KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida

Page created by Samantha Harris
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida
January - June 2019

Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology,
Greater Noida
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida
Kaushal Bhawan Foundation Stone laying

Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu laid the foundation stone of Kaushal Bhawan, the
new office building of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) on March 2, 2019.
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida
CMD'S Letter

  fiz; lkfFk;ks]                                                                        Dear Colleagues,

  vki lHkh ds lkFk ;g ckr lk>k djus dk mi;qDr le; gS fd chrk o"kZ bl
                                                                                        It's a great moment to share with you all, that the past year has
  rF; dk lk{kh jgk fd ,uchlhlh Hkkjr esa fuekZ.k {ks= dh fnXXkt daiuh cudj
                                                                                        witnessed NBCC emerging as India’s construction giant thanks
  mHkjhA bldk Js; gekjh xq.koŸkk fu"iknu {kerk ,oa rduhdh {kerk dks tkrk
  gS tks fuf'pr :i ls le;c)rk ds izfr gekjh dfVc)rk vkSj mlds ikyu                      to its quality execution capability and technical capacity, surely
  dh Hkkouk dks ifjyf{kr djrk gSA daiuh dh fujarj lQyrk deZpkfj;kas ds                  supplemented by a sense of commitment and adherence to timelines.
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida
Honours /

                                 Sunita Purswani
                                 CGM (Technical)
                                 B.K. Sokhey
                              Director (Finance)
                         Yogesh Sharma
                      Executive Director (HQ)

                Manas Kaviraj
       CGM (Human Resource Management)

                   B Bhattacharya
            AGM (Corporate Communication)

                                                                                             Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
                                                                                             during the foundation stone laying of Kaushal Bhawan

                     An IS/ISO 9001:2015 Company
                      (For Providing Project Managment
                        Consultancy and Execution of
                                 the Projects)

                NBCC (India) Limited
             NBCC Bhawan, Lodhi Road,
              New Delhi - 110003, India

                                         Follow us on
                /OfficialNBCC                              @OfficialNBCC

                                      /NBCC (India) Limited

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                                                                                                       Honours                                     Inception
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                                                                                                   Appreciating the effort                  Inaugurations & Foundation
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NBCC News                  January - June 2019                                                 2
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida
Highlights in this issue
                                                         January - June, 2019


                                                                     Hon’ble Prime Minister of India at Netaji Subhash Chander Bose Museum, New Delhi

                                                                       37                                               62
                                                                Milestones                               Financial Affairs
                                                             Showcasing new Projects,                         Financial Performance
                                                           Events, Achievements and more                      during Jan-June 2019

                                                                       44                                               65
                                                                 Pen Down                                   HR Highlights
                                                            Features on Process, Finance,                        New Initiatives,
                                                            Technology, Management and                         Induction, Elevation
                                                                     Governance                                and Superannuation
    New Police Station at Badarpur in New Delhi

                                                                3                                         NBCC News          January - June 2019
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida
Hearty Welcome
                              NBCC is delighted to welcome the new office bearers

                                                                                            Shiv Das Meena

                                                                                              NBCC family welcomes Shri Shiv Das
                                                                                              Meena, IAS, as its new Chairman-cum-
                                                                                              Managing Director and looks forward to be
                                                                                              inspired by his leadership in the endeavour
                                                                                              to bring laurels to the Company.

                                                                                              The 1989 batch IAS Officer of Tamil Nadu
                                                                                              cadre, Shri Meena has around three
                                                                                              decades of experience in public service. As
                 Hardeep Singh Puri                                                           a civil servant, he has served the Govt. of
                                                                                              Tamil Nadu in various important capacities
            NBCC family congratulates Shri Hardeep Singh Puri for his second                  including Executive Director and Managing
            term in the Government of India as the Minister of State (Independent             Director - Chennai Metropolitan Water
            Charge) of Urban and Housing Affairs, Civil Aviation (Independent                 Supply & Sewerage Board (CMWSSB);
            Charge) and Minister of State for Commerce and Industry.                          Executive Director - Tamil Nadu Electricity
                                                                                              Board; Managing Director - Tamil Nadu
            A 1974-batch Indian Foreign Service officer, Shri Puri has served as              Medical Services Corporation; Secretary
            India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 2009 to               - Special Programme Implementation
            2013 and was the vice president of the International Peace Institute,             Department; Principal Secretary to Chief
            New York. He holds a Master’s degree in History from Hindu College,               Minister of Tamil Nadu; Administrator of
            University of Delhi.                                                              Annamalai University, etc.

                                      NBCC family welcomes Shri Rakesh Kumar Arora who assumed the additional charge of Director
                                      (Finance), NBCC Ltd., from June 21 to Aug 16, 2019, in addition to his current assignment of Director
                                      (Finance) in Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO). Shri Arora has over 32 years
                                      of experience in the finance discipline. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Hons) from
                                      Delhi University.
     Rakesh Kumar Arora

NBCC News      January - June 2019                                     4
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida
Happening                                                                     Bidding
                                                                            Adieu after
                                                                          completion of
                                                                          three years as

                                                                                Ashok Khurana

                                                                              Maj. Gen. TM Mhaisale
     NBCC bade adieu to Dr. Anoop Kumar Mittal on April
   8, 2019 at Corporate Office, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. The
 farewell function was graced by Shri Durga Shanker Mishra,
  Secretary (MoHUA); Shri SD Meena, Additional Secretary,
    MoHUA & CMD, NBCC; Shri K Sanjay Murty, Additional
    Secretary, MoHUA; Shri Rajendra Chaudhari, Director
     (Commerce); Shri Neelesh Shah, Director (Projects);
       Shri Sanjiv Swarup, CVO; Smt Jhanja Tripathi, JS,                        Sairam Mocherla
         MoHUA and Ms. Nandita Gupta, JS, MoHUA.
            To honour the former CMD, all members
                of NBCC family were present at
                           the event.

                                                                                     CR Raju

                                                                                 C Subba Reddy

                                                                                Rajendrasinh G

                                                              5   NBCC News      January - June 2019
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida

                  As a part of Strategic
                   Expansion Process
              NBCC (India) Limited has set up subsidiaries and joint ventures to extend its
             services for various construction and infrastructure projects in India and across
                          the world. Its major subsidiaries and joint ventures are:

                        1                         2                              3
          Hospital Services               Hindustan Steel                     NBCC
       Consultancy Corporation           Works Construction                  Services
           Limited (HSCC)                   Ltd (HSCL)                     Limited (NSL)

                       4                          5                              6
            NBCC Engineering                  Real Estate                NBCC DWC - LLC
            & Consultancy Ltd.               Development
                 (NECL)                     & Construction
                                            Corporation of
                                            Rajasthan Ltd

NBCC News   January - June 2019                    6
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida
1   Hospital Services Consultancy
    Corporation Limited (HSCC)
One of the subsidiaries of NBCC,    WHO. HSCC entered into a share      operations include all levels
HSCC was set up in 1983 and         purchase agreement with NBCC on     of the health system pyramid
is one of the few organisations     November 6, 2018 and shares of      and encompass conceptual
in South East Asia, rendering       HSCC were transferred to NBCC on    studies, health-care facilities
comprehensive range of              December 24, 2018.                  design, project management,
professional consultancy services                                       procurement and supply, logistics
in health-care and other social     The experienced professionals       and installation, commissioning
sectors, in India and abroad.       of HSCC aim to provide high-        and skill enhancement through
HSCC provides services to various   quality services with resources     training and retraining. Most of
organisations including Public      from other agencies/institutions    its tasks include designing and
and Private Sectors, Central        to supplement and complement        implementation of new hospitals
Government Departments, State       its in-house capacities and         & medical colleges, teaching
Governments and international       capabilities for implementation     institutions and rehabilitation/up-
agencies like the World Bank and    of projects. Its major areas of     gradation of existing institutions.

                                         Service spectrum

                                                                   Planning &

               Consultancy               HSCC                               Design &

                            Special                                  Project
                            Services                               Management


                                                  7                           NBCC News    January - June 2019
KNOWLEDGE ABODE OF Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Ins tute of Archaeology, Greater Noida

2      Hindustan Steelworks Construction Ltd (HSCL)
Incorporated in June 1964,                 across sectors like Steel, Power,        The area of operation of HSCL
HSCL was a leading CPSU                    Railways, Disaster Management,           range from Residential Buildings &
under Ministry of Steel, Govt.             Educational Institutions, Hospitals,     Commercial Complexes; Hospitals
of India. HSCL was formed as a             Rural and Urban Roads, Opencast          & Health Sector; Roads & Highways;
construction organisation with             Mining, creation of Sports facilities,   Flyover & Bridges; Coal & Mining
a mandate of developing and                Solar Power Generation Units and         Sector, etc. HSCL has wide exposure in
sourcing indigenous capabilities           other Infrastructure Development,        implementation of high value projects
for setting up of Integrated Steel         establishing its comprehensive           in infrastructure, as well as, in Steel
Plants in India. It was taken over         credibility across the country. As in    Sector. It also has a huge Data Base
by NBCC on April 1, 2017, as a             April 2019, HSCL has order book of       of reputed agencies that are qualified
subsidiary company. The company            `2200 crore and is concentrating in      after following CVC guidelines to
has been providing construction,           Steel Sector, with turnover booking      facilitate the speedy award of work.
repair and maintenance support             of `203 crore. It has also intensified   The company is ISO 9001:2015
to various steel plants located at         its effort in a wide range of Building   certified and strives for timely
Bokaro, Bhilai, Durgapur, Burnpur,         and Infrastructure Sectors with          execution of projects with full time
Rourkela, Vizag, Salem, Duburi, etc.       turnover booking of `454 crore in        qualified engineers and staff members
The company launched projects              the FY18-19.                             exclusively for different projects.

                                                Completed Projects

                       Medical, Dental, Nursing College,                            Construction of Cyclone Shelter at
       1100            Super Speciality Hospital, works, etc.,          300         various districts of West Bengal
        Cr.            at Gulbarga in Karnataka                          Cr.

                                                                                    Construction of Flyover & allied works
                     Construction of Para-Medical and Allied
       350           Health Institute in Gulbarga, Karnataka
                                                                         106        near Film City in Gautam Budh Nagar,
        Cr.                                                               Cr.       Noida

                      Construction and Maintenance of roads                         Construction of various Civil & Allied
       1100           under PMGSY in different Districts                 100        works in Banaras Hindu University
        Cr.           of Jharkhand                                        Cr.       (BHU)

                      44 ITIs , 6 Polytechnics and 28 Food                          Three 150-bedded District Hospitals &
       600            Godowns in West Bengal                              86        One 100-bedded Sub-Divisional Hospital
        Cr.                                                               Cr.       in Tripura

                                                                                    Construction of 14.8km Road of
                      Infrastructure at Haringhata under
      84.50           NDRF 2nd Bn                                      74.35        Gadarpur - Dineshpur - Matkota
       Cr.                                                              Cr.         Marg in Dehradun

NBCC News     January - June 2019                                8
Construction of 100-bedded Hospitals                              STRL-Steel & Cladding works for CRM
         74           at (i) Davangiri (ii) Hubli, & (iii) Mysuru            70.87      Complex for Sashastra Seema Police
         Cr.          in Karnataka                                            Cr.

                       Construction of Nursing College &                                One Sadar Hospital and 16 Community
         72            Hostel and 1000-seater Auditorium at                   68        Health Centres in Jharkhand
         Cr.           Indira Nagar, Bengaluru                                Cr.

                                       Some Recently Awarded Projects

     eautification of Raipur City under Raipur                       Km.138.900 (Excluding Yard) to Mirchadhori
    Smartcity Limited at Raipur, Chattisgarh                          Km.166.500 (Excluding Yard) in connection with
     arious works of ST & SC Dept., Govt. of Odisha                  Doubling of Ramna-Singruli (160 Km.) BG Rail
                                                                      line Project under Dhanbad Division in ECR.
   ● J RR jobs of SAIL/Bhilai Steel Plant
                                                                    ● Various BSF Works at North East
     SIC Gulbarga, Karnataka ( Sub Station work) .
                                                                      orks of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) at
     arth Work in formation in Cutting/filling
                                                                     Siricilla, Telangana
    including compactions, blanketing, turfing,
    side drain & catch water drains, construction                   ● A nnual Rate Contract (ARC) for Civil
    of minor bridges, construction of quarters &                       Construction of Drill Sites at Bokaro and Jharia
    platforms, FOBs & other miscellaneous activities                   CBM Blocks for two years i.e. 2019-20 and
    and associated works between Obra Dam                              2020-21 under ONGC

3       Real Estate Development & Construction
        Corporation of Rajasthan Limited

It is a Joint Venture Company that
caters to various redevelopment                     Projects Under REDCC
projects in Real Estate Sector across
Rajasthan. It was incorporated as a               ● Re-development of Old MREC
JV on September 9, 2015 while the                   campus at Gandhi Nagar, Jaipur.
shareholder agreement was signed                  ● Re-development of Vidhyak Nagar,
on May 25, 2015 and development
agreement was signed on February                    Jaipur.
2, 2016. The company’s scope                      ● Construction of apartments at
of work includes survey of sites,                   Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur.
soil investigation, appointment of
consultants through tender, preparation           ● Re-development of IGNB Complex
of concept plans, etc.                              at Bhawani Singh Marg, Jaipur.

                                                                9                              NBCC News   January - June 2019

4       NBCC Services Limited (NSL)
Incorporated on October 16, 2014,           Renovation & Furnishing and               signing MoU for the FY 18-19 with
as a wholly-owned subsidiary, NBCC          Corporate Social Responsibility.          the holding company NBCC (India)
Services Limited (NSL) is known for its     Their maintenance work expands            Ltd, holding 4th AGM of the company
state-of-art quality at a bare minimum      from Engineering Service such as          to centralised tendering of projects
cost and also for its immediate             O&M of HVAC, fire fighting system         at corporate office, NSL has been
responsiveness. Its mission is to be a      and equipment, lifts, escalators, DG      marching ahead in every field.
leading world-class company attaining       Set, pumps, STP’s, Networking, HT/
global standards in end-to-end post         LT Panels, CCTV Surveillance, civil       The company works towards
construction business, offering quality,    and structural maintenance; Soft          attaining global standards in
sustainable, innovative and cost-           Services such as Facility Management,     post construction business with
effective services. NSL is revered for      Horticulture, Security services,          professional outlook and providing
various prestigious clients including       Housekeeping, etc. NSL caters to all      highly effective and cost efficient
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of            types of renovations, re-furbishing       services to the clients. NSL also
Corporate Affairs, Ministry of External     of old buildings and also interiors &     looks for business opportunities
Affairs, Ministry of Women and Child        furnishing of new buildings for various   from Ministries, Govt./Semi Govt.
Development, National Commission            clients. The company also upholds         Departments, PSUs, Autonomous
for Women and many more.                    Corporate Social Responsibility           Bodies. Of late, Central Govt.
                                            mission of NBCC.                          Agencies/Ministries have started
The Business operations of NSL                                                        availing expert services of NSL
comprise three verticals which include      In the previous years, NSL has proudly    for their maintenance works and
Post Construction Maintenance,              achieved various milestones. From         renovation of their office premises.

Progressive Growth of NSL in last Five years

                                                                             Turnover (In cr.)
                         Income            % growth w.r.t             140
                          in INR            previous FY
     2018-19              125.80                42%

     2017-18               88.60                -19%                  70

     2016-17              108.77                 33%
     2015-16               81.62                 NA

     2014-15                0.47                 NA                   0
                                                                             14-15      15-16    16-17      17-18    18-19

NBCC News      January - June 2019                               10
Projects completed by NSL

Export Import Bank of India, 7th Floor, East Kidwai   Office of Agriculture Insurance Company of India, East       Office of Bbnl, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi
Nagar, New Delhi                                      Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi

Office of CERSAI, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi        Office of Chairman, National Anti- Profiteering Authority,   Widows Hostel, Indian Navy, New Delhi
                                                      Ministry of Finance, New Delhi

Inauguration of Complex of Competition                                                                      Conference Room, North Block, New Delhi
Commission of India, New Delhi

                                                        Renovation of 2nd & 4th floor, Department
Office of XV Finance Commission, STC Building,          of Investment and Public Asset                      Office of Pharmacy Council of India, Okhla, New Delhi
Connaught Place, New Delhi                              Management, New Delhi

Interior work of GST Council,               Secretary Room, Department of Investment and Public             Office of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Jeewan Vihar,
New Delhi                                   Asset Management, New Delhi                                     New Delhi

                                                                              11                                              NBCC News          January - June 2019

5        NBCC Engineering & Consultancy Limited (NECL)
Another wholly-owned subsidiary             in the fields of structural vetting, third              The company has recently provided
of NBCC (India) Limited is NBCC             party inspection, quality assurance,                    consultancy service to major clients
Engineering & Consultancy Limited           environmental engineering works,                        for the Museum at Rashtrapati
(NECL) which was incorporated on            preparation of DPRs, etc.                               Bhawan, New Delhi; Namami Gange
December 15, 2019. It is an architectural                                                           works - Ghats and Crematoria in the
and engineering design solution             NECL’s area of operations include                       state of Bihar; Various Buildings for
provider that strives for the continuous    building work and multi sectors                         Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
growth and offering of sustainable,         & independent engineering                               Jammu; Town Halls at various
innovative and cost effective design        work. Its wide area of operations                       locations in Agartala; National Sports
solutions in a wide category of projects.   range from building residential,                        University in Imphal city, Manipur;
                                            commercial, public and semi public                      Food Lab works at various locations
The company endeavours to uphold            buildings to urban planning, interior                   across PAN-India and Campus
environment sustainability and well-        works, environment planning and                         development for various paramilitary
being of the society. NECL also works       development of bus terminal facilities.                 forces including BSF.

                                                  Completed Projects

Rashtrapati Bhawan Museum, New Delhi                                  Town Hall, Belonia

                                        Overseas Projects of NBCC
           NBCC carries out the construction, real
           estate and project management consultancy
           business in various overseas countries.
           NBCC is the implementing agency for
           Mahatma Gandhi International Convention
           Centres (MGCC) in nine African countries             Perspective view of Police Headquarter &   Perspective view of New Government
                                                                Attorney General Office, Seychelles        Offices Block, Seychelles
           including Gambia, Liberia, Burkina Faso,
           Togo, Niger, Gabon, Uganda, Zambia,
           Malawi. It is also constructing India
           Pavilion for World Expo 2020 to be held in
           Dubai from October 2020 to April 2020.
           NBCC’s overseas division is also involved                                                                              Mahatma
           in construction of Police Headquarters,                                                                                International
           Attorney General (AG) office and Govt. house                                                                           Centre,
           offices complex at Mahe, Seychelles.                                                                                   Niamey, Niger

 NBCC News       January - June 2019                                12
6           NBCC DWC - LLC
NBCC incorporated NBCC DWC - LLC for conceptualising and construction of India Pavilion at World
Expo 2020 in Dubai and other similar works.

India Pavilion at World Expo 2020 in Dubai

India will be participating in World         Limitless Opportunities’ with the sub-
Expo 2020 in Dubai. It is a global           theme of ‘Opportunity’. Accordingly,                    Quick Facts
event that aims at educating the             the main pavilion building will be based
public, sharing innovation, promoting        on the theme, ‘Future is in India’. It will
progress, enhancing nation branding          have thematic displays from the fields of
& development, reaching international        Digital India, Make in India, Infrastructure,
audience, gaining economic                   Space Technology, Education, Medical
engagements & fostering cooperation.         Facilities, Tourism, Culture, etc.
Celebrated every 5 years, the expo
                                                                                             ❖ Plot area of 4614 sqm with total built
lasts for about six months. It acts as a     The plaza in the building will have food
                                                                                               up area 8736 sqm
platform for countries to showcase their     court and stalls selling souvenirs. The
achievements and abilities, thus earn        food court would serve cuisines from            ❖ Pavilion Building is a five storey
stature & a place on the global map.         all over India and will host various food         building based on different themes:
                                             festivals.                                        Ground Floor - India Opportunity
From October 20, 2020 to April 10,                                                             Story Theme
2021, Dubai will offer a multifaceted        Every exhibit at the pavilion will                First Floor - Sustainability Story
event where extraordinary exhibitions,       highlight a specific aspect of India as a         Theme
diplomatic encounters, business              land of opportunities for various interest        Second Floor - Mobility Story
meetings, public debates and live            groups like investors, students, tourists,
                                                                                               Third Floor -
shows will take place at the same            etc. India, being the fastest growing             Multipurpose Hall Theme,
time. Our country will also have a           economy, a world leader in IT & ITES,             Seminars & conferences,
pavilion during the event that will be       spaces sciences. It will also showcase            Film Screenings, Cultural Shows,
constructed by NBCC. The Theme               India as a major tourist destination with         Launch Events, Receptions, Diners
of Indian pavilion is ‘India – A land of     the widest array of attractions.

                                                              13                                   NBCC News        January - June 2019

Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit
The Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit is a biennial event. For
the 9th edition of the summit, NBCC was nominated by the
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to put up its exhibition
stall. On January 18, the trade show was inaugurated by
the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi,
who also visited the Ministry stall facilitated by NBCC.
The summit sought to showcase Gujarat's potential as
a preferred investment destination in India and offered
an ideal networking and knowledge-sharing platform to
leaders and organisations from across the globe.

 The Art of Living Workshop
 Health and wellness are more than just being free from
 illness and a person's health is reflected through the
 overall physical and mental fitness. Keeping this in mind,
 NBCC organised a workshop on Happiness at Work -
 The Art of Living, from January 21 to 23. The aim was to
 introduce the participants to skills and tools that would
 help them lead a more healthy and meaningful life.

                                                                      Proving that the spirit of oneness and unity
                                                                      prevails beyond borders, the Supreme Court
       Tricolour hoisted at New                                       building in Mauritius, which is currently being
                                                                      constructed by NBCC, hoisted the Indian
       Supreme Court Project in                                       Flag on the occasion of the 70th Republic
                                                                      Day on January 26, 2019.

 NBCC News      January - June 2019                              14
National Productivity Week
                                                                 The theme for the National Productivity Week,
                                                                 observed at NBCC from February 12 to 18, was
                                                                 'Circular Economy for Productivity and Sustainability'.
                                                                 Training Programmes and workshops such as
                                                                 'Productivity Enhancement', 'Circular Economy
                                                                 by GST' and 'Data Analysis' were organised in
                                                                 collaboration with All India Management Association
                                                                 (AIMA). Another workshop on 'Circular Economy
                                                                 for Productivity and Sustainability' was organised
                                                                 in association with National Productivity Council
                                                                 (NPC). Slogan competitions were also organised and
                                                                 winners were awarded. Dr Nitin Aggarwal, Deputy
                                                                 Director from NPC was the Guest Judge and Shri
                                                                 Rajeev Bhargav, Chartered Accountant from AIMA
 Swachhta Pakhwada                                               also graced the occasion.
 Showing its commitment to cleanliness and
 hygiene, NBCC celebrated the Swachhta
 Pakhwada week from February 1 to 15.
 As part of this initiative, employees took a
 pledge to protect the environment and also
 participated in a plogging drive. Workshops
 were held for the employees to increase their
 awareness about the environment, thereby
 cementing NBCC's unwavering support
 towards making India clean & green.

Leadership Development &
Managerial Training
A two-day training programme, 'Leadership Development
and Managerial Excellence’ was organised by NBCC's
Training and Skill Development Centre, (TSDC) in
Ghitorni, New Delhi on February 7. The workshop
introduced unique learning and development strategies
                                                                 Clockwise: Hemant Yadav, Akshay Sharma and Neha Singh were
to the employees that can help them introspect, learn            awarded for their performance in slogan competition by Manas Kaviraj,
and grow in their career.                                        CGM (Human Resource Management)

                                                             Global Housing
                                                             Technology Challenge
                                                             On March 2 and 3, a two-day exhibition cum workshop,
                                                             called the Global Housing Technology Challenge,
                                                             was organised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban
                                                             Affairs at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. Inaugurated by
                                                             the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra
                                                             Modi, the exhibition also had a stall by NBCC that
                                                             showcased its achievements in using green and eco-
                                                             friendly techniques during construction activities.

                                                        15                                    NBCC News          January - June 2019

                                                                          NBCC honours the
       Left to right: Mohd Salim, CGM; Shri Neelesh Shah, Director
       (Projects); Smt. BK Sokhey, Director (Finance); Shri Mansas
       Kaviraj, CGM (HR); Shri SC Jain, CGM
                                                                          High Commissioner of
                                                                          Mauritius to India
       National Safety Week                                               To      celebrate      the    National     Day
       Observing the National Safety Week from                            of      the      Republic      of     Mauritius,
       March 4 to 10, NBCC employees took a pledge                        Shri Pradeep Sharma, GM (Overseas), NBCC
       to raise awareness on the importance of                            honoured His Excellency Mr. Jagdishwar
       safety in daily life. This initiative is a reiteration             Gobaurdhun, GOSK, High Commissioner of
       of NBCC’s commitment towards maintaining                           Mauritius to India, at a reception organised in
       a safe and healthy environment, for all its                        New Delhi on March 18, 2019. Committed to
       employees. The week was celebrated across                          strengthen the bi-lateral relationship between
       NBCC offices and HQ.                                               the two countries, NBCC is executing several
                                                                          projects in Mauritius.

Interaction with High
Commissioner of the
Republic of Gambia
On March 7, 2019, NBCC officials called on Her
Excellency Ms Jainaba Jagne, High Commissioner
of the Republic of Gambia; Mr Mambury Nije, Hon’ble
Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs and
Mr Bai Lamin Jobe, Hon’ble Minister of Transport,
Work & Infrastructure, in New Delhi to strategise
for future projects. The NBCC team also made an
extensive presentation for the proposed Mahatma
Gandhi International Convention Centre (MGICC)
at Brusubi, Banjul, Gambia. Currently, NBCC is
also executing the MGICC project at Niamey, the
capital of Niger.

NBCC News       January - June 2019                                  16
Samvaad XIV
At the 14th edition of the Samvaad on March 16,2019,
NBCC’s       quarterly   brainstorming  meet,   senior
management officials engaged with around hundred
officers in the day long session. During the session,
the officials got feedback from the employees on how
to further increase the pace of project implementation
to enable the company enhance its revenue booking
against its huge work order. The day long event
was attended by Shri Rajendra Chaudhari, Director
(Commercial); Shri Neelesh K Shah, Director (Projects);
Shri Sanjiv Swarup, CVO; Shri Gyanesh Pandey, MD,
HSCC and all senior executives of NBCC.

                                                          17   NBCC News   January - June 2019

                            To celebrate the power of women and honour all its women employees, NBCC
                            organised a function at Indian Habitat Centre on March 8. Smt. Reena Kaushal
                              Dharmshaktu, the first Indian woman to ski to the South Pole, was the chief
                             guest for the occasion. Former NBCC CMD, Dr. Anoop Kumar Mittal; Director
                             (Projects), Sh. Neelesh Shah; Chief Vigilance Officer, Sh. Sanjiv Swarup and
                            wife of former CMD, Smt. Asha Mittal also graced the event. On this occasion,
                             Dr. Anoop Kumar Mittal said, “NBCC believes in gender diversity and salutes
                                             the contribution of women in all spheres of life.”

NBCC News   January - June 2019                               18
19   NBCC News   January - June 2019

Meeting with High Commissioner
of the Republic of Malawi
NBCC officials met His Excellency Mr. Geroge Mkondiwa,
High Commissioner of the Republic of Malawi and
Mr. Francis L Kasaila, Hon’ble Minister of Industry, Trade and
Tourism, in New Delhi, on March 25, 2019, to discuss future
construction projects. The team made a comprehensive
presentation on the proposed Mahatma Gandhi International
Convention Centre (MGICC) project in Blantyre, Malawi.
NBCC has also undertaken the construction of MGICC                        Renovation of the
projects in other countries that include Zambia, Togo, Liberia,
Gabon, Gambia and Burkina Faso.
                                                                          200-bedded IGMH building
                                                                          in Male
                                                                          The Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Male
                                                                          has been revamped and restored by NBCC. The large
                                                                          scale renovation has been done with support from the
                                                                          Government of India. It is worth noting that the hospital is
                                                                          the largest government healthcare facility for the people of
                                                                          Maldives. Earlier also, it was constructed by NBCC way
                                                                          back in 1994 as a gift from India to the people of Maldives.
                                                                          The unveiling of the plaque for the renovated building
                                                                          was done by Late Smt. Sushma Swaraj, former Hon’ble
                                                                          Minister of External Affairs, GOI, on March 17, 2019.

                                                                             Outbound Team-building
                                                                             Training Program
                                                                             NBCC’s Training and Skill Development Centre
                                                                             (TSDC) organised a comprehensive training
                                                                             program on April 5, 2019, for its employees in
                                                                             Ranikhet, Uttarakhand. The event was organised to
                                                                             build aptitude and develop managerial competencies
                                                                             among the employees. During the event, outdoor
                                                                             management games like rock climbing, trust fall, blind
                                                                             fold walk and other activities to facilitate experiential
                                                                             learning were also organised.

Illumination of Qutb Minar
Delhi’s famous monument Qutb Minar has been illuminated by
NBCC with around 300 lights from April 1, 2019. Out of this,
200 have been used to light up the 73 mt tall edifice to highlight
its carvings and inscriptions. These lights are also meant to
adorn the structures in the vicinity of Qutb Minar including Alai
Darwaza, entrance gateway, pathways and the Iron Pillar.

 NBCC News      January - June 2019                                  20
CMD,      NBCC,    Sh.  Shiv   Das     administered in the presence of
Pledge on Anti-   Meena & Sh. Rajendra Chaudhari,        Sh. Neelesh Shah, Dir (P) and Smt. B
Terrorism Day     Dir (C) administered pledge to
                  officials of NBCC on Anti Terrorism
                                                         K Sokhey, Director (Fin), to uphold and
                                                         promote non-violence, peace & social
                  Day, May 21. The pledge was            harmony in the country.

                                           Eye Check-up Camp
                                           A free Eye Check-Up Camp was organised for NBCC
                                           employees by the HR Division of NBCC on May 22. As
                                           a part of the camp, employees were provided various
                                           services including Vision & Refraction Test, Lasik
                                           Screening, Cataract Screening, etc. The procedures were
                                           conducted by a team of specialised doctors from Neera
                                           Eye Care Hospital, Delhi.

                                  21                              NBCC News     January - June 2019

                                  On World No Tobacco Day, May 31, employees of NBCC were administered a pledge
    Pledge on World               by Sh. Sanjiv Swarup, CVO and Smt. B K Sokhey, Director (Finance). The pledge was
    No Tobacco Day                administered to create awareness among the employees about the harms of tobacco.

                                            5th Smart Cities India
                                            2019 EXPO
                                            Sharing his insights on making cities more
                                            sustainable & efficient, Sh. Rajendra Chaudhari,
                                            Director (Commercial), NBCC, participated in 5th
                                            Smart Cities India 2019 Expo from June 22 to 24,
                                            2019. During the event, he spoke on the theme
                                            ‘Developing smart cities for our citizens’.

NBCC News   January - June 2019                        22
Yoga Day

NBCC family celebrated India’s
valued art form, Yoga on June 21,
2019, as a part of International
Yoga Day. Sh. Rajendra Chaudhari,
Director (Commercial), Shri Sanjiv
Swarup, CVO and other officers
participated in the event and
performed Yoga Asanas at the
Corporate Office in New Delhi.

Similar celebrations were held
across regional offices of NBCC
PAN India.

             23                      NBCC News   January - June 2019

dk;Z’kkyk dk vk;kstu
       uchlhlh ds dkfeZdksa ds fy, ^fganh vkSj ;wfudksM* fo"k; ij 27 twu] 2019 dks ,d dk;Z’kkyk dk vk;kstu gqvkA
 ,     bldk fof/kor mn~?kkVu Jh jktsanz pkS/kjh] funs’kd ¼okf.kT;½ }kjk fd;k x;kA dk;Z’kkyk dk vkjaHk Jh ekul dfojkt]
eq[; egkizca/kd ¼ekuo lalk/ku izHkkx½ ds Lokxr lacks/ku }kjk fd;k x;kA O;k[;krk ds :i esa vkeaf=r Jh jke ldy flag]
lgk;d funs’kd us fganh ds fodkl esa rduhd vkSj blds laca/kksa ij ppkZ dh rFkk fganh esa dk;Z djus esa lgk;d fofHkUu
okW;l Vkbfiax VwYl] VªkaLkys’ku VwYl bR;kfn ds ckjs esa Hkh tkudkjh nhA

                                                                       Vigilance Workshop
                                                                       Preventive Vigilance workshop was organised by
                                                                       NBCC on June 28, 2019, at the Corporate Office,
                                                                       New Delhi. The workshop was held in the esteemed
                                                                       presence of Sh. Rajendra Chaudhari, Dir (C);
                                                                       Sh. Neelesh Shah, Dir (P); Sh. R K Arora, Dir (F);
                                                                       & Sh. Sanjiv Swarup, CVO and other senior officers
                                                                       of NBCC. Various experts and guest speakers were
                                                                       invited to speak on the guidelines & technical matters
                                                                       related to vigilance.

NBCC News     January - June 2019                             24

North India
Best Employer
NBCC has added yet another feather to its cap
after being bestowed with the acclaimed ‘North
India Best Employer Brand’ Award 2018, on
January 2, by the Employer Branding Institute.
This is the 13th edition of the awards and was
held at the Taj Mahal Hotel in New Delhi. On
behalf of NBCC, Sh. Manas Kaviraj, CGM
(HRM), NBCC (India) Ltd., received the award.

                                                                                Ramya AS and Geetanjali Pandey were bestowed silver medals in AIMA Corporate
                                                                                Management Olympiad

                                                                                    Silver Medals won at
                                                                                    the AIMA Corporate
                                                                                    Management Olympiad
                                                                                    NBCC’s employees have won silver medals in a quiz competition
                                                                                    organised by the All India Management Association (AIMA) at
                                                                                    their 1st Corporate Management Olympiad Event held on January
                                                                                    22. Ramya AS, DGM and Geetanjali Pandey, DM (HR) won in the
KA Srikanth and Prasanta K Das receiving silver medals at the AIMA Corporate
                                                                                    Women Centric Category while Shri K A Srikanth, DM (HR) and
Management Olympiad                                                                 Shri Prasanta K Das, DM (HR) won in the HR Category.

CA Achiever - Infrastructure &
Construction Award
Shri Vijay Kumar Choudhary, GM (Finance), NBCC was felicitated on
January 19, 2019, with the prestigious CA Achiever - Infrastructure &
Construction Award 2018 in Mumbai for exceptional performance and
achievement in the infrastructure & construction sector. He was presented
with the award by Chairman, CM I&B, Sh. Dhiraj Khandelwal at the 12th
ICAI's Leaders & Business Excellence Awards 2018 function.

                                                                               25                                        NBCC News         January - June 2019

                                                   On February 22, NBCC was honoured with the 'Top Rankers Excellence'
      Top Rankers                                  award for Organisational Excellence and overall performance, at the 20th
      Excellence Award                             National Management Summit of Top Rankers Management Consultants
                                                   held in New Delhi. Sh. Yogesh Sharma, Executive Director, NBCC, received
                                                   the award on behalf of NBCC.

Global Safety Award 2019                                                   Felicitated by the Ministry
As recognition of its work in constructing state-of-the-art Central        of Micro, Small and
Information Commission (CIC) office building in Delhi, NBCC
was awarded the prestigious Global Safety Awards 2019, on                  Medium Enterprises
February 26, by the Energy and Environment Foundation. The
award was given away by former Power Secretary Shri Anil                   The Ministry of Micro, Small and
Razdan, who is also Chairman of the Foundation and was                     Medium Enterprises, Government of
received by Sh. Rajesh Bahal, Executive Director, on behalf                India, awarded NBCC with the first-
of NBCC.                                                                   runner award under the Navratna
                                                                           CPSE category on February 5,
                                                                           2019. The award was conferred by
                                                                           Hon’ble Minister of State for MSME,
                                                                           Sh. Giriraj Singh in the distinguished
                                                                           presence of Smt. Seema Bahuguna,
                                                                           Secretary, DPE, Ministry of Heavy
                                                                           Industries and Public Enterprises,
                                                                           Government of India; Dr Arun Kumar
                                                                           Panda, Secretary, Ministry of MSME
                                                                           and other dignitaries on February 5.
                                                                           The award is an acknowledgement
                                                                           of     the     commendable        work
                                                                           done by NBCC in promoting
                                                                           SC/ST entrepreneurs.

NBCC News       January - June 2019                                   26
uxj jktHkk"kk dk;k±o;u lfefr fnYyh us                                     Achievement
 ,uchlhlh ¼bafM;k½ dks fd;k iqjLd`r                                       Award for Best
                                                                          On March 11, NBCC was
                                                                          bestowed with an award for
                                                                          its exemplary work in the
                                                                          construction of the Central
                                                                          Information        Commission
                                                                          office building as well as the
                                                                          Dr. Ambedkar International
                                                                          Centre, in New Delhi. This
                                                                          'Achievement      Award      for
                                                                          Best    Construction    Project'
                                                                          was received by Sh. Rajesh
                                                                          Bahal,     ED,     Engineering,
                                                                          NBCC which was awarded
                                                                          by the Construction Industry
                                                                          Development Council at its 11th
                                                                          Annual CIDC Awards series
                                                                          2019, held at India Habitat
                                                                          Centre, New Delhi.

          xj jktHkk"kk dk;k±o;u lfefr ¼ujkdkl½ fnYyh miØe&2 }kjk
 u        ,uchlhlh ¼bafM;k½ fyfeVsM dh fganh x`g if=dk ^fuekZ.k Hkkjrh*
dks loZJs"B if=dk iqjLdkj rFkk ,uchlhlh dks Js"B jktHkk"kk dk;kZao;u
ds fy, iqjLdkj iznku fd;k x;kA Jh jktsanz pkS/kjh funs'kd ¼okf.kT;½
us ,uchlhlh dh vksj ls ;g iqjLdkj izkIr fd;kA bl volj ij ekuo
lalk/ku izca/ku rFkk jktHkk"kk izHkkx ds vf/kdkjh mifLFkr jgsA uxj
jktHkk"kk dk;k±o;u lfefr fnYyh dh prqFkZ cSBd ,oa iqjLdkj forj.k
dk;ZØe 25 Qjojh] 2019 dks bafM;k gSfcVsV lsaVj yksËkh jksM] ubZ fnYyh
esa vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA bl dk;ZØe dh vË;{krk vË;{k uxj jktHkk"kk
dk;k±o;u lfefr ¼ujkdkl½ ,oa gMdks ds vË;{k ,oa ÁcaËk funs'kd
Jh ,e- jfodkar us dhA

                                                     27                       NBCC News     January - June 2019

                                                                      Shri Ashok Kumar Khoiya, Deputy
Construction Woman Award of                                           Manager (Finance) has been awarded
                                                                      a letter of appreciation by Shri Vijay
the Year 2019                                                         Kumar Sharma, Executive Director
The Construction Times Magazine in association with CII               (Engineering) on June 24, 2019. He is
felicitated Smt. Reshma Dudani, CGM (Engg), NBCC, with the            Unit Finance Incharge of Jharkhand
prestigious award - Construction Woman of the Year 2019, on           Zone and has been awarded for his
March 6. The award was given away during the Real Estate              tireless efforts to refund Service Tax
& Building Technology exhibition held at Pragati Maidan. The          for the year 2015-16 in respect of
objective of the award is to applaud and acknowledge the              PMGSY Works in West Bengal Zone.
work of eminent icons from Real Estate, Architecture and              NBCC congratulates him for his
Building Technology sector for their outstanding contribution.        efforts and is proud of his enthusiasm
                                                                      towards work.

       Dainik Jagran CSR Awards 2019
       On March 5, NBCC won the prestigious Dainik Jagran
       CSR Awards 2019 for executing innovative projects
       that promote sustainable livelihood, hygiene and
       sanitation, health, education and gender equality.
       The award was conferred under the Environment
       Conservation Category at a ceremony held in New Delhi.
       Sh. R Wanchoo, ED (CSR/ Training) received the
       award on behalf of NBCC, from Sh. Manoj Sinha,
       Hon'ble Minister of State (I/C) for Communications &
       MoS for Railways.

 NBCC News     January - June 2019                               28


                      National Museum of
                      Indian Cinema (NMIC)
                      inaugurated in Mumbai
                      The National Museum of Indian Cinema
                      (NMIC), a treat for historians, tourists and film
                      buffs, was inauguarted by the Hon’ble PM of
                      India, Shri Narendra Modi on January 19. The
                      Museum, housing a rich repository and history
                      of Indian cinema, is set in a refurbished 19th-
                      century heritage bungalow ‘Gulshan Mahal’
                      and a new state-of-the-art building with five
                      floors and two mezzanine floors accounting for
                      a total built up area of 12,000 sq metres.

                 29                   NBCC News      January - June 2019

                                                                       Inauguration of the
                                                                       Tripura Institute of
                                                                       The new high-tech complex of Tripura Institute
                                                                       of Technology, built by NBCC at Agartala, was
                                                                       inaugurated by the Hon'ble Prime Minister
                                                                       of India, Sh. Narendra Modi on February 9.
                                                                       The inauguration ceremony was also graced
                                                                       by Professor Kaptan Singh Solanki, Tripura
                                                                       Governor and Sh. Biplab Kumar Deb, Chief
                                                                       Minister, Tripura among others.

ESIC Post Graduate Institute of
Medical Sciences & Research
inaugurated in Chennai
On February 13, the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India,
Shri Narendra Modi, inaugurated the ESIC Post
Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences and
Research in KK Nagar, Chennai. Built by NBCC,
this earthquake-resistant 500-bed institute comes
equipped with a range of new-age features
such as modular operation theatres, a radiology
department with CT scan, MRI Scan, and X-Ray
facility, and eco-friendly initiatives such as
sumps for storing rain water & corporation water,
among others.

                                                        Campus for
                                                        National Institute of
                                                        Design inaugurated
                                                        On February 22, NBCC-built campuses for National
                                                        Institute of Design in Jorhat (Assam) and Bhopal
                                                        (Madhya Pradesh) were inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister
                                                        of Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Shri Suresh
                                                        Prabhu. The new buildings are well-equipped with
                                                        facilities like studios, IT lab workshops, hostels, etc.

 NBCC News     January - June 2019                     30
Skill Development Institute
                                                                   inaugurated in Bhubaneswar
                                                                   The new Skill Development Institute (SDI) in
                                                                   Bhubaneswar, built by NBCC, has all the latest
                                                                   state-of-the-art facilities and amenities to teach
                                                                   internationally acclaimed skill development
                                                                   courses. The campus was inaugurated by
                                                                   Sh. Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon’ble Union
                                                                   Minister, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
                                                                   Gas, Government of India, in the presence of
                                                                   senior officials from NBCC, Oil PSUs and SDI,
                                                                   Bhubaneswar on February 25.

National Investigation
Agency (NIA) complexes                                                          New academic complex
inaugurated                                                                     at the Mahanadi
On March 1, two new office-cum-                                                 Coalfields Medical
housing buildings of the National
Investigation Agency (NIA),
                                                                                College in Talcher, Odisha
one in Hyderabad and the
other in Guwahati, were                                                          Built by NBCC, the new academic complex of
inaugurated by the Hon'ble                                                       Mahanadi Coalfields Medical College at Talcher,
Union      Home     Minister                                                     Odisha (part of the Mahanadi Institute of
Shri      Rajnath     Singh.                                                     Medical Science & Research) was inaugurated
Constructed     by    NBCC,                                                      on March 5 by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan,
the complex in Hyderabad                                                         Hon’ble Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas
has      both     administrative                                                 and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship. In
and residential quarters for its                                                 keeping with NBCC's commitment to sustainable
staffers and the campus in Guwahati                                              development, the project includes eco-friendly
has office buildings, residential flats, a                                       features like rain water harvesting, sewage
community centre as well as barracks for jawans.                                 treatment plant, fly ash bricks, etc.

                                               600 NBCC-built houses for
                                               slum dwellers inaugurated in
                                                   On March 6, 2019, Hon'ble CM of Odisha, Shri Naveen Patnaik inaugurated
                                                   durable and climate adapted houses for slum dwellers in Bhubaneswar. NBCC
                                                   undertook the task as a part of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC)
                                                   project under Rajiv Awas Yojana for Rangamatia Slum Improvement Project
                                                   (Relocation) at Gadakana in Odisha’s capital Bhubaneswar. The houses
                                                   are well-ventilated and have robust sanitation facility. This project of NBCC
                                                   is equipped with all necessary infrastructure including KVA transformer, a
                                                   playground for children, a community centre and a shopping complex.

                                                             31                                   NBCC News      January - June 2019
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) in Supaul, Hingoli
                           and Maharjganj inaugurated
    On March 6, Hon’ble Union Home Minister, Sh. Rajnath Singh, inaugurated the NBCC-built campuses of Sashastra
      Seema Bal (SSB) in Supaul, Hingoli and Maharjganj. The complexes have been constructed to include modern
    infrastructure and facilities like the administrative block, training block, mess, dormitories, barracks and residential
             buildings. Apart from this, NBCC has also built internal roads and a boundary wall for the campus.

                      Inauguration of the Central Industrial
                      Security Force (CISF) Phase -III Project
      On March 7, Hon'ble Defence Minister of India, Shri Rajnath Singh inaugurated the Central Industrial Security
        Force (CISF) Phase III Housing Project, constructed by NBCC at Karaikudi in Tamil Nadu. Shri Vikram, IG,
     CISF; Shri Hardeep Singh, DIG, CISF, and other dignitaries graced the ceremony. This phase of the construction
                    is responsible for building over 122 staff quarters, equipped with modern facilities.

NBCC News     January - June 2019                                 32
NBCC participates in
infrastructure building
On March 8, the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tripura,
Shri Biplab Kumar Deb inaugurated a state-of-the-art town
hall at Belonia in Tripura, built by NBCC at a cost of `24.91
crores. The Town Hall will go a long way in strengthening
urban infrastructure in Tripura as well as the rest of the
North-East region. Another NBCC-led infrastructure project
currently underway is the construction of a 65-storey World
Trade Centre in Guwahati which is ready for a soft launch.
This will also result in a positive paradigm shift in the trade
and commerce of North East India.

                                                                       Badarpur Police
                                                                       Station Inaugurated in
                                                                       New Delhi
                                                                       Shri Rajnath Singh, Hon’ble Defence Minister
                                                                       of India, inaugurated the NBCC-built Police
                                                                       Station in Badarpur, New Delhi on March 9.
                                                                       The new complex is equipped with modern
                                                                       facilities that will further empower the state to
                                                                       maintain law and order.

                                                                  33                              NBCC News      January - June 2019

                                       Pt Deendayal
                                       Upadhyaya Institute of
                                       Archaeology in Greater
                                       Noida inaugurated
                                       Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
                                       inaugurated the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya
                                       Institute of Archaeology built by NBCC, in
                                       Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh) on March 9 in
                                       the presence of Dr. Mahesh Sharma, Minister of
                                       State (I/C) of Culture & MoS of Environment &
                                       Forest; Yogi Adityanath, Hon'ble Chief Minister,
                                       Uttar Pradesh; Hon'ble assembly members of
                                       the State and Dr. Anoop Kumar Mittal, former
                                       CMD, NBCC. The state-of-the-art institute, built
                                       at an estimated cost of over `289 crore, was
                                       completed much before its stipulated deadline.
                                       Among its many features, the three-star new
                                       age, technologically advanced and eco-friendly
                                       building has an auditorium with a seating
                                       capacity of 1000 people and an open-air theatre.
                                       The institute also comprises a main block RCC
                                       framed structure with a basement, ground
                                       floor, first floor, terrace garden, administrative
                                       block, lecture hall, curation lab, faculty rooms
                                       and library.

NBCC News   January - June 2019   34
Inauguration of new
office complex of
GRSE in Kolkata
The new office complex of GRSE -
Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers
Ltd, in Kolkata was inaugurated on May
20, 2019 by Rear Admiral V K Saxena,
Chairman & Managing Director, GRSE.
The two-storey complex is equipped with
modern amenities.

                                          Inauguration of Sahara
                                          Hostel for widows of
                                          Indian Navy Officers
                                          Built by NBCC, Sahara Hostel for widows of Indian Navy Officers
                                          was inaugurated on May 31, 2019, to support widows of Indian Navy
                                          officers who lost their lives on duty. The inauguration was done by Lt
                                          Governor of Delhi, Shri Anil Baijal in the presence of senior officials
                                          of Indian Navy and NBCC. The Hostel comprises 34 dwelling units
                                          equipped with all necessary amenities for dignified living, along with
                                          a common Dining Hall and a Community Hall.

                                                        35                                    NBCC News      January - June 2019

                       Foundation Stone Laying
                                                       Foundation Stone Laying of Indian
                                                       Institute of Foreign Trade
                                                       Foundation stone for the new campus of Indian Institute of Foreign
                                                       Trade (IIFT) laid in Delhi on February 21. NBCC has been entrusted
                                                       with the responsibility of building the new campus for Indian Institute
                                                       of Foreign Trade at Maidan Garhi in New Delhi. Union Minister for
                                                       Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Sh. Suresh Prabhu laid the
                                                       foundation stone for the project. The modern features of the campus
                                                       will include an academic block, administration block and auditorium
                                                       with a sitting capacity of 1000, a hostel block and a ten storey
                                                       warden block.
   MP Bhawan Project
   Foundation Laid
   On January 14, 2019, Shri Kamal Nath,
   Hon'ble Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh
   laid the foundation stone of the MP Bhawan
   Project to be constructed by NBCC in New
   Delhi. The event was attended by Sh.
   NK Shah, Director, Projects, and other
   dignitaries. The Bhawan's construction
   and design plan include every modern
   amenity for staff quarters, conference
   rooms and other areas.

Foundation Stone Laying
of Kaushal Bhawan

Kaushal Bhawan, the new office building
of the Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship (MSDE) is being constructed      Foundation Stone laying
by NBCC at New Moti Bagh in New Delhi. On
March 2, the foundation stone for the project     for Nellore Railway Station
was laid by the Hon’ble Vice President of India
Sh. M Venkaiah Naidu in a glittering ceremony
                                                  Redevelopment Project
attended by Sh. Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon'ble       NBCC has been assigned the prestigious task of revamping and
Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas & Skill     redeveloping the Nellore Railway Station in Andhra Pradesh. The foundation
Development and Entrepreneurship; Sh. Anant       stone for the project was laid by the Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri M
Kumar Hegde, Hon'ble MoS, MSDE; Smt.              Venkaiah Naidu, on February 21. As an example of NBCC's commitment to
Meenakshi Lekhi, Hon'ble MP (Lok Sabha) and       green initiatives, the building will be equipped with solar power generation,
Dr Anoop Kumar Mittal, former CMD, NBCC.          sewage treatment plant and rainwater harvesting facilities.

 NBCC News     January - June 2019                           36

     laxzgky; dk th.kksZ)kj
       ,     uchlhlh us 23 tuojh] 2019 dks
             ubZ fnYyh fLFkr yky fdys esa
     usrkth lqHkk"k panz cksl laxzgky; esa vfrfjDr
     fuekZ.kdk;Z iwjk dj fy;k gSA bl ifj;kstuk
     ds varxZr] ,uchlhlh us laxzgky; esa
     fo|qrhdj.k dk dk;Z] ,;j dafM’kfuax ,oa
     vU; lacaf/kr dk;Z iw.kZ dj fy, gSaA daiuh
     }kjk gky gh esa Hkkjrh; iqjkrRo losZ{k.k ds
     lkFk feydj ,sfrgkfld yky fdys ij okLrq
     izdk’k dk dk;Z Hkh iwjk dj fy;k x;k gSA
     blls ,sfrgkfld Lekjd esa O;kid cnyko
     ns[kus dks fey jgk gSA

,uchlhlh dks feyk 228 djksM+ dk vkWMZj
        uchlhlh ¼bafM;k½ fyfeVsM dks ubZ fnYyh esa fo’o        lfpo ¼varjjk"Vªh; LokLF;½ Jh yo vxzoky rFkk ,uchlhlh
 ,      LokLF; laxBu dh nf{k.k&iwoZ ,f’k;k ds {ks=h;           esa funs’kd ¼def’kZ;y½ us gLrk{kj fd, FksA bl bekjr
dk;kZy; ¼,lbZ,vkjvks½ dk iqufoZdkl djus dk 228 djksM+          ds fuekZ.k ,oa iqu%fodkl esa ,uchlhlh ifj;kstuk izc/a ku
#i, dk vkWMjZ izkIr gqvk gSA dsna hz ; LokLF; ,oa ifjokj       lykgdkj ds :i esa dk;Zjr gksxhA bl bekjr ds fMt+kbu]
dY;k.k ea=h Jh txr izdk’k uM~Mk dh mifLFkfr esa 28             fuekZ.k ,oa olwyh dh ftEesnkjh ,uchlhlh ij gksxhA bl
tuojh] 2019 dks f=i{kh; le>kSrk Kkiu ij gLrk{kj                lac/a k esa ,uchlhlh ds v/;{k ,oa izc/a k funs’kd MkW- vuwi
fd, x,A bl djkj ij dsna hz ; LokLF; ,oa ifjokj dY;k.k          feÙky us crk;k] ^^fuekZ.k {ks= esa dq’kyrk rFkk
ea=ky; esa lfpo Jherh izhfr lqnu( MCY;w,pvks&,lbZ,vkjvks       fu/kkZfjr le; esa ifj;kstuk dks iw.kZ djus ds fjdkWMZ ds dkj.k
dh {ks=h; funsf’kdk Jherh iwue [ks=iky flag rFkk               gh daiuh dks ns’k Hkj esa izfrf"Br ifj;kstuk,a izkIr gks jgh
,uchlhlh esa funs’kd ¼def’kZ;y½ Jh jktsna z pkS/kjh us         gSAa MCY;w,pvks&,lbZ,vkjvks bekjr ds fuekZ.k ds fy, dsna hz ;
gLrk{kj fd, FksA ,d vU; f}i{kh; djkj Hkh fd;k x;kA             LokLF; ,oa ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; ds lkFk feydj dke
bl ij dsna hz ; LokLF; ,oa ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; esa la;Dq r    djus esa ge xkSjokafor eglwl dj jgs gSAa **

                                                              37                                   NBCC News      January - June 2019

                                                                  xksok esa cusxk 250
                                                                  fcLrjksa okyk vLirky
xSjls.k esa cuk;k fo/kkulHkk Hkou                                  ,         uchlhlh us 31 tuojh] 2019 dks
                                                                             vk;q"k ea=ky; ds lkFk djkj ij
 ,        uchlhlh dh miyfC/k;ksa esa ,d vkSj v/;k;
          tqM+ x;k gSA daiuh us mŸkjk[kaM ds xSjls.k              gLrk{kj fd;k gSA blds varxZr xksok esa
esa fo/kkulHkk Hkou dk fuekZ.k lQyrkiwoZd iwjk                    250 fcLrjksa okys vk;qosZn ,oa izkd`frd
dj fy;k gSA daiuh us fodV ekSle esa lajpukRed                     fpfdRlk vLriky dk fuekZ.k fd;k tk,xkA
peRdkj dks iwjk dj fn[kk;k gSA bl bekjr dks                       bl ij 267-81 djksM+ #i, [kpZ gksaxsA bl
ns[kdj Li"V :i ls bafxr gksrk gS fd daiuh us                      le>kSrs&i= ij ,uchlhlh ds dk;Zdkjh
tksf[k+e Hkjs bl {ks= esa [k+jkc ekSle tSlh pqukSfr;ksa dk        funs’kd Jh ;ksxs’k ’kekZ ,oa vf[ky Hkkjrh;
lkeuk djrs gq, fdl izdkj ls vfHkuo fMt+kbu okyh                   vk;qosZn laLFkku] vk;q"k ea=ky; esa funs’kd
bl vkd"kZd bekjr dk fuekZ.k 30 tuojh] 2019 dks                    MkW- ruqtk eukst uslkjh us gLrk{kj fd,A
iwjk fd;k x;k FkkA                                                ,uchlhlh bl ifj;kstuk dks vxys 24
                                                                  ekg esa iwjk dj ysxhA ;g vf[ky Hkkjrh;
                                                                  vk;qosZn] ;ksx ,oa izkd`frd fpfdRlk vLirky
                                                                  50 ,dM+ eas QSyk gqvk gksxkA blesa gj o"kZ
                                                                  500 ls vf/kd Nk=ksa dks ;wth] ihth] ih,pMh
                                                                  fMxzh ds ikB~;Øe i
ekynho esa fd;k fuekZ.k
        ynho ds dk;Zdkjh iqfyl vk;qDr us 4 Qjojh] 2019
ek      dks fuekZ.kk/khu lqj{kk vkSj dkuwu izorZu v/;;u
laLFkku ¼iqfyl vdkneh½ dk nkSjk fd;kA bl Hkou dk
fuekZ.k ,uchlhlh }kjk fd;k tk jgk gSA dk;Zdkjh iqfyl
vk;qDr us fuekZ.k&LFky ij fuekZ.k dk;Z dk fujh{k.k fd;kA
fuekZ.k dk;Z ns[kdj og cgqr izHkkfor gq,A mUgksaus ,uchlhlh
dh iz’kalk djrs gq, dgk fd ;g daiuh fu/kkZfjr le; esa
ifj;kstuk iwjh djus ds fy, fo[;kr gSA mUgksaus dq’kyrkiwoZd
viuk dk;Z iwjk djus ds fy, daiuh ds Jfedkas dh Hkh
ljkguk dhA

daiuh dks feyh ljkguk
         nzh; vkokl ,oa ’kgjh fodkl ekeyksa ds ea=h
 das     ekuuh; Jh gjnhi flag iqjh us 19 Qjojh dks ubZ
fnYyh esa vk;ksftr esy VqMs bafM;k lfeV esa ,uchlhlh
dh cgqr ljkguk dhA gfjr ,oa lrr~ lqfo/kkvksa ls ;qDr
iwohZ fdnobZ uxj ifj;kstuk dk mYys[k fd;k x;k FkkA
ea=h us daiuh dh bl ckr ds fy, iz’kalk dh fd og LekVZ
rduhdksa dk mi;ksx dj jgh gSA blesa dekaM ,oa daVªksy
lsaVj ’kkfey gSA blds ek/;e ls iz’kklfud vf/kdkjh                  'kh?kz cusxk gLrf’kYi Hkou
fuckZ/k :i ls fuxjkuh dj ldrs gSaA
                                                                    ,      uchlhlh ubZ fnYyh esa nhun;ky varjjk"Vªh;
                                                                           gLrf’kYi Hkou dk fuekZ.k djsxhA bl Hkou
                                                                   dh vk/kkjf’kyk 19 Qjojh] 2019 dks dsanzh; diM+k ea=h
                                                                   Jherh Le`fr bZjkuh }kjk j[kh xbZA ;g Hkou u dsoy ns’k
                                                                   Hkj ds vfirq lkdZ ns’kksa ds gLrdyk dkjhxjksa ds fy, ,d
jk;iqj LekVZ flVh                                                  mi;qDr eap lkfcr gksxk] tgka ij os viuh izfrHkk dk
                                                                   izn’kZu dj ldsaxsA ;gka ij bu dykdkjksa }kjk cukbZ xbZa
fyfeVsM ls djkj                                                    dykRed oLrq,a iznf’kZr dh tk,axhA

        ;iqj esa fofHkUu izdkj ds fodklksUeq[k
 jk     ,oa vU; vk/kkjHkwr lqfo/kkvksa okyh
ifj;kstukvksa ds fy, ,uchlhlh us jk;iqj LekVZ
flVh fyfeVsM ¼vkj,llh,y½ ls djkj fd;k gSA
,uchlhlh ds funs’kd ¼ifj;kstuk,a½ Jh uhys’k
’kkg dh mifLFkfr esa djkj ij ,uchlhlh ds
dk;Zdkjh funs’kd ¼vfHk;kaf=dh½ Jh ;ksxs’k ’kekZ
vkSj vkj,llh,y ds izca/k funs’kd ,oa eq[;
dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh Jh f’ko vuar us 26 Qjojh]
2019 dks gLrk{kj fd,A

                                                              39                           NBCC News     January - June 2019

                          dkS’ky fodkl dk;ZØe vk;ksftr
                                                    Felicitation of                        eSnku x
lQ+njtax edcjk ij ,ybZMh ykbV
                                                              ,      uchlhlh us 27 Qjojh dks crk;k fd ubZ fnYyh fLFkr
                                                                     ,sfrgkfld egŸo okys lQ+njtax edcjs dks txexkus
                                                             ds fy, ,ybZMh ykbVsa yxkbZ xbZ gSaA ;s ykbVsa ÅtkZ cpkus esa
                                                             l{ke gSaA lw;ksZn; ds ckn ;s ykbVsa ty mBrh gSa tks Vkbej ls
                                                             lapkfyr gksrh gSaA ;s ykbVsa ’kke N% cts ls jkr ukS cts rd
                                                             tyrh gSaA bl txexkrh jks’kuh esa eqx+ydkyhu Lekjd ,oa
                                                             ckx dh lqanjrk ns[krs gh curh gSA bl jks’kuh esa Lekjd dh
                                                             okLrqdyk Li"V :i ls ns[kus dks feyrh gSA

                                               daiuh dks feyk 463 djksM+ dk vkWMZj
                                                       ojRu daiuh ,uchlhlh dks 28 ekpZ] 2019 dks Hkkjrh;
                                                u      izca/ku laLFkku] fo’kk[kkiV~Vue dh vksj ls 463 djksM+ #i,
                                               ds vkWMZj izkIr gq, gSaA daiuh dks ifj;kstuk dk izeq[k lykgdkj
                                               cuk;k x;k gSA blds rgr izFke pj.k esa LFkkbZ ifjlj dk fodkl
                                               fd;k tk,xkA blesa vdkneh] vkoklh; ,oa iz’kklfud CykWd ds
                                               lkFk&lkFk iqLrdky;] iz;ksx’kkyk,a] [ksy ifjlj cuk, tk,axsA
                                               daiuh dqy 230-25 ,dM+ {ks=Qy dk fodkl djsxh rFkk ;s fuekZ.k
                                               dk;Z 60]384 oxZ ehVj esa fd;k tk,xkA ifj;kstuk 30 ekg esa iwjh
                                               gks tk,xhA blds laca/k esa daiuh ds v/;{k ,oa izca/k funs’kd
xaxk laj{k.k vfHk;ku                           Jh f’ko nkl ehuk us crk;k] ^^daiuh dks oSf’od Lrj ds ’kSf{kd o
                                               LokLF; laLFkku cukus dk vuqHko izkIr gSA lrr~ fodkl gh gekjk
dh ifj;kstuk,a                                 /;s; jgk gSA xq.koŸkkiw.kZ fuekZ.k dk;Z le; ij iwjk djus dh gekjh
                                               ijaijk jgh gSA**
Hkk      jr ljdkj ds ty lalk/ku] unh
         fodkl vkSj xaxk laj{k.k ea=ky;
us 30 ekpZ] 2019 dks ,uchlhlh dks
cgqr gh egŸoiw.kZ dk;Z lkSaik gSA blds
rgr fcgkj esa ?kkVksa dk iqufoZdkl ,oa
fodkldk;Z fd;k tk,xkA ;g ifj;kstuk
uekeh xaxk dk;ZØe ds varxZr pykbZ
tk jgh gSA ,uchlhlh vU; lqfo/kktud
fuekZ.k ds vykok dqy 7 ?kkVksa dk fuekZ.k
rFkk 3 dk th.kksZ)kj djsxhA daiuh jkT;
esa xaxk unh ds fdukjs ij cls fofHkUu
’kgjksa esa xaxk laj{k.k vfHk;ku ds vkjafHkd
Lrj dk ’kqHkkjaHk djsxhA bl ij yxHkx
100 djksM+ #i, [kpZ gksus dk vuqeku gSA

                                                        41                                  NBCC News     January - June 2019
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