Annual Performance Plan 2020/2021 - Parliament of South Africa

Page created by Neil Joseph
Annual Performance Plan 2020/2021 - Parliament of South Africa
Independent Police
Investigative Directorate

Performance Plan

  independent police
  investigative directorate
  Independent Police Investigative Directorate
Annual Performance Plan 2020/2021 - Parliament of South Africa
Table of Contents
   Executive Authority Statement …………………….……………………………………………………. 2

   Accounting Officer Statement ………………………………………………………………………….. 3

   Official Sign-Off …………………………………………………………………………………………… 5

   PART A: OUR MANDATE ……………………………………………………………………………......... 6

   1.      Updates to the relevant legislative and policy mandates …………………………….…… 7

   2.      Updates to Institutional Policies and Strategies …………………………………..………….. 7

   3.      Updates to Relevant Court Rulings ……………………………………………………………. 7

   PART B: OUR STRATEGIC FOCUS …….………………………………………………………………….. 8

   4.      Updated Situation Analysis ……………………………………………………………………... 9

   PART C: MEASURING OUR PERFORMANCE ………………………………………………………......... 15

   5.      Institutional Programme Performance Information …………………………………………. 16

   6.      Updated Key Risks …………………………………………………………………………….......38

   7.      Public Entities …………………………………………………………………………………….. 39

   8.      Infrastructure Projects ………………………………………………………………………...... 39

   9.      Public Private Partnerships ……………………………………………………………………... 39

   10.     District Development Model …………………………………………………………………… 39

   PART D : TECHNICAL INDICATOR DESCRIPTION …..…………………………………………….......... 40

   11.     List of Acronyms ………………………………………………………………………………..... 41

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Annual Performance Plan 2020/2021 - Parliament of South Africa
Executive Authority Statement
                                          Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) has been
                                          mandated to fulfil its oversight role over South African Police
                                          Service (SAPS) and Municipal Police Service (MPS). In terms of the
                                          Medium      Term     Strategic   Framework        (MTSF)   2019-2024,   IPID
                                          contributes to Priority 1: A Capable, Ethical and Developmental
                                          State and Priority 6: Social Cohesion and Safe Communities.

                                          A set of policy priorities for the next five years have been
                                          developed and put in place with the aim of contributing to fight
                                          against crime in line with government priorities.

                                          Amongst     its    responsibilities   IPID   is   mandated    to   conduct
   investigations     into   police    criminality,   particularly     cases    of     death, rape, and corruption,
   including crimes against vulnerable groups such as women, children, and people living with
   disability. The Department also envisage contributing towards professionalisation of the
   police service which will be achieved through the station lectures, referral of disciplinary
   recommendations to SAPS and MPS.

   I have noted and acknowledged the efforts that IPID has done in its fight against
   corruption and violent crimes. It is one of the reasons that Department continues to actively
   participate in fighting the aforesaid crimes within its mandate.

   As the Executive Authority of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate, I commit and
   support the Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan of the Department.

   In conclusion, I endorse the implementation of IPID plans and wish that these plans do

    General BH Cele
    Minister of Police

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Accounting Officer Statement
                                               Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) is an
                                               independent and impartial investigative body that has been in
                                               existence since 2012 with its presence at National and
                                               Provincial   level.   Its   vision   is   an effective   independent
                                               investigative oversight body that ensures policing that is
                                               committed to promoting respect for the rule of law and human

                                               IPID has seen an overall improvement from 65% in 2017/18 to
                                               83% in 2018/19 in its performance. Whilst on its core mandate
                                               (investigations) the performance moved from 70% to 78%.

                                               In the past five financial years a total of 6 552 docket referrals
   were submitted to the NPA for decision on whether to prosecute or not. A total of 390 criminal
   convictions were secured. During this period, 4 893 departmental recommendations were referred
   to SAPS/MPS for implementation and 1 160 disciplinary convictions were secured.

   A Backlog Reduction Strategy was developed to address this challenge of increasing
   volume of backlog cases. As a result, provincial management undertook an exercise to analyse
   backlog cases and prioritise finalisation of outstanding activities related to investigation and
   administration of the cases.

   The Department is yet to realise the implementation of the IPID Amendment bill which is
   expected to be finalised by Parliament.

   IPID will continue to be part           of the key stakeholders in the fight against the scourge of
   corruption such as the Anti-Corruption Task Team, Corruption Watch, the society, public and
   private institutions, among others. The Department will continue to capacitate investigators in
   areas of specialised investigations to strengthen their investigative capacity.

   Community outreach programmes are intended to create awareness to the citizens in
   respect of IPID’s mandate and its services. The plan is to access the most vulnerable parts
   of the communities, which will include women, children and people living with disabilities.
   This will contribute towards ensuring that people are and feel safe.

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I would like to appreciate the work that has been done by our staff members, particularly
   investigators within the constraints experienced in the last five years. The Department extend
   appreciation to our key stakeholders and oversight bodies for their support.

   We have committed ourselves to join other law enforcement agencies in fighting crime as
   well as corruption and professionalisation of our police service.

    Mr PM Setshedi
    Acting Accounting Officer
    Independent Police Investigative Directorate

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Official Sign-Off
    It is hereby certified that this Annual Performance Plan:

          Was developed by the management of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate
           under the guidance of the Minister of Police, General BH Cele.
          Takes into account all the relevant policies, legislation and other mandates for which the
           Independent Police Investigative Directorate is responsible.
          Accurately reflects the Impact, Outcomes and Outputs which the Independent Police
           Investigative Directorate will endeavour to achieve over the period 2020/2021.

    Ms S Phalatsi                              Signature:
    Programme 1 Manager (Acting)

    Mr M Sesoko                                 Signature:
    Programme 2 Manager

    Ms M Moroasui                              Signature:
    Programme 3 Manager

    Ms M Molope                                 Signature:
    Programme 4 Manager

    Mr VO Senna                                 Signature:
    Chief Financial Officer

    Ms S Letlape                                Signature:
    Head Official responsible for Planning

    Mr PM Setshedi                              Signature:
    Accounting Officer (Acting)

    Approved by:

    General BH Cele                             Signature:
    Executive Authority

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1. Updates to the relevant legislative and policy mandates

   In the watershed Constitutional Court judgement (McBride v Minister of Police and Another
   (CCT255/15) ZACC 30; 2016 (2) SACR 585 (CC); 2016 (11) BCLR 1398 (6 September 2016) the
   legislature was given 24 months to amend the IPID Act in order to cure the defects in the Act. The
   amendments were effected in line with the judgment that further reinforced IPID’s structural and
   operational independence. The amended IPID Bill had gone through the National Assembly
   processes of the 5th Parliament and was before the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) for
   processing and finalisation when the 5th Parliament was dissolved.

   On 20 November 2019 the IPID Committee Bill was unanimously adopted by the NCOP and as a
   section 75 Bill it has to be referred back to the National Assembly for its adoption.

   2. Updates to Institutional Policies and Strategies

   3. Updates to Relevant Court Rulings

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4. Updated Situation Analysis

   4.1 External Environment Analysis

   Economic Environment

   The potential deteriorating economic circumstances as well as priority of government programmes
   resulted in a compulsory budget baseline reduction scenario of 5 per cent in 2020/21; 6 per cent in
   2021/22 and 7 per cent in 2022/231. Therefore, 2020 budget will continue to change the
   composition of spending that will stimulate economic growth and the achievement of greater value
   for money in realising service delivery priorities, by shifting funds from non-essential items to priority

   Over the next three years, more than 68 per cent of the Department’s spending will be allocated to
   compensation of employees to continue strengthening the capacity particularly in core function.
   To do this, the Department is expected to manage and monitor implementation of set
   compensation ceiling and headcount numbers with the view of identifying the sources of cost
   pressures and how it will manage its workforce within the allocated compensation budget ceiling.

   Despite the spending pressures and budget reduction, the Department continues to prioritise
   implementation of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Infrastructure Plan to
   enhance amongst others Case Management System2, and procurement of basic investigative
   equipment as well as full implementation of section 23 of the IPID, 2011. Section 23 provides that
   the salaries of the Department’s investigators must be aligned with those of members appointed as
   detectives in terms of the South African Police Service Act, 1995. Although the process to align the
   salaries of investigators with those of detectives commenced in 2018/19, the pension component of
   the salaries and other benefits could not be adjusted due to funds not being available.

   The Department plans to withhold the filling of 24 new posts that were proposed to the
   establishment in 2019/20 to strengthen internal controls and compliance. In the 2019 adjustments
   budget the Department reprioritised R24.5 million within compensation of employees, however an
   estimated amount of R97 million (R45 million and R52 million over the medium term for backdated
   salaries and pension liabilities respectively) will be required to provide for full implementation of
   provisions of section 23. This will result in a reduction of the funded establishment from 428 in

       2020 MTEF Budget Guideline
       A database used for electronic recording and processing of cases

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2019/20, as published in the 2019 Estimated National Expenditure (ENE), to 399 over the Medium
   Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.

   The expenditure is expected to increase at an average annual rate of 5.3 per cent, from
   R336.7 million in 2019/20 to R393.4 million in 2022/23. Spending on compensation of employees
   accounts for 68.3 per cent (R771.4 million) of the Department’s total expenditure over the MTEF
   period. In line with government’s expenditure ceiling for compensation of employees, the item’s
   baseline is reduced by R10.1 million over the medium term (R3.7 million in 2020/21, R3.9 million in
   2021/22 and R2.5 million in 2022/23).

   Performance Environment

   The nature of IPID’s core business involves extensive travel and accommodation expenditure which
   is managed and controlled by management through the implementation of stringent cost
   containment measures to limit the possibility of overspending and accruals. Implementation of
   these measures does not compromise service delivery.         Management continuously develop,
   implement and review cost containment measures through internal circulars and monitor the
   implementation thereof to ensure economic and transparent expenditure is realised.

   In order to address the challenge related to limited resources, the Department aims to strengthen
   relations with key stakeholders through finalisation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
   between SAPS/MPS on shared services and working with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to
   ensure speedy prosecution of cases referred. Furthermore, management engaged with the Head
   of the NPA to discuss challenges encountered with regard to delays on IPID cases. Six (06) IPID
   investigators are seconded to the NPA’s new Investigative Directorate (ID) to expedite conclusion of
   IPID cases for a possible prosecution.

   The Department is making strides to ensure that information on its mandate is widely accessible to
   all the citizens by collaborating with other government institutions through outreach programmes,
   imbizo’s and exhibitions.

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Table 1 below depicts a breakdown of case intake, workload and cases that are decision ready3
   from 2014/15 to 2018/19 financial years. The average intake per year is 5 978 cases, average
   workload is 10 383 and average of decision ready cases is 4 862. The workload in 2018/2019
   financial year increased by 23%, as a result cases carried over to 2019/2020 financial were 6 126.

                                                                                      Total decision
       Financial year                  Total Intake          Total Workload                                   % decision ready cases
                                                                                      ready cases4
       2014/2015                       5 879                 10 657                   5 137                   48%
       2015/2016                       5 519                 10 695                   7 407                   69%
       2016/2017                       7 014                 9 513                    4 663                   49%
       2017/2018                       5 651                 9 097                    2 934                   32%
       2018/2019                       5 829                 11 955                   4 171                   35%
       Overall Total                   29 892                51 917                   24 312                  47%
   Table 1: intake, workload and decision ready cases per financial year

       The level of performance can be attributed to limited resources (human, financial resources and
       investigative tools); outstanding technical reports such as DNA results, toxicology reports, post-
       mortem reports, ballistic report, histology reports and medical report (J88). The management has
       commenced engagements with the relevant stakeholders to discuss these challenges and to
       establish processes that will be used to follow-up on long outstanding reports.

       A Backlog Reduction Strategy was developed to address this challenge of increasing volume of
       backlog cases5. As a result, provincial management undertook an exercise to analyse backlog
       cases and prioritise finalisation of outstanding activities related to investigation and administration
       of the cases. The success of the Strategy will be continuously monitored and reviewed based on
       impact and success.

       Another intervention that was implemented to ensure service delivery was the prioritisation of cases
       in terms of serious and violent crimes which is ongoing. These cases are corruption, systemic
       corruption, death in police custody, death as a result of police action, rape by police officer and
       rape whilst in police custody. Furthermore, target setting for indicators related to investigation was
       reviewed, targets will now include both backlog and current cases to ensure that all cases receive
       equivalent attention.

       Refers to an investigation where an Investigator has conducted quality investigation and obtained all the necessary evidence to either refer
   the case to the NPA for a decision or make recommendation to the SAPS/MPS
       These are cases wherein investigation is finalised and the case referred to relevant stakeholders (SAPS/MPS or NPA) for decision
       These are active cases carried over from previous financial years

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Table 2 depicts docket referrals submitted to the NPA and convictions that were secured from
       2014/15 to 2018/19 financial years. In the past five financial years a total of 6 497 docket referrals
       were submitted to the NPA for decision on whether to prosecute or not. A total of 390 criminal
       convictions were secured. However, it should be noted that there’s no direct relationship between
       the number of dockets referred and the criminal convictions that were secured in a particular
       financial year. These convictions were achieved through the hard work and commitment of IPID

                                            Dockets Referrals to NPA and Criminal Convictions

        Description                             2014/15        2015/16      2016/17      2017/18    2018/19       Overall Total

        Docket Referred to NPA6                 983            957          1 140        1 428      2 044         6 552

        Criminal Convictions                    58             97           45           99         91            390

       Table 2: Docket Referrals to NPA and Criminal Convictions

       Table 3 depicts departmental recommendations referred to SAPS/MPS and departmental
       convictions that were secured from 2014/15 to 2018/19 financial years. During this period 4 893
       departmental recommendations were referred to SAPS/MPS for implementation and 1 160
       disciplinary convictions were secured. It should be noted that there’s no direct relationship
       between the number of departmental recommendation referred and the disciplinary convictions
       that were secured in a particular financial year. These convictions were achieved through the
       hard work and commitment of IPID investigators.

       The Department will work closely with the Civilian Secretariat for Police Service (CSPS) to ensure
       regular and stringent monitoring of the implementation of disciplinary recommendations made to
       the SAPS. Monthly meetings will be held to review statistics on implementation of departmental

                                   Disciplinary Recommendations and Departmental Convictions

       Description                                   2014/15        2015/16      2016/17      2017/18      2018/19       Overall Total

       Disciplinary Recommendations                  1 004          1 297        968          734          890           4 893
       to SAPS/MPS7
       Disciplinary Convictions                      200            243          276          234          207           1 160
   Table 3: disciplinary recommendations and departmental convictions

       These are dockets that were referred to NPA for decision whether to prosecute or not
       These refers to recommendations where disciplinary action was recommended by IPID; however, IPID has no direct control over the
   disciplinary process and the outcome thereof

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Table 4 below depicts the number of cases that were registered for investigation based on section
   33(3) of IPID Act which stipulates that any officer who fails to comply with section 29 is guilty of an
   offence and liable on conviction to a fine or imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years. A
   total of 298 cases were registered with an average of 60 cases per year.

   Station lectures will be held at police stations to improve compliance with the applicable
   legislation. These sessions will also contribute to the reduction of incidents related to death as a
   result of police action, death while in police custody, rape by a police officer and corruption which
   is one of the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) priorities.

                                      Intake for non-compliance with section 29 of IPID Act

    2014/15                    2015/16             2016/17          2017/18      2018/19      Overall Total
    60                         41                  62               69           66           298

   Table 4: Intake for non-compliance with section 29 of IPID Act

   4.2 Internal Environment Analysis
   The IPID structure consists of a national office which is based in Pretoria, nine Provincial Offices and
   four Satellite Offices. The Satellite Offices were reduced from nine to four due to inability to sustain
   the operational costs as a result of financial constraints. The closure of these Satellite Offices affects
   the accessibility to IPID’s services by the public and also leads to extensive traveling during
   investigation, particularly on cases emanating from those areas where offices were closed. This
   aggravated challenges associated with the geographical location of some of the IPID offices. The
   Department is looking at the possibility of re-establishing the Satellite Offices that were closed or
   find other alternative ways of obtaining office space from other government institutions.

   The IPID’s total establishment is 399 inclusive of eight internship positions. The total number of
   investigators is 191, with 171 responsible for operations (salary level 7-11) and 20 members at the
   SMS level. The capacity is inadequate considering the increasing demand on IPID’s services. An
   Expansion Strategy was developed to turn-around and mitigate the challenges and demands
   placed on IPID, however, that could not be implemented due to non-funding.

   The implementation of Section 23 remains one of the major risks and challenge until it is fully
   implemented as it affects staff morale. The Department has been continuously engaging with key
   stakeholders; National Treasury, Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA),
   Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA), SAPS, Labour Unions and the relevant IPID
   employees towards finalising this process. In addition, a Task Team comprising of key stakeholders

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was appointed and meetings are held regularly in order to expedite implementation of Section 23.
   The affected employees are regularly kept up-to-date on the progress made. Management
   remains committed to facilitate and address this challenge within the constrained budget.

   A total of 60 vehicles were procured for investigators as a replacement of 23 previously leased G-
   Fleet vehicles. IPID envisages to further increase the current fleet over the MTEF period to ensure
   effectiveness of investigation.

   The dilapidated ICT infrastructure has been adversely affecting operations for both investigators
   and support staff. Implementation of the ICT Strategy was prioritised since the 2018 MTEF through
   additional funding from SAPS. The 2020 MTEF priorities will include upgrade of data lines,
   replacement of computers, virtualisation of the servers, network enhancement and procurement of
   hardware equipment to improve business operation.

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5. Institutional Programme Performance Information

   To effectively and efficiently deliver on our mandate, our activities and priorities are organised
   according to the following budget programmes:

   •     Programme 1: Administration
   •     Programme 2: Investigation and Information Management
   •     Programme 3: Legal and Investigation Advisory Services
   •     Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management

   5.1    Programme 1: Administration

   Purpose: Provide strategic leadership, management and support services to the Department. The
   Programme’s activities are guided by the following key legislative framework; Public Finance
   Management Act (PFMA), Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (PPPFA), Treasury
   Regulations, Public Service Act (PSA), Public Service Regulations (PSR), Labour Relations Act, Skills
   Development Act, Employment Equity Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Government
   Immovable Asset Management Act (GIAMA), National Archives Act, Minimum Information Security
   Standards (MISS), Public Administration Management Act (PAMA), Promotion of Access to Information
   Act (PAIA) and etc.

   The Programme consists of the following five sub-programmes:

   a)    Departmental Management provides strategic leadership, overall management and strategic
         reporting of the Directorate and ensures overall compliance with all relevant prescripts through
         the following six (06) components:
    Components                        Purpose
    Executive Support                 Provides strategic support to the Executive Director of the IPID. It also
                                      provides administrative, logistical and secretariat services and
                                      coordination of activities in the Office of the Executive Director.
    Corporate Governance              Provides risk and ethics management services and ensures
                                      compliance with laws, regulations and other prescripts.
    Strategy and                      Is responsible for implementing effective organisational strategic
    Performance Monitoring            planning, performance monitoring and reporting processes in line
                                      with relevant legislations. It also conducts evaluation to improve
                                      Department’s performance.
    Vetting Services                  Provides pre-employment screening as well as information gathering
                                      for existing employees in order to obtain security clearances in line
                                      with the IPID Act.

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Components                        Purpose
    Labour Relations                  Manages labour related issues by coordinating orderly collective
                                      bargaining and effective resolution of employee labour disputes.
    Security Management               Provides   security management services        by developing and
                                      supporting the implementation of security policies, systems and
                                      procedures. It provides access security, information security and
                                      physical security and monitors the implementation of information
                                      technology policies based on Minimum Information Security
                                      Standards,   Minimum     Physical   Security   Standards   and     the
                                      Occupational Health and Safety Act.

   b)   Internal Audit provides assurance and consulting services by conducting risk based audit
        reviews and performing ad-hoc requests.

   c)   Finance Services ensures the establishment and implementation of strategic finance pertaining
        to sound financial management, accounting, procurement, provisioning and related internal
        controls in compliance with relevant legislative requirements. The sub-programme consists of
        the following components:

    Components                        Purpose
    Office of the Chief               Provides strategic support to the Executive Director and core
    Financial Officer                 service delivery Programmes, pertaining to finance services of the
                                      Department. The Component provides effective leadership and
                                      ensures the establishment and implementation of strategic finance,
                                      for the achievement of departmental objectives. This Component
                                      provides leadership to the Finance, Supply Chain Management
                                      (SCM) and Asset Management components. This component also
                                      provides strategic support in the implementation of relevant IPID Act
                                      financial management imperatives.
    Finance                           Provides for the establishment and implementation of sound
                                      financial management, expenditure and budgetary management,
                                      accounting services, cash-flow management, financial reporting
                                      and related internal control systems in compliance with relevant
                                      legislative requirements. It also assists the Executive Director in
                                      implementing the legislative imperatives as provided for in section

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Components                        Purpose
                                      7(1)(a), section 7(1)(b); section 31(1)(a) and section 32(2)(a) of the
                                      IPID Act. It provides critical finance support to all service delivery
                                      units within the Department for the achievement of departmental
    Supply-Chain and Asset            Provides for the establishment and implementation of provisioning,
    Management                        procurement, asset management and related internal control
                                      systems, in compliance with relevant legislative requirements. It
                                      provides critical supply-chain and asset management services to
                                      the Department and renders efficient provisioning services which
                                      contribute towards the attainment of Departmental objectives.

   d)   Corporate Services provides support services to the Department as a whole through the
        following components:

    Components                        Purpose
    Human Resources                   Provides human resources management and development services
    Management and                    through the development of human resource policies and
    Development Services              strategies. It ensures the alignment of the organisational structure to
                                      the Strategic Plan. The component is responsible for rendering
                                      efficient and effective human resource administration services. It
                                      promotes the optimal development and utilisation of human
                                      resources and co-ordinates the employee health and wellness
    Information                       Provides communication services by developing, implementing
    Communication                     and maintaining Information Communication Technology Strategy
    Technology                        and advisory services. It is responsible for development and
                                      implementation of a Master System Plan and Strategy for
                                      Information System Security. It develops, manages and co-
                                      ordinates website, intranet and integrated ICT infrastructure. It also
                                      provides Business Continuity services.
    Auxiliary Services                Provides record management services, manage fleet services,
                                      render switchboard services, render messenger services and
                                      oversee the rendering of cleaning services. It also provides overall

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Components                        Purpose
                                      services related to activities and costs of office accommodation for
                                      the Department as a whole. This includes managing Service Level
                                      Agreement with Department of Public Works regarding the renting
                                      of new property and maintenance of existing property.

   e)   Office Accommodation houses the devolved funds which are appropriated for office
        accommodation and related costs. The Auxiliary Services component performs the
        management of IPID facilities.

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5.1.1 Outcomes, Outputs, Performance Indicators and Targets

                                                                                                                            Annual Targets

 Outcome              Outputs                    Output Indicators             Audited /Actual                    Estimated         MTEF Period
                                                                               Performance                        Performance

                                                                              2016/17      2017/18    2018/19     2019/20           2020/21       2021/22   2022/23
Effective and        Progress Reports          Percentage                     New         New         New       80%                90%            90%       90%
efficient                                      implementation of ICT          indicator   indicator   indicator
administrative                                 Infrastructure Plan per year
                     Audit Reports             Percentage                     70%         74%         92%         80%              90%            100%      100%
                                               implementation of annual
                                               Internal Audit Plan per year

                     Risk Progress Reports     Percentage                     New         New         44%         50%              60%            60%       70%
                                               implementation of risk         indicator   indicator
                                               mitigation strategies per
                     E-disclosure Report       Percentage compliance of       New         New         New         New indicator    100%           100%      100%
                                               SMS financial interests        indicator   indicator   indicator
                                               submitted through e-

                     Vacancy Report            Percentage vacancy rate        9.42%       11%         7%          13.49%
5.1.2 Indicators, Annual and Quarterly Targets

       Output Indicators                       Annual Target   Q1             Q2    Q3        Q4
      Percentage implementation of ICT         90%             -          -         -         90%
      Infrastructure Plan per year
      Percentage implementation of             90%             -          -         -         90%
      annual Internal Audit Plan per year
      Percentage implementation of risk        60%             -          -         -         60%
      mitigation strategies per year
      Percentage compliance of SMS             100%            100%       -         -         -
      financial interests submitted through
      e-disclosure vacancy
      Percentage    per year rate per year
5.1.4 Programme Resource Considerations

                Budget allocation for programme and sub-programmes as per the ENE
 Table 24.6 Administration expenditure trends and estimates by subprogramme and economic classification
 Subprogramme                                                                              Average:                                                Average:
                                                                                  Average    Expen-                                       Average    Expen-
                                                                                   growth     diture/                                      growth     diture/
                                                                      Adjusted        rate      Total     Medium-term expenditure             rate      Total
                                           Audited outcome        appropriation        (%)        (%)           estimate                       (%)        (%)
 R million                            2016/17   2017/18   2018/19      2019/20    2016/17 - 2019/20     2020/21    2021/22    2022/23     2019/20 - 2022/23
 Department Management                   13.2       12.4     14.6         15.9       6.6%     16.1%        21.4       22.8        25.4      16.8%     19.9%
 Corporate Services                      27.4       33.8     50.4         36.4      10.0%     42.5%        41.7       44.1        47.7       9.4%     39.5%
 Office Accommodation                    11.2       11.8     12.5         13.1       5.5%     14.0%        13.9       14.6        15.2       4.9%     13.2%
 Internal Audit                           3.9        3.9      4.3           5.5     12.0%      5.1%         5.4        5.8         6.4       5.3%      5.4%
 Finance Services                        16.7       18.7     20.4         21.6       8.9%     22.3%        22.7       24.2        26.8       7.5%     22.1%
 Total                                   72.4       80.5    102.2         92.6       8.5% 100.0%          105.0      111.6      121.5        9.5% 100.0%
 Change to 2019                                                               –                            (8.4)      (9.2)       (3.8)
 Budget estimate

 Economic classification
 Current payments                        71.4      80.0       94.1         88.6      7.4%     96.1%       101.1      107.6       117.4       9.8%     96.3%
 Compensation of employees               45.1      43.2       49.0         50.7      3.9%     54.0%        61.2       65.5        73.7      13.3%     58.3%
 Goods and services1                     26.3      36.8       45.1         37.9     13.0%     42.0%        39.9       42.2        43.7       4.9%     38.0%
 of which:
 Audit costs: External                    2.2       5.2        4.1          3.4     16.1%      4.3%         3.5        3.7         3.8       3.5%      3.3%
 Communication                            1.5       1.2        1.2          1.0    -10.8%      1.4%         1.5        1.6         1.6      15.5%      1.3%
 Computer services                        3.4       4.6        9.0          5.0     14.3%      6.3%         5.6        5.9         6.1       6.7%      5.2%
 Operating leases                         9.7      14.3       19.1         15.5     16.9%     16.8%        16.9       17.7        18.6       6.3%     15.9%
 Table 24.6 Administration expenditure trends and estimates by subprogramme and economic classification
 Economic classification                                                                 Average:                                              Average:
                                                                                Average    Expen-                                     Average    Expen-
                                                                                 growth    diture/                                     growth     diture/
                                                                      Adjusted      rate     Total        Medium-term expenditure         rate      Total
                                           Audited outcome        appropriation      (%)       (%)              estimate                   (%)        (%)
 R million                            2016/17   2017/18   2018/19      2019/20 2016/17 - 2019/20        2020/21    2021/22    2022/23 2019/20 - 2022/23
 Property payments                        4.4        6.5       6.0          4.0     -3.3%      6.0%         4.4         4.7        4.8       6.4%      4.2%
 Travel and subsistence                   2.5        1.6       1.8          2.2     -3.4%      2.3%         2.3         2.5        2.6       4.9%      2.2%
 Transfers and subsidies1                 0.8        0.6       0.9          0.8     -0.2%      0.9%         0.7         0.8        0.8   -0.4%         0.7%
 Provinces and municipalities               –          –         –          0.1         –         –           –           –          – -100.0%            –
 Departmental agencies and                0.5        0.6       0.6          0.7      8.6%      0.7%         0.7         0.8        0.8    5.7%         0.7%
 Households                               0.3          –       0.3           0.1 -33.7%        0.2%           –           –          – -100.0%            –
 Payments for capital assets              0.1        0.0       7.2           3.2 191.9%        3.0%         3.2         3.2        3.3    1.6%         3.0%
 Machinery and equipment                  0.1        0.0       7.2           3.2 191.9%        3.0%         3.2         3.2        3.3    1.6%         3.0%
 Payments for financial assets            0.0          –         –             – -100.0%          –           –           –          –       –            –
 Total                                   72.4       80.5     102.2          92.6    8.5%     100.0%       105.0       111.6      121.5    9.5%       100.0%
 Proportion of total programme         29.9%      31.5%     32.5%         27.5%        –          –      29.5%       29.5%      30.9%        –            –
 expenditure to vote

 Details of transfers and subsidies
 Other transfers to households
 Current                              0.3             –        0.3          0.1    -32.2%      0.2%           –          –           – -100.0%             –
 Employee social benefits             0.3             –        0.3          0.1    -32.2%      0.2%           –          –           – -100.0%             –
 Departmental agencies and accounts
 Departmental agencies (non-business entities)
 Current                              0.5            0.6       0.6          0.7      8.5%      0.7%         0.7         0.8        0.8       5.7%      0.7%
 Safety and Security Sector           0.5            0.6       0.6          0.7      8.5%      0.7%         0.7         0.8        0.8       5.7%      0.7%
 Education and Training

Independent Police Investigative Directorate                                22
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.2    Programme 2: Investigation and Information Management

   Purpose: Coordinate and facilitate the Department's investigation processes through the
   development of policy and strategic frameworks that guide and report on investigations.

   The programme consists of the following three sub-programmes:

   a)    Investigation Management develops and maintains investigation systems, procedures, norms,
         standards and policies in line with the IPID Act (2011) and other relevant prescripts.
   b)    Investigation Services manages and conducts investigations in line with provisions in the IPID
         Act (2011).
   c)    Information Management manages information and knowledge-management services
         through the development and maintenance of a Case Flow Management System and
         database, analyses and compiles statistical information.

Independent Police Investigative Directorate           23
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.2.1 Outcomes, Outputs, Performance Indicators and Targets

                                                                                                                                                     Annual Targets
Outcome                 Outputs                   Output Indicators                                  Audited/Actual Performance8                                         MTEF Period10
                                                                                                     2016/17         2017/18        2018/19         2019/20              2020/21         2021/22   2022/23
Reduced level           Case Investigative        Number of investigations of death in               140             145            154             150                  180             185       185
of police               Report                    police custody that are decision ready             (160)           (179)          (180)

criminality and                                   per year
misconduct              Case Investigative        Number of investigations of death as a             115             130            157             130                  280             288       288
                        Report                    result of police action that are decision          (224)           (227)          (280)

                                                  ready per year
                        Case Investigative        Number of investigations of discharge of           805             145            337             150                  370             370       370
                        Report                    an official firearm by a police officer            (951)           (271)          (552)

                                                  that are decision ready per year
                        Case Investigative        Number of investigations of rape by a              61              69             100             69                   130             135       135
                        Report                    police officer that are decision ready             (81)            (102)          (127)

                                                  per year
                        Case Investigative        Number of investigations of rape while in          5               9              12              10                   15              15        15
                        Report                    police custody that are decision ready             (7)             (14)           (14)

                                                  per year

        These audited outputs include only new cases registered during the financial year. The figures in brackets is a consolidated figure of both current and active backlog cases
        The estimated performance is based on current cases
         MTEF targets for decision ready cases is a consolidation of both current and active backlog cases

 Independent Police Investigative Directorate                                                          24
 Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
Annual Targets
Outcome           Outputs               Output Indicators                              Audited/Actual Performance8                              MTEF Period10
                                                                                       2016/17     2017/18     2018/19     2019/20              2020/21         2021/22   2022/23
                  Case Investigative    Number of investigations of torture that       63          39          81          45                   80              80        80
                  Report                are decision ready per year                    (47)        (62)        (129)

                  Case Investigative    Number of investigations of assault that       2 040       1 140       1 794       2 000                2 000           2 000     2 000
                  Report                are decision ready per year                    (2 881)     (1 841)     (2 707)

                  Case Investigative    Number of investigations of corruption         66          56          60          60                   85              85        85
                  Report                that are decision ready per year               (79)        (101)       (85)

                  Case Investigative    Number of investigations of other              110         33          57          40                   10              10        10
                  Report                criminal and misconduct matters                (125)       (82)        (93)

                                        referred to in section 28 (1)(h) of IPID Act
                                        that are decision ready per year
                  Case Investigative    Number of investigations of offences           New         New         New         10                   25              25        25
                  Report                referred to in section 33 of the IPID Act      Indicator   Indicator   Indicator

                                        that are decision ready per year
                  Case Investigative    Number of approved systemic                    4           5           4           3                    3               3         3
                  Report                corruption investigations that are
                                        decision ready per year
                  Docket Referral       Percentage of dockets referred to the          75%         92%         96%         90%                  90%             90%       90%
                  Report                National Prosecuting Authority within 30
                                        days of being signed off per year

Independent Police Investigative Directorate                                               25
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
Annual Targets
Outcome           Outputs               Output Indicators                        Audited/Actual Performance8                         MTEF Period10
                                                                                 2016/17     2017/18     2018/19   2019/20           2020/21         2021/22   2022/23
                  Recommendation        Percentage of recommendation reports     83%         94%         93%       90%               90%             90%       90%
                  Report                referred to the South African Police
                                        Service and Municipal Police Services
                                        within 30 days of being signed off per

Independent Police Investigative Directorate                                      26
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.2.2 Indicators, Annual and Quarterly Targets

   Output Indicators                           Annual Target    Q1    Q2     Q3     Q4
   Number of investigations of death in        180              20    60     120    180
   police custody that are decision
   ready per year
   Number of investigations of death as        280              40    120    190    280
   a result of police action that are
   decision ready per year
   Number of investigations of discharge       370              80    180    230    370
   of an official firearm by a police
   officer that are decision ready per
   Number of investigations of rape by a       130              20    70     100    130
   police officer that are decision ready
   per year
   Number of investigations of rape            15               4     8      12     15
   while in police custody that are
   decision ready per year
   Number of investigations of torture         80               15    50     55     80
   that are decision ready per year

   Number of investigations of assault         2 000            500   1300   1600   2 000
   that are decision ready per year
   Number of investigations of                 85               15    40     60     85
   corruption that are decision ready
   per year
   Number of investigations of other           10               4     8      9      10
   criminal and misconduct matters
   referred to in section 28 (1)(h) of IPID
   Act that are decision ready per year

   Number of investigations of offences        25               10    20     22     25
   referred to in section 33 of the IPID
   Act that are decision ready per year

   Number of approved systemic                 3                -     -      -      3
   corruption investigations that are
   decision ready per year
   Percentage of dockets referred to the       90%              90%   90%    90%    90%
   National Prosecuting Authority within
   30 days of being signed off per year
   Percentage of recommendation                90%              90%   90%    90%    90%
   reports referred to the South African
   Police Service and Municipal Police
   Services within 30 days of being
   signed off per year

Independent Police Investigative Directorate               27
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.2.3 Explanation of planned performance over the medium-term period

   The output indicators are in line with the IPID legislative mandate focusing on specific identified
   offences as per Section 28 and 33 of the Act. These outputs are clearly designed to contribute to
   the outcome which is to reduce the level of criminality and misconduct. This will ultimately lead to
   the police rendering professional services to the citizenry in the country. The crimes on vulnerable
   groups such as women, children and people living with disability are to receive more priority i.e.
   death related cases, rape, assault and torture. To ensure that progress is realised in the
   investigation of these cases proper systems will be put in place for identification and reporting of
   such cases. Furthermore, the Department will build the necessary capacity through training to
   ensure that these cases are properly investigated.

   The fight against corruption remains one of government’s key priorities. This is also expressed in the
   NDP which in essence suggests that the fight against corruption requires a coordinated effort. IPID
   will continue to be part of the key stakeholders in the fight against the scourge of corruption such
   as the Anti-Corruption Task Team, Corruption Watch, the society, public and private institutions,
   among others. There will be an increased capacity in the area of investigation of corruption with
   special focus on skills development.

Independent Police Investigative Directorate         28
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.2.4 Programme Resource Considerations

   Budget allocation for Programme and sub-programmes as per the ENE

 Table 24.8 Investigation and Information Management expenditure trends and estimates by subprogramme and economic
 Subprogramme                                                                               Average:                                              Average:
                                                                                   Average    Expen-                                     Average    Expen-
                                                                                    growth     diture/                                    growth     diture/
                                                                       Adjusted        rate      Total     Medium-term expenditure           rate      Total
                                           Audited outcome         appropriation        (%)        (%)           estimate                     (%)        (%)
 R million                            2016/17    2017/18   2018/19      2019/20    2016/17 - 2019/20     2020/21   2021/22    2022/23    2019/20 - 2022/23
 Investigation Management                16.5       15.9      18.5         19.7       6.0%      9.6%        20.7       21.7       22.5      4.5%      8.9%
 Investigation Services                 135.4      141.1     170.5        202.6      14.4%     88.5%       200.6      213.0      215.6      2.1%     87.4%
 Information Management                   3.6        2.7       3.3           4.2      5.6%      1.9%         9.6       10.3       10.7     36.2%      3.7%
 Total                                  155.5      159.7     192.3        226.5      13.4% 100.0%          231.0      245.0      248.9      3.2% 100.0%
 Change to 2019                                                                –                             9.8       10.6        5.8
 Budget estimate

 Economic classification
 Current payments                       155.2     159.4      175.8        222.6      12.8%     97.1%       228.6      242.4     246.2       3.4%     98.8%
 Compensation of employees              113.4     113.9      122.0        163.3      12.9%     69.8%       165.0      175.2     176.4       2.6%     71.5%
 Goods and services1                     41.8      45.5       53.8         59.3      12.4%     27.3%        63.6       67.2      69.7       5.6%     27.3%
 of which:
 Computer services                        5.2        3.4       3.2           2.7   -19.7%       2.0%         2.9        3.2        3.3      7.0%      1.3%
 Legal services                           0.3        3.8       5.2           5.1   164.4%       2.0%         5.4        5.3        5.5      2.9%      2.2%
 Fleet services (including                3.9        4.4       6.6           5.8    13.6%       2.8%         8.9        9.4        9.8     19.3%      3.6%
 government motor transport)
 Operating leases                         3.5       12.0      11.7          10.8     44.9%      5.2%         7.8        8.3        8.7     -6.9%      3.7%
 Property payments                        5.7        8.1      11.2          12.6     30.2%      5.1%        17.0       18.7       19.4     15.7%      7.1%
 Travel and subsistence                  15.8        8.4      10.1           9.6    -15.2%      6.0%        11.6       12.6       12.8     10.0%      4.9%
 Transfers and subsidies1                 0.1        0.3       0.4           0.2     43.5%      0.1%         0.1        0.1        0.1    -21.8%      0.1%
 Departmental agencies and                0.0        0.0       0.1           0.1     94.3%         –         0.1        0.1        0.1      2.9%         –
 Households                               0.1       0.3        0.3          0.1   26.4%         0.1%           –          –         – -100.0%            –
 Payments for capital assets              0.2         –       16.0          3.7 186.9%          2.7%         2.3        2.5       2.6  -11.4%         1.2%
 Machinery and equipment                  0.2         –       16.0          3.7 186.9%          2.7%         2.3        2.5       2.6  -11.4%         1.2%
 Payments for financial assets            0.1         –        0.0            – -100.0%            –           –          –         –       –            –
 Total                                  155.5     159.7      192.3        226.5   13.4%       100.0%       231.0      245.0     248.9    3.2%       100.0%
 Proportion of total programme         64.3%      62.5%     61.1%         67.3%           –         –     64.9%      64.9%      63.3%           –         –
 expenditure to vote

 Details of transfers and subsidies
 Social benefits
 Current                                  0.0        0.3       0.2           0.1     47.8%      0.1%           –          –          – -100.0%            –
 Employee social benefits                 0.0        0.3       0.2           0.1     47.8%      0.1%           –          –          – -100.0%            –

Independent Police Investigative Directorate                                29
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.3    Programme 3: Legal and Investigation Advisory Services

   Purpose: Manage and facilitate the provision of investigation advisory services. Provide legal, civil
   and labour litigation services.

   The programme consists of the following three sub-programmes:

   a)    Legal Support and Administration manages the Directorate’s legal obligations by developing
         and maintaining systems, procedures and standards to assist, guide and direct legal support
         within the Directorate.
   b)    Litigation Advisory Services coordinates civil and labour litigation. Other key activities and
         outputs include drafting and reviewing contracts and service level agreements.
   c)    Investigation Advisory Services provides support during and after investigations, provides legal
         guidance to investigators and also facilitates the granting of policing powers.

Independent Police Investigative Directorate          30
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.3.1 Outcomes, Outputs, Performance Indicators and Targets

                                                                                                                    Annual Targets
                                                                                                                    Estimated        MTEF Period
Outcome           Outputs              Output Indicators                   Audited/Actual Performance
                                                                           2016/17          2017/18     2018/19     2019/20          2020/21       2021/22   2022/23
Department’s      Documented           Percentage of legal advice          100%             100%        100%        90%              95%           95%       95%
legal interests   legal advice         provided to investigators within
protected                              2 working days of receipt per
                  Documented           Percentage of legal advice          71%              10%         88%         70%              70%           70%       70%
                  legal advice         provided to the Department
                                       within 30 working days of
                                       receipt per year
                  Appointment          Percentage of litigation matters    New              New         New         New              100%          100%      100%
                  letter of State      referred with instructions to the   indicator        indicator   indicator   indicator
                  Attorney             state attorney within 10 working
                                       days of receipt per year
                  Signed               Percentage of contracts and         Merged           71%         94%         70%              90%           90%       90%
                  contracts            service level agreements            with
                                       finalised within 30 working         another
                                       days of request per year            indicator

   Independent Police Investigative Directorate                                        31
   Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.3.2 Indicators, Annual and Quarterly Targets

    Outputs                                      Q1            Q2            Q3            Q4
    Percentage of legal advice          95%      95%           95%           95%           95%
    provided to investigators
    within 2 working days of
    receipt per year
    Percentage of legal advice          70%      70%           70%           70%           70%
    provided to the Department
    within 30 working days of
    receipt per year
    Percentage of litigation            100%     100%          100%          100%          100%
    matters referred with
    instructions to the state
    attorney within 10 working
    days of receipt per year
    Percentage of contracts and         90%      90%           90%           90%           90%
    service level agreements
    finalised within 30 working
    days of request per year

   5.3.3 Explanation of planned performance over the medium term period

   The provision of quality legal advice will ensure that the investigation does not infringe human
   rights of alleged suspect and the complainant; also protecting the Department’s interests. It will
   also minimize queries from the prosecuting authority.

Independent Police Investigative Directorate        32
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.3.4 Programme Resource Considerations

              Budget allocation for Programme and sub-programmes as per the ENE
 Table 24.10 Legal and Investigation Advisory Services expenditure trends and estimates by subprogramme and economic
 Subprogramme                                                                              Average:                                            Average:
                                                                                  Average    Expen-                                   Average    Expen-
                                                                                   growth     diture/                                  growth    diture/
                                                                    Adjusted          rate      Total     Medium-term expenditure         rate     Total
                                        Audited outcome         appropriation          (%)        (%)           estimate                   (%)       (%)
 R million                         2016/17    2017/18   2018/19      2019/20      2016/17 - 2019/20     2020/21   2021/22    2022/23 2019/20 - 2022/23
 Legal Support and                     1.8        2.4       1.7           2.1        4.7%     34.0%         2.5        2.6        2.8   10.3%    34.8%
 Litigation Advisory Services           1.9         1.5       2.2           1.6     -5.0%     30.3%         2.0        2.1        2.3      11.9%     27.7%
 Investigation Advisory Services        1.5         0.9       4.0           2.1     11.4%     35.7%         2.5        2.8        3.5      18.8%     37.5%
 Total                                  5.2         4.7       7.9           5.8      3.6%    100.0%         6.9        7.5        8.6      13.9%    100.0%
 Change to 2019                                                               –                            (1.1)      (1.1)      (0.3)
 Budget estimate
  Table 24.10 Legal and Investigation Advisory Services expenditure trends and estimates by subprogramme and economic
 Economic classification                                                                   Average:                                               Average:
                                                                                  Average    Expen-                                      Average    Expen-
                                                                                   growth     diture/                                     growth     diture/
                                                                    Adjusted          rate      Total     Medium-term expenditure            rate      Total
                                        Audited outcome         appropriation          (%)        (%)           estimate                      (%)        (%)
 R million                         2016/17    2017/18   2018/19      2019/20      2016/17 - 2019/20     2020/21   2021/22    2022/23     2019/20 - 2022/23
 Current payments                      5.0        4.5       7.6           5.8        5.2%     96.4%         6.9        7.5        8.6      14.2%     99.9%
 Compensation of employees             3.6        3.1       7.2           5.2       12.9%     81.1%         6.3        6.8        7.9      14.8%     90.8%
 Goods and services1                   1.3        1.3       0.4           0.6      -25.0%     15.3%         0.7        0.7        0.7       8.0%      9.1%
 of which:
 Administrative fees                    0.0         0.0       0.0           0.0      0.9%      0.1%         0.0        0.0        0.0      20.0%      0.2%
 Communication                          0.1         0.1       0.1           0.1     -5.8%      1.2%         0.1        0.1        0.1       9.4%      1.2%
 Consumable supplies                    0.0         0.0       0.0           0.0    -12.0%      0.1%         0.0        0.0        0.0      19.6%      0.1%
 Consumables: Stationery,                 –         0.0       0.0           0.1         –      0.6%         0.1        0.1        0.1      20.6%      1.3%
 printing and office supplies
 Travel and subsistence                 0.4         0.1       0.2           0.3     -7.8%      4.5%         0.4        0.4        0.4       8.0%      5.3%
 Training and development                 –         0.0       0.1           0.1         –      0.9%         0.1        0.1        0.1      -5.6%      1.0%
 Transfers and subsidies1               0.3         0.3       0.3           0.0    -46.4%      3.6%           –          –          – -100.0%         0.1%
 Households                             0.3         0.3       0.3           0.0    -46.4%      3.6%           –          –          – -100.0%         0.1%
 Total                                  5.2         4.7       7.9           5.8      3.6%    100.0%         6.9        7.5        8.6   13.9%       100.0%
 Proportion of total programme        2.2%        1.9%       2.5%         1.7%           –         –      1.9%       2.0%        2.2%           –         –
 expenditure to vote
          1. Estimates of National Expenditure data tables can be downloaded from These tables contain detailed
          information by goods and services, and transfers

Independent Police Investigative Directorate                                33
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.4    Programme 4: Compliance Monitoring and Stakeholder Management

   Purpose: Monitor and evaluate the relevance and appropriateness of recommendations made to
   the South African Police Service and Municipal Police Services in terms of the Independent Police
   Investigative Directorate Act, 2011.

   The programme consists of the following two sub-programmes:

   a)    Compliance Monitoring monitors and evaluates the quality of recommendations made and
         responses received on such recommendations from the South African Police Service, Municipal
         Police Services and National Prosecuting Authority in compliance with the reporting obligations
         in terms of the IPID Act, 2011.

   b)    Stakeholder Management manages relations and liaises with the Directorate’s key stakeholders
         such as the South African Police Service, Municipal Police Services, Civilian Secretariat for
         Police, National Prosecuting Authority, the Special Investigating Unit, the Public Protector of
         South Africa, the State Security Agency and civil society organisations, in line with the
         requirements of the IPID Act.

Independent Police Investigative Directorate         34
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.4.1 Outcomes, Outputs, Performance Indicators and Targets

                                                                                                                     Annual Targets
Outcome                 Outputs                 Output Indicator                 Audited/Actual performance                           MTEF Period
                                                                                 2016/17     2017/18     2018/19     2019/20          2020/21       2021/22   2022/23
Improved                Community               Number of community outreach     98          127         80          40               40            40        40
awareness on IPID’s     outreach events         events conducted per year
Reduced level of        Stakeholder             Number of formal                 134         186         128         136              136           136       136
police criminality      engagements             engagements held with key
and misconduct                                  stakeholders per year
                        Stakeholder             Number of station lecture        82          -           -           -                56            56        56
                        engagements             awareness trainings per year
                        Analysis feedback       Number of recommendations        New         New         1 000       1 100            1 100         1 100     1 100
                                                referred to the SAPS and MPS     indicator   indicator
                                                that are analysed per year
                        Analysis feedback       Number of criminal referrals     New         New         748         748              1 500         1 500     1 500
                                                forwarded to the NPA that are    indicator   indicator
                                                analysed per year
                        Analysis feedback       Percentage of responses from     New         New         50%         70%              60%           60%       60%
                                                the SAPS and MPS that are        indicator   indicator
                                                analysed per year
                        Analysis feedback       Percentage of responses from     New         New         50%         70%              50%           50%       50%
                                                the NPA that are analysed per    indicator   indicator
                        Inspection report       Number of case docket            New         New         New         5                5             5         5
                                                inspections conducted per year   indicator   indicator   indicator

 Independent Police Investigative Directorate                                    35
 Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
5.4.2 Indicators, Annual and Quarterly Targets

  Output indicators                            Annual Target        Q1     Q2          Q3          Q4
  Number of community outreach                 40                   10     20          30          40
  events conducted per year
  Number of formal engagements                 136                  34     68          102         136
  held with key stakeholders per year
  Number of station lecture                    56                   14     14          14          14
  awareness trainings per year
  Number of recommendations                    1100                 275    550         825         1100
  referred to the SAPS and MPS that
  are analysed per year
  Number of criminal referrals                 1500                 375    750         375         1500
  forwarded to the NPA that are
  analysed per year
  Percentage of responses from the             60%                  60%    60%         60%         60%
  SAPS and MPS that are analysed
  per year
  Percentage of responses from the             50%                  50%    50%         50%         50%
  NPA that are analysed per year
  Number of case docket inspections            5                    -      2           2           1
  conducted per year

   5.4.3 Explanation of planned performance over the medium term period

   Community outreach programmes are intended to create awareness to the citizens in respect of
   IPID’s mandate and its services. The plan is to access the most vulnerable parts of the communities,
   which will include women, children and people living with disabilities. This will contribute towards
   ensuring that people are and feel safe.               The Programme will strengthen partnerships with other
   departments to achieve the set target.

   Formal engagements with stakeholders will include among others, conducting station lectures. This
   will create an awareness among members of the SAPS and MPS thus improving the level of
   professionalism in the police environment. The analysis of responses from the SAPS/MPS and NPA is
   aimed at ensuring that justice is not compromised. In instances where the outcome is unsatisfactory,
   management will take action to engage the relevant stakeholder to appeal the response received.

   The intention of analysing the recommendation reports and criminal referrals is to identify quality
   gaps and challenges that may adversely have an effect on the implementation of
   recommendations by the stakeholders. The inspection of dockets will provide assurance to
   management, oversight institutions and complainants on the integrity of the investigations
   conducted by IPID.

Independent Police Investigative Directorate                   36
Annual Performance Plan-2020/21
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