Kossuth County 4-H & FFA Fair-2021- Iowa State ...

Kossuth County 4-H & FFA Fair-2021- Iowa State ...
    Kossuth County 4-H & FFA Fair
          August 2nd-7th, 2021

                                        Kossuth County Fair Book
                                           Entry Guide & Class List

                   Please use this book as your reference in making entries for the
                                      2021 Kossuth County Fair.

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach does not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national
origin, pregnancy, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or status as a U.S. veteran, or other protected classes. (Not all prohibited bases apply
to all programs.) Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to the Diversity Advisor, 2150 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011, 515-
294-1482, extdiversity@iastate.edu. All other inquiries may be directed to 800-262-3804.
It is the member’s responsibility to properly ID animals by deadlines listed in this book, and to make all Fair
     exhibit entries, both livestock and Static, online with FairEntry. This website is available through the
   Extension Office Youth & 4-H website. Entries must be made on or before July 15. It is the participant’s
                                  responsibility to enter this information online.

                                       Kossuth County Fair 4-H Objectives
For 4-H Youth:
         To encourage 4-H youth to learn and apply practical methods of production, management,
             and/or marketing of their projects.
         To assist 4-H youth in their personal development and character growth in honesty, integrity,
             responsibility, citizenship, and leadership skills.
         To provide an opportunity for 4-H youth to measure their progress and skills against accepted standards.
         To provide an opportunity for 4-H youth to participate in a wide variety of program opportunities.
        To provide an opportunity for 4-H youth to gain personal satisfaction, meet new people, share ideas
            and learn to work cooperatively with others.
For Public:
         To stimulate interest in the variety of projects and experiences 4-H offers.
         To acquaint the public with the Kossuth County 4-H program.
         To provide a showcase for accomplishments of 4-H youth.

                                                Kossuth County Extension Staff
                                Chyan Koppen            County Youth Coordinator

                                Meredith Nelson         Program Coordinator

                                Pam Kollasch            Office Assistant

                                Lisa Berkland           Regional 4-H Youth Development Specialist

                                Sarah Merrifield        Regional Extension Education Director

                                            TELEPHONE NUMBER: (515) 295-2469
                             WEB ADDRESS: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/kossuth/4h

Table of Contents
4-H/FFA Judging & Fair Schedule ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Iowa 4-H Exhibitor Code of Ethics ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Code of Conduct for Iowa 4-H Youth and Families ................................................................................................................. 6
   Member Conduct Policy...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Livestock Department ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
   4-H/FFA General Rules & Regulations ................................................................................................................................ 8
   Premium Fund ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
   Livestock Judging Department .......................................................................................................................................... 11
   Beef Department .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
   Dairy Department ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
   Dog Department ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
   Horse and Pony Department ............................................................................................................................................ 23
   Meat Goat Department .................................................................................................................................................... 27
   Pet Department ................................................................................................................................................................ 29
   Poultry Department .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
   Rabbit Department ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
   Sheep Department ............................................................................................................................................................ 32
   Swine Department ............................................................................................................................................................ 37
4-H Static (Non-Livestock) Department ................................................................................................................................ 40
   General Exhibit Rules ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
   Exhibit Preparation ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
   Iowa State Fair Exhibit Information .................................................................................................................................. 41
   4-H Static and Clover Kids Department ............................................................................................................................ 41
       Division 102: Ag & Natural Resources .......................................................................................................................... 42
       Division 103: Creative Arts ........................................................................................................................................... 43
       Division 104: Family & Consumer Sciences................................................................................................................... 45
       Division 105: Personal Development ............................................................................................................................ 47
       Division 106: Science, Engineering, & Technology........................................................................................................ 48
       Division 107: Other Opportunities ............................................................................................................................... 49
       Division 108: Challenge Classes.................................................................................................................................... 50
   Clothing Event Department .............................................................................................................................................. 51
   Communications Department........................................................................................................................................... 53
   Horticulture Department .................................................................................................................................................. 56
   FFA Static Exhibit Department .......................................................................................................................................... 57

4-H/FFA Judging & Fair Schedule
                                       ***Disclaimer--Times are subject to change***

                      Department                                 Time            Day           Location
Clothing Event Judging                                              TBD          TBD        Extension Office
Static Judging                                                    8:30 am      Monday     4-H Exhibits Building
Communications Judging                                            4:00 pm      Monday      Farm Bureau Stand
Dog Show                                                          6:00 pm      Monday          Show Barn
Horse Show -Games                                                 8:30 am      Tuesday        Horse Arena
Rabbit                                                            8:00 am     Wednesday        Show Barn
Clothing Event Style Show                                        12:00 pm     Wednesday       Rotary Stage
Poultry Show                                                      1:00 pm     Wednesday       Poultry Barn
Pen Cattle                                                        3:30 pm     Wednesday        Hoop Barn
Beef Carcass (following Pen Cattle)                               3:30 pm     Wednesday        Hoop Barn
Beef                                                              8:30 am      Thursday        Show Barn
   Breeding, Prospect Calf, Market Beef/Lotto, 2nd Year Bucket Calf
Sheep                                                             1:00 pm      Thursday        Show Barn
   Performance Pen, Bottle Lamb, Breeding Sheep, Lotto, Market Lamb
Meat Goat                                                         3:00 pm      Thursday       Swine Barn
   Breeding Meat Goat & Market Meat Goat
Pet Show                                                          5:00 pm      Thursday     Shelter House
Livestock Judging Contest                                         5:00 pm      Thursday       Show Barn
Swine                                                             8:00 am       Friday        Swine Barn
Horse Show-Performance                                           12:00 pm       Friday          Arena
Bucket/Bottle Calf Interviews                                     1:00 pm       Friday      Bus Barn Office
Bucket/Bottle Calf                                               12:00 pm      Saturday       Show Barn

Iowa 4-H Exhibitor Code of Ethics

Code of Conduct for Iowa 4-H Youth and Families

Member Conduct Policy

1. If an illegal act is conducted at a 4-H event, the adult volunteer will call the implicated 4-Her’s parents and ask that they be
   removed from the event ASAP and contact the appropriate legal authorities, as necessary. The adult volunteer must contact the
   Extension Office about the incident. The 4-H’er will be required to provide a written explanation or apology for this incident to
   the Youth Committee (or sub-committee) within one month of the incident. If the essay or personal interview is not conducted
   within a month of the incident, the Youth Committee may impose restrictions on participation in future 4-H events.
2. Iowa Exhibitor Youth Code of Ethics (page 7), Code of Conduct for Iowa 4-H Youth and Families (page 8-9) will be enforced.
   Codes of Ethics and Conduct include non-family who help 4-H exhibitors.
3. Violation of the Code of Ethics shall receive a verbal warning then a written warning before severe action is taken. WITH THE
   EXCEPTION OF FAIR WEEK - when violations will be dealt with on a case by case basis decided by the grievance committee.
4. Grievance committee: File a written explanation of your dispute with $50 at the 4-H Livestock Office. If it is a founded
   grievance, your $50 will be returned. The grievance committee will meet and address the issue. The committee is made up of
   members of the fair board, youth committee, 4-H staff, County 4-H Council, FFA staff or officer, and superintendent of the
   department of the infraction. Names of the committee members will be identified before the fair begins.
5. All exhibitors must make Animal ID in 4hOnline by May 15th at 11:59 pm. A $25 late fee will be charged per ID for additional ID’s
   after May 15th. No ID’s will be accepted after June 1.
6. All exhibitors must make fair ENTRY by July 15th at 11:59 pm online. A $25 late fee will be charged per entry for additional entries
   after July 15. No entries will be accepted after July 22. No entries will be refunded.

                                             Livestock Department

                                     4-H/FFA General Rules & Regulations
1. The Kossuth County 4-H/FFA Fair is open to all youth enrolled in 4-H and FFA projects whose club, chapter, or school is
   located in Kossuth County, or who resides in Kossuth County, and who were in 4th grade during the last school year. Eligibility
   continues through the calendar year of their high school graduation; FFA members in good standing do have the option to show
   beyond high school if all forms and deadlines are met.
2. Junior, intermediate, or senior refers to exhibitor's grade. A junior exhibitor is one in grades 4-5; intermediate is in grades
   6-8; and senior exhibitor is in 9th grade or older in the last school year, unless otherwise noted in specific project rules.
3. All animals must be positively identified and entered into 4-H Online by May 15 (except rabbits and poultry which are July 1). It is
   the member's responsibility to complete this requirement. Ear tag numbers, tattoos and other identification are subject to being
   checked at the county fair.
4. All exhibitors (except dog, horse, and pet exhibitors) must have current YQCA (formerly FSQA) certification, achieved by taking
   the online training yearly. Contact the Extension office at 515-295-2469 before July 1 if you are unsure of your
   certification status.
5. All 4-H and FFA livestock entries must be made by using the FairEntry online program by July 15.
   (http://www.extension.iastate.edu/kossuth/4h) It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to complete this online process, as well as the
   code of ethics form through 4-H Online by July 15.
6. Arrival of livestock can start at Noon on Monday but must be stalled by 6 pm on Wednesday.
7. All exhibits will be released between 8:00 a.m.- Noon on Sunday but no earlier than 8:00 a.m. unless otherwise stated within the
   species rules of this rule book. This includes animals going to the Iowa State Fair. This will be enforced. Violations will result in
   being barred from showing in that

department the following year. In addition to being barred, the 4-H member will also forfeit ribbons, trophies, and premium
   fund privileges in the current year. Early release is allowed only on written approval of the department superintendent or
   designee. Animal illness requires county fair veterinarian verification and department superintendent verification for early
8. Exhibitors have a choice to compete in the North Central Showdown. If exhibitors choose to go, only the placings below may
   leave. All other animals owned and shown by the exhibitor must stay at the fair. If exhibitors choose not to go, their Grand
   Champion animal must stay at the fair. Attendance at the show will be monitored. Exhibitors who leave early but do not go to
   the North Central Showdown will be penalized according to rule number 7.
         The following Kossuth County Grand Champion Exhibitors will be released on Friday at 3:00pm to compete in the North
         Central Showdown in Britt: Grand Champion Market Steer, Grand Champion Breeding Heifer, Grand Champion Breeding
         Doe, Grand Champion Market Goat, Grand Champion Breeding Ewe, Grand Champion Market Lamb, Grand Champion
         Breeding Gilt, and Grand Champion Market Hog. If Grand Champions opts out, Reserve Grand Champion will be eligible.
         Exhibitors who qualified outside of the Kossuth County Fair are also eligible for 3 pm release with proof of qualification
         (animal ID and letter of qualification from fair species superintendent).
9. All livestock exhibitors are required to wear a Kossuth County Fair exhibitor t-shirt while showing their project. If an exhibitor
    shirt is needed, shirts must be ordered through your leader/advisor. Horse exhibitors should wear appropriate clothing as
    described in their division. Exhibitors are advised to wear proper footwear in livestock areas.
10. All exhibits are required to be raised and fitted by members themselves. Assistance from others is acceptable if 4-H’er is
    actively participating.
11. All exhibitors are responsible for the care of animals until loaded for market or going back home. Ownership of market
    animals does not change hands until delivery at the packing plant. Members may want to insure their animals against loss in
    route to the plant.
12. Livestock trailers may be parked on the fairgrounds on show day until 3:00 p.m. Parking is available anytime in the south lot,
     outside the south gate.
13. Pens and stalls are free to members who enter in each department. Exhibitors must furnish their own feed and bedding. No
    straw or hay bedding is allowed. The Kossuth County Cattlemen will provide a base bedding for the beef barns.
14. All exhibitors must clean pens and stalls on a daily basis & remove bedding after release time. Beef & Bucket Calf need to
    scrape bedding 2 feet from the wall towards center alley.
15. Members must show their own animal project if at all possible. They may obtain another eligible member to show for them if
    necessary. Substitute showman, when eligible, must be from Kossuth County and be of equal or lesser ability. A substitute
    showman will not be allowed for any showmanship classes and not allowed for any classes in the Bucket/Bottle calf division.
    Contact the Extension staff and show superintendent for prior approval.
16. Decisions of all superintendents and fair officials are final in regards to the fair.
17. Livestock will be placed blue-red-white in all division classes. Champion of the class will receive a purple single streamer
    rosette; Reserve Champion will receive a lavender single streamer rosette. Grand Champion will receive a purple triple streamer
    rosette and a trophy or special award where applicable and Reserve Grand Champion will receive a lavender triple streamer
18. No fair premiums are paid on livestock exhibits. Livestock exhibitor’s achievements may be sold at the Premium Auction (see
    rules on page 13).
19. Health Requirements for Exhibition of Livestock (page 5-7) will be enforced.
20. Showmanship: All exhibitors in their division are eligible according to grades (see rule 2) each year. This will be followed in
     all species. Pre-entry in showmanship classes is required for all species.
21. There is no limit to the number of times an exhibitor can win a division.
22. All rules are superseded by committee and Extension staff discretion.
23. CAMPING OVERNIGHT - 4-H/FFA families must check in and get information from the Fair Office located at the front gate of the
    Fairgrounds. Check the fair website for details.
24. A night time cattle tie out area will be designated by the fair board.
25. All carcass beef, some pen cattle will be loaded direct to the packer.
26. All superintendents are in charge of their own stall assignments. Stall entry deadline: July 15th

27. Due to health concerns, pigs are encouraged to be slaughtered; however, this show is an optional non-terminal show and hogs
    can be returned to the farm.
28. Corporate or business sponsorship or logos on any banner or decorations of any 4-H/FFA Exhibits are not allowed.

        Please note 2021 Health Requirements comply with the state of Iowa District Fair health rules.

                                                     Premium Fund

    A Premium Fund will take the place of the Premium Auction for the 2021 Kossuth County Fair. A
    committee has been selected with members of the Kossuth County Fair Board, Youth Committee and the
    ISU Extension and Outreach of Kossuth County to determine the distribution of funds. Premiums will be
    prorated by species and ribbon placing. The committee is planning on prorating a portion of the donations
    to non-livestock exhibits if funds allow. More details will be released later.

Livestock Judging Department

Division 110: 4-H/FFA Individual Livestock Judging
Superintendent: Betsy Becker
Enrollment Requirements:
        Must be enrolled in 4-H or FFA
Fair Requirements:
        Entry is made Thursday from 4:30-5:00 PM.
        Contest is Thursday at 5:00 PM.
Contest Rules:
        1. Open to individual 4-H and FFA members.
        2. Top 10 individuals will be placed with ribbons presented.
        3. Four to six classes will be judged. Oral reasons will be optional.

 CLASSES                                                                 AWARDS
 11001: Livestock Judging Team                                           First - Fifth Place Team
 11101: Livestock Judging Individual                                     First - Tenth Place Individual

Division 111: 4-H/FFA Team Livestock Judging
Superintendent: Betsy Becker
Enrollment Requirements:
        Must be enrolled in 4-H or FFA
Fair Requirements:
        Entry is made Thursday from 4:30-5:00 PM.
        Contest is Thursday at 5:00 PM.
Contest Rules:
                1.   Open to 4-H and FFA members.
                2.   A team consists of four members of a club or chapter. There is no limit to the number of teams per club or
                3.   Top 5 teams will be placed with ribbons presented.
                4.   Four to six classes will be judged. Oral reasons will be optional.

                                                       Beef Department

           1.    Market and breeding beef exhibitors are eligible to compete in showmanship, except bottle/bucket calves.
           2.    Entry must be made into FairEntry Online by July 15

 CLASSES                                                                 AWARDS
 Junior Showmanship                                                      Champion/Reserve Beef Junior Showmanship
 Intermediate Showmanship                                                Champion/Reserve Beef Intermediate Showmanship
 Senior Showmanship                                                      Champion/Reserve Beef Senior Showmanship

Superintendent: Kim Ruby
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: 4-H Ear Tag
        Maximum of six head may be weighed and identified
        Must be weighed and tagged at 4-H sponsored weigh-in
        ID entered into 4-H Online by February 1
        Exhibitors must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entry must be made into FairEntry Online by July 15
        An exhibitor may enter a maximum of three head of market beef at the fair
             (Beef carcass, second year bucket calf and bucket calf entries will not be included in this limit.)
        Check-in is Tuesday 2:00 - 8:00 pm. All animals must be checked in, weighed-in, and stalled by 8:00 pm.
        Weigh-in is Tuesday following lamb weigh-in
        Show is Thursday 8:30 a.m. following breeding beef & prospect calf shows
        Release is Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Noon
Show Rules:
        1.    Market beef animals will qualify for class champion or reserve ONLY if they have an average daily gain for heifers of
              2.20 lbs. and steers 2.40 lbs. or more per day from the beginning weigh date to the fair weigh date.
        2.    Minimum weight for market classes is 950 lbs. for steers and 900 lbs. for heifers.
        3.    Purebred and crossbred steers and market heifers are eligible.
        4.    Only polled and de-horned (with regrowth not to exceed two inches) animals will be eligible for show.
        5.    Any animal having the permanent central incisor teeth in is not eligible to show. Such animals are considered as
              having reached an age beyond that consistent with the intent and purposes of this show.
        6.    Lost animal identification tags must be reported and replaced prior to the fair to be eligible to show.
        7.    The superintendent will determine weight classes.
        8.    Market steers and heifers are eligible to compete for weight division championships and grand champion.
        9.    No false tail heads and no surgical alterations will be allowed; no foreign material may be added to animals.
        10. No painting, coloring, powdering, or dying above the hoof that changes the color or pattern of the calf.
        11. Champions of each division will be selected before judging the next division.
        12. No generators in cattle barns.
        13. Limit one fan per animal (overhead fans only).
        14. No grooming chutes are allowed in the cattle barn.
        15. A base bedding will be provided by the Kossuth County Cattlemen for beef barns.
            Exhibitors can add a preference of wood based shavings at their own cost.
        16. One tie ring per calf.
        17. All stall dividers to be placed on center of tie rings. This will be enforced to make sure there is enough room.
        18. All Beef divisions, except bucket calf, are eligible to enter showmanship. Pre-entry is required.

 CLASSES                                                                      AWARDS
 20100: Market Heifer                                                         Champion/Reserve Market Heifer
 20101: Market Steer                                                          Champion/Reserve Market Steer
                                                                              Champion/Reserve Lightweight Feeder Calf
                                                                              Champion Market Beef at Halter Rate of Gain
                                                                              Grand Champion/Reserve Market Individual

Superintendent: Kim Ruby
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: 4-H Ear Tag
        Maximum of six head may be weighed and identified
        Must be weighed and tagged at 4-H sponsored weigh-in
        ID entered into 4-H Online by February 1
        Exhibitors must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entry must be made into FairEntry Online by July 15
        Check-in is Tuesday 2:00 - 8:00 pm. All animals must be checked in, weighed-in, and stalled by 8:00 pm.
        Weigh-in is Tuesday following lamb weigh-in
        Show is Thursday 8:30 a.m. following breeding beef & prospect calf shows
        Release is Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Noon
Show Rules:
        1.    All 4-H/FFA may enter their second year bucket calf in the correct division: market, breeding beef, dairy, etc. if properly
              enrolled and identified.
        2.    Second year bucket calf steers may be shown with market steers, or may be shown in the special second year
              bucket calf steer class. Second year bucket calf heifers may be shown with market heifers, in the special second year
              bucket calf heifer class, or as breeding (class 20751) or dairy beef.
        3.    All second year bucket calves entering the market division must be weighed at county weigh-in in January and ID’d by
              February 1. Daily rate of gain is required.
        4.    Breeding and Dairy beef must be enrolled and ID’d by May 15.
        5.    In order for a 4th grade 4-H’er to show a bucket calf as a second year project, they must be tagged at January weigh-in
              and identified in 4hOnline by February 1st.

 CLASSES                                                                AWARDS
 20202: Second-year Bucket Calf– Heifer                                 Champion/Reserve 2nd Year Bucket Calf- Heifer
 20203: Second-year Bucket Calf– Steer                                  Champion/Reserve 2nd Year Bucket Calf- Steer

Superintendents: Adam and Colleen Denker
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: 4-H Ear Tag
        ID entered into 4-H Online by May 15
        Maximum of three head may be identified
        Exhibitors must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made in FairEntry Online by July 15
        Interview form must be completed & submitted in FairEntry by July 15
        Maximum of one head may be exhibited in each class
        Calves can be brought starting Monday at Noon through Wednesday at 10 AM. Calves must be stalled by Wednesday at 10
        AM for superintendents to check-in & check ear tags.
        Show is Saturday 12:00 p.m.
        Release is Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Noon

Show Rules:
        1.    Any newborn or orphan dairy or beef calf born between March 15 and May 14 of this year.
        2.    Must be in possession of member within two weeks of birth.
        3.    Calf must be bucket or bottle fed. (No nursing permitted.)
        4.    Entries are eligible to be shown only in the Bucket/Bottle class.
        5.    Entries will not be weighed at fair. Calves will be shown by the exhibitors grade not the weight of the calf.
        6.    Bucket calves can be put in tie outs with first come, first serve.
        7.    Calves will be shown with a halter.
        8.    (Required) Interview judging will be based on:
                       a. General appearance of interview form
                       b. Presentation
                       c. Knowledge of project
        9.    (Required) Showmanship class judging will be based on:
                       a. What the exhibitor has learned about care and the raising of the calf.
                       b. The fitting and showing of the calf (only washing and brushing, no clipping or blow drying) with emphasis on
                          what exhibitor has learned. Interview forms are to be completed and submitted with FairEntry by July 15.
                       c. General health, conditions and management of the calf and exhibitor’s knowledge of this area.
                       d. Conformation or quality of the calf will not be considered since purchase should not be on that basis.
                       e. See Health requirements (page 10).
        10. (Optional) Mentor class judging will be based on:
                 i. 4-H exhibitor and a non 4-H exhibitor in 3rd grade and under
                ii. Showmanship (with younger non 4-H exhibitor leading calf in ring and 4-H exhibitor beside them).
               iii. How well the 4-H exhibitor interacts with younger non 4-H exhibitor.
               iv. What the 4-H exhibitor learned about being a mentor.
                v. What the younger non 4-H exhibitor learned from their mentor (non 4-H exhibitor will be required to help in
                    the care and raising of the calf).
                 vi.      Sign-up for class based on age of 4-H mentor.
        11. (Optional) Costume class judging will be based on:
                 i. Presentation—Exhibitor will create a costume for both exhibitor and calf to wear.
                ii. Creativity of costume.
               iii. Technique--How well exhibitor controls their calf wearing a costume.
        12. The classes may be divided or combined depending on number of entries at the discretion of the superintendent.

 CLASSES                                                        AWARDS
 20300: Bucket/Bottle Calves - Junior                           Champion/Reserve Junior Bucket/Bottle Calf Interview
                                                                Champion/Reserve Junior Bucket/Bottle Calf Showmanship
 20301: Bucket/Bottle Calves - Intermediate                     Champion/Reserve Intermediate Bucket/Bottle Calf Interview
                                                                Champion/Reserve Intermediate Bucket/Bottle Calf Showmanship
 20302: Bucket/Bottle Calves - Senior                           Champion/Reserve Senior Bucket/Bottle Calf Interview
                                                                Champion/Reserve Senior Bucket/Bottle Calf Showmanship
 20303: Junior Mentor Class                                     Champion/Reserve Bucket/Bottle Calf Junior Mentor
 20304: Intermediate Mentor Class                               Champion/Reserve Bucket/Bottle Calf Intermediate Mentor
 20305: Senior Mentor Class                                     Champion/Reserve Bucket/Bottle Calf Senior Mentor
 20306: Costume Class, all ages                                 Champion/Reserve Bucket/Bottle Calf Costume

Superintendent: Todd Louwagie
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: 4-H Ear Tag
        Exhibitors must be signed up for this class by January 6
        Must be weighed and tagged at 4-H sponsored weigh-in
        Maximum of two head may be purchased
        ID entered into 4-H Online by February 1
        Exhibitors must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made in FairEntry Online by July 15
        Maximum of two head may be exhibited
        Check-in is Tuesday 2:00 - 8:00 pm. All animals must be checked in, weighed-in, and stalled by 8:00 pm.
        Weigh-in is Tuesday following lamb weigh-in
        Show is Thursday following breeding beef & prospect calf shows
        Release is Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Noon
Show Rules:
        1.    All cattle will be purchased by exhibitors at market price from a uniform source at January weigh-in time.
        2.    All animals will be steers.
        3.    Animal assignments will be made using a lottery system.
        4.    Lotto Calves will be shown in a separate beef division.
        5.    Classes will be divided by weight when needed.
        6.    Calves may not be clipped, blown or combed. No adhesives.
        7.    No minimum weight for Lotto Calves, but must make Rate of Gain to receive Champion.
        8.    Lotto Calves are not included in the “3 head of Market Beef” rule meaning you can take 5 beef total: 2 Lotto Calves and
              3 Market Beef.
        9.    All Beef divisions, except bucket calf, are eligible to enter showmanship. Pre-entry is required.

 CLASSES                                                                AWARDS
 20400: Lotto Calf                                                      Champion/Reserve Lotto Calf

Superintendents: JD Morris
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: 4-H Ear Tag
        Must be weighed and tagged at 4-H sponsored weigh-in
        No limit on number of entries.
        ID entered into 4-H Online by February 1
        Exhibitors must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made in FairEntry Online by July 15
        Weigh-in/Entry is Wednesday 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at fairgrounds
        Show is Wednesday 3:30 p.m. or following Pen Cattle
        Release is after show direct to packing plant

Show Rules:
        1.    All entries shown live, must be harvested and evaluated for carcass data.
        2.    Entries may come from beef identified as lead or pen cattle.
        3.    Only polled and de-horned (with regrowth not to exceed two inches) animals will be eligible for show.
        4.    Ribbons for these animals will be awarded by their placing live and on the rail.

 CLASSES                                                              AWARDS
 20501: Carcass - Steers                                              Champion/Reserve Carcass Steer (Live)
                                                                      Champion/Reserve Carcass Steer (On Rail)
 20502: Carcass - Heifers                                             Champion/Reserve Carcass Heifer (Live)
                                                                      Champion/Reserve Carcass Heifer (On Rail)
                                                                      Champion Rate of Gain – Beef Carcass

Superintendent: JD Morris
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: 4-H Ear Tag
        Must be weighed and tagged at 4-H sponsored weigh-in
        Maximum of two pens with max of five head per pen may be identified
        ID entered into 4-H Online by February 1
        Exhibitor must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made in FairEntry Online by July 15
        Fair entry is limited to two pens of three animals per member
        Exhibitors will have until noon check-in day to make changes to their pen/carcass cattle entries
        Weigh-in is Wednesday 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. at fairgrounds
        Show is Wednesday 3:30 p.m.
        Release is immediately following show.
Show Rules:
        1.    Pens entering the carcass show will be loaded out after the show; all other pens have the option to leave after the
              show or will be released after 8:00 a.m. Sunday.
        2.    Animals are not to be clipped or groomed.
        3.    Only polled and de-horned (with regrowth not to exceed two inches) animals will be eligible for show.
        4.    Pen cattle will be evaluated on:
                    a. Live appraisal - degree of finish, marketable weight, uniformity.
                    b. Rate of gain based on entry weight and fair weigh-in weight. Gain must be 2.20 lb. /day for heifers and
                       2.40 lbs./day for steers.
                    c. Original cost and feed costs.
                    d. Up-to-date Meat Animal Project Worksheet (livestock project record) 4H-228WS, must be submitted for
                       appraisal at weigh-in to 4-H Fair Livestock Office.
        5.    The carcass show will be judged by retail product per days on feed, average for pen. Member must designate at fair
              weigh-in their intent to participate in pen carcass class.
        6.    Class champions only - no overall champion.

CLASSES                                                             AWARDS
 206001: Pen Cattle- Heifers                                         Champion/Reserve Pen Heifer (Live)
                                                                     Champion/Reserve Pen Heifer (On Rail)
 206002: Pen Cattle- Steers                                          Champion/Reserve Pen Steer (Live)
                                                                     Champion/Reserve Pen Steer (On Rail)
                                                                     Champion Rate of Gain – Feeder Pen Cattle

Superintendent: Kim Ruby
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: All Breeding females need to be permanently tattooed
        ID entered into 4-H Online by May 15
        Maximum of ten head may be identified
        Exhibitor must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made in FairEntry Online by July 15
        Check-in is Tuesday 2:00 - 8:00 pm. All animals must be checked-in and stalled by 8:00 pm.
        Stall deadline is Wednesday 11:30 a.m.
        Show is Thursday 8:30 a.m.
        Release is Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Noon
Show Rules:
        1.  Must have permanent identification, such as numerical tattoo or brand. Ear tags and CHV are not considered
            permanent identification.
        2. All heifers to be eligible shall be born between September 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020
        3. Times to verify all tattoo numbers and registration papers will be posted by superintendent at 4-H Livestock Office on
            Wednesday morning. Tattoo numbers will not be checked in May; however, the tattoo can’t be fresh or a bangs tag.
            Exhibitors needing assistance may contact the office for help.
        4. All beef breeding heifers are eligible, and exhibitors have the option to enter an animal under a different class area
            than what was designated on the May 15 ID deadline as long as all necessary identification was provided with the ID.
            Example: ID’d a heifer as market but entered it as breeding heifer (this is acceptable).
        5. All registered heifers and cows must be registered with their respective breed associations. Registration papers must
            be presented before the show and must be registered in the exhibitor or immediate family member's name. Heifers
            and cows not having correct verification for their breed must show in the crossbred class.
        6. Registered heifers will be shown by birth date. Crossbred heifers will be shown by hip height.
        7. All breed champions, crossbred champions and cow/calf champions will show for the Grand Champion and Reserve
            Champion Female.
        8. Only polled and de-horned (with regrowth not to exceed two inches) animals will be eligible for show.
        9. Classes will be broken down if more than eight in an individual class or five pairs in cow/calf classes.
        10. A base bedding will be provided by the Kossuth County Cattlemen for beef barns. Exhibitors can add a preference of
            wood based shavings at their own cost.
        11. No grooming chutes are allowed in the cattle barn.
        12. All Beef divisions, except bucket calf, are eligible to enter showmanship. Pre-entry is required.

CLASSES*                                                              AWARDS
 20700: Breeding Heifers- Registered Angus                             Champion/Reserve Registered Angus
 20701: Breeding Heifers- Registered Chianina                          Champion/Reserve Registered Chianina
 20702: Breeding Heifers- Registered Pinzgauer                         Champion/Reserve Registered Pinzgauer
 20703: Breeding Heifers- Registered Maine                             Champion/Reserve Registered Maine
 20704: Breeding Heifers- Registered Maine-Anjou                       Champion/Reserve Registered Maine-Anjou
 20705: Breeding Heifers- Registered Maintainer                        Champion/Reserve Registered Maintainer
 20706: Breeding Heifers- Registered Shorthorn                         Champion/Reserve Registered Shorthorn
 20707: Breeding Heifers- Registered Simmental                         Champion/Reserve Registered Simmental
 20708: Breeding Heifers- Reg. Simmental Foundation                    Champion/Reserve Reg. Simmental Foundation
 20709: Breeding Heifers- Reg. Other Breed
 20750: Breeding Heifers- Crossbred
 20751: 2nd Year Bucket Calf Breeding Heifer                           Champion/Reserve 2nd Year Bucket Calf Breeding Heifer
                                                                       Grand Champion/Reserve Breeding Heifer
* Other registered breeds not listed will be assigned their own class and champion/reserve awards.

Superintendent: Kim Ruby
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: Cow- Tattoo
                  Calf - 4-H Ear Tag or Tattoo
        Cow ID entered into 4-H Online by May 15
                  Exhibitor must indicate on cow ID if calf not born by May 15
                  Exhibitor must call and inform the Extension Office of calf’s date of birth, tag or tattoo number, weight, and sex
                  Calf ID must be entered no later than July 1
        Exhibitor must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made in FairEntry Online by July 15
        Check-in no later than Wednesday 11:30 a.m. by verbal entry at the check in site (near scale).
                  Exhibitor must turn in name, club and tattoo numbers for beef coming on show day.
        Animals arriving the day of the show must check in with superintendent by 7:00 a.m.
        Show is Thursday 8:30 a.m.
        Release is following the show, but cow/calves do have the option of staying for the whole fair
Show Rules:
        1.    Cow/calf entries are allowed to leave after show or stay with other cattle for the duration of the fair.
        2.    Exhibitors must inform the superintendent by July 15 so space can be assigned.
        3.    Heifers must have been shown their first year in the Breeding Heifer class (except class #20197).
        4.    Heifers with calendar year's natural calf at their side will be shown on halter and may be fitted.
        5.    Heifers must be recorded on the Iowa 4-H Livestock Identification Report for this year by May 15.
        6.    Calf may also be shown in the prospect calf class (page 16) if all requirements are met for both divisions.
        7.    For purchased cow/calf class, the cow may be purchased by the exhibitor and did not need to be shown as a heifer.
              The calf must be born before May 15 and this class is not eligible for overall champion or reserve class.
        8.    All Beef divisions, except bucket calf, are eligible to enter showmanship. Pre-entry is required.

CLASSES                                                              AWARDS
 20851: Cow with Calf - Registered                                    Champion/Reserve Registered Cow w/ Calf
 20896: Cow with Calf- Crossbred                                      Champion/Reserve Crossbred Cow w/ Calf
 20897: Purchased Cow/Calf                                            Champion/Reserve Purchased Cow/Calf

Superintendent: Kim Ruby
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: 4-H Ear Tag
        ID entered into 4-H Online by May 15
        Maximum four calves may be identified
        Exhibitor must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made in FairEntry Online by July 15
        Maximum two calves may be exhibited
        Check-in no later than Wednesday 11:30 a.m. by verbal entry at the check in site (near scale). Exhibitor must turn in
        name, club and tattoo numbers for beef coming on show day.
        Animals arriving the day of the show must check in with superintendent by 7:00 a.m.
        Show is Thursday 8:30 a.m. after Breeding Beef
        Release is after the show, with the option to stay the whole fair
Show Rules:

        1.    Calf must be born in current year (after Jan. 1).
        2.    Calf must be broke to lead.
        3.    There will be a class for both heifers and steers/bulls. Calves do not need to be castrated.
        4.    Classes will be divided by weight. Class division will be at the discretion of the beef superintendent.
        5.    A base bedding will be provided by the Kossuth County Cattlemen for beef barns. Exhibitors can add a preference of
              wood based shavings at their own cost.
        6.    One prospect calf shown by the same owner/exhibitor from last year’s fair will be allowed to show in the second year
              prospect class.
        7.    All Beef divisions, except bucket calf, are eligible to enter showmanship. Pre-entry is required.

 CLASSES                                                              AWARDS
 20998: Prospect Calf - Heifer                                        Champion/Reserve Prospect Heifer
 20999: Prospect Calf- Steer/Bull                                     Champion/Reserve Prospect Steer/Bull

                                                    Dairy Department

Enrollment Requirements:
        ID entered into 4-H Online by May 15
        Exhibitor must be YQCA certified

Fair Requirements:
          Entries must be made in FairEntry Online by July 15
          Check-in is Tuesday Noon - Wednesday 11:30 a.m.
          Stall deadline is Wednesday 11:30 a.m.
          Show is Thursday 8:30 a.m. with market/breeding beef
          Release is Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Noon
           Milking cows arrive and release on show day
Show Rules:
          1.   An exhibitor may not show more than six head of dairy animals in the dairy division, nor may the exhibitor show more
               than one purchased animal in any one class.
          2.   Purebred and crossbred animals of the same age and breed will be exhibited in the same class. Exhibitors must have
               proof of date of birth of calves.
          3.   Lactating cows must be enrolled in 4-H or FFA production contest or have production records to be eligible for all cow
               classes. These production records must include the entire lactation record since freshening and are to be submitted
               when the cow enters the show ring. Lactating cows are eligible for breed championship classes.
          4.   Must have positive identification such as purebred registry number or tattoo, or ear tag.
          5.   Only polled and de-horned (with regrowth not to exceed two inches) animals will be eligible for show.
          6.   Cows in 2, 3, & 4 year old and Aged Cows classes must have been identified as a 4-H project last year.
          7.   Dairy exhibitors should wear a Kossuth County Fair exhibitor T-shirt.
          8.   When fewer than three animals are shown in any class, one or more classes will be combined.
          9.   All exhibitors are allowed to show in showmanship. Judge will be observing showing skills during the entire show.
          10. Dairy Cows will be judged with Beef and Dairy Goats will be judged with Goats until such time as there are sufficient
              numbers to hire a separate judge.

  CLASS                                                                                     AWARD
  21001: Junior Heifer Calves - Born Dec. 1, 2017 and after -- but at least 6 months old    Champion/Reserve Junior Heifer Calf
      (Feb. 1)
  21002: Senior Heifer Calves - Born Sept. 1, 2017 to Nov. 30, 2017                         Champion/Reserve Senior Heifer Calf
  21003: Junior Heifer Yearling - Born March 1, 2017 to August 31, 2017                     Champion/Reserve Junior Heifer Yearling
  21004: Senior Heifer Yearling - Born Sept. 1, 2016 to Feb. 28, 2017                       Champion/Reserve Senior Heifer Yearling
  21005: 2-year-old Cows - Born Sept. 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016                            Champion/Reserve 2-Year Old Cow
  21006: 3 and 4-year-old Cows - Born Sept. 1, 2013 to August 31, 2015                      Champion/Reserve 3 & 4-Year Old Cow
  21007: Aged Cows - Born before September 1, 2013                                          Champion/Reserve Aged Cow

Superintendent: Rhonda Sexton
Enrollment Requirements:
          ID entered into 4-H Online by May 15
          Exhibitor must be YQCA certified
Fair Requirements:
          Entries must be made into FairEntry Online by July 15
          Check-In is Tuesday 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. at the fairgrounds
          Show is Thursday 1:30 p.m. Following market and breeding goat show
          Release is Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Noon

Show Rules:
        1.    Each Exhibitor may show 2 animals per class but no more than 6 animals in the entire show.
        2.    Junior Does must be under 24 months of age that are not in milk and have never freshened.
        3.    Senior Does must be in milk or have freshened.
        4.    Does 24 months of age or over which have never freshened shall not be shown.
        5.    Animals must have positive identification such as purebred registry number or tattoo, or ear tag.
        6.    Dairy exhibitors should wear a Kossuth County Fair exhibitor t-shirt.
        7.    All goats exhibited must have a scrapies tag.
        8.    Classes may be combined or broke out, depending on number of entries, at the discretion of the superintendent.

 CLASSES*                                                                AWARDS
 22000: Junior Doe under 4 months
 22001: Junior Doe 4-6 months
 22002: Junior Doe 6-11 months
 22003: Junior Doe 12-24 months
 22010: Senior Doe under 24 months in milk
 22011: Senior Doe 2-3 years
 22012: Senior Doe 3 and over
                                                                         Grand Champion/Reserve Dairy Goat

                                                     Dog Department

Superintendents: Mia Bronk
Enrollment Requirements:
        ID entered into 4-H Online by May 15
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made into FairEntry Online by July 15
        Check-in is Monday 5 p.m.
        Show is Monday 6 p.m.
        Release is after the show
Show Rules:
        1.    Health requirements: Must have a current rabies certificate; must show no evidence of any infectious condition.
        2.    Members will receive dog exhibitor number at the show ring.
        3.    Entries are open to purebred and mixed breed dogs.
        4.    The dog must have been trained, cared for, and managed by the exhibitor.
        5.    Any female in season may only be shown at the judge’s discretion.
        6.    Dogs may be entered in no more than two obedience classes.
        7.    Immediate family members (siblings/step-siblings) can co-identify the same dog. The shared dog must be enrolled and
              identified under each sibling’s 4-H Online account. The dog must still only be identified either as 4-H OR FFA. Siblings
              sharing the dog must both be enrolled in 4-H. The shared dog may only be shown in a particular class by one sibling,
              not both. For example: a 5th grade 4-H’er cannot show a dog in Pre-Novice A AND the 8th grade sibling show the

same dog in Pre-Novice A; however, the other sibling could show that same dog in Novice B.
        8. No dog treats allowed during the show or in the waiting area.
        9. This is not an AKC sanctioned show; however, AKC rules have been used as guidelines.
        10. First place in all obedience classes return to compete for Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Obedience.
        11. First place in all Showmanship classes return to compete for Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion

Obedience Class Descriptions:
 30101: Beginners Novice A                                             30102: Beginners Novice B
 1 year for both exhibitor and dog. Dog must not have
                                                                       2nd+ year exhibitor/2nd year dog OR Either exhibitor or
 earned any obedience title.                                           dog with previous training experience, but 1st year for
                                                                       the other team member. Exhibitor/dog team may enter
                                                                       this class until exhibitor has received a qualifying score.
 Figure 8
                                                                       Dog must not have earned any obedience title.
 Sit for Examination
 Recall (No finish)                                                    Heel
 Sit/stay Handler walks ring                                           Figure 8
                                                                       Sit for Examination
                                                                       Recall (No finish)
                                                                       Sit/stay Handler walks ring

 30103: Preferred Novice A                                             30104: Preferred Novice B
 Exhibitor/dog team may enter this class 1 year. Dog must              Exhibitor/dog team may enter this class until exhibitor
 not have earned any leg towards any CD                                has received a qualifying score. Dog must not have
 obedience title.                                                      earned any leg towards any CD obedience title.
 Heel & Figure 8                                                       Heel & Figure 8
 Stand for Examination                                                 Stand for examination
 Heel Free                                                             Heel free
 Recall with finish                                                    Recall with finish
 Down/Sit Handler walks ring                                           Down/Sit Handler walks ring

 30105: Novice A                                                       30106: Novice B
 Exhibitor/Dog team may enter this class 1 year. Dog must              Exhibitor/Dog team may enter this class until exhibitor
 not have earned any leg towards any CD obedience title.               has received a qualifying score. Dog may not have earned
                                                                       third leg towards any CD title.
 Heel & Figure 8                                                       Heel & Figure 8
 Stand for examination                                                 Stand for examination
 Heel Free                                                             Heel Free
 Recall with finish                                                    Recall with finish
 Long Sit (1 min)                                                      Long Sit (1 min)
 Long Down (3 min)                                                     Long Down (3 min)

 30108: Graduate Novice A                                           30109: Graduate Novice B
 This class is for exhibitor/dog team that is just beginning        Exhibitor/Dog team may enter this class until exhibitor has
 dumbbell work. Exhibitor/Dog team may enter this class 1           received a qualifying score. Exhibitor must provide their own
 year. Exhibitor must provide their own dumbbell for this           dumbbell for this class. Dog must not have earned any legs
 class. Dog must not have earned any legs towards any CDX           towards any CDX title.
 Heel free & Figure 8                                               Heel free & Figure 8
 Drop on Recall                                                     Drop on Recall
 Dumbbell Recall                                                    Dumbbell Recall
 Dumbbell Recall over High Jump                                     Dumbbell Recall over High Jump
 Recall over broad Jump                                             Recall over broad Jump
 Sit/Down- 3 min Handler out of sight                               Sit/Down- 3 min Handler out of sight

30110: Preferred Open                                                  30111: Open
 No limit on number of years exhibitor / dog team                       No limit to number of years exhibitor/dog team may enter.
 may enter. Exhibitor must provide their own                            Exhibitor must provide their own dumbbell for this class. Dog
 dumbbell for this class. Dog must not have earned                      must not have earned any legs towards any UD titles.
 their 3rd leg towards any CDX title.
 Heel fee & Figure 8                                                    Heel Free & Figure 8
 Drop on Recall                                                         Drop on Recall
 Retrieve on Flat                                                       Retrieve on flat
 Retrieve over High Jump                                                Retrieve Over High Jump
 Broad Jump Handler at side                                             Broad Jump Handler at side
                                                                        Long Sit- 3 min Handler out of sight
                                                                        Long Down- 5 min Handler out of sight

30112: Obstacle:
Open to all dogs. Must complete a series of obstacles on leash. Size divisions will be at the discretion of the judge.

 CLASSES                                                                    AWARDS
 30101: Beginners Novice A                                                  Champion/Reserve Beginners Novice A
 30102: Beginners Novice B                                                  Champion/Reserve Beginners Novice B
 30103: Preferred Novice A                                                  Champion/Reserve Preferred Novice A
 30104: Preferred Novice B                                                  Champion/Reserve Preferred Novice A
 30105: Novice A                                                            Champion/Reserve Novice A
 30106: Novice B                                                            Champion/Reserve Novice B
 30108: Graduate Novice A                                                   Champion/Reserve Graduate Novice A
 30109: Graduate Novice B                                                   Champion/Reserve Graduate Novice B
 30110: Preferred Open                                                      Champion/Reserve Preferred Open
 30111: Open                                                                Champion/Reserve Open
 30112: Obstacle                                                            Champion Obstacle
                                                                            Grand Champion/Reserve Dog Obedience

 CLASSES                                                                    AWARDS
 30201: Dog Junior Showmanship                                              Champion/Reserve Junior Showmanship
 30202: Dog Intermediate Showmanship                                        Champion/Reserve Intermediate Showmanship
 30203: Dog Senior Showmanship                                              Champion/Reserve Senior Showmanship
                                                                            Grand Champion/Reserve Dog Showmanship

                                            Horse and Pony Department

Horse and Pony Show Rules:
      1. Exhibitors may not add classes after July 15 but may scratch entries or make substitutions until one class prior on the day
          of the show. Remember the fair is your opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in 4-H. Please select classes
          accordingly. They should be classes that you have been practicing.
      2. Only one ID’d horse, entered in at least one 4-H/FFA class, may be stalled on the fairgrounds during the fair. If there are

any empty stalls a drawing will be held.
3.    Horses may NOT leave early without vet recommendation or submitted request on or before July 15 and approved by fair
      board and superintendent. Violators will forgo the ribbon sale and not be able to show next year.
4.    Immediate family members (siblings/step-siblings) can co-identify the same horse. The shared horse must be enrolled
      and identified under each sibling’s 4-H Online account. The horse must still only be identified either as 4-H OR FFA.
      Siblings sharing the horse must both be enrolled in 4-H. The shared horse may only be shown in a particular class by one
      sibling, not both. For example: a 5th grade 4-H’er can not show a horse in barrels AND the 8th grade sibling show the
      same horse in barrels; however, the other sibling could show that same horse in pole bending. Each 4-H member will still
      be allowed to ID a maximum of 5 horses; and of those 5, 2 may be leased.
5.    Ownership: To exhibit in classes in which the primary emphasis of evaluation is the skill level of the 4-H’er, ownership is
      not required; however, the 4-H’er must take an active role in the care of the animal (including feeding, cleaning, training,
      health care, farrier care, exercising, etc.) Horses listed in the conformation (halter) classes must be owned by the 4-H’er
      or in partnership with a family member. Any horse that is not owned by the 4-H’er or his/her immediate family (parent,
      siblings or guardians) is a leased horse. So horses owned by a distant family member (grandparents, aunts, uncles or
      cousins) will be considered leased horses. Proper paperwork and all rules for a leased horse must be followed. Leased or
      borrowed horses may be shown in showmanship and riding classes only. If the horse is leased or borrowed, attach a
      signed lease agreement with ID info in 4-H Online. If an exhibitor leases or borrows a horse, that horse shall be the only
      riding horse the exhibitor may identify and show as a project. Lease forms are available at the Extension Office.
6.    All State 4-H Horse Guidelines rules will be followed, including wearing 4-H armbands. Any exceptions are listed in this
      rule book. State rule books & armbands may be purchased at the Extension Office.
7.    All exhibitors will be required to wear ASTM/SEI approved horse helmets at all times when mounted and participating in a
      4-H activity (practice, show, parade, clinic, etc.).
8.    Performance class exhibitors must be dressed neatly in any color shirts with solid, plain front button or snap long sleeved
      and collar (will be enforced) and dark blue jeans or attire appropriate for the class. Prohibited: personalized logos or
      embroidery, zippers, sheer or lace fabric, embellishments or bling of any kind including but not limited to sequins,
      rhinestones, chains, etc. Shirts must be tucked in. No vests or jackets. Hats/helmets, belts, and boots are required. The
      judge will not give extra credit for special, costly attire.
9.    Exhibitors may wear the county 4-H exhibitor t-shirt for games classes only.
10.   Stalls will be assigned and posted by superintendent by Monday evening. All feed stall doors/access doors must be shut
      at all times. Stalls must be wiped down and dusted prior to stalling horse. All horses must be groomed and saddled in
      their stalls. Horses cannot be tied outside of stalls in the barn for any reason during the fair this includes during feeding,
      cleaning, tacking, and grooming. All horse stalls must be cleaned daily and cleaned completely out before you leave at
      the conclusion of the fair.
11.   No mounting horses in the horse barn, and no riding allowed in barns or north of the horse barn.
12.   Only exhibitors may ride or warm up their horses at any time during the Kossuth County Fair. If anyone else (including
      parents or trainers) ride or warm up the horse, the horse and exhibitor will be disqualified from the show.
13.   Cheering and support is encouraged; however, instruction is not allowed once exhibitor enters the arena.
14.   Any age group with less than 3 entries may be combined with another age group of the same class.
15.   Exhibitor ages are determined from the last grade completed. Horse ages are determined as of last Jan 1.
16.   Exhibitors may show multiple horses in timed events.
17.   All animals must be treated humanely and be vaccinated for Eastern, Western Encephalomyelitis; Influenza; and Tetanus
      Toxoid - and wormed at least sixty days prior to fair show. Bring a receipt or proof of vaccination along with health
      certificate completed within 30 days of the show to check in Tuesday night. Superintendents will make arrangements
      with a veterinarian to complete health certificates at a practice prior to the fair.
18.   In order to show in timed events, youth must attend 2 game event practices. In order to show in the halter and
      performance events, exhibitors must attend 2 performance practices. Superintendents may waive all or part of these
      requirements upon evidence of lessons or higher-level exhibition. (Get opt out forms from the Extension Office.)
19.   FFA members who have graduated, but are under the age of 21, may compete in the oldest age division.

Superintendent: Kuleen Smith
Enrollment Requirements:
        Animal ID: Photos
        ID entered into 4-H Online by May 15
Fair Requirements:
        Entries must be made into FairEntry Online by July 15
        Horse check-in is Monday 6:00pm - Tuesday 8:00 p.m.
        Show check-in is Tuesday 7:30 a.m.
        Rule meeting is Tuesday 7:45 a.m.
        Show is Tuesday 8:30 a.m.
        Release is Sunday 8:00 a.m. - Noon for the horse that must be housed on the fairgrounds.
                 If the exhibitor shows more than one horse, others may leave after the show. Check with superintendent.
Show Rules:
       1. Five second penalty rule will be enforced according to the Iowa 4-H Horse Guidelines on game classes.
       2. Exhibitors may begin their timed event run once the horse is clear of the gate.
       3. Exhibitors will be allowed to lead their horse into the arena to mount. Exhibitors will be allowed to receive help up to
            the gate of the arena.
       4. All game class winners are awarded on fastest time with correctly completed pattern. Knocked barrels and poles do
            not disqualify an exhibitor.
     5. Classes may be combined or broke out, depending on number of entries, at the discretion of the superintendent.

             CLASSES                                        AWARDS
             31010: Barrels - Junior                        Champion/Reserve Junior Barrels
             31011: Barrels - Intermediate                  Champion/Reserve Intermediate Barrels
             31012: Barrels - Senior                        Champion/Reserve Senior Barrels
             31020: Flag Race - Junior                      Champion/Reserve Junior Flag Race
             31021: Flag Race - Intermediate                Champion/Reserve Intermediate Flag Race
             31022: Flag Race - Senior                      Champion/Reserve Senior Flag Race
             31030: Jumping Figure 8 - Junior               Champion/Reserve Junior Jumping Figure 8
             31031: Jumping Figure 8 - Intermediate         Champion/Reserve Intermediate Jumping Figure 8
             31032: Jumping Figure 8 - Senior               Champion/Reserve Senior Jumping Figure 8
             31040: Handy Horse - Junior                    Champion/Reserve Junior Handy Horse
             31041: Handy Horse – Intermediate              Champion/Reserve Intermediate Handy Horse
             31042: Handy Horse - Senior                    Champion/Reserve Senior Handy Horse
             31050: Poles - Junior                          Champion/Reserve Junior Poles
             31051: Poles - Intermediate                    Champion/Reserve Intermediate Poles
             31052: Poles - Senior                          Champion/Reserve Senior Poles
             31060: Go-Go Race - Junior                     Champion/Reserve Junior Go-Go Race
             31061: Go-Go Race - Intermediate               Champion/Reserve Intermediate Go-Go Race
             31062: Go-Go Race - Senior                     Champion/Reserve Senior Go-Go Race
             31070: Egg and Spoon, all ages                 Champion/Reserve Egg Spoon

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