Business As Usual: and the Academic Library

Page created by Renee Neal
Business As Usual: and the
               Academic Library
               by Mary K. Van Ullen and Carol Anne Germain

         In 1999, Steve Coffman
  proposed that libraries form a
   single interlibrary loan based
            entity patterned after
                                                  S      teve Coffman proposed that librar-
                                                         ies emulate, the vir-
                                                         tual bookstore giant, with a visually
                                                  appealing single library catalog that offers
                                                                                                  as an easy to use interface, personaliza-
                                                                                                  tion, and catalog enhancements.
                                                                                                  Certainly, does not have the
                                                  personalized service options. Rather than This study                    dealing with individual libraries, the bor-     institutional collections that academic li-
                                                  rowing public could seamlessly access the       braries have developed over time. Created
      examined the suitability of                 joint collections of all libraries via inter-   in 1995, the online bookstore originally’s Web interface                      library loan (ILL). Coffman noted the im-       positioned itself as a modest e-retailer of
  and record enhancements for                     pressive buying power of Amazon’s cus-          discount books.3 became a
                                                  tomers and the dotcom’s exploding sales         model for e-commerce; it grew rapidly,
               academic libraries.                                                                established brand recognition, and main-
                                                  figures. He suggested that libraries could could not deliver                     draw and better serve a larger patron base      tained a small inventory but generated a
  circulating monographs in the                   by following Amazon’s techniques.1 His          large volume of sales. It took seven years
                                                  proposal sparked excitement, interest, and      to turn a profit.4 Its first quarterly profit,
 University at Albany Libraries’                                                                  $5 million, is dwarfed by the company’s
                                                  debate in public and academic libraries.2
    collection quickly enough to                  While Amazon’s strategy has made an             debt of $2.8 billion.5 The company has
          satisfy undergraduates.                 impact in the mass marketing of books,          expanded from selling books to becoming
                                                  how well does it translate in an education      a virtual mall selling electronic goods,
                                                  environment?                                    kitchen equipment, lawn tools, toys, and
                                                     Today’s students eagerly turn to the         even cars.
                                                  World Wide Web to gain access to infor-    has been praised for its
                                                                                                  provocative business strategies, its inno-
                                                  mation resources. Could a virtual book-
                                                                                                  vative Web presence, and customer ser-
                                                  store, like, support the
                                                                                                  vice relations. Coffman’s vision of an
                                                  monographic needs of these students that
                                                                                                  Amazon-like universal catalog would
                                                  are traditionally filled by academic librar-    contain records with special features such
                                                  ies? While the academic library and vir-        as book cover graphics, tables of contents,
                                                  tual bookstore deal with a similar com-         reviews, patron comments, and additional
                                                  modity: the book, they are different            reading suggestions, simulating Ama-
                                                  enterprises. Yet, this may not be apparent      zon’s Web model. Librarians would add
                                                  to college students. The authors investi-       their “stamp of approval” to recom-
                                                  gated the ability of to de-          mended materials. He additionally sug-
                                                  liver the resources that University at Al-      gested utilizing Amazon’s navigational
                                                  bany patrons use. Could              and accessibility techniques.6
                                                  provide these materials more quickly than           Coffman has drawn both naysayers
                                                  the University Libraries for research           and supporters. Some librarians acknowl-
 Mary K. Van Ullen is the Bibliographer for       needs? How appropriate are the personal-        edged that additional enhancements to li-
     Business, Economics, and Geography,          ized and enhanced features of the Ama-          brary catalog records would benefit users
    University at Albany, University Library, interface for the academic user?        and make the dreaded catalog more user-
          LI-328, Albany, New York 12222          While the thrust of Coffman’s proposal is       friendly.7 One writer advocated for an
              ⬍⬎; and          the creation of a massive, interlibrary loan    integrated ILL mechanism, where the pa-
     Carol Anne Germain is the Networked          based global library network, this study        tron searches and requests materials in a
Resources Education Librarian, University at      focused on the more readily achieved fea-       single catalog session.8 Critics identified
 Albany, University Library, LI-128, Albany,      tures of that libraries might        numerous problems with Coffman’s pro-
  New York 12222 ⬍⬎.              wish to implement on a local level, such        posal and reviewed the difficulties with

The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 28, Number 5, pages 319 –324                                                  September 2002 319
Table 1
                                  Availability of Books as Listed in the Database
                     24            2 to 3       1 to 2       3 to 5        4 to 6      Out of        Out of         Not             No Match
                    Hours          Days         Weeks        Weeks         Weeks       Print         Stock        Available        in Amazon
No. of items         240           134           32            47          189          268           25              2               117
% Total               22.8          12.7          3.0           4.5         17.9         25.4          2.4            0.2              11.1

promoting and implementing his ideas.9            ●   “On order— usually 1 to 2 weeks.”           Amazon,” contains data for titles which
Walt Crawford, for instance, disputed the         ●   “This title is currently on back order.     could not be located from searching the model as infeasible. He                    We expect to be able to ship it to you site.
cited astronomical ILL costs; political is-           within 3 to 5 weeks.”                           Analysis of the circulation statistics of
sues with building a single library cata-         ●   “Ships 4 to 6 weeks.”                       the reviewed books in the ADVANCE
log; and the loss of search capabilities          ●   “Out of Print—Try our out-of-print          system showed that 1,054 books sampled
found in many library catalogs.10                     search service.”                            had been checked out a total number of
                                                  ●   “We were unable to find matches for         941 times in the year 2000. Because the
             PROCEDURES                               your search.” and                           University Libraries have a liberal loan
The investigation was conducted at the            ●   “This title is currently not available.”    period of up to a year, depending on pa-
University at Albany Libraries, over a 13-                                                        tron status, many of the books had been
week period between January and April                The actual availability of the books
                                                                                                  checked out the preceding year and thus
2000. Each week, the authors randomly             was not tested. Because none of the se-
                                                                                                  did not show up in the year 2000 circula-
sampled approximately 80 books that               lected books were ordered from Amazon.
                                                                                                  tion figure.11 The number of checkouts
were awaiting re-shelving in the Librar-          com to determine if the availability no-
                                                  tices were accurate, the authors accepted       for the period 1984 (the first year circu-
ies’ Circulation Departments because                                                              lation statistics were recorded) to 2000
they had been recently checked out or had’s report of availability
                                                  times.                                          was 10,820. Total circulation was 11,761,
been used within the libraries. Each au-                                                          with a mean average of 11.16 checkouts
thor examined approximately 40 books.                Book records in contain
                                                  a number of features not normally found         per book included in the study.
The sample size of about 80 books per                                                                 To examine some of the enhancements
week represented roughly 20% of the               in library catalogs. To examine some of
                                                  the enhancements used by,            used by, book review data
books normally awaiting reshelving on                                                             were recorded for 447 titles, as previously
any given day, and the sampling process           records were examined for the presence
                                                  of book review data and table of contents       mentioned. Of those titles, 52 were either
of this volume of titles caused minimal                                                           listed as “not available,” or no record was
disruption to the workflow of the circula-        information for a 447-book subset of the
                                                  total 1,054 books sampled. During the last      found for them in the data-
tion staff.                                                                                       base. Of the remaining 395 items, 297
   Each book was researched in both the           11 weeks of the data collection period, the
                                                  book review data were collected on about        (75.2%) had at least one review. One hun- database and the University                                                            dred twenty-six of the books found in
Libraries’ online catalog, ADVANCE. At            half the books sampled.
                                                     Because all of the books included were were listed as “out of print,”, each title was entered into                                                           although some of the out of print titles did
Amazon’s site search engine. If the title         from the University Libraries, their avail-
                                                  ability rate was 100%. Searching the cir-       have book reviews present. Only six of
search retrieved a matching title record,                                                         the books (1.5%) found in
whether the book was hardcover, soft-             culation module of the online system,
                                                  ADVANCE, statistics were collected of           had table of contents information in-
cover, reprint or a different edition, and so                                                     cluded in the database record.
forth, it was considered an available             past use. For each of the selected books,
                                                  the circulation statistics for the current          Most of’s reviews are la-
match. Because titles appear in various
                                                  year and for past years from 1984 (the          beled either “editorial” or “customer.”
editions, published over time, data on im-
                                                  earliest year for which statistics are avail-   The editorial reviews, for the most part,
print dates were not collected. Retrieved
                                                  able) were recorded. If more than one           were not book reviews in the typical
records were reviewed and information
                                                  copy was owned, the information for each        sense, but rather were one or two sentence
from these was recorded, focusing on the
                                                  was also documented.                            descriptions of the contents, more like the
availability status of each book. In cases
                                                                                                  blurbs often found on book jackets. Only
in which had records for                                   FINDINGS                    three of the editorial reviews gave any
multiple editions, the record for the most
readily available edition was selected.           Table 1 shows the availability from Ama-        type of evaluative comments. Editorial re-
   At, materials have differ- of the 1,054 books. The time            views were found for 112 titles (28.3%)
ent availability dates. Records of searched       ranges are the estimated time for the item      of the 395 items, and each title had a
materials provided the following avail-           to ship as stated by Items          mean average of 1.8 editorial reviews.
ability messages:                                 listed by as “Out of Print,”             The Web site has a pop-
                                                  “Out of Stock,” and “Not Available,” did        ular feature allowing customers, who
●   “Usually ships within 24 hours.”              not give any estimate of time to delivery.      have filled out an online registration form,
●   “Usually ships in 2 to 3 days.”               The last column, headed “No Match in            to enter their own book reviews. Other

320   The Journal of Academic Librarianship
Of the books examined, only 38.5%
                                  Table 2
                                                                                               were available though
       Availability of Books in the Database Based on
                                                                                               within the two-week time period deemed
                           Patron Acceptability
                                                                                               “Acceptable Undergraduate” delivery. A
                                Patron-Based Category                                          total of 60.9% were available within the
                        Undergraduate                Researcher                                six-week period deemed “Researcher Ac-
                         Acceptable                  Acceptable                Unavailable     ceptable.” It was not possible to obtain
                                                                                               39.1% of the items at all directly from
No. of items                 406                        642                       412
% Total                        38.5                      60.9                       39.1

                                              generally faculty members and graduate              “An obvious problem with
registered customers may rate these re-       students, who need material for their own           Coffman’s suggestion of a
views as to their helpfulness. Customer       research, are often willing to wait longer
reviews were present for 58 (14.7%) of                                                         single, largely interlibrary loan
                                              periods of time to obtain harder to find
the 395 titles. The customer-reviewed ti-     items. In the case of rare books, interli-         based global library system
tles had a mean of 4.3 reviews apiece.        brary loan requests can take many weeks              would be the substantial
                                              to fill.                                           shipping and handling costs
                                                  The category, “Unavailable,” encom-
To relate’s delivery esti-         passes all titles that are not directly avail-
                                                                                                     associated with each
mates to the needs of the University at       able from because they are                      transaction.”
Albany patron population, the authors re-     out of print, out of stock, not available, or
defined’s availability cate-       not found in the database.
gories based on experience with our pa-’s “Out of Print” category                An obvious problem with Coffman’s
tron population (see Table 2). When           gives the user the option to have the order      suggestion of a single, largely interlibrary
library patrons look for a book, generally    placed seamlessly with the company’s             loan based global library system would be
they expect that the item will be found on    network of out of print dealers. Because         the substantial shipping and handling
the shelves for immediate access.             orders were not actually placed from             costs associated with each transaction.
Whether, and to what extent, they can, it is not possible to state is able to offer very reason-
wait to obtain materials depends on their     whether or not a substantial number of out       able rates on shipping books to its cus-
needs.                                        of print materials would be delivered in a       tomers, with domestic rates of about
   The patron-based category “Under-          timely fashion using this option. Acquisi-       $3.50 per shipment for three to seven day
graduate Acceptable,” includes all books      tion of out of print items can be compli-        delivery at the time this article was writ-
for which has a stated de-         cated by factors including availability,         ten, with higher rates for faster delivery.
livery period of up to two weeks. Within      condition, and differing editions of the         The company contains costs by stocking a
the University at Albany library system,      same volume, and in some cases it may            limited number of titles in highly auto-
patrons do not always have immediate          take years to find an out of print book if it    mated centralized warehouses, and pre-
access to all materials. Books may need to    can be found at all. No matter the reason,       sumably gets very advantageous rates
be paged from remote storage or retrieved     these titles could not be reliably obtained      from shipping companies. Libraries oper-
from a different library, which can typi-     from within a defined time            ate in quite a different environment and
cally take a day. A two-week time period      period.                                          traditional, labor-intensive ILL transac-
corresponds to our own experience of the          Obviously, these patron-based catego-        tion costs are much higher.13 Coffman
time it takes, on average, for interlibrary   ries do not cover all situations. As any         argues that libraries could take steps to
loan requests to be filled. It also corre-    academic librarian knows, undergraduates         reduce ILL transaction costs,14 and he
sponds to the University Library’s recall     are often unwilling or unable to use ma-         may be correct, although it is hard to
period. A requester wishing to check out a    terials unless they are available on de-         conceive of a hugely diverse library net-
book that is currently on loan to another     mand, so any wait, including even Ama-           work achieving the same economies of
borrower may place a recall on the book.’s fastest promised delivery will         scale as
The borrower then has up to two weeks to      be unacceptable. Mary Ann Chappell re-              Should the priority for libraries be on
return the book, and at that point the re-    ports that even a 48-hour turnaround time        building collections to support the teach-
quester can check it out.                     on interlibrary loan materials renders           ing and research missions of the organi-
   The second category in Table 2 is “Re-     them useless for many undergraduates.12          zation or on paying shipping and packag-
searcher Acceptable,” defined as all          Likewise, while many research projects           ing costs? In the present study, the
books for which has a stated       are conducted at a leisurely pace, a re-         average book examined had circulated
delivery period of up to six weeks. This      searcher may have a shorter deadline that        more than 11 times since 1984. Even if a
category includes all materials in the “Un-   makes a six-week delay in obtaining a            library were able to obtain the same $3.50
dergraduate Acceptable” category, as well     book unsuitable. However, the patron-            rate as, a round trip ship-
as items that take up to four additional      based categories provide a framework for         ping transaction would still cost about $7.
weeks for delivery, and, thus, total per-     comparing the viability of an Amazon.            Ignoring labor, packaging, and other
centages for the patron-based categories      com-like delivery model to academic li-          costs, the library would have spent a
add up to more than one hundred. Patrons,     braries.                                         whopping $770 to ship the average book

                                                                                                                       September 2002 321
11 times to patrons, if the book had been       specified terms.’s search re-       ians, so inclusion of this type of review
provided through ILL rather than owner-         sults display have more to do with gener-      would be inappropriate in the academic
ship.                                           ating sales than with matching the actual      library catalog.
                                                title requested, where a library catalog           Academic libraries have sources of
             Interface Display
                                                should provide accurate information            electronic book reviews from subject spe-
    Because the authors visited Amazon.         about materials in the system.                 cific databases such as ERIC and EconLit,
com at regular intervals, they were able to         Although library catalogs do not dis-      and more general sources such as EBSCO
make observations about the site’s inter-       play recommendations, most contain links       Academic Search FullTEXT Elite. Pro-
face display. Substantial changes oc-           to related materials. Text-based and Web-      viding links to reviews in those sources
curred frequently. This included the addi-      based catalogs provide command links or        right from the book record could enhance
tion of items, such as kitchenware and          hyperlinks, respectively, to materials that    the catalog. Likewise, librarians and ven-
cameras to the product offerings, and the       are relevant to the retrieved record. These    dors have recognized the desirability of
actual display itself. The interface screens    options allow the user to review other         including table of contents data in cata-
often brought the search window up in a         materials that either have the same author,    loging records,16 although most libraries
different location (sometimes on the left,      subject, or series. Many provide a mech-       have been slow to implement such en-
at other times in the center). The main         anism to search by call number, thus the       hancements. Even had table
screen of the interface promoted different      user is placed virtually into the physical     of contents information available for only
products with each visit.                       collection.                                    a tiny fraction of the books sampled, per-
    Display of retrieved records varied. At                                                    haps indicating the difficulty of obtaining
                                                         Record Enhancements
the start of the research, titles were dis-                                                    this data inexpensively.
played in a single column format. Some-             While it might be appropriate to in-
times the requested title appeared at the       clude customer reviews at a commercial
beginning of the list, while at other times     bookselling site, they are less appropriate
it was embedded further down. After sev-        in a library catalog. A few controversial         “Certainly, libraries do not
eral months, the display became much            titles were included in the sample. The         want to wrap their loan items
busier, showing a three-column display, record for the title, The Blue         and send them as gifts but
with the retrieved records in the center.       Book of the John Birch Society by Robert        libraries are beginning to use
The other two columns were “sponsored           Welch, inspired a number of enthusiasti-
results,” advertising space for artists and     cally positive reviews. Because a cus-         technology to provide personal
authors, and “listmania,”’s          tomer reviewer may be anonymous, or               touches and generate user
recommended products. While a highly            even provide a fictitious name, the reader               satisfaction.”
cluttered screen and a frequently chang-        may be completely unaware of the biases
ing display might function well for an          of the reviewer. Another book sampled
online bookstore, library catalogs must         was No Man Knows My History: The Life
maintain a higher level of stability and        of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet by                      Personalization
clarity.                                        Fawn McKay Brodie. This critical biog-            To create a sense of customer loyalty,
    The order of the retrieved records          raphy of the founder of the Mormon reli- offers a number of person-
seemed to have more to do with the avail-       gion received a large number of both ex-       alization features. A user logged on to
ability of titles from than          tremely positive and extremely negative is remembered and wel-
with the relevance of the record to the         reviews, presumably reflecting the reli-       comed to the site. E-mail notifications let
searched title. Often, the authors found        gious beliefs of the reviewers.                patrons know about new books by their
the searched title did not necessarily come         Coffman suggests that catalog records      favorite author or publications in their
up at the top of the list. For example, the     could be tagged with librarian-generated       subject area. This bookseller will even
title of the book Religion in Greece and        commentary, such as a “library recom-          make gift suggestions, wrap them, and
Rome, by Herbert Jenning Rose, was en-          mended” designation to indicate high           mail them. Certainly, libraries do not
tered into the books field of the search        quality titles as a mechanism for provid-      want to wrap their loan items and send
tool and the search was executed. One           ing enhanced service.15 While it is true       them as gifts but libraries are beginning to
would expect a searched title would ap-         that librarians often do recommend books       use technology to provide personal
pear as one of the first retrieved records if   to patrons, they normally do so in some        touches and generate user satisfaction. As
it were present in the database. Instead,       context. A title that might be very suitable   Jeff Barry notes, “Advances and new
the selection appeared four screens down        for one application might be completely        ways of leveraging technology for en-
at entry number 13 (of 14 total) presum-        inappropriate for another. In the academic     hancing library services generally come
ably because it was an out of print selec-      library, recommendations often take place      from librarians.”17 Librarians have re-
tion.                                           during the reference interview or through      ported their experiences in offering pa-
    A title search of this type in a typical    the creation of course-specific bibliogra-     trons automated electronic notification
library catalog produces an alphabetical        phies or pathfinders designed for answer-      about new books added to the collec-
listing of library-owned sources. A book        ing a certain type of information need.        tion.18 These services may be in the form
not owned by the library will not appear        Further, educational merit, rather than en-    of a Web-mounted searchable database of
in the results list; however, a book that is    tertainment value, drives collection devel-    new titles, or via e-mail notification di-
owned will. Catalogs usually have a key-        opment. Student reviewers of library ma-       rectly to the patron.
word searching capability that provides a       terials might be expected to have very   makes individualized
list of records containing the searcher’s       different selection criteria than do librar-   product recommendations, which are usu-

322   The Journal of Academic Librarianship
ally generated by the customer’s profile.         base from the “Earth’s largest library”         enjoyable shopping experience possi-
The information for this profile mainly           would be impossible to resist.                  ble.”22 Under the model, in-
comes from data gathered during past vis-                                                         formation is a commodity, and, while ac-
its to the Web site. Client purchase infor-                                                       cess to information is provided to
mation, submitted reviews, executed                                                               marketable titles, it is questionable if they
searches, and auction bids are stored. In         “Coffman’s premise is not that                  will provide access to titles, which cease
the “About You Area,” customers may                 libraries or library patrons                  to be marketable. In this study, Amazon-
submit a 4,000 word personal description                 obtain books from                        .com was unable to deliver in a timely
and a photo, and may create a “wish list.”, but that libraries                  manner a large percentage of the books,
“Trusted friends,” who receive e-mail no-                                                         which had been used by University at
tices of gift ideas and occasion reminders        create their own mega-library                   Albany patrons. Academic libraries view
can review this information.                          to rival”                       information as a public good that contrib-
                                                                                                  utes to the building of knowledge and that
                                                                                                  should be preserved and shared with’s Privacy Policy details                                                           members of the community. These differ-
how and when the company distributes                            CONCLUSION                        ing missions and perspectives shape the
customer information to affiliated compa-         Coffman’s premise is not that libraries or      body of information that users are likely
nies. It also states that, if they buy or sell    library patrons obtain books from Ama-          to access at each institution.
parts of their store, customer information, but that libraries create their
is usually part of the transferred business       own mega-library to rival
assets. may also retain num-           But, if libraries assume this business
bers of customer credit cards, drivers’ li-       model for their operations, they will have      “Librarians do need to monitor
censes, and social security cards. Amazon.        to assume many of the same operational             services and technological
com updated this privacy policy in                practices to achieve any level of effi-              advantages that online
August 2000. The previous policy stated           ciency. In time, the same forces that de-
that the company had a “long standing             termine’s product offerings
                                                                                                   bookstores offer and evaluate
practice of not selling, trading or renting       and delivery options would come to shape        and implement in a thoughtful
customer information.”19 The new policy           the joint collection of the “Earth’s largest      and deliberate manner only
states that customer information is now           library.” If libraries, even large, research-       those that would benefit
considered an asset.                              oriented ones, are to allocate a significant
    In contrast to’s ap-               portion of their budgets to covering things                 patrons.”
proach, libraries have long respected pa-         like shipping and handling charges, they
tron privacy by maintaining the confiden-         simply will not have the money to invest
tiality of library patron records as a basic      in richly diverse collections of enduring           Companies engaged in e-commerce
tenet of librarianship. Many library poli-        value.                                          have developed innovative technologies
cies contain restrictions prohibiting the            While it may be the largest, Amazon.         that no doubt can be applied in more
disbursement of patron information. In            com is not the only online bookstore in         traditional settings.’s Web
many states there are laws that protect           existence. Just as Coffman calls for the        interface does offer some real advantages
patron-borrowing information. As Theresa          creation of an enormous network of li-          over the traditional library catalog. At the
Chmera notes, “In those states, it is a           braries, a network of online booksellers        same time, the rapid changes and relative
statutory violation to produce identifiable       and used book dealers could provide ac-         instability of the interface are not some-
patron information to persons other than          cess to a greater range of titles and per-      thing libraries could or should wish to
library employees engaged in their regu-          haps offer more services and site en-           emulate. A catalog interface that changes
lar library duties, unless there is a court       hancements than can be found at                 almost daily would not be conducive to
order compelling the library to produce  It is possible that other on-       providing effective user education or ref-
such information.”20 Federal law prohib-          line booksellers, alone or in combination,      erence service. Librarians need to monitor
its the disclosure of information about           could have been more successful in sup-         services and technological advantages
video borrowers.21 Libraries do keep sta-         plying books needed by University at Al-        that online bookstores offer and evaluate
tistics of patron activities (e.g., door counts   bany patrons in a timely manner, and this       and implement in a thoughtful and delib-
and reference transactions) but these are         could be the subject of further research.       erate manner only those that would ben-
kept as aggregate, non-identifying data.             The missions of bookstores and aca-          efit patrons.
Patron record information is never ex-            demic libraries are quite different. Aca-
                                                                                                         NOTES    AND   REFERENCES
changed with other libraries.                     demic libraries work to strengthen the re-
    While libraries traditionally view their      search and teaching programs of their            1. Steve Coffman, “Building Earth’s Largest
patron records as almost sacred, if librar-       institutions by acquiring, organizing, and          Library: Driving into the Future,”
ies were to become a single gigantic elec-        promoting relevant materials. As a busi-            Searcher 7 (March 1999): 34 – 47.
                                                                                                   2. Walter Mikel, “The Earth’s Largest Li-
tronic entity, will this still be the case? In    ness enterprise, the fundamental mission            brary,” School Library Journal 46 (Janu-
a time when cash-strapped educational in-         of must be to ultimately                 ary 2000): 17–18.
stitutions are increasingly pressured to          maximize shareholder wealth. Amazon.             3. Molly Prior, “Amazon: King of the On-
raise money through business “partner-            com sees itself as accomplishing this goal          line Jungle, Master of All Domains,” DSN
ships,” perhaps corporate financial offers        by use of “the Internet to transform book           Retailing Today 39 (November 2000):
for access to the enormous patron data-           buying into the fastest, easiest, and most          18 –22.

                                                                                                                           September 2002 323
4. Lysbeth B. Chuck, “Book Soup: Elec-               htm/ (accessed December 5, 2000). A                  Online Catalog Access,” Information Ser-
    tronic Commerce and the Future of Pub-            printed copy of this material may be ob-             vices & Use 17 (1997): 261-246.
    lishing,” Searcher 6 (January 1998): 40-          tained from the authors.                       17.   Jeff Barry, “Delivering the Personalized
    52; Saul Hansell, “A Surprise from          10.   Crawford, “Gutting America’s Local Li-               Library,” Library Journal 125 (April
    Amazon: Its First Profit,” New York Times         braries.”                                            2000): 49 – 60.
    (January 23, 2002), sec. C, p. 4.           11.   The status of the borrower cannot readily      18.   Terry Ballard, “An On-line Notification
 5. Hansell, “A Surprise from Amazon,” p. 4.          be determined from the circulation system            System for New Library Acquisitions,”
 6. Coffman, “Building Earth’s Largest Li-            and was not recorded in the study.                   Library Software Review 14 (Summer
    brary,” pp. 34-47.                          12.   Mary Anne Chappell, “Meeting Under-                  1995): 69-71; Peter Konshak, “Coding a
 7. Peter Jasco, “Enhancements of Systems             graduate Literature Needs with ILL/Doc-              Custom E-Mail Alert Service for New
    and Products with Web Resources,” Com-            ument Delivery,” Serials Review 19                   Books,” Computers in Libraries 21 (Feb-
    puters in Libraries 22 (February 2002):
                                                      (1993): 81– 86.                                      ruary 2001): 24-28.
    33-35; Steve Coffman, “The Response to
                                                13.   For an overview of interlibrary loan trans-    19.   Rory J. & Rory O’Connor, “Trading Net
    ‘Building the Earth’s Largest Library,’ ”
                                                      action costs in research libraries, see Mary         Privacy at E-checkout,” Inter@ctive Week
    Searcher 7 (July/August 1999): 28-32.
    Andrew K. Pace, “Marketing Our                    E. Jackson, “Loan Stars: ILL Comes of                11 (September 2000): 10 –12.
    Strengths,” Computers in Libraries 20             Age,” Library Journal 123 (February            20.   Theresa Chmera, “Privacy and Confiden-
    (September 2000): 63-65.                          1998): 44-47.                                        tiality Issues,” Newsletter on Intellectual
 8. Pace, “Marketing Our Strengths,” p. 65.     14.   Coffman, “Building Earth’s Largest Li-               Freedom 47 (January 1998): 9 –10.
 9. Jose-Marie Griffiths, “Deconstructing             brary,” pp. 34-47.                             21.   18 United States Code, section 2710
    Earth’s Largest Library,” Library Journal   15.   Ibid.                                                (1994).
    125 (August 2000); 44-47; Walt Craw-        16.   For a discussion of the feasibility and        22.   About [Online]. Available:
    ford, “Gutting America’s Local Libraries:         merits of including table of contents data 
    Informal Comments on ‘Building Earth’s            in the online catalog, see, for example,             misc/company-info.html/ (accessed April
    Largest Library’” [Online]. Available:            James E. Rush, “Monograph Tables of                  10, 2002). A printed copy of this material⬃wcc.libmedx/gutfull.         Contents in Support of Acquisitions and              may be obtained from the authors.

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