Library News - Northwest Suburban College

Page created by Eduardo Molina
Library News - Northwest Suburban College

                                        Library News
                                        V O L U M E 1 ,     N O . 3                              W I N T E R   2 0 2 0

                         New Additions to Library
                             We have recently         tles can be searched in             making this important
                         added an “Islamic Cul-       the catalog by location,            contribution to our li-
                         ture” section to the         using the terms, “Islamic           brary. Our students, fac-
       Contents:         Northwest Suburban           culture.” This new sec-             ulty, and staff appreciate
                         College library, thanks                                          having these valuable
Islamic collection—                                   tion includes several edi-
                         to the generous dona-                                            texts available for us to
         p.1                                          tions of the Qur’an in
                         tions of Dr. Khalid Sami.                                        use.
                                                      Arabic and English,
Interlibrary loan—       Dr. Sami donated sever-
        p.1              al volumes from his per-     books on Islamic art, as
NWSC graduate in-        sonal collection on Is-      well as a beautiful edi-
  terview—p.2            lamic culture. The col-      tion of the famous medi-
  COVID 19 infor-        lection includes books       eval poem, Gulistan, in
   mation—p. 3           on sacred literature, as     Farsi.
Online sites for full
                         well as on the history,
                                                         Thank you, Dr. Sami,
text resources—p.4       art, and culture of the
                                                      for your generosity in
                         Islamic world. These ti-

 Librarian contact:
                        Interlibrary Loan Network
                        Students, faculty, and            articles from participating     for an entire term,
                        staff, do not forget that         libraries. If you need an       meaning quarters or se-
                        Northwest Suburban                item that we do not have,       mesters. Delivery and
                        College belongs to                let me know and I can re-       return of materials is
                        ILLINET, a network of             quest it from a partici-        free of charge. If you
                        public and academic li-           pating library. Journal arti-   have any requests, simp-
                        braries throughout Illi-          cles are normally emailed       ly contact me at:
                        nois who share re-                directly via email and, and
                        sources. Through our              books are delivered by van.     I will submit the re-
                        membership in this net-           Journal articles do not         quired forms.
                        work, we can request              have to be returned and
                        both books and journal            usually, books can be kept
Library News - Northwest Suburban College
PAGE     2

                         Recent Graduate Speaks about Rewarding Career
                              Hiba Noor -           aspects of her work.         medical procedures.
                         Muhammad is a 2019         Extra care is taken to
                                                                                     Hiba’s advice to
                         graduate of the North-     protect the staff and
                                                                                 current students in-
                         west Suburban College      patients. Unfortunate-
                                                                                 cludes taking good
                         Medical Assistant pro-     ly, visitors are not al-
                                                                                 notes in class and
                         gram. I recently had       lowed due to the virus,
                                                                                 while reading, as well
                         the opportunity to in-     which is especially diffi-
                                                                                 as to take the RMA
                         terview Hiba about her     cult for patients suffer-
                                                                                 exam soon after gradu-
                         current position as a      ing from cancer.
                                                                                 ation, when the mate-
                         Registered Medical As-         Hiba stated that the     rial is fresh and can be
                         sistant at the North       courses she took, as         more easily remem-
                         Shore Kellogg Cancer       well as her externship       bered.
                         Center in Glenbrook,       at Northwest Subur-
                         Illinois. Hiba’s job du-                                    Congratulations,
                                                    ban College helped her
   “I would definitely   ties include obtaining                                  Hiba, on your success
                                                    to both pass the RMA
                         the vitals of patients,                                 and we wish you all
    like to continue                                exam, as well as to
                         drawing blood samples,                                  the best in continuing
     my education                                   learn the skills she uses
                         and situating patients                                  to advance your edu-
                                                    on her job every day.
    further and start    in their rooms. Her                                     cation and career!
                                                    One of the most im-
      my nursing         work environment is a      portant skills is to lis-        Hiba’s testimony is
    career.” - recent
                         positive one where         ten carefully to the         a great example of
                         there is opportunity       patient in order to          Northwest Suburban
    NWSC graduate,
                         for growth. Hiba plans     learn the patient’s          College’s role in
       Hiba Noor         on furthering her edu-                                  providing a pathway to
                                                    symptoms and con-
      Muhammad           cation by obtaining a      cerns, and to convey         a successful career in
                         nursing degree. She        these to the physicians      the healthcare fields, as
                         finds great satisfaction   and nurses. Her ex-          well as serving as a
                         in helping others as       ternship also provided       stepping stone to con-
                         she provides essential     opportunities to learn       tinuing education and
                         care to her patients.      patient care, to per-        career advancement.
                             Hiba stated that the   form treatments, edu-
                         current COVID-19           cate patients, and to
                         virus has effected all     assist physicians with

Library News - Northwest Suburban College

                                   COVID-19 Resources
The general public has received much information on COVID-19, which seems to rapidly
change, as new developments occur and new studies emerge. For that reason, it is best to
keep up with the most current and most authoritative information available. The following
links will take you to various articles posted on the National Institutes of Health, Depart-
ment of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control, and the Cook County
Public Health Department web sites. All of these sites are frequently updated. You can
also subscribe to the NIH site in order to receive updates. To open these links, click on
the highlighted title and the “control” key at the same time.
Recent study of infected hospital workers shows long periods of immunity
This recent study is promising in that healthcare workers who had COVID-19 are immune from re-
infection for at least six months. Those who tested positive again were asymptomatic.

Information on vaccines and clinical trials
This article contains information about how vaccines work, how to join a clinical trial, and how you can
help others if you have recovered from COVID-19.

Information on the vaccines, including distribution and FAQs
This site provides comprehensive information on the different types of vaccines, their benefits, possible
side effects, and distribution.

Cook County Public Health Department
This site plots the occurrence of COVID-19 infections and deaths in Cook County and suburban Cook
County. The Department attempts to update the data every 48 hours.


 Sources for Free, Full Text Resources
Many libraries have closed their doors to normal operations during the
pandemic. There are many full text materials freely available via the In-
ternet. These include books for children and adolescents. Use the sites
below to tap into a wealth of resources you can use from the comfort
of your home.
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg contains more than 60,000 full text books. These books are in
the public domain and many are classic literature titles. The “Bookshelves” feature
allows the user to limit by subject, genre, and age group. Books can be downloaded
to Dropbox, Google Drive, or the Cloud.
Hathi Trust Digital Library
The Hathi Trust Digital Library is the result of the collaborative efforts of academic
and research libraries throughout the world. Full text books and documents can be
read and downloaded for free.
Google Books
The Google Books site is a good place to check for full text books. The collection
includes the full text of many classic literature titles in the public domain. Some ti-
tles are available in their entirety and can be downloaded, while others offer a
“preview.” Some of the previews are quite substantial. An option, “Get this book in
print” allows the user to search WorldCat, to locate a title in a nearby library.
Digital Public Library of America
The Digital Public Library of America collects econtent from libraries, museums,
and archives throughout the United States. Other features include digital exhibi-
tions on historical topics, primary source collections, and a genealogical collection.
Users can browse by topic as well as by contributing institution.
Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is a collection of books, movies, television programs, audio
files, as well as an archive of the Internet. Library collections include both public
and academic, as well as libraries outside of the United States. Users can create an
account for free and download or borrow ebooks, documents, and programs.

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