Library News - Morristown and Morris Township Library

Page created by Nathaniel Gallagher
Library News             Published by The Friends of the
                                                Morristown & Morris Township Library                                         Spring 2020                   The Morristown & Morrist Township Library, 1 Miller Road, Morristown, NJ                    973-538-6161

             Director’s Column by Chad Leinaweaver                                                  President’s Message
               Lots of librarians cringe when people assume that all we do at work is ‘read         by Susan Kleemeyer
               books’ — despite the fact that our patrons know better — considering our             The Friends have been working hard
               many programs, computer classes, and building construction projects! But             this winter, sorting, pricing and shelving
               working with books is still a big part of what we do as a staff on a regular         books for our every Tuesday (10 to 2) and
basis. It is certainly where our profession began –– reviewing books, acquiring books,              the first and third Saturdays (also 10 to 2)
cataloging books and circulating books — even though now we also circulate videos,                  sales. It is by no means an easy job, but
music, spoken word in various formats, museum passes and even snowshoes and sewing                  we feel so good in seeing people happy
machines in our ‘Library of Things!’ Books are still the main source of information                 to buy books and knowing that we are
dissemination and leisure reading for our patrons, whether in the familiar codex format             helping to support the Library.
(paper pages and a book cover) or downloaded as an eBook.                                               We are pleased our Library is a
    The online catalog, which we share through our consortium MAIN (the Morris Area                 very special place where you are able to
Information Network) highlights new books that we purchase each week to provide our                 borrow books, tapes, CD’s and DVD’s
patrons with an instant “new” section to see the latest tomes that hit our shelves. In fact,        and use computers as well. Were you
there are several scrolling “carousels” in the MAIN catalog that highlight other things             aware that you could borrow “things”
such as New York Times bestsellers, book authors featured at the Morristown Festival of             also? Snowshoes, a sewing machine, a
Books every fall, and other ‘new’ items such as videos and music. On our website www.               telescope, and a metal detector are but a, the catalog is just a click away at the top right of each page and we also          few of the things which can be borrowed
feature our own MMT Library “booklists” section that provides another avenue to finding             from the Library. You can view all the
new items to read under the “Books and Media” tab. When coming into the Library to                  things available as you enter the main
look for a book, our Circulation Room is where new titles are kept for patrons to browse.           entrance and look to the left. If you peruse
Non-fiction, fiction, oversized, mysteries, graphic novels and more are grouped in this             the newsletter’s Calendar of events (pages
busy room where patrons also check out books and sign up for their library cards.                   5—7 of this newsletter), you will see just
    Searching the catalog and browsing in person are not the only ways for patrons to find          how special this Library is, by the number
new and enticing books. Did you ever read a book that you just couldn’t put down and                of programs, movies, clubs and activities
once you finished wanted so much for another like it? Well, we have Readers’ Advisors               it sponsors.
that can make suggestions just like that. These staff members sit at a desk near our Fiction            All of the Friends who work so
collection upstairs and do a lot of leisure reading themselves. They can always suggest a           diligently are very proud of the fact that
novel that everyone is talking about, something that mirrors a book a patron just enjoyed,          we play a part in assisting the Morristown
or something new in a different genre that might be of interest. Our Readers’ Advisors              and Morris Township Library to tower
run the Library’s book clubs too — our Morning Book Club and our Evening Book Club                  above all others! Thank you to one and all!
choose a specific book to read and discuss each month, but in our Book Lovers’ Circle,
our staff highlights all sorts of great books that have recently been published that patrons
                                                                                                     Inside this issue . . .
might enjoy, and the attendees also suggest books they each loved.                                   Just for Teens (page 2)
    If you want even more access to new books, we offer other ways to discover them. Our             The Children‘s Room (page 2)
Automatic Holds program selects bestselling authors for which our staff will automatically           New Addition to Children's Room Castle (page 2)
place holds for patrons on their Library accounts so they don’t have to! Patrons can choose          On the Shelf (page 3)
up to 12 authors from a list of 50 such as James Patterson and Debbie Macomber, and                  North Jersey History & Genealogy Center (page 3)
                                                                                                     Upcoming Events at Your Library (pages 4 –5)
when a new title is published by those authors, patrons will automatically have a hold               Calendar of Events for Adults (pages 5–6)
placed on their account for it. Never miss the latest Harlan Coben again! Our staff also             Spotlight on Library Classes (page 6)
regularly highlights various subject-themed book displays in the Library’s Circulation               Calendar of Events for Children (page 7)
Room, upstairs in the Fiction area, in the Reference Room ‘pass-through’, and in the                 Calendar of Events for Teens (page 7)
Media wing. For those patrons who run their own book clubs, we have resources to help                Become a Friend of the Library! (page 8)
your group with great selections. When the Library is closed we have an online service
called NoveList that can provide read-alikes, discussion guides and teaching resources.                        Check out the Library’s website for
    Books were the reason public libraries were founded in the first place — though we                      information on the programs and events
                                                                                                                    listed in this newsletter
offer much more than that — and for patrons hunting down books for reading, reviewing
and more, our staff and Library online resources should be your first place to look for help!     
Library News                                                                 2                                                          Spring 2020
Just for                                                The Children’s Room by Arlene Sprague
Teens!                                                  At their winter conference, The American Library Association announced
by Abigail Hsu
                                                        the winners of their children’s medals. The Newbery Medal, the
Exciting things are happening over at                   Caldecott Medal, and the Children’s Literature Legacy Award recognized
the new Library website! Book lists,                    outstanding contributions to children’s books.
recommended websites, and even a book                       The 2020 Newbery Medal, awarded for the most outstanding contribution to American
blog have been added to the Teen section                children’s literature, was given to Jerry Craft for his book New Kid. The main character,
of the site — be sure to check them out at              Jordan, a seventh grader, wants to attend art school, but his parents send him to a private Here are our                  school with little diversity. He struggles to find a place to belong as one of the few children
exciting teen programs for the spring:                  of color in the school. Craft credits his, and his sons, experiences for shaping the story. New
                                                        Kid is a ground-breaking selection by the committee since it is the first graphic novel to
New! Life Skills 101                                    ever win the award. The medal acknowledges that graphic novels are more than “just comic
Tuesday 3/10, Monday 5/18                               books.” Many graphic novels offer the reader a fully developed story and characters.
Come learn valuable life skills from                        The 2020 Caldecott Medal, awarded to the artist for the most distinguished American
experienced instructors! Dietician Monica               picture book, was given to Kadir Nelson for his illustrations in The Undefeated by Kwame
Hansen will kick off this new program                   Alexander. According to the ALA selection committee “Nelson’s rich illustrations amplify
series with a basic food skills class in                Alexander’s poetic tribute to the resiliency, strength, and perseverance of the historical and
March. In May, Master Akil Acevedo                      present-day Black experience.” Using realistic oil paintings, Nelson brings the figures and
from Cho’s Legacy TKD Martial Arts                      events in Alexander’s book to life. This is the first Caldecott win for Nelson, after being the
will lead a seminar about personal                      runner-up twice before.
safety and self-defense.                                    The 2020 Children’s Literature Legacy Award was given to Kevin Henkes. This award
Teen Book Club                                          honors an author or illustrator whose books, published in the United States, have made a
Tuesdays 3/10, 4/14, 5/12, 6/9, 7-7:30 pm               significant and lasting contribution to children’s literature. Henkes is known for both his texts
Teen Book Club meets once a month                       and his illustrations. He won the Caldecott Medal in 2005 for his book Kitten’s First Full
on a Tuesday evening to chat about                      Moon and he was a Newbery runner-up in 2014 for his book The Year of Billy Miller. Henkes
what we have read. This spring, we will                 has written and illustrated picture books, early chapter books and novels. When bestowing
read sci-fi thriller Want by Cindy Pon,                 the award, the committee chair praised Henkes stating “he gives us a legacy of work full of
Chinese-influenced fantasy Spin the                     honest emotion and insight, warm and gentle humor, and playful nuanced illustrations.”
Dawn by Elizabeth Lim, contemporary                         The Newbery and Caldecott promise their winning books a longevity in libraries. The
rom-com Somewhere Only We Know                          medals are recognized as a sign of excellence and their presence endures. When the New
by Maurene Goo, and graphic novel                       York Public Library recently released a list of the ten most circulated books, unsurprisingly
Grimoire Noir by Vera Greentea.                         a Caldecott medal winner was number one on the list. The 1963 medal winner, The Snowy
Books and snacks are provided.                          Day by Ezra Jack Keats, circulated more times than any other book in their collection.
                                                        Interestingly enough, like The New Kid, The Snowy Day was considered a ground-breaking
Creative Café                                           book because it was one of the first successful children’s books to feature an African-
Fridays 3/27, 4/24, 5/1, 6/5, 4–5:00 pm                 American character.
Bring a writing or art project to work
on, or make something new with our                      New “Addition” to the Children’s Room Castle
supplies! We will paint acrylic art in                  Some of our patrons have noticed a new building addition to our
March, create poetry spools in April,                   Children’s Room ‘Castle’ near our story time area, thanks to two
design affirmation cards in May, and                    of our very supportive patrons! Richard and Susan Brown have
have a gel pen coloring session in June.                donated a bench in memory of their grandson Samuel Benedict Brown.
Tea and snacks are provided.                            The Browns are avid readers and big library users who wanted to make
Programs are open to teens in the                       a gift to remember their grandson and have something special for the
seventh grade and up. Registration is                   children who come in to use the Library. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Brown!
required. For more information or to                        “The Castle is a popular area of our Children’s Room,” says Library Director Chad
sign up, call us at 973-538-6161 or visit               Leinaweaver, “and it is great that we can add to it! It was so kind of the Browns to remember                               the Library with such a generous gift.”
                                                            Arlene Sprague, who heads up the Children’s Department, is happy to have more space
                                                        for her younger patrons too. “The Children’s Department is as busy as ever, as many parents
 For a calendar of Library events, see pages 5-7.
  However, Library events are always changing.          often want to get their children familiar with and reading books at a young age to prepare for
New programs will be added. Keep informed of new        school and also to instill a love of reading. This donation really helps with that too. Many
Library events by checking out our website regularly!   children get excited having a special place to read. It encourages young readers!”
                                Come in and check out our new bench (and a few books) when you visit the Library!
Library News                                                        3                                                         Spring 2020

                                                         LARGE-PRINT by Louis Muñoz Jr.
 FICTION by Susan Lipstein                               The Stationery Shop by Marjan Kamali
 Whatever happened to . . .? Two recently published      A novel set in 1953 Tehran against the backdrop of the Iranian Coup about a
 novels finish the stories that their authors started    young couple in love who are separated on the eve of their marriage, and who are
 years before in popular and well-regarded works.        reunited 60 years later, after having moved on to live independent lives in America,
                                                         to discover the truth about what happened on that fateful day in the town square.
 The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar
 In this novel, published in 2005, we first meet         The Chestnut Man by Søren Sveistrup
 Bhima, a slum dweller in modern Bombay, who             Named a Best Book of the Year by the New York Times Book Review, Kirkus, and
 has spent her life working for an upper middle class    Library Journal, this heart-pounding debut, soon to be a Netflix show, comes from
 Parsi woman, Sera. The two women, separated             the creator of the hit Scandinavian television show The Killing.
 by class, are bound by shared life experiences.         The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience
 But when Bhima’s daughter becomes pregnant              by Hillary Rodham Clinton & Chelsea Clinton
 by a man she refuses to identify, the lives of the      Hillary Rodham Clinton and daughter Chelsea Clinton share the stories of the
 two women shatter.                                      gutsy women who have inspired them, women with the courage to stand up to
 The Secrets Between Us by Thrity Umrigar                the status quo, ask hard questions, and get the job done. Throughout history and
 Finally we can find out what happened to Bhima,         around the globe, women have overcome resistance to win victories that have
 her granddaughter and Sera’s family in this             made progress possible for all of us. That is the achievement of each of the women
 novel published 13 years after the first. It picks      in this book. So how did they do it? The answers are as unique as the women
 up the story immediately after Bhima has been           themselves. Nearly every single one of these women was fiercely optimistic and
 forced to find a way to support herself and her         had faith that their actions could make a difference. And they were right.
 granddaughter. She bonds with Parvati, who
 had been a minor character in the first novel,
 and the story comes full circle with a satisfying        The North Jersey History & Genealogy Center by Jeffrey V. Moy
 conclusion which ties up the loose ends.                 The History & Genealogy Center recently preserved, cataloged, and made a
                                                          number of collections available to researchers, including the records of the
 Moloka’i by Alan Brennert
                                                          Mount Hope Iron Mine, the Pierson & Humphreville Family Papers, the
 Published in 2003, when we first read about
                                                          Morristown Columbian Club, and the Home Garden Club of Morristown.
 Rachel, the young girl who at age seven is
                                                          These collections are valuable depositories of local history and genealogy.
 diagnosed with leprosy and is separated from
                                                              The Mount Hope Iron Mine materials document the history of iron mining
 her family and relocated to Moloka'i, a Hawaiian
                                                          in Rockaway, NJ, which dates back to the original Lenape settlers who passed
 island which is the site of a leper colony. She
                                                          their knowledge of these rich ore deposits on to colonial-era European settlers.
 eventually meets and marries a fellow leper, but
                                                          The Mount Hope Mine was one of many that supplied the Revolutionary
 is forced to give their daughter up for adoption to
                                                          Army with the iron it needed for weapons, ammunition, and tools to fight the
 prevent her infection. The leper colony actually
                                                          British, and it remained active through the mid-20th century.
 existed and Brennert mixes real characters with
                                                              The Piersons are one of Morris County’s oldest families, having travelled
 fictional ones to create a masterful work of
                                                          from Bradford, CT to settle Newark, NJ in 1666. In addition to running a
 historical fiction as Rachel struggles to make a
                                                          successful furniture making business
 life for herself.
                                                          for several generations, the Piersons
 Daughter of Moloka’i by Alan Brennert                    were instrumental in founding local
 Brennert picks up the story of Molak’i in this           charitable organizations, such as the
 2019 novel, so we can finally find out what has          Morris Museum.
 happened to Ruth, Rachel’s daughter. Ruth was                Both the Home Garden Club
 adopted by a Japanese family in Hawaii who               and Columbian Club are longtime
 moved to California. Ruth’s life is upended                                                               (Above) The Hope Iron Mine
                                                          Morristown social organizations                  (Below) The Taylor Mine entrance
 during World War II when she too is relocated,           that, respectively, taught successful
 to Manzanar, an internment camp. After the war,          gardening techniques and encouraged
 she also has to make a new life for herself and          social uplift and charitable works
 then she receives a letter from her birth mother,        by the Italian American community.
 Rachel. Finally, all the pieces of these broken          Finding aids to these collections are
 lives can fit back together.                             available at under the
 Daughter of Moloka’i will be featured at our April 21    “History & Genealogy” tab at the top
 “Let’s Spend the Night Together” Book Club meeting.      of the homepage.
Library News                                                           4                                                           Spring 2020

                                       Upcoming Events at your Library!
       Unless otherwise noted, these programs are supported through funding from the Friends of the Library!
               There is no charge for these programs and no registration is necessary, unless otherwise stated.

                   Up Close and Personal with Carolyn Dorfman                                           A Star’s Life: from Stardust and
                   Founding Artistic Director of Carolyn Dorfman Dance                                     Gas to Super Red Giants
                         Monday, March 2, Meeting Room,1:00 PM                                              Thursday April 9, 7:30 PM
                     Spend an afternoon with the multi-talented and creative choreographer                 Meeting Room and Outdoors
                     Carolyn Dorfman talking about “dance with a capital D . . .” Through          Discover the beauty of the stars! Join us
                     a multi-media presentation and interactive dialogue, learn about how          for an evening of astronomy as we discuss
                     she built Carolyn Dorfman Dance into New Jersey’s premier modern              “A Star’s Life” and then go outside to
                     dance company. She will share how she and her dynamic, multi-ethnic           look at the night sky with a telescope
company affect individual and collective social change through choreography, performance           (weather permitting).
and community engagement. You will gain insight about her creative process, her artistic           Dr. Robert Duffin, Ph.D. is an assistant professor
                                                                                                   at County College of Morris. He teaches or has
philosophy that shows the power of dance to transform lives and uplift individuals and             taught courses in astronomy and physics at
communities. This program sponsored by the National Society of Arts & Letters.                     CCM, the University of California at Berkeley,
                                                                                                   Seattle University and Oregon State University.
                               How to Create a Rain Garden
                       With Morristown Landscape Architect Carolle Huber                                         Hokusai:
                       Tuesday, March 10, Meeting Room, 7:00 pm                                          Japan's Most Famous Artist
                      A rain garden is made of native plants chosen to temporarily hold                        Sunday, April 19
                      and soak in rainwater runoff. They are a way to beautify your                          Meeting Room, 2:00 pm
                      property and improve the environment. Effective in removing                  In his third presentation for the Library,
                      pollutants and sediments from rainwater runoff, rain gardens allow           Tom Silver will explore the work of Japan’s
for 30% more water to soak into the ground than a normal garden and they filter pollutants         most famous artist, Katsushika Hokusai
out of the groundwater. A rain garden is not a wetland and only holds water after rainfall,        (1760–1849), in the context of his life and
preventing the breeding of mosquitos. Come learn about this type of garden which is easy           times. Mr. Silver, a Japanese print enthusiast
to maintain and has many benefits for both flora and fauna!                                        and Morristown resident, showcases
Carolle Huber is a Morristown landscape architect who has been designing landscapes for 25 years   masterpieces covering the 350-year history
and specializes in environmentally responsible projects with an interest in residential design.    of the genre. This lecture will focus both on
                                                                                                   Hokusai’s best
                                 Franklin & Washington                                             known prints and
                Presented by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Edward J. Larson                        examples of his
                        Sunday, March 15, Reference Room, 2:00 pm                                  great paintings
                Edward J. Larson, University Professor of History at Pepperdine University,        and drawings.
                author of numerous articles and 14 books including the Pulitzer
                Prize winning Summer for the Gods, illuminates Ben Franklin
                and George Washington’s relationship with striking new detail and energy,
and shows that their relationship was an intimate working relationship that amplified each
other’s talents for the betterment of the country.

                 North Sea & English Channel Cruise Travelogue
                      Thursday, April 30 , Meeting Room, 7:00 pm
               Take a photo tour through six countries on a single ride — at the Library! See
Scotland's castles and mysterious lakes; ride up from fjords into Norway's mountains;                            H.M.S. Pinafore
enjoy the peace of Monet's gardens; wonder at the canals and medieval beauty of Bruges.                    presented by “Savoy Faire”
For all this, and more, come enjoy an evening with Stephen Brunskill, one of our reference                      Friday, April 24
                                                                                                           Circulation Room, 7:00 pm
librarians and an avid overseas traveler, as he shares a photographic travelogue of his
                                                                                                   Gilbert and Sullivan fans rejoice! Join us for
2019 trip aboard a cruise around the North Sea and the English Channel.
                                                                                                   a special Friday evening of musical theatre as
Featured destinations will include: Bergen and the pristine fjords of Norway; Edinburgh,           Savoy Faire, a group of featured artists from
Loch Ness and nearby Castle Urquhart; the rugged beauty of Northern Ireland and                    Light Opera of NJ, presents scenes from the
excitement of Dublin. Witness France’s beauty through Monet’s Giverny; enjoy a trip                British classic light opera, H.M.S. Pinafore.
through the Tower of London and finish with the Belgian city of Bruges. Stephen will also          All are welcome and light refreshments will
feature his experiences on cruise ships as an alternative way to travel.                           be served.
Library News                                                            5                                                          Spring 2020
                     Why Does My Stomach Ache?                          Calendar of Events for Adults spring 2020
                   Tuesday, May 5, Meeting Room, 7:00 pm                No registration required except for Technology Lab computer classes.
                                                                        Call 973-538-6162 to register for Technology Lab classes.
                       Do you have stomach issues which
                       are bothering you and you can’t figure           March                                 22 Michael Rockland Author Talk —
                                                                                                                 The George Washington Bridge
                       out why? Learn about conditions that             2 Up Close and Personal with             Meeting Room, 2:00 pm
could be causing abdominal pain or discomfort at this program.             Carolyn Dorfman, Founding
                                                                           Artistic Director of Carolyn       23 Evening Yoga
Dennis Han, MD, local gastroenterologist from Summit Medical               Dorfman Dance (See page 4)            F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm
Group will discuss different conditions such as: Irritable Bowel           Meeting Room, 1:00 pm              24 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Celiac Disease and                   Evening Yoga                          Qigong
other conditions that require a gluten-free diet; and GERD                 F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
(Reflux). He will explain the differences between these various         3 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm      25 Just Out of the Box…Office (film TBA)
conditions, how they are diagnosed, and treatment options                  Qigong                                Meeting Room, 7:00 pm
                                                                           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm           Mindful Meditation
available.                                                                                                       F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
                                                                        4 Mindful Meditation
                                                                           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm        27 Morning Yoga
                          Book Launch with                                                                       F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am
                 Bestselling Author Kimberly McCreight                  5 Winter Film Series Modern Film
                                                                           Noir, Motherless Brooklyn (2019)   28 North Jersey Sewing Circle
                              Tuesday, May 12                              Meeting Room, 2:00 pm & 6:45 pm       Meeting Room, 10:00 am–1:00 pm
                         Reference Room, 7:00 PM                           Book Lover’s Circle                30 Evening Yoga
                New York Times bestseller Kimberly McCreight               F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm
                “is quickly rising into a league with the best .        6 Morning Yoga                        31 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
                . . from Jodi Picoult to Harlan Coben” (USA                F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am
                Today). Beginning with her breakout debut,              7 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm         F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
Reconstructing Amelia, McCreight has delivered compelling               9 Evening Yoga
novels that imbue psychological suspense with unexpected
                                                                           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm
                                                                        10 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
intimacy and emotional depth, garnering comparisons to Gone                                                   1 Where’d You Go Bernadette
                                                                           How to Create a Rain Garden           A film presented by the
Girl and Big Little Lies. McCreight’s much-anticipated third               with Carolle Huber (See page 4)      Woman’s Club of Morristown
novel, A Good Marriage (Harper; May 5, 2020) is a riveting                 Meeting Room, 7:00 pm                Meeting Room, 1:15 pm
story of domestic dysfunction, precarious desire and what it               Qigong                               Mindful Meditation
                                                                           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm          F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
means to truly love another person. With the twists and turns
                                                                        11 Mindful Meditation                 2 Stamp Club
of a meticulously structured legal thriller, A Good Marriage               F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm          Meeting Room 10:00 am
explores the dangerous secrets some couples keep — and the                 Foreign Cinema Series:               Book Lover’s Circle
compromises they make — to stay together. Join us to hear                  The Last Suit (Argentina/Poland)     F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
McCreight discuss her new book and answer questions about                  Meeting Room, 7:00 pm
                                                                                                              3 Morning Yoga
                                                                        12 By the Book: A Morning Book          F.M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am
her work. Books will be available to purchase.                             Club —The Female Persuasion
               Kimberly McCreight is the author of the New York            by Meg Wolitzer                    4 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
               Times bestseller Reconstructing Amelia, nominated           Meeting Room, 10:00 am             6 Evening Yoga
               for the Edgar, Anthony, and Alex awards; Where They      13 Morning Yoga                         F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm
               Found Her; and The Outliers, a young adult trilogy.         F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am       7 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
               She is a graduate of Vassar College and the University   15 Franklin & Washington                The life and times of Enrico
               of Pennsylvania Law School. With close ties to              With Pulitzer Prize Winner           Caruso with Aldo Mancusi of
               Morristown, McCreight currently lives in Brooklyn.          Edward Larson (See page 4)           the Enrico Caruso Museum
                                                                           Reference Room, 2:00 pm              Meeting Room, 1:30 pm
                                                                        16 Evening Yoga                         Qigong
Human Centered Design for Teaching, Learning and Life                      F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm          F.M. Kirby Gallery 7:00 pm
          Sunday, May 17, Meeting Room, 2:00 PM                         17 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm     8 Mindful Meditation
Learn the basics of Human Centered Design applications and how             Qigong                               F.M. Kirby Gallery 7:00 pm
it can be used to mindfully accomplish any task or intentionally           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm          Foreign Cinema Series
                                                                           Let’s Spend the Night Together:      In the Aisles (Germany)
solve any problem. Join Morristown High School teachers John                                                    Meeting Room, 7:00 pm
                                                                           An Evening Book Club: Today
Madden and Matt Daly who recently attended an intensive training           Will Be Different by Maria         9 By the Book: A Morning Book
workshop at Stanford University’s prestigious “” as they           Semple Treasure Room 7:00 pm         Club – Small Fry
discuss this unique design approach to solving everyday problems.       18 Mindful Meditation                   by Lisa Brennan Jones Meeting
                                                                           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm          Room 10:00 am
Human Centered Design emphasizes empathy, mindfulness, and                                                      A Star’s Life from Stardust
intentionality to create new ways of helping people and MHS             19 Chess Club
                                                                           F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm          and Gas to Super Red Giants
students and faculty have embraced this approach. A unique                                                      Meeting Room, 7:30 pm
                                                                        20 Morning Yoga                         (See page 4)
opportunity to learn about the practical applications of an academic       F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am
                                                                                                                Adult Calendar continued on page 6
topic. Sure to be a stimulating afternoon!                              21 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
Library News                                                                   6                                                            Spring 2020

 Adult Calendar                          5 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm      27 Just Out of the Box…Office (film
                                                                                                                        Spotlight on Library Classes
 Spring 2020                                                                      TBA) Meeting Room, 7:00 pm            Qigong Classes
                                            Why Does My Stomach Hurt?
 (continued from page 5)                    Meeting Room, 7:00 pm                                                       Tuesdays, March 3–June 16
                                                                               27 Mindful Meditation                    F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
                                            (See page 5)                          F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
11 Morning Yoga                                                                                                         Qigong is a traditional Chinese
                                            Qigong                             28 Spring Film Series (Title TBA)        mindful exercise system for
   F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am             F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm           Meeting Room, 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm       cultivating and strengthening the
13 Evening Yoga                          6 Mindful Meditation                                                           body’s vital energy. Also known
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm
14 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
                                            F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
                                         7 Stamp Club
                                                                               June                                     as “Chinese Yoga,” Qigong
                                                                                                                        consists of a series of slow-flowing
   Qigong                                   Meeting Room, 10:00 am             1 Evening Yoga                           movements, which gently stretch
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm                                                    F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm           muscles, tendons and ligaments.
                                            Spring Film Series (Title TBA),
15 Mindful Meditation                       Meeting Room, 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm    2 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm         Similar to Tai Chi, these low-impact
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm                                                    Qigong                                exercises heighten awareness of
                                         8 Morning Yoga                                                                 the mind-body-breath connection.
16 DNA & Genealogy                          F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am          F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
                                                                                                                        Meditation and visualization are
   Meeting Room, 10:00 am                11 Evening Yoga                       3 Pride Month Film Series                also a part of Qigong practice.
   Chess Club                               F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm           (Title TBA)                           Using the mind, the practitioner
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm                                                    Meeting Room, 7:00 pm                 gathers, guides and circulates
                                         12 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
17 Morning Yoga                                                                   Mindful Meditation                    internal energy with graceful and
                                            Book Launch Event — A Good            F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
   F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am             Marriage by Kimberly McCreight                                              precise movements. Qigong can be
18 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm           Reference Room, 7:00 pm            4 Stamp Club                             practiced by all age groups and can
                                            (See page 5)                          Meeting Room, 10:00 am                easily be adapted for the physically
19 Hokusai: Japan’s Most Famous                                                                                         challenged. Join us on Tuesdays
   Artist (See page 4)                      Qigong                                Book Lover’s Circle (Title TBA)
                                                                                  F.M. Kirby Gallery 7:00 pm            for weekly classes by Morristown
   Meeting Room, 2:00 pm                    F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm                                                 certified instructor Bianca Godoy.
20 Evening Yoga                          13 Mindful Meditation                 5 Morning Yoga                           Everyone is welcome, no previous
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm              F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm           F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am          experience or registration required.
21 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm           Foreign Cinema Series —            6 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
   Let’s Spend the Night Together:          Ramen Shop (Singapore/Japan)       8 Evening Yoga                           North Jersey
   An Evening Book Club – Daughter          Meeting Room, 7:00 pm                 F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm           Sewing Circle
   of Moloka’i by Alan Brennert          14 By the Book: A Morning Book Club   9 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm         Meeting Room
   Treasure Room 7:00 pm                    — The Past by Tessa Hadley            Qigong
                                                                                                                        Saturdays, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
   (See review in FICTION on page 3)        Meeting Room, 10:00 am                F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm           Join us on the fourth Saturday
                                            Spring Film Series (Title TBA),                                             morning of each month for Sewing
   Qigong                                                                      10 Pride Month Film Series (Title
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm              Meeting Room, 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm                                             Circle programs. Learn new skills
                                                                                  TBA) Meeting Room, 7:00 pm            and make new friends. At each
22 Just Out of the Box…Office (film TBA) 15 Morning Yoga                          Mindful Meditation                    meeting there will be a “Show &
   Meeting Room, 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm          F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am          F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm           Tell” period, an opportunity for
   Mindful Meditation                    16 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm     11 By the Book: A Morning Book           attendees to discuss individual
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm           17 Human Centered Design for             Club — Finding Dorothy                home-sewing projects. Some of
24 Morning Yoga                             Teaching, Learning and Life           by Elizabeth Letts                    the titles from our spring 2020
   F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am             Meeting Room, 2:00 pm                 Meeting Room, 10:00 am                program are: “Learn to Drape a
   Light Opera of NJ: H.M.S.                (See page 5)                       12 Morning Yoga                          Double-breasted Jacket” (March
                                         18 Evening Yoga                                                                28); “Fashion Variations” (April 25);
   Pinafore — A special Friday                                                    F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am
   Night Performance! (See page 4)          F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm                                                 “BYO Sewing Projects” (June 27).
                                                                               15 Evening Yoga
   Circulation Room, 7:00 pm             19 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm        F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm
25 North Jersey Sewing Circle               Let’s Spend the Night Together:    16 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm        Looking Forward!
   Meeting Room, 10:00 am–1:00 pm           An Evening Book Club —                                                      Spring Computer
                                                                                  Qigong                                Lessons
27 Evening Yoga                             America for Beginners                 F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
   F.M. Kirby Gallery 6:00 pm               by Leah Franqui                                                             The Library will offer a series of
                                            Treasure Room, 7:00 pm                Let’s Spend the Night Together:       free computer classes for a variety
28 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm                                                 An Evening Book Club (Title TBA)
                                            Qigong                                                                      of skill levels from April—June.
   Qigong                                                                         Treasure Room, 7:00 pm                For those new to computers, we
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm              F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
                                                                               17 Pride Month Film Series (Title TBA)   will have a Beginner’s Series
29 Mindful Meditation                    20 Mindful Meditation                    Meeting Room, 7:00 pm                 that introduces participants to the
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm              F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm                                                 basics of the computer and the
                                                                                  Mindful Meditation
30 North Atlantic Cruise Photo           21 Spring Film Series (Title TBA)        F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm           internet. For those comfortable with
   Travelogue (See page 4)                  Meeting Room, 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm                                             a computer and desiring to learn
                                                                               18 Chess Club
   Meeting Room, 7:00 pm                    Chess Club                            F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm
                                                                                                                        more, we have courses on how
                                            F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm                                                 to use programs such as Excel,
                                                                               19 Morning Yoga                          Word, PowerPoint, and more. Our
May                                      22 Morning Yoga
                                            F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am
                                                                                  F. M. Kirby Gallery, 9:30 am          full schedule of classes will be
1 LIBRARY CLOSED FOR STAFF 25 Evening Yoga                                     20 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm        available mid-March, so keep an
   DEVELOPMENT DAY                                                             22 Evening Yoga                          eye out for them on our website
                                            F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm                                                 and flyers around the Library!
2 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm                                                  F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm
                                         26 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm                                              These classes require registration
4 Evening Yoga                                                                 23 Friends Book Sale 10 am – 2 pm
                                            Qigong                                                                      at the Reference Desk. Please call
   F.M. Kirby Gallery, 6:00 pm              F.M. Kirby Gallery, 7:00 pm                                                 973-538-2592 for more information.
Library News
                                                                       7                                                     Spring 2020

  Children’s Events for SPRING 2020                                    May                                     Play Outdoor Games Inside
  Book Clubs require advance registration. All other programs do                                               Ages 2-5
                                                                       2 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8            Children’s Room, 10:00–11:00 am
  not require registration. Please call the Children’s Department
                                                                          Children’s Room, 11:00 am
  at 973-538-6161 to register or for more information.                                                    17   Zoo Animal Scavenger Hunt
                                                                       4 May the 4th Be With You:              Children’s Room, All Day
                                                                          Star Wars Craft Table
March                               April                                 Children’s Room, 3:00–5:30 pm   18   Zoo Animal Scavenger Hunt
                                                                                                               Children’s Room, All Day
2 March Madness: Battle             1 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5       5 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5
   of the Books Begins                 Children’s Room, 10:00 am          Children’s Room, 10:00 am            Father’s Day Craft Table
   Children’s Room, All Day                                                                                    Children’s Room, 3:00–5:30 pm
                                    4 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8       6 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5
3 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5           Children’s Room, 11:00 am          Children’s Room, 10:00 am       19   Zoo Animal Scavenger Hunt
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am                                                                                   Children’s Room, All Day
                                    7 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5       7 Mother’s Day Craft Table
4 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5           Children’s Room, 10:00 am          Children’s Room, 3:00–5:30 pm   20   Zoo Animal Scavenger Hunt
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am                                                                                   Children’s Room, All Day
                                    8 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5       9 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8
7 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8           Children’s Room, 10:00 am          Children’s Room, 11:00 am       21   Zoo Animal Scavenger Hunt
   Children’s Room, 11:00 am                                                                                   Children’s Room, All Day
                                    9 Unicorn Day Craft Table          11 Maker Monday, Ages 6-11
9 Maker Monday, Ages 6-11              Children’s Room, 3:00-5:30 pm      Children’s Room, 4:15 pm        24   UFO Day Craft Table
   Children’s Room, 4:15 pm                                                                                    Children’s Room, 1:00–5:00 pm
                                       Book Club, Grades 4-6           12 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5
10 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5          Gallery, 7:00-7:45 pm              Children’s Room, 10:00 am
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am        11 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8      13 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5      Spring TEEN Events
11 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5          Children’s Room, 11:00 am          Children’s Room, 10:00 am       Programs are open to teens in
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am        13 Maker Monday, Ages 6-11         14 Book Club Grades 4-6            the 7th grade and up. Advance
12 Get Ready for St. Patrick's         Children’s Room, 4:15 pm           Gallery, 7:00–7:45 pm           registration is required.
   Day Craft Table                  14 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5      16 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8
   Children's Room, 3:00–5:30 pm                                                                          For more information on teen events
                                       Children’s Room, 10:00 am          Children’s Room, 11:00 am       or to sign up, call the Children’s
   Book Club Grades 4-6             15 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5      18 Superhero Scavenger Hunt        Department at 973-538-6161 or visit
   Gallery, 7:00–7:45 pm               Children’s Room, 10:00 am          Children’s Room, All Day
14 Craft Story Time Ages 3-8        18 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8      19 Superhero Scavenger Hunt
   Children’s Room, 11:00 am
16 Spring is Here Scavenger Hunt
                                       Children’s Room, 11:00 am          Children’s Room, All Day        March
                                    20 Bugs, Bees and Butterflies         Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5      10 Life Skills 101: Basic Food Skills
   Children’s Room, All Day            Scavenger Hunt                     Children’s Room, 10:00 am          Meeting Room, 1:30–2:30 pm
17 Spring is Here Scavenger Hunt       Children’s Room, All Day        20 Superhero Scavenger Hunt
   Children’s Room, All Day                                                                                  Teen Book Club, Grades 7-12
                                    21 Bugs, Bees and Butterflies         Children’s Room, All Day           Large Study Room, 7:00-7:30 pm
   Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5          Scavenger Hunt                     Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am           Children’s Room, All Day                                           27 Creative Cafe: Cookies &
                                                                          Children’s Room, 10:00 am          Canvases
18 Spring is Here Scavenger Hunt       Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5         Macaroni Art Craft Table           Teen Space, 4:00–5:00 pm
   Children’s Room, All Day            Children’s Room, 10:00 am          Children’s Room, 3:00–5:30 pm
   Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am
                                    22 Bugs, Bees and Butterflies
                                       Scavenger Hunt
                                                                       21 Superhero Scavenger Hunt        April
                                                                          Children’s Room, All Day        14 Teen Book Club, Grades 7-12
19 Spring is Here Scavenger Hunt,      Children’s Room, All Day
                                                                       22 Superhero Scavenger Hunt           Large Study Room, 7:00–7:30 pm
   Children’s Room, All Day            Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5         Children’s Room, All Day
   Welcome Spring Craft Table          Children’s Room, 10:00 am                                          24 Creative Cafe: Poetry Spools
                                                                       26 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5         Teen Space, 4:00–5:00 pm
   Children’s Room, 3:00-5:30 pm       Earth Day Craft Table              Children’s Room, 10:00 am
20 Spring is Here Scavenger Hunt       Children’s Room, 3:00–5:30 pm
   Children’s Room, All Day         23 Bugs, Bees and Butterflies
                                                                       27 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5
                                                                          Children’s Room, 10:00 am
21 Spring is Here Scavenger Hunt       Scavenger Hunt, All Day                                            1 Creative Cafe: Affirmation Cards
                                                                       30 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8         Teen Space, 4:00–5:00 pm
   Children’s Room, All Day         24 Bugs, Bees and Butterflies         Children’s Room, 11:00 am
   Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8          Scavenger Hunt, All Day                                            12 Teen Book Club, Grades 7-12
   Children’s Room, 11:00 am        25 Bugs, Bees and Butterflies
                                       Scavenger Hunt, All Day
                                                                       June                                  Large Study Room, 7:00–7:30 pm
                                                                                                          18 Life Skills 101: Personal Safety
22 Spring is Here Scavenger Hunt                                       10 Butterfly Picnic Ages 2-5
   Children’s Room, All Day            Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8                                            & Self-Defense
                                                                          Children’s Room, 12 noon           Meeting Room, 7:00–8:00 pm
24 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5          Children’s Room, 11:00 am
                                                                       11 Color a Yo-Yo Craft Table
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am        26 Bugs, Bees and Butterflies
25 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5          Scavenger Hunt, All Day
                                                                          Children’s Room, 3:00–5:30 pm
                                                                       15 Zoo Animal Scavenger Hunt
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am        28 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5,        Children’s Room, All Day        5 Creative Cafe: Gel Pen Coloring
28 Craft Story Time, Ages 3-8          Children’s Room, 10:00 am                                            Teen Space, 4:00–5:00 pm
                                                                       16 Zoo Animal Scavenger Hunt
   Children’s Room, 11:00 am        29 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5,        Children’s Room, All Day        9 Teen Book Club, Grades 7-12
31 Craft Story Time, Ages 2-5          Children’s Room, 10:00 am                                            Large Study Room, 7:00–7:30 pm
   Children’s Room, 10:00 am
Friends of the Library
       One Miller Road
       Morristown, New Jersey 07960

     (Address Service Requested)

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      on the right and become a FRIEND today!
  Want to help more? Join the Friends as a volunteer!
    Check off “Volunteer with the Friends”
             on the form and we will get in
                    touch with you!

                                                                      Be a Friend!

Calendar of Events!
The Calendar of Events for Adults is located                       Belonging to the FRIENDS is worthwhile. Have you considered it?
on pages 5–6. The Calendars of Events for
Children and Teens are located on page 7.
                                                        YES, I would like to become a Friend of the Morristown & Morris Township Library!
Be sure and check out the many wonderful                                        _____New                _____Renewal
events held at your Library!
                                                            _____Individual: $15.00               _____Patron: $60.00 and up
The Morristown & Morris Township Library
                                                            _____Family: $30.00                   _____Benefactor: $100.00 & up
is located at One Miller Road in Morristown,
on the corner of South Street and Miller Road
directly across from the Community Theatre.               Name:_________________________________________________________________

Normal Library hours are:
   Monday thru Thursday: 9:00 am—9:00 pm
                    Friday: 9:00 am—6:00 pm
                 Saturday: 9:30 am—5:00 pm                      ______________________________________________________________________
  Saturday, July & August: 10:00 am—2:00 pm
                  Sunday: 1:00 pm—5:00 pm                Phone: _________________________             Email: _________________________________
How to reach us:                                                                *If you know your 9–digit zip code, please include it.
    General: 973–538–6161
    Reference: 973–538–2592                               VOLUNTEER WITH THE FRIENDS!
    Local History: 973–538–3473                            		         _______YES, I would like to volunteer with the Friends of the Library!
                                                                                Please contact me with more information!
    Library email:
                                                                 For more information about the Friends and opportunities to participate,
                                                                          please email
For more information on Library activities,
                                                         Please leave this form at the Library Circulation Desk or mail to:
   check out your Library's Web Site at
                             Friends of the Morristown/Morris Township Library, 1 Miller Road, Morristown, NJ 07960–5234
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