Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce

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Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce
Land of the Auto Enthusiast

A Place to Call Home

The Memory Keeper

   2022-2023 Issue
Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce

Currituck County Economic Development
    Director Larry Lombardi is always just
  a phone call away and ready to answer
          your questions, offer advice and
       connect you to new opportunities.
                                                                  (252) 232-6015
Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce


             6                                          40
   Stunning Scenery &                    Community Focused
   Distinctive Diversions                   Healthcare

            14                                          44
   The Memory Keeper                     The Icing on the Cake

            18                                          46
Land of the Auto Enthusiast                Member Directory

            22                                          54
   A Place to Call Home                       Member Index

 A Strong Foundation for

                                                                    On the cover
                                         Rhett, a wild Colonial Spanish Mustang
                                       stallion, runs free on the banks of Carova,
                                                displaying his majestic demeanor.
                                          Photograph by Kris' Corolla Creations

                                     | 252.453.9497
Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce
CURRITUCK CHAMBER BOARD                                                  OUR 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                    PARTNERS IN BUSINESS

                                                                                                                                                                                      PRESENTING PARTNERS

                                                                                                                                                                                          ELITE PARTNERS
                                                                                                      Kristi Parrotte             Mike Florez             Lynn Davis
                                                                                                      Chair                       Vice Chair              Secretary
                                                                                                      North Council               South Council           Coast Council
                                                                                                      Gregory & Associates,       Florez Design Studios   Outer Banks Day Tripper

                                                                 CHAMBER STAFF
                                                       President                     Josh Bass
                                                       Membership Director      Juanita Krause
The past several years have brought record             Office Manager           Michelle Kirnan
numbers of visitors and new residents to our           Administrative Assistant Ginger O'Neal         Megan Morgan                Miles Daniels           Courtney Gallop
community. This inevitably brings change, which                                                       Treasurer                   Coast Council           Coast Council
                                                                                                                                                                                        PREMIUM PARTNERS
                                                                                                      North Council               Twiddy & Company        Gallop Memorial Chapel
unsettles some, yet invigorates others. However,            CONTRIBUTING WRITERS                      Morgan Family Dentistry     Realtors
since the founding of Currituck County in 1668, our      Josh Bass, Mary Simmons, Danielle
community has always changed and evolved,               Johnson, Abby Stewart, Kaye Beasley,
moving toward the future. What we strive to find       Shannon Painter, Diane Nordstrom, and
in these times of growth is a balance between                       Alethia Keaton
preserving our heritage and looking toward the
                                                       CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS
future.                                                                                                                                                                                  SELECT PARTNERS
                                                         Kris' Corolla Creations, Laura Walter
I personally am glad many are discovering our             Photography, and Michelle Kirnan                                                                Brian Innes
                                                                                                      Denise Hall                 Becky Howard
county and surrounding community, either to                                                           At-Large                    South Council
                                                         While we strive to ensure the most           Currituck County Register   Mount Zion United       Scot Stor
visit or as a place to live. What I think draws them                                                  of Deeds                    Methodist Church
                                                         accurate information, the Currituck
to the area is our ingrained sense of community,
                                                          Chamber of Commerce does not
unrivaled natural beauty, and friendly citizens.
                                                       assume liability for any misinformation.
I hope in reading Currituck & Northern Outer                CURRITUCK CHAMBER OF
Banks magazine you will find something new                       COMMERCE
about this great place, whether you are a long             PO Box 937, Moyock, NC 27958
time resident, someone who has recently moved                       252.453.9497
here, or someone visiting us for a few days.                            Mike Martine                Paul O’Neal             Winnie Wade                                 oak trail solar

Come and enjoy all that is great about our area! 
                                                                                                      North Council
                                                                                                      Eye Candy Digital Video
                                                                                                                                  South Council
                                                                                                                                  Towne Insurance
                                                                                                                                                          Dominion Energy
                                                                                                                                                          North Carolina

                                       Josh Bass

                                                                                                      Tameron Kugler              Larry Lombardi
                                                                                                      Ex-Officio                  Ex-Officio
                                                                                                      Currituck County Travel &   Currituck County
                                                                                                      Tourism                     Economic Development

      CURRITUCK & NORTHERN OUTER BANKS | 2022-2023                                                Images by Laura Walter & Michelle Kirnan                                  | 252.453.9497
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Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce

                                                            &       Distinctive             DIVERSIONS
                                                                     written by Danielle Johnson | photography by Laura Walter

      Stroll the halls of an historic Art Nouveau mansion.
  Soar over the Currituck Sound on a hang glider built for two.
Savor a glass of wine just steps away from where it was produced.

 Historic Whalehead Club facing the Currituck Sound

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Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce
            urrituck has its own stately Historic          views of the Currituck Sound, and then stroll the                exhibits, a half-mile boardwalk, 20 miles of            cream sundae. If you’re a fan of Dunkin Donuts,
            Courthouse and Jail. It’s on the               charming grounds of the Whalehead Club. Or,                      trails, and numerous Ranger-led programs.               you can also get your fix of pastries, coffee, and
            National Register of Historic Places,          see how people in Corolla have interacted with                   Learn how freedom seekers sought refuge in              breakfast sandwiches at their Corolla location.
and for good reason: both sites were originally            their maritime environment at the nearby Outer                   the swamp. Canoe and kayak rentals offer the            Back on the mainland, LJ Beaners is keeping
constructed in the 1700’s and rebuilt in the 1800’s.       Banks Center for Wildlife Education.                             chance to paddle the historic Dismal Swamp              Currituck supplied with creative sweets, coffee,
The Historic Jarvisburg Colored School makes                   The Currituck area is also a prime spot for                  Canal. Birding, biking, hiking, paddling, and           and great lunch options from their Moyock
that list, too. After an extensive restoration, the        coastal sightseeing. In addition to its beautiful                photography are all great activities at the             bakery. Order ahead through their website or
school operates as a museum with thoughtful                historic sites, Corolla is known for picture perfect             swamp!                                                  settle into their welcoming café for a treat. When
exhibits that reveal an underrepresented and               beaches and idyllic soundfront spaces. Lucky                         Currituck’s Rural Center is also great for          it’s time for dinner, pizza is popular at the beach,
important part of North Carolina history.                  observers might see some of the town’s famous                    kayaking or canoeing on the Currituck Sound.            too. Try Corolla Pizza & Deli for Stromboli, subs,
    Across the county line, history enthusiasts            wild horses taking in the scenery, too. These                    The 105-acre site is dog-friendly and features          or huge, satisfying slices. They’ve been slicing it
won’t want to miss the museums and historical              Spanish Mustangs have roamed the Northern                        two stocked ponds for fishing. For adventures           up since 1989 and provide free delivery for parts
sites that tell stories from our region’s past. On         Outer Banks for more than 500 years! If you’d                    on wheels, check out the county’s skate park. It        of the Northern Outer Banks. Order in, grab a
the mainland, the Camden County Heritage                   rather not leave a sighting to chance, book                      offers 7,000 square feet of concrete engineered         bottle of wine from Sanctuary Vineyards, and
Museum offers tours of their early 20th century            one of the area’s popular horse tours with a                     for skateboarding and is just around the corner         enjoy!
jailhouse and exhibits on local history. From the          local company. Just remember to give our wild                    from the Currituck Community Center, home                   No matter where you live or what you’re in the
cry of soldiers at the Battle of South Mills to the        neighbors their space – at least 50 feet – and                   to the YMCA, Senior Center, and Cooperative             mood for, you can find it in and around Currituck.
secrets of freedom seekers in the Great Dismal             resist the temptation to feed them. Even more                    Extension office.
                                                                                                                                Faster. Higher. Crazier. Explore on a whole new
Swamp, the museum illustrates these varied                 wildlife abound on remote Carova and Knotts
stories. Explore the county’s heritage through             Island. Take the ferry over from mainland                        level with H2OBX Waterpark or Kitty Hawk Kites.
artifacts and miniature replicas or take the               Currituck for bird watching at the adjacent                      The rides and attractions at H2OBX Waterpark
Historic jail tour. Knowledgeable docents bring            Mackey Island National Wildlife Refuge: geese,                   are built for thrill seekers of all ages. Keep things
these stories to life.                                     ducks, ospreys, falcons, and even bald eagles                    relaxed with a spin down the park’s lazy river,
    If you like your history with a healthy dose           are frequently spotted along its Great Marsh                     or brave the OBX-themed slides for killer views
of the great outdoors, head for Corolla on the             Trail.                                                           and serious splashdowns. With deals for locals
Currituck Outer Banks. Within just a few miles                In Camden, the Dismal Swamp State Park                        and visitors alike, H2OBX has quickly become
of one another, Historic Corolla Village boasts            welcomes visitors to its unique ecosystem.                       an Outer Banks favorite. Just up the highway,
the Whalehead Club, the Currituck Beach                    George Washington would be amazed at the                         Kitty Hawk Kites offers hang gliding and other
Lighthouse, and the Wild Horse Museum, in                  progress made since his first venture in taming                  extreme experiences from locations up and
addition to historic homes and a 19th century              the swamp. Today, paths made by loggers are                      down the Carolina coast. Their hang gliding
schoolhouse. Visitors can explore much of the              being used to provide a glimpse of the Dismal’s                  school is the largest in the world! Strap into a
Village on foot. Climb the lighthouse for expansive        valuable secrets. The park offers interactive                    tandem flier for bird’s eye views of the beach, or
                                                                                                                            take a dune hang gliding lesson at the famous
                                                                                                                            Jockey’s Ridge.Even kids can get in on the high-
                                                                                                                            flying fun with lessons tailored to their abilities.
                                                                                                                                Along with a day of sightseeing, museum-
                                                                                                                            hopping, or adventuring, don’t forget to indulge
                                                                                                                            in some of North Carolina’s best cooking. From
                                                                                                                            seafood markets to crab shacks and waterfront
                                                                                                                            restaurants, coastal cuisine is always on the
                                                                                                                            menu. But, there’s plenty around Currituck to
                                                                                                                            satisfy landlubbers, too. For breakfast, swing by
                                                                                                                            Corolla’s Duck Donuts for unique offerings like the
                                                                                                                            OBX Donut Breakfast Sandwich or a donut ice             Currituck Lighthouse as viewed from Currituck Heritage Park

                                                                                                                             Whether you’re a seasoned local or a first-time visitor, you’ll find stunning
    Camden County Heritage Museum            Ferry to Knotts Island                             Oysters on the half shell       scenery and distinctive diversions all around the Currituck area.

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Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce
Find Yourself Here
                                                                                                                                           This year, many great families
                                                                                                                                             are planning to explore the
                                                                                                                                         Currituck Outer Banks. Whether
                                                                                                                                          relocating a home or business,
                                                                                                                                         or just taking some well-earned
                                                                                                                                         time to relax — it is nice to know
                                                                                                                                            that awe-inspiring beaches,
                                                                                                                                           legendary wild horses, iconic
                                                                                                                                          sites and a thriving community
                                                                                                                                          stand ready to greet you here,
                                                                                                                                          on the Currituck Outer Banks.

                                                                                                                                            Corolla • Carova • The Mainland

                                                        Explore things to do, shopping, dining, and more at or call 877.287.7488 for more info.

                                                      GET A BIRD’S EYE VIEW!
                                                      FLY WITH AN INSTRUCTOR TO 2000’ OR MORE

                                                                                                         HANG GLIDING
                                                                                                         AT THE COTTON GIN, JARVISBURG
Spanish wild horses on Carova Beach
Photograph by Laura Walter
                                                                          PHOTO BY BROOKE MAYO   1.877.FLY.THIS • KITTYHAWK.COM
       CURRITUCK & NORTHERN OUTER BANKS | 2022-2023                                                                       | 252.453.9497
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Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce
Milepost Living Photography

                                                      NEW Homes & Condos FROM THE $300’S
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                                                                      Exciting Resort Amenities
                                                                    Only 15 miles to the Outer Banks

                                                                 MODEL HOME NOW OPEN!
                                                        | (252) 301-3090

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Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                        ntil the advent of         from the landscape. Some of
                                                                                        the      automobile        the only memories of these
                                                                                        and roads were             places and people remain in
                                                                             paved, these long stretches           this family photo collection.
                                                                             of sand were isolated and                 Barbara regularly shares
                                                                             cut off from mainland North           her photos on social media
                                                                             Carolina. The beach’s unfertile       accounts dedicated to the
                                                                             soil could only support small         history of the area, especially
                                                                             numbers of people with a              her Facebook page, Northern

                 The                                                         fiercely independent sprint.          Outer Banks History. "So many

                                                                                One descendant of an               people today forget what
                                                                             ancient     Northern      Outer       actually happened. We have
                                                                             Banks clan, Barbara Pardue,           to remind them of the truth,"
                                                                             traces her ancestors back to          says Barbara. She wants to
                                                                             the early 1700’s on the Outer         ensure the history of this place
                                                                             Banks. She is one of the heirs        is not forgotten but valued

                                                                             to a property locally known           and shared accurately. “I
                                                                             as the Maggie White Estate,           think you need to know history
                                                                             a stretch of sand nearly 500          and know your past, because
                                                                             acres large. The land was             it is your heritage. You need
           written by Josh Bass                                              granted to her family by King         to know where you came
                                                                             George II in 1742. To know            from to understand yourself
           photography from Barbara Pardue Collection                        Barbara is to know those early        and the traits you might have
                                                                             settlers. She is self-reliant,        inherited. You need to pass
                                                                             boisterous, fun, and outgoing,        history along to generations
                                                                             with a wonderful wit. This            who come later,” she explains.
                                                                             is often the kind of person               Barbara       believes     all
                                                                             locally known as someone              history must be told honestly
         Roots run deep in the grains of sand on the Outer Banks.            with "a big personality" and          and accurately, even when
                                                                             maybe just a little bit wild.         it might not be the most
     Such is the case with family history on these remote beaches as well.
                                                                                Through four generations,          flattering story. One such case
                                                                             Barbara’s        family      has      is the mysterious death of
                                                                             photographed the people,              Barbara’s great-grandfather,
                                                                             places, and events of the             Leon White. Leon was found
                                                                             northern     beaches.      They       shot in his bed, and his wife
                                                                             have done so and preserved            Maggie, Barbara’s great-
                                                                             these with an eye towards             grandmother, stood trial for
                                                                             educating future generations          murder, making headlines
                                                                             about a place and a way               throughout        the     nation.
                                                                             of life that no longer exists.        Maggie first claimed that her
                                                                             Barbara's         grandmother,        husband's gunshot was the
                                                                             Lucy White Beasley, started           result of suicide. However,
                                                                             taking photographs around             no gun was located. Later
                                                                             Corolla, Carova, and in Swan          Maggie claimed there had
                                                                             Beach in the 1930’s. Time and         been a prowler around
                                                                             modern development have               the house. Maggie was
                                                                             erased many of the buildings          eventually acquitted due

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Land of the Auto Enthusiast - CURRITUCK'S HISTORY OF REVERENCE AND ENTHUSIASM FOR THE AUTOMOBILE - Currituck Chamber of Commerce
to lack of evidence. However, questions remained around this
                                      mysterious death. Interestingly, years later a gun was found
                                       buried in the family garden patch. Many would try to hide such
                                       a colorful family story, but not Barbara. She will tell you this story
                                       openly, honestly, and with just a a hint of mischief glinting in her
                                        eyes.                                                                                                       OUTER BANKS WEST
                                                                                                                                                    CURRITUCK SOUND
                                            To travel around the four-wheel drive area with her is to go
                                        on an adventure with reckless abandon. She thinks nothing
                                         of diving into woods
                                         to show the curious
                                         the marker that was
                                          erected in the 1820’s
                                          to mark the boundary
                                           between Virginia and
                                           North Carolina, even
                                           if it means fending off
                          wild boar, ticks, chiggers, and snakes.
Barbara thinks nothing of these hazards that would make
many an urban dweller a bit squeamish. These adventures
are often research projects on local history. Accuracy means
she often has to investigate an area herself. “Before the
stories here disappear, we have to pass this along to the
younger generations. But we have to make sure what we                                         Barbara Pardue,
say is right,” says Barbara.
                             COBX                                                   holding court on the beach
                                                                                                                 hamp-corolla-chamber-guide-2018-1/2pg-ad-10302017.qxp_Layout 1 10/30/17 5:54 PM Page 1

                                                      Your Home for Bassett in Northeast North Carolina            sTaY & pLaY iN bEaUtIfUl CoRoLlA, Nc
                                                                                                                                                    Warm, coastal style mingles with modern amenities offering
                                                                                                                                                    guests quaint beachside comfort & a little southern charm.
                                                                                                                                                    Oceanfront accommodations offering private balconies & patios
                                                                                                                     COROLLA, NC
                                                                                                                   THE OUTER BANKS                  Spacious guestrooms & suites | Private balconies & patios | Complimentary wifi
                                                                                                                  Oceanfront at 333 Audubon Drive
                                                                                                                    Corolla, North Carolina 27927   Direct beach access | 3 outdoor swimming pools | Indoor pool w/jacuzzi
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                                                                                                                                                             Book Direct for Best Guaranteed Rate

                                                                         252-715-3450                                           wWw.oBxBeAcHhOtEl.cOm
                                                                        5301 N.Croatan highway Kitty Hawk,NC                                          We guarantee you’ll be feeling relaxed in no time!

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Land of the AUTO
ENTHUSIAST                                          written by Mary B. Simmons

  Currituck has been known as The Land of the Wild Goose                                     rive south just past the state line and
  since the time of the Native Algonquins; it is a land whose                                pull into the new Tractor Supply in
                                                                                             Moyock. If you look carefully near the
 bountiful wildfowl have been sought after for generations of                    entrance, you will see a stately pole covered in
          hunters and wildfowl viewing enthusiasts.                              vines, with a tilting old-school metal streetlamp
                                                                                 on the top. That lamp is the last vestige of the
                                                                                 Dog Track Raceway, a short track that started
   Look through the lens of a different enthusiast, the auto                     in the dirt and ended on the asphalt. Dog Track
 enthusiast, the classic car aficionado, the gearhead, and you                   Raceway hosted seven Nascar Grand National
                                                                                 races from 1962 to 1966, fielding the great names
 will see Currituck has an extensive history of reverence and                    in Nascar history…Ned Jarrett, David Pearson,
                 enthusiasm for the automobile.                                  Wendell Scott, Jimmy Pardue, Richard Petty, and
                                                                                 female driver Goldie Parsons. Even now, you

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Auto & Marine Supply Inc./CarQuest in Grandy        Kenan and Joe Gallo. Drive by and see a variety
                                                                                                                        also offers performance parts and manufactured      of vehicles waiting for pickup or ready to work
                                                                                                                        brands to help keep your car running smoothly       on…1960's era Ford Falcons, 1950's classic cars,
                                                                                                                        for years to come.                                  mud racers, muscle cars – you name it, they work
                                                                                                                           If your classic car or daily drive need body     on it. While they have a passion for classic cars,
                                                                                                                        work, check out Graham’s Collision Center in        they are a one-stop shop for all vehicles and can
                                                                                                                        Moyock. Another must stop shop is WAO Garage        dianose, repair, and maintain vehicles from any
                                                                                                                        in Moyock. Known for their window tinting           year.
                                                                                                                        services, WAO Garage offers AMSOIL, helping            Many antique and classic car enthusiasts will
                                                                                                                        auto enthusiasts keep their cars show-ready         tell you their passion comes from memories
                                                          Photograph of Currituck Professional Firefighters Cruise In   and running smoothly. WAO Garage provides           of childhood and loved ones from long ago.
 Photograph by Mark Wootton                                                                      by Mary Simmons        services such as 3M Ceramic Coating, paint          Currituck County IS the land of the auto
can head to one of the many local tracks still in     in working on all types of vehicles including classic             protection film, and vehicle wrap.                  enthusiast…come to the Currituck mainland and
operation in Southeastern Virginia and Eastern        cars and trucks. The showpiece for the school                        Raymond Havemann, Service Writer Manager         indulge your love for all things automotive!
North Carolina, check the night’s rosters, and        system is used for special events – a 1937 Dodge                  with Beach Ready Auto, states they work on
                                                                                                                        classic and show cars on a regular basis, having       Source: Wood, Perry Allen. Silent Speedways of the
you’ll find Currituck drivers. The need for speed     LaFrance Pumper Truck. With gleaming chrome
                                                                                                                        recently rolled out a 1971 Dodge Charger Super      Carolinas: The Grand National Histories of 29 Former
is still strong here.                                 and polished tires and a seriously loud siren, this                                                                   Tracks. McFarland. ISBN 978-1-4766-0261-5.
    While traveling through the Moyock area from      masterpiece delights students who work on it as                   Bee. Havemann says it is not unusual to have           Wikipedia contributors, "DogTrack Speedway," Wikipedia,
May to October between 5:00 and 8:00pm every          well as car aficionados who are lucky enough to                   several on-going projects such as the C-10 Pickup   The Free Encyclopedia,
other Tuesday, you will see a variety of the area’s   glimpse it. Wootton and his students have also                    Show Vehicle under repair for its next adventure.   php?title=Dog_Track_Speedway&oldid=1038942676
coolest cars converging at the Classic Car Cruise     honed their skills by converting a Harley-Davidson                   For those who’ve traveled farther south in
                                                                                                                        Currituck and need service, stop by R&R Garage
                                                                                                                                                                            (accessed January 13, 2022).
In to benefit the Currituck County Professional       motorcycle to biodiesel fuel, gaining a spot on
Fire Fighters & EMS Association Local 4633. These     the Speed Channel show American Thunder.                          in Powells Point, owned and operated by Nevin
Cruise Ins are co-sponsored by Moyock Pizza           Another jewel to come from the CCHS autoshop
Kitchen, WAO Garage, and Graham's Collision           is a modified classic 1967 Shelby Mustang GT-
Center.                                               350 Convertible. Mention the name “Shelby
    In early April experience the Annual Cruise In    Mustang” to any car collector, and watch their
and Car Show to benefit both J. P. Knapp Early        eyes light up! These students completely rewired
College P. E. program and Currituck County            the car with modern conveniences, including
Sheriff’s Office Summer Camp. You can catch a         making it a flex-fuel capable car. Several years
stunning variety of cars, from classic muscle to      ago, Wootton and his students also converted
high-performance. The rally begins at 9:15 with       two vehicles into electric powered vehicles,
the cars cruising to Diggers Dungeon, beside the      earning the shop national recognition.
monster truck headquarters of Grave Digger, a            Local businesses offer a plethora of services,
mecca for monster truck fans everywhere!              such as oil changes and other repairs. For a part
    Currituck County High School automotive           for your vehicle, stop by family owned Old’s Auto
technology teacher Mark Wootton leads students        Supply & Service (NAPA affiliated). East Coast

Photograph provided by WAO Garage                                              Photograph provided by R&R Garage

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A Place to Call
written by Josh Bass | photography by Laura Walter
                                                                                                                      ntrepreneurship has been
                                                                                                                      a part of life in Currituck
                                                                                                                      and the Outer Banks region
                                                                                                          for centuries. For most of the region’s
                                                                                                          history, it was a sparsely populated,
                                                                                                          isolated area with few job prospects,
                                                                                                          forcing residents to forge paths of their
                                                                                                          own to find money-making endeavors.
                                                                                                          Many were modest, self-sustaining
                                                                                                          individuals, making their livings from the
                                                                                                          land and water - fishermen, farmers,
                                                                                                          and a few shopkeepers - but as time
                                                                                                          went on and the economy changed,
                                                                                                          business enterprises were built around
                                                                                                          the burgeoning tourism industry. Such is
                                                                                                          the case with Mike Florez, a man who
                                                                                                          came to the area from Virginia Beach.
                                                                                                             While self-resilient entrepreneurship
                                                                                                          is not unique to the region, the fact
                                                                                                          that this family has three different
                                                                                                          businesses, each independently owned,
                                                                                                          is fairly unique. For the Florez family, it
                                                                                                          all started in 1988 when Mike Florez
                                                                                                          came to the Outer Banks to work with
                                                                                                          his brother, a residential designer.
                                                                                                          Together they started a business, Florez
                                                                                                          and Florez, to design residential homes.
                                                                                                          “I came down here because a pretty
                                                                                                          day on the Outer Banks is prettier than
                                                                                                          the prettiest day in Virginia Beach,” says
                                                                                                          Mike Florez. The firm would change
                                                                                                          and grow, ultimately becoming Florez
                                                                                                          Design Studios.
                                                                                                             In April of 1988, Mike met his future
                                                                                                          wife, Bobbi, while on the job, where she
                                                                                                          was working as a real estate agent in
                                                                                                          Corolla. Bobbi started working at Florez
                                                                                                          and Florez as an assistant in the late
                                                          The Florez family at work designing a home.
                                                                                                          1990's. With her background in real estate
                                                     Left to right: Emma, Bobbi, Mike, Matt, and Traci.   sales, she was a natural at helping the

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firm sell their stock plans, a tremendous benefit       changed, and she went back to school in 2017 to              job and work for them so she could be with her           intensive work of farming and fishing to find
given the firm’s volume of business. In 2000, Mike      obtain a degree in interior design. She planned              babies. Matt says that one of the advantages of          prosperity in the Outer Banks’ boon.
and Bobbi Florez bought the building at the base        to leave the area once completed, but the 2020               working in the same industry as his parents is that         However, success isn’t everything for the Florez
of the Wright Memorial Bridge in Currituck, which       Covid-19 epidemic drew her back to launch                    often, when he is working on a new construction          family. Mike put it succinctly in what it means to
serves as the gateway to Outer Banks beaches.           Florez Interiors, an interior design firm. Many of           site, it is a house plan that his parents have           truly have a family business when he says, “it’s
This real estate commercial foothold would prove        the products from the shop remained, and it was              designed. Because he understands their thought           quite extraordinary to be in the office at 6:00 a.m.
to be pivotal in providing opportunity years later      fortunate that her parents had chosen not to rent            process so well, he can readily anticipate where         and have coffee with my son whose office is next
to other family members. “We had rented and             the premises, allowing her a chance to start an              things are meant to go.                                  door, then have lunch with my daughter, and
moved and rented and moved and had to redo              entirely new endeavor. While the purchase of a                   While each business is its own entity, because       spend most of the day with my wife whose office
places every time. We just wanted a place for           building in 2000 may not have seemed like an                 they all work around trades based in real estate,        is at the other end of the building.” “My office is at
our business, a place we can call home” explains        opportunity to offer their children a head start in          they frequently collaborate. “To be a small              the other end of the building with good reason,”
Mike. “We wanted a location close to where              business, it certainly was for Emma.                         business owner you have to have grit. No one
we lived, and, since we get to drive across the            Matt Florez, the Florez’s son, had a different            is going to do it for you. You have to work your
bridge and see                                                                            path to starting           tail off. 5:00 a.m. mornings are common,” shares
the sound each                                                                            his own business.          Bobbi.
morning,        it’s                                                                      He and his wife,               Interestingly, a generation or two ago, most of
such a relaxing,                                                                          Traci,     founded         the Florez forefathers were farmers, fisherman,
beautiful drive,”                                                                         and own Angel              and small builders, the very kinds of people who
adds        Bobbi.                                                                        A d v a n c e d            were the initial settlers of the Outer Banks region.
Mike’s younger                                                                            Te c h n o l o g i e s ,   It is fitting that their offspring work in the booming
brother,      Rob,                                                                        which performs             real estate trades that have propelled the Outer
moved to Florida                                                                          electrical,                Banks toward today’s vital economy. The Florez
in 2001 to open                                                                           audio          video,      family has followed the path of so many Outer
a second office,                                                                          security, and IT           Banks families who have moved out of the labor
which flourished.                                                                         technological
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mike and Bobbi Florez
    Emma Florez,                                                                          work                on
Mike and Bobbi’s                                                                          residential
daughter,                                                                   Florez family homes as well
launched          a                                                                       as commercial
venture simply                                                                            p r o p e r i e s
to raise money while she was a student at the           throughout the Outer Banks. “I grew up seeing
College of The Albemarle in 2009. Initially, It’s All   the advantages of owning a business, and that
Good specialized in yard sale finds and quality         appealed to me when I started looking at how to
used furniture. For Emma, this was a way to raise       achieve financial flexibility and flexibility with my
money for an upcoming trip to Greece, although          time. I saw that as an advantage because I had
she had no idea it would evolve into a business.        grown up in it,” says Matt. According to his father,
“I just went around to yard sales and started           “Matt literally cut his teeth on job site lumber,”
giving out my card,” Emma explains. In this way,        growing up in visiting construction sites. When
she accumulated lots of items to sell. Over time        Matt brought his bride home to the Outer Banks,
it became more of an antique shop and a place           Traci worked a few jobs at other businesses
with eclectic designs, specializing in artistically     before joining the family network of businesses.
painted furniture. Emma’s passions eventually           Her mother-in-law, Bobbi, advised she quit her

             "The way our community has received all of us
               and recommends us is a special experience,
              and that people value us, we hold that dearly."
                                                                                                                                                                                                    A Florez residential design in process

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24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
adds Bobbi with a laugh.                             come meet us.”
   They all remarked that when other family            While designing floor plans, electrifying
members, such as Bobbi’s father, stop in to visit,   homes, and furnishing the interiors of houses
they all can take a moment and spend some            to make loving homes for others, what they
time with well-loved family members, something       have really built is a business where their family
many who don’t own their own business don’t          can be together. They have not just built three
get the chance to enjoy.                             businesses. They have truly built a family who
   “The way our community has received all of        works together in the same location, and, in this
us and recommends us is a special experience,        way, they have built what Mike said he wanted
and that people value us, we hold that dearly,”      when he purchased their building in 2000: they
says Matt. Bobbi adds, “if you want to know the      have built a place to call home.
people you are doing business with, here we are,                                         COBX

                                                                                 Spanish wild horse in Corolla
                                                                          Photograph by Kris' Corolla Creations

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      CURRITUCK & NORTHERN OUTER BANKS | 2022-2023                                                                                                                                                        | 252.453.9497
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           31
              Coming and Going
6470 and 6387 Caratoke Hwy.
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  Let us help you find the perfect vacation home in the
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                                                                                                                Bird in flight at Audubon NC's Pine Island Sanctuary
                                                                                                                Photograph by Laura Walter
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32                                                                                                                                                                                                           33
                 A Strong Foundation For                                                Our school system is an invaluable resource
                                                                                     for students, employing the most qualified staff
                                                                                                                                           blended learning situations to provide unique
                                                                                                                                           opportunities for each student.
                                                                                     members to guide our county students into
                                                                                     becoming life-long learners and preparing             Outstanding Program Focus: The First
                                                                                     them for success in their future. The ten             Building Block
                                                                                     schools in the county offer students dedicated           For our very youngest students, Currituck
                                                                                     and caring staff members while each school            County Schools offer a NC Pre-K Program
                                                                                     has its own unique personality. Step into our         (previously More at Four), which takes a play-
                                                       written by Mary B. Simmons    schools: from Knotts Island Elementary School         based approach to learning. These teachers

                                                                                     or J. P. Knapp Early College, housed in historic      and assistants build on a child's natural curiosity
         urrituck is known and loved for many resources it offers residents and      buildings funded heartily years ago by New York       to provide student-centered instruction. Walk
         tourists…hunting and fishing, pristine beaches, wild horses, stunning       publishing giant and Ducks Unlimited founder,         into one of these classrooms and see children
         views of the Currituck and Albemarle Sounds, a rural atmosphere even        Joseph Palmer Knapp, to Central Elementary            engaged in play and fun learning activities.
among unprecedented growth and opportunity. Yet, Currituck offers another            School, Griggs Elementary School, and Moyock          The dedicated NC Pre-K staff meet students at
resource that is critical to the future growth of the county: an innovative school   Elementary School, schools that blend historic        their individual levels and nurture whole-child
system with an outstanding staff meeting the needs of over 4000 students daily,      buildings with new additions, and then step into      development. NC Pre-K classrooms are housed
from PK (pre-kindergarten) through Grade 12.                                         Currituck County High School, Currituck Middle        at Central and Griggs Elementary Schools.
                                                                                     School, Moyock Middle School, and Jarvisburg
                                                                                     and Shawboro Elementary Schools, each                 Elementary School Excitement
                                                                                     more modern buildings but sharing the same                 Catch some of the wonder and excitement
                                                                                     community oriented focus – your students matter       for school and learning by walking through the
                                                                                     here. They are part of our community.                 doors of one of our elementary schools. Feel
                                                                                        Currituck County Schools provide students a        the excitement, whether you take the ferry to
                                                                                     strong educational foundation beginning with          visit Knotts Island Elementary School, or drive to
                                                                                     our very youngest children…our preschool and          our southernmost school, Jarvisburg Elementary
                                                                                     elementary school children. Preschool and our         School, or visit any of our other fine elementary
                                                                                     early grades provide our students the educational     schools, Moyock, Central, and Shawboro, and
                                                                                     foundations to succeed at the middle and high         you will feel the joy when you walk through the
                                                                                     school levels, not only by teaching the basics        doors.
                                                                                     such as reading, writing, mathematics, and study           At Knotts Island Elementary School experience
                                                                                     habits, but also by focusing on the physical and      small school life with Christmas plays, school-
                                                                                     mental needs of each child, fulfilled by play and     wide reading challenges, author visits, and family
                                                                                     hands on activities with small group experiences.     coding nights. Visit Moyock Elementary School,
                                                                                     Preschool and elementary school staff are highly      and you could experience Glow Runs, Mad
                                                                                     qualified, and highly trained – many of them          Science Assemblies, Balloons Over Broadway
                                                                                     have worked for and earned their National Board       parades, and service projects. Travel south to
                                                                                     Certifications. They are themselves life-long         Shawboro Elementary School, and find Fun Runs,
                                                                                     learners and participate in staff development         Santa and his elves on the roof, Food Drives for
                                                                                     activities to hone their skills. Currituck teachers   the community, and Veteran’s Day programs. A
                                                                                     braved a new frontier when COVID forced them          little farther south at Central Elementary School,
                                                                                     to go fully digital. They met the challenge of        witness book character parades, reading
                                                                                     offering virtual learning experiences for their       festivals, and 5K Run & Walks. Stop by Griggs
                                                                                     students while maintaining connection with each       Elementary School to cheer students on as they
                                                                                     young student through computer and phone              participate in a 5K Color Run, pumpkin decorating
                                                                                     interaction. Currituck County teachers now use        contests, and Superheroes Spirit days. Farther
                                                                                     digital learning and face-to-face instruction in      south at Jarvisburg Elementary School see the

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34                                                                                                                                                                                                35
Moments, and some
                                                                                         students even begin
                                                                                         high school coursework                                                                                          A HEALTHY HOME STARTS FROM THE GROUND UP
                                                                                         in    middle      school.
                                                                                         Students at J.P. Knapp
                                                                                         Early College not only
                                                                                         pursue dual enrollment
                                                                                         with the College of The
                                                                                         Albemarle (COA), but
                                                                                         participate in many                                                                                             Free Estimates                  (757) 710-1573
                                                                                         club activities, such as
                                                                                         Chess Club, Math Club,
                                                                                         and Fine Arts Club while
                                                                                         also raising donations
                                                                                         for our local animal
                                                                                         shelter. What’s cooking
                                                                                         at Currituck County High
                                                                                                                                                  NORTH CAROLINA’S
                                                                                         School? Club offerings                                    TRUSTED VOICE
                                                                                         and school sports are
                                                                 strong and exciting! The CCHS Beta Club had a
excitement as students participate in scavenger                  donation drive for the animal shelter. Students
hunts, STEM activities, Mission Impossibles, and                 experienced a thrilling Law Enforcement
Candy Cane Coding.                                               Symposium, the annual Chorus Winter Concert,                                            Content that stimulates lively conversation,
                                                                                                                                                       stirs hearts and minds, engages our communities
                                                                                                                                                             and enriches our lives. Visit
                                                                 when the band and chorus again thrilled the
Beyond the Foundation: Middle and High                           audience, and the outstanding theater program.
Schools Offer Diverse Programming                                CCHS courses include exciting offerings such as
   From athletics to clubs, from Career and                      COA Dual Enrollment, expanded CTE offerings,
Technical offerings to scholarly academics and                   Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps
unique and new course offerings, Currituck                       (AFROTC), English 4 with a foods focus, and
County middle schools and high schools provide                   EMT and Fire CTE courses, along with a buffet
learning, enrichment, and fun that build on the                  of other course offerings to provide Currituck
firm foundation of the earlier grades. Students                  County students with exceptional choices.
at Currituck Middle School and Moyock Middle                        For more information on Currituck County
School get their first taste of school sports teams,             Public Schools, call (252) 232-2223, or visit their
chorus and band, Beta Clubs, FFA, and interest-                  website at
based clubs. They get a menu of coursework in
Career and Technical Courses or CTE Career Cafe                                                                                 COBX
                                               Let Nature be your guid

                                                                                   NORTH RIVER                 Discover a variety of activities
                                                                                   CAMPGROUND                 at the Dismal Swamp State Park
Audubon NC's Pine Island Sanctuary     

Photograph by Laura Walter                               252-771-8333                 252-336-4414                      252-771-6593

       CURRITUCK & NORTHERN OUTER BANKS | 2022-2023                                                                                                                                                                 | 252.453.9497
36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 37
DESIGN. DEVELOP.                                                          REMODEL. RENOVATE.
                                                                                                                       CONSTRUCT.                                                                MAINTENANCE.

                                                           Janice Scarborough
                                                                            SALES BROKER

                                                              LISTING & SELLING IN
                                                               COROLLA, CAROVA,
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                                                            For over 30 years, Virginia Media’s COAST
                                                                                                                    CHESAPEAKE OFFICE                 VIRGINIA BEACH OFFICE             MOYOCK OFFICE                     ELIZABETH CITY OFFICE
                                                            and  OuterMedia
                                                                                           haveand  printas
                                                                                                 served             667 Kingsborough Square           700 Independence Circle           109 Currituck Commercial Place    1141 North Road Street
                                                            the go-tofor Outer Banks
                                                                       publications    businesses
                                                                                     for           forLook
                                                                                         the region.   over         Suite 200                         Suite 1D                          Suite B                           Suite I
                                                           35  us forLook
                                                                              us forand
                                                                                     yourprint  marketing.
                                                                                          marketing  needs          Chesapeake, VA 23320              Virginia Beach, VA 23455          Moyock, NC 27958                  Elizabeth City, NC 27909
                                                                                                                    (757) 436-0167                    (757) 497-1400                    (252) 232-1210                    (252) 338-0101

Birds in the marsh at Currituck Heritage Park in Corolla           For more information contact:
                                                                                                                              OB/GYN: Candice Geary, MD • Caryn Hollander, MD • Paul I Lindner, MD • Paul R. Moncla, MD • Steven B. Powers, MD
                                                              Ella Catoe - Senior Account Executive
Photograph by Laura Walter                                                252-305-2305                        CERTIFIED NURSE MIDWIVES: Monifa Dukes, MSN, CNM • Ashley D. Davis, MSN, CNM • Amy Wootten, CNM, WHNP • Jessica Bernabe-Bentivoglio, MSN, CNM
                                                                                                        NURSE PRACTITIONERS: Laura Knarr, WHNP-BC • Mandy Smith, WHNP-BC

        CURRITUCK & NORTHERN OUTER BANKS | 2022-2023                                                                                                                       | 252.453.9497
38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    39
                                                                           hree hospitals serve the            programming.
                                                                           county: Sentara Albemarle               Albemarle Home Care & Hospice
                                                                           Medical Center in Elizabeth         (AHC) has been providing home health
                                                               City, Chesapeake Regional Healthcare            nursing, physical therapy, occupational
                                                               in Chesapeake, Virginia, and The                therapy, speech therapy, medical social
                                                               Outer Banks Hospital in Nags Head.              worker, and home health aide services in
                                                               Additional access to medical care is            the homes of Currituck County residents
                                                               available in other cities of southeast          for over 50 years. Since 1992, AHC has
                                                               Hampton Roads (Virginia) as well as             provided hospice services in homes,
                                                               Greenville, NC.                                 assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing
                                                                  In addition to the services offered at       facilities through a team approach which
                                                               the nearby hospitals, there are medical         includes the patient & family, physicians,
                                                               offices throughout the county. In the           nurses, nursing assistants, social workers,
                                                               northern end of the Currituck mainland          chaplains, and volunteers. Albemarle
                                                               there is Currituck Internal Medicine &          Home Care & Hospice provides the
                                                               Family Practice as well as Sentara Family       highest quality of care and is accredited
                                                               & Internal Medicine Physicians. On the          by the Accreditation Commission for
                                                               beach you will find Outer Banks Family          Health Care.
                                                               Medicine – Kitty Hawk. For specialized              Family First In-Home Personal Care
                                                               service there is TotalCare for Women            can organize, facilitate, and evaluate
                                                               located in Moyock as well as Peaceful           care options to best meet an individual's
                                                               Waters Counseling and Wellness Center.          mental, physical, and emotional health.
                                                               Peaceful Waters Counseling and                  They offer care to adults who require
                                                               Wellness Center brings to our area much         skilled services or physical assistance with
                                                               needed counseling services to promote           activities of daily living, transportaton,
                                                               emotional, physical and spiritual wellness      companionship and, meal preparation.
                                                               with a holistic approach provided by kind           Skilled nursing services and long-term
                                                               and compassionate care from licensed            care are provided to Currituck County
                                                               mental health professionals.                    residents at Currituck Health and Rehab
                                                                  Albemarle Regional Health Services           Center in Barco. The facility has been
                                                               (ARHS), the regional public health              serving the Currituck community since
                                                               agency, administers the county’s health         1988. It offers beds reserved for residents
                                                               department located in the Governmental          in need of skilled nursing care or therapy
                                                                                                               services, including physical, occupational

Community Focused
                                                               Complex in Currituck, with health services
                                                               offered to all county residents and visitors.   and speech therapies. The facility has
                                                               ARHS, serving Currituck County since            beds designated for long-term care,
                                                               1995, provides Children’s Developmental         for those residents who need assistance

                                                               Services Agency, Environmental Health           with activities of daily living, in addition to
                                                               Services, Clinical Services including           around-the-clock care.
                                                               Maternal, Child, and Women’s Preventive             For those needing assisted living in
                                                               Health, Communicable Disease Services,          the area, there is the newly renovated
                                                               Inter-County      Public    Transportation      Brookdale Senior Living Solutions in
Quality healthcare is available to all of Currituck County’s                                                   Elizabeth City. OBX
                                                               (ICPTA), Public Health Preparedness                             C
residents and visitors through medical practices located       and Response, and Health Education
                                                               as well as community health outreach
throughout the county and the surrounding areas.

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40                                                                                                                                                          41

                          ROSE SUA AVA, D.O.
                          Dr. Suaava and her care team provide personalized virtual
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                              Sentara Family & Internal Medicine Physicians
                              446 Caratoke Highway, Moyock, NC 27958
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                              Sentara Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Specialists
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                              1144 N. Road Street, Suite 200, Elizabeth City, NC 27909
 Orthopedic Surgery           252-384-2360

                      NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS!
                      Visit to request an appointment.
Currituck Outer Banks Destination Weddings

                                                              The  Icing

                                                              reathtaking      seascapes        and    for your magical ceremony. These professionals
                                                              spectacular sunsets make the             know how to navigate the wedding process.
                                                              Currituck Outer Banks a magical          The Currituck Outer Banks is home to many local
                                                    place for your dream wedding. Unspoiled,           caterers eager to provide fresh, inviting local
                                                    pristine beaches with gentle waves and sea         cuisine for your guests.
                                                    breezes blowing create the perfect ceremony           The Currituck Outer Banks offers a magnificent
                                                    backdrop. Some couples choose ocean-               backdrop for wedding photography, and there
                                                    side locations, while others select one of the     are several artistic wedding photographers
                                                    many other enchanting settings, such as the        at your service to make your day one you will
                                                    grounds of the Currituck Beach Lighthouse,         treasure for a lifetime. Your local photographer
                                                    Historic Whalehead in Corolla, or sound-side       can suggest a multitude of locations for one-of-
                                                    at Currituck Heritage Park.                        a-kind wedding photographs you will cherish
                                                       Your destination wedding promises to be         forever.
                                                    memorable for you and your guests. Many               Event rental companies offer everything
                                                    of the area’s vacation rental companies offer      from chairs to tents, lights to dance floors to
                                                    homes for your wedding party, providing            make your day come together. Currituck’s
                                                    everything you could imagine for the ceremony      wedding vendors have the ability, expertise,
                                                    and reception, all in one location, while          and experience to make your wedding dreams
                                                    having the added benefit of offering sleeping      come true, whether those wedding plans involve
                                                    arrangements for guests, all under one roof.       a small, private ceremony or a lavish affair with
                                                       From photographers to caterers, florists to     many guests. On the Currituck Outer Banks
                                                    wedding planners, there are a variety of local     you will find helpful people who can make the
                                                    vendors available to put the “icing on the cake”   wedding of your dreams unforgettable.

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44                                                                                                                                                           45
Stan White Realty & Construction,                             FM99 & 106.9 THE FOX/                                       Currituck County                                              Hook Law Center, P.C................(252) 722-2890                                                                            Quidley Billboard Rentals........(252) 453-2442

                   ACCOMMODATIONS/LODGING                                        Inc.......................(252) 441-1515 (800) 338-3233       TCI INTERACTIVE.......................(757) 366-9900        Democratic Party.......................(252) 453-2863                                  BANKS/FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS                                    5067 Caratoke Hwy, Coinjock, NC 27923
                                                                                 2506 S Croatan Hwy, Nags Head, NC 27959                       870 Greenbrier Cir Ste 399, Chesapeake, VA
                                                                                                     23322                                                       Currituck County Professional Fire Fighters
                                                                                                                                                        and EMS Association.................(252) 244-0777                                                                                                                                          BUILDERS/CONTRACTORS
                                                                                 Sun Realty Corolla.....................(252) 453-8822         tci/                                                        174 Worth Guard Rd #2, Coinjock, NC 27923
                                                                                 1135 Ocean Tr, Corolla, NC 27927                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Coastal Mechanical and
                                                                                                          Outer Banks Day Tripper...........(252) 333-9102            rSzjfreFD5DN37hRYbxWwGQxArA7986Bx-                                                                                                                                                          Electrical Services, LLC.............(252) 453-2765
                                                                                                                                               110 Bayview Dr, Aydlett, NC 27916                           seBo_gqpwelcsutsYB59VxU                                                                                                                                                                     151 Savannah Ave, Grandy, NC 27939
                                                                                 Sun Realty Kitty Hawk..................(252) 261-1152                                                                                              The Twiford Law Firm,                                         ABNB Federal                                          
                   Atlantic Realty of the                                        6385 N Croatan Hwy Ste 101, Kitty Hawk, NC                                                                                Currituck Education Foundation, Inc.                          P.C. - Elizabeth City....................(252) 338-4151       Credit Union.....(757) 523-5733 (800) 443-1141                  php?id=100057518016449
                   Outer Banks.....(252) 261-2154 (800) 334-8401                 27949                                                         Spectrum Reach...........................(252) 715-2172     PO Box 74, Coinjock, NC 27923                                 203 N Road St, Elizabeth City, NC 27909                       830 Greenbrier Circle, Chesapeake, VA 23320
                   4729 N Croatan Hwy, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949                                               2400 N Croatan Hwy Ste D, Kill Devil Hills, NC                                            
                   http://www.atlanticrealty-nc.                                                                                               27948
                   com/?NCK=CurrituckDirectory                                   The Flyway Lodge......................(704) 426-0743                              Currituck Extension                                                                                                         Atlantic
                   Your trusted pARtner for Sales, Rentals, Events               220 Marsh Cswy, Knotts Island, NC 27950                                                                                   Foundation...................................(252) 232-2261                                                                 Union Bank.....(252) 435-6114 (800) 990-4828
                   and Management. Creating life's most                                               Third Avenue Partners..............(252) 599-2073           120 Community Way, Barco, NC 27917                                                                                          100 Moyock Commons Dr, Moyock, NC 27958
                   precious of moments through thoroughly                                                                                      22 Third Ave, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949                                                                                        
                   attentive, personalized vacation experiences,                 Twiddy & Company Realtors -                                                   dation                                                                                                                                                                                      Dream Builders Construction
                   while maximizing room revenue yield                           Duck..................(252) 457-1100 (800) 489-4339                                                                                                                                                                                                   Old Point National                                              and Development......................(252) 491-3030
                   efficiency.                                                   1181 Duck Rd, Duck, NC 27949                                  VistaGraphics Inc. - Outer Banks Visitors                   Currituck Kids, Inc......................(757) 748-9837       The Twiford Law Firm,                                         Bank................(757) 224-6000 (800) 952-0051               6365 N Croatan Hwy, Unit B, Kitty Hawk, NC
                                                                                                                Guide/ 202-4015              PO Box 27, Maple, NC 27956                                    P.C. - Moyock...............................(252) 435-2811    740 Eden Way N, Chesapeake, VA 23320                            27949
                                                                                                                                               313 Oak Run, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949                                                   111 Currituck Commercial Dr, Moyock, NC                                            
                                                                                 University Park Luxury                                                                                                                                   27958
                                                                                 Townhome Rentals....................(252) 562-2485                                                                        Currituck-Dare                                                                           State Employees’                                                Lenz Homes Inc..........................(252) 202-2637
                                                                                 108 Amherst Dr, Powells Point, NC 27966                       WSKY- SKY4 TV...........................(757) 382-0004      Community Foundation............(252) 216-8908                                                                              Credit Union................................(252) 457-5091      PO Box 74, Point Harbor, NC 27964
                                                                                                     218 Salters Creek Rd, Hampton, VA 23661                     PO Box 2367, Elizabeth City, NC 27906                                                                                       100 Fyvie Dr, Barco, NC 27917                         
                   Brindley Beach Vacations                                                                                                                                                                currituck-dare                                                                                                                                                                              Lyn Small Marine.......................(252) 491-8562
                   & Sales.............(252) 453-3000 (877) 642-3224             ACCOUNTANTS/TAX PREPARATION/                                                                                                                                                            Corolla Wild                                                                                                                  113 Ballast Rock Dr, Powells Point, NC 27966
                   1023 Ocean Tr, Corolla, NC 27927                              BOOKKEEPING SERVICES                                          AGRICULTURE/MOWER PARTS                                     Easter Seals UCP..........................(252) 573-3131      Horse Fund, Inc..........................(252) 453-8002                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                     2400 N Croatan Hwy Ste C, Kill Devil Hills, NC                1130E Corolla Village Rd, Corolla, NC 27927
                                                                                 Catalfamo & Associate, CPA....(252) 435-6393                  Bage Industries, Inc...................(757) 421-0850       27948                                                                                                                                             Mancuso Development, Inc.....(252) 453-8921
                                                                                 554 Caratoke Hwy, Moyock, NC 27958                            4653 S Battlefield Blvd, Chesapeake, VA 23322                                                                                                                                                                        610 Currituck Clubhouse Dr Ste 7, Corolla, NC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Museum of the Albemarle........(252) 335-1453                                                                                 27927
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Food Bank                                                     501 S Water St, Elizabeth City, NC 27909                      TowneBank - Camden..............(252) 338-2165        
                                                                                                                                               ARCHITECTS                                                  of the Albemarle........................(252) 335-4035                           178 US 158 W, Camden, NC 27921
                                                                                                                                                                                                           109 Tidewater Way, Elizabeth City, NC 27909                                                                                                               Premiere Contracting Inc.........(252) 491-2494
                                                                                                                                               Florez Design                                                                           Wild Horse Adventure                                                                                                          140 Fox Knoll Dr, Powells Point, NC 27966
                   Carolina Designs Realty                                                                                                     Studios, PC......(252) 491-8000 (877) 441-0360                                                                            Tours...............(252) 489-2020 (800) 460-4136             TowneBank - Corolla...............(252) 453-4900      
                   Rentals.............(252) 261-3934 (800) 368-3825                                                                           9138 Caratoke Hwy, Point Harbor, NC 27964                   Girl Scout Council of Colonial                                610 Currituck Clubhouse Dr, Corolla, NC 27927                 824 Ocean Tr, Corolla, NC 27927
                   1197 Duck Rd, Duck, NC 27949                                  Gregory &                                                                     Coast................(757) 547-4405 (800) 777-2688                                                                  Quality Homes of
                                         Associates, CPAs, PC................(252) 426-9200                                                                        912 Cedar Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23322                                                                                                                                                          Currituck, LLC..............................(252) 435-2718
                   Carolina Designs Realty represents 350+                       111E Currituck Commercial Dr, Moyock, NC                      RBA Architects.............................(757) 546-2471                                                                                                        TowneBank - Grandy................(252) 453-2166                417 Caratoke Hwy Unit D, Moyock, NC 27958
                   Outer Banks vacation homes from Corolla to                    27958                                                         432 S Battlefield Blvd, Chesapeake, VA 23322                                                                              AUDIO & VIDEO                                                 6670 Caratoke Hwy, Grandy, NC 27939                   
                   South Nags Head. Their homes range in size                                                                            Healing Hearts                                                                                                    
                   from 3 - 27 bedrooms, and common                                                                                                                                                        Respite Foundation....................(703) 309-2967          Custom Audio.............................(252) 453-0241
                   amenities include private pools, dune-top                     H & R Block..................................(252) 435-1040   RRMM Architects, PC................(757) 622-2828           4530 Dogwood Tree Ct, Haymarket, VA 20169                     1152 Ocean Trail, Corolla, NC 27927                           TowneBank - Moyock................(252) 435-6331
                   decks, rec rooms, theaters, and pet-friendly                  588 Caratoke Hwy, Moyock, NC 27958                            1317 Executive Blvd Ste 200, Chesapeake, VA                 http://www.healingheartsrespitefoundation.                                           250 Caratoke Hwy, Moyock, NC 27958
                   options. All 350+ homes provide convenient                                                      23320                                                       org/                                                                                                              
                   keyless entry, freshly made beds, towel sets,                                                                     
                   and a welcome package.                                        Hutchins Canning &                                                                                                        Historic Jarvisburg                                           AUTOMOTIVE-TRUCK SALES/SERVICE/                               TowneBank - Nags Head.........(252) 449-1300
                                                                                 Company PA................................(252) 261-1040                                                                  Colored School...........................(252) 337-6359       SUPPLIES                                                      2525 S Croatan Hwy, Nags Head, NC 27959                         Ryan Homes...............................(757) 905-5280
                   Carolina Shores Vacation                                      4720 N Croatan Hwy, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949                      ART                                                         7302 Caratoke Hwy, Jarvisburg, NC 27947                                                                                                                   4525 South Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452
                   Rentals...............(252) 715-1901 (866) 418-5263                                                                                                                Beach Ready Auto.....................(252) 489-4891                                                                           Since 1948, our passion & purpose has been
                   4721 N Croatan Hwy, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949                                                                                    Coastal Creations.....................(757) 696-0340                                                                      8863 Caratoke Hwy, Point Harbor, NC 27964                     TowneBank - Southern                                            building beautiful places people love to call
                   http://www.outerbankscarolinavacations.                       Johnson, Mizelle,                                             2768 Caratoke Hwy, Currituck, NC 27929                      Interfaith                                                                           Shores.........................................(252) 255-4500   home. We build homes with the utmost care &
                   com                                                           Straub & Murphy, LLP.................(252) 261-2333                                                                       Community Outreach...............(252) 480-0070                                                                             2 Juniper Trl, Southern Shores, NC 27949                        commitment to craftsmanship, quality, and
                                                                                 4016 N Croatan Hwy, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949                                                                                  115 Mustian St, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948                    East Coast Auto & Marine                                                                    safety. Our two newest communities:-
                                                                                                                                               ASSISTED LIVING                                                                                                           Supply Inc./Carquest.................(252) 453-6161
                   Corolla Classic Vacations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Stockbridge: New single-family homes in
                   by Vacasa....................................(252) 453-9660                                                                                                                                                                                           6758 Caratoke Hwy, Grandy, NC 27939                                                                                           Elizabeth City, from the low $300s - Fost:
                                                                                                                                               Brookdale Senior Living                                                                                                                             BEAUTY CARE
                   1159 Austin St Ste A, Corolla, NC 27927                       Rochely Tax Services, LLC.........(407) 908-2418                                                                          Lower Currituck                                                                                                                                                                             Master-planned community in Moyock, from
                                                                                                                                               Solutions Elizabeth City...............(252) 333-1171
                                                104 Green View Rd, Moyock, NC 27958                                                                                       Volunteer Fire Department.......(252) 453-2761                                                                                                                                              the mid $300s
                                                                                                                                               401 Hastings Ln, Elizabeth City, NC 27909                                                                                 Graham’s Collision                                            Dorothy G. Sanders MARY KAY, Independent
                                                                                                                                                            PO Box 207, Grandy, NC 27939
                   Duck Timeshare Rentals............(877) 815-4227              Sykes & Company, P.A...............(252) 482-7644                                                                                                             Center, LLC..................................(252) 260-4001   Beauty Consultant......................(757) 513-0261           SAGA Realty & Construction....(252) 441-9003
                                                                                                                                               ties/brookdale-elizabeth-city.html                                                                                        102 Rosebelle’s Ct, Moyock, NC 27958                          Moyock, NC 27958
                   300 Constitution Ave Ste 200B, Portsmouth,                    401 E Church St 3rd Fl, Edenton, NC 27932                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1314 S Croatan Hwy Ste 301, Kill Devil Hills, NC
                   NH 03801                                                                                                                                              Moyock Woman’s Club..............(757) 202-2382               https://grahams-collision-moyock-nc.                                          27948
                                                                                                                                                              115 Goose Castle Ter, Currituck, NC 27929                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                               ASSOCIATIONS/ORGANIZATIONS                                                                                                medium=referral                                               One Stop Beauty Supply..........(757) 685-2867
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Northeastern Workforce                                                                                                      257 Caratoke Hw Ste B, Moyock, NC 27958                         Shoreline Builders, Inc.............(252) 255-0829
                                                                                                                                               Albemarle Area                                                                                                            Old’s Auto Supply                                   
                   Hampton Inn & Suites/Outer Banks -                                                                                          Association of REALTORS..........(252) 335-5933             Development Board..................(252) 426-5753                                                                                                                                           6475 N Croatan Hwy #101, Kitty Hawk, NC
                   Corolla..........(252) 453-6565 (800) HAMPTON                                                                                                                                           512 S Church St, Hertford, NC 27944                           & Service, Inc.............................(252) 435-6366                                                                     27949
                                                                                                                                               426A McArthur Dr, Elizabeth City, NC 27909                                                                                422 Caratoke Hwy, Moyock, NC 27958
                   333 Audubon Dr, Corolla, NC 27927                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  BEVERAGE DISTRIBUTORS
                                                                                 Williamson CPA PLLC................(757) 449-9697                                                                         Outer Banks                                                   moyock/422-caratoke-hwy?cid=pl_yext_                                                                                          Stan White Realty & Construction,
                                                                                                                                               Albemarle Area United Way......(252) 333-1510                                                                             jobber_OldsAutoSupplyService_30448                            Coastal Beverage Company...(252) 338-3690
                   Hilton Garden Inn - Outer                                     PO Box 16389, Chesapeake, VA 23328                            1413 Park View Dr, Elizabeth City, NC 27909                 Wedding Association.................(252) 423-6168                                                                                                                                          Inc......................(252) 441-1515 (800) 338-3233
                   Banks/Kitty Hawk........................(252) 261-1290                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              888 Forest Park Rd, Elizabeth City, NC 27906
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2506 S Croatan Hwy, Nags Head, NC 27959
                   5353 N Va Dare Trl, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949                                                                                                                                                                                                              R&R Garage LLC........................(252) 491-5300
                                                                                                                                                                                   Pine Island Property                                          8553 Caratoke Hwy, Powells Point, NC 27966
                                                                                                                                               Animal Lovers                                                                                                   
                                                                                 ADVERTISING                                                   Assistance League, Inc...............(252) 457-0011         Owners Assoc., Inc......................(252) 261-1200
                   Paramount                                                                                                                   PO Box 61, Maple, NC 27956                                  Kris Iwashchenko C/O Seaside Management,
                   Destinations...(252) 453-3045 (866) 753-3045                  Albemarle Tradewinds...............(252) 312-2302                                      PO Box 1465, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
                   501 B Hunt Club Dr, Corolla, NC 27927                         609 Old Neck Rd, Hertford, NC 27944                           groups/165652113594002                            
                                                                                                                                               Beloved Haven, Inc.....................(252) 722-1977       SAD-SAC Foundation................(252) 202-8036
                   Ramada                                                                                                                                                                                  143 Simpson Ln, Barco, NC 27917                                                                                             Pepsi Bottling Ventures.............(252) 335-4355
                                                                                                                                               513 W Ehringhaus St Unit D, Elizabeth City, NC                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sussex Development
                   Plaza Hotel........(252) 441-2151 (800) 635-1824                                                                                                                                                                                                                               109 Corporate Dr, Elizabeth City, NC 27909
                                                                                                                                               27909                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Corporation................................(757) 422-2400
                   1701 S Virginia Dare Trl, Kill Devil Hills, NC                                                                                                                                                                                                        WAO Garage, Inc......................(252) 435-6789 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                109 S Lynnhaven Rd Ste 200, Virginia Beach,
                   27948                                                                                                                                                                                   Small Business Connect............(252) 337-7306              726 Caratoke Hwy, Moyock, NC 27958                            Pepsi Bottling Ventures is the nation's largest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       VA 23452
                                                                                                                                                               312 S Hughes Blvd , Elizabeth City, NC 27909                                              privately-held manufacturer, seller, and
                                                                                                                                               Community 338-2187                                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             distributor of Pepsi-Cola beverages - some of
                                                                                                                                               (800) 849-0027                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sussex known for its “Tradition of Quality” has
                   Resort Realty of the                                          Currituck & Northern Outer                                                                                                smallbusinessconnect252                                                                                                     the world's most recognized consumer
                                                                                                                                               506 N Water St, Elizabeth City, NC 27909                                                                                                                                                                                                                served the Mid-Atlantic region since 1990, as
                   Outer Banks...............................(800) 458-3830      Banks Magazine........................(252) 453-9497                                                                                                                                    BAKERS                                                        brands. As your beverage provider, we deliver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a Class A Commercial General Contractor
                   5219 S Croatan Hwy, Nags Head, NC 27959                       111-D Currituck Commercial Dr, Moyock, NC                                                                                 The Currituck GOP.....................(252) 202-3763                                                                        preferred brands, equipment to help you sell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and Design Builder. Sussex provides a
                                          27958                                                                                                                     PO Box 222, Currituck, NC 27929-0222                          The Sweet Sunflour, LLC...........(252) 267-3881              Pepsi products, marketing programs that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       complete range of Services, specializing in
                                                                                                                                                                                            6322 Caratoke Hwy, Grandy, NC 27939                           keep your beverage sales growing, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ground-up construction and renovations of
                   Shoreline OBX Vacation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               service that will never let you down.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       office buildings, healthcare facilities, Banks
                   Rentals............(252) 261-5300 (800) 449-2036              Discovery Map...........................(888) 862-9627                                                                                                                                  flour/                                                                                                                        and recreational projects.
                   6475 N Croatan Hwy Suite 101, Kitty Hawk, NC                  PO Box 2381, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949                                                                                         ATTORNEYS
                   27949                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BILLBOARD RENTALS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Rosewell Group / Safe
                                                                                                                                                                     Brumsey and                                                                                                                                                                                 Harbour Home Services............(252) 491-5146
                                                                                                                                               Currituck Chamber                                                                                                                                                                       Point Harbor
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brumsey, P.L.L.C..........................(252) 232-2252                                                                                                                                    116A Ballast Rock Rd, Powells Point, NC 27966
                                                                                                                                               of Commerce..............................(252) 453-9497                                                                                                                                 PO Box 271, Point Harbor, NC 27964
                   Southern                                                                                                                                                                                2883 Caratoke Hwy, Currituck, NC 27929                                                                                                                                            
                                                                                                                                               111-D Currituck Commercial Dr, Moyock, NC                                                                                                                                     
                   Shores Realty..(252) 261-2000 (800) 334-1000
                   5 Ocean Blvd, Southern Shores, NC 27949

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 252.453.9497
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