Large-Scale Open-Set Classification Protocols for ImageNet

Page created by Juanita Morales
This is a pre-print of the original paper accepted at the Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023.

                                                 Large-Scale Open-Set Classification Protocols for ImageNet

                                                        Andres Palechor        Annesha Bhoumik           Manuel Günther
                                                Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Andreasstrasse 15, CH-8050 Zurich
arXiv:2210.06789v2 [cs.CV] 18 Oct 2022

                                                                Abstract                                   beyond imagination a decade before. Supervised im-
                                                                                                           age classification algorithms have achieved tremendous
                                            Open-Set Classification (OSC) intends to adapt                 success when it comes to detecting classes from a finite
                                         closed-set classification models to real-world scenar-            number of known classes, what is commonly known
                                         ios, where the classifier must correctly label samples            as evaluation under the closed-set assumption. For
                                         of known classes while rejecting previously unseen un-            example, the deep learning algorithms that attempt
                                         known samples. Only recently, research started to in-             the classification of ten handwritten digits [16] achieve
                                         vestigate on algorithms that are able to handle these             more than 99% accuracy when presented with a digit,
                                         unknown samples correctly. Some of these approaches               but it ignores the fact that the classifier might be con-
                                         address OSC by including into the training set negative           fronted with non-digit images during testing [6]. Even
                                         samples that a classifier learns to reject, expecting that        the well-known ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recog-
                                         these data increase the robustness of the classifier on           nition Challenge (ILSVRC) [26] contains 1000 classes
                                         unknown classes. Most of these approaches are evalu-              during training, and the test set contains samples from
                                         ated on small-scale and low-resolution image datasets             exactly these 1000 classes, while the real world contains
                                         like MNIST, SVHN or CIFAR, which makes it diffi-                  many more classes, e.g., the WordNet hierarchy [19]
                                         cult to assess their applicability to the real world, and         currently knows more than 100’000 classes.1 Training
                                         to compare them among each other. We propose three                a categorical classifier that can differentiate all these
                                         open-set protocols that provide rich datasets of natural          classes is currently not possible – only feature compar-
                                         images with different levels of similarity between known          ison approaches [22] exist – and, hence, we have to deal
                                         and unknown classes. The protocols consist of subsets             with samples that we do not know how to classify.
                                         of ImageNet classes selected to provide training and                  Only recently, research on methods to improve clas-
                                         testing data closer to real-world scenarios. Addition-            sification in presence of unknown samples has gained
                                         ally, we propose a new validation metric that can be              more attraction. These are samples from previously
                                         employed to assess whether the training of deep learn-            unseen classes that might occur during deployment of
                                         ing models addresses both the classification of known             the algorithm in the real world and that the algorithm
                                         samples and the rejection of unknown samples. We                  needs to handle correctly by not assigning them to any
                                         use the protocols to compare the performance of two               of the known classes. Bendale and Boult [2] provided
                                         baseline open-set algorithms to the standard SoftMax              the first algorithm that incorporates the possibility to
                                         baseline and find that the algorithms work well on neg-           reject a sample as unknown into a deep network that
                                         ative samples that have been seen during training, and            was trained on a finite set of known classes. Later,
                                         partially on out-of-distribution detection tasks, but drop        other algorithms were developed to improve the detec-
                                         performance in the presence of samples from previously            tion of unknown samples. Many of these algorithms
                                         unseen unknown classes.                                           require to train on samples from some of the unknown
                                                                                                           classes that do not belong to the known classes of in-
                                                                                                           terest – commonly, these classes are called known un-
                                         1. Introduction                                                   known [18], but since this formulation is more confusing
                                                                                                           than helpful, we will term these classes as the negative
                                            Automatic classification of objects in images has              classes. For example, Dhamija et al. [6] employed sam-
                                         been an active direction of research for several decades          ples from a different dataset, i.e., they trained their sys-
                                         now. The advent of Deep Learning has brought algo-                tem on MNIST as known classes and selected EMNIST
                                         rithms to a stage where they can handle large amounts
                                         of data and produce classification accuracies that were               1
Known                                                                                          Physical
     Unknown                                                           Organism                                             Artifact


      Dog       Fox   Wolf   Bear   Ungulate   Musteline                                                                    Device           Vehicle      Food


                                                           Bird   Insect   Fish   Monkey   Fungus    Fruit     Furniture   Computer    Car   Truck     Boat


Figure 1: Class Sampling in our Open-Set Protocols. We make use of the WordNet hierarchy [19] to define
three protocols of different difficulties. In this figure, we show the superclasses from which we sample the final classes, all of
which are leaf nodes taken from the ILSVRC 2012 dataset. Dashed lines indicate that the lower nodes are descendants, but
they might not be direct children of the upper nodes. Additionally, all nodes have more descendants than those shown in
the figure. The colored bars below a class indicate that its subclasses are sampled for the purposes shown in the top-left of
the figure. For example, all subclasses of “Dog” are used as known classes in protocol P1 , while the subclasses of “Hunting
Dog” are partitioned into known and negatives in protocol P2 . For protocol P3 , several intermediate nodes are partitioned
into known, negative and unknown classes.

letters as negatives. Other approaches try to create                               case the performance of three simple algorithms in this
negative samples by utilizing known classes in different                           paper. We decided to build our protocols based on the
ways, e.g., Ge et al. [8] used a generative model to form                          well-known and well-investigated ILSVRC 2012 dataset
negative samples, while Zhou et al. [30] try to utilize                            [26], and we build three evaluation protocols P1 , P2
internal representations of mixed known samples.                                   and P3 that provide various difficulties based on the
   One issue that is inherent in all of these approaches                           WordNet hierarchy [19], as displayed in Fig. 1. The
– with only a few exceptions [2, 25] – is that they eval-                          protocols are publicly available,3 including source code
uate only on small-scale datasets with a few known                                 for the baseline implementations and the evaluation,
classes, such as 10 classes in MNIST [16], CIFAR-10                                which enables the reproduction of the results presented
[14], SVHN[21] or mixtures of these. While many algo-                              in this paper. With these new protocols, we hope to
rithms claim that they can handle unknown classes,                                 foster more comparable and reproducible research into
the number of known classes is low, and it is un-                                  the direction of open-set object classification as well
clear whether these algorithms can handle more known                               as related topics such as out-of-distribution detection.
classes, or more diverse sets of unknown classes. Only                             This allows researchers to test their algorithms on our
lately, a large-scale open-set validation protocol is de-                          protocols and directly compare with our results.
fined on ImageNet [28], but it only separates unknown                                 The contributions of this paper are as follows:
samples based on visual 2 and not semantic similarity.
Another issue of research on open-set classification is                              • We introduce three novel open-set evaluation pro-
that most of the employed evaluation criteria, such as                                 tocols with different complexities for the ILSVRC
accuracy, macro-F1 or ROC metrics, do not evaluate                                     2012 dataset.
open-set classification as it would be used in a real-
world task. Particularly, the currently employed vali-                               • We propose a novel evaluation metric that can be
dation metrics that are used during training a network                                 used for validation purposes when training open-
do not reflect the target task and, thus, it is unclear                                set classifiers.
whether the selected model is actually the best model
for the desired task.                                                                • We train deep networks with three different tech-
   In this paper we, therefore, propose large-scale open-                              niques and report their open-set performances.
set recognition protocols that can be used to train and
test various open-set algorithms – and we will show-                                 • We provide all source code3 for training and eval-
    2 In fact, Vaze et al. [28] do not specify their criteria to se-                   uation of our models to the research community.
lect unknown classes and only mention visual similarity in their
supplemental material.                                                                 3
2. Related Work                                               as known and the remaining classes as unknown [9].
                                                              Sometimes, other datasets serve the roles of unknowns,
    In open-set classification, a classifier is expected to   e.g., when MNIST build the known classes, EMNIST
correctly classify known test samples into their respec-      letters [11] are used as negatives and/or unknowns.
tive classes, and correctly detect that unknown test          Similarly, the known classes are composed of CIFAR-10
samples do not belong to any known class. The study           and other classes from CIFAR-100 or SVHN are nega-
of unknown instances is not new in the literature. For        tives or unknowns [15, 6]. Only few papers make use
example, novelty detection, which is also known as            of large-scale datasets such as ImageNet, where they
anomaly detection and has a high overlap with out-            either use the classes of ILSVRC 2012 as known and
of-distribution detection, focuses on identifying test in-    other classes from ImageNet as unknown [2, 28], or
stances that do not belong to training classes. It can be     random partitions of ImageNet [25, 24].
seen as a binary classification problem that determines
                                                                 Oftentimes, evaluation protocols are home-grown
if an instance belongs to any of the training classes or
                                                              and, thus, the comparison across algorithms is very
not, but without exactly deciding which class [4], and
                                                              difficult. Additionally, there is no clear distinction on
includes approaches in supervised, semi-supervised and
                                                              the similarities between known, negative and unknown
unsupervised learning [13, 23, 10].
                                                              classes, which makes it impossible to judge in which
    However, all these approaches only consider the clas-
                                                              scenarios a method will work, and in which not. Fi-
sification of samples into known and unknown, leaving
                                                              nally, the employed evaluation metrics are most often
the later classification of known samples into their re-
                                                              not designed for open-set classification and, hence, fail
spective classes as a second step. Ideally, these two
                                                              to address typical use-cases of open-set recognition.
steps should be incorporated into one method. An easy
approach would be to threshold on the maximum class
probability of the SoftMax classifier using a confidence      3. Approach
threshold, assuming that for an unknown input, the            3.1. ImageNet Protocols
probability would be distributed across all the classes
and, hence, would be low [17]. Unfortunately, often in-          Based on [3], we design three different protocols to
puts overlap significantly with known decision regions        create three different artificial open spaces, with in-
and tend to get misclassified as a known class with           creasing level of similarity in appearance between in-
high confidence [6]. It is therefore essential to devise      puts – and increasing complexity and overlap between
techniques that are more effective than simply thresh-        features – of known and unknown classes. To allow
olding SoftMax probabilities in detecting unknown in-         for the comparison of algorithms that require negative
puts. Some initial approaches include extensions of 1-        samples for training, we carefully design and include
class and binary Support Vector Machines (SVMs) as            negative classes into our protocols. This also allows
implemented by Scheirer et al. [27] and devising recog-       us to compare how well these algorithms work on pre-
nition systems to continuously learn new classes [1, 25].     viously seen negative classes and how on previously
    While the above methods make use only of known            unseen unknown classes.
samples in order to disassociate unknown samples,                In order to define our three protocols, we make use
other approaches require samples of some negative             of the WordNet hierarchy that provides us with a tree
classes, hoping that these samples generalize to all un-      structure for the 1000 classes of ILSVRC 2012. Partic-
seen classes. For example, Dhamija et al. [6] utilize neg-    ularly, we exploit the robustness Python library [7]
ative samples to train the network to provide low confi-      to parse the ILSVRC tree. All the classes in ILSVRC
dence values for all known classes when presented with        are represented as leaf nodes of that graph, and we
a sample from an unknown class. Many researchers              use descendants of several intermediate nodes to form
[8, 29, 20] utilize generative adversarial networks to        our known and unknown classes. The definition of the
produce negative samples from the known samples.              protocols and their open-set partitions are presented in
Zhou et al. [30] combined pairs of known samples to           Fig. 1, a more detailed listing of classes can be found
define negatives, both in input space and deeper in the       in the supplemental material. We design the protocols
network. Other approaches to open-set recognition are         such that the difficulty levels of closed- and open-set
discussed by Geng et al. [9].                                 evaluation varies. While protocol P1 is easy for open-
    One problem that all the above methods possess is         set, it is hard for closed-set classification. On the con-
that they are evaluated on small-scale datasets with          trary, P3 is more easy for closed-set classification and
low-resolution images and low numbers of classes. Such        more difficult in open-set. Finally, P2 is somewhere in
datasets include MNIST [16], SVHN [21] and CIFAR-             the middle, but small enough to run hyperparameter
10 [14] where oftentimes a few random classes are used        optimization that can be transferred to P1 and P3 .
Table 1: ImageNet Classes used in the Protocols.                 This table shows the ImageNet parent classes that were
used to create the three protocols. Known and negative classes are used for training the open-set algorithms, while known,
negative and unknown classes are used in testing. Given are the numbers of classes: training / validation / test samples.

                      Known                                 Negative                                 Unknown

                  All dog classes               Other 4-legged animal classes              Non-animal classes
            116: 116218 / 29055 / 5800           67: 69680 / 17420 / 3350                 166 : — / — / 8300
            Half of hunting dog classes           Half of hunting dog classes        Other 4-legged animal classes
             30: 28895 / 7224 / 1500               31: 31794 / 7949 / 1550                55: — / — / 2750
         Mix of common classes including       Mix of common classes including      Mix of common classes including
    P3     animals, plants and objects           animals, plants and objects          animals, plants and objects
           151: 154522 / 38633 / 7550             97: 98202 / 24549 / 4850                164: — / — / 8200

   In the first protocol P1 , known and unknown classes         for training, one for validation and one for testing. The
are semantically quite distant, and also do not share           training and validation partitions are taken from the
too many visual features. We include all 116 dog                original ILSVRC 2012 training images by randomly
classes as known classes – since dogs represent the             splitting off 80% for training and 20% for validation.
largest fine-grained intermediate category in ImageNet          Since training and validation partitions are composed
which makes closed-set classification difficult – and           of known and negative data only, no unknown data is
select 166 non-animal classes as unknowns. P1 can,              provided here. The test partition is composed of the
therefore, be used to test out-of-distribution detec-           original ILSVRC validation set containing 50 images
tion algorithms since knowns and unknowns are not               per class, and is available for all three groups of data:
very similar. In the second protocol P2 , we only look          known, negative and unknown. This assures that dur-
into the animal classes. Particularly, we use several           ing testing no single image is used that the network has
hunting dog classes as known and other classes of 4-            seen in any stage of the training.
legged animals as unknown. This means that known
and unknown classes are still semantically relatively           3.2. Open-Set Classification Algorithms
distant, but image features such as fur is shared be-              We select three different techniques to train deep
tween known and unknown. This will make it harder               networks. While other algorithms shall be tested in
for out-of-distribution detection algorithms to perform         future work, we rely on three simple, very similar and
well. Finally, the third protocol P3 includes ancestors         well-known methods. In particular, all three loss func-
of various different classes, both as known and un-             tions solely utilize the plain categorical cross-entropy
known classes, by making use of the mixed 13 classes            loss JCCE on top of SoftMax activations (often termed
defined in the robustness library. Since known and              as the SoftMax loss) in different settings. Generally,
unknown classes come from the same ancestors, it is             the weighted categorical cross-entropy loss is:
very unlikely that out-of-distribution detection algo-
rithms will be able to discriminate between them, and                                  N
                                                                                    1 XX

real open-set classification methods need to be applied.                  JCCE   =−           wc tn,c log yn,c        (1)
                                                                                    N n=1 c=1
   To enable algorithms that require negative samples,
the negative classes are selected semantically similar          where N is the number of samples in our dataset
to the known or at least in-between the known and               (note that we utilize batch processing), tn,c is the
the unknown. It has been shown that selecting nega-             target label of the nth sample for class c, wc is a
tive samples too far from the known classes does not            class-weight for class c and yn,c is the output prob-
help in creating better-suited open-set algorithms [6].         ability of class c for sample n using SoftMax activation:
Naturally, we can only define semantic similarity based                                       ezc,n
on the WordNet hierarchy, but it is unclear whether                                 yc,n =   C
these negative classes are also structurally similar to                                         ezc0 ,n
the known classes. Tab. 1 displays a summary of the                                          c0 =1

parent classes used in the protocols, and a detailed list       of the logits zn,c , which are the network outputs.
of all classes is presented in the supplemental material.          The three different training approaches differ with
   Finally, we split our data into three partitions, one        respect to the targets tn,c and the weights wc , and how
negative samples are handled. The first approach is the             the ones that provide a separate probability for the
plain SoftMax loss (S) that is trained on only samples              unknown class and those that do not.
from the K known classes. In this case, the number of                   The final evaluation on the test set should differ-
classes C = K is equal to the number of known classes,              entiate between the behavior of known and unknown
and the targets are computed as one-hot encodings:                  classes, and at the same time include the accuracy of
                                       (                            the known classes. Many evaluation techniques pro-
                                        1 c = τn                    posed in the literature do not follow these require-
       ∀n, c ∈ {1, . . . , C} : tn,c =              (3)
                                        0 otherwise                 ments. For example, computing the area under the
where 1 ≤ τn ≤ K is the label of the sample n. For                  ROC curve (AUROC) will only consider the binary
simplicity, we select the weights for each class to be              classification task: known or unknown, but does not
identical: ∀c : wc = 1, which is the default behav-                 tell us how well the classifier performs on the known
ior when training deep learning models on ImageNet.                 classes. Another metric that is often applied is the
By thresholding the maximum probability max yc,n ,                  macro-F1 metric [2] that balances precision and recall
                                                 c                  for a K+1-fold binary classification task. This metric
cf. Sec. 3.3, this method can be turned into a simple               has many properties that are counter-intuitive in the
out-of-distribution detection algorithm.                            open-set classification task. First, a different thresh-
   The second approach is often found in object detec-              old is computed for each of the classes, so it is pos-
tion models [5] which collect a lot of negative samples             sible that the same sample can be classified both as
from the background of the training images. Similarly,              one or more known classes and as unknown. These
this approach is used in other methods for open-set                 thresholds are even optimized on the test set, and of-
learning, such as G-OpenMax [8] or PROSER [30].4 In                 ten only the maximum F1-value is reported. Second,
this Background (BG) approach, the negative data is                 the method requires to define a particular probability
added as an additional class, so that we have a total               of being unknown, which is not provided by two of our
of C = K + 1 classes. Since the number of negative                  three networks. Finally, the metric does not distin-
samples is usually higher than the number for known                 guish between known and unknown classes, but just
classes, we use class weights to balance them:                      treats all classes identically, but consequences of classi-
                                           N                        fying an unknown sample as known are different from
                ∀c ∈ {1, ..., C} : wc =                      (4)
                                          CNc                       misclassifying a known sample.
where Nc is the number of training samples for class c.                 The evaluation metric that follows our intuition
Finally, we use one-hot encoded targets tn,c according              best is the Open-Set Classification Rate (OSCR),
to (3), including label τn = K + 1 for negative samples.            which handles known and unknown samples separately
   As the third method, we employ the Entropic                      [6]. Based on a single probability threshold θ, we
Open-Set (EOS) loss [6], which is a simple extension                compute both the Correct Classification Rate (CCR)
of the SoftMax loss. Similar to our first approach, we              and the False Positive Rate (FPR):
have one output for each of the known classes: C = K.                            {xn | τn ≤ K ∧ arg max yn,c = τn ∧ yn,c > θ}
For known samples, we employ one-hot-encoded target                 CCR(θ) =

values according to (3), whereas for negative samples                                                  |NK |
we use identical target values:                                                  {xn | τn > K ∧ max yn,c > θ}
                                              1                     FPR(θ) =
              ∀n, c ∈ {1, . . . , C} : tn,c =          (5)                                     |NU |
Sticking to the implementation of Dhamija et al. [6], we            where NK and NU are the total numbers of known
select the class weights to be ∀c : wc = 1 for all classes          and unknown test samples, while τn ≤ K indicates a
including the negative class, and leave the optimization            known sample and τn > K refers to an unknown test
of these values for future research.                                sample. By varying the threshold θ between 0 and 1,
                                                                    we can plot the OSCR curve [6]. A closer look to (6)
3.3. Evaluation Metrics
                                                                    reveals that the maximum is only taken over the known
   Evaluation of open-set classification methods is a               classes, purposefully leaving out the probability of the
more tricky business. First, we must differentiate be-              unknown class in the BG approach.5 Finally, this def-
tween validation metrics to monitor the training pro-               inition differs from [6] in that we use a > sign for both
cess and testing methods for the final reporting. Sec-              FPR and CCR when comparing to θ, which is critical
ond, we need to incorporate both types of algorithms,                   5 A low probability for the unknown class does not indicate
   4 While   these methods try to sample better negatives for       a high probability for any of the known classes. Therefore, the
training, they rely on this additional class for unknown samples.   unknown class probability does not add any useful information.
when SoftMax probabilities of unknown samples reach            4. Experiments
1 to the numerical limits.
   Note that the computation of the Correct Classifi-             Considering that our goal is not to achieve the
cation Rate – which is highly related to the classifica-       highest closed-set accuracy but to analyze the perfor-
                                                               mance of open-set algorithms in our protocols, we use
tion accuracy on the known classes – has the issue that
                                                               a ResNet-50 model [12] as it achieves low classification
it might be biased when known classes have different
amount of samples. Since the number of test samples            errors on ImageNet, trains rapidly, and is commonly
in our known classes is always balanced, in our evalu-         used in the image classification task. We add one fully-
ation we are not affected by this bias, so we leave the        connected layer with C nodes. For each protocol, we
adaptation of that metric to unbalanced datasets as fu-        train models using the three loss functions SoftMax
                                                               (S), SoftMax with Background class (BG) and Entropic
ture work. Furthermore, the metric just averages over
                                                               Open-Set (EOS) loss. Each network is trained for 120
all samples, telling us nothing about different behav-
ior of different classes – it might be possible that one       epochs using Adam optimizer with a learning rate of
known class is always classified correctly while another       10−3 and default beta values of 0.9 and 0.999. Addi-
class never is. For a better inspection of these cases,        tionally, we use standard data preprocessing, i.e., first,
open-set adaptations to confidence matrices need to be         the smaller dimension of the training images is resized
                                                               to 256 pixels, and then a random crop of 224 pixels is
developed in the future.
                                                               selected. Finally, we augment the data using a random
3.4. Validation Metrics                                        horizontal flip with a probability of 0.5.
                                                                  Fig. 2 shows OSCR curves for the three methods
    For validation on SoftMax-based systems, often clas-
                                                               on our three protocols using logarithmic FPR axes –
sification accuracy is used as the metric. In open-set
                                                               for linear FPR axes, please refer to the supplemental
classification, this is not sufficient since we need to bal-
                                                               material. We plot the test set performance for both
ance between accuracy on the known classes and on the
                                                               the negative and the unknown test samples. Hence,
negative class. While using (weighted) accuracy might
                                                               we can see how the methods work with unknown sam-
work well for the BG approach, networks trained with
                                                               ples of classes6 that have or have not been seen during
standard SoftMax and EOS do not provide a proba-
                                                               training. We can observe that all three classifiers in ev-
bility for the unknown class and, hence, accuracy can-
                                                               ery protocol reach similar CCR values in the closed-set
not be applied for validation here. Instead, we want to
                                                               case (FPR=1), in some cases, EOS or BG even outper-
make use of the SoftMax scores to evaluate our system.
                                                               form the baseline. This is good news since, oftentimes,
    Since the final goal is to find a threshold θ such that
                                                               open-set classifiers trade their open-set capabilities for
the known samples are differentiated from unknown
                                                               reduced closed-set accuracy. In the supplemental mate-
samples, we propose to compute the validation metric
                                                               rial, we also provide a table with detailed CCR values
using our confidence metric:
                                                               for particular selected FPRs, and γ + and γ − values
                1 X
                                                              computed on the test set.
        γ =
                         1 − max yn,c + δC,K                      Regarding the performance on negative samples of
              NN n=1          1≤c≤K              K
                                                         (7)   the test set, we can see that BG and EOS outperform
                   1 X
                                          γ+ + γ−              the SoftMax (S) baseline, indicating that the classifiers
           γ =
                           yτ       γ=                         learn to discard negatives. Generally, EOS seems to
                  NK n=1 n                   2
                                                               be better than BG in this task. Particularly, in P1
For known samples, γ + simply averages the SoftMax             EOS reaches a high CCR at FPR=10−2 , showing the
score for the correct class, while for negative samples,       classifier can easily reject the negative samples, which is
γ − computes the average deviation from the minimum            to be expected since negative samples are semantically
possible SoftMax score, which is 0 in case of the BG           and structurally far from the known classes.
class (where C = K + 1), and K  1
                                   if no additional back-         When evaluating the unknown samples of the test
ground class is available (C = K). When summing                set that belong to classes that have not been seen dur-
over all known and negative samples, we can see how            ing training, BG and EOS classifiers drop performance,
well our classifier has learned to separate known from         and compared to the gains on the validation set the be-
negative samples. The maximum γ score is 1 when all            havior is almost similar to the SoftMax baseline. Espe-
known samples are classified as the correct class with         cially when looking into P2 and P3 , training with the
probability 1, and all negative samples are classified as      negative samples does not clearly improve the open-set
any known class with probability 0 or K   1
                                            . When look-           6 Remember that the known and negative sets are split into
ing at γ and γ individually, we can also detect if the
        +        −
                                                               training and test samples so that we never evaluate with samples
training focuses on one part more than on the other.           seen during training.
P1 Negative                                 P2 Negative                                 P3 Negative

                           P1 Unknown                                  P2 Unknown                                  P3 Unknown
      0.010   4   10   3      10   2     10   1   10010   4   10   3      10   2     10   1   10010   4   10   3      10   2     10   1   100
                  S         BG         EOS                               FPR

Figure 2: Open-Set Classification Rate Curves.                OSCR curves are shown for test data of each protocol. The
top row is calculated using negative test samples, while the bottom row uses unknown test samples. Curves that do not
extend to low FPR values indicate that the threshold in (6) is maximized at θ = 1.

classifiers. However, in P1 EOS still outperforms S and                     provides lower confidences for negative samples (γ − ).
BG for higher FPR, indicating the classifier learned                        This indicates that the class balancing technique in (4)
to discard unknown samples up to some degree. This                          might have been too drastic and that higher weights
shows that the easy task of rejecting samples very far                      for negative samples might improve results of the BG
from the known classes can benefit from EOS train-                          method. Similarly, employing lower weights for the
ing with negative samples, i.e., the denoted open-set                       EOS classifier might improve the confidence scores for
method is good for out-of-distribution detection, but                       known samples at the cost of lower confidence for nega-
not for the more general task of open-set classification.                   tives. Finally, from an open-set perspective, our confi-
                                                                            dence metric provides insightful information about the
5. Discussion                                                               model training; so far, we have used it to explain the
                                                                            model performance, but together with more parameter
   After we have seen that the methods perform well                         tuning, the joint γ metric can be used as criterion for
on negative and not so well on unknown data, let us                         early stopping as shown in the supplemental material.
analyze the results. First, we show how our novel vali-                        We also analyze the SoftMax scores according to (2)
dation metrics can be used to identify gaps and incon-                      of known and unknown classes in every protocol. For
sistencies during training of the open-set classifiers BG                   samples from known classes we use the SoftMax score
and EOS. Fig. 3 shows the confidence progress across                        of the correct class, while for unknown samples we take
the training epochs. During the first epochs, the con-                      the maximum SoftMax score of any known class. This
fidence of the known samples (γ + , left in Fig. 3) is                      enables us to make a direct comparison between differ-
low since the SoftMax activations produce low values                        ent approaches in Fig. 4. When looking at the score
for all classes. As the training progresses, the models                     distributions of the known samples, we can see that
learn to classify known samples, increasing the correct                     many samples are correctly classified with a high prob-
SoftMax activation of the target class. Similarly, be-                      ability, while numerous samples provide almost 0 prob-
cause of low activation values, the confidence of neg-                      ability for the correct class. This indicates that a more
ative samples (γ − , right) is close to 1 at the begin-                     detailed analysis, possibly via a confusion matrix, is
ning of the training. Note that EOS keeps the low                           required to further look into the details of these errors,
activations during training, learning to respond only                       but this goes beyond the aim of this paper.
to known classes, particularly in P1 , where values are                        More interestingly, the distribution of scores for un-
close to 1 during all epochs. On the other hand, BG                         known classes differ dramatically between approaches
P1 Known                                  P1 Negative                            P1 S              P1 BG             P1 EOS
  0.6                                                                                  1800
  0.2                                                                                     0        P2 S              P2 BG             P2 EOS
                  P2 Known                                  P2 Negative                 600
  1.0                                                                                   450
  0.8                                                                                   300
  0.6                                                                                   150
                                                                                          0        P3 S              P3 BG             P3 EOS
  0.4                                                                                  5000
  0.2                                                                                  4000
                  P3 Known                                  P3 Negative                2000
  1.0                                                                                  1000
  0.8                                                                                     00.0     0.5    1.0 0.0     0.5    1.0 0.0    0.5     1.0
  0.6                                                                                            Known    Unknown   Score
        20   40     60       80     100   120     20   40       60    80   100   120   Figure 4: Histograms of SoftMax Scores.                  We
             S      BG        EOS         Epoch                                        evaluate SoftMax probability scores for all three methods
                                                                                       and all three protocols. For known samples, we present his-
                                                                                       tograms of SoftMax score of the target class. For unknown
Figure 3: Confidence Propagation.                 Confidence                           samples, we plot the maximum SoftMax score of any known
values according to (7) are shown across training epochs                               class. For S and EOS, the minimum possible value of the
of S, BG and EOS classifiers. On the left, we show the                                           1
                                                                                       latter is K , which explains the gaps on the left-hand side.
confidence of the known samples (γ + ), while on the right
the confidence of negative samples (γ − ) is displayed.
                                                                                       the protocols is provided in the supplemental material.
                                                                                          We evaluate the performance of three classifiers in
and protocols. For P1 , EOS is able to suppress high
                                                                                       every protocol using OSCR curves and our proposed
scores almost completely, whereas both S and BG still
                                                                                       confidence validation metric. Our experiments show
have the majority of the cases providing high probabil-
                                                                                       that the two open-set algorithms can reject negative
ities of belonging to a known class. For P2 and, par-
                                                                                       samples, where samples of the same classes have been
ticularly, P3 a lot of unknown samples get classified as
                                                                                       seen during training, but face a performance degrada-
a known class with very high probability, throughout
                                                                                       tion in the presence of unknown data from previously
the evaluated methods. Interestingly, the plain Soft-
                                                                                       unseen classes. For a more straightforward scenario
Max (S) method has relatively high probability scores
                                                                                       such as P1 , it is advantageous to use negative samples
for unknown samples, especially in P2 and P3 where
                                                                                       during EOS training. While this result agrees with [6],
known and unknown classes are semantically similar.
                                                                                       the performance of BG and EOS in P2 and P3 shows
                                                                                       that these methods are not ready to be employed in
6. Conclusion
                                                                                       the real world, and more parameter tuning is required
   In this work, we propose three novel evaluation pro-                                to improve performances. Furthermore, making better
tocols for open-set image classification that rely on the                              use of or augmenting the negative classes also poses a
ILSVRC 2012 dataset and allow an extensive evalua-                                     challenge in further research in open-set methods.
tion of open-set algorithms. The data is entirely com-                                    Providing different conclusions for the three different
posed of natural images and designed to have various                                   protocols reflects the need for evaluation methods in
levels of similarities between its partitions. Addition-                               scenarios designed with different difficulty levels, which
ally, we carefully select the WordNet parent classes                                   we provide within this paper. Looking ahead, with the
that allow us to include a larger number of known,                                     novel open-set classification protocols on ImageNet we
negative and unknown classes. In contrast to previ-                                    aim to establish comparable and standard evaluation
ous work, the class partitions are carefully designed,                                 methods for open-set algorithms in scenarios closer to
and we move away from implementing mixes of sev-                                       the real world. Instead of using low-resolution images
eral datasets (where rejecting unknown samples could                                   and randomly selected samples from CIFAR, MNIST
be relatively easy) and the random selection of known                                  or SVHN, we expect that our open-set protocols will es-
and unknown classes inside a dataset. This allows us                                   tablish benchmarks and promote reproducible research
to differentiate between methods that work well in out-                                in open-set classification. In future work, we will inves-
of-distribution detection, and those that really perform                               tigate and optimize more different open-set algorithms
open-set classification. A more detailed comparison of                                 and report their performances on our protocols.
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P1 Negative                          P2 Negative                         P3 Negative

                      P1 Unknown                           P2 Unknown                          P3 Unknown
      0.0 0.0   0.2   0.4    0.6     0.8   1.0 0.0   0.2   0.4 0.6       0.8   1.0 0.0   0.2   0.4    0.6    0.8   1.0
                S      BG          EOS                      FPR

 Figure 5: Linear OSCR Curves. OSCR curves in linear scale for negative data (top tow) and unknown data (bottom
 row) of the test set for each protocol.

                             Supplemental Material
 7. Linear OSCR Curves
    Depending on the application, different false positive values are of importance. In the main paper, we focus more
 on the low FPR regions since these are of more importance when a human needs to look into the positive cases and,
 hence, large numbers of false positives involve labor cost. When false positives are not of utmost importance, e.g.,
 when handled by an automated system in low-security applications, the focus will be more on having high correct
 classification rate. Therefore, in Fig. 5 we provide the OSCR plots according to figure 2 of the main paper, but this
 time with linear FPR axis. These plots highlight even more that the Entropic Open-Set (EOS) and the SoftMax
 with Background class (BG) approaches fail when known and unknown classes are very similar, as provided in P2
 and P3 .

 8. Results Sorted by Protocol
    Fig. 6 displays the same results as shown in Figure 2 of the main paper, but here we compare the results of
 the different protocols. This shows that the definition of our protocols follows our intuition. We can see that
 protocol P1 is easy in open-set, but difficult in closed-set operation, especially when looking to the performance
 of BG and EOS, which are designed for open-set classification. On the opposite, protocol P3 achieves higher
 closed-set recognition performance (at FPR = 1) while dropping much faster for lower FPR values. Protocol P2
 is difficult both in closed- and open-set evaluation, but open-set performance does not drop that drastically as in
 P3 , especially considering the unknown test data in the second row. Due to its relatively small size, P2 is optimal
 for hyperparameter optimization and hyperparameters should be able to be transferred to the other two protocols
 – unless the algorithm is critical w.r.t. hyperparameters. We leave hyperparameter optimization to future work.

 9. Detailed Results
    In Tab. 2 we include detailed numbers of the values seen in figures 2 and 3 of the main paper. We also include
 the cases where we use our confidence metric to select the best epoch of training.
    When comparing Tab. 2(a) with Tab. 2(b) it can be seen that the selection of the best algorithm based on the
0.8                  S Negative                                 BG Negative                           EOS Negative


      0.8                  S Unknown                                  BG Unknown                            EOS Unknown

      0.010   4   10   3     10    2    10   1   10010   4   10   3      10   2   10   1   10010   4   10   3   10   2   10   1   100
                  P1          P2        P3                              FPR

 Figure 6: Comparison of Protocols. OSCR curves are split by algorithm to allow a comparison across protocols.
 Results are shown for negative data (top row) and unknown data (bottom row).

 confidence score provides better CCR values for BG in protocols P1 and P2 , and better or comparable numbers
 for EOS across all protocols. The advantage of S is not that expressed since S does not take into consideration
 negative samples and, thus, the confidence for unknown γ − gets very low in Tab. 2(a). When using our validation
 metric, training stops early and does not provide a good overall, i.e., closed-set performance. Therefore, we propose
 to use our novel evaluation metric for training open-set classifiers, but not for closed-set classifiers such as S.

 10. Detailed List of Classes
    For reproducibility, we also provide the list of classes (ImageNet identifier and class name) that we used in our
 three protocols in Tables 3, 4 and 5. For known and negative classes, we used the samples of the original training
 partition for training and validation, and the samples from the validation partition for testing – since the test set
 labels of ILSVRC2012 are still not publicly available.
Table 2: Classification Results. Correct Classification Rates (CCR) are provided at some False Positive Rates
(FPR) in the test set. The best CCR values are in bold. γ + is calculated using known and γ − using unknown classes.

                                                    (a) Using Last Epoch

                                             Confidence                    CCR at FPR of:
                                            γ   +
                                                         γ   −
                                                                    1e-3   1e-2    1e-1       1
                    P1 - S         120     0.665       0.470       0.077   0.326   0.549    0.678
                    P1 - BG        120     0.650       0.520       0.146   0.342   0.519    0.663
                    P1 - EOS       120     0.663       0.846       0.195   0.409   0.667    0.684
                    P2 - S         120     0.665       0.341         —     0.189   0.443    0.683
                    P2 - BG        120     0.598       0.480         —     0.111   0.339    0.616
                    P2 - EOS       120     0.592       0.708         —     0.233   0.476    0.664
                    P3 - S         120     0.767       0.240         —       —     0.540    0.777
                    P3 - BG        120     0.753       0.344         —     0.241   0.543    0.764
                    P3 - EOS       120     0.684       0.687         —     0.298   0.568    0.763

                                                    (b) Using Best Epoch

                                             Confidence                    CCR at FPR of:
                                            γ   +
                                                         γ   −
                                                                    1e-3   1e-2    1e-1       1
                    P1 - S          20     0.584       0.906       0.270   0.543   0.664    0.667
                    P1 - BG         99     0.660       0.628       0.167   0.420   0.572    0.673
                    P1 - EOS       105     0.672       0.877       0.283   0.535   0.683    0.694
                    P2 - S          39     0.603       0.528       0.031   0.134   0.384    0.659
                    P2 - BG        113     0.638       0.491         —     0.156   0.368    0.658
                    P2 - EOS       101     0.599       0.694         —     0.223   0.473    0.666
                    P3 - S          15     0.677       0.527       0.083   0.239   0.509    0.745
                    P3 - BG        115     0.747       0.379         —     0.243   0.539    0.761
                    P3 - EOS       114     0.696       0.688         —     0.266   0.585    0.772
Table 3: Protocol 1 Classes: List of super-classes and leaf nodes of Protocol P1 .

                  Known                                       Negative                                   Unknown
Id               Name                         Id              Name                       Id               Name
n02084071        dog                          n02118333       fox                        n07555863        food
    n02085620          Chihuahua                  n02119022        red fox                   n07684084        French loaf
    n02085782          Japanese spaniel           n02119789        kit fox                   n07693725        bagel
    n02085936          Maltese dog                n02120079        Arctic fox                n07695742        pretzel
    n02086079          Pekinese                   n02120505        grey fox                  n07714571        head cabbage
    n02086240          Shih-Tzu               n02115335       wild dog                       n07714990        broccoli
    n02086646          Blenheim spaniel           n02115641        dingo                     n07715103        cauliflower
    n02086910          papillon                   n02115913        dhole                     n07716358        zucchini
    n02087046          toy terrier                n02116738        African hunting dog       n07716906        spaghetti squash
    n02087394          Rhodesian ridgeback    n02114100       wolf                           n07717410        acorn squash
    n02088094          Afghan hound               n02114367        timber wolf               n07717556        butternut squash
    n02088238          basset                     n02114548        white wolf                n07718472        cucumber
    n02088364          beagle                     n02114712        red wolf                  n07718747        artichoke
    n02088466          bloodhound                 n02114855        coyote                    n07720875        bell pepper
    n02088632          bluetick               n02120997       feline                         n07730033        cardoon
    n02089078          black-and-tan coonho       n02125311        cougar                    n07734744        mushroom
    n02089867          Walker hound               n02127052        lynx                      n07745940        strawberry
    n02089973          English foxhound           n02128385        leopard                   n07747607        orange
    n02090379          redbone                    n02128757        snow leopard              n07749582        lemon
    n02090622          borzoi                     n02128925        jaguar                    n07753113        fig
    n02090721          Irish wolfhound            n02129165        lion                      n07753275        pineapple
    n02091244          Ibizan hound               n02129604        tiger                     n07753592        banana
    n02091467          Norwegian elkhound         n02130308        cheetah                   n07754684        jackfruit
    n02091635          otterhound             n02131653       bear                           n07760859        custard apple
    n02091831          Saluki                     n02132136        brown bear                n07768694        pomegranate
    n02092002          Scottish deerhound         n02133161        American black bear   n03791235        motor vehicle
    n02092339          Weimaraner                 n02134084        ice bear                  n02701002        ambulance
    n02093256          Staffordshire bullte       n02134418        sloth bear                n02704792        amphibian
    n02093428          American Staffordshi   n02441326       musteline mammal               n02814533        beach wagon
    n02093647          Bedlington terrier         n02441942        weasel                    n02930766        cab
    n02093754          Border terrier             n02442845        mink                      n03100240        convertible
    n02093859          Kerry blue terrier         n02443114        polecat                   n03345487        fire engine
    n02093991          Irish terrier              n02443484        black-footed ferret       n03417042        garbage truck
    n02094114          Norfolk terrier            n02444819        otter                     n03444034        go-kart
    n02094258          Norwich terrier            n02445715        skunk                     n03594945        jeep
    n02094433          Yorkshire terrier          n02447366        badger                    n03670208        limousine
    n02095314          wire-haired fox terr   n02370806       ungulate                       n03770679        minivan
    n02095570          Lakeland terrier           n02389026        sorrel                    n03777568        Model T
    n02095889          Sealyham terrier           n02391049        zebra                     n03785016        moped
    n02096051          Airedale                   n02395406        hog                       n03796401        moving van
    n02096177          cairn                      n02396427        wild boar                 n03930630        pickup
    n02096294          Australian terrier         n02397096        warthog                   n03977966        police van
    n02096437          Dandie Dinmont             n02398521        hippopotamus              n04037443        racer
    n02096585          Boston bull                n02403003        ox                        n04252225        snowplow
    n02097047          miniature schnauzer        n02408429        water buffalo             n04285008        sports car
    n02097130          giant schnauzer            n02410509        bison                     n04461696        tow truck
    n02097209          standard schnauzer         n02412080        ram                       n04467665        trailer truck
    n02097298          Scotch terrier             n02415577        bighorn               n03183080        device
    n02097474          Tibetan terrier            n02417914        ibex                      n02666196        abacus
    n02097658          silky terrier              n02422106        hartebeest                n02672831        accordion
    n02098105          soft-coated wheaten        n02422699        impala                    n02676566        acoustic guitar
    n02098286          West Highland white        n02423022        gazelle                   n02708093        analog clock
    n02098413          Lhasa                      n02437312        Arabian camel             n02749479        assault rifle
    n02099267          flat-coated retrieve       n02437616        llama                     n02787622        banjo
    n02099429          curly-coated retriev   n02469914       primate                        n02794156        barometer
    n02099601          golden retriever           n02480495        orangutan                 n02804610        bassoon
    n02099712          Labrador retriever         n02480855        gorilla                   n02841315        binoculars
    n02099849          Chesapeake Bay retri       n02481823        chimpanzee                n02879718        bow
    n02100236          German short-haired        n02483362        gibbon                    n02910353        buckle
    n02100583          vizsla                     n02483708        siamang                   n02948072        candle
    n02100735          English setter             n02484975        guenon                    n02950826        cannon
    n02100877          Irish setter               n02486261        patas                     n02965783        car mirror
    n02101006          Gordon setter              n02486410        baboon                    n02966193        carousel
    n02101388          Brittany spaniel           n02487347        macaque                   n02974003        car wheel
    n02101556          clumber                    n02488291        langur                    n02977058        cash machine
    n02102040          English springer           n02488702        colobus                   n02992211        cello
    n02102177          Welsh springer spani       n02489166        proboscis monkey          n03000684        chain saw
    n02102318          cocker spaniel             n02490219        marmoset                  n03017168        chime
    n02102480          Sussex spaniel             n02492035        capuchin                  n03075370        combination lock
    n02102973          Irish water spaniel        n02492660        howler monkey             n03110669        cornet
    n02104029          kuvasz                     n02493509        titi                      n03126707        crane
                                                     Continued on next page
Protocol 1 Classes: List of super-classes and leaf nodes of Protocol P1 .

                  Known                                     Negative                                Unknown
Id               Name                      Id               Name                   Id                Name
     n02104365      schipperke                  n02493793        spider monkey          n03180011        desktop computer
     n02105056      groenendael                 n02494079        squirrel monkey        n03196217        digital clock
     n02105162      malinois                    n02497673        Madagascar cat         n03197337        digital watch
     n02105251      briard                      n02500267        indri                  n03208938        disk brake
     n02105412      kelpie                                                              n03249569        drum
     n02105505      komondor                                                            n03271574        electric fan
     n02105641      Old English sheepdog                                                n03272010        electric guitar
     n02105855      Shetland sheepdog                                                   n03372029        flute
     n02106030      collie                                                              n03394916        French horn
     n02106166      Border collie                                                       n03425413        gas pump
     n02106382      Bouvier des Flandres                                                n03447721        gong
     n02106550      Rottweiler                                                          n03452741        grand piano
     n02106662      German shepherd                                                     n03467068        guillotine
     n02107142      Doberman                                                            n03476684        hair slide
     n02107312      miniature pinscher                                                  n03485407        hand-held computer
     n02107574      Greater Swiss Mounta                                                n03492542        hard disc
     n02107683      Bernese mountain dog                                                n03494278        harmonica
     n02107908      Appenzeller                                                         n03495258        harp
     n02108000      EntleBucher                                                         n03496892        harvester
     n02108089      boxer                                                               n03532672        hook
     n02108422      bull mastiff                                                        n03544143        hourglass
     n02108551      Tibetan mastiff                                                     n03590841        jack-o’-lantern
     n02108915      French bulldog                                                      n03627232        knot
     n02109047      Great Dane                                                          n03642806        laptop
     n02109525      Saint Bernard                                                       n03666591        lighter
     n02109961      Eskimo dog                                                          n03691459        loudspeaker
     n02110063      malamute                                                            n03692522        loupe
     n02110185      Siberian husky                                                      n03706229        magnetic compass
     n02110341      dalmatian                                                           n03720891        maraca
     n02110627      affenpinscher                                                       n03721384        marimba
     n02110806      basenji                                                             n03733131        maypole
     n02110958      pug                                                                 n03759954        microphone
     n02111129      Leonberg                                                            n03773504        missile
     n02111277      Newfoundland                                                        n03793489        mouse
     n02111500      Great Pyrenees                                                      n03794056        mousetrap
     n02111889      Samoyed                                                             n03803284        muzzle
     n02112018      Pomeranian                                                          n03804744        nail
     n02112137      chow                                                                n03814639        neck brace
     n02112350      keeshond                                                            n03832673        notebook
     n02112706      Brabancon griffon                                                   n03838899        oboe
     n02113023      Pembroke                                                            n03840681        ocarina
     n02113186      Cardigan                                                            n03841143        odometer
     n02113624      toy poodle                                                          n03843555        oil filter
     n02113712      miniature poodle                                                    n03854065        organ
     n02113799      standard poodle                                                     n03868863        oxygen mask
     n02113978      Mexican hairless                                                    n03874293        paddlewheel
                                                                                        n03874599        padlock
                                                                                        n03884397        panpipe
                                                                                        n03891332        parking meter
                                                                                        n03929660        pick
                                                                                        n03933933        pier
                                                                                        n03944341        pinwheel
                                                                                        n03992509        potter’s wheel
                                                                                        n03995372        power drill
                                                                                        n04008634        projectile
                                                                                        n04009552        projector
                                                                                        n04040759        radiator
                                                                                        n04044716        radio telescope
                                                                                        n04067472        reel
                                                                                        n04074963        remote control
                                                                                        n04086273        revolver
                                                                                        n04090263        rifle
                                                                                        n04118776        rule
                                                                                        n04127249        safety pin
                                                                                        n04141076        sax
                                                                                        n04141975        scale
                                                                                        n04152593        screen
                                                                                        n04153751        screw
                                                                                        n04228054        ski
                                                                                        n04238763        slide rule
                                                                                        n04243546        slot
                                                                                        n04251144        snorkel
                                                   Continued on next page
Protocol 1 Classes: List of super-classes and leaf nodes of Protocol P1 .

      Known                               Negative                              Unknown
Id   Name                  Id              Name                Id                Name
                                                                    n04258138        solar dish
                                                                    n04265275        space heater
                                                                    n04275548        spider web
                                                                    n04286575        spotlight
                                                                    n04311174        steel drum
                                                                    n04317175        stethoscope
                                                                    n04328186        stopwatch
                                                                    n04330267        stove
                                                                    n04332243        strainer
                                                                    n04355338        sundial
                                                                    n04355933        sunglass
                                                                    n04356056        sunglasses
                                                                    n04372370        switch
                                                                    n04376876        syringe
                                                                    n04428191        thresher
                                                                    n04456115        torch
                                                                    n04485082        tripod
                                                                    n04487394        trombone
                                                                    n04505470        typewriter keyboard
                                                                    n04515003        upright
                                                                    n04525305        vending machine
                                                                    n04536866        violin
                                                                    n04548280        wall clock
                                                                    n04579432        whistle
                                                                    n04592741        wing
                                                                    n06359193        web site
                                  End of table Protocol 1
Table 4: Protocol 2 Classes: List of super-classes and leaf nodes of Protocol P2 .

                  Known                                     Negative                                   Unknown
Id               Name                       Id              Name                       Id               Name
n02087122        hunting dog                n02087122       hunting dog                n02085374        toy dog
    n02087394        Rhodesian ridgeback        n02096051       Airedale                   n02085620         Chihuahua
    n02088094        Afghan hound               n02096177       cairn                      n02085782         Japanese spaniel
    n02088238        basset                     n02096294       Australian terrier         n02085936         Maltese dog
    n02088364        beagle                     n02096437       Dandie Dinmont             n02086079         Pekinese
    n02088466        bloodhound                 n02096585       Boston bull                n02086240         Shih-Tzu
    n02088632        bluetick                   n02097047       miniature schnauzer        n02086646         Blenheim spaniel
    n02089078        black-and-tan coonho       n02097130       giant schnauzer            n02086910         papillon
    n02089867        Walker hound               n02097209       standard schnauzer         n02087046         toy terrier
    n02089973        English foxhound           n02097298       Scotch terrier         n02118333        fox
    n02090379        redbone                    n02097474       Tibetan terrier            n02119022         red fox
    n02090622        borzoi                     n02097658       silky terrier              n02119789         kit fox
    n02090721        Irish wolfhound            n02098105       soft-coated wheaten        n02120079         Arctic fox
    n02091244        Ibizan hound               n02098286       West Highland white        n02120505         grey fox
    n02091467        Norwegian elkhound         n02098413       Lhasa                  n02115335        wild dog
    n02091635        otterhound                 n02099267       flat-coated retrieve       n02115641         dingo
    n02091831        Saluki                     n02099429       curly-coated retriev       n02115913         dhole
    n02092002        Scottish deerhound         n02099601       golden retriever           n02116738         African hunting dog
    n02092339        Weimaraner                 n02099712       Labrador retriever     n02114100        wolf
    n02093256        Staffordshire bullte       n02099849       Chesapeake Bay retri       n02114367         timber wolf
    n02093428        American Staffordshi       n02100236       German short-haired        n02114548         white wolf
    n02093647        Bedlington terrier         n02100583       vizsla                     n02114712         red wolf
    n02093754        Border terrier             n02100735       English setter             n02114855         coyote
    n02093859        Kerry blue terrier         n02100877       Irish setter           n02120997        feline
    n02093991        Irish terrier              n02101006       Gordon setter              n02125311         cougar
    n02094114        Norfolk terrier            n02101388       Brittany spaniel           n02127052         lynx
    n02094258        Norwich terrier            n02101556       clumber                    n02128385         leopard
    n02094433        Yorkshire terrier          n02102040       English springer           n02128757         snow leopard
    n02095314        wire-haired fox terr       n02102177       Welsh springer spani       n02128925         jaguar
    n02095570        Lakeland terrier           n02102318       cocker spaniel             n02129165         lion
    n02095889        Sealyham terrier           n02102480       Sussex spaniel             n02129604         tiger
                                                n02102973       Irish water spaniel        n02130308         cheetah
                                                                                       n02131653        bear
                                                                                           n02132136         brown bear
                                                                                           n02133161         American black bear
                                                                                           n02134084         ice bear
                                                                                           n02134418         sloth bear
                                                                                       n02441326        musteline mammal
                                                                                           n02441942         weasel
                                                                                           n02442845         mink
                                                                                           n02443114         polecat
                                                                                           n02443484         black-footed ferret
                                                                                           n02444819         otter
                                                                                           n02445715         skunk
                                                                                           n02447366         badger
                                                                                       n02370806        ungulate
                                                                                           n02389026         sorrel
                                                                                           n02391049         zebra
                                                                                           n02395406         hog
                                                                                           n02396427         wild boar
                                                                                           n02397096         warthog
                                                                                           n02398521         hippopotamus
                                                                                           n02403003         ox
                                                                                           n02408429         water buffalo
                                                                                           n02410509         bison
                                                                                           n02412080         ram
                                                                                           n02415577         bighorn
                                                                                           n02417914         ibex
                                                                                           n02422106         hartebeest
                                                                                           n02422699         impala
                                                                                           n02423022         gazelle
                                                                                           n02437312         Arabian camel
                                                                                           n02437616         llama
                                                    End of table Protocol 2
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