Leukemia occurring in treated Hodgkin's disease: Two neoplasms or one? - Cleveland ...
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Leukemia occurring in treated Hodgkin's disease: Two neoplasms or one? T h e origin o f the malignant cell in Hodgkin's disease and the increased incidence o f second ma- lignancies in patients with Hodgkin's disease re- Khalil Sheibani, M . D . main unsolved problems. 1 " 4 T h e results o f cyto- chemical, immunomicroscopic, immunologic, and Division of Laboratory Medicine ultrastructural studies of the neoplastic cells 5-1 have failed to identify their origin, but suggest R a y m o n d R . Tubbs, D . O . either a histiocytic or B-lymphocytic derivation. Department of Pathology Similar studies in acute leukemias 18,19 arising in patients with Hodgkin's disease have suggested dif- Richard A. Savage, M . D . ferences between the leukemic cells and the cells of Department of Laboratory Hematology and Hodgkin's disease. W e report a case o f Hodgkin's Blood Banking disease in which an apparent second neoplasm developed. Sequential studies o f the neoplastic cells Rafael Valenzuela, M . D . suggest that radical changes occurred in the cell type during evolution o f the disease. Such changes Department of Immunopathology may reflect treatment-mediated or naturally occur- ring evolution o f the neoplastic cell lines o f H o d g - Bruce A. Sebek, M . D . kin's disease, rather than a second neoplasm origi- Department of Pathology nating from a different cell line. James S. Hewlett, M . D . Clinical summary Department of Hematology and Medical A 44-year-old white male was well until Septem- Oncology ber 1974 when progressive shortness of breath de- veloped. A diagnosis of nodular sclerosing H o d g - kin's disease, Stage I, involving a left scalene lymph node was made at another hospital (Fig. I). T h e patient received 4000 rads to the right and left 39 Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
40 Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Vol. 46, No. 1 Fig. 1. Left scalene lymph node containing a polymorphous infiltrate with atypical lacunar cells and occasional Reed-Sternberg cells (hematoxylin and eosin stain, X640) supraclavicular lymph node areas. He Chemotherapy was continued. In was referred to the Cleveland Clinic 8 March 1976 the W B C was 6.7 X 10 9 /1 months later for consideration of chem- with a normal differential count, but otherapy. At this time there was evi- the hemoglobin level was 5.3 g / d l . A dence o f radiation pneumonitis. T h e bone marrow aspirate revealed com- blood count showed hemoglobin, 8.7 g / plete replacement with primitive cells dl and white blood cell count ( W B C ) , having pleomorphic folded nuclei 8.3 X 10 9 /1 with a normal differential suggestive of histiocytic lymphoma or count. A biopsy specimen of the left monocytic leukemia (Fig. 2); similar posterior iliac crest revealed a marrow cells were present in a bone marrow o f normal cellularity containing small biopsy performed at the same time (Fig. foci of undifferentiated cells suggesting 3). T h e patient was readmitted to the the possibility of acute monocytic leu- hospital one month later with a temper- kemia; the remainder o f the biopsy spec- ature o f 39 C and severe acute respira- imen appeared normal. He was treated tory distress. Pneumonia with a mixed with M O P P (nitrogen mustard, vincris- gram-negative and gram-positive bac- tine, prednisone, and procarbazine). terial flora was present, and his course Five weeks later the W B C was 3.4 X was marked by deteriorating respiratory 10 9 /1 with a normal differential count; function. He died 9 days after admis- hemoglobin level, 7.9 g / d l ; hematocrit, sion. At no time during the course of his 21.9%; and platelet count, 165 X illness were malignant cells identified in the peripheral blood. io9/i. Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Fig. 2. Bone marrow aspirate specimen obtained concomitantly with the biopsy illustrated in Figure 3. Malignant cells are characterized by folded nuclei and prominent nucleolation (Wright's stain, X640). Individual neoplastic cells demonstrate NaF-resistant alpha naphthyl acetate esterase positivity (inset, X 1600). Autopsy findings merous round gray-white nodules mea- suring 0.5 cm in maximum diameter At autopsy, each pleural cavity con- were scattered diffusely throughout the tained approximately 500 ml of straw- gastric mucosa. T h e gastrointestinal colored fluid. T h e lungs were congested tract was otherwise normal. A small sub- and weighed 1630 g. Multiple firm dural hematoma was present over the white nodules 0.5 to 1.5 cm in diameter left frontal lobe. were scattered throughout the visceral Microscopic examination of lymph pleura. A firm, centrally cavitating nodes, the intercostal mass, gastric mu- gray-white mass measuring 7 x 5 x 2 c m cosa, pancreas, and thyroid gland re- was present below the right clavicle. A vealed a nodular infiltrate consisting of firm gray-white spherical nodule was small lymphocytes, mature plasma cells, present in the left posterior eighth inter- mature histiocytes, and occasional costal space. T h e liver and spleen were Reed-Sternberg cells diagnostic of no- enlarged and congested, but no neo- dular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease. This plasm was identified grossly or micro- morphologic picture was virtually iden- scopically in these organs. tical to that seen in the original scalene Peribronchial, mediastinal, periaor- lymph node biopsy. A morphologically tic, and peripancreatic lymph nodes different neoplasm was identified in the were enlarged with fleshy gray-white bone marrow and in the pleural nod- nodules grossly visible within them. Nu- ules. T h e infiltrate in these tissues con- Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
42 Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Vol. 46, No. 1 S i « ? ® * ' Fig. 3. Marrow biopsy demonstrating infiltration by cytologically malignant mononuclear cells with irregular folded nuclei (hematoxylin and eosin stain, X640). sisted o f large pleomorphic mononu- paque gradient. These cells were washed clear cells with vesicular nuclei and with Hank's solution without calcium prominent basophilic nucleoli; binu- and magnesium (Grand Island Biologi- cleate and multinucleate variants were cal C o m p a n y ) , and consisted principally also found, but typical Reed-Sternberg of viable, cytologically malignant forms. cells were not identified. Surface markers were evaluated using techniques previously described. 22 Tis- Materials and methods sue immunomicroscopy was performed Tissues fixed in buffered formalin and for cytoplasmic immunoglobulins (CIg) in Zenker's solution were stained with using unlabeled'' peroxidase-antiperoxi- hematoxylin and eosin, and methyl- dase (PAP) and direct techniques, 2 ' 5 and green pyronine. Air-dried bone marrow for cytoplasmic muramidase (CM) 2 4 us- aspirate preparations were stained with ing the P A P technique. Controls con- Wright's stain, periodic acid-Schiff sisted of the substitution of normal goat (PAS) stain and alpha naphthyl acetate or rabbit serum for the primary or con- esterase with and without fluoride inhi- jugated antibody without changes in u-.- bition. 20,21 subsequent steps of the procedures. Cell suspensions were prepared at au- topsy from a lymph node showing Results Hodgkin's disease and from the bone Results of comparative studies per- marrow containing the morphologically formed on the two morphologically dis- different neoplasm using a Ficoll-Hy- tinct neoplasms are summarized in the Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Summer 1979 Leukemia in treated Hodgkin's disease 43 Table. T h e tumor cells in the original T h e suspension of Hodgkin's tumor lymph node biopsy and in autopsy tissue cells obtained at autopsy did not form showing Hodgkin's disease were a significant number (less than 5%) of strongly reactive with methyl-green py- spontaneous rosettes with sheep red ronine and contained polyclonal cyto- blood cells (Srbc). However, 78% of the plasmic immunoglobulin identified by cells formed rosettes with Srbc coated both PAP and direct techniques (Fig. with antibody and complement (IgM- 4A and B). The cytoplasmic staining for EAC) (Fig. 5B) reflecting a preponder- CIg in these cells, although strong, was ance of complement receptors on the somewhat less intense and delayed com- Hodgkin's tumor cells. T h e malignant pared to the staining observed in mor- cells aspirated from the bone marrow at phologically typical plasma cells in the autopsy formed 9% spontaneous Srbc tissue adjacent to the neoplastic cells. rosettes and 15% I g M E A C rosettes. C M was not identified in neoplastic cells in the original or residual Hodgkin's Discussion disease. Similar results have previously T h e initial concept of either a T-cell been reported in Hodgkin's disease. 5,9 or true histiocytic origin for Hodgkin's T h e neoplastic cells in the bone mar- disease was based on a variety of indirect row biopsy obtained in March 1976 evidence. 7 Some investigators have sug- were devoid of significant pyroninophi- gested that the malignant cells of Hodg- lia and contained no cytoplasmic im- kin's disease are of B-cell origin, since munoglobulins (Fig. 5A), but C M was they are characterized by cytoplasmic present. These findings suggest a histio- immunoglobulin, receptors for comple- cytic origin. 24,25 The marrow aspirate ment components, prominent pyroni- performed simultaneously contained nophilia in the cytoplasm, many poly- cells showing strongly positive cytoplas- ribosomes, and a varying amount of mic staining for alpha naphthyl acetate cytoplasmic microfibrils. 8-14,26 How- esterase; the strength of this reaction ever, tissue culture studies of spleen in- was not inhibited by sodium fluoride 21 volved by Hodgkin's disease that have (Fig. 2, inset). These findings also suggest shown cell lines morphologically accept- a histiocytic origin. No significant stain- able as Reed-Sternberg cells or their ing with PAS was observed. mononuclear variants have met the cri- Table. Summary o f comparative studies Patient's origi- Histiocytic malig- Patient's subse- NSHD nal neoplasm nancies quent neoplasm Cytochemistry Pyronine + + + + + + a-N A E V ND Immunocytochemistry CIg + NWE + CM V + Surface markers SIg V ND V ND + + IgMEAC V NSHD = nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease; a N A E = alpha naphthyl acetate esterase; CIg = cytoplasmic immunoglobulin; C M = cytoplasmic muramidase; SIg = surface immunoglobulin; I g M E A C = immunoadherence study using sheep red blood cells coated with rabbit IgM and guinea pig complement; V = variable; N D = not done; N W E = not well established. Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Fig. 4. A , (to/i) Comparative immunomicroscopy of the original node involved with Hodgkin's disease. The malignant mononuclear cells of the original neoplasm contain cytoplasmic immunoglobulin, identified as black staining of the cytoplasm o f these cells ( X 1 6 0 ) . B, (bottom) Cytoplasmic immunoglobulin present within the residual Hodgkin's tumor cells (direct technique using anti-IgG peroxidase conjugate, X640). teria for histiocytes. 15 ' 16 T h e CIg and phagocytic activity. 17 Other investiga- SIg present in the malignant cells of tors have suggested that the presence of Hodgkin's disease are not endogenous CIg in Reed-Sternberg cells is the result and probably are a consequence of of a defective cell membrane. 2 ' Both Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Summer 1979 Leukemia in treated Hodgkin's disease 45 Mrl b J O .- ..¿t % u a?" « J * « rts s \O O W 1 °0 0 % ° o Fig. 5. A, (top) The tumor cells in the bone marrow do not have cytoplasmic immunoglobulin; red blood cells are stained due to the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin (X400). B, (bottom) IgMEAC rosette formed by a nucleolated tumor cell in the cell suspension prepared from residual Hodgkin's disease at biopsy (X 640). these findings suggest an exogenous or- not resolve the question o f the ultimate igin for the C I g in the malignant cells origin o f the malignant cell in Hodgkin's o f Hodgkin's disease. disease. However, they d o suggest that T h e cytochemical and immunomi- the malignant mononuclear cells in the croscopic marker studies o f the neoplas- scalene lymph node were different from tic cells from various sites in this case do those in the bone marrow. Differences Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
46 Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Vol. 46, No. 1 were also demonstrable between differ- progress in this laboratory and in other ent sites of tumor in the autopsy speci- institutions to determine if indeed such mens. Cytoplasmic immunoglobulin a phenomenon does occur. was detected in the original and residual Hodgkin's disease tissue, but not in the Summary bone marrow biopsy specimen; the re- Investigators have suggested either a verse was true for cytoplasmic murami- B-lymphocytic or a histiocytic origin for dase. T h e neoplastic cells in the bone the malignant cell in Hodgkin's disease. marrow were positive for fluoride-resist- The results of cytologic, cytochemical, ant alpha naphthyl acetate esterase, a and immunologic studies of two mor- cytochemical marker expressed by phologically different neoplasms en- phagocytic histiocytes and epitheloid countered sequentially in a patient with cells. 20 ' 21 ' 28 Results reported for this en- nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease are zyme in Reed-Sternberg cells in touch reported. These results could suggest preparations 20 ' 28 and in tissue cul- either B-lymphocytic or histiocytic ori- ture15' 16 have been variable. Differences gin for cytologically malignant cells in in the distribution of CIg and SIg in different sites. However, these results fresh cell suspensions from Hodgkin's probably reflect differential expression disease have been documented previ- of properties possessed by all Reed- ously. 17 However, we are unaware of Sternberg cells. These differences may any previous demonstration of the se- have been induced by therapy. Thus, quential variability in cytochemical and monocytic leukemia arising in a post- immunologic parameters seen in this pa- therapeutic setting may represent an ov- tient. ergrowth of one component of a single W e propose that our observations, as neoplasm rather than a new malig- well as those of others,1 indicate that nancy. the evolution of treated Hodgkin's dis- References ease may involve a change in the cyto- chemical and immunologic characteris- 1. Arseneau JC, Sponzo R W , Levin DL, et al: Nonlymphomatous malignant tumors com- tics of the neoplasm, possibly reflecting plicating Hodgkin's disease; possible associa- a selective effect of treatment on varying tion with intensive therapy. N Engl J M e d cell types within the original neoplasm. 287: U19-1122, 1972. Myelomonocytic leukemia is a known 2. Weiden PL, Lerner K G , Gerdes A, et al: complication in patients who have re- Pancytopenia and leukemia in Hodgkin's dis- ease; report of three cases. Blood 42: 571-577, ceived intensive chemotherapy and ra- 1973. diotherapy; heretofore such leukemias 3. Coleman CN, Williams CJ, Flint A, et al: have been considered different neo- Hematologic neoplasia in patients treated for plasms induced by therapy. This study Hodgkin's disease. N Engl J Med 297: 1249- suggests that development of leukemias 1252, 1977. with monocytic characteristics in pa- 4. Crosby W H : Acute granulocytic leukemia, a complication of therapy in Hodgkin's disease? tients with Hodgkin's disease may re- (Abstr) Clin Res 17: 463, 1969. flect a naturally occurring or therapy- 5. Taylor C R : T h e nature o f Reed-Sternberg induced overgrowth of a histiocytic cells and other malignant "reticulum" cells. component which may form part of the Lancet 2: 802-807, 1974. original neoplastic population in H o d g - 6. Green I, Jaffe E, Shevach E, et al: Determi- nation of the origin of malignant reticular kin's disease. Further sequential surface cells by the use o f surface membrane markers, marker and cytochemical studies are in in International Academy o f Pathology. The Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Summer 1979 Leukemia in treated Hodgkin's disease 47 Reticuloendothelial System, Monographs in disease. N Engl J Med 299: 1208-1214, 1978. Pathology, no. 16. Rebuck J W , Berard C W , 18. Rosner F, Grünwald H: Hodgkin's disease Abell M R , eds. Baltimore, Williams and Wil- and acute leukemia; report of eight cases and kins, 1975. review o f the literature. A m J M e d 58: 339- 7. Order SE, Hellman S: Pathogenesis of Hodg- 353, 1975. kin's disease. Lancet 1: 571-573, 1972. 19. Parmley R T , Spicer SS, Morgan SK, et al: 8. Carr I: The ultrastructure of abnormal retic- Hodgkin's disease and myelomonocytic leu- ulum cells in Hodgkin's disease. J Pathol 115: kemia; an ultrastructural and immunochem- 45-50, 1975. ical study. Cancer 38: 1188-1198, 1976. 9. Anagnostou D, Parker J W , Taylor C R , et al: 20. Li C Y , Yam L T , Crosby W H : Histochemical Lacunar cells of nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's characterization of cellular and structural ele- disease; an ultrastructural and immunohis- ments o f the human spleen. J Histochem tologic study. Cancer 39: 1032-1043, 1977. Cytochem 20: 1049-1058, 1972. 10. Garvin AJ, Spicer SS, Parmley R T , et al: 21. Schmalzl F, Braunsteiner H: T h e cytochem- Immunohistochemical demonstration o f IgG istry of monocytes and macrophages. Ser in Reed-Sternberg and other cells in Hodg- Haematol 3(2): 93-131, 1970. kin's disease. J Exp M e d 139: 1077-1083, 22. Noguchi S, Bukowski R , Deodhar S, et al: T 1974. and B lymphocytes in non-Hodgkin's lym- 11. Leech J: Immunoglobulin-positive Reed- phoma; a comparison of tumor-derived cells Sternberg cells in Hodgkin's disease. Lancet and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Cancer 2: 265-266, 1973. 37: 2247-2254, 1976. 12. Taylor C R : An immunohistological study of 23. Cawley L: Immunomicroscopy workshop. follicular lymphoma, reticulum cell sarcoma, American Society of Clinical Pathologists and Hodgkin's disease. Eur J Cancer 12: 6 1 - Meeting, March 1977. 75, 1976. 24. Pinkus GS, Said J W : Profile o f intracyto- 13. Glick A D , Leech J H , Flexner J M , et al: Ul- plasmic lysozyme in normal tissues, myelo- trastructural study of Reed-Sternberg cells; proliferative disorders, hairy cell leukemia, comparison with transformed lymphocytes and other pathologic processes; an immuno- and histiocytes. A m J Pathol 85: 195-208, peroxidase study of paraffin sections and 1976. smears. A m J Pathol 89: 351-366, 1977. 14. Cossman J, Deegan MJ, Schnitzer B: Com- 25. Byrne, GE, Rappaport H : Malignant histio- plement receptor B-lymphocytes in nodular cytosis. G A N N Monograph on Cancer Re- sclerosing Hodgkin's disease. Cancer 39: search 15: 145-162, 1973. 2166-2173, 1977. 26. Garvin AJ, Spicer SS, McKeever PE: The 15. Kaplan HS: Hodgkin's disease and other hu- cytochemical demonstration of intracellular man malignant lymphomas; advances and immunoglobulin; in neoplasms o f lymphore- prospects; G H A Clowes memorial lecture. ticular tissue. A m J Pathol 82: 457-478, 1976. Cancer Res 36: 3863-3878, 1976. 27. Poppema S, Elema J D , Halie M R : The sig- 16. Long J C , Zamecnik PC, Aisenberg A C , et al: nificance of intracytoplasmic proteins in Tissue culture studies in Hodgkin's disease; Reed-Sternberg cells. Cancer 42: 1793-1803, morphologic, cytogenetic, cell surface, and 1978. enzymatic properties of cultures derived from 28. Dorfman NF: Enzyme histochemistry of nor- splenic tumors. J Exp M e d 145: 1484-1500, mal, hyperplastic, and neoplastic lymphore- 1977. ticular tissues, in Symposium on Lympho-Re- 17. Kadin M E , Stites DP, Levy R , et al: Exoge- ticular Tumors in Africa. Basel and New nous immunoglobulin and the macrophage York, S Karger, 1964. origin o f Reed-Sternberg cells in Hodgkin's Downloaded from www.ccjm.org on November 12, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
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