Lista över publikationer från parlamentets Think Tank

Lista över publikationer från parlamentets Think Tank
Lista över publikationer från parlamentets Think Tank

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                            Författare "AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence"

                                 19 Resultat

                        Skapades den : 11-07-2022
Strengthening Europe in the fight against cancer
         PublikationstypKort sammanfattning
                  Datum 10-02-2022
              FörfattareAMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde Folkhälsa
                 Sökord cancer | folkhälsa | förebyggande hälso- och sjukvård | hälso- och sjukvård | investering | klinisk prövning |
                        läkarundersökning | medicinsk forskning | terapi
        Sammanfattning During the February plenary session, Parliament is expected to debate the final report of its Special Committee on
                        Beating Cancer, and vote on a series of recommendations, calling for specific policy measures in this crucial area of
                        public health.
    Kort sammanfattning ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

Protecting workers against carcinogens and mutagens: Fourth proposal
         PublikationstypKort sammanfattning
                  Datum 10-02-2022
              FörfattareAMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde Folkhälsa | Socialpolitik
                 Sökord cancer | cancerframkallande ämne | EG-direktiv | EU-förslag | förebyggande hälso- och sjukvård | hälsa på
                        arbetsplatsen | hälsorisk | säkerhetsstandard | yrkessjukdom
        Sammanfattning The Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive is being updated for the fourth time, as part of the fight against cancer and to
                        protect the health of workers in a number of industries. A trilogue agreement on the proposal sets new exposure limits
                        for a range of hazardous substances. The European Parliament is expected to vote on the provisional agreement
                        during its plenary session in February.
    Kort sammanfattning ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

Limits on exposure to carcinogens and mutagens at work: Fourth proposal
         Publikationstyp   Briefing
                  Datum    09-02-2022
              Författare   AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde    Folkhälsa | Socialpolitik
                 Sökord    cancerframkallande ämne | hälsa på arbetsplatsen | yrkessjukdom
        Sammanfattning     In September 2020, as part of the fight against cancer and to protect the health of workers in a number of industries,
                           the European Commission proposed to amend the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (Directive 2004/37/EC),
                           expanding its scope and including and/or revising occupational exposure limit values for a number of cancer- or
                           mutation-causing chemical agents. The initiative is proceeding in steps and has now become a continuous process.
                           Following on from three previous legislative amendments, which covered a total of 26 priority chemical agents, the
                           fourth proposal addresses an additional three. On 16 December 2021, after interinstitutional negotiations, the Council
                           and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the proposal. The agreed text was endorsed by
                           Coreper, for the Council, on 22 December 2021 and then approved by Parliament's Committee on Employment and
                           Social Affairs on 25 January 2022. Under the agreement, workers will benefit from greater protection, owing to the
                           setting of exposure limits for acrylonitrile and nickel compounds and the lowering of the limits for benzene. The scope
                           of the proposed directive would include reprotoxic substances (which have adverse effects on reproduction and can
                           cause impaired fertility or infertility). Workers who deal with hazardous medicinal products would receive better training
                           on how to handle them safely. A vote in plenary is expected in February 2022. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in
                           Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
                 Briefing EN

Reinforced role for European Medicines Agency
         PublikationstypKort sammanfattning
                  Datum 13-01-2022
              FörfattareAMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde Folkhälsa
                 Sökord Europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten | folkhälsa | förebyggande hälso- och sjukvård | försörjningssäkerhet |
                        krishantering | läkemedel | läkemedelskontroll | medicinsk forskning | medicinsk-kirurgisk utrustning
        Sammanfattning As part of building a European Health Union, as well as in response to the Covid 19 pandemic, the European
                        Commission proposed in November 2020 to reinforce the European Medicines Agency's role in crisis preparedness
                        and the management of medicines and medical devices. The proposed regulation seeks to better anticipate possible
                        shortages and to ensure timely development of high-quality medicinal solutions, to allow the EU to react to health
                        crises more quickly, efficiently, and in a coordinated manner. The agreement on the proposal reached in trilogue
                        negotiations now needs to be confirmed by the European Parliament.
    Kort sammanfattning EN

11-07-2022                                       Källa : © Europeiska unionen, 2022 - EP                                                            1
Boosting cooperation on health technology assessment
                       AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
                 SökordEU-förslag | folkhälsa | gränsöverskridande samarbete | hälso- och sjukvård | informationsutbyte | innovation |
                       medicinsk vetenskap | medicinsk-kirurgisk utrustning | patientens rättigheter | teknikvärdering | vetenskapligt
        Sammanfattning The European Commission has proposed a regulation on health technology assessment (HTA). HTA is a research-
                       based tool that supports decision-making in healthcare by assessing the added value of a given health technology
                       compared to others. The proposal would provide the basis for permanent EU-level cooperation in four areas. Member
                       States would still be responsible for assessing the non-clinical (economic, ethical, social, etc.) aspects of health
                       technology, and for pricing and reimbursement. While Member States could choose to delay participation in the joint
                       work until three years after the rules enter into force, it would become mandatory after six years. The European
                       Parliament adopted its final position at first reading on 14 February 2019. In the Council, work was carried out under
                       seven consecutive presidencies. On 22 June 2021, the co-legislators reached a provisional agreement in
                       interinstitutional trilogue negotiations. The Council's Permanent Representatives Committee endorsed the provisional
                       agreement on 30 June 2021. Parliament's ENVI committee voted in favour of the text on 13 July 2021. The Council
                       formally adopted its first-reading position on 9 November 2021. On 30 November 2021, ENVI adopted its
                       recommendation for second reading, which is to be debated and voted during the December plenary session. The
                       regulation, once adopted, will start to apply three years after its entry into force. Fifth edition of a briefing originally
                       drafted by Nicole Scholz. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the
                       legislative procedure.
              Briefing EN

EU cooperation on health technology assessment
         Publikationstyp Kort sammanfattning
                  Datum 08-12-2021
               Författare AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
           Politikområde Folkhälsa
                  Sökord EU-förslag | folkhälsa | gränsöverskridande samarbete | hälso- och sjukvård | medicinsk teknik | medicinsk vetenskap |
                          medicinsk-kirurgisk utrustning | teknikvärdering | vetenskapligt samarbete
        Sammanfattning During the December plenary session, the European Parliament is expected to vote at second reading on a European
                          Commission proposal to strengthen EU-level cooperation among Member States on assessing health technologies.
                          Improved cooperation would profit national health systems and producers of medicines and medical devices, as
                          approval procedures would be simplified, while also benefiting patients thanks to innovative, safe and effective health
                          technologies becoming available more quickly.
    Kort sammanfattning ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

Building up resilience to cross-border health threats: Moving towards a European health union
                       AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          PolitikområdeCoronavirus | Folkhälsa
                 Sökordcoronavirusinfektion | epidemi | epidemiologi | EU-förslag | folkhälsa | förebyggande hälso- och sjukvård |
                       gränsöverskridande samarbete | informationsutbyte | katastrofbistånd | krishantering
        Sammanfattning On 11 November 2020, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a regulation on serious cross-border
                       threats to health. In the light of lessons learned from the coronavirus crisis, it aims to strengthen the EU's health
                       security by revising Decision 1082/2013/EU (the 'Cross-Border Health Threats Decision'). The proposal was presented
                       in a package that also includes proposals to strengthen the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
                       (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), as first steps towards a European health union. Stakeholders
                       widely welcomed the proposal and the package. The European Parliament has repeatedly called for stronger
                       cooperation on health. Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety is responsible for
                       the file. The Council agreed its position on 23 July 2021. Parliament voted the committee report in plenary on 14
                       September 2021, thereby setting its negotiating mandate and opening the way for interinstitutional negotiations. On 11
                       November 2021, Parliament voted again on the proposal, to update its negotiation mandate to ensure coherence
                       between the EU Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) and the proposed regulation on
                       cross-border health threats. Third edition of a briefing originally drafted by Nicole Scholz. The 'EU Legislation in
                       Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.
              Briefing EN
             Multimedia The future of EU borders in times of pandemic

11-07-2022                                      Källa : © Europeiska unionen, 2022 - EP                                                               2
World AIDS Day 2021: 1 December
         PublikationstypKort sammanfattning
                  Datum 30-11-2021
              FörfattareAMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde Folkhälsa
                 Sökord aids | coronavirusinfektion | epidemi | förebyggande hälso- och sjukvård | medicinsk diagnos | medicinsk forskning |
                        medvetandegörande av allmänheten | sexuellt överförd sjukdom | terapi | Unaids
        Sammanfattning World AIDS Day, proclaimed by the United Nations in 1988, takes place each year on 1 December. The aim is to raise
                        awareness, fight prejudice, encourage progress in prevention, and improve treatment around the world. Although
                        infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is preventable, significant HIV transmission remains a
                        challenge to EU Member States' health systems. This year's theme 'End inequalities. End AIDS.' underlines the urgent
                        need to tackle economic, social and cultural inequalities in order to end AIDS by 2030.
    Kort sammanfattning DE, EN, FR

World Diabetes Day 2021
         PublikationstypKort sammanfattning
                  Datum 10-11-2021
              FörfattareAMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde Folkhälsa
                 Sökord diabetes | Europeiskt centrum för förebyggande och kontroll av sjukdomar | folkhälsa | förebyggande hälso- och
                        sjukvård | hälso- och sjukvård | kronisk sjukdom | matvanor | medvetandegörande av allmänheten
        Sammanfattning World Diabetes Day – marked every year on 14 November – was proclaimed by the United Nations in 2007 to raise
                        awareness of diabetes and related complications, and to promote prevention and care, including through education.
                        World Diabetes Day also offers an opportunity to evaluate progress in the EU.
    Kort sammanfattning EN, FR

Protecting workers from asbestos
         Publikationstyp   Kort sammanfattning
                  Datum    13-10-2021
              Författare   AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde    Folkhälsa
                 Sökord    arbetstagare (EU) | asbest | cancer | hälsorisk | yrkessjukdom
        Sammanfattning     Asbestos is the one of the main causes of work-related cancers, despite its EU-wide ban in 2005. Asbestos-related
                           risks persist and will be a health-risk factor in the context of the European Green Deal 'renovation wave', aimed at
                           helping make buildings fit for a climate-neutral Europe. A legislative-initiative report setting out proposals for a
                           'European strategy for the removal of all asbestos' (ESRAA) is expected to be put to the vote during the October II
                           plenary session.
    Kort sammanfattning ES, DE, EN, FR, IT, PL

Pauvreté dans l'Union européenne: Impact social de la crise économique
         Publikationstyp   Briefing
                  Datum    18-02-2013
              Författare   AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde    Socialpolitik
        Sammanfattning     Dans l'Union européenne, 119 millions de personnes étaient menacées de pauvreté ou d'exclusion sociale en 2011,
                           soit près d'une personne sur quatre, avec de grandes disparités entre les Etats membres. La lutte contre la pauvreté
                           est avant tout du ressort national. Cependant, l'UE complète les actions des EM par la méthode de coordination dans
                           le domaine social et par des programmes financiers, notamment le Fonds social européen.
                Briefing FR

Fair trade in public procurement in the EU
                       AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          PolitikområdeDen inre marknaden och tullunionen | Internationell handel | Utvecklingsbistånd och humanitärt bistånd
                 Sökordallmän opinion | allmännyttiga tjänster | förvaltningsförfarande | hållbar utveckling | inre marknad | offentligt kontrakt |
                       rättvis handel | social märkning
        Sammanfattning A growing proportion of European citizens care more and more about contributing towards sustainable economic and
                       social development in developing countries through their purchasing preferences, notably buying fair trade. This
                       concern of consumers for fair trade, more common in western European Member States than in the rest of the EU, has
                       been relayed by civil society, local authorities, and also echoed at EU level by the EU institutions, notably the
                       European Parliament.
              Briefing EN

11-07-2022                                       Källa : © Europeiska unionen, 2022 - EP                                                          3
"Rio+20": des résultats modestes
         Publikationstyp      Kort sammanfattning
                  Datum       27-06-2012
              Författare      AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde       Energi | Miljö | Utvecklingsbistånd och humanitärt bistånd
        Sammanfattning        La Conférence des Nations Unies sur le développement durable a abouti à un accord a minima. Tant l'UE que la
                              société civile ont regretté le manque d'engagements concrets face aux défis environnementaux, économiques,
                              démographiques et sociaux.
    Kort sammanfattning FR

Politique énergétique européenne: Les enjeux fondamentaux
         Publikationstyp      Briefing
                  Datum       14-06-2012
              Författare      AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde       Energi
        Sammanfattning        L'UE doit relever de réels défis énergétiques pour garantir une énergie compétitive, durable et sûre: améliorer
                              l'efficacité énergétique, développer les énergies renouvelables et les technologies énergétiques à faible teneur en
                              carbone, achever le marché intérieur de l'énergie, garantir la sécurité de l'approvisionnement énergétique et
                              responsabiliser les consommateurs.
                   Briefing FR

Youth Opportunities Initiative
         Publikationstyp Kort sammanfattning
                        AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
                        arbetslöshetsbekämpning | ungdomsarbetslöshet | ungdomspolitik | yrkesinriktad utbildning | yrkesintroduktion |
                        återanpassning i skolan
        Sammanfattning The "Youth Opportunities Initiative" aims to help tackle youth unemployment and avoid the heavy economic and social
                        cost of a "lost generation" of young Europeans.
    Kort sammanfattning EN

Youth unemployment: EU policies to tackle unemployment
                       AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          PolitikområdeSysselsättning | Utbildning
                 Sökordallmän fortbildning | avbrutna studier | ekonomisk återhämtning | EU:s sysselsättningspolitik | europeiskt tillväxtinitiativ |
                       investeringsfrämjande åtgärder | skapande av arbetstillfällen | sysselsättningsstatistik | ungdomsarbetslöshet |
                       yrkesinriktad utbildning
        Sammanfattning More than 5.5 million young people (under 25 year old ) are currently unemployed in the EU. The unprecedented high
                       level of youth unemployment (EU average 22.6% ) exacerbated with widespread precarious forms of work has put the
                       issue of youth employment on the top of EU priorities.
              Briefing EN

Vieillissement actif des femmes: Santé et inclusion sociale
         Publikationstyp      Briefing
                  Datum       27-03-2012
              Författare      AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde       Folkhälsa | Jämställdhetsfrågor, lika möjligheter och mångfald | Socialpolitik
        Sammanfattning        La population européenne vieillit (plus de 87 millions de personnes sont âgées de 65 ans et plus). Cette évolution
                              démographique met l'Union européenne face à un certain nombre de défis, notamment en termes de santé publique
                              (les femmes séniors sont particulièrement à risque). Une contribution active des personnes âgées à la société leur est
                              bénéfique, tant pour leur santé que pour leur inclusion sociale. Elle peut aussi aider à chasser les préjugés existant à
                              l'encontre des séniors, pouvant mener à leur exclusion sociale.
                   Briefing FR

11-07-2022                                          Källa : © Europeiska unionen, 2022 - EP                                                              4
Aperçu des industries maritimes de la côte atlantique européenne
         Publikationstyp   Briefing
                  Datum    05-03-2012
              Författare   AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde    Transport
        Sammanfattning     Les industries maritimes de la côte atlantique européenne sont prometteuses en termes de croissance durable et
                           d'emplois, tout en étant confrontées à de nombreux enjeux: améliorer la compétitivité de la construction navale;
                           exploiter le potentiel des énergies marines renouvelables, intensifier la recherche en vue de stratégies de
                           développement innovantes et de diversification; appliquer le développement durable aux activités maritimes, dont le
                Briefing FR

Les résultats de la Conférence de Durban sur le changement climatique
         Publikationstyp   Kort sammanfattning
                  Datum    13-01-2012
              Författare   AMAND-EECKHOUT Laurence
          Politikområde    Miljö
        Sammanfattning     La conférence sur le changement climatique à Durban en décembre 2011 a abouti à la prolongation du protocole de
                           Kyoto et à l'adoption d'une feuille de route en vue d'un nouvel accord global.
    Kort sammanfattning FR

11-07-2022                                      Källa : © Europeiska unionen, 2022 - EP                                                          5
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