Page created by Alicia West

A range of productive land from prime arable and first class grazing land through to hill ground with afforestation
and carbon capture potential

Alford 3 miles   ■   Inverurie 14 miles   ■   Aberdeen 25 miles


■   Lot 1: Land in the Vale of Alford, extending to 38.48 hectares
    (95.08 acres)

■   Lot 2: Land at Home Farm extending to 27.67 hectares (68.37

■   Lot 3: Land at Mains of Whitehouse extending to 69.13 hectares
    (170.82 acres)

■   Lot 4: The Hill extending to 121.91 hectares (301.24 acres)

■   Lot 5: Land adjacent to Whitehouse extending to 1.71 hectares
    (4.23 acres)

In all 258.90 hectares (639.74 acres).

01224 860710
LOCATION                                                                                                     The area is well resourced in terms of agricultural infrastructure, being well served by a number of grain
The land at Whitehouse is situated 3 miles east of Alford, 14 miles west of Inverurie and 25 miles west      merchants, agricultural suppliers and machinery dealers, in addition to the Machinery Ring. Auction
of Aberdeen in the county of Aberdeenshire, this being an area well known for its productive farmland.       marts can be found in Huntly (21 miles) and Inverurie (14 miles) with modern abattoirs being situated at
                                                                                                             Inverurie (14 miles), Turriff (28 miles) and Portlethen (30 miles).
Strictly by appointing with the sole selling agents –Galbraith, 337 North Deeside Road, Cults, Aberdeen,     DESCRIPTION
AB15 9SN. Tel: 01224 860710. Fax: 01224 869023. Email:                           The land at Whitehouse is situated on the edge of the productive Vale of Alford and continues eastwards
                                                                                                             to the Green Hill, ranging from 140 to 399 metres above sea level. The land extends to 258.90 hectares
DIRECTIONS                                                                                                   (639.74 acres) or thereby and enjoys good access via the public and private road network. According
Travelling west on the A944 from Aberdeen to Alford, and entering the settlement of Whitehouse, the          to the James Hutton Institute the land ranges from Grade 3(1) in the Vale of Alford to Grade 5(1) on the
land can be found on the left and right hand side of the road.                                               Green Hill. The land is registered with SGRPID for IACS purposes. Lot 4 and the majority of lot 3 being
                                                                                                             eligible for LFASS payments.
The land at Whitehouse is situated 3 miles east of Alford, 14 miles west of Inverurie and 25 miles west of   Lot 1: Land in the Vale of Alford
Aberdeen in the county of Aberdeenshire. The land ranges in quality from first class arable through to       A block of prime arable land which extends to 38.48 hectares (95.08 acres), the majority of the land
heather hill land being suited to a wide range of farming, forestry and natural capital activities.          being cropable. According to the James Hutton Institute the land is classified as Grade 3(1) and (2) and
                                                                                                             is of a level aspect.
Lot 2: Land at Home Farm                                                                                       LESS FAVOURED AREA SUPPORT SCHEME (LFASS)
A block of arable land which extends to 27.67 hectares (68.37 acres) and is of a south westerly aspect.        The land in Lot 4 and the majority of the land in lot 3 qualify for LFASS payments.
According to the James Hutton Institute the majority of the land is classified as Grade 3(2).
                                                                                                               AGRI-ENVIRONMENT CLIMATE SCHEME (AECS)
Lot 3: Land at Mains of Whitehouse                                                                             The farm participates in the AECS which expires in 2024. It is a requirement of the sale that the
A block of arable and grazing land which extends to 69.13 hectares (170.82 acres), the majority being          purchaser of any or all of the lots takes over the unexpired term of the scheme. Further details are
of a westerly aspect. According to the James Hutton Institute the majority of the land is classified as        available from the selling agents.
Grade 3(2) and Grade 4(2). The majority of the land qualifies for LFASS payments. There is a range of
traditional and portal frame farm buildings included in this lot as follows:                                   NATURAL CAPITAL
                                                                                                               There is considerable woodland creation potential on the majority of the land which would be eligible
•     Traditional U shape store and slate steading with a footprint of 472.97m2                                for payments under the Forest Grant Scheme. Newly planted woodlands are also eligible to enter
•     Infill Cattle Court, 23.4m x 21.1m, of steel truss construction                                          the Woodland Capture Code which allows the owner to sell carbon credits during the lifetime of the
•     Feed Station, 24m x 6m, of steel monopitch construction                                                  woodland.
•     Silage Pit, 21.6m x 8m
The buildings are subject to a development security in favour of the seller for twenty years. For further      Whilst the Sporting Rights have not been formally exercised in recent years the aspect and topography
details please contact the selling agents.                                                                     of the land would lend itself to driven pheasant and partridge shooting. In addition to which there is
                                                                                                               ample opportunity for roe deer stalking.
Lot 4: The Hill
A block of hill land which extends to 121.91 hectares (301.24 acres) and is in general of a westerly aspect.
                                                                                                               The Mineral Rights are included in the sale, insofar as they are owned.
According to the James Hutton Institute the majority of the land is classified as Grade 4(2) and 5(1). The
land qualifies for LFASS payments.
                                                                                                               All fallen and standing timber is included in the sale insofar as they are owned.
Lot 5: Land adjacent to Whitehouse
A field which extends to 1.71 hectares (4.23 acres) and is of a westerly aspect. According to the James
                                                                                                               POSSESSION AND ENTRY
Hutton Institute the land is classified as Grade 3(2).                                                         Vacant possession and entry will be given on completion or such mutual time to be agreed by the seller
                                                                                                               and the purchaser.
Residential accommodation
Mayfield Farmhouse is available to purchase by separate negotiation. For further details please contact        INGOING VALUATION
the selling agents.                                                                                            The purchaser(s) shall, in addition to the purchase price, be obliged to take over and pay for at a
                                                                                                               valuation to be agreed by a mutually appointed valuer(s) with respect to the following:
                                                                                                               All cultivations and growing crops on a seeds, labour, lime, fertilizer, sprays and machinery basis with an
LOCAL AUTHORITY                                                                                                increment representing the enhanced value of the establishment and age of such crops.
Aberdeenshire Council, Gordon House, Blackhall Road, Inverurie. Telephone 0345 608 1208.
                                                                                                               All hay, straw fodder, roots, silage and farmyard manure and other produce at market value. All oils,
RURAL PAYMENTS AND INSPECTION DIRECTORATE (SGRPID)                                                             fuels, fertilizers, sprays, chemicals seeds and sundries at cost.
Thainstone Court, Inverurie, AB51 5YA, Tel: 0300 244 6822. Farm Code 66/022/0050.
                                                                                                               Note: If the amount of the valuations has not been agreed on the date fixed for completion, then the
METHOD OF SALE                                                                                                 purchaser shall pay to the seller such a sum as the selling agents shall certify on account at the valuation
For sale as a Whole or in 5 Lots.                                                                              pending agreement. Should the payment not be made within seven days then the interest will become
                                                                                                               payable on outstanding monies at 8% over the Bank of Scotland borrowing rate as adjusted from time
BASIC PAYMENT SCHEME (BPS)                                                                                     to time.
The majority of the land is eligible for claiming Basic Payments. The BPS entitlements have been
established by the seller and are not included in the sale of the land. A buyer(s) will take over and pay      DEPOSIT
for at valuation the Basic Payment Scheme entitlements established on the land for sale. All payments          A deposit of 10% of the purchase price shall be paid within seven days of the conclusion of Missives.
relating to the 2021 year will be retained by the seller. The buyer(s) will be responsible upon occupation     The deposit will be non-refundable in the event of the purchaser(s) failing to pay the purchase price or
of the subjects of sale to fully comply with the statutory management requirements to maintain the             failing to complete for reasons not attributable to the seller of the seller’s agents.
farmland in Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition as laid down under the cross Compliance
Rules of the Basic Payment Scheme 2021 for the rest of the scheme year.                                        HEALTH & SAFETY
                                                                                                               The property is an agricultural holding and appropriate caution should be exercised at all times during
The farm has an allocation of Basic Payment Scheme (Region 1) entitlements with a value of €160.66             inspection, particularly in reference to the farm buildings.
per unit (plus greening). In the event that the land be sold in Lots the entitlements will be apportioned
as follows:                                                                                                    MORTGAGE FINANCE
                                                                                                               Galbraith are approved agents for the Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (AMC) and we can assist you
Lot   1:   37.43                                                                                               in securing finance loans for a variety of farming purposes including the purchase of land and property,
Lot   2:   25.92                                                                                               facilitate and reschedule debt, and to provide working capital for diverse creation, and improving on
Lot   3:   60.48                                                                                               erected farm buildings. For further details and to discuss any proposals in connection please contact
Lot   4:   10.06                                                                                               Alistair Christie on 0800 3899448. Email:
Lot   5:   1.11
CLOSING DATE                                                                                                  LOT   FIELD NO     PLOUGABLE       PERMANENT GRASS        OTHER               TOTAL        CROP
A closing date may be fixed. Prospective purchasers who have noted their interest through lawyers to                            Ha       Ac       Ha         Ac      Ha       Ac       Ha           Ac   2021
Galbraith, in writing, will be advised of a closing date, unless the property has been sold previously. The
                                                                                                               1       1        1.99     4.92                                          1.99     4.92      EFA
Seller will not be obliged to accept the highest, or indeed any offer, and has the right to accept an offer
at any time or withdraw the property from the market. The Seller will not be liable for any costs incurred             2        7.00    17.30                                          7.00     17.30     SB
by interested parties.                                                                                                 3        17.51   43.27                                          17.51    43.27     WW
                                                                                                                       4        11.77   29.08                                          11.77   29.08      EFA
                                                                                                                                                                     0.21     0.52     0.21     0.52     TREES
Formal offers in the acceptable Scottish form should be submitted, through a Scottish Lawyer, to
Galbraith, 337 North Deeside Road, Cults, Aberdeen, AB15 9SN.                                                                  38.27    94.57    0.00      0.00      0.21     0.52    38.48    95.08
                                                                                                               2       6        2.94     7.26                                          2.94     7.26      SB
ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING (AML) REGULATIONS                                                                                8        2.23     5.51                                          2.23     5.51      SB
Please note that under the 2017 AML regulations we are legally required to carry out money laundering
                                                                                                                       9        3.14     7.76                                          3.14     7.76      SB
checks against purchasers. To enable us to complete these checks purchasers will need to provide
                                                                                                                       10       5.54    13.69                                          5.54     13.69     OSR
along with their offer either:
                                                                                                                       11       4.78     11.81                                         4.78     11.81     OSR
a) originals of primary (eg a passport) and secondary (eg current council tax or utility bill) ID; or                  13       5.65    13.96                                          5.65     13.96     SB
b) copies of such primary and secondary ID certified and dated by the purchasers’ solicitors as true                                                                 3.39     8.38     3.39     8.38     TREES
   copies along with written confirmation from the purchasers’ solicitors that they accept that we will
                                                                                                                               24.28    60.00    0.00      0.00     3.39      8.38    27.67     68.37
   be relying on this copy ID for AML purposes.
                                                                                                               3       16       3.26    8.06                                           3.26     8.06      SB
Failure to provide this information may result in an offer not being considered.                                       18       2.63    6.50                                           2.63     6.50      SB
                                                                                                                       19       4.14    10.23                                          4.14     10.23     SB
                                                                                                                       21                                            0.74     1.83     0.74     1.83     WATER
The subjects are sold together with, and subject to, all existing rights of way, servitudes, wayleaves
and others whether contained in the Title Deeds or otherwise, and purchasers will be deemed to have                    22       4.51     11.14                                         4.51     11.14    TGRS
satisfied themselves in all respects thereof. The property is also sold subject to the rights of public                23       2.94     7.26                                          2.94     7.26     TGRS
access under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. A right of access is being retained over the                        24        3.03     7.49                                          3.03     7.49      SB
route C/F on the attached plan. Rights are reserved over Lot 1 for foul water disposal from Mayfield                   25       2.89     7.14                                          2.89     7.14     TGRS
                                                                                                                      26        2.54     6.28                                          2.54     6.28     TGRS

ACCESS                                                                                                                 27                                            0.1      0.25     0.10     0.25     EXCL
Access to lot 1 is directly off the A944. Access to Lot 2 will be given over routes A/B and H/I on the                 28                                           0.04      0.10     0.04     0.10     WATER
attached plan. Access to Lot 3 will be given over routes A/C, A/D and A/E on the attached plan. Access                29        5.07    12.53                                          5.07     12.53     WW
to Lot 4 will be given over routes A/D, A/F and A/G on the attached plan. In the events that Lots 3 and
                                                                                                                      30        4.97    12.28                                          4.97     12.28    TGRS
Lot 4 are sold separately the purchaser of Lot 3 will grant a right of access to the purchaser of Lot 4
over routes C/F and E/G on the attached plan. Access to Lot 5 is over route H/I on the attached plan.                  31       2.57     6.35                                          2.57     6.35     TGRS
Maintenance of these routes will be according to user.                                                                 32       5.41    13.37                                          5.41     13.37     WW
                                                                                                                       33       2.84     7.02                                          2.84     7.02     TGRS
SERVICES                                                                                                              34        3.15     7.78                                          3.15     7.78     TGRS
The land at Whitehouse is served by two private water supplies. The source of the supply of water to
                                                                                                                       35       1.94     4.79                                          1.94     4.79     TGRS
the Whitehouse Estate and Whitehouse settlement is from a well which is being retained in Lot 4. It is
then collected in the cistern which is being retained and gravity fed through Lots 3, 2 and 5. There is               36        5.33     13.17                                         5.33     13.17    TGRS
a separate supply at Mains of Whitehouse which rises in lot 4, continues through lot 3 and serves the                  37                                            2.37     5.86     2.37     5.86     EXCL
farmhouse, Steading and fields, in addition to some further properties on the Whitehouse Estate.                       38       3.01     7.44                                          3.01     7.44     TGRS
                                                                                                                      39                         4.73       11.69                      4.73     11.69    PGRS
These particulars are intended to give a fair and overall description of the property. If any points are                                                            0.92      2.27     0.92     2.27     TREES
relevant to your interest, please ask for further information, prior to viewing.                                               60.23    148.83   0.00      0.00      4.17    10.30    69.13    170.82
                                                                                                               4      40                         4.40      10.87                       4.40     10.87    PGRS
Prospective purchasers are advised to seek their own professional advice.                                              41                        2.99       7.39                       2.99     7.39     PGRS
                                                                                                                      42                         2.69       6.65                       2.69     6.65     PGRS
Areas, measurements and distances are given as a guide. Photographs depict only certain parts of
the property. Nothing within the particulars shall be deemed to be a statement as to the structural                   43                                            100.97   249.50   100.97   249.50     RGR
condition, nor guarantee the working order of services and appliances.                                                                                              10.86    26.84    10.86    26.84     TREES
                                                                                                                                                 10.08     24.91    111.83   276.33   121.91   301.24
These particulars shall not be binding on our clients whether acted on or otherwise, unless the same
                                                                                                               5       5        1.12     2.77                                          1.12     2.77     TGRS
is incorporated within a written document, signed by our clients or on their behalf, satisfying the
requirements of Section 3 of The Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.                                                                                       0.59      1.46     0.59     1.46     TREES
                                                                                                                                1.12     2.77                       0.59      1.46     1.71     4.23
Particulars were prepared and photographs taken in May 2021.                                                                   123.90   306.16   10.08     24.91    120.19   296.99   258.90   639.74
816000                     361000                                                                    362000   363000   364000



                                                                                                                                    Galbraith, 337 North Deeside Road, Cults,
                                                                                                                                               Aberdeen, AB15 9SP
                                                                                                                                                 Tel: 01224 860710

            Whitehouse Lotting Key                                                                                                 Whitehouse Estate - Land Lotting Plan.

                    Lot 1                                                                                                            Date:        25/05/2021

                                                                                                                                     Revision:         -1-
                    Lot 2
                    Lot 3                                                                                                                                                       N

                    Lot 4                                                                                                        Page Size: A3            Scale:

                    Lot 5                                                                                                       © Crown copyright and database rights (2021)
                                                                                                                                 Ordnance Survey Licence No. 01100031673

                           361000                                                                    362000   363000   364000

         Map Reference:   12370-1_Whitehouse Estate - Land Lotting PLan._A3_Rev 1_20210525
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