Page created by Debbie Andrews
Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies   1

LATIN AMERICAN, IBERIAN,                                      others to the United States. Students may have
                                                              other courses approved to fulfill this requirement

AND LATINX STUDIES                                            if they can demonstrate their pertinence to the
                                                              concentration. The concentration coordinator
                                                              will approve courses not listed in the Catalog or
Department Website:
                                                              Course Guide on a case-by-case basis. These
                                                              can include courses offered at Bryn Mawr,
The Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies               Swarthmore, the University of Pennsylvania, or in
Concentration is an interdisciplinary program for             approved study abroad programs.
students majoring in a related discipline who wish        •   One of the courses fulfilling the third or fourth
to undertake a comprehensive study of the cultures            bullet point must be at the 300 level.
of Spanish America, Brazil, or the Iberian Peninsula      •   A long paper (at least 20 pages) on Latin America,
(Spain and Portugal).                                         the Iberian Peninsula, or the Latinx experience in
                                                              the United States to be completed no later than
Students supplement a major in one of the
                                                              the first semester of the senior year, as part of
cooperating departments (e.g., history, history of art,
                                                              the work for a course in the student’s major or the
religion, political science, anthropology, economics,
                                                              concentration. Students must submit in advance
comparative literature, linguistics or Spanish) with
                                                              a proposal for the paper topic, accompanied by a
courses that focus on Latin American, Iberian, and
                                                              bibliography, for the concentration coordinator’s
US-Latinx issues and themes.
                                                              approval. Although the topic is open and should
                                                              reflect the student’s interests in a particular
Learning Goals                                                discipline, the paper should demonstrate the
• Students will develop a substantial understanding           student’s ability to discuss cogently the history,
  of the diverse people, cultures and histories of the        literature, social, or political thought of Latin
  Latin American and Iberian worlds, including US-            America or Spain as it applies to the individual
  Latinx's.                                                   student’s research project. The concentration
• Students will enhance their studies within                  coordinator may on a case-by-case basis approve
  established majors through a coordinated multi-             creative works, such as films and other types of
  and interdisciplinary focus on specific regions,            art requiring work comparable to a long paper, to
  cultural zones and languages.                               fulfill this requirement.
                                                          •   A 2-page reflection on how the courses students
Haverford’s Institutional Learning Goals are
                                                              took for the LAILS concentration helped them
available on the President’s website, at
                                                              understand the topic of research, and/or other
                                                              specific issues in Latin America and Spain more
Concentration Requirements
                                                          •   A brief presentation of the project and reflection
Requirements for the concentration (six courses and
                                                              to be scheduled at the end of the Spring
one essay):
• Concentrators must demonstrate competence in            •   No more than two credits towards the
  Spanish to be achieved no later than the junior             concentration will be awarded for work done
  year, demonstrated by the completion of at least            beyond the Tri-Co, whether abroad or in the U.S.
  one course in Spanish at the 200 level or above.
• SPAN H240 at Haverford, or GNST B245 at Bryn            Affiliated Programs
  Mawr. One of these two courses will be taught           Accelerated Degree Program with the Center for Latin
  every year, usually in spring, alternating between      American Studies at Georgetown University
  Haverford and Bryn Mawr.                                Haverford has been invited to join other
• At least two, and no more than three, courses           distinguished colleges and universities in an
  must be completed in the departmental major.            agreement with the Center for Latin American at
• At least two other courses in Latin American            Georgetown University to participate in a five-year
  or Iberian Studies, representing at least two           joint degree program. The cooperative agreement
  departments outside of the major. These courses         allows undergraduate concentrators in Latin
  are to be chosen from the offerings listed under        American, Iberian and Latino Studies to pursue an
  the concentration in the Catalog or the Course          accelerated course of study in a graduate degree.
  Guide. Students should consult with their advisors
  as to which courses are most appropriate for their      The program offers the highest qualified applicants
  major and special interests: some apply more to         the opportunity to count four courses from their
  Latin America, some to the Iberian Peninsula and        undergraduate study toward the M.A. program in
2    Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies

Latin American Studies at Georgetown University,        Domain(s): B: Analysis of the Social World
enabling them to complete the degree in two             This course examines the ethnography of
semesters and one summer.                               contemporary Mexico, focusing upon themes such
                                                        as gender, ethnic, and class inequality; social
The five-year B.A.-M.A. program is designed for         movements and protest; nationalism and popular
those students who demonstrate excellence at the        culture; and urbanization and migration. Class will
undergraduate level. Qualified undergraduates must      begin by exploring various approaches to reading,
maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5, declare an interest      writing, and analyzing ethnographic texts; through
in the Accelerated Degree Program during their          deep reading of select ethnographies, we will
junior year, and participate in the Center’s summer     examine the relationships between power, culture,
study abroad program. During the senior year,           and identity in Mexico while assessing current
candidates apply through the normal Georgetown          trends in anthropological fieldwork and ethnographic
M.A. application cycle. If accepted into the M.A.       writing.
program, students may transfer up to four courses
(two from the CLAS summer study program in
                                                        Comparative Literature Courses
Mexico or Chile and two advanced courses from the
                                                        COML H203 WRITING THE JEWISH
undergraduate institution) to be applied to the M.A.
                                                        TRAJECTORIES IN LATIN AMERICA (1.0 Credit)
All M.A. prerequisites must be completed during the
                                                        Ariana Huberman
student’s undergraduate education, and students
                                                        Division: Humanities
must have concentrated in Latin American Studies at
                                                        The course proposes the study of Latin American
the undergraduate level.
                                                        Jewish literature focusing on narrative, essay, and
For more detailed information, consult with the         poetry of the Twentieth and Twenty-First centuries.
LAILS coordinator or visit the Georgetown Center        It pays close attention to themes, registers, and
for Latin American Studies website: https://            cultural contexts relevant to the Jewish experience in            Latin America. What is Jewish about this literature?
                                                        Where do these texts cross paths, or not, with other
Faculty                                                 migratory and minority experiences? The texts
Below are the core Latin American, Iberian and          studied question identity and Otherness, and explore
Latinx Studies faculty. Many other faculty contribute   constructions of memory while examining issues of
courses to the program; see the Courses section for     gender, assimilation, transculturation, migration,
a full listing.                                         and exile in relation to the Jewish Diaspora in the
                                                        Americas. This course is conducted in Spanish.
Core Faculty                                            Crosslisted: Spanish, Comparative Literature
Ariana Huberman                                         Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102, placement, or instructor
Associate Professor of Spanish; Faculty Director of     consent
CPGC; Coordinator of Latin American, Iberian, and
Latinx Studies                                          COML H210 SPANISH AND SPANISH AMERICAN
                                                        FILM STUDIES (1.0 Credit)
Courses                                                 Division: Humanities
                                                        Exploration of Latin American film. The course
Africana Studies Courses                                will discuss approximately one movie per week.
AFST H308 BLACKNESS IN LATIN                            The class will focus on the analysis of cinematic
AMERICA (1.0 Credit)                                    discourses as well as the films’ cultural and historic
Lina Martinez Hernandez                                 background. The course will also provide advanced
Division: Humanities                                    language training with particular emphasis in refining
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:       oral and writing skills. This course is conducted
Analysis of the Social World                            in Spanish. Crosslisted: Spanish, Comparative
This course offers a historical and cultural approach   Literature. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102, or placement,
to blackness in Latin America. Understood as            or instructor consent.
an epistemological discourse and as embodied
practices, blackness has been at the center of Latin    COML H214 WRITING THE NATION: 19TH-
American identity since colonial times. Taught in       CENTURY LITERATURE IN LATIN AMERICA (1.0
Spanish. Prerequisite(s): 200 level Spanish course      Credit)
                                                        Ariana Huberman
Anthropology Courses                                    Division: Humanities
ANTH H250 READING MEXICO, READING                       Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
ETHNOGRAPHY (1.0 Credit)                                An examination of seminal literary texts written in
Division: Social Science                                Latin America in the nineteenth century. Novels,
Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies   3

essays, travelogues, short stories, miscellaneous          analyzing the novel’s self-reflexivity and narrative
texts, and poetry will be analyzed and placed in           ambiguity as well as its depiction of gender, race,
the context of the process of nation-building that         and class. We will also study the legacy of Cervantes’
took place after Independence from Spain. A goal of        novel and its influence on subsequent fiction,
the course will be to establish and define the nexus       philosophy, music, art and film. This course fulfills
between the textual and ideological formations             the “pre 1898” requirement. Crosslisted: Spanish,
of 19th-century writings in Latin America and              Comparative Literature.
their counterparts in the 20th-century. The course
fulfills the “pre-1898” requirement. This course           COML H253 HISPANIC CARIBBEAN MIGRATION
is conducted in Spanish. Cross-listed: Spanish,            TALES (1.0 Credit)
Comparative Literature. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102,         Division: Humanities
placement, or instructor consent.                          Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
(Offered: Spring 2024)                                     Students will learn about different Hispanic
                                                           Caribbean migratory experiences through a selection
COML H231 CARIBE QUEER: SEXUALITIES                        of short stories, novels, memoirs, and essays, as
AND NARRATIVES FROM THE HISPANIC                           well as in film, and performative production. The
CARIBBEAN (1.0 Credit)                                     tales featured in this course will consider how gender
Lina Martinez Hernandez                                    and sexuality shape migration experiences. The
Division: Humanities                                       texts that will be analyzed are mostly originally
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)              written in Spanish. Crosslisted: Spanish, Comparative
The course will look at different narrative and artistic   Literature Prerequisite(s): SPAN H102 or 200-300
productions regarding alternative sexualities in           level in the placement test
the Hispanic Caribbean. We will take as a point of         (Offered: Spring 2024)
departure the Cuban revolution and move to the
present. Crosslisted: Spanish, Comparative Literature      COML H322 POLITICS OF MEMORY IN LATIN
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102                                  AMERICA (1.0 Credit)
                                                           Aurelia Gómez De Unamuno
COML H250 WORDS AND MUSIC,QUIXOTIC                         Division: Humanities
NARRATIVES (1.0 Credit)                                    This course explores the issue of memory, the
Luis Rodriguez-Rincon, Richard Freedman                    narration of political violence and the tension
Division: Humanities                                       between truth and fiction. A selection of documents,
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)              visual archives and documentary films are compared
This course will be devoted to the amazing vocal           with literary genres including testimonies memories,
music of the European Renaissance, exploring               diaries, poetry, and fiction writing. This course also
the ways in which literary and musical modes of            compares the coup and dictatorship of Pinochet
interpretation repeatedly informed each other during       with the repression of the student movement of
this period. How do literary readings of texts differ      ‘68 and the guerrilla warfare in Mexico. This course
from musical ones? How did Renaissance musicians           is conducted in Spanish. Cross-listed: Spanish,
bring their own habits as readers to musical and           Comparative Literature, PJHR
verbal texts they sang and played? Our primary             (Offered: Spring 2024)
texts will be the works themselves: French chansons,
Italian madrigals, Latin motets, and solo songs of         COML H327 TRAVEL NARRATIVES IN LATIN
the fifteenth through early seventeenth centuries.         AMERICA (1.0 Credit)
We will study poetry by Petrarch, Tasso, Christine         Ariana Huberman
de Pizan, Ronsard as interpreted by composers like         Division: Humanities
Guillaume Dufay, Josquin Desprez, Cipriano de Rore,        Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
Orlandus Lassus, Luca Marenzio, Claudio Monteverdi         This course examines the ideas and impact of
(and plenty of others, too). Our discussions will be       European Travel writers in Latin America and the
both historical (exploring the values and artistic         Caribbean. We will discuss the imprint travel writers
ideals at work in the European Renaissance) and            have left on the literature of Latin America from the
critical (investigating the ways of knowing or relating    seventeenth century to the present. Crosslisted:
words and music).,This course proposes a bilingual         Spanish, Comparative Literature
reading of Miguel de Cervantes’ famous novel,
El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha.             COML H336 HUMANIMALS IN SPANISH
Course readings and discussion will be in English          LITERATURE AND CULTURE FROM PREHISTORY
with the option of reading the novel in Spanish and        TO THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD (1.0 Credit)
participating in a Spanish-language discussion group       Luis Rodriguez-Rincon
for interested students. The course will focus on          Division: Humanities
4    Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies

Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)           HIST H208 DECOLONIZING COLONIAL LATIN
Humans are animals and yet most people consider         AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN HISTORY (1.0
animals to be something other than humans. This         Credit)
course sets out to understand from a specifically       James Krippner
Iberian perspective how humans have come to             Division: Social Science
define themselves in relation to animals and vice       Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
versa how animals have come to be defined in            Analysis of the Social World
relation to humans. Readings in this course will        Are you interested in understanding Latin America?
approach animals as both living and literary figures    If so, you must understand the colonial era. Spanish
with an emphasis on the medieval and early modern       and Portuguese rule of the region lasted more
periods as well as key theories in Animal Studies.      than three centuries--in most countries from 1492
Crosslisted: COML. Pre-requisite(s): A 200 level-       until the early 1820's, and in Cuba and Puerto Rico
course; or permission of the instructor Lottery         until 1898--and the legacies of colonial rule have
Preference: Spanish majors; Spanish minors;             conditioned social relations, economic life, culture,
Comparative Literature majors; LAILS concentrators      and political conflict up until the present. This
                                                        course will provide a thorough and regionally varied
History Courses                                         introduction to the multi-faceted history of colonial
HIST H114 ORIGINS OF THE GLOBAL                         Latin America, beginning with an introduction to
SOUTH (1.0 Credit)                                      the indigenous civilizations existing prior to Iberian
James Krippner                                          expansion and ending with popular upheavals that
Division: Social Science                                marked the end of the eighteenth century.
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:       (Offered: Spring 2024)
Analysis of the Social World
This course analyzes the complex histories, shifting    HIST H274 HISTORY OF THE ANDES (1.0
geographies, and unequal relationships of power         Credit)
denoted by the term “Global South,” a designation       Marlen Rosas
that maps unevenly onto the formerly colonized          Division: Social Science
regions of Latin America, Africa and Asia. As we        Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
shall see, the term is also at times used to describe   Analysis of the Social World
marginalized populations and places within the          This course presents a cultural and political history
“Global North,” a convenient though not entirely        of the Andean region of South America. We will
accurate label for today’s relatively rich and          examine unique historical developments in this
developed world regions. A basic concern of the         part of the world. The themes we will analyze
course will be to assess how colonialism and its        include the influence of geography on early Andean
legacies have influenced world history, including the   civilizations, the cultural impact of conquest, land
production of knowledge. Our collective goal will be    and labor systems, popular resistance movements,
to develop new ways of thinking about our pasts,        revolutions, military governments, neoliberalism, and
presents and futures.                                   the politicization of ethnic identities.
                                                        (Offered: Spring 2024)
Marlen Rosas                                            ETHNICITY AND FEMINISM IN LATIN
Division: Social Science                                AMERICA (1.0 Credit)
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)           Marlen Rosas
This course is an intensive history class designed      Division: Social Science
around two goals: to give students an introduction      Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
to themes and debates in Latin American and Latinx      Analysis of the Social World
History, and to provide hands-on practice toward        This course gives students an introduction to the
doing research. We will focus on Indigenous histories   themes and debates in the intersectional fields of
of resistance and migration, gender studies, as         Gender and Women’s Studies, Race, Ethnic and
well as intellectual and political trends across the    Indigenous Studies, Latin American History, and
American continents. Texts are interdisciplinary        Feminist Theory. Pre-requisite(s): None Lottery
and include fiction, journalism, polemic, history,      Preference: History majors, first and second year
sociology, and anthropology.                            students, LAILS, and GenSex concentrators, with first
(Offered: Spring 2024)                                  priority for History and LAILS.
Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies   5

HIST H309 KNOWLEDGE, POWER, AND                          Independent College Programs Courses
AMERICA (1.0 Credit)                                     TRANSNATIONAL STUDIES: FROM KUALA
Marlen Rosas                                             LUMPUR TO KANSAS CITY (1.0 Credit)
Division: Social Science                                 Thomas Donahue
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:        Division: Social Science
Analysis of the Social World                             Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
This course examines the revolutionary politics,         Analysis of the Social World
emancipatory pedagogies, and struggles for               How can comparative lenses on the one hand, and
liberation espoused by grassroots intellectuals,         transnational lenses, on the other, make sense of
students, and working-class, peasant and indigenous      a globalizing world and its workings? This course
activists in modern Latin America. We will consider      uses both lenses to understand the ways we live
questions of intellectual and political agency, as       now. Also, the ideas and practices that shaped
well as the political power of literacy, education,      them. So we study, for example, how modernity
memories, and archives in the face of imperial           was built by the Black Atlantic, by creolizing, and
threats throughout history.                              by different diasporas and their homelands. And
                                                         how constitutionalisms in Spanish America and U. S.
HIST H314 TOPICS IN GLOBAL LATIN                         states resemble each other. Or how the Arab world
AMERICAN HISTORY: LAND AND THE LEFT IN                   and East Asia shared debates over dealing with
THE AMERICAS (1.0 Credit)                                Eurocentrism.
Marlen Rosas                                             (Offered: Spring 2024)
Division: Social Science
Domain(s): B: Analysis of the Social World               Linguistics Courses
This course traces the debates over land distribution
                                                         LING H214 SPANISH IN THE US: LANGUAGE,
and agrarian reform that have been at the
                                                         IDENTITY AND POLITICS (1.0 Credit)
forefront of modern political strife and Indigenous
                                                         Ana López-Sánchez
activism in the Americas. We will explore how Latin
                                                         Division: Humanities
America’s rural poor have supported socialism
                                                         Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
and environmentalism as alternatives to capitalist
                                                         Analysis of the Social World
extraction, as a strategy to break colonial vestiges,
                                                         The course introduces students to basic concepts
and as an anti-imperialist ideology. The course
                                                         of (critical) sociolinguistics with a focus on Spanish
focuses on various case studies to address the
                                                         in the US. It examines the history and politics of
meaning of socialism in largely agrarian societies,
                                                         Spanish in the US, the relationship of language to
how states have implemented nationalist policies to
                                                         Latinx identities, and how language ideologies and
redistribute land, and how new social movements
                                                         policies reflect and shape societal views of Spanish
approached land and community rights in ways that
                                                         and its speakers (and contribute to discrimination
challenged the status quo. This class requires every
                                                         and social injustices). Course taught in Spanish.
student’s vocal participation in discussions. Students
                                                         Prerequisite(s): Course at the 200-level in Spanish or
will also complete historical research papers on a
topic of their choice, related to the course themes.
                                                         (Offered: Fall 2023)
Lottery Preference: History Majors; Latin American
Studies concentrators; Seniors/Juniors
                                                         LING H215 THE STRUCTURE OF COLONIAL
(Offered: Fall 2023)
                                                         VALLEY ZAPOTEC (1.0 Credit)
                                                         Brook Lillehaugen
                                                         Division: Humanities
                                                         Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
                                                         Analysis of the Social World
                                                         A detailed examination of the grammar of Colonial
James Krippner
                                                         Valley Zapotec, an indigenous language of Oaxaca,
Division: Social Science
                                                         Mexico. Focus on hands-on research, morphological
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
                                                         analysis, and translation of archival documents.
Analysis of the Social World
                                                         Prerequisite(s): LING 113; and one of the following:
(Offered: Spring 2024)
                                                         LING 101, 114, 115, or instructor consent
6    Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies

Music Courses                                             Division: Social Science
MUSC H140 MUSICAL CULTURES OF                             Domain(s): B: Analysis of the Social World
THE WORLD: AN ETHNOMUSICOLOGICAL                          An introduction to basic concepts and themes in
JOURNEY (1.0 Credit)                                      comparative politics analyzed through case studies.
Edwin Porras                                              Themes include political authority and governance
Division: Humanities                                      structures; political culture and identity politics;
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)             political participation and representation; and
This course provides an overview of the world's           political economy. Enrollment Limit: 35 Lottery
musical traditions, with selected case studies from       Preference(s): Sophomores, then juniors and seniors.
each of ten regions: Oceania, South Asia, East Asia,      15 spaces reserved for first year students,An
Southeast Asia, the Middle East, North America,           introduction to basic concepts and themes in
Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America. It      comparative politics analyzed through case studies.
introduces ways to think and write about the huge         Themes include political authority and governance
diversity of musical genres from different parts of the   structures; political culture and identity politics;
world, together with their performers, audiences, and     political participation and representation; and
cultural contexts.                                        political economy.
(Offered: Spring 2024)                                    (Offered: Spring 2024)

LATIN AMERICA (1.0 Credit)                                POLITICS (1.0 Credit)
Edwin Porras                                              Anita Isaacs, Susanna Wing
Division: Humanities                                      Division: Social Science
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)             Domain(s): B: Analysis of the Social World
This course considers Afro-Latin American music           An introduction to basic concepts and themes in
within a broad cultural framework. The course             comparative politics analyzed through case studies.
surveys the historical and musical development of         Themes include political authority and governance
various social groups, who constitute the African         structures; political culture and identity politics;
diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean. It            political participation and representation; and
explores African-influenced musical cultures and          political economy. Enrollment Limit: 35 Lottery
practices that emerged from syncretic practices           Preference(s): Sophomores, then juniors and seniors.
among indigenous, African, and European people,           15 spaces reserved for first year students,An
focusing on folkloric, ritual, and popular forms of       introduction to basic concepts and themes in
expression. Lottery Preference: Music majors              comparative politics analyzed through case studies.
(Offered: Fall 2023)                                      Themes include political authority and governance
                                                          structures; political culture and identity politics;
Peace, Justice and Human Rights Courses                   political participation and representation; and
                                                          political economy.
                                                          (Offered: Spring 2024)
Aurelia Gómez De Unamuno
                                                          POLS H208 POLITICAL THOUGHT IN THE
Division: Humanities
                                                          GLOBAL SOUTH: THE CASE OF LATIN
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
                                                          AMERICA (1.0 Credit)
Analysis of the Social World
                                                          Paulina Ochoa Espejo
An examination of socialist armed struggles in
                                                          Division: Social Science
1970s, women’s rights and feminist movements
                                                          Domain(s): B: Analysis of the Social World
in Latin America. A comparative study of literary
                                                          What impact did the conquest and colonization of
texts, testimonials and documentary films addresses
                                                          the Americas have on modern political thought? How
theoretical issues such as Marxism, global feminism,
                                                          did European thinkers describe Indigenous peoples,
hegemony and feminisms produced in the periphery.
                                                          and how did they deploy the figure of “the native”
This course is conducted in Spanish. Cross-listed:
                                                          in their works? In this course, we will take a critical
Spanish, Comparative Literature, Gen/Sex, and PJHR
                                                          approach to canonical thinkers such Hobbes, Locke,
Prerequisite(s): One 200-level, preferred 300- level
                                                          and Rousseau by focusing on how they approached
course, or instructor consent
                                                          issues of colonialism and Indigeneity. Drawing on
                                                          insights from Indigenous, Black, and postcolonial
Political Science Courses                                 theory we will explore how prominent issues in
POLS H131 INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE                     modern political thought (including theories of
POLITICS (1.0 Credit)                                     freedom, the social contract, natural law, progress,
Anita Isaacs, Susanna Wing                                and individual rights) look different from vantage
Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies   7

points outside of Europe. We will have a particular      Spanish Courses
emphasis on works from and about Latin America.          SPAN H201 EXPLORING CRITICAL ISSUES
The course is broken up into three major sections.       THROUGH WRITING (1.0 Credit)
First, we begin with a selection of works that provide   Ana López-Sánchez
a framework for thinking about colonialism, race, and    Division: Humanities
modernity. We then turn to a selection of canonical      Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
works in modern political thought, each paired with a    Analysis of the Social World
contemporary piece of analysis. Finally, we end with     The course aims to provide students with the
a series of broader thematic readings on capitalism,     skills necessary to successfully undertake writing
liberalism, sovereignty, and modernity.                  assignments in the upper-division Spanish courses.
                                                         Students will be engaged in discussions of, and
POLS H271 COMPARATIVE AND                                write about topics such as identity, borders and
TRANSNATIONAL STUDIES: FROM KUALA                        migrations, and manifestations of violence. This
LUMPUR TO KANSAS CITY (1.0 Credit)                       course is conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN
Thomas Donahue                                           102, placement, or instructor consent
Division: Social Science                                 (Offered: Fall 2023)
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
Analysis of the Social World                             SPAN H206 DIGITALLY NARRATING SECOND
How can comparative lenses on the one hand, and          LANGUAGE IDENTITIES (1.0 Credit)
transnational lenses, on the other, make sense of        Ana López-Sánchez
a globalizing world and its workings? This course        Division: Humanities
uses both lenses to understand the ways we live          Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
now. Also, the ideas and practices that shaped           Analysis of the Social World
them. So we study, for example, how modernity            An exploration of the students’ experience in
was built by the Black Atlantic, by creolizing, and      bicultural/bilingual home, or abroad, and of the
by different diasporas and their homelands. And          subjectivities they develop through their use of
how constitutionalisms in Spanish America and U. S.      a second/foreign language. Readings include
states resemble each other. Or how the Arab world        biographical texts by bilingual authors, and articles
and East Asia shared debates over dealing with           on the role of language in the construction of
Eurocentrism.                                            the self. This course is conducted in Spanish.
(Offered: Spring 2024)                                   Prerequisite(s): Interning/studying/knowing 2+
                                                         languages, or instructor consent.
POLS H289 IMMIGRATION POLITICS AND                       (Offered: Spring 2024)
POLICY (1.0 Credit)
Anita Isaacs                                             SPAN H210 SPANISH AND SPANISH AMERICAN
Division: Social Science                                 FILM STUDIES (1.0 Credit)
Domain(s): B: Analysis of the Social World               Roberto Castillo Sandoval, Staff
Examines the causes and rights of forced migrants        Division: Humanities
and refugees along with the responses and                Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts),; B:
responsibilities of the international community. Focus   Analysis of the Social World
on Mexico and Central America. Prerequisite(s): One      Exploration of films in Spanish from both sides of
political science course or instructor consent           the Atlantic. The course will discuss approximately
                                                         one movie per class, from a variety of classic and
POLS H330 TOPICS IN COMPARATIVE                          more recent directors such as Luis Buñuel, Carlos
POLITICS (1.0 Credit)                                    Saura, Pedro Almodóvar, Lucrecia Martel among
Susanna Wing                                             others. The class will focus on the analysis of
Division: Social Science                                 cinematic discourses as well as the films’ cultural
Domain(s): B: Analysis of the Social World               and historic background. The course will also
This is a workshop course built around student           provide advanced language training with particular
interests and senior thesis topics. We will explore      emphasis in refining oral and writing skills. This
issues including, but not limited to, ethnicity,         course is conducted in Spanish. Crosslisted: Spanish,
religion, gender and the state. We will look at          Comparative Literature. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102, or
how states pursue both political and economic            placement, or instructor consent. Enrollment Limit:
development and how they cope with violent conflict.     15,Exploration of Latin American film. The course
Prerequisite(s): Three courses in POLS AND junior or     will discuss approximately one movie per week.
senior status, or instructor consent                     The class will focus on the analysis of cinematic
(Offered: Fall 2023)                                     discourses as well as the films’ cultural and historic
                                                         background. The course will also provide advanced
8    Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies

language training with particular emphasis in refining     in foundational narratives. Through literary texts and
oral and writing skills. This course is conducted          visual production including the Mexican Muralism,
in Spanish. Crosslisted: Spanish, Comparative              photography and films, this course analyses the
Literature. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102, or placement,       Mexican Revolution and the post-revolutionary
or instructor consent.                                     process stressing the tensions, contradictions, and
(Offered: Spring 2024)                                     debts of the Mexican Revolution to rural sectors
                                                           including campesino and indigenous groups. This
SPAN H214 WRITING THE NATION: 19TH-                        course is conducted in Spanish.
CENTURY LITERATURE IN LATIN AMERICA (1.0                   (Offered: Fall 2023)
Ariana Huberman                                            SPAN H230 INTRODUCTION TO IBERIAN
Division: Humanities                                       STUDIES: MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)              LITERATURE AND CULTURE (1.0 Credit)
An examination of seminal literary texts written in        Luis Rodriguez-Rincon, Staff
Latin America in the nineteenth century. Novels,           Division: Humanities
essays, travelogues, short stories, miscellaneous          Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
texts, and poetry will be analyzed and placed in           This course surveys over a thousand years of
the context of the process of nation-building that         literary, cultural, and political history in the Iberian
took place after Independence from Spain. A goal of        Peninsula. In the context of European and world
the course will be to establish and define the nexus       history, course readings will span from the 5th
between the textual and ideological formations             century CE to roughly 1700, that is to say, from
of 19th-century writings in Latin America and              the final dissolution of the Roman Empire through
their counterparts in the 20th-century. The course         the middle ages and ending with the early modern
fulfills the “pre-1898” requirement. This course           period and the first centuries of Iberian colonization
is conducted in Spanish. Cross-listed: Spanish,            in the Americas. While most readings will be in
Comparative Literature. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102,         Castilian (i.e. Spanish), the Arabic and Hebrew
placement, or instructor consent.                          writers that called the Iberian Peninsula home from
(Offered: Spring 2024)                                     711 CE to 1492 as well as early Gallego-Portuguese
                                                           writers will likewise be discussed. These non-
SPAN H216 MAPPING IBERIA: GEOCRITICAL                      Castilian voices represent a linguistic, cultural, and
APPROACHES TO MEDIEVAL AND EARLY                           religious diversity at odds with the commonplace
MODERN IBERIAN NARRATIVES (1.0 Credit)                     notion of Spain as an exclusively Spanish-speaking
Roxanna Colón-Cosme                                        and Catholic monarchy. Topics of discussion will
Division: Humanities                                       include the politics of history, love and epic poetry,
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)              writing the self, and the changing role of women in
This course will introduce the student to Medieval         Iberian society. This course is conducted in Spanish.
and Early Modern Iberia through the lenses of              (Offered: Spring 2024)
Geocriticism and space. Students will examine
literature, cultural objects, and maps to understand       SPAN H231 CARIBE QUEER: SEXUALITIES
the encounters among the different religious,              AND NARRATIVES FROM THE HISPANIC
ethnic, and linguistic groups in the Peninsula and         CARIBBEAN (1.0 Credit)
understand the spatial shifts throughout its history.      Lina Martinez Hernandez
Topics include the fluidity of the political boundaries,   Division: Humanities
the role of the Mediterranean in mercantile networks,      Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
urban and rural spaces, public rituals and imperial        The course will look at different narrative and artistic
architectures. Pre-requisite(s): SPAN 102; placement       productions regarding alternative sexualities in
exam Lottery Preference: Majors; minors; LAILS             the Hispanic Caribbean. We will take as a point of
concentrators                                              departure the Cuban revolution and move to the
(Offered: Fall 2023)                                       present. Crosslisted: Spanish, Comparative Literature
                                                           Prerequisite(s): SPAN 102
Credit)                                                    SPAN H240 LATIN AMERICAN AND IBERIAN
Aurelia Gómez De Unamuno                                   CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION (1.0 Credit)
Division: Humanities                                       Roberto Castillo Sandoval
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:          Division: Humanities
Analysis of the Social World                               Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
This course approaches the reconstruction of the           Analysis of the Social World
nation after the Mexican Revolution and its relevance
Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies   9

An interdisciplinary exploration of Latin America          entities are able to challenge binary constructions
and Spain. Topics will include imperial expansion,         while creating spaces for emerging alternative
colonialism, independence, national and cultural           communities. Pre-requisite(s): SPAN 102, placement
identities, and revolution. This course is designed        at the 200 level, or instructor's consent Lottery
to serve as the introduction to the Concentration in       Preference: Majors and minors; LAILS concentrators
Latin American and Iberian Studies. Course taught in
English. Students who wish to obtain Spanish credit        SPAN H273 THE INVENTION OF PABLO
are expected to read Spanish language texts in the         NERUDA: POETICS AND POLITICS (1.0 Credit)
original and write all assignments in the language.        Roberto Castillo Sandoval
                                                           Division: Humanities
SPAN H250 QUIXOTIC NARRATIVES (1.0                         Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
Credit)                                                    Analysis of the Social World
Luis Rodriguez-Rincon                                      This course deals with the principal works of Pablo
Division: Humanities                                       Neruda’s long career as a poet. Close readings of his
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)              major poems will be accompanied by an examination
This course proposes a bilingual reading of Miguel         of the criticism and reception of Neruda’s poetry at
de Cervantes’ famous novel, El ingenioso hidalgo           different stages of his trajectory. Special attention
don Quijote de la Mancha. Course readings and              will be paid to the creation and elaboration of
discussion will be in English with the option of           Neruda’s image as a poet, cultural icon, and political
reading the novel in Spanish and participating in a        figure in Chile and in the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish-language discussion group for interested           This course is conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite(s):
students. The course will focus on analyzing the           SPAN 102, placement, or instructor consent
novel’s self-reflexivity and narrative ambiguity as        (Offered: Spring 2024)
well as its depiction of gender, race, and class. We
will also study the legacy of Cervantes’ novel and         SPAN H307 CREATIVE FICTION AND NON-
its influence on subsequent fiction, philosophy,           FICTION WRITING WORKSHOP (1.0 Credit)
music, art and film. This course fulfills the “pre 1898”   Roberto Castillo Sandoval
requirement. Crosslisted: Spanish, Comparative             Division: Humanities
Literature.                                                Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:
                                                           Analysis of the Social World
SPAN H253 HISPANIC CARIBBEAN MIGRATION                     A fiction- and creative nonfiction-writing workshop
TALES (1.0 Credit)                                         for students with advanced Spanish writing skills.
Staff                                                      The class is conducted as a combination seminar and
Division: Humanities                                       workshop, with time devoted to discussion of work
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)              by established authors and by students. The course
Students will learn about different Hispanic               will focus on the development of essential elements
Caribbean migratory experiences through a selection        of craft and technique in fiction and non-fiction
of short stories, novels, memoirs, and essays, as          writing (point of view, voice, dialogue, narrative and
well as in film, and performative production. The          rhetorical structure, etc.) We will focus more on how
tales featured in this course will consider how gender     fiction and non-fiction stories work rather than on
and sexuality shape migration experiences. The             what they mean. This writerly perspective can be
texts that will be analyzed are mostly originally          useful for reconsidering and judging pieces of writing
written in Spanish. Crosslisted: Spanish, Comparative      long accepted as “great,” as well as a practical
Literature Prerequisite(s): SPAN H102 or 200-300           method for developing individual styles. Short
level in the placement test                                fiction, crónicas, personal essays, travel narratives,
(Offered: Spring 2024)                                     and memoirs are some of the forms we will work
                                                           on. At the end of the semester, each student will
SPAN H270 ANIMAL AND VEGETAL PLOTS IN                      produce a dossier with four edited, full-length pieces
LATIN AMERICAN LITERATURE (1.0 Credit)                     of original writing, consisting of a combination of
Division: Humanities                                       fiction and non-fiction work. Previous experience in
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)              creative writing is recommended, although it is not
This course explores the plots and threads between         necessary. Prerequisite(s): At least one 300-level
plants, animals, and humans in Latin American              course in Spanish, or instructor consent
literature in order to understanding the shifting          (Offered: Fall 2023)
notions of race, gender, and ethnicity in the region.
Drawing from 20th century and 21st century literary        SPAN H308 BLACKNESS IN LATIN
texts, films, and a visit to the Haverford Arboretum,      AMERICA (1.0 Credit)
the course analyzes how human and non-human                Staff
10    Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies

Division: Humanities                                     ‘68 and the guerrilla warfare in Mexico. This course
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:        is conducted in Spanish. Cross-listed: Spanish,
Analysis of the Social World                             Comparative Literature, PJHR
This course offers a historical and cultural approach    (Offered: Spring 2024)
to blackness in Latin America. Understood as
an epistemological discourse and as embodied             SPAN H327 TRAVEL NARRATIVES IN LATIN
practices, blackness has been at the center of Latin     AMERICA (1.0 Credit)
American identity since colonial times. Taught in        Ariana Huberman
Spanish. Prerequisite(s): 200 level Spanish course       Division: Humanities
(Offered: Spring 2024)                                   Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
                                                         This course examines the ideas and impact of
SPAN H314 SPANISH IN THE US: LANGUAGE,                   European Travel writers in Latin America and the
IDENTITY AND POLITICS (1.0 Credit)                       Caribbean. We will discuss the imprint travel writers
Ana López-Sánchez                                        have left on the literature of Latin America from the
Division: Humanities                                     seventeenth century to the present. Crosslisted:
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:        Spanish, Comparative Literature
Analysis of the Social World
The course introduces students to basic concepts         SPAN H329 FEMINIST FUTURES: SPECULATIVE
of (critical) sociolinguistics with a focus on Spanish   FICTIONS OF LATIN AMERICA (1.0 Credit)
in the US. It examines the history and politics of       Emily Sterk
Spanish in the US, the relationship of language to       Division: Humanities
Latinx identities, and how language ideologies and       Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
policies reflect and shape societal views of Spanish     An exploration of twentieth and twenty-first century
and its speakers (and contribute to discrimination       feminist science fiction from Latin America and
and social injustices). Course taught in Spanish.        the Caribbean. Through novels, short stories,
Prerequisite(s): Course at the 200-level in Spanish or   performances, and films, students will evaluate how
Linguistics                                              the genre of science fiction addresses questions
(Offered: Fall 2023)                                     of gender, sexuality, race, class, and colonialism.
                                                         Students will consider how feminist science fictions
SPAN H316 WOMEN AND THE ARMED                            (re)imagine gender and sexuality in the future and
STRUGGLE IN LATIN AMERICA (1.0 Credit)                   the progression or regression that awaits. Pre-
Aurelia Gómez De Unamuno                                 requisite(s): One 200 level Spanish course Lottery
Division: Humanities                                     Preference: Majors; minors & LAILS concentrators.
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts); B:        (Offered: Fall 2023)
Analysis of the Social World
An examination of socialist armed struggles in           SPAN H336 HUMANIMALS IN SPANISH
1970s, women’s rights and feminist movements             LITERATURE AND CULTURE FROM PREHISTORY
in Latin America. A comparative study of literary        TO THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD (1.0 Credit)
texts, testimonials and documentary films addresses      Luis Rodriguez-Rincon
theoretical issues such as Marxism, global feminism,     Division: Humanities
hegemony and feminisms produced in the periphery.        Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
This course is conducted in Spanish. Cross-listed:       Humans are animals and yet most people consider
Spanish, Comparative Literature, Gen/Sex, and PJHR       animals to be something other than humans. This
Prerequisite(s): One 200-level, preferred 300- level     course sets out to understand from a specifically
course, or instructor consent                            Iberian perspective how humans have come to
                                                         define themselves in relation to animals and vice
SPAN H322 POLITICS OF MEMORY IN LATIN                    versa how animals have come to be defined in
AMERICA (1.0 Credit)                                     relation to humans. Readings in this course will
Aurelia Gómez De Unamuno                                 approach animals as both living and literary figures
Division: Humanities                                     with an emphasis on the medieval and early modern
This course explores the issue of memory, the            periods as well as key theories in Animal Studies.
narration of political violence and the tension          Crosslisted: COML. Pre-requisite(s): A 200 level-
between truth and fiction. A selection of documents,     course; or permission of the instructor Lottery
visual archives and documentary films are compared       Preference: Spanish majors; Spanish minors;
with literary genres including testimonies memories,     Comparative Literature majors; LAILS concentrators
diaries, poetry, and fiction writing. This course also
compares the coup and dictatorship of Pinochet
with the repression of the student movement of
Latin American, Iberian, and Latinx Studies   11

LANGUAGE (1.0 Credit)
Ana López-Sánchez
Division: Humanities
Domain(s): A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts)
This course is designed for the advanced student of
Spanish, who is interested in the processes involved
in learning a foreign language, and/or contemplating
teaching it. This course is conducted in Spanish.
Crosslisted: Spanish, Education Prerequisite(s): One
200-level course, or instructor consent
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