GET OUT onto
(and Love) LAKE TRAVIS
                                                                    Photo by: Kim Ortiz Portrait Art

760-403-6138 |
    1921 Lohmans Crossing, Suite 100
           Austin, Texas 78734


                                                  40+ Years Experience
                                       COMMERCIAL I RESIDENTIAL I WATERFRONT I FARM & RANCH
                                                           Coldwell Banker Realty,
                                                          REALTORS® Lakeway Office
                                                         2501 Ranch Rd 620 S. Ste 120
                                                              Lakeway, TX 78738

                                                TOMMY CAIN                                        SEAN CAIN
                                            Broker Associate®                                    Realtor®
                                              512.517.4429                                     512.921.4431
                                        ©2021 Coldwell Banker Real Estate, LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered service mark licensed to                     Coldwell Banker Real Estate, LLC. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity.
                                        Operated by a subsidiary of NRT, LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker, United
                                        REALTORS® are independent contractor agents and are not employees of the company.

                    GET OUT
       6            ONTO
                    LAKE TRAVIS
                    REASONS to
      10            LIVE in (and Love)
                    LAKE TRAVIS
                                              02 Discover Lake Travis

                    Lake Travis for           05 Leadership Lake Travis

      16            Land-Lubbers:             10 A Destination Education

                    RIDE, PARK,               12 Chamber / Get Involved

                    SWING & SWIM              17 Shop ‘Til You Drop
                                              18 Quality Healthcare
                                              23 Protecting the Highland Lakes
                                              24 Top Activities for Seniors
                                              26 Membership by Category
                                              32 Membership Directory

        14425 Falcon Head Blvd.,Unit E, 100            Published & Designed By:
              Austin, TX 78738-4433                    Lure Creative Design, Inc
                   512.387.3180                        Phone: 330-907-8710

4   Lake Travis,
    Lake Travis, TX
                 TX Community
                    Community Guide
           elcome to beautiful Lake Travis - the most wonderful place to live, work and play in

 W         Central Texas – and a fabulous place to vacation! If you are new here or just visiting,
           welcome to our fantastic community! We love where we live and invite you to enjoy all of
           the amazing activities and life that Lake Travis has to offer.

The Lake Travis area is home to many exclusive restaurants, unique shopping, incredible golf on
championship courses offering fun and challenging play, tennis courts, and a private airport.

If the lake is more your style, we have plenty to offer there! Lake Travis spans a gorgeous, sprawling
65 miles of fun! So if you're up for boating, fishing, zip-lining, or even just basking in the sun, Lake
Travis has you covered.

Hiking, biking, and enjoying nature? Yes, we have that too! With over 100 acres of parkland and trails
and nearly 500 acres of greenbelts, the Lake Travis area is an outdoor lover's delight.

Once considered a relatively secluded area, Lake Travis has steadily risen as an attractive mainstay
for new housing developments, thriving small and large businesses, and an exemplary school district
rated by the Texas Education Agency. In addition, Lake Travis serves as a viable option for those who
desire to live in lush, beautiful, natural surroundings while being just 20 miles west of downtown
Austin and the benefits of its cultural and business scene.

The phenomenal growth we continue to experience and enjoy in the south Lake Travis area proves
our community to be an attractive option for visitors and those looking to relocate to the Austin area.
The Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce exists to connect businesses, strengthen our community,
and promote the Lake Travis area as a destination. We're proud to call Lake Travis home, we're here
to serve and would love to be a resource to you. Let us know how we can help!

Enjoy your visit or welcome home! Either way, we're glad you're here!

Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce Board



22   Lake Travis,
     Lake Travis, TX
                  TX Community
                     Community Guide
Discover Lake Travis
           elcome to the southern and western shores of Lake Travis, where visitors

W          and residents relish life and leisure in the scenic Texas Hill Country:
           Communities prized for their convenience to Austin and rich amenities, in a
           region long loved for its outdoor beauty and, more recently, access to Lake
Travis, a reservoir formed in 1942 by the Mansfield Dam.

Bee Cave and Lakeway make their home on Lake Travis’ south shore – the most
commercial and residential side of the lake, thanks to its proximity to downtown and
wide array of amenities, including shopping centers and private golf courses, tennis
courts and community centers, swimming spots and social amenities.

Push west, and you’ll discover the communities of Briarcliff and Spicewood. Although
growing rapidly and building on their fantastic amenities, the west retains a more
traditional Lake Travis feel: a little more rugged, a little bit secluded.

All four of our featured communities are located within the much-sought and award-
winning Lake Travis Independent School District (see page #). From east to west:

City of Bee Cave                             Now considered one of the best small
Ideally positioned 15 miles west of          cities in the Austin metro area, Lakeway
Austin, in the heart of Travis County, Bee   began as a retirement and second-home
Cave is a city rich in history and hyper-    community. As Austinites discovered
local culture. Named for the Mexican         the city’s convenience, amenities, and
honeybees that once populated the            the “lake lifestyle,” Lakeway evolved
banks of the Barton and Little Barton        into the award-winning community it is
Creeks, Bee Cave’s history dates back to     today: A hub for active residents – young
the 1850s, when Dietrich Bohls moved         professionals, families, and empty-
west to escape the masses in Austin –        nesters, alike – who value natural beauty,
then, population: 900.                       proximity to Austin, and a near-endless
                                             smorgasbord of recreational pursuits.
Over its 150+ year history, Bee Cave
(incorporated: 1987) has remained true to    Village of Briarcliff
its genesis: a quieter life, away from the   Surrounded by picturesque Hill Country
influence of “big city” government and       and about 30 miles west of Austin,
crowds. The city has progressed by leaps     the Village of Briarcliff is the best kind
and bounds – it’s now known as one of        of compromise: the place you call
the best Austin suburbs – and its 8,000      home, when you seek both community
master-planned acres now include the         convenience and outdoor freedoms
Bee Cave Farmers Market, Hill Country        – and when you won’t settle for one
Galleria and Galleria shops, and over        without the other.
240 acres in active and passive parkland,
including the iconic Bee Cave                This is your warm invitation to lake
Sculpture Park.                              living. Located within the Lake Travis
                                             Independent School District and home
City of Lakeway                              to rich community amenities – nature
Nestled into the western corner of Travis    trails and parks, a disc golf course,
County and 25 miles west of downtown         Briarcliff Marina, and Willie Nelson’s
Austin, Lakeway is a resort community        9-hole golf course – the area has two
determined to prove that you can have        governing bodies: the Village of Briarcliff
all: Here, residents avail themselves of     (VOB), the seat for City Government; and
golf courses and tennis courts, marinas      Briarcliff Property Owners Association
and spas, 100 acres of parkland and          (BPOA), which maintains the roads, parks,
almost 500 acres of greenbelts.              and LOCHS. Together, VOB and BPOA
                                             nurture community life and Hill Country
                                             atmosphere for nearly 1,700 residents.

    Charming and cultured, Spicewood is an                                      AUSTIN'S #1 MUSIC SCHOOL
    unincorporated town and famed home to Willie                                                                                          New Client
    Nelson, about 35 miles west of Austin. If pressed                                                                                     SPECIAL
    to name a flavor for life and leisure in Spicewood –                                                                                  $15 OFF First
    well, we’d say it’s aptly named: Heavily “spiced” by its                                                                              4 Lessons
    scenery and outdoor pursuits, this Hill Country gem is                                          Limited time offer. Not to be combined with any other offers.
    scented in cypress pine, flowing springs, natural caves,
    and quiet swimming holes.                                  Private music instruction
                                                               All ages and levels
    Both a residential and recreational destination,           Customized lesson plan 3698 Ranch Road 620 S, #107 • Bee Cave, TX 78738
    Spicewood is Lake Travis living for the outward-bound.     Online lessons available
    Close enough but little away from it all, here is where    In-person lessons at our studio     THEMUSICIANSWOODSHED.COM

    you head when you wish you’d discovered Lake Travis
    decades ago: Just a touch rural and developed around
    scenic beauty, Spicewood is home to spectacular
    Krause Springs, the Lakecliff Country Club, Pace Bend
    Park, Muleshoe Bend Recreation Area, and Cypress
    Valley Canopy Tours.

                                                                                              Ph: 512-402-0595

4          Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
           ooking for hands-on, interactive professional and personal

   L       development for business owners, civic leaders, CEOs,
           and other community leaders?

 Leadership Lake Travis provides just the opportunity to enhance
 your skills, gain a deeper understanding of community dynamics,
 and build a network of colleagues and associates throughout the
 south Lake Travis area.

 And that’s just the beginning.

The Program                                                  Discover and augment your personal leadership
Our Leadership program provides opportunities                strengths. And discern where you can make the most
throughout the year: Travel around the southern lake         meaningful contributions.
region and meet with policy-makers. Talk to trend-
setters. Interact with elected officials, city executives,   Together, we can improve our beloved community for
business leaders, nonprofit organizations, and the           the benefit of all. Together, we can educate, connect,
other influential someones who make our community            and empower the leaders of tomorrow.
not only work, but thrive.
                                                             Areas of Study
Sessions are designed to provide a solid foundation in       Education • Real Estate (Residential & Commercial) •
leadership concepts and principles, to arm participants      Retail/Economic Development • Medical • Nonprofit •
with the skills and tools – plus ample practice in both      Tourism • FLAG (Fire, Law Enforcement, Advocacy &
– to tackle the daily issues that face our community.        Government)

Leadership Goals                                             About the Program
Graduates will gain insight and make connections             Leadership Lake Travis is a Lake Travis Chamber of
that empower them to enhanced performance in                 Commerce-sponsored program that can change your
their current jobs and endeavors, to enrich our Lake         life and business. Every year, we select 30-35 of Lake
Travis community through involvement in local/civic,         Travis’ most promising leaders to participate in this
government, business, religious, and/or nonprofit            9-month program (1 day/month).
                                                             Applications are accepted from April through July; the
Enhance your knowledge and work toward community             program launches in September. For more information
development. Foster connection with a diverse cross-         and how to participate, please visit
section of our community and business leaders.     
Broaden your horizons and business networks.


                                 W          hat do you get,
                                            when you blend one
                                            limestone lake bottom
                                      (equaling crystal-clear blue
                                      waters) with 271 miles of
                                      shoreline and 18,929 aquatic
                                      acres? Answer: Lake Travis,
                                      the “Crown Jewel” of the
                                      Highland Lakes and Texas’
                                      most visited freshwater
                                      recreational lake.

                                      With a name like Lake Travis,
                                      it’s no surprise that the
                                      water itself is the main draw:
                                      Whether you’re cruising or
                                      fishing, wakeboarding or
                                      scuba diving (yes, you read
                                      that right!), the lake offers
                                      plenty of opportunities to
                                      enjoy time outdoors with
                                      friends and family. Sales,
                                      rentals, and lessons are
                                      readily available, for all forms
                                      of lake recreation!

6   Lake Travis, TX Community Guide

                                                               Get Out onto Lake Travis
Lake Travis seems built for boating: Its serpentine
form stretches nearly 64 miles, and its web of coves
trace 271 miles of freshwater coastline. In other words
– hours, days, weeks, and years of hidden corners to
explore, myriad coves to drop your lily pads, and one
very special island to enjoy. Not to mention, nearly
two-dozen boat ramps and 20+ marinas to get you
into the water and fueled to ride.

Water Skiing
Dating back to 1922, water skiing is considered the
granddaddy of all watersports – and Lake Travis, the
big daddy of Texas water skiing! From quiet coves for
easy skis to frothy wake you’ll yearn to jump, the lake
promises all the right kinds of water skiing experiences.
Get out early (or late) to avoid mid-day boat traffic.

Scuba Diving
Grottoes and shipwrecks, sunken trees and lake walls
– the siren’s song of Lake Travis scuba diving. Because,
while at most lakes, water recreation happens above
the surface, at Lake Travis, you’ll want to explore the
depths, too. Be sure to check out Mansfield Dam Park
and Windy Point Park for shore diving, as well as dive
sites including Cypress Creek Wall, Fiesta Haus Wall,
Oasis Wall, Shaker Plant, Starnes Island, West Point,
and Wreck Alley.

Consistently voted one of the best wakeboarding lakes
in the state, we earn our reputation with both smooth
water for beginners and open stretches where experts
can really get moving. As with water skiing, try to get
out in the morning or evening, when boat traffic is low.

Have a sense of adventure but not the best balance?
Welcome to kneeboarding, the sport that combines
a board and tow rope with a lower (and, thus, more
forgiving) center of gravity. This is a great intro to
lake-sport adrenaline, especially for kids and beginner

Wake Surfing
Catch a wave, right here on Lake Travis! All it takes is
one inboard engine, one board (and two boots), and
one tow rope, and you’ll soon be hopping wake and
waves. Gear up for a serious adrenaline rush!

Fly Boarding
The almost-like-flying water sport that harnesses the
power of 1,000 gallons of water per minute (and some
incredible human ingenuity) to propel you out of the
water and into the air. Think stilts – only, your stilts are
streams of water!

                  REASONS to
                  LIVE in (and Love)
                  LAKE TRAVIS

                                               hether you’re an Austin commuter,

                                      W        a family setting down roots, or a
                                               retiree seeking a hometown rich in
                                               services and amenities, Lake Travis
                                      is an ideal – and idyllic – place to live,
                                      work, and play. Here are our top 6 reasons
                                      to choose Lake Travis:

8   Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
6 Reasons to Live in Lake Travis
      WATERFRONT                 Residents enjoy everyday         spots for the largest overall
      LIVING                     access to all the lake’s         real estate market, largest
       Lake life is the main     many natural wonders,            home market, and largest
draw to Lake Travis – and        including the scenic beauty      land market. The report also
deservedly so! Here, every       of Silver’s Trials, Reimers'     cited Lake Travis’ increased
weekend, every summer            Ranch, Krause Springs, and       market share – 16.1%, up
afternoon, every holiday         Horseshoe Bend. And, did         from 14.9% in winter 2020.
is a vacation unto itself:       we mention? You can be out
Board your boat and rev the      on the lake and hiking the       A strong real estate
personal watercraft; hike to     trails in December – in short    market, paired with other
natural springs and tee up       sleeves!                         recognitions – for example,
for golf; grab your tennis                                        Bee Cave and Lakeway are

racket and scuba dive to a              QUALITY                   both consistently recognized
new shipwreck. Lake Travis is           EDUCATION                 as two of the best small
yours to explore, any day of             Southern and western     cities in the Austin metro
the year.                        Lake Travis – from Bee Cave      area – makes Lake Travis
                                 to Spicewood – is housed         not only a great place to

                                 within the Lake Travis           live today, but also a sound
      STRONG                                                      investment for tomorrow.
      COMMUNITY                  Independent School District,
                                 which consistently ranks

       Lake Travis is the kind                                          LOCATION,
of tight-knit community          as one of the best school
                                 districts in both Texas (top           LOCATION,
where you know your
                                 30) and the United States              LOCATION
neighbors by name. It’s
                                 (top 500). It’s also one of      It’s not just a real estate
also the kind of place
                                 the fastest-growing school       maxim – it’s life: Location
where you can select
                                 districts in Texas, among        is what makes Lake Travis
just the right community
                                 districts with an enrollment     an achievable goal, whether
personality: From Lakeway
                                 of 10,000+ students.             you’re a single professional,
and Bee Cave, where strong
                                                                  a young family with kids,
regulations help guarantee
                                 Our area is served by six        empty-nesters, or retirees.
consistent city beauty, to
our unincorporated outskirts     elementary schools, three
                                 middle schools, and one          Nestled into the heart of
in Spicewood, where you
                                 high school – all, within a      the Hill Country, Lake Travis
can still light a firepit in
                                 school district that earns       hosts several of Central
your backyard, Lake Travis
                                 five out of five stars on the    Texas’ finest lakeside
is populated by the kind of
                                 new 2020 TXSmartSchools          communities: Not just
people who rally around
                                 state recognition program,       scenic, more than resort
their neighbors. This is the
                                 based on high academic           living, our area has also
kind of place you’ll love to
                                 achievement while                matured into the perfect
call home.
                                 maintaining cost-effective       combination of convenience

                                 operations.                      and amenities. Here, you’ll
      REMARKABLE                                                  find everything from water

      SCENERY                           RAPID GROWTH              sports and land recreation,
        Every year, thousands           + VIBRANT                 state-of-the-art marinas and
of families, single                                               elder care, to world-class
professionals, and seniors                                        dining and entertainment,
                                 Everything’s bigger in Texas,
move west – west of Austin,                                       members-only golf and
                                 including the economy! Our
that is! They’re drawn by                                         night-lit tennis courts. All,
                                 real estate market is not only
picturesque scenery and                                           just 25-45 minutes from
                                 strong, but growing quickly:
inviting clear waters, rolling                                    downtown Austin.
                                 The 2021 Lake Real Estate
hills and majestic trees,
                                 Market Report named Lake
acres of parkland and roaring
                                 Travis the biggest lake-based
                                 real estate market in Texas:
                                 This year, we took the top


              n a word, the Lake Travis

       I      Independent School District
              is superlative. In a few more,
              it’s innovative. Hardworking.
     Cost-effective. High achieving. The very
     definition of excellence.

     One of the most successful and
     progressive public school districts in the
     state – and that’s saying something, in a
     state with 1,250+ public school districts!
     – the Lake Travis ISD is comprised of 11
     campuses: modern and well-equipped
     facilities, excellent academic and
     extracurricular programs, and dedicated,
     high-quality staff and faculty.

     Known as “The Destination District” for
     thousands of Texas families, the Lake
     Travis ISD is more than a peripheral
     benefit to living at the lake: It’s one of
     the primary draws. So much so that, in
     just 15 years, student enrollment has
     increased by approximately 76 percent,
     making LTISD one of the fastest-growing
     school districts in Texas.

10   Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
Get Out onto Lake Travis
The district’s reputation has also attracted many of the best teachers and staff in the state. They
work hard, every day, to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for students. Year after
year, their efforts result in exceptionally high academic and extracurricular performance district-
wide. To wit:

• In 2021, the National Merit Scholarship Program recognized 33 Lake Travis High School students.

• One of only 44 Texas public school districts to receive the highest honors, Lake Travis ISD received
  five out of five stars on the 2020 TXSmartSchools state recognition program for producing high
  academic achievement while also maintaining cost-effective operations.

• Under the 2019-2020 Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas school ¬finance accountability
  rating system, LTISD received a rating of “Superior Achievement.”

• As part of HEB’s 2017 Excellence in Education Awards program, Lake Travis ISD was selected as
  a finalist for the “Small District” category; the award recognizes the district for its commitment
  to student achievement through innovative programs, parent/community involvement, and
  professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators.

• Hudson Bend Middle School was named a 2014 & 2017 “Texas School to Watch” for academic

• Lake Travis High School earned the University Interscholastic League Lone Star Cup for team
  performance in district and state championships during the 2011-2012 school year.

• Lake Travis Elementary School was named a 2011 National Title I Distinguished School for
  innovation in helping students achieve high educational standards.

Lake Travis High School                                Lake Travis Elementary School
3324 Ranch Rd., 620 South, Austin, TX 78738            15303 Kollmeyer Dr., Austin, TX 78434
512-533-6100                                           512-533-6300

Bee Cave Middle School                                 Lakeway Elementary School
5400 Vail Divide, Austin, TX 78738                     1701 Lohmans Crossing, Austin, TX 78734
737-931-2400                                           512-533-6350

Hudson Bend Middle School                              Rough Hollow Elementary School
15600 Lariat Trail, Austin, TX 78734                   4219 Bee Creek Rd., Spicewood, TX 78669
512-533-6400                                           737-931-3000

Lake Travis Middle School                              Serene Hills Elementary School
4932 Bee Creek Rd., Spicewood, TX 78669                3301 Serene Hills Dr., Austin, TX 78738
512-533-6200                                           5121-533-7400

Bee Cave Elementary School                             West Cypress Hills Elementary School
14300 Hamilton Pool Rd., Austin, TX 78738              6112 Cypress Ranch Blvd., Spicewood, TX 78669
Lake Pointe Elementary School
11801 Sonoma Dr., Austin, TX 78738


            The Lake Travis Chamber of
            Commerce – hey, that’s us! the
            people behind this guide – is
            a driving force for community
            development and business
            success in Western Lake Travis
            County and South Lake Travis.

            Here’s a little about us – and
            a lot about you, the reason
            behind why we do what we do.

12   Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
About Us

                                                       Chamber of Commerce
By 1986, the year of our chamber’s founding, it
was already clear: Southern and western Lake
Travis had a unique identity and a distinct need
to develop and nurture our special community.
And so, area business and civic leaders banded
together to form the Lake Travis Chamber, now a
springboard for Lake Travis life, commerce, and
Today, 35 years later, our mission remains
largely unchanged: We work to strengthen our
community, connect Lake Travis businesses,
and promote lake living and tourism. And we
pride ourselves on creating a welcoming and
supporting environment that is rich in expertise,
resources, and services, to enable growth and
prosperity for all.

About You
The truth is, we are really all about you: our
business owners, residents, and visitors. Our
mission is to better your experience at Lake
Travis, whether you’re here for a week or a
lifetime. (Or a week that becomes a lifetime, as is
so often the case!)
We work continuously to develop our cities,
attract and promote business expansion,
and grow our communities, to build a more
prosperous and amenity-rich place to call home.
Today, our Chamber is represented by more than
330 local businesses that represent a wide range
of services, amenities, and expertise. And it’s all
for you and because of you – because of our staff
and numerous volunteers, who work together to
support Lake Travis businesses.

Why Join the Chamber?
We are your partner in business, forever
advocating on behalf of our local business
community, on issues that may affect YOUR
business and our local economy. And like
you, we’re also a community ally: We love
this community and advocate for the things
that matter, like lake levels, mobility and
transportation, workforce development, and
economic growth.
What’s more, your Chamber membership lends
your business credibility: According to a Schapiro
Group study, 49% of consumers are more likely
to think favorably of Chamber members – and
are 80% more likely to purchase their services.
To that end, we also offer many ways to network
and engage with potential customers, from
lunch-and-learns and seminars, to networking
events, fundraisers, workshops, and other
activities. Speaking of…

Chamber Events                                                you can sip, taste, and savor local and regional craft
 The Chamber hosts several annual events to actively           beers, wines, mixed drinks and foods.
 engage with our greater community, granting our                 For more information, please see
 member businesses a chance to showcase their          
 offerings. Chamber events include:
                                                               Business Connector
 Birdies by the Lake Golf Classic                              Build your business relationships and connect with
 Save the date! Our 2021 Birdies by the Lake Golf              the Lake Travis community at our annual networking
 Classic will be held on September 13, 2021, and will hit      luncheon, designed to unite like-minded local business
 The Hills Country Club Flintrock Falls golf course to do      owners and entrepreneurs.
 what we do best: network, have fun, and enjoy some
 friendly competition on the greens.                           Other Events
 Early registration is $150 for individual players and         We also plan many other small events throughout the
 $600 per team. Individual and team registrations              year, including Business Off the Clock, where you can
 include lunch, cart fees, a drink ticket, raffle ticket,      unwind and connect with other Chamber members
 and dinner. As always, Birdies by the Lake promises           in a relaxed, after-hours social environment. We also
 plenty of fantastic prizes; ask about sponsorship             host Ribbon Cuttings to celebrate recent Chamber
 opportunities!                                                members, business expansions, renovations and
   For more information, please visit                          remodels, and milestone anniversaries.
                                                               Our must-attend Economic Forecast Luncheon
                                                               presents first-hand information on South Lake
 ChamberFest                                                   Travis' growth and development, directly from city
 Save the Date! ChamberFest is scheduled for
                                                               officials, the school district, real estate agents,
 November 6.
                                                               and other experts. The How I Built It Luncheon is
 The BIGGEST time in the smallest town, ChamberFest
                                                               another favorite, inviting local entrepreneurs and
 marks our annual community event, held at the Hill
                                                               guest speakers to share their stories, struggles, and
 Country Galleria. A full-day festival, the event will bring
                                                               successes. At the State of the District Luncheon,
 together food, music, and fun, for the whole family,
                                                               we showcase the LTISD – the #1 reason new families
 plus unique shopping at 100+ local and regional artist
                                                               move to our little haven in the Hill Country.
 and vendor booths. Keep your eyes peeled for our
                                                                 For more information and how to join, please visit
 OutdoorLifestyle Expo, a Toddler Town and KidZone the
 size of a football field, and sip-and stroll zone, where

14      Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
Chamber of Commerce   15
16   Lake Travis, TX Community Guide

         ake Travis is home to some of the highest           Buy), dinner out (dozens of restaurants) to fine dining

 L       quality Whether you’re craving authentic
         Italian or just need a haircut, Lake Travis’
         shopping centers deliver.
                                                             in (complete with a selection from Spec’s Liquor) – a
                                                             variety of shops, restaurants, and more!

                                                             Oaks at Lakeway
Hill Country Galleria                                        1900 Ranch R. 620 S. | Lakeway, TX 78734
12700 Hill Country Blvd. | Bee Cave, TX 78738                Both town center and multi-use retail center, The Oaks
More than a fashion enclave, something greater than a        sprawls over 175,000 square feet of entertainment,
thriving business district, and beyond even a residential    dining, and shopping space, and delivers a variety of
utopia, Hill Country Galleria is social evolution: A life,   services, entertainment, and amenities, anchored by
entertainment, and business hub home to everything           an H-E-B grocery store. Outdoor plazas, open event
from the Lone Star Farmers Market and Cinemark               spaces, and pedestrian trails connect throughout the
movie theater, to world cuisine and 100 stores, ranging      property.
from boutique to big box.
                                                             Lakeway Commons
Shops at the Galleria                                        900 Ranch Road 620 S. | Lakeway, TX 78734
12770 Shops Pkwy. | Bee Cave, TX 78738                       In the heart of Lakeway and surrounded by scenic Hill
Swing into this open-air shopping center, where you          Country, Lakeway Commons houses diverse shopping,
can check off your list everything from home im-             retail, and dining: art galleries and wellness, spas and
provement (Lowe’s) to entertainment upgrades (Best           banks, restaurants and furniture outlets. There’s even a
                                                             swimming pool!


18   Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
Quality Healthcare
MEDICAL CENTERS                                         emergency services, including a trauma room,
                                                        diagnostic imaging (CT and radiology), and a
Baylor Scott & White                                    medical laboratory, to diagnose and provide
Medical Center Lakeway                                  quality onsite care.
Offering comprehensive care close to home, the
                                                        VIK Complete Care Lakeway
Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Lakeway
delivers a full suite of medical services – from
                                                        VIK Complete Care Lakeway delivers timely
Labor and Delivery, equipped with extra-large
                                                        and affordable access to top-notch urgent
birthing suites and an onsite level II NIC, to a 24/7
                                                        and emergency care. So, whether you’re
Emergency Department staffed by board-certified
                                                        seeking immediate care but your PCP doesn’t
physicians. Wait times are often under 10 minutes
                                                        have appointment availability, or you have an
to see a physician and Emergency Department
                                                        emergency, this center is well equipped to
patient satisfaction consistently ranks within the
                                                        meet your needs.
top % for the nation.

St. David’s South Austin Medical Center                 SPECIALTY CLINICS
512-447-2211                                            Austin Regional Clinic Bee Cave
An acute care facility with 344 beds, St. David’s       512-676-2500
South Austin Medical Center is the recipient            ARC Bee Cave offers lake convenience and a
of several national distinctions in patient             full range of medical services, including Family
safety, including from The Leapfrog Group, the          Medicine, Internal Medicine, Allergy & Asthma,
Patient Safety Excellence Award, and Women’s            Rheumatology, and Pediatric.
Excellence Awards from Healthgrades. The center
offers a wide range of complex specialties and          Austin Regional Clinic Wilson Parke
sub-specialties, to comprise a comprehensive            737-247-7200
selection of specialized medical services,              Offering 24/7 medical care services and same-
including a Level II NICU, a nationally accredited      day appointments, ARC Wilson Parke delivers
oncology program, and a level II Trauma Center.         a range of medical services, including Allergy
                                                        & Asthma, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine,
EMERGENCY & URGENT CARE                                 Pediatrics, and an onsite lab.
FastMed Urgent Care – Lakeway
512-975-7382                                            Austin Diagnostic Clinic Steiner
An immediate solution to immediate medical              Ranch (ADC-SR)
needs, FastMed Urgent Care in Lakeway is open           512-681-5900
364 days a year (closed December 25). Recently          Offering convenient family care in Steiner
awarded the Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of             Ranch, this clinic handles a range of general
Approval, to certify quality, safety, and infection     care and specialties, thanks to their board-
control, the center treats everything from broken       certified Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology,
bones and wounds to UTIs and bacterial/viral            Family Practice, Podiatry, Neurology, Pediatric,
infections.                                             and Rheumatology physicians.

St. David’s Emergency Center – Bee                      Baylor Scott & White Clinic and
Cave (SDEC)                                             Rehab – Lakeway
512-816-2100                                            512-263-4500
A full-service emergency room (ER), this center         A comprehensive primary care clinic and
serves as an extension of St. David’s South Austin      inpatient rehabilitation hospital, this clinic
Medical Center. Over nearly 11,000 square feet and      offers same-day appointments for your entire
12 multipurpose exam rooms, the facility delivers       family – from pediatrics to geriatrics.

Lake Travis for
     RIDE, PARK,

                                                 hen you think of Lake Travis, the first

                                       W         thing that comes to mind is probably
                                                 – well, the lake. And yet, our active
                                                 community is also a haven for outdoor
                                       excursions onto hiking and mountain biking
                                       trails, tennis courts, golf greens, waterparks,
                                       and all manner of on-land adventures that
                                       keep your feet firmly planted on the ground
                                       (or dangling above the treetops).

20   Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
Get Out onto Lake Travis
                          Whether you’re peddling your bike (or rocking
No, Really –              some hiking adrenaline), flying through the trees,
                          or balancing on a board, Lake Travis offers plenty
HOW HOT                   of ways to ride into outdoor fun.

DOES IT GET?              Biking + Hiking
                          Put on your hiking shoes and head out to Pace
One of the things we      Bend Park, which promises some of the most
love most about Lake      beautiful scenery in Central Texas, including
Travis vacations and      charming views of Lake Travis and the Hill Country,
living is the weather:    and that can only be fully accessed on foot, by
                          bike, or on horseback.
It’s wonderful! Here,
you can be out on         Get your adrenaline rush at Reimers Ranch Park,
the lake in December      a 2,400-acre gem with 3 miles of Perdernales
and wear shorts at        River frontage, 15 miles of hiking trails, and some
Christmas. That said,     of the fastest single-track mountain biking on
temperatures can rise     the lake. Walk into another world at Westcave
                          Outdoor Discovery Center’s lush Grotto or stroll
to 100º+ at the height
                          the Uplands to discover dynamic Live Oak and
of summer. Luckily, the   Ashe Juniper savanna land.
water’s always there
to cool you down!         Skating + Boarding
                          Grab your board or skates and ride through
                          9,000 square feet of bowl and street elements at
                          Lakeway Skate Park, a free and public complex
                          dedicated to concrete adventures. Also on site:
                          the City of Lakeway Swim Center, waterpark,
                          climbing wall, Canyonlands Trails (with primitive
                          hiking), basketball, volleyball, and picnic tables.

                          It’s not just a birds-eye view but the entire
                          winged-creature experience at Lake Travis Zipline
                          Adventures, where fun for all ages includes five
                          zip lines, including the three longest and fastest in
                          all of Texas! Take flight at Cypress Valley Canopy
                          Tours, an eco-adventure that sends you soaring
                          through old-growth cypress trees, some up to 100
                          feet tall. You’re going to love the sky bridge!

                          The perfect lake-vacation blend of land and water
                          recreation, Lake Travis’s public parks offer plenty
                          of reason to park your car, step away from the
                          boat, and head out into the great landed outdoors.

                          Take your four-legged friends out to play Bee
                          Cave Central Dog Park and Lakeway Bark Park,
                          or explore together at Pace Bend Park, the area’s
                          largest park and a popular spot for beach-going
                          and exploring its many trailheads. Or, swap big
                          for small at Sandy Creek Park, set on 92 acres of
                          quiet cove and promising wooded shoreline walks,
                          a serene setting, and rare birdwatching.

When you really want to step outside your comfort          provides a challenge for any skill level. You can
 zone (or step back into it, depending!), Hippie Hollow     also tee up at the Arnold Palmer-designed Palmer
 Park delivers the only clothing-optional park in Texas.    Lakeside Golf Course, a satellite course planned
                                                            around dramatic elevation changes, native flora, and a
     TIP: You’ll want to wear at least some shoes to
     climb the famous limestone cliffs and reach one
     of the lake’s most scenic photo ops.
 If the temperature spikes and you can’t wait any longer    Scenic Texas Hill Country plays scenic backdrop to
 to jump in, enjoy the lakefront at Mansfield Dam Park,     the Elevation Athletic Club (formerly, the World of
 perhaps best loved for its swim cove and scuba diving      Tennis Sports Complex), where world-class tennis
 (with underwater dive platforms and an underwater          competitions have hosted legends like Jimmy Connors
 trail, to boot!) Bob Wentz Park is another favorite,       and Martina Navratilova, Pete Sampras and Todd
 thanks to its sandy beach, windsurfing, sailing, and       Martin. Today, the World of Tennis hosts a very active
 scuba offerings.                                           schedule and features 16 outdoor courts (12 lighted for
                                                            evening play), plus 2 climate-controlled indoor courts,
 Swing                                                      a full-service fitness facility, spa operations, and more.
 The Lake Travis lifestyle is so entwined with our area’s
 many greens and courts, we could almost say it             Hone your skills at Lakecliff Racquet Club, home to
 dresses in golf khakis and tennis whites.                  French open-style clay courts, hard courts, and all
                                                            manner of tennis classes, from cardio tennis to clinics
 Golf                                                       for kids and adults, alike. Facilities also include a pool
 South Lake Travis is a golfer’s dream, with plenty of      and clubhouse, plus a fitness area and kids’ playscape.
 public and private courses to fill your days. And be
 sure to check out our very own Birdies by the Lake         Swim
 Golf Classic! Check out the details and registration, at   As the mercury climbs, there’s no better respite than                                      jumping into cool and refreshing waters. Even if a dip in
                                                            the lake itself isn’t quite your speed, you’ll enjoy Lake
 Test your skills – and your green-for-environmentalist     Travis’s many spring-fed, manmade, and courtesy-of-
 credentials – at Spanish Oaks Golf Club (membership        Mother Nature swimming spots.
 by invitation), the #3 golf course in Texas (per Golf
 Digest) and one of the most eco-friendly courses           When it comes to natural wonders, we’ll start with
 in the state. Sharpen your skills at the members-          two must-visits: Hamilton Pool Preserve (reservations
 only Lakecliff on Lake Travis, a par-71 course             required), one of our greatest treasures: a waterfall and
 that challenges beginners and experts alike, while         natural pool, crowned by stalactites and surrounded
 overlooking stunning Hill Country panoramas. Tee up        by lush greenery and limestone slabs. Next, pack your
 at Escondido, a par-71 private course offering challenge   floaties and head down to the spring-fed, underground
 and natural backdrops, plus close tee-to-green             natural pools and springs at Krause Springs.
 relationships and minimal cross hazards.
                                                            In the mood for aquatic diversions of the chlorinated
 The Hills of Lakeway Country Club offers members           variety? Lakeway Swim Center delivers, with a family
 a chance to play through 72 holes on several private       leisure pool (and zero-depth entry) and a heated,
 courses, including Flintrock Falls – 18 holes, designed    six-lane lap pool, plus a frog slide, lily pads, and
 by Jack Nicklaus and Jack Nicklaus II – and The            body slides for the young and young-at-heart. Up
 Hills Signature Course, a par-72 course designed           your adrenaline at Waterloo Adventures, a floating
 by Jack Nicklaus and home to some of the most              waterpark and private island with two football fields’
 scenic golfing views in Texas. Also within the Hills of    worth of aquatic obstacles and plenty of on-land
 Lakeway portfolio: Yaupon Golf Course, a picturesque       family fun.
 championship course featuring 18 holes of unique
 challenges; and Live Oak Golf Course, with 6,847           Whatever your pleasure and however you find your fun,
 yards of well-groomed, tree-lined fairways and             Lake Travis offers the hikes and bikes, canopy flights
 dramatic views.                                            and tennis matches, golf greens and skate parks to
                                                            fuel any kind of outdoor diversion.
 In town for a visit – or not yet ready to make a golf-
 green commitment? The public Falconhead Golf
 Course, designed by the PGA Tour Design Center,

22       Lake Travis, TX Community Guide

        or all who live at and vacation on Lake Travis, environmental stewardship is one of our
        greatest responsibilities – and greatest honors. This is our lake, your lake. The decisions we
        make today affect the life, panoramas, and recreation of tomorrow.

Lake Travis is more than a sun-drenched dedication to water sports and outdoor pursuits: Ours is
the largest of the Highland Lakes and an irreplaceable natural resource, supplying water to more
than two million Central Texas homes and powering the economic engine of Texas tourism.

       Our resources must be protected. The Central Texas Water Coalition (CTWC) is a
       nonprofit organization that advocates for Lake Travis – and for you, whether you’re here
       for a visit or to stay. Among other projects, the CTWC:
         • Encourages responsible water management policies that minimize fire risks, risks to
           the drinking water supply, and adverse economic impacts from very low lake levels;
         • Supports equitable water pricing, to encourage conservation; and
         • Promotes the use of scientific data in water management decision-making.

       Water is the source of life. And, while it can almost seem like there’s a never-ending
       supply – just open the tap, right? – the reality is that Texas’ population growth, paired
       with unreliable rainfall, will pose a serious threat to our drinking water supply, public
       health and safety, and the economy.

       How You Can Help
       We can’t control rainfall but we can modify our behaviors. We can plan for the future. We
       can advocate for responsible and forward-thinking water resources management. And
       we can be trustworthy stewards of Lake Travis, during floods, droughts, and our more
       populous new normal.

       The CTWC coalition partners with more than 3,000 Texas residents, businesses, local
       government representatives, property owner associations, environmental interests, and
       concerned citizens – all, united through a shared commitment to protect our future
       through responsible water management and conservation. Will you join us?

       For more information or to support CTWC, visit:

Your Life,
      Your Lifestyle:
      AT LAKE

24   Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
Senior Living at Lake Travis
           ith world-class amenities, miles of scenic shoreline, and year-round mild weather,

 W         Lake Travis epitomizes the senior lifestyle: a well-deserved reward for a life well-lived.
           And, while we really don’t think you’ll have any trouble occupying your time, here are a
           few of our favorite activities, hobbies, and pursuits to keep you busy, when needed.

Walk and Bike                                       Swim, Boat, and Fish
Living at Lake Travis is a year-round invitation    Swimming – easy on the joints, while engaging
to get outside and stay active. And for our         all of the body’s large muscle groups – is both
retired community members, there’s no better        enjoyable and golden years-friendly: Practice
place to start than on our trails: Low-impact       your balance (with no chance of falling),
hiking and biking, whether it’s around the          build bone density (and reduce your risk of
block, a nature hike by the lake, or biking to      osteoporosis), and get in your daily movement
breathtaking landscapes.                            (without aggravating aching joints). Work in
                                                    your daily strokes at the Lakeway Swim
Start your sojourn with a stroll through the        Center (laps and water aerobics classes) or
Canyonlands, Lakeway’s most extensive trail         simply dive into the nearest cove!
network: Your choice of hiking or mountain
biking trails that wend by Rough Hollow Cove,       Want to get onto the water, not into the water?
spiral into picturesque canyon, and summit          Canoeing and kayaking promise both great
scenic overlooks. Next, gear up and head            exercise and even greater nature-watching.
into the wilds of Pace Bend Park, home to           Want to do more than paddle? Then, grab your
spectacular views of Lake Travis and the Hill       pole and favorite bait, and walk or trawl the
Country. For a more urban workout, hit the          banks of Lake Travis in search of your next
2.5-mile Village of Briarcliff Trails, which        greatest catch. Don’t own a boat? No problem;
curves through parkland and lochs, or hit           canoe, kayak, and boat rentals are available
the Lakeway Boulevard Hike & Bike Trail,            just about everywhere.
a sidewalk-and-gravel path that meanders
through the community.                              Volunteer
                                                    With more free time comes more opportunity.
  For more hiking and biking opportunities          At Lake Travis, vast volunteer opportunities
  around Lake Travis, please see our feature        open the door to many known and novel ways
  article, Ride, Park, Swing & Swim (page #).       to help people, while also getting out of the
                                                    house, engaging with your community, and
Sport and Club                                      making new friends.
Stay social, stay active, and stay sharp at Lake
Travis’ community centers and gathering spots,      Volunteer at the Lake Travis ISD, community
providing diverse opportunities to socialize, get   events, your local library, a hospital or nursing
moving, and engage your brain.                      home, your neighborhood food bank, or the
                                                    Ladies of Lake Travis Thrift Shop, among other
The Lakeway Activity Center offers a range of       opportunities. You’ll not only fill your days, but
clubs and groups, including mahjong, bridge,        fulfill your purpose. Because people like you,
quilting, bingo, singing, painting, wildflower-     who bring valued experience and the desire to
picking, and dancing. Visit the Bee Cave            make change happen, are always needed.
Library and sign up for their book club, knitting
club, lunch-and-learn, and other programs.          Get Out There!
The Lake Travis Community Library also              They’re called the Golden Years for a reason:
offers dynamic and engaging programs, from          Now is the time – the earned golden hour – to
book clubs and memoir writing to a knitting         do the things you love. So, get out there. Revive
club, investment club, and monthly speakers’        old passions and discover new ones. Make
forum. And, stretch your limitations at the         a list and then, dive on in. And enjoy every
Spicewood Community Center, with weekly             moment along the way!
yoga classes and a full calendar of events.

 Accounting & Tax Related                    Attorneys                                   BancorpSouth Bank                      Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool
                                                                                         (512) 263-4130                         (512) 261-3633
 Balanced Business Services LLC              Leslie Henges Dolliver, PLLC                3500 RR 620 South, Suite 100D          1501 Lohmans Crossing
 (512) 828-7872                              (512) 263-5665                              Austin, TX 78738                       Lakeway, TX 78758
 1200 Lakeway Dr., Ste 20                    3700 Ranch Rd. 620 South Suite A           
 Lakeway, TX 78734                           Austin, TX 78738                                 First United Bank                      Chiropractors
                                                                                         (512) 261-9730
 Curley LLC                                  Neal Hardin Law, PLLC                       1913 RR 620 South, Suite. 100          Arise Family and Injury Chiropractic
 (512) 261-4241                              (512) 502-8514                              Lakeway, TX 78734                      (512) 263-9961
 2101 Lakeway Blvd., Suite 110               3404 Normandy Ridge Lane                                  11614 Bee Cave Rd., Suite 110
 Lakeway, TX 78734                           Austin, TX 78738                                                                   Austin, TX 78738                                        Frost Bank
                                                                                         (512) 473-4955                         Elite Wellness Chiropractic
 John G. Pearce, Attorney - CPA              Putonti Law Firm, PLLC                      12532 FM 2244, Suite 150               (512) 297-2288
 (512) 441-1411 x109                         (512) 954-9620                              Bee Cave, TX 78738                     12101 Bee Cave Rd., Suite 5B
 8310 N. Capital of Texas Highway, #150      12912 Hill Country Blvd., Suite F-210                      Austin, TX 78738
 Austin, TX 78731                            Austin, TX 78738                                                                                                    Prosperity Bank
                                                                                         (512) 261-1122                         Empower Family Chiropractic
 Mark Taylor, CPA                            Thrash, Carroll & Vanway Law Group          1415 RR 620 South                      (512) 956-6970
 (512) 261-3218                              (512) 263-5400                              Austin, TX 78734                       2951 Ranch Rd., 620 South, Suite 106
 PO Box 340024, Suite 20                     3 Lakeway Centre Ct., Suite. 200                Austin, TX 78738
 Lakeway, TX 78734                           Austin, TX 78734                                                                                      Security State Bank & Trust
 W Tom Robinson CPA, PC
                                                                                         (512) 264-9900                         Churches
                                             Auto Parts                                  3610 Pace Bend Rd., South              ACTS Church Lakeway
 (512) 795-4500                                                                          Spicewood, TX 78669
 12604 Monterey Path                         MADNESS Autoworks                                                                  (512) 263-8175
                                             (512) 982-9393                                           1304 RR 620 North
 Austin, TX 78732                22108 SH 71 W                                                                      Austin, TX 78734
                                             Spicewood, TX 78669                         SouthStar Bank               
                                                       (512) 263-5900
 Advertising/Promotional                                                                 “3490 S. Ranch Rd. 620                 Austin Christian Fellowship Lake Travis
 Products                                    Auto Repair                                 Bee Cave, TX 78738                     (512) 381-5700
 Cabeza Advertising, LLC                                                                         6401 River Place Blvd.,
                                             Epps Body & Paint                                                                  Austin, TX 78730
 (512) 771-0079                              (512) 263-3221
 2121 Lohman’s Crossing Rd., Suite 504-190                                               Texas Regional Bank          
                                             14503 Hwy 71 West                           (512) 291-3398
 Lakeway, TX 78734                           Bee Cave, TX 78738                                                               3944 Ranch Rd., 620 S., Bldg. 4        Church of the Cross Lake Travis
                                                                                         Bee Cave, TX 78738                     (512) 695-2803
                                             Lakeway Texaco, LLC                             P.O.Box 340821
 Classic Forms and Products, Inc             (512) 261-6633
 (512) 284-8437                                                                                                                 Austin, TX 78734
                                             2200 Lakeway Boulevard                                                   
 300 S. Lamar Blvd., Suite 206               Lakeway, TX 78734                           Boat Sales & Service
 Austin, TX 78704                                                                        Austin Boats & Motors                                                                       (512) 263-2811                         Hope Rock Church at Lake Travis
                                             QualTech Automotive                                                                (512) 276-8851
                                             (512) 263-2600                              1208 RR 620 South
 DDM Marketing & Consulting LLC                                                          Lakeway, TX 78734                      3324 Ranch Rd., 620 South
                                             13925 W Hwy 71                                                                     Lakeway, TX 78734
 (512) 782-4712                              Bee Cave, TX 78738                
 315 Highland Village                                                                                                 
 Lakeway, TX 78738                           Sun Auto Service                            Carefree Boat Club                                                                 1908 Moeta Dr.                         Lakeway Church
                                             (512) 225-6330                                                                     (512) 261-6331
                                             1206 Ranch Rd., 620 N                       Austin, TX 78734
 Impression Edge                                                                                                                2203 Lakeway Blvd.
                                             Lakeway, TX 78734                                                                  Lakeway, TX 78734
 (512) 266-8490                                                                          Marine Max Sail & Ski Center Lakeway
 1310 RR 620 South, Suite B5                                                             (512) 266-1515               
 Austin, TX 78734                            Auto Sales & Service                        1106 Ranch Rd., 620 North                      Sewell Jaguar Land Rover North Austin       Lakeway, TX 78734                      Spirit in the Hills Lutheran Church
                                             (214) 366-7375                                         (512) 294-2884
 Air Conditioning & Heating                  3860 W. Northwest Hwy., Suite 104                                                  2106 Bee Creek Rd.
                                             Dallas, TX 75220                                                                   Spicewood, TX 78669
 TemperaturePro Austin                Car Dealership               
 (512) 953-5822                                                                          Lexus of Lakeway
 14707 Fitzhugh Rd / A100                                                                (512) 580-0600                         Civic Organizations
 Austin, TX 78736                            Bakery                                      108 Ranch Rd., 620 S                FoliePop’s LLC                              Lakeway, TX 78734                      Cleaning Services
                                             13420 Galleria Circle, Suite A 140                 Anago of Austin
 Apartments                                  Austin, TX 78738                                                                   (512) 377-9991
                                                                                                     11754 Jollyville Rd., Suite 103
 Avanti Hills at the Galleria                                                            Car Wash                               Austin, TX 78759
 (512) 263-2500                                                                          Suds Deluxe Car Wash and Lube Center
 12601 Bee Caves                             Banks & Credit Unions                       (512) 466-3856
 Bee Cave, TX 78738                          A+ Federal Credit Union                     1110 Ranch Rd., 620 North              Lakeway/Lake Travis Rotary Club                      (512) 302-6800                              Lakeway, TX 78734                      (512) 266-5877
                                             3600 RR 620 S., Suite D                                PO Box 342288
 Travis at the Lake Apartments               Bee Cave, TX 78738                                                                 Lakeway, TX 78734
 (512) 675-5253                                                                             
 2208 N. FM 620 Rd.
                                                                                         Carpet Cleaning
 Austin, TX 78734                            Anthem Bank & Trust                         Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning                     (512) 261-0035                              (512) 264-2504                         Co-Working
                                             2300 Lohmans Spur, Suite 180                409 Fife Dr.                           Fuse workspace
 Aquatic Therapy/Physical                    Austin, TX 78734                            Briarcliff, TX 78669                   (512) 717-0058
                                                              14425 Falcon Head Blvd., Suite E
 Therapy                                                                                                                        Austin, TX 78738
 Lakeway Aquatic Physical Therapy            Austin Telco Federal Credit Union           Catering                     
 (512) 261-0620                              (512) 302-5555
 900 Ranch Road 620 South, Suite A103                                                    Two Spoons
                                             1603 RR 620 South                           (512) 745-1517                         Commercial Leasing/
 Austin, TX 78734                            Lakeway, TX 78734                                                                  Hotels/Motels                                                                 7212 HWY 71 West
                                                                  Austin , TX 78735                      Property Leasing &
 Architectural Design &                      Broadway National Bank                                                             Management
                                             (512) 465-6598                                                                     Real Estate/Vacation
 Building                                    12101 Bee Caves Road, Bldg. 3               Childcare
 Hobbs’ Ink,LLC                              Bee Cave, TX 78738                          ChampionsTX Gymnastics and Parkour |
 (512) 261-6226                                               Explorers Adventure School             Oberg Properties
 3595 Ranch Rd. 620 South, Suite 225                                                     (512) 970-8838                         (512) 263-5200
 Bee Cave, TX 78738                                                                      2105 Ranch Rd., 620 South              1107 RR 620 South                                                                        Lakeway, TX 78734                      Austin, TX 78734
26            Lake Travis, TX Community Guide
Membership Directory
Communication                                 Floor Coverings International Lakeway          Central Texas Pediatric Dentistry, PAC        The Goddard School
                                              311 RR 620 S., Suite 211                       (830) 613-9932                                512-586-5657
Audrey Lee Ryan, Ghostwriting & Content       Austin, TX 78734                               1008 RR 620 S, Suite201                       301 Medical Parkway
(512) 520-4821                                                                               Lakeway, TX 78734                             Lakeway, TX 78734
202 Duffy Ln.                                 Posh Floors                                               
Austin, TX 78738                              (512) 551-8323                         15500 West Hwy 71, Suite 330                   Eaddy Family Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry   KLA Schools of Sweetwater
                                              Bee Cave, TX 78738                             (512) 263-4252                                (512) 900-3581
Community Organizations                                         900 Ranch Road 620 S., Suite C-200            18101 W. Hwy 71
Bee Cave Public Library                                                                      Austin, TX 78734                              Austin, TX 78738
(512) 767-6620                                Austintatious Blinds & Shutters                  
4000 Galleria Parkway                         (512) 608-0302
Bee Cave, TX 78738                            12918 Shops Parkway, Suite 700                                                               International School of Texas                           Austin, TX 78738                                                                             (512) 351-3403
                                                                                                      4402 Hudson Bend
Better Business Bureau                                                                                                                     Austin, TX 78734
(512) 445-4748                                Lake Travis Builders, LP                                                           
1005 La Posada Dr.                            (512) 547-4243
Austin, TX 78752-3815                         1415 Ranch Rd. 620 South, Suite 203                                                          Huntington Learning Center                            Austin, TX 78734                                                                             (512) 301-7880
                                                                                                       13011 Shops Parkway, Suite 300
Ladies of Charity Lake Travis Thrift Shop                                                         Over 20 Years Experience                 Bee Cave, TX 78738
(512) 263-0314                                Serene Hills, Ltd                                           General Dentistry      
1508 Ranch Rd., 620 S, Suite 105              (512) 689-0485
Lakeway, TX 78734                             28 Cousteau Ln.                                        Dental Implants Full Mouth            Lake Hills Montessori Bee Cave                      Austin, TX 78746                                             Reconstruction                  (512) 263-5585
                                                                        Porcelain Veneers/Crowns             3930 FM 620 South
Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                            Austin, TX 78734
(512) 387-3180                                Storm Guard of South West Austin             
14425 Falcon Head Blvd., Bldg. E, Suite 100   (512) 843-0078
Austin, TX 78738                              2009 Ranch Road 620 North, Suite 810                     Austin, TX 78734
Lake Travis Community Library District                                                          Robert D’Alfonso, DDS, PA
(512) 263-2885                                Zbranek & Holt Custom Homes                       Robert D’Alfonso
1938 Lohmans Crossing                         (512) 261-0444                                    (512) 402-9399
Austin, TX 78734                              2220 Lakeway Blvd., Suite 100                     401 Ranch Rd., 620 South, #300                     Austin, TX 78734                                  Lakeway, TX 78734
                                                                                 (512) 533-6000
Lake Travis Youth Association
(512) 261-1900                                Consultants                                                                                        3322 RR 620 S. Austin, TX 78738
                                                                                             Paradigm Dental
2101 Lakeway Blvd., Ste. 115                  Library Interiors of Texas                     (512) 992-2822                          
Lakeway, TX 78734                             (512) 964-2790                                 12912 Hill Country Blvd., Suite F-205                       aspxPageID=1                                  3503 Wild Cherry Dr., Bldg 4                   Austin, TX 78735
                                              Lakeway, TX 78738                    
Spicewood Arts Society              
(512) 264-2820                                                                               Serene Hills Dentistry                        Lake Travis Education Foundation
9408B Hwy 71 East                             ParTeeWine, Scout & Cellar Independent         (512) 334-0345                                (512) 533-6095
Spicewood, TX 78669                           Consultant                                     5329 Serene HIlls Dr., Suite 104              P.O. Box 340759                         (512) 791-3653                                 Lakeway, TX 78738                             Austin, TX 78734
                                              105 Lido St.                                 
                                              Lakeway, TX 78734
Conference Room Rental              
Antebellum Oaks Venue                                                                        Shipp Family Dentistry                        Primrose School of Bee Cave
(512) 426-2428                                                                               (512) 368-6165                                (512) 263-0388
                                              The Wilbanks Group Inc.                        1945 Medical Dr., Suite 200                   3801 Juniper Trace
14913 Murfin Rd.                              (512) 423-0049
Austin, TX 78734                                                                             Lakeway, TX 78734                             Bee Cave, TX 78738
                                              PO Box 342693                                                         Lakeway, TX 78734
                                                                                             SkyRidge Dental                               Primrose School of Lakeway
Construction/Home                             ZenBusiness                                    (512) 402-9090                                (512) 960-5245
Improvement/Engineering                       (512) 814-6420                                 3315 Ranch Rd., 620 South, Suite 250          601 S RR 620
                                              702 San Antonio St.                            Lakeway, TX 78738                             Lakeway, TX 78734
Renewal by Andersen                           Austin, TX 78701
(512) 717-4879                                                                                   
2100 Kramer Ln., Suite 600
Austin, TX 78758                                                                             Stacy Miller, DDS                             Tutor Doctor Lakeway                           Consultants                                    (512) 263-1661                                (512) 550-9924
                                              Accounting & Tax Related                       One Lakeway Centre Ct., Suite A               4520 Mont Blanc Dr.
Austin TouchStone Builders LLC                Financial Services                             Austin, TX 78734                              Bee Cave, TX 78738”
(512) 428-6224                                                                             
2121 Lohmans Crossing Rd., Suite 504
                                              Life Insurance
Lakeway, TX 78734                             Mitchell & Associates Investment Consultants   Dermatology                                   Vault Prep              (512) 266-5877                                                                               (214) 883-1007
                                              1202 Pike Rd.                                  Fresh Dermatology                             1250 South Capital of Texas Highway
                                              Austin, TX 78734                               (512) 615-5600                                Building 3, 4th floor
Bath Fitter                                                                                  1008 Ranch Rd., 620 South, Suite 101
(512) 502-5226                                                                                      Austin, TX 78746
                                                                                             Lakeway, TX 78734                   
9222 Burnet Rd., Suite 103                                                         
Austin, TX 78758                              Turner Wealth Management, Inc.                            (512) 382-9554                                                                               Event Planning
                                              1008 Ranch Rd., 620 South, Suite 202           Longhorn Dermatology
                                              Lakeway, TX 78734                              (512) 961-5250                                Event and Lifestyle Management
Pella Doors and Windows of Central Texas                                                     4900 Bee Creek Rd., Suite 101                 (512) 693-9917
(847) 770-1665                      
                                                                                             Spicewood, TX 78669                           4100 W Slaughter Lane
9222 Burnet Rd., Suite 106                                                                                   Austin, TX 78749
Austin, TX 78758                              Day Spa                                                                            
                                              Nail Garden Austin                             Education
3M Austin Center                              (512) 330-4858
(512) 984-6561                                                                               College Inroads                               Financial & Investment
                                              3500 RR 620 South, Suite E-100                                                               Services
6801 Riverplace Blvd., 130-5N-07              Bee Cave, TX 78738                             (512) 200-3626
Austin, TX 78726-9000                                      2303 RR620S #160-238                          BB&T now Truist                                                                            Austin, TX 78734                              (512) 861-4005
                                                                                                           12301 Bee Cave Parkway
Austin Engineering Co., Inc.                  Dental                                                                                       Bee Cave, TX 78738
(512) 327-1464                                Austin Hills Dental                            Events by Collette                  
P.O. Box 342349                               (512) 263-3330                                 (415) 860-3211
Austin, TX 78734                              3900 Ranch Rd., 620 South, Suite106            2302 Gila Pass                                 Austin, TX 78738                               Austin, TX 78734

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