KICKSTART SCHEME A guide for Employers - Qube Learning

Page created by Melissa Vaughn
KICKSTART SCHEME A guide for Employers - Qube Learning

                                                                              of wage costs plus up to

                                                                            £1,500    grant per

A guide for Employers
Qube Learning is an approved Kickstart Scheme gateway organisation. We can support your business by
guiding you through the process, even applying on your behalf, and support your new employees for the
duration of their job placement.

What is the Kickstart Scheme?                         What’s a Kickstart gateway?
The Kickstart Scheme is a £2bn fund to create         A Kickstart Scheme application must be for a
hundreds of thousands of high-quality, six-month      minimum of 30 job placements. If a single Employer
long job placements for young people. It is set       cannot provide this many job placements, they can
to give young people the chance to build their        use a Kickstart gateway to apply on their behalf.
confidence and skills in the workplace, and to gain   A Kickstart gateway is an organisation that has
experience that will improve their chances of going   shown interest in representing Employers who
on to find long-term, sustainable work.               want to apply for job placements. As an approved
                                                      Kickstart gateway, we can partner with you and help
A grant is available for each job placement, this     administer the Scheme on your behalf.
covers the relevant national minimum wage for 25
hours a week, plus the associated Employer National
Insurance contributions and Employer minimum
automatic enrolment pension contributions. There       To view the government’s video
is also a grant available to support young people      guide to the Kickstart Scheme,
to develop new skills and move into sustained          visit
employment after they have completed their             watch?v=Ir8OkmPy9YA
Kickstart-funded job placement.
KICKSTART SCHEME A guide for Employers - Qube Learning
How does it work?                                        How will does the payment work?
The Kickstart Scheme is aimed at those aged 16-24        Wage costs
years who are on Universal Credit and are deemed to      The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will
be at risk of long-term unemployment. These young        use information from HM Revenue and Customs
people will be supported by their Jobcentre Plus         (HMRC) to check that the young person is employed.
Work Coach to enrol in the Scheme.                       Thereafter, you will receive:
                                                         • The first wage payment around six weeks after
A grant is available for each job placement and covers      the job placement has begun.
100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage (or the       • Remaining wage payments are paid in arrears,
National Living Wage) for 25 hours per week, plus the       approximately once every month after the first
associated Employer National Insurance contributions        payment, after confirmation that the young
and Emloyer minimum automatic enrolment pension             person was paid through Pay As You Earn
contributions. Employers are able to top up the pay of      (PAYE) for the previous month.
those on job placements should they wish to do so.
                                                         £1,500 per job placement
In addition to 100% of the wages being covered,          The £1,500 setup costs will be paid to Qube Learning
you will receive up to £1,500 per job placement,         when the young person starts the job placement.
depending upon which of the Qube Kickstart               Dependending upon which Kickstart Scheme
Scheme packages you choose.                              package you choose, we will pay you an agreed
                                                         portion of this grant.

                                                         What’s the process?
                                                         Once you have expressed interest in the Kickstart
   The Kickstart Scheme is an excellent                  Scheme, Qube Learning will:
   opportunity to not only grow your
   business but also to invest in young
   people, providing them with an                        •   Contact you to discuss your requirements and
   opportunity early in their careers.                       the job placements you have available.
                                                         •   Submit your job placement application, with the
   As an approved Kickstart gateway                          details you’ve provided.
   organisation, we’ll support your business             •   DWP will then then email us with a decision as
   by confirming your eligibility, guiding you               to whether the application has been successful
   through the process and applying on your                  within one month.
   behalf, all at no charge to you.
                                                         Additional information about applications
                                                         • Should the application be unsuccessful, we may
                                                            be able to apply again.
Job placement information
                                                         • We are able to submit a second application
The job placements created with a Kickstart Scheme          while you wait on the response of a previous
grant must be new. They must not:                           application.
  • replace existing or planned vacancies                • The job placements do not exist until the
  • cause existing employees or contractors to              application has been approved and you have
      lose or reduce their employment.                      signed the grant agreement.

The roles you recruit for via the Kickstart Scheme       There is no cost to your application. As your Kickstart
must be:                                                 gateway the government will pay us £300 for each
  • a minimum of 25 hours per week, for six-             job placement to cover administration costs.
  • pay at least the National Minimum Wage (or           As a Kickstart gateway organisation we will be
      the National Living Wage) for their age group      responsible for:
  • should not require people to undertake               • Gathering information from you about the job
      extensive training before they begin the job          placements you’d like to offer.
      placement.                                         • Using this information to apply online on your
All applications should include how you will help the    • Paying you the grant.
participants to develop their skills and experience,
with:                                                    Depending upon which Kickstart Scheme package
   • support to look for long-term work                  you choose Qube Learning will be responsible for
   • support with CV and interview preparation           various other tasks and services.
   • training to develop their skills, such as
       teamwork, organisation and communication.         We may also:
Depending upon which Kickstart Scheme package            • Share our expertise with you to help onboard
you choose Qube Learning will be able to highlight         and train young people employed through the
and reference within your application how the above        Scheme, for example, supporting those who are
requirements will be met.                                  disadvantaged or who work in certain sectors.
                                                         • Provide employability support directly to young
                                                           people employed through the Scheme.

 “Through the Scheme, Employers will be able to access a large pool of young people with
                   potential, ready for an opportunity.” Rishi Sunak
KICKSTART SCHEME A guide for Employers - Qube Learning
To express your
                                                          interest and start your

Why Qube?                                             Application process
Partnering with Qube Learning gives you access to     Requesting Qube Learning to be your Kickstart
the wealth of expertise offered by the Qube family    gateway organisation is simple. Please click the link
– a group with over 20 years’ experience in the       below to complete our ‘expression of interest’ form,
recruitment and learning & development space.         which will be submitted to one of our Kickstart
                                                      gateway Coordinators. Once submitted, Qube
                                                      Learning will:
The group has formed numerous partnerships with
large national employers, SMEs, charities and local
authorities, supporting them with a whole host of     •   Review your initial expression of interest
learning & development solutions. By drawing on our       and prepare your in-depth application to be
expertise in both education and recruitment, we are       submitted to the government. To enable this, one
ideally placed to provide Employers with the best         of our Coordinators will be in touch to obtain
Kickstart Scheme support available, supporting both       specific information about your business.
current and future needs.
                                                      •   Once we have all the information to make an
                                                          application, we will apply for the Kickstart
             There’s no direct cost                       Scheme grant.
             You don’t have to spend a penny
             from your pocket - the job               •   The final decision on whether the application is
             placements and administration                successful or not is made by DWP. This process
                                                          can take between four and eight weeks.
             costs are covered by government
             grants and funding.
                                                      •   Once approved, your placements are advertised
                                                          with Jobcentre Plus.
             Access through an official GOV.
             UK gateway                               •   Jobcentre Plus’s Work Coaches will refer suitable
             This ensures all businesses, of              applicants.
             all sizes, are able to access the
             Scheme.                                  •   Depending upon which Kickstart Scheme
                                                          package you chose either you or Qube Learning
                                                          will coordinate recruitment and candidate
             We provide the support required              selection.
             for each job placement
             Qube are at hand to support you,         •   You then make the final decision on successful
             as well as the young people you              applications for the available job placements.

             Additional sector-specific training
             Ensures you get the best results             Until placements are approved
             from your new recruit.                       Employers cannot:

                                                          •   advertise job placements
             Easy and hassle free
             Using Qube Learning as your                  •   interview potential applicants
             Kickstart Scheme gateway                     •   employ or commence job placements
             organisation will streamline the             •   back-date job placements/
             process for you so you can focus
             on your business.                                applications.

For more information contact or call 01235 83 38 38
KICKSTART SCHEME A guide for Employers - Qube Learning
Our packages
Once you’re at the stage where you wish to submit
your expression of interest to Qube Learning, we will
                                                             To express your
need to understand the level of support you require.
We have a range of Kickstart Scheme packages for
                                                         interest and start your
you to choose from.                                            application
The cost for each package will be subtracted from
the £1,500 grant received from the government per
job placement and recruited young person.

  PACKAGE ONE | £650
  Employability Training:
  • Welcome to your Kickstart Programme
  • Personal Development Plan
  • Health & Safety                                     PACKAGE THREE | £1,250
  • CV Writing
  • Self-Care and Mental Health                         Includes:
                                                        Interview arrangements for all placements and
  A total 12 contact hours over the course of the       liaising with DWP regarding any applicants,
  six-month programme. This is delivered by a           including feedback after Interview.
  Qube Tutor on a one-to-one basis for up to two
  hours per month based on two visits per month.        Employability Training:
                                                        • Welcome to your Kickstart Programme
  Reviews are to be completed during each visit         • Personal Development Plan
  and will be shared with the Employer.                 • Employee Rights & Responsibilities
                                                        • Health & Safety
  Employer feedback will be required at each            • Customer Service
  review meeting with the Tutor.                        • CV Writing
                                                        • Self-Care and Mental Health
  Each young person who completes their six-            • Interview Skills
  month job placement will be invited to join the       • Online Short Course (Nationally Accredited)
  Qube Talent ‘Talent bank’.                            • Bespoke Training Module

  * Visits may be remote or face-to-face, in            A total of 30 contact hours over the course of
  accordance with government guidelines.                the six-month programme. This is delivered by a
                                                        Qube Tutor on a one-to-one basis with hours to
                                                        be determined and discussed based on Online
                                                        Short Course and/or Bespoke Training module.
  PACKAGE TWO | £950                                    Reviews are to be completed during each visit
  Includes:                                             and will be shared with the Employer.
  Employability Training:
  • Welcome to your Kickstart Programme                 Employer feedback will be required at each
  • Personal Development Plan                           review meeting with the Tutor.
  • Employee Rights & Responsibilities
  • Health & Safety                                     Each young person who completes their six-
  • Customer Service                                    month job placement will be invited to join the
  • CV Writing                                          Qube Talent ‘Talent bank’.
  • Self-Care and Mental Health
                                                        * Visits may be remote or face-to-face, in
  A total 18 contact hours over the course of the       accordance with government guidelines.
  six-month programme. This is delivered by a
  Qube Tutor on a one-to-one basis for up to two
  hours per month based on three visits per month.

  Reviews are to be completed during each visit
  and will be shared with the Employer.

  Employer feedback will be required at each
  review meeting with the Tutor.
                                                                                     DID YO
                                                                                     KNOW U
  Each young person who completes their six-
  month job placement will be invited to join the
  Qube Talent ‘Talent bank’.
                                                                                The st
                                                                                       art d
  * Visits may be remote or face-to-face, in                                      Kickst ates of you
                                                                                         a            r
  accordance with government guidelines.                                         placem rt Scheme
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  For more information contact                      of Dec il the start

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KICKSTART SCHEME A guide for Employers - Qube Learning KICKSTART SCHEME A guide for Employers - Qube Learning KICKSTART SCHEME A guide for Employers - Qube Learning
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