Page created by Cathy King
  1995 TO 2021
Lilliputian encounters with Gulliver:
Sino-Icelandic Relations from 1995 to 2021

             Baldur Thorhallsson
            Snaefridur Grimsdottir


          Baldur Thorhallsson (Baldur Þórhallsson) is Professor of Political Science and founder
          of the Centre for Small State Studies at the University of Iceland. He has published
          extensively on small European states, European integration and Icelandic politics. His
          latest edited books are titled ‘Iceland’s Shelter-Seeking Behavior: From Settlement to
          Republic’ (Cornell University Press, 2021), ‘Small States and the New Security Environment’
          (co-editor; Springer, 2021) and ‘Small States and Shelter Theory: Iceland’s External Affairs’
          (Routledge, 2019). He holds a PhD (1999) and an MA (1994) in Political Science from the
          University of Essex in the UK.

          Snaefridur Grimsdottir (Snæfríður Grímsdóttir) is an Adjunct in Chinese Studies at the
          University of Iceland. Her research is mainly focused on security studies and China. She
          holds a BA (2015) in Chinese Studies from the University of Iceland, an MA in Diplomatic
          Studies (2016) from the University of Malta and an MA in Conflict, Security and
          Development (2018) from King’s College London.

          Publisher: Centre for Small State Studies, University of Iceland

Abbreviations .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                           5
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                 6
Introduction . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                       7

Societal Shelter: Enhanced but Limited Contacts ...............................................................................................................................................................                                                                                  10
Scientific Cooperation: Prospering? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................                                                           10
Educational and Cultural Activities: Marginal Engagement......................................................................................................................................                                                                                                   11
The Northern Lights Confucius Institute in Reykjavík: Mixed Signals...............................................................................................................                                                                                                               12

Political Shelter: Perceptible Diplomatic Support ...............................................................................................................................................................                                                                                14
Rubbing Shoulders .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                                  14
Arctic Collaboration . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                                  15
Political Shelter Following an Economic Collapse ...............................................................................................................................................................                                                                                 15

Economic Shelter: Off to a Good Start? .......................................................................................................................................................................................                                                                   17
The Free Trade Agreement: A Triumph or a Let-down? .............................................................................................................................................                                                                                                 17
Mutual Foreign Investments: Missed Opportunities? ......................................................................................................................................................                                                                                         18
The Belt and Road Initiative: An Icelandic or an American Holdback? ..........................................................................................................                                                                                                                   19

A Reversal in Sino-Icelandic Relations ...........................................................................................................................................................................................                                                               21

Conclusions ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................                      23
Bibliography                      ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................   25


AIIB      Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
BFSU      Beijing Foreign Studies University
BRI       Belt and Road Initiative
CAFF      Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna
CCP       Chinese Communist Party
CIAO      Kárhóll Observatory/China-Iceland Arctic Science Observatory
CNARC     China-Nordic Arctic Research Center
CNOOC     Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation
EEA       European Economic Area
EFTA      European Free Trade Association
EU        European Union
FTA       Free Trade Agreement
GDP       Gross Domestic Product
IMF       International Monetary Fund
IR        International relations
ISK       Icelandic krónur
MoU       Memorandum of Understanding
NATO      North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NEA       National Energy Authority of Iceland
NSR       Northern Sea Route
PRIC      Polar Research Institute of China
RANNIS    Icelandic Centre for Research
RÚV       Icelandic National Broadcasting Service
UK        United Kingdom
UNSC      United Nations Security Council
UNU-GTP   United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme
US        United States
USD       United States Dollars
6                                         LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER      SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021


This report examines whether Iceland has been seeking and is enjoying political, economic and societal shelter
provided by China in the period between 1995-2021. It places the case of Iceland within an established small-state
theory, shelter theory. In particular, it analyses Sino-Icelandic relations in the aftermath of the economic collapse
in Iceland in 2008 and in the light of the growing strategic importance of Iceland in the North Atlantic and the
Arctic. Our findings indicate that Sino-Icelandic relations went through four phases during the period: a phase of
building closer relations from 1995 to 2007; a phase of active shelter-seeking by Iceland from 2008 to the mid-
2010s; a phase of gradual deviation from shelter-seeking in the mid-2010s; and, finally, after pressure from the
US government from 2017 onward, a period of stasis and, most recently, some confrontational behaviour towards
China. Iceland has turned its attention from Beijing to Washington in the hope of wider-reaching shelter provided
by its close ally – the United States (US). Iceland, which tactically used its rediscovered strategic location as an Arctic
state to strengthen its bilateral ties with China, is now taking advantage of the increased competition between the
US and China in the Arctic to seek wider-reaching political and economic shelter provided by the US. Nevertheless,
Iceland and China have set up institutional frameworks needed for the global power to provide the Lilliputian
with political, economic and societal shelter. These only need to be activated by a return to a shelter-seeking policy
by the Icelandic government.
7                                         LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER       SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021


Iceland’s strategic location in           the European Union (EU) and the            Organization (NATO) ally to sign
the middle of the North Atlantic          European Economic Area (EEA),              a free-trade agreement (FTA)
is once again of importance to            and the Nordic states) were not            with China in 2013; it became a
world powers. This is due to              willing to provide the country with        vocal supporter of greater Chinese
Iceland’s potential to serve as a         sufficient assistance to deal with         involvement in the Arctic. The
leading hub for container traffic         the economic crisis. Moreover,             countries have signed several
in a transarctic shipping route and       they deliberately stood in the way         agreements in connection with the
increased Chinese and Russian             of the International Monetary              Arctic, e.g. regarding cooperation
activities in the Arctic and the North    Fund (IMF) providing Iceland with          on oil exploration and marine
Atlantic. A new race for the Arctic       a much-needed rescue package.              and polar science; they have also
is already evident in the form of         The United Kingdom (UK) and                signed several other important
competition over shipping routes          the Netherlands blocked the IMF            cooperation agreements in fields
and hubs, natural resources, and          rescue package, with the support of        such as geothermal energy, and
political influence. The Arctic race      Iceland’s other ‘allies’, in retaliation   Chinese universities, research
is no longer confined to Western          for Iceland’s refusal to compensate        centres, cultural organizations
players: Asian powers, and China          British and Dutch citizens who had         and tourist bodies have shown
in particular, have joined the            lost investments in savings schemes        considerable interest in cooperating
competition over the vast economic        operated by the failing Icelandic          with their Icelandic counterparts;
and political influence associated        banks, in the so-called ‘Icesave           collaboration in these areas has
with the Arctic regions. Iceland’s        dispute’. The Icelandic political          grown substantially in the last
strategic importance has gone             establishment regarded the actions         few years. In the early 2010s, only
from being regarded as of minimal         of its allies as a betrayal. Sino-         one cloud cast a shadow on this
importance in 2006, at the time of        Icelandic relations, on the other          otherwise bright picture, when the
the closure of the US military base       hand, gained momentum.                     Icelandic government prevented
in Keflavík, to high importance - as                                                 a Chinese investor from buying a
indicated by ruthless public pressure     In 2010, the Icelandic Central Bank        large tract of land in the country.
on the Icelandic government               and the Central Bank of China              Iceland’s policy towards China has
through a false statement made            made a currency swap agreement.            changed considerably since then.
by the Vice-President of the United       This may not have been of much             Though a few studies have been
States (US), Mike Pence, that Iceland     financial importance, but it was           made of specific aspects of Sino-
had decided not to take part in           a statement of trust and gave              Icelandic relations, such as the FTA
China’s Belt and Road Initiative          Iceland’s credibility a much-needed        and cooperation in the Arctic, no
(BRI), during his visit to Reykjavík in   boost at the time. Furthermore,            comprehensive analysis has yet been
September 2019.                           China supported Iceland’s attempt          presented.1
                                          to obtain a rescue package from
Iceland’s relations with China            the IMF. According to the Chinese          This report aims to present an
have caught the attention of              prime minister, China took a               extensive analysis of Iceland’s
governments on both sides of the          conscious decision to help Iceland         policy towards China and relations
Atlantic. They grew closer when the       within the IMF at the time of the          between the countries. We will
Icelandic government requested            collapse. These events led to close        identify whether Iceland has been
assistance from China in the wake         cooperation between the countries.         seeking, and has been enjoying,
of Iceland’s economic collapse in         Sino-Icelandic relations flourished:       political, economic, and societal
October 2008. Iceland’s traditional       Iceland became the first European          shelter provided by China in the
allies (the US, member states of          country and North Atlantic Treaty          period from 1995 to 2021. This is
8                                         LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER    SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

a case study of a small state that        and prosper.8 It claims that small      by another state or states, or
places Iceland within a framework         states are faced with inbuilt           by international organizations.
of an established small-state             structural weaknesses and vastly        Political shelter can include
theoretical framework, the shelter        different needs in comparison           diplomatic or military backing and
theory.2 Iceland is typical in terms of   to larger states.9 Small states         other forms of strategic coverage
the traditional criteria for defining     are vulnerable in terms of their        provided by other states or
small states: the population              population size (human capital),        international organizations, and/
stood at a little over 360,000 at         smaller geographical area (in terms     or organizational rules and norms.
the end of 2020; gross domestic           of potential natural resources),        Societal shelter includes the transfer
product (GDP) amounted to USD             smaller economy, more limited           of messages, norms, lifestyles and
25.7 billion in 2018;3 the country        military strength,10 and smaller        ideologies, in line with Rokkan and
has no armed forces and a small           public administration (including        Urwin’s18 historical account of the
public administration (and foreign        the foreign service)11 compared         importance of cultural features
service). Moreover, a comparative         with larger states. Small states’       in centre-periphery relations and
or a relational element is always         weaknesses are also associated with     the stagnation thesis which is
associated with the size of states4       subjective features, such as internal   based on Cardwell’s Law, holding
and Iceland is considerably smaller       and external actors’ perception of      that a single economy cannot
than all its neighbours, i.e., the        their size and capabilities.12 These    sustain technological innovation
Nordic countries, the UK, Ireland,        features lead to shelter-seeking        and will eventually tend towards
Canada and the US.                        behaviour by small states in the        technological stagnation.19 Shelter
                                          international system, i.e., small       theory holds that small states
International relations (IR) literature   states seek shelter provided by         need to compensate for profound
has largely neglected to take special     larger states and international         disadvantages that small population
characteristics of small states into      organizations.13 Small states can       size has for them ‘when it comes
account and has dealt with small          buffer from within to compensate        to technological, educational, and
and large states as similar entities.5    for their weaknesses, (e.g. by          cultural ideas and practices’20 and
Shelter theory considers small states     adopting democratic corporatism),14     seek societal shelter provided by
as unique actors due to weaknesses        but they also need economic,            larger states and/or international
associated with their small size.         political and societal shelter          organizations.
Accordingly, they act in a different      provided by larger states in order
way from their larger counterparts.       to prosper. In particular, small        Iceland has enjoyed wide-reaching
Small-state studies have somewhat         states need shelter during crises,      political shelter (military and
filled the gap in the IR literature       according to the shelter theory.15      diplomatic backing) provided by its
through extensive case studies            They are more prone to economic         bilateral defence treaty with the US
of small-state behaviour in the           crises due to their small fluctuating   and membership of NATO. During
international system.6 Nevertheless,      domestic markets and limited            the Cold War, the US also provided
research on small states is still         defence capacity.16 Thus, they are      Iceland with extensive economic
mostly conducted within the               more in need of outside assistance      shelter (e.g., grants, beneficial loans
traditional IR literature and there       (shelter).17                            and infrastructure) and considerable
is a lack of theoretical frameworks                                               societal shelter (in terms of
that take into account the special        Shelter theory distinguishes            access to US higher educational
characteristics of small states.7         between three forms of shelter:         institutions, cultural exchanges
                                          economic, political and social.         and modernization of its small
Shelter theory derives from small-        Economic shelter takes the form         technologically underdeveloped
state literature, in particular its       of economic assistance, favourable      economy).21 At present, membership
claims that small states need             market access, beneficial loans,        of the EEA provides Iceland with
to join alliances so as to survive        currency unions, etc. provided          extensive economic shelter (e.g.,
9                                        LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER   SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

beneficial market access) and            large numbers to pursue education,     cooperation and collaboration on
societal shelter (e.g., in relation      seek employment and settle down        educational and cultural activities.
to the free movement of people,          in Scandinavia.22                      The second section considers
access to the EU’s research                                                     whether China has provided
funds and its member states’             This report draws on close             Iceland with political shelter in the
higher educational institutions).        examination of official reports,       form of diplomatic assistance in
Nevertheless, the Nordic countries,      recent interviews with high-           international organizations. The
and particularly Denmark, continue       ranking Icelandic and Chinese          third section examines whether the
to be the main providers of societal     government officials and policy-       relationship between Iceland and
shelter to Iceland. For instance, in     makers, discussions and speeches       China indicates that the superpower
the post-war period, Iceland began       by politicians and media coverage.     provides the Lilliputian with
to imitate the Scandinavian welfare      It is divided into four sections,      economic shelter in terms of shelter
model and also followed the lead         in addition to an introduction         theory. The final section analyses
of the larger Nordic countries           and conclusions. The first section     the current setback in Sino-Icelandic
in legislation, and engaged in           analyses whether Iceland has           relations.
extensive Nordic cooperation in          received societal shelter provided
social affairs. Icelanders continue in   by China with regard to research
10                                      LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER         SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

Societal Shelter: Enhanced but Limited Contacts

Scientific Cooperation:
Iceland and China have launched
scientific cooperation projects in
the fields of geothermal energy and
oil exploration and engaged in the
exchange of expertise. According to
a high-ranking Chinese government
representative, Iceland’s smallness
is a hindrance to further scientific
cooperation and it needs to
increase its effort to meet China’s
contribution. Also, there is a lack
of willingness in the scientific
communities on both sides to share

One of the largest scientific
cooperation projects Iceland                                                                Above left: ©Kristinn Ingvarsson / Above right: ©Rannís
                                                                                  Below left: ©Gísli Hvanndal Ólafsson / Below right: © Arctic Portal
has engaged in with China is on
geothermal energy. Arctic Green
Energy Corporation, an Icelandic
                                        area significantly in just under six        of China and Iceland to establish a
private company that specializes
                                        years by replacing the coal-powered         Sino-Icelandic Geothermal Research
in renewable energy, has been in
                                        heating systems with geothermal             and Development Center.29 At
cooperation with Sinopec China, a
                                        energy. This led one of the cities          present, Arctic Green Energy
Chinese state-owned company since
                                        within the province, Xiongxian, to          Cooperation is the only Icelandic
2006. China holds 51% of the shares
                                        gain the title of China’s First Smog        company that has engaged in
in their joint venture, Sinopec
                                        Free City in 2014.26 Three years later,     geothermal cooperation with
Green Energy, against Arctic
                                        President Xi Jinping announced a            China, though two other Icelandic
Green Energy Corporation’s 49%.24
                                        new plan for the establishment of a         companies have worked in China
Sinopec Green Energy has become
                                        smart city in ‘Xiong’an New Area’ in        under the corporation.30 It employs
the largest geothermal district
                                        Hebei Province.27 This has been seen        about 700 people in China, of
heating company in the world.25
                                        as a strategic move by President Xi         which about 20 are Icelandic, and
Arctic Green Energy Corporation
                                                                                    also engages Icelandic specialists
has expanded its operations into        to associate his term in office with
                                                                                    for various tasks depending on the
sixty different counties in China,      a successful urban development
                                                                                    need.31 Since 2006, Arctic Green
replacing the local heating systems     project.28 In 2015, Arctic Green
                                                                                    Energy Corporation has contributed
with new ones based on clean and        Energy Corporation signed a
                                                                                    over ISK 1 billion to research in
sustainable energy. In 2009, Sinopec    cooperation agreement with
                                                                                    Iceland, mostly in the field of
Green Energy started operations in      Sinopec Star Petroleum and the
                                                                                    geothermal energy.32
Hebei Province, which was heavily       National Energy Authority (NEA) of
polluted at the time, and managed       Iceland on the implementation of            China became involved in oil
to reduce the pollution levels of the   an MoU between the governments              exploration in the Arctic33 for
11                                      LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER      SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

the first time when an Icelandic        properly and came to a complete           states have the most Icelandic
company, Eykon Energy, applied          halt due to the covid-19 pandemic         residents, with Denmark hosting the
for a licence for oil exploration       in 2020.41 Even so, the laboratories      largest number (over 11,000), and
in 2014 in the Dreki region             at the Kárhóll Observatory and            close to 7,000 Icelandic nationals are
between Norway and Iceland.34           most of the technical equipment           resident in the US.46
This provided Iceland with the          are already being utilized and initial
                                                                                  Similarly, the number of Chinese
potential to become a fossil-fuel       research has begun.
                                                                                  residents in Iceland is small and it
energy producer. Apart from Eykon
                                        Exchange of scientific expertise          cannot be seen that it has been
Energy, which held 15% of the
                                        between Iceland and China takes           growing. In 2008, there were 384
shares, two state-owned companies
                                        place through various other               Chinese nationals in the country;
jointly invested in the project: the
                                        platforms, such as: the China-Nordic      in 2019, the number had fallen
Chinese company Chinese National
                                        Arctic Research Center (CNARC),           to 312. There were 52 Japanese
Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC),
                                        to which the Icelandic Center for         citizens residing in Iceland in 2008
leading the project with 60% and
                                        Research and the University of            and 75 in 2019.47 For comparison,
the Norwegian company Petoro,
                                        Akureyri contribute,42 and the Arctic     nearly 20,000 Poles were resident in
with 25%.35 Two initial oil surveys
                                        Council. One of the Arctic Council’s      Iceland in 2019.48
in 2015 gave quite good results,36
but by 2018 both CNOOC and              working groups, the Conservation
                                                                                  On the other hand, the number of
Petoro announced that they would        of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF),
                                                                                  Chinese tourists in Iceland has risen
not continue with the project due       is located in Akureyri.43 There is
                                                                                  significantly, from under 10,000 in
to a lack of evidence of sufficient     also considerable participation
                                                                                  2007 to nearly 100,000 tourists in
levels of fossil fuels in the area to   by China in Iceland’s best known
                                                                                  2019.49 Nonetheless, it is important
outweigh exploration costs.37 The       Arctic-related event, the Arctic Circle
                                                                                  to bear in mind that Iceland has
NEA of Iceland subsequently revoked     Assembly, which was launched by
                                                                                  become an increasingly popular
the oil exploration permits.38          the president of Iceland in 2013. The
                                                                                  tourist destination and compared
                                        assembly has become the largest
                                                                                  to tourists from other countries
In 2014, the Polar Research             annual international gathering on
                                                                                  the number of Chinese visitors
Institute of China (PRIC) entered       the Arctic, with more than 2,000
                                                                                  is modest. For instance, in 2018,
into a collaborative project with       participants (governmental officials,
                                                                                  Iceland received nearly 700,000
the Icelandic Centre for Research       academics and others) from over
                                                                                  tourists from the US and nearly
(RANNIS), focussing on natural          60 countries, and has strengthened
                                                                                  300,000 from the UK.50
science research in the Arctic. This    Iceland’s image as an important
resulted in the launching of the        venue for discussing Arctic affairs.44    The low numbers of Iceland-
Kárhóll Observatory/China-Iceland                                                 China residents in each others’
Arctic Science Observatory (CIAO)                                                 countries resonate with the
in 2018.39 Research at the CIAO                                                   number of students graduating
is focused on a range of topics
                                        Educational and Cultural
                                                                                  with a bachelor’s degree in Chinese
in the natural sciences, including
                                        Activities: Marginal
                                                                                  Studies. In 2007, the University of
the aurora borealis, climatology,
                                                                                  Iceland started teaching Chinese
volcanology, biology and more.          The flow of residents between             Studies as a BA subject, with the
One of the functions of the             Iceland and China is minimal.             main focus on Chinese language,
Kárhóll Observatory is to facilitate    China and Japan are the two Asian         culture and history. Soon after that,
exchanges of scientists between         countries in which the largest            courses in the Icelandic language
Iceland, China and other countries.40   numbers of Icelandic citizens             became available at Beijing Foreign
The initial exchanges were supposed     reside, 39 in China and 46 in Japan       Studies University (BFSU). The
to take place after the opening         as of January 2019.45 By way of           number of students in Chinese
of the facilities but never took off    comparison, the three Scandinavian        Studies at the University of Iceland
12                                       LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER    SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

peaked in the period 2015-2017.51 In     the Iceland School of Energy of         Gong and Wu Shu in cooperation
2018, the BFSU expressed its plans       Reykjavík University signed a           with the Confucius Institute in
of establishing a Research Centre in     dual degree contract with Tianjin       Iceland,64 and Icelanders have
Icelandic Studies in the University,     University and the China University     studied Chinese martial arts in
but this has not yet materialized.52     of Geoscience in 2014.57 During the     China;65 famous Chinese literary
In 2019, 5 students graduated in         contract period, Iceland received       works have been translated into
Chinese Studies at the University        three students from China via           Icelandic66 and the Chinese Embassy
of Iceland, bringing the total since     Erasmus, but no Icelandic students      in Reykjavík, with the Confucius
the start of the programme to 50.        went on exchanges to China.             Institute, has organized cultural
In comparison, in 2019, 13 students      Reykjavík University currently has      events, such as the Spring Festival
graduated in Japanese Language           a cooperation agreement with the        Gala at the embassy and the Spring
and Culture from the University of       China University of Political Science   Festival at the University of Iceland.
Iceland, the total since the inception   and Law and has welcomed a few          Similarly, Icelandic books for both
of the programme reaching 121.53         students and staff from China,          adults and children have been
                                         but only one Icelandic student has      translated into Chinese and, in 2018,
Similarly, the number of exchange        gone on an exchange under the           a translation of the Icelandic novel
students between the University of       programme.58 Furthermore, the           Hundadagar received an award in
Iceland and Chinese universities is      University of Iceland is a member       China for the best foreign language
low, though it has been gradually        of the Nordic Centre at Fudan           novel of the 21st century.67
rising over the years. Since 2008,       University in Shanghai, which is an
90 Icelandic exchange students           active platform of collaboration
have studied in China and 106            between researchers and students
exchange students from China have
                                                                                 The Northern Lights
                                         from the Nordic countries and
studied at the University of Iceland.
                                                                                 Confucius Institute in
                                                                                 Reykjavík: Mixed Signals
In comparison, since 2008, the
University of Iceland has sent 168       High-ranking Icelandic officials        In 2008, the Northern Lights
students to Japan, and the University    describe cultural interactions with     Confucius Institute was opened
has received 94 Japanese students.54     China as marginal, mostly limited       in Reykjavík in partnership with
                                         to the translation of literature and    the University of Iceland.68 Critics
Moreover, the United Nations             neither more nor less than the          have argued that the Confucius
University Geothermal Training           normal diplomatic and cultural          Institutes are an important part
Programme (UNU-GTP) in Iceland           engagements that states have            of the Chinese Communist Party’s
has been receiving Chinese               with one another on a regular           (CCP) ‘overseas propaganda set-
students since its establishment         basis.60 Since 1953, the Icelandic-     up’69 and that they threaten
in 1978. In 2019, 90 graduates           Chinese Cultural Society has been       academic freedom,70 their aim being
from the programme, out of 629,          active and various Chinese cultural     ‘to increase China’s soft power
were Chinese.55 Following the            activities have taken place in          and advance Beijing’s version of
establishment of Arctic Green            Iceland throughout the years. Some      history’.71 US Universities have
Energy Corporation’s Research and        examples are:61 the National Theatre    been urged to drop all affiliation
Development Center, the NEA of           of Iceland hosted a Chinese Opera       with the Confucius Institute to
Iceland and Arctic Green Energy          in 1955;62 various Chinese musicians    avoid Beijing’s interference in
signed an agreement with the             have held performances, introducing     academic work, following claims
Chinese government at the Arctic         Chinese instruments;63 the Icelandic    that US universities that have
Circle Forum in 2019 in Shanghai to      company Heilsudrekinn, a Chinese        signed a contract with Hanban (the
help launch a programme, based on        spa and fitness centre located in       Confucius Institute’s headquarters
the UNU-GTP’s example, in Xiong’an       Reykjavík, has offered Chinese          at the time) were unlikely to
New Area in China.56 Additionally,       fitness courses such as Tai Chi, Qi     criticise Chinese policies for
13                                         LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER       SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

financial reasons and that students        People’s Republic of China in 2019.        Institute provides guest lecturers
of Confucius Institutes graduated          Some students and academics                for the language courses taught in
with a selective knowledge of              dismissed the posters as Chinese           the Chinese Studies courses at the
Chinese history, excluding mention         propaganda and an attempt by the           University of Iceland. Their role is
of China’s human rights abuses.72          CCP to promote China’s image while         strictly limited to language teaching
At least ten Confucius Institutes          ignoring parts of its history and          and has remained so since the
have been closed in the US due to          human-rights abuses.79 In response,        establishment of the programme.
various reasons.73 Nonetheless, the        Chinese students at the university         This is contradictive to foreign
remaining Confucius Institutes in          expressed their dissatisfaction with       criticism alleging that students
US universities are popular amongst        these remarks about the Chinese            graduate with only a selective
their students.74 Sweden has               government. The Rector of the              knowledge of Chinese history and
officially become the first European       University of Iceland ordered the          current affairs.83
country to close all Confucius             removal of the exhibition.80
Institutes on its territory.75                                                        In June 2020, the Confucius Institute
                                           According to a person who is closely       was rebranded; consequently, it no
In Iceland, the Northern Lights            familiar with the inner workings of        longer comes under the Ministry
Confucius Institute has faced little       the Confucius Institute in Reykjavík,      of Education. It is currently a non-
direct criticism, though the Icelandic     a certain amount of pressure is, in
                                                                                      governmental foundation, operating
National Broadcasting Service (RÚV)        all likelihood, placed on Chinese
                                                                                      within the Ministry of Education’s
has reported on the criticism its sister   staff members to portray China in
                                                                                      Centre of Chinese Language,
organizations have faced in other          a positive light and promote the
                                                                                      Education and Cooperation, funded
countries76 and a former Icelandic         country’s image. There are two
                                                                                      by Chinese universities and private
minister of justice has recently voiced    directors, representing Iceland and
                                                                                      companies.84 The rebranding came
his concern over the institute, stating    China, respectively, and normally
                                                                                      as a response to Western criticism
that Iceland should take notice of         about four Chinese teachers working
                                                                                      about the Confucius Institute
international politics.77                  at the institute, as well as one
                                                                                      being an instrument of the Chinese
                                           half-time permanent staff member
The role of the Reykjavík-based                                                       government and promoting a false
                                           and two to three other part-time
institute is to raise awareness of                                                    image of the country. Confucius
                                           workers. The director serving as
Chinese language, culture and                                                         Institutes will now be placing greater
                                           the representative for China is
society, which it does through                                                        emphasis on language teaching
                                           undoubtedly under pressure from
various educational programmes             the Chinese government to promote          than on cultural promotion, and
(e.g., in elementary and high              China’s image. The same pressure is        the Reykjavík-based institute is
schools), cultural celebrations (e.g.,     not put on Icelandic staff members         accordingly following this policy.85
the Spring Festival; it also used to       and this pressure does not affect          Since about 2017, keeping pace
host free screenings of Chinese            the running of the Institute.81 There      with more negative media coverage
films), offering study-grants for          are examples of outright criticism         about China, interest among
Icelandic students studying in China,      of China being voiced at seminars          Icelanders towards the Reykjavík-
etc.78 However, China does attempt         organized by the institute. A case         based institute has declined.86 While
to promote the CCP’s image and             in point was a lecture given by an         the Confucius Institute has been
policies in Iceland through the            outspoken professor of political           lowering its profile, the Chinese
Confucius Institute. A case in point       science, and a well-known critic           Embassy has become increasingly
was an exhibition at the University        of communism, in 2012. During              active in the capital, particularly
of Iceland (a number of impressive         the presentation, the professor            due to the work of the Chinese
posters) to celebrate Chinese history      compared Chairman Mao to Adolf             ambassador, who frequently writes
and culture on the occasion of the         Hitler and described Mao as a              long articles about China’s policies in
70th anniversary of the foundation         ‘vicious serial killer’.82 The Confucius   Icelandic newspapers.87
14                                      LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER   SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

Political Shelter: Perceptible Diplomatic Support

Rubbing Shoulders
Political relations between Iceland
and China were limited until the
mid-1990s. In 1995, Iceland opened
an embassy in Beijing and China
resumed the practice of sending
resident ambassadors to Reykjavík,
having opened its embassy in
Iceland in the early 1970s. From the
mid-1990s, and increasingly after
the turn of the century, Icelandic
ministers frequently visited China
– as did the president of Iceland in
1995 and 2005. Visits by Chinese
dignitaries to Reykjavík also became
more common; these included one
by Jiang Zemin, the President of
China, in 2002.88

When the Icelandic government
put forward its candidacy for
membership of the United Nations                                                   Above left: ©Rannís / Above right: ©Kristinn Ingvarsson
                                                                                                               Below: ©Árni Sigurjónsson
Security Council (UNSC) for the
years 2009-2010, President Hu
Jintao declared China’s support for     president met Chinese Premier          FTA, as other European states had
it. This was highly unusual, as the     Wen Jiabao and invited him to          similar aims and Iceland wanted to
great powers do not generally voice     visit Iceland, which the premier       be the first.94 However, Iceland’s
their support for states running for    accepted.92 In 2011, the countries     prime minister was uneasy about
the UNSC.89 However, Iceland’s bid      agreed to expand cooperation in        the timing of the visit,95 which came
for election was unsuccessful. In the   various areas on the occasion of the   during a time when the intention
aftermath of the economic collapse      40th anniversary of the adoption of    of a Chinese investor, Huang Nubo,
in 2008, Iceland was desperate          diplomatic relations between the       to purchase land in Iceland was
for an economic and political           states. 93                             causing much negative media
shelter provider and applied for
membership of the EU in July 2009.      There was, however, a divide within    coverage in the country, as will
This temporarily halted the FTA         the Icelandic government at the        be discussed below. The Chinese
negotiations with China which           time regarding the premier’s visit.    embassy in Iceland explained that
began in 2007, as discussed below       The Icelandic foreign minister was     Premier Wen Jiabao was due to visit
(Iceland was to seek resumption of      keen to sign several cooperation       Iceland in July, but that date did not
the FTA negotiations repeatedly).90     agreements during Wen Jiabao’s         suit the Icelandic prime minister’s
For instance, in 2010, Iceland          visit, including an FTA. There was     schedule.96 The prime minister later
reiterated its support of the ‘One      a sense of urgency in the foreign      stated in an interview that the visit,
China Policy’91 and the Icelandic       ministry about concluding the          which was allegedly supposed to
15                                      LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER     SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

take place in July 2011, had never      Arctic Collaboration                     claim that the Northern Sea Route
actually been accepted by China.97                                               will open earlier.116 However,
                                        Building on their bilateral relations,
                                                                                 the report also states that China
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao              Iceland supported China in gaining
                                                                                 has already made a considerable
finally arrived on an official visit    permanent observer status on
                                                                                 investment in the Northern Sea
to Iceland in 2012.98 Prior to the      the Arctic Council,105 which China       Route, including several agreements
visit, China had repeatedly asked       started pressing for in 2007. 106        with Russia, and that a shipping
Iceland what the goal of the visit      During the consultation period,          hub in Norway, serving the
would be.99 The foreign minister        Norway had considered contesting         Northern Sea Route, would present
wanted to sign an FTA during the        China’s admission107 but Iceland,        strong competition to the one in
visit, but this was not to be done      Denmark108 and other states              Finnafjörður.117 Another recent
                                        advocated for China. Iceland took        study by the Institute of Economic
until the following year.100 Instead,
                                        its support to a new level when the      Studies at the University of Iceland
the two signed an MoU covering
                                        Icelandic foreign minister launched      concluded that, at present, a
cooperation in a wide range of
                                        a dialogue with China and Norway         shipping hub in Finnafjörður in
fields such as geothermal energy,
                                        to heal relations between the two        Iceland, serving the Northern Sea
geoscience, silicon production
                                        and ease the way for China to            Route, would not be an economical
and enhanced cooperation in the
                                        be granted permanent observer            option, but might become valuable
Arctic.101 Also, Iceland and China
                                        status.109 Although China did not        when the Transpolar Sea Route
signed a cooperation agreement
                                        directly ask Iceland for support,        opens following melting of
on geothermal energy projects
                                        Iceland considered this move to          the Arctic ice-cap. The institute
in developing countries,102 and         be in its interest in the middle of      anticipates that the Transpolar Sea
Promote Iceland (a public-private       its FTA negotiations with China.110      Route will not be available until
partnership to promote Iceland          In 2013, China gained permanent          2050 or only slightly earlier and
abroad, mainly commercially)            observer status in the Arctic Council.   that until then, a shipping hub in
signed an MoU with China                111
                                            Relations between Iceland and        Svalbard, Norway or Russia would
Development Bank to define sectors      China within the Arctic Council          be a better option.118 Nevertheless,
that would offer mutually beneficial    are minimal;112 on the other hand,       the foreign minister’s report claims
investment opportunities in Iceland     ‘China’s limited presence in Iceland     that given the disagreements
and China for Icelandic and Chinese     may have long-term strategic             between Russia and China in the
companies.103 In 2018, Iceland and      effects that should not be ignored’,     Arctic, it is not unlikely that China
China signed an MoU on electronic       as will be discussed below.113           would be interested in investing
commerce cooperation and an                                                      in multiple shipping hubs.119 If so,
                                        Iceland is identified in a recent        Iceland might be a viable option.
MoU to establish a geothermal
                                        report on Iceland-Greenland
working group. The first meeting
                                        cooperation by the Icelandic
of the working group of electronic
                                        ministry for foreign affairs as a
commerce was held in October 2018                                                Political Shelter Following
                                        valuable location for China to use
in Iceland.104                                                                   an Economic Collapse
                                        as a shipping hub in the Arctic.114
Iceland and China had established       The report claims that recent            In the lead-up to the international
the foundation needed for any           studies on Arctic shipping routes        financial crisis in the autumn of
further cooperation between the         reveal that the one closest to           2008, the Icelandic government
states to blossom. Sino-Icelandic       Iceland, the Transpolar Sea Route,       was not able to secure sufficient
relations now had every potential       will be the first one to open; this      external assistance to prevent the
to expand.                              would support the idea of creating       collapse of the economy in early
                                        a shipping hub in Finnafjörður,          October, and the country’s long-
                                        northern Iceland.115 Other studies       term allies were not willing to
16                                      LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER     SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

help it in the immediate aftermath      and Southern European countries,         The Sino-Icelandic currency
of the collapse.120 Therefore,          including former British and Dutch       swap agreement was, however,
Iceland turned to the IMF for           colonies, supported the UK and the       very different from traditional
assistance. However, the UK and the     Netherlands. On the other hand,          arrangements of this type. The
Netherlands blocked a negotiated        in closed meetings with national         terms were that Iceland could buy
rescue package between Iceland          representatives, various countries,      goods and services from China
and the IMF due to the Icesave          such as China, Egypt, India, Poland      in Icelandic krónur; there was no
dispute.                                and others were sympathetic              direct swap of Icelandic krónur
                                        towards Iceland and considered the       and Chinese yuan. Though it was
In a desperate move, Iceland
                                        treatment it stood to receive from       very generous, the agreement
turned to China in an attempt to
                                        Europe to be unethical. The US           was not much of help when it
obtain shelter. The President of
                                        remained neutral.125 China had been      came to making payments in
Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson,
                                        prepared to contribute to the IMF        western currencies.129 Therefore,
wrote to the President of China,
                                        bailout package and preliminary          the agreement may not have been
Hu Jintao, to explore the possibility
                                        talks took place between Iceland         of much financial importance and
of financial assistance from China,
                                        and China on the possibility of          has never been activated, but it
after consulting Prime Minister, Geir
                                        bilateral economic assistance,           boosted Iceland’s much-needed
H. Haarde. Consultations between
                                        but this did not materialize.126         credibility at the time and was a
the prime minister of Iceland and
                                        Nevertheless, the British-Dutch          statement of trust. The economic
the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao,
                                        blockage of the IMF rescue package       collapse had severely damaged
ensued.121 According to the Icelandic
president, both the president and       prevailed until the Icesave dispute      Iceland’s trustworthiness abroad
the premier of China instructed         had been resolved, but China had         and the Icelandic government saw
their officials to take Iceland’s       not said its last word in an effort to   the signing of the currency swap
side before the IMF.122 Iceland’s       assist Iceland and the Sino-Icelandic    agreement as an important step in
relationship with China was on          relations began to flourish.             gaining confidence.130 Accordingly,
everyone’s lips in Brussels and the                                              the currency swap agreement
                                        Iceland’s request for shelter
first question Icelandic officials                                               can be seen as more of a political
                                        also resulted in a currency swap
received at meetings was ‘what is it                                             move (political shelter) offered by
                                        agreement between the Central
that Iceland is doing with China?’123                                            China to support Iceland during
                                        Bank of Iceland and the People’s
As stated by a high-ranking official                                             a crisis rather than an economic
                                        Bank of China, which was signed in
in the Icelandic government at the                                               manoeuvre, or economic shelter.
                                        2010. This was the first time China
time: ‘since the era of Chairman
                                        signed a currency swap agreement         This development was not popular
Mao, China’s policy has always
                                        with a Western nation. The               with Iceland’s allies. Officials from
been not to discriminate between
                                        agreement has since been renewed         the US very clearly expressed their
large and small states. This policy
                                        three times: in 2013, 2016 and again     dissatisfaction with it and alleged
was made quite apparent to the
                                        in 2020, and is due to expire in         that China was attempting to gain
government of Iceland’.124
                                        2025.127 Originally, in 2008, Iceland    political influence.131 According to
According to high-ranking Icelandic     had requested a currency swap            a high-ranking Icelandic official,
government officials, opinions          agreement with the US, but the           ‘perhaps the only influence the
were divided within the IMF as to       request was rejected, even though        currency swap agreement had
whether or not to make the IMF          the US approved requests from            was to agitate the US, NATO and
rescue package contingent on a          other states, including the Nordic       Western Europe’ when Iceland
solution to the Icesave dispute. On     states, the UK, Japan and Germany;       found itself cornered and in need
the one hand, the vast majority of      this caused resentment amongst           of assistance that it did not receive
Western European, African, Asian        Icelandic officials.128                  from its long-standing allies.132
17                                     LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER              SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

Economic Shelter: Off to a Good Start?

The Free Trade Agreement:
A Triumph or a Let-down?
Iceland became the first European
country and NATO member to sign
an FTA with China. Discussions
on an FTA between Iceland and
China date back to an official
visit by the president of Iceland
to China, accompanied by a large
business delegation, in 2005,133
when the countries signed an
MoU to strengthen economic
trade and cooperation. Iceland
thereby recognized China as a
market economy and initiated
exploration of the feasibility of an
FTA between Iceland and China.134
                                                                                              Above left: ©Rannís / Above right: ©Ármann Gunnarsson
The negotiations officially started                                     Below left: ©Shutterstock / Below right: ©Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland

in 2007.135 The signing of the FTA
in 2013 were aimed mainly at
strengthening bilateral relations      rights, competition and investment.              China had grown by 358% since
between the countries and China’s      It also stipulates that the two states           the FTA came into force in 2014.139
support to Iceland after the           should enhance their cooperation                 This was by far the highest increase
economic collapse.                     in several areas, including research,            in Icelandic exports to any state
                                       labour and the environment.                      outside the EEA. For comparison,
Domestically, the FTA was              The agreement introduced tariff-                 the growth in exports of goods
considered to have great economic      free access for Icelandic seafood                to India was 155% and to North
benefits for Iceland. China found      exports to China, which was of high              America 93% during the same
it of benefit in different ways.       importance for the Icelandic fishing             period.140 The vast majority of
Iceland was a small nation with a      industry. Iceland also lowered tariffs           Iceland’s exports to China (80-
small market, a convenient state for   on Chinese goods (agricultural                   90%) have consisted of marine
a practice-run of drafting a free-     goods excluded), which benefits                  products.141 Nevertheless, in 2018,
trade agreement with a European        Icelandic consumers.137 The Icelandic            Icelandic goods exports to China
country. In that way, China could      foreign minister at the time later               amounted to only 2.6% of the
begin on a small scale and create a    described the document as the most               total.142 Chinese imports to Iceland
reference model before attempting      important agreement since Iceland                had risen and the trade deficit had
grander and more complicated           acceded to the EEA.138                           grown by 39% since 2014.143 In
deals with larger states.136                                                            2014, imports from China amounted
                                       Trade in goods and services with                 to just over 7.4% of the total; in
The FTA came into force in 2014,       China has gradually increased,                   2020 the proportion was 8.4%.144
covering trade in goods and            as the Icelandic authorities had
services, rules of origin, trade       anticipated prior to signing the                 Several challenges remain when
facilitation, intellectual property    FTA. By 2018, exports of goods to                it comes to trade in goods with
18                                     LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER     SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

China; the fact that the Chinese       producer qualifies for meat              Sweden, to invest in Iceland.159
market is much greater in size         exports to China; its first export       The reasons for limited investment
than the Icelandic one means that      consignment was sent in 2020,            from China in Iceland are twofold:
Icelandic companies are often          two years after the signing of the       Firstly, the Icelandic market is very
unable to satisfy the minimum          protocol.153                             small and labour costs and cost of
order volumes set by larger Chinese                                             production are high. Accordingly,
companies to export products                                                    Chinese investors believe that
to Iceland,145 and the Icelandic                                                investing capital in the market
                                       Mutual Foreign Investments:
Food and Veterinary Authority’s                                                 is not worth it. Secondly, Iceland
                                       Missed Opportunities?
standards have on occasions failed                                              has strict restrictions on foreign
to satisfy those of the Chinese        Economic relations between Iceland       investment by parties outside the
government for agricultural product    and China are limited when it            EEA in, e.g., real estate or land
imports.146 Since the signing of the   comes to foreign direct investment,      purchases that keep the investment
FTA, Iceland Post has had to pay       which was not negotiated as part         flow to the country limited.160
subsidies on packages arriving from    of the FTA. The total volume of
developing countries, and as China     Icelandic investment in China            In 2012, the Chinese investor
classifies as such, parcels arriving   amounted to USD 43 million and           Huang Nubo made an offer to
from that country are subject          Chinese investments in Iceland           buy a tract of land in northeast
to an additional charge.147 The        came to USD 28 million by the            Iceland, called Grímsstaðir á
Icelandic Consumer’s Association       end of 2019.154 Therefore, Iceland       Fjöllum, measuring 306.39 square
expressed disappointment               is a larger contributor than China       kilometres, which is about 0.3% of
towards local businesses that the      when it comes to foreign direct          Iceland’s landmass.161 The property
expected decrease in prices due        investments between the countries.       is not far from Finnafjörður, a
to the abolition of VAT under the      According to the Icelandic Central       location that is currently being
agreement, which should have been      Bank, no Chinese citizen owns a          considered as a potential shipping
7.8%, did not find its way to the      direct investment155 in Iceland,         hub for the Arctic and a security
consumer: instead, the reduction       though reference was made to             area by the government (see
was only 4%, implying that business    Elkem, which is owned by China           discussion below). At Grímsstaðir,
owners were pocketing the              National Blue Star and operates a        Huang Nubo intended to build a
difference.148                         smelting company at Grundartangi         state-of-the-art hotel.162 He said
                                       in Iceland.156 However, Egill Níelsson   this was a strategic investment
Iceland and China have continued       and Guðbjörg Ríkey Hauksdóttir           and that the value of the property
to build upon the FTA and have         claim that there is one currently        would increase significantly in the
signed several protocols to it. One    active Chinese direct investment         near future due to the melting
on health certification of Icelandic   in Iceland, in Carbon Recycling          of the Arctic and the opening of
lamb was signed in Beijing in          International, an Icelandic limited      new shipping routes.163 This led to
2018,149 and three were signed         liability company that specializes in    much discussion in Iceland about
in 2019 on health standards for        sustainable methanol production          the investor’s possible motivations,
aquacultural products, fish oil,       from carbon dioxide.157 The Chinese      and intensive debate developed
fishmeal, wool and sheepskin.150       embassy in Iceland regards this          in the Icelandic media about the
China is a large importer of           investment, of USD 14.5 million,         opportunities and constraints
lamb,151 so the protocol on health     as a ‘breakthrough in China’s            involved in selling such a large
certification was a breakthrough       direct investment in Iceland’.158        part of the country to a Chinese
for Icelandic farmers in view of       Additionally, there have been some       investor. In the end, the Icelandic
the health restrictions that China     instances where Chinese investors        ministry of the interior rejected
placed on all imported meat in         operate through subsidiaries based       the bid on the basis that it did not
2013.152 However, only one Icelandic   in other EEA countries, such as          comply with Icelandic law on land
19                                      LILLIPUTIAN ENCOUNTERS WITH GULLIVER     SINO-ICELANDIC RELATIONS FROM 1995–2021

ownership by foreign nationals.164      Icelandic state.167 This was the first   interest in the initiative since
According to a high-ranking official    time an Icelandic private company        President Xi Jinping announced it
in the Icelandic government at          held power equivalent to that            five years earlier.174 For instance,
the time, the Chinese embassy           of the Icelandic government in a         Iceland’s status as a founding
approached the Icelandic ministry       foreign country.168 Also, a former       member of the Asian Infrastructure
for foreign affairs twice to inform     Icelandic minister for foreign affairs   Investment Bank (AIIB), seen by
Icelandic authorities that Huang        is currently serving as the president    some as the supporting institution
was not a representative of the         of Yutong Eurobus Scandinavia,169        of the BRI, has been regarded
People’s Republic of China and that     a Chinese bus manufacturing              as a demonstration of Iceland’s
whatever decision the Icelandic         company which specializes in             positive attitude towards the BRI.175
authorities took regarding his          electric buses. Even though these        The AIIB was founded in 2015 to
case would not affect the bilateral     officials have ceased official duties    promote sustainable investments
relationship between Iceland            with the Icelandic government, they      in Asia, improve infrastructure and
and China.165 This indicates the        make use of the prestige gained          productivity and secure access to
importance China placed on              from their time in office to actively    core infrastructure in Asia.176 Iceland
bilateral relations between the         promote Sino-Icelandic relations         is one of the AIIB’s 57 founding
states. To date, there has been no      and pave the way for mutual              members, along with the other
concrete confirmation that Huang’s      investments. For example, the            Nordic countries. Each member
investment pursuits were related to     Icelandic bus company Strætó bs.
                                                                                 state appoints one governor to the
the BRI.                                has purchased 14 electric buses from
                                                                                 AIIB’s board of governors; currently,
                                        Yutong Eurobus Scandinavia.170
Finally, former Icelandic politicians                                            Iceland’s appointee is the minister
are affiliated with boards or                                                    of finance and leader of the centre-
companies that have relations with                                               right Independence Party.177
China. Ex-president Ólafur Ragnar       The Belt and Road Initiative:
                                                                                     Nevertheless, Iceland has not
Grímsson has served on the Advisory     An Icelandic or an American
                                        Holdback?                                taken up China’s offer to join the
Board of Arctic Green Energy,
                                                                                 BRI. According to high-ranking
which mainly operates in China          High-ranking Icelandic and Chinese       Icelandic and Chinese government
through Sinopec Green Energy.           officials have been discussing           officials, Iceland’s reasons for not
Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson maintains        common business opportunities            yet joining the BRI are fourfold:
that he does not receive payments       in the Arctic since before the
for his contributions as a board                                                 it currently has no concrete
                                        economic crisis, such as developing      infrastructure projects for which it
member, but his part in promoting       a shipping hub on the Northern
the company during his time as                                                   would need; no Nordic country has
                                        Sea Route (NSR).171 This route now
president must be noted. In 2012,                                                yet officially joined the BRI, which
                                        falls under the area covered by
Arctic Green Energy financially                                                  might influence Iceland’s decision;
                                        the controversial Belt and Road
supported his presidential                                                       Iceland and China already have a
                                        Initiative (BRI), a Chinese project
campaign.166 A former Icelandic                                                  good relationship and agreements
                                        focused on globally improving
minister of education, science and                                               when it comes to free trade, and
                                        trade with China and stimulating
culture worked for Orka Energy                                                   Iceland therefore needs to evaluate
                                        economic growth, mainly
(now Arctic Green Energy), whilst he                                             what added benefits the BRI would
                                        through massive infrastructure
was on leave from the Althingi. In                                               provide before making a decision,
2015, the minister designated Orka                                               and finally, Iceland is under pressure
Energy (together with the NEA)          In 2018, China formally invited          from the US not to participate in
as the executive body on matters        Iceland to join the BRI.173 This         the BRI.178 Formally, the Icelandic
relating to geothermal research         happened after the Icelandic             government has not yet made a
and development on behalf of the        government had taken a gradual           decision regarding the invitation.
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