Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road

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Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Lidl and Deer Park
Construction Logistics Plan- Appendix B.2

                                            Kier Construction
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

 This document has been prepared for the internal purposes of Kier Group plc (the Company) and the other
members of its group (the Kier Group) only and should be treated as private and confidential. This document
may not be shared with any person other than the intended recipients and any persons within the Kier Group
 who have prior authorisation to receive this document. This document is the property of the Company and
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     no obligation to update this document and shall have no liability to any third party in relation to this

                                                                             Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

Document Control

Contract Title    Lidl and Deer Park School

Report Title      Construction Logistic Plan

Revision          3

Status            Issued for Planning

Control Date      30/01/2018

Record of Issue

Issue    Status   Author                  Date          Check        Date        Authorised         Date

0        Draft    J.Harty                 30/01/2018

01       Draft    J.Harty                 07/02/2018

02       Issued   J.Harty                 16/02/2018    M. Varley    16/02/2018 C. Woods            19/02/2018

03       Issued   J.Harty                 20/02/2018    M.Varley     20/02/2018 C.Woods             20/02/2018


Organisation                            Contact                                        Copies

Lidl                                    London South property Office, 1st floor, 33    1
                                        Aberconway Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5LN

                                                                              Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
   Objectives of the Construction Logistics Plan ............................................................................................................... 3
   Development Proposals ................................................................................................................................................ 3
   Site Content ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
   Developer Name and details ......................................................................................................................................... 5
      Site Working Hours .................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Construction Programme and methodology ................................................................................................................. 6
   Construction and delivery Hours; .................................................................................................................................. 6
   Construction Staff Trips ................................................................................................................................................. 7
   Methodology .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. Vehicle Routing and Site access .................................................................................................................................. 9
   Vehicle Access to Site ................................................................................................................................................. 10
   Pedestrian Access to Site ........................................................................................................................................... 11
   Traffic Signage ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
   Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) ............................................................................................................. 13
   Office Set up & welfare facilities .................................................................................................................................. 14
   Security ....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
4. Strategies to Reduce Impacts ..................................................................................................................................... 16
   Control of Noise, Vibration and Dust Particles ............................................................................................................ 16
   Material Delivery, distribution and Laydown Areas ..................................................................................................... 17
5. Estimated Vehicle Movements ................................................................................................................................... 18
6. Implementing, Monitoring and Updating ..................................................................................................................... 19
   Speed Limits ................................................................................................................................................................ 19
   Parking ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
   Services ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19
   Construction Vehicle Rules ......................................................................................................................................... 19
   Delivery Drivers Site Rules. ........................................................................................................................................ 20
   Monitoring, Controls and reviews ................................................................................................................................ 21
   Site Specific Considerations ....................................................................................................................................... 21
7. Summary..................................................................................................................................................................... 22
8. Appendices ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
   Appendix A: East Twickenham Controlled Parking Zone Plan ................................................................................... 23
   Appendix B: HVG Tracking Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 24

                                                                                         1                                        Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

Figure 1: Local Site Plan                                         4

Figure 2: Planned Vehicle Routing and site access plan            9

Figure 3: Site Logistic Plan                                      10

Figure 4: Example of Delivery system                              11

Figure 5: Security Access system                                  11

Figure 6: Example of pedestrian walkways on site                  12

Figure 7: Example of Site Signage                                 12

Figure 8: FORS memberships                                        13

Figure 9: Kiers Proposed site cabin set up                        14

Figure 10: Example of Wheel wash Facilities                       16

Figure 11: Example of Road Sweeper                                16

Figure 12: Example of onsite laydown areas                        17

Figure 13: Example of Keir’s Delivery Drivers Rules               20

Table 1: Indicative Construction Programme                        6

Table 2: Estimated Number of Construction Personnel on Site       7

Table 3: Estimated Construction Vehicle movements                 18

                                                              2        Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

1. Introduction
Objectives of the Construction Logistics Plan
This Construction Logistics Plan is to provide the details to ensure that risks are identified and are controlled as far as
reasonably possible and to provide the strategy for the efficient movement and management of construction traffic
associated with the development of a mixed use development comprising a Lidl food store with a 2,040 square metres
of gross internal floor space, a 55 space car park, and a two-form entry (420 pupil) primary school on the site of Ryde
House, 383-391 Richmond Road, East Twickenham.

This CLP is to be read in conjunction with the Site Logistics Plan Drawings included within this plan. As the
Construction phase proceeds the nature of the site will change and additional and/ or different risks are identified,
revised control measures must be implemented and this document is to be revised.

The aim of the CLP in accordance with TfL Guidance on Transport Assessments and Construction Logistics Plans, is
to minimise any potential negative impacts of construction on the local road network and to minimise any
environmental impact of the works. The principal issues addressed by the CLP are:

■   A detailed programme for the duration of the proposed works;

■   Identification of the expected volume and type of construction vehicle movements throughout the duration of the
    planned works;

■   Hours of operation; and

■   Details of the proposed routing of construction vehicles to/from the site.

This plan will also detail the following Considerations

■   Vehicle and Pedestrian access to site.

■   Welfare and Office accommodation.

■   Monitoring and review.

Development Proposals
The development proposals comprise the redevelopment of the site to construct a Lidl food store of 2,040 square
metres of gross internal floor space (1,123 square metre retail sales floorspace), a 55 space Lidl customer car park,
and a two-form entry (420 pupil) primary school with one associated blue badge parking bay. Access will be provided
from a new priority junction onto Richmond Road.

                                                            3                           Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

Site Content
The site is located in East Twickenham and fronts onto the A305 Richmond Road, providing a route between
Twickenham and Richmond on a northeast/southwest axis. Richmond Road is a local distributor road which is single
carriageway, with street lighting and is subject to a 30mph speed limit, with footways located upon each side of the

To the southwest of the site, Richmond Road forms a four-arm signal controlled junction with the A3004 St Margaret’s
Road, with Richmond Road continuing on a northeast/southwest axis towards Twickenham town centre. St Margaret’s
Road routes northwest, providing a link to the A316 The Avenue/A316 Chertsey Road, forming part of the strategic
red route road network.

To the northeast of the site over the river bridge, Richmond Road forms a mini roundabout junction with the A307 Hill
Street, providing links through Richmond town centre to the north and south.

The site is located in an area of mixed land uses, with Richmond Road acting as a commercial frontage with retail and
commercial units fronting onto Richmond Road on both sides of the carriageway. Above the retail units are a mixture
of residential and employment uses. To the north and south of Richmond Road are residential areas.

Figure 1 illustrates the development site within the local area.

                                                  Figure 1: Local Site Plan

The site is located within the London Borough of Richmond’s Community Parking Zone (CPZ) Zone F – East
Twickenham. The CPZ active between Monday to Friday 10:00 hours to 16:30 hours (excluding Bank and Public
holidays). An overview of the Zone CPZ area and bay restrictions produced by the London Borough of Richmond-
upon- Thames is included for reference at Appendix A.

                                                             4                      Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

Along the site frontage onto Richmond Road, there are double yellow lines with loading restrictions in place between
07:00 – 10:00 and 16:00 – 19:00 hours Monday to Saturday. Outside of these hours, loading can be undertaken along
the site frontage.

Developer Name and details
Kier Construction are the Main contractor on the project and the main points of contact in relation to the content of this
CLP and during construction are:

■   Murtagh Varley- Project Manager, Maple Lodge Close, Maple Cross, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 9SN.
    Contact Number both in/ out operation Hours- 07771 945182

Prior to works commencing onsite, the Project Manager will oversee that residents located surrounding the site are
informed of the works programme and have contact details for any concerns.

In order that the works onsite be undertaken in a safe and efficient manner Kier Construction will be an affiliate to the
‘Considerate Contractors Scheme’. The non-profit scheme encourages best practice beyond statutory requirements.
Contractors follow a ‘Code of Considerate Practice’ requiring adherence to the following topics to improve the image
of construction:

■   Care about Appearance;

■   Respect the Community;

■   Protect the Environment;

■   Secure Everyone’s Safety; and

■   Value their Workforce.

Site Working Hours
Monday to Friday                                           07:30 to 18:00hrs

        SATURDAY                     Subject to approval (08:00 to 13:00hrs)

        SUNDAY                                             N/A

Site activities to be conducted outside agreed working hours must be approved in advance by Richmond Upon
Thames Environmental Health Department.

The Project Environmental Co-ordinator will be advised of all out-of-hours and weekend work, a minimum of two
weeks before work is programmed to take place.

                                                            5                          Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

2. Construction Programme and methodology
The planned total construction period for the development is commencing on the 09th April 2018 and completing on
the 30th Sept 2019. Table 1 provides an indicative programme of works related to the development;

                         Development Phase            Estimated         Estimated      No.
                                                      Start Date        End date      Weeks

                        1. Site set up                23.03.2018        09.04.2018       2

                        2. Basement piling and        09.04.2018        20.09.2018      18

                        3. Sub-structure              20.09.2018        29.10.2018       9

                        4. Super-Structure            29.10.2018        11.03.2019      22

                        5. cladding                   25.01.2019        15.09.2019      28

                        6. Fit-out, testing and       22.01.2019        20.09.2019      28

                        7. Handover                   30.09.2019        30.09.2019

                                         Table 1: Indicative Construction Programme

Construction and delivery Hours;
Deliveries will not be accepted at the site before 08:00am hours and will leave the site by 18:00pm hours from
Monday to Friday unless agreed with local authority. Deliveries will be timed, where possible, to avoid peak periods
on the highway network.

Construction activity will occur at the site between the hours of 07:30am and 18:00pm Monday to Friday and 08:00am
to 13:00pm on Saturday with no activity on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

                                                             6                        Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Lidl and Deer Park School - Construction Logistics Plan-Appendix B.2 - Lidl Richmond Road
Construction Logistics Plan

Construction Staff Trips
The estimated number of construction workers will variy over the construction period. Table 2 below shows the
number of personnel expected to be on site throughout the duration of the works;

                                Development Phase           Duration         Personnel
                                                            (weeks)         on site (No.)

                               1. Site set up                   2                 10

                               2. Basement piling and           18                25

                               3. Sub-structure                 9                 25

                               4. Super-Structure               22                60

                               5. cladding                      28                60

                               6. Fit-out, testing and          28                30

                               Table 2: Estimated Number of Construction Personnel on Site

Demolition: Demolition of the existing building will be carried out by Mathews who have been appointed to carry out
the works on behalf of Lidl’s. Mathews will be leaving the crushed material on site as 6F2 along with the necessary
certification for kier to adopt and use as a piling mat.

Basement Foundations: A Secant pile wall is to be constructed using a guide wall to reduce vertical tolerances
during construction. The Secant pile wall is to be constructed only around the perimeter of the basement, with CFA
piles and ground beams being constructed to support the concrete frame structure.

The basement structure is to be supported during excavation works until the 1st floor slab has been installed. The
initial temporary works design will consist of knee bracing at each corner of the basement with racking back to the pile
caps at approx.7.5m intervals.

The secant wall will be lined with a bentonite carpet layer and then with a waterproof concrete lining wall being
constructed in front.

Structure: The main structure will be concrete frame with initial designs are indicating a 400mm thick slab. The main
hall structure will be steel with both concrete and steel connections

Roof: The roof will be constructed using concrete frame as per the structure. Currently there is a prospal of using a
blue roof to help eliminate the need for a ground floor attenuation tank.

                                                           7                           Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

External Walls: Structural Steel Frame infill to structure, CP Board, Insulation with a combination of brickwork and
rendering to external façade.

M&E: Mechanical and electrical design will be carried out by our chosen subcontractor who is yet to be appointed.

Internal Partitions and Finishes: Metal framed plasterboard partitions to meet durability, fire and acoustic
requirements as set out in the client specifications

Landscape: Landscape for the project is very limited with the playground for the school being located on the 1st floor
concrete slab. Planters are to be installed to the rear of the site with the current option being explored for a modular
system to limit the need for construction workers to gain access and utilise the tower crane. There is very limited
space for access between the planters and external party walls.

Crane Strategy: The project will be using a Luffing Jib Tower crane with the following accessories installed to ensure
compliance with Keir’s Minimum standards;

1.      Anti-Climb device

2.      Blokcam pro system

3.      Flood lights

4.      Radio hand free system and licencing

5.      Traffic management and road closure

6.      Illuminated crane sign box (Kier)

7.      Emergency rescue plan

The tower crane will be provided with a banksman/slinger who will direct the crane operator by radio contact to the
required load position. All Lifting operations will be controlled strictly in accordance with Kier SHEMS-STD-GR-045
Management of Lifting Operations and all lifts will have been assessed and a lifting plan will be in place prior to any
works commencing. Where there are repeat lifts of the same type a schedule of common lifts will be in place to
identify the method and type of lifting equipment required for that particular lift.

                                                            8                          Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

3. Vehicle Routing and Site access
The management of deliveries and traffic during the project will be a key element to the success of the project. The
project will operate a just in time delivery system using Data scope management system.

The Delivery Management System provides a secure login for all users. Once user accounts have been established,
Trade Contractors can start to coordinate and manage their deliveries on or off site via the Internet. Upon receipt of
the delivery schedules the site team then have a “picture” of the days ahead. These schedules are then used in the
projects daily and weekly coordination meetings that will be chaired by Kier. No delivery will be accepted without the
authorisation of the Kier’s Logistics Manager.

Vehicle access (Contractors/ Staff/ deliveries) must approach the site using Twickenham Road as the main access
route which has been identified on the “Project Access Routes” below.

The Identified routes are capable of receiving all vehicles including articulated loads; special consideration is still
required for abnormal loads in conjunction with Kier Site Management.

The site is accessible via the A316 which is located approximately 1.1 kilometres to the north-west, via St Margarets
Road. This road routes north-east towards central London, becoming the A4 trunk road, aswell as providing access to
the A307 and South Circular Road. The South Circular roads also provides access to the M4.

It is anticipated that HGVs will be directed to/from the A316, which is designated as part of the exempt route network
allowing HGV access at all times. The A316 provides access to the A4, A307, M3, A308 South Circular Road, and
subsequently using these roads, the M25 and M4. The route is summarised in Figure 2 below.

                                    Figure 2: Planned Vehicle Routing and site access plan

                                                              9                              Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

Vehicle Access to Site
Vehicle access and agrees is to be via Richmond Road. Access to the site entrance will be via Gate A only from
Richmond Road., which is demonstrated in the below Figure 3: Site Logistic Plan.

There will be NO contractor or staff car park on the Lidl and Deer Park Project due to the sites tight constraints. Any
contractor or staff personnel will have to utilise local parking facilities.

All Deliveries to site will received a Lidl & Deer Park School delivery driver’s induction and handout to sign from the
traffic marshal at the security check point upon entering Gate A.

Kier will ensure that there is sufficient information signage in place at all times, to ensure that all delivery drivers are
aware of the routes they must adhere to and follow.

Figure 3: Site Logistic Plan

A traffic marshal will be situated at Gate A at set times during the day to ensure any pre-booked site traffic does not
cause any obstruction as well as to ensure safe passage for Vehicles and Pedestrians.

On days where high volume of traffic is expected, the traffic marshal will be place on a more permanent basis to
ensure that there is not disruption to normal flow of traffic along Richmond Road.

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Construction Logistics Plan

Due to the sites tight constraints, the sites access and agrees will be by Gate A only. Kier are proposing to apply for a
pedestrian footpath closure and temporary bus stop closure to enable the unloading of construction vehciles as
highlighted in Figure 3. Vehicles entering the site will have to turn around at the indicated turning cycle, with a
banksman’s in watch and assistance at all times. Gate B will be only for UKPN access in an event of an emergency
and will have 24 hour access.

All deliveries are required to be pre-booked using our on-line booking system prior to delivery to site and approved by
our traffic marshal/ site team.

Clear identification of delivery time, location and recipient details will be required
for the booking process. All deliveries will be required to be off loaded in the
designated loading bay area.

                                                                                         Figure 4: Example of Delivery system

Pedestrian Access to Site
No existing pedestrian routes will be effected by construction operations over and above that identified at planning
stage and agreed with Lidl and Richmond upon Thames. Any deviations are to be discussed and agreed with the
Local Authority prior to implementation.

Separate vehicular and pedestrian routes are to be implemented across the site to maintain segregation of material
deliveries and pedestrians to all areas of the project. Main pedestrian routes will lead from the site welfare, onto site
and through the main central haul road of the project. Particular attention is to be placed on pedestrian crossing
points – right of way for pedestrians at all times is to be maintained.

As the project value is more than >£5m the project will be complying with SHEMS-MST-BUK-0078 Access Control
Equipment and will be installing the following systems;

                                    A full height integrated                                             A Secondary half
                                    biometric Access security data                                       height turnstile will
                                    pod will laptop and biometric                                        be installed on the
                                    enroller device.                                                     project to monitor
                                                                                                         access onto the
                                    The data pod will be located at                                      main construction
                                    the front of the site as located                                     site area.
                                    on the site logistic plan, with
                                    the site security hut located
                                    next door to allow access for

Figure 5: Security Access system

                                                             11                          Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

Where pedestrians must cross traffic routes, the crossing point is to be chosen to ensure maximum visibility for both
pedestrians and drivers and will be clearly marked, the Site walkways will be in accordance to SHEMS-MST-CIS-
0034. The below images are examples of the standard that will be installed on the Lidl and Deer Park School project.

                                      Figure 6: Example of pedestrian walkways on site

Reversing will be carried out on site with a trained banksman to minimise the possibility of accidents. All plant will be
fitted with 360 mirrors and reversing cameras as well as banksman control.

All Vehicle, Plant and equipment that will operate on the Lidl and Deer Park School will be in accordance to the
guidance notes set out in SHEMS-STD-GR-057- Vehicles, Plant & Equipment (PUWER)

Traffic Signage
Temporary signage will need to be erected to warn the public of the works. This will not only be displayed in areas
close to our works but also widespread to make it clear that construction vehicles will be within the area. Richmond
Road will have signage installed to warn the public in advance of vehicles assessing and existing from the main gates
to site. A Traffic Marshal will be located at the main access gate to assist in directing the public and controlling
construction traffic movement.

                                             Figure 7: Example of Site Signage

                                                            12                           Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS)
Road safety and driver awareness skills are becoming prevalent in today’s busy city projects. We recognise the need
to ensure that the public and contractors are safe, but to also ensure that the construction deliveries made to this
project are registered with the TfL FORS Recognition scheme. We will ensure that construction vehicles are compliant
through our Delivery Management software. Our Traffic Marshals will undertake vehicle inspections using the
approved checklist to determine compliance with the scheme

Figure 8: FORS memberships

The control of HGV movements within the LLCS restricted network applies between 21:00 hours and 07:00 hours,
Monday to Friday (including 21:00 hours on Friday to 07:00 hours on Saturday) as well as 13:00 hours on a Saturday

                                                        13                         Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

to 07:00 hours on a Monday. It is unlikely that the construction site would receive deliveries using these larger HGVs
during these restricted hours.

Journeys off the ERN require the approval of the Lorry Control Unit and routes need to be specified and submitted
with a permit application. In the event that there is such requirement, a permit would be applied for from London Lorry
Control Scheme. (

Office Set up & welfare facilities
The main site office and welfare facilities will be located on an erected scaffold Gantry at the front of the store to
minimise the foot print taken up by the welfare set up. The Site set up will consist of 6 No. fire rated Werneck cabins
which will be double stacked and accessed by two scaffold stair cases onto the Gantry platform.

The site set up will be as follows;

           • 1.No open plan office with kitchen
           • 1.No Meeting room office 60/40,
           • 1 No. Open plan drying/ changing room,
           • 1 No. Canteen/ drying room spit 70/30
           • 1.No Open plan canteen
           • 1 No. 5 + 1 toilet + 1 shower unit,
First tier cabins;

The first floor of the gantry will have the main office set-up and house all the Kier staff and main contractors. It will
also have the sites toilet and shower facility.

Ground tier cabins;

The ground floor of the gantry will house the two canteen areas for the project along with an open plan drying room.

Figure 9: Kiers Proposed site cabin set up

                                                             14                           Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

Access to the site accommodation will remain on Richmond Road as per the site set up drawing. Kier will be using a
biometric access control in the form of a turnstile with fingerprint recognition and a bypass gate attend by a security
guard who will sign in and direct visitors to site. Once inducted and checked the security system will allow access to
site via the biometric controlled turnstile.

Hoarding and gates will secure the site vehicle entrance on Richmond Road with this area being marshalled to ensure
the safe segregation of vehicles and pedestrians. The Hoarding design will be adopted from Mathews who are Lidl’s
demolition contractor. The design for the temporary hoarding has be issued to Kier Professional Services for review
and checking. 24-hour access will have to be in place for the substation at the North West of the site. Kier will be
installing a double gate with an accessible lock for UKPN access. Kier will be installing a second line of hoarding to
provide a secure line at all times during the construction phase.

                                                           15                         Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

4. Strategies to Reduce Impacts
To further reduce the impact of vehicles servicing the site, key principles of the DfT’s Quiet Deliveries Good Practice
Guidance would be adopted, which would include:
■   General Servicing Best Practice:

■   Making sure all equipment is in good working order and maintained to minimise noise;

■   Ensuring all staff involved in delivery activity are briefed and trained appropriately, in accordance with the code of
    practice; and

■   Ensuring all construction supply chain providers receive copies of the code and are aware of its importance

The Delivery Area:
■   Identify timings for deliveries in advance so both the driver and site operatives are prepared for the arrival;

■ Seek to ensure that delivery vehicles spend as little time as possible attempting to access the loading/unloading
  area, possibly tasking site staff to ensure that manoeuvring can be accomplished quickly and safely; and
■ Engines should be switched off immediately when not manoeuvring.

Control of Noise, Vibration and Dust Particles
The Main Contractor will confirm details of compliance with British Standard BS5288: 2009 ‘Code of Practice for
Noise and Vibration Control on Construction and Open Sites’.

Road Cleaning
A wheel wash facilities will be in operation at the exit Gate B to ensure all vehicles are clean prior to entering the
highway of Richmond Road.

                                                                                  Figure 10: Example of Wheel wash Facilities

On occasion when required a road sweeper will be implemented to prevent the build-up of mud/ dust on site roads
and to ensure that no materials are deposited on the public highroads of Richmond Road.

                                                                                  Figure 11: Example of Road Sweeper

                                                            16                          Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

Material Delivery, distribution and Laydown Areas
Proactive management of deliveries to reduce the number of vehicle movements will be required. All off-loading will
be off-street within the site access with sufficient area on site for turning and limited queueing. It is anticipated forklift
trucks will be used to facilitate the unloading of delivery vehicles.

    a) All material deliveries to the project must first be pre-booked and accepted by the site logistics manager.
       Delivery details required will include:
                     i. Contractor details (including name and contact number for the representative who will receive
                        the delivery)
                    ii. Description of material being delivered
                   iii. Building Number/Off loading point number
                   iv. Time required on site
                    v. Duration for off loading
                   vi. Specific off loading requirement

    b) Contractors must ensure that they have sufficient resource available to adequately receive, offload and
       distribute all materials safely. Contractors must ensure that each delivery driver has been fully briefed on their
       requirements. Failure to do so may lead to the delivery being rejected from site.

    c) Material lay down areas will be made available as identified on drawing ‘Site Logistics Layout’. It will be a
       requirement that all materials are made on a ‘just in time’ basis to reduce the need to store materials on site
       for an extended period of time.

    d) All delivery drivers must ensure that they fully understand:
                      i. What they are carrying
                     ii. Who they are delivering the material to (including contact name and number)
                    iii. The time they are expected to attend site
                    iv. The area of the site that they are delivering to.
                     v. Specific off loading requirements.

    e) When materials are delivered to the work area they must be positioned so as not to obstruct vehicular or
       pedestrian routes or reduce visibility of site traffic and pedestrians;

    f)   The material and waste segregation storage areas and routes to / from the site entrance to this area shall be
         clearly indicated on the Site Logistics Management Drawings with clear signage on site;

Figure 12: Example of onsite laydown areas

                                                              17                           Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

5. Estimated Vehicle Movements
Based upon the programme identified in Table 1, a schedule of potential vehicular movements per day is outlined in
Table 3

                 Development Phase           Estimated        Estimated       Estimated Construction
                                             Start Date       End date         HGV Movement (No.)

                 1. Site set up              23.03.2018       09.04.2018                   25

                 2. Basement piling          09.04.2018       20.09.2018                  950
                 and excavation

                 3. Sub-structure            20.09.2018       29.10.2018       Combined with phase 2

                 4. Super-Structure          29.10.2018       11.03.2019                  1300

                 5. cladding                 25.01.2019       15.09.2019                  250

                 6. Fit-out, testing and     22.01.2019       20.09.2019                  200

                                      Table 3: Estimated Construction Vehicle movements

It is envisaged that vehicular activity associated with the development at the site will comprise a mix of the following:

■   Delivery and subsequent removal of scaffolding, plant and equipment to the site;

■   Muck-away (tipper) vehicles for the removal of excavated materials;

■   Ready-mix concrete deliveries for new-build construction;

■   Deliveries of construction materials, fixtures and fittings; and

■   Delivery and subsequent removal of gantry crane, chutes and hoists.

■   Large abnormal loads such as piling rigs, tower crane and installation of the travellator will require road closures.

Movement of all construction vehicles to/from the construction site will be the subject of a rigorous ‘turn up, load and
go’ management regime. The contractors will implement a pre-booking system such that the movement of vehicles
can be appropriately scheduled. It will be the responsibility of the CLP Coordinator to ensure that this system, and the
remainder of the CLP, is advertised to all workers and delivery personnel at the site. All companies delivering goods
to the site will be made aware of the contents of the CLP in advance.

Unless previously agreed, deliveries will not be accepted at the site before 08:00 hours and will leave the site by
18:00 hours from Monday to Friday. Deliveries will be timed, where possible, to avoid peak periods on the highway

                                                             18                           Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

6. Implementing, Monitoring and Updating
Speed Limits
A speed limit of 5mph will apply with the kier construction site boundary; appropriate signage will be displayed at the
site entrance and at appropriate intervals on the site haul roads.

There will be no parking on the construction site unless permission has been given by the Kier site management.
Contractor vehicles that are parked in the construction area for unloading materials and tools must be removed from
site as soon as possible.

As part of the main entrance works, Kier will need to carry out 278 works to form the main entrance into site. Working
on a public footpath will come with its risks in terms of underground services. Kier and our appointed subcontractor
will work in accordance to SHEMS-MST-BUK-0001- Avoiding Underground services.

Construction Vehicle Rules
■   Only trained / qualified personnel are to drive and operate plant/vehicles on site, evidence of accredited
    certificates of competency will be required (CPCS minimum)

■   All vehicles are to be inspected and serviced at regular intervals. Onsite inspections will be reported to the Site
    Manager and recorded in the relevant book, held within the SHE system on site;

■   All plant is to be fitted with Roll Over protection, Warning Beacons, 360o Mirrors / Cameras, Audible Reversing
    Warning and, where possible, Speed Restrictors;

■   When a vehicle is left unattended, for whatever reason, both during and outside normal working hours, it must be
    switched off and keys removed to prevent unauthorised use (immobilisers preferred).

■   Vehicles are not permitted to reverse, unless turning, without a trained banks man in attendance. Audible
    reversing equipment must be maintained in working order and used at all times;

■   Vehicle operators must be familiar with and use the designated-on site traffic system. Changes to the traffic
    system are likely and will be clearly communicated to all site personnel;

■   If site vehicles have to pass through occupied areas i.e. between phases of the project, they are to be
    accompanied by a trained banksman. If this involves being on a public road, the vehicle must be suitably
    equipped with lights etc;

■   Where specific hazards may produce additional risks to vehicular and pedestrian movement, they must be
    protected whenever possible by a physical barrier and high visibility plastic netting and warning signs. i.e.
    Excavations close to vehicle and pedestrian routes, scaffolding close to roadways which could cause restricted
    sight lines;

■   No materials carried around site are to be loaded in such a way as to cause restricted vision of the driver of the
    vehicle. All materials to be transported around site are to be suitably loaded and fully secure;

                                                           19                          Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

Delivery Drivers Site Rules.
The below rules are as outline in the SHEMS-FOR-BUK-005 Delivery Driver Site Rules, which will be used and
implemented at the Lidl and Deer Park School Project;

                                  Figure 13: Example of Keir’s Delivery Drivers Rules

                                                         20                             Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

Monitoring, Controls and reviews

■   It is the responsibility of the Site Managers to monitor and control the traffic management plan and ensure its

■   It is the responsibility of all persons attending site to understand and implement the traffic management strategy
    outlined in this document.

■   Updating of both this written Plan, together with the site Construction Logistic Plan displayed around the site, will
    be the responsibility of the Site Management. Copies of all superseded plans are to be held within the SHE
    Management Plan held on site;

■   Contractors must ensure that they are familiar with and observe this plan.

■   Personnel failing to comply with the traffic management plan, thus placing themselves or others at increased risk
    are to be dealt with in accordance with normal disciplinary procedures and may be removed from site.

Site Specific Considerations

■   Access to site will be via Uxbridge Road.

■   Pedestrian segregation will comprise of concrete/plastic traffic barriers and crowd barriers

■   Abnormal loads must be notified to the site management with at least 1 weeks notice.

■   There are services on site that require protection. Type and position of protection is marked on the site services
    drawing and clearly marked on site. Please note that a Permit to Dig System is in place on this site.

■   During the construction of the basement, traffic barriers will be installed along the edge of the excavation with a
    1m exclusion zone in operation from the leading edge to prevent any vehicles from overturning or coming in
    contact with the protective barriers.

                                                           21                          Copyright © 2016 Kier Group plc
Construction Logistics Plan

7. Summary
This Outline Construction Logistics Plan has been prepared in respect of the proposed construction of a mixed-use
development comprising a Lidl food store and primary school.

The proposals comprise the redevelopment of the Ryde House site to form a mixed use development comprising a
Lidl food store of 2,040 square metres of gross internal floor space (1,123 square metre sales floorspace), 55 car
parking space, and a two form entry (420 pupil) primary school with blue badge parking bay. Access to the site will be
provided via a new access junction onto the A305 Richmond Road.

The CLP seeks to minimise the impact of construction vehicle movements, in line with guidance published by
Transport for London in their document ‘Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for Developers.’

The CLP includes reference to:

■   Adhering to local traffic management regulations;

■   Identifying construction traffic routes to/from the site;

■   The timing of construction related vehicle movements and mechanisms, such as a vehicle booking/management
    system to manage construction vehicle activity; and

■   Encouragement of contractors’ personnel to access the development site via sustainable modes of travel.

The planned total construction period for the development is commencing on the 09th April 2018 and completing on
the 30th Sept 2019. During this time, in the order of two-way construction vehicle trips could be associated with the
site. This would equate to an average of approximately 20-30 vehicle movements taking place at the site each day
over the course of the construction period.

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Construction Logistics Plan

8. Appendices
          Appendix A: East Twickenham Controlled Parking Zone Plan

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Construction Logistics Plan

Appendix B: HVG Tracking Analysis

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