KUUSAKOSKI RECYCLING 2022 Townline Road - Peoria, IL 61615 - LoopNet
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KUUSAKOSKI RECYCLING | PEORIA, IL ON MARKET: KUUSAKOSKI RECYCLING IN PEORIA, IL INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS Kuusakoski Recycling Facility in Peoria, IL Competitive Advantage THE COUNTY SEAT OF PEORIA COUNTY AND THE LARGEST CITY ALONG THE ILLINOIS RIVER KUUSAKOSKI ENJOYS SEVERAL OF THE HIGHEST E-WASTE INDUSTRY CERTIFICATIONS IN THE MARKETPLACE Corporate Guaranty | Kuusakoski US, LLC APPROXIMATELY $675 MILLION IN ANNUAL REVENUE Ideally Located on W Townline Road DENSE INDUSTRIAL CORRIDOR IN NORTH PEORIA WITH EASY ACCESS TO IL-ROUTE 6 (0.25 More Than Three Years Remaining on a Double-Net (NN) Lease with MILES FROM SUBJECT ASSET) Minimal Landlord Responsibilities Strong Local Demographics Kuusakoski Recycling is one of the Largest and Most Reputable Recyclers of Electronics, Glass & Metal in the World 30% POPULATION INCREASE AND AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOMES OF MORE THAN 100+ YEAR OPERATING HISTORY $120,400 WITHIN ONE MILE Tenant Demonstrates Commitment Capital Commitment to the Area EXTENDED LEASE IN 2018 MORE THAN $500 MILLION IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT PERMITS IN PEORIA, IL (OSF ST. State of the Art Industrial Property with Large Glass & Metal Crushing FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER: $237 MILLION DEVELOPMENT) Capabilities and High-Speed Doors Mission Critical Facility | The State of Illinois Prohibits the Dumping of Electronic Items into State Landfills KUUSAKOSKI PROVIDES A SOLUTION FOR RESIDENTIAL ELECTRONIC WASTE 2012 2 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
KUUSAKOSKI RECYCLING | PEORIA, IL FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2022 TOWNLINE ROAD PEORIA, IL 61615 PRICE $2,835,000 CAP RATE 8.00% NOI $226,800 PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT $50.63 RENT PER SQUARE FOOT $4.05 YEAR BUILT 1969/2001 APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE 2.8 Acres AC T U AL P ROP E R T Y GROSS LEASEABLE AREA 56,000 SF TYPE OF OWNERSHIP Fee Simple LEASE GUARANTOR Kuusakoski US, LLC LEASE TYPE Double-Net (NN) ROOF AND STRUCTURE Landlord Responsibility LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE 6/1/2013 LEASE EXPIRATION DATE 6/30/2023 AC T U AL P ROP E R T Y LEASE TERM 10 Years TERM REMAINING 3.5 Years ANNUALIZED OPERATING DATA INCREASES In Option Periods BASE RENT ANNUAL RENT MONTHLY RENT OPTIONS TO RENEW One, 5-Year CURRENT 6/30/2023 $226,800.00 $18,900.00 3 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
KUUSAKOSKI RECYCLING | PEORIA, IL P R O P E R T Y D E TA I L 2022 TOWNLINE ROAD PEORIA, IL 61615 THE OFFERING PROPERTY Kuusakoski Recycling PROPERTY ADDRESS 2022 W Townline Rd, Peoria, IL PROPERTY TYPE Industrial Manufacturing CLASS B ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 14/06/227/001 N KN OX V I LLE AV E SITE DESCRIPTION SITE SIZE 2.8 Acres TYPE OF OWNERSHIP Fee Simple EP!C ACADEMY RENTABLE SQUARE FEET 56,000 SF SUBJECT PROPERTY FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) 0.40 Infared Heating, Fully Sprinklered & Inte- PEORIA INTERIOR FEATURES PRODUCTION SHOP rior Semi-Docks With Dock-Levelers Fenced Truck Parking Lot with Diesel LOT D Electrical Connections ER LIN STREET FRONTAGE W Townline Road WN TO CONSTRUCTION N PIONEER RD W YEAR BUILT 1969/2001 CONTRUCTION TYPE Concrete STRUCTURAL FRAME Steel ROOF Angled, Metal NUMBER OF FLOORS 1 CEILING HEIGHT 23 Feet BLUE RIDGE FORGE LOADING DOCKS Four Overhead Drive-In Doors AC T U AL P R OP E R T Y 5 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
KUUSAKOSKI RECYCLING | PEORIA, IL TENANT OVERVIEW Kuusakoski US is the US division of Kuusakoski Recycling, one of the largest and most reputable recyclers of metal and electronics in the world. Founded in 1914 and headquartered in Espoo, Finland, Kuusakoski operations span 12 countries, 3 continents and 48 states. The company provides cost-effective, environmentally responsible recycling services to e-waste collectors and recyclers, enterprises, small businesses, nonprofits, original equipment manufacturers, and government and municipalities. With a century- long history, Kuusakoski is both an original pioneer of the recycling industry and modern innovator of today’s leading recycling technology. Kuusakoski’s processes have been honed over a century to the highest level of efficiency and environmental standards. AC T U AL P R OP E R T Y Kuusakoski enjoys several of the highest e-waste recycling industry certifications, some of which include: OVERVIEW TENANT TRADE NAME Kuusakoski Recycling E-Stewards Certification: The highest e-waste recycling certification in the industry. It sets Kuusakoski apart from others in the marketplace that may mishandle OWNERSHIP Private material and cause negative impacts on the environment and/or human health. TENANT Kuusakoski US, LLC SAI Global ISO 14001: Ensures that Kuusakoski has up to date and third party LEASE GUARANTOR Corporate audited Environmental Management Systems with stringent environmental requirements. HEADQUARTERED Plainfield, IL SAI Global ISO 14001: Occupational, Health and Safety standard and REVENUE $681 Million (2018 USD) certification which enhances the company OHS culture and keeps employee’s health and safety at the center of importance. WEB SITE https://kuusakoski.us/ 6 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
KUUSAKOSKI RECYCLING | PEORIA, IL ABOUT PEORIA Peoria, Illinois is the county seat of Peoria County, Illinois, and the largest city on the Illinois River. Peoria is home to Bradley University, Illinois Central College, University of Illinois College of Medicine, which feature a combined total enrollment of approximately 16,000 students. Some of the area’s top employers include: Advance Technology Services, Unity Point Health, OSF St. Francis Medical Center, which each employ over 1,500 individuals. A major port on the Illinois River, Peoria is a trading and shipping center for a large agricultural area that produces maize, soybeans, and livestock. Although the economy is well diversified, the city’s traditional manufacturing industries remain important and produce earthmoving equipment, metal products, lawn-care equipment, labels, steel towers, farm equipment, building materials, steel, wire, and chemicals. During January 2018, OSF Healthcare and Caterpillar Inc. excited the community with the announcement of the regional healthcare giant’s planned rehab and headquarters relocation into a historic downtown landmark building originally designed for a large downtown department store Shipper & Block, Block & Kuhl’s and lastly Carson Pirie, Scoott & Co. Such consolidation of hundreds of scattered administrative employees is planned as a major catalyst for further central business district revitalization. The Peoria industrial market contains roughly 30 million SF of space and primarily serves the local economy. Vacancy remains tight, at under 3%, due to a lack of development activity. Because of this tight supply, rent growth has been strong, at 2% over the past twelve months. SUBJECT PROPERTY BLUE RIDGE FORGE D RR IONEE NP W TOW N L IN E RD ACTU AL PROPERTY 7 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies.
1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 1-Mile 3-Mile 5-Mile 2000 Population 1,625 27,651 61,428 2000 Households 747 11,575 26,129 2019 Average HH Income $120,408 $100,314 $91,315 2010 Population 2,631 33,408 68,745 2010 Households 1,322 14,211 29,848 2019 Median HH Income $77,518 $76,664 $69,573 2019 Population 3,438 32,529 65,822 2019 Households 1,730 14,056 28,663 2019 Per Capita Income $60,589 $43,346 $39,764 2024 Population 3,537 31,811 64,154 2024 Households 1,780 13,790 27,951
B R OKE R HE REBY AD VI SES ALL P R O S PECTIV E PU R CHA S ER S O F N ET L EA S ED P R O P E R T Y A S F O L L O WS: T h e i n f o rm a ti o n c ontained in the follow ing Mar ket i ng B r o chur e i s p r o p r i et ar y and s t r i ct l y co nf i d ent ia l . I t i s i n t e n de d t o be re v i e w e d on l y by t h e pa rt y r e ce i vi n g i t f ro m B r oker and should not be ma d e avai l ab l e t o any o t her p er s o n o r ent i t y w i t ho ut t he w ri t t e n c on s e n t of Brok e r. T h i s Ma rke ti n g Brochur e has b een pr epar ed t o p r o vi d e s um m ar y, unver i f i ed i nf o r m at i o n t o p r o s p ect i v e pu rc h a s e rs , a n d t o e s t a bl i s h on l y a pre l i m i n a ry l e v e l o f i n te re st i n the sub ject pr oper ty . The inf o r m at i o n co nt ai ned her ei n i s no t a s ub s t i t ut e f o r a t h orou g h du e di l i g e n c e i n v e s t i g a t i on . Brok e r h a s n ot m a d e a n y i n ve sti gation, and makes no w ar r ant y o r r ep r es ent at i o n, w i t h r es p ect t o t he i nco m e o r ex p e n s e s for t h e s u bj e c t prope rt y , t h e fu t u re proj e c t e d f i n a nc i a l pe rf o rm ance of the p r oper ty , the s i z e and s q uar e f o o t age o f t he p r o p er t y and i m p r o vem e n t s , t h e pre s e n c e or a bs e n c e of c on t a m i n a t i n g su b s ta n c e s, PCB’s or asbestos, the comp liance w i t h St at e and F ed er al r egul at i o ns , t he p hys i cal co nd i t i on of t h e i m prov e m e n t s t h e re on , or t h e fi n a n c i a l co n di ti o n o r bu si ness p r ospects of any tenant , o r any t enant ’s p l ans o r i nt ent i o ns t o co nt i nue i t s o c c u pa n c y of t h e s u bj e c t prope rt y . T h e i n form a t i on co n ta i n e d i n th i s Mar keting B r ochur e has b ee n o b t ai ned f r o m s o ur ces w e b el i eve t o b e r el i ab l e; ho w e v e r, Brok e r h a s n ot v e ri fi e d, a n d w i l l n ot v e ri fy , a n y o f th e i n f o rm ation contained her ein, nor has B r o ker co nd uct ed any i nves t i gat i o n r egar d i ng t hes e m a t t e rs a n d m a k e s n o w a rra n t y or re pre s e n t a t i on w ha tso e ve r re ga rding the accur acy or comp letenes s o f t he i nf o r m at i o n p r o vi d ed . Al l p o t ent i al b uyer s m u s t t a k e a ppropri a t e m e a s u re s t o v e ri fy a l l of t h e i nf o rm a ti o n se t f o r th her ein. NO N -ENDOR SEMEN T NOTICE Br o ke r i s n o t a f f i l iated w ith, sponsor ed b y , o r end o r s ed b y any co m m er ci al t enant o r l es s ee i d ent i f ie d i n t h i s m a rk e t i n g pa c k a g e . T h e pre s e n c e of a n y co r po ra ti o n ’s l o go or name is not intend ed to i nd i cat e o r i m p l y af f i l i at i o n w i t h, o r s p o ns o r s hi p o r e n dors e m e n t by , s a i d c orpora t i on of Brok e r, i t s a f f i l i a te s o r su bsi diar ies, or any agent, pr oduc t , s er vi ce, o r co m m er ci al l i s t i ng o f B r o ker , and i s s o l el y i n c l u de d for t h e pu rpos e of prov i di n g t e n a n t l e s s e e i nf o rm a ti o n a bo u t this listing to pr ospectiv e cus t o m er s . A L L P R O PER TY SH OWINGS A RE B Y A P P OINTME N T ON LY . P LEASE C ON SULT Y OUR B ROK ER AG EN T F OR M OR E D E T A I L S .
C O N TA C T U S : MARK POMELLA LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON mpomella@sabcap.com t. 646.809.8840 JOHN SNEE LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON jsnee@sabcap.com t. 646.809.8847 BROKER OF RECORD Simeon Spirrison simeon@adelphia properties.com t. 630.455.4495 Adelphia Properties LICENSE #: 471.002578 (IL) A C T U AL PROPE RTY
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