Limitless possibilities - Philips

Page created by Lloyd Hubbard
Limitless possibilities - Philips
LightStrip Plus APR
Hue White and color

Indirect light

Smart control with Hue bridge*

                                 Limitless possibilities
                                 Add a LightStrip Plus to your Philips Hue system and create an
                                 immersive experience under bars or cabinets and behind
                                 entertainment systems. Lightstrip Plus gives the flexibility to bend,
                                 cut and extend for the application of your choice.

                                          Limitless possibilities
                                          • Be creative with 16 million colors
                                          • Wake up and go to sleep naturally
                                          • Sync lights with music and movies
                                          • Create your ambiance with warm white to cool daylight
                                          • Light up your gaming
                                          • Relax, read, concentrate and energize with light recipes
                                          • Smart control, home and away
                                          • Set timers for your convenience
                                          • Installation free dimming
                                          • Control it your way

                                          Shape light your way
                                          • Ultimate flexibility: shape, bend and extend
                                          • Extendible up to 10 meters
                                          • High light output: 1600 lumen
                                          • Requires a Philips Hue bridge
Limitless possibilities - Philips

Be creative with colors                     Sync with music and movies                 Light for your daily routines

Play with light and choose from 16          Extend your TV viewing experience to       Light influences our mood and
million colors to instantly change the      the whole room or sync light to your       behavior. Philips Hue can help you to
look and atmosphere of your room. Set       favorite music and see how light reacts    customize your daily routines into
the scene effortlessly with one touch of    to the rhythm. Download the third          moments you can enjoy. Skip your
a button. Use a favourite photo and         party apps and discover the amazing        morning coffee and get ready for the
relive that special moment with             things you can do with Philips Hue.        day with cool, bright white daylight
splashes of light. Save your favourite                                                 that helps to energize your body and
light settings and recall them whenever     Create your ambiance                       mind. Stay focussed with finely tuned
you want with the tap of a finger                                                      bright white light. Or put your feet up
                                                                                       and relax with a soft glow of white light
Wake up and go to sleep                                                                for the perfect end of the day.

                                                                                       Smart control, home and away

                                            Set the right ambiance for any moment
                                            and decorate your home with warm to
                                            cool white light. Enjoy different styles
Philips Hue will help get you out of bed    throughout the year, no matter if it's
the way you like it, helping you start      the crisp white light reminding you of a
your day feeling refreshed. The light       spring breeze, the warm white light of a   With the Philips Hue iOS and Android
brightness increases gradually              summer sun, or the ice cool daylight of    apps you can control your lights
mimicking the effect of sunrise and         winter.                                    remotely wherever you are. Check if
helps you wake up naturally, instead of                                                you have forgotten to switch your
being woken up by the loud sound of         Light up your gaming                       lights off before you left your home,
an alarm clock. Start your day, the right                                              and switch them on if you are working
way. In the evening, the relaxing warm                                                 late.
white light helps you to unwind, relax
and prepare your body for a good
night's sleep.

                                            Lift your gaming experience to the next
                                            level. Download the third party apps
                                            and discover the amazing things you
                                            can do with Philips Hue.
Limitless possibilities - Philips

Timers for your convenience                 Control it your way                         Extendible up to 10 meters

Philips Hue can make it seem like           Connect your Philips Hue lights with        Extend your Philips Hue Lightstrip Plus
you're home when you're not, using          the bridge and start discovering the        up to 10 meters by adding 1 meter
the schedule function in the Philips        endless possibilites. Control your lights   extensions* to cover larger surfaces
Hue app. Set the lights to come on at a     from your smartphone or tablet via the      and enable wider applications. From
pre-set time, so the lights are on when     Philips Hue app, or add switches to         bright cove lighting to ambient
you arrive home. You can even set           your system to activate your lights. Set    navigation light in your hallway or
rooms to light up at different times.       timers, notifications, alarms, and more     stairs, anything is possible. Philips Hue
And of course, you can let the lights       for the full Philips Hue experience.        lightstrip plus gives you full color
turn off gradually in the night, so you     Philips Hue even works with Amazon          consistency from the first to the last
never have to worry whether you've          Alexa, Apple Homekit and Google             extension.*Can only be extended with
left any lights on.                         Home to allow you to control your           the Bluetooth-compatible version.
                                            lights with your voice.
Installation free dimming                                                               High light output: 1600 lumen
                                            Ultimate flexibility

Experience guaranteed smooth                                                            With a high output of 1600 lumen and
dimming with Philips Hue. Not too           Philips Hue Lightstrip Plus is the most     light coverage over its total length, hue
bright. Not too dark. Just right. No need   flexible light source imaginable. You       Lightstrip Plus gives enough light to be
for wires, an electrician or installation   can shape the strip in nearly any form      used both as a decorative and
                                            and use the adhesive tape on the back       functional light source.
                                            to attach it to any solid surface. If
                                            needed, you can cut your Philips Hue        Requires a Philips Hue bridge
                                            Lightstrip Plus to size at the scissor
                                            markings. Integrate Philips Hue
                                            Lightstrip Plus onto furniture, in coves,
                                            under kitchen cabinets or highlight
                                            architectural features with smooth,
                                            indirect light. Philips Hue Lightstrip
                                            Plus is the most versatile and robust
                                            light source that will bring your room to

                                                                                        This product requires a connection to
                                                                                        the Philips Hue bridge
Limitless possibilities - Philips

Design and finishing                            Miscellaneous
• Color: multi color                            • Type: Indirect light
• Material: silicone
                                                Power consumption
Environmental                                   • Wattage: 19 W
• Operational humidity: 5%
Limitless possibilities - Philips Limitless possibilities - Philips Limitless possibilities - Philips Limitless possibilities - Philips Limitless possibilities - Philips Limitless possibilities - Philips
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