Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit

Page created by Frank Maldonado
Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
Middlefield Mirror
                                              Summer 2021



In this issue:

Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
Contents                                   Editorial
3                        E Consult         Welcome to the summer edition of the Middlefield Mirror.
                                           In this issue we have articles covering local community groups,
4-5             Post Office Closure
                                           Middlefield Community Project, the proposed closure of Byron
                                           Square’s Post Office and the developments at Northfield
6-7              Community Project
                                           Swimming Pool.
8-9               Covid Mythbuster
                                       8   If you would like to get involved and join the editorial team or if
                                           you have ideas for this community publication you can easily get
10         How Are You Right Now?          in touch with us. The staff at SHMU are able to support and train

                                           anyone living in the area if they are interested in developing their
11                 Elected Officials       ideas, or their skills in writing, proof reading and photography.
                                           So, please don’t be shy, this is your magazine, written, edited
12                       Newsbites
                                           and designed by folk from Middlefield and Heathryfold.
13         Northfield Swimming Pool        If you live in the Middlefield or Heathryfold area and would like to
                                           come along to the editorial meetings or submit an article then get
14                            shmu         in touch with Laura at SHMU on 0752586312 or email
15                     History Page
                                           The magazine is now on Facebook as well so you can search for
                                           Middlefield Mirror and like the page for regular updates.
                                           You can also view this magazine, alongside previous editions
                                           on the SHMU website www.shmu.org.uk then click the
                                           ‘PRESS’ option.
                                           Middlefield Mirror is a community publication and the views
                                           expressed are not necessarily those of the editorial team
                                           or of shmu.
                                           Covid-19 has made many changes to our routines and life as we
                                           know it. Many of these changes have left us feeling negatively
                                           about the situation but there have been some positives from the
                                           lockdown Covid brought about. Whether it’s getting to see more
                                           of your local area, reconnecting with family and old friends or
                                           having a slower pace we would love to hear from you about your
                                           positive experiences during the Covid-19 outbreak.

                                       Supported by
Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
What is E Consult?
                                                 Wilma Collie

It’s a phrase which has come into        my surgery’s website. After security      times a doctor is needed. You then
the public domain recently. This is      questions to establish my identity        get a chance to look over all your
something which is being promoted        and to make sure I was a patient of       statements and change anything you
by a lot of health boards as THE way     that practice I then had a selection      need to. At the end you are told the
to access medical help. This is a        of topics to choose from. I clicked       information you have given will be
service which a surgery can sign up      on the advice on an ongoing health        passed to your surgery and you will
to and as things continue to change      problem section which then asked me       be called the next day.
on so many fronts this looks like the    for more details. This is a good bit as   I have always been called the
way forward.                             I can take my time and go over my         very next day and my problem
So, what is it? If you have used it,     answers and change anything I don’t       has been resolved.
have you liked it? It does of course     like. Seeing a doctor face to face it’s
                                                                                   It may seem a strange way to access
need access to the Internet even if      not always easy to remember what
                                                                                   help for a medical problem but it is
it’s on a phone. I use it all the time   you want to say. Then I was asked if
                                                                                   only one way and phoning the surgery
and wouldn’t want to go back to the      I had done anything to help myself,
                                                                                   is still an option but the E Consult is
old booking an appointment system.       taken any over the counter remedies
                                                                                   new and exciting and is worth a try.
This is my experience. I needed some     for instance. I would then be asked
advice after being diagnosed with a      what medical person I want help from.
health problem and I logged on to        Sometimes a nurse will do at other

Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
Post Office Closures
Hit Community
An announcement in June has revealed that Spar are planning to get rid
of five Post Office counters in Aberdeen, including the Post Office counter
based in their shop at Byron Square.

Spar claim that this is one of the l    And now Spar and Post Office, having     JOHN: “I’m not happy with
oss making counters in the city         done this damage, are bailing out.       their decision as a lot of people
and by closing these counters it                                                 depend on their local post
                                        I support the communities who are
will help ensure stores can continue                                             office and they spend money
                                        seeking to retain these services in
to operate.
                                        their communities.”                      in the shop at the same time
However, community members are                                                   so Spar might be sorry for
                                        The counters will close later this
not happy about this decision and                                                their decision.”
                                        year, however, Aberdeen South MP
have called for a rethink.
                                        Stephen Flynn has been in talks with     NICKY: “They closed Mastrick
Aberdeen North MP, Kirsty               representatives from the Post Office     Post Office and now Byron?
Blackman said: “This is completely      to try and find new locations for some   Utterly ridiculous. Many
unacceptable. The lack of               of the branches that are under threat
                                                                                 people rely on the post office
accountability and responsibility by    of closure.
                                                                                 for cashing their pension
Post Office is something worse than
                                        For residents of Middlefield and         and benefits, not to mention
I’ve seen from any organisation,
                                        Heathryfold your other nearest Post      parcels, postage and banking.
other than banks. The Post Office
                                        Office counters are:                     People will suffer.”
should be considered a vital public
service. Again, like banks. We should   MIDDLEFIELD POST OFFICE                  JACQUI: “I’ve spoken to
not be seeing Post Office closures,     832-827 Great Northern Road              local councillor and was told
particularly in some of the most        AB24 2BR                                 not sure what can be done.
deprived communities in Aberdeen.
                                                                                 There has been no public
                                        CUMMINGS PARK POST OFFICE
A lot of these Post Offices in Spars                                             consultation at all. It seems
                                        29-31 Moir Crescent
were opened without any consultation.
                                        AB16 7DB
                                                                                 Northfield isn’t the only area
Some resulted in the closure of local                                            affected. Cummings Park,
stand alone Post Offices or loss of                                              Middlefield and Heathryfold are
jobs in these places.                                                            all affected.”

Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
Gayle: “I’m
disabled so
unable to go
a distance for
a post office.
This post office
is always busy
so I don’t agree
with their
decision at all.”

Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
Community Project
End of term activities and trips                              elephants etc, however, they are maybe not aware of our
                                                              own local native species so much.
The staff and children enjoyed celebrating the children’s
achievements and their time here with a variety of happy      The orange nursery will become ‘The Wee Heilan Coos’
last day activities. These help support the children in
                                                              The Purple nursery will become ‘The Wee Helpful
their transition and also support them to understand that
endings can be happy and positive as well as a little sad
too. In August many of the children will be leaving our       The nurseries will also have new picture logos to
setting to move on to start school. We would like to wish     match their names.
them all well and hope they come back to see us, to let
                                                              A big thank you to Farrans and Bridge of Don
us know how they are getting on.
                                                              Men’s Shed
The nursery children and staff enjoyed their end of term
                                                              We would like to say a big thank you to Angela Newlands
celebration activities and summer trips. Both nurseries
                                                              who works for Farrans as they very kindly donated a
enjoyed going to Dizzy Rascals with the nursery staff.
                                                              total of £500 to our two nurseries to buy some new
Great fun was had by all. The younger children in the
                                                              garden planters, to help develop the children’s interest
orange nursery enjoyed going to Wynford farm.
                                                              in growing and planting. We were then put in touch with
New nursery names for August                                  another local charity, Bridge of Don Men’s shed that
The nursery staff and children helped to decide some          have volunteers who use local, sustainable materials to
new more permanent names for the two nurseries as             create a wide variety of fantastic garden resources. It is
of August 2021. We wanted names on the theme of               always great to support other local initiatives so we will
traditional Scottish wildlife as we felt that many children   be investing our donation of £500 for them to build the
are very aware of other animals such as lions, tigers and     planters and other garden resources which the nursery
                                                              staff have chosen. So a big thank you to the Bridge of
                                                              Don Men’s Shed for agreeing to make all of our chosen
                                                              resources. We look forward to when they are ready and
                                                              finished later on in the year.

Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
ADP funding
We are delighted to announce that we have been           attachment. We have several staff who are qualified
awarded funding to support members of the                to deliver the programme. The Circle of Security
community either directly or indirectly affected         helps identify the source of childhood trauma and
by drug and alcohol misuse. As members of our            offers support so that the same issues are not
community we are all affected in one way or              passed to their children. We would also like to use
another, so our project is offered to all community      parts of the programme with teens, as we appreciate
members. Our grateful thanks to Health in Focus,         that they will be the next generation of parents.
Alcohol and Drugs Partnership, Locality planning
                                                         Finally, our fifth strand is a proposal to use
and the folk of Aberdeen for voting for this.
                                                         techniques from Branching Out (a mental health
There’s no one answer to the complicated issue           recovery programme delivered by Scottish Forestry
of substance misuse. Which is why we have                - forestry.gov.scot/forests-people/health-strategy/
submitted Breaking the Cycle, a funding bid with         branching-out) with community members and young
five different strands.                                  people. We will take groups out to the forest – with
                                                         a fully qualified Branching Out leader and invite
The first Mind U is a fully evaluated project that
                                                         them to take part in forest activities for example,
has been running successfully for over a year,
                                                         shelter building, primitive fire-lighting, tree, bird and
it was originally funded by the Harbour Board and
                                                         plant ID, tracking, conservation work, ecotherapy,
the student RAG. It is a mental health recovery
                                                         green woodworking, whittling and mindfulness. It
programme for 12-25 year olds, delivered by our
                                                         would form the basis for completing the John Muir
very experienced mental health recovery practitioner.
                                                         Discovery Award. The forest is a natural medicine
For the second part we would like to employ a            with no side effects.
dedicated alcohol and drugs youth worker, who will
                                                         We hope to be offering these sessions over the
focus on working with young people and/or their
                                                         coming weeks, Covid permitting. If you or anyone
parents to raise awareness, address issues and offer
                                                         you know would be interested in taking part in any
support. The worker will also organise training and
                                                         of the project please get in touch leaving your name,
maintain up to date information for our youth workers.
                                                         contact details and what part you are interested in.
Thirdly, we have an ongoing arts project which           We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
will offer a series of workshops with folk in the
                                                         Get in touch by calling 01224 697000
community and young people to create sculptures
and murals to install at various points around the
Woodland and Wellbeing Walk. This, we hope,
will have the dual positive effect on participants
and, once installed, members of the community
generally. There is considerable evidence of the
therapeutic effects of creating and viewing art. And,
if it survives, a legacy for future generations!
Circle of Security (www.circleofsecurityinternational.
com/) – our fourth strand – is an eight-week
parenting intervention programme that demystifies
and makes accessible the language and theory of

Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
Covid Mythbuster
As the vaccine rollout                      in having a vaccination developed         8) Many, many millions of people
continues we have become                    so quickly meant lots of money was        have been vaccinated with the Astra
aware that there are certain                given to vaccine trials and lots of       Zenica vaccine and have been
myths spreading about the                   people came forward to take part in       vaccinated very safely. The blood
vaccine and we wanted to                    those trials. These are two hurdles       clots are a very rare event, and it
help dispel them.                           that normally take years and years to     has to be seen in the context of the
                                            do in normal research circumstances,      millions of people who have been
We spoke to Jillian Evans, Head of
                                            so it helped us get the vaccine           successfully vaccinated safely.
Health Intelligence at NHS Grampian
about the truth behind some of the          quickly which was necessary. It didn’t    9) You can’t choose the vaccine that
myths connected to the vaccine.             bypass any of the important safety        you get. There are three vaccinations
                                            regulations and processes and if it       now but if you are under 40 you will
1) Even if you’re young and healthy         weren’t for all of those processes it     be offered either Moderna or Pfizer.
you need to be protected against
                                            wouldn’t have been subject to the UK      For everyone over 40 it could be any
Covid. It’s a nasty disease that can
                                            regulation and licensing so it’s the      one of those three (including Astra
affect your heart, your lungs, your
                                            MRHA which is the UK regulator            Zenica) simply because of supply
brain, so you need to get the vaccine
                                            has said it’s safe and effective to use   and logistics. All of the vaccinations
to protect yourself from getting
                                            in humans.                                are shown to be highly effective.
seriously ill and having something
like long covid and it’s also really        5) There are likely to be other           10) If you’ve missed your original
important to protect those around you       variants and strains of the virus         appointment or if you got the time
and make sure you’re vaccinated to          until we have the world vaccinated        wrong then call the national helpline.
protect society, not just yourself.         against Covid. Right now we know          The number will be on your letter
                                            that the vaccine protects against         so give them a call and have a new
2) You can have the vaccine if you
                                            the two main strains of the virus that    appointment time offered to you.
have allergies. The main thing
                                            are circulating, so we have a lot of      It’s possible that there may be walk
to do is to ask the person who is
                                            confidence that the vaccines we           in or drop-in centres that might be
vaccinating you about your allergies
                                            have for use now will protect you         an option for you at some stage but
and if they’re worried about it, they’ll
                                            against new variants.                     definitely reschedule it as we just
refer you to an allergy specialist.
                                                                                      want you to be vaccinated.
                                            6) No vaccine is 100% effective
3) You won’t catch Covid from the
                                            but this vaccine is estimated to be       11) The vaccine does not affect
vaccine. What the vaccine does
                                            around 80% effective, so it gives you     fertility, will not alter your DNA and
is that it helps your body mount a
                                            a significant amount of protection        does not contain pork or any other
defense against Coronavirus so
                                            against serious illness and disease.      animal derivatives. The vaccine also
it won’t give you the virus and the
                                                                                      does not have a micro-chip tracking
vaccine will disperse in your body          7) Worried about getting ill after the
                                                                                      device in it.
very quickly. What you might have is        vaccine? Well, it’s possible that you
a few mild symptoms after having the        may have a sore arm, or you may           There are community vaccination
vaccination, a bit like having flu but      have very mild flu like symptoms.         clinics happening throughout
that won’t last long.                       The best thing you can do is take a       Aberdeen city with new dates and
                                            paracetamol or other mild painkiller.     locations being added regularly.
4) The vaccine went through the
                                            You’re very likely to have no             For more information visit www.
same safety precautions and the
                                            symptoms after 24 or 48 hours             nhsgrampian.org/COVID-19-
same rigorous research processes
                                            so any you do have shouldn’t be           vaccination-clinics
as any other clinical trial. The
different with this is the sheer interest   long lasting.

Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit
Middlefield Mirror Summer 2021 - In this issue: Station House Media Unit

How are you

right now?’
                                                                                 I wish that I could slow
                                                                                 down time
                                                                                 And stop it going so fast
                                                                                 I want to grab a memory
Wilma Collie
                                                                                 And try to make it last

I saw a headline the other day asking ‘how are you right now?’ It                If only I could reach out
got me thinking about how having a conversation with someone
                                                                                 And catch it in my fingers
can lift the mood.
                                                                                 I’d hold on to that memory
It doesn’t have to be a long              with family and friends and even
                                                                                 And try to make it linger
conversation but just asking              groups I’m involved with but I
how someone is at that moment             quickly found out that I just didn’t   But it trickles into nothing
could really make a difference.           like speaking to people that way.
Ok there will be times when you           We miss so much when looking at        And just like holding sand
wished you had never asked,               someone on a computer monitor.         The moment slips right through
but that shouldn’t stop us asking
                                          The little pauses in conversations     my fingers
the question should it? Even the
                                          which we deal with without even
most upbeat person can feel down                                                 Even though I close my hand
                                          being aware of are not so easy
at times. Perhaps an innocent
                                          to deal with online. A pause
remark hit a nerve and brought                                                   Time may take my moments
on a feeling of sadness and a             seems like the others have left
little bit of feeling sorry for oneself   the conversation and stops the         And filter them away
but that mood could be lifted by a        natural flow of a conversation.        But my memories will be
friendly remark.                          Meeting face to face lets you
                                                                                 with me
                                          judge a person’s mood in a way
We have all been subjected to
                                          computers cannot.                      To welcome another day
levels of stress not known in
modern times and we have all              In the same way judging a              The comfort they will give me
realised how much family and              person’s mood can really only          Will dry up any tears
friends are needed but sometimes          be done face to face. A friendly
things can overwhelm and lead             ‘how are things’ can make a huge       And surely bring a smile
to feelings of not being important
                                          difference to someone feeling a bit    To give me lots of cheer
in the mainstream of life but a
                                          low so asking the question ,and
chat with someone can help to
                                          taking the time to listen to the       So if you catch me thoughtful
reconnect and lift spirits. I love
                                          answer can make a difference.
technology and I am always doing                                                 Do not worry do not or be
something on my computer so I             You could make someone’s day
thought when lockdown started             and lets face it that’s a good
I would just go online to chat            feeling isn’t it?                      I’m cheating time and
                                                                                 A memory deep in my soul

Jackie Dunbar

It has been a privilege to represent    your Councillor and MSP for the          I am now in the process of putting
Middlefield, the area where I have      next year, I will be donating my         a team together, and renting a local
lived and raised a family over the      Councillor salary to local charities     office, so I can be accessible to
last 30+ years, as Councillor for       every month – so far I have              you. If you need some assistance
Northfield / Mastrick North ward        donated to various foodbanks,            with an issue or you feel there
and it was the honour of my life to     Mastrick Community Centre and            is a matter needing raised in the
be elected the MSP for Aberdeen         my next few salaries will be going       Scottish Parliament I will be there
Donside at the Scottish Parliament      to Middlefield’s @thehub for a new       to assist you when needed. If you
election in May. I would like to take   fence that they needed to divide         are needing to get in touch in the
this opportunity to thank everyone      space between parent and toddler         meantime, the best way to do
who voted for me and highlight to       group and under 11s.                     so is by email: Jackie.dunbar.
those who did not that I am here to                                              msp@parliament.scot as I do not
                                        If any other community groups
help all of my constituents in any                                               currently have an office phone line
                                        could do with a little funding, please
way I can moving forward.                                                        set up yet.
                                        do get in touch with the details of
I would also like to let you know       how you would use the funding and
that while I continue as both           who would benefit.

Gordon Graham

Hi Folks,                               Community paths within                   Auchmill Golf Club
                                        Auchmill Community Woodland              As most of you know I am Captain
Northfield Swimming Pool and
Fitness Centre                          It is still anticipated that the         of Auchmill Golf Club. The club
                                        delivery plan for these paths that       is doing extremely well despite
Funding of over £4m was approved
                                        would see a start to work by the         COVID restrictions, and we are
at the last meeting. Tendering for
                                        19th July 2021 with completion by        looking the get the junior section
contracts is out and I am expecting
                                        the 18th January 2022.                   up and running.
this to be awarded soon with works
commencing soon after.                  The Arts Group at Middlefield            Stay safe
                                        Community Project have built             Gordon Graham
Heathryfold Park
                                        some super mushrooms out of
I have joined the Friends of                                                     ggraham@aberdeencity.gov.uk
                                        logs and I am looking forward to
Heathryfold Park and Auchmill                                                    tel 07736329751
                                        them going around Heathryfold
Community Woodland and
                                        Park and Auchmill Community
the group are looking for more
members. This will be advertised
when Covid restrictions ease.

Pathways in Middlefield
Auchmill                            Pathways have been actively                able to begin to trust people again.

                                    working in the Middlefield area for        This helped immensely when she
                                    over 20 years now, helping people          gained interviews and she was then

                                    to find work and our Employability         successful in gaining employment.
                                    Keyworker, Claudia, helps local            She thanked Claudia by stating, “I
                                    people to find suitable employment.
                                                                               am happy to be back in work and
                                    At present we are helping people
                                                                               that without the help of Claudia and
Wilma Collie                        by telephone and email until such
                                                                               Pathways I would not have found
                                    time that restrictions change and we
                                                                               a new job so quickly. I will be telling
                                    can return to seeing our clients face
At a meeting of interested          to face.                                   other people about the service so
residents Councillor Gordon                                                    they too can get help”.
                                    Claudia has helped many people
Graham told of the plans to                                                    Pathways help people from the
                                    from the Middlefield area and one
maintain existing paths and new                                                age of 16 upwards and from all
                                    client came to see Claudia as she
paths planned.
                                    had recently voluntarily given up          backgrounds and help to identify the
A proposal to form a ‘Friends       work due to trust issues with her          job or training that is right for you. We
of Heathryfold’ Park group has      employer, not being happy about            also you to develop a plan to reach
been discussed. This would          how the company worked. As she             your job goal, help with CV’s, assist
enable funding to be sourced        left voluntarily she was not entitled to
                                                                               in completing application forms and
for any projects identified by      benefits for a number of weeks and
                                                                               we also have access to funds to
the community.                      her confidence had been severely
                                                                               remove barriers to work e.g. clothing,
                                    knocked. Claudia worked with her
There is a core group in                                                       bus fares or equipment needs. If
                                    on a weekly basis, creating a CV,
existence already but new                                                      you would like an appointment, call
                                    coaching on interview techniques and
members are required in order                                                  Claudia by phone on 01224 682
                                    how to complete online applications.
to get a wider opinion of what is
                                    Working with Claudia the client soon       939 or send her an email to
needed to benefit the community.
                                    regained her confidence and was            c.karl@pathways-online.org
Details of any future meetings
of the group will be advertised
when the group set up their own
Facebook page. Meetings are
currently held at the Auchmill
                                    Warmer Homes Scotland scheme gets
Golf club and when allowed          funding boost to help green recovery
future meetings will be held at
the hub. Please feel free to drop   The Warmer Homes Scotland                  draught-proofing and even home
in to meet the group and find out   scheme is open and helping Scots           renewables. After support from
more about the aims and hopes       who are struggling with energy             Warmer Homes Scotland, homes
of the group.                       bills. The Scottish Government has         are on average 20% more energy
                                    increased funding for the scheme to        efficient, with households saving
If you walk around the area
                                    help support a ‘green recovery’ from       an average £300 per year on their
and think of something which is
                                    the coronavirus pandemic and help          energy bills.
needed in the park or have an
                                    tackle fuel poverty in Scotland.
idea to improve and benefit the                                                To find out more call Home
area then come along and tell       Over 22,000 Scottish households            Energy Scotland on 0808 808
us.We are a friendly group.         have already benefitted since the          2282. They’re open Monday –
                                    scheme launched in 2015. They’ve           Friday 8am –8pm and Saturday
                                    had help to fund energy saving home        9am –5pm. Or go online: www.
                                    improvements like new heating              homeenergyscotland.org/warmer-
                                    systems, wall and loft insulation,         winter

A contract has been awarded for £4.8 million
revamp at Northfield Swimming Pool
CHAP Group has been appointed by Aberdeen                   The pool is expected to open in summer 2022. The
City Council (ACC) to carry out the £4.8 million            site is next to a recently completed third generation 3G
refurbishment of Northfield Swimming Pool following         artificial turf pitch at Northfield Academy, and a sports
a competitive tendering exercise. The work is being         centre comprising bowling greens and tennis courts.
funded by ACC with significant support from Sport           Part of the project will involve landscaping to connect
Aberdeen, which operates the city’s leisure venues, as      these facilities.
well as from Sport Scotland.

The pool closed due to equipment failures and as part
of the contract significant elements of the mechanical
and electrical plant will be replaced along with fixtures
and fittings. In addition, the new facility will include:

· A larger, fully accessible changing village;

· Group changing and family changing;

· 40-station fitness suite;

· Multi-purpose studio;

· Dry changing facilities;

· Clinical suites for use by NHS Grampian;

· Additional car and cycle parking.

Shmu are currently looking to recruit aspiring filmmakers     screenwriting, directing, cinematography, editing and
from Aberdeen and Shire for the BFI Film Academy which        sound. Participants will be supported through the process
will start after the summer. Each course offers a real        of developing and producing a short film which will be
hands-on experience and the opportunity to learn new          screened to an invited audience at the Belmont Filmhouse
skills in filmmaking ideal for anyone with an interest in     at the end of the project.
potentially working in the film industry.
                                                              Films from previous years have been shown at Film
BFI FILM ACADEMY                                              Festivals all over the world with Metropolitan Spaghetti
The 7th Aberdeen BFI Film Academy will launch in              (2018) winning the Audience Award at the FANS Film
September. The course is open to any young person 16-19       Festival in Glasgow, and Life’s A Drag (2019) screening at
years passionate about film or filmmaking, storytelling or    the prestigious Edinburgh International Film Festival.
even gaming and perhaps looking for a career in the film or
                                                              In addition to the practical experience on the course,
creative industry.
                                                              participants will also secure an NPA in Film and Media at
BFI Film Academy offers students an opportunity to work       NCQF Level 5 and will become part of a BFI Alumini group
in teams to write, produce and direct original short films    which opens up a range of additional opportunities for the
in an industry focused environment. Students will attend      young person following the course.   
masterclasses with guest professionals during the course
to enhance their learning and gain an insight into the        We are dedicated to making our courses inclusive and
realities of working in film.                                 accessible to all and welcome applications from all
                                                              backgrounds and levels of experience.
If you have a passion for film, this high-quality course
will develop your understanding of key craft areas such       For more details email: bfi@shmu.org.uk


Alan Johnstone

The Aberdeen Daily Journal               scullery, containing every requisite
of 2nd June 1905 looks                   from the latest in gas cookers to
forward to the opening of an             furniture. Adjoining is a model
                                         parlour, furnished with a splendid
American-style department
                                         suite, and decorated with general
store in George Street.
                                         bric-a-brac. Then there is a model
“The premises at 286 George              bedroom, completely furnished, and
Street, Aberdeen, have undergone         the speciality of the furniture is that it
extensive structural alterations,        is of local manufacture. There is also
and are to be opened to-morrow as        a large room for accommodating
a branch of Allan’s Public Supply        reserve stock, and another - the
Stores - one the largest, most           same size as the spacious saloon
up-to-date, and best equipped            - for household requisites and
establishments of its kind in the        ironmongery. Facing the stairs
city. It will constitute an entirely     is a stand specially constructed
new departure in its way, being as       for the display of tea, dinner, and
near as possible an imitation of the     toilet ware, and there is also a fine
American departmental store, and         assortment of china, earthenware,
some conception of the dimensions        and glass of every conceivable
of the premises will be gathered         size, shape, and colour. Everything
from the fact that there is about        in the premises is clean, new,
3000 feet of floor space. The store      and up-to-date, and a visit to the
has been so constructed that each        unique and handsome store will be
department is practically by itself.     amply repaid.
The front shop, which is situated
                                         As a speciality in connection with
directly opposite Craigie Street,
                                         the opening, Mr Allan, with his
will be set apart principally for the
                                         customary enterprise, has arranged
sale of groceries, provisions, fruit,
                                         to give away two full dinner services
confectionery, and stationery. To the
                                         of 61 pieces, and three tea services
rear is the saloon - reached by a
                                         of 40 pieces, besides half-pounds
short stair - where a great variety of
                                         of tea weekly for three months, a
goods is displayed for sale. There is
                                         supply of tobacco, and sausages
a fine collection of stags’ heads, a
                                         weekly for the same period. These
beautiful assortment of china, from
                                         handsome gifts will be given on the
the commonest Staffordshire china
                                         principle of every fiftieth customer
to Kaga china from Japan, and the
                                         receiving one, so that all have an
Satasuma varieties, besides royal
                                         equal chance. The establishment
blue porcelain in antique shapes.
                                         is now in working order and there
Another large apartment has been         is certain to be a rush of the public
fitted as a model kitchen, with          tomorrow, the opening day.

Community Contacts
Aberdeen City Council Helpline - 0800 0304 713   OUR LOCAL ELECTED OFFICIALS ARE:
                                                 LOCAL COUNCILLORS
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0800 9177 650             Councillor Ciaran McRae 01224 346630
Drinkline - 0300 123 1110                        cimcrae@aberdeencity.gov.uk
CRIME                                            Councillor Gordon Graham 01224 523594
Crimestoppers - 0800 555 111                     ggraham@aberdeencity.gov.uk
Alcohol and Drugs Action Helpline                Area MSP
01224 594700 or 07927192706                      Jackie Dunbar
                                                 – MSP for Aberdeen Donside
Narcotics Anonymous
                                                 Aberdeen office: 0131 34 85067
0300 999 1212
Emergency - G-Dens - 111                         Area MP
                                                 Kirsty Blackman
                                                 – MP for Aberdeen North
NHS 24 Emergency - 111
                                                 Aberdeen office: 01224 633285
POLICE                                           kirsty.blackman.mp@parliament.
Non-Emergency - 101
ELECTRICITY                                      DOMESTIC ABUSE SUPPORT
If you have a power-cut - 105                    Domestic Abuse is not acceptable. It is not your fault
GAS                                              and you are not alone. Domestic Abuse is when you
Gas Emergency - 0800 111 999                     are hurt, bullied or frightened by:
WATER                                            Your husband or wife. Your boyfriend or girlfriend
Scottish Water Emergency - 0800 0778 778         Your current or ex-partner
HOUSING                                          Their behaviour can be; controlling, physical, sexual,
Emergency Repairs - 03000 200 292                financial or emotional.
Family Planning - 0345 337 9900                  Help and support
Mental Health Aberdeen - 01224 573892            There are services available to support you, and
Breathing Space - 0800 838 587                   they are still open. You do not have to wait for an
                                                 emergency to get help. Tell someone you trust
Samaritans - Need to talk
                                                 or contact:
01224 574 488 or 116 123
                                                 Police Scotland
                                                 If you are in danger and it is an emergency, call 999.
Adult Protection - 0800 731 5520
                                                 For non-emergencies call 101
Joint Child Protection Team
01224 306877 or 0800 731 5520                    National Domestic Abuse Helpline Free and
                                                 confidential advice. Open to all. 24 hours a day.
Aberdeen City Carers Service- 01224 914036       Telephone: 0800 027 1234. Website: sdafmh.org.uk
Age Scotland - 0800 1244 222
                                                 Grampian Women’s Aid
CFINE 01224 596156                               Telephone: 01224 593381. Website:
Financial Advice at CFINE 01224 531386           grampian-womens-aid.com
Pathways 01224 682 939
Citizens Advice 01224 586255                     Rape Crisis Grampian Telephone: 01224 590932.
St Machar Credit Union 01224 276994              Website: rapecrisisgrampian.co.uk
Northfield Medical Practice 0345 013 0740
Woodside Medical Group 01224 492828
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