KRAL Volumeter - OME Series. Economy Flowmeters - E:

KRAL Volumeter - OME Series. Economy Flowmeters - E:
KRAL Volumeter® – OME Series.
     Economy Flowmeters.

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021 E:
KRAL Volumeter - OME Series. Economy Flowmeters - E:
OME – Economy

                                                                                Operating conditions and materials.
                A unique concept for economical
                precise flow measurement.                                         Flow range:        0,1 to 150 l/min.
                                                                                  Max. pressure:     40 bar.
                                                                                  Temperature range: -20 °C to 100 °C.
                                                                                  Viscosity range:   1 to 1x106 mm²/s.
                                                                                  Liquid:	Chemically neutral,
                                                                                                     lightly lubricating, clean,
                                                                                  Accuracy:          ±0,1% of rate.
                                                                                  Casing:            Anodized aluminum.
                                                                                  Screws:            Nitrided steel.
                                                                                  Bearings:          Bearing steel.
                                                                                  Seals:             Viton®.

                                                                               High measuring                The advantage of the
                Favorable price.               Optimum design.                 accuracy.                     spindle principle.

                In the international market-   With the complexity of flow     Even with reduced oper-       Positive-displacement flow
                place, you are faced with      meters it is sometimes dif-     ating parameters many         measurement with this
                severe price pressure. Sav-    ficult to include all the re-   applications require high     principle is proven and it’s
                ings can start when pur-       quirements for various ap-      accuracy.                     measurement is extremely
                chasing individual compo-      plications. The reenginee-                                    precise. An exactly defined
                                                                               KRAL Volumeter Series
                nents.                         red design of the OME                                         volume is continuously filled
                                                                               OME offers high laboratory
                                               is optimized for efficient                                    and evacuated. The number
                We recognized that not all                                     measuring accuracy under
                                               production.                                                   of fillings results in the flow.
                our customers needed the                                       extreme conditions. The
                                                                                                             This easily understood prin-
                wide pressure and temp­er-        roduction:
                                                 P                             linearity diagram from page
                                                                                                             ciple has important ad-
                a­ture capabilities of our       The aluminum housing          5 and the measuring rate
                                                                                                             vantages compared with
                original OMG series. That        can be completely ma-         program from page 6
                is why we created the pat-       chined on one machine         shows the high level of
                                                                                                                No Flow-conditioning –
                ented OME design, to             without repositioning         measurement accuracy
                                                                                                                no straight runs of piping
                provide an excellent flow-       or retooling.                 over a wide range of flow-
                                                                                                                upstream or downstream
                meter value for the large                                      rates.
                                                  he components:
                                                 T                                                              of the meter is required.
                segment of our customers
                                                 Instead of the standard       The measuring chamber            All KRAL Volumeter can
                with lower flow, pressure
                                                 pole wheel, flow pulses       is produced to high accu-        measure bi-direction-
                and temperature require-
                                                 are taken from the spin-      racy. The sensor is po-          ally, simplifying other-
                                                 dle directly, thus reducing   sitioned outside of the          wise complex measure-
                                                 the number of parts in        measuring chamber and            ment tasks.
                                                 the meter.                    has no influence on the          Due to the nearly zero
                                                                               precisely defined meas-          starting measurement
                                               By using an aluminum
                                                                               uring chamber volume.            and the wide measure-
                                               housing, fewer parts, and
                                                                                                                ment range; KRAL
                                               precision machining, the
                                                                                                                Volumeter are ideal for
                                               OME is just what you
                                                                                                                dispensing processes.
                                               need… not less, not more.

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021 2E:
KRAL Volumeter - OME Series. Economy Flowmeters - E:
The solution.

 all-round flowmeter.
                                                            No flow conditioning.
 The OME is specialising
 in customers with lower                                    No straight piping is nec-
 flow, pressure, and tem-                                   essary upstream or down-
 perature requirements,                                     stream of the meter.
 who welcome the favour-
 able price. Installation at
 any angle and direction.                                   Bi-directional
                                                            flow measurement.

                                                            Because of the operating
 High accuracy.                                             principle, bi-directional flow
                                                            can be measured. With
 Because of the precision
                                                            a flow direction sensor, a
 measurement chamber,
                                                            change of the flow direction
 extremely accurate meas-
                                                            or brief reverse flow can be
 urements are possible.
                                                            detected and measured.

 Precision spindles for
 wide flow and viscosity

                                                            Standard output signal.

                                                            The flow sensor output
 Compact design.
                                                            signal is an industry
 The axial arrangement of                                   standard square wave.
 the measurement system
 allows laminar flow with no
 change in direction making
 it a very compact design.

                                                            Various connections.

                                                            Available are:
                                                              Pipe thread.
                                                              DIN flange, ANSI, SAE
                                                              and JIS.

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021 3E:
KRAL Volumeter - OME Series. Economy Flowmeters - E:
OME – Selection of Size

                          The following
                          ques­tions can assist
                          you in selecting an
                          OME meter.                 Explanation.                   Instructions.                    Notes.

                          Which size is suitable     The selection of the           From the Size table,             The value of flowrate
                          for the flow range to be   correct size ensures a long    se­lect a size, OME 13 - 32,     [% of Qnom] is used in the
                          measured?                  service life, high measuring   whose nominal flow rate,         following diagrams. Draw
                                                     accuracy and an excellent      Qnom, is near that of your       a line downward from this
                                                     cost-utilization ratio.        application, Qapp.               value to intersect the same
                                                                                    Then calculate flowrate in       value in the other diagrams.
                                                                                    [% of Qnom] using the            Moving the line left or
                                                                                    equation shown at right.         right shows the effects of
                                                                                                                     meter size on load rating
                                                                                                                     and linearity.

                          Does the selected          Service life and pressure      In the Load rating               The range of short-term
                          unit have the required     drop are important factors      diagram, find the inter­        operation can be purposely
                          service life?              in selecting a meter size.     section point of the viscos-     used for short times, such
                                                     Verify that your selection     ­ity [% of Qnom] and flow­       as a load reserve or safe-
                          What is the
                                                     will meet your expectations    rate [mm²/s] for your appli-     ty factor.
                          pressure drop?
                                                     of service life and pressure   cation. To the left of this
                                                     drop. For increased service    point, find the pressure
                                                     life and reduced pressure      drop for the nominal flow
                                                     drop, select a larger size.    of your application. The
                                                     This will reduce the flow­     color range where the point
                                                     rate [% of Qnom] for a         lies signifies either continu­
                                                     given application.             ous operation (yellow) or
                                                                                    short-term operation (red).
                                                     For meters larger than
                                                                                    A point in the white range
                                                     size 32, the OMG Series
                                                                                    is not a recommen­ded
                                                     of Universal flowmeters is
                                                                                    load rating for an OME.

                          What is the measuring      High accuracy is expected      With the viscosity [% of         The OME begins measur­
                          accuracy of the selected   from PD meters. The OME        Qnom] and flowrate [mm²/s]       ing at an extremely low
                          unit?                      delivers excellent accuracy    you can obtain the meter         flowrate, due to very low
                                                     over a wide range of flows.    accuracy curve from the          slippage past the spindles.
                                                     For the highest accuracy,      Linearity diagram. Yellow        As viscosity increases, so
                                                     lineari­zation is possible.    range signifies: The device      does the linear region of
                                                     The KRAL BEM 500 can           operates within the range        the accuracy curve.
                                                     linearize the meter's          of maximum accuracy of
                                                     performance curve for a        ±0,1% of rate. Orange
                                                     defined viscosity. Special     range signifies: The meter
                                                     calibration may be required.   accuracy is within the lim-
                                                                                    its of ±0,3 % of rate.

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021 4E:
Size.                                                                                               Qnom   [l/min]

                                                                                                                    10    OME       13
                                                                                                 Qapp               30    OME       20
                                                                                 [% of Qnom] =        x 100         50    OME       24
                                                                                                                   100    OME       32

                                                                              1 10               50                100                   150 Flowrate [% of Qnom ]

               Load rating.
                                                                        100000 50000 10000            5000 mm2/s              2000 mm2/s

                                                                                                                                            1000 mm2/s
                              Pressure drop [bar]

                                                                        10                                                                   500 mm2/s

                                                                                                 Short-term operation                        200 mm2/s
                                                                         5                                                                   100 mm2/s
                                                                                                                                              50 mm2/s
                                                                                                                                              10 mm2/s
                                                                                             Continuous operation
                                                                         0                                                                     5 mm2/s
                                                                              1 10               50                100                   150 Flowrate [% of Qnom]

                              Accuracy [%] related to measured value

                                                                       +0,1                                                                  200 mm2/s
                                                                       -0,1                                                                   20 mm2/s
                                                                       -0,3                                                                    2 mm2/s

                                                                              1 10               50                100                   150 Flowrate [% of Qnom]

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021 5E:
Are the precision and                         The OME combines                  1 This is where               Yellow range signifies:
  sturdiness of the                             service life and accuracy        accurate operation of          Best combination of
  KRAL Volumeter® fully                         to produce a measuring           the OME starts.                accuracy and service life.
  utilized?                                     range of unmatched
                                                                                  2 The OME can be              Orange range signifies:
                                                magnitude. Since normal
                                                                                 operated continuously up       The meter is suitable for
                                                flow conditions are never
                                                                                 to this line.                  continuous operation with
                                                static, a wide range of
                                                                                                                an accuracy of ±0,3 %
                                                acceptable viscosities and       Notice the wide range
                                                                                                                of rate.
                                                flows is important for           of conditions where the
                                                precise measurement.             OME will measure with a        Red range signifies:
                                                                                 linearity of ±0,1% of rate.    Short-term Operation. The
                                                The Measuring range
                                                                                                                linearity will be within
                                                diagram provides a visual
                                                                                                                ±0,1% of rate.
                                                impression of the wide
                                                measurement range
                                                available with a KRAL

  Measuring range.

                                     200                                                  2
                                                                                                               Short-term operation
               Viscosity [mm²/s]

                                                                                 Continuous operation            ± 0,1 %

                                            1             ± 0,3 %
                                                                                    Linearity ± 0,1%             ± 0,3 %
                                                          ± 1,0 %


                                            1      10                       50                           100                          150

                                                                                                                     Flowrate [% of Qnom]

                                                The measuring range diagram is copyright protected internationally.

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021
Technical data.		                     OME 13        OME 20        OME 24        OME 32

               Qmax                          l/min       15            45            75           150
               Qnom                         l/min        10            30            50           100
               Qmin                          l/min       0,1           0,3           0,5           1

                                              bar        40            40            40            40

                                               °C    -20 to +100   -20 to +100   -20 to +100   -20 to +100

                                            mm²/s    1 to 1x106    1 to 1x106    1 to 1x106    1 to 1x106

               K factor
                        Imp/l 1214 321 191                                                         78

                         Hz 202 161 159                                                           130
               f at Qnom

               Dimensions / Weights. OME 13 OME 20                                OME 24        OME 32

                                       G     inch       1/2“          3/4“           1“            1“
                                       p       bar       40            40            40            40

                                       l     mm         110           145           165           200

                                       d     mm        45x45         55x55         60x60         70x70
                                       l1    mm         65             95           105           140
                                       m       kg        0,6           1,1           1,8           2,7

                                       DN mm             15            20            25            25
                                       PN bar            40            40            40            40

                                       L  mm            105           135           150           185

                                       D mm             95            105           115           115
                                       L1 mm            65            95            105           140
                                       m       kg        1,1           1,6           2,2           3,1

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021 E:
KRAL Electronics.

                                             Industry standard             KRAL Electronic               KRAL Industrial PC
               Sensor selection.             signals.                      BEM 300 and BEM 500.          BEM 900.

               You have the choice bet-      The BEG 40 sensor supplies
               ween a PNP sensor for         PNP square wave signal.
               standard applications and     The BEG 41 -sensor
               an -sensor for use in         produces a Namur signal.
               explosive areas.              Both of these can be
                                             processed by standard
                                             industrial interfaces.

                                                                           For display of flowrate       For complex applications
                                                                           and consumption, the          with up to 16 KRAL Volu-
                                                                           BEM 500 is an effortless      meter connected, the pre-
                                                                           solution. The compact         programmed BEM 900 is
                                                                           unit is designed by KRAL      a perfect complement to
                                                                           to support the Volumeter      OME. Beside flow and
                                                                           as well as our various        consumption measure-
                                                                           applications. BEM 300 is      ment, this solution offers
                                                                           the economy single flow-      monitoring and data ac-
                                                                           meter device.                 quisition and evaluation.

                 Sensors.		                                    BEG 40                                     BEG 41


                      		                                  PNP square wave                             Namur sine wave
               		                                            inductive                                   inductive

               Material		                                        PBTP                                      PBTP

                                       bar                        40                                        40

                                       °C                    -30 to +100                                -30 to +75

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021 8E:
Successful application with the
               KRAL Volumeter® OME.
                                                                                                            Returnability of the
               OME for OEM.                   Gasoline application.          Liquid blending.               measurement.

               KRAL is a supplier to many     Liquid: gasoline.              Liquid: changing.              Each KRAL Volumeter is
               original equipment manu-       Flow: 0,05 to 5 l/min.         Flow: 2 to 50 l/min.           tested and calibrated on
               facturer (OEM) accounts.       Pressure: 40 bar.              Pressure: 16 bar.              our in-house test bed.
               These customers look for       Temperature: -20 to 75 °C.     Temperature: -20 to 60 °C.     Depending on customer
               high flow measurement          Viscosity: 1,14 mm²/s.         Viscosity: 0,5 to 10 mm²/s.    requirements, we per-
               accuracy and consistent        Measuring instrument:          Measuring instrument:          form either a factory
               delivery.                      OME 13.                        OME 24.                        calibration or a calibration
                                                                                                            in compliance to ÖKD
               With an optimized design,      An automotive industry         Blending liquids is a com-
                                                                                                            (Austrian Calibration
               OME flowmeters can be          supplier needed the best       plicated task for a flow-
               manufactured quickly and       possible solution for          meter. First, a wide flow
               delivered on-time in large     testing the flow through       range needs to be meas­        The factory calibration is
               quantities.                    automotive fuel pumps          ured accurately. For custody   KRAL Standard. Special
                                              during production. The         transfer purposes, no loss     standards requirements
               Our customers enjoy the
                                              advancements in automo-        of accuracy is tolerated.      are also possible. As ex-
               simplicity and lightweight
                                              tive design required high      Second, with different         ample, by adding further
               design of the OME. In­stal-
                                              measurement accuracy of        liquids and temperatures,      measurement points.
               lation is simple be­cause of
                                              low viscosity fuel over a      the flowmeter must meas­       ÖKD calibrated Volumeters
               the meter's com­pact and
                                              wide measurement range.        ure accurately over a wide     are delivered to ISO IEC
               lightweight design. With­out
                                                                             range of viscosities. Third,   EN 17025 standards.
               the need for up­stream or      Our Economy flowmeters
                                                                             the measuring chamber          The measured values
               downstream straight pip­       fulfilled these requirements
                                                                             must be small to minimize      are traceable to national
               ing, OEM customers can         and are now an integrated
                                                                             inadvertent mixing of          standards. The meas-
               place the meters within        part of our customer's
                                                                             dissimilar products.           urement uncertainty of
               complicated systems easily.    production system.
                                                                                                            national standard to test
                                                                             Other flow meter designs,
                                                                                                            unit is specified.
                                                                             which cause large zero-
                                                                             fluctuation readings, can      Our certified QA system,
                                                                             generate measuring errors.     in accordance with
                                                                                                            EN ISO 9001: 2000, gua-
                                                                                                            rantees the highest qual-
                                                                                                            ity and delivery reliability.

icenta Controls Ltd

Tel: 0845 895 1020 Fax: 0845 895 1021 9E:
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