what’s on Sky Sports,
                                                                                                                                               all in one place.
                                                                                                                                          Available on Channel 401

                                LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                               thursday 3 / February

                                LIVE 8.30AM-1.30PM            LIVE 10AM-12NOON         2-5.30PM                   LIVE 12.30-9PM              LIVE 8.30AM-1.30PM          LIVE 12NOON-3PM
                               DP WORLD                      THE FOOTBALL              SPFL: CELTIC V            ICC U19 MEN’S               DP WORLD                    NFL: GOOD
                               TOUR GOLF:                    SHOW                      RANGERS                   CRICKET WORLD               TOUR GOLF:                  MORNING FOOTBALL
                               RAS AL KHAIMAH                Top pundits and           A full replay of          CUP: 5TH/6TH                RAS AL KHAIMAH              Kay Adams presents
                               CHAMPIONSHIP                  big‑name guests look      last night’s Cinch        PLAYOFF                     CHAMPIONSHIP                three hours of NFL
                               Live coverage of              at the latest news.       Premiership Old Firm      Live coverage of the        Day one live from           news, interviews,
                               the first round at                                      derby at Celtic Park.     Under-19 World Cup          Ras Al Khaimah’s            expert opinions
                               Ras Al Khaimah’s                                                                  playoff match at the        Al Hamra Golf Club          and much more.
                               Al Hamra Golf Club            LIVE 6.55-9PM                                       Sir Vivian Richards         in the United Arab
                               in the United Arab            AFRICA CUP OF                                       Stadium in North            Emirates. This event
                               Emirates. This event          NATIONS FOOTBALL:                                   Sound to decide which       is a new addition to        7-9PM
                               is a new addition to          SEMI-FINAL                                          teams finish in fifth       the European Tour.          NBC’S PRO-
                               the European Tour.            All the action from the                             and sixth place.                                        FOOTBALL TALK
                                                             second AFCON 2021                                                                                           Mike Florio and Chris
                                                             semi‑final (k/o 7pm).                                                            LIVE 4-8PM                 Simms host the lively
                                LIVE 2-4PM                                                                       9-10PM                      PGA TOUR GOLF:              NFL talk show that
                               PSL T20 CRICKET:                                                                  PSL T20 CRICKET             AT&T PEBBLE                 tackles all the latest
                               QUETTA                        9-9.30PM                                            HIGHLIGHTS                  BEACH PRO-AM –              news and rumours.
                               GLADIATORS V                  PREMIER LEAGUE                                      The best of the action      EARLY COVERAGE
                               ISLAMABAD UNITED              WORLD                                               from this afternoon’s       Live coverage of day
                               Action from today’s           An inside look at all      LIVE 6.55-9PM            T20 at the National         one on three courses        LIVE 11PM-MIDNIGHT
                               HBL Pakistan Super            the latest top-flight     AFRICA CUP OF             Stadium in Karachi.         in the Monterey             NFL: TOTAL ACCESS
thursday 3 / February / 2022

                               League game at the            news and stories.         NATIONS FOOTBALL:                                     Peninsula: Pebble           A round-up of news
                               National Stadium                                        SEMI-FINAL                                            Beach Golf Links,           and reports from all
                               in Karachi, where                                       All the action from                                   Spyglass HIll Golf          32 NFL teams.
                               the Gladiators                                          the second AFCON                                      Course and Monterey
                               take on Islamabad.                                      2021 semi‑final. At        LIVE 1.15-9.15PM           Peninsula Country
                                                              LIVE 1.50-6PM            this stage in the 2019    RACEDAY LIVE                Club Shore Course.
                                                             PSL T20 CRICKET:          tournament, Riyad         Live coverage of
                               LIVE 4-7PM                    QUETTA                    Mahrez scored in the      today’s biggest horse-                                  8.30-10.55PM
                               PGA TOUR GOLF:                GLADIATORS V              95th minute to give       racing meetings.            LIVE  8-11PM                MONACO F1
                               AT&T PEBBLE                   ISLAMABAD UNITED          Algeria a 2-1 win over                                PGA TOUR GOLF:              GRAND PRIX
                               BEACH PRO-AM –                Today’s HBL Pakistan      Nigeria (k/o 7pm).                                    AT&T PEBBLE                 A full replay of last
                               EARLY COVERAGE                Super League game at                                                            BEACH PRO-AM                season’s Monaco
                               Day one live from             the National Stadium                                                            Full coverage of day        Grand Prix on the
                               Pebble Beach Golf             in Karachi sees the                                 LIVE 12.30-8.15PM           one of this historic        historic street circuit
                               Links, Spyglass HIll          Gladiators take on                                  LIVE RACING                 pro-am in California.       of Monte-Carlo. Red
                               Golf Course and               Islamabad. These           LIVE 7-10.30PM           Live horse racing from      Daniel Berger shot          Bull’s Max Verstappen
                               Monterey Peninsula            teams contested the       PREMIER LEAGUE            Kelso, Wincanton            18 under to win this        took the chequered
                               Country Club                  inaugural PSL final in    DARTS: NIGHT 1            and Chelmsford.             tournament last year.       flag in this race.
                               Shore Course.                 2016, which Islamabad     Every dart live from
                                                             won by six wickets.       the oche of the
                                                                                       Motorpoint Arena
                                LIVE 7-10.30PM                                         in Cardiff, where the
                               PREMIER LEAGUE                                          players go head-to-
                               DARTS: NIGHT 1                                          head on the opening
                               Every dart live from                                    night of the 2022
                               the oche of the                                         Cazoo Premier League.
                               Motorpoint Arena
                               in Cardiff, where 10
                               players will be in                                       LIVE MIDNIGHT-
                               action on the opening                                   12.30AM
                               night of the 2022                                       NBA: TNT TIP-OFF
                               Cazoo Premier League.                                   Live build-up to
                               Last season’s opening                                   tonight’s games in the
                               night saw Nathan               LIVE 8-11PM              NBA, with a look at all
                               Aspinall beat Glen            LPGA TOUR                 the talking points.
                               Durrant 7-3, while            GOLF: DRIVE ON
                               all the other games           CHAMPIONSHIP
                               ended as 6-6 draws.           Day one at Crown           LIVE 12.30-3AM
                                                             Colony Golf & Country     NBA: PHOENIX SUNS
                                                             Club in Fort Myers,       @ ATLANTA HAWKS
                                LIVE 12.30-3AM               Florida. This event       Late-night basketball
                               NBA: PHOENIX SUNS             was introduced to         live from the State
                               @ ATLANTA HAWKS               replace tournaments       Farm Arena. The
                               Late-night basketball         cancelled due to Covid    Suns won 121-117
                               live from the State           in 2020 and 2021.         when these teams
                               Farm Arena in Atlanta.                                  met in November.

                                LIVE 3-5.30AM                                           LIVE 3-5.30AM
                               NBA: LOS ANGELES               LIVE  9.15AM-12NOON      NBA: LOS ANGELES
                               LAKERS @ LA                   2022 OLYMPIC              LAKERS @ LA
                               CLIPPERS                      WINTER GAMES              CLIPPERS
                               The overnight Week            Hazel Irvine presents     The overnight Week
                               16 NBA game sees the          live coverage of          16 NBA game sees the      LIVE 7PM THURSDAY FEBRUARY 3 SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT
                               Los Angeles rivals go         today’s events in the     Los Angeles rivals go     PREMIER LEAGUE DARTS: NIGHT 1
                               head-to-head at the           Beijing 2022 Olympic      head-to-head at the       Darts’ biggest roadshow gets underway at the Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff,
                      Arena.             Winter Games.    Arena.         where the new format sees eight players competing in a knockout competition.

                               LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                             friday 4 / February

                              LIVE 8.30AM-1.30PM            LIVE 10AM-12NOON        LIVE 7-10.30PM            LIVE 12.30-9PM              LIVE 8.30AM-1.30PM           LIVE 12NOON-3PM
                             DP WORLD                      THE FOOTBALL            EFL: BIRMINGHAM           ICC U19 MEN’S               DP WORLD                     NFL: GOOD
                             TOUR GOLF:                    SHOW                    CITY V SHEFFIELD          CRICKET WORLD               TOUR GOLF:                   MORNING FOOTBALL
                             RAS AL KHAIMAH                Top pundits and         UNITED                    CUP: 3RD/4TH                RAS AL KHAIMAH               Kay Adams presents
                             CHAMPIONSHIP                  big‑name guests look    Birmingham City           PLAYOFF                     CHAMPIONSHIP                 three hours of NFL
                             Day two live from             at the latest news.     host the Blades in        All the action from         Day two live from Ras        news, views and more.
                             Ras Al Khaimah’s Al                                   the Friday night Sky      this playoff match at       Al Khaimah’s Al Hamra
                             Hamra Golf Club in the                                Bet Championship          the Coolidge Cricket        Golf Club in the United
                             United Arab Emirates.         9-9.30PM                game at St Andrew’s.      Ground in Osbourn,          Arab Emirates. This          7-9PM
                             This course hosted            PREMIER LEAGUE          Maxime Colin scored       Antigua, which decides      course hosted the            NBC’S PRO-
                             the Challenge Tour            WORLD                   the only goal in          which teams finish in       Challenge Tour Grand         FOOTBALL TALK
                             Grand Final in 2018.          An inside look at all   August’s reverse          third and fourth place.     Final in 2018, which         Mike Florio and Chris
                                                           the latest top-flight   fixture to give                                       was won by Spain’s           Simms host the lively
                                                           news and stories.       Birmingham all three                                  Adri Arnaus.                 NFL talk show.
                             LIVE 2-4PM                                            points (k/o 7.45pm).      9-10PM
                             PSL T20 CRICKET:                                                                PSL T20 CRICKET
                             KARACHI KINGS V                                                                 HIGHLIGHTS                  LIVE 4-8PM                   LIVE 11PM-MIDNIGHT
                             PESHAWAR ZALMI                                                                  The best of the action      PGA TOUR GOLF:               NFL: TOTAL ACCESS
                             Action from today’s           8.30-10.30PM                                      from this afternoon’s       AT&T PEBBLE                  A round-up of news
                             PSL T20 game                  AZERBAIJAN F1            LIVE 1.50-6PM            T20 between Karachi         BEACH PRO-AM –               and reports from all
                             at the National               GRAND PRIX              PSL T20 CRICKET:          Kings and Peshawar          EARLY COVERAGE               32 NFL teams.
                             Stadium in Karachi.           A full replay of last   KARACHI KINGS V           Zalmi at the National       The second round
                                                           June’s race at the      PESHAWAR ZALMI            Stadium in Karachi.         at Pebble Beach
                                                           Baku City Circuit,      HBL Pakistan Super                                    Golf Links, Spyglass
friday 4 / February / 2022

                              LIVE 7-10PM                  which was won by Red    League cricket live                                   HIll Golf Course
                             EFL: BIRMINGHAM               Bull’s Sergio Pérez.    from the National                                     and Monterey                 LIVE 7-9.30PM
                             CITY V SHEFFIELD                                      Stadium in Karachi.                                   Peninsula Country            BRITISH
                             UNITED                                                These teams finished       LIVE 1.15-9.15PM           Club Shore Course.           BASKETBALL
                             Birmingham host                                       last season level on      RACEDAY LIVE                                             LEAGUE:
                             the Blades in the                                     points and then faced     Live coverage of                                         LONDON LIONS V
                             Friday night Sky               LIVE 7.30-10.30PM      each other in the first   today’s biggest horse-       LIVE 8-11PM                 LEICESTER RIDERS
                             Bet Championship              FA CUP FOOTBALL:        Eliminator. Peshawar      racing meetings from        PGA TOUR GOLF:               The Lions face the
                             game at St Andrew’s.          MANCHESTER              won that game by          around the country.         AT&T PEBBLE                  Riders in tonight’s BBL
                             Maxime Colin scored           UNITED V                five wickets and                                      BEACH PRO-AM                 game at the Copper
                             the only goal in              MIDDLESBROUGH           went on to the final,                                 Day two live from            Box Arena in London.
                             August’s reverse              United take on Boro     where they lost out                                   California. Brandt
                             fixture to give               in this fourth-round    to Multan Sultans.                                    Snedeker’s winning
                             Birmingham all three          FA Cup game at Old                                 LIVE 9.15AM-12NOON         score of 22 under
                             points (k/o 7.45pm).          Trafford (k/o 8pm).                               2022 OLYMPIC                par in 2015 remains a
                                                                                    LIVE 7.20-9.30PM         WINTER GAMES                tournament record.            LIVE 12.30-4.30PM
                                                                                   BUNDESLIGA:               Hazel Irvine presents       Press the red button         LIVE RACING
                                                                                   HERTHA BERLIN             live coverage of            from 8-9.30pm for            Live horse racing
                                                                                   V BOCHUM                  today’s events in the       live coverage of             from this afternoon’s
                                                                                   Matchday 21 in the        Beijing 2022 Olympic        the LPGA’s Drive             meetings at Catterick
                                                                                   German top flight         Winter Games.               On Championship.             and Dundalk.
                                                                                   gets underway with
                                                                                   this match at the
                                                                                   where Hertha host
                                                                                   VfL Bochum. When
                                                                                   these teams met
                                                                                   in September, Suat
                                                                                   Serdar scored a brace
                                                                                   to help Hertha to a 3-1
                                                                                   win (k/o 7.30pm).

                                                                                    LIVE 9.30-11PM
                                                                                   LPGA TOUR
                                                                                   GOLF: DRIVE ON
                                                                                   Day two of the Drive
                                                                                   On Championship at
                                                                                   Crown Colony Golf &
                                                                                   Country Club in Fort
                             LIVE 7PM FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4                            Myers, Florida. Austin
                             SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT                                 Ernst won last March's
                             EFL: BIRMINGHAM CITY V SHEFFIELD UNITED               tournament at the         LIVE 8PM FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4 SKY SPORTS GOLF
                             The Blues and the Blades clash in this Friday night   Golden Ocala Golf         PGA TOUR GOLF: AT&T PEBBLE BEACH PRO-AM
                             Sky Bet Championship match at St Andrew’s.            Club in Florida.          Every shot that matters in today’s second round on the Monterey Peninsula.

                                                                                                                  Remains the home of the Premier League, showing
                                                                                                                     more matches than any other broadcaster.
                                                                                                                             Available on Channel 402

                             LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                               saturday 5 / February

                               LIVE 8.30AM-12NOON              LIVE 10.30AM-12NOON        LIVE 10.30AM-12NOON       LIVE 8.50AM-1PM          LIVE 8.30AM-1PM           LIVE 2-5PM
                               DP WORLD                        SOCCER AM                  SOCCER AM                PSL T20 CRICKET:          DP WORLD                 NFL: GOOD
                               TOUR GOLF:                      The cult Saturday          The cult Saturday        ISLAMABAD                 TOUR GOLF:               MORNING FOOTBALL
                               RAS AL KHAIMAH                  morning football and       morning football and     UNITED V LAHORE           RAS AL KHAIMAH           WEEKEND
                               CHAMPIONSHIP                    entertainment show.        entertainment show.      QALANDARS                 CHAMPIONSHIP             Colleen Wolfe and
                               Day three live from                                                                 HBL Pakistan Super        Day three live from      her team of expert
                               Ras Al Khaimah’s Al                                                                 League cricket live       Ras Al Khaimah’s Al      analysts cover all the
                               Hamra Golf Club in the                                      LIVE 2-5.15PM           from the National         Hamra Golf Club in the   latest NFL stories.
                               United Arab Emirates.                                      GILLETTE SOCCER          Stadium in Karachi.       United Arab Emirates.
                                                                                          SATURDAY                 Press the red button
                                                                                          Jeff Stelling and his    from 12.30-1pm for live                            9PM-MIDNIGHT
                                LIVE  12NOON-3PM                                          studio guests build      coverage of the final     LIVE  4-6PM              ALL OR NOTHING:
                               FA WOMEN’S SUPER                                           up to this afternoon’s   of the U19 World Cup.     PGA TOUR GOLF:           PANTHERS
                               LEAGUE FOOTBALL:                                           games and then bring                               AT&T PEBBLE              Three episodes of the
                               ARSENAL V                                                  you live news of the                               BEACH PRO-AM –           documentary that
                               MANCHESTER                                                 goals as they go in.      LIVE 1-9PM               EARLY COVERAGE           takes you behind
                               UNITED                                                                              ICC U19 MEN’S             Live coverage of         the scenes with the
                               The Gunners take on                                                                 CRICKET WORLD             day three at Pebble      Carolina Panthers.
                               United at Meadow                 LIVE 12NOON-3PM            LIVE 5.15-8PM           CUP: FINAL                Beach Golf Links,
                               Park. These teams               FA WOMEN’S SUPER           EFL: SWANSEA             Two teams go head-        Spyglass HIll Golf
                               have played each                LEAGUE FOOTBALL:           CITY V BLACKBURN         to-head in the final      Course and Monterey
                               other twice this                ARSENAL V                  ROVERS                   of the 2022 Under-19      Peninsula Country
saturday 5 / February / 2022

                               season, Arsenal                 MANCHESTER                 Sky Bet Championship     World Cup at the          Club Shore Course.        LIVE 12NOON-7PM
                               winning the league              UNITED                     football live from       Sir Vivian Richards                                VITALITY NETBALL
                               fixture 2-0 and the             The Gunners take on        the          Stadium in North                                   SUPERLEAGUE:
                               Red Devils winning              United at Meadow           Stadium, where           Sound. Bangladesh          LIVE 6PM-MIDNIGHT       SEASON OPENER
                               January’s cup quarter-          Park. These teams          the Swans host           beat India by three       PGA TOUR GOLF:           All the action from
                               final 1-0 (k/o 12.30pm).        have played each           promotion-chasing.       wickets in this match     AT&T PEBBLE              day one of the 2022
                                                               other twice this           Blackburn. Tony          in 2020’s tournament.     BEACH PRO-AM             Season Opener, live
                                                               season, Arsenal            Mowbray’s Rovers                                   Day three live from      from Birmingham’s
                                LIVE 3.30-5.15PM               winning the league         won August’s                                       California. Phil         Resorts World Arena.
                               NETBALL                         fixture 2-0 and the        reverse fixture 2-1                                Mickelson’s win in       Today’s games are:
                               SUPERLEAGUE:                    Red Devils winning         (k/o 5.30pm).                                      2019 was the fifth       defending champions
                               MANCHESTER                      January’s WSL Cup                                   8.30-10.40PM              time he had won          Loughborough
                               THUNDER V                       quarter-final 1-0                                   FRENCH F1                 this tournament,         Lighting v London
                               CELTIC DRAGONS                  (k/o 12.30pm).                                      GRAND PRIX                a record he shares       Pulse (12noon), Team
                               The Thunder and the                                                                 A full replay of last     with Mark O’Meara,       Bath v Strathclyde
                               Dragons clash at the                                        LIVE 9.15AM-12NOON      season’s race at the      who enjoyed success      Sirens (1.45pm),
                               REsorts World Arena              LIVE 3-5PM                2022 OLYMPIC             Circuit Paul Ricard in    here in the 80s and      Manchester Thunder
                               in Birmingham on the            GILLETTE SOCCER            WINTER GAMES             Le Castellet, which       90s. Press the red       v Celtic Dragons
                               opening day of the              SATURDAY                   Hazel Irvine presents    was won by Red Bull’s     button from 7-8.30pm     (3.30pm) and
                               2022 season.                    Jeff Stelling and his      live coverage of         Max Verstappen.           for live coverage of     Wasps v Saracens
                                                               studio guests bring        today’s events in the                              the LPGA’s Drive On      Mavericks (5.15pm).
                                                               you live news of all the   Beijing 2022 Olympic                               Championship.
                                LIVE 5.15-7.30PM               goals as they go in.       Winter Games.
                               EFL: SWANSEA                                                                                                                            LIVE 7.30-11PM
                               CITY V BLACKBURN                                                                    LIVE  1.15-9.15PM                                  FIGHT NIGHT:
                               ROVERS                          6-8PM                       LIVE 12NOON-3PM         RACEDAY LIVE                                       CHRIS EUBANK JR
                               Sky Bet Championship            PREMIER LEAGUE             FA CUP FOOTBALL:         Live coverage of          LIVE 8.30-10PM           V LIAM WILLIAMS
                               football live from              YEARS                      KIDDERMINSTER            today’s biggest horse-    LPGA TOUR                Live boxing from the
                               the                 Highlights of the          HARRIERS V WEST          racing meetings from      GOLF: DRIVE ON           Motorpoint Arena
                               Stadium, where                  2019‑20 season in          HAM UNITED               around the country.       CHAMPIONSHIP             in Cardiff, where
                               the Swans host                  the top flight.            National League                                    Day three of the Drive   the feuding Chris
                               promotion-chasing                                          North side                                         On Championship at       Eubank Jr and Liam
                               Blackburn. Tony                                            Kidderminster                                      Crown Colony Golf        Williams contest
                               Mowbray’s Rovers                                           Harriers host the                                  & Country Club in        a middleweight
                               won August’s                                               Premier League’s West                              Fort Myers, Florida.     grudge match. The
                               reverse fixture 2-1              LIVE 12NOON-5.30PM        Ham in this FA Cup                                                          packed seven-fight
                               (k/o 5.30pm).                   GILLETTE SOCCER            fourth-round game                                                           undercard includes
                                                               SATURDAY                   at the Aggborough                                   LIVE 10PM-12.30AM       Claressa Shields v
                                                               Jeff Stelling and his      Stadium (k/o 12.30pm).                             NBA: MEMPHIS             Ema Kozin, Samuel
                                LIVE 7.30-11PM                 studio guests build                                                           GRIZZLIES @              Antwi v Conah Walker
                               FIGHT NIGHT:                    up to all of today’s                                                          ORLANDO MAGIC            and Chris Jenkins v
                               CHRIS EUBANK JR                 games and then bring                                                          Live basketball from     Julius Indongo.
                               V LIAM WILLIAMS                 you live news of the                                                          the Amway Center,
                               Chris Eubank Jr and             goals as they go in.        LIVE 1.45-4.45PM                                  where the Magic and
                               Liam Williams clash             That’s followed by         SIX NATIONS                                        the Grizzlies clash in
                               in a middleweight               post‑match reaction        RUGBY UNION:                                       this Week 16 game.
                               grudge match at                 and analysis.              IRELAND V WALES           LIVE 4-7PM                                         LIVE 7.30-10.30PM
                               the Motorpoint                                             The 2022 Guinness        SIX NATIONS RUGBY                                  FA CUP FOOTBALL:
                               Arena in Cardiff.                                          Six Nations gets         UNION: SCOTLAND            LIVE 1.30-4AM           TOTTENHAM
                                                                                          underway with this       V ENGLAND                 NBA: NEW YORK            HOTSPUR V
                                                                                          massive game at          Scotland and England      KNICKS @ LOS             BRIGHTON &
                                LIVE 11PM-MIDNIGHT             LIVE 12.15-8.45PM          the Aviva Stadium in     clash at the BT           ANGELES LAKERS           HOVE ALBION
                               PGA TOUR GOLF:                  LIVE RACING                Dublin. Wales beat       Murrayfield Stadium       The late-night Week      Spurs take on the
                               AT&T PEBBLE                     Racing from Sandown        Ireland 21-16 when       in Edinburgh. Scotland    16 NBA game sees the     Seagulls in this fourth-
                               BEACH PRO-AM                    Park, Wetherby,            they met in last         beat England 11-6 in      Lakers and the Knicks    round game at the
                               Action from day                 Musselburgh and            year’s tournament        the 2021 Six Nations      go head-to-head at       Tottenham Hotspur
                               three in California.            Leopardstown.              (k/o 2.15pm).            (k/o 4.45pm).             the Arena.    Stadium (k/o 8pm).

                               LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                             sunday 6 / February

                              LIVE 7.30-11AM                   LIVE 3.55-6PM             LIVE 1-3.45PM              LIVE 7.20AM-3.30PM           LIVE 8.30AM-1PM            7-9PM
                             INTERNATIONAL                    AFRICA CUP OF             SPFL: MOTHERWELL           INTERNATIONAL                DP WORLD                    NFL: CHAMPIONSHIP
                             CRICKET: INDIA                   NATIONS FOOTBALL:         V CELTIC                   CRICKET: INDIA               TOUR GOLF:                  HIGHLIGHTS
                             V WEST INDIES –                  3RD/4TH PLACE             Cinch Premiership          V WEST INDIES –              RAS AL KHAIMAH              All the big plays
                             1ST ODI                          PLAYOFF                   football live from         1ST ODI                      CHAMPIONSHIP                from Sunday night’s
                             Action from                      Two teams go head-        Fir Park. Celtic have      Every ball live from         All the action from         NFC Championship
                             the Narendra                     to-head in the third/     beaten the Steelmen        the first one-day            the final round at          game, followed by
                             Modi Stadium in                  fourth-place playoff      twice this season          game of the series           Ras Al Khaimah’s Al         highlights of the AFC
                             Ahmedabad, where                 match at the Stade        already (k/o 1.30pm).      at the Narendra              Hamra Golf Club in the      Championship match.
                             India face the West              Ahmadou Ahidjo in                                    Modi Stadium in              United Arab Emirates.
                             Indies in an ODI.                Yaoundé (k/o 4pm).                                   Ahmedabad. Press
                                                                                                                   the red button from                                      LIVE MIDNIGHT-
                                                                                                                   1.50-3.30pm for live         LIVE  4-6PM                 3.30AM
                              LIVE 11AM-1PM                                                                        coverage of today’s          PGA TOUR GOLF:              NFL: PRO BOWL
                             DP WORLD                                                                              PSL T20 match.               AT&T PEBBLE                 All the touchdowns
                             TOUR GOLF:                                                                                                         BEACH PRO-AM –              and tackles from the
                             RAS AL KHAIMAH                                                                                                     EARLY COVERAGE              all-star NFL game
                             CHAMPIONSHIP                                                                           LIVE 3.30-6PM               Live coverage of day        at the Allegiant
                             Action from the                                                                       PSL T20 CRICKET:             four at Pebble Beach        Stadium in Las Vegas.
                             final round at Ras Al                                                                 KARACHI KINGS V              Golf Links on the
                             Khaimah’s Al Hamra                                                                    ISLAMABAD UNITED             Monterey Peninsula.
                             Golf Club in the UAE.                                       LIVE 3.45-6.30PM          Action from the climax
                                                                                        SPFL: RANGERS              of this HBL Pakistan
sunday 6 / February / 2022

                                                               LIVE 6.30-9PM            V HEART OF                 Super League game             LIVE 6-11.30PM              LIVE 11AM-7.30PM
                              LIVE 1-3.45PM                   AFRICA CUP                MIDLOTHIAN                 at the National              PGA TOUR GOLF:              VITALITY NETBALL
                             SPFL: MOTHERWELL                 OF NATIONS                The defending              Stadium in Karachi.          AT&T PEBBLE                 SUPERLEAGUE:
                             V CELTIC                         FOOTBALL: FINAL           Cinch Premiership                                       BEACH PRO-AM                SEASON OPENER
                             Cinch Premiership                All the action from the   champions host                                          The final round live        Live coverage of
                             football live from Fir           final of AFCON 2021 at    Hearts at Ibrox                                         from Pebble Beach           day two of the 2022
                             Park (k/o 1.30pm).               the Stade d’Olembé in     Stadium. The last                                       Golf Links in California.   Season Opener
                                                              Yaoundé. In this match    meeting between             LIVE 1.15-9.15PM                                        at Birmingham’s
                                                              in 2019, Algeria beat     these teams here           RACEDAY LIVE                                             Resorts World Arena,
                              LIVE 3.45-6.30PM                Senegal 1-0 (k/o 7pm).    ended in a 1-1 draw,       Live coverage of                                         where there are
                             SPFL: RANGERS                                              Craig Halkett getting      today’s biggest horse-                                   five back-to-back
                             V HEART OF                                                 a dramatic 90th-           racing meetings from         8.30-10.30PM                matches. The games
                             MIDLOTHIAN                                                 minute equaliser for       around the country.          STYRIAN F1                  are: Leeds Rhinos
                             The defending                                              Hearts (k/o 4pm).                                       GRAND PRIX                  v Loughborough
                             Cinch Premiership                 LIVE 2.30-4.15PM                                                                 A full replay of last       Lighting (11am),
                             champions host                   BUNDESLIGA:                                                                       season’s Grand Prix         Wasps v Strathclyde
                             Hearts at Ibrox                  BORUSSIA                   LIVE 6.30-9PM                                          at the Red Bull Ring in     Sirens (12.45pm),
                             Stadium (k/o 4pm).               DORTMUND V                AFRICA CUP                 LIVE 12.15-4PM               Spielberg, Austria. Red     London Pulse v
                                                              BAYER LEVERKUSEN          OF NATIONS                 SPORTS SUNDAY                Bull’s Max Verstappen       Team Bath (2.30pm),
                                                              Dortmund and              FOOTBALL: FINAL            Live news from all           took the chequered          Celtic Dragons v
                             LIVE 6.30-9PM                    Leverkusen clash          All the action from the    of this afternoon’s          flag in this race.          Saracens Mavericks
                             AFRICA CUP                       Signal Iduna Park in a    final of AFCON 2021 at     sporting events.                                         (4.15pm) and Severn
                             OF NATIONS                       huge game at the top      the Stade d’Olembé in                                                               Stars v Manchester
                             FOOTBALL: FINAL                  end of the Bundesliga     Yaoundé (k/o 7pm).                                                                  Thunder (6pm).
                             The final of AFCON               table. September’s
                             2021, live from the              reverse fixture saw                                                                LIVE 11.30AM-2.30PM
                             Stade d’Olembé in                Erling Haaland score                                 LIVE  6-9PM                  FA CUP FOOTBALL:             LIVE 8.30-11PM
                             Yaoundé (k/o 7pm).               a brace to help                                      FA CUP FOOTBALL:             LIVERPOOL V                 NBA: BROOKLYN
                                                              Dortmund to a 4-3          LIVE 9.15AM-12NOON        BOURNEMOUTH V                CARDIFF CITY                NETS @ DENVER
                                                              victory (k/o 2.30pm).     2022 OLYMPIC               BOREHAM WOOD                 Liverpool and Cardiff       NUGGETS
                              LIVE 9-11.30PM                                            WINTER GAMES               Fourth-round                 clash in this fourth-       The Nuggets host
                             PGA TOUR GOLF:                                             Hazel Irvine presents      football live from           round FA Cup game at        the Nets in this Week
                             AT&T PEBBLE                                                live coverage of           the Vitality Stadium,        Anfield (k/o 12noon).       16 NBA game at the
                             BEACH PRO-AM                                               today’s events in the      where National                                           Ball Arena in Denver.
                             Action from the final             LIVE 12.15-2.45PM        Beijing 2022 Olympic       League Boreham
                             round at Pebble Beach            FA WOMEN’S SUPER          Winter Games.              Wood are the                  LIVE 2.30-5.30PM
                             Golf Links in California.        LEAGUE FOOTBALL:                                     visitors (k/o 6.30pm).       SIX NATIONS                  LIVE 11PM-1.30AM
                                                              CHELSEA V                                                                         RUGBY UNION:                NBA: ATLANTA
                                                              MANCHESTER CITY            LIVE 3.30-6.15PM                                       FRANCE V ITALY              HAWKS @ DALLAS
                              LIVE MIDNIGHT-                  WSL football live         FA CUP FOOTBALL:                                        All the action from         MAVERICKS
                             3.30AM                           from Kingsmeadow,         NOTTINGHAM                                              this first-round game       All the action from
                             NFL: PRO BOWL                    where City face the       FOREST V                    LIVE 12NOON-4.45PM          at the Stade de             the late-night NBA
                             All the touchdowns               defending champions.      LEICESTER CITY             LIVE RACING                  France. When these          game at the American
                             and tackles from the             Chelsea won 4-0           Forest face the Foxes      Live horse racing            teams met in last           Airlines Center. The
                             all-star NFL game                when these teams          in this fourth-round       from Kempton                 year’s Six Nations,         Hawks won 113-87
                             at the Allegiant                 played in November        FA Cup game at the         Park, Musselburgh            France thrashed             when these teams
                             Stadium in Las Vegas.            (k/o 12.30pm).            City Ground (k/o 4pm).     and Leopardstown.            Italy 50‑10 (k/o 3pm).      met in October.

                                                                                                                  Home of the EFL, Scottish Premiership and Carabao Cup
                                                                                                                                         Available on Channel 403

                             LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                             monday 7 / February

                              LIVE 10AM-12NOON                LIVE 10AM-12NOON           3-5.30PM                      LIVE 1.50-6PM               8-11PM                  LIVE 12NOON-3PM
                             THE FOOTBALL                    THE FOOTBALL                AFRICA CUP OF                PSL T20 CRICKET:             LPGA TOUR              NFL: GOOD
                             SHOW                            SHOW                        NATIONS: FINAL               QUETTA                       GOLF: DRIVE ON         MORNING FOOTBALL
                             Top pundits and                 Top pundits and             A full replay of             GLADIATORS                   CHAMPIONSHIP           Kay Adams presents
                             big‑name guests                 big‑name guests look        yesterday’s final.           V LAHORE                     A full replay of the   three hours of
                             look at all the latest          at the latest news.                                      QALANDARS                    final round of last    breaking NFL news,
                             football news making                                                                     HBL Pakistan Super           weekend’s Drive On     big‑name interviews
                             the headlines.                                              8-9PM                        League cricket live          Championship at        and expert opinions.
                                                             8-9PM                       AFCON HIGHLIGHTS             from the National            Crown Colony Golf
                                                             GARY NEVILLE’S              The best of the action       Stadium in Karachi.          & Country Club in
                              LIVE 12NOON-2PM                SOCCERBOX                   from yesterday’s third-      The Gladiators               Fort Myers, Florida.   7-9PM
                             NFL: GOOD                       Gary Neville talks          place playoff game,          ended last season                                   NBC’S PRO-
                             MORNING FOOTBALL                to Robert Pires and         followed by highlights       bottom of the table.                                FOOTBALL TALK
                             Kay Adams presents              Michael Owen about          of the final.                                                                    Mike Florio and Chris
                             three hours of                  some of their most                                                                                           Simms host the lively
                             breaking news,                  memorable matches.                                       8-9PM                        9-11PM                 NFL talk show that
                             big-name interviews                                         9.30-10.30PM                 PSL T20 CRICKET              NBA: BROOKLYN          tackles all the latest
                             and expert opinions                                         BUNDESLIGA                   HIGHLIGHTS                   NETS @ DENVER          news and rumours.
                             on all the latest NFL           9.30-10.30PM                HIGHLIGHTS                   The best of the              NUGGETS
                             stories ahead of                PREMIER LEAGUE              All the goals and            action from today’s          All the action from
                             the Super Bowl in               ICONS                       talking points from          T20 between the              last night’s Week 16   9-11PM
                             California this Sunday.         Profiles of Gareth Bale     the latest round of          Gladiators and the           NBA game at the Ball   SUPER BOWL LV
                                                             and Carlos Tevez.           Bundesliga games.            Qalandars in Karachi.        Arena in Denver.       HIGHLIGHTS
monday 7 / February / 2022

                                                                                                                                                                          All the big plays
                              LIVE 2-6PM                                                                                                                                  from last season’s
                             PSL T20 CRICKET:                                                                                                                             Super Bowl that
                             QUETTA                                                                                                                                       saw the Tampa Bay
                             GLADIATORS                                                                                                                                   Buccaneers beat the
                             V LAHORE                                                                                                                                     Kansas City Chiefs
                             QALANDARS                                                                                                                                    31-9 at the Raymond
                             HBL Pakistan Super                                                                                                                           James Stadium in
                             League cricket live                                                                                                                          Tampa, Florida.
                             from the National
                             Stadium in Karachi.
                             The Gladiators                                                                                                                               LIVE MIDNIGHT-1AM
                             ended last season                                                                                                                            NFL: TOTAL ACCESS
                             bottom of the table.                                                                                                                         A round-up of news
                                                                                                                                                                          and reports from all
                                                                                                                                                                          32 NFL teams.
                             LIVE 6PM-MIDNIGHT
                             SKY SPORTS NEWS
                             All the latest sports                                                                                                                         LIVE 1-4AM
                             news, interviews,                                                                                                                            NFL: SUPER BOWL
                             highlights, opinions                                                                                                                         OPENING NIGHT
                             and much more.                                                                                                                               Hear from the
                                                                                                                                                                          players and coaches
                                                                                                                                                                          ahead of Sunday
                             LIVE MIDNIGHT-1AM                                                                                                                            night’s Super Bowl in
                             NFL: TOTAL ACCESS                                                                                                                            Inglewood, California.
                             A round-up of news
                             and reports from all
                             32 NFL teams.

                                                                                                                                                                           LIVE 1.15-9.15PM
                              LIVE1-4AM                                                                                                                                   RACEDAY LIVE
                             NFL: SUPER BOWL                                                                                                                              Live coverage of
                             OPENING NIGHT                                                                                                                                today’s biggest horse-
                             Hear from the players                                                                                                                        racing meetings.
                             and coaches ahead
                             of Sunday night’s
                             Super Bowl LVI at
                             the SoFi Stadium in
                             Inglewood, California.                                                                                                                        LIVE 9.15AM-12NOON
                                                                                                                                                                          2022 OLYMPIC
                                                                                                                                                                          WINTER GAMES
                                                                                                                                                                          Hazel Irvine presents
                                                                                                                                                                          live coverage of
                             8.30-10.35PM                                                                                                                                 today’s events in the
                             AUSTRIAN F1                                                                                                                                  Beijing 2022 Olympic
                             GRAND PRIX                                                                                                                                   Winter Games.
                             A full replay of last
                             season’s Austrian
                             Formula 1 Grand Prix
                             at the Red Bull Ring in
                             Spielberg. Red Bull’s                                                                                                                         LIVE 12.30-4.45PM
                             Max Verstappen took                                                                                                                          LIVE RACING
                             the chequered flag in           LIVE 1.50PM MONDAY FEBRUARY 7 SKY SPORTS CRICKET                                                             All the action from
                             this race after starting        PSL T20 CRICKET: QUETTA GLADIATORS V LAHORE QALANDARS                                                        this afternoon’s horse
                             from pole position.             The Gladiators and the Qalandars clash in today’s Pakistan Super League T20 at Karachi’s National Stadium.   racing at Carlisle.

                             LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                              tuesday 8 / February

                               LIVE 10AM-12NOON               LIVE 10AM-12NOON            LIVE 7.30-10.15PM          8AM-11PM                     7-9PM                   LIVE 12NOON-3PM
                              THE FOOTBALL                   THE FOOTBALL                EFL: DERBY COUNTY           PSL T20 CRICKET              HOW THE 2004           NFL: GOOD
                              SHOW                           SHOW                        V HULL CITY                 HIGHLIGHTS                   RYDER CUP              MORNING FOOTBALL
                              Top pundits and                Top pundits and             Wayne Rooney’s              A full day of T20            WAS WON                Kay Adams presents
                              big‑name guests look           big‑name guests look        Rams lock horns with        thrills, with highlights     A look back at the     three hours of NFL
                              at the latest football         at the latest football      the Tigers in this Sky      of 15 Pakistan Super         35th Ryder Cup,        news, interviews and
                              news and stories.              news and stories.           Bet Championship            League matches.              held at Oakland        expert opinions.
                                                                                         match at Pride Park.                                     Hills Country Club
                                                                                         Sam Baldock scored                                       in Detroit. Bernhard
                               LIVE 12NOON-3PM               6-7PM                       in August’s reverse                                      Langer’s Europe        7-9PM
                              NFL: GOOD                      PREMIER LEAGUE              fixture to give Derby                                    romped to an 18½‑9½    NBC’S PRO-
                              MORNING FOOTBALL               LEGENDS                     a 1-0 win (k/o 7.45pm).      LIVE 7.15-10.15PM           victory over Hal       FOOTBALL TALK
                              Kay Adams presents             Highlights from the                                     PL: NEWCASTLE                Sutton’s US team.      Mike Florio and Chris
                              three hours of NFL             careers of Robert Pires                                 UNITED V EVERTON                                    Simms host the lively
                              news, interviews and           and Thierry Henry.                                      The Magpies take                                    NFL talk show.
                              expert opinions.                                                                       on Everton in this
                                                                                         8.30-10.35PM                Premier League
                                                              LIVE  7-10PM               BRITISH F1                  game at St James’            6.30-8.30PM            LIVE MIDNIGHT-1AM
                               LIVE 3-7PM                    GILLETTE SOCCER             GRAND PRIX                  Park. Callum Wilson          NBA: NEW YORK          NFL: TOTAL ACCESS
                              SKY SPORTS NEWS                SPECIAL                     A full replay of last       scored a brace to give       KNICKS @ LOS           A round-up of news
                              All the latest sports          Julian Warren and his       season’s race at            Newcastle a 2-0 win          ANGELES LAKERS         and reports from all
                              news, interviews,              studio guests bring         Silverstone, which          when these teams             A replay of Saturday   32 NFL teams.
                              highlights, opinions           you live reports from       was won by Mercedes’        met at the end of            night’s game at the
tuesday 8 / February / 2022

                              and much more.                 all of tonight’s games.     Lewis Hamilton.             January (k/o 7.45pm). Arena.

                               LIVE 7.30-10.15PM                                                                                                                          LIVE 1.15-9.15PM
                              EFL: DERBY COUNTY                                                                                                                          RACEDAY LIVE
                              V HULL CITY                                                                                                                                Live coverage of
                              Wayne Rooney’s                                                                                                                             today’s biggest horse-
                              Rams lock horns with                                                                                                                       racing meetings from
                              the Tigers in this Sky                                                                                                                     around the country
                              Bet Championship                                                                                                                           and further afield.
                              match at Pride Park.
                              Sam Baldock scored
                              in August’s reverse
                              fixture to give Derby a
                              1-0 win (k/o 7.45pm).                                                                                                                       LIVE 12.30-5PM
                                                                                                                                                                         LIVE RACING
                                                                                                                                                                         Live horse racing
                              LIVE MIDNIGHT-1AM                                                                                                                          from this afternoon’s
                              NFL: TOTAL ACCESS                                                                                                                          meetings at Market
                              A round-up of news                                                                                                                         Rasen and Taunton.
                              and reports from all
                              32 NFL teams.

                                                                                                                                                                          LIVE 9.15AM-12NOON
                                                                                                                                                                         2022 OLYMPIC
                               LIVE 7-10PM                                                                                                                               WINTER GAMES
                              GILLETTE SOCCER                                                                                                                            Hazel Irvine presents
                              SPECIAL                                                                                                                                    live coverage of
                              Julian Warren and his                                                                                                                      today’s events in the
                              studio guests bring                                                                                                                        Beijing 2022 Olympic
                              you live reports from                                                                                                                      Winter Games.
                              all of tonight’s games.

                                                                                                                                                                          LIVE 7.15-10.15PM
                               LIVE 7-10.30PM                                                                                                                            PL: WEST HAM
                              PL: BURNLEY V                                                                                                                              UNITED V WATFORD
                              MANCHESTER                                                                                                                                 The Hammers host
                              UNITED                                                                                                                                     the Hornets in this
                              Premier League                                                                                                                             Premier League
                              football live from Turf                                                                                                                    game at The London
                              Moor. Manchester                                                                                                                           Stadium. West Ham
                              United beat Burnley             LIVE 7.30PM TUESDAY FEBRUARY 8 SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT                                                       won December’s
                              3-1 earlier in the             EFL: DERBY COUNTY V HULL CITY                                                                               reverse fixture 4-1
                              season (k/o 8pm).              Two teams in desperate need of points clash in a huge Sky Bet Championship match at Pride Park Stadium.     (k/o 7.45pm).

                                                                                                                                   The only place to see every home England
                                                                                                                                 international live, along with domestic action.
                                                                                                                                           Available on Channel 404

                              LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE February 1-10 - Content is correct at time of print (19/1) and is subject to change - Sky for Business

                                wednesday 9 / February

                                 LIVE 7.30AM-3.30PM             LIVE 10AM-12NOON          LIVE 7.30-10.15PM          LIVE 7.20AM-3.30PM          8-9.30PM                      LIVE 12NOON-3PM
                                INTERNATIONAL                  THE FOOTBALL              EFL: PRESTON               INTERNATIONAL                LOOPERS: THE                 NFL: GOOD
                                CRICKET: INDIA                 SHOW                      NORTH END V                CRICKET: INDIA               CADDIE’S LONG                MORNING FOOTBALL
                                V WEST INDIES –                Top pundits and           HUDDERSFIELD               V WEST INDIES –              WALK                         Kay Adams presents
                                2ND ODI                        big‑name guests look      TOWN                       2ND ODI                      A documentary                three hours of news,
                                Live one-day cricket           at the latest football    Preston take on the        Live one-day cricket         looking at the unique        interviews and expert
                                from the Narendra              news and stories.         Terriers in this Sky       from the Narendra            bond between a golfer        opinions on all the
                                Modi Stadium                                             Bet Championship           Modi Stadium                 and their caddie,            biggest NFL stories.
                                in Ahmedabad,                                            game at Deepdale.          in Ahmedabad,                narrated by Hollywood
                                where India take               6.30-7PM                  Sepp van den Berg’s        where India take             legend and former
                                on the West Indies.            PREMIER LEAGUE            own goal gave              on the West Indies.          caddie Bill Murray.          7-9PM
                                                               WORLD                     Huddersfield a 1-0 win                                                               NBC’S PRO-
                                                               An inside look at all     in August’s reverse                                                                  FOOTBALL TALK
                                LIVE 3.30-7PM                  the latest top-flight     fixture (k/o 7.45pm).      8-9PM                                                     Mike Florio and Chris
                                SKY SPORTS NEWS                news and stories.                                    INTERNATIONAL                                             Simms host the NFL
                                All the latest sports                                                               CRICKET: INDIA V              LIVE 7.15-10.15PM           talk show that tackles
                                news, views and more.                                                               WEST INDIES – 2ND            PL: TOTTENHAM                the latest news.
                                                                LIVE 7-10PM                                         ODI HIGHLIGHTS               HOTSPUR V
                                                               GILLETTE SOCCER           9-11.35PM                  The best of the action       SOUTHAMPTON
                                 LIVE 7.30-10.15PM             SPECIAL                   HUNGARIAN F1               from today’s one-day         Spurs and the Saints         LIVE MIDNIGHT-1AM
                                EFL: PRESTON                   Julian Warren and his     GRAND PRIX                 game in Ahmedabad.           go head-to-head              NFL: TOTAL ACCESS
wednesday 9 / February / 2022

                                NORTH END V                    studio guests bring       Another chance to see                                   in this Premier              A round-up of news
                                HUDDERSFIELD                   you live reports from     last season’s race at                                   League game at the           and reports from all
                                TOWN                           all of tonight’s games.   the Hungaroring in full.                                Tottenham Hotspur            32 NFL teams.
                                Preston take on the                                      Esteban Ocon won his                                    Stadium. Despite
                                Terriers in this Sky                                     first Grand Prix after      LIVE 7.15-10.15PM           Southampton going
                                Bet Championship                                         a chaotic first lap that   PL: NORWICH CITY V           down to 10 men in
                                game at Deepdale.                                        saw multiple collisions.   CRYSTAL PALACE               the 39th minute
                                Sepp van den Berg’s             LIVE 7-10.30PM           It was also the first      The Canaries take            after Mohammed                LIVE 1.15-9.15PM
                                own goal gave                  PL: ASTON VILLA V         win for his Alpine         on the Eagles in             Salisu’s red card,           RACEDAY LIVE
                                Huddersfield a 1-0 win         LEEDS UNITED              team since 2013.           this Premier League          December’s reverse           Live coverage of
                                in August’s reverse            Premier League                                       match at Carrow              fixture ended as a 1-1       today’s biggest horse-
                                fixture (k/o 7.45pm).          football live from                                   Road (k/o 7.45pm).           draw (k/o 7.45pm).           racing meetings.
                                                               Villa Park, where Villa
                                                               face Leeds (k/o 8pm).
                                LIVE 12.30-3AM                                           LIVE 12.30-8.15PM
                                NBA: CHICAGO                                             LIVE RACING
                                BULLS @ CHARLOTTE                                        Live horse racing from
                                HORNETS                                                  Ludlow, Fairyhouse
                                Late-night NBA                  LIVE 7.15-10.15PM        and Kempton Park.
                                action live from the           PL: MANCHESTER
                                Spectrum Center.               CITY V BRENTFORD
                                                               The defending Premier
                                                               League champions
                                                               take on the Bees in        LIVE 9.15AM-12NOON
                                                               this Premier League       2022 OLYMPIC
                                 LIVE 7-10PM                   game at the Etihad        WINTER GAMES
                                GILLETTE SOCCER                Stadium. Phil Foden       Hazel Irvine presents
                                SPECIAL                        scored the only goal      live coverage of
                                Julian Warren and his          when these teams          today’s events in the
                                studio guests bring            met in December           Beijing 2022 Olympic
                                you live reports from          to give City all three    Winter Games.
                                all of tonight’s games.        points (k/o 7.45pm).

                                                                                          LIVE 7.40-9.45PM
                                                                                         EFL: BLACKBURN
                                                                                         ROVERS V
                                                                                         Two teams chasing
                                                                                         promotion clash in this
                                                                                         Sky Bet Championship
                                                                                         game at Ewood Park.
                                                                                         Rovers won 2-1 when
                                                                                         these teams faced
                                                                                         each other in August
                                                                                         (k/o 7.45pm).

                                                                                         LIVE 12.30-3AM
                                                                                         NBA: CHICAGO
                                LIVE 7.30PM WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 9                         BULLS @ CHARLOTTE
                                SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT                                    HORNETS
                                EFL: PRESTON NORTH END V                                 The Hornets host the
                                HUDDERSFIELD TOWN                                        Bulls in this late-night   LIVE 7.15PM WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 9 BT SPORT 2
                                Preston and Huddersfield go head-to-head in this         Week 17 game at the        PL: MANCHESTER CITY V BRENTFORD
                                Sky Bet Championship match at Deepdale.                  Spectrum Center.           City host the Bees in this Premier League match at the Etihad Stadium.

                                LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022

                                thursday 10 / February

                                LIVE 8.30AM-1.30PM              LIVE 10AM-12NOON       7.30-8PM                   LIVE 1.50-6PM               LIVE 8.30AM-1.30PM       LIVE 12NOON-3PM
                                DP WORLD TOUR                  THE FOOTBALL            EFL GOALS:                 PSL T20 CRICKET:           DP WORLD TOUR            NFL: GOOD
                                GOLF: RAS AL                   SHOW                    LEAGUES 1 & 2              MULTAN SULTANS V           GOLF: RAS AL             MORNING FOOTBALL
                                KHAIMAH CLASSIC                Top pundits and         Goals galore from          PESHAWAR ZALMI             KHAIMAH CLASSIC          Kay Adams presents
                                Day one live from Ras          big-name guests         the latest round of        The Sultans face           Day one live from Ras    three hours of news,
                                Al Khaimah’s Al Hamra          take a look at the      fixtures in Sky Bet        Peshawar in this           Al Khaimah’s Al Hamra    interviews and expert
                                Golf Club. This is the         latest football news.   Leagues 1 and 2.           afternoon’s PSL            Golf Club. This is the   opinions on all the
                                second tournament                                                                 T20 at the Gaddafi         second tournament        latest NFL stories.
                                held here this month.                                                             Stadium in Lahore.         held here this month.
                                                               8.30-9PM                8.30-9PM                                              Press the red button
                                                               GARY NEVILLE’S          BUNDESLIGA                                            from 9am-1pm for the     7-9PM
                                 LIVE 2-7PM                    SOCCERBOX               WEEKLY                     8-9PM                      LET’s Magical Kenya      NBC’S PRO-
                                PGA TOUR                       Ian Wright tells        The best of the            PSL T20 CRICKET            Ladies’ Open.            FOOTBALL TALK
                                GOLF: WASTE                    Gary Neville about      action from all of         HIGHLIGHTS                                          Mike Florio and Chris
                                MANAGEMENT                     some of his most        this week’s games in       The best of the action                              Simms host the lively
                                PHOENIX OPEN –                 memorable games.        the German top flight.     from this afternoon’s       LIVE 2-8PM              NFL talk show that
                                EARLY COVERAGE                                                                    T20 in Lahore.             PGA TOUR                 tackles all the latest
                                Early coverage of day                                                                                        GOLF: WASTE              news and rumours.
                                one at TPC Scottsdale          9-9.30PM                9.15-11PM                                             MANAGEMENT
                                in Phoenix, Arizona.           PREMIER LEAGUE          EFL HIGHLIGHTS                                        PHOENIX OPEN –
                                                               MATCH PACK              A round-up of all the                                 EARLY COVERAGE           LIVE MIDNIGHT-1AM
thursday 10 / February / 2022

                                                               A preview of this       goals and talking           LIVE 1.15-9.15PM          Early coverage of day    NFL: TOTAL ACCESS
                                 LIVE 7-10.15PM                weekend’s fixtures,     points from the latest     RACEDAY LIVE               one at TPC Scottsdale    A round-up of news
                                SUPER LEAGUE                   with key stats, facts   matches in the Sky         Live coverage of           in Phoenix, Arizona.     and reports from all
                                RUGBY: ST HELENS               and expert insight.     Bet Championship.          today’s biggest horse-                              32 NFL teams.
                                V CATALANS                                                                        racing meetings.
                                DRAGONS                                                                                                       LIVE 8PM-MIDNIGHT
                                The opening game               9.30-10PM                                                                     PGA TOUR                  LIVE 2-4AM
                                of the 2022 Betfred            PREMIER LEAGUE                                                                GOLF: WASTE              11TH ANNUAL
                                Super League season            WORLD                    LIVE 7.15-10.15PM                                    MANAGEMENT               NFL HONOURS
                                sees the Saints                An inside look at all   PL:                        9-10.30PM                  PHOENIX OPEN             Live coverage of
                                begin the defence              the latest top-flight   WOLVERHAMPTON              THE F1 SHOW: ABU           Day one at TPC           the late-night NFL
                                of their title at              news and stories.       WANDERERS V                DHABI 1 MONTH ON           Scottsdale in            awards ceremony
                                the Totally Wicked                                     ARSENAL                    A look back at the         Phoenix, Arizona.        that recognises the
                                Stadium (k/o 7.30pm).                                  Wolves take on the         controversial final race   Brooks Koepka is the     best players and
                                                                                       Gunners in this            of the season and          defending champion       performances of
                                                                                       Premier League             the decisions that led     after winning this       the 2021 season.
                                 LIVE 10.15PM-                 LIVE 7-10.30PM          game at Molineux           to Max Verstappen          event for the second
                                MIDNIGHT                       PL: LIVERPOOL V         (k/o 7.45pm).              claiming victory.          time last year.
                                PGA TOUR                       LEICESTER CITY
                                GOLF: WASTE                    All the action from
                                MANAGEMENT                     a massive Premier                                                                                       LIVE 7-10.30PM
                                PHOENIX OPEN                   League game at                                                                                         PREMIER LEAGUE
                                Action from day one            Anfield. The Foxes                                                             LIVE 9AM-1PM            DARTS: NIGHT 2
                                at TPC Scottsdale              beat Liverpool 1-0 in                                                         LADIES’ EUROPEAN         All the drama from the
                                in Phoenix, Arizona.           December thanks to                                                            TOUR GOLF:               oche of the M&S Bank
                                Brooks Koepka is the           an Ademola Lookman                                                            MAGICAL KENYA            Arena in Liverpool
                                defending champion             goal (k/o 7.45pm).                                                            LADIES OPEN              as darts’ finest go
                                after winning this                                                                                           Day one live from        toe-to-toe on the
                                tournament for the                                                                                           Vipingo Ridge in         second night of Cazoo
                                second time last year.                                                                                       Kikambala. Germany’s     Premier League action.
                                                                                                                                             Esther Henseleit
                                                                LIVE 1-5PM                                                                   claimed victory in the
                                 LIVE MIDNIGHT-                LIVE RACING                                                                   only edition of this      LIVE MIDNIGHT-
                                12.30AM                        Live horse racing                                                             tournament so far,       12.30AM
                                NBA: TNT TIP-OFF               from this afternoon’s                                                         shooting 14 under        NBA: TNT TIP-OFF
                                Live build-up to               meetings at Thurles                                                           to win in 2019.          Live build-up to
                                tonight’s NBA games.           and Huntingdon.                                                                                        tonight’s NBA games.

                                                                                                                                              LIVE 7-10.15PM
                                 LIVE 12.30-5.30PM                                                                                           SUPER LEAGUE             LIVE 12.30-5.30PM
                                NBA: MIAMI HEAT                                                                                              RUGBY: ST HELENS         NBA: MIAMI HEAT
                                @ NEW ORLEANS                   LIVE 9.15AM-12NOON                                                           V CATALANS               @ NEW ORLEANS
                                PELICANS &                     2022 OLYMPIC                                                                  DRAGONS                  PELICANS &
                                MILWAUKEE BUCKS                WINTER GAMES                                                                  The Saints begin         MILWAUKEE BUCKS
                                @ PHOENIX SUNS                 Hazel Irvine presents   LIVE 7PM THURSDAY FEBRUARY 10                         the defence of their     @ PHOENIX SUNS
                                All the action from            live coverage of        SKY SPORTS ARENA                                      Betfred Super League     All the action from
                                a double-header of             today’s events in the   PREMIER LEAGUE DARTS: NIGHT 2                         title in this game at    a double-header of
                                overnight basketball in        Beijing 2022 Olympic    Every dart live from tonight’s Premier League         the Totally Wicked       overnight basketball in
                                Week 17 of the season.         Winter Games.           knockout matches at Liverpool’s M&S Bank Arena.       Stadium (k/o 7.30pm).    Week 17 of the season.

                                                                                                                             Full coverage of all 4 golf Majors, plus action
                                                                                                                                   from the PGA and European Tours.
                                                                                                                                       Available on Channel 405

                                LIVE SPORT TV GUIDE FEBRUARY 2022
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