Lifelong Learning JUNE - AUGUST 2019 - CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES - Brookdale Community College

Page created by Wanda Gregory
Lifelong Learning JUNE - AUGUST 2019 - CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES - Brookdale Community College

Lifelong Learning
Lifelong Learning JUNE - AUGUST 2019 - CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES - Brookdale Community College
                       Community Matters.......................................................................................................... 2
                       The Arts..................................................................................................................................... 3
                       Photography.......................................................................................................................... 3
                       Creativity & Culture............................................................................................................ 7
                              • religion & politics • aging • globalization • Broadway
                       Financial................................................................................................................................... 9
                       Summer Scholars..............................................................................................................10
                       Holistic Health....................................................................................................................13
                       Irish Heritage.......................................................................................................................14
                       Personal Development.................................................................................................16
                       Special Interest...................................................................................................................18
                       Car Lovers..............................................................................................................................21
At Rockaway Beach
by American            Student Success................................................................................................................21
impressionist Edward          • SAT prep • developmental disabilities
Henry Potthast.
                       Around Town.......................................................................................................................22
                       Pack Your Bags!...................................................................................................................29
                       Summer Career Moves..................................................................................................30
                       Small Business Development Center...................................................................32

                       WHERE’S MY CLASSROOM? 4 WAYS TO FIND IT!
                       • Website:
                          Scroll down and Click tab on screen lower right
                          “Room Locations, Directions, Maps”
                       • Call our prerecorded message: 732-224-2100
                       • Call our office (Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm) at 732-224-2315
                       • Read the posting on our front door – inside lobby,
                          ATeC building
Lifelong Learning JUNE - AUGUST 2019 - CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES - Brookdale Community College

Dear Brookdale Friends and Neighbors –
Summer is the perfect season to blend leisure and learning. But remember: leisure is
fleeting, learning is forever!
As spring scholar Carol Hinkis wrote “These programs make me feel renewed
and motivated to do more research and learn more. What better way to keep the
mind young?”
We invite you to explore hot topics in a cool campus setting. Or join our journeys
to iconic cultural and historic destinations.
New not-to-be-missed programs include:
         • Arts & Culture Three Day Tour: Hartford, CT and Stockbridge MA, p.29
         • Blue On Blue: An Insider’s Story Of Good Cops Catching Bad Cops, p.7
         • You Ought To Be In Pictures, p.18
         • Pet Therapy Training And Certification, p.20
         • Podcasting, p.19
         • Globalization Today: Are We Building Or Breaking Barriers?, p.7
         • The best week of summer! Summer Scholars, p.10
Make this a smart summer at Brookdale.

           Linda C. Martin
           Director, Lifelong Learning
           Continuing and Professional Studies

  Watch Your Email! Registration receipts are emailed within 3 days following
  enrollment. Please continue to check your email. Class and bus trip updates
  are delivered via email including notices of wait lists, class cancellations,
  date changes, classroom updates and more.

    Think Summer!
     2019 Summer Camps
        At Brookdale
      Call 732-224-2005
Lifelong Learning JUNE - AUGUST 2019 - CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES - Brookdale Community College
2        Community Matters

                             COMMUNITY MATTERS

                                                            It’s that time of year!
                                                       Time for Summer Shakespeare!

                                                     Brookdale Performing Arts Center
                                                          is pleased to announce

                                                      The Merry Wives
                                                        Of Windsor
      Join us for our 17th season of Summer Shakespeare on the Great Lawn.

            Shows dates are: July 11, 12, 13, 14, 18,19, 20, 21 at 7 pm

                                Tickets are free! Park in lots 1 or 2.
                        Bring your own chair or blanket (and bug spray).
                    For more information, call the Box Office at 732-224-2411

    Friends of Lifelong Learning is a committed group of volunteers who wish to
    support, promote, enhance and preserve Lifelong Learning at Brookdale. In spring,
    we distributed catalogs to various Monmouth County libraries, adult communities,
    and medical offices. We are currently accepting and compiling suggestions for future
    catalogs and discussing ways to advance and grow the LL programs.
    We welcome suggestions and comments from the Brookdale community. You can
    contact us at Spread the word to your friends!

        • Website: Scroll down and Click
          tab on screen lower right “Room Locations, Directions, Maps”
        • Call our prerecorded message: 732-224-2100
        • Call our office (Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm) at 732-224-2315
        • Read the posting on our front door – inside lobby, ATeC building

                                 Watch Your Email
                             for Notices and Updates
Lifelong Learning JUNE - AUGUST 2019 - CONTINUING AND PROFESSIONAL STUDIES - Brookdale Community College
The Arts • Photography                      3

                                          THE ARTS
Art History Series                                  Introduction To
Gina Torello, professional artist,                  Jewelry Making
adjunct instructor                                  Niels Pustrom, instructor
Take a tour through the ages in the world           Design and create a mixed metal piece
of art history. Journey from ancient                in our professional jewelry studio. Learn
Mediterranean civilizations to the centers          techniques and safety procedures on
of Christianity and the Renaissance. Finally,       specialized equipment. Leave with your
explore the Age of Kings, when monarchs             own unique creation. All materials
governed as virtual dictators, and their            included. 4 SESSIONS
influence dominated social, cultural and            Mon & Wed, Jul 15-24, 10 am-noon
artistic affairs of the time as well as political   Fee & Code: $159, XARTC 156
matters. Lectures will include viewing,
discussing, and examining art works. Enjoy                             Mosaics: A
a hands-on activity at the conclusion of                               Beginner’s
every workshop. 4 SESSIONS
Tues, Jun 11-Jul 2, 6-8:30 pm
Fee and Code: $85, XARTF 164                                           Harvey Altman, award
                                                                       winning artist, instructor

Drawing With Colored Pencils                        Learn design, cutting, tile layout, types of
                                                    surfaces, adhesion, and grouting. All the
Arlene Smelson, instructor
                                                    techniques needed to complete a 9”x12”
Create impressive drawings using colored
                                                    mosaic project to take home. Course
pencils. Learn how to blend and develop
                                                    materials provided. Materials fee $40
pattern effects along with a variety of
                                                    payable to the instructor. 4 SESSIONS
techniques using minimal supplies. Gain
                                                    Sat, Jul 13-Aug 3, 10 am-noon
helpful tips while experimenting with color         Fee and Code: $99, XARTF 115
and shape. Review drawing concepts in
easy-to-understand steps through hands-on
practice and teacher demonstration. Supply                    PHOTOGRAPHY
list will be emailed one week before class.
5 SESSIONS                                          Basics Of Digital SLR
Tues, Jul 9-Aug 6, 10 am-12:30 pm                   Photography
Fee and Code: $169, XARTF 199                       Kevin Burkitt, Brookdale media technology
                                                    specialist; photographer
Sketch Journaling                                   Unlock your camera’s potential to create
Dave Dziemian, professional artist, Brookdale       great photos by manipulating ISO,
adjunct instructor                                  shutter speed and aperture. Enhance your
Try a new approach to journaling. Learn             landscape and portrait images. Whether
to sketch freehand and quickly render               you are new to photography or just need
line, form, and values. Develop your art            to brush up your skills, you will gain a
with pencil, pen, markers, or watercolors.          better understanding of your camera and
Add interest and vibrant detail to your             all you can do with it. Digital SLR camera
travel sketching and journal drawing.               required; no point-and-shoot or fixed-lens
Use materials of your choice; suggested             cameras. Questions about your camera?
materials list will be emailed to students          Email for more
one week prior. All levels welcome!                 information. 2 SESSIONS
5 SESSIONS                                          Tues & Thurs, Jun 25 & 27, 6-8 pm
Fri, Jul 12-Aug 9, 10 am-12:30 pm                   Fee and Code: $69, XARTP 069
Fee and Code; $149, XARTF 208
4        Photography

Sunrise Photography: A Beginner’s Guide
Kevin Burkitt, Brookdale media technology specialist; photographer
Calling all early risers! Join landscape photographer Kevin Burkitt to photograph the
sunrise over the fishing pier in Belmar. First class meets on the Lincroft campus for a lesson
in using your camera’s manual mode. Second class meets at the pier to capture the magic of
nature in action. Note: This class is for Canon and Nikon DSLR cameras or Fuji, Olympus,
or Sony Mirrorless DSLR cameras. Please no point and shoot or fixed lens cameras. If you
have questions about your camera email for more information.
Rain date is July 27th. Please note: no refund will be given if rain date is used. 2 SESSIONS
Thurs July 11, 6-8 pm (Lincroft) AND Sat, July 13, time based on sunrise
Fee and Code: $69, XARTP 104

Camera Theory
Kevin Burkitt, Brookdale media technology specialist; photographer
Prerequisite: Introduction to DSLR or working knowledge of your camera. Explore how
ISO, Aperture, and Shutter speed work in unison to create incredible images. Please bring
your Nikon or Canon DSLR camera to class and be ready to switch off automatic or
guided modes in order to learn how to make manual adjustments which will take your
photography to the next level. Students must have access to their own DSLR and have
a basic working knowledge of their camera. Software and hardware not required. Just an
open mind and a willingness to learn how ISO, Aperture, and Shutter work together in
various situations.
Tues & Thurs, Jul 16 & 18, 6-8 pm
Fee and Code: $69, XARTP 091

Sunset Photography: A Beginner’s Guide
Kevin Burkitt, Brookdale media technology specialist; photographer
End your day on a beautiful note! Join landscape photographer Kevin Burkitt to learn the
secrets of shooting stunning sunset photos. First class meets on the Lincroft campus for a
lesson in using your camera’s manual mode. Second class meets at a waterfront location
where you will use your skills to create striking sunset photos. Note: This class is for Canon
and Nikon DSLR cameras or Fuji, Olympus, or Sony Mirrorless DSLR cameras. Please no
point and shoot or fixed lens cameras. If you have questions about your camera email for more information. Rain date is July 28th. Please note: no
refund will be given if rain date is used. 2 SESSIONS
Fri, Jul 26, 6-8 pm (Lincroft) AND Sat, Jul 27, 7-9 pm (Location TBD)
Fee and Code: $69, XARTP 105
Photography • Creativity & Culture                     5
Photography Master Class                          CREATIVITY & CULTURE
Kevin Burkitt, Brookdale media technology
specialist; photographer
                                              Hot Topics
Learn the basics of operating your camera,
the theory behind great picture taking, and
                                              In Baseball
how to manage your images using Adobe         Howard Miller,
                                              Brookdale professor
Lightroom CC. Each session will build upon
concepts learned in the previous session,     Howard Miller’s
                                              baseball blog, the
leaving time for experimentation with the
                                              Hall of Miller and Eric,
camera including composing images, using
                                              boasts over 70,000 visitors.
the photographic triangle, and managing
                                              Our National Pastime has endured and
and editing your photos using software.
                                              thrived since the first recorded game
Designed for beginners who want to
                                              in Hoboken in 1846. In the last 170+
learn more about their DSLR camera and
                                              years, the game has seen many changes
how to manage their photos. Questions
                                              like overhand pitching, integration, and
about your camera? Email kburkitt@
                                              free agency. As baseball evolves, our for more info. Limited
                                              understanding of it should as well. In this
                                              course, we will examine changes in the
                                              modern game, including today’s statistical
                                              revolution, the changing use of the pitcher,
                                              and the evolving baseball labor market, as
(XARTP 102)
Sat, Aug 10-24, 10 am-2 pm                    well as other topics of interest. 3 SESSIONS
Fee and Code: $179, XARTP 097                 Mon, Jun 17-Jul 1, 12:30-2 pm
                                              Fee and Code: $59, XHUMN 312

                                                Religion And Politics In
                                                America And The Middle
                                                East: Friends, Enemies,
                                                Christopher Bellitto, PhD, professor
                                                of history, Kean University
                                                Rabbi Brooks Susman, history,
                                                philosophy instructor and rabbi emeritus
Kevin Burkitt, Brookdale media technology       America began, in large part, as a safe
specialist; photographer                        haven for religion… but only if you
                                                were the right religion-and what does
Now that you’ve taken pictures you
                                                that mean? In the Mideast today, three
probably want a way to store, catalog,
                                                faiths argue over one piece of land-and
and edit them. To do so you need a robust
                                                that is certainly nothing new. Join us
application like Adobe Lightroom. Come
                                                as we break the bartender’s rule by
learn the basics of Lightroom Classic and
                                                discussing religion and politics: past,
how you can take your photography to the
                                                present, and maybe future, too. Full
next level using this powerful storage and
                                                breakfast included.
editing software.
                                                Thurs, Jun 20, 9:30 am-noon
Tues & Thurs, Aug 20 & 22, 6-8 pm
                                                Fee and Code: $59, XPHIL 066
Fee and Code: $69, XARTP 102

        Watch Your Email                                 Call To Register
    for Notices and Updates                              732-224-2315
6         Creativity & Culture
Harvard University’s “Justice”
Brooks Susman, history, philosophy instructor and rabbi emeritus
How do we make decisions? How do we know what we know? Discuss trends of thought
that influence us not only as individuals but as a community and nation. Together, we
will watch partial segments of Michael Sandel’s Harvard courses and then discuss the
content as well as implications in our present political scene. Examine the surprising
results and the many complexities of seemingly simple moral questions. Advance visit to: suggested. Advance viewing of The Lost Art of Democratic Debate
recommended. 4 SESSIONS
Wed, Jun 26-Jul 17, 10:30 am-12:30 pm
Fee and Code: $85, XPERS 231

    From The Big Bang To Buddhism:
    An Exploration Of The Search For Meaning
    Cheryl Bartholomew, PhD, professor emerita, George Mason University,
    Sarbmeet Kanwal, PhD, physicist
    Empirical science and Buddhist philosophy both seek answers to the great questions
    of human existence. How do the disciplines of physics, psychology, and Buddhism
    approach these questions and where do they intersect? What lessons can they teach
    us about how to live a meaningful life and how to find peace, joy, and contentment
    through our intimate relationship with the universe? Join Dr. Bartholomew and Dr.
    Kanwal for what is sure to be an enlightening journey. Program includes light lunch.
    Fri, June 28, 10:30-2 pm
    Fee & Code: $65, XPERS 295

Discussions On Aging
Karen Sieben, PhD, philosophy instructor
When it comes to living the senior years of our lives contentedly and well, psychological
studies show the prevailing factor in doing so is wisdom. Philosophers have studied
wisdom since the time of Socrates. So it makes sense that the study of wisdom, what it is
and how to acquire it, is a good place to explore ways and means of living a life wisely.
Many thinkers offer suggestions for the good life, doing so with humor and providing good
answers to seemingly difficult life problems. But some go deeper. What they provide is a
reason to live, and without that we miss the main ingredient in making the last part of
our lives, the best part. Our discussions will focus on getting the most out of life and the
discoveries of meaningful existence. Section 1 will examine the book Travels with Epicurus
by Daniel Klein. Section 2 will focus on Trying Not To Try by Edward Slingerland. Both
books were published in 2014 and readily available in paperback. Please bring a copy to
class. 3 SESSIONS
Sec 1: Tues, Jul 9-23, 10 am-noon, Freehold Branch Campus
Sec 2: Tues, Jul 30-Aug 13, 10 am-noon, Freehold Branch Campus
Fee and Code: $59, XPERS 282

        Watch Your Email                                   Call To Register
    for Notices and Updates                                732-224-2315
Creativity & Culture                  7

  Globalization Today:                                   A CELEBRATION & TRIBUTE
  Are We Building Or                                                  Blue On Blue:
  Breaking Barriers?                                                  An Insider’s
  Laura Neitzel, PhD., Academic Director,
  Committee on Global Thought, Columbia
                                                                      Story Of Good
  University                                                          Cops Catching
  In the heady years after the end of                                 Bad Cops – By
  the Cold War, with the creation of                                  Charles Campisi
  the EU and growth of international                                    A lively memoir. Mr.
  trade, many predicted we would soon                                   Campisi, a Brooklyn
  inhabit a “borderless world.” Now we         kid who had one of the longest careers in the
  live in an era of rapid travel, growing      NYPD’s history, has seen it all, and he tells his
  diversity, and unprecedented global          cop stories with verve, intriguing detail and a
  interconnectivity, yet in many parts         generous heart. – Wall Street Journal
  of the world, including the U.S. and         A natural storyteller, Mr. Campisi shares
  Europe, many are reasserting borders         his authentic and illuminating portrait
  and exclusionary ethnic and national         of police work. Blue on Blue describes the
  identities. Is “globalization” in retreat?   fascinating inner workings of the world’s
  What is the relationship between the         largest police force and Chief Charles
  internet, a borderless technology,           Campisi’s unprecedented two decades
  and the growth of national identities        putting bad cops behind bars. Ultimately,
  defined by borders? Join a discussion        his story inspires awe for the man who, for
  of these important questions and their       almost two decades, was entrusted with the
  impact on our lives today. Continental       job of making sure the words “New York’s
  breakfast included.                          Finest” never rung hollow.
  Fri, Jul 12, 9:30-11:30 am                   Charles Campisi was Chief of
  Fee and Code: $45, XHUMN 254                 the NYPD’s Internal Affairs
                                               Bureau from 1996 to 2014.
                                               In his years on the job he
Brain Fitness                                  developed model strategies
                                               for investigating corruption,
Experience                                     which have been adopted by
Take control of your                           law enforcement agencies across the US and
own brain health! Be                           abroad. A graduate of the FBI National Academy
part of the newest                             and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of
innovation in mental                           Government, he currently works as a Senior VP
fitness. David Eisen-                          at the private investigation firm Cyber Diligence.
stein, founder of                              He grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Q & A will
Purplearn, will present an easy to do          follow the talk.
program designed to work out your              Carl Christiansen was a former New York City
brain. New and returning students of all       police officer whose career in law enforcement
ages have enjoyed this combination of          began walking a beat in Chinatown and
fun and challenge – no special skills or       concluded as a ranking officer in the Department
smarts required. Improve your memory           of Internal Affairs. His daughter, a friend of
and sharpen your thinking. Come see for        Lifelong Learning has honored his memory by
                                               providing funds to develop and support this
yourself – your brain will thank you.
Mon, Jul 15-29, 10 am-noon                     Full breakfast included. (Blue on Blue book
Fee and Code: $65, XPERS 264                   will be available for purchase.)
                                               Thurs, Jul 18, 9:30-11:30 am
                                               Fee and Code: $35, XHUMN 326
8        Creativity & Culture
Great Decisions: American                       Forces Shaping The
Foreign Policy Association                      Jersey Shore
Gregory Caggiano, historian, instructor,        Shorelines are shaped by more than the
presidential scholar, blogger                   ocean! People, politics and perspectives
Great Decisions is America’s global affairs     have a great influence on the growth and
discussion program with instructor              development of the Jersey Shore. Join us
guidance provided by the Foreign Policy         for an inside exploration of the changing
Association. The program model involves         Jersey Shore, led by Brookdale’s Director
classroom meetings to watch the Great           of Governmental Affairs and Community
Decisions briefing DVDs and discussing the      Relations (and Former Mayor of Asbury
most critical global issues facing America      Park), Ed Johnson. Focusing on Asbury
today. These 3 sessions will include: – Cyber   Park, Long Branch and Red Bank, we begin
Conflicts and Geopolitics – Decoding US-        in the classroom on Monday. Tues-Thurs
China Trade – The Middle East: Regional         we will meet at various locations for on-
Disorder.                                       site lectures, meetings and tours featuring
Thurs, Jul 18-Aug 1, 6:15-8:15 pm               opportunities to talk with municipal
Fee and Code: $65, XHUMN 046                    leaders, community stakeholders and
                                                powerbrokers who represent the forces of
The Natural World –                             change taking place in our own backyard.
Short Stories                                   Residential redevelopment, gentrification,
Patricia Whitehead, librarian                   beach access, tourism and the influences
                                                of arts and culture are among the topics
The Natural World is glorious, mysterious
                                                explored. Take this rare opportunity to
and sometimes deadly. Its brooding
                                                delve beyond the politics and take a look
presence is an unnamed but powerful
                                                at the human forces reshaping the Jersey
character in each of these short stories. We
                                                Shore. 4 SESSIONS
will try to unravel the dramas and intrigues,
                                                Mon-Thurs, Jul 22-25, 9:30-11:30 am
the desires and mysteries, of people caught
                                                Fee and Code: $59, XHUMN 128
up in the beauty and horror of nature.
Stories are: The Shell Collector by Anthony
Doerr, Pleasure Boating in Lutaya Bay by Jim
                                                Early Jewish Philosophers
                                                Brooks Susman, history, philosophy instructor
Shepard and The Littoral Zone by Andrea
                                                and rabbi emeritus
Barrett. 3 SESSIONS
Fri, Jul 19-Aug 2, 10 am-noon                   “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a
Fee and Code: $65, XHUML 098                    hard battle”. – Philo of Alexandria
                                                Examine the philosophies, ideas and
                                                timeless teachings of early Jewish
                                                philosophers – thinkers whose influence
                                                can be traced to modern day. We’ll
                                                discuss Philo’s search for “the knowledge
                                                of all divine and human things” and
                                                Maimonides’ writing that can inspire
                                                modern thinking and offers current
                                                responses to present realities through his
                                                text ‘The guide for the Perplexed’. Perhaps,
                                                by our thoughtful examination, we will no
                                                longer be perplexed! 4 SESSIONS
                                                Wed, Jul 24-Aug 14, 10:30 am-12:30 pm
                                                Fee and Code: $85, XPHIL 063

           Call To Register
Creativity & Culture • Financial                   9


        “I always walk away                         Savvy Social Security Planning
                                                    Joseph Silvestri,CFP,ChFC,CLTC Creative
   from these classes touched and
                                                    Financial Strategies
   enriched. Being with professors
                                                    What Baby Boomers need to know to
    who love their work is joyful,                  maximize retirement income. Join us to
       inspiring and uplifting”                     learn the rules of social security benefits,
                ~Barbara Mannix                     the factors to consider when applying,
                                                    innovative strategies for coordinating
                                                    benefits with your spouse and how
                                                    to minimize taxes. The decisions you
Broadway! American Musical                          make today have far reaching impact on
Theater’s Golden Years                              tomorrow!
                                                    Wed, Jun 19, 6:30-8:30 pm
Cynthia Balme, professional soprano
                                                    Fee and Code: $39, XFING 089
The dream team of Richard Rodgers and
Oscar Hammerstein II changed the face
of American Musical Theater with such
                                                    Understanding Medicare
powerful, fully integrated shows that the           Enrollment And Option Care
critics judged all other musicals according         Alfred Norton, Licensed Health Insurance Agent
to the ‘RH’ factor. How did this perfect            Whether you are soon turning 65, or
pairing come together at the perfect time?          already a Medicare recipient, don’t miss
What is the ‘RH’ factor? Come explore the           this thorough review of Medicare program
history of the American musical coming              basics and the variety of ways to enroll
of age. We will look at each of these two           in Medicare. Our discussion will outline
legends both as individuals and as a team,          Original Medicare (parts A&B), Medicare
exploring all the avenues that led to some          Prescription Drug Plans (Part D), Medicare
of the best musicals of our times. Relive           Advantage Plans (Part C ) and, finally,
recorded iconic moments as well as hear             Medigap Coverage (Medicare Supplement)
their beautiful music sung live by Cynthia          and how it interfaces with Original
Balme with John Balme at the piano.                 Medicare. We will evaluate Medicare
3 SESSIONS                                          entitlement, approximate costs and
Thurs, Aug 1-15, 10-11:30 am                        eligibility. Information will also be provided
Fee and Code: $69, XHUMM 076                        on an educational basis regarding the major
                                                    insurance companies in NJ for Medicare
See also, literature, p.15                          Advantage, Medicare Part D Drug Plans and
                                                    Medicare Supplement Policies.
                                                    Thurs, Jun 20, 6-8 pm
                                                    Fee and Code: $39, XFING 070

                                   A Special Tribute
         So often we are looking for a meaningful way to honor someone’s special occasion,
      to give a gift in memory of someone, as a part of estate planning, or perhaps solely to be
                         a generous donor who appreciates a valuable program.
              The Lifelong Learning Program at Brookdale Community College can
       be the perfect solution; particularly for those who love learning and who appreciate the
                            opportunity to help fund a much loved program.
                Contact Linda Martin, Director of Lifelong Learning 732-224-2303
10       Summer Scholars

                          SUMMER SCHOLARS
                   Don’t miss this! The best week of summer.
                     Hot topics, cool campus experience.
 MORNING CLASSES (9:45- noon)                    AFTERNOON CLASSES (1-3 pm)

 Sec 1: Ancient Greece                           Sec 3: War Of The Roses
 Christopher Bellitto, PhD, history professor,   Lyndell OHara, PhD, history professor
 Kean University                                 Nyack College
 We often talk about ancient Greece              Between the years of 1455-1485, the
 and its influence without really being          longest civil war in English history
 able to place it in place, time, and            raged between the families of Lancaster
 context. This course proceeds with a            and York. Military battles ensued,
 chronological and cultural approach by          land and power was seized and kings
 taking a close look at ancient Greece’s         were murdered. Yet it was the absolute
 essential elements: the legacy of the           determination and nefarious plotting
 polis and democracy, its great battles          of the men and women of this era
 and personalities, its soaring artistic         which formed the basis for the popular
 and literary achievements, its treatment        HBO series Game of Thrones. We will
 of women and slaves, and its tragic             concentrate on the lives and schemes
 flaws. We will go from the walls of Troy        of Margaret of Anjou, the wife of the
 to the theatres of Athens, from the             mentally unstable Henry VI, Richard III
 Delphic oracle to the Spartans’ stand at        and his wife Anne Neville, the mystery
 Thermopylae, from Socrates’ trial and           of the Princess in the Tower, the strong-
 Alexander the Great’s long journeys to          willed Elizabeth Woodville, wife of
 the moment where Rome conquered                 Edward IV, and Margaret Beaufort who
 Greece-but Greece conquered Rome.               ultimately emerged as victor when her
                                                 son, Henry VII, was crowned king and
                                                 founded the Tudor dynasty.
 Sec 2: Supreme Court
 Justices                                        Sec 4: Artists And Their
 Bruce Brickman, Esq                             Cities: An Inspirational Tour
 Whether the issue is religion, guns,            Edoardo Mungiello, PhD, adjunct art
 crime, campaign finance, voting                 instructor
 or privacy, our political and social            An entertaining and educational look
 landscape has been fundamentally                into five cities and the artists that, by
 altered by key decisions of extraordinary       the power of their work, have made
 Supreme Court Justices. Join                    them must see destinations. From the
 popular Lifelong Learning instructor            Florence of Brunelleschi and Masaccio to
 Bruce Brickman as we explore the                the Paris of Rodin and Picasso, this light
 transformative impact Justices from John        hearted and fascinating journey spans
 Marshall to Antonin Scalia have had on          several time periods in art history and
 our society.                                    illuminates works that are considered to
                                                 be central to the understanding of the
                                                 cities that inspired them. Enjoy a tour
                                                 without buying tickets or worrying about
                                                 hotel vacancies as we explore artists and
                                                 their cities.

                            Mon-Fri, Aug 19-Aug 23, 9:45 am-3 pm
                         Fee includes morning coffee and light lunch.
                                Fee and Code: $225, XELDR 069
Wellness & Fitness             11

                                                 Becoming fit
                                                 is challenging
                                                 enough. It doesn’t
                                                 need to be
                                                 intimidating too.
                                                 The Brookdale Fitness Center at Lincroft
                                                 offers classes and fitness coaching in a
                                                 comfortable, trusted environment. Our
                                                 programs are open to all and cater to adults
                                                 ages 40+ with special classes designed to
                                                 help with balance and strength training.

                                                 Visit us or call 732-224-2140
                                                 for more information

                                                 Personal Training Available

                     Classes are open to all. You don’t have to be a member.

Pilates                                          Hula Hooping For Fun
Pilates is a series of non-impact exercises      And Fitness
designed to strengthen and lengthen the          Take a journey into mindful movement and
muscles. You will develop core strength          tone those core muscles at the same time.
as well as improve posture and body              This class will incorporate strength training
alignment.                                       moves that tone the whole body (with
Sec 1: Mon, Jul 8-Aug 26, 9-10 am                an emphasis on the core) and, of course,
Sec 2: Thurs, Jul 11-Aug 29, 6-7 pm
                                                 hula-hoop cardio as you have fun, get fit,
Sec 3: Tues, Jul 9-Aug 27, 5:30-6:30 pm
                                                 and learn new tricks. Dress comfortably.
Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 001
                                                 The only thing you need to bring is a water
                                                 bottle and a positive attitude!
Rise And Shine Yoga                              Fri, Jul 5-Aug 30, 9-10am, (no class Aug 23)
A great way to begin your day, this gentle       Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 039
class focuses on connecting yoga postures
with the flow of the breath, that lead to an     Lunchtime Express
overall sense of well being. You can choose
                                                 Return to the office feeling energized after
your days! 10 Sessions $99 or all 24 for $199
                                                 30 minutes of varied exercises designed to
Mon & Wed & Fri, Jul 8-Aug 30, 7:30-8:30 am
                                                 make the most of your time and still allow
Fee and Code: $199, XFITR 006
                                                 time to eat lunch. No shower needed!
                                                 Mon & Wed, Jul 8-Aug 28, 12:30-1 pm
                                                 Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 016
12          Fitness
Functional Fitness For
Older Adults
Many older adults have serious concerns
regarding balance and falling injuries. This
exercise program is designed to provide
greater stability, strength, and balance for
the older adult.
Sec 1: Tues & Thurs, Jul 9-Aug 29, 9:30-10:30 am
Sec 2: Tues & Thurs, Jul 9-Aug 29, 10:30-11:30 am   Strength & Balance For
Fee and Code: $159, XFITR 012                       Older Adults
                                                    Combines muscle strengthening exercises
A Barre Workout                                     with balance training. Each week
This is a total body, non-impact workout            participants will gradually progress to
that combines ballet moves with core                improve strength and balance to help
conditioning, Pilates and yoga. Following           prevent falls.
a warm up, you will be guided through               Sat, Jul 13-Aug 31, 9-10 am
an intense isometric leg workout that will          Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 020
incorporate upper body exercises and abs.
Tues, Jul 9-Aug 27, 4:30-5:30 pm                    Strengthen & Stretch
Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 003                        A combination of gentle stretching and
                                                    strengthening designed for the beginner or
Strength Training                                   older adult.
Combination of traditional body sculpting           Sat, Jul 13-Aug 31, 10:30-11:30 am
methods using free weights, resistance              Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 032
bands, balls and your own body weight.
Shapes and tones your muscles and                   Boot Camp
provides a total body workout.                      It’s nonstop action with this time-efficient
Sec 1: Mon, Jul 8-Aug 26, 5:30-6:30 pm              workout that combines a variety of
Sec 2: Thurs, Jul 11-Aug 29, 5-6 pm                 exercises to get your heart pumping and
Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 017                        muscles strengthened.
                                                    Wed, Jul 10-Aug 28, 5:30-6:30 pm
Tabata                                              Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 009
Burn maximum fat with Tabata, an interval
workout method. Twenty seconds of                   Line Dancing
intense activity are followed by ten seconds        Join this Beginner Line Dancing class filled
of rest. Challenge yourself with this exciting      with lots of fun and great music. Line
fitness technique.                                  dancing teaches you how to move your
Thurs, Jul 11-Aug 29, 7-8 pm                        body, while providing great exercise for
Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 018                        your physical and mental health. Class is
                                                    paced according to the students and you
Beginner Pilates                                    don’t need a partner or experience to join
Designed with the beginner or older                 the fun. Line dancing is rooted in country
individual in mind, this class focuses on           music, but we also dance to popular songs
low back and abdominal strengthening as             by Lady Gaga and Coldplay. You can work
well as injury prevention and relief.               up a sweat so layered clothing is suggested.
Wed, Jul 10-Aug 28, 9-10 am                         Wear shoes that do not stick to the floor.
Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 002                        Rubber sole shoes, like sneakers, do not
                                                    work. The shoe should fit securely; slip-ons
                                                    are not recommended.
            Call To Register                        Wed, Jul 10-Aug 28, 7-8 pm
            732-224-2315                            Fee and Code: $79, XFITR 038
Holistic Health            13

                                    HOLISTIC HEALTH

Clean Eating
Andreea Fegan, certified holistic
health educator
Interested in cleaning up your diet, but not
sure where to start? Need to re-energize
your commitment to healthy eating? Join
us as we discuss whole-foods based eating
that's also delicious, filling and nourishing.
We'll cover all the various facets of clean
eating (to include omnivore, plant-based,
and raw foods) so they are simple, easy to
                                                 Reiki – Level I
implement and budget-conscious. Learn            William Stevens, Reiki instructor
to shop smarter and organize your pantry/        The Japanese work "Reiki" means universal
kitchen for great success, and enjoy healthy     life force/energy. Reiki, a 3,000-year-old
eating for good. 3 SESSIONS                      method of healing touch, originated in
Tues, July 16-30, 6:30-8pm                       ancient Eastern cultures. It's a technique
Fee and Code: $69, XHEAF 176                     that uses touch to facilitate relaxation,
                                                 reduce stress, manage pain and promote
                                                 healing. Health sciences recognize that
                                                 spiritual and emotional imbalances affect
                                                 our physical health and wellbeing. Reiki
                                                 restores balance to body, mind and spirit,
                                                 maximizing the natural healing process.
                                                 When we remain out of balance, we
                                                 become susceptible to "dis-ease". Upon
                                                 completion participants will be fully trained
                                                 and will receive a certificate for the Usui
                                                 System of Reiki Healing. Wear comfortable
                                                 clothes and bring water.
Aromatherapy And Essential                       Wed & Thurs, Aug 7 & Aug 8, 6-9:30 pm
                                                 Fee and Code: $159, XHEAF 122
Oils For Beginners
Andreea Fegan, certified holistic
health educator
                                                 Reiki – Level II
                                                 William Stevens, Reiki instructor
Essential oils are trending these days.
                                                 Deepen your Reiki practice for yourself and
Wondering what it's all about? Explore the
                                                 others. Study the mantras and symbols
history of aromatherapy and learn about
                                                 that are the final component of the Usui
the fundamentals of essential oils. What
                                                 System of Reiki, bringing you to a richer
are the benefits and how can essential oils
                                                 connection with earth and sky energy.
support general health and wellbeing? We'll
                                                 Learn to help others at a distance and
discuss the importance of quality, general
                                                 deepen your meditation practice. Students
applications and safety measures, and how
                                                 receive a completion certificate. Wear
they may offer holistic solutions to every
                                                 comfortable clothes and bring water.
day needs (such as body butters, gels, salves,
                                                 Sat, Aug 10, 10 am-5:30 pm
make up remover, tension tamers, and even
                                                 Fee and Code: $159, XHEAF 260
cleaning products!) We'll explore – and even
create – one or two.
Thurs, Aug 1, 5:30-8:30 pm                               Watch Your Email
Fee and Code: $39, XHEAF 002                         for Notices and Updates
14          Holistic Health • Irish Heritage

                MEDITATION                              IRISH HERITAGE
                                              The Life of the Irish Rebel
                                              Countess Constance Markievicz
                                              Maureen Dunphy-Brady, M.A. NYU, Glucksman
                                              Ireland House, Irish historian
                                              When the affluent, socialite Constance
                                              Gore-Booth, an Irishwoman raised in
                                              County Sligo, met the Polish noble Count
                                              Casimir Markievicz at art school in Paris,
                                              their similar backgrounds and interests
              Nate Fegan, instructor          drew them together and they married in
                                              London. They settled in Dublin enjoying
   Warm your spirit with peace and
                                              a life of aristocratic pursuits – traveling,
   balance. Each session focuses on a
                                              painting, writing and socializing with the
   specific technique or method for           foremost writers, artists and intellectuals
   achieving inner calm and energy. Bring     of the day who were advocating a return
   a floormat or towel and an open mind.      to Irish culture and language. The
   Wear loose, comfortable clothing.          Countess, undeniably impacted by her
                                              new nationalist friends, traded in her
   How To Meditate And Develop                ball gown for the rebel uniform of the
   Mindfulness – Jul 22                       Irish Citizen Army, becoming one of the
   Master meditation without years            most provocative leaders of the 1916
   of practice. A beginner's guide to         Easter Rising. A firebrand with boundless
                                              courage, Countess Constance Markievicz
   developing creative control over
                                              dedicated her life to freeing Ireland from
   meditative and hypnotic mind-body
                                              British Rule, breaking through established
                                              gender barriers along the way. 2019 marks
                                              the centenary of Markievicz’s historic
   How To Relax And Be Happy – Jul 29         achievement of becoming the first female
   Learn simple secrets for how to relax,     Member of Parliament in Britain’s House
   clear common obstacles to find, and        of Commons. Hers is a story of fearless
   sustain, pleasure in life.                 determination and resilience in the face of
                                              overwhelming odds.
   Guided Meditation And Hypnosis For         Tues, Aug 6, 10-11:30 am
                                              Fee and Code: $24, XIRIG 137
   Deep Relaxation –Aug 5
                                              Wall Campus
   Be guided into the kind of deep-release
   hypnotic-relaxation that is like hitting   Irish Language
   the reset button to enjoy a fresh start.   Rath de Houst, Donncha Quinn, Mary Ellen
                                              Shevlin, Irish language instructors
   Clarity, Vision And Purpose – Aug 12       Designed for beginners to fluent speakers,
   Learn to create calm and focus,            students will be divided into groups, each
   embrace mindfulness and allow              with its own instructor, based on abilities
   yourself to grow forward to achieve        and needs. Groups will interact with one
   your greatest potential.                   another and participate in joint activities.
                                              This format will enhance the objective of
   Mon, Jul 22-Aug 12, 7-9 pm                 keeping Irish available as the living, spoken
   Fee and Code: $105, XHEAF 217              language at the very heart of Irish culture.
                                              Whether you’re looking to dive into the
                                              Tain Bo Culaigne or just pick up a few
See also:                                     phrases for travel, this program will work
Personal Trainer, p.31                        for you! 5 SESSIONS
Pilates Instructor Training, p.31             Thurs, Jul 25-Aug 22, 7-8:30 pm
                                              Fee and Code: $59, XIRIL 025
Irish Heritage • Literature/Writing                   15
                                                What Gulliver’s Travels
                                                Tells Us Today
                                                Dr. Carl Calendar, former
                                                Humanities Dean, Brookdale
                                                First published in 1726, anonymously
                                                to avoid prosecution, Jonathan Swift’s
                                                Gulliver’s Travels’s biting satire is as
                                                relevant to today’s world as it was when
                                                it was written. Swift’s Lilliputians and
                                                Brobdinggnagians satirize human vanity,
                                                wars of religion, and the idiocy of human
                                                prejudices. His scientific floating island
                                                Laputa makes fun of science, and his world
                                                of rational horses, Houyhnhnms, shows
                                                how little humans use their rationality.
                                                Dr. Calendar will speak on the main issues
                                                satirized by Swift: the foolishness of greed,
                                                the proliferation of weapons of destruction,
                                                the idiocy of tribal hatred that lead to war
                                                and how rational humans often behave
     LITERATURE/WRITING                         irrationally. There is a lot to ponder in
                                                Swift’s message, also a lot to laugh about.
Writing Children’s Fiction                      Tues, Jul 23 & 30, 6-8 pm
Barry Putt, award-winning writer                Fee and Code: $45, XHUML 060
Learn the essential elements of creating
engaging children’s stories. Explore story      Blogging: For Business,
language, developing memorable characters
for children and story structure. Marketing
                                                Pleasure, Or Both
                                                Gregory Caggiano, historian, instructor,
approaches will also be discussed. Brown
                                                presidential scholar, blogger
bag lunch recommended.
Sat, Jun 22, 9:30 am-4 pm                       Summer is a great time to tap into your
Fee and Code: $75, XWRIT 074                    creativity, and blogging is a great way to
                                                start. Whether you have an interest you
The Natural World –                             want to write about, a blog that needs a
                                                boost, or want to connect your blog to
Short Stories                                   social media, learn what makes a winning
Patricia Whitehead, librarian
                                                blog. New and experienced bloggers alike
The Natural World is glorious, mysterious       will benefit by examining successful
and sometimes deadly. Its brooding              blogs and advancing your knowledge
presence is an unnamed but powerful             of technology, finding inspiration, and
character in each of these short stories. We    developing your unique blogging voice.
will try to unravel the dramas and intrigues,   2 SESSIONS
the desires and mysteries, of people caught     Wed & Thurs, Jul 24 & 25, 6-8 pm
up in the beauty and horror of nature.          Fee and Code: $69, XWRIT 082
Stories are: The Shell Collector by Anthony
Doerr, Pleasure Boating in Lutaya Bay by Jim
Shepard and The Littoral Zone by Andrea
Barrett. 3 SESSIONS
Fri, Jul 19-Aug 2, 10 am-noon
Fee and Code: $65, XHUML 098
                                                           Call To Register
16         Literature/Writing • Languages • Personal Development

                                                PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                               Piano For Procrastinators
                                               John Balme, humanities instructor, Director,
                                               Concordia Vocal Academy
                                               If you meant to learn the piano years ago,
                                               the time has arrived! Join fellow beginners
                                               in the wonderful world of music at
                                               Brookdale's piano lab – where you can learn
                                               to play your favorite songs. All you need
                                               to bring is a sense of adventure, a sense
                                               of humor and a pencil. Music materials
                                               provided. Enrollment is limited. 4 SESSIONS
Memoir Writing                                 Tues, Jul 9-30, 10-11:30 am
Nancy Bryan, adjunct faculty, Brookdale, MFA   Fee and Code: $99, XHUMM 001
Creative Writing
Through in-class writing exercises, reading,   Get Going Guitar
and discussion you will discover new           Nate Fegan, instructor
paths to your story. We will look for the
                                               It's time to start the music! Join fellow
language and images that shine in your
                                               procrastinators in this class for adult
work, and push to the edge of our personal
                                               beginners and leave this class knowing how
experiences-to discover what we perceive
                                               to learn complete songs by the Beatles, Bob
and what we can’t perceive. This is a mostly
                                               Dylan, the Eagles and more. Begin building
generative workshop so join us to create,
                                               a foundation to pursue any musical
imagine and write anew. 5 SESSIONS
                                               style, whether electric or acoustic. Learn
Mon-Fri, Aug 5-9, 1:30-3:30 pm
                                               chords, scales, basic rhythms, and proper
Fee and Code: $99, XWRIT 012
                                               technique. Prior experience is not necessary.
                                               Students must bring their own guitars
             LANGUAGES                         (acoustic or electric). 4 SESSIONS
                                               Thurs, Jul 25-Aug 15, 7-8:30 pm
                                               Fee and Code: $75, XHUMM 075
Spanish: An Introduction
Melissa Borre, instructor
Learn important phrases, vocabulary,
and even some grammar through a
combination of lecture and conversation.
Practice dialogues and respond to prompts
in a relaxed setting. 8 SESSIONS
Mon & Wed, Jun 24-Jul 17, 6-8 pm
Fee & Code: $179, XLANG 039

American Sign Language
Introductory course for parents, workers in
social service agencies, teachers, and those
who wish to know more about American
Sign Language (ASL) and deaf culture.
Learn to sign the manual alphabet, basic
numbers, and introductory ASL phrases
through signed activities. 6 SESSIONS
Wed, Jul 10-Aug 14, 11 am-12:30 pm
Fee & Code $129, XLANG 040
Personal Development • Recreation                          17

  Declutter And Simplify
  Andreea Fegan, certified holistic health educator
  When our possessions clutter our lives, we feel drained of energy and lose our sense
  of freedom. Living a joyful, healthy life is often unrelated to food. It's about lifestyle.
  Learn the benefits of a happy, decluttered life – from food, to home, to self. 3 SESSIONS
  Jun 18 – Food And Kitchen
  Join us as we simplify from pantry to fridge to meal planning and shopping lists so
  you can stick to your healthy eating goals.
  Jun 25 – Home Environment
  We all like our stuff, but much of what we own owns us! Unravel what to keep and
  what not to keep when it comes to papers, books, clothes, and miscellaneous items.
  Jul 2 – Self! What Does It Really Mean To Live A Simplified Life?
  What distractions are tapping your energy and keeping you from your best life? Learn
  how to live a cozy, happy, simplified life with more joy, every day.
  Tues, Jun 18-Jul 2, 6-8 pm
  Fee and Code: $75, XPERS 001

Learn the skills to prevent and respond to water emergencies. Train to become a Red Cross
certified lifeguard. Class includes textbook, supplies and test fee. Prerequisites: at first class
students must demonstrate ability to swim 300 yards continuously with crawl and breast
stroke, surface dive 7-10 feet and retrieve item at bottom of pool before swimming back to
the wall and tread water for two minutes without using arms. Class also includes CPR/AED
and first aid certification training. Age 15 and up. Class meets at Neptune Aquatic Center,
state-of-the-art pool facility.
Mon-Fri, May 20-24, 7 am-2 pm
Fee and Code: $299, XRECR 057

Learn To Sail
Seas Monmouth (Society for the Education of American Sailors)
Combined classroom and hands-on instruction will give the adult beginning sailor the
skills and confidence to operate a small sailboat. The class includes four evening classroom
sessions and two Saturday sailing sessions on the Shrewsbury River aboard 17-18 foot
sloops (water sessions may be rescheduled if there is inclement weather). Successful
completion of the course leads to a SEAS Basic Sailing certificate. A basic swimming test
is required (treading water and putting on a floatation device), administered during the
second class. Students are required to provide a personal floatation device (PFD) for the
water sessions. Course fee includes sailing textbook and handouts. Ages 18 and up only.
Sec 1: Mon & Thurs, Jun 3-13, 7-9 pm
Sat, Jun 8 & 15, 9 am-4 pm on the water
Sec 2: Mon & Thurs, Jul 8-18, 7-9 pm
Sat, July 13 & 20, 9 am-4 pm on the water
Sec 3: Mon & Thurs, Aug 5-15, 7-9 pm
Sat, Aug 10 & 17, 9 am-4 pm on the water
Fee and Code: $225, XRECR 006
18         Recreation • Special Interest
Golf For Women
Golf for women, taught by a woman
instructor! Learn all aspects of golf in a non-
threatening environment! Class meets at
Twin Brook Golf Center in Tinton Falls. All
equipment is provided. 5 SESSIONS
Sec 1: Sun, Jun 9-Jul 7, 8:45-10 am
Sec 2: Sun, Jul 21-Aug 18, 8:45-10 am
Fee and Code: $149, XRECR 002

Introduction To Golf                              Ready To Learn To Ride?
Have you meant to learn to play golf for          Have you always wanted to learn to
years? Now’s the time ‘fore’ fun! Learn           horseback ride? Now is the time! Join
the basics with fellow novices. We’ll cover       fellow adult novice riders in a hands-on,
terminology, rules, etiquette, full swing         horse-on experience. Learn about the
fundamentals, putting, chipping and               different riding styles, English or Western,
bunker play. Class meets at Twin Brook            grooming and care of horses, and the world
Golf Center in Tinton Falls. All equipment        of horsemanship for pleasure. Classes
                                                  held, rain or shine, at Baymar Farms, 38
is provided.
Sec 1: Sun, Jun 9-Jul 7, 8:45-10 am               Harbor Road, Morganville, 07751. Baymar
Sec 2: Sun, Jul 21-Aug 18, 8:45-10 am             Farms is situated on 30 park-like acres with
Fee and Code: $149, XRECR 025                     two outdoor arenas and a state of the art
                                                  indoor riding arena. Ages 18 and up only.
                                                  Enrollment is limited. 4 SESSIONS
Intermediate Golf                                 Mon, Sep 23-Oct 14, 6:30-7:30 pm
Designed for the intermediate and                 Fee and Code: $199, XRECR 049
advanced player. Covering all aspects of
golf, full swing, putting, chipping, bunker
                                                          SPECIAL INTEREST
play, and on the course instruction! Class
meets at Twin Brooks Golf Center in Tinton
Falls. Equipment provided. 5 SESSIONS
                                                  You Ought
Sec 1: Sun, Jun 9-Jul 7, 10-11:15 am              To Be In
Sec 2: Sun, Jul 21-Aug 18, 10-11:15 am            Pictures
Fee and Code: $149, XRECR 053                     Tom Waclawik,
Playing School –                                  turned actor
On The Golf Course                                Always wanted to be on the big screen?
Golf for intermediate players – all               Here’s your chance to learn how to become
                                                  a movie or tv “extra” and make some ‘extra’
instruction takes place on the golf course.
                                                  money. Our instructor has appeared in
Class meets at Twin Brook Golf Center in
                                                  movies with Al Pacino, Tom Hanks, Robert
Tinton Falls. Bring your own equipment,
                                                  DeNiro and Leo DiCaprio. He has been
or instructor will provide as needed.
                                                  on movie sets directed by Martin Scorsese,
                                                  Clint Eastwood, Steven Soderbergh. His
Sec 1: Sun, Jun 9-Jul 7, 10-11:15 am
                                                  TV appearances include Madam Secretary,
Sec 2: Sun, Jul 21-Aug 18, 10-11:15 am
                                                  Law and Order, The Good Wife, Homeland
Fee and Code: $149, XRECR 055
                                                  and more. There are over 50 shows filming
                                                  in NYC this year. Find out how to get on
                                                  the set, or in commercials. It’s easier than
                                                  you think and you don’t need acting
                                                  experience. Ages 18 and up welcome.
         Watch Your Email                         Wed, Jun 5, 6:30-8:30 pm
     for Notices and Updates                      Fee and Code: $39, XPERS 281
Special Interest              19
Instant Star On Instagram
Patricia Hart Zackman, professional
If you love taking photos of your adorable
pet, this fun workshop is for you. Whether
you are new to Instagram or just want
to up your game, join professional
photographer Pat Zackman and gain tips
on taking the best pix, including lighting      Intro To Flight: Everything
and composition. Pat will walk you through      You Always Wanted To Know
creating an Instagram account and getting       About Air Travel But Were
the most out of hashtags, filters, edits,
captions and stories. Is there a star in your
                                                Afraid To Ask
household that can steal the spotlight? Let’s   An “I Always Wanted To” Opportunity.
create an account for that furry feline or      No matter how much we travel, most of
precocious canine and get them followers.       us remain amazed by the wonder of flight.
2 SESSIONS                                      Don’t miss this unique opportunity to
Sat, Jun 22 & 29, 10:30 am-noon                 explore the world of aviation followed
Fee and Code: $49, XPERS 291                    by a private in-flight experience (for 1
                                                or 2) with an FAA certified instructor.
Selling On E-Bay And Craigs                     Attend two Lincroft campus classroom
                                                sessions introducing concepts of discovery,
List For Fun And Profit                         aerodynamic principles, airplane systems,
What to do with the treasures in your           flight environment and communication
attic and beyond? Find out how to get           and more. Following class, you have the
started making money by selling on E-Bay        option to register with Eagles View Aviation
and/or Craig’s list, Etsy, Letgo. Instructor    and schedule a follow-up private flight
David Carlon, is an experienced E-bay           (for 1 or 2) to take place at Monmouth
Power Seller. Join this class for beginner to   Executive Airport in Farmingdale at a
intermediate E-Bay users. Learn, step by        deeply discounted rate of $149 per person.
step, how to make money the fun and             Thurs, Jul 18 & 25, 7-8:30 pm
easy way.                                       Fee and Code: $49, XPRAG 132
Sat, Jun 29, 9:30 am-12:30 pm
Fee and Code: $55, XPRAG 094
                                                Ming Chen, Mike Zapcic, Julia Zapcic,
                                                co-founders, producers, podcasters,
                                                A Shared Universe PodcaStudio
                                                Learn about the podcasting craze with
                                                professional podcasters in this fun class.
                                                Begin with the history of podcasting,
                                                then explore the current explosion in the
                                                field. Finally, try podcasting for yourself
                                                with a hands-on experience. Everybody
                                                gets to leave with a podcast of their own
                                                adventure! Ages 18 and up.
                                                Wed, July 17, 6-9 pm
                                                Fee & Code: $49 XPERS 290

           Call To Register
20           Special Interest
                                                    From Treetop To Tabletop –
                                                    Essential Woodworking
                                                    Ready to explore the artistry and craft of
                                                    woodworking? It’s time to get started, no
                                                    more excuses! Monmouth County’s School
                                                    of Woodworking, The Wood Joint, has the
                                                    perfect class for you. Expert craftsman Bruce
                                                    Hogan and his trusted apprentice, Melanie
                                                    Viani, will take you through a hands-on
                                                    introduction to woodworking. You will
                                                    learn basics of milling, characteristics of
                                                    wood, use of machinery and safety. You’ll
                                                    put that knowledge into action by creating
“Chubbs” a certified therapy dog and former         your own cheese serving board. Class
employee at Brookdale Community College.
                                                    meets at The Wood Joint a state of the art
                                                    workshop (3300 Shafto Rd Unit C, Tinton
Pet Therapy Training                                Falls). All supplies are included. 4 SESSIONS
And Certification                                   Sec 1: Tues, Jul 30-Aug 20, 10 am-noon
Kelly M. Keeney, Owner, Compassionate               Sec 2: Tues, Sep 3-24, 10 am-noon
Canines Training                                    Fee and Code: $229, XPRAG 125
Therapy dogs and their handlers provide
comfort and companionship to those in               Gemology 101
need. Our certified trainer uses hands-on           Hillary Spector, GIA, GG (graduate
positive reinforcement techniques to guide          gemologist, former instructor,
you and your dog toward certification               Gemological Institute of America)
as a pet therapy team. Teams must pass              Whether looking to pursue your passion for
evaluation on the last day of class in order        jewelry or explore a potential career move,
to be certified. Once certified, you may            Hillary’s introductory program offers the
enroll with Caregiver Canines, a non-profit         perfect setting. Gain a solid foundation
agency providing in-home therapy visits to          in pearls, diamonds, gems and precious
the elderly as well as any facility that allows     metals. Discover how gems are formed,
pet therapy visitations.                            mined, identified, graded, and priced. Learn
                                                    about the global, political, and economic
Note: Dogs must be at least one year old,           aspects of the industry. Using professional
current on all vaccines, and have a basis in        lab equipment, understand gem identifying
obedience of Sit, Down, Stay, Come, and             techniques such as how to tell the
Loose Leash Walking. Proof of vaccinations          difference between a blue aquamarine, a
is required in advance.                             blue topaz, and a blue sapphire. Spark your
                                                    interest and hear about effective paths to a
If you have questions about your dog or             career in gemology. Instructor is a former
the program, please contact Compassionate           trainer and staff gemologist for Fortunoff
Canine Training at dog-trainerkelly@gmail.          and an owner of a jewelry gallery where
com 5 SESSIONS                                      she was responsible for buying, selling, and
                                                    appraising diamonds and gems. 4 SESSIONS
Sat, July 20-Aug 17, 9-10:30 am
                                                    Mon-Thurs, Aug 5-8, 5:30-9 pm
Fee & Code: $299, XPERS 293
                                                    Freehold Campus
Plus $20 evaluation fee, payable to instructor,
                                                    Fee and Code: $229, XPERS 270
and $50 annual registration fee to The Bright &
Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. after certification.
Tuition does not include these fees.
                                                               Call To Register
Car Lovers • Student Success                      21

             CAR LOVERS                                   STUDENT SUCCESS
                                                             AT ANY AGE
     What’s Driving You?
                                                    ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR
                                                    STUDENTS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL
                                                    This 10-week noncredit course offers
                                                    students with developmental disabilities
                                                    the opportunity to continue their learning
                                                    experiences. Receive instruction in the
                                                    areas of self-advocacy, daily living skills and
                                                    social skills training. Elective subjects are
                                                    added for academic enrichment. Students
                                                    must be over 18 years old to participate.
   “I couldn’t find the car of my                   Sessions start in October and March.
    dreams, so I built it myself”                   Call 732-224-2049.
            ~Ferdinand Porsche

Are you a lifetime car lover? A loyal viewer      NEW! HSE/GED PREP
of Wheeler Dealer, Fast & Loud, Chasing           And TUTORING
Car Classics or Monster Garage? Finally           Earn your New Jersey High School Diploma.
ready to get under the hood and pursue            Prepare for the 4 GED exams with expert
your passion? Don’t miss this unique              and experienced GED instructors. Our
opportunity for adult car enthusiasts of          instructors will guide you through the
all ages and stages to experience our state-      process and support you in devising a study
of-the-art auto bay.                              plan. Choose the class that works best for
                                                  you with the option of adding more weeks
Car Engines 1: Getting Up To Speed
                                                  and/or tutoring as needed.
Learn the basics of engine overhaul.
Topics include proper diagnosis, engine           Additional costs (roughly $200) include books,
disassembly, inspection and measuring,            GED Ready (practice) test vouchers, Exam
machine operations and reassemble.                vouchers, Score Booster Workbooks, GED Test
Hands-on experience includes complete             Vouchers, re-take vouchers (if needed), and
disassembly and reassembly of an                  TI30XS calculator.
automotive engine. 8 SESSIONS                     Please note: If student is under the age
Mon & Wed, Jul 8-31, 6:15-9:15 pm
                                                  of 18, a parent must sign a Consent to
Fee and Code: $249, XPRAG 120
                                                  Participate Form. A signed and sealed
Car Engines II: Rev Up                            Certification of Non-Enrollment from last
Learn proper techniques for building              high school attended is also required.
engines, then accelerate to the many              Sec 1: 8 SESSIONS extended track
ways to modify an engine for improved             Thurs, 9 am-noon, July 11-Aug 29
performance. Move beyond fundamentals             Fee and Code: $375, XGEDG 004
to the world of high performance. Basic           Sec 2: 4 SESSIONS fast track
knowledge of auto engines is assumed.             Tues, 9 am-noon, July 9-30
8 SESSIONS                                        Fee and Code: $199, XGEDG 004
Mon & Wed, Aug 5-28, 6:15-9:15 pm                 Classes meet at Hazlet Campus
Fee and Code: $249, XPRAG 121

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