L'elisir d'amore - YALE OPERA - The Elixir of Love - Yale School of Music

Page created by Jose Barker
L'elisir d'amore - YALE OPERA - The Elixir of Love - Yale School of Music
            Gerald Martin Moore, director

L’elisir d’amore
             The Elixir of Love

       Friday, May 6, 2022 | 7:30 p.m.
       Sunday, May 8, 2022 | 2:00 p.m.

  Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Hall

                 Robert Blocker, Dean
Yale Opera presents

             doniz etti

L’elisir d’amore
 (The Elixir of Love)

              may 6 & 8, 2022
Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Hall

         gerald martin moore
          music director & pianist

              nicola bowie
               stage director

           rebecca l. welles
             costume designer

               doug harry
              lighting designer

           henry rodriguez
            projection designer

               karen root
             properties designer

             curtis serafin
               chorus master
Yale Opera

             L’elisir d’amore
                   (The Elixir of Love)
                    Music by Gaetano Donizetti
                      Libretto by Felice Romani
        Performed in Italian with projected English translations


Adina                                Magdalena KuŹma, soprano f
                                     Nicole Leung, soprano su

Giannetta                            amalia crevani, soprano

Nemorino                             jonghyun park, tenor f
                                     jordan costa, tenor su

Sergeant Belcore                     laureano quant, baritone f
                                     samuel kidd, baritone su

Dr. Dulcamara                        korin thomas-smith, baritone

Ensemble                             Anneliese Klenetsky, soprano
                                     Greer Lyle, soprano
                                     Elana Bell, mezzo-soprano
                                     Allison Fahey, mezzo-soprano
                                     Seiyoung Kim, tenor
                                     Sergio Martínez Salazar, bass
                                     Connor Holland, trumpet

On Adina’s farm near New Haven, CT, in 1942,            intermission
a group of farmhands proceed with their morn-
ing work. Shy Nemorino pines for the successful         At the wedding party, Adina and Dulcamara
and beautiful Adina from a distance, sad about          entertain the guests with a duet. Annoyed
being too poor to offer her anything but his love.      because Nemorino is not in attendance, Adina
Adina shares the story of Tristan and Isolde and        delays signing the marriage contract. Nemorino
how Tristan won Isolde’s affection with a love          enters and asks for the doctor’s help. He says
potion. Nemorino is convinced such a potion             Nemorino must double the amount of potion.
could help him.                                         Short on the cash needed to buy it, Nemorino
                                                        is in despair. Sgt. Belcore arrives and, realizing
The pompous yet dashing Sergeant Belcore                that Nemorino needs cash, persuades him to
arrives, flirts with all the girls, and then declares   join his regiment, thereby giving Nemorino
his passion for Adina. When he asks her to              the enlistment money he needs and getting
marry him, she’s flattered but refuses the offer.       his rival out of the way. Nemorino rushes off
The farmhands return to work, and Nemorino              to buy another bottle of “elixir.”
finds the courage to declare his love for Adina.
She laughs at him, telling him she is too fickle        The village girls learn that Nemorino’s rich
to settle down and he should play the field. Stead-     uncle has died, leaving him a large inheritance.
fast, Nemorino says his feelings are unwavering.        Nemorino stumbles in, reeling from the effects
                                                        of the “elixir” (fortified wine). The girls try to
 Dr. Dulcamara, a vaudevillian performer/               seduce him, which Nemorino, unaware of his
 conman, arrives with fanfare to entertain the          inheritance, attributes to Dulcamara’s potion.
 village workers, but, in reality, to sell his phony    Adina sees Nemorino enjoying the attention
“Elisir d’amore,” which he claims will cure all         from the girls and becomes jealous. When
 manner of ailments. Nemorino asks him if he            Dulcamara unwittingly tells her Nemorino
 knows of Isolde’s love potion. Dulcamara, after        spent his last penny to try to win her love, Adina
 realizing that he may be able to make another          becomes determined to win him for herself.
 sale, responds that he in fact invented it and
 promptly sells a bottle to Nemorino, but warns         Nemorino returns, sad at the thought of
 him that it will take at least a day to take           leaving his village and Adina for the army.
 effect. He drinks it at once, not realizing that       He reflects that he saw a tear in her eye when
 it is, in fact, just fortified wine. The effect of     he was with the other girls. Adina joins him
 the alcohol is immediate. Certain that he will         and tells him that she has bought back his
 win Adina’s love, Nemorino begins to treat             enlistment papers. She says she loves him and
 her indifferently. To get even, Adina begins           asks for his forgiveness, and they embrace.
 to flirt with Belcore and finally agrees to marry      Jilted, Belcore quickly moves on to other
 him. When Belcore receives orders to report            romantic prospects. With Nemorino now
 for duty at once, he and Adina decide to wed           loved and rich, all join in praising Dulcamara
 that very evening. As the others celebrate by          and his magic elixir.
 drinking and dancing, a despondent Nemorino
 cries out for Dulcamara’s help.
Artist Profiles

Gerald Martin Moore                                Nicola Bowie
Director of Yale Opera, music direction & piano    stage director

Gerald Martin Moore is an internationally           Nicola danced professionally with English
renowned singing teacher and vocal consultant.      National Ballet before joining English National
He has worked in such houses as Covent              Opera as Head of Movement and Dance
Garden, La Scala, the Metropolitan Opera,           (1980–98); in this capacity she choreographed
San Francisco, and Opera de Bastille in Paris,      over 40 productions. Since 1998 she has
as well as the Aix-en-Provence, Edinburgh,          pursued a freelance career as a director and
and Glyndebourne Festivals.                         choreographer, working at New York City
                                                    Opera, Florida Grand Opera, Glimmerglass
Since moving to NYC in 2008 he has been on          Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Washington National
the teaching faculty of the Metropolitan Opera’s    Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Dallas Opera,
Lindemann program and Curtis Institute of           Boston Lyric Opera, Virginia Opera, Los Angeles
Music. He regularly gives masterclasses at          Opera, Seattle Opera, Portland Opera, Eugene
Glyndebourne, Merola, Washington National Opera, Arizona Opera, San Diego Opera, Opera
Opera, and is on the regular teaching faculty       Santa Barbara, Graz Oper, Oper Bonn, Semper
at Music Academy of the West, Lyric Opera           Oper Dresden, Bavarian State Opera Munich,
of Chicago’s Ryan Opera Center, and the             Grand Opera Geneve, Scottish Opera, Korean
Ravinia Steans Music Institute.                     National Opera, National Center for the
                                                    Performing Arts, Beijing, Teatro Real Madrid,
A frequent recitalist, most notably with Renée      Liceu Opera Barcelona, Sao Carlos Opera Lisbon,
Fleming, he has performed before such digni- Opera Zuid Maastrict, San Francisco Opera
taries as President Obama, President Clinton        Merola program, Opera McGill Montreal,
and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, HRH         University of Southern California, California
Prince Charles, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,        State University Long Beach, Chapman
and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Gerald         University, and the Royal College of Music,
was recently featured accompanying Renée            London. In fall 2017 she launched a Period
Fleming in the soundtrack for the movie Bel         Etiquette master class series at UCLA titled
Canto and also coached Julianne Moore who          “Dance, Dress and Decorum 1550–1910,” which
plays the role of Roxanne.                          she has regularly presented at Metropolitan
                                                    Opera’s Lindemann Young Artist Development
Mr. Moore may currently be heard as a regular Program, San Francisco Opera’s Adler and
host of the Metropolitan Opera Quiz, and is a Merola Programs, Royal Conservatoire of
frequent judge for prestigious vocal competitions, Scotland, Atelier Lyrique L’Opera Montreal,
including the Metropolitan Opera National           Minnesota Opera, Portland Opera, Opera Santa
Council auditions.                                  Barbara, University of Cincinnati College-
                                                    Conservatory of Music, New England
                                                    Conservatory, University of North Texas,
                                                    and Yale University.
Artist Profiles

Doug Harry                                       Are the Elite (NY International Fringe Festival),
lighting designer                                Great Catherine (Helen Gardiner Phalen
                                                 Playhouse), Like Mamma Made You (Factory
Doug hails from the United Kingdom and           Theatre). Other theatre credits include: The
trained at the Guildhall School of Music and     Comedy of Errors, and Elm Shakespeare Youth
Drama way back in the crazy ’80s! He has         Festival (Elm Shakespeare), La Ronde
travelled the world as a lighting designer for   (Soulpepper Theatre Company), The Seagull
theatre, opera and corporate events. Currently   (Stratford Festival of Canada), Pericles, Prince
he divides his time between production man-      of Tyre (Helen Gardiner Phalen Playhouse),
agement and design in the US and Europe.         Gianni Schicchi, Suor Angelica and Twelfth Night
He is very happy to be designing for the Yale    (University Theatre, Valparaiso). Karen is also
Opera program.                                   an Emmy-nominated and Parent’s Choice Award-
                                                 winning production designer. Karen holds a
Henry Rodriguez                                  Bachelor of Arts with Honors from University
projection designer                              of Toronto. She is based in Westport, CT, where
                                                 she lives with her husband, three children,
Henry Rodriguez’s love of magic, art, and        and many pets.
technology has led him to a career as a
Projections Designer. From theatre to opera      Rebecca L. Welles
to film, he has designed for the University of   costume designer
Northern Colorado, the Little Theatre of the
Rockies, Maine State Music Theatre, and          Rebecca L. Welles is pleased to return to Yale
many other places. Currently Henry is a          Opera. Yale Opera credits include Eugene Onegin,
Master of Fine Arts candidate in Projection      The Magic Flute, Hansel and Gretel, Le pauvre
Design at the David Geffen School of Drama       matelot, The Bear, Don Quichotte, La Cenerentola,
at Yale. As a third-year designer he has had     Le nozze di Figaro, Gianni Schicci, Riders to the
the privilege to design shows both in and out    Sea, Bon Appitit and Iolanta. Regional credits
of the school. He looks forward to a fourth      include Elm Shakespeare Company (Comedy
year with all his peers, and is currently        of Errors), Ivoryton Playhouse (Million Dollar
organizing and looking forward to his next       Quartet and Tenderly: The Rosemary Clooney
film shoot. In his spare time Henry enjoys       Story), Salt Marsh Opera (I Pagliacci, Magic
working on technology, cars, and baking a        Flute, La Bohème), Aspen Opera Center (Il
variety of desserts.                             barbiere di Siviglia), and Boheme Opera New
                                                 Jersey (Cavalleria Rusticana, I Pagliacci). Rebecca
Karen Root                                       is also an adjunct professor of performing
properties designer                              arts at Eastern Connecticut State University
                                                 and the resident costume designer for the
Karen Root is excited to be designing for Yale   Educational Center for the Arts. She received
Opera for the first time. Her theatre credits    her bachelor’s degree in Theatre Technology
include: The Tempest (upcoming—Elm               from Southern Connecticut State University
Shakespeare), The Mikado (upcoming—Gilbert       in 2008 and her Master of Fine Arts degree in
and Sullivan Light Opera Company), Taste of      Design from Yale School of Drama in 2012.
Fear (Elm Shakespeare), All About Image/We
Artist Profiles

Tess Naval
production stage manager

Tess Naval is very excited to be a part of her
sixth production with Yale Opera. Currently
based in Chicago, Illinois, her previous credits
include Yale Opera’s Fall Scenes (2018, 2019,
2021),The Old Maid and the Thief, Le Rossignol,
and Eugene Onegin, as well as Music Theater
Works’ The Pirates of Penzance, Filament
Theatre’s Gather, and North Park University’s
Cendrillon. Tess studied Stage Management
at Boston University where she received a
Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Tess will be
joining the 2022–23 Ensemble of Lyric Opera
of Chicago’s Ryan Opera Center as its inaugural
Stage Manager. In her free time, Tess can always
be found with her nose in a good book. She
would like to thank her family for their un-
wavering support.

Curtis Serafin
chorus master

Curtis Serafin’s work as chorus master for
this production follows his fourth season as a
member of the music staff at Sarasota Opera,
where he has played and assisted productions
of Tosca, Attila, La Scala di Seta, and Dido &
Aeneas. The summer of 2022 will also include
a second-year residency as pianist and coach
for Così fan tutte at Chicago Summer Opera.
Recent summer seasons have included pro-
fessional fellowships at the Tanglewood
Institute, Stephanie Blythe’s Fall Island Vocal
Arts Seminar, Manchester Music Festival,
and Hawaii Performing Arts Festival. Curtis
is a graduate of Warren Jones’s studio at the
Manhattan School of Music; this was preceded
by the completion of his undergraduate studies
in piano performance at Vanderbilt University’s
Blair School of Music.
student Profiles

                Elana Bell mezzo-soprano
  Hometown      Baltimore, MD
  Education     B.M. & B.A. Oberlin Conservatory & College
                M.M. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
Young Artists   Des Moines Metro Opera, Music Academy of the West, Tanglewood
   Programs     Music Center*

                Jordan Costa tenor
  Hometown      Ridgefield, CT
   Education    B.M. & M.M. Eastman School of Music
Young Artists   Music Academy of the West, Si Parla, Si Canta, Glimmerglass Opera*
                Amalia Crevani soprano
  Hometown      Milford, NJ
   Education    B.M. DePauw University
Young Artists   Aspen Opera*
                Allison Fahey mezzo-soprano
  Hometown      Sebastian, FL
   Education    B.M. Stetson Unversity
Young Artists   Seagle Festival, Chautauqua Opera Conservatory*
                Jonas Jud bass
  Hometown      St. Gallen, Switzerland
   Education    B.M. Conservatorio di Musica Agostino Steffani Castelfranco Veneto
Young Artists   Santa Fe Opera, Zurich Opera Studio*
                Samuel Kidd baritone
  Hometown      Ann Arbor, MI
  Education     B.M. The University of Michigan
                M.M. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
Young Artists   Wolf Trap Opera, Music Academy of the West, Houston Grand Opera
   Programs     Young Artists’ Vocal Academy, Music Academy of the West*

                Seiyoung Kim baritone
  Hometown      Seoul, South Korea
  Education     B.M. The Juilliard School
                M.M. New England Conservatory
Young Artists   Santa Fe Opera, Wolf Trap Opera, Houston Grand Opera Young Artists’
   Programs     Vocal Academy

                * Upcoming
student Profiles

                Anneliese Klenetsky soprano
  Hometown      Edison, NJ
   Education    M.M. & B.M. The Juilliard School
Young Artists   Music Academy of the West, Chautauqua Voice Program, Ravinia’s
   Programs     Steans Music Institute*

                Magdalena Kuźma soprano
  Hometown      New York, NY
   Education    B.M. & B.A. Oberlin Conservatory & College
Young Artists   Merola Opera, Ravinia’s Steans Music Institute, Houston Grand Opera
   Programs     Young Artists’ Vocal Academy, Music Academy of the West, Carnegie
                SongStudio, Chautauqua Voice Program, Santa Fe Opera*, Metropolitan
                Opera Lindemann Young Artist Program*

                Nicole Leung soprano
  Hometown      Toronto, Canada
  Education     B.M. New England Conservatory
                M.M. Yale School of Music
Young Artists   Songfest, Long Reach Opera Workshop, Calgary Opera*
                Greer Lyle soprano
  Hometown      Carrollton, GA
   Education    Georgia State University
Young Artists   Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, Opera North*
                Sergio Martínez Salazar bass
  Hometown      Bogotá, Colombia
  Education     B.M. Juan N. Corpas University (Bogotá, Colombia)
                M.M. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Young Artists   Glimmerglass Opera*
                Jonghyun Park tenor
  Hometown      Seoul, South Korea
  Education     B.M. Seoul National University
                M.M. Yale School of Music
Young Artists   Merola Opera*
                Laureano Quant baritone
  Hometown      Barranquilla, Colombia
  Education     B.M. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia)
                M.M. Manhattan School of Music
Young Artists   Merola Opera, Carnegie SongStudio, Lyric Opera of Chicago’s Ryan
   Programs     Opera Center*
student Profiles

                Korin Thomas-Smith baritone
  Hometown      Toronto, Canada
   Education    B.M. & M.M. University of Toronto
Young Artists   Music Academy of the West, Aspen Music Festival, Ravinia’s Steans
   Programs     Music Institute*

                * Upcoming

                Yale Opera Production Staff

           nicola bowie                                     Erika Niemi
            Stage Director                                    Manager

         Rebecca l. welles                                   Tess Naval
          Costume Designer                             Production Stage Manager

           Doug Harry                                          Ana Mora
Lighting Designer & Master Electrician                  Assistant Stage Manager

         Henry Rodriguez                                     Karen Root
    Projection Designer & Operator                   Properties Designer & Manager

         Anna Smigelskaya                                 Kayla Mainuli
 Surtitle Operator & Rehearsal Pianist                    Wardrobe Manager

         Curtis Serafin
  Chorus Master & Rehearsal Pianist

                             Special Thanks

                                    Shawn Boyle
                                    Rich Burkam
                                Wendall K. Harrington
                                 Christopher Melillo
                                       JJ Penna
                                   Adriana Zabala
                         David Geffen School of Drama at Yale
                         Southern Connecticut State University
Upcoming Events at YSM

may 7		 Yale Philharmonia
			Peter Oundjian, principal conductor
			7:30 p.m. | Woolsey Hall

may 9		 Guitar Chamber Music
			4:30 p.m. | Morse Recital Hall

may 10 Chamber Music Competition Winners
			7:30 p.m. | Morse Recital Hall

may 12 Bassoonarama
			7:30 p.m. | Sudler Recital Hall

may 22 Commencement Concert
			4:00 p.m. | Morse Recital Hall

YSM Audience Policy spring 2022
Concerts presented by the Yale School of Music and Institute of Sacred Music are open to
members of the public who are asymptomatic and up-to-date on COVID vaccinations—
meaning they have received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines for their age range,
including any booster dose(s) when eligible. Unvaccinated children and individuals with any
type of exemption are not permitted to attend Yale events at this time.
Read full policies and reserve tickets at music-tickets.yale.edu.

yale school of music box office
Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 College Street, New Haven, CT 06511
203 432–4158 | music-tickets.yale.edu

Connect with us
    yale.music          yalemusic             @yalemusic               YaleSchoolofMusicOfficial

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