Dairy Goat Schedule - 2021 Competitions - Ekka

Page created by William Castro
Dairy Goat Schedule - 2021 Competitions - Ekka
Dairy Goat

2021 Competitions
Dairy Goat Schedule - 2021 Competitions - Ekka
Welcome from
the President
Our competitions have been showcasing the very best of Queensland since the first Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) in

Competitions are the heart of the Show, rewarding and recognising our exhibitors, and highlighting the vital role
agriculture plays in our everyday lives.

As you know, due to the impacts of COVID-19, we made the decision last year to cancel the 2020 Ekka.

Remarkably, we were able to run eight of our competition sections in a modified format during the worldwide

More than 3,300 competition entries were received, which was pleasing to see during such an uncertain and
challenging year.

Our Young Judges, Digital Photography and Bush Poetry competitions were moved online, introducing a new
audience to our much-loved Ekka traditions.

The Digital Photography Competition was hugely successful, attracting 1,850 entries - up an incredible 2,000 per cent
on 2019.

We are planning for the gates to open this August and are delighted all 42 of our competition sections will return for
Ekka 2021.

Our virtual competitions will also stay, as we continue to embrace the digital age to expand the growth and reach of
our traditions.

In 2021, the Show will open on a Saturday (August 7), running for nine days instead of 10, maintaining two full
weekends and the Ekka public holiday.

We remain committed to showcasing our wonderful agricultural traditions and look forward to bringing our exhibitors
back together again to celebrate what makes Queensland great.

Good luck with your entries and we look forward to seeing you at our fantastic comeback 2021 Royal Queensland

David Thomas
RNA President
Dairy Goat Schedule - 2021 Competitions - Ekka

                         SATURDAY 7 – SUNDAY 15 AUGUST 2021

                                DAIRY GOATS
                                       Mr Duncan McInnes
                                 Honorary Council Steward
                                      Mr Thomas Matthews

         EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST    Monday 7 June 2021 at 5.00pm
                TO EXHIBIT CLOSE    Note: This is to assist with planning of the Pavilion and Competition

     APPLICATIONS TO ENTER CLOSE    Wednesday 21 July 2021 at 5.00pm
                                    Note: Late entries will not be accepted
    KIDDING DATES SUBMISSION BY     Friday 30 July 2021

                    ENTRY FEES      RNA Members                   $20.00 per entry
                                    Non-Members                   $24.00 per entry
                                    This year there may be restrictions on the number of entries in any class at
                                    the Committees discretion.
          DELIVERY OF EXHIBITS      Monday 09 August 2021 between 6.00am to 9.00am & 6.00pm to 8.00pm
                                    Gate 5 Large Animal Pavilion O’Connell Tce

                        JUDGING     Saturday 14 August 2021 from 8:45am
                                    Milking Competition Commences Thursday 12 August 2021 at 6.00am
RNA YOUNG JUDGES COMPETITION        Thursday 12 August 2021 from 9.00am

        DEPARTURE OF EXHIBITS       Sunday 15 August 2021 after 6.00pm
                                    Monday 16 August 2021 6.00am to 8.00am

                             PRIZES AND PRIZE MONEY SUBJECT TO CHANGE


         The RNA wishes to thank the following supporters who have contributed towards
                               the DAIRY GOATS Competition

                       Datadoo Anglo Nubians – Kylie Hopkins & Leo Thompson
                                           Dysart Recycling
                                 International Animal Health Products
                                               Jen Brodie
                                            K & A Thomson
                                            Mrs D Richards
                               Ms Kerri Robinson and Ms Tania Stibbe
                                               Orion Chaff
                      Queensland Branch of the Dairy Goat Society of Australia Inc.

       If you are interested in becoming a Supporter of the Dairy Goats Competition, please contact
                Dimity Vowles | E: dvowles@royalqueenslandshow.com.au | T: 07 3253 3927

                         **WHAT’S NEW IN 2021**

•   Supreme Champion Classes have been added.

•   An All Other Breeds classes has been added for in-milk and dry classes to allow other breeds to be
    recognised. For Dairy Goats entered in any other breed they must be registered with the Dairy Goat
    Society of Australia and the breed must not have its own breed classes in the schedule.

•   In milk class 18 months old and under 2 years and under 18 months have been merged to under 2-
    years class

                         TIMETABLE FOR DAIRY GOAT EVENTS
          DATE                        EVENT                     TIME                     LOCATION
Monday 9 August
                          Bump In                       6.00am –           Level 1 Large Animal Pavilion (LAP)
                                                        9.00am             via Gate 5 O’Connell Tce

                          Bump In                       6.00pm –           Level 1 Large Animal Pavilion (LAP)
                                                        8.00pm             via Gate 5 O’Connell Tce

Thursday 12th             Milking Competition           6.00am             Level 1 LAP
August                    RNA Young Judges              9.00am             Level 1 LAP Ring
                          Milking Competition           6.00pm             Level 1 LAP
Friday 13 August
                          Milking Competition           6.00am             Level 1 LAP
                          Strip out                     6.00pm             Level 1 LAP
Saturday 14        th
                          Judging                       From 8.45am        Level 1 LAP Ring
Sunday 15th August        Exhibitor Departure           From 3.00pm        Via Gate 5 O’Connell Tce
Monday 16 August  th
                          Exhibitor Departure           6.00am –           Via Gate 5 O’Connell Tce


                            Age of Goats is calculated as at August 1st 2021.

                                                                  Age Range
          Over                      Under                                                           Classes
                                                 Born on or after      Born on or before
6 years                                                                31 July 2015           4–9

3 years                   6 years               1 August 2019          31 July 2018           10 – 14

2 years                   6 years               1 August 2019          31 July 2019           15

2 years                   3 years               1 August 2019          31 July 2019           16 - 20

2 years                                                                31 July 2019           30
                                                                                              34 – 39

                          2 years               1 August 2019                                 21 – 26

12 months                 2 years               1 August 2019          31 July 2020           40 – 45

                          12 months                                    30 October 2020        51

9 months                  12 months             1 August 2020          30 October 2020        46 – 50

6 months                  9 months              1 November 2020        31 January 2021        52 - 56

                                                                         1.   Prize Money stated in the Schedule excludes GST.
The attention of Exhibitors is drawn to the fact that all entries        2.   GST will be added to the Prize Money for Exhibitors
that are accepted will be subject to the Royal National                       who are registered for GST purposes. Prize money will
Agricultural and Industrial Association of Queensland Act                     be paid into your nominated bank account by 31
1971, as well as to the By-Laws, General Regulations of the                   October following the Show.
Association and any Competition Specific Regulations which               3.   The Association will provide a “Recipient Created Tax
appear in this schedule.                                                      Invoice” to Exhibitors who are registered for GST purposes.
                                                                         4.   All cash prizes and trophies must be claimed within six
Judging will be performed by a panel of Judges appointed by                   months from the closing date of the Royal Queensland Show.
the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association of                 Prizes not claimed and by that date will be considered to
Queensland.                                                                   have lapsed, and the amount will become a donation to the
                                                                              Association. (RNA By-Laws)
No refunds will be made after close of entry. No refunds will be
given for entries not presented or not adhering to the schedule                 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY
                                                                         1.   The Brisbane Showgrounds are a designated Workplace
If COVID-19 recommendations and mandates advised by the
Federal and State Governments mean the competition class                      within the meaning of the Workplace Health and Safety
you entered cannot proceed in 2021, the RNA will issue a full                 Act 2011 and exhibitors/competitors are required to
refund of your entry fee.                                                     ensure that they and all persons under their direction or
                                                                              control, including their contractors or sub-contractors,
        NOTICE TO INTENDING EXHIBITORS                                        comply with all requirements of the Act and the RNA
                                                                              holds each exhibitor responsible to discharge its
Entries for EKKA 2021 can ONLY be made online through our                     obligations to provide and maintain a safe place and
Exhibitor Portal. Entries submitted other than on the online                  system of work during occupation by the exhibitor of any
portal will be returned to the Exhibitor and, unless all                      area of the Showgrounds.
requirements are submitted online by 5.00pm on the                       2.   Each exhibitor/competitor will assess the risk to
Application to Enter closing date, as shown in the Schedule,                  themselves, staff, volunteers, family, other exhibitors, RNA
they will not be considered.                                                  staff, show visitors, children and any person foreseeably
                                                                              affected by the presentation of their exhibit.
As a condition for acceptance of all entries, all exhibitors/            3.   Risks identified by exhibitors/competitors will be
competitors agree to the following:                                           eliminated or controlled by the exhibitor/competitor and
  •    All information submitted as part of my exhibitor                      particular attention will be paid to ensuring public safety
       profile is true and correct, including taxation status                 and safety of other exhibitors/competitors.
       and bank account information.                                     4.   Exhibits will only be held and handled by competent persons
  •    Neither myself nor my family members will indulge in                   whose experience is known to the exhibitor/competitor.
       any social, professional or other interaction with an             5.   A “No Smoking Policy” will be strictly adhered to and
       official or judge contracted or sub- contracted by the                 policed by exhibitors/competitors and all are advised that
       RNA before or during the Royal Queensland Show.                        the use of Primus stoves, any heating or lighting
                                                                              appliances of a like character, or any naked light, is
                                                                              strictly prohibited in the pavilions.
                  PRIVACY STATEMENT                                      6.   Any exhibitors/competitors intending to bring electrical
                                                                              equipment to the Showgrounds will be required to ensure
You can be assured that the privacy of your personal information
                                                                              that such equipment is fitted with residual current
is of the utmost importance to us. The information provided by
                                                                              protection and that all electrical leads, tools and
you in any application for membership or application to enter is
                                                                              appliances have been inspected by a licensed electrical
used by the Royal National Agricultural and Industrial Association
                                                                              contractor and currently tagged. The use of double
of Queensland (RNA) to offer member services or to organize
                                                                              adaptors is prohibited, and all power boards must also be
and conduct competitions at the Royal Queensland Show. By
                                                                              tested and tagged.
applying for membership or entering such competitions you
                                                                         7.   All exhibitors/competitors will comply with the requirements
consent to provide such details as your name, address and
                                                                              of the Act and its Regulations and Standards in every other
exhibit details. Competition information may be made available
                                                                              respect. This is essential for the safety of all exhibitors/
to the media and included in RNA publications.
                                                                              competitors and the general public. The Act imposes very
                                                                              severe penalties in the event of noncompliance with its
The exhibitor irrevocably consents to the RNA publishing or
                                                                              provisions. Anyone who do not comply will not be allowed
reproducing in any manner whatsoever any particulars or
                                                                              to exhibit at the Royal Queensland Show.
information in relation to their exhibits; the publication or
                                                                         8.   The Brisbane Showgrounds is subject to a Special Facility
reproduction may be in a printed form or visual image through
                                                                              License issued under the Liquor Act 1992 and strict laws
electronic means and/or on the internet. Your information will
                                                                              related to the consumption and possession of liquor across
not be disclosed without your consent for any other purpose
                                                                              the Brisbane Showgrounds site. The consumption or
unless required by the law. By providing your email address
                                                                              possession of liquor outside of the licensed bar areas is not
you are consenting to receive communications from us relating
                                                                              authorized by the RNA and in many cases may be an
to the Royal Queensland Show. For full privacy details visit
                                                                              offence for which on the spot fines can be issued by Police
                                                                              and Liquor Licensing Investigators.

DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE                                                         INSURANCE

132. It there is any inconsistency between By-laws 133 -
                                                                      161. The RNA may (but is not obliged to) take out a policy of
     153 and any other By-laws of the Association, By-laws
                                                                           insurance in respect of the legal liability on the part of
     133 - 153 will prevail.
                                                                           an Exhibitor for loss or damage suffered by a third party
133. The functions of the Disciplinary Committee shall be
                                                                           caused by any act or omission of an Exhibit or the
     to hear and determine all complaints, allegations and
     other matters relating to:
                                                                      162. The RNA, RNA Staff Members and Officials of the RNA
    a) prohibited substances, as defined in these By-laws
                                                                           are not liable to any Exhibitor if the RNA fails to take out
         or Sectional Regulations.
                                                                           a policy of insurance effectively protecting any Exhibitor
    b) any alleged breach of the Rules, By-Laws and
                                                                           or Exhibit, or if any such policy does not operate to
         Regulations of the Association by an exhibitor and
                                                                           indemnify the Exhibitor in respect of the loss or damage
         relating to an exhibit or to a competition, except if
                                                                           in question.
         the alleged breach is of a kind that the Chairman
         of a Sectional Committee considers is of a less
         serious nature and should properly be dealt with                           REGULATIONS & BY-LAWS
         by the Sectional Committee, and
    c) any other alleged breach of the Rules, By-Laws                 All Entries and Exhibitors are subject to RNA Regulations and
         and Regulations of the Association that may be               By- Laws set out in this schedule as well as other By-Laws
         referred to Disciplinary Committee pursuant to By-           that may pertain to this competition.
         Law 137 (a).
                                                                      The RNA always reserves the right at its absolute
147. The Disciplinary Committee may announce its                      discretion without assigning any reason to:
      decision orally or in writing. A decision that is               a) substitute a Judge when necessary.
      announced orally shall have effect in accordance                b) re-allocate Judging days for a particular breed.
      with its terms.                                                 c) if entries numbers require an extra Judge,
148. If the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee is not                 appoint an additional Judge if necessary.
      unanimous, the decision of the majority shall prevail. If
      the Disciplinary Committee are equally divided on any           Full copies of the RNA By-Laws may be obtained upon
      question concerning the guilt or innocence of a person,         application to the Competitions Department.
      the question shall be resolved in that person’s favour.
149. If the Disciplinary Committee considers that there has           If you are unsure of any of the rules stated in this schedule or
     been a breach of the rules, By-laws or regulations of            your eligibility to enter the competition, please contact the
     the Association, it may impose such a penalty as it              entries department at entries@royalqueenslandshow.com.au
     considers to be appropriate, including without
     limitation:                                                                  GOODS AND SERVICES TAX
         a)   a reprimand.
         b)   a monetary fine (payable at such time/s as the                      The RNA’s ABN is 41 417 513 726
              Disciplinary Committee may determine)
         c)   withdrawal or withholding of any award or
         d)   disqualification in respect of any class.
         e)   expulsion from the Showground.
         f)   where the person concerned is a member,
              a suspension or termination of that
         g)   a ban.
         h)   exclusion.
         i)   prohibiting a Person from exhibiting or
              competing at the current Show or at any future
         j)   a direction that an Exhibit be removed
              from the Showground.
         k)   any other mandatory requirement; and
         l)   any other penalty provided for in
              other regulations of the

150. There shall be no appeal from any decision of
     the Disciplinary Committee.

                                                                          Association may destroy or remove the Exhibit from the
                                                                          Showgrounds, or both. Alternatively, the Association may
                                                                          require the Exhibitor to destroy or remove the Exhibit from the
              REGULATIONS                                                 Showgrounds, or both. Any costs incurred by the Association
                                                                          pursuant to this By-Law must be reimbursed by the Exhibitor.
                                                                          All Exhibits must arrive at the Brisbane Showgrounds and be in
The Exhibitor agrees to properly supervise all children                   their stalls, no later than 8.00pm Monday 9 August 2021. No
nominated above and to indemnify RNA against any loss or                  alteration will be made to the prepared plan without approval
damage to RNA property and against all liability, claims, costs           from the RNA. Breach of this Regulation may result in
and expenses in any way connected with the attendance of the              disqualification.
Exhibitor and any other person nominated above at the RNA
Showground, to the extent that such loss, damage, liability,              Exhibits must remain in their pens until departure, between
claims, costs or expenses arise from any breach by the                    6.00pm and 10.00pm Sunday 15 August 2021 or
Exhibitor of this agreement or from any negligent or willful act or       between 6.00am and 8.00am Monday 16 August 2021.
default of the Exhibitor.

This year there may be restrictions on the number of entries in
                                                                          BIOSECURITY QUEENSLAND REGULATIONS
any class. The implementation of these restrictions shall be
                                                                          All Queenslanders have a ‘general biosecurity obligation’ (GBO).
decided by the Association in the event of excess entries.
                                                                          Not complying with the GBO is an offence.
Age of Goats is calculated as at August 1st 2021.
                                                                          This means that everyone is responsible for managing
                                                                          biosecurity risks that are:
A Person must not administer a Prohibited Substance or cause
one to be administered to an Exhibit. The Exhibitor, the Owner
                                                                          •   under their control and
and Attendant of any Exhibit to which a Prohibited Substance
                                                                          •   that they know about, or should reasonably be expected to
has been administered is in breach of the By- Laws.
                                                                              know about.
                                                                          •   Under the GBO, individuals and organisations whose
                 DISEASE OR DANGER                                            activities pose a biosecurity risk must:
                                                                          •   take all reasonable and practical steps to prevent or
Should there be any reason to suspect that any Exhibit is either              minimise each biosecurity risk
diseased or dangerous, or objectionable, the Council through              •   minimise the likelihood of causing a ‘biosecurity event’, and
its Officials, reserves the rights of removing the same from or               limit the consequences if such an event is caused
refusing its admittance to the Royal Queensland Show.
                                                                          The following conditions will apply to stock and Vehicles moving
An Exhibitor who detects or suspects any illness amongst any              on to the Brisbane Showgrounds
of their entries whilst the animals are at the Showgrounds must:
                                                                          STOCK GENERAL:
•   Report this fact immediately to the Superintendent                    All stock entering RNA grounds must meet the national Bovine
    responsible for that particular section;                              Johnes requirements. Exhibitors must advise their Johnes
•   Ensure that the animal/s is/are contained within its/their            Disease status at the time of entry.
    accommodation area/s unless advised otherwise by the
    Superintendent or the Association’s Veterinary Surgeon;               Only Cattle tick free stock will be allowed entry to the grounds.
•   Where feasible to do so, contain soiled bedding from the              EXHIBITORS REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING:
    animal/s within its/their accommodation area.
                                                                          •   National Vendor Declaration (Cattle) and Waybill, or
Council may at its discretion require to have any biological tests            Movement Record Document
carried out on any animal exhibited at the Royal Queensland               •   National Health Declaration Form – version 18/10/17
Show or to have materials collected from such animals in order            •   “NSW Livestock owners can travel direct to the RNA
to have tests carried out, after such animals arrive at the                   showgrounds and check their paperwork in with QDAFF
Showgrounds.                                                                  staff or RNA appointed staff on entry. QDAFF staff will then
                                                                              inform NSW livestock owner, in writing, that they MUST
If in the opinion of a RNA Council Steward, an Exhibit in such                contact Kirra Yards on 07 55364714 and inform them of
Section requires Veterinary treatment then if the Exhibitor                   their return journey 24 hours prior to leaving the RNA
cannot be contacted immediately, the Council Stewards may                     showgrounds.”
instruct a Veterinary Surgeon to treat such Exhibit and the costs
of such Veterinary Surgeon shall be paid by the Exhibitor to the          For further information call DAF Queensland: 13 25 23
Association. The Association shall not be in any way liable to an
Exhibitor for any damage to or injury to such Exhibit.                    REALLOCATION OF ANIMAL SPACE:
                                                                          The Dairy Cattle Committee reserves the right to reallocate
Where, in the opinion of the Association, an Exhibit, being an            space previously allocated to any exhibitor upon the arrival of
animal, should be destroyed or removed from the                           their exhibits on the Showgrounds if the numbers indicated by
Showgrounds, the Association’s Veterinary Surgeon or the                  them do not arrive.

CATTLE TICK CONTROL:                                                        Queensland Cattle Tick Free and Control Zone and remaining
The Brisbane Showgrounds will continue to operate as a                      parts of Australia do not require Cattle tick treatments for entry
CATTLE TICK FREE ZONE and all associated cattle movements                   to the Brisbane
must be tick free.
                                                                            Showgrounds but must travel from the property of origin to the
Exhibitors have a general biosecurity obligation to take all                Brisbane Show Grounds without unloading in Cattle Tick
reasonable and practical steps to prevent or minimise the                   infected zones.
spread of cattle tick.
                                                                                    JOHNE’S DISEASE – ALL ANIMALS
A biosecurity certificate, issued by an accredited certifier, will be
required to accompany dairy cattle movement across the cattle               It is your General Biosecurity Obligation as the exhibitor NOT to
tick line, moving from a property in the cattle tick infested zone          knowingly spread the disease. Any Cattle from suspected herds
onto the Showgrounds.                                                       that have not yet been cleared by Biosecurity Queensland will
                                                                            not be accepted on to the showgrounds.
The RNA will continue to conduct tick inspections prior to stock
entering the Showgrounds. If a live cattle tick is found on a               Rules:
carrier, all carriers in that consignment fail the inspection and           Each exhibitor has an obligation to take all reasonable and
will not be allowed entry to the Showgrounds.                               practical measures to prevent the introduction into, and spread
                                                                            of John’s disease within, Queensland.
To facilitate movement of cattle to and from the grounds all
Cattle must be tick free.                                                   Exhibitors must not enter animal(s) which are reasonably known
The RNA will allow exhibitors to have their animals inspected on            or suspected of being infected with Johnes disease, including
property prior to entry to the RNA grounds. All exhibitors who              animals which have been introduced with a significant likelihood
adopt to have their cattle inspected at home must use an                    of being infected.
accredited certifier and provide the accredited certifier details
along with the treatment certificate on entry to the grounds.               The RNA cross references dairy cattle entries with Biosecurity
OR                                                                          Qld to confirm animals are not registered on the restricted
The RNA will employ an accredited officer for cattle tick                   animal list (from an infected herd).
inspection on arrival for those who did have their cattle
inspected on their properties.                                              Exhibitors must supply a health statement/declaration that
                                                                            provides information about the health of the animal including
All exhibitors must adhere to the regulation of ticks and animals           Johnes risk. The health statement/declaration must not be
must be treated within 24 hours of travelling to the Brisbane               false, incomplete or misleading.
Showgrounds. The RNA will employ an accredited officer for
cattle tick inspection on arrival for those who do not treat cattle         Exhibitors must advise their Johnes Disease status at the time
on their properties. All procedures are to be carried out within            of entry. Minimum of 7 is required to enter the grounds.
guidelines of the Bio-security Act. All National Health
Declarations will be forwarded to Bio Security for their
clearance/permission to compete at 2021 Royal Queensland
                                                                                FODDER & BEDDING REQUIREMENTS &
Show. The accredited officer will also provide random tick                                 CONDITIONS
scratching throughout the show. Any animal found with Cattle
Ticks will result in the whole herd from that PIC and other                 Fire Ant Requirements
animals on the same consignment but from another PIC being                  Hay grown outside the Fire Ant Area:
sent home.                                                                  Moving to the Brisbane Showgrounds there are no restrictions

No animal may enter the dairy pavilion unless they have the                 Hay grown within the Fire Ant Risk Area:
necessary tick free status. All relevant paper work must be                 Moving to the Brisbane Showgrounds: Exhibitors purchasing
handed to a representative of the RNA. Time of arrival must be              hay from hay producers within the Fire Ant Restricted Area
advised for animals entering from infested areas on the Final               need to ensure that the producer is on an Approved Risk
Numbers form and must state details of treatment or untreated               Management Plan (ARMP) for Fire Ants and is complying with
animals. Animals requiring inspection/scratching on grounds                 their agreed risk mitigation factors, which include freshly made
must not enter the dairy pavilion until necessary inspection has            hay where the hay has been raked at least twice within 24
been carried out in the Wash Bay Area, or suitable area as                  hours of baling. The hay is baled within 24 hours of the last turn
directed by accredited inspector.                                           and if the baled hay is removed from the paddock within 24
                                                                            hours of baling, it may move to any destination within
Note: Accredited certifiers are trained persons who have been               Queensland with no further requirements.
trained and authorised by the Queensland Government to
certify the tick status for livestock movements.                            Stored Hay:
                                                                            The stored hay should have been made in accord with the
Queensland Cattle Tick Infected Zone, properties in the                     above requirements, prior to storage hay stored within the Fire
Queensland Cattle Tick Free and Control Zones with movement                 Ant Restricted Area must be stored off the ground or on an
restrictions and NSW Tick Protected Area must be free from                  approved hard stand, Or
Boophilus Microplus and visibly free from
                                                                            The surrounding area to a distance of 30 metres from where
Spraying is acceptable. Pour-on or injectable (MLs) may be                  hay has been stored on ground has been treated with a
used for the first treatment.                                               product registered for red imported fire ants 4 days prior to the
                                                                            movement, Or

The hay has been lured and the lures have been submitted to
Biosecurity Queensland Control Centre and found to be free of             The Association shall ask the Dairy Goat Society to appoint an
Fire Ants. Visual surveillance for the presence of Fire Ants has          Inspector or Inspectors to examine Exhibits in all Dairy Goat
been conducted on the surrounding area and also found to be               Classes for Exhibition. Inspectors are required to submit a
visually free of the pest.                                                written report to the Council Stewards giving details of any
                                                                          animals which bear Tattoos or Electronic ID which are not
Hay returning home from the Brisbane Showgrounds - there is               consistent with the details printed in the Show Catalogue or
no restrictions on hay being moved within Queensland.                     which they consider to be below Royal Show standard. Any
                                                                          animal which is then rejected by the Council Steward shall not
Hay returning to Interstate destinations - please contact relevant        be exhibited and arrangements may be made for it to be
Government Authority within the State in question to ensure               removed from the Brisbane Showgrounds or segregated.
their requirements are met.

Cattle Tick Zone:
                                                                                   YOUNG JUDGES' COMPETITION
Hay, Chaff, Silage and Green Fodder may only be introduced if:
It is grown in and held in a Tick Free Zone and transported               A Young Judges' Competition will be conducted on Thursday
directly to the Brisbane Showgrounds,                                     12 August 2021 at 9:00am. The breed is to be selected by the
Or                                                                        Judge. Entries will be accepted at the location on the day of
It originates from a Cattle Tick Infected Zone but the fodder has         competition.
not had contact with livestock in the nine months prior to entry
to the Brisbane Showgrounds,                                                                 EXHIBITOR PASSES
It is silage from a Cattle Tick Infected Zone, which has been             Exhibitor Passes will be sent to exhibitors prior to the Show by
harvested and wrapped in plastic for a period of not less than            the RNA. Any exhibitor who does not receive their passes prior
28 days prior to entry to the Brisbane Showgrounds.                       to the Show will have the original passes cancelled before
                                                                          receiving replacement tickets.
DISCLAIMER: While the conditions of entry in regards to
disease are correct at the time of publication it is the                  Exhibitor Passes will be issued on the following basis:
responsibility of the owner that all conditions current at the time       1-6 head entered – 1 x 9 day pass
of entry are met                                                          6 head or more entered - 2 x 9 day pass

                 PREGNANT ANIMALS                                                    ACCOMMODATION/PARKING
No animal expected to give birth during the Royal Queensland              All exhibitors please note that there is only limited
Show will be permitted entry onto the grounds and will be                 accommodation on grounds. All exhibitors are recommended
withdrawn from the competition. Any animal that gives birth               to seek offsite accommodation.
after arrival at the showgrounds will be withdrawn from
competition and will be removed from public exhibition and                Exhibitor onsite accommodation during Ekka is currently in the
placed in an isolated stall nominated by the RNA unless                   process of being finalized. This year, your competition entry/s
permission to the contrary is given by the Council Stewards or,           and accommodation booking will be submitted separately.
in their absence, by a Veterinary Surgeon. Entry fees will not be
refunded.                                                                 Exhibitor Off-site truck parking is also in the process of being
                                                                          finalized. This will need to be booked along with your
Dairy Goats should not be entered if their expected birth date is         accommodation.
to/or likely to coincide with the Royal Queensland Show. The
RNA Veterinarian is required to attend any birthing activity on           We will keep exhibitors updated on when they can book their
Showgrounds, with the cost for their services and subsequent              accommodation online and more information on
waste and cleaning fees incurred by the Exhibitor                         accommodation options will be provided once finalized.

It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor’s onsite to be aware of
and adhere to the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and
Guidelines, notably but not restricted to the Land
Transportation of Livestock and Model Code of Practice for the            All goats must be milked out under supervision at 6.00pm on
Welfare of Animals. Under normal circumstances, animals                   Friday 13 August 2021. This is a compulsory milking, but it
which are more than 130 days pregnant should not be                       does not preclude exhibitors from reliving an animal’s udder
transported. Animals that have recently given birth should not            after that time.
be transported until at least 72 hours after birthing.

                    ANIMAL WELFARE
It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that there it is no
detriment to any animal due to early mating. The NSW DPI
recommends mating at a minimum weight range of 32-35kg.
This weight is normally reached at around 10 months.

JUDGING                                          MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR & OWNER
Dairy Goats judging will commence from 8.45am Saturday
14 August 2021. All animals will remain on exhibition on that            Points to be awarded on the following basis:
day and until 3pm Sunday 15 August 2021.

Any animal, which in the opinion of the RNA, is not in a fit state                        Supreme Champion          5 points
to be exhibited, may be rejected by them and debarred from                                 Grand Champion           3 points
competing in the class or classes for which it is entered. Any
animal rejected must be removed from the Showgrounds as                                    Senior Champion          3 points
soon as the Exhibitor is notified.                                                         Junior Champion          3 points

In the event of the Judge deciding that the Exhibits in any class                         Reserve Champion          2 points
or Championship are not worthy of a prize, no prize shall be                                      First             3 points
awarded. All animals must be clearly tattooed or EID prior to the
Exhibition.                                                                                     Second              2 points
                                                                                                  Third              1 point
At the completion of the judging of the full Udders in Classes
26 and 27, all-in-milk does must be milked out in preparation
for the judging of the Breeds Champion and Supreme                       In the event of a tie the Exhibitor with the most number of first
                                                                         prizes shall be judged the winner.
Champion Dairy Doe.

The Senior Champion Doe shall be selected from First Prize
Winners in Classes 2 years old and under 6 years.

The Junior Champion Doe shall be selected from First Prize
Winners in Classes over 1 year and under two years.

The Junior Champion Kid shall be selected from First Prize
Winners in Classes under 1 year.

After selecting the Champion, the Judge will be required to
select an animal for Reserve, which will take the place of the
Champion in the event of the latter being disqualified for any
cause. In such case, a Council Steward may, in his absolute
discretion, bar the animal from competing, and may otherwise
deal with the exhibit under the Association’s rules and

The Association’s Council is pleased to advise that for the
forthcoming Royal Queensland Show arrangements have again
been made for veterinary services to be available on a 24-hour
basis commencing on Sunday 1 August 2021 through until
Sunday 15 August 2021.

The official veterinary surgeons are permitted to charge their
normal consultation fees plus an hourly rate for extended
services. In addition, Exhibitors will be required to pay the cost
of all drugs used. Exhibitors will be responsible for the payment
of all monies owing to the veterinary surgeons.

Any animal which in the opinion of the Council Stewards is not
in a fit state to be exhibited may be rejected by them and
barred from competing in the class or classes for which it is
entered. Any animal rejected must be removed from the
Showgrounds as soon as the exhibitor is notified.

No Prohibited Substance shall be administered to any animal
exhibit except with the permission of the Council Stewards, or
under the direction of the Association's Veterinary Surgeon who
shall advise the Council Stewards if, in his opinion, such
Prohibited Substance has or is likely to have any effect upon the
animal which would be material to its chance of being awarded
a prize.

Class 1    Handler - 13 to 18 years
               DAIRY GOATS                                                         First: Product; Second; Third
                                                                                   Product supported by Dysart Recycling

     EXPRESSION OF INTEREST                                             Class 2    Handler - 9 to 13 years
                                                                                   First: Product; Second; Third
To assist with the planning of the Pavilion and the Dairy                          Product supported by Datadoo Anglo Nubians
Competition, exhibitors are required to provide an estimate by
                                                                        Class 3    Handler - Under 9 years
Monday 7 June 2021 in relations to the following:
                                                                                   First: Product; Second; Third
                                                                                   Product supported by Jen and Wayne Brodie
•   Approximate number of animals
•   Milk Stand Numbers
•   Breeds
•   Accommodation requirements
                                                                                      BREED CLASSES
                                                                                       IN MILK CLASSES
                                                                        Class 4    Saanen Doe - 6 years old and over
             COMPETITION                                                           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

Applications to enter all 2021 Royal Queensland Show Young              Class 5    Anglo-Nubian Doe - 6 years old and over
Judges competitions, close 15 minutes prior to the scheduled                       First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
competition time. Entry fees are $5.00 regardless of how many
                                                                        Class 6    Toggenburg Doe - 6 years old and over
classes entered.
                                                                                   First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
Dairy Goat Breeds to be advised on the day of judging.                  Class 7    British Alpine Doe - 6 years old and over
                                                                                   First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
Judging date: Thursday 12 August 2021
Time: 9:00am                                                            Class 8    Australian Melaan or Australian Brown Doe - 6
Venue: Large Animal Pavilion, Level 1 Judging Ring.                                years old and over
                                                                                   First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
Further details can be found in the RNA Young Judges
schedule.                                                               Class 9    Any Other Breed - 6 years old and over
                                                                                   First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

                                                                        Class 10   Saanen Doe - 3 years old and under 6 years
             JUNIOR HANDLERS                                                       First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

               COMPETITION                                              Class 11   Anglo-Nubian Doe - 3 years old and under 6
                                                                                   First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
This competition is for the purposes of educating and
encouraging young goat breeders, attendants and assistants to           Class 12   Toggenburg Doe - 3 years old and under 6 years
parade exhibits before a Judge in the most efficient manner.                       First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
Entries should be lodged with the Honorary Council
Steward before 8.30am on Saturday 14 August 2021. No entry              Class 13   British Alpine Doe - 3 years old and under 6 years
fee. Competitors can lead goats of any age provided they                           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
are able to lead the animal. The animal need not be owned by
the parader but must be exhibited in at least one of the general        Class 14   Australian Melaan or Australian Brown Doe - 3
classes.                                                                           years old and under 6 years
                                                                                   First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
The age of the handlers will be calculated as at the day of
judging, Saturday 14 August 2021.                                       Class 15   Any Other Breed - 2 years old and under 6 years
                                                                                   First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
Points will be allocated for:
                                                                        Class 16   Saanen Doe - 2 years old and under 3 years
1. Ability of the handler to parade and control the animal
                                                                                   First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
2. Presentation of the animal
3. Suitability of attire of Competitors - Dust Coats or Breed           Class 17   Anglo-Nubian Doe - 2 years old and under 3 years
Standard Dress is recommended.                                                     First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to ensure that the           Class 18   Toggenburg Doe - 2 years old and under 3 years
leaders of their stock in judging rings and parades are capable                    First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
of exercising control over the animals in their care. Any
exhibitor who is unable to fully control their animal may be            Class 19   British Alpine Doe - 2 years old and under 3 years
moved from the judging ring.                                                       First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

Class 20   Australian Melaan or Australian Brown Doe - 2
           years old and under 3 years
                                                                            TYPE AND PRODUCTION
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
                                                                      Class 29   Type and Production
Class 21   Saanen Doe - under 2 years                                            Open only to females that have been recorded for
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                    production over the first 305 days from kidding (or
                                                                                 upon ceasing to lactate, if less than 305 days from
Class 22   Anglo-Nubian Doe - under 2 years                                      kidding), provided that the lactation period is
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                    completed between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021.

Class 23   Toggenburg Doe - under 2 years                                        Exhibits must be entered in an Open Class and
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                    registered in a recognized Herd Book for Goats or
                                                                                 the appendix thereof. To be judged for type and
Class 24   British Alpine Doe - under 2 years                                    production, viz:- For type up to 50 points will be
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                    allowed. Production points (Maximum 50) will be
                                                                                 based on the official recorded production, and will
Class 25   Australian Melaan or Australian Brown Doe -
                                                                                 be allowed as follows:
           under 2 years
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
                                                                                 1 point for every 25kg milk a Dairy Goat has to her
Class 26   Any Other Breed - under 2 years                                       credit over the standard for age (details as below).
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                    Proof of production figures to be lodged prior to
                                                                                 commencement of Show.
Class 27   Doe - Any age, Any breed - first lactation
           Showing best udder on first lactation. Each doe                       The production figures from a lactation used in a
           shall be judged showing a full udder and then                         previous Show cannot be used in the current year.
           milked out. Name of exhibit to be nominated at time                   The exhibit attaining the greatest aggregate will be
           of entry and must be entered in the general                           awarded the prize.
           classes. NOTE: Each breeder can present a                             STANDARDS:
                                                                                                      Junior Yearling     635kg milk
           maxumium 3 exhibits in this class.
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                                        Senior Yearling      652kg milk
                                                                                                     Junior 2 year old    669kg milk
Class 28   Doe - Any age, Any breed - second or
                                                                                                     Senior 2 year old    694kg milk
           subsequent lactation
           Showing best udder on second or subsequent                                                Junior 3 year old    719kg milk
           lactation. Each doe shall be judged showing a full                                        Senior 3 year old    744kg milk
           udder and then milked out. Name of exhibit to be                                          Junior 4 year old    768kg milk
           nominated at time of entry and must be entered in
                                                                                                     Senior 4 year old    794kg milk
           the general classes. NOTE: Each breeder can
           present a maxumium 3 exhibits in this class.                                              Mature               816kg milk
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                    First: $20, Trophy; Second: $10; Third: $5
                                                                                 Trophy supported by Mrs D Richards

                                                                      Class 30   Type and Production
  CHAMPION UDDER OF SHOW                                                         Open only to females which have participated in the
                                                                                 Ground Milking Competition.
Winners of Classes 26 and 27 only eligible to compete.                           Exhibits must be entered in an Open Class and
Association Sash, Trophy                                                         registered in a registered Herd Book for Goats or the
Trophy supported by Glendowen and Glenalpine Studs                               appendix thereof. To be judged for Type and
                                                                                 Production, viz: for Type up to 50 points will be
                                                                                 allowed. Production Points will be allowed as follows:

                                                                                 For each 100 grams of milk, produced in ground
                                                                                 milking - 0.44 points; for each gram of butterfat
                                                                                 produced in Ground Milking Competition - 0.088
                                                                                 points; for each completed day of lactation - 0.02
                                                                                 points (up to a maximum of 7.30 points).

                                                                                 The exhibit attaining the greatest aggregate will be
                                                                                 awarded the prize. Dairy Goats disqualified from the
                                                                                 milking competition are ineligible for a prize in this
                                                                                 class. The RNA must be notified no later than
                                                                                 Friday 30 July 2021, if the kidding date is after the
                                                                                 closing date of entries.
                                                                                 First: $20, Trophy; Second: $10; Third: $5

              GROUND MILKING                                              Association Sash
               COMPETITION                                                Class 32   Goatling - under 2 years, First Lactation
                                                                                     Yielding greatest quantity of milk in 24 hours on
1.   EXHIBITORS PLEASE NOTE: All entries in the Ground                               ground milking competition, provided that any Dairy
     Milking Competition must be entered in both Sections -                          Goat, the milk of which averages less than 3.2%
     MILK PRODUCING and BUTTERFAT ie. Doe Classes 30                                 butterfat or less than 2.8% of protein, shall not be
     and 32 or Goatling Classes 31 and 33.                                           eligible or considered for a prize.
                                                                                     First: $30; Second: $20; Third: $10
2.   All animals competing must be registered in an approved
     Herd Book recognized by the Association or recorded in               JUNIOR CHAMPION MILK PRODUCING DOE
     the Appendix. All animals in the milking class must be               Association Sash, Trophy
     penned by 8.00pm on Monday 9 August 2021.                            Trophy supported by K & A Thomson

3.   All does must be milked out under supervision at 6.00am              RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION MILK PRODUCING DOE
     on Thursday 12 August 2021.                                          Association Sash

4.   Any doe whose yield of milk at the milk-out is less than                                  BUTTERFAT
     66.66% of her yield at the final milking of the test shall be
     ineligible for a prize.                                              Class 33   Doe - 2 years old and over, Second and
                                                                                     Subsequent Lactation
5.   No doe will be eligible for a prize unless she produces at                      Yielding the greatest amount of butterfat in 24
     least 2kg of milk in 24 hours or if the assessed average                        hours.
     butterfat content is less than 3.2% and the protein content                     First: $30; Second: $20; Third: $10
     is less than 2.8%. Dairy Goats disqualified from the milking
     competition are ineligible for a prize in the butterfat              SENIOR CHAMPION BUTTERFAT DOE
     competition.                                                         Association Sash, Trophy
                                                                          Trophy supported by QLD Branch of The Dairy Goat Society of
6.   If necessary the competition may be run in divisions. The            Australia Inc
     milking of goats must be completed within 20 minutes of
     the start of the Division. Goats must be milked in the same          RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION BUTTERFAT DOE
     order at each milking. No Dairy Goat is permitted to take            Association Sash
     part in a test unless she has kidded seven clear days
                                                                          Class 34   Goatling - under 2 years, First Lactation
     before commencement of the stripout preceding the
                                                                                     Yielding the greatest amount of butterfat in 24 hours.
     milking test.
                                                                                     First: $30; Second: $20; Third: $10
7.   For the purpose of the test each animal must be milked:-             JUNIOR CHAMPION BUTTERFAT DOE
     6.00am Thursday 12 August 2021 (milk out); 6.00pm                    Association Sash, Trophy
     Thursday 12 August 2021 (First Milking); 6.00am Friday               Product Trophy supported by Jen Brodie
     13 August 2021 (Final Milking).
                                                                          RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BUTTERFAT DOE
8.   All does competing in the milking test must be entered in at         Association Sash
     least one open class of its breed for judging by type alone.

9.   Any doe that drinks her own milk or is supplied with milk or
     animal fat as food during the tests shall be disqualified                       DRY AND DRY JUNIOR
     together with the exhibitor.
                 MILK PRODUCING                                           Class 35   Saanen Doe - over 2 years, dry
                                                                                     First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
Class 31    Doe - 2 years and over, Second and Subsequent
            lactation                                                     Class 36   Anglo-Nubian Doe - over 2 years, dry
            Doe yielding greatest quantity of milk in 24 hours on                    First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
            ground milking competition, provided that any Dairy
            Goat, the milk of which averages less than 3.2%               Class 37   Toggenburg Doe - over 2 years, dry
            butterfat or less than 2.8% of protein, shall not be                     First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
            eligible or considered for a prize.
            First: $30; Second: $20; Third: $10                           Class 38   British Alpine Doe - over 2 years, dry
                                                                                     First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
PRODUCING DOE                                                             Class 39   Australian Melaan or Australian Brown - over 2
Perpetual Trophy to be retained by the RNA.                                          years, dry
Association Sash, Trophy, Perpetual Trophy                                           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
Perpetual Trophy supported by Mrs Kerri Robinson and Ms Tania
                                                                          Class 40   Any Other Breed - 2 years old and over, dry
Stibbe (daughters of the late Lyn Stibbe)
                                                                                     First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

Class 41   Saanen Goatling - 1 year old and under 2 years,         Class 58   Doe and Daughter Group
           dry                                                                To comprise a doe any age and one daughter any
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                 age, in milk or dry. Both animals must be entered in
                                                                              at least one of the general classes.
Class 42   Anglo-Nubian Goatling - 1 year old and under 2                     First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
           years, dry
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                      Class 59   Dam's Progeny
                                                                              Two does, any age, same breed, in milk or dry, the
Class 43   Toggenburg Goatling - 1 year old and under 2                       progeny of one doe. The exhibits must be property
           years, dry                                                         of the exhibitor, entered in at least one of the
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                 general classes and the Name of Dam to be stated
                                                                              on 'Application to Enter' form.
Class 44   British Alpine Goatling - 1 year old and under 2
                                                                              First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
           years, dry
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                      Class 60   Sire's Progeny Stakes - under 24 months
                                                                              Two does, under 24 months of age, same breed, in
Class 45   Australian Melaan or Australian Brown - 1 year
                                                                              milk or dry, the progeny of one sire. The exhibits
           old and under 2 years, dry
                                                                              must be property of the exhibitor, entered in at least
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
                                                                              one of the general classes and the Name of Sire to
Class 46   Any Other Breed - 1 year old and under 2 years,                    be stated on 'Application to Enter' form.
           dry                                                                First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
                                                                   Class 61   Sire's Progeny Stakes - 24 months and over
Class 47   Saanen Doe Kid - 9 months and under 12                             Two does, 24 months and over, same breed, in milk
           months, dry                                                        or dry, the progeny of one sire. The exhibits must
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                                 be property of the exhibitor, entered in at least one
                                                                              of the general classes and the Name of Sire to be
Class 48   Anglo-Nubian Doe Kid - 9 months and under 12                       stated on 'Application to Enter' form.
           months, dry                                                        First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

Class 49   Toggenburg Doe Kid - 9 months and under 12
           months, dry                                                        BREED CHAMPIONS
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

Class 50   British Alpine Doe Kid - 9 months and under 12          First and Second place getters are to enter the Judging Ring
           months, dry                                             and line up in class, place order, for each championship. The
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                      Judge will select the Champion, followed by the Reserve
Class 51   Australian Melaan or Australian Brown - 9
           months and under 12 months, dry                                       CHAMPION SAANEN
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
                                                                   SENIOR CHAMPION SAANEN DOE
Class 52   Any Other Breed - under 12 months, dry
                                                                   Association Sash, $20
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
                                                                   RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION SAANEN DOE
Class 53   Saanen Doe Kid - 6 months and under 9
                                                                   Association Sash
           months, dry
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                      JUNIOR CHAMPION SAANEN DOE
                                                                   Association Sash, $20
Class 54   Anglo-Nubian Doe Kid - 6 months and under 9
           months, dry                                             RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION SAANEN DOE
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                      Association Sash

Class 55   Toggenburg Doe Kid - 6 months and under 9               CHAMPION SAANEN KID
           months, dry                                             Association Sash, $20
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5
                                                                   RESERVE CHAMPION SAANEN KID
Class 56   British Alpine Doe Kid - 6 months and under 9           Association Sash
           months, dry
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5                      GRAND CHAMPION SAANEN DOE
                                                                   $100, Rosette, Product
Class 57   Australian Melaan or Australian Brown - 6               $140 of International Animal Health Products supported by
           months and under 9 months, dry                          International Animal Health Products
           First: $20; Second: $10; Third: $5

                                                                   Association Sash
                                                                   GRAND CHAMPION BRITISH ALPINE DOE
Association Sash, $20
                                                                   $100, Rosette, Trophy, Product
RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION ANGLO-NUBIAN DOE                           $140 of International Animal Health Products supported by
Association Sash                                                   International Animal Health Products
                                                                   Trophy supported by QLD Branch of The Dairy Goat Society of
JUNIOR CHAMPION ANGLO-NUBIAN DOE                                   Australia Inc
Association Sash, $20

                                                                     CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN MELAAN
Association Sash                                                        OR AUSTRALIAN BROWN
Association Sash, $20                                              AUSTRALIAN BROWN DOE
                                                                   Association Sash, $20
Association Sash                                                   RESERVE SENIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN MELAAN OR
                                                                   AUSTRALIAN BROWN DOE
ORION CHAFF GRAND CHAMPION ANGLO-NUBIAN DOE                        Association Sash
$100, Rosette, Trophy, Product
$140 of International Animal Health Products supported by          JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN MELAAN OR
International Animal Health Products                               AUSTRALIAN BROWN DOE
Trophy supported by Orion Chaff                                    Association Sash, $20

                                                                   RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN MELAAN OR
        CHAMPION TOGGENBURG                                        AUSTRALIAN BROWN DOE
                                                                   Association Sash
Association Sash, $20                                              CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN MELAAN KID OR AUSTRALIAN
                                                                   BROWN KID
                                                                   Association Sash, $20
Association Sash
                                                                   RESERVE CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN MELAAN KID OR
                                                                   AUSTRALIAN BROWN KID
Association Sash, $20
                                                                   Association Sash
                                                                   GRAND CHAMPION AUSTRALIAN MELAAN OR
Association Sash
                                                                   AUSTRALIAN BROWN DOE
CHAMPION TOGGENBURG KID                                            $100, Rosette
Association Sash, $20
                                                                       CHAMPION ANY OTHER BREED
Association Sash                                                   SENIOR CHAMPION ANY OTHER BREED DOE
                                                                   Association Sash, $20
$100, Rosette, Trophy, Product                                     JUNIOR CHAMPION ANY OTHER BREED DOE
$140 of International Animal Health Products supported by          Association Sash, $20
International Animal Health Products
Trophy supported by QLD Branch of The Dairy Goat Society of        CHAMPION ANY OTHER BREED KID
Australia Inc                                                      Association Sash, $20

                                                                   GRAND CHAMPION ANY OTHER BREED DOE
       CHAMPION BRITISH ALPINE                                     $100, Rosette
Association Sash, $20

Association Sash

Association Sash, $20

Association Sash

Association Sash, $20

SUPREME CHAMPIONS                                                   PAVILION COMPETITION
                                                                       The purpose of this Competition is to encourage tidiness and
Association Sash, $20, Garland
Flower Garland supported by Mrs Dulcie Richards                        cleanliness in the Dairy Goat Pavilion and to give recognition to
                                                                       an Exhibitor who presents their stock attractively to the public.
SUPREME JUNIOR CHAMPION DOE                                            Exhibitors will be judged on a total of 100 points.
Association Sash, $20, Garland
supported by Mrs Dulcie Richards                                       Subject to the foregoing, the judge will take into account the
                                                                       grooming and cleanliness of goats, bedding, tidiness of stalls,
SUPREME CHAMPION KID                                                   laneways and equipment.
Association Sash, $20, Garland
supported by Mrs Dulcie Richards                                       Association’s banner and a Certificate of Merit will be awarded
                                                                       to the winning Exhibitor.
To be selected from the Grand Champions only.                          Judging will commence on the Tuesday of the Show and will
Previous Winners                                                       conclude on Sunday 11:00am.of the Show, with the exception
2020 – No Show                                                         of Judging Day. Ribbon will be presented Sunday afternoon.
2019 - Saanen
2018 - Saanen                                                          DAIRY GOAT PAVILION COMPETITION
2017 - Saanen                                                          First: Association Sash, $70; Second: Ribbon, $20;
2016 - British Alpine                                                  Third: Ribbon, $10
2015 - British Alpine
2014 - Australian Melaan
2013 - British Alpine
2012 - Saanen
2011 - British Alpine
2010 - Saanen
$150, Rosette, Trophy
Trophy supported by Robert Sparks

Class 62   The Pioneers Memorial Interbreed Group
           Representatives from each breed will select one
           group of three females, the Senior and Junior
           Champions and Best Performed Kid of the Breed,
           not necessarily the property of one owner, to
           represent their breed. To be judged on uniformity
           and dairy type. If the breed Junior Champion is the
           Kid then the remaining best performing kid will form
           the third group member. Trophies will be awarded
           to each animal in the Winning Breed Group. This
           award has been contributed in memory of the
           Pioneer Exhibitors of the RNA.
           Trophies supported by QLD Branch of The Dairy
           Goat Society of Australia Inc

Association Sash

Association Sash

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