Moreland Watermap 2020 - Moreland's path to a water sensitive city - Moreland City Council
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02 Moreland Watermap 2020 Moreland Watermap 2020 Table of contents Definitions 02 Mayor’s forward 03 Executive summary 04 Background 06 Moreland as a water sensitive city 10 Moreland Watermap 2020 15 » Vision » Goals » Targets Mapping Moreland’s IWCM implementation 16 Delivering on Targets 18 Counting every drop – monitoring, reporting and data management 30 Appendix 32 Definitions Fit for purpose water – a quality of water that is Water sensitive city – a water sensitive city is appropriate for the purpose it is intended to be a city which undertakes best practice integrated used for. water cycle management. GL – Gigalitres. One thousand, million Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) – (1,000,000,000) litres design and design approach that integrates the urban water cycle, including stormwater, Integrated Water Cycle Management (IWCM), groundwater and waste water management Integrated Water Management (IWM), Whole of and water supply, into urban design to minimise Water Cycle Management (WoWCM) – all refer to environmental degradation and improve aesthetic the same approach to water management that and recreational appeal. considers the entire urban water cycle, rather than its individual elements in isolation. kL – Kilolitres. One thousand (1,000) litres. ML – Megalitres. One million (1,000,000) litres.
Moreland Watermap 2020 03 Image: Launch of the Charles Mutton Stormwater Harvesting System. From left to right: Dr Paul Pretto, Acting Managing Director Melbourne Water, Cr Lambros Tapinos, Mayor of Moreland, Hon Peter Walsh MP, Minister for Water, Hon Craig Ondarchie MP. Mayor’s message I am very pleased to introduce the Moreland Watermap 2020 also includes a clear Watermap 2020, which provides a plan for implementation plan, identifying specific projects Moreland’s transition to a water sensitive city. which contribute towards more efficient use water resources, protection and enhancement of our A water sensitive city is one that is healthy, green, waterways and wetlands and mitigating flood risk productive and resilient. To make this vision a and damage. reality requires a collaborative effort with commitment from residents, businesses, Support for community action to reduce community groups, all levels of Government and community potable water consumption and many others across our community. increase the number of households with an installed rainwater tank is also a key area for This plan shows how we can continue to create ongoing action. high quality public spaces and landscapes and provide the water security essential for Moreland is proud to embrace a comprehensive community health and economic prosperity. and progressive approach integrated water cycle WaterMap 2020 has set ambitious goals including management and become a Water Sensitive City Council leading by example through a number of through Moreland Watermap 2020. operational targets such as: I would like to thank everyone involved in the » reducing Council’s total potable water usage by development of WaterMap 2020 throughout 2014 30% from 2001 levels and look forward to working alongside key partners and community members to achieve the » developing local stormwater harvesting vision of a water sensitive city. infrastructure supplying 30ML/a of treated water for open space irrigation by 2020 Cr Lambros Tapinos, Mayor of Moreland
04 Moreland Watermap 2020 Executive summary Balancing access to water suitable for our needs and the needs of the ecosystems we depend on is critical to our future resilience, liveability and prosperity. The Millennium Drought external stakeholders. The actions involve both hands- provided first hand experience on and advocacy approaches The vision of Moreland of the challenge of managing with success relying upon active Watermap 2020 is for the City of this balance in a changing partnerships with the Moreland Moreland to become a water climate, and was a catalyst for community and key sensitive the evelopment of more stakeholders such as water city in which Council leads innovative and collaborative authorities. by example and supports water management solutions. community actions to manage The plan will be monitored Council plays a vital role in water resources in an annually to ensure that the water cycle management both environmentally, socially and priority settings remain correct directly through public assets financially responsible manner. and emerging opportunities for management and indirectly delivery and management are Framed around the seven through influencing the integrated as appropriate. targets outlined below, the community’s actions and working Progress towards the vision and plan includes a program of with relevant stakeholders and delivery of the targets will be carefully considered projects regulators. Given these multiple reported annually. to achieve this vision. interfaces Council is well placed This is an exciting step change to deliver integrated water cycle IWCM solutions at all scales in the evolution of Moreland’s management (IWCM) solutions, have been matched to sub- approach to water management either through Council’s capital catchments within the and will provide the platform for works program or through municipality based the creation of a water sensitive partnerships and advocacy on the existing water cycle city that ensures our future with the community and other opportunities and constraints. resilience and prosperity. Council’s 2020 Targets Council leading Council supporting by example community action 01 04 06 Reduce Council’s total potable Advocate IWCM to and 25% reduction in community water usage by 30% from 2001 on behalf of the community. potable water consumption from levels (400ML/a) to 280ML/a 2001 baseline consumption to by 2020. 10.1GL/a by 2020. 02 05 07 Treat 11% of Council’s All new residential developments 50% of Moreland households stormwater catchments to best of greater than 2 dwellings and have an installed rainwater practice by 2020. non-residential developments tank by 2020. 25% of Moreland greater than 100m² to households have an on-lot 03 incorporate best practice stormwater treatment raingarden water efficient fittings, water or other stormwater treatment reuse and/or recycling and mechanism by 2020. Implement water sensitive urban stormwater management. design into all Council capital works projects.
Moreland Watermap Watermap 2020 2020 05 Key elements of a water sensitive city Waste water Water sensitive treatment communites Rainwater Water efficiency Alternate Stormwater water sources treatment Water sensitive city A water sensitive city is a city is which water cycle management is integrated into all aspects of the city. A water sensitive city is created though collaboration between our community, Council and key stakeholders. It is a city that is healthy, green, productive and resilient. WATER SENSITIVE CITIES INTERACT WITH THE WATER CYCLE IN WAYS THAT Create high quality Provide water Enhance and Mitigate green public spaces security essential for protect the health flood risk and landscapes economic prosperity of watercourses and damage through efficient use and wetlands of the diversity of water resources available THE THREE PRINCIPLES OF WATER SENSITIVE CITIES ARE Cities as water Cities providing Cities comprising water supply catchments: ecosystem services: sensitive communities: Access to suitable water The built environment Communities are engaged through a diversity of sources supplements and supports with decision makers and from a diverse range of supply the function of the natural enabled to participate in scales – small local scale supply environment including local creating a water sensitive solutions through to mains biodiversity through to city through political support water supplied to Moreland using or replicating natural and their own local actions water treatment systems
06 Moreland Watermap 2020 Background This plan is based on careful consideration of Moreland’s interaction with and influence over the water cycle. The water cycle includes the a water sensitive city by 2020. Council supporting community flows of water into and through These channels can be split into action – areas of indirect the City; the use, treatment and two themes: Council control where Council management of these flows can support or influence the and the loss of water through Council leading by example – community to take action such waste water, stormwater and areas of direct Council control as reducing the total water evaporation. such as reducing the potable consumption by the community, water usage of Council’s increasing the uptake of To address the whole of the operations, increasing the rainwater tanks within the Moreland water cycle, Council’s quantity of treated stormwater community and encouraging Watermap 2020 identifies used for sportsfield irrigation on-lot stormwater treatment. targets and actions within our and improving the quality of channels of influence to lead stormwater runoff to our creeks. Moreland towards becoming Image: Sugarloaf Reservoir, one of Melbourne’s dams that supply Moreland with drinking water. Image supplied courtesy of Melbourne Water.
Moreland Watermap 2020 07 Moreland’s water balance in 2012-13 Mains water Rainfall Note 11,829ML 27,920ML Over twice as much rain falls within » Commercial 2,045ML Moreland as we use from the mains » Residential 9,408ML drinking water supply » Council 376ML Evapotranspiration 16,792ML Pervious Rainwater and 17,168ML stormwater reuse 5ML Roofs 5,032ML Other Waste impervious water surfaces Infiltration 9,162ML 2,178ML 1,795ML Roads 3,493ML Waste water Treated Stormwater treatment stormwater runoff 6ML 9,333ML
08 Moreland Watermap 2020 Climate change and water use Due to human generated Furthermore, Yarra Valley Water component to securing greenhouse gas emissions, investigations into demand from Moreland’s future water southeastern Australia is sports field irrigation noted that supply needs. projected to warm during the days in which the maximum 1. IPCC, 2014: Chapter 25: Australasia 21st century, along with other temperature exceeds 35°C have [Blair Fitzharris and David Karoly (eds.)]. changes in climate1. Annual a large effect on increasing In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, rainfall is also expected to irrigation volumes. Associated Adaptation, and Vulnerability. decrease1, with projections of up with a warming climate, more Contribution of Working Group II to the to a 40% decline in average frequent hot extremes are Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate annual runoff for southeast anticipated for southeastern Change [Paulina Aldunce, Jean Pierre Australia1. Australia1. As such, Moreland Ometto, Nirivololona Raholijao, Kazuya is very likely to experience an Yasuhara (eds.)]. Cambridge University Along with future changes in increase in days over 35°C, Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom Melbourne’s climate and it’s resulting in significant increases and New York, NY, USA. water catchment regions, in required irrigation volumes, 2. P lan Melbourne, Metropolitan Planning Melbourne’s population is also even with the implementation Strategy. The State of Victoria, expected to grow by a further of efficiency measures. Department of Transport, Planning and 3.5 million people to be a city of Local Infrastructure, 2014. Accessed 7.7 million people by 20512. In the face of both an uncertain from: Taking into account this increase rainfall future with likely runoff au/ in water demand, combined with declines, as well as increased 3. M elbourne’s Water Future. Victorian a possible 40% reduction in water demands due to Government Department of Environment rainfall runoff, it is predicted that population growth and warmer and Primary Industries, November further desalination plants will temperatures increasing 2013. Accessed from: be required to be constructed irrigation demands, alternate, meet Melbourne’s water non-potable water supplies are demand by 20503. a key Image: Stormwater harvesting system at Sewell Reserve, Glenroy
Moreland Watermap 2020 09 An integrated water cycle management approach The protection and efficient The drought identified that in » Where drinking water is not management of our water the face of climate change if we required to be used, replace it resources is critical to the are to maintain the liveability of with the right alternate water ongoing resilience, liveability Moreland to the standards our source such as rainwater, and prosperity of our community expects with green treated stormwater or treated community. open spaces, safe community waste water sportsfields, healthy trees and The water security pressures a cool urban environment, then » Maintaining and improving caused by Melbourne’s an approach that considers and the health of our local and recent 13-year drought have best manages the whole of the broader natural systems such fundamentally changed the water cycle is necessary. as waterways through best way we use water. The drought managing stormwater runoff detrimentally stressed our Watermap 2020 moves and pollution trees, parks and gardens and Moreland beyond a water decreased the liveability of security focused approach, to a This approach will lead Council Moreland for our community. liveability focussed approach. to maintain healthy landscapes During this time it was common This approach focussed on: that in turn provide heat place to see brown and dead mitigation, liveability and health sportsfields, trees and open » Making best and most efficient benefits to the community, and space and to experience use of drinking water transform Moreland into a water extreme urban heat. sensitive city.
10 Moreland Watermap 2020 Moreland as a water sensitive city Becoming a water sensitive city will bring many benefits to Moreland Water sensitive community tree canopy and urban A city more adapted to attitudes and values biodiversity, efficient irrigation heatwaves and other weather systems and increased » A shared community extremes in a changing permeability understanding of the need climate for careful use of high quality » Mitigation of urban heat Grassed sportsfields drinking water, appreciation of island effects by increased our waterways, and embracing » Maintained to high standards tree canopy and urban the use of “fit for purpose” even during periods of drought greenery, reduced effects of water where-ever possible flash flooding and access to Cleaner, less polluted alternate water supplies that Cities as water waterways reduce demand for drinking supply catchments water in times of low rainfall » WSUD and other stormwater » Local “fit for purpose” treatment measures to reduce water systems supplying stormwater pollution entering Ecological and water across the municipality our waterways biodiversity benefits and passive irrigation for » Increased habitat and street scapes Improved liveability biodiversity through healthy and amenity natural waterways and A water sensitive wetlands, increased » High-quality open space, streetscape vegetation and built environment waterways and natural areas constructed stormwater » Buildings that include: providing attractive options treatment wetlands and raingardens, green roofs, for recreation, relaxation and biofiltration systems rainwater tanks, permeable connecting with nature surfaces and stormwater infiltration and water efficient Financial savings Community health and avoided costs fittings, fixtures and and well being whitegoods as standard » Savings on water utility » Cool, green streets and parks costs and drinking water Greener streets and high and high quality open spaces infrastructure upgrades encouraging community through reduced drinking quality open spaces participation and interaction water consumption and » Constructed wetlands and the use of “fit for purpose” raingardens, passive irrigation water supplies systems, tree pits, increased Image: Stormwater harvesting system under construction at Charles Image: Knobby Club-rush ready for planting in a raingarden Mutton Reserve, Fawkner
Moreland Watermap 2020 11 What would a water sensitive Moreland look like? A water sensitive Moreland is a city where this precious resource is highly valued, carefully managed to best practice standards and accessed equitably by all users to protect ongoing liveability and sustainability. The elements of a water sensitive Moreland will be visible in our values and in our natural and built environments. Drinking water supply Green Water sensitive Rainwater Stormwater roofs communites harvesting harvesting Stormwater treatment wetlands Reuse of treated Waste water Tree pits and waste water treatment raingardens
12 Moreland Watermap 2020 Image: Construction of a raingarden at Anderson Road shopping strip, Fawkner An integrated Council approach An integrated approach to » Theme: Environmentally Watermap 2020 supports the water management requires Sustainable Moreland other themes of the Council an integration with Councils Strategic Action 12.4: Plan that are reliant upon the existing policy context and Implement the Integrated sustainable management of cross-Council departmental Water Management Plan water across the community. objectives. Watermap 2020 and Stormwater Quality is a key plank of the Council Targets Study Plan 2013-17 as identified in: Watermap 2020 supports the following Council strategies through addressing sustainable water management: Council strategy Support / alignment Council strategy Support / alignment Active Moreland Irrigation to support Litter Trap Implementation of sportsfields and healthy Action Plan litter traps to reduce open spaces. stormwater pollution. Carbon Management Fit for purpose water Merri Creek and Improvement of Strategy and Zero and passive watering to Environs Strategy creek health. Carbon Evolution support urban vegetation. Climate Action Plan Drainage Asset WSUD reducing flooding. Open Space Strategy Irrigation to support Management sportsfields and Strategy healthy open spaces. Flood WSUD reducing flooding. Street Landscape Fit for purpose water Management Plan Strategy and passive watering to support urban vegetation. Health and Irrigation to support Waste and Reducing litter entering Well-being Strategy sportsfields and Litter Strategy our waterways. healthy open spaces.
Moreland Watermap 2020 13 Image: Completed raingarden at Anderson Road shopping strip, Fawkner “Merri Creek Management Committee strongly supports the intent of this document as Moreland’s path to becoming a water sensitive city. We acknowledge and support the targets that are win-win for both reduction in potable water use and stormwater impacts, such as wide adoption of rainwater tanks.” Merri Creek Management Committee An integrated stakeholder and partner approach Achieving Watermap 2020 Key stakeholders include: » Environmental Protection implementation requires Authority (EPA), Victoria – the engagement, cooperation » Moreland households, Government environmental and compliance with a broad businesses and regulator range of key stakeholders and community groups » Department of Health, regulators. It also acknowledges » Creek committees and Victoria – Government that genuinely holistic approach “Friends of” groups body responsible for setting to IWCM inherently requires the » Melbourne Water – standards of acceptable consideration of the water Wholesaler of Melbourne’s water quality cycles at our local scale and those that extend beyond the water supply, responsible for » Council’s upstream and boundaries managing the catchments, adjacent to Moreland’s of the municipality. Council must treating water waterways including Darebin ensure that our opportunities and transferring it the three and Whittlesea Councils and obligations to work with retail water companies (Merri and Edgars Creeks), these key stakeholders and » Yarra Valley Water – Hume Council (upper Merri regulators are always Water retailer servicing and tributaries and Moonee considered when delivering the the Moreland municipality Ponds Creek) and Shire of objectives, strategies and Mitchell (upper Merri and actions outlined » The Office of Living Victoria tributaries) in this plan. (OLV) – A Victorian Government body tasked to deliver urban water reform in Victoria
14 Moreland Watermap 2020 Moreland Watermap 2020 4.1 Vision The vision for this strategy is for the City of Moreland to become a Water Sensitive City in which Council leads by example and supports community actions to manage water resources in an environmentally, socially and financially responsible manner. 4.2 Goals Key goals fall within the following two themes Council leading Council supporting by example community action » Reduce Council’s total water consumption » To reduce potable water consumption to the minimum amount required in order to with the community through water saving maintain Council’s services to the community measures and displacement with fit for purpose water use » Displace the use of potable water consumption with fit for purpose alternate water sources » To reduce stormwater pollution originating from residential lots » Reduce the pollution carried by stormwater originating from within the Moreland municipality » Implement and encourage the uptake of water sensitive urban design across the City of Moreland » Advocate for the efficient use of water resources and implementation of integrated water cycle management to the community and to external bodies such as water providers and wholesalers on behalf of the community » Reduce potable water consumption, increase water reuse and recycling and reduce stormwater pollution coming from new developments within the Moreland municipality that require a Council Planning Permit
Moreland Watermap 2020 15 4.3 Targets To fulfil our goals, Council has set a number of targets: Council leading Council supporting by example community action 01 02 06 Reduce Council’s total potable Treat 11% of Council’s 25% reduction in community water usage by 30% from 2001 stormwater catchments to potable water consumption levels (400ML/a) to 280ML/a best practice by 2020. Post from 2001 baseline by 2020. 2020, continue to make consumption to 10.1GL/a by proportional progress to 2020. Subtarget 1.1 – Increase treat 100% of catchments Council’s use of alternative to best practice by 2070. water sources through: » 30ML/a of community 03 07 sportsfield or open space irrigation water to be reuse water from local stormwater Implementation of WSUD into 50% of Moreland households harvesting infrastructure all Council capital works have an installed rainwater tank by 2020 projects. by 2020. 25% of Moreland households have an on-lot » Sourcing additional alternative 04 stormwater treatment raingarden “fit for purpose” water supplies or other stormwater treatment to the above where feasible mechanism by 2020. Advocate IWCM to and on Subtarget 1.2 – Improve behalf of the community. community sportsground irrigation efficiency to 75% for 100% of class A sportsfields 05 and irrigated parks by 2020. Subtarget 1.3 – All Council All new residential facilities to have best practice developments of greater than fittings, appliances and toilets 2 dwellings and non-residential and rainwater tanks installed developments greater than where possible. 100m² to incorporate best practice water efficient fittings, water reuse and/or recycling and stormwater management.
16 Moreland Watermap 2020 Mapping implementation To effectively guide the delivery of the targets Council has mapped the sub-catchments making up the Moreland municipality based upon their suitability for different IWCM treatments. The treatment identified for Large-scale stormwater Alongside reducing stormwater each catchment was based treatments use wetlands or pollution, WSUD also provides upon the opportunities and large raingardens to treat numerous benefits such constraints that each catchment stormwater before it enters our as reduced potable water presented. This map then forms creeks. consumption, increased tree the basis for directing the They typically provide the most canopy, increased green spaces implementation of the plan’s economical way of reducing and reduced urban heat island targets and stormwater pollution per hectare effect. It is now common to see key actions. of catchment treated whilst WSUD treatments in areas with also providing habitat for high stormwater pollutant loads Stormwater harvesting is the wildlife and improving amenity. such as shopping strips. process of treating and reusing stormwater, provides dual In areas where neither Bringing together these benefits of reducing stormwater stormwater harvesting or large- treatments will provide the pollution and displacing drinking scale treatments are feasible, infrastructure required for water usage for “non-premium” achieving the stormwater Council to meet our stormwater water uses such as community treatment targets will rely upon treatment target and help sportsfield irrigation. Areas streetscape and household transform Moreland into where this is feasible require a scale water sensitive urban a water sensitive city. suitable catchment and an design (WSUD) such as tree- opportunity for treatment and pits, raingardens and rainwater reuse. tanks. Image: Map of Moreland’s stormwater catchments and proposed treatments
Moreland Watermap 2020 17 THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF A WATER SENSITIVE CITY 01 Alternative water sources (stormwater harvesting) 02 Large-scale stormwater treatments 03 Water sensitive urban design Water sensitive communities
18 Moreland Watermap 2020 Delivering on targets Council leading by example Reduce Council’s total potable water usage by 30% from 2001 levels 01 (400ML/a) to 280ML/a by 2020. Council requires a certain rainfall is through turning off the Increasing potable water amount of water to maintain irrigation to a large number of consumption is reflected healthy open space and its sportsfields and open space. in increasing water charges. services to the community. Council’s water charges have However access to water is This is illustrated in the graph increased by 3.2 times from limited and as such Council below which shows that the $211,414 in 2007-08 to needs to make the best use of 50% reduction in potable water $688,704 in 2012-13. all sources of water including consumption target was drinking water, rainwater, achieved during the 2007-08 – Investigations have found stormwater and recycled waste 2010-11 period. The reducing Council’s potable water. Council’s two year achievement was during a water consumption to a target average potable water usage for period of water restrictions, in of 280 ML/a can be sustainably 2011-12 – 2012-13 was which irrigation was reduced or achieved through focusing 301ML/a, a 25% reduction turned off at many Community upon constructing stormwater from the 2000-01 – 2001-02 sportsfields. This action resulted harvesting infrastructure to two year average of 400ML/a. in many community sportsfields replace the use of potable becoming unusable or water, improving the efficiency The IWMP 2009-2013 set a dangerous to play on. of community sportsfield potable water reduction target irrigation and reducing of 50% from the 2000-01 More recently, the 2012-13 Council building water usage. - 2001-02 two year average of “angry summer” (as described 400ML/a. Investigations have by the Climate Council) which Based upon the cost of potable found that whilst this target may was characterised by below water to Council in 2014 ($2.53/ be achieved during wet summer average rainfall and above kL), such a reduction would years when there is low demand average temperatures has seen save Council $303,600 in required from Council irrigation, a rapid increase in Council’s potable water usage charges the only means of achieving this potable water usage with every year compared to the target during summers of irrigation consumption continuation of 2000-01 – 2001- average or below-average increasing 70% over the 2011-12 02 consumption. summer. Tracking Council’s potable water consumption Council’s potable water consumption Baseline (average of 2000-01 and 2001-02) 600 30% reduction from baseline 50% reduction from baseline 500 Water Consumption 400 300 200 100 0 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Moreland Watermap 2020 19 Sub-Target 1.1: Increase Council’s use of alternative water sources through: »»30ML/a of community sportsfield or open space irrigation water to be reuse water from local stormwater harvesting infrastructure by 2020 »»Sourcing additional alternative fit for purpose water supplies to the above where feasible Key action: Construct stormwater harvesting infrastructure supplying 30ML/a of irrigation water by 2020. Benefit: significant progress towards Targets 1, 2 and 3 Timing: three year cycle, year one = design, year two and three = construction Responsibility for implementation: City Strategy and Design Council has already followed by a 10ML/a system at greater water security for commenced construction of Charles Mutton Reserve, irrigation during future periods stormwater harvesting Fawkner, constructed in 2014, of restricted potable water infrastructure to displace the bringing Council’s total usage. use of potable stormwater harvesting capacity water for sportsfield irrigation to 15ML/a. Atleast two new projects will with fit for purpose treated be required to achieve this goal. stormwater. Increasing this total to 30ML/a Projects are to be prioritised by 2020 will make substantial based upon ground class At Sewell Reserve, Glenroy, a progress towards reducing (A, B or C) and total potable 5ML/a system was constructed Council’s potable water usage consumption at the ground. in 2012. This system was to 280ML/a and provide Council Stormwater harvesting Reuse of waste water Stormwater harvesting The reuse of treated waste infrastructure provides water provides a significant multiple benefits to Council: opportunity for Council to use “fit for purpose” water in addition » Reduced potable water to stormwater harvesting. consumption Community sportsfield irrigation » Reduced potable water and industry are two key areas charges with Moreland that could benefit » As a non-potable water source through the supply of treated – secures access to irrigation waste water. water during future periods The supply of treated waste of drought water is a multi-stakeholder » Reducing stormwater issue. As such Council will pollution – also contributing advocate to and work with to Target 2 external stakeholders such as Yarra Valley Water, Melbourne Water and the Office of Living Victoria to explore the supply of treated waste water as a resource to Moreland. Image: Stormwater harvesting system under construction at Charles Mutton Reserve, Fawkner
20 Moreland Watermap 2020 Sub-Target 1.2: Improve community sportsground irrigation efficiency to 75% by 2020 for 100% of class A sportsfields and irrigated parks. Key action: Undertake an audit of Council’s class A community sportsfields and irrigated parks with irrigation infrastructure older than 10 years, review Council’s irrigation control system and implement a program of irrigation upgrade works between 2015 and 2020. Benefit: Significant progress towards Target 1 Timing: 2015-16 audit of irrigation systems Post 2016: implement upgrade program of irrigation infrastructure Responsibility for implementation: City Infrastructure Playing fields and irrigated » Class A = four efficiency is implemented at all parks are Council’s largest » Class B = 12 class A grounds Council’s consumer of potable water. potable water irrigation The improvement of irrigation Reductions in total irrigation consumption can be reduced by efficiency has the potential to water consumed are only likely approximately significantly reduce Council’s to be achieved at existing class 12ML/year – a reduction of potable water consumption A grounds. Current class B and approximately 5% of total whilst maintaining (or improving) C grounds are likely to irrigation demand. A reduction the condition of the have an incomplete irrigation in potable water consumption of sportsgrounds for use by the infrastructure and therefore any 12ML/year equates to $30,360 community. irrigation upgrades are likely to per year in water savings. increase the area irrigated, and An investigation into Council’s Class A community whilst efficiency will be sportsfield irrigation sportsgrounds and irrigated improved, overall water infrastructure has found that parks are most valued by the consumption is likely to approximately 60% of Council’s community, and in periods of increase. Such action will class A and water restrictions, these increase water consumption, B community sportsfields have are the open space areas that however they will also contribute irrigation infrastructure over the community want maintained to other Council goals such as ten years old and likely to be most. Thus, in addition to the the Recreation and Open Space performing at well below best potable water savings, Strategies and mitigation of the practice irrigation efficiency. The undertaking efficiency upgrades Urban Heat Island Effects and number of sportsgrounds with should be prioritised thus bring other benefits of irrigation infrastructure greater to ensure that they can continue IWCM. than ten years old total: to operate in future water If best practice irrigation restriction scenarios. Breakdown of Council’s potable water usage 1999-01 average Buildings 2007-08 2012-13 Playing fields Open space and nurseries Swimming pools Total 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Water consumption (ML/a)
Moreland Watermap 2020 21 Sub-Target 1.3: All Council facilities to have best practice fittings, appliances and toilets, and rainwater tanks installed where possible. Key action: Continue to implement the Council building water efficiency program every year between 2014 and 2020. Benefit: Significant progress towards Target 1 Timing: Design and construction undertaken within each financial year Responsibility for implementation: City Strategy and Design Council’s building stock makes The building water efficiency up a significant proportion of to reduce potable water usage program aims for: Council’s total water usage. within these buildings through In particular Council’s Aquatic upgrading fittings, fixtures » All Council buildings to have Centres and major Civic and appliances to best practice best practice fixtures, fittings buildings are high consumers of water efficiency. Between and appliances water. Since 2009 Council has 2009 and 2013, over 25 Council » All Council buildings to have been running a building water buildings have had water installed rainwater tanks efficiency program efficiency audits and connected to toilet flushing / installations. laundry uses where possible THE BUILDING WATER EFFICIENCY PROGRAM AIMS FOR: All Council buildings to All Council buildings have installed rainwater to have best practice tanks connected to fixtures, fittings and toilet flushing / laundry appliances. uses where possible.
22 Moreland Watermap 2020 Treat 11% of Moreland’s stormwater catchments to best practice by 2020. 02 Post 2020, continue to make proportional progress to treat 100% of catchments to best practice by 2070. Best practice is to be defined as Total Suspended 80% the Environmental Management Solids removed Guidelines (BPEM) stormwater Total Phosphorus removed 60% (Moreland adopted target) pollutant reduction targets. As Total Nitrogen of 2014 these targets are: removed 45% Litter 70% Maintain discharges for the 1.5 Flows year ARI at pre-development levels Key action: Implement large scale stormwater treatment and water sensitive urban design across all Council operations to treat 11% (170ha of impervious areas) of Moreland’s stormwater catchments to best practice by 2020. Benefit: Significant progress towards Targets 1, 2 and 3 Timing: Design and construction undertaken each year Responsibility for implementation: City Strategy and Design, City Infrastructure Image: Raingarden and tree pits at Michael Street, Brunswick
Moreland Watermap 2020 23 In order to meet the targets 3. Small-scale distributed pollutant loads such as by 2070, stormwater treatment WSUD treatments. shopping strips before further measures treating 1.8% large scale treatment is of Moreland’s stormwater Stormwater harvesting is undertaken downstream. On-lot catchments to best practice prioritised due to the dual stormwater treatment will each year are required to be benefits of reducing stormwater substantially assist Council’s implemented. Over the 56 pollution and displacing potable objectives. In particular for the years following 2014, this will water usage through provision “small scale” treatment areas, see Council treating 100% of “fit for purpose” treated water. however it will help everywhere of Moreland’s stormwater This provides a direct economic and should be encouraged. catchments to best practice benefit as well as the benefit to stormwater quality. An important note is that by 2070. alongside construction of To direct implementation Large scale WSUD treatments stormwater treatment assets, in the most efficient manner, are prioritised second, as they an adequate maintenance the map of WSUD catchments provide the most economical program must be implemented. in mapping implementation way of reducing stormwater Unless adequate maintenance has been developed. The map pollution. is undertaken, WSUD assets identifies the WSUD treatment Small scale distributed WSUD can quickly fall into disrepair to be undertaken each of treatments are used where and cease to provide the level Moreland’s catchments based neither stormwater harvesting of treatment to which they upon a priority of: nor large-scale WSUD are designed – this may result treatments are available for use. in the target being missed 1. Stormwater harvesting They may also be used to despite adequate assets 2. Large-scale end-of-line being constructed. WSUD treatments pre-treat areas with high Council’s stormwater » Prevent waste water obligations discharges to stormwater drains Councils play a significant role in improving the environmental » Monitor and report to the management of urban community and relevant stormwater. This includes stakeholders on the impact obligations under the State of stormwater drains on Environment Protection surface waters Policy (Waters of Victoria) to: » Ensure new and retrofit » Develop stormwater developments include management plans and effective design measures and implement effective practices to manage management practices, stormwater run-off volumes particularly for new and minimise pollutant run-off developments in stormwater and drainage systems » Provide educational material on stormwater management and pollution avoidance Image: Jones Reserve stormwater runoff pond
24 Moreland Watermap 2020 03 Implementation of WSUD into all Council capital works projects. Key action: Implement water sensitive urban design into all Council capital works projects, specifically: »» Streetscape upgrades »» Open space capital works projects »» Shopping strip renewal projects »» Drainage upgrade and replacement works »» Retrofit projects (Open Space, Streetscape, Buildings etc) Benefit: Significant progress towards Targets 1, 2 and 3 Timing: Design and construction undertaken each year Responsibility for implementation: City Strategy and Design, City Infrastructure, Open Space Maintenance Water sensitive urban design Components of WSUD can » Improved stormwater quality (WSUD) is an approach include (but are not limited to): » Improved urban greenery, tree to integrate water cycle canaopy and mitigation of the » Rain gardens, rooftop management into urban Urban Heat Island Effect greening and urban forests planning and design to improve stormwater quality, reduce » Rainwater tanks – stormwater Implementation of WSUD can potable water consumption harvesting and reuse be undertaken in across Council and improve public amenity » Gross pollutant traps, including: at the same time. wetlands and sediment ponds » Shopping strip renewals WSUD works at all levels. At » Grassed or landscaped » Streetscape upgrades the lot level, street and precinct swales » Drainage upgrades / renewals levels, as well as regional » Infiltration trenches and scales, with the aim of bio-retention systems » Streetscape / landscape protecting and improving works » Grey water harvesting waterway health by mimicking and reuse » Street tree planting the natural water » Tree pits and passive watering » Capital works building / cycle as closely as possible. landscape projects As such it is a key component » Porous pavements » Open Space capital works of a becoming a water » Aquifer recharge and reuse projects such as reserve sensitive city and links upgrades / amenity projects closely with Council’s The benefits of implementing Flood Management Plan. WSUD can be seen across » Retrofit projects such as the water cycle including: Open Space, Streetscape, Buildings etc » Reduced potable water consumption
Moreland Watermap 2020 25 04 Advocacy of IWCM to and on behalf of the community. Key action: »» Advocate to the community for the efficient use of water resources and implementation of IWCM within/by the community »» Advocate for Melbourne Water and Yarra Valley Water to implement IWCM when supplying potable and “fit for purpose” water within Moreland and managing the treatment of waste water generated from Moreland »» Demonstrate the efficient use of water resources and implementation of integrated water cycle management through the inclusion of WSUD in high profile works such as shopping strip upgrades, and accompanying these projects with interpretive signage »» On an as-needs basis write formal letters or take other action on behalf of the community supporting the implementation of IWCM by external state and federal government bodies Benefit: Significant progress towards Targets 4, 5, 6 and 7 Timing: Ongoing, as-needs basis Responsibility for implementation: City Strategy and Design, City Infrastructure Advocacy to and on the behalf community develop these of the community is an essential attitudes. step towards the engagement of the community in IWCM and Advocacy on behalf of the moving Moreland towards community is required in order becoming a water sensitive city. to engage other organisations Such advocacy helps to foster involved in the Moreland water the behaviour and infrastructure cycle on the journey towards changes that are required for becoming a Water Sensitive Moreland to become a water City. Such organisations include sensitive city. Melbourne Water and the Water Retailers who can influence Advocacy is required in two and construct the water cycle main areas: to the community infrastructure used to supply and on behalf of the community. Moreland’s drinking water and dispose of the waste generated Advocacy to the community from within the Moreland is required in order to engage municipality. the community on the journey towards becoming a water Maintaining support and sensitive city. A water sensitive engagement with Moreland’s city requires its citizens to think strong “Friends of”, Waterwatch broadly and smartly about the and Creek Management use of water in their everyday Committees community groups, lives. As such Council has a will greatly assist with this large role to play in assisting the target. Image: Raingarden at Snell Grove, Oak Park
26 Moreland Watermap 2020 05 All new residential developments of greater than two dwellings and non-residential developments greater than 100m² to incorporate: »»Best practice water efficient fittings, toilets and appliances »»Best practice water reuse and/or recycling »»Best practice stormwater management Key action: Support development, adoption and implementation of Amendment C71 Environmentally Sustainable Development (ESD) Policy. Benefit: Significant progress towards Targets 5, 6 and 7 Timing: Ongoing, as-needs basis Responsibility for implementation: City Strategy and Design, Planning and Economic Development, City Development The implementation of Council currently supports the for best practice ESD outcomes Amendment C71 provides development, adoption and including water resources and a significant opportunity implementation of Amendment storm water management. to implement IWCM into all C71 Environmentally new buildings within Moreland. Sustainable Development When enacted the amendment The ESD policy recognises Policy. The ESD policy provides will require: the importance of considering objectives » Best practice water efficient environmentally sustainable and planning application design at the time of planning requirements for residential » Best practice water reuse approval for new development developments of two or more and/or recycling so as to maximise sustainable dwellings and non-residential » Best practice stormwater design outcomes and minimise developments of more than management costs associated with retrofit 100m2. Applications will need and poor design. to respond to design objectives
Moreland Watermap 2020 27 Melbourne’s water future Produced by the Office of Living Victoria this strategy aims to implement IWCM across Melbourne. The strategy sets out general IWCM outcomes to aspire towards achieving and a framework of local, regional and metropolitan IWCM plans. This plan takes into account the aims and objectives of Melbourne’s Water Future and its targets have been developed to support the goal of achieving IWCM across the Melbourne metropolitan area. Image: Council staff undergoing maintenance training for the stormwater harvesting system at Sewell Reserve, Fawkner
28 Moreland Watermap 2020 Council supporting community action Reduce the Moreland Community’s total potable water usage by 25% 06 from 2001-02 levels (13.5GL/a) to 10.1GL/a by 2020. Key action: Council to partner with community organisations to promote implementation of IWCM within Moreland’s community and businesses. Benefit: significant progress towards Targets 5, 6 and 7 Timing: Pilot program commencing 2014-15. Larger roll out following pilot program results. Responsibility for implementation: City Strategy and Design The table below shows potable 2001 baseline 2007-08 2012-13 water consumption within the Moreland municipality. Residential 10.7GL 8.8GL (-18%) 9.4GL (-12%) It is apparent that although Commercial 2.8GL 1.9GL (-32%) 2.0GL (-29%) there was a significant decrease Total 13.5GL 10.7GL (-21%) 11.4GL (-16%) in total water consumption within Moreland between 2001 and 2007-08, there has since been 2001-02 2007-08 2012-13 a rise in consumption between Average 2007-08 and 2012-13. water use per 190kL 140kL (-26%) 141kL (-26%) property per The average water use per year property shows that although total water consumption has increased between 2007-08 and 2012-13, average use per Moreland community water consumption property has remained steady. 16 This is likely due to increasing density of dwellings within 14 Moreland during this time. 12 Water consumption (GL) Council will seek to play a leading role in supporting the 10 implementation of community / 8 household IWCM. Council will aim to partner with community 6 organisations to develop a pilot community scale IWCM 4 project. The pilot will aim to identify ways to implement 2 IWCM within a trial Moreland community, and if successful 0 may be expanded across the 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 entire Moreland municipality. Year
Moreland Watermap 2020 29 07 50% of households have an installed rainwater tank by 2020. 25% of households have an on-lot stormwater treatment raingarden or other stormwater treatment mechanism by 2020. Key action: Council to partner with community organisations to promote implementation of IWCM within Moreland’s community and businesses. Benefit: significant progress towards Targets 5, 6 and 7 Timing: Pilot program commencing 2014-15. Larger roll out following pilot program results. Responsibility for implementation: City Strategy and Design The uptake of IWCM at the internal household uses such treatments will remove household scale is an essential as toilet flushing and laundry pollutants from the stormwater part of Moreland becoming a purposes as well as used for exiting a property and contribute water sensitive city as it will garden watering reducing a towards Council’s stormwater provide a significant boost to household’s water consumption quality targets. achieving the community by up to 70%. In addition to potable water reduction target reducing the consumption of The 2010 Greenlight Report and the stormwater treatment potable water, water sourced found that 30% of Moreland target. from rainwater tanks has households have a rainwater a lower carbon footprint, tank. This figure is also Two key components of IWCM is more sustainable and supported by Yarra Valley Water at the household scale are reduces stormwater pollution. data. Target 7 aims to increase rainwater tanks and on-lot the proportion of Moreland stormwater treatment. On-lot stormwater treatment, households with an installed most commonly in the form rainwater tank from 30% up to Rainwater tanks can reduce of a raingarden, may either 50% and for half of the community water consumption be a stand alone treatment households with a rainwater and stormwater pollution at the or complement an installed tank to have an additional same time through reducing rainwater tank. Stormwater stormwater treatment measure. the quantity of stormwater treatment measures suitable for leaving a property. To ensure use “on-lot” include household displacement of potable water raingardens, vegetated swales year round, a rainwater tank and downpipe diverters. Such should ideally be installed for CURRENT 30 50 TARGET % % of Moreland of Moreland 2010 2020 households that households to have an installed have an installed rainwater tank rainwater tank in 2010 by 2020
30 Moreland Watermap 2020 Counting every drop monitoring, reporting and data management Monitoring and 1. Continue data management Review and reporting data management process for potable water use from Yarra Valley Reporting on our progress Adequate and accurate Water bills or database under this plan is a critical management of data that incorporates targets part of our accountability, and information on water and indicators. stakeholder engagement consumption, water reuse and and best practice integration recycling and water quality is 2. Continue updating the process. It also enables us to central to measuring progression monitoring database for review our priorities based on towards water the targets. water quality improvements a range of external influences based on modelling of and opportunities as they Council is able to monitor water Council projects and emerge during implementation. consumption and water quality information submitted in Reporting through a variety of means and planning applications. and review will be underpinned it is important that consistent 3. Continue monitoring program by our monitoring and data methods are established so for WSUD treatment systems management processes and that accurate benchmarking to determine effectiveness include the following key actions: and comparison can occur over relative to modelled the long term. A number of 1. Annual reporting of our treatment predictions. these monitoring and reporting progress towards the Vision systems were established under 4. Develop a monitoring and the Targets of the plan Council’s Integrated Water database to quantify impacts to Council. Management Plan 2009-10 – of sustainability initiatives 2. Annual review of the 2012-13. included in developments schedule of project priorities, and measure relative to The existing and future data scheduling, partners and targets. management and reporting delivery capacity. actions that will be carried out 5. Install separate metering 3. A mid plan review and during the life of this plan are for large scale water reuse update completed after three as follows: projects. years 6. Investigate the installation of implementation. of sub-metering at aquatic centres. Image: A household-scale raingarden (Melbourne Water). Image supplied courtesy of Melbourne Water.
Moreland Watermap 2020 31 Image: Raingarden swale in Snapshot Drive, Coburg North
Moreland City Council’s Integrated Water Management Plan 2014 - 2020 Appendix A Implementation Plan
Moreland Watermap 2020 | Appendix A – Implementation Plan 33 Overview The purpose of Appendix A is to define the approach to implementation of the actions set out in Watermap 2020. Projects and costs are defined including the project’s contribution towards delivering the targets and vision for Watermap 2020. The implementation plan will be reviewed annually to ensure the actions and strategies, and their priority for delivery remain correct. The prioritisation of actions will be measured against the criteria outlined below. Timeframe for implementation The schedule below provides an overview of the timing for implementation of the key actions and will be updated annually based upon the outcomes from the annual review process. Action 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Stormwater harvesting D C C D C C Audit of irrigation P infrastructure Upgrades to irrigation P P P P infrastructure Implement building water X X X X X X efficiency program Implementation of water X X X X X X sensitive urban design program Advocacy X X X X X X Amendment C71 X X X X X X Community IWCM program Pilot P P P P P Key: C = Construction D = Design X = Action (Design and construction within the same year) P = Priority for consideration in this year unfunded. Subject to Council business case. Project prioritisation The prioritisation of the actions set out in this plan is based on the following criteria: » Benefit to the community » Ability to attract external » Additional benefits provided grant funding by the project (e.g. mitigation » Contribution to meeting of Urban Heat Island Effect, Watermap 2020 targets » Alignment with other Council increased community amenity) strategies and priorities » Capital outlay and return on investment
34 Moreland Watermap 2020 | Appendix A – Implementation Plan Cost estimates The cost estimates provided for implementation have been developed based upon Melbourne Water’s WSUD life cycle costing data and previous projects that Council has undertaken. Melbourne water WSUD life cycle costing data Asset Asset Parameters Planning, Design and Ongoing Construction costs Maintenance costs Wetlands < 500m² $150/m² $10/m²/yr 500 to 10,000m² $100/m² $2/m²/yr > 10,000m² $75/m² $0.5/m²/yr Streetscape raingardens < 50m² $2,000/m² $30/m²/yr 50 to 250m² $1,000/m² $15/m²/yr > 250m² $500/m² $10/m²/yr Bioretention basins < 100m² $1,000/m² $5/m²/yr (end-of-line raingardens) 100 to 500m² $350/m² > 500m² $250/m² Tree pits < 10m² total $8,000/m² $150/asset/yr 10 to 50m² total $5,000/m² > 50m² total $1,000/m² Previous Council projects Project Cost Date Details Sewell Reserve $64,485 (design) 2012 5ML/a. Treatment raingarden. stormwater harvesting Gravity fed from stormwater $518,487 drain. Above ground tanks. (construction) Charles Mutton Reserve $89,650 (design) 2014 13ML/a. Treatment raingarden. stormwater harvesting Pump extraction from stormwater $913,868 drain. Combination of above and (construction) below ground tanks Charles Mutton Reserve raingarden ~$327,000 2014 25m² above ground raingarden + only site costs. Please note that the projects for which cost estimates have been specified on following pages have only had preliminary feasibility investigations completed. As such the costs estimates are highly uncertain (~ +/- 50%)
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