Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB

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Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB
Winter 2021

                 Educational courses & events
                           for adults age 50+

Learn for
the joy of it!

Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB
2        Winter 2021 ּ Membership

Learn for the joy of it.
Take non-credit, university-level         Membership
courses with other mature                 •   $75 annual membership fee,
learners and experience all the               includes a parking permit
joy of learning, but without the
                                          •   Choose as many courses as you
grades, tests, or homework.
                                              like and pay by the course
A wide variety of courses are
                                          •   Enjoy a variety of fun events,
offered each quarter, including
topics in the arts and                        trips, and university activities
humanities, natural sciences,             •   Most courses are held once a
and social sciences. You may                  week for either six or three
also enjoy our educational trips              weeks
and shared interest groups. OLLI
is engaging, interesting, and fun!        Is cost a concern? Contact us for
                                          more information.

                                          OLLI membership offers you opportunities to:
                                          •   Continue learning: You’re never too old to learn. Explore a wide
        Table of Contents                     variety of topics as you engage intellectually, challenge your thinking,
                                              and build your knowledge.
Membership....................... 2
                                          •   Participate in interesting activities: Become part of a dynamic
Member Events.................. 3             learning community that is full of diversity, insight, wisdom, and
                                              intellectual stimulation. Enjoy lively conversations, share opinions,
One-Week Courses ............ 4
                                              and discover new ideas.
Six-Week Courses............... 7
                                          •   Meet new people: Meet and mingle with mature adults who share
Three-Week Courses........ 10                 your interests and those with very different perspectives. You’ll build
                                              new and rewarding friendships.
Shared Interest Groups .... 13
                                          For more information: 909-537-8270 or olli@csusb.edu
Donate ............................. 14
Online Learning ................ 15
                                          Learn more about OLLI membership: csusb.edu/OLLI/membership
Registration Form ............ 16         Join or renew now: csusb.edu/OLLI/join

Meet the OLLI Staff
                      Johnna                                         Debbi
                      Norris                                         Vesey

                      Program                                        Administrative
                      Coordinator                                    Assistant
                      909-537-8270                                   909-537-8121
johnna.norris@csusb.edu                            debra.vesey@csusb.edu
Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB
Member Events 3

Join us for these fun member events.
Until further notice, all member events will meet online via Zoom. Please register in advance. You will receive
the link to join the event via email a few days prior to the event. These events are free to OLLI members.

The C-Change Primer: A Non-Partisan Introduction to Climate Change
Tuesday, November 17
3:00 p.m.

The C-Change Primer is a non-partisan overview of the science behind climate change and a clear-eyed
assessment of the potential risks ahead. It frames climate change in terms of jobs and the economy, health
and personal security, and geopolitical security. The presentation answers the questions most Americans
have about climate change, such as: How do we know climate change is real and is caused by humans? What
is the scientific consensus? What are the dangers? Is there hope?

                 Sue Anderson’s Retirement Celebration
                 Friday, December 4
                 2:00 p.m.

                 Zoom in to help us wish Sue all the best in her retirement.
                 Watch your email for more information.

Coffee Hour                            Happy Hour                              Happy Hour
Tuesday, January 19                    Wednesday, January 20                   Wednesday, February 17
9-10 a.m.                              3:00 p.m.                               3:00 p.m.
Interview with Larry Fox               What I’m Watching at Home               Rhythm & Rubato in Music
                                       with Dale Knorr                         with Tim Kopf
Please join us for coffee and some
fun, friendly conversation. This       Many members know of Dale’s             Back by popular demand! Join us
coffee hour will feature a lively      fabulous documentary and                for this fun and educational
discussion with long-time OLLI         international film classes. Over        lecture & performance program
instructor and member, Larry Fox.      the past few months, Dale has           that explores the yin and yang of
Larry has a fascinating                discovered some exceptional             musical tension and release. Tim
background and is a man of many        new online resources. Zoom in           is delightful, talented, and skilled
interests. Zoom in to learn more       to learn more about Dale’s              on many instruments. He was an
about Larry, see some old              recommendations for fun, free,          award-winning orchestra
acquaintances, and make some           educational programming that            conductor and has performed
new OLLI friends. We hope to see       you can enjoy from the comfort          with orchestras in Lincoln Center
you.                                   and safety of your own home.            and the Kennedy Center.

Register by mail: complete the attached registration form
Register online: csusb.edu/OLLI/events
Register by phone: 909-537-8270 or 909-537-8121
Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB
4      Winter 2021 ּ One-Week Courses

      One-Week Courses                All winter courses will meet online via Zoom. You will receive the
          $10 each                    link to join the course via email a few days prior to the first class.

Two Historic Institutions: The        How America's Judges                  Titanic’s Lost Sister
Royal & the Smithsonian               Really Make Their Decisions           Cash Baxter, MFA
David Haas, PhD                       Charles Schudson, JD                  Tuesday, January 12
Monday, January 11                    Monday, January 11                    10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.                 1:00-3:00 p.m.
                                                                            Join us as we dive to the ocean
The Royal Institution of Great        Go behind the bench with Judge        depths with Titanic discoverer, Bob
Britain was founded in 1799 as a      Schudson to probe judicial minds      Ballard, as his team of historians
forum for making science available    analyzing actual trials and           and a shipload of high-tech
to the public. It provides daily      sentencings, including abortion       equipment search for Titanic's
lectures and events primarily for     protesters, murderers, sex            twin, the HMHS Britannic. The
journalists to learn about current    predators, white supremacists,        most luxurious of its line, the
science and research. Now a           and others. Hear judges forging       Britannic sank only four years after
science museum in London, it          appellate decisions about life and    Titanic in half the time. Why did
remains committed to scientific       death, corporate crime,               Britannic's safety installations fail
education and research. The           multimillion-dollar damages, and      to operate? Was it felled by a
Smithsonian Institution, also         priceless civil rights. Look at the   malicious torpedo attack or did it
known simply as the Smithsonian,      financial, political, personal, and   hit a mine? And what kind of shape
is a trust instrument of the United   professional pressures                is the majestic steamer in now?
States composed as a group of         threatening judicial integrity like   Come and learn more about this
museums and research centers. It      never before. This course will        fascinating story.
was founded on August 10, 1846,       appeal to scholars, lawyers and
                                                                            About the Instructor
"for the increase and diffusion of    judges, and all citizens concerned
knowledge." Come explore these        about judicial independence and       Cash is a fine arts painter, art
two historic institutions in          the future of America’s courts.       historian, and world traveler. He is
comparison with one another.                                                an award-winning, internationally
                                      About the Instructor                  acclaimed Broadway producer/NY
About the Instructor                  Charles is a Wisconsin Reserve        director whose career in show
David earned his BA in physics and    Judge Emeritus, an adjunct            business spans 40 years. Chosen by
PhD in biophysics in protein          professor of law, and president of    Richard Rodgers to direct two
crystallography and molecular         Keynote Seminars, LLC. A              Japanese productions of The Sound
biology at the State University of    graduate of Dartmouth College         of Music, Cash was awarded the
New York at Buffalo. He helped        and the University of Wisconsin       Chunichi Theatre Award, the
design some of the first airport      Law School, he served as a state      Japanese equivalent of Broadway’s
security X-ray systems in the         and federal prosecutor, a             Tony Award. He founded the
1970s. David and his wife, Sandra,    Wisconsin Circuit Court judge,        Musical Theatre Workshop at
later formed Temtec Inc., which       and a Wisconsin Court of Appeals      Southern Illinois University and
developed and manufactured high-      judge. Schudson has authored          was artist-in-residence at
tech visitor and temporary IDs. Dr.   hundreds of published appellate       universities in New York, Illinois,
Haas is the author of the book,       opinions and other works              Ohio, Massachusetts, California,
Personal Identification: Its Modern   including On Trial: America’s         and Texas. Cash has been teaching
Development and Security              Courts and Their Treatment of         at the Osher Institute since 2004.
Implications, He and Sandra have      Sexually Abused Children and
more than 80 patents to their         Independence Corrupted: How
credit.                               America’s Judges Make Their
                                      Decisions, which was nominated
                                      for the National Book Award.
Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB
One-Week Courses 5

                   Register by mail: complete the attached registration form
                   Register online: csusb.edu/OLLI/courses
                   Questions? Call us at: 909-537-8270 or 909-537-8121

A Refugee Child in 1940               Saving Money on                      Darwin’s Errors
America                               Prescription Drugs                   Larry Fox, MBA
Ruth Lindemann, BBA                   Harry Schaffner, JD                  Wednesday, January 13
Tuesday, January 12                   Wednesday, January 13                1:00-3:00 p.m.
1:00-2:30 p.m.                        10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
                                                                           Come explore the fabulous story
Come learn about the first-hand       Come learn four different ways to    about what Darwin got wrong and
experiences of a Jewish refugee       access prescription medications      what he couldn’t have known in
child in 1940 America. Ruth will      more wisely. Explore getting         his day and age. Undergraduate
share her reflections of a time       prescriptions through mail order,    science students now know how
when most Americans, including        driving to Mexico to purchase        species originated and mutated.
teachers, had no experience with      prescriptions, the company           More advanced scientists have a
people who did not speak English      GoodRx, and drug foundations         refined theory about when and
and were not educated on the          that specialize in paying            where the first life form
customs and traditions of her         prescription medication copays       originated. This non-technical,
culture. As a seven-year-old child,   for those who qualify.               fun, and lively story examines life
Ruth was equally unaware of           Comparisons between these four       at its starting point.
many American customs. Hear           options will be presented as they    About the Instructor
amusing and educational stories       apply to widely-used medications
                                                                           Larry founded and managed a
from those times as Ruth              for seniors. Discuss how these
                                                                           private equity group that
wandered the streets of               options may help seniors pay for
                                                                           purchased controlling interests in
Washington, D.C. unattended and       the high cost of branded
                                                                           a number of notable companies.
discovered the marvelous              medications, and how to take
                                                                           When he retired from business, he
wonders of this strange, new          advantage of these programs.
                                                                           was appointed professor of
world.                                About the Instructor                 finance in the Kellogg School of
About the Instructor                  Harry is a litigation attorney who   Management at Northwestern
Ruth was born in Vienna, Austria,     has resided in the Coachella         University. Larry plays bridge and
and lived for two years under the     Valley for 14 years. He was          loves nature, contemporary art,
fascist Nazi regime before arriving   named Lawyer of the Year from        the movies, non-fiction books,
in the United States in 1940. She     the county bar in 1999, has          1950s rock & roll, and the hard
served on the speaker’s bureau        presented over 50 law seminars,      sciences.
for the Holocaust Resource Center     served as an adjunct law
in Portland, Oregon, for 35 years     professor at Northwestern
and has been a lecturer at the        University, and has taught at the
Tolerance Education Center in         University of Illinois High School
Rancho Mirage for the past ten        for the Gifted. Harry’s goal is to
years. Ruth has also published two    help people get the benefits that
books: To Survive Is Not Enough       are available to them, benefits
Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB
6      Winter 2021 ּ One-Week Courses

All winter courses will meet online via Zoom. You will receive the link to join the course via email a
few days prior to the first class.

More About the Drugs in                Doctor Zhivago: A Poet for             Writing a Legacy Letter
Your Life                              All Seasons                            Jay Sherwin, JD
Fred Abramson, PhD                     Bernard Epps, MFA                      Friday, January 15
Thursday, January 14                   Thursday, January 14                   10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.                  1:00-4:00 p.m.
                                                                              This workshop is designed to
This course will cover drugs used to   Nominated for ten Academy              introduce the concept of legacy
alleviate pain, including narcotics,   Awards and winner of five, Dr.         letters and to encourage you to
anticoagulants, and a whole            Zhivago (1965) tells the epic story    craft your own legacy document. A
spectrum of drugs that work on the     of doctor/poet, Yuri Zhivago           legacy letter, or ethical will, is a
brain. We will explore drugs used      (Omar Sharif), and the great love      brief written document that allows
to treat depression, anxiety, sleep    of his life, Lara (Julie Christie),    you to share your life lessons,
disorders, Alzheimer's, migraines,     against the backdrop of the            express your values, and transmit
and more. Learn how these drugs        Russian Revolution. Directed by        your blessings to future
work, their limitations, and their     David Lean, the film features a        generations. Writing one is a
costs, and why your physician          stellar cast and memorable score       rewarding experience that creates
might prescribe one or the other.      by Maurice Jarre. This course will     an enduring gift for children,
This is a continuation and             provide a recorded introduction        grandchildren, and other loved
expansion of last year's course,       to the film prior to class, then you   ones. The workshop includes
though you can take this course        rent and watch the film                discussion and brief writing
without having attended last year’s    independently in whole or in part      exercises, and offers advice and a
course.                                via a streaming service of your        model structure to help you
About the Instructor                   choice. On class day, we will meet     organize your thoughts and start
                                       online at 1 p.m. for an analysis       writing.
Dr. Abramson received his BA in
                                       and discussion of the first half of    About the Instructor
chemistry from Western Reserve
                                       the film and again at 3 p.m. for an
University in 1962 and his PhD in                                             Jay created the Life Reflections
                                       analysis and wrap-up of the
chemistry from The Ohio State                                                 Project to educate people about
                                       entire film. Separate film rental
University in 1965. After two years                                           legacy letters, ethical wills, and
                                       fee is approximately $4.
of postdoctoral experience and five                                           other legacy documents. He has
years in industry, he joined the       About the Instructor                   practiced law, worked with
pharmacology department at the         Butch received his MFA degree          charitable foundations, served as a
George Washington University           from the UCLA Department of            philanthropy consultant and a
School of Medicine in 1972 and         Film and Television’s                  hospital chaplain. He has extensive
retired after 31 years on the          Independent Producers Program          experience teaching and facilitating
faculty. He holds a long-term          where he focused on story              online learning programs, including
interest in transmitting science to    development and working with           recent presentations for six other
the general population.                screenwriters. He served as the        OLLI programs.
                                       academic liaison to high profile
                                       faculty, including studio heads,
                                       development executives, and
                                       others. More recently, Butch has
                                       been teaching film appreciation
                                       courses while developing a book
                                       on Orson Welles’s Mercury
                                       Production of Citizen Kane.
Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB
One Week & Six-Week Courses 7

                                            Six-Week Courses
                                                $50 each

Introduction to Reiki                 Bohemian Greenwich                    How Music Reflects Culture
Debbi Vesey, RMT, MA                  Village                               Gordon Williams, BM
Friday, January 15                    Barry Schoenfeld, BA                  Mondays, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
1:00-3:00 p.m.                        Mondays, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.        Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, Mar. 1
                                      Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, Mar. 1
Reiki is a powerful method for                                              How does music reflect the
directing universal life force        In the early twentieth century,       outlook of its host culture?
energy for support, protection,       New York City’s original home of      Explore non-western traditions
and healing. It is available to       poets and peasants was                such as Indian and Indonesian
anyone in order to improve the        Greenwich Village. This refuge        music, and consider how the
health of all living things, intend   for artists and free thinkers         songs of Native Americans,
the most positive outcome of          provided cheap quarters which         Australia Aborigines and the
situations, and promote peace         allowed bohemians to escape the       Melanesians of Papua New
and harmony. This course will         dreary, industrial world and live a   Guinea reconcile the people to
cover reiki’s history and how it      penniless, enlightened lifestyle.     their landscape. We will also look
can be used to improve the            However, a new subway                 at how various western genres
quality of life for you, your loved   extension commercialized the          reflect different beliefs. This
ones, your pets, and more.            borough and rent prices rose          course will consider the words of
About the Instructor                  rapidly. The bohemians fled, and      songs and their relationship to
                                      the Village turned into a ghost of    other musical elements.
Debbi is a lifelong learner who is    its once thriving and authentic
interested in topics such as                                                About the Instructor
                                      community. Come learn about
permaculture, native plants,          this distinct time in New York        Gordon has worked as a senior
alternative healing methods, and      City’s history.                       programmer and editor of
spiritual health. She received her                                          publications for Australia’s six
Reiki Master Teacher designation      About the Instructor                  symphony orchestras. His writing
in 2015. Debbi also earned a BS in    Barry has over 20 years of            credits include Journey to
business and an MA in education.      experience in advertising,            Horseshoe Bend with composer
She is the current administrative     marketing, strategic planning,        Andrew Schultz, a narration for
assistant for the OLLI program at     and business development. He is       Beethoven’s Egmont music, and
CSUSB.                                familiar with the social media        new dialogue for the first
                                      that shape and influence              Australian opera, 1847’s Don John
                                      contemporary communications.          of Austria. For the Adelaide
                                      His clients have included             Symphony Orchestra, he
                                      American Express, Walmart,            produced Music is our Culture, the
                                      Trader Joe's, Toyota, NY/NY           first work for symphony orchestra
                                      Hotel & Casino, Samsung, and          by Indigenous Australians. He has
                                      Eastern Airlines. Barry founded       been the Los Angeles reviewer for
                                      The California Community of           OperaWire, teaches at the Osher
                                      Men on Facebook, which now            Lifelong Learning Institute at
                                      boasts over 11,000 members. He        UCLA, and has given pre-concert
                                      received his bachelor’s degree        talks at Sydney Opera House.
                                      from Cornell University and is an
                                      opera lover and a practicing
                                      Buddhist. His interests include
                                      photography, archaeology, and
Learn for the joy of it! - Winter 2021 January-March Educational courses & events for adults age 50+ - CSUSB
8       Winter 2021 ּ Six-Week Courses

All winter courses will meet online via Zoom. You will receive the link to join the course via email a
few days prior to the first class.

Does Education Really Equal           Theism, Atheism &                     The Men of Ballet
Opportunity?                          Agnosticism                           Barry Schoenfeld, BA
Larry Fox, MBA                        Ken Zanca, PhD                        Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.       Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m.              Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3
Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23, Mar. 2    Jan. 26, Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23, Mar. 2
                                                                            Ballet is one of the most beautiful
We should long since have             If you have taken a position on       art forms, but when most people
reached consensus on how to           the question of whether or not        hear the word ballet, they imagine
increase opportunity through          God exists, you have already          elegant women in tutus. However,
education and should have long        considered the philosophy of          there are just as many male ballet
since taken the steps to make it      religion. This course will examine    dancers who deserve the spotlight
happen. The facts and methods         the underpinnings for theism,         and recognition. This course will
to increase opportunity through       atheism, and agnosticism, and         explore a little about the training
education are widely known, but       will critically evaluate each one.    and commitment required for this
not incorporated into current         No matter where you stand on          art form and will explore the rich
policies and programs, many of        this question, we can all benefit     history of male ballet dancers from
which have been largely               from periodic review and re-          Nijinsky to Nureyev to Baryshnikov
unchanged since Victorian times.      examination of basic assumptions      to Polunin to Vasiliev, including
The result is that our educational    regarding these religious             videos from over a hundred years of
achievement under-performs            philosophies.                         stunning performances from all over
almost all advanced countries at      About the Instructor                  the world.
every level. We have fewer skills,                                          About the Instructor
fewer facts, and sometimes an         Originally from New York, Dr.
undeserved self-confidence.           Zanca has lived in California since   Barry has over 20 years of
What to do is straight-forward,       1985. He is professor emeritus at     experience in advertising,
pragmatic, and, with broad            Marymount California University,      marketing, strategic planning, and
commitment, not terribly hard.        where he taught philosophy and        business development. He is familiar
Together, let's develop that          religious studies for over thirty     with the social media that shape and
mutual commitment to future           years. Kenneth has authored           influence contemporary
generations.                          many books and articles,              communications. His clients have
                                      including an introduction to          included American Express,
About the Instructor                  ethics textbook, How to Arrive at     Walmart, Trader Joe's, Toyota, NY/
Larry founded and managed a           a Considered Opinion.                 NY Hotel & Casino, Samsung, and
private equity group that                                                   Eastern Airlines. Barry founded The
purchased controlling interests in                                          California Community of Men on
a number of notable companies.                                              Facebook, which now boasts over
When he retired from business,              REFER A FRIEND                  11,000 members. He received his
he was appointed professor of                                               bachelor’s degree from Cornell
finance in the Kellogg School of                                            University and is an opera lover and
Management at Northwestern           Current members, refer a new           a practicing Buddhist. His interests
University. Larry plays bridge and   member and you receive a               include photography,
loves nature, contemporary art,      voucher for one free course!           archaeology, and travel.
the movies, non-fiction books,
1950s rock & roll, and the hard      Learn more:
sciences.                            csusb.edu/OLLI/membership
Six-Week Courses 9

                    Register by mail: complete the attached registration form
                    Register online: csusb.edu/OLLI/courses
                    Questions? Call us at: 909-537-8270 or 909-537-8121

Engaged Buddhism Today                Winston Churchill: Soldier of          Love & the Cold War in Film
Michael McDonald, PhD                 Freedom                                Bernard Epps, MFA
Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m.            Kevin Peterson, MA                     Thursdays, 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3   Thursdays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.       Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, Mar. 4
                                      Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, Mar. 4
Modern Buddhism has evolved                                                  During the Cold War, lies, deceits,
from passive meditation. Now,         In the summer of 1940, most of         and betrayals were standard
many Buddhist teachers focus on       Europe lay prostrate under the         tradecraft in the murky world of
social engagement and offer           brutal conquest of Nazi Germany.       intrigue between rival
practical advice for dealing with     Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland,      superpowers. These qualities can
psychological stress or problems      Hungary, Romania, and France           be rough on personal
such as anger, frustration, and       had all surrendered to Hitler's jack   relationships, especially between
grief. This course begins with        -booted legions. In Western            men and women. Let’s talk about
Thich Nhat Hanh exploring his         Europe, only fascist Spain and         the Cold War and learn how rough
expertise in teaching, poetry, and    Great Britain remained                 it was as depicted in the following
meditation, and will also focus on    independent. If Britain were to        films: The Third Man (1949), The
select ideas from the Dalai Lama,     survive, it would need a leader        Spy Who Came in From The Cold
Pema Chodron, Jack Kornfield,         who would embody all of the old-       (1966), Topaz (1969), Seven Days
and other modern Buddhist             fashioned virtues of courage,          in May (1964), The Lives of Others
teachers. Emphasis will be on the     patriotism, and the love of            (2006), and The Russia House
practical help psycho-spiritual       freedom, and who would be as           (1990). We will meet online via
pointers can give us in our           ruthless as Hitler, but for a better   Zoom for an introduction of the
common quest to find peace and        cause. That man, if he existed,        film, then you rent and watch the
satisfaction in life.                 would be Britain's last hope.          film independently via the
About the Instructor                  Fortunately, in London, there was      streaming service of your choice.
                                      such a man.                            After the film, rejoin us for a
Dr. McDonald received his PhD in                                             discussion of each film's topic and
philosophy from the University of     About the Instructor
                                                                             issues. Separate film rental fees
Hawaii in 1995, and specializes in    After a career of over 30 years in
                                                                             are approximately $25 total.
the study of Plato and Chinese        investment banking, Kevin has
philosophy. He maintained a           chosen to return to his other          About the Instructor
business career and taught classes    great interest, the study and          Butch received his MFA degree
in Chinese thought, philosophy,       teaching of history. Kevin has         from the UCLA Department of
and religion at Prescott College in   been an instructor with OLLI since     Film and Television’s Independent
Arizona, the University of            2017, and in that time has taught      Producers Program where he
Redlands, and California State        courses on Abraham Lincoln,            focused on story development
University in San Bernardino. He      George Washington, Dwight              and working with screenwriters.
also teaches as a tutor for Mirus     Eisenhower, and the history of         He served as the academic liaison
Secondary Schools.                    American foreign policy. Prior to      to high profile faculty, including
                                      that, he was an instructor for OLLI    studio heads, development
                                      at the University of Utah. Kevin       executives, and others. More
                                      has a bachelor’s degree in history,    recently, Butch has been teaching
                                      a master’s degree in political         film appreciation courses while
                                      science, and has done graduate         developing a book on Orson
                                      work at the doctoral level in          Welles’s Mercury Production of
                                      political science.                     Citizen Kane.
10     Winter 2021 ּ Six-Week & Three-Week Courses

                                                                                   Three-Week Courses
                                                                                        $30 each

Current Events Discussion               Governmental Connections              Tips for Healthy Aging
Group                                   & Contrasts: U.K. & U.S.              Barbara Appelbaum, MBA, MAT
Lara Bloomquist, JD                     Arlette Poland, JD, PhD               Mondays, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Fridays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.          Fridays, 1:00-3:00 p.m.               March 8, 15, 22
Jan. 29, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar. 5     Jan. 29, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar. 5
                                                                              Aging is inevitable, but how you
You have a right to your opinion        What, if anything, does our           age is not. It's never too late to
about the news and this is the          constitutional law have to do with    start caring for yourself because
course to express it. Or, you can sit   how English Parliament works?         everything you do over the course
back and listen to others voice         This course will delve into the       of your life contributes to your
their thoughts. Each week the class     English Parliamentary system to       aging. Healthy aging consists of
covers the hot topics of the day        trace how it might have               two components working
based on articles from The New          impacted, influenced, or inspired     collectively: physical and mental
York Times, the Los Angeles Times,      the formation of the United           well-being. By keeping these
The Wall Street Journal, The New        States constitutional law system.     optimized, you can stave off age-
Yorker, The New Republic, The           By reviewing how the English          related diseases and live your best
Economist, Time magazine and            Parliament system works, and by       life in your senior years. Come
many more. You will be alerted in       comparing and contrasting that        explore an integrative approach to
advance of class which articles will    system with our own, a better         medicine, nutrition, fitness, and
drive the week's discussions. All       understanding of the evolution of     spirituality. Learn to stay strong
thoughtfully delivered points of        the United States constitutional      mentally and physically to actively
view are encouraged and will be         law system can be achieved.           pursue all that life has to offer.
respected because different             About the Instructor                  About the Instructor
opinions spark engaging
discussions.                            Dr. Poland is a retired lawyer        Barbara is an engaging speaker,
                                        turned theologian and professor.      author, wellness coach, and
About the Instructor                    She holds a BS in political science   consultant. She offers strategies to
As an attorney, former prosecutor,      from UC Berkeley, an MA in            recognize resilience in order to live
and criminal justice instructor, Lara   religion from Claremont School of     well as we age. She has published
has had a long professional and         Theology, an MA in ethical            two books, Be Your Own
personal interest in civic and social   leadership from Claremont             Superhero (2018) and Live in
issues. She headed the Domestic         Lincoln University, a JD from San     Wellness Now (2013), and is
Violence Division of the Los            Francisco Law School, and a PhD       recognized as an expert in the
Angeles City Attorney’s office, was     in philosophy of religion from        growing field of integrative
named Woman Prosecutor of the           Claremont Graduate University.        wellness. By combining healthy
Year by the League of Women             She has been teaching at the          living, spirituality, and
Prosecutors, and was selected by        college level since 1999 and          neuroscience principles, Barbara
the L.A. County Bar Association to      lecturing with OLLI since 2005.       aims to help people understand
be the recipient of their Prosecutor    Her areas of specialty based on       how to be proactive in their health
of the Year award. Lara has been        her PhD include Buddhism,             care versus reactionary in their
active in many social, political, and   Judaism, science and religion, and    sick care.
judicial issues that drive today’s      world religions.
Register by mail: complete the attached registration form
Register online: csusb.edu/OLLI/courses
Questions? Call us at: 909-537-8270 or 909-537-8121
Three-Week Courses 11

All winter courses will meet online via Zoom. You will receive the link to join the course via email a
few days prior to the first class.

Making the Music Dance                  Normality & Terror: Life in               Digging Deep: Health &
Again                                   Nazi Germany                              Medicine
Cash Baxter, MFA                        Anette Isaacs, MA                         Fred Abramson, PhD
Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.         Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m.                  Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
March 9, 16, 23                         March 9, 16, 23                           March 10, 17, 24

Choreography is the art of              Seventy-five years after the end          This course will examine various
devising dances. Masterful              of World War II, most of today’s          contemporary questions such as:
choreographers invite us to be          research on Nazi Germany is               What’s the story about stem cells?
transmitted to exotic and exciting      focused on its system of terror           How dangerous are environmental
places in live theatre, as well as in   that ultimately led to the death          pollutants like endocrine
motion pictures. This course is an      and destruction of millions of            disruptors? Should you be
affectionate look at two of the         people. By looking at various             concerned about conditions like
greatest masters, Fred Astaire and      societal paradigms, such as               prediabetes and prehypertension?
Bob Fosse. The “enchanted               education, employment, cultural           What are therapeutic potentials of
evenings,” in which these two           expression, and the role of               illicit drugs like LSD, Ecstasy, and
remarkable dancers created and          women, this course will present           psilocybin? For each topic, the
performed their magic, take us          fascinating insights into how the         background, discoveries, and
from Vaudeville to Broadway,            German people were oscillating            evaluation of risks and benefits will
movies to television, and changed       between normality and terror,             be presented.
the way the world of dance is           and how the Nazis were able to            About the Instructor
perceived.                              turn Germany into a brutal and
                                        horrific dictatorship.                    Dr. Abramson received his BA in
About the Instructor                                                              chemistry from Western Reserve
Cash is a fine arts painter, art        About the Instructor                      University in 1962 and his PhD in
historian, and world traveler. He is    Anette is a German historian and          chemistry from The Ohio State
an award-winning, internationally       public educator who has been              University in 1965. After two years
acclaimed Broadway producer/NY          presenting hundreds of programs           of postdoctoral experience and five
director whose career in show           on more than 30 different topics          years in industry, he joined the
business spans 40 years. Chosen         pertaining to her native country's        pharmacology department at the
by Richard Rodgers to direct two        history, politics, and culture. Ms.       George Washington University
Japanese productions of The             Isaacs holds master's degrees in          School of Medicine in 1972 and
Sound of Music, Cash was                American studies, political               retired after 31 years on the faculty.
awarded the Chunichi Theatre            science, and history, and is an           He holds a long-term interest in
Award, the Japanese equivalent of       adjunct faculty member at the             transmitting science to the general
Broadway’s Tony Award. He               lifelong learning departments of          population.
founded the Musical Theatre             five community colleges and
Workshop at Southern Illinois           universities in Illinois. She is also a
University and was artist-in-           popular instructor at Florida
residence at universities in New        Atlantic University's OLLI in Boca
York, Illinois, Ohio, Massachusetts,    Raton.
California, and Texas. Cash has
been teaching at the Osher
Institute since 2004.
12     Winter 2021 ּ Three-Week Courses

All winter courses will meet online via Zoom. You will receive the link to join the course via email a
few days prior to the first class.

The L.A. Zoot Suit Riots of             Artists with Arthritis: Then         Current Events Discussion
1943                                    & Now                                Group
Barry Schoenfeld, BA                    James Louie, MD                      Lara Bloomquist, JD
Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00 p.m.              Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.     Fridays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
March 10, 17, 24                        March 11, 18, 25                     March 12, 18, 26

The Zoot Suit Riots were violent        This course will explore the         You have a right to your opinion
clashes during which mobs of U.S.       determination of many artists        about the news and this is the
servicemen, off-duty police             with autoimmune diseases. We         course to express it. Or, you can
officers, and civilians brawled with    will look at artists who lived in    sit back and listen to others voice
young Latinos in Los Angeles. The       early times with less                their thoughts. Each week the
June 1943 riots took their name         understanding and less effective     class covers the hot topics of the
from the baggy suits worn by many       therapies for their ailments, then   day based on articles from The
minority youths during that era,        contrast them with artists in the    New York Times, the Los Angeles
but the violence was more about         current times who have               Times, The Wall Street Journal,
racial tension than fashion. Local      benefitted from more effective       The New Yorker, The New
papers framed the racial attacks as     therapies. Learn about artists       Republic, The Economist, Time
a vigilante response to an              such as Renoir, Dufy, and            magazine and many more. You
immigrant crime wave, and police        Outterbridge, who suffered from      will be alerted in advance of class
generally restricted their arrests to   rheumatoid arthritis; Paul Klee      which articles will drive the
the Latinos who fought back. Come       who dealt with scleroderma;          week's discussions. All
learn about this divisive time in       Toulouse-Lautrec’s                   thoughtfully delivered points of
California’s history.                   pycnodysostosis; and Ruth            view are encouraged and will be
About the Instructor                    Asawa’s systemic lupus               respected because different
                                        erythematosus. Viewing the           opinions spark engaging
Barry has over 20 years of              changes in their lives and their     discussions.
experience in advertising,              artistic expressions will be
marketing, strategic planning, and                                           About the Instructor
                                        instructive and inspirational.
business development. He is             About the Instructor                 As an attorney, former
familiar with the social media that                                          prosecutor, and criminal justice
shape and influence contemporary        Dr. Louie is the associate
                                                                             instructor, Lara has had a long
communications. His clients have        physician diplomate for UCLA
                                                                             professional and personal
included American Express,              Rheumatology at the David
                                                                             interest in civic and social issues.
Walmart, Trader Joe's, Toyota, NY/      Geffen School of Medicine. He
                                                                             She headed the Domestic
NY Hotel & Casino, Samsung, and         received his doctor of medicine
                                                                             Violence Division of the Los
Eastern Airlines. Barry founded The     degree from Washington
                                                                             Angeles City Attorney’s office,
California Community of Men on          University in St. Louis, and has
                                                                             was named Woman Prosecutor of
Facebook, which now boasts over         served as a professor for UCLA’s
                                                                             the Year by the League of Women
11,000 members. He received his         School of Medicine. James has
                                                                             Prosecutors, and was selected by
bachelor’s degree from Cornell          presented lectures on artists with
                                                                             the L.A. County Bar Association to
University and is an opera lover        autoimmune diseases worldwide,
                                                                             be the recipient of their
and a practicing Buddhist. His          and is the co-author of two
                                                                             Prosecutor of the Year award.
interests include photography,          books, Targeted Treatment of the
                                                                             Lara has been active in many of
archaeology, and travel.                Rheumatic Diseases, 1st edition
                                                                             the social, political, and judicial
                                        and Treatment of the Rheumatic
                                                                             issues that drive today’s news.
                                        Diseases, 2nd edition.
Shared Interest Groups 13

Shared Interest Groups
Shared interest groups (SIGs) are free, peer-facilitated discussion groups that foster fellowship and active
learning. They are open to current OLLI members and meet throughout the year, so you can participate as
your schedule allows.

All SIGs will meet online via Zoom this year unless otherwise noted. Sign up today to get started.

Book Club
Are you a reader? Are you ready to take the next step and engage in fun and stimulating conversations about
the books you've read? Join the OLLI Book Club. We will meet once a month at a time and place that works
for all of us. We will agree on which book(s) we will read and then get together to discuss them. Members of
the group will take turns volunteering to lead the discussion. Books may be any genre, vintage, or subject
that the group wants to explore.

Meets the second Wednesday of each month.
Coordinator: Shelley Mitchell
707-496-8689 or shelleydmitchell@gmail.com

Genealogy Club
Genealogy is the study of families, family history, and the tracing of lineages. Who are your ancestors?
Where did they live? What did they do? How did their life choices lead to where you are today? This SIG will
help you explore your family history using multiple resources. Come develop an understanding of genealogy
and unlock the mysteries of your family's past.

Meets upon request.
Coordinator: Dick Knapp
760-861-2010 or knappassoc@aol.com

Glass Club
Man has been fascinated with glass, naturally formed or man-made, for thousands of years. Whether
fashioned for utilitarian, decorative or personal use, glass has been an important commodity throughout
history; that's even more true today. This SIG will explore many facets of glass history including, but not
limited to, glass objects of historical/stylistic periods, fabrication in the past and present, historical glass
designers and artists, popular glass collectibles, and more. Possible visits could include nearby museums,
collections and glass hot shops. No prior knowledge is required.

Meets the first Wednesday of each month.
Coordinator: David Novick
760-345-8041 or dtnovick@earthlink.net

Don’t see a group that interests you? Contact us at 909-537-8270 to discuss your ideas.

                    Register by mail: complete the attached registration form
                    Register online: csusb.edu/OLLI/SIGs
                    Register by phone: 909-537-8270 or 909-537-8121
14      Winter 2021 ּ Donate

Ways to Support OLLI
Our Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is a financially self-supporting program that does not receive any state
funding. Membership fees and endowment interest are our largest sources of revenue, but they still don't
cover our full operating costs. We rely on the generosity of our members to keep the program thriving and
affordable. Making a financial gift is one way to appreciate the impact OLLI has had on your life in retirement.
Help ensure the long-term sustainability of the enriching educational and social programming that touches
the lives of so many seniors throughout the Coachella Valley. Your gift ensures that OLLI has:
  • the capacity to expand and adjust to changing needs
  • the staff to provide a high level of service for all members and instructors
  • the space and ability to serve lifelong learners throughout the Coachella Valley
  • the resources to be innovative and entrepreneurial, whatever the economic climate
Please consider a gift to OLLI at a level that is comfortable for you. Your support matters and is appreciated.

Give for Today                         Give for Tomorrow
•    Make a single donation of any     Wills, Trusts & Retirement Accounts
     amount.                           One of the simplest ways to provide a charitable legacy is through your
•    Make a multi-year pledge with     will or trust. Life insurance policies, investment accounts, and
     convenient payments to fit        retirement accounts can also be used to create your charitable legacy.
     your budget.                      You select the specific amount or percentage, and you maintain the
•    Gifts help fill the gap between   ability to change or revoke the gift throughout your lifetime. This
     membership revenues and           option is the easiest and most flexible.
     operating costs, and              Stocks
     provide flexibility to create     Typically, you select the stock to be gifted at its appreciated value and
     new initiatives and programs.     make an outright gift through a transfer of shares. You can minimize or
•    You can designate your gift to    eliminate taxes on capital gains, and in most cases, you can deduct the
     support a specific program,       full amount of the fair market value of the stock as a donation.
     course, or instructor.            Annuities
                                       In exchange for your annuity gift, you will receive a fixed, periodic
                                       payment for life, sometimes at a higher payout than other investment
                                       options. A portion of the distributions may be tax-free or taxed at a
                                       more favorable rate. Annuities often provide an immediate federal
                                       income tax deduction for a portion of the gift.
                                       Charitable Remainder Trusts
                                       A charitable remainder trust allows you to receive an income now
                                       through fixed, periodic payments. At the termination of the trust, the
                                       remainder is transferred to OLLI at CSUSB. This type of trust can
                                       eliminate taxes on capital gains, plus you can select the payout rate
                                       and duration of the trust.            Thank you to all of our generous
                                                                             OLLI supporters. Visit our website to
“We support OLLI because it
enriches our lives through                                                   see the most current list of donors.
exposure to new subjects,                                                           csusb.edu/OLLI/donate
journeys to new places, making
new friends, gaining new
knowledge, and developing new           Give by mail: add a donation on your registration form
skills. We want to ensure the           Give online: csusb.edu/OLLI/donate
opportunity continues.”
                                        Contact us by phone: 909-537-8270
               Cash & Betty Baxter
Online Learning               15

Learning via Zoom is easy & fun!
If you've never used Zoom before, we understand it can feel a little scary. But...it really is quite simple. If you
use email or can get to our website, you have the skills necessary to participate in a Zoom course online. To
help you feel more comfortable, we've created a few resources that you can either view now or print and
keep for later reference.

Let's get started...
• Sign up for online classes just like you do for all other OLLI courses and activities. You can either register
    on our website or mail in a registration form.
• A few days before your first class, you'll receive an email that includes a link you'll click to join your class.
    That's it. Just click the link and you're in. Be sure to save that email as you'll need the link to join the
• If it's your first time using Zoom, you'll be prompted to download the application on your device; simply
    follow the instructions on your screen. You don't need to purchase anything or set up an account. It's
    safe, easy, and free.
• You can participate via your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Most laptops, tablets, and smartphones
    have a built in camera and microphone, which will enhance your Zoom experience. No camera or
    microphone? You can still participate from your computer by watching the screen and typing any
    comments or questions in the Chat section. You can also join in from your telephone (with or without a
    computer) to listen in.

Zoom Orientation Workshops                                                   Need help?
We offer a variety of opportunities to help you get started or to            Don’t hesitate to call us:
explore some more advanced features when you're ready. To
participate, just click on the workshop date below or visit our              Johnna Norris: 909-537-8270
website for the links. Remember, if this is your first time using            Debbi Vesey: 909-537-8121
Zoom, you'll be prompted to download the application on your
device; simply follow the instructions on your screen.

How to Zoom
  Tuesday, Jan. 5, 10:00 a.m.
  Meeting ID: 862 3839 8437

Zoom for Tablets & Smartphones
   Thursday, Jan. 7, 10:00 a.m.
   Meeting ID: 886 2098 9355

Additional dates to be announced.

                                            For Zoom orientation workshop links, a printable resource guide,
                                            and additional information about learning online, visit our website:
                             Listen in on these fun conversations with OLLI
                             members, instructors, staff, and university
                             partners. Our OLLI podcast is like an on-demand
                             radio program. Enjoy!

                             Click here to listen or subscribe.

Visit our Flickr page to revisit some of the fun times we’ve had at OLLI over the
years. Enjoy photos from past trips, activities, and member events.

Click here to view the OLLI Flickr page.

Register early for the best
                                                                                                  course selection!

                                                                                                  Registration Deadlines
                                                                                                      Jan. 4 for 1-week courses
                                                                                                      Jan. 18 for 6-week courses
                                                                                                      Mar. 1 for 3-week courses
ABOUT YOU                                                                                             $25 late fee after the deadline

_____________________________________________________________________                             Register by Mail
First Name                 M.I.      Last Name                                                    (pay by check)
             Returning OLLI member                  New OLLI member                                  OLLI @ CSUSB
                                          Referred by:                                               Palm Desert Campus
                                                                                                     37500 Cook St.
                                                                                                     Palm Desert CA 92211
LOCAL Mailing Address __________________________________________________

                                                                                                  Register Online
                                                                                                  (pay by credit or debit card)
Phone (_______)____________________________Date of Birth*:____/____/                         __
                                                                *Required for registration

Email ____________________________________________ Male____ Female____                            Refunds
                                                                                                  Refund requests must be
For information regarding disability accommodation, please call (909) 537-5975.                   submitted 48 hours prior to the
                                                                                                  start of the course. If approved, a
                                                                                                  credit will be issued for a future
MEMBERSHIP & COURSE FEES (select courses on back)
                                                                                                  course in lieu of a cash refund. If
______ Annual Membership (required): $75 (July 1, 2020-July 30, 2021)                             there are extenuating
______ I’ve already paid my 2020-2021 membership                                                  circumstances and a refund is
                                                                                                  approved, a $25 administrative
                                                                                                  fee will be deducted from the
______ 1-Week Courses: $10 each
                                                                                                  refund. If a course is canceled by
______ 6-Week Courses: $50 each
                                                                                                  OLLI, you may choose a refund or
______ 3-Week Courses: $30 each
                                                                                                  credit for the full course amount.
                                                                                                  There is a $25 fee for all declined
______ $25 Late Fee (after registration deadline)
                                                                                                  credit cards or returned checks.
______ Optional donation to OLLI (tax deductible)

TOTAL AMOUNT $___________________

PAYMENT                                                                                           REFER A FRIEND
Make check payable to CSUSB. Mail registration form and check to:
                                                                                                  Refer a new member and you receive a
   OLLI @ CSUSB Palm Desert Campus                                                                voucher for one free course.
   37500 Cook St.
                                                                                                  Learn more: csusb.edu/OLLI/membership
   Palm Desert CA 92211

I agree to abide by the university policies as outlined in the CSUSB catalog and on the website at csusb.edu/policies.

Signature                                                                     Date

 One-Week Courses ($10 each)
 ____ Two Historic Institutions: The Royal & the Smithsonian      ____ Darwin's Errors
 ____ How America’s Judges Really Make Their Decisions            ____ More About the Drugs in Your Life
 ____ Titanic’s Lost Sister                                       ____ Doctor Zhivago: A Poet for All Seasons
 ____ A Refugee Child in 1940 America                             ____ Writing a Legacy Letter
 ____ Saving Money on Prescription Drugs                          ____ Introduction to Reiki

  Six-Week Courses ($50 each with membership)
  ____ Bohemian Greenwich Village                                 ____ Engaged Buddhism Today
  ____ How Music Reflects Culture                                 ____ Winston Churchill: Soldier of Freedom
  ____ Does Education Really Equal Opportunity?                   ____ Love & the Cold War in Film
  ____ Theism, Atheism & Agnosticism                              ____ Current Events Discussion Group
  ____ The Men of Ballet                                          ____ Governmental Connections & Contrasts: U.K. & U.S.

  Three-Week Courses ($30 each with membership)
  ____ Tips for Healthy Aging                                     ____ The L.A. Zoot Suit Riots of 1943
  ____ Making the Music Dance Again                               ____ Artists with Arthritis: Then & Now
  ____ Normality & Terror: Life in Nazi Germany                   ____ Current Events Discussion Group
  ____ Digging Deep: Health & Medicine

 Member Events (free with membership)
 ____ The C-Change Primer                                         ____ Coffee Hour (multiple dates)
 ____ Sue Anderson’s Retirement Celebration                       ____ Happy Hour (multiple dates)

  Shared Interest Groups (free with membership)
  ____ Book Club
  ____ Genealogy Club
  ____ Glass Club

                                                  You can also register online:
You can also read