Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals - A road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030 Overview - World Health ...

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Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals - A road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030 Overview - World Health ...
Ending the neglect to
attain the Sustainable
Development Goals
A road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030
Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals - A road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030 Overview - World Health ...
Targets and strategies for the next decade

                                                                                                                This consultative process involved
                                                                                                                regional workshops with managers
Neglected tropical diseases                                                                                     of NTD prevention and control
                                                                                                                programmes, country workshops with

(NTDs) are a diverse set of                                                                                     stakeholders in NTDs and related areas
                                                                                                                of work, input from disease experts,

20 diseases and disease groups                                                                                  disease modellers, donors and partners
                                                                                                                obtained through more than 100

with a singular commonality:              © WHO/Yoshi Shimizu
                                                                                                                bilateral interviews and more than 300
                                                                                                                responses from two rounds of online

their impact on impoverished        The road map for neglected tropical
                                                                                                                consultations. The document therefore
                                                                                                                reflects the perspectives of Member
                                    diseases 2021–2030 sets out global
communities. Together they          targets for 2030 and milestones to
                                                                                                                States and a wide range of stakeholders.

                                                                                                                The road map also describes the
                                    prevent, control, eliminate and eradicate
affect more than 1 billion people   a diverse set of 20 diseases and disease
                                    groups, as well as cross-cutting targets
                                                                                                                integrated approaches needed to
                                                                                                                achieve these targets through cross-
with devastating health, social     aligned with WHO’s Thirteenth General
                                    Programme of Work, 2019–2023 and
                                                                                                                cutting activities that intersect multiple
                                                                                                                diseases. It is built on three pillars that
and economic consequences.          the Sustainable Development Goals. It
                                    also proposes strategies for attaining
                                                                                                                will support global efforts to control,
                                                                                                                eliminate and eradicate neglected
                                    these targets over the next decade. The                                     tropical diseases:
                                    document is intended to succeed the
                                    first road map, published in 2012.1                                             Pillar 1
                                                                                                                    Accelerate programmatic action
                                    The new road map was drafted through
                                    an extensive global consultation that
                                                                                                                    Pillar 2
                                    began in 2018 and culminated in the
                                                                                                                    Intensify cross-cutting approaches
                                    document’s endorsement by Member
                                    States at the Seventy-third World Health                                        Pillar 3
                                    Assembly in November 2020.                                                      Change operating models and culture
                                                                                                                    to facilitate country ownership

© WHO/Eduardo Soteras Jalil              ccelerating work to overcome the global impact of neglected tropical diseases. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2012

Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals - A road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030 Overview - World Health ...
Driving progress                                                                                                                                  Renewing momentum

Since 2010, significant progress has
been made. Today, 600 million people
no longer require interventions
against several NTDs and 42 countries,
territories and areas have eliminated
at least one disease. Dracunculiasis
is on the verge of eradication, with
54 human cases reported in four
countries in 2019; lymphatic filariasis
                                                                                © WHO/Yoshi Shimizu                                                    © WHO/Yoshi Shimizu
and trachoma have been eliminated as
a public health problem in 17 and 10
countries, respectively; onchocerciasis                                       Addressing NTDs has contributed to                                      Even though substantial progress             Concerted action across multiple
has been eliminated in four countries in                                      alleviating the human and economic                                      has been made, some of the targets           dimensions and an agile response
the Region of the Americas; the annual                                        burden they impose on the world’s                                       set for 2020 in the earlier road map         to challenges will be necessary to
number of cases of human African                                              poorest communities. It also                                            were not achieved. The new road map          achieve the targets. The recognition,
trypanosomiasis has fallen from more                                          demonstrates the impact of aligning                                     identifies critical gaps and the actions     for example, of Dracunculus medinensis
than 7000 in 2012 to fewer than 1000                                          the work of Member States with that                                     required to reach the 2030 targets.          infection in mammals other than
in 2019, eclipsing the original target of                                     of diverse partners, which during the                                   Experience from the past decade shows        human beings shows how challenges
2000 cases by 2020; and the number of                                         past nine years has demonstrated two                                    that further multisectoral action is         can manifest in the last stages – the
new leprosy cases reported globally has                                       important facts: (i) NTD interventions                                  required across the whole gamut of           “last mile” – of eradication. Unforeseen
continued to decline since 2010 at on                                         are one of the best buys in global public                               20 diseases and disease groups and           circumstances such as pandemics, local
average 1% per year after most endemic                                        health and yield an estimated net                                       along particular dimensions such as          epidemics, political instability, migration,
countries reached elimination as a                                            benefit to affected individuals of about                                diagnostics, monitoring and evaluation,      consequences of climate change and
public health problem, defined as less                                        US$ 25 per dollar invested in preventive                                access to and logistics for medicines        antimicrobial resistance can complicate
than one case on treatment per                                                chemotherapy2; and (ii) NTDs serve                                      and medical products, capacity               existing programmatic complexity and
10 000 population.                                                            as an important tracer in identifying                                   strengthening, advocacy and funding. At      will require additional mitigating action.
                                                                              disparities in progress towards both                                    this critical juncture on the road towards
                                                                              universal health coverage and equitable                                 elimination of NTDs, the stakes remain
                                                                              access to high-quality health services.                                 high. Ambitious, impact-oriented targets
                                                                                                                                                      are needed to guide efforts towards the
                                                                                                                                                      Sustainable Development Goals and
                                                                                                                                                      accelerate control and elimination.

     itzpatrick C, Nwankwo U, Lenk E, de Vlas SJ, Bundy DAP. An investment case for ending neglected tropical diseases. In: Holmes KK, Bertozzi S,
    Bloom BR, Jha P, editors. Major infectious diseases, 3rd edition. Washington, DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/
    The World Bank; 2017. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-0524-0/ch17.
Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals - A road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030 Overview - World Health ...
Integrating and mainstreaming approaches                                                 Delivering results, achieving impact

                                                                                         Countries are both the drivers and the        Given the shift to cross-cutting
                                                                                         beneficiaries of progress towards the         approaches, structures and ways of
                                                                                         2030 targets for NTDs. National and           working may need to be adapted
                                                                                         local governments must therefore lead         accordingly, for example by making
                                                                                         work to define agendas and realize            funding streams and reporting
                                                                                         their objectives, financed partly or fully    structures more flexible.
                                                                                         through domestic funds. Countries
                                                                                                                                       Looking ahead to the next decade,
                                                                                         must integrate and prioritize prevention
                                                                                                                                       clearly much work needs to be done to
                                                                                         and control of endemic NTDs in
 © WHO/Anuradha Sarup                                                                                                                  address NTDs, as their burden remains
                                                                                         national health plans and dedicate a
                                                                                                                                       heavy among the most vulnerable and
                                                                                         corresponding line item in national
Continued programmatic action is             The road map aims to renew                                                                marginalized populations of the world.
                                                                                         health budgets. Multisectoral action
called for, particularly in targeted areas   momentum by proposing concrete                                                            Yet, perhaps equally clearly, the need
                                                                                         must be fostered and planned well
where critical gaps exist across multiple    actions focused on integrated platforms                                                   to overcome these diseases of poverty
                                                                                         in advance in order to build the
diseases. Adequately structured              for delivery of interventions, and                                                        is compelling in order to attain the
                                                                                         high-level political will required to
investigations of operations and             thereby improve programme cost–                                                           Sustainable Development Goals and
                                                                                         support NTD plans.
implementation, including community-         effectiveness and coverage.                                                               ensure universal health coverage.
based and applied research, are also                                                     As countries define their national NTD
                                             Capacity strengthening within national                                                    The road map sets out global targets for
essential for building a solid foundation                                                plans, the support of partners will
                                             health systems will deliver interventions                                                 stakeholders to align their efforts and
on which effective NTD interventions                                                     remain essential for filling critical gaps,
                                             through existing infrastructures,                                                         re-focus action over the next decade.
can be designed and delivered.                                                           strengthening capacity and enabling
                                             improve the sustainability and efficiency                                                 It encourages all parties to reevaluate
                                                                                         programmatic targets to be achieved.
Beyond incremental modifications to          of interventions and enable patients                                                      their approaches and consider how
                                                                                         Deliberate efforts are needed to engage
programmatic action, a more radical          to access equitably all aspects of                                                        the efficiency and effectiveness of their
                                                                                         the community, especially young people,
change is needed to integrate and            treatment, care and support.                                                              commitments and contributions can
                                                                                         in processes that support national NTD
mainstream approaches within national                                                                                                  be improved. Finally, it seeks to foster
                                                                                         programme implementation, follow-up
                                             Close coordination and multisectoral                                                      greater collaboration and openness in
health systems and coordinate action                                                     and review.
                                             action within and beyond the health                                                       lessening and removing the profound
across sectors. These cross-cutting
                                             sector, encompassing not only vector                                                      global burden of NTDs.
concepts are not new; they are outlined
                                             control, water and sanitation, human,
in various existing NTD plans, but their
                                             animal and environmental health and
operationalization has been problematic
                                             health awareness but also, for instance,
in some instances.
                                             education and disability, will maximize
Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals - A road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030 Overview - World Health ...
Road map targets, milestones and indicators1

    © WHO/Andy Craggs                                                                                                                                                                     © WHO/Fid Thompson

Overarching global targets for 20302

90%                                                                           75%                                                                           100                                         2

Percentage reduction                                                          Percentage reduction in                                                       Number of countries having                  Number of neglected
in people requiring                                                           disability-adjusted life                                                      eliminated at least one                     tropical diseases eradicated
interventions against                                                         years related to neglected                                                    neglected tropical disease
neglected tropical diseases                                                   tropical diseases

Cross-cutting targets for 2030

Integrated                                                                    Multisectoral                                                                 Universal                                   Country
approaches                                                                    coordination                                                                  health coverage                             ownership

75%                                                                           100%                                                                          90%                                         90%
Integrated treatment coverage index                                           Access to at least basic water supply,                                        Share of countries including neglected      Share of countries reporting on all
for preventive chemotherapy                                                   sanitation and hygiene in areas                                               tropical disease interventions in their     relevant endemic neglected tropical
                                                                              endemic for neglected tropical diseases                                       package of essential services and           diseases
40                                                                            – to achieve targets 6.1 and 6.2 of                                           budgeting for them
                                                                              Sustainable Development Goal 6                                                                                            90%
Number of countries that adopt and

implement integrated skin neglected                                                                                                                                                                     Share of countries collecting and
tropical disease strategies                                                                                                                                 Share of countries with guidelines for      reporting data on neglected tropical
                                                                              Share of the population at risk                                               management of neglected tropical            diseases disaggregated by gender
75%              4                                                            protected against catastrophic out-
                                                                              of-pocket health expenditure due to
                                                                                                                                                            disease-related disabilities within
                                                                                                                                                            national health systems
Percentage reduction in number of
deaths from vector-borne neglected                                            neglected tropical diseases – to achieve
tropical diseases (relative to 2016) – to                                     target 3.8 of Sustainable Development
achieve WHO’s global vector control                                           Goal 3

response goal

                                                                              Share of countries with neglected
                                                                              tropical diseases integrated in national
                                                                              health strategies/plans

  Source: Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals: a road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020.
  The baseline year for the overall percentage reduction is 2020 except for 3 and 4.
  Compared with the baseline in 2010.
  Compared with the baseline in 2016.
Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals - A road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030 Overview - World Health ...
Impact of integrated approaches on disease-specific targets

Disease                               Indicator                                                                                     2020        2023        2025        2030


Dracunculiasis                        Number of countries certified free of transmission                                            187 (96%)   189 (97%)   191 (98%)   194 (100%)

Yaws                                  Number of countries certified free of transmission                                            1 (1%)      97 (50%)    136 (70%)   194 (100%)


Human African trypanosomiasis         Number of countries verified for interruption of transmission                                 0           0           5 (21%)     15 (62%)

Leprosy                               Number of countries with zero new autochthonous leprosy cases                                 50 (26%)    75 (39%)    95 (49%)    120 (62%)

Onchocerciasis                        Number of countries verified for interruption of transmission                                 4 (12%)     5 (13%)     8 (21%)     12 (31%)


Chagas disease                        Number of countries achieving interruption of transmission through the four transmission      0           4 (10%)     10 (24%)    15 (37%)
                                      routes (vectoral, transfusion, transplantation and congenital), with 75% antiparasitic
                                      treatment coverage of the eligible population

Human African trypanosomiasis         Number of countries validated for elimination as a public health problem (defined as
Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals:
a road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030. Overview

This document is an update of a brochure published in 2020
under WHO/UCN/NTD/2020.01.

ISBN 978-92-4-001879-2 (electronic version)

ISBN 978-92-4-001880-8 (print version)

© World Health Organization 2021. Some rights reserved.
This work is available under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO licence.
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