Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL
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Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL Jay Pujara Hui Miao Lise Getoor Department of Computer Science University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 William Cohen Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Abstract 2008), and efforts at Google (Pasca et al., 2006), which Building a web-scale knowledge graph, which use a variety of techniques to extract new knowledge, captures information about entities and the in the form of facts, from the web. These facts are relationships between them, represents a interrelated, and hence, recently this extracted knowl- formidable challenge. While many large- edge has been referred to as a knowledge graph (Sing- scale information extraction systems oper- hal, 2012). Unfortunately, most web-scale extrac- ate on web corpora, the candidate facts they tion systems do not take advantage of the knowledge produce are noisy and incomplete. To re- graph. Millions of facts and the many dependencies move noise and infer missing information in between them pose a scalability challenge. Accord- the knowledge graph, we propose knowledge ingly, web-scale extraction systems generally consider graph identification: a process of jointly rea- extractions independently, ignoring the dependencies soning about the structure of the knowledge between facts or relying on simple heuristics to enforce graph, utilizing extraction confidences and consistency. leveraging ontological information. Scalabil- However, reasoning jointly about facts shows promise ity is often a challenge when building mod- for improving the quality of the knowledge graph. Pre- els in domains with rich structure, but we vious work (Jiang et al., 2012) chooses candidate facts use probabilistic soft logic (PSL), a recently- for inclusion in a knowledge base with a joint approach introduced probabilistic modeling framework using Markov Logic Networks (MLNs) (Richardson & which easily scales to millions of facts. In Domingos, 2006). Jiang et al. provide a straightfor- practice, our method performs joint inference ward codification of ontological relations and candi- on a real-world dataset containing over 1M date facts found in a knowledge base as rules in first- facts and 80K ontological constraints in 12 order logic and use MLNs to formulate a probabilistic hours and produces a high-precision set of model. However, due to the combinatorial explosion facts for inclusion into a knowledge graph. of Boolean assignments to random variables, inference and learning in MLNs pose intractable optimization problems. Jiang et al. limit the candidate facts they 1. Introduction consider, restricting their dataset to a 2-hop neighbor- hood around each fact, and use a sampling approach The web is a vast repository of knowledge, but au- to inference, estimating marginals using MC-SAT. De- tomatically extracting that knowledge, at scale, has spite these approximations, Jiang et al. demonstrate proven to be a formidable challenge. A number of the utility of joint reasoning in comparison to a base- recent evaluation efforts have focused on automatic line that considers each fact independently. knowledge base population (Ji et al., 2011; Artiles & Mayfield, 2012), and many well-known broad domain Our work builds on the foundation of Jiang et al. and open information extraction systems exist, in- by providing a richer model for knowledge bases and cluding the Never-Ending Language Learning (NELL) vastly improving scalability. Using the noisy input project (Carlson et al., 2010), OpenIE (Etzioni et al., from an information extraction system, we define the problem of jointly inferring the entities, relations and ICML workshop on Structured Learning: Inferring Graphs attributes comprising a knowledge graph as knowledge from Structured and Unstructured Inputs (SLG 2013). Copyright 2013 by the author(s). graph identification. We leverage dependencies in the
Large Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL knowledge graph expressed through ontological con- ables, and P, Q and R are predicates. A ground- straints, and perform entity resolution allowing us to ing of a rule comes from substituting constants for reason about co-referent entities. We also take advan- universally-quantified variables in the rule’s atoms. In tage of uncertainty found in the extracted data, using this example, assigning constant values a, b, and c to continuous variables with values derived from extrac- the respective variables in the rule above would pro- tor confidence scores. Rather than limit inference to duce the ground atoms P(a,b), Q(b,c), R(a,b,c). Each a predefined test set, we employ lazy inference to pro- ground atom takes a soft-truth value in the range [0, 1]. duce a broader set of candidates. PSL associates a numeric distance to satisfaction with To support this representation, we use a continuous- each ground rule that determines the value of the cor- valued Markov random field and use the probabilis- responding feature in the Markov network. The dis- tic soft logic (PSL) modeling framework (Broecheler tance to satisfaction is defined by treating the ground et al., 2010). Inference in our model can be formu- rule as a formula over the ground atoms in the rule. lated as a convex optimization that scales linearly in In particular, PSL uses the Lukasiewicz t-norm and the number of variables (Bach et al., 2012), allowing co-norm to provide a relaxation of the logical con- us to handle millions of candidate facts. nectives, AND (∧), OR(∨), and NOT(¬), as follows (where relaxations are denoted using the ∼ symbol Our work: over the connective): • Defines the knowledge graph identification prob- ˜ q = max(0, p + q − 1) p∧ lem; ˜ q = min(1, p + q) p∨ • Uses soft-logic values to leverage extractor confi- dences; ¬ ˜p = 1 − p • Formulates knowledge graph inference as convex This relaxation coincides with Boolean logic when p optimization; and q are in {0, 1}, and provides a consistent inter- • Evaluates our proposed approach on extractions pretation of soft-truth values when p and q are in the from NELL, a large-scale operational knowledge numeric range [0, 1]. extraction system; A PSL program, P, consisting of a model as defined • Produces high-precision results on millions of can- above, along with a set of constants (or facts), pro- didate extractions on the scale of hours. duces a set of ground rules, R. If I is an interpre- tation (an assignment of soft-truth values to ground atoms) and r is a ground instance of a rule, then the 2. Background distance to satisfaction φr (I) of r is simply the soft- Probabilistic soft logic (PSL) (Broecheler et al., 2010; truth value from the Lukasiewicz t-norm. We can de- Kimmig et al., 2012) is a recently-introduced frame- fine a probability distribution over interpretations by work which allows users to specify rich probabilistic combining the weighted degree of satisfaction over all models over continuous-valued random variables. Like ground rules, R, and normalizing, as follows: other statistical relational learning languages such as 1 X MLNs, it uses first-order logic to describe features that f (I) = exp[ wr φr (I)] Z define a Markov network. In contrast to other ap- r∈R proaches, PSL: 1) employs continuous-valued random Here Z is a normalization constant and wr is the variables rather than binary variables; and 2) casts weight of rule r. Thus, a PSL program (set of weighted MPE inference as a convex optimization problem that rules and facts) defines a probability distribution from is significantly more efficient to solve than its combi- a logical formulation that expresses the relationships natorial counterpoint (polynomial vs. exponential). between random variables. A PSL model is composed of a set of weighted, first- MPE inference in PSL determines the most likely soft- order logic rules, where each rule defines a set of fea- truth values of unknown ground atoms using the values tures of a Markov network sharing the same weight. of known ground atoms and the dependencies between Consider the formula atoms encoded by the rules, corresponding to inference w of random variables in the underlying Markov network. P(A, B) ∧ Q(B, C) ⇒ R(A, B, C) PSL atoms take soft-truth values in the interval [0, 1], which is an example of a PSL rule. Here w is the weight in contrast to MLNs, where atoms take Boolean val- of the rule, A, B, and C are universally-quantified vari- ues. MPE inference in MLNs requires optimizing over
Large Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL the combinatorial assignment of Boolean truth values approach uses collective classification to label nodes to random variables. In contrast, the relaxation to in manner which takes into account ontological con- the continuous domain greatly changes the tractabil- straints and neighboring labels. ity of computations in PSL: finding the most probable A third problem commonly encountered in knowledge interpretation given a set of weighted rules is equiva- graphs is finding the set of relations an entity par- lent to solving a convex optimization problem. Recent ticipates in. NELL also has many facts relating the work from (Bach et al., 2012) introduces a consensus location of Kyrgyzstan to other entities. These candi- optimization method applicable to PSL models; their date relations include statements that Kyrgyzstan is results suggest consensus optimization scales linearly located in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan is located in Rus- in the number of random variables in the model. sia, Kyrgyzstan is located in the former Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan is located in Asia, and that Kyrgyzstan is 3. Knowledge Graph Identification located in the US. Some of these possible relations are true, while others are clearly false and contradictory. Our approach to constructing a consistent knowledge Our approach uses link prediction to predict edges in base uses PSL to represent the candidate facts from a manner which takes into account ontological con- an information extraction system as a knowledge graph straints and the rest of the inferred structure. where entities are nodes, categories are labels associ- ated with each node, and relations are directed edges Refining a knowledge graph becomes even more chal- between the nodes. Information extraction systems lenging as we consider the interaction between the pre- can extract such candidate facts, and these extrac- dictions and take into account the confidences we have tions can be used to construct a graph. Unfortu- in the extractions. For example, as mentioned earlier, nately, the output from an information extraction sys- NELL’s ontology includes the constraint that the at- tem is often incorrect; the graph constructed from it tributes “bird” and “country” are mutually exclusive. has spurious and missing nodes and edges, and miss- Reasoning collectively allows us to resolve which of ing or inaccurate node labels. Our approach, knowl- these two labels is more likely to apply to Krygyzstan. edge graph identification combines the tasks of entity For example, NELL is highly confident that the Kyr- resolution, collective classification and link prediction gyz Republic has a capital city, Bishkek. The NELL mediated by ontological constraints. We motivate the ontology specifies that the domain of the relation “has- necessity of our approach with examples of challenges Capital” has label “country”. Entity resolution allows taken from a real-world information extraction system, us to infer that “Kyrgyz Republic” refers to the same the Never-Ending Language Learner (NELL) (Carlson entity as “Kyrgyzstan”. Deciding whether Kyrgyzstan et al., 2010). is a bird or a country now involves a prediction where we include the confidence values of the corresponding One common problem is entity extraction. Many tex- “bird” and “country” facts from co-referent entities, as tual references that initially look different may cor- well as collective features from ontological constraints respond to the same real-world entity. For example, of these co-referent entities, such as the confidence val- NELL’s knowledge base contains candidate facts which ues of the “hasCapital” relations. involve the entities “kyrghyzstan”, “kyrgzstan”, “kyr- gystan”, “kyrgyz republic”, “kyrgyzstan”, and “kyr- We refer to this process of inferring a knowledge graph gistan” which are all variants or misspellings of the from a noisy extraction graph as knowledge graph same country, Kyrgyzstan. In the extracted knowl- identification. Knowledge graph identification builds edge graph, these correspond to different nodes, which on ideas from graph identification (Namata et al., is incorrect. Our approach uses entity resolution to 2011); like graph identification, three key components determine co-referent entities in the knowledge graph, to the problem are entity resolution, node labeling and producing a consistent set of labels and relations for link prediction. Unlike earlier work on graph identifi- each resolved node. cation, we use a very different probabilistic framework, PSL, allowing us to incorporate extractor confidence Another challenge in knowledge graph construction is values and also support a rich collection of ontological inferring labels consistently. For example, NELL’s ex- constraints. tractions assign Kyrgyzstan the attributes “country” as well as “bird”. Ontological information can be used to infer that an entity is very unlikely to be both a country and a bird at the same time. Using the labels of other, related entities in the knowledge graph can al- low us to determine the correct label of an entity. Our
Large Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL 4. Knowledge Graph Identification the extraction system, as the set C. Using PSL In addition to the candidate facts in an information Knowledge graphs contain three types of facts: facts extraction system, we sometimes have access to back- about entities, facts about entity labels and facts ground knowledge or previously learned facts. Back- about relations. We represent entities with the log- ground knowledge that is certain can be represented ical predicate Ent(E). We represent labels with the using the Lbl and Rel predicates. Often the back- logical predicate Lbl(E,L) where entity E has label ground knowledge included in information extraction L. Relations are represented with the logical predicate settings is generated from the same pool of noisy ex- Rel(E1 ,E2 ,R) where the relation R holds between the tractions as the candidates, and is considered uncer- entities E1 and E2 , eg. R(E1 ,E2 ). tain. For example, NELL uses a heuristic formula to “promote” candidates in each iteration of the system, In knowledge graph identification, our goal is to iden- however these promotions are often noisy so the sys- tify a true set of predicates from a set of noisy extrac- tem assigns each promotion a confidence value. Since tions. Our method for knowledge graph identification these promotions are drawn from the best candidates incorporates three components: capturing uncertain in previous iterations, they can be a useful addition to extractions, performing entity resolution, and enforc- our model. We incorporate this uncertain background ing ontological constraints. We show how we create knowledge as hints, denoted H, providing a source of a PSL program that encompasses these three compo- weak supervision through the use of additional predi- nents, and then relate this PSL program to a distribu- cates and rules as follows: tion over possible knowledge graphs. HintRel(E1 , E2 , R) wHR ⇒ Rel(E1 , E2 , R) wHL 4.1. Representing Uncertain Extractions HintLbl(E, L) ⇒ Lbl(E, L) The weights wHR and wHL allow the system to specify We relate the noisy extractions from an information how reliable this background knowledge is as a source extraction system to the above logical predicates by of weak supervision, while treating these rules as con- introducing candidate predicates, using a formulation straints is the equivalent of treating the background similar to (Jiang et al., 2012). knowledge as certain knowledge. For each candidate entity, we introduce a correspond- ing predicate, CandEnt(E). Labels or relations gener- 4.2. Entity Resolution ated by the information extraction system correspond While the previous PSL rules provide the building to predicates, CandLbl(E,L) or CandRel(E1 ,E2 ,R) blocks of predicting links and labels using uncertain in our system. Uncertainty in these extractions is information, knowledge graph identification employs captured by assigning these predicates a soft-truth entity resolution to pool information across co-referent value equal to the confidence value from the extrac- entities. A key component of this process is identifying tor. For example, the extraction system might gen- possibly co-referent entities and determining the sim- erate a relation, teamPlaysSport(Yankees,baseball) ilarity of these entities. We use the SameEnt pred- with a confidence of .9, which we would represent as icate to capture the similarity of two entities. While CandRel(Yankees,baseball,teamPlaysSport). any similarity metric can be used, we compute the Information extraction systems commonly use many similarity of entities using a process of mapping each different extraction techniques to generate candidates. entity to a set of Wikipedia articles and then comput- For example, NELL produces separate extractions ing the Jaccard index of possibly co-referent entities, from lexical, structural, and morphological patterns, which we discuss in more detail in Section 5. among others. We represent metadata about the tech- To perform entity resolution using the SameEnt nique used to extract a candidate by using separate predicate we introduce three rules, whose groundings predicates for each technique T, of the form Can- we refer to as R, to our PSL program: dRelT and CandLblT . These predicates are related SameEnt(E1 , E2 )∧ ˜ Lbl(E1 , L) ⇒ Lbl(E2 , L) to the true values of attributes and relations we seek to infer using weighted rules. ˜ SameEnt(E1 , E2 )∧Rel(E1 , E, R) ⇒ Rel(E2 , E, R) wCR−T CandRelT (E1 , E2 , R) ⇒ Rel(E1 , E2 , R) SameEnt(E1 , E2 )∧ ˜ Rel(E, E1 , R) ⇒ Rel(E, E2 , R) wCL−T These rules define an equivalence class of entities, such CandLblT (E, L) ⇒ Lbl(E, L) that all entities related by the SameEnt predicate Together, we denote the set of candidates, generated must have the same labels and relations. The soft- from grounding the rules above using the output from truth value of the SameEnt, derived from our simi-
Large Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL larity function, mediates the strength of these rules. of an information extraction system define a PSL pro- When two entities are very similar, they will have a gram P. The corresponding set of ground rules, R, high truth value for SameEnt, so any label assigned consists of the union of groundings from uncertain can- to the first entity will also be assigned to the second didates, C, and hints, H, co-referent entities, R, and entity. On the other hand, if the similarity score for ontological constraints, O. The distribution over in- two entities is low, the truth values of their respective terpretations, I, generated by PSL corresponds to a labels and relations will not be strongly constrained. probability distribution over knowledge graphs, G: While we introduce these rules as constraints to the 1 X PP (G) = f (I) = exp[ wr φr (I)] PSL model, they could be used as weighted rules, al- Z r∈R lowing us to specify the reliability of the similarity The results of inference provide us with the most likely function. interpretation, or soft-truth assignments to entities, la- bels and relations that comprise the knowledge graph. 4.3. Enforcing Ontological Constraints By choosing a threshold on the soft-truth values in In our PSL program we also leverage rules corre- the interpretation, we can select a high-precision set sponding to an ontology, the groundings of which of facts to construct our knowledge graphs. are denoted as O. Our ontological constraints are based on the logical formulation proposed in (Jiang 5. Experimental Evaluation et al., 2012). Each type of ontological relation is represented as a predicate, and these predicates We evaluate our method on data from the Never- represent ontological knowledge of the relationships Ending Language Learning (NELL) project (Carlson between labels and relations. For example, the et al., 2010). Our goal is to demonstrate that Knowl- constraints Dom(teamPlaysSport, sportsteam) and edge Graph Identification can remove noise from un- Rng(teamPlaysSport, sport) specify that the rela- certain extractions, producing a high-precision set of tion teamPlaysSport is a mapping from entities with facts for inclusion in a knowledge graph. A principal label sportsteam to entities with label sport. The concern in this domain is scalability; we show that us- constraint Mut(sport, sportsteam) specifies that the ing PSL for MPE inference is a practical solution for labels sportsteam and sport are mutually exclu- knowledge graph identification at a massive scale. sive, so that an entity cannot have both the labels NELL iteratively generates a knowledge base: in each sport and sportsteam. We similarly use constraints iteration NELL uses facts learned from the previous it- for subsumption of labels (Sub) and inversely-related eration and a corpus of web pages to generate a new set functions (Inv). To use this ontological knowledge, of candidate facts. NELL selectively promotes those we introduce rules relating each ontological relation to candidates that have a high confidence from the ex- the predicates representing our knowledge graph. We tractors and obey ontological constraints with the ex- specify seven types of ontological constraints in our isting knowledge base to build a high-precision knowl- experiments: edge base. We present experimental results on the Dom(R, L) ∧˜ Rel(E1 , E2 , R) ⇒ Lbl(E1 , L) 194th iteration of NELL, using the candidate facts, Rng(R, L) ˜ ∧ Rel(E1 , E2 , R) ⇒ Lbl(E2 , L) promoted facts and ontological constraints that NELL Inv(R, S) ˜ Rel(E1 , E2 , R) ⇒ Rel(E2 , E1 , S) ∧ used during that iteration. We summarize the impor- tant statistics of this dataset in Table 1. Sub(L, P ) ˜ Lbl(E, L) ∧ ⇒ Lbl(E, P ) ˜ Mut(L1 , L2 ) ∧ Lbl(E, L1 ) ⇒ ¬Lbl(E, L2 ) In addition to data from NELL, we use data from the YAGO database (Suchanek et al., 2007) as part of our RMut(R, S) ∧ ˜ Rel(E1 , E2 , R) ⇒ ¬Rel(E1 , E2 , S) entity resolution approach. The YAGO database con- tains entities which correspond to Wikipedia articles, These ontological rules are specified as constraints to variant spellings and abbreviations of these entities, our PSL model. When optimizing the model, PSL and associated WordNet categories. To correct against will only consider truth-value assignments or interpre- the multitude of variant spellings found in NELL’s tations that satisfy all of these ontological constraints. data, we use a mapping technique from NELL’s enti- ties to Wikipedia articles. We then define a similarity 4.4. Probability Distribution Over Uncertain function on the article URLs, using the similarity as Knowledge Graphs the soft-truth value of the SameEnt predicate. The logical formulation introduced in this section, to- When mapping NELL entities to YAGO records, We gether with ontological information and the outputs perform selective stemming on the NELL entities, em-
Large Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL Iter194 links, collectively classifying entity labels, and enforc- Date Generated 1/2011 ing ontological constraints. Using PSL, we illustrate Cand. Label 1M the scalability benefits of our approach on a large-scale dataset from NELL, while producing high-precision re- Cand. Rel 530K sults. Promotions 300K Dom, Rng, Inv 660 Acknowledgments This work was partially sup- Sub 520 ported by NSF CAREER grant 0746930 and NSF grant Mut 29K IIS1218488. RMut 58K Table 1. Summary of dataset statistics References Artiles, J and Mayfield, J (eds.). Workshop on Knowl- Percentile 1% 2% 5% 10% 25% edge Base Population, 2012. Precision .96 .95 .89 .90 .74 Bach, S. H, Broecheler, M, Getoor, L, and O’Leary, Table 2. Precision of knowledge graph identification at top D. P. Scaling MPE Inference for Constrained Con- soft truth value percentiles tinuous Markov Random Fields with Consensus Op- timization. In NIPS, 2012. ploy blocking on candidate labels, and use a case- Broecheler, M, Mihalkova, L, and Getoor, L. Proba- insensitive string match. Each NELL entity can be bilistic Similarity Logic. In UAI, 2010. mapped to a set of YAGO entities, and we can generate Carlson, A, Betteridge, J, Kisiel, B, Settles, B, Hr- a set of Wikipedia URLs that map to the YAGO enti- uschka, E. R, and Mitchell, T. M. Toward an Ar- ties. To generate the similarity of two NELL entities, chitecture for Never-Ending Language Learning. In we compute a set-similarity measure on the Wikipedia AAAI, 2010. URLs associated with the entities. For our similarity score, we use the Jaccard index, the ratio of the size Etzioni, O, Banko, M, Soderland, S, and Weld, D. S. of the set intersection and the size of the set union. Open Information Extraction from the Web. Com- munications of the ACM, 51(12), 2008. The ultimate goal of knowledge graph identification is to generate a high-precision set of facts for inclusion in Ji, H, Grishman, R, and Dang, H. Overview of the a knowledge base. We evaluated the precision of our Knowledge Base Population Track. In Text Analysis method by sampling facts from the top 1%, 2%, 5%, Conference, 2011. 10% and 25% of inferred facts ordered by soft truth Jiang, S, Lowd, D, and Dou, D. Learning to Refine value. We sampled 120 facts at each cutoff, split evenly an Automatically Extracted Knowledge Base Using between labels and relations, and had a human judge Markov Logic. In ICDM, 2012. provide appropriate labs. Table 2 shows the precision of our method at each cutoff. The precision decays Kimmig, A, Bach, S. H, Broecheler, M, Huang, B, and gracefully from .96 at the 1% cutoff to .90 at the 10% Getoor, L. A Short Introduction to Probabilistic cutoff, but has a substantial drop-off at the 25% cutoff. Soft Logic. In NIPS Workshop on Probabilistic Pro- gramming, 2012. Performing the convex optimization for MPE inference in knowledge graph identification is efficient. The opti- Namata, G. M, Kok, S, and Getoor, L. Collective mization problem is defined over 22.6M terms, consist- Graph Identification. In KDD, 2011. ing of potential functions corresponding to candidate Pasca, M, Lin, D, Bigham, J, Lifchits, A, and Jain, facts and dependencies among facts generated by on- A. Organizing and Searching the World Wide Web tological constraints. Performing this optimization on of Facts-Step One: the One-million Fact Extraction a six-core Intel Xeon X5650 CPU at 2.66 GHz with Challenge. In AAAI, 2006. 32GB of RAM took 44300 seconds. Richardson, M and Domingos, P. Markov Logic Net- 6. Conclusion works. Machine Learning, 62(1-2), 2006. We have described how to formulate the problem Singhal, A. Introducing the Knowledge Graph: of knowledge graph identification, jointly inferring a Things, Not Strings, 2012. Official Blog (of Google). knowledge graph from the noisy output of an informa- tion extraction system through a combined process of Suchanek, F. M, Kasneci, G, and Weikum, G. Yago: determining co-referent entities, predicting relational A Core of Semantic Knowledge. In WWW, 2007.
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