Lack of success in improving farm animal health and welfare demands reflections on the role of animal science
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Sundrum (2020) · L A N D B A U F O R S C H · J Sustainable Organic Agric Syst · 70(1):11–16 DOI:10.3220/LBF1590333104000 11 P O S I T I O N PA P E R Lack of success in improving farm animal health and welfare demands reflections on the role of animal science Albert Sundrum 1 Received: September 30, 2019 Revised: December 9, 2019 Accepted: January 21, 2020 © private Albert Sundrum K E Y W O R D S complexity, conflicting aims, fitting, scientific knowledge, action knowledge, system approach 1 Description of problem same predominant approaches. Here, it is hypothesised that unsolved conflicts between different interests on different Animal health and welfare (AHW) of farm animals is a highly scales are a major cause for the lack of improvements in AHW. complex issue involving the interests of various stakeholders Some of the conflicting areas are outlined below. and conflicts between important societal goals. First of all, farm animals have an inherent interest to sustain their life 2 Farm animals want to survive and prevent themselves from suffering pain or harm. Also, farmers, consumers, and animal scientists have a great inter- One of the main requirements of all living systems is adapt- est in the AHW issue. Although decades of efforts by various ability to existing or changing living conditions. What makes disciplines of animal science have provided progress in vari a difference between biological evolution and animal hus- ous fields, they have not led to substantial improvements of bandry is the fact that in the latter humans are responsible AHW in farm practice, not even under the enhanced mini- for the design of living conditions and the setting of the pro- mum standards of organic agriculture (Krieger et al., 2017). duction goals, thus framing the interactions between farm Researchers of animal welfare can claim, at best, that the AHW animals and their living conditions. Survival depends on the situation would have been far worse without scientific efforts ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environ- (LeBlanc, 2013). Indeed, research work has created an enor- ment (e.g. body temperature, blood glucose) for this enables mous amount of scientific knowledge, but while filling many optimal functionality of vital systems during times of external libraries, little of this theoretical know-how about nearly environmental fluctuations and perturbations. Adaptation context-independent biological and physiological laws and involves a series of orchestrated behavioural, physiologi regularities has been successfully implemented on farms. cal, and metabolic changes which rely on the availability of This contrasts with the enormous investments in the research adequate resources (e.g. nutrients) as well as sufficient pro- on improving AHW. Regardless of reasons, be it inappropri- tection against abiotic (heat, cold) and biotic stressors (con ate knowledge or insufficient implementation, this contrast specifics, microbial pathogens). In theoretical biology, an questions any further spending of huge amounts of public enduring tradition referred to as ‘self-determination’ places money on scientific efforts that stubbornly proceed with the heavy emphasis on the idea that biological systems employ 1 University of Kassel, Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Health, Germany C O N TA C T:
Sundrum (2020) · L A N D B A U F O R S C H · J Sustainable Organic Agric Syst · 70(1):11–16 12 a systematic constitutive organisation, the effects of which success depends not only on the environment as a whole contribute to the determination and maintenance of its exis- and the responsiveness of the whole organism but on the tential conditions (Montévil and Mossio, 2015). interactions between both at the individual level (Sundrum, Different concepts and terms describing changing regu 2015). It is hardly possible to model this process, let alone latory systems have been coined. From these, allostasis, obtain information that allows for a dependable prediction meaning ’stability through change‘, has become most widely of outcomes. However, adaptive success can be assessed used (Sterling, 2012). Regulatory mechanisms must change, retrospectively based on the time periods in which an animal for instance, in the transition period of dams from pregnancy was free of signs of production diseases. Even though being to lactation, to maintain or achieve a state appropriate for the disease-free is a necessary but not sufficient condition for individual animal for the time of day or year, in response to well-being, the prevention of diseases associated with pain, disturbances, and in relation to individual requirements. Mal- suffering, and harm is a sine qua none and has utmost priority adaptive and inefficient responses to the complex challenges when striving for a high level of AHW. presented by the living conditions lead to dysfunction and disease, indicating that the ability of the animal to cope is 4 Conflicting areas at the farm, regional, overstrained (Sundrum, 2015). Thus, adaptive responses are an essential means of survival. and national level Modern animal production is mainly based on economic prin- 3 Competition between animals and in ciples. A low level of production diseases is not considered an overriding and independent production goal. Instead, dis- animal’s metabolism eases are often perceived as an undesirable but apparent- Deficiencies in resources and/or protection cause compe ly unavoidable side-effect of the production processes. The tition between farm animals, not least at the feeding trough. number of animals in a herd completely unable or insufficient- Additionally, competition exists within an organism at meta- ly able to cope with their surrounding corresponds with the bolic level. Glucose, for example, plays a central role in dairy efforts of management to provide the needed resources and cows, for which both lactocytes and leukocytes are com protection measures. Appropriate allocation of resources is peting. An increase in demand imposed by milk synthesis or essential for both high productivity and minimal level of pro- inflammation can cause a mismatch in the regulation of glu- duction diseases. However, such efforts are time-consuming cose allocation and plays an important role in postpartum and costly and do not automatically pay out economically. immune dysfunction (Sundrum, 2019). With increased milk Many farmers are not fully aware of AHW problems on their production and demand for glucose, fertility declines (Spen- farms, but many also choose blissful ignorance to avoid their cer, 2013) and digital adipose cushion in hoof tissue decreases, own responsibility in dealing with unpleasant situations for resulting in more hoof lesions and lameness (Oikonomou et which they see few options (Gigerenzer and Garcia-Retame- al., 2014). Pushing the animal to produce more milk, meat, or ro, 2017). A problem that is not fully perceived as such and eggs causes both increasing AHW problems and a decline not approached cannot be solved. The fact that failure and of functionality (Rodenburg and Turner, 2012). While the preventive costs are production disease-related and strong- death of an animal indicates an irreversible breakdown of ly affect the economic viability of the farm system is often adaptation, clinical signs of diseases, with different degrees also ignored (van Soest et al., 2019). Thus, the capability of of severity, often precede death. Primarily depending on the farm animals to survive, grow, reproduce, and cope with the gap, the responses tend to be either adaptive and promote living conditions play a major role in the sustainability of the overall fitness or non-adaptive and variously increase the risk livestock system (Blanc et al., 2006). In light of the conflict- of becoming ill or dying, emphasising the ambivalent nature ing aims between productivity and animal protection, where of stress. one can suffer to some degree at the expense of the other, Sensitivity to well-being and the perception of threats an optimal balance between both is the only way forward. are highly individual (self-referential), depending, amongst However, a self-referential assessment by farmers relying on other things, on size, ranking order, or gender. Animals take their own subjective estimations about what might be good advantage of past experiences to prepare for potential chal- for the animals and the sustainability of the farm enterprise lenges and ameliorate them before they occur (Ramsay and is not forward-looking. On the one hand, it is important for Woods, 2016). Behaviours, e.g. avoiding the aggressions farmers to compare cause-effect relationships on their farm of dominant animals, are not ends in themselves but are with those on other farms. On the other hand, livestock farm- functionally intended to enable an organism to protect itself ing is characterised by a wide range of variables and their and stay alive (Gygax, 2017). Individual learning on the basis interconnectedness, affecting animal health and welfare in of past experience enables anticipatory responses. Corre- different ways. Thus, farms are ranging from very poor wel- spondingly, an individual animal is the reference system for fare situations to those where farmers are doing a very good the appropriateness of the living conditions. The number job to protect farm animals from suffering. In general, the of possible stressor combinations simultaneously challeng- level of AHW is largely independent from the performance ing farm animals is infinite. Possible reactions of the animals level (Cook et al., 2015) or the production method (Krieger et to the same or different stressors vary greatly due to the al., 2017). This indicates that AHW is an animal protection ser- large variations in the adaptation capacities. Thus, adaptive vice which results from the entirety of processes taking place
Sundrum (2020) · L A N D B A U F O R S C H · J Sustainable Organic Agric Syst · 70(1):11–16 13 within an individual farm system (Sundrum, 2018). To provide not necessarily dispute but rather the search for consistency animal protection services, farm managers must ensure that within their own fields. The challenge for scientists is to put living conditions are adapted to the needs of each animal to aside self-interest and strive for impartiality, independence, prevent excessive strain on their adaptability, which would and unbiased views. As far as the author is aware, interdis- lead to disturbed animal health and behaviour. Thus, valid ciplinary dispute seldom takes place within agricultural and statements require a systemic, functional, and result-oriented animal science. approach. The Welfare Quality® Project, funded by the EU Com- A scale ranging from very low to very high mortality rate mission, is the most ambitious attempt at interdisciplinary and prevalence of production diseases in relation to the per- discourse concerning animal welfare. About 44 scientif- formance service per farm unit provides orientation. Whether ic institutions from different countries and disciplines were intrinsically motivated or forced by economic reasons, farm involved (Welfare Quality Network, 2009). It has created spe- management needs to know where and how to direct its cies-specific protocols to assess animal welfare at the farm efforts and allocate available resources. While production is level. Although the attempt is honourable, the results are not easily quantifiable, the success of animal protection is not, or convincing for various reasons. The protocols are the result at least only by the degree of maladaptation in the form of of a compromise to include all criteria agreed to be AHW- mortality and morbidity rates in a farm system. relevant by the involved scientists and pragmatic aspects Accordingly, farmers should strive for the optimum bal- striving for repeatable assessment results on AHW in the sta- ance between production and animal protection. The degree ble. The concept necessarily excludes other perspectives, of the quality of animal protection could be categorised and thus revealing a self-referential anthropomorphic approach. communicated to retailers and consumers. Benchmarking The approach follows the perspectives of selected scientific would offer an appropriate approach to provide orientation disciplines but disregards both the inherent aim of animals when establishing farm-specific target figures and simulta- to survive and the self-referential assessment of animals on neously deal with the issue of unfair competition. The current their well-being in any given situation. lack of benchmarking of farm services can be seen as one of While the AHW-relevant criteria mentioned above the main barriers to fair competition and investment in the are essential for assessments and decisions made by farm improvement of AHW. management, it should not be disregarded that they only indicate rather than explain the underlying processes. The 5 Role of animal science selection of those criteria implies that other aspects of the problem under study are ignored. This applies to both ani- One task of science is to seek facts and provide understanding. mal- and farm-related criteria, such as enhanced minimum Different groups of scientists coming to opposing conclusions standards. It logically follows that selected criteria often on the basis of the same facts contradicts scientific principles. have insufficient explanatory and no predictive power for Such contradictions would be expected to lead to a funda- overarching aims. Selection of criteria touches upon a core mental scientific dispute. However, this does not seem to be problem of biology (Cassirer, 2000): the ’part-whole-problem’. the case in agricultural and animal science. An expounding Within an organism, the different parts and subsystems are example related to the current issue is given by Fraser (2008); not separate from each other but are self- and mutually rein- here, different groups of prominent scientists reviewed sci- forcing and work together towards the same goal: to keep the entific literature about the welfare of sows in gestation stalls organism alive. There is no part that does not need the sup- and delivered contradicting recommendations. This address- port and cooperation of nearly all other parts. Consequently, es a dilemma that threatens ‘to throw animal welfare science an organism cannot be fully understood without considering into disarray‘. According to Fraser (2008), ’different scientists the purpose behind the biological processes. Adaptation is a adopted the different value-based views of animal welfare – functional and target-oriented process involving the whole basic health and functioning, natural living, and affective organism. Correspondingly, behaviour and emotional states states – as the rationale for different scientific approaches to are not ends in themselves but a means to an end. Whether assessing and improving animal welfare'. an organism adequately responds to challenges cannot be Science is certainly not completely value-free, and scien- deduced from single parts. The same applies to the farm sys- tists are not free of self-interest as they compete for research tem, within which each subsystem is embedded (Sundrum, funding. Experts necessarily perceive problems and solu- 2015). The entirety of the system can only be understood tions from within their professional paradigms. They are in through the inherent purpose of the system. capable of forming judgements beyond their specific exper- Whether processes are beneficial or not depends primari tise (Millgram, 2015). The question is not whether but to ly on the context in which they take place. Thus, they cannot what degree their perspectives and self-interests influence follow a one-size-fits-all approach but require context-specific their conclusions. Scientists have their own discipline-born external validation. The same is true for the options of balanc- perspective; impartiality and objectivity oblige them to listen ing the trade-offs between economic interests and AHW in a to other views and by so doing create inter-subjectivity. Only cost-effective manner. The Welfare Quality concept does not in this way can conflicting interests become transparent and cover the conflicting aims between production and animal understandable and the search for a balance between differ- protection services and disregards their high relevance for the ent interests initiated. However, scientists' primary interest is economic viability of the farm and management decisions.
Sundrum (2020) · L A N D B A U F O R S C H · J Sustainable Organic Agric Syst · 70(1):11–16 14 Thus, it is not able to provide action-guiding knowledge as diseases in broilers, or behavioural problems such as feather its approach towards AHW loses sight of the whole and dis pecking and cannibalism in response to fear- and stress-in- regards the inherent goals of organisms and farm systems. ducing stimuli (Rodenburg and Turner, 2012). Correspond- The functional and teleological approach is not considered ingly, farm-specific breeding goals have to consider the with regard to the AHW issue, whereas animal science has quality of available nutrients and the adaptation capacity adopted this approach when striving for the predominating of the farm animals in relation to the farm-specific living goal of increasing productivity, although without explicitly conditions (Sundrum, 2019). naming or acknowledging it. 7 Conclusion 6 Possible solution The lack of substantial improvements of AHW problems is AHW problems arise from overstressing the capacity of farm not the primary responsibility of animal science. The stagna- animals to adapt to farm-specific living conditions. The extent tion is, among other things, a result of missing guidelines and of the problem is directly linked to the lack of efforts by farm request profiles regarding the level of AHW for farmers and management to adequately provide individually required the relentless cheap-price policy in the production chain of resources and protection. Despite being legally responsible food of animal origin. Nevertheless, in light of the long-last- for ensuring appropriate living conditions for farm animals, ing unsatisfying situation, animal scientists are challenged many farmers are themselves overstrained by the funda- to reflect on the reasons behind the lack of implementation mental conflict between the goals of economic viability for of scientific knowledge and their own role in the context of the farm system and high levels of AHW. As long as various livestock production. The unilateral objective of increasing stakeholder groups (legislators, retailers, consumer, farmer performance is still predominant. Without an extension of organisations, and, last but not least, scientists) classify mor- the one-sided disciplinary foci in animal science there will be tality and production diseases as undesired but unavoidable no progress in AHW. All efforts to design future animal pro- negative side effects of production processes, thereby plac- duction should be redirected to reach the overarching goal ing responsibility solely on farm management, there is no of a sufficient productivity level in direct combination with chance of achieving broad-scope improvements in the field low mortality and prevalence of production diseases. The of AHW. Above all, to balance economic and health conflicts generation of scientific knowledge with the primary focus in animal husbandry, a low prevalence of mortality and pro- on details under standardised experimental conditions is duction diseases must first be seen as a separate production not enough. It is widely disregarding the context and the goal and then aligned with performance goals so that AHW conflicts between various interests and is not sufficiently and performance become a comprehensive production goal. suited to solve AHW problems in farm practice. Scientific AHW problems are always context-variant, depending, knowledge requires external validation in the farm-specific among other factors, on the hygienic conditions, the degree context in which the AHW problems emerge. Coping with of genetic selection for high productivity, the specific qual- biotic and abiotic environmental threats and changing living ity of the offered diet in relation to the genetic production conditions is a performance of the whole organism. Survival capacity, the individual feed intake, as well as the individual without health impairments is the strongest criteria for suc- capacity to deal with the gap between supply and demand. cessful adaptation and a high level of AHW. At the farm level, Thus, there is a need for a deductive approach, e.g. one that the rate of mortality and prevalence of production diseases involves first gaining an overview of the degree of the gap reflect the animal protection service of farm management between demand and supply and then identifying the pre- and the performance of the whole farm system in AHW. The dominant weak points in the farm-specific context. Those performance in AHW cannot be traced back to single meas- in charge need to be able to estimate the degree of AHW ures. It is resulting from the interconnectedness of various problems and the need for action in relation to other farms factors whose roles can only be estimated and understood (orientation knowledge). Furthermore, the most influencing retrospectively in a systemic approach. factors involved in the multifactorial processes, as well as estimations about the most effective and efficient strategies to overcome problems, have to be identified in the farm-spe- REFERENCES cific context (action knowledge). Farmers are challenged to reduce the biological system overload and the degree of Blanc F, Bocquier F, Agabriel J, D'hour P, Chilliard Y (2006) Adaptive abilities of the females and sustainability of ruminant livestock systems. trade-offs. A review. 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