LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back

Page created by Joseph Obrien
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back


                                                 Blood Donors
                                        Given a Two-for-One
                                        Chance to Give Back

Newborn’s Emergency     Vitalant Welcomes New    Pittsburgh COVID-19
Changes Mom’s           Board Chair              Renovations Complete
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back
From the President
Spring 2021
During one of our modern world’s most significant life-changing events, Blood
Science Foundation’s (BSF) unique programs including Save Lives/Feed Families
(focusing on food banks) and Give Blood & Give Back (focusing on other important
charities) allow us to help Vitalant increase life-saving blood collections while
providing funding to important tax-exempt organizations that have also been
negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The support we’ve seen so far is
encouraging. Vitalant is seeing some much-needed new and returning blood donors
and our local charity partners who provide essential services to our communities are
receiving much needed financial support – paying it forward in spades.

First-person testimonials from the value of having sufficient blood supplies on hand
to receiving much-needed funds in support of Veteran’s activities and faith-based
support of individuals suffering from poverty and hunger are featured in this edition
of LIFELINES. We are continuously gratified and appreciative of the funding we
have received thus far, and testimonials from these contributing partners speak to
the core of all non-profits of helping those in need. All of these positive instances
prove a sense of camaraderie, shared purpose, and community spirit that helps BSF,
Vitalant, and our community partners each fulfill our essential missions.

In my experience, sustaining a great community in this way is fairly straightforward
but requires hard work. It takes heart, courage, and wisdom of holding a common
goal in mind and linking arms to get there together. And it needs the assurance and
trust that others have your back, even during the most challenging circumstances.
BSF is fortunate to serve our communities in Pittsburgh and Chicago, where the
funding we secure and Vitalant’s blood products and services make such a positive
impact every day. As the voices in this newsletter prove time and again, we truly are
in this together – and are each made stronger for it.

We hope to continue to grow Save Lives/Feed Families and Give Blood & Give Back
throughout our geographical regions by partnering with new charity beneficiaries. If
you are interested in learning more about these amazing programs, please contact
me directly at or 412.209.7302.


Mark J. Giaquinto
President and Chief Financial Officer
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back
Kandace Lenti with Martine Williams, Regional Director for Vitalant Northeast Division, Chicago


      Pittsburgh Donor Center Renovations Complete; Chicago Renovations Ongoing

      All necessary COVID-19                                           the businesses, churches and schools that we relied on
      related renovations in                                           to host blood drives would be shut down. And no one
      Vitalant’s Pittsburgh area                                       predicted that plasma donated by those recovered from
      community donor centers                                          COVID-19 would serve as a lifeline to patients hospitalized
      have been made, backed                                           with the virus.
      by funding secured by
      BSF. Similar projects in                                         “Blood banking as we knew it was completely altered,” Wilcox
      Chicago are ongoing, as                                          continued. “Vitalant had to adapt. We planned modifications,
      funding continues to be                                          but executing them entailed unanticipated expenses.
      collected to complete work
      in all donor locations and
      bloodmobiles.                                                    “We were grateful that the Blood
      “The pandemic has placed additional strains on the need
                                                                        Science Foundation responded
      for blood and the willingness of people to donate blood,”         immediately by partnering
      said Kandace Lenti, Managing Director, for Government,
      NonProfit, and Healthcare Banking at Wintrust. “Wintrust          with other local non-profit
      is proud to have provided funding to install air purifiers on
      three of Chicago’s bloodmobiles, making those vehicles            organizations to secure funding
      safer and more comfortable for blood donors and blood
      collection staff, both now and into the future. It’s one
                                                                        that enabled us to provide our
      more way of demonstrating that we’re built on the values          partner hospitals with the life-
      of commitment and service to our communities, and that
      means giving back and getting involved in steps like this.”       saving blood needed by patients.”
      Charles E. Wilcox, Vitalant’s Northeast Division President,
      describes the Blood Science Foundation’s contributions
      during the past year. “Just as the pandemic has impacted         “These contributing organizations include Jefferson
      our lives, it also had a deep impact on our community            Regional Foundation, Northside Community Bank
      blood supply,” he said. “While the safety of blood donors        Foundation, Wintrust and two anonymous donors.”
      and patients has always been a priority, we never imagined
      we would need to ‘COVID-proof’ our donation centers,             In summary, the Blood Science Foundation played a key
      bloodmobiles and blood drives. We couldn’t foresee that          role in helping to maintain the community blood supply
                                                                       during this unprecedented crisis.

                                                                LIFELINES                                                             3
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back

    Newborn’s Emergency
    Changes One Mother’s
    Perspective Forever

    The need for blood never stops. Yet so many potential
    donors either may not fully appreciate that fact, or only learn
    it when a medical emergency strikes.
    Nancy Tray, a Pittsburgh-area executive oncology specialist,       donate, yet less than 10% do. We need blood. It’s the only
    was one of those individuals; but when her newborn                 thing that can save a life.”
    daughter required blood to survive in the moments after
    being delivered, Nancy’s perspective changed forever.              Nancy learned this first-hand, and in the most dramatic
                                                                       way. Maddalena is Nancy’s four-year-old daughter. During
    “I do like to donate, and I feel it’s very important that people   delivery, there was an issue with the baby getting stuck in
    should donate,” Nancy said. “I know that people need blood         the birth canal for a short time. Immediately after she was
    every two seconds. But the stat that struck me the most            delivered, the medical staff took her and began examining
    is that only 40% of the population in the U.S. is eligible to      her. The infant needed blood, then CPR. Quickly, the team
                                                                       reached out to Children’s Hospital for guidance.

4                                                               LIFELINES
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back
“Four NICU nurses were working very hard to               Nancy with her daughter,
          keep her alive,” Nancy recalled. “She needed
          so much blood that one of the NICU nurses
          who had been there for 20 years said that’s the
          most blood I’ve ever seen a newborn receive at
          one time. She did need several blood products
          throughout her stay, which was for 40 days. But
          that first night, if she hadn’t received that blood,
          there was no other option, she wouldn’t have
          survived. So, that’s why blood is so important.”

          Maddalena was eventually diagnosed with
          hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, disseminated
          intravascular coagulation, kidney and liver failure,
          and possible brain damage. She had lost so
          much blood that the oxygen supply to her vital
          organs had shut down. If she hadn’t received
          blood immediately after being delivered, she
          might not be functioning as well as she is today.

          “Currently, she’s diagnosed with stage-three
          chronic kidney disease,” explained Nancy.
          “Everything else seems to have somehow healed and recovered, and I attribute that to the blood
          donations. You know, if she hadn’t received that blood, she wouldn’t be doing as well as she is today.
                                          So, I think about the people that donate, and the ones that had
                                          donated, my daughter received their blood. I think about that a lot,
“She’s probably going to                 and how selflessly they gave. They didn’t know where their blood was
 need a kidney transplant,                going, who they were giving to. But because of them, my daughter
                                          is here today, and there’s no substitute for blood. So, I would just
 so once again, she’ll need               thank them over and over again, and tell them that their small act of
                                          kindness had such an enormous impact. They saved my daughter’s
 a lot more blood and                     life, and I would be forever grateful for that.”
 I’m counting on people                     But more than grateful, Nancy has become an active proponent of
 getting out there and                      supporting local blood providers through donations of blood and
 donating and I myself
 donating as well.”                         “I remember one day sitting in a patient waiting room in the NICU,”
                                            she said. “They had taken Maddalena down to get another catheter
                                            placed. There I saw a pamphlet that said, ‘Replenish the Need.’ And it
                                            was about hosting a blood drive in honor of someone. And I thought to
                                            myself, ‘God has given me a sign right now. This is what I need to do.’”

          Nancy now hosts one replenishment blood drive every year in celebration of Maddalena, gladly
          accepting the responsibility to help take care of the next person – whether an infant, the victim of a
          car accident, or a senior who needs surgery – with the blood they need.

          “Today, Maddalena is so full of life,” said Nancy. “She is such a joy to be around and she brings joy
          to everybody. She’s probably going to need a kidney transplant, so once again, she’ll need a lot more
          blood and I’m counting on people getting out there and donating and I myself donating as well. With
          her blood type, we’re fortunate because she can receive many different types of blood. And I would
          encourage everyone, that if they don’t know their blood type, to make sure you know your blood type.
          And if you have children, to know their blood type, because it’s very important in case there’s an
          accident or... you just never know.”

                                                LIFELINES                                                              5
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back

    Vitalant Names New Board Chair
    Jim Schraith turns his talents to the noble mission of blood

                                     After decades of providing    system in constant demand that can’t be manufactured,“
                                     executive leadership          Jim observed.
                                     in the high-tech and
                                     computer industries, the      As the former head of sales for one of the world’s largest
                                     considerable and diverse      computer companies, he knows people are the linchpin to
                                     talents of Jim Schraith       making any complex organization work.
                                     are in demand more than
                                     ever. Currently a board
                                     member of both Vitalant       “It’s really a pleasure to work
                                     and BSF, Jim first became      with a strong, tenured and
                                     involved in the blood
                                     banking business over 10       experienced team at both
    years ago when asked to join the board of BloodSource
    in California. BloodSource, along with Central Blood Bank       Vitalant and Blood Science
    in Pittsburgh and LifeSource in Chicago, were eventually        Foundation. There’s a lot of
    rebranded to Vitalant.
                                                                    passion there.”
    A native of Wisconsin and long-time resident of California,
    Jim retired from the private sector just over five years ago
    to lend his wisdom to the non-profit world of blood. And
    while the two worlds seem miles apart, Jim Schraith will       Throughout his professional career, including his role
    tell you otherwise.                                            as CEO of a tech start-up, Jim knows how to make
                                                                   complicated things run smoothly and move forward. As the
                                                                   new Board Chair of Vitalant beginning in April 2021, Jim is
    “The blood transfusion industry                               bringing his diverse business experience to what he calls
     is incredibly complex. Beyond                                 “the noble mission of blood.”

     the donation process, blood                                   Emerging from the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                   Vitalant and BSF will be well served by Jim Schraith as he now
     collection and distribution                                   focuses not on profits, but on the imperative of saving lives.
     involves biotechnology
     disciplines, quality management
     systems, regulatory compliance,
     logistics and inventory
     management operations.”

    The blood ecosystem that supports our local hospitals is
    backed by an army of professionals, technicians, scientists
    and physicians, all working behind the scenes to get the
    right amount of blood at the right time to patients in need.
    “The blood has to be there and there better be plenty of
    it on the shelf. It’s the only component of our healthcare

6                                                            LIFELINES
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back

New Development Director                                       in Vitalant’s Northeast Region, Boughner is starting in
                                                               Pittsburgh, where she has established many fruitful
Sets Fundraising Strategy                                      relationships over the past two decades.

for BSF’s Northeast Division                                   “Blood is an abstract thing for a majority of us,” she says.

“Building a foundation                                         “Often, blood’s role in saving lives
for true success and
sustainability is a                                             is hidden, too. People remember
journey of a thousand
steps, and each                                                 the name of their doctor and
step counts,” says
Jen Boughner, BSF’s
                                                                the hospital where their life
new Development                                                 was saved, but rarely do they
Director for the
Northeast Division.                                             appreciate the role of blood in
“As Mark (Giaquinto,
BSF President and
                                                                saving their life. Blood is such an
CFO) and I discussed                                            integral part of life, and we need
the Blood Science
Foundation building its                                         that message to lead our efforts.”
fundraising program, I was inspired by Mark’s passion and
became convinced that I wanted to join his team and help
to build the strong foundation for continued success.”
                                                               The Give Blood &
In her role, Boughner is responsible for building crucial      Give Back initiative,
relationships and securing contributed revenue for BSF         which builds on the
in Vitalant’s Northeast Region, which includes Pittsburgh,     success of the Save
Chicago, Ohio, northern West Virginia, and parts of New        Lives/Feed Families
Jersey. Boughner has been working in the development/          program, takes center
fundraising field since 1998.                                  stage for BSF, serving
                                                               as the springboard for
She grew up in Mifflinburg, a small town in central            developing new partnerships and garnering new funding.
Pennsylvania, where her deep level of caring for neighbors     Boughner looks forward to partnering with various local
began and her passion for life-long learning was ignited.      charities on Give Blood & Give Back to increase blood
Boughner came to Pittsburgh to attend Carnegie Mellon          donations, while providing support to address food
University, where she graduated with a Bachelor’s degree       insecurity, education, environmental sustainability, youth in
in Fine Arts. She credits her fine arts and liberal arts       transition, veterans’ needs, and more.
studies at CMU with bolstering her natural tendency toward
visual thinking. From there, Boughner worked in museum
education, continued to practice art, and started her career   “Only 50 percent of the blood
in development with various local nonprofits, from arts to
education to health and human services.
                                                                used by Pittsburgh’s world-class
                                                                healthcare ecosystem comes
“Getting to know people and their stories, really making
connections, is what makes development exciting for me,”        from local donations.”
she explains. “I get to promote missions and programs that
transform lives, and Blood Science Foundation is a great
example of this.”
                                                               “I see BSF tapping into Pittsburgh’s ‘pride of place’ to
Boughner loves researching medical topics and enjoys           inspire blood donations and close that gap. I believe
visualizing information to describe complex processes          Pittsburgh will respond to the issue, whether by donating
across audiences—practices that serve her well in              blood or making a financial contribution to BSF.”
her current role. As part of the effort to rebrand BSF

                                                         LIFELINES                                                             7
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back
    GIVE BACK and
    BSF Expands on Save Lives/
    Feed Families Successes to
    Create a High-Impact Initiative

           OVID-19 has had staggering impacts on the                To address the continued loss of blood donors and help
           economy, including dramatically heightened levels        ease the increased strain on community-based charities
           of unemployment and nearly unprecedented levels          and the individuals and families they serve, BSF and
    of basic human needs going unmet.                               Vitalant Pittsburgh have teamed up to launch the Give
                                                                    Blood & Give Back initiative in partnership with select
    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 13 percent of all          local charities. This effort simultaneously attracts new
    adults in the U.S. have struggled to afford adequate food—      blood donors while providing monetary donations directly
    nearly four times the number in 2019. Many individuals and      to charity beneficiaries, helping them to meet their own
    families lost their livelihood during the COVID-19 pandemic.    respective missions. The Jefferson Regional Foundation
    A majority of these individuals and families have been          recently made the first grant to this program, totaling
    forced to seek assistance from government-subsidized            $50,000, to deliver the initiative in the South Hills region.
    programs and local nonprofits to help meet their basic
    needs, including food, clothing, shelter, and life-sustaining   “Community organizations serve as trusted entities in
    medicines and treatments.                                       suburban neighborhoods, and this partnership with Blood
                                                                    Science Foundation will enable South Hills residents to visit
    Local blood donations in the Pittsburgh area have               Auberle, South Hills Interfaith Movement (SHIM), and sites
    decreased by nearly 30 percent within the last five years       dedicated for the Veteran’s Breakfast Club and continue
    and by 50 percent over the last 10 years, increasing            to save lives through blood donations,” says Mary Phan-
    concern that the instability of the local blood supply will     Gruber, CEO of Jefferson Regional Foundation.
    create a healthcare crisis.

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LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back

                                                                  Select Charity Beneficiary

                                                                  BSF identifies and partners with charity beneficiary

A Blood Science Foundation
      (BSF) Initiative

                     Promote Give Blood &                                                                                      Secure Funding
                   Give Back Blood Drive(s)                                                                                    BSF secures financial support

                     BSF/Vitalant, funding partner, and charity
                   beneficiary promote the blood drive(s) with
                           branded messaging and materials

                                                                                         Give Blood
                                                                                         Vitalant collects, tests, and processes blood
                                                                                         products for healthcare facilities to treat patients

                                                                                                                                         Give Back
                                                                                                                                         BSF donates money
  Report on Impacts                                                                                                                      to charity beneficiary
  BSF/Vitalant reports results of
  Give Blood & Give Back

                                                                                   facing our blood supply. They put themselves on the line
“South Hills Interfaith Movement                                                  to defend our national security, and they will offer their
 is proud to expand our current                                                    blood again now to promote the health and security of
                                                                                   southwestern Pennsylvania. The Veterans Breakfast Club is
 partnership with Blood Science                                                    grateful to be part of this life-saving campaign.”
 Foundation and Vitalant
                                                                                   Give Blood & Give Back builds on the success of Save
 Pittsburgh to further our mission                                                 Lives/Feed Families, in effect creating a double impact
 in the South Hills of neighbors                                                   for each dollar donated. For example, Save Lives/Feed
                                                                                   Families has been presented by BSF in partnership with
 helping neighbors.”                                                               select local charities (food banks and others) to increase
- Jim Guffey, SHIM Executive Director.                                             blood donations while also providing financial support to
                                                                                   help feed families in need at this critical time.

                                                                                   In its first five months, Save Lives/Feed Families resulted in
The Veterans Breakfast Club also partners with BSF and
                                                                                   the addition of 135 blood drives with 3,064 registered blood
Vitalant Pittsburgh as a charity beneficiary in the Give
                                                                                   donors. Associated monetary contributions for the same
Blood & Give Back campaign. “The experience of military
                                                                                   time period total almost $37,000, and have been issued
service has instilled in our veterans a spirit of service
that thrives even after their time in uniform is over,”                            to partnering food banks and pantries to distribute more
explains Todd DePastino, Executive Director of Veterans                            than 184,000 meals in local communities. Save Lives/Feed
Breakfast Club. “Veterans volunteer and take action in their                       Families has received $50,000 in total funding through the
communities far out of proportion to their numbers. We                             end of February from Dollar Bank, Giant Eagle, Huntington
know our veterans will respond vigorously to the challenges                        Foundation, and Richard King Mellon Foundation.

                                                                        LIFELINES                                                                                9
LIFELINESsm - Blood Donors Given a Two-for-One Chance to Give Back

     Our Give Blood & Give Back partners share
       their thoughts on the collaborations
          “During this prolonged pandemic, demand for life-saving services and basic
           human needs has grown while daily norms turned upside down. True to
           the Pittsburgh region’s grit and can-do nature, many organizations joined
           together to help people and make a difference throughout the pandemic.
           Blood Science Foundation’s Save Lives/Feed Families program is one great
           example of this, and Huntington Foundation is proud to provide financial
           support for these life-saving efforts.”
          - Kim Ravenda, Senior Vice President, Huntington Bank

     “At Giant Eagle, giving back to the                 “Ensuring the integrity of southwestern
       communities we serve is part of who                 Pennsylvania’s blood supply must
       we are, and we are passionate about                 be a fundamental component of our
       supporting our neighbors in need. We                recovery plan. The Blood Science
       are proud to work with Blood Science                Foundation submitted a creative
       Foundation and Vitalant to help increase            and collaborative proposal to do just
       local blood donations while also                    that, and the Richard King Mellon
       providing access to nutritious food in              Foundation is gratified to support their
       partnership with local food banks.”                 efforts.”
     - Jannah Jablonowski, Giant Eagle spokesperson       - Sam Reiman, Director, Richard King Mellon

10                                                LIFELINES
“As we enter into a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, the needs
  of the community remain the same, especially when it comes to
  healthcare and food insecurity. At EQT, we are pleased to partner with
  the Blood Science Foundation, Vitalant and the Corner Cupboard Food
  Bank on this innovative program: Feeding Families, Saving Lives. The
  event is a new endeavor for EQT and one we hope will fill a lot of needs
  in Greene County and Southwestern Pennsylvania.”
– Ellen Rossi, President, EQT Foundation

     “From our earliest days to right now, Dollar Bank has
      been dedicated to the support and development of the
      communities where we do business. For that reason, we are
      proud to make this donation to the innovative Save Lives/
      Feed Families program, which lifts people up in their time
      of need while giving them an opportunity to give something
      back through blood donations.”
     -Judy Murtha, Dollar Bank Executive Vice President and Managing
       Director, Treasury Management Group

                                     LIFELINES                               11
NextUp Event
     Nominations Open for NextUp Event
     Honoring Young Humanitarians

     Hosted by BSF, Pittsburgh’s Inaugural NextUp Awards          BSF offers sponsorship
     Celebration at LeMont Restaurant on Wednesday October        opportunities to ensure that
     6, 2021, will provide scholarships to young people up        the very best and brightest
     to 18 years of age who demonstrate a transformative          young people in our region
     commitment to their communities through fundraising,         receive the attention and
     the development of charitable programs, volunteering, and    support they have earned.
     community leadership.
                                                                  If you know of a deserving
     This event has been a success in Chicago in both 2019 and    young person, or if you would
     2020, while having to be cancelled in 2021 due to need for   like to become a NextUp
     caution during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are excited to      Award sponsor, visit www.                     AWARDS
                                                                                                     CELEBRATING THE AREA’S YOUNGEST VOLUNTEERS
     bring the event to Pittsburgh in the fall of 2021. 
                                                                  nextup. Nominate a youth
     Winners in three different age categories will be            or register as a sponsor and make a payment online.
     recognized:                                                  For more information, contact Shelley Miscampbell at
      • 12 and Under
      • 13-15
      • 16-18

12                                                         LIFELINES

BSF Welcomes Brother’s Brother
Foundation as Fundraising Partner
BSF is partnering with Brother’s Brother Foundation (BBF)
Board Chair Tom Wentling, along with President Ozzy
Samad, for a charity golf event scheduled for June 21 at
the Fox Chapel Golf Club. BBF’s mission is to help bridge
the gap between aid and sustainability by supporting
localized programs and providing essential resources in
the areas of Healthcare, Infrastructure, Disaster response,
and Education (H.I.D.E.).

“Being able to work with a
 community stalwart such as
 the Blood Science Foundation                                    A Haitian native donating blood
                                                                 on one of the donated chairs
 to assist local educational and
                                                               regularly scheduled shipments and programmatic work
 healthcare needs is an ideal fit                              in collaboration with in-country partners on the ground.
 for our organization.”                                        In 2020, BBF’s efforts included sending 116 containers of
                                                               medical, relief and educational supplies to 42 countries
                                                               worldwide along with supporting healthcare, solar, W.A.S.H
                                                               (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene), and disaster response programs.
“Partnering with BBF was a natural fit for BSF’s current
initiative to partner with other Pittsburgh area charitable    The organization’s COVID-19 response included sending
organizations, as we collaborate to bring much needed          PPE domestically and internationally to 120 partners in
services and supplies to our neighbors,” added BSF             15 countries. Recent international efforts related to blood
President and CFO Mark Giaquinto.                              banking include donating blood donation chairs to the
                                                               National Blood Transfusion Center in Haiti.
BBF was founded in 1958 by Dr. Robert Hingson to
provide vaccinations and inoculations to underserved           BSF’s portion of the event proceeds will be used to address
communities around the world. Today, these efforts include     the Pittsburgh community’s ongoing need for blood.

                                                          LIFELINES                                                            13

     Recipient of ‘Silent Giver of Life’ Pays It
     Forward With Ongoing Contributions
     Drawing from the wisdom of her father, a surgeon, the             As a result of her
     perspective of her mother, an anesthesiologist, and her own       background and her
     experience as a cancer patient undergoing an eight-hour           concern, Bahar – a
     surgery, Pittsburgh-based healthcare finance expert Bahar         regular and ongoing
     Bazmi certainly appreciates the value of blood – both as an       contributor to Blood
     irreplaceable lifesaver and as a commodity that carries its       Science Foundation
     own financial costs.                                              – issued a call to
                                                                       action. With donation
     “My dad was a surgeon, and he said blood was the one              centers taking all
     thing about surgery that patients never asked about,” she         COVID-19-related
     said. “It’s not part of the conversation, because it’s a silent   precautions, the time
     life saver. There’s nothing that he could’ve done surgically      to donate is now, she said. If the idea of donating blood still
     without that tool in his toolkit.”                                is a hindrance, then she urges support through financial
     Bahar took her parents’ perspectives as she began working
     in the finance and administrative areas of healthcare.            “When I think about a lot of important charities out there,
     She understood that healthcare delivery organizations, as         none of them really touch human beings as much as the
     not-for-profits, do not enjoy large margins. And, apart from      Blood Science Foundation does for me,” Bahar noted.
     labor, the largest cost was in securing blood. Further, she       “Paying it forward was, for me, life-altering. None of the
     saw that part of the cost acceleration over the past decade       outcomes could’ve happened for me with my cancer
     stemmed from demand for blood outpacing supply.                   surgery if it wasn’t for the blood that I received, for sure.
                                                                       As both a donor of blood and a monetary supporter of the
     She expanded on what those costs cover, saying, “It’s not         Blood Science Foundation, I encourage you to get involved
     as if you can give a pint of blood and it goes from your arm      today.”
     to someone else’s. There’s an entire process for testing,
     processing, distribution. When you think about the enormity
     of that, it’s pretty complicated, and there are a lot of checks
     and balances along the way. So to be able to administer
     someone’s blood to a recipient, it goes through such a
     chain at the end that you’re very lucky that it’s a non-event.”

     “Most people don’t understand,
      it’s not just whole blood cells. It’s
      plasma. It’s platelets. There are
      so many usages of this silent
      giver of life that I think we all
      take for granted. We think it’s
      there. But it’s not medicine. It
      can’t be chemically formulated.”

14                                                               LIFELINES
Blood Science Foundation offers a sincere thank you to our donors, as seen on this list.
     With your support, research continues, advancements are made, and more lives can be saved.

Patricia Abrego-Santucci            Becky Glimco                              Catharine Pappis
Sue Adkins                          Linda Gutowski                            PFM Asset Management LLC
Adler Planetarium                   Hall Render Killian Heath & Lyman, P.C.   Pinot’s Palette
Hasan Alrashedi                     Andrew Hallahan                           Margaret Quinn
Nancy Angus                         Alexandrine Harig                         Paige Randazzo
Anonymous                           Marie Harrigan                            Ravinia Festival
William Bates                       Gisenia Hernandez                         Richard King Mellon Foundation
Sharon Bazensky                     Noreen Heron                              Gerald Rixie
Betsy Benson                        Nicole Hock                               Mary Robinson
Natalie Birk                        Patrick Hogle                             Michelle Rouillard
Rachel Blanchard                    Madeline Holdsworth                       Denise Sabolcik
Jen Boughner                        Dr. Kathy Humphrey                        Salvi Media, LLC
Thomas Boyle                        Huntington Foundation                     James Schraith
Charles Bracken, Jr                 John Imperatore                           Holly Seese
LouAnn Brandt                       iO Theater                                Kristi Senko
David Brunberg                      Manher Jariwala                           Bettina Senrud
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC      Jefferson Regional Foundation             Sequoia Enterprises, LLC
Nick Caggiano                       Phyllis Jones                             Jennifer Shreves
Bahar Campbell                      Carol Jones                               Skydeck Chicago
Michael Canvin                      Katherine Mabis McKenna Foundation,       James Stevens
Thomas Cappelle                        Inc.                                   Clare Sullivan
CDW                                 Jeff Keenan                               Swedish Covenant Health
Debbie Cearns                       Paul Andrew Kienzie                       The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Chicago Bears                       Matt Knust                                The Drake Hotel
Chicago Cubs                        Laugh Factory                             The Field Museum
Chicago Pizza Tours                 Gina Leach                                The Jack Buncher Foundation
Chicago Shakespeare Theater         Evelyn Lee                                The Rose Hotel Chicago O’Hare
Sunny Chico                         Lettuce Entertain You                     The Second City
Lindsey Chropka                     Russell Livingston                        Ellen Thomeier
Michelle Clairmont                  Lynfred Winery                            Denise Thurston
Michael Cleavenger                  Rob Mallinger                             Tippins Foundation
T. Cohen                            Lisa Maloney                              Gayle Tissue
Lawrence Cohn                       Kevin Mayorgavargas                       Joseph and Debra Tray
Bob and Nancy Cole                  Christine McClure                         Patricia Ulbrich
James Covert                        Bill, Donna, and Dani McDade              Underground Donut Tour
Maria Criscella                     Donald McGraw, M.D., M.P.H.               United Way of Southwestern
Melissa Datri                       Helene McQuaide                              Pennsylvania
Renee DeMay                         Microsoft                                 Vitalant
Jeffrey Derrico                     Rebecca Mikelonis                         Shirley Vowcheck
Ben Dicke                           Shelley Miscampbell                       Mary Wasielewski
Dollar Bank Foundation              Allen Moye                                Dr. Jonathan Waters
Martin Dorfner                      Joseph Mullen                             Rick and Cindy Weinbrenner
Raymond Drymalski                   Jay Muller                                Jan Wenzel
Meghan Elliott                      Judy Murtha                               Michael Wertz
Janet Engleson                      My Tribute Gift Foundation                Nike Whitcomb
James Engleson                      William Neofes, Jr                        Charlie Wilcox
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP   NorthSide Community Bank                  Adam Wilhelm
Few Spirits Distillery                 Foundation                             Wintrust
Five Roses Pub                      Donna Nye                                 Jaime Woods
Scott Gbur                          O’Hare-Midway Limousine Service           Susan Wulczyn
Eric Giaquinto                      Denise OMalley                            Russ York
Frank Giaquinto                     Jody Oshita-Bajor                         Zanie’s Comedy Club
Geneva Giaquinto                    Robert Ostrowski                          Christine Zrinsky
Mark Giaquinto                      Roger Oxendale
Keith Gillogly                      Dr. Mona Papari
John Glimco

                                                    LIFELINES                                                      15
Rachel, whose life was saved by
blood donors.

                      Pittsburgh                                                                         Chicago
                875 Greentree Road
                                                                                                         5505 Pearl Street
                 Parkway Center #5
                                                                                                         Rosemont, IL 60018
               Pittsburgh, PA 15220


     As the fundraising arm of Vitalant®, Blood Science Foundation® raises awareness and funds in support of a safe and ample blood supply.
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