How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate

Page created by Ryan Mccoy
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate

       How                Healthy            London’s
       Londoners Live     London Living      Pampered Pets

       The Rise           How
       Of Green Therapy   London Will Live
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
Welcome to                                     There are some ‘must haves’ that will always be
                                               important for our renters and buyers when looking
                                                                                                            How London Lives looks at how Londoners
                                                                                                            are buying and renting. The insights are drawn
our How London Lives report.                   for a home. Our sales and lettings negotiators know          from various Ecorp data sources, coupled
                                               that the location, type and size of the property have        with insights from our people as well as
We know, from more than 37 years of            the biggest impact on our customers’ property choice.        external trends.
finding Londoners their dream home,            We also know that being close to public transport, the
                                               office and family and friends is always important.           How London Lives is a snapshot of the Mindful
that there is nothing ‘set in stone’ when                                                                   Movers who are shaping an exciting new
it comes to the capital’s property market.     However, as we head towards the end of the decade            normal for property
What Londoners want is always changing.        we are seeing that above and beyond the obvious asks,
                                               what Londoners want is subtly changing once again.
Whether it’s the explosion of loft living in
the 1990s or the popularity of East London     Mindful Movers are at the forefront of a trend which         The capital’s renters and buyers are taking
in the late 2000s, our unrivalled knowledge    will continue into the next decade and beyond.               a more thoughtful and holistic approach to
                                                                                                            what will make them happy in their new home.
of the London property market means we                                                                      These are Mindful Movers, and they want to:
                                               When it comes to their perfect home, they’re not just
see these trends before anyone else.           prioritising the practical – they’re going back-to-basics,
                                                                                                                   Prioritise their health and wellbeing
We have a huge team of property experts        they’re listening to their hearts. They know they can               through gyms, swimming pools and great
                                               get so much of what they want at the click of a button,             running routes on their doorstep.
the largest network across London – with
                                               whenever and wherever, so what’s on their doorstep                  Find the perfect home that works as much
thousands of properties on our books at        is taking on a new meaning to them. For this reason                 for their pets as it does for them, making sure
                                                                                                                   wherever they choose is right for dogs, cats,
any one time. This gives us unparalleled       we predict Mindful Movers will lead the way in                      rabbits or even chickens.
                                               forging deeper links with their local communities and
insight into how Londoners are buying and                                                                          Get some green therapy, be it their own gardens,
                                               renewing the face-to-face connections that make
renting across the city.                       neighbourhoods thrive.
                                                                                                                   balconies or courtyards or even being imaginative,
                                                                                                                   bringing the outside in to their new homes.
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
Londoners are eating more
healthily and exercising more
frequently.In fact, nearly seven out                                                     Over a third of our renters
                                                                                         said they were prepared to
of ten Londoners exercise at least                                                       pay more for a gym.

once a week and nearly one-fifth                    Over a quarter of our renters
say that they exercise each and                     said they were prepared to pay
                                                    more for a swimming pool.
every day.

Whether they are renting or buying,
Londoners are now factoring in their health
and property choice alongside location,
square footage and transport links.
Mindful Movers know that property decisions
are some of the most important decisions
they will make in their life, so it makes perfect
sense to make that life the healthiest possible.

Our renters themselves told us they were
prepared to pay more for health and fitness
features in new developments.

                                                    Nearly a sixth of our renters said
                                                    they were prepared to pay more
                                                    for bike storage.
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
However, Mindful Movers aren’t
just burning the calories on bench
presses, sweating in spinning
classes and tiring themselves out
on treadmills like Generation X did
in the 1990s. These Londoners are
looking beyond the gym and want
to find a home which gives them
access to all the fitness options that
the capital has to offer.

They are sacrificing a weekend lie-in and instead,
joining hundreds of runners every Saturday morning
at one of London’s over 50 parkruns. They are hitting
the pavements and logging their routes on their
Strava apps, with over 3 million runs trackedyear.
And they are generating some serious pedal power
to make cycling London’s favourite mode of rush-hour
transport last year.

Mindful Movers understand how important looking
after their health is to being happy at home.
They are therefore making sure their properties
are right for the active lifestyles they want to lead.   Over 50 parkruns across    Over 3 million runs
                                                          London every weekend.    tracked in the capital
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
As a nation of pet lovers, we all know there
is nothing guaranteed to improve your mood
quite like spending time with your favourite
furry or feathered friends. Nine out of ten pet
owners in the UK say that owning a pet makes
them feel happy and 88 percent feel that pet
ownership improves their overall quality of life.

It is perhaps no surprise then that London’s Mindful Movers are
making sure their dream home is perfect for both them and their
pets, whether they are cats, dogs, rabbits or chickens.

In fact, over a quarter of Londoners who rent a property through
Ecorp said they were prepared to pay more for a pet-friendly

According to our expert staff, this trend appears to be on
the increase as well. Nearly two-thirds of our lettings negotiators
say that the opportunity to keep a pet is important for renters
when choosing a property.
                                                                                A quarter of Londoners
And nearly eight out of ten of our lettings negotiators said that
                                                                               who rent a property through                           88 percent
renters are increasingly looking for tenancy agreements with                 Ecorp said they were prepared     say that pet ownership improves
pet-friendly paragraphs – a clause with claws!                        to pay more for a petfriendly property          their overall quality of life
How London Lives - Ecorp Real Estate
Our staff rise to the challenge                                    Pets are really important to our
                                                                   customers. I once helped someone
of finding the perfect home for                                    find a property which had to have
Londoners and their pets, no                                       a bedroom just for their cats.
matter how big the challenge.
They have told us…                                                 More than once I have had people
                                                                   base their property searches on
                                                                   their pets. I’ve even had renters
                                                                   who loved their dog so much
                                                                   that they chose their flat based
                                                                   on how close it was to their dog’s
                                                                   favourite parks.

                                                                                                          And the importance of pets to Londoners isn’t just limited to where
                                                                                                          they are choosing to live. Over half a million people are now signed
                                                                                                          up to apps like Borrow My Doggy, giving them the chance to walk
                                                                                                          other people’s dogs. Hundreds of sausage dog enthusiasts got
                                                                                                          together last year to go for a waddle round London. And now the
                                                                                                          capital is home to two purr-fect cat cafes, where you can sip tea while
                                                                                                          enjoying the company of feline friends.
 A couple recently came to us saying they          I had a couple of renters recently who loved keeping   Mindful Movers know the wide-ranging benefits of having a pet and
 needed to rent a property with a pond in          hens. They had built them a lovely coop and gave the   are looking to prioritise this when they are carrying out their property
 the garden for their ducks. It was a challenge,   spare eggs to friends. We managed to find them a       search.
 but we found one for them!                        property with a garden which was perfect.
The Rise
Of Green
For the Baby Boomer generation,
realising their dream meant selling                      “Nowadays Mindful Movers are
their homes in the capital and living                    proving you don’t need to leave
                                                         the capital to enjoy the benefits
the good life in the countryside.                        of the outdoors.”
But nowadays Mindful Movers are
                                                         40 percent of Ecorp’s renters
proving you don’t need to leave the
                                                         said they were prepared to
capital to enjoy the benefits of the                     pay more for a roof terrace or
                                                         communal outdoor space.

Mindful Movers want outdoor space and are willing
to pay for it; 40 percent of Ecorp’s renters said
they were prepared to pay more for a roof terrace or
communal outdoor space. And one-sixth of Ecorp’s
renters even said they were prepared to pay more for
a barbecue area, showing there’s more to gardens than
green lawns; Londoners want a modern take on urban
space when finding their dream home.

This love for outdoor space may explain why nearly a
third of homeowners with a garden say that they feel
competitive about it looking good. For Mindful Movers,
there is pride to be had in designing and tending to
modern gardens across the capital.
When designing their gardens this group is opting for natural
                                                                                        Mindful Movers are
features, creating organic utopias out of real grass, flowers and   an imaginative group. They think outside
vegetable patches. To keep their oasis in the city as natural as            the box and bring the outside in.

possible, they’re even ditching manmade features like
chimeneas, fire pits and garden art.

Mindful Movers are an imaginative group. If they find
the property that is right for them and it doesn’t have
a garden, they think outside the box and bring the
outside in.

Mindful Movers are using plants to personalise their homes,
whether they are buying or renting. Perhaps this explains
why house-plant sales have increased 20 percent compared
to last year. This growing green obsession is evident on the
high street as well, with Ikea exhibiting house-plants at the
Chelsea Flower Show for the first time ever, Topshop now
selling plants and online house-plant stores like Patch growing
in popularity.

Mindful Movers know a big garden isn’t the only way to enjoy
the great outdoors. Instead, when they are looking for their
dream home, they are using all the resources at their disposal
to create perfect green spaces both outside and in.
How London
Will Live
Over the last couple of decades London’s buyers and renters have prioritised living near great restaurants, a local cinema and
other amenities when they are choosing a property. For our buyers and renters, convenience was key. And convenience meant
having everything on your doorstep.
However, Mindful Movers’ idea of convenience is           But we already know that what the younger generation    We are already starting to see this in several new developments
changing. This group know that they can increasingly      of Londoners want is changing.                          across London. In Queenshurst, a stunning new development in
get access to whatever they want through their laptops,                                                           South West London, renters and buyers will have access to shared
phones and TV screens.                                    Over half (53 percent) of millennials would rather      facilities like a cinema, meeting rooms and a Wi-Fi lounge to
                                                          spend money on experiences instead of possessions       connect with other residents. At Goodluck Hope, a community-
They therefore won’t need to go to local restaurants
                                                          (23 percent). The younger generation are volunteering   focused development in East London all residents can use a suite
when they can buy from those restaurants through
                                                          more than their older peers and nearly two-thirds       of great facilities with their neighbours, including a gym, cinema
their smartphones and eat on their sofa. They don’t
                                                          want to connect with a social issue or cause. We        and swimming pool.
necessarily need great bars on their doorstep when
                                                          predict Mindful Movers will prioritise face-to face
they can get home from a night out using a ride-hailing
                                                          connections and meaningful links with their
app. And they don’t need to be within walking distance
                                                          neighbourhoods in the future.
of a cinema when they can choose from the latest
blockbusters through their streaming services.            And to connect and meet in person, they will need
                                                          something different when looking for a property.
Our own staff think this tech trend will continue, with
                                                          They will want communal spaces, ready-made
over two-thirds of our sales negotiators saying that
                                                          community groups and the chance to work remotely
buyers will want a fully integrated home with tech
                                                          alongside other residents.
and voice assistants by 2030 and over two-fifths of our
lettings negotiators even believing that renters will
want a robot cleaner in the future!

                                                                                                                  These are just two examples of what is quickly becoming the
                                                                                                                  norm for new developments springing up across the capital: the
                                                                                                                  concept of community creation for times queezed Londoners.
Who to contact at E CORP:
How London Lives shows how no one knows the London
property market quite like ECORP. It’s our unparalleled
insight into how Londoners are buying and renting
across the city which means we can always serve our
customers better.
If you would like more information on our expertise,
network or properties please don’t hesitate to get in
touch with us.

How we have compiled this report
The findings of the How London Lives report are drawn
from various E CORP data sources, coupled with insights
from our people as well as external trends.
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