Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

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Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council
                                            APPENDIX 1

Fut u r e  o

Tu s t i n E s ta t e

     Fin a l Option -
Th e
             O ffe r D o cument

@lb_southwark   @southwarkcouncil
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

    CONTENTS                         FOREWORD
    02      Foreword                 Hello and welcome. Thank you for taking
                                     the time to read through this Landlord Offer
    03      Introduction
                                     document. It is important that all residents on the
    04 	Summary of                  Tustin Estate are familiar with the offer being put

                                     before them before we go to a vote in February.
    06      Commitments to tenants   Following many months of consultations and conversations
                                     with people living on the Tustin Estate the council has agreed
    08 	Commitments to              the final option to be put to a ballot. We have agreed to move
            leaseholders             forward with Option 5, which is for the redevelopment of the

                                     low-rise homes with the retention of the houses in Manor
    10 	Commitments to              Grove with improvements to the tenanted homes. Homes in the
            freeholder               Towers will not be subject to further work as they are already
                                     subject to a major works contract.
    11      Voting – FAQs
                                     This Option includes building hundreds of new council homes
                                     in addition to the replacement homes, plus the creation of
    13      T he proposals –
                                     dedicated Over 55s housing, a new park at the centre of the
             Our Offer to you
                                     estate, a new Pilgrims’ Way Primary School and new retail and
                                     business spaces on the Old Kent Road and Ilderton Road.
    30 	A ‘Repair and Maintain’
            Option                   This means the redevelopment of the estate will bring with it
                                     a raft of benefits for people living on and around Tustin Estate
    30      Contact Us               from bigger and better quality homes to a safer, greener and
                                     more attractive landscape around the estate.
    31 	Glossary and
            Technical Terms          However, the final decision is yours. This Landlord Offer document
                                     lays out exactly what Southwark Council is proposing for the
                                     Tustin Estate and what this will mean for each tenant and
                                     leaseholder affected – including what support will be available.

                                     The final decision will be made in February 2021 when you will
                                     have the chance to vote ‘Yes’ in favour of the proposals, or ‘No’
                                     against them. Consultation is continuing and council officers
                                     and independent community advisers will be in touch and on
                                     hand from now until then to answer any questions you have
                                     about the proposals so please do get in touch.

                                     Cllr Leo Pollak
                                     Cabinet Member for Housing

                                     It has been great working so closely with council officers and
                                     residents from the estate to get to this point. We are pleased
                                     to support these proposals for the estate. We believe the Tustin
                                     Estate has a bright future. We look forward to continuing our
                                     work with Southwark Council and making the Tustin an even
                                     better place to live.

                                     Andrew Eke,
                                     Chair of the Tustin Community Association (TCA)
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

This booklet contains details of the ‘Landlord Offer’,      This option will result in the replacement of all
Southwark Council’s offer to you, the Tustin Estate         existing homes subject to demolition, both council
residents. It includes:                                     homes and resident leaseholder homes (249 homes),
                                                            and an estimated additional 440 new homes will be
• commitments to you                                        built. At least 50% of the additional homes will be
• plans and designs                                         council homes with the remainder being for private
• details of how to vote                                    sale. This option will include dedicated housing for
                                                            the over 55’s.
Please read this booklet carefully so that you fully
understand the proposals before you vote. This              The COVID-19 response has had a significant impact
booklet has been designed to contain the information        on the council’s finances. Like other councils across
you need to make an informed decision about                 the country, and Central Government, Southwark
whether you are in favour of the redevelopment of the       Council has had to divert funds to help support our
Tustin Estate or not.                                       local community and businesses during the pandemic.
                                                            As a result we know we will have to look at a range
The Final Option                                            of funding to provide the additional new homes,
Redevelopment of the low-rise homes with:                   park and school. This could be made up of loans, the
                                                            sale of half of the additional new homes, financial
• The demolition and replacement with new homes             contributions from private developments on the
  of Bowness House, Heversham House, Hilbeck                Old Kent Road and grants from the Greater London
  Close, Kentmere House & Ullswater House;                  Authority (GLA). Therefore, we currently have a team
• Retention of the houses in Manor Grove with               of officers looking into all these sources of funding to
  improvements to the tenanted homes;                       try and ensure that the money is in place by Summer
• New houses in between the houses on Manor                 2021 so that we can start to move to the next stage.
  Grove;                                                    Your questions
• A new park in the centre of the estate;                   If you have questions about the Landlord Offer or
• A new Pilgrims’ Way School;                               anything else that you feel would help you decide,
• New retail and business spaces on the Old Kent            then please contact either Southwark Council on
  Road and Ilderton Road.                                   020 7732 2886 or email
                                                            or your Independent Tenant and Homeowner Advisor,
                                                            Neal Purvis from Open Communities on Freephone
                                                            0800 073 1051 or at

  Tustin Park

                 Residential block with new      Well lit and overlooked       New park is       Dog walking area
                       school behind          pedestrian route through the    overlooked by
                                              estate, towards Manor Grove      new homes
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

    The council’s Commitments to you
    These commitments to you are based on the Tustin Manifesto, drawn up by the Tustin
    Community Association, and discussions with the Resident Project Group and resident
    input from across the estate. These commitments represent a guarantee from the council
    for these policies. They apply to all residents who have been resident on the estate 12
    months before the Resident Ballot.

    • Dedicated support team: We will help you to understand the proposals, the best
      options for you and support you move home. This team will support vulnerable residents
      with all aspects of their move and liaise with family members as necessary.
    • A new home for households subject to replacement: If you want to remain on the
      estate we will offer you a new home in the new development that meets your housing
      needs. You will have your own private outdoor space.
    • A permanent move away if you want it: If you would prefer to move away from
      the Tustin Estate, we will support you to find a permanent home among the council’s
      existing properties in Southwark.
    • A commitment to council ownership: All the new rented homes on the estate will be
      owned and managed by Southwark Council.
    • Your rent will be a council rent: All the new and improved rented homes on the
      estate will have council rent levels. The levels of rent are determined by property values,
      and as the new builds will be of higher value, the rent will be proportionally higher.
    • Your tenancy will stay the same: Your tenancy rights will be the same in existing or
      new homes.
    • A fair and flexible offer to homeowners: We are committed to ensuring no
      homeowners are worse off financially as a result of this offer. We will offer residents
      the option to sell your homes to us at an independently verified price plus a regulatory
      home loss payment up to the point that a contract is let to build the replacement
      homes. Homeowners will be eligible to buy a new property on the estate on a leasehold
      basis. Ownership options for homeowners include shared ownership, shared equity and
      equity loan. We will cover all reasonable costs incurred as a result of sale/shared equity
      arrangements. If homeowners don’t have enough equity to buy a new home on the
      Estate, we will work with you to find a solution that enables you to stay on the estate.
    • Adaptable Homes in Over 55s Block. A commitment that tenants and homeowners
      will be able to move into a dedicated Over 55’s Block or move directly into their new
      home in one move.
    • A commitment to high standards and high quality: Southwark Council is committed
      to maintaining the estate in line with Southwark Council’s Great Estates Programme.
      All new homes will be built to the latest standards as set out in current Building
      Regulations, planning policy and Southwark New Homes Design Guide. For existing
      residents all new homes will be as big, or bigger, than your current home and it will also
      have a large outdoor private space. All homes will be energy efficient.
    • Help when moving: We will also pay all reasonable removal expenses (as part of a
      ‘disturbance fee’) and help with arranging your move and setting up your home.
    • We will minimise disruption: We will make every effort to limit disruption to you and
      your household.
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

• You will receive compensation: We will pay you          housing list for more than 12 months prior to the
  a home loss payment for the loss of your home           date of the ballot. This includes re-housing adult
  plus actual costs incurred as a result of moving.       children. We will consult residents on the local
• Compensation for home improvements:                     lettings policy before confirming the policy.
  If you are a council tenant and have made             • Meeting your housing need: Council homes
  improvements to your home, we will compensate           will be allocated according to need. Your need
  you for these providing they were carried out           will be discussed and confirmed with you after
  with Southwark Council’s permission.                    planning permission has been agreed. If your
• Provision of parking: Resident car owners               need changes after this time this can updated
  who currently have a parking permit will have a         with the dedicated support team.
  parking permit for the redeveloped estate.            • Dedicated Tustin design review panel: We
• Tackling overcrowding: Tenants who are                  want residents to develop the designs and the
  overcrowded will be offered homes to meet their         delivery of homes with the design team and
  housing need as part of this regeneration.              builders.
• Protecting the community: There will be a             • Ongoing consultation and communication:
  dedicated local lettings policy for the Tustin          We will consult you on proposals for the new
  Estate so that after re-housing all those residents     development throughout the process, using
  whose homes are replaced, the additional new            a range of methods so you can influence the
  homes developed will in the first place be for          delivery.
  all Tustin tenants in local needs, and those who
  are resident on the estate and have been on the
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

                  • You will be offered a new council home on the estate.
                  • We will work with you to pre-allocate a home based on your needs.
                  • Your tenancy will not change. Your tenancy rights will remain the
                    same and be with Southwark Council.
                  • Your rent will remain a Southwark Council rent. New council rents
                    for new homes will apply. This is consistent with the approach across
                    Southwark. We are committed to making sure rents stay as low as
                    possible. The rents for the new homes will be shared with residents,
                    so that you know what it will be when it comes to you choosing your
                    new home.
                  • Your service charges are based on the cost of providing services. We
                    are committed to making sure service charges stay as low as possible
                    and any increases will be phased over a number of years.
                  • Your council tax is based on the value of your property. As the value
                    of the property is likely to be higher your council tax band will likely
                    be higher resulting in higher council tax costs.
                  • If you move into a new home, your energy bills will be based on
                    what you use and an energy meter will be installed inside your home.
                    It is reasonable to suggest that homes connected to the new district
                    heating system and built to new building standards will have lower
                    energy bills for the average user.
                  • If you move into a new home, your water bills will be based on what
                    you use and a water meter will be installed inside your home. Water
                    use will be reduced through the provision of low flow fittings and
                    appliances. This usually means smaller bills for smaller householders
                    and larger bills for bigger households.
                  • You are entitled to home loss compensation. This is a statutory
                    payment set in law. Tenants get a payment of £6,500 (this is
                    reviewed annually).
                  • You are entitled to disturbance costs. Residents will be reimbursed
                    for reasonable costs related to removals costs, adjustments to curtains
                    and carpets and disconnection and connection of services such as
                    phones, TV and the redirection of post.
                  • Resident right to buy will apply when you move to your new home.
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

                     • You will be offered a Southwark Council home on
                       the estate.
                     • Your tenancy will be a Southwark Council tenancy.
                     • Your rent will be a Southwark Council rent
                       consistent with council homes across Southwark.
                       We are committed to making sure rents stay as low
                       as possible.
                     • Your service charges are based on the cost of
                       providing services. We are committed to making
                       sure service charges stay as low as possible.
                     • Your council tax is based on the value of your
                       property. If the value of the property is higher, your
                       council tax band will likely be higher resulting in a
                       higher council tax costs.
                     • If you move into a new home, your energy bills
                       will be based on what you use and an energy
                       meter will be installed inside your home. It is
                       reasonable to suggest that homes connected to
                       the new district heating system and built to new
                       building standards will have lower energy bills for
                       the average user.
                     • If you move into a new home, your water bills
                       will be based on what you use and a water meter
                       will be installed inside your home. Water use will
                       be reduced through the provision of low flow
                       fittings and appliances. This usually means smaller
                       bills for smaller householders and larger bills for
                       bigger households.
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council


    • You will be offered a new leasehold home on the          ■ The internal condition
      estate. Homes can be bought via shared ownership,        ■ Any internal improvements to the property such
      shared equity, or equity loan with the Council. If         as new bathrooms and kitchens
      there is an affordability issue, a council tenancy
                                                               ■ The location of the property and aspect of the
      may be offered. That will happen once the new
                                                                 property within the area
      homes are built and at that point there will be a
      new replacement 125 year lease granted for your          ■ Anything else that in the reasonable opinion of
      new home in exchange for your current lease.               the council’s external surveyor has a material
                                                                 impact on the value of the property.
    • You can sell your home to us as soon as you
      are ready. Leaseholders can take up the offer to         Decisions acknowledge that the redevelopment
      sell their homes up to the point of Southwark            of the estate has an impact on values and made
      entering a contract to build the new homes. It           adjustments to compensate homeowners for
      is planned that the homes will be built to the           any effect this might have. These adjustments
      bespoke needs of the leaseholders and any                are therefore reflected in the values offered by
      change to the specification of a particular home         the council.
      after the contract is let could lead to additional
      costs for the Council.                                 • If the valuations of the independent and council
    • You will be given a home loss payment of 10%             surveyors differ significantly and there is no prospect
      of the market value of your home.                        of reaching an agreement, then with the agreement
                                                               of all owners of the property, and Southwark
    • You are entitled to disturbance costs. Residents         Council, the parties can seek to resolve the dispute
      will be reimbursed for reasonable costs related to       through alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
      legal fees, stamp duty tax (for the purchase of a
      new property to the value of your Tustin home),        • We aim to negotiate the buy back of your
      surveyors fees and costs (in connection with the         property by agreement, but if this is not possible
      redemption/transfer of an existing mortgage or           Southwark Council have the ability to purchase
      raising a new one), specialist adaptions, removals       your home under a Compulsory Purchase Order
      costs, adjustments to curtains and carpets and           (CPO) subject to confirmation by the Minster for
      disconnection and connection of services such as         Housing, Communities and Local Government.
      phones, TV and the redirection of post.                • Leaseholders will have the right to buy a new
    • You will be offered an independent market                home in any phase of the development. If
      valuation of your home. Homeowners are                   leaseholders need to move to a temporary home
      encouraged to obtain their own valuation                 before their home their new property is ready, the
      completed by a chartered surveyor who will               will be offered a home on the estate to rent.
      act for you. Southwark Council will pay for the        • All the new homes will be of the same standards
      surveyor, where costs are reasonable.                    and fittings. If a homeowner wants a higher
    • The value of your home will be considered by             standard, before the works commence, an
      an independent chartered surveyor. The surveyor          agreement can be made to only finish the home
      will carry out a market evaluation on behalf of you      without the final fit out works undertaken, so
      for your property. The market valuation offered to       that the homeowner can finish the new home off
      homeowners will be based upon what the home              at their own expense, which will be reflected in
      might be expected to realise if sold in the open         the valuation.
      market by a willing seller. In assessing the open      • All new homes will receive a National House
      market value of your home you are assumed to be          Builders’ Council certificate.
      a willing seller. It is assumed that you would only    • We aim to negotiate the buy back of your
      be willing to sell at the best price which you could     property by agreement, but if this is not possible
      reasonably achieve in the open market. In coming         Southwark Council have the ability to purchase
      to the market value of the property the surveyor         your home under a Compulsory Purchase Order
      will have considered:                                    (CPO) subject to confirmation by the Minster for
                                                               Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

• Leaseholders will have the right to buy a new home
  in any phase of the development. If leaseholders need
  to move to a temporary home before their home their
  new property is ready, the will be offered a home on
  the estate to rent.
• If you can’t afford a new property or don’t have
  enough equity to buy a new home on the Estate,
  we will conduct a financial appraisal and work with
  you to find a solution that enables you to stay on the
  estate and in homeownership and / or offer a council
  tenancy where this is your preference.
• Service charges are based on the cost of providing
  services that are delivered. If additional services are
  provided within the new blocks, service charges may
  change. We are committed to making sure service
  charges are kept as low as possible. If there are
  increases in service charge amounts we would agree
  a phased introduction of the increase over a period of
  five years. With all parts of homes, blocks and estate
  being new costs associated with repairs or works to
  the roof, lifts or other parts being in good condition,
  service charges could be expected to be lower than
  they currently are.
• Your council tax is based on the value of your
  property. If the value of the property is higher, your
  council tax band will likely be higher resulting in
  higher council tax costs.
• If you move into a new home, your energy bills
  will be based on what you use and an energy meter
  will be installed inside your home. It is reasonable to
  suggest that homes connected to the new district
  heating system and built to new building standards
  will have lower energy bills.
• If you move into a new home, your water bills will
  be based on what you use and a water meter will be
  installed inside your home. This usually means smaller
  bills for smaller householders and larger bills for
  bigger households.
Land lo rd Offe r Do cum ent - APPENDIX 1 - Southwark Council

     • The proposals will not change your home or status
       as freeholders on the estate.
     • Your service charges (where applicable) are
       based on the cost of providing services. We are
       committed to making sure service charges stay as
       low as possible and any increases will be phased
       over a number of years.
     • The estimated costs in the Stock Condition Survey
       (SCS) of works to the wider estate are £844
       over 30 years. This cost relates to repair and
       maintenance only. Additional costs for freeholders
       resulting from the works to the wider estate
       as well as costs related to landscaping, shared
       spaces, services and utilities will be set out in
       detail as the earliest opportunity after further
     • The option for freeholders to buy into
       refurbishment works for their properties will be
       explored. This could relate to windows, doors and
       other building parts and works.

        Pilgrims’ Way School

                       Dedicated play space located         New school building with    Well lit and overllooked
                             near the school                entrances and views onto   pedestrian route through
                                                                    the park                    the estate

      The council is following Greater London Authority
      (GLA) Resident Ballot requirements for holding a
      ballot. This means there is no minimum turnout
      needed and the result will be based on a simple
      majority – in other words whichever vote (yes or no)
      receives the highest number of votes will decide if
      the scheme goes ahead or not. It also means:
        • the ballot will be run by an independent organisation;
        • you can vote anonymously either in favour of our proposals or
          against them;
        • voter eligibility is established by the GLA

      Who will be running the independent ballot?
      Civica Elections Services, also known as CES. CES is an impartial and
      independent organisation. Southwark Council will not be able to see
      how individuals have voted. It will manage the ballot process in line
      with Greater London Authority (GLA) guidance. CES is an independent
      company with over 100 years’ experience of administering ballots and
      are the UK’s leading provider of election services. They will be responsible
         • Receiving and counting the votes
         • Verifying that all votes have been casted legitimately
         • Issuing the result

      Who can vote?
      Residents who are able to vote on the future of the Tustin Estate are
      anyone aged 16+ who are:

        • Council tenants and any joint tenants who have been named on
          the secure tenancy agreement.
        • Resident leaseholders who are named on the lease and have
          resided in their home for at least a year prior to the ballot.
        • Resident freeholders who are named on the deed and have
          resided in their home for at least a year prior to the ballot.
        • Residents who live on the estate as their principal home and who
          have been on the council’s housing register for at least a year.

      What question will be on the ballot paper?
      The question is:
      “Are you in favour of the proposal for the re-development of the low rise
       homes and the retention of the Towers and Manor Grove houses on the
       Tustin Estate?”

     How do I complete the ballot paper?                       When will I find out the result?
     If you want to vote ‘yes’ in favour of the proposal       The results will be shared via a newsletter as soon as
     place an x in the box marked YES.                         possible after CES issue the results to the Council. All
     If you want to vote ‘no’ against the proposals,           residents will also receive a letter within five working
     place an x in the box marked NO.                          days after the results are issued to confirm the results.

     You may only vote once - CES checks and verifies          What do the results mean?
     every individual ballot paper, telephone vote and         A ‘Yes’ vote
     online vote to ensure that eligible residents only vote   If the ballot result is in favour of the final option, we
     once. If a resident tries to vote more than once, only    will deliver this option with resident input.
     their first vote will be counted.
                                                               A ‘No’ vote
     How do I cast a vote?
                                                               If the ballot result is against the final option, we will
     You will be able to vote using either of the following    continue to manage and maintain the existing homes
     methods:                                                  and the estate in accordance with Option 1.
     • Post the completed ballot paper back to CES in
       the pre-paid envelope provided.                         What if I have questions about the process or
                                                               my vote?
     • Vote online at and
       provide the security code listed on your ballot         If you have any questions about voting, or if you have
       paper.                                                  lost / spoilt your ballot paper and need a replacement,
                                                               please contact CES on: or
     • Call the Freephone number on your listed on your        call 020 8889 9203.
       ballot paper and provide the security code listed on
       your ballot paper.                                      What happens after the Ballot?
                                                               We will continue to work with residents through
     When can I vote?                                          all aspects of the work on the option that has the
     You can vote between Wednesday 10 February and            majority support from residents. This will include
     Friday 5 March. The vote lasts for 23 days and closes     selecting teams to deliver the option, evolving the
     at 5pm on Friday 5 March 2021. If you are voting by       design and submitting a planning application and
     post, your postal vote must be received by CES by         confirming housing allocations.
     Friday 5 March 2021.
     Your ballot paper will be delivered to your door on
     the day the vote starts. Once you have your ballot
     paper you can cast your vote using the methods
     stated above.
     If you are voting by post, your ballot paper must have
     arrived at CES by the deadline to be counted. Please
     make sure you send your vote back with plenty of
     time to arrive as any ballot papers received after the
     close will not be counted under any circumstances.

of View                                                                                                                     13

n Estate Boundary      Tustin Estate Boundary
Old Kent Road Site
                       871 Old Kent Road Site

                                                                                         Manor Grove


                                                        dK                      Existing
                                                            tR                 Towers Site
                                                              oa                                    ad

                Redevelopment of the low-rise homes with the:
                • The demolition and replacement with new homes of Bowness House, Heversham House, Hilbeck
                  Close, Kentmere House & Ullswater House
                • Retention of the houses in Manor Grove with improvements to the tenanted homes
                • New houses in between the houses on Manor Grove
                • A new park in the centre of the estate
                • A new Pilgrims’ Way School
                • New retail and business spaces on the Old Kent Road and Ilderton Road

                In consultation with residents the proposals have been developed to this level of detail. These proposals
                will result in an estimated 690 new homes being built - 200 replacement homes for council tenants
                and 49 replacement homes for leaseholders. An estimated additional 440 new homes will be built. At
                least 50% of the additional homes will be council homes with the remainder being for private sale.
                Subject to a positive ballot, the scheme will be further developed in consultation with residents, as it
                is taken towards a RIBA Stage 3 design to securing planning permission. Once planning permission is
                granted, the overall number of homes will be fixed.

           These designs have been based on six agreed principles developed through the Residents'
           Manifesto and from working with residents on the estate. These principles will remain
            Principle 01 the design process.                     Design Principle 02

     Improved Street Frontage on Old Kent Road                                          A School at the heart of the estate

            car park
         entrance does
         exist through
      opening at GF but
       is hidden behind
         existing tower

                                                                                 ad                                                                              ad
                                                                             t Ro                                                                            t Ro
                                                                          Ken                                                                             Ken
                                                                      Old                                                                             Old

                                                 Future Underground

          01. Improved Street Frontage on Old Kent Road                                        02. A School at the heart of the estate
          The buildings are formed in relation to the existing                                  The much-loved Pilgrims’ Way Primary School is
          towers and future developments on Old Kent Road                                       rebuilt and remains at the heart of Tustin Estate with
          with the ambition to create a positive destination                                    improved access to open space.
          on Old Kent Road. At street level this includes
          improved public space and retail frontages facing
          Old Kent Road.
      Design Principle 03

      Green at the heart of the estate

                                                                                                                                  *       *               *

                                                                               t Ro

           03. Green at the heart of the estate                                                 04. Variety of typology and character
           Protecting existing nature on the estate and                                         Provide a variety of housing types: houses, flats,
           encouraging biodiversity to create a public landscape                                maisonettes to make an inter-generational
           where paths cross, people meet safely and the                                        neighbourhood to meet peoples needs over time.
           communities diverse needs can be met - from
           playgrounds to quiet sitting-out areas.                                                        Houses

                                                                                                          Deck Access

                                                                                                          Core Access

                                                                                                          GF Maisonettes

Design Principle 05
                                                            Design Principle 06
Key pedestrian routes
                                                            A Network of Green Links

                                                                                  Hatcham Road                                        Bridghouse
                                                                                      Park                                             Meadows

                                                                                                                                 ad                    Park
                                                                                                                             t Ro
                                                            Gasholders                                                Old

                                      Future Underground
                                                                                                 Future Underground

    05. K
         ey pedestrian routes                               06. A Network of Green Links
    Clearer and safer pedestrian connections through         Potential for pedestrian routes through the estate to
    Tustin Estate.                                           connect with nearby existing and future green spaces.

                        Primary routes
                        Secondary Routes

  The following measures are examples of how the proposals align with the Resident’s Manifesto.

     Housing                                                 Open Space
     • An estimated 690 new homes will be built on the       • New and improved park at the heart of the
       estate. This includes replacing all existing homes      estate protecting existing nature on the estate
       subject to replacement (249) and 440 additional         and encouraging biodiversity to create a public
       homes. 50% of new homes will be council homes           landscape where paths cross, people meet safely
       and 50% will be for private sale.                       and the communities diverse needs can be met -
     • Tenanted homes in Manor Grove will be                   from playgrounds to quite sitting-out areas.
       refurbished. This will include new kitchens and       • Majority of trees are retained including those at
       bathrooms as well as improving the energy               Manor Grove and in front of Bowness. Any trees
       efficiency of homes.                                    removed will be replaced with new ones.
     • A variety of housing types: houses, flats,
       maisonettes to make an inter-generational
       neighbourhood that meet peoples needs over time.
     • All homes have private space that meets the needs
       of the household size in the form of gardens and
     • Homes are designed to give views onto green open
       spaces to reduce opportunities for crime and anti
       social behaviour.
     • Construction phasing will aim to minimise
       disruption and maximizing single moves.

     Senior Residents                                         Activity Spaces
     • Dedicated flats for the over 55’s located in a block   • Provision of a variety of open spaces with unique
       next to Old Kent Road and central green spaces for       character and functions, for use by different age
       ease of access to both.                                  groups and individuals.
     • Over 55’s flats will include indoor and outdoor        • More play space for all ages.
       communal spaces.                                       • More spaces to relax.
     • Flats for Over 55’s will also be available in other
       buildings across the estate, with access to private

     Community Safety                                         Education and Community Facilities
     • New buildings and spaces are designed to reduce        • The much-loved Pilgrims’ Way Primary School will
       the opportunities for crime and anti-social              be rebuilt and remain at the heart of Tustin Estate
       behaviour.                                               with improvised access to open space.
     • Homes are designed to give views onto green open       • The estate will provide space that is large enough to
       spaces.                                                  hold events and activities.
     • Clearer and secure pedestrian connections through      • A ‘Pop Up’ space dedicated to community use and
       Tustin Estate with better external lighting.             community enterprise such as a coffee shop on Old
     • Prevent delivery drivers using scooters to cross the     Kent Road.
     • New entry halls to buildings with improved lighting
       and security.

Car parking                                             Heating and Sustainability
• Better design and enforcement of parking on the       • New homes will be built to zero carbon targets.
  estate.                                               • The energy efficiency of refurbished homes will be
• An integrated parking strategy to meet the needs of     improved and move towards net zero carbon.
  residents and businesses on the estate.               • New Estate Lighting will be energy efficient.
• Residents with a parking permit will continue to be   • New electric charging points for cars and a car club.
  able to park their car on the estate.
                                                        • Improved walking and cycling facilities.

Key Benefits

           Refurbishment of
           council homes in                                                                                                     Clearer and more
           Manor Grove                                                                                                          secure pedestrian
           New family houses
           with gardens

                                                                                                                                Homes overlooking
                                                                                                                                green spaces

           A new park, with
           space for play and
                                                                                                                                Majority of existing
                                                                                                                                trees retained

           Pilgrims’ Way School
           rebuilt at the heart of
           the estate

           New shop units for
           existing businesses
                                                                            E   NT

                                                        Improved public space         Dedicated housing   New shop units for
                                                        with retained trees           for the over 55’s   existing businesses

         The proposals will provide:
         • New replacement homes for all residents, tenants and leaseholders, subject
           to demolition
         • New homes for those living in overcrowded accommodation
         • Refurbished council homes for residents in Manor Grove
         • Dedicated one and two bed housing for the over 55s
         • A new park at the centre of the estate with space for play and relaxation
         • Improvement area of public spaces throughout the estate and along
           Old Kent Road
         • A new school at the heart of the estate
         • New commercial premises for existing commercial tenants
         • More secure walking routes with improved lighting.

• There will a variety of homes to meet resident needs are preferences
Homes across the estate will have different layouts. Residents moving to new homes will
have options for homes with open plan kitchen and living rooms as well as separate living
rooms, homes with a ground floor entrance and others with access from a communal
walkway or a lobby.

• Your homes will be bigger
If you live in Bowness, Heversham, Hillbeck or in a studio flat in Kentmere your home will be
bigger. If you live in a one bedroom flat in Kentmere, the interior of your home will be the
same size. There will be no bedsit or studio homes built for council tenants.

      Example Layouts

     1Bed 2People
     Example One Bedroom Flat                                                                                           Balcony
     Building G1 (Phase 1)
     •    Balconies with views to greenery                                              &
     •    Open space kitchen/ living room                                                                                            Total In
     •    30% bigger than average 1 Bedsit in the estate

     Area: 50sqm/ 527sqf

                                                                           Utility      Hall         Kitchen/Living Room
           Hall                    2.7 sqm      29 sqft
           Storage/Utility         3.6 sqm      39 sqft
           Bedroom                 20 sqm       215 sqft
           Kitchen/Living          23 sqm       247 sqft
           Bathroom/Toilet         4 sqm        43sqf
           Balcony/Garden          5.6 sqm      60 sqft                                         Bathroom with window
           Total Internal Area* 50 sqm          527 sqft

     *Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed room areas and internal walls
                                                                    02-SecondFloorPlan Block G1 - 1 Bed op.2
                                                                     1 : 100
     1Bed 2People                                                                                                   Balcony

     Example One Bedroom Flat
     Building G1 (Phase 1)

     •    Balconies with views to greenery
     •    Dual Aspect
     •    Open space kitchen/ living room
     •    30% bigger than average 1 Bedsit in the estate
     Area: 50sqm/ 527sqf                                                                                     Kitchen / Living Room

     Dual Aspect

            Hall                   5 sqm        53 sqft                                            Hall
            Storage/Utility        2.6 sqm      27 sqft
            Bedroom                12 sqm       129 sqft
            Kitchen/Living         25 sqm       269 sqft
            Bathroom/Toilet        4 sqm 6      43sqf
            Balcony/Garden         sqm          64 sqft                                            Bedroom

            Total Internal Area    50 sqm       527 sqm

     *Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed
     room areas and internal walls

Example Layouts

1Bed 2People
Example One Bedroom Apartment
Over ‘55 Building K (Phase 2)

•       Oversized space designed for wheelchair users
•       Oversized balconies with views to greenery
•       Large bathrooms
•       Open space kitchen/ living room                                                                                      Bedroom

•       40% bigger than average 1 Bedsit in the estate                                                                                    Total Area:

Area: 55sqm/ 590sqf

                                                                                            Kitchen/Living Room
          Hall                  4 sqm         43 sqft
          Storage/Utility       4 sqm         43 sqft                                                                 Hall

          Bedroom               15 sqm        161 sqft
          Kitchen/Living        27 sqm        290 sqft                                                  Utility               Bathroom

          Bathroom/Toilet       4 sqm         43sqf
          Balcony/Garden        15 sqm        161 sqft

          Total Internal Area   55 sqm        590 sqft

*Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed room areas and internal walls

2Bed 4People
Example Two Bedroom Flat                         
Building G1 (Phase 1)                     
•       Master Bedroom with en-suite
•       Double secondary bedroom                                                                                              Balcony

•       Large bathrooms with windows                                   Kitchen/Living Room
•       Option with open space kitchen/ living room
•       Separate kitchen
•       Large Balcony
•       15% bigger than average 2 Bedroom in the estate

Area: 70sqm/ 750sqf

                                                                           Storage                                Bedroom

          Hall                  6.5 sqm         69 sqft
                                                                                                    Bedroom & Ensuite
          Storage/Utility       2 sqm           21 sqft
          Bedroom               26 sqm          280 sqft
          Kitchen/Living        27 sqm          290 sqft
          Bathroom/Toilet       8 sqm           86sqf
          Balcony/Garden        11 sqm          118 sqft
                                                                                                       Enclosed Kitchen
          Total Internal Area   70 sqm          750 sqft

*Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed room areas and internal walls

                                                               02-SecondFloorPlan Block G1 - 2 bed

     Example Layouts

      2Bed 4People
      Example Two Bedroom Flat
      Building F1 (Phase 3)

      •       Dual Aspect
      •       Double secondary bedroom                                                        Master Bedroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Total Inter
      •       Large bathroom with window
      •       Option with open space kitchen/ living
                                                                                        Balcony                                                        Hall
      •       Large Balcony
      •       15% bigger than average 2 Bedroom                                                                          Living Room

              in the estate                                                                                                                 Storage              Storage

      Area: 74sqm/ 796sqf


                Hall                              5.4 sqm                   58 sqft            Bathroom/Toilet                                   33 sqm 355 sqft
                Storage/Utility                   4.4 sqm                   47 sqft            Kitchen/Living                                    4.4 sqm 47sqf
                                                                            
                Bedroom                           25 sqm                   269 sqft           Balcony/Garden                                    10 sqm 107 sqft
                                                                                                                  Total Internal Area 74 sqm                         796 sqft

     *Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed room areas and internal walls
                                          3B5P Maisonette - Block3B5P
                                                                  C Maisonette - Block C

     3Bed 5People                                                                  St                        St

     Example Three Bedroom                                            Bathroom                    Bathroom                                                       Bathroom                     Bathroom

     Building C (Phase 1)
                                                                                           Hall                   Hall

     •        Open Plan kitchen/ dining
                                      Kitchen/ Living Room          Kitchen/ Living Room

     •        Large private garden
     •        First Floor terrace
     •        Double bedrooms                                                                                                          Bedroom          BedroomBedroom Bedroom Bedroom                 Bedroom

     •        30% bigger than average 3
              Bedroom maisonette in the                                   St                          St
                                                                                                                                             Balcony                    Balcony
                                                                                                                                 First Floor
     Area: 99 sqm/ 1100sqf                        Garden                  Garden

                                                                Ground Floor
                                          Ground Floor Plan, 1:100Ground Floor Plan, 1:100                                        First Floor Plan 1:100      First Floor Plan 1:100
                                          Area: 55m2              Area: 55m2                                                      Area: 44m2                  Area: 44m2

                                                                                                                                                                             Hall 16.5sqm                 Hall 16.5sqm
                                          Overall Area: 99m2     Overall Area: 99m2
                Hall                              16.5 sqm                     177 sqft                           Bathroom/Toilet                35 sqm              376 sqftStorage/ Utility 3.5sqm      Storage/ Utility 3.5sqm

                                                                                                                                                                         Bedrooms 34sqm                   Bedrooms 34sqm
                Storage/Utility                   3.5 sqm                      37 sqft                            Kitchen/Living                 8 sqm               86 sqft
                                                                                                                                                                         Kitchen/ Living 35sqm            Kitchen/ Living 35sqm
                Bedroom                           34 sqm                       365 sqft                           Balcony/Garden                 8 sqm               86 sqft
                                                                                                                                                                         Balcony                          Balcony 8sqm

                                                                                                                  Total Internal Area 99 sqm                         1100 sqft
     *Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed room areas and internal walls

                        Example Layouts
                                                                                                               8.5 sqm

                        3Bed 4People                                                                                          First Floor
                        Example Three Bedroom House
                        Building D Manor Grove (Phase 1)                                                       Bedroom
                                                                                                               10 sqm
                                                                                                                                                                    8.5 sqm
                                                                                                                                                               12 sqm

                        •       Double secondary bedroom
                        •       Bathrooms with windows                                                            First Floor (Type A)
                        •       Terrace on each floor                                                            1 : 100                                             Bedroom
                                                                                                                                                                     10 sqm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12 sqm

                        •       Separate kitchen                                      Ground Floor
                        •       Large private garden
                        •       Large private front garden
                                                                                                                                                                          First Floor (Type A)
                        •       Dual Aspect                                                                                                                      2
                                                                                                                                                                         1 : 100

                        Area: 95sqm/ 1022sqf
                                                                                                                    Kitchen                                               Living
                            N                                                                                      13.5 sqm                                              15 sqm                                                            Garden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           33.5 sqm

                                                                                                                                                                           Kitchen                                                              Living
                                                                                                                Ground Floor                                                                                                                   15 sqm
                                 Hall                              15.8sqm    170 sqft                                   Bathroom/Toilet                                             28.5 sqm                                3.7 sqft
                                                                                                                                                                          13.5 sqm                                                                                                                  33.5 sqm
                                                                                                               1 : 100
                                 Storage/Utility                   7 sqm      75 sqft                                            Kitchen/Living                                      8 sqm                                   86 sqf
                                 Bedroom                           30.5sqm    328 sqft                                           Balcony/Garden                                      50 sqm                                  538 sqft
                                                                                                                                                                      Ground Floor
                                                                               Hall 3.75 sqm
                                                                                                                                 Total Internal
                                                                                                                                             1 Area
                                                                                                                              Front Garden 11.5 sqm
                                                                                                                                                1 : 100
                                                                                                                                                        95 sqm                Living              15 sqm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1022 sqft                          Single Bedroom 8.5 -10 sqm

                                                                               WC 2.75 sqm                                    Back Garden 33.5 sqm                                     Kitchen / Dining 13.5 sqm                                                Double Bedroom 12 sqm

                       *Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed room areas and internal walls
                                                                               Bathroom 5.5 sqm                               Upper Terraces 4 sqm

                                                                               Storage 6 sqm

                                                                                                                                Hall 3.75 sqm                                        Front Garden 11.5 sqm                                                          Living 15 sqm

                        3Bed 6People                                                                                            WC 2.75 sqm                                          Back Garden 33.5 sqm                                                           Kitchen / Dining 13.5 sqm

                        Example Three Bedroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              16 sqm                            Utility
                                                                                                                                Bathroom 5.5 sqm                                     Upper Terraces 4 sqm

                        Maisonettes                                                                                             Storage 6 sqm

                        Building G1 (Phase 1)                                                                                  Lower Floor                                                                                                                  Storage

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Living Room        Hall

                        •       Oversized living space with extra                                                                                                          Garden                                                   33 sqm
                                                                                                                                                                            47 sqm

                        •       Master Bedroom with en-suite                                                                                                                                                                                                    Storage

                        •       Bathrooms with windows
                                           16 sqm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Hall 14sqm

                                                                   Utility                                                                                     Ground Flo
                        •       Separate kitchen/ dining                                                                                                   1
                                                                                                                                                               1 : 100
                                                                                                                                                                          or   - G1- 3 Be
                                                                                                                                                                                                d Maisone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                tility 8.7sqm

                        •       Large private garden                                                                                   Bedroom 1

                        •       40% bigger than average 3                                            Balcony                                                                                                                     Kitchen/Liv
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ing 49sqm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2    First Floor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1 : 100
                                Bedroom maisonette in the estate                                                                                   Hall                                               Total Inte
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         rden 56sqm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                rnal Area:

                                              Living Room   Hall

              47 sqm
                        Area: 120 sqm/ 1291 sqf  33 sqm

                                                                                                                     Bedroom 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                rev    date
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    author / ch
                            N                                       Storage
                                                                                                                                                                                           First Floor

                                                                                                                     Bedroom 3                                                               357 Kenn
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ington La
                                                                                                                                                Bathroom                                                     ne Lond
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     on SE11
Ground Fl                                                                                                                                                                                   T 020 7703                       5QY
            oor - G1-                                                                                                                            4.7 sqm                                               3555
                        3 Bed Mai                                                                                                                                                           F 020 7703
1 : 100                          sonette                                                                                                                                                   E info@
                                                                                                                                                                                           W www.d
                                                                                               2   First Floo
                                                                                                              r-G     1 - 3 Bed                                                       Project Ti
                                                                                                                                      Maisonette                                                 tle 01
                                                                                                   1 : 100                                                                            Enter addr
                                 Hall                              14 sqm     150 sqft                                           Bathroom/Toilet                                     49 sqm     ess here                     572 sqft
                                 Storage/Utility                   8.7 sqm    93 sqft                                            Kitchen/Living                                      8 sqm                                   86sqf
                                                                                                                                                                                     drawing titl
                                 Bedroom                           40 sqm     430 sqft                                           Balcony/Garden                                      56 sqm                                  602 sqft
                                                                                                                                                                                                      t Layouts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - G1 - 3B
                                                                                                                                 Total Internal Area 120 sqm                                                                 1291Msqft
                       *Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed room areas and internal walls                                                     drawn
                                                                                                                                                                                                      A3                                           scale
                                                                                                                                                                               drawing nu                                    11/13/20
                                                                                                                                                                                         mber                                                      As indica

                     Example Layouts

                     4Bed 6People
                     Example Four Bedroom House
                     Building D Manor Grove (Phase 1)
                                                                                                                              Hall                                     7.7 sqm            29 sqft
                     •     Double secondary bedroom
                                                                                                                              Storage/Utility                          6 sqm              64 sqft
                     •     Bathrooms with windows
                     •     Terrace on each floor                                                                              Bedroom                                  42 sqm             387 sqft
                     •     Separate kitchen                                                                                   Kitchen/Living                           31.5 sqm           339sqft
                     •     Large private garden                                                                               Bathroom/Toilet                          9 sqm
                     •     Dual Aspect                                                                                        Balcony/Garden                           27 sqm             290 sqft

                                                                                                                                Total Internal Area                    110 sqm            1185 sqft
                     Area: 110sqm/ 1185sqf

                    *Total Internal Area is a gross internal area that is a sum of all listed room areas and internal walls

                  Hall         Hall
                              WC              WC Hall           WC

    Living         Living             Living
                          Kitchen         Kitchen          Kitchen
    Dining         Dining             Dining                                       Single        Single           Single
                                                                                  Bedroom       Bedroom          Bedroom

                                                                                                             Double         Double          Double
                                                                                                            Bedroom        Bedroom         Bedroom                  Single        Single            Single
                                                                                                                                                                   Bedroom            Double
                                                                                                                                                                                 Bedroom             Double         Double
                                                                                                                                                                                     Bedroom       Bedroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bedroom        Bedroom

 Back Garden Back Garden           Garden
                                 Back Garden                                                First Floor                                                      Second Floor

                         Ground Floor

und Floor
     Ground Floor
               Ground Floor                                                    First FloorFirst Floor First Floor                                              Second Floor
                                                                                                                                                                       Second Floor
                                                                                                                                                                                 Second Floor
 1         1                                                             2          2             2                                                      3          3         3
00 1 : 100    1 : 100                                                         1 : 100 1 : 100        1 : 100                                                  1 : 100 1 : 100   1 : 100

   Hall 2.75 sqm Hall 2.75 sqm        Hall 2.75 sqm   Back Garden 20Back
                                                                     sqmGarden 20 sqm
                                                                                    Back Garden 20 sqm Living / Dining 21.75
                                                                                                                              / Dining 21.75               Single
                                                                                                                                             sqm/ Dining 21.75
                                                                                                                                           Living              sqmBedroomSingle
                                                                                                                                                                          9 sqmBedroom 9 sqm
                                                                                                                                                                                         Single Bedroom 9 sqm

   WC 2.75 sqm WC 2.75 sqm            WC 2.75 sqm     Upper TerracesUpper
                                                                     3-4 sqm
                                                                           Terraces 3-4Upper
                                                                                        sqm Terraces 3-4 sqm
                                                                                                           Kitchen 9.75 sqm
                                                                                                                          Kitchen 9.75 sqm Kitchen 9.75 sqmDouble Bedroom
                                                                                                                                                                                sqm    12-15 sqm
                                                                                                                                                                                        Double Bedroom 12-15 sqm

   Storage 6 sqm Storage 6 sqm        Storage 6 sqm                                                                                                                                            N

Your homes will have private outdoor space
All new homes will have a balcony, front garden or rear garden.

In new homes with balconies, the size of your outdoor space depends on
the number of bedrooms you have and will be as follows:

• 1 bedroom home you will have a balcony at a minimum of 5+ sqm /
  54+ ft.
• 2 bedroom home you will have a balcony at a minimum of 7+sqm /
  75+ ft.
• 3 or more bedroom home you will have a balcony at a minimum of 10
  sqm / 108+ ft.

The proposals include more homes with gardens than the existing estate.
In new homes with gardens, the gardens will be bigger than the above
balconies and range in size from approximately 20 sqm / 215 sqft to
50sqm / 538 sqm.

The majority of blocks will have additional communal gardens to be
shared with neighbours and some may be used for allotments..
ent Road Approach and Over 55’s Block


                  Old Kent Road Approach and Over 55’s Block

                Residential block with retail                 New public space with          Over 55’s block          Existing
                 at ground floor replacing                  generous views through to         with retail at        tower block
                         Bowness                               the park and school            ground floor

             Over 55s homes                                                Your homes will be safe and secure
              A mix of 1 and 2 bed homes with balconies will be           Your homes, like your estate, will be designed to
  Residential block  withfor
              available   retail at
                             residents,                  New public
                                        tenants and homeowners, 55 space    with generous
                                                                          improve         views
                                                                                   safety and                 Over 55’sfor
                                                                                              minimise opportunities    block  with retail
 ground floor replacing Bowness                              through to the park and school                        at ground floor
              years of age or more. These homes will be                   Both the design and management of the estate have
              • wheelchair accessible                                     been considered in work to date as follows and this
                                                                          work will continue into the next stages of design:
              • adaptable and flexible so that they can change with
                 the residents needs                                      • Clear pedestrian pathways through the estate
              • have bigger balconies than 1 beds and 2 beds              • Pathways and open spaces that are ‘overlooked’
                 elsewhere                                                   meaning that residents can see what is going on
                                                                             these spaces from their homes
              • have communal facilities including communal
                 gardens and communal living rooms.                       • Improved lighting.
                                                                          • Homes will be designed and built to ‘Secured
              New homes will be more energy                                  by Design’ Standards and all will have will have
              efficient and reduce carbon emissions                          improved access arrangements to blocks and
              Your homes will be well insulated and connected to a
              district heating network to be more energy efficient        • New homes will meet the latest fire safety
              and reduce carbon emissions.                                   standards.

             The district heating network will provide a reliable
             source of heat and hot water. Reliability will improve
             as the system will be newer than the current system
             with better back up available.

Your move                                                     • If you are currently in a larger property than you
• Southwark Council will ensure one move for the                need, you will be eligible for a property with one
  majority of households, unless residents request              more bedroom than your need, however if you
  two moves.                                                    want to downsize you can.
• A dedicated Tustin local lettings system will be used      Council tenants (in properties to be
  to prioritise moves based on housing need, medical
  need and existing housing arrangements such as             demolished)
  gardens or location within a block.                         ■ Council tenants will be guaranteed a newly built
                                                                council home.
• Prioritisation will be based on your existing living        ■ Council tenants will be pre-allocated a home
  arrangements for example do you currently have a              based on prioritisation of housing need, medical
  garden, on housing need, medical need and how                 need, how long you have lived on the estate.
  long you have lived on the estate.
                                                              ■ If you are currently on the ground floor, have a
• Your housing need will be established and confirmed           garden or both we will work to allocate you a
  after planning permission has been granted. If                home on a like for like basis meaning if you have
  your housing need changes before you move into                a garden we will look to allocate you a home
  your new home, you can work with the dedicated                with a garden.
  support team to update your housing need.                   ■ Council tenants will choose from a booklet the
• 100% of new council homes will be made available              home they would like to move into. This booklet
  to existing residents in blocks demolished by the             will show the layout and the size of the property
  proposals, or with a priority status on the housing           and state the rent and council tax of each
  waiting list. This will apply to residents in the low-        property.
  rise homes and the towers. Residents must have
  been living on the estate 12 months prior to the           Council tenants (in the towers and in
  ballot to be eligible. (Residents must have lived on       Manor Grove)
  the estate for 12 months prior to the ballot so that        ■ A choice based bidding system will apply to
  we can prioritise protecting the existing residents           those in housing need, including overcrowded
  and keeping the existing community together).                 households and those residents who have been
• A dedicated team will support residents through               on the council’s housing list for a year before the
  each step of the process.                                     Resident Ballot. They will have the opportunity
• If your household moves twice, you will receive               to bid for council homes on the estate as the
  disturbance costs for the second move, but not a              properties will be ring fenced for such Tustin
  second homeloss payment.                                      residents first.
• The principles of a dedicated Tustin Estate local          Resident Leaseholders (in properties to
  letting system are as follows and will be confirmed        be demolished)
  subject to the results of the ballot. The local lettings
  policy, will be subject to an Equalities and Health         ■ Leaseholders in properties to be demolished will
  Impact Assessment (EHIA).                                     choose from a booklet the home they would like
                                                                to move into. This booklet will show the layout
  ■ All council tenant households in properties to be           and size of the property and state the price and
    demolished (will not need to bid for a new home             council tax of each property.
    (under Homesearch).                                       ■ If you are currently on the ground floor, have a
  ■ These households will be pre-allocated a new                garden or both we will work to allocate you a
    home on the Tustin Estate after planning                    home on a like for like basis meaning if you have
    permission has been granted. Residents will                 a garden we will look to allocate you a home
    choose from a booklet which home they want                  with a garden. This will be based on availability
    to move into in line with their need. This means            and prioritisation.
    that ahead of time, households will know: the             ■ If leaseholders want to move on a temporary
    exact home they will be moving to; they will                basis prior to moving into a property they have
    know the timetable for building that home; and              bought, the council will assist in this process.
    will be able to choose finishes for their new
    home and meet their neighbours.

     When will work start
     • It is estimated that the physical works will start in      • If residents first choice home is in the second
       autumn 2022 and continue through to autumn                   phase and they need to move a second time,
       2028.                                                        homes in phase 2 will be available in summer/
     • The phasing plan seeks to move all existing                  autumn 2026 and homes in phase 3 will be
       residents in properties due to be demolished in one          available in autumn 2028.
       phase, meaning the majority of residents could             • The details of the estimated timetable for the
       move in one phase by autumn 2024.                            delivery programme are as follows

     Preparation                      18 months for:
     Spring 2021 to summer 2022
                                      •   Establish resident design and delivery panel
                                      •   Secure planning permission
                                      •   Secure agreement with a builder to be confirmed
                                      •   Negotiations with leaseholders to commence
                                      •   pre-allocations discussions begin with all residents in properties due to be
     Phase 1, Residents Move          6 months for:
     Summer 2021
                                      • Residents from Hillbeck to be moved to the new homes in the towers and
     Summer 2022                        existing empty homes on the estate, on a temporary or permanent basis at
                                        their discretion.
     Phase 1, Demolition,             2 years for:
     Rebuild & Refurbish
                                      •   Manor Grove Council properties refurbished
     Autumn 2022 to
                                      •   6 months to demolish to Ullswater, Hillbeck and Manor Grove garages
     Summer 2024
                                      •   Build block G1 (in front of Heversham )
                                      •   Build block D (infill houses in Manor Grove)
                                      •   Build block C (on site of Ullswater & Hillbeck)

     Phase 2, Residents Move          6 month to move:
     Summer 2024 to
                                      • Residents from Bowness, Heversham, Hillbeck and Kentmere to move into
     Autumn 2024                        new homes in blocks above (Block G1, D and G1).
                                      • Priority residents on the housing waiting list to move to new or existing
                                        homes where available.

     Phase 2, Businesses Move         Move 9 businesses into temporary accommodation on the estate or nearby
     Phase 2, Demolition and    2 years for:
                                • Demolish Bowness, Heversham, Kentmere & Afriko
     Winter 2024 to autumn 2026
                                • Build Block K (over 55’s block), Block A (the new Bowness), Block H (the
                                   new tower), Block J (on the site of Afriko), Pilgrims Way Primary (to the
                                   north of the existing school)
     Phase 3, School Move             3 months:
     Winter 2026
                                      • New school opens to staff and pupils

     Phase 3, Businesses Return       • Businesses return to Tustin and / or letting of unoccupied spaces begin.
     Winter 2026

Phase 3 Demolition and     2 years for:
                           • Build Block E, F, G2 (homes around the old Heversham and to the south of
Winter 2026 to autumn 2028
                              the new school)
                           • Demolish Pilgrims Way Primary
                           • Build Block B (houses to south of Pilgrims’ Way Primary School)
Phase 3, Resident Move               • Second move for residents from Bowness, Heversham, Hillbeck and
Autumn to winter 2028                  Kentmere where necessary.
                                     • Priority residents on the housing waiting list to move to new or existing
                                       homes where available.

Phase 1                                     Phase 2                                     Phase 3
Phase 1                         Phase 2                          Phase 3
Summer 2022 - Autumn 2024
Summer 2022 - Autumn 2024               Winter
                        Winter 2024 – Autumn 2026 2024 – Autumn     2026
                                                            Winter 2026 – Autumn 2028   Winter 2026 – Autumn 2028





     Homes                                                    The School and Community Spaces
     New blocks and homes will be built across the estate     A new school will be built to the north of the existing
     to replace all of the existing homes demolished on       school at the heart of the estate. The new school will
     the estate (249 homes). An estimated 440 additional      include the following:
     homes will be built. 50% of the additional homes will
     be council homes and 50% of the additional homes         • Re-provision of accommodation for a 1 Form Entry
     will be private homes for sale. A mix of 1 bed homes       school (i.e. one that takes in 30 new pupils per
     through to 5 and 6 bed homes for families in housing       year) that could be expanded to become a 2 Form
     need will be built. Homes will be flats, maisonettes       Entry (i.e. one that takes 60 new pupils per year)
     and houses.                                                school to meet local need.
                                                              • Re-provision of more play space than the existing
     Council homes in Manor Grove will be refurbished.          school.
     As a minimum these homes will meet decent homes
                                                              • Have entrances that open out on to Tustin Park.
     standards and new kitchens and bathrooms will be
     fitted as appropriate. The scope of refurbishment        • Have a large outdoor play space that enables
     proposals will be subject to further consultation with     children to carry out a range of exercises.
     council tenants of Manor Grove in 2021.                  • Provide ‘outdoor classrooms’ for each year group
                                                              • Provide a playground space at first floor level with
     Open Spaces                                                views towards London and over the Park
     A new park will be built at the centre of the estate
     and to the east of the school alongside a series of      The Tustin Community Association Hall at Windermere
     improved public spaces will be created across the        Point will be extended to provide more space for
     estate including spaces on the Old Kent Road. These      community activities.
     spaces will increase the amount of public open space     An additional dedicated ‘pop-up’ space will also be
     on the estate as well as increase the amount of play     provided for community activities and enterprise.
     space whilst also providing more space for relaxation.
     These spaces will support ecology, biodiversity and
     assist flood risk management. Existing trees will
     be protected and where trees are lost they will be
     replaced with species that meet local needs.

     Rear of a new Bowness House.

    Residential front        Dedicated          Existing tower,     Well lit and overlooked   Rear of commercial
  gardens and planting    outdoor exercise        Amberside           pedestrian route,           blocks with
   to provide a buffer    and play spaces            Point          towards Ilderton Road      residential above

Businesses                                                   Pop up space dedicated to the community use and
New business units will be built on the Old Kent             community enterprise will be supported through a mix
Road and Ilderton Road and existing businesses on            of resourcing from the council and from the delivery of
the estate will be able to move into these improved          ‘social value’ through contracts with the builder and
spaces. The design and build of new businesses units         the consultation team.
will address the existing issues relating to noise and
smells through improved sound insulation, ventilation
and extraction. An estate wide parking and waste             Parking spaces will be available across the estate for
strategy will address existing issues related to parking     existing households with a parking permit and for
and waste.                                                   residents, new and existing, who need a disabled
                                                             parking bay. Spaces will be available on street and in
It is estimated that Phase 2 works, that include the         podiums and electric charging points will be provided.
demolition of existing business space, will start in         Temporary parking provision will be made available for
summer 2024 and finish in autumn 2026. This means            the duration of the works and there will be no net loss
that businesses will need to move into temporary             of car parking provision.
business space in the months before demolition and
re-locate after spaces on Old Kent Road and Ilderton         Waste
Road are completed. There will be a dedicated support        An improved system of waste management will be
package for businesses to assist with this disturbance       developed in consultation with residents.
as well as consultation with residents on the location
of the temporary spaces.
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