Lessons learned and further road to the therapies of genetic neurological disorders. What we have, unmet needs and future perspectives

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Lessons learned and further road to the therapies of genetic neurological disorders. What we have, unmet needs and future perspectives
Scientific conference                        november
The event will take place in hybrid form   18th 2022

Lessons learned and further road to the
therapies of genetic neurological disorders.
What we have, unmet needs and future

IRCCS Mondino Foundation
Pavia, via Mondino 2, Berlucchi Hall
entrance from via Magenes
Lessons learned and further road to the therapies of genetic neurological disorders. What we have, unmet needs and future perspectives
Ottorino Rossi / Historical notes

Ottorino Rossi was born on 17th January, 1877,      Ottorino Rossi made many important                 then new Scientific Director (prof. Giuseppe
in Solbiate Comasco, near Como, Italy. In           scientific contributions to the fields             Nappi), the IRCCS Mondino Foundation
1895 he enrolled at the medical faculty of the      of      neurology,      neurophysiopathology       has held an annual Ottorino Rossi Award
University of Pavia as a student of the Ghislieri   and neuroanatomy. These include: the               Conference at which the award is presented
College and during his undergraduate years          identification of glucose as the reducing agent    to a scientist who has made an important
was an intern pupil of the Institute of General     of cerebrospinal fluid, the demonstration          contribution to research in the field of the
Pathology and Histology, headed by Camillo          that fibres from the spinal ganglia pass into      neurosciences.
Golgi. In 1901 Rossi obtained his medical           the dorsal branch of the spinal roots, and         In the course of its 30-year history, the
doctor degree with the highest grades and           the description of the cerebellar symptom          Ottorino Rossi Award has, on two occasions,
                                                    which he termed “the primary asymmetries
a distinction. In October 1902 he went on to                                                           been theme based. In the period 2010-2012,
                                                    of positions”. Moreover, he conducted
the Clinica Neuropatologica (Hospital for                                                              it was was devoted to The Founders of
                                                    important studies on the immunopathology
Nervous and Mental Diseases) directed by                                                               Neurology, namely the three founders of the
                                                    of the nervous system, the serodiagnosis
Casimiro Mondino to continue his studies.                                                              most important Italian Schools of Neurology
                                                    of neurosyphilis and the regeneration of
At the same time, he continued to frequent                                                             of the twentieth century, while the awards
                                                    the nervous system. He was the author of
the Golgi Institute which was the leading                                                              assigned from 2017 to 2019 celebrated the
                                                    major scientific works including an extensive
Italian centre for biological research. Having                                                         Pavia Legacy. This latter series stemmed
                                                    investigation of arteriosclerosis in the brain,
completed his clinical preparation in Florence      L’Arteriosclerosi dei Centri Cerebrali e Spinali   from the desire to recognise eminent
under Eugenio Tanzi, and in Munich at the           (1906), which dealt with the development           researchers with strong scientific and cultural
Institute directed by Emil Kraepelin, he taught     of lesions of vascular origin. He died in 1936     links with the city of Pavia.
at the Universities of Siena, Sassari and, from     at the age of 59, having named the Ghislieri       Unfortunately, due to the restrictions
1925, Pavia. In Pavia he was made Rector of         College as his heir. Ottorino Rossi was one of     imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not
the University (serving from 1925 to 1936),         Camillo Golgi’s most illustrious pupils as well    possible to stage the Ottorino Rossi Award
and during his tenure he was instrumental in        as one of the most eminent descendants of          Conference in 2020, but the tradition was
getting the buildings of the new San Matteo         Pavia’s medico-biological tradition.               resumed the following year. This year, 2022,
General Hospital completed.                         Since 1990, thanks to an initiative of the         brings the 32nd edition of the Award.

Lessons learned and further road to the therapies of genetic neurological disorders. What we have, unmet needs and future perspectives
Previous Winners / Ottorino Rossi Award

1990                    1998                 2005                        2013
Vittorio Erspamer       Alain Berthoz        Jes Olesen                  Henry Markram
Rome (Italy)            Paris (France)       Copenhagen (Denmark)        Lausanne (Switzerland)
1991                                         2006                        2014
Paolo Pinelli                                Stanley Finger              Emmanuele A. Jannini
                        Ottar Sjaastad                                   L’Aquila (Italy)
Milan (Italy)                                S. Louis (USA)
                        Trondheim (Norway)
1992                                         2007                        2015
Giovanni Di Chiro       2000                 Michael A. Moskowitz        Roberto Crea
Bethesda (USA)          John Timothy         Boston (USA)                Hayward (USA)
                        Greenamyre                                       2016
1993                                         2008
                        Atlanta (USA)                                    Richard Stanislaus
Clarence Joseph Gibbs                        Patricia Smith Churchland
                                                                         Joseph Frackowiak
Bethesda (USA)          2001                 San Diego (USA)
                                                                         Lausanne (Switzerland)
1994                    Salvatore Di Mauro   2009
                        New York (USA)                                   2017
David Zee                                    Stephen P. Hunt             Pierluigi Nicotera
Baltimore (USA)                              London (UK)                 Bonn (Germany)
1995                    Elio Raviola         2010                        2018
Elio Lugaresi           Boston (USA)         Vincenzo Bonavita           Gianvito Martino
Bologna (Italia)                             Naples (Italy)              Milan (Italy)
1996                                         2011                        2019
                        Michael Welch
Michel Fardeau                               Cesare Fieschi              Adriano Aguzzi
Paris (France)          Chicago (USA)        Rome (Italy)                Zurich (Switzerland)
1997                    2004                 2012                        2021
Salvador Moncada        François Boller      Giorgio Bernardi            Rigmor Højland Jensen
London (UK)             Paris (France)       Rome (Italy)                Copenhagen (Denmark)
Lessons learned and further road to the therapies of genetic neurological disorders. What we have, unmet needs and future perspectives
Francesco Muntoni / Ottorino Rossi Award 2022

                                              he is currently Head of the Dubowitz       Hammersmith Hospital from 2008 to
                                              Neuromuscular Centre at UCL Institute      2018, where he is still Theme Lead in Novel
                                              of Child Health and Great Ormond Street    Therapies at the Biomedical Research
                                              Hospital for Children.                     Centre. He is also Co-Director of Medical
                                              His London career began in 1993, and       Research at the MRC Translational
                                              over the first few years saw him working   Research Centre at UCL.
                                              initially as a lecturer, and then senior   In the clinical and research sphere,
                                              lecturer in paediatric neurology at the    Professor Muntoni has always focused
                                              Royal Postgraduate Medical School,         mainly on novel gene identification, deep
                                              Hammersmith Hospital, and then as          phenotyping, and translational research,
                                              a reader and honorary consultant in        especially in the area of Duchenne muscular
                                              paediatric neurology at Imperial College   dystrophy (DMD), congenital muscular
                                              London, Hammersmith Hospital. In 1996,     dystrophy, and spinal muscular atrophy
                                              he was made Clinical and Research          (SMA), although his interest extends to all
                                              Director at the Hammersmith Hospital       developmental neuromuscular diseases.
                                              Neuromuscular Centre, linked to the        He had conducted and continues to
Francesco Muntoni was born in Cagliari
                                              hospital’s Department of Paediatrics       conduct numerous natural history studies,
in 1959. He studied in Italy, graduating in
                                              and Neonatal Medicine, and in 1998, he     has designed multiple clinical trials aimed
medicine at the University of Cagliari in
                                              was appointed Professor of Paediatric      at the development of therapies for
1984, and specialising in child neurology
                                              Neurology at Imperial College London.      neuromuscular diseases, and has thus
and psychiatry at the University of
                                              In 2001, he became head of the national    contributed significantly to the revolution
Sassari in 1989. He started his medical
                                              referral centre for congenital muscular    in the field of SMA therapy that has
career in the Department of Child
                                              dystrophy at Hammersmith Hospital.         taken place in recent years, transforming
Neuropsychiatry at the University
                                                                                         a very serious and fatal disease into a
Hospital of Cagliari.
                                              He was head of the Developmental           treatable condition. His collaborations
He has worked in the UK since 1993, where
                                              Neuroscience   Programme      at           with colleagues in the UK, Europe, USA

and Australia have made it possible to            Francesco Muntoni’s incessant research
identify over 30 genes responsible for            activity has resulted in over 600 peer-
neuromuscular diseases. Overall, Professor        reviewed publications and his work has a
Muntoni’s work has been shaped by his             very high impact (he has an H-index of 127).
strong interest in clinical aspects, which        Professor Muntoni is a member of
are both the starting point and the ultimate      numerous scientific societies including the
target of his pathogenetic, molecular and         European Paediatric Neurological Society
deep phenotyping studies, but he never            (EPNS) and the World Muscle Society
lost sight of how the evolution of scientific     (WMS), as well as many professional
knowledge can impact patients and their           bodies, and since 1996 has held prestigious
expectations.                                     institutional roles. Between 1994 and 2017,
Professor        Muntoni       is    currently    he was the recipient of nine scientific
participating in 17 funded studies (as PI         awards.
in 12 of them and Co-PI in another two),          Alongside his scientific work, which
mainly focusing on clinical aspects, the          includes the supervision of high-calibre
study of biomarkers, and the development          researchers engaged in scientific research
of therapies for DMD and SMA. They                in the field of neuromuscular disease, he
include, in particular, the over six-             also boasts great clinical expertise. The
million-pound BIND (Brain Involvement             centre he directs sees more than 2,000
in Dystrophinopathies) project, and a             children affected by neuromuscular
2.4-million-euro project focusing on              diseases each year, and is therefore an
multisystemic aspects of SMA.                     essential point of reference for many
He also sits on the editorial boards of various   clinicians wishing to specialise in this
journals devoted to neuropaediatrics and          field, and for researchers interested in
neuromuscular disorders.                          investigating pathogenetic aspects of
                                                  neuromuscular disease.

Background to the conference

The starting point and inspiration      into effective therapeutic strate-       treatment of hereditary disorders.
for the scientific programme is the     gies, highlighting the existence of      In the afternoon session, lectures
lecture by Prof. Muntoni, who will      conceptual and methodological dif-       will cover four neurological disease
explain how, in recent years, trans-    ficulties that remain hard to over-      types (frontotemporal dementia,
lational research has managed to        come.                                    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, met-
find a cure for spinal muscular atro-   The     conference    will   highlight   abolic diseases, and Parkinson’s
phy, an extremely severe genetic        recent advances, unmet needs, and        disease), focusing on their genetic
disease that was long consid-           future perspectives in the quest for     basis, pathogenetic mechanisms,
ered incurable. This was achieved       novel therapeutic strategies, look-      and most importantly, on cur-
through a combination of deep phe-      ing at key examples in the fields of     rent and novel therapeutic per-
notyping, better understanding of       paediatric and adult inherited neu-      spectives, whose development,
the disease pathogenesis, and the       rological disorders. Prof. Muntoni’s     although still conditioned by criti-
development of innovative tech-         lecture will be followed by two gen-     calities and difficulties, is destined
nologies aimed at correcting the        eral lectures, the first dealing with    to change the natural history of
underlying gene defect. Research        the difficulties in designing clinical   these still incurable conditions.
into other dramatic neuromuscu-         trials in rare diseases (especially
lar diseases, such as Duchenne          those of childhood), and the second
muscular dystrophy, on the other        providing an overview of innovative
hand, has not yet been translated       technologies for the diagnosis and


 8.45 Registration and welcome coffee                   CONFERENCE

 9.30 Greetings from the Authorities                    session i
                                                        Renato Borgatti (Pavia)
       XXXII OTTORINO ROSSI AWARD                       Stefania Corti (Milan)

 9.40 Presentation of the Winner                11.20   Why is so difficult to design trials
      Angela Berardinelli (Pavia)                       in childhood rare diseases?
                                                        Eugenio M. Mercuri (Rome)
      Lecture by the Winner
      Lesson learned from novel therapies for   12.00   New technologies in the diagnosis
      childhood neuromuscolar disorders                 and treatment of inherited neurological
10.00 Francesco Muntoni (UCL, London)                   disorders
                                                        Enza Maria Valente (Pavia)
11.00 Award ceremony
      Francesco Svelto (Pavia)                  12.40   Discussion
      Roberto Bergamaschi (Pavia)
                                                13.00   Lunch


           session ii                                  16.00 Similarities and differences between
           Chairpersons:                                     genetic and pharmacological models
           Stefano Cappa (Pavia)                             of Parkinson's disease: pathophysiological
           Barbara Garavaglia (Milan)                        implications
                                                             Antonio Pisani (Pavia)
    14.00 Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia:
          from pathogenic mechanisms to disease        16.40 Discussion
          modifying drugs
          Daniela Galimberti (Milan)                   17.00 Concluding Remarks

    14.40 Strategies for gene therapy in Amyotrophic          Scientific Supervisor
          Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)                             Roberto Bergamaschi, Scientific Director
          Vincenzo Silani (Milan)                             IRCCS Mondino Foundation (Pavia)

                                                              Scientific Committee
    15.20 Gene therapy for inborn errors
                                                              Angela Berardinelli, Alfredo Costa, Luca Diamanti
          of metabolism                                       Claudio Pacchetti, Cristina Tassorelli (Pavia)
          Nicola Brunetti-Pierri (Naples)

Speakers and Chairpersons

Angela BERARDINELLI                          Stefania CORTI                             Francesco MUNTONI
Research Unit of Neuromuscular               Neuroscience Unit, University of Milan     Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre,
Diseases of Childhood and Adolescence,       and IRCCS Ca 'Granda Foundation,           University College London (UCL, London)
IRCCS Mondino Foundation                     Polyclinic Hospital (Milan)
                                                                                        Antonio PISANI
Roberto BERGAMASCHI                          Daniela GALIMBERTI                         Research Centre of Movement Disorders,
Scientifc Director IRCCS Mondino             Neurology-Neurodegenerative Diseases       IRCCS Mondino Foundation (Pavia) and
Foundation (Pavia)                           Unit, University of Milan and IRCCS Ca     University of Pavia
                                             'Granda Foundation, Polyclinic Hospital
Renato BORGATTI                              (Milan)                                    Vincenzo SILANI
IRCCS Mondino Foundation (Pavia)                                                        Departiment of Neurology
and University of Pavia;                     Barbara GARAVAGLIA                         and Neuroscience Laboratory,
                                             Genetics of Movement Disorders             IRCCS Auxologico Italian Institute (Milan)
Nicola BRUNETTI-PIERRI                       and Energy Metabolism Disorders,           and University of Milan
Department of Translational Medical          IRCCS Carlo Besta Neurological Institute
Sciences, University of Naples Federico II   Foundation (Milan)                         Francesco SVELTO
                                                                                        President IRCCS Mondino Foundation
Stefano CAPPA                                Eugenio M. MERCURI                         (Pavia) and Rector of the University
IRCCS Mondino Foundation (Pavia)             Department of Women's and Child Health     of Pavia
and IUSS (Pavia)                             and Public Health Sciences, IRCCS
                                             Gemelli University Hospital, Catholic      Enza Maria VALENTE
                                             University (Rome)                          Neurogenetic Research Center,
                                                                                        IRCCS Mondino Foundation (Pavia)
                                                                                        and University of Pavia

General information

Accreditamento ECM-CPD                                                                                 Other information

Provider IRCCS Fondazione Mondino n. 5467.         Chi partecipa da remoto, per ottenere i crediti     Training office
Obiettivi formativi tecnico-professionali n. 18:   formativi dovrà:
                                                                                                       Silvia Molinari
Contenuti tecnico-professionali (conoscenze        1) partecipare all’intero programma;
e competenze) specifici di ciascuna profes-                                                            IRCCS Mondino Foundation (Pavia)
                                                   2) collegarsi con il proprio account (non colle-
sione, di ciascuna specializzazione e di cia-      garsi con account di altri);                        formazione.informazione@mondino.it
scuna attività ultraspecialistica ivi incluse le   3) rimanere collegato fino al termine di ogni       ecm@mondino.it
malattie rare e la medicina di genere.             incontro (la piattaforma traccia la presenza e
                                                   il tempo di collegamento);                          Organizing secretariat
Sono stati preassegnati n. 6 crediti ECM-CPD       4) rispondere correttamente all’80% delle           Bquadro congressi srl
per le seguenti figure professionali:              domande previste dal test di apprendimento          eventi@bquadro-congressi.it
• Medico Chirurgo (Biochimica clinica, Epide-
                                                   e compilare la customer satisfaction, entram-
  miologia, Farmacologia e tossicologia clini-
                                                   bi disponibili online anche per chi partecipa in    Press office
  ca, Genetica medica, Laboratorio di gene-
                                                   presenza (i rispettivi link saranno inviati tra-    Echo arte e comunicazione
  tica medica, Igiene, epidemiologia e sanità
                                                   mite e-mail).                                       francesca.monza@echo.pv.it
  pubblica, Medicina generale-medici di fami-
  glia, Medicina interna, Neurofisiopatologia,                                                         armando.barone@echo.pv.it
  Neurologia, Neuropsichiatria infantile, Neu-     A chi partecipa all’evento da remoto, sarà in-
  roradiologia, Patologia clinica-laboratorio di   viato il link tramite e-mail (piattaforma Goo-
                                                   gle Meet).                                          Registration Participants,
  analisi chimico-cliniche e microbiologia)                                                            Speakers and Chairpersons
• Assistente Sanitario
                                                   Indipendentemente dai crediti formativi, al         Entrance from Via Magenes
• Biologo
• Chimico                                          termine dell’incontro sarà possibile richie-
• Farmacista (farmacia ospedaliera)                dere il certificato di frequenza scrivendo a
• Infermiere                                       ecm@mondino.it.
• Infermiere pediatrico
• Psicologo (Psicologia, Psicoterapia)             L’iscrizione, gratuita, è obbligatoria al seguen-
• Tecnico Sanitario di Laboratorio Biomedico       te link: http://corsi.mondino.it/corsi_list.php

Under the patronage of

                          Società Italiana di Neuropsichiatria
                            dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza

                                                            ITALIAN SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE

With the unconditional support of

                                                                                               IRCCS Fondazione Mondino
                                                                                               Istituto Neurologico Nazionale
                                                                                               a Carattere Scientifico IRCCS

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