Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021

Page created by Jamie Brown
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
15th International Exhibition of Railway   13th International Railway
       Equipment, Systems & Services          Infrastructure Exhibition


7 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2021
NEC, Birmingham

Let’s get
back on track
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
15th International Exhibition of Railway      13th International Railway
    Equipment, Systems & Services             Infrastructure Exhibition

7 - 9 SEPTEMBER 2021
NEC, Birmingham

Let’s get
back on track
Joining forces to shape the future of UK rail
Companies serving all aspects of the infrastructure and rolling stock
sectors will be showcasing their technologies and innovations, covering
over 180 categories of products and services from the following:

• Passenger and freight
 rolling stock                             More than just an exhibition!
• Track and infrastructure                   Strong conference programme with     First Time Exhibitor Zone   NEW
• Fare collection technology                 40+ speakers across two conference   On–Track display &
 and products                                streams (CPD accredited)             Plant and Machinery exhibits
• On-board comfort                           Matchmaking   NEW                    Recruitment wall
• Passenger information
• Signalling and train control
 systems and equipment

Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
Our Partners
Railtex and Infrarail continue to receive strong support from major
organisations shaping the UK’s rail industry.


SHOW PARTNERS                                   MEDIA PARTNERS

                7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                3
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
    Welcome                                              5
    Also Featured                                        6
    Future Focus Conference                              8
    Exhibitor List                                   10
    Exhibitor Profiles                               13

    ADComms                                          24
    Binder                                           36
    EAO Ltd                                          29
    EXPO Ferroviaria 2021          Outside Back Cover
    Mechan                                           24
    Quest                                            36
    Railtex/Infrarail 2021            Inside Front Cover
    Schweizer Electronic                             36
    Sifer 2021                                       12

    VENUE:                                                   REGISTRATION:
    Halls 11 and 12                                          Free to register online at www.uk-railhub.com.
    NEC, National Exhibition Centre                          Free online registration will close at midnight on
    North Ave, Marston Green,                                Monday 6th September 2021, although you will
    Birmingham B40 1NT, U.K.                                 still be able to purchase your show ticket online or
                                                             onsite thereafter.
    7th September 2021 10:00 - 17:00                         EXHIBITION ORGANISER:
    8th September 2021 10:00 - 17:00                         Mack-Brooks Exhibition Ltd.
                                                             Romeland House, Romeland Hill
    9th September 2021 10:00 - 16:00
                                                             St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4ET, U.K.
    ADMISSION:                                               Tel: +44 (0)1727 814 457
    Trade visitors only. Entrance is free of charge          Email: uk-railhub@mackbrooks.co.uk
    for pre-registered visitors or £20 at the show for
    non-registered visitors.
                                                             The information included in this ePreview is based
                                                             on submission by exhibitors.
                                                             ©Mack-Brooks Exhibition 2021.
                                                             Production – Julie Oakley Design

4                                             www.uk-railhub.com
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
Welcome Message
                                                                                                              15 th Inte
                                                                                                                                 l Exh

                           Welcome to the Official
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                                                                                                                                                          Infrastr            l Railway

                                                                                                      L SHOW
                           Show Preview for             Rail, Crossrail 2, and the TFL                       PREVIE

                           Railtex/Infrarail 2021       Four Lines Modernisation
                            From 7th to 9th             amounting to billions of                 7 - 9 SE
                                                                                                 NEC, Bir EMBER 20

                                                        pounds are underway or
                                                                                                         mingha    21


                            September 2021,
                            Birmingham’s NEC will       planned. The Williams-            back ognet
                                                        Shapps Plan for Rail, which           w w w.u
                            play host to Railtex/                                                       k- railh

                            Infrarail, the ultimate     was drafted by Transport
exhibitions of railway technology and services. This    Secretary Grant Shapps and
year’s Show Preview provides just a sample of the       chair of the review Keith Williams, will be
many fantastic products and services that will be       implemented in 2023 and includes the creation of
on display across the three-day event. Over 200         Great British Railways (GBR), a new public body that
exhibitors will be in attendance, with technologies     will oversee the entire infrastructure and manage
and innovations ranging from total railway systems      fare collections.
to the smallest specialised components.                 These substantial changes and ongoing projects
Beyond the main exhibition, there will be a rich        highlight the growing need for a rail marketplace as
supporting programme packed with keynote                short and long-term plans are now emerging across
speakers from leading industry names, plus              the whole country, meaning it is more important than

technical seminars, project updates and discussion      ever for organisations in the industry to position
forums. The full programme is available to              themselves in front of their target markets. Railtex/
all participants and is accredited by the CPD           Infrarail 2021 will give visitors open access to some
Certification Service, meaning participation can        of the most influential organisations and decision-
be used by attendees and their professional             makers in the industry, all under one roof.
bodies towards annual Continuing Professional           Visitor registration will be live from early Summer,
Development.                                            just go to www.uk-railhub.com and click on ‘Register
Whilst the impact of COVID-19 has been strongly         Now’. We look forward to meeting you and your
felt across the entire railway supply chain, the        colleagues in Birmingham for a memorable show!
sector is still thriving. Significant improvements to   Natig Asadullaev, Exhibition Manager
the network are being made and around £50 billion
will be spent over the next five years. Many major
new rail projects such as HS2, The Great North

                          7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                                                                                                          5
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
Also featured at Railtex / Infrarail 2021

                             Opening Ceremony                                           RIA’s Unlocking Innovation Programme
                             Railtex / Infrarail 2021 will formally open on             For the first time ever, Unlocking Innovation will be
                             Tuesday 07 September at 10.30am. The ceremony              at Railtex / Infrarail. For more than a decade, RIA’s
                             will take place in the Feature Focus Conference Zone       Unlocking Innovation Programme has showcased
                             in Hall 12.                                                new ideas and thinking from across the industry. The
                                                                                        aim of the programme is simple – it brings together
                             On Track display with British Steel
                                                                                        those with the ideas and ambition to drive change
                             Leading track products supplier British Steel is the
                                                                                        with those who can turn those ideas into reality.
                             sponsor of The Track. This display area, located
                             in hall 11 comprises sections of track provided            Unlocking Innovation is supported by two strategic
                             by British Steel, which are used by exhibitors to          partners – the Network Rail R&D Portfolio, a £357
                             display and demonstrate tools and equipment in             million fund focused on improving the quality
                             an authentic rail setting. Companies participating         and value for passengers and freight customers

                             this year are British Steel, Barkers Fencing, JMS          of the rail network, and the UK Rail Research
                             Transformers Ltd, ITH Bolting Technology and               and Innovation Network (UKRRIN), a £92 million
                             Transmag (UK) Ltd.                                         partnership between academia and industry to spur
                                                                                        innovation in the sector.
                             The Future Focus Conference
                                                                                        The Unlocking Innovation presentation programme
                             Organised by the Railway Industry Association
                                                                                        will run each morning and afternoon throughout
                             (RIA), the Future Focus Conference is a three-day
                             feature at the Railtex / Infrarail 2021 rail show. The
                             events will cover some of the key challenges and           Unlocking Innovation Showcase Stand
                             opportunities that the UK rail industry will face in the   Adjacent to the Unlocking Innovation Presentation
                             years to come, and bring together political leaders,       area, you can continue your discussions at the
                             client and major project leads and the supply chain.       Unlocking Innovation Showcase Stand, where our
                             It will offer insights and discussions around four         presenters and their colleagues will be exhibiting,
                             main themes: Growth, Geography, Green and Global.          including organisations like Network Rail, UKRRIN,
                                                                                        HS2, Innovate UK, Network Rail’s Rail Innovation
                                                                                        Development Centres, as well as Tier 1s, regional
                                                                                        authorities and others.

                         6                                             www.uk-railhub.com
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
Continuing Professional Development                     Seminar Theatre
Railtex / Infrarail will be able to offer CPD           The Seminar Theatre will play host to a selection of
accreditation for its extensive educational             technical presentations from exhibiting companies.
programme.                                              It is situated in Hall 12 and sessions can be attended
Attendees will be scanned into our free sessions        free of charge with no need to book.
on a wide array of topics and can then claim points
towards their Continuing Professional Development.      First Time Exhibitor Zone
Please ensure to get scanned into every session you     The First Time Exhibitor Zone is located in hall 11
attend, if you plan to claim CPD points post show.      and is dedicated to companies showcasing their
                                                        products and services for the first time at the event.
The Recruitment Wall                                    See and experience a range of technologies that have
Available throughout the three days of                  never been seen at Railtex / Infrarail before.
Railtex / Infrarail, the Recruitment Wall will be

                                                                                                                     A L S O F E AT U R E D
used by exhibiting companies to publicise work          The Eagle Lab (Powered by RBDCommunity)
opportunities and job vacancies in the rail industry.   RBDCommunity has created the Eagle Lab to help
Interested candidates can talk to the prospective       small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to showcase
employers on their stand at Railtex / Infrarail or      their products and services at this year’s Railtex /
apply online.                                           Infrarail event.

Networking Reception
On Tuesday 7th September, between 16:45 and
18:30, show organisers Mack-Brooks Exhibitions will
host the Networking Reception. An established and
popular feature at Railtex / Infrarail, the reception
provides a perfect opportunity for exhibitors and
visitors to get together over drinks and canapés,
alongside live entertainment.

                            7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                               7
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
Future Focus Conference

                             Organised by the Railway Industry Association            DAY 1
                             (RIA), the Future Focus Conference is a three-day        Tuesday, 7 September 2021
                             feature at the Railtex / Infrarail 2021 rail show.
                             The events will cover some of the key challenges         10:00 – 10:15 Conference opening
                             and opportunities that the UK rail industry will face    Presenter: Max Sugarman
                             in the years to come, and bring together political
                             leaders, client and major project leads and the          10:15 – 10:45 Minister speech + Q&A
                             supply chain. It will offer insights and discussions     Grant Shapps, Secretary of State for Transport
                             around four main themes:
                                                                                      11:00 – 11:45 GROWTH & GEOGRAPHY Panel + Q&A
                             • Growth: rail can be a catalyst for economic
                                                                                      Presenter: Kate Jennings, Policy Director, RIA
                               growth, how do we ensure it is supporting
                                                                                      Speakers to be announced
                               investment, jobs and GDP?

                             • Geography: how do we ensure rail reaches and           12:00 – 12:30 EDI & Innovation in rail: Panel
                               benefits all corners of the UK?                        discussion & Q&A
                                                                                      Presenter: Kate Jennings, Policy Director, RIA
                             • Green: rail will be essential to meet our
                                                                                      Speakers to be announced
                               decarbonisation goals. How can clients and the
                               supply chain work together to decarbonise the          14:00 – 14:15 GREEN Keynote + Q&A
                               network even further?                                  George Davis, RSSB
                             • Global: across the world, nations are investing
                               in rail infrastructure. It is a truly global market,   14:45 – 15:00 GREEN Keynote/Panel + Q&A
                               which the UK – as the home of the railways –           Presenter: David Clarke, Technical Director, RIA
                               should be at the centre of. What opportunities are     Speaker: Helen Mcallister, Network Rail
                               there for the UK and where do our strengths lie?
                                                                                      15:00 – 15:30 Decarb RS Panel
                                                                                      Presenter: David Clarke, Technical Director, RIA
                                                                                      • Noel Dolphin, Furrer+Frey
                                                                                      • Mike Muldon, Alstom
                                                                                      • Hitachi (Speakers to be announced)

                         8                                             www.uk-railhub.com
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
DAY 2                                              DAY 3
Wednesday, 8 September 2021                        Thursday, 9 September 2021

10:00 – 11:00 GLOBAL panel + Q&A                   10:00 – 10:15 Keynote + Q&A
Presenter: Neil Walker, Exports Director, RIA      Speaker: Tan Dhesi MP, Shadow Rail Minister (tbc)
Speakers to be announced
                                                   10:45 – 11:30 GROWTH Panel + Q&A: Major
11:00 – 11:15 HPO Launch                           Projects - Costain, Skanska, BB, Lrouk? - Soft
Presenter: Neil Walker, Exports Director, RIA      launch of Major Projects report
                                                   Presenter: Kate Jennings, Policy Director, RIA
11:30 – 12:15 R&D in UK & Europe Panel + Q&A:      Speakers (all to be confirmed)
How R&D innovation drives global competitiveness   • Ceri Evans, Head Of Business Development Rail
Presenter: David Clarke, Technical Director, RIA

                                                                                                           A L S O F E AT U R E D
                                                     UK & Ireland, Bechtel
Speakers (all to be confirmed)                     • Rob Cairnes, Capital Delivery, Eastern Region,
• Carlo Borghini, Executive Director, Shift2Rail     Network Rail
• Indro Mukerjee, CEO, Innovate UK                 • Benjamin Rule, Infrastructure Management
• Howard Mitchell, Head of Innovation, HS2           Director, HS2
• Robert Ampomah, CTO, Network Rail                • Ann-Marie Morrison, Costain
• Clive Roberts, Director of Rail Research
                                                   11:45 – 12:15 EDI & Innovation: Interview style/
14:00 – 14:15 Keynote + Q&A                        workshop
Speaker: Andy Street, Mayor of Birmingham (tbc)    Presenter: Kate Jennings, Policy Director, RIA
                                                   Speakers to be announced
14:15 – 14:30 GEOGRAPHY
Speakers to be announced

14:45 – 15:30 GEOGRAPHY Panel + Q&A: Rail, place
and levelling up
(Place making and communities)
Presenter & Speakers to be announced

                          7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                       9
Let's get back on track - OFFICIAL SHOW PREVIEW - Railtex 2021
Exhibitor List
                 Company Name                          Country   Cembre Ltd                            GBR    Flexicon Ltd                          GBR
                 A                                               CIBEST                                FRA    Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd           GBR
                                                                 CLEANSOFT                             FRA    Fugro NL Land B.V.                    NLD
                 Achilles Information Limited             GBR
                                                                 CMCA (UK)                             GBR    Fujikura Europe Ltd                   GBR
                 Acorel UK Ltd                            GBR
                                                                 Colchester Fuel Injection Ltd         GBR
                 ADComms Ltd.                             GBR
                                                                 CoMech Metrology Ltd.                 GBR    G
                 Advanced Resource Managers (ARM)         GBR
                                                                 Complete Cyber                        GBR    G. Zwiehoff GmbH                      AUT
                 AEI Cables Ltd                           GBR
                                                                 Concrete Canvas Ltd                   GBR    GDS Technology Limited                GBR
                 Airquick Ltd                             GBR
                                                                 Cordel Limited                        GBR    Gem Cable Solutions                   GBR
                 Aldolex Irl Ltd                           IRL
                                                                 Cubis Systems                         GBR    GeoPal Solutions                      IRL
                 Alpha Cleantec AG                        CHE
                 Alstom Transport UK Ltd                  GBR    D                                            Goldwing Cable Ltd                    GBR
                 AMiT, spol. s r.o.                       CZE    dBD Communications                    GBR    Gramm Barriers Ltd                    GBR
                 Ampetronic Ltd                           GBR    Dellner Romag                         GBR    H
                 Anderton Concrete                        GBR    Depot Rail Ltd                        GBR
                                                                                                              Harmill Systems Ltd                   GBR

                 Aqua Fabrications Ltd                    GBR    Deutzer-Measurement Services          DEU
                                                                                                              HARTING                               GBR
                 Arentis Limited                          GBR    Discover Events                       TUR
                 Asset International Structures                                                               HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD GmbH                 DEU
                                                                 Dms Technologies                      GBR
                    (A Division of Hill & Smith Ltd)      GBR    dormakaba UK Ltd                      GBR    Hepworth Group (B Hepworth & Co Ltd) GBR
                 Aura Brand Solutions                     GBR    Dürr Technik UK Ltd                   GBR    Hikvision UK & Ireland Ltd            GBR
                 AXMINSTER CARPETS LTD                    GBR    Duvine Ltd                            GBR    Hill and Smith Ltd t/a
                                                                                                                 Variable Message Signs (VMS)       GBR
                 B                                               E                                            Hilti (GB) Ltd                        GBR
                 Barkers Fencing                          GBR    EAO Ltd                               GBR    Hird Rail
                 Bender UK                                GBR    EKE Electronics Ltd                    FIN      Development/Trough-Tec Systems     GBR
                 Bespoke Composite                               Elkem Silicon Materials               GBR    Hitachi Information
                    Panels & Corex Honeycomb              GBR
                                                                 ENAG                                  FRA       Control Systems Europe Ltd         GBR
                 Binder UK Ltd                            GBR
                                                                 Ensafe Consultants                    GBR    Hoppecke Industrial Batteries Ltd.    GBR
                 Birmingham Centre for
                                                                 ETAP Automation Ltd                   GBR    Hubner UK Limited                     GBR
                    Railway Research and Education        GBR
                                                                 E-Tech Components                     GBR    Hydram Engineering Ltd                GBR
                 Blaschke Umwelttechnik GmbH              DEU
                                                                 European Railway                             Hydro - Pole Products                 GBR
                 Blocksil Ltd                             GBR       Cluster Initiative - ERCI          FRA
                 Bolle Safety UK                          GBR    Exception PCB Ltd                     GBR    I
                 Bonomi                                    ITA
                                                                 F                                            icotek                                DEU
                 British Steel                            GBR
                                                                 Federal-Mogul Friction Products Ltd   GBR    iLine Technologies/Channeline
                 Buttkereit Ltd                           GBR
                                                                                                                 International                      GBR
                                                                 Findlay Irvine Ltd                    GBR
                                                                                                              International Railway Journal (IRJ)   GBR
                                                                 FirstClass Safety and Control Ltd     GBR
                 C                                                                                            ITH Bolting Technology                GBR
                                                                 FISA Fabbrica Italiana
                 CABLECRAFT LTD                           GBR       Sedili Autoferroviari Srl           ITA   Ixthus Instrumentation Ltd            GBR

        10                                                           www.uk-railhub.com
J                                          P                                                Stadler Rail AG                    CHE
Jet Aire Services                   GBR    PACE Networks                       GBR          Sulzer Rotating Equipment
                                                                                              Services UK                      GBR
Jewers Doors Ltd                    GBR    Pandrol - Vortok                    GBR
JMS Transformers Ltd                GBR    Pennant International Ltd           GBR          T
Johnson Controls                    GBR    Petzl UK Agency                     GBR          Tensar International Ltd           GBR
Jones Nuttall Ltd                   GBR    Pfisterer Ltd                       GBR          Thales UK Ltd                      GBR
JSP                                 GBR    Phoenix Contact Ltd                 GBR          The CPD Certification Service      GBR
                                           Phoenix Dynamics                    GBR          Thermit Welding                    GBR
                                           Polyco Healthline                   GBR          Tidyco Ltd                         GBR
KeTech                               GBR
                                           Prover Technology AB                SWE          Time 24 Ltd                        GBR
KLEIN Anlagenbau AG                  DEU
                                           PULSAR ®                            GBR          TMC Transformers S.p.A.             ITA
Kloeckner Metals                     GBR
                                           Q                                                Totalkare Powered by Emanuel       GBR
Korea Railroad Corporation (KORAIL) #N/A
                                                                                            Trainfx Ltd                        GBR
Kwik-Step Ltd                        GBR   QuEST Global                         GBR
                                                                                            Transmag (UK) Ltd                  GBR
L                                          R                                                Tratos UK Ltd                      GBR

                                                                                                                                          EXHIBITOR LIST
Leo Workwear Ltd                    GBR    Radionika sp. z o.o.                 POL
Lindapter International             GBR    Rail Alliance                        GBR
                                                                                            Ulusoy Rayli Sistemler A.S.        TUR
Linmag Rail Milling Service         AUT    Rail Innovations                     GBR
LINSINGER                           AUT    Rail Professional Ltd                GBR         V
LPA Group Plc                       GBR    Railmetrics                          CAN         VDS Rail Srl                        ITA
Lucchini Unipart Rail (LUR Ltd)     GBR    Railway Gazette International        GBR         Viewtec Signs Ltd                  GBR
Lucid Communications                GBR    Railway Industry Association         GBR         Visul Systems Ltd                  GBR
                                           RED TRAINING                         GBR         Vivarail Ltd                       GBR
                                           RISQS                                GBR         VVB Engineering (UK) ltd           GBR
Marshalls Civils and Drainage       GBR
                                           Roxtec Ltd                           GBR
Mechan Ltd                          GBR                                                     W
                                           Royal British Legion Industries      GBR
Megger                              GBR                                                     Washington Metalworks Ltd          GBR
MJ Sections Ltd                     GBR    S
                                                                                            Wedge Group Galvanizing Ltd        GBR
Morris Line Engineering             GBR    Sabre Rail                           GBR         Weighbridge                        GBR
Motor Scrubber UK                   GBR    Schweizer Electronic Ltd             GBR         WISKA UK Ltd                       GBR
MPI Ltd                             GBR    Scott Cables Ltd                     GBR         Worldsensing                       ESP
                                           Scott Parnell Ltd                    GBR
N                                                                                           Z
                                           Sécheron SA                          CHE
NextSense GmbH                  AUT                                                         Zep UK                             GBR
                                           SEED Architects                      GBR
NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT GmbH DEU                                                         Zöllner UK Ltd                     GBR
                                           Sekisui Chemical GmbH                DEU
Nomad Digital Limited           GBR                                                         Zonegreen                          GBR
                                           SELLA CONTROLS Ltd                   GBR
O                                          Silver Fox                           GBR
Omicron Electronics UK Ltd          GBR    Snap-on Industrial                   GBR

                                                                                  List as at 22 July 2021. List includes reservations.
                                                                For the very latest list of exhibitors please visit www.uk-railhub.com

                                  7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                                                 11
Let’s get back on track
12th International Exhibition of Railway Technology
26 - 28 October 2021 | Lille Grand Palais Exhibition Centre, France

Meet the entire industry at
France’s premier rail event!
Compare products and source new suppliers active in the
following sectors:

•   Passenger and freight rolling stock
•   Track and infrastructure
•   On-board comfort
•   Fare collection technology and products
•   Passenger information
•   Signalling and train control systems and equipment

There is even more to it!
     3 exhibition halls dedicated to rail innovations

     Product demonstrations in the on-track display area

     International B2B meetings

     Conferences, seminars, technical presentations


Exhibitor Profiles                                                  ALDOLEX IRL LTD
                                                                    Aldolex have been remotely measuring rail track temperature
                                                                    for the last 10 years. In that time, it has generated a lot of
ACHILLES INFORMATION LIMITED                                GBR     expertise in remote monitoring and, in particular, remote
                                                                    monitoring in harsh environments such as railways. Our
Achilles is the global leader in supply chain risk and              Flagship product TrenTrace has evolved over the years from
performance management services. For nearly 30 years, we’ve         measuring just rail track temperature to now incorporating
been passionate about improving the business performance of         the capability to measure water levels, weather data (ambient
our customers and raising standards in the key industries in        temperature, atmospheric pressure, rainfall amounts/ intensity),
which we operate.                                                   embankment stability and of course rail temperature.
We understand that improving productivity, controlling costs and    We supply the system as Software as a Service where we
developing customer value are key goals for transport industry      supply and manage the hardware & software/communications
buyers and suppliers alike. We have helped drive efficiencies for   technology so your data is securely delivered to you so you don’t
both buyers and suppliers whilst being able to demonstrate how      require any technical IoT knowledge to get a fully-functioning,
we can influence raising standards within transport.                reliable and secure remote monitoring system for your
Link-Up is a supplier registration and pre-qualification system     infrastructure.
used by buyers in all areas of the transport sector to have
up-to-date and validated supplier information, and to procure
efficiently in accordance with UK regulations.

ACOREL UK LTD                                               GBR

                                                                                                                                           EXHIBITOR PROFILES
ACOREL provides you with real-time tools needed to help
understand your current passenger travel patterns. As patterns
directly affect your business operation and the passenger
experience you deliver, the highly accurate counting data,
derived from our 3D video sensors, displays the information in a
clear and concise format.

ADCOMMS LTD                                                 GBR
ADComms works in partnership with the UK Rail sector to
deliver innovative connected infrastructure, rolling stock and      ALPHA CLEANTEC AG                                             CHE
station solutions. We help our clients transform passenger          Alpha Cleantec AG (ACT) was founded in 2016 as an
experience, operations and safety.                                  environmental technologies company. The company developed
With extensive experience in the telecommunications and networks    new approaches and unique solutions in the field of non-
markets, ADComms delivers technological solutions and services to   glyphosate and glyphosate-resistant vegetation control in
owners and operators of mission critical infrastructure.            railway roads and as well as subsoil groundwater and railway
                                                                    ballast treatment. Despite its short existence, the company
We are a quality, safety and environmentally focused business,      IPs have been patented in the national phase and approved by
constantly driving through performance improvements to make         independent tests carried out with TÜV Süd, Germany.
the business stronger and smarter for the future.
Our services include:
• Trackside networks supporting operational, track-to-train and
  third-party communications.
• Connected Rolling Stock & Station Systems (CCTV, APC, PIS,
• Software Development & Cloud-based Remote Condition
  Monitoring & Management Services.
• On-site Installation & Project Commissioning.
• Maintenance & Technical Training Services.
• Spares Services.
                                                                    AMIT, SPOL. S R.O.                                            CZE
                                                                    The company AMiT, spol. s r.o. is a traditional Czech
ADVANCED RESOURCE MANAGERS (ARM)                            GBR     manufacturer of industrial electronics, modern and reliable
We are experts in rail recruitment and are celebrating 25 years     solutions for the fields of public transport, industrial automation
of helping people get jobs.                                         and building automation. We are one of the most important
                                                                    players in the field of developing and manufacturing control

                                7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                                                    13
systems and electronics for transport, particularly for railway    event triggered as well as continuous recording of the crossing
                     and rolling stock. We benefit especially from having our own       for evidential purposed and critical decision making.
                     know-how and R&D, state-of-the-art manufacturing and a
                     professional approach to customers. We have a uniquely wide
                     range of our product portfolio for railway and rolling stock. It
                     includes information systems for passengers, IP surveillance
                     and audio systems, TCN communication, communication
                     infrastructure, on-board control systems and special electronics
                     which meet both customer requirements and the international
                     general (EN) and technical (UIC) standards.

                     ANDERTON CONCRETE                                          GBR     AURA BRAND SOLUTIONS                                           GBR
                                                                                        Our train presentation, branding and refurbishment services
                     Anderton Concrete has its roots deeply set in traditions,          offer flexible project solutions to enhance, protect & maintain
                     manufacturing excellence and dedication to customer service        your rail rolling stock. From exterior branding to interior
                     that have existed for many years. The company has been             repaints, we’ll keep your trains looking first class, inside & out.
                     manufacturing precast concrete products for over 60 years and
                     as such, the name Anderton Concrete Products, has become           We have the products and expertise to help you with everything
                     synonymous with product quality and deliverability within the      from rail franchise branding and promotional train wraps to
                     rail industry.                                                     interior surface finishes and safety labelling requirements.
                                                                                        Using industry leading products we manufacture and install
                     Anderton Concrete is part of Ibstock plc, a group of companies,    livery for trains, tubes and trams across the UK.
                     which manufactures and distributes a wide range of products
                     servicing a breadth of construction needs. The group’s product     Our specialist rail division comprises of mobile teams, highly
                     offering ranges from walling, roofing, rail & infrastructure to    skilled in refurbishment, graphic application and paint spraying
                     garden & landscaping, flooring & groundwork, bespoke services      techniques.
                     and much more.                                                     Combining this resource with our rail product solutions and
                                                                                        carefully selected partners allows us to complete a varied scope
                                                                                        of works at any depot location.

                                                                                        BARKERS FENCING                                                GBR
                                                                                        Barkers impartially deliver resilient security fencing for
                                                                                        professionals serious about protecting people, property, and

                     ARENTIS LIMITED                                            GBR
                     Arentis Limited manufacture, design, install and support
                     CCTV systems for the rail industry. Our XNET-TE product suite
                     is utilised at MCB-CCTV crossings ensuring all safety case
                     requirements are met and VA-CONNECT, a wireless video
                     streaming solution, is deployed across MCB-OD, AHBC and
                     Barrow Crossings to provide live video images on demand or

           14                                                         www.uk-railhub.com
StronGuardRCS, our crash rated fence is being used heavily            BESPOKE COMPOSITE PANELS & COREX HONEYCOMB GBR
across the rail industry to mitigate the risk of road vehicles
getting onto and obstructing train tracks. StronGuardRCS is           Corex Honeycomb is the only UK manufacturer of high-quality
deployed in areas where roads run adjacent to or above railway        aluminium honeycomb and has been a trusted supplier to the
lines. It is hailed as the all-in-one solution to mitigate the risk   European rail sector for over 20 years.
of road vehicle incursions, trespass and vandalism. StronGuard        The strength-to-weight ratio of our aluminium honeycomb
RCS is the only stand alone palisade fence accredited by PAS68        means it is perfect for a wide variety of applications in trains
to stop a 7.5 tonne vehicle at 30 mph. This is achieved without       and carriages. Corex offers a range of cell sizes manufactured
special footings.                                                     in 3000 and 5000 alloy grades. Our products include a flexible
There are no visible bolts on the front face of the fence and the     aluminium honeycomb (SuperFlex) and a range of non-metallic
high load anchor makes it virtually impossible to pull the pale       honeycomb including Cormaster (Nomex® and Kevlar®) and
from the angle cross rails by hand, crowbar or scaffolding pole       polypropylene.
making StronGuard™ highly resistant to vandals or trespassers.        Our sister division BCP has been manufacturing aluminium
                                                                      honeycomb composite panels for the rail industry for over 30
                                                                      years and is experienced in working in partnership with prime
BENDER UK                                                     GBR     contractors.
Bender UK has supported the UK rail industry for two decades to
                                                                      BCP can design and manufacture products for rolling stock.
ensure maximum availability, preventing downtime to services
                                                                      Using cost-effective techniques, they manufacture laminate
and maintaining operational efficiency.
                                                                      panels to provide lightweight, strong and durable products.
Network Rail approved continuous insulation monitoring and            BCP also offer a range of interior solutions for both new and
earth fault location technology informs engineers of system           refurbishment projects.
status, forewarning of any potential damage that could cause

                                                                                                                                            EXHIBITOR PROFILES
risks to safety or issues to train services.
Bender’s rail solutions include monitoring of signal power,
points heating units, railway crossings, underground networks
and systems onboard trains, alongside predictive service and
maintenance solutions.

                                                                      BIRMINGHAM CENTRE FOR RAILWAY
                                                                      RESEARCH AND EDUCATION                                       GBR
                                                                      The Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education
                                                                      (BCRRE) delivers world class, worldwide innovation, research,
                                                                      education and support to the business community. With the
                                                                      recent acquisition by the University of Birmingham of the
                                                                      National College for Advanced Transportation and Infrastructure
                                                                      (NCATI), we offer an exceptionally broad portfolio of high-quality
                                                                      education pathways along with progression routes. This offer
                                                                      includes further and higher education opportunities, with
                                                                      Level 2-7 apprenticeships, undergraduate and postgraduate
                                                                      programmes as well as Continuing Professional Development
                                                                      BCRRE is the lead partner in the £92m UK Rail Research and
                                                                      Innovation Network (UKRRIN) and, earlier this year, moved into
                                                                      its brand-new Centre of Excellence in Digital Systems where
                                                                      industry and academia can come together to work on new
                                                                      technologies, products and ideas.
                                                                      BCRRE is also home to the Digi-Rail project, providing
                                                                      technical and business support for collaboration, product/

                                 7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                                                    15
service development, process improvement and new ideas to              BRITISH STEEL                                                 GBR
                     eligible SMEs.
                                                                                            British Steel is a leading European steel manufacturer,
                                                                                            producing around 3 million tonnes of quality steel products
                                                                                            each year.
                                                                                            Our high-performance rail products and technical services are
                                                                                            helping build stronger futures for high speed, heavy duty, mixed
                                                                                            traffic, metro and tramway networks.
                                                                                            Our premium rail offering includes HP335, long-length Zinoco®
                                                                                            and rail problem solving to address the issues of wear, RCF,
                                                                                            corrosion and asset performance.

                     BLASCHKE UMWELTTECHNIK GMBH                                   DEU
                     We ensure clean air at the work station.
                     With 45 years of experience and over 1,000 installed systems
                     globally, Blaschke Umwelttechnik is your expert worldwide for
                     professional exhaust fume extraction. No matter whether it is
                     a railway maintenance depot, fire department, workshop or
                     industrial business: We offer you proven extraction solutions
                     for the widest range of industries and application areas. Our

                     innovative systems effectively protect your employees from
                     diesel engine emissions and other air pollutants. All Blaschke
                     extraction systems work reliably, cost-effectively and efficiently.
                                                                                            CEMBRE LTD                                                    GBR
                                                                                            At Railtex / Infrarail 2021, Cembre will be demonstrating the
                                                                                            Network Rail ‘Most Innovative Small Plant’ for 2019 Battery
                     BLOCKSIL LTD                                                  GBR      Powered Sleeper Drill SD-19BR2-RPE.
                     Blocksil is a multi award winning world class coating innovations      This new drill offers reduced HAV’s from 7.06 down to 1.36 and
                     company providing advanced, sustainable solutions to specific          reduced weight from 21.2 kg down to 17.4kg, combining all the
                     application challenges. Energy saving and labour saving coatings       attributes of the Rail Drill Low noise zero emissions and lights to
                     are a speciality. Our success is achieved through applied              illuminate the work area.
                     scientific knowledge, experience and utilisation of the latest
                                                                                            Whether in a location where fuel-driven machines are prohibited
                     coatings and paint technology.
                                                                                            or one that is remote from a mains power supply, the new LD-
                     At Railtex we will be showcasing our high performance graphene         16B-RPE rainproof version or SD-19BR2-RPE, used with the
                     enhanced corrosion resistant coating which is in service on            latest Cembre designed CY broach cutters, and Augers deliver
                     trackside buildings, where we offer a 25 year product warranty.        a commanding low noise, zero emissions performance which is
                                                                                            effectively available ‘anywhere, anyhow, anytime’.
                     Also on show will be the latest insulating intumescent coating.
                     Capable of holding back extreme heat from sensitive electronics        Cembre LD-16B-RPE Rainproof Battery Rail Drill awarded ‘Most
                     whilst simultaneously putting out the fire, this coating has the       Innovative Small Plant’ certificate of excellence by Network Rail
                     potential to be life saving as well as being of economic benefit.      in 2017.
                     And of course there are our anti-graffiti coatings, graffiti removal   Visit stand F17 to inspect both machines and to see them going
                     gel and our range of nano coatings and polishes.                       through their paces.

           16                                                           www.uk-railhub.com
CLEANSOFT                                                     FRA      CC has been extensively used through CP4, CP5 and CP6. The
                                                                       majority of route network framework contractors have installed
With a proven experience of more than 20 years in the field of         CC including QTS, BAM Nuttall, Costain, AmcoGiffen, Alun
lifting of active critical equipment, Cleansoft Services & Solutions   Griffiths and Story Contracting.
has developed a process and a methodology guaranteeing zero
downtime of your production.                                           Manufactured entirely in Wales, CC offers a lower carbon,
                                                                       environmentally sensitive solution for erosion control and weed
We can intervene in very complex and highly secure technical           suppression applications when compared to traditional concrete
installations and varied sectors such as datacentres industry,         solutions. CC is BBA certified with a durability in excess of 120
military & defence (command posts), aviation and railway               years when used in erosion control applications.
(control towers, signalizing rooms), energy and communication
network (MSCs, POPs, HV substations), audio-visual control
rooms, clean rooms and laboratories.

                                                                                                                                            EXHIBITOR PROFILES
                                                                       CORDEL LIMITED                                              GBR
                                                                       Cordel is creating smart infrastructure monitoring through
                                                                       automation and machine learning that delivers accuracy and
CMCA (UK)                                                     GBR      insights for rail networks and operators. Cordel is used by major
CMCA(UK) is a leading provider of innovative and cost-effective        rail networks in Japan, Europe and Australia. Using Cordel
supply chain and support solutions to a number of differing            allows railroads to be more efficient and safer for us all.
industries including Rail, Defence, Aerospace, Oil & Gas,              Visit www.cordel.ai.
Pharmaceuticals and beyond. With our diverse client base
spanning small, medium and large companies worldwide
and at all levels within the supply chain. We specialise in
the development and delivery of Obsolescence Management
services, Procurement Solutions, NATO Codification and offer a
range of Long Term Storage solutions.
Our Obsolescence Planning and Management services are
delivered in accordance with IEC62402:2019 through our in-
house COMPaSSWeb software tool, the perfect platform for
managing all of the obsolescence events in one place.
Regardless of programme size or complexity, by providing
increased material availability and mitigating the risks
associated with your support inventory we can add significant
value and knowledge to your organisation.

CONCRETE CANVAS LTD                                           GBR
Concrete Canvas Ltd has worked with Network Rail for over 10           DELLNER ROMAG                                               GBR
Years. Concrete Canvas® (CC) has been widely used across the
UK as an industry-accepted alternative to conventional concrete.       Dellner Romag designs and manufactures high-quality, versatile
The geosynthetic has been specified by Route Directors, Senior         glass for train builders globally for all rail vehicles including
Asset Engineers (Drainage) and minor works teams across the            DMU/EMU trains and LRV’s including trams and metros.
five Network Rail regions and their 13 routes.                         We are experts within the rail glass market, producing solutions

                                 7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                                                    17
for trains that are the very best in the sector. Our name is       We also develop customised measuring systems for our
                     synonymous within the industry for the complete plan and           customers.
                     produce of glazing systems — we can truly be considered a ‘one
                                                                                        By measuring on customers’ normal rolling stock, we carry out
                     stop shop’ for all rail glass requirements.
                                                                                        the measurements under normal load conditions. That result in
                                                                                        measurement data showing your systems reality.
                                                                                        We are always able to improve our measurement systems
                                                                                        thank to all the customers special request which led us to
                                                                                        more development. That is the reason why we offer our
                                                                                        measurements on a service basis. This way our customers
                                                                                        always benefit from all improvements and can be sure that they
                                                                                        use our latest solutions.
                                                                                        We are looking forward to working with you.

                                                                                        DMS TECHNOLOGIES                                            GBR
                                                                                        DMS technologies will again be attending Railtex, exhibiting their
                                                                                        range of signalling and telecommunications batteries designed
                                                                                        for trackside installation.
                                                                                        The rugged and powerful Red Flash battery systems have
                     DEPOT RAIL LTD                                             GBR     been extensively used for over 20 years by Network Rail and
                     Depot rail are suppliers of a wide range of depot maintenance/     its predecessors, providing power for Point End Switching and

                     handling equipment, we are suppliers to the major rolling stock    Level Crossing operations across the UK. Also on show will be
                     companies and have a dedicated team of service engineers who       examples of Engine Start Powerpacks capable of starting large
                     provide support for our customers.                                 DMUs as well as trucks and buses.
                     Our products include Rail lifting jacks, Turntables, Sanding       Accompanying DMS at Railtex is their sister company, Duvine
                     systems, Rail vehicle shunters (battery and diesel), Testing       Limited, whose switch-mode battery chargers have been used in
                     equipment, Drop equipment systems, Wheelset presses, Bogie         conjunction with Red Flash batteries in signalling systems.
                     press/Test machines Lifting beams.
                                                                                        On display will be the new range of portable battery chargers
                     We have a team of 6 Service Technicians to install, maintain and   for 24V and 110V engine starting and auxiliary batteries used on
                     repair rail depot equipment, covering the UK & Ireland.            rolling stock.

                     DEUTZER – MEASUREMENT SERVICES                             DEU     DÜRR TECHNIK UK LTD                                         GBR
                     DTK Measurement Services, Consulting, Solving Problems,            Dürr Technik specialises in oil-free and maintenance-free
                     Measurement Systems.                                               piston compressors with a long lifespan and compact design.
                                                                                        The products that we offer are built to cope with the harsh
                                                                                        environmental conditions in rail transport.

                     DTK delivers measurement services for public transit authorities
                     worldwide. We have carried out more than 1000 measurement
                     projects in 25 countries.
                                                                                        EAO LTD                                                     GBR
                     Our services range from
                                                                                        EAO AG a Swiss, family-owned company founded in 1947 is one
                     • Position and shock between pantograph and contact wire           of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality switches,
                                                                                        keypads, mobile phone charging systems and complete HMI
                     • Contact wire wear measurement
                                                                                        control systems.
                     • Current and voltage measurement
                                                                                        At Railtex 2021 EAO will be showcasing the unique Passenger
                     • Track measurement                                                Interface Qi inductive and USB phone charging system with
                                                                                        iBeacon seat location technology and the latest innovations in
                     • Running clearance
                                                                                        HMI switching products for driver’s cabs and passenger doors
                     • etc.                                                             along with energy efficient LED lighting solutions.

           18                                                         www.uk-railhub.com
See how the Passenger Interface charging system can be fitted        ENAG                                                          FRA
to seats and tables and how Installation challenges can be
solved with our range of power supplies, cabling solutions and       With over 70 years experience in energy conversion, we supply
fitting adaptors.                                                    rugged and reliable equipment designed to work in severe
                                                                     environments. Our range of chargers, dischargers and power
The latest HMI products include the MLD toilet status LCD with       supplies are used in rail, tram and metro depots across the
up to 18 pre-set or custom images, the new Series 04 halo            world. Our range of products include power supplies, battery
bezel illuminated cab switches, the Series 57 tri-colour PRM-TSI     chargers, battery charge discharge banks, alternators and fans.
compliant door switches and low energy LED carriage, seat and        We can also maintain and recondition your traction motors.
cab lighting solutions.

EKE ELECTRONICS LTD                                           FIN
EKE-Electronics Ltd. is a world leader in train automation and
Train Management Systems. EKE-Electronics is a division of the
EKE Group, a privately held company founded in 1961 in Finland.
EKE provides leading technologies to train manufacturers,
operators and integrators for efficient train manufacturing and
operations. We provide tailored solutions for system integration,
train automation, train communications, train diagnostics and
improved safety.
We have solutions for high speed trains, commuter trains,

                                                                                                                                             EXHIBITOR PROFILES
metros, trams, passenger coaches and locomotives.
EKE is the expert for Train Control and Management Systems
(TCMS), Train Communication Networks (TCN), Vehicle Control
Units (VCU), Gateways (MVB, WTB, CAN, Serial Links, Ethernet),
Ethernet Train Backbones (ETB), Ethernet Switches, Remote
Input/Output Modules (RIOM), Train Event Recorders and
Remote Condition Monitoring Systems (RCMS), including Safety
applications like Selective Door Operation (SDO/ASDO/FASDO),
On-board Hot axle box detection (HABD), lateral Vibration
Monitoring (LAM), Driver Vigilance System (VDS) just to mention.

                                                                     At RAILTEX this year we are high-lighting two products in
                                                                     particular, our new charge – discharge test bank and our new
                                                                     portable charger range.

                                                                     E-TECH COMPONENTS                                             GBR
                                                                     E-Tech Components are a specialist distributor of High Quality Cable
                                                                     Accessories and Electronic Components for the UK and abroad.
                                                                     We stock and supply innovative and qualitative Railway
ELKEM SILICON MATERIALS                                      GBR     & Traction products and solutions from leading industry
                                                                     manufacturers, that can save time, costs, improve quality and
Elkem is one of the world’s leading providers of advanced            ensure compliance to industry standards and regulations.
material solutions shaping a better and more sustainable future.
                                                                     E-Tech apply excellence, quality and understanding in everything
The company develops silicones, silicon products and carbon          we do, meeting and exceeding the precise needs of our customers
solutions by combining natural raw materials, renewable energy       all around the world, while shaping the evolution of our industry.
and human ingenuity.
                                                                     Our comprehensive Rail Product Range includes:
Elkem helps its customers create and improve essential
innovations like electric mobility, digital communications, health   • Cable Accessories
and personal care, and smart and sustainable cities.                 • Cable Management Systems
With a strong track record of operational excellence and             • Cable Markers & Labels
continuous improvement since 1904, Elkem’s global team of
more than 6,800 people has a joint commitment to stakeholders:       • Cable Protection Solutions
Delivering your potential.                                           • Modular Power Systems
Elkem develops its business in support of the ambitions of the UN    • Connecta Tunnel Lighting & Power System
Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris agreement. In 2020,
Elkem was rated “Gold” on sustainability by EcoVadis and among       • Flexo Rail Products
the world’s top 5% on climate transparency and action by CDP.        • Link Boxes & Connectors Blocks

                                7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                                                      19
• Power Distribution Units                                           Rail Depot Protection Systems are just one of the products offered,
                                                                                          along with Rail Depot Control Systems and Locally Operated
                     • Cable Joints & Terminations
                                                                                          Points Systems (LOPS). This range of products means that First
                     • Tooling                                                            Class Safety can provide a depot operator with a fully integrated
                                                                                          safety system and all with SIL 2 level safety Certified as standard.
                     • Cable Cleats
                                                                                          All First Class Safety Depot Protection and Depot Control
                     • Cable Glands
                                                                                          Systems are designed to the clients specification, allowing 100%
                     • Cable Lugs.                                                        tailored solutions, not a standard product that has been tweaked.
                                                                                          All of the technical capabilities of First Class Safety are backed
                                                                                          up with unrivalled service support available 24 hours a day with
                     EUROPEAN RAILWAY CLUSTER INITIATIVE – ERCI FRA                       full on site and remote diagnostic support.
                     The European Rail Clusters Initiative (ERCI) is the leading meta-
                     cluster of the rail industry in Europe, uniting 16 innovation
                     clusters from 17 European countries. Together, we connect            FISA FABBRICA ITALIANA SEDILI
                     the ideas and interests of over 2,000 small and medium-sized
                     businesses across the industry. ERCI is their voice and lobby at     AUTOFERROVIARI SRL                                             ITA
                     the European level. We help our member companies to grow –           A leading company for the production of driver and passenger
                     through improved access to European partners and customers,          seats for trains.
                     accelerated technology transfer and joint marketing in- and
                     outside of the EU.                                                   FISA has always focused on finding the right balance between
                                                                                          three fundamental characteristics for its seats: compliance
                     Among other activities, the member companies and institutions        with the required conformity, the better design and the greatest
                     of ERCI partner clusters benefit from:                               possible comfort for giving life to the best travel experience.

                     • Accelerated access to other European companies and                 With an order book that is constantly growing and the advantage
                       institutions.                                                      of local supply and after-sale product service which is
                     • Active support in the participation at EU research and             considered paramount in this ever demanding sector, FISA is
                       development programs, e.g. Shift2Rail.                             now the alternative partner for railway seats dedicated to the UK
                     • Access to ERCI events all over Europe.
                     • Marketing and business development activities within the EU
                       and beyond.
                     • European lobby for SME interests.

                     FIRSTCLASS SAFETY AND CONTROL LTD                             GBR
                     Essex based Safety control system specialist, FirstClass Safety
                     & Control, have been supplying safety control systems for over
                     20 years. The company was created following a management
                     buyout of the safety control division of Beck & Pollitzer in 2017.

                                                                                          FRAZER-NASH CONSULTANCY LTD                                   GBR
                                                                                          At Frazer-Nash, our consultants apply their expertise and know-
                                                                                          how to develop, enhance and protect our clients’ critical assets,
                                                                                          systems and processes.
                                                                                          We understand the challenges our clients face, and we provide
                                                                                          tailored solutions that deliver real value – whilst giving them a
                                                                                          technical and commercial edge.
                                                                                          Our expertise and know-how has ensured the safety of ageing
                                                                                          equipment and systems, enabled our clients to manage
                                                                                          complex engineering change programmes, helped reduce risks,
                                                                                          maximised efficiency and performance, and helped reduce costs.
                                                                                          Our flexibility enables us to respond to the requirements of both

           20                                                           www.uk-railhub.com
large- and small-scale projects.                                       GOLDWING CABLE LTD                                             GBR
At the heart of our business is our Systems Approach – a proven        Goldwing Cable Ltd is the Authorised European Stockist &
methodology that’s helping our clients make the right investment       Distributor of Exane LU Authorised cables, highly regarded as
decisions within their increasingly competitive market.                a leading distributor of these products in the industry Goldwing
                                                                       and Exane have become synonymous with quality, service, and
                                                                       stock in the past allowing projects to avoid delay and costly
G. ZWIEHOFF GMBH                                                 AUT   penalties. With customer’s across Europe as well as in the UK
As a specialist in the field of road-rail technology, we offer         past supply has seen us service projects such as Crossrail and
various vehicles that can be used on both road and rail.               Northern Line Extension to name a couple allowing us to further
                                                                       enhance our credibility and Commitment to Quality within the
With this double use and with a wide variety of attachments and
superstructures, our road-rail vehicles can be used for a variety
of purposes.
• Major advantages of road-rail vehicles
• Low acquisition costs
• Low maintenance costs
• Quick change between road and rail (short turnaround times)
• No downtime, high availability, long service life
• A vehicle with many possible uses.

                                                                                                                                             EXHIBITOR PROFILES
GEOPAL SOLUTIONS                                                 IRL
GeoPal is focused on delivering solutions to complex and
dynamic field operations problems where traditional Field
Service Solutions lack the flexibility required and bespoke App
Development is too costly and also carries additional time and
specification risks.

                                                                       HARTING                                                        GBR
                                                                       HARTING has been established in the UK for 40 years,
                                                                       developing strong relationships within rail for our reliable
                                                                       connectivity solutions.

GeoPal delivers a complete Field Operations Management (FOM)
Solution that incorporates a holistic approach and covers all
aspects of field operations digital business transformation.
GeoPal is a fully customisable Work Order Management (WOM)
Solution that connects field workers, remote assets and Internet
Of Things (IoT) sensors, leveraging field data to gain real-time
actionable insights and increase the productivity, profitability
and health and safety compliance of the business. GeoPal’s
Mobile Application connects field workers with the back office,        At Railtex 2021, we will be exhibiting our market-leading
replacing all paper forms with GeoPal Mobile Forms for: time           range of products and introducing some new developments,
sheet entry, health & safety audits, job completion reports,           including the circular M12 PushPull for fast data transmission.
incident reports, asset surveys, contractor reports and much           We will also be on hand to discuss the Han® HPR VarioShell, a
more. GeoPal provides management with real-time visibility.            flexible housing system for inter-car jumpers and the Han® HPR

                                 7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                                                     21
HPTC series, a shielded trafo connector system with effective         LED based light technology solutions for rail applications.
                     mechanical coding.                                                    Our strength is our in-house capability, depth of industry and
                                                                                           technical knowledge and, extensive experience gained since our
                     Other innovations include the lightweight, energy efficient Han®
                                                                                           formation in 1988.
                     Eco B and the Han® 1A, a compact, modular solution for data,
                     signals and power. Both these ranges comply with standard EN          At Rail Live 2021 VMS will be displaying a range of lightweight
                     45545-2 for fire performance on railway vehicles.                     LED Rail Signals, including our recently developed Compact
                                                                                           Modular Colour Light Signal (CLS) and Combined Alphanumeric
                     For the digital railway, we produce the latest in rail-approved
                                                                                           Route Indicator (CARI). These products have been designed
                     connectivity and cabling solutions. This includes the design and
                                                                                           to solve project challenges including reduced spatial
                     manufacture of bespoke cable assemblies and intercar jumpers
                                                                                           arrangements, gauge requirements and sensitive environments
                     at our custom-built facility in Northampton.
                                                                                           such as tunnels.

                     HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD GMBH                                         DEU     HILTI (GB) LTD                                                 GBR
                     HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD is an internationally orientated
                                                                                           Hilti is a leading supplier to the construction industry & allied
                     manufacturer of machine tools. The company is a member of the
                                                                                           trades including Civil & Railway engineering.
                     NILES-SIMMONS-HEGENSCHEIDT Group (NSH), which combines
                     more than 180 years of experience.                                    We have a national team who are able to support at both office
                                                                                           & site level with our comprehensive range of fixing & fastening
                     HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD is a market leader for the railway and metro
                     branch. Especially with complete solutions for wheels, axles
                     and wheelsets. Beginning from single machines up to complete          In addition to this we have a number of products Network Rail
                     turnkey lines as well as software, full maintenance & service         approved & are of course RISQS accredited.

                     packages provides HEGENSCHEIDT-MFD all from one hand.
                                                                                           Cordless technology is at the fore front for use on the railway
                                                                                           & with our large capacity Li-Ion batteries, there isn’t many
                                                                                           applications that we can not support!
                                                                                           The recently introduced Hilti EXO-01 exoskeleton enables light-
                                                                                           weight repetitive tasks to be carried out at chest height & above
                                                                                           with less fatigue to the operator so ideal for certain trades within
                                                                                           the railway.
                                                                                           We also have in our portfolio a range of services as well
                                                                                           including our ON!Track asset management solution that is being
                                                                                           used within the industry.

                     HIKVISION UK & IRELAND LTD                                    GBR
                     Hikvision is a world leading provider of security products and
                     solutions. Featuring an extensive and highly skilled R&D workforce,
                     Hikvision manufactures a full suite of comprehensive products
                     and solutions for a broad range of vertical markets. In addition to
                     the security industry, Hikvision extends its reach to smart home
                     tech, industrial automation, and automotive electronics industries
                     to achieve its long-term vision. Hikvision products also provide
                     powerful business intelligence for end users, which can enable
                     more efficient operations and greater commercial success.

                                                                                           HITACHI INFORMATION CONTROL SYSTEMS EUROPE LTD
                     (VMS)                                       GBR
                     Based in the UK VMS Newco specialises in the design,
                     manufacture and installation of a comprehensive range of              We are a market driven, growing company, rich in innovation and
                                                                                           diversity in our products, technology and services. Innovation

           22                                                           www.uk-railhub.com
is key in enabling us to grow our offering for our customers          HÜBNER companies HTG, Hemscheidt and Gersys: In addition to
through enhancing existing products, systems and solutions,           gangway systems, HÜBNER also provides chassis components
whilst also harnessing global market trends.                          for railway cars, entry systems for trams and cockpit display
                                                                      systems for rail vehicles.
As a business, we are investing in innovation so that we can
provide solutions for the megatrends effecting the mobility           In our Material Solutions business segment we manufacture
sector.                                                               a wide range of products for Rail & Bus applications. Our main
                                                                      focus is on rubber sealing systems for doors, hatches and
Global market trends are demanding the use of disruptive
technologies and we are seeing the introduction of new
business models across the mobility sector. For this reason, we
are investing in new digital and data capabilities; embedding
these across our organisation, allowing us to continue our
                                                                      HYDRAM ENGINEERING LTD                                       GBR
pioneering status, improve operational efficiency, and maintain       Hydram Sheet Metalwork supplies metal products, components
our customer and partners’ trust through offering products of         and precision sheet metal fabrications to market leading
exceptional quality.                                                  companies in industries such as rail, bus, lighting, furniture,
                                                                      earth-moving machinery and white goods. Hydram’s success is
                                                                      founded on customer satisfaction, aiming to achieve maximum
HOPPECKE INDUSTRIAL BATTERIES LTD                            GBR      productivity, quality and level of service whilst maintaining
                                                                      competitive prices through its continuous improvement ethos
HOPPECKE – Your expert for lead acid and nickel-cadmium
                                                                      and by working closely with customers to establish long term
industrial battery systems. Electrical energy is needed
everywhere. In this world where everything becomes electrical,
HOPPECKE is your partner who understands your needs better            Hydram is certified to the following quality standards:
than anyone else.

                                                                                                                                             EXHIBITOR PROFILES
                                                                      • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Standard.
We offer energy storage solutions as lead-acid-or nickel-
                                                                      • ISO 3834-2 Welding Standard.
cadmium industrial battery systems in the four main application
areas of emission-free drives, secure power supply, storage of        • BS EN 15085-2 CL1 CWRVC Welding Standard.
renewable energy and railway & metro-systems.
                                                                      • DIN 6701 standard for adhesive bonding in rail industry.
Our sister company and expert for lithium-ion energy storage
                                                                      • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Standard.
solutions INTILION, looks after the development and delivery of
innovative, individual lithium-ion energy storage solutions and, in   • ISO 45001:2018 Health and Safety.
this context, also offers its customers advanced business models
for industrial applications. The focus lies on three areas of
application: stationary storage systems for buffering renewable       ICOTEK                                                       DEU
energies, motive power storage systems for industrial trucks
                                                                      The icotek GmbH is a privately held company within the icotek
such as forklifts, as well as high-voltage systems for powering
                                                                      group. At our headquarters in Eschach, Germany we develop
trains, and other heavy-duty applications.
                                                                      our products and distribute them worldwide. With offices in the
                                                                      UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, the U.S., Turkey and China as well
                                                                      as representatives in over 60 countries, we are a strong and
HUBNER UK LIMITED                                            GBR      reliable partner for the global industry. We provide expert advice,
Railway vehicle technology and the name HÜBNER have been              a high delivery capability and a broad range of services for our
joined together for decades. Wherever people are travelling           customers around the globe.
by rail, HÜBNER products will be found playing a key role –
connecting, sealing or cushioning as required. In transport
systems around the world.

                                                                      The patented cable entry systems from icotek are used in a
                                                                      variety of industries and application areas and have become
In the preceding decades, we have made outstanding                    indispensable over the years. The fields of activity range
developments in the production of high-performance gangway            from machine tools, railway technology, wind turbines, solar
systems. Thanks to this demonstrated expertise, we are the            technology, vehicle construction and packaging machines to
global leader in this area. Building on this position, in 2020 we     automation and robotics.
have brought together our activities in the rail sector with the

                                7 – 9 September 2021 • NEC, Birmingham                                                                      23
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