LBP HANDBOOK - Licensed Building Practitioners

Page created by Douglas Campbell
LBP HANDBOOK - Licensed Building Practitioners
LBP HANDBOOK - Licensed Building Practitioners
This information is published under section 175 of the Building Act 2004. The information is only
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that information relates according to the circumstances of the particular case.
© Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment 2018
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Publication date: March 2018
ISBN:   Print: 978-0-478-19416-6
        Web: 978-0-478-19417-3
LBP HANDBOOK - Licensed Building Practitioners

As part of your application to become an LBP, you need to demonstrate your
knowledge of the regulatory environment that relates to your work in the building
and construction industry.

This handbook outlines the information that         During your assessment for the licence class that
you need to know to meet this requirement,          you are applying for, an assessor will ask you
so please take the time to read and understand      questions based around the information from
the content.                                        this handbook.
It’s important to keep in mind that rules           Please note that the information in this handbook
do change from time to time and, as an LBP,         relates to all classes.
it is your responsibility to keep up to date with   If you have any queries, please contact:
these changes. You can do this by subscribing
to LBP Updates and the Codewords newsletter         Licensed Building Practitioners
on the LBP website, and by visiting the   
Building Performance website for the                Phone number: 0800 60 60 50
latest versions of documents and guidance.
After you have read this handbook, you should
be able to demonstrate your knowledge of:           Building Performance
›› the key features of the LBP scheme
                                                    Phone number: 0800 242 243
›› restricted building work               
›› operating within the scope of your own
›› skills maintenance
›› your roles, responsibilities and rights
›› health and safety requirements
›› the Building Act 2004
›› the Building Code
›› the building and resource consent process
›› certificates of design work/records of
   building work
›› the Construction Contracts Act 2002.

PAGE 01 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                  
LBP HANDBOOK - Licensed Building Practitioners

PART 1: THE LICENSED BUILDING PRACTITIONERS SCHEME.......................................................................... 5

           Key LBP scheme members..................................................................................................................... 5
           Minimum standard of licensing............................................................................................................. 5
           Categories of buildings........................................................................................................................... 6
           Complaints about LBPs........................................................................................................................... 7
           Restricted building work (RBW)............................................................................................................. 8
           Building work supervision...................................................................................................................... 9
           Supervision Risk Matrix.......................................................................................................................... 9
           RBW supervision.................................................................................................................................... 10
           Examples of application of different types of supervision.............................................................. 10
           Important RBW forms............................................................................................................................11
           Working within your competence........................................................................................................11
           Skills Maintenance..................................................................................................................................11

PART 2: BUILDING WORK ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................. 12

           LBP roles and responsibilities...............................................................................................................13
           Homeowner roles and responsibilities...............................................................................................14
           Registered trades’ roles and responsibilities......................................................................................14
           Non-registered trades’ roles and responsibilities.............................................................................15
           Building consent authorities’ roles and responsibilities...................................................................15

PART 3: CONTRACTING FOR BUILDING WORK................................................................................................ 16

           Contracting to clients.............................................................................................................................17
           Set up the project to protect both parties..........................................................................................17
           Contracts provide clarity.......................................................................................................................17
           Pricing the job.........................................................................................................................................18
           Default clauses........................................................................................................................................18
           At the end of the project........................................................................................................................18
           Ongoing consumer protection.............................................................................................................19
           12-month defect period.........................................................................................................................19
           The Construction Contracts Act 2002................................................................................................. 20

PAGE 02 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                                                                        
LBP HANDBOOK - Licensed Building Practitioners
PART 4: HEALTH AND SAFETY............................................................................................................................ 21

            Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA)..................................................................................... 22
            Emergencies........................................................................................................................................... 24

PART 5: BUILDING REGULATORY FRAMEWORK.............................................................................................. 25

            The Building Act 2004........................................................................................................................... 26
            The Building Code.................................................................................................................................. 27
            Relevant Building Code clauses........................................................................................................... 28
            Demonstrating compliance with the Building Code......................................................................... 29
            Standards................................................................................................................................................ 30

PART 6: BUILDING AND RESOURCE CONSENT PROCESS............................................................................... 31

            Applying for a building consent........................................................................................................... 32
            Building without consent where one was required.......................................................................... 32
            Amending or varying a building consent........................................................................................... 32
            Consented building work inspections................................................................................................ 33
            Obtaining a CCC..................................................................................................................................... 33
            Resource consent.................................................................................................................................. 36

SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS....................................................................................................................... 37

PAGE 03 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                                                                           
LBP HANDBOOK - Licensed Building Practitioners


The licensed building practitioners (LBP) scheme was introduced by the Building Act
2004 and began operating in November 2007. The aim of the scheme is to protect
consumers, lift LBP competency and make LBPs more accountable for their work.

The LBP scheme was created as a part of the          MBIE and the LBP Registrar
wider building and construction regulatory           The LBP scheme is administered by MBIE on
framework to ensure homes and buildings are          a day-to-day basis. MBIE’s Chief Executive also
safe, healthy and durable, and that:                 appoints the Registrar, who performs many of the
›› homes are built right the first time              functions related to licensing building practitioners.

›› consumers have access to the information they     The Registrar makes decisions about licensing
   need to make informed decisions about the         applications and renewals, maintains the
   competency of building practitioners.             Public Register and sets the requirements
                                                     for the LBP skills maintenance programme.
Some building work and design work is restricted
                                                     They also support the Board investigations
building work (RBW) and must be carried out or
                                                     of complaints against LBPs.
supervised by LBPs.
The LBP scheme achieves its purpose by:              MINIMUM STANDARD OF LICENSING
›› identifying licensed people through the           The LBP Rules 2007 set out the minimum
   LBP Public Register                               standards of licensing for building practitioners.
›› setting minimum standards of competence           They also include the minimum standard of
   for licensing                                     current competence that must be demonstrated
                                                     through ongoing skills maintenance.
›› requiring maintenance of professional skills
                                                     These standards are used to assess applicants
›› making practitioners accountable to the
                                                     to determine whether they are entitled to be
   Building Practitioners Board (the Board)
                                                     (or to remain) an LBP.
   via the complaints function.
                                                     If an LBP does not keep their skills and
KEY LBP SCHEME MEMBERS                               knowledge up to date through skills maintenance,
                                                     the Registrar may suspend their licence.
The Building Practitioners Board (the Board)
The Board is an independent body that governs        Licence classes
the LBP scheme. While the Ministry of Business,      Licence classes in the LBP scheme are based
Innovation & Employment (MBIE) administers the       on specific roles or occupations that are crucial
day-to-day running of the scheme, the Board has      to a building's performance. You can apply to
several key functions, such as:                      be licensed in more than one licence but you
›› approving the scheme’s ‘Rules’, together with     must be able to demonstrate that you have the
   the Minister for Building and Construction        minimum standard of competence in each class
   (the Minister), that LBPs must follow             you apply for.

›› hearing appeals against licensing decisions       There are currently seven licence classes.
   made by the Registrar for Building Practitioner   ›› Design
   Licensing (the Registrar)                         ›› Site
›› dealing with complaints about LBPs and,           ›› Carpentry
   if necessary, disciplining LBPs                   ›› External Plastering
›› reporting on these functions to the Minister.     ›› Bricklaying and Blocklaying
                                                     ›› Roofing
                                                     ›› Foundations

PAGE 05 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                     
The number and nature of the licence classes can       ›› Category 2 buildings are single residential units
change from time to time.                                 with a risk matrix score of 12 or more for any
                                                          external elevation, or buildings with multiple
  LBP Licensing Classes has the most                      residential units that are less than 10 metres
  up-to-date information.                                 in height. This height is measured from the
                                                          surface of the ground floor level to the surface
                                                          of the top floor level.
Areas of practice
                                                       ›› Category 3 buildings are buildings with
Many of the licence classes have subsets
                                                          multiple residential units with a height of
called ‘areas of practice’. An area of practice
                                                          greater than 10 metres, and buildings that
is a specific field of practice within a licence
class. If the licence class that you are applying         contain parts that are not residential.
for has an area of practice, you will be assessed
in that area of practice to determine your             Trade licence classes
competency for that licence class. You can             The LBP licence classes reflect the different trades
have more than one licence and/or area of              that have important roles in building projects.
practice, and this means that you will be              These classes are sometimes referred to as ‘trade’
assessed in multiple areas.                            classes and represent the trades involved in the
The areas of practice are not a limit on what          construction and alteration of a building.
work you can do, which means that you are not          Individuals who carry out or supervise RBW in
prevented from working outside of that area            these areas must hold the appropriate trade
as long as you stay within your licence class.         licence.
                                                       Registered or Craftsman Plumbers and Gasfitters
CATEGORIES OF BUILDINGS                                can carry out and supervise the fitting and
There are three categories of buildings that are       sealing or flashing of pipework through exterior
related to the LBP licence classes and areas of        walls, and carry out certain roofing and cladding
practice. These categories identify different          work in the course of their work. They are
types of building based on risk factors,               licensed for this under their own trade bodies.
complexity and intended use.
                                                       Design licence class
Most simple houses in New Zealand are
                                                       The Design licence is for those who undertake
category 1 or 2 buildings. Some category 2
                                                       design work for category 1, 2 or 3 buildings.
and 3 buildings are not RBW because they are
                                                       There is one Design licence class, which is divided
not totally residential, but they are still covered
                                                       into three areas of practice based on the three
by licence classes such as Design and Site.
                                                       building categories as follows:
›› Category 1 buildings are single residential units
                                                       ›› Design 1 LBPs prepare drawings, specifications
   with a risk matrix score of less than 12 for any
                                                          or other documents for category 1 buildings
   external elevation.
                                                       ›› Design 2 LBPs prepare drawings, specifications
                                                          or other documents and manage the design
                                                          process for category 1 and 2 buildings

PAGE 06 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                 PART ONE
›› Design 3 LBPs prepare drawings, specifications     COMPLAINTS ABOUT LBPS
   or other documents and manage the design           LBPs are accountable to the Board for their
   and construction process for category 1, 2         work and conduct. Anyone can make a complaint
   and 3 buildings.                                   against an LBP to the Board, and the Board must
                                                      investigate the complaint. The Board can also
Some design work is RBW and must be carried
                                                      initiate its own inquiries into a matter.
out or supervised by someone with a design
licence class. RBW that is design work includes
                                                        Complaints to the Building
the preparation of any drawing, specification,
                                                        Practitioners Board has information
or other document, according to which:
                                                        on the complaint and investigation process.
›› the primary structure of a house or a small-to-
   medium apartment building is proposed to be
                                                      An investigation may result in the LBP being
   constructed or altered; or
                                                      disciplined if they:
›› any external moisture-management system
                                                      ›› have carried out or supervised work
   attached to or forming part of a house
                                                         negligently or incompetently
   or a small-to-medium apartment building
   is proposed to be constructed or altered.          ›› have carried out or supervised work that does
                                                         not comply with a building consent
New Zealand Chartered Professional Engineers
                                                      ›› held themselves out to be licensed for work
or registered architects are automatically treated
                                                         that they are not licensed to do
as Design 3 LBPs. This means they can carry out
or supervise design RBW. They are licensed for        ›› have carried out or supervised building work
this under their own trade bodies.                       or building inspection work they are not
                                                         licensed for
Site licence class
                                                      ›› have been convicted of an offence that affects
The Site licence is a little different from other
                                                         their fitness to do building work
licences because it covers the coordination
and oversight of building work rather than            ›› gave false information to get licensed
the carrying out of the building work itself.         ›› failed to provide a certificate of design work
There are three Site areas of practice:                  for a building consent application
›› Site 1 LBPs coordinate and oversee the             ›› failed to provide a record of building work to
   construction of category 1 buildings                  the council or the property owner
›› Site 2 LBPs coordinate and oversee the             ›› have misrepresented their competence
   construction of category 1, 2 and 3 buildings
                                                      ›› have carried out or supervised work outside
›› Site 3 LBPs manage the construction process           their competence
   for category 1, 2 and 3 buildings.
                                                      ›› failed to produce their licence or notify
Site LBPs are not licensed to actually carry
                                                         a change in circumstances (eg, their legal
out building work so they cannot carry out
                                                         name has changed)
or supervise RBW. This also means Site LBPs
cannot issue records of building work for RBW.        ›› have conducted themselves in a manner that
New Zealand Chartered Professional Engineers             brings, or is likely to bring, the LBP scheme
are automatically treated as being licensed as           into disrepute.
Site 3 LBPs. They are licensed for this under their
own trade bodies.                                       Section 137 of the Building Act 2004
                                                        on the Legislation website has
                                                        information on grounds for disciplining
                                                        licensed building practitioners.

PAGE 07 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                PART ONE
Penalties                                                              RESTRICTED BUILDING WORK (RBW)
If the Board finds the LBP’s conduct comes                             RBW is work that is critical to make a home
within the grounds for discipline, it can:                             structurally sound and weathertight. RBW is
›› cancel their licence                                                residential design, construction or alteration
                                                                       work that:
›› suspend their licence for up to 12 months
                                                                       ›› requires a building consent, and
›› restrict the type of work that they can do
   or supervise                                                        ›› involves or affects a home’s primary structure,
                                                                          weathertightness, or certain fire safety design.
›› order them to do training
                                                                       As RBW is only residential work, it does not
›› fine them up to $10,000.
                                                                       include commercial or mixed-use building work.
As a result of a disciplinary sanction, an LBP                         In order to be RBW, the building work must
can also be ordered to pay some of the costs                           require a building consent and this means
of the Board inquiry and hearing.                                      that exempt building work (work covered by
If the Board decides the matter is serious                             Schedule 1 of the Building Act) is not RBW.
enough, it can publicly announce its decision.                         Only work that’s covered by one of the licence
                                                                       classes is RBW. It’s important to remember that
                                                                       RBW can only be carried out or supervised by
  Formal complaints on the Building
                                                                       a suitably licensed person.
  Performance website has further
                                                                         Use licensed people for restricted
                                                                         building work on the Building
                                                                         Performance website has further


        Does the work need
        a building consent?
                                        For example, it is covered                              Does the work
                                          by Schedule 1 of the                              relate to design of fire
                                                                                  NO                                      YES
                                            Building Act 2004
                 YES                                                                         safety systems for a
   Does the work involve design                                                              apartment building?
    or construction/alteration?                                                            NO
                                        For example, the work is
                                       demolition of removal work
                 YES                                                                        Does the work relate
                                                                          THE               to external moisture          YES
                                                                         WORK                  management?
     Is the building residential?                    NO
                                        For example, it is an office      NOT
                                         building, school, prison,       RBW
                 YES                    hospital, stadium, ancillary
                                          building or outbuilding
   Does the work involve a house
                                                                                            Does the work relate
  (of any height) or an apartment                    NO                                                                   YES
                                                                                            to primary structure?
 building less than 10 metres high?   For example, it is an apartment
                                         building with more than
                 YES                        two-three storeys

    If an apartment, is it purely
      residential, eg no shops?
                                                                                                         THIS WORK
                                                                                                           IS RBW

PAGE 08 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                                   PART ONE
Although you do not need to be on-site the                           and oversight of the work to an extent that
         whole time you are supervising work, you must                        ensures the building work:
         be satisfied that those you are supervising are
                                                                              ›› is performed competently
         sufficiently skilled in the aspects of the work
         because you are responsible for the work’s                           ›› complies with the building consent.
         quality and Building Code compliance (as per                         Building work that is not RBW can be supervised
         the building consent).                                               by anyone.
                                                                              If you are an LBP, you are accountable for
                                                                              all building work you carry out or supervise,
                                                                              even if that work is not RBW. If you are
                                The Supervison Practice Note is
                                                                              supervising building work, you need to provide
                                available on the LBP website.
                                                                              enough support to ensure the work is done
                                                                              competently and is carried out according to
         When it comes to general building work,                              the building consent.
         supervision means providing control, direction


                                                                                             Types of supervision
Skill level of those being supervised

                                                                                                 = Direct    = General      = Remote

                                        Low skill

                                                    Complexity of work being supervised
                                                    High                           Low

         You may face disciplinary action and fines, and put your licence at risk, if the Board finds the work
         you supervised to be substandard.

         PAGE 09 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                              PART ONE
You must be an LBP in the appropriate class to carry out or supervise unlicensed people who want to
carry out RBW. If you are not licensed and you carry out or supervise RBW, then you are committing
an offence under the Building Act 2004. The local council could issue an instant fine, or even take the
matter to court. MBIE could also prosecute you over the matter.


                                           REMOTE SUPERVISION

                                                PROJECT 1
                                          Small kitchen renovation
                                           with limited restricted
                                          building work comprising
                                             some plasterboard

                   PROJECT 4                                                     PROJECT 2

                                                                                                  DIRECT SUPERVISION

                   New engineered                                          Complex bespoke
                   cantilevered deck at     LBP CARPENTER               residential dwelling.
                   the LBP's home            CARRYING OUT                 LBP contracted to
                   residence                                              install a specialist
                                            OR SUPERVISING
                                                                            cladding system

                                                PROJECT 3
                                              Simple dwelling

                                                                           = LBP carrying out RBW

                                                                           = Direct supervision

                                                                           = LBP working in their capacity as a supervisor of RBW

                                                                           = LBP carrying out some RBW and supervising other
                                           GENERAL SUPERVISION
                                                                             non-LBPs undertaking RBW

The Board has released some important                                It is important to note that an LBP cannot
decisions about supervision of unlicensed                            supervise another LBP in the same class.
people that outline expectations around the                          Because both are accountable to the Board for
quality of supervision.                                              the work they do, this accountability can’t be
                                                                     passed to a supervisor. This does not mean that
                                                                     two LBPs cannot assist or mentor each other,
             Codewords article Revisiting
                                                                     but they cannot take responsibility for each
             supervision on the Building
                                                                     other’s work. They must also both provide
             Performance website has more details.
                                                                     records of work if they both undertake RBW.

PAGE 10 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                                    PART ONE    
Certificate of design work (Design)                     Each licence class covers a range of skills and
When carrying out RBW that is design work,              expertise and most licence classes have distinct
LBP designers complete the certificate of design        areas of practice that reflect groupings of
work and hand it in with the building consent           particular skills and expertise.
application. The certificate identifies what design     As an LBP you must work within your competence.
work has been undertaken by whom, and what              Although you may be licensed to do a wide range
the details of that design work are.                    of work, you should only carry out or supervise that
                                                        work if you are competent to do so. If you wish to
Record of building work (Construction)                  carry out or supervise building work for something
The record of building work form must be                that you are licensed to do but don’t necessarily
completed by all LBPs who carry out or supervise        have the skills or expertise (eg a different area of
RBW. It must be provided to the homeowner and           practice) it is important you have appropriate
the territorial authority (usually the local council)   support and mentoring to work competently.
when the RBW is completed. This means that if
                                                        If an LBP takes on a job outside their competence
you are engaged for part of a wider job, you need
                                                        and things go wrong, this may result in
to provide a record of building work when your
                                                        disciplinary action by the Board.
involvement in the RBW is completed, not when
the job is completed.
                                                        SKILLS MAINTENANCE
The purpose of a record of work is to ensure that
                                                        Skills Maintenance is an important part of
the homeowner and territorial authority have an
                                                        being an LBP. Under the Skills Maintenance
accurate record of the LBP who carried out or
                                                        Scheme, you need to complete a combination
supervised RBW on a particular project.
                                                        of compulsory and elective activities every two
If you can’t complete all the RBW you intended          years to demonstrate you have maintained your
to due to contractual or other reasons, then you        competency in your area of work.
must complete a record of building work for the
                                                        The programme aims to encourage you to
part of the work you completed up until the time
                                                        do two things:
your involvement came to an end. The form
should detail the work that has been completed,         ›› get the essential regulatory and technical
as well as the work that still needs to be done.           information you need
                                                        ›› choose elective activities that are relevant
                                                           to what you do.

                                                          New Skills Maintenance Scheme on
                                                          the LBP website has further details.

PAGE 11 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                  PART ONE


This section outlines the roles and responsibilities of key parties involved in the design
and building process. Even on the simplest building project you will interact with other
parties who have their own roles and responsibilities.

The success or failure of a project often                 Establishing your legal obligations as an LBP
depends on how well people understand                     The Building Act and its regulations (including the
their roles, and how they cooperate with                  Building Code) set out the rules for building work.
each other to achieve them.                               All building work in New Zealand must meet
Everyone involved in the design and building              the requirements of the Building Act and the
process should:                                           minimum performance requirements of the
                                                          Building Code, even if that work doesn’t require
›› understand their own roles and responsibilities
                                                          a building consent.
›› have a good understanding of the roles of
                                                          Other than the Building Act and its regulations,
   their colleagues.
                                                          the other important laws that may impact your
                                                          work are the:
                                                          ›› Resource Management Act 1991
As all LBPs are licensed under the same regime,
they all have the same obligations when it                ›› Construction Contracts Act 2002
comes to ensuring that they work within their             ›› Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
competence and comply with the requirements
                                                          There are also council bylaws, laws for historic
of their specific licence class. Their responsibilities
                                                          places and fire safety, as well as laws to ensure
can be summarised as follows.
                                                          certain plumbing, gas and electrical work is done
An LBP must:                                              by qualified professionals.
›› not breach the grounds for discipline
                                                          You will often be engaged to carry out work
›› provide a certificate of design work or record         according to a contract. When you agree to
   of building work where required                        a contract you are bound by the terms and
›› comply with other regulations or laws that             conditions of that agreement and there may
   affect their work.                                     be penalties or implications if you do not follow
                                                          what has been agreed. If you have a dispute
You will often encounter other LBPs on-site and
                                                          about a contract, you should consider getting
it is important to understand what they are there
                                                          some legal advice or assistance.
to do and how that may impact on your work.

PAGE 13 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                   PART T WO
HOMEOWNER ROLES                                      REGISTERED TRADES’ ROLES
In general, the same rules apply to homeowners,      Some building work and other related work
whether they’re doing the work themselves            is regulated by registration schemes. These
(DIY) or contracting someone to do it for them       schemes require people doing prescribed work
(an agent can act on behalf of the owners).          to be licensed and to fulfil certain requirements,
Building owners’ responsibilities include:           regardless of any contractual commitments.

›› applying for a building consent for proposed      Electrical workers
   building work, if it's required (including        Prescribed electrical work must be done by an
   construction, alteration, demolition and          appropriate registered electrical worker, who
   site works)                                       must comply with all regulations relating to
›› providing the necessary information with          electrical work, and must issue an electrical
   the building consent application to confirm       safety certificate to certify that work.
   compliance with the Building Code
                                                     Plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers
›› notifying the council about:
                                                     Plumbing and drainlaying work also must be
  ›› who will do any RBW (provide the name(s) of     done by a registered person, who must comply
     the LBPs who will do or supervise the work)     with the regulations relating to that work.
  ›› any changes to the consented plans as work      Gasfitting must be done by a registered gasfitter,
     progresses                                      who must comply with all regulations relating to
  ›› a proposed change of use for the building,      gas work, and must issue a gas certificate of
     even when it doesn’t require a building         compliance to certify that work.
     consent                                         Generally, gas and electrical work is not
  ›› an extension of life for a building with        inspected by a building consent authority.
     a specified life                                The work must be done by a licensed
  ›› subdividing a property with an existing         professional, who must issue a signed energy
     building                                        work certificate after completing the work.
                                                     Energy work certificates are required to get
›› applying to the council for a code compliance
                                                     a CCC.
   certificate (CCC) on completion of work that
   requires a building consent                       Chartered Professional Engineers and
›› ensuring that the building has a compliance       registered architects
   schedule where this is a requirement of the       Registered architects undertake architectural
   Building Act (for example, if you have a          design work and are treated as Design 3 LBPs
   cable car)                                        for the purposes of design RBW.
›› ensuring inspection, maintenance and              Chartered Professional Engineers (CPEng)
   reporting procedures are carried out where        deal with complex engineering problems and
   required by any compliance schedule for           activities requiring the application of specialist
   specified systems                                 engineering knowledge.

›› maintaining the building in a safe and sanitary   CPEng are treated as Design 3 LBPs for the
                                                     purposes of design RBW. Both CPEng and
   condition at all times
                                                     registered architects must provide a certificate
If there are concerns about a building's safety in   of design work where they have undertaken
earthquakes, or other natural hazards exist on       RBW design work.
site, the owner should get professional              CPEng are also treated as being Site 3 LBPs.
engineering advice and act on it.

PAGE 14 L B P H A N D B O O K                                               PART T WO
Some people working on a construction project       All building consent authorities (BCAs) process
are not subject to any licensing or registration    building consent applications and undertake
schemes. These people are only required to          building inspections. BCAs check that building
do what their contract specifies. These people      work meets the requirements of the Building Act
must not carry out restricted work (such as RBW,    and the Building Code. Functions performed by
prescribed electrical and sanitary plumbing work)   BCAs include:
without holding a licence or being appropriately
                                                    ›› considering building consent applications and
                                                       deciding whether an application shows how
Some of the trades not currently licensed              the work will comply with the Building Code
through the LBP Scheme or other registration
                                                    ›› inspecting building work at key stages during
schemes include:
                                                       the construction process
›› painters
                                                    ›› certifying that the work complies with the
›› tilers                                              building consent by issuing the CCC.
›› plasterboard stoppers.
                                                    Territorial authorities are responsible for keeping
                                                    records about all the properties in their area,
                                                    to address breaches of the Building Act and to
                                                    protect people and other buildings.

PAGE 15 L B P H A N D B O O K                                             PART T WO


This section will guide you through the requirements regarding contracting to clients
for residential building work.

The Building Act and regulations made under          A contractor can be fined for not supplying
it set out consumer protections, including a         a homeowner with these documents. They
standard checklist and a minimum standard            can be convicted and fined up to $20,000
for contracts that you need to be aware of.          if they knowingly:
These requirements only apply to residential
                                                     ›› provide false or misleading information
work where a contractor has a contract with
the homeowner (the client). It does not apply        ›› leave information out of the disclosure
to subcontractors.                                      statement.

A contractor must provide a written contract
for a residential project that will cost $30,000       Consumer protection – disclosure and
or more (including GST). This is the total cost        checklist on the Building Performance
of the building work – it is not acceptable to         website has more information.
submit multiple invoices for just under $30,000.
In addition, all residential building work is        CONTRACTS PROVIDE CLARITY
covered by implied warranties to protect
consumers. You cannot contract out of the            Once you have agreed to do building work you
implied warranties and they apply regardless         should agree on the terms in a contract with the
of the cost of the project. They cover aspects       client. Remember, you must provide a written
of building work from compliance with the            contract for a residential project that will cost
Building Code to good workmanship and timely         $30,000 or more.
completion of work.                                  The contract should include all of the
It’s important that you have a good understanding    requirements specified in the Building Act
of the Construction Contracts Act 2002 because       regulations and listed in the standard checklist.
it provides rights and obligations around            You should seek legal advice before signing
payments for contracted building work.               any contract.
                                                     A contractor can be fined for not having a written
SET UP THE PROJECT TO PROTECT                        contract if one is required.
BOTH PARTIES                                         While the homeowner is responsible for ensuring
Before agreeing to building or design work,          the work meets the relevant requirements,
a contractor must provide potential residential      the contractor usually has the relevant
clients who ask for it, or whose project will cost   knowledge and needs to help the homeowner
$30,000 or more (including GST), with:               meet their obligations.

›› a disclosure statement including information      Information about who will do what should
   about skills, qualifications, licensing number    be included in any contract, as it is part of the
   and any insurance or guarantees related to        minimum contract requirements. For example,
                                                     the contractor might take on the role of obtaining
   the work
                                                     the building consent, even though it is the
›› a standard checklist that includes information    homeowner’s responsibility.
   about the steps of a build and minimum
   requirements for a contract.

PAGE 17 L B P H A N D B O O K                                            PART THREE
The terms of the contract might include                DEFAULT CLAUSES
identifying who is responsible for ensuring:
                                                       You will automatically have to meet default clauses
›› council inspections occur as set out in the         specified in the Building Act if you are working
   building consent                                    on a residential building project that will cost
                                                       $30,000 or more (including GST) and you either:
›› RBW or any other specialised work is carried
   out by a person with the appropriate                ›› don’t have a written contract with the
   qualification (and the homeowner is given              homeowner
   relevant documentation)                             ›› don’t include the minimum content required
›› any ‘notice to fix’ is acted on and the work           in the contract.
                                                       The default clauses won’t override an existing
›› the council is notified about:                      clause but cover many aspects of a building
  ›› who will do any RBW (provide the name(s) of       project and all the minimum contract
     the LBPs who will do or supervise the work)       requirements where there are no existing clauses
  ›› any changes to the consented plans as you         (these are additional to the implied warranties).
     progress                                          Examples of the default clauses include:
  ›› a planned change of use for the building          ›› the building contractor undertakes to obtain
  ›› an extension of life for a building with a           all necessary approvals, including building
     specified life                                       consents, before commencing the building work
  ›› a planned subdivision of a property with          ›› the building contractor must provide the
     an existing building                                 CCCs to the client before the building
  ›› any alterations, even if they don’t require          contractor submits their final payment
     a building consent                                   claim under the contract.
›› all council fees are paid
›› an application is made for a CCC.                   AT THE END OF THE PROJECT
                                                       Once you have completed the RBW you are
  Contractors: Do your homework on                     responsible for, you must provide a record of
  the Building Performance website has                 building work to the homeowner and the council.
  details about the minimum contract                   Once the building work is completed, regardless
  requirements.                                        of the price of the work, you must give clients the
                                                       following information, documents or both:

PRICING THE JOB                                        ›› a copy of any current insurance policy you
                                                          hold for the building work completed under
When pricing a job, the price should be the total
                                                          the contract
cost of all the building work (including supplies,
fixtures, fittings and GST). This is regardless of     ›› a copy of any guarantees or warranties for
whether a subcontractor is doing all or part of           materials or services used in the building
the work.                                                 work, including:
You can only exclude the cost of the subcontractors’     ›› information about how to make a claim
work if they enter into a separate contract with the     ›› if the guarantee or warranty is transferable
client. A written contract protects both parties.
                                                         ›› if it must be signed and returned to the issuer

PAGE 18 L B P H A N D B O O K                                              PART THREE
›› information about the processes and materials       If you wait until the end of the project, any
   to be used to maintain the building work,           defective work or products may be hidden
   if maintenance:                                     by other building elements or you may not
                                                       have time for repairs before you move to
  ›› is required to meet the requirements of
                                                       your next project.
     the Building Code
  ›› could affect any guarantee or warranty.           12-MONTH DEFECT PERIOD
It’s okay to provide information as you go, but it     There is an initial defect repair period of
might be easier to keep track so you can give it       12 months, starting from the date the building
all to the client when the project is finished. That   work is complete.
way, you also know exactly what you’ve provided.
                                                       If your client tells you in writing about any
You could be fined if you don’t provide this           defective work before the 12 months are up,
information.                                           you must put it right within a reasonable
                                                       timeframe from receiving notification. If you
ONGOING CONSUMER PROTECTION                            dispute the defect, you need to prove that it is
If there is a problem during the build or once it      not your fault or your subcontractor’s (or due to
is complete there are several measures in place        the products you’ve used).
that affect builders, designers and tradespeople.
                                                       Once the 12-month defect period ends
If you are the main contractor:
                                                       Contractors have a responsibility to remedy
›› you are required by law to fix any defective        defective work after the 12-month defect repair
   building work that you were notified about          period ends, for up to 10 years. This ongoing
   within 12 months of the building being              protection is due to implied warranties in the
   completed within a reasonable time.                 Building Act.
›› you need to ensure clients visiting the site        If you are notified about a deficit after the
   are not harmed by hazards in the workplace          12-month repair period has lapsed, and you
   you control.                                        dispute it, it is up to the homeowner to prove
›› you will need to organise the repair of             there is a defect.
   anything faulty related to the build. You are       Contractors also have responsibilities if there are
   also responsible for the work done by your          problems related to:
   subcontractors, so make sure you keep an            ›› payments or disputes – refer to the
   eye on the quality of their work                       Construction Contracts Act
›› any defective product must be remedied.             ›› service (including any trade work, design work
   It is your responsibility to arrange a                 or inspection services) – refer to the Consumer
   replacement of any product you supplied.               Guarantees Act

It’s a good idea to walk your client through the       ›› being misled about products or services – refer
project after each milestone to show them                 to the Fair Trading Act.
progress and check the quality of the work.
It should be much easier (and more time and              Do your homework, the
cost-effective) to repair any defective work or          Building Performance website
products as you go.                                      has further information on your rights
                                                         and responsibilities under the
                                                         Construction Contracts Act 2002.

PAGE 19 L B P H A N D B O O K                                               PART THREE
THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS ACT 2002                  Payments
The Construction Contracts Act 2002 (CCA)            Under the CCA you can make payments in
provides a process for dealing with payments         two ways:
and disputes under a construction contract.          ›› as a single payment
It covers both commercial and residential
                                                     ›› over several instalments (known as progress
construction contracts.
The CCA:
                                                     You should make the payment obligations clear in
›› helps to ensure a fair, balanced and
                                                     your contract. If you don’t, the default provisions
   appropriate payment regime
                                                     of the CCA will apply, which provide for monthly
›› provides a fast and cost-effective adjudication   progress payments.
   process for people with disputes
                                                     You can make a payment claim for any amount
›› provides enforcement mechanisms to recover        you believe is due under the contract.
   any unmade payments                               You must include a notice (Form 1) with all
›› protects retention money withheld under           payment claims you make.
   commercial construction contracts.                The notice outlines the:
                                                     ›› process for responding to the payment claim
How the CCA applies to your contract
                                                     ›› consequences of not responding to or paying
The CCA provides you with default payment
provisions and bans the use of ‘pay when paid’.         a claimed or scheduled amount in full.

The CCA also provides fast-track adjudication
of disputes about your contract, along with ways       Construction Contracts Act 2002 on
to enforce payment.                                    the Building Performance website
                                                       has more information on construction

PAGE 20 L B P H A N D B O O K                                            PART THREE


Construction is one of New Zealand’s biggest industries with almost 200,000 workers
– but it’s also one of the four sectors with the worst worker injury rates. Worker
fatalities are more than double the average for all other sectors.

HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ACT 2015                  4. Stop or refuse to carry out dangerous work
(HSWA)                                                 You have the right to stop work, or refuse
The HSWA provides for a balanced framework             to carry out work, if you believe that doing
to ensure the health and safety of workers             the work would expose you, or anyone else,
and workplaces.                                        to a serious health or safety risk. If you have
                                                       stopped work, you need to let your manager
  'Business' in this section means                     know as soon as possible.
  PCBU (Person Conducting Business
                                                    5. Access to health and safety information
  or Undertaking).
                                                       The business you work for must provide you
                                                       with information about staying healthy and
Your rights and responsibilities as a worker           safe at work, in a way that you can
Rights:                                                understand.
1. Work in a healthy and safe environment
                                                    6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    Risks are things that might hurt you, or make
                                                       In most cases the business you work for
    you sick. The business you work for, or the
                                                       must provide you with personal protective
    business that controls where you are working,
                                                       equipment (PPE) if it’s needed to keep you
    is responsible for managing its work-related
                                                       safe and healthy, for example, hard hats,
    health and safety risks.
                                                       ear muffs and safety glasses.
2. Get appropriate training before you start work      Your business should train you in how to
    The business you work for must make sure           properly use, clean and maintain your PPE.
    you have been trained to carry out your            The business you work for cannot charge you
    work in a healthy and safe way. Make sure          for PPE. You can voluntarily provide your own
    you understand the risks and how to keep           PPE but this must be checked and approved
    yourself and others healthy and safe at work.      by your business.

3. Work with safe machinery, vehicles, tools        7. Speak up
   and equipment                                       You are the eyes and ears of your business.
    The business needs to make sure that the           Telling your business about your ideas,
    tools, equipment, vehicles and machinery           experiences or concerns and those of your
    you use at work are safe for you to use and        fellow workers helps keep you and others safe.
    in good working condition.                         Your employment or contract can’t be
                                                       terminated if you report or act on a health
                                                       and safety concern. It’s against the law for
                                                       anyone to discriminate or take other negative
                                                       steps against you because you’ve spoken up
                                                       about health and safety at work.

PAGE 22 L B P H A N D B O O K                                            PART FOUR
8. Be given a chance to have a say                       ›› ask a workmate or community member
    You must be given reasonable opportunities              to raise the concern on your behalf
    to express your views and contribute to              ›› contact your union, who can act on
    decision making on health and safety at work.           your behalf
    This includes decisions about:                       ›› contact WorkSafe on 0800 030 040
    ›› your health monitoring                            ›› visit the WorkSafe website (search
    ›› conditions at your workplace                         ‘concern’).
    ›› information and training for workers.          2. Your business’ responsibilities
    ›› health and safety representatives and             Your business must:
       health and safety committees.
                                                         ›› give its employees reasonable opportunities
    You can ask your business for a health and              to participate in the ongoing improvement
    safety representative, or a health and safety           of health and safety of the PCBU they
    committee, to help workers and the business             work for (this can be direct or through
    work together to improve health and safety.             representation – a health and safety
    You can also choose to join a union.                    representative is common)
    You must be provided with:                           ›› provide and maintain a safe work
    ›› toilets and hand-washing facilities                  environment that does not pose a risk
    ›› clean drinking water                                 to health and safety
    ›› first aid facilities                              ›› provide and maintain adequate facilities
    ›› a place to have a meal break in reasonable           for the welfare of employees at work
       comfort and shelter.                              ›› ensure that plant machinery and equipment
    ›› information about what to do in                      in the place of work is designed, made, set
       an emergency.                                        up, and maintained to be safe for
    Your business is required to ensure you know            employees
    what to do in an emergency, for example how          ›› ensure that systems of work do not lead
    to escape if there’s a fire or what to do if an         to employees being exposed to hazards
    earthquake occurs.                                      in or around their place of work
                                                         ›› develop procedures to deal with
                                                            emergencies that may occur while
1. Your responsibilities:
                                                            employees are at work
    As a worker you have a responsibility to:
                                                         ›› provide information, training, instruction
    ›› take reasonable care of your own health              or supervision that is necessary to protect
       and safety                                           people from risks to health and safety
    ›› take reasonable care that what you do                arising from the work carried out
       or don’t do does not adversely affect the         ›› ensure that the health of workers and the
       health and safety of other people                    conditions at the workplace are monitored
    ›› cooperate with any reasonable workplace              to prevent illness or injury to workers
       health and safety policy or procedure that           arising from the work carried out
       your business has
                                                            ›› maintain worker accommodation it
    ›› comply with any reasonable instructions                 owns, manages or controls (that has
       given by the business you work for.                     been provided because other
    If you have a health and safety concern you                accommodation is not reasonably
    need to:                                                   available) so workers are not exposed
    ›› tell your manager or your health and safety             to health and safety risks arising from
       representative                                          the accommodation.

PAGE 23 L B P H A N D B O O K                                              PART FOUR
In an emergency call 111 for emergency services.   Call the WorkSafe Response Team on
                                                   0800 030 040 (available 24 hours). If scene
Notifying Worksafe                                 clearance or other immediate assistance from
Businesses must notify WorkSafe as soon            a health and safety inspector is required,
as possible if any of the following ‘notifiable    request this from WorkSafe.
events’ occur:
                                                   Do not interfere with an accident scene until
›› the death of a person                           authorised by a health and safety inspector.
›› a notifiable injury or illness                  Exceptions include certain situations, such as
                                                   when people or property is at risk.
›› notifiable incident.

Call 111 if required.                                Construction on the WorkSafe
                                                     website has further information.

PAGE 24 L B P H A N D B O O K                                           PART FOUR


New Zealand uses legislation to regulate building work. The main piece of legislation
is the Building Act 2004, which provides the framework for all parts of building work
regulation. The Building Code provides most of the technical requirements.

This section will briefly summarise the Building Act, the Building Code and methods to demonstrate
how work meets the Building Code.



                                            BUILDING CODE


                                  ALTERNATIVE       VERIFICATION    ACCEPTABLE
                                  SOLUTIONS         METHODS         SOLUTIONS

                                STANDARDS                  CITED STANDARDS


THE BUILDING ACT 2004                                ›› buildings have attributes that contribute to the
The Building Act forms the framework for                health, physical independence and well-being
the regulatory system to be followed when               of the people who use them
undertaking building work in New Zealand.            ›› people who use a building can escape from
The Building Act allows for regulations (such as        the building if it is on fire
the Building Code) and other instruments (such as
                                                     ›› buildings are designed, constructed and can
the LBP Rules 2007) to be created to help achieve
                                                        be used in ways that promote sustainable
its purpose. The Building Act and these tools aim
to improve design and construction practice to
provide greater assurance to consumers.              ›› to promote the accountability of owners,
                                                        designers, builders and BCAs who have
The purpose of the Building Act is to ensure:
                                                        responsibilities for ensuring building work
›› people can use buildings safely and without
                                                        complies with the Building Code.
   endangering their health

PAGE 26 L B P H A N D B O O K                                                PART FIVE
The Building Act sets out the following measures     The Building Code states how a building
to achieve its purpose:                              must perform in its intended use, rather than
                                                     describing how the building must be designed
›› the building consent process
                                                     and constructed. Flexibility is a key advantage
›› the LBP scheme                                    of a performance-based Building Code. You are
›› the BCA accreditation scheme                      not required to use named products or designs,
›› protection for homeowners through                 and you can benefit from new developments in
   mandatory warranties                              technology and systems.

›› clear expectations of the standards buildings     All building work in New Zealand must comply
   should meet and guidance on how to meet           with the Building Code, whether or not it requires
                                                     a building consent.
   these standards
›› MBIE's functions as the administrator             The Building Code includes three general clauses
                                                     and 39 technical clauses. The technical clauses
   of the Building Act.
                                                     are grouped together in related clusters and are
                                                     supported by guidance documents.
                                                     The Building Code is important at all stages
The Building Code sets clear expectations            of building work, but may be most useful at
of the minimum performance standards                 the design stage. A good upfront design makes
buildings must meet. It covers aspects such          the construction phase smoother. Even after
as structural stability, fire safety, access,        a building consent has been issued for work,
moisture control, durability, services and           those carrying out the work need to ensure
facilities, and energy efficiency.                   that the work complies with the Building Code.

                                     LE VEL                        DESCRIP TION

 Building Code (Mandatory)          1. Objective                  The social objective the building
                                                                  must achieve.

 Building Code (Mandatory)          2. Functional requirement     What the building must do to
                                                                  satisfy the social objective.

 Building Code (Mandatory)          3. Performance criteria       Qualitative or quantitative criteria
                                                                  that the building must meet in
                                                                  order to comply.

 Means of compliance a              4. Verification Method        Prescriptive test or calculation
 BCA must accept if followed                                      method that provides one means
 (non-mandatory)                                                  of compliance.

 Means of compliance a              5. Acceptable Solution        Prescriptive step-by-step solution
 BCA must accept if followed                                      that provides one means of
 (non-mandatory)                                                  compliance.

PAGE 27 L B P H A N D B O O K                                              PART FIVE
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