KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing

Page created by Rafael Webb
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing

                   We keep things flowing

KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing
2   KLINGER Yearbook
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing
Christoph Klinger-Lohr, CEO
                                                                                        Daniel Schibli, CEO
                                                                                        Peter Müller, CFO

                      Dear Customers,
                      Dear Partners,

                      Welcome to this special edition of our KLINGER Yearbook. Little did we know last year
                      what to expect from 2020. And in 2021, we are still in an exceptional situation. The
                      ongoing pandemic has affected us all in one way or another. KLINGER’s duty is now to
                      ensure that we support, supply and provide service to you, living up to the high standards
                      that you have been accustomed to for 130 years.

                      Moreover, we feel that this is the right time to take a deep breath and reflect upon our
                      company values (read our Vision & Mission, page 42). As a result of many long talks, we
                      would like to place even stronger emphasis on our sustainability measures. KLINGER
                      wants to help build a world we will proudly hand over to future generations. A world
                      where fresh drinking water is a fundamental right, not a commodity (read about how
                      we helped fix the water supply in an Argentinian shanty town on page 34). A world
                      where top scientists search for renewable sources of energy and carrier mediums such
                      as hydrogen (read about how we take part in this development on page 38). A world
                      where products are refurbished rather than disposed of (page 29), harmful substances in
                      industrial processes are eliminated (page 26) and green standards are not only claimed
                      but also implemented (page 37). KLINGER is proud to be part of this change. Sometimes
                      one needs to reevaluate, be unconventional and go new ways: Read about a brand-new
                      diaper recycling plant in the Netherlands that can already save 5,000 tons of waste.
                      Many challenges arose during its construction, but KLINGER The Netherlands helped to
                      accomplish this outstanding project using its vast expertise.

                      Now more than ever, we need to be reliable partners for you: ready to listen, support,
                      customize and find solutions. Because: If there is one lesson the Corona crisis has taught
                      us, it is this: we are all in this together worldwide, with our new subsidiaries in Brazil, South
                      Africa and our new JV partner in Ningbo, China (pages 12–16). Let’s keep things flowing –
                      and make the world a little better!

                      We hope you enjoy our new KLINGER Yearbook!

                      Christoph Klinger-Lohr                   Daniel Schibli                  Peter Müller
                              CEO                                  CEO                            CFO

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                       3
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing
Together towards                           Expansion in Brazil
the future                                 KLINGER Brazil acquires Parva,
A short overview of what’s new             a family-run business specializing
at KLINGER – achievements and              in valves for chlorine cylinders.
developments that also benefit             page 15
our customers.
page 6                                     More products made
                                           in South Africa
“We have many                              Now on board with us: Thomas
reasons to be proud!”

                                           Pipe Products, South Africa’s leader
Interview with KLINGER CEOs Daniel         in pipe repair clamps and couplings.
Schibli and Christoph Klinger-Lohr.        page 16
page 8
                                           One group – one brand
Technological change                       United worldwide under the
as an opportunity                          KLINGER brand umbrella.
                                           page 18
What the pioneering spirit of the
company’s founder, Richard Klinger,
                                           Competing among
can teach us in the digital era.
page 9                                     champions                              COME TRUE
                                           Sponsored by KLINGER Westad,
                                           biathlete Ida Lien has now joined      Bye bye, CMR substances!
                                           the Norwegian national team.
                                                                                  Safety comes first at KLINGER
WHAT’S NEW                                 page 20
AT KLINGER                                 Spacious new
                                                                                  page 26

                                           premises                               Building a unique
Joint forces in Asia                       KLINGER Denmark is proud to            diaper recycling plant
Kick-off for a promising joint venture     present its brand-new buildings
                                           near Copenhagen.                       The waste-to-energy plant ARN B.V. in
in Ningbo, China.                                                                 Weurt (NL) is a pioneer in diaper recycling.
page 12                                    page 22
                                                                                  Read how KLINGER’s experts were
                                                                                  involved in the project.
Quality made in Taiwan                                                            page 29
KLINGER and Die Erste form a joint
venture to expand the product offerings.                                          RetroFit for ball valves:
page 14                                                                           a new lease of life
                                                                                  The RetroFit maintenance program
                                                                                  prolongs the lifespan of KLINGER ball
                                                                                  valves even further.
                                                                                  page 32

                                                                                  Serving the people
                                                                                  with clean water

                                                                                  During the crisis, KLINGER Argentina’s
                                                                                  service team restored the water supply
                                                                                  to the least-advantaged district in
                                                                                  Buenos Aires.
                                                                                  page 34

4                                                                                                          KLINGER Yearbook
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing
                              34                                                       ?   Why does Norwegian

                                                     Photo: Fernando Távora/Unsplash
                                                                                           biathlon star Ida Lien
                                                                                       love to race past KLINGER
                                                                                       Westad’s offices?
                                                                                       » Find out more on page 20.

                                                                                       ?  Why are Dutch KLINGER
                                                                                          experts suddenly
                                                                                       keen on diapers?
                                                                                       » Find the answer on page 29.

                                                                                       ?     How can green energy
                                                                                             best be stored?
                                                                                       » Read how KLINGER helps to solve
                                                                                          this question on page 38.

                                                                                       ?  What do the letters
                                                                                          MSDS stand for – and

                                                                                       how can they save lives?
                                                                                       » Find out on page 26.
Silver for Sustainability

                                                                                       ?  RetroFit ... is a) a vintage
Hooray! KLINGER Schöneberg
was again awarded silver.
page 37                                                                                   fashion label or b) an old
Power-to-X: hydrogen is the
                                                                                       school fitness club?
energy source of the future                                                            » Both wrong: Learn all about our smart
KLINGER expert, Norbert Weimer,                                                           refurbishment program on page 32!
knows how hydrogen power can help
the fight against climate change.
page 38

2021 ... what a year! Let’s take a fresh look
at procedures and reevaluate strategies.
page 42

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                               5
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing
Celebrating a “New year’s baby”:
                                                                     Franz Gysi AG and Gysi Dichtungstechnik
                                                                joined the KLINGER Group on January 1, 2020.
                                                                The company specializes in gaskets und valves
                                                                       for several core markets, such as district
                                                                  heating and cooling, process heat, gas, water
                                                                  and wastewater, cooling, and loose materials.
                                                                      Left to right: CEO Christoph Klinger-Lohr,
                                                                    CEO Daniel Schibli, Franz Gysi and the new
                                                                               Managing Director, Daniel Läubli.


Together towards
the future
A lot has happened since you held the last edition of
our Yearbook in your hands. Here is a short overview of
the news at KLINGER: developments that also benefit
our customers, and many achievements of which we
are proud, especially in these times.

             There’s a saying that goes: “Make hay            Since the pandemic struck, KLINGER has
             while the sun shines” – it is better to make     put an emphasis on new digital outlets:
             ­provisions during the good times, anticipat-    online shops, e-procurement platforms,
              ing that more difficult days may lie ahead.     Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) integra-
              Fortunately, KLINGER has always lived up        tion and industry-focused platforms such
              to this motto: “I am very meticulous in the     as Sparox. E-commerce is today’s game
              good times and insist that our companies        changer.
              are well positioned. You never know when
              the next crisis might come along,” says         With the help of KLINGER experts (some
              CEO Daniel Schibli, responsible for the         of whom have been newly hired), a huge
              business areas Fluid Control and Service &      leap in digitization has been accomplished:
              Distribution. “In recent years, we’ve taken     KLINGER introduced Microsoft Teams to all
              many steps to strengthen our position in the    subsidiaries worldwide as an interconnecting
              market. Take our strategic joint ventures and   digital tool for communication. At the same
              acquisitions: in 2020 alone, we acquired        time, our IT Security department ensured
              Franz Gysi in Switzerland, Thomas Pipes         even safer handling of customer data.
              in South Africa and Parva in Brazil. In order
              to extend our portfolio, we’ve established      10,000 new followers on LinkedIn
              new joint ventures in Taiwan and China. We      Last year, focus was also placed on
              now offer a greater number of products and      upgrading the Group’s marketing and com-
              services, are more diversified and aligned      munications. “Because we were not able to
              with segments so that we are even better        meet our customers in person – trade shows
              able to tailor packages to our customers’       were not happening, for example – we
              industries. Each of these steps makes us        sensed an increased need for digital commu-
              more flexible, stronger – more resilient, if    nication,” Christina Raimann, Head of Group
              you like.”                                      Marketing and Communications, explains.

6                                                                                                                   KLINGER Yearbook
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing
“We therefore immediately upgraded our           and products, global operation, not relying
digital communication channels. Now, we          on one currency,” explains CEO Christoph
provide our customers with weekly news in        Klinger-Lohr. “We also want to grow in the
our company blog (between November and           future and keep looking internationally for
February the number of views tripled!), and      companies that can perfectly complement
we massively strengthened our presence on        our portfolio.”
the business social media platform LinkedIn.
As KLINGER Group, we currently publish           Of course, not everything went perfectly well
100 posts per month and within six months        in 2020. Who could ever claim that? Many
we gained a further 10,000 followers.”           countries in which KLINGER has subsidiar-
                                                 ies were in lockdown for weeks and months.
Christina Raimann is also proud that a           A grueling experience, but this made it all
long-term project was finalized in 2020:         the more rewarding to feel the solidarity in
“Finally, we have all subsidiaries under one     our business network. We exchanged tips
corporate umbrella!” she cheers. After two       and best practice suggestions with project
and a half years of re-branding, everything is   partners and customers. We learned from
now done and dusted, greatly benefiting our      each other how to best organize internal
customers: “It aligns all our companies – our    processes during these difficult times. We
customers benefit from our global network        grew with, and also through, each other.
of KLINGER Group companies.” (Read               After all, the situation was new to every one
more on page 18.)                                of us and we realized more than ever that
                                                 we are all in the same boat.
Firmly on a growth curve
The company family of KLINGER keeps
growing. “We stick with our successful
business model: diversification of markets

trusted. worldwide.                                                                              7
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing
Interview with Daniel Schibli and
Christoph Klinger-Lohr
                                                                                                              The KLINGER CEOs Daniel Schibli (left)

“We have many
                                                                                                                        and Christoph Klinger-Lohr

reasons to be proud!”
After one year of pandemic, do you                Daniel Schibli: The economic and psycho-           able to deliver again. We were always there.
remember when it began and how                    logical shock that rippled across the world in     Reliably.
KLINGER changed during the course                 March definitely altered our course. We were
of it?                                            confronted with very different circumstances       Christoph Klinger-Lohr: Luckily, we at
Daniel Schibli: To me the whole thing             in the various countries that have KLINGER         KLINGER had only a few COVID cases! The
starts with the first pictures and news           subsidiaries. Spain and the UK, for example,       operation was therefore able to keep going
from Italy, which reached us at the end of        were hit especially hard. In each country,         with almost no bottlenecks. With overseas
February 2020. I thought: Something big is        there were and still are different state support   suppliers, we immediately made sure that
coming. Christoph (Ed: Klinger-Lohr) and I        measures for companies. And of course, the         the supply chains were secure. The fact that
were already constantly on the phone. But         effect of the crisis also depended on the          we had always fostered these relationships
we deliberately took time out to watch the        industry. The shipping industry traditionally      during the good times paid off here.
news and gather information to get an idea        reacts very sensitively to economic changes
of the situation, especially in those countries   and we had to act quickly, because it is also      And how have customer relations
where we had subsidiaries and where we            an important purchaser of our products.            changed?
delivered to. Those breaks were important,        At the same time, just like the oil, gas and       Daniel Schibli: We want to lead the way
because you need to stay calm in a crisis!        chemical industries, it is subject to rules that   and ideally also inspire our customers. We
                                                  legally demand maintenance work. Some              attend online trade shows and conferences,
Christoph Klinger-Lohr: We called the             orders were therefore delayed, though they         where we network with suppliers and dis-
managing directors of the different subsid-       were not canceled.                                 tributors. We also very quickly switched from
iaries to get an overview of the situation.                                                          “live” to online training and our employees
Our teams provided us with updates about          Christoph Klinger-Lohr: As an essential            quickly adapted to virtual meetings. It was
the different policies in the countries and       supplier of goods and services to critical         our South African subsidiaries who played
on travel restrictions. We still monitor them     infrastructure industries, we also maintained      a pioneering role in this. But in the end, all
closely as we expect to stay with this routine    the supply chain to our customers through-         subsidiaries went through similar changes in
for the whole of 2021.                            out and without disruption.                        order to stay on the ball.

How did you react to the information?             Speaking of “critical infra­structure”:            After one year of the COVID-19
Christoph Klinger-Lohr: As the corporate          KLINGER products are also needed for               pandemic, how do you sum it all up?
management, we proceeded to determine             energy and water supply, right?                    Christoph Klinger-Lohr: Despite all the
future measures. KLINGER is organized in a        Daniel Schibli: I will give you a concrete         obstacles, we accomplished many things.
very decentralized way. We have companies         example: We have two companies in Italy            We were able to keep an almost stable
everywhere. Of course, we defined high-           and one large organization in Spain. These         turnover in 2020 and again generated a
level goals and measures and kept talking         countries were European hotspots at the            good result. Especially now, during the
to the teams in the subsidiaries.                 beginning of the pandemic. We immediately          pandemic, we have many reasons to be
                                                  requested that the companies be allowed            proud: We were able to hold on to our
We gave special importance to three topics:       to stay open because we supply critical            employees and even took on several new
» The safety of our employees                    infrastructure. In Italy, for example, it was      key employees, we managed to keep the
» Our liquidity, which should always             gaskets and valves for oxygen producers.           supply chains stable and, most importantly,
   be secured                                     The oxygen was needed to treat intensive           we were able to deliver to our customers at
» Preparation for the future –                   care patients. Our Italian subsidiaries were       all times without disruption! We keep things
   an important point!                            only closed for a few days and were then           flowing.

8                                                                                                                              KLINGER Yearbook
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing

change as
an opportunity                                                                                                        Even the successful product
                                                                                                                          Klingerit was constantly
                                                                                                                    improved in order to meet new

160 years ago Richard Klinger was born.                                                                               technological requirements.

What the pioneering spirit of the company’s
founder can teach us in the digital era.

Richard Klinger: * December 31, 1860           Looking forward, not back                           doing his bit wherever he saw the need for
in Boehmisch Aicha, † December 15,             As the son of a building constructor, Richard       improvement.
1928 in Gumpoldskirchen                        Klinger loved technological progress and
                                               engineering: as a boy, he was already a             Following on from his water gauge glass,
Let’s briefly look back to when it all began   tinkerer, going on to study mechanical engi-        in 1898 he developed a fiber-reinforced
for KLINGER: to be exact, it was set in        neering in Vienna and to found an engi-             gasket. Under the trade name Klingerit, this
motion 160 years ago with the birth of         neering workshop in 1886. This is where,            invention went around the world.
the company’s founder, Richard Klinger.        in 1888, he designed a special reflex glass
Klinger was born in exceptional times on       for indicating water levels, which he had           Flexibility as a recipe for success
December 31, 1860. The late 19th century       patented.                                           Still, with scientific progress, by 1970 it
was a time of change – and in some way                                                             became apparent that the asbestos fiber,
similar to our time now. Technological         KLINGER’s signature product Klingerit               a main component of Klingerit, might be
progress changed the traditional trades        The success of his invention made it possible       harmful to health. Again, the company
at a blistering pace. New machines were        for him to build a machinery and metalware          (which by this time was managed by
whirring everywhere, electricity spread into   factory in Gumpoldskirchen, Austria, which          Richard Klinger’s descendants) was quick
everyday life, new materials and solutions     remains to this day the KLINGER Group’s             to act, changing the recipe and introduc-
were needed. Today, we are experienc-          headquarters. But instead of relaxing               ing Klingersil, the world’s first asbestos-free
ing the changes to communication and           and enjoying the profits from his factory,          sealing material. When in 1990 the produc-
commerce with digital progress.                Klinger watched the technological progress,         tion and use of asbestos was forbidden in
                                                                                                   Austria, KLINGER was already one step
                                                                                                   ahead of its competitors, using alternative
Company founder Richard
                                                                                                   components in its gaskets, serving the same
Klinger was born in 1860,
also a time of technological                                                                       purpose without posing a risk to health.
                                                                                                   Recognizing the signs of the times
                                                                                                   Recognizing the signs of the time, looking
                                                                                                   ahead and acting flexibly in order to supply
                                                                                                   the industry with the best products – this
                                                                                                   is how Richard Klinger got to the very top.
                                                                                                   When he died aged 68, his heirs (CEO
                                                                                                   Christoph Klinger-Lohr is a fifth-generation
                                                                                                   descendant) continued the company,
                                                                                                   expanding it into a global enterprise. Many
                                                                                                   things have changed since then, but the
                                                                                                   founder’s values still make up the DNA of
                                                                                                   the KLINGER Group.

                                                      Serious expression, a flexible mind – then
                                                    and now: the entrepreneurs Richard Klinger
                                                                   and Christoph Klinger-Lohr.

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                                             9
KLINGER YEARBOOK We keep things flowing

10                KLINGER Yearbook
                                       KLINGER proudly
                                       sponsors biathlete Ida
                                       Lien, who competes
                                       on Norway’s
                                       national team,
                                       page 20

                                                                           RCM Ningbo
                                                                                  Getting two
                                                                           strong partners on
                      KLINGER                                                  board in China
                      Denmark                                                     and Japan,
                 is proud to present                                                 page 12
                      its brand-new,
               remodeled premises         Rebranding
                  near Copenhagen,        KLINGER
                             page 22      Finally: the whole
                                          company under one
                                          corporate umbrella!
KLINGER                                   page 18
Brazil                                                                                          and Die Erste
acquires Parva,
a family-run business
specializing in valves                                                                          form a joint venture
for chlorine cylinders,                                                                         to expand the
page 15                                                                                         product offerings,
                                                                                                page 14

                                                   South Africa
                                                   Now on board with
                                                   KLINGER: Thomas
                                                   Pipe Products,
                                                   South Africa’s leader
                                                   in pipe repair clamps
                                                   and couplings,
                                                   page 16

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                11
                      COME TRUE

                                                                                              At the start of the
                                                                                               process, primed
                                                                                            steel is fed into the
                                                                                               RCM production
                                                                                               line to be rubber
                                                                                             coated at the new
                                                                                             factory in Ningbo.


Joint forces in Asia
Kick-off for a promising joint venture: At the start of 2021,
the KLINGER Group brought two strong partners from
China and Japan on board. The goal is to systematically
market KLINGER Polystrat in Asia. This rubber-coated
steel will now also be produced directly in China by the
newly founded JV KLINGER RCM Ningbo.

                                             On November 19, 2020, KLINGER CEO
                                             Daniel Schibli signed the contract for
     The joint venture                       the joint venture, in which the Swiss
     in short                                KLINGER AG in Egliswil, the Chinese                 The new joint venture
                                             Sinyuan Industrial Material Group, and the          connects the KLINGER
     Within the joint venture between the    Japanese Hamamatsu Gasket are equal                 Group’s strong brand
     KLINGER Group, the Hamamatsu            partners. This cooperation is not completely
     Gasket Corporation and the Sinyuan      new, however: KLINGER has been in a
                                                                                                 and global reach with
     Industrial Material Group, KLINGER      partnership with the Chinese Sinuan Group           the local know­how and
     continues to be fully responsible for   for several years. And Polystrat has been           technical knowledge of
     » global sales                          produced in Ningbo since the beginning of           the two partners.”
     » marketing                             2019 under license from KLINGER, using
     » adherence to the usual high quality   a carbon copy of the machinery employed                                  Daniel Schibli,
                                                                                                                      CEO KLINGER
       standards                             in the Swiss model. With the joint venture,                              Group, sees
     » development of new RCM products       the current output at the Chinese subsidiary                             combining the
                                                                                                                      strengths of all
     » pricing                               should increase significantly.                                           joint venture
                                                                                                                      partners as the
                                                                                                                      most important
     Goals                                   Local know-how meets global reach
                                                                                                                      benefit of the
     » wider supply in Asia                  “The formation of this joint venture marks                               partnership.
     » securing the supply chain             the completion of a year-long cooperation
     » shorter transport routes              with Sinyuan and Hamamatsu in the area of
     » reducing CO2                          RCM,” says KLINGER CEO Daniel Schibli
                                             about the path toward this new partnership.

12                                                                                                                  KLINGER Yearbook
Polystrat, seen here in coils for
                                                                                           transportation, will continue
                                                                                           to be produced in Egliswil and
                                                                                           now also in Ningbo.

                                                                                                 What is Polystrat?
                                                                                                 Polystrat is the KLINGER trade
                                                                                                 name for Rubber-Coated Metal
                                                                                                 (RCM). During the production
                                                                                                 process, the steel is first thoroughly
                                                                                                 cleaned. Then, a primer is applied,
                                                                                                 which ensures that the rubber will
                                                                                                 adhere to it properly. The primed
                                                                                                 steel is then coated on both sides
                                                                                                 with a rubber layer. Depending
                                                                                                 on customer requests, it can be
                                                                                                 finished with non-stick coatings,
                                                                                                 adhesives, paint coatings, or a
                                                                                                 release foil. In a last step, the sheets
                                                                                                 of Polystrat are rolled up into coils
                                                                                                 for safe transportation.
        Gasket cut
      from rubber-
      coated steel

                                                                                                 Did you know...
                                               RCM employed as a shim
                                               on disk brake pads
                                                                                                 … the east Chinese coastal
                                                                                                 city of Ningbo, with its 5.7 million
                                                                                                 inhabitants, is exactly three times
                                                                                                 the size of Vienna (1.9 million
                                                                                                 inhabitants)? In the early Middle
                                                                                                 Ages, the most important foreign
                                                                                                 trade center on China’s coast was
Together with Eckhard Steeger, he has put      and then coated. During this process, the         already based here. Although the
a lot of energy into advancing the founda-     RCM is also refined, for example covered          city is barely known outside of Asia,
tion of the joint venture and now serves as    with non-stick coatings, adhesives, paint         today it is one of the big economic
chairman of the supervisory board.             coatings or a release foil.                       players: it recently reached
                                                                                                 64th in the global ranking of the
Rubber-coated steel                            The European market will continue to be           economically strongest metropolitan
from Egliswil and Ningbo                       served from Switzerland, while customers          areas. Also, Ningbo’s port is today
The newly founded KLINGER RCM Ningbo           from the Asia-Pacific region are now              one of China’s main commercial
produces the complete Polystrat product        supplied directly by KLINGER RCM Ningbo.          harbors.
range at the new subsidiary in China.
Polystrat has been produced by KLINGER
Switzerland in Egliswil for 25 years and is
used in the automotive industry and in            Contact for customers
various industrial sealing applications. For
its production, high-quality premium steel        Email: sales@klinger-rcm.com
or carbon steel is purchased, cleaned,            Phone: +86 574 63983762
covered with a primer (bonding agent)                                                           https://klinger-ag.ch

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                                         13
                     COME TRUE

Taichung City/Taiwan

Quality made
in Taiwan
KLINGER and Die Erste form                                                 The KLINGER logo meets Die Erste at its headquarters.

a joint venture to expand the
product offerings.

After many years of partnership in Finland        over 5,000 valve and accessory products            2,400 tons of stainless, carbon steel, and
and Denmark, the KLINGER Holding is               in its catalog, Die Erste has a proven track       alloy castings. Exacting metallurgy standards
proud to announce a new joint venture             record of quality in its sourcing, manufac-        for all products are enforced with spectro
with Die Erste. Official as of February 17,       turing, and distribution processes. Direct         analysis, metallographic microscopy, and
KLINGER Die Erste will offer an expanded          involvement in foundry and supplier oper-          hardness testing, while finished valves are
range of valves via a fully integrated man-       ations allows Die Erste to maintain consis-        subject to high-pressure, hydraulic, and
ufacturing process. This new portfolio will       tency across projects. Personnel operate           pneumatic testing. CNC, lathes, and milling
cater to key industries like pulp & paper,        through an independently certified system          capabilities allow Die Erste to perform
steel, energy, marine, chemical, oil & gas,       of controls, maintaining standards that            custom research and development projects
with customized product packages for each         qualify Die Erste for a variety of international   beside standard large-scale offerings.
sector.                                           certificates.
                                                                                                     A good example of KLINGER Die Erste’s
KLINGER is the majority owner of the JV           Streamlining quality                               highly specialized products is our FSAB
with 51%. The management team leading             Key to this new venture is the chance to           2-way firesafe ball valve jointly developed
this joint venture consists of Klavs Knutzen      ensure valve quality through the entire            by both JV partners for steam applica-
(KLINGER Business Unit Director Service           product life cycle.                                tions. With KLINGER special stem packing
& Distribution), Aaron Tseng (Die Erste                                                              design, certified by TÜV Rheinland to firesafe
Managing Director), Peter Tseng (Die Erste        KLINGER will manage all aspects of product         standard, this series offers unparalleled per-
Shanghai Managing Director) and Jenny Liu         development, and valve parts will be manu-         formance and is many industry customers’
(Die Erste Sales Director).                       factured exclusively for KLINGER. Bringing         preferred option.
                                                  all components of the supply chain under
A history of trust                                one umbrella will allow KLINGER to unify           The KLINGER Die Erste joint venture will
Founded in 1982, Die Erste is a second-­          the product range while also expanding             bring to market a variety of innovative
generation family-run business started by         offerings in a meaningful, targeted fashion.       products, meeting the benchmarks of quality
Frank and Lisa Tseng in Taiwan. Currently                                                            and efficiency for which both companies are
run by their sons Aaron and Peter Tseng           Expanded offering                                  already known.
and Aaron’s spouse Jenny Liu, Die Erste has       Die Erste’s 5,000-square-meter foundry
worked with KLINGER for 25 years. With            maintains an annual output of 1,500 to             www.die-erste.com

                                                                                                                              Firesafe ball valve
                                                                                                                              developed by the
                                                                                                                              JV partners

Klavs Knutzen, Aaron Tseng, Peter Tseng and Jenny Liu

14                                                                                                                            KLINGER Yearbook
Santo André – São Paulo/Brazil

Expansion in Brazil
KLINGER Brazil acquires Parva,
a family-run business specializing
in valves for chlorine cylinders.

KLINGER has been operating in Brazil for         quality, efficiency, professionalism, respon-    As a member of the KLINGER Group, the
more than 50 years. The Group has now            sibility and trust. At the end of last year,     name Parva will continue to be synony-
acquired the local producer of valves,           Parva began looking for a buyer and found        mous with valves for chlorine cylinders. In
Indústria Mecânica e Artefatos de Metais         the right match with the KLINGER Group.          the future, Parva will manufacture under
Parva Ltda. The successful family business                                                        the name KLINGER Brazil, but will continue
brings specialized products with promising       Long-term vision                                 to deliver its products with the same high
potential into the Group.                        Parva’s products perfectly complement the        quality, as well as supplying its customers
                                                 KLINGER portfolio: the company’s highly spe-     with the excellent service and support to
Family has always been one of the KLINGER        cialized valves are widely used in pressurized   which they have become accustomed.
Group’s ingredients for success. After all, it   containers of chlorine and sulphur dioxide
has been a familiy-run business itself since     throughout South America. Exports to the
1886, just like Parva. Parva was founded in      US and Argentina are now on the itinerary
1949 and has been operated by the Guerrini       and, since chlorine tanks are essential to the
and Battistoni families since then. Their        water industry, KLINGER Brazil also plans to
management has always given priority to          expand in this direction by 2030.                www.rklinger.com.br

                 Hélcio Lopes,
                  manager, and
               Jairo Tromboni,
                   head of fluid
             control production
                 planning, with
              Parva employees

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                                       15
                     COME TRUE

                              Signing the
                          contract: TPP’s
                         previous owner,
                           Luke Thomas,
                       with Phillip Herbst
                           (MD KLINGER
                       South Africa, right)
                         and Johan Smal
                            (FD KLINGER
                        South Africa and
                          MD of KPP, left)

Honeydew & Capetown/South Africa

More products made
in South Africa
Now on board with KLINGER: Thomas Pipe Products,
the national leader in pipe repair clamps and couplings

On July 1, 2020, KLINGER South Africa            Pipe Products adds to the existing portfolio       with just a handful of employees. He turned
took over Thomas Pipe Products (TPP), a          in perfect synergy with what we already            the company into a very successful business
local leading company specializing in pipe       offer,” explains Phillip Herbst, Managing          that currently employs 100 people in two
repair clamps and couplings. Its product         Director of KLINGER South Africa/KLINGER           facilities: one in Honeydew and a smaller
range perfectly completes the Group’s            Mzansi and KLINGER Zambia.
                                                 New facilities in Honeydew
The KLINGER corporation always strives to        and Cape Town
enhance its product range and often does         Already in 2012, KLINGER South Africa
this by acquiring other companies. The           started having internal discussions about
South African subsidiary alone has been          acquiring a pipe repair clamps and couplings
involved in five acquisitions over the years,    company. And Johan Smal, Financial
the most recent one being TPP. This acqui-       Director of KLINGER South Africa and duly
sition presents a product and service range      appointed Managing Director of KLINGER
that meets the expectations and needs of         Pipe Products, was determined to not just
KLINGER’s current and future customers:          find any company – it had to be the right
“Now we have pipe couplings and pipe             one. It was not until 2017 that initial contact
repair clamps on board. This is very exciting,   was made with Thomas Pipe Products.
as we see the product range that Thomas          TPP was founded by Luke Thomas in 2006

                                                                    The Johannesburg workforce,
                                                                   expressing their excitement by
                                                                 wearing their new KLINGER caps

16                                                                                                                          KLINGER Yearbook
Company profile:
                                                                         KLINGER South Africa

                                                                         Currently, KLINGER South Africa has
                                                                         11 branches. There are branches, or in
                                                                         some cases depots, in Nelspruit, Mid-
                                                                         delburg, Secunda, Sasolburg, Durban,
                                                                         Port Elizabeth, Richards Bay, Mossel
                                                                         Bay, Cape Town, and Honeydew, with
                                                                         the head office in Wadeville. There is
                                                                         also a company in Kitwe in Zambia
                                                                         servicing the copper belt. This network
                                                                         of branches and depots will assist in
                                                                         the warehousing and distribution of the
                                                                         KLINGER Pipe Products range through
                                                                         a team of technical sales representa-
                                                                         tives. Also, customers who do not yet
                                                                         know about the KPP pipe repair clamps
                                                                         and couplings can be catered for.

                                                                    A closer look inside the
                                                                    KPP production facility:
                                                                    KPP manufactures
                                                                    pipe repair clamps and
                                                                    couplings in Honeydew
                                                                    and in Cape Town,
                                                                    South Africa.

                                                                                                  Why KPP and
                                                                                                  KLINGER go well
one in Cape Town. When approached by           Next step: “Taking the products
KLINGER, Luke Thomas was willing to            to the world”                                      » KPP’s products will cater to the
negotiate. The date of acquisition was even-   Approaching that date, KLINGER South                 growing need for clean drinking
tually agreed for March 1, 2020.               Africa began feeling the pressure and                water in South Africa and neigh-
                                               effects concerning the COVID-19 pandemic             boring countries.
                                               and decided to postpone the official acqui-        » The new product range will be
                                               sition. Four months later, on July 1, 2020,          presented to the industry by
                                               the transaction was finally concluded and            KLINGER’s extensive branch and
                                               TPP became KLINGER Pipe Products                     agent network in South Africa,
                                               (KPP). “We are really excited to introduce           making processes smoother.
                                               the product range to all the KLINGER               » As part of the KLINGER Group,
                                               companies globally and to take the products          KPP’s products can easily be
                                               to the world,” says Phillip Herbst.                  distributed throughout other
                                                                                                    African countries, making them
                                                                                                    available to customers, e.g. in
                                                                                                    Zambia, Democratic Republic of
                                                  Get in touch:                                     the Congo, Kenya or Tanzania.
                                                  Johan Smal                                      » Other KLINGER Group companies
                                                  MD of KLINGER Pipe Products                       will also be able to offer KPP
                                                  T: +27 11 842 8346                                products to their customers.
                                                  M: +27 82 804 2001
                                                  E: johan.smal@klinger.co.za

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                                    17
                     COME TRUE

                                                                                   Comment by
                                                                             Christina Raimann,
                                                                                 Head of Group
                                                                                    Marketing &


One group – one brand
United worldwide under the KLINGER brand umbrella

Between 2018 and 2021 we went through                                                                4. Status
a comprehensive rebranding process and                                                               “Does anybody actually use other gaskets?”
united all our subsidiaries around the                                                               Niki asked while he was cleaning the heat
world under the corporate KLINGER brand                A brand is not what                           exchanger. He was proud to be buying
umbrella. I got to initiate this rebranding of         you say it is, it’s what                      from KLINGER because it proves his high
twelve subsidiaries and use my expertise               they say it is.”                              standards as a heating engineer.
during the process. Why was this process
                                                       Marty Neumeier
important and necessary, and how do we all                                                           5. Continuity
benefit from it? You, as our customers, play                                                         We have customers and partners who have
a central role in this – according to branding                                                       been loyal to us for decades. They trust in
guru Marty Neumeier: “A brand is not what                                                            the reliably high quality of our products. Niki
you say it is, it’s what they say it is.” “They”,                                                    said that he always bought his gaskets from
refers to you, our customers. It is your per-                                                        KLINGER and had no reason to change his
ception that counts and that acts as our            But how exactly do you benefit from a global     supplier. Even if he moved to Brazil tomorrow,
beacon. Our customers make us what we               brand? Allow me to give you an example:          he would still buy exactly the same gaskets
are: “trusted. worldwide.”                                                                           as here in Austria. With our global network,
                                                    1. Identification                                we make sure that he can do that.
                                                    A while ago, Niki, a plumber, was servicing
                                                    my heating at home. When I asked him what        6. Ethics:
                                                    kind of gaskets he used, he showed me his        It is not only about value for money. You
                                                    bag full of KLINGERSIL C-4300 gaskets            also want to buy with a clear conscience.
                                                    and answered: “KLINGERSIL, of course.            Niki still remembers Klingerit and knows
                                                    They are the best!” The quality of Niki’s work   that KLINGER changed from the asbestos-
                                                    also depends on the materials he uses.           containing gaskets to a safe material, long
                                                                                                     before it was legally required. Our customers
                                                    2. Orientation                                   rightly expect us to act responsibly, and
                                                    In a world without brands it would be hard       KLINGER is fully committed to sustainabil-
                                                    to find our way. Brands help with orienta-       ity (find out more towards the end of the
                                                    tion: Niki knows he can count on quality         magazine).
                                                    with KLINGER.
                                                                                                     Finally, I would once more like to quote Marty
                                                    3. Security                                      Neumeier, who puts the power and impact of
                                                    A brand is always a promise and a promise        a brand in a nutshell: “A brand is a person’s
Christina Raimann holding some
of the KLINGERSIL gaskets that                      provides security. Niki trusts KLINGERSIL        gut feeling about a product, service or orga-
the plumber brought along                           and that helps him feel secure.                  nization.”

18                                                                                                                            KLINGER Yearbook
The KLINGER brand
“KLINGER trusted. worldwide.” is our
umbrella brand under which we unite all
our companies. It represents the diversity
of our international subsidiaries as well
as our unity as a global corporation.
Our brand name stems from our founder,
Richard Klinger. After more than 130 years,
we are still run by the same family, now
in its fifth generation, and under the same
name: proof of our stability in the market.
Due to the continuing growth of our Group,
many new brands joined over the years.
We integrated twelve brands in the last
three years. And in 2020 alone, six subsid-
iaries changed over to the KLINGER brand.

These last rebrandings were the final
step towards our coherent global brand
identity: From a hybrid brand architec-
ture with several stand-alone brands,
KLINGER has now developed into a true
“branded house”. As customers, you can
now trust in a global KLINGER network
with clear-cut ownership and a stable and
transparent company structure. Also, our
latest additions, “Franz Gysi” and “GPI”,
were immediately integrated into our brand
family. Here is the brand migration of the
last three years.

                                              and after:
                                              over to the
                                                            Tell us what your gut feeling tells you
                                                            about KLINGER! Send me an email
                                                            with three words that you associate
                                                            with the KLINGER brand:

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                   19
                     COME TRUE


Competing among
At age 23, biathlete Ida Lien has just entered the Norwegian
national team. Success seems to run in her DNA: She grew up
in a community with a rich culture of winter sports and has been
supported by KLINGER Westad for many years.

                                                         KLINGER’s Norwegian subsidiary, KLINGER         But the commitment to Ida Lien was even
                                                         Westad, is traditionally strong in sports and   more special to the company as some of
                                                         community involvement:                          KLINGER Westad’s employees used to train
                                                                                                         as biathletes themselves.
                                                         Sponsoring highlights
                                                         Corporate Social Responsibility                 Competitiveness runs in the DNA
                                                         As one of the biggest companies in the          Biathlon seems to run in KLINGER Westad’s
                                                         municipality, KLINGER Westad’s “duty to-        DNA, the same as it runs in Ida’s family:
      In addition to                                     wards society is to support sports activities   “My interest in biathlon was always there.
                                                         as well as other clubs, in order to create      I started training at age nine,” says Ida. “My
our support of Ida                                       safe spaces for kids and teenagers,” says       father was doing biathlon until he was 25
Lien, we also sponsor                                    its Managing Director, Jørn-Inge Throndsen.     and my mother competed in cross-country
local sports clubs in
the area.”
Jørn-Inge Throndsen,
Managing Director at

                         November 2020: Ida Lien at
                       target practice in Kontiolathi,
                             Finland, where she was
                       competing for the Norwegian
                                      National Team.

20                                                                                                                                KLINGER Yearbook
skiing. And of course: Ole Einar Bjørndalen,                                Speeding through the
                                                                         countryside on her roller
the biathlete who ranks all-time second in                             skis, Lien regularly passes
the Winter Olympics medal charts, grew up                             by the building of KLINGER
in my hometown, Simonstranda.” Bjørn-                                          Westad in Geithus.

dalen is a great inspiration to Ida, who made
her own international debut at the IBU Cup
in 2019.

Identifying with KLINGER Westad
KLINGER at that time was already support-
ing her: “Being an athlete is now my job,”
says Ida. “So it’s important for me to have
the best skis and equipment available.                                                                  Ida Lien
KLINGER helps me with that. But this
sponsorship means more than just money:                                                                 2020/21 is the first full season in the
KLINGER Westad is only five minutes from                                                                Norwegian National Biathlon team
where my family lives, so it actually feels like                                                        for the 23-year-old athlete. The
my hometown is supporting me.”                                                                          previous season, Ida participated
                                                                                                        in a couple of races in the World
Strengthening the corporate identity                                                                    Cup, including one relay race that
Personal preferences aside, this sponsor-                                                               Norway won. Ida is coached by
ship deal is also an important signal to the                                                            Patrick Oberegger (from South
public. In January 2021, Westad Industri is                                                             Tyrol) and Sverre Kaas. Our video
rebranding as KLINGER Westad. Jørn-Inge                                                                 interview with her took place while
Throndsen explains: “With 125 years of                                                                  she was at the Biathlon World Cup
history, the roots of Westad are cemented                                                               in Kontiolahti, Finland, just two days
in the local community. Going forward,                                                                  before the final race. If you want
we want everybody to also know the new                                                                  to know more about Ida, you can
brand. So, this is strengthening our reputa-                                                            follow her on Instagram
tion and proves the commitment from our                                                                 www.instagram.com/idalien/?hl=de.
Austrian owners.”

   a marine specialist close to the sea
   KLINGER Westad is a leading supplier for the oil, gas and marine industry.                          KLINGER Westad is
   Westad designs and manufactures high-performance double- and triple-                                only five minutes from
   offset butterfly valves in preferred materials for LNG, LPG, chemicals and
   other critical applications.
                                                                                                       where my family lives,
                                                                                                       so it actually feels
   Specific applications in the                    Land-based and offshore                             like my hometown is
   marine industry include:                        applications are:                                   supporting me.”
   » LNG tankers                                   » LNG liquifaction, handling and
                                                                                                       Ida Lien, biathlete
   » LPG and LEG tanker systems                      storage facilities
   » Chemical and product tankers                  » Critical sea-water systems on oil-
                                                     and gas-producing platforms
                                                   » Corrosive service in mining

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                                               21
                    COME TRUE


Spacious new
More space for valves, instruments, gaskets and
seals – and for an even smoother customer service.
KLINGER Denmark is proud to present its brand-new,
remodeled premises near Copenhagen.

                                Constant growth is an integral part of the     packaging line now allows products to be
                                history of KLINGER Denmark and also            vacuum-packed directly on the premises –
                                the main reason for the latest renovation      this shortens delivery times and provides
                                and extension of the company buildings.        greater flexibility for customers. The second
                                Employees and customers alike are now          original building was turned into a large
                                enjoying the new, well-organized and           product assembly area on the ground floor,
                                spacious premises and the increased effi-      with the canteen being moved to the upper
                                ciency that comes with it.                     floor.

                                Shorter delivery times,                        Gasket production: faster,
                                maximum flexibility                            more efficient, tailor-made
                                During the renovation, the p­ roduction hall   From now on, the extended production
                                was extended, and a new fully automatic        facility with its bigger and more efficient
                                punching machine and a large Atom FlashCut     machines guarantees higher productivity:
                                machine were installed. A
                                                        ­ dditionally, a new   Larger numbers of gaskets are now being

           First step:
       an extra office
      block was built
      to connect the
         two existing

22                                                                                                      KLINGER Yearbook
Before and after: From the architects’ rendering ...   ... to the actual building. The new complex features an easily accessible and welcoming entrance.

                                                                                                              Did you know?
                                                                                                              All KLINGER employees continued
                                                                                                              to work thoughout the building and
produced and valves assembled in less                                                                         renovation. The new, improved
time. With their new in-house gasket cutting                                                                  workspaces made up for the noise
facility, KLINGER Denmark can cut and                     It was a long process.                              and dust they had to endure.
deliver gaskets according to their customers’
specifications at very short notice. And there
                                                          But it was worth the
is still enough space for more new machines               effort because we
to raise output even further.                             were able to achieve
                                                          improvements that bring                             Frequently asked
Last but not least, there is good news for
                                                          substantial advantages                              questions
first-time visitors: Those who approach
the premises for the very first time will find            for our customers as well                           Which industries does KLINGER
access easier than before. Whereas in the                 as our employees.”                                  Denmark supply?
past, two separate entrances might have                                                                       KLINGER Denmark is constantly
                                                                                   Klavs Knutzen,
been confusing to some, customers and                                              Managing Director          developing new solutions for the
visitors are now welcomed in one central                                           at KLINGER                 marine industry, construction
entrance area.                                                                                                industry, energy sector, pharma-
                                                                                                              ceutical industry, oil & gas, the
The evolution of KLINGER Denmark                                                                              food industry, and the pulp & paper
KLINGER Denmark’s premises originally                                                                         industry.
comprised two separate buildings, situated
about 30 minutes outside Copenhagen.                                                                          What is the benefit of KLINGER
After fourteen years at the same address,                                                                     having its own cutting facility?
the company was already bursting at the                                                                       With its own in-house gasket
seams. In order to create more space, the                                                                     cutting facility, KLINGER Denmark
two buildings were not only renovated and                                                                     can cut and deliver gaskets
extended, but also connected by a newly                                                                       according to its customers’ specifi-
built office block. It is two stories high and                                                                cations – and at very short notice.
offers enough space for Sales, Finance,
Human Resources, Marketing and Manage-
ment.                                                                                                     www.klinger.dk

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                                                      23
         COME TRUE

                 Read how KLINGER
                  Argentina’s service
                   team restored the
                  water supply to the
                    least advantaged
                            district in
                       Buenos Aires,
                             page 34

24                 KLINGER Yearbook
                                                                Is hydrogen
                                                                the energy source
                                                                of the future?
                                                                Check the facts
                                                                with our expert,
                                                                Norbert Weimer,
                                                                page 38

                                  The Nether-
                                  Find out how
                                  KLINGER helped
                                  implement a
                                  sustainable way
                                  to recycle
                                  diapers and
                                  page 29

            was awarded silver
               by the external
                 sustainability         technik
             expert EcoVadis,           Bye bye,
                     page 37            CMR substances! –
                                        Read about this best
                                        practice example
                                        at KLINGER’s
                                        headquarters in
                                        page 26

                                        Fluid Control
                                        KLINGER’s RetroFit
                                        maintenance program
                                        prolongs the lifespan
                                        of ball valves,
                                        page 32

trusted. worldwide.                                                                 25


Bye bye, CMR substances!
KLINGER Dichtungstechnik replaces potentially harmful
chemical substances with non-hazardous, CMR-free alternatives.
Because safety comes first.

                “We wanted to remove CMR substances
                from daily operations,” says Stephan Pirin-
                ger, Director and Head of Environment,
                Safety and Development at KLINGER Dich-
                                                                  Our project has three key aspects:
                tungstechnik (KDT) in Gumpoldskirchen.            1. replace CMR substances that are in use,
                “This is why we looked at the data of all the     2. ensure that no new CMR substances are
                substances that we use in our company             introduced into the company,
                and, wherever possible, replaced harmful
                substances with safe ones.”
                                                                  3. ongoing monitoring of substances that
                                                                                  are currently classified
                Avoiding CMR substances                                           as safe, in case they are
                with regular checks                                               reclassified.”
                CMR stands for Carcinogenic (cancer-
                inducing), Mutagenic (changing the genetic                              Stephan Piringer, Director and Head
                                                                                        of Environment, Safety and Development
                material) and Reprotoxic (causing adverse                               at KLINGER Dichtungstechnik
                effects on sexual function and fertility), that
                is, substances proven or suspected to be
                harmful to human health. Over the years,
                scientific findings can change this classifica-
                tion, which is why regular checking of the
                inventory is so important.
                                                                  CMR substances
                Tracing and documenting even
                the tiniest amounts                               The abbreviation CMR stands for Carcinogenic (cancer-
                Stephan Piringer implemented the project          inducing), Mutagenic (changing the genetic material),
                along with his colleague, Ingrid Stassner.        Reprotoxic (causing adverse effects on sexual function and
                They first updated the safety data sheets for     fertility). The website of the European Chemicals Agency
                all substances on site, even for the smallest     ECHA https://echa.europa.eu contains a “central validated
                amounts. Stassner was extremely diligent:         index of substances and their classification” (Piringer).
                “We walked from room to room, scrutinizing        Further information about EU standards can be found here:
                every nook and cranny. It is astonishing that     https://roadmaponcarcinogens.eu
                CMR substances can ‘hide’ everywhere,
                throughout the company,” she says.                In Austria, the basis for handling CMR substances is the
                                                                  ArbeitnehmerInnenschutzgesetz (Worker Protection Act)
                By August 2020, 425 safety data sheets            and the Chemikaliengesetz (Chemicals Act).
                (see fact box) were added to the computer

26                                                                                                            KLINGER Yearbook
Trained in polymer
chemistry, Stephan
     Piringer knows
    the importance
           of hazard

                                                                                                 Ingrid Stassner, responsible
                                                                                                 for environment and safety
                                                                                                 at KDT, presents the ready-
                                                                                                 to-hand folder with the
system. Using this database, it was possible   stances, such as anti-adherents and lubri-        safety data sheets.
to quickly assess the risk. Subsequently,      cating sprays containing nickel, foaming
non-hazardous alternatives needed to be        agents and chloroform (a chemical used in
found. To achieve this, the management put     the laboratory), were completely dispens-
two people in charge of each department,       able in the production process.
from product design and production to main-
tenance and test laboratory. About twelve      In terms of quantity, the largest item for
people were involved in this next process,     which a CMR-free alternative was found                Material Safety
coordinated by Piringer and Stassner.          was an anti-corrosion agent for the steam             Data Sheet (MSDS)
                                               boiler: about 400 liters were used every year.
Looking for non-hazardous alternatives         The adaptation of various processes turned            The safety data sheet is mandatory
Several products containing CMRs were          out to be more complex: “A change in the              under EU law and is also used in
removed without being replaced. Producers      composition affects the core process of our           many other countries. It contains
of products containing CMRs that were          production. Proficiency is called for because         information about substances
purchased (such as corrosive agents and        alternatives have to be evaluated, proto-             and chemical mixtures. It states
glues) were asked whether they could offer     types tested, and specifications adhered to,”         among other things the substances’
non-hazardous alternatives as part of their    says Piringer.                                        physical and chemical properties,
range. It transpired that some CMR sub-                                                    »         how they are to be stored and
                                                                                                     disposed of, and what first aid
                                                                                                     measures have to be taken in an
                                                                                                     emergency (e.g. rinse eyes with
                                                                                                     water or not?): this data is important
                                                                                                     when handling the substances in a
                                                                                                     professional setting
                                                                                                     » for protection of health,
                                                                                                     » for reasons of safety,
                                                                                                     » for protection of the environment.

                                                                          The chemicals used for vulcanization
                                                                          are stored in closed containers.
                                                                          When opened, automatic extraction
                                                                          is activated. CMR substances were

trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                                           27

             » Protecting KLINGER’s customers
               He adds that, before these latest safety
                                                              Ongoing monitoring to stay CMR-free
                                                              The project is not completed yet – and it
                checks, the sealing material produced in      never will be. Scientific progress continues
                Gumpoldskirchen was already free of any       to classify new substances as CMR. To
                CMR substances. “And this is a good thing.    remain up to date, KLINGER commissioned
                Gaskets produced elsewhere are subse-         an external company to monitor these new
                quently cut from this sealing material and    classifications. Because of this, the timely
                that creates dust. Because they contain no    discovery was made that the white pigment
                hazardous substances, the companies that      titanium dioxide was classified in 2019 as
                carry out further processing do not require   a CMR substance, suspected of having a
                any additional measures to protect their      carcinogenic effect when inhaled. Con-
                employees.”                                   sequently, KDT has steered clear of using
                                                              titanium dioxide. Additional safety checks
                                                              are part of the purchasing process and
                                                              make sure that each product is checked for
                In future, the doors of
                KLINGER Dichtungstechnik
                                                              CMR substances before acquisition, even if
                will be firmly closed to                      it is just a detergent. New CMR substances
                CMR substances.                               are therefore impossible to introduce.

                                                              Stephan Piringer
                                                              and Ingrid Stassner
                                                              on their fact-finding
                                                              mission at KLINGER

                                                                  KLINGER Dichtungs­technik –
                                                                  pioneers of sustainability
                                                                  KLINGER Dichtungstechnik develops sealing materials
                                                                  and solutions at its headquarters in Gumpoldskirchen. The
                                                                  product range comprises flat-gasket materials based on
                                                                  elastomer, PTFE, graphite and mica. The sealing products
                                                                  are cut for the customer directly at KLINGER. Alternatively,
                                                                  the materials can be purchased by the manufacturer. Addi-
                                                                  tionally, KLINGER Dichtungstechnik offers services such
                                                                  as KLINGER Expert, a software package that helps in the
                                                                  selection of a suitable gasket, assembly instruction sheets,
                                                                  product accreditations, mobile training and consulting.

                                                                  The company is known for its pioneering role when it
                                                                  comes to protection of the environment. In 2019, KLINGER
                                                                  Dichtungstechnik received the Austrian Environmental Man-
                                                                  agement Award for its innovative environmental statement.
                                                                  In 2020, it built a regenerative thermal oxidation plant
                                                                  that considerably reduces CO2 emissions and significantly
                                                                  increases resource efficiency.


28                                                                                                             KLINGER Yearbook
Used diapers consist of:

   polymer (SAP)                               Diapers
                                                                                                               Plastic granulate
                                                                              250 °C                                               benches, etc.
                                                                              40 bar

                                                                           Bacteria and                     Option paperpulp       Cardboard
                                                                            medicine           float                               and paper
     Fluff pulp                                             Heat             residues
                                                            from waste                        on top        Slurry
                                                                                                                                   Steam or
   70 % excrement & urine                                                                                                          green gas
                                                                                                                                   Clean water
                                                                Sewage sludge                                                      Fertilizer,
                                                                                                                                   biomass or

                                                                                                                                In this groundbreaking
                                                                                                                                 process, Dutch waste
                                                                                                                             processor ARN separates
                                                                                                                             diapers and incontinence
                                                                                                                                     materials into their
                                                                                                                                components to be fully
                                                                                                                            reintegrated into a circular
Rotterdam/The Netherlands

Building a unique
diaper recycling plant
The waste-to-energy plant ARN B.V. in Weurt (NL)
is the first to implement a sustainable way of
recycling diapers and incontinence materials.
KLINGER’s experts were involved in the project
almost from day one.

Even though KLINGER The Netherlands has          into account when choosing and designing
vast experience with all sorts of industrial     the right product,” says Boudewijn Slager,              CO2 reduction
production, it had no reference with which       Product Specialist for Fluid Control at
to compare this new challenge. “However,         KLINGER The Netherlands.                                The new method of diaper recycling
our engineering expertise allows us to adapt                                                             yields a benefit of 964 kg CO2e per
to any manufacturing process. It is just         KLINGER provides expertise                              ton treated diaper material compared
applied physics, after all. In our business,     KLINGER worked intensively with ARN’s                   to conventional incineration.
we need to be able to calculate the ideal        engineering department and project man-
specifications, no matter how complex the        agement to discuss the specific process                 For ARN this means a reduction
requirements are. Heat, pressure, corrosion,     requirements, provided it with the design               of 14,460 tons of CO2 a year when
flow rate, type and aggressiveness of            specifications, and also helped with pro­               the expansion is ready in 2021.
media, etc. – everything needs to be taking      viding calculations and estimates.       »
trusted. worldwide.                                                                                                                                   29

In the past, diapers were incinerated, but now
we can recycle them. Diapers are decomposed
into plastic, fertilizers and green gas. And
                 with that, we can achieve an
                 enormous CO2 reduction.”
                        Rutger Jan Pessers, Director at ARN Weurt

                                              » Mastering hot steam, high pressure
                                                and severe conditions
                                                                                                 A unique process – ready to be
                                                                                                 offered to the world
                                                  Diapers consist of plastic, paper and bio-     The process was tried out in a small pilot
                                                  degradable waste, and often contain some       plant, working with 80 kilos of diapers. And,
                                                  problematic substances such as medicinal       in fall 2019, the first of the three big reactors
                                                  drugs. The idea was to melt the diapers        was ready. It can process 5,000 tons of
                                                  using steam at 250°C, extract the plastic      diapers a year. ARN is planning to expand
                                                  for recycling, and use the remaining com-      the plant, processing 15,000 tons a year,
                                                  ponents for biogas and fertilizer. There       corresponding to 75 million diapers. ARN’s
                                                  were many unknowns: What type of pipes         inventive diaper recycling process has now
                                                  would be safe for transporting the steam?      been approved by the National Institute for
                                                  Which valves would be able to withstand        Public Health and the Environment and also
                                                  the extremely high pressures that were         receives subsidies from the EU. Soon, this
                                                  required? How could the pipes be kept          process will be ready to be offered to the
                                                  free from molten and re-solidifying plastic?   world. “This is the first process of its kind
                                                  KLINGER The Netherlands not only provided      anywhere in the world and there is already
                                                  a lot of know-how, it also supplied the        a lot of interest. If it proves successful, I
                                                  suitable technical components such as          am certain it will be duplicated in many
                                                  various valves (control valves, ball valves,   places,” says Klaas Doting, Sales Engineer
                                                  butterfly valves and specially designed        at KLINGER The Netherlands. Elsinga is
                                                  lift plug valves), steam traps, gaskets and    taking care of the international sales of the
                                                  hoses.                                         patented process.
KLINGER The Netherlands
supplied ARN with suitable
technical components such
as valves, steam traps,
gaskets and hoses.

                                                                                                     Did you know?
                                                                                                     Diapers, especially those used
                                                                                                     by the elderly, contain a lot of
                                                                                                     medicinal drugs, posing a danger to
                                                                                                     groundwater. The process invented
                                                                                                     by the Dutch engineering company
                                                                                                     Elsinga Beleidsplanning en Innovatie
                                                                                                     and ARN breaks these down into
                                                                                                     their individual components so
                                                                                                     that the outputs from the plant
                                                                                                     are eventually almost free of any

30                                                                                                                          KLINGER Yearbook
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