Keep the Primary, Rewrite the Secondary: A Two-Stage Approach for Paraphrase Generation - ACL ...

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Keep the Primary, Rewrite the Secondary:
                 A Two-Stage Approach for Paraphrase Generation
      Yixuan Su♠      David Vandyke♣ Simon Baker♠ Yan Wang♦ Nigel Collier♠
                      Language Technology Lab, University of Cambridge
                                      Tencent AI Lab


    Paraphrase generation is an important
    and challenging NLG problem.           In this
    work, we propose a new Identification-then-
    Aggregation (IA) framework to tackle this
    task. In the identification step, the input
    tokens are sorted into two groups by a
    novel Primary/Secondary Identification (PSI)
    algorithm. In the aggregation step, these              Figure 1: Examples of paraphrase pair sampled from
    groups are separately encoded, before being            Quora and MSCOCO datasets in which the words in
    aggregated by a custom designed decoder,               red refer to the primary content and the rest of the
    which autoregressively generates the para-             words make up the secondary content.
    phrased sentence. In extensive experiments
    on two benchmark datasets, we demonstrate
    that our model outperforms previous studies
    by a notable margin. We also show that the                  In this work, we investigate decomposable para-
    proposed approach can generate paraphrases               phrase generation from a different perspective.
    in an interpretable and controllable way.                Specifically, we consider using a non-parametric
                                                             approach to label each token in an input sentence as
1   Introduction                                             either (i) primary, or (ii) secondary. Intuitively, the
                                                             primary content of a sentence refers to the factual
Paraphrases refer to text (often sentences) that             information that defines the shared meaning of the
share the same meaning but use different choices of          paraphrase pair. All other content is deemed as sec-
words and their ordering. Automatic generation of            ondary, and typically controls the structure of the
paraphrases is a longstanding problem that is impor-         sentence. In practice, this distinction is determined
tant to many downstream NLP applications such as             by an algorithm that decides whether tokens are
question answering (Dong et al., 2017; Buck et al.,          primary or secondary, as described in §3. To better
2018), machine translation (Cho et al., 2014), and           illustrate our idea, in Figure 1, we show some exam-
semantic parsing (Su and Yan, 2017). Most early              ples sampled from Quora and MSCOCO (Lin et al.,
research adopts the sequence-to-sequence model               2014) datasets. We see that, for many cases, the
(Prakash et al., 2016; Cao et al., 2017; Li et al.,          paraphrase pairs maintain the similar primary con-
2018) to map the input text to its paraphrase by             tent (e.g., the phrases “baby elephants” and “baby
processing and generating each word in a uniform             elephant” in the first example) while the secondary
way. Rather than processing each word uniformly,             content can be rephrased in several different ways.
some recent studies tackles this task in a decompos-            Based on the above observation, we propose an
able manner. For instance, Li et al. (2019) adopt            Identification-then-Aggregation (IA) framework to
an external word aligner to extract paraphrasing             address the paraphrase generation task. Given an
patterns at different levels of granularity and then         input sentence, generating a paraphrase follows a
perform generation. Fu et al. (2019) first use source        two-stage process. First, the primary and secondary
words to predict their neighbors and then organize           content of the input sentence is identified via a
the predicted neighbors into a complete sentence.            novel Primary/Secondary Identification (PSI) algo-

             Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021, pages 560–569
                          August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
rithm which is based on a common non-parametric        paraphrased sentence. To this end, we propose a
rank coefficient. Second, a new neural paraphrase      Primary/Secondary Identification (PSI) approach
generation model aggregates the identified infor-      which dynamically evaluates the importance of dif-
mation and generates the result. Specifically, the     ferent parts of the input sentence. The parts with
proposed model consists of (1) two encoders which      high importance are deemed the primary content,
separately process the identified primary and sec-     while the rest parts are deemed secondary content.
ondary content; and (2) an aggregation decoder
                                                       Token Importance Formally, given a paraphrase
which integrates the processed results and gener-
                                                       pair X and Y, we define their pairwise similarity
ates the paraphrased sentence.
                                                       as F(X, Y). To determine the importance of the i-
   We test the proposed approach on two bench-
                                                       th token xi of X in relation to Y, we first compute
mark datasets with automatic and human evalu-
                                                       the pairwise similarity between X0 = X xi and
ation. The results show that our approach out-
                                                       Y as F(X0 , Y), where the operator removes the
performs previous studies and can generate para-
                                                       token xi from X. We assume that if the token xi
phrases in an interpretable and controllable way.
                                                       belongs to the primary content that is maintained
2   Related Work                                       in both X and Y, then removing it from X will
                                                       cause a significant drop in the pairwise similarity
The automatic generation of paraphrases is impor-      between X and Y. Based on this assumption, we
tant for many downstream NLP applications and          measure the importance of xi as the ratio of change
it has attracted a number of different approaches.     in the pairwise similarity score as
Early researches included rule-based approaches
(McKeown, 1979; Meteer and Shaked, 1988) and                                  F(X, Y) − F(X0 , Y)
                                                             G(xi ; X, Y) =                       .         (1)
data-driven methods (Madnani and Dorr, 2010).                                      F(X, Y)
With the advances of neural networks, recent ap-         Intuitively, a higher G(xi ; X, Y) means a larger
proaches tackle this problem by treating it as a         decrease in the pairwise similarity, indicating a
sequence-to-sequence language generation task.           higher importance of the token xi and vice versa.
Prakash et al. (2016) proposed to modify the net-
works structure to improve the generation quality.       Similarity Measurement We now describe the
Cao et al. (2017), Wang et al. (2019), and Kazemne-      details of the function F(·, ·). Inspired by Zhelez-
jad et al. (2020) proposed to improve the model per-     niak et al. (2019), we measure the pairwise similar-
formance by leveraging external resources, includ-       ity between X and Y based on a non-parametric
ing phrase dictionary, semantic annotations, and         rank correlation coefficient. Specifically, given X
an off-the-shelf pre-trained neural retriever. Other     and Y, we first transform them into the represen-
works proposed to adopt techniques like reinforce-       tation matrices M(X) ∈ R|X|×D and M(Y) ∈
ment learning (Li et al., 2018) and unsupervised         R|Y|×D via a D-dimensional pretrained embed-
learning (Roy and Grangier, 2019) for this task.         dings. Then, the matrices are mapped into fixed
   While achieving satisfactory results, these above     size context vectors x̂ ∈ R1×D and ŷ ∈ R1×D via
methods do not offer users the way to control the        an element-wise max-pooling operation. Finally,
generation process in a fine-grained way. To in-         the pairwise similarity F(X, Y) is measured using
corporate controllability into the generation model,     Spearman’s correlation coefficient ρ̂ of the context
different approaches have been proposed. Iyyer           vectors x̂ and ŷ as
et al. (2018) trained the model to produce the para-
                                                                              6× D                         2
phrased sentence with a given syntax. Li et al.                                     j=1 (r[x̂j ] − r[ŷj ])
                                                           F(X, Y) = 1 −                                     (2)
(2019) proposed to adopt an external word aligner                                  D × (D2 − 1)
to train the model to generate paraphrases from dif-
                                                       where r[x̂j ] denotes the integer rank of x̂j in the
ferent levels. In Fu et al. (2019)’s work, the model
                                                       context vector x̂ (similarly r[ŷj ]).
generates paraphrases by planning the neighbour
                                                          For a better illustration, in Table 1, we show sen-
of words and realizing the complete sentence.
                                                       tence sampled from Quora and MSCOCO datasets
                                                       along with their pairwise similarities. We see that
3   Primary/Secondary Identification
                                                       the numerical results are highly correlated with hu-
Given an input sentence, our goal is to identify       man judgement which empirically demonstrate the
the primary content that are likely to appear in the   effectiveness of our measurement method.

Sentence 1                                       Sentence 2                              Pairwise Similarity
                                              Which games can you play on paper in your free time
         What are the best games you                           with your friends?
          can play with just paper?           What can I do to become a professional chess player?              0.438
                                             Should animals be used for testing medicines and drugs?            0.140
                                             Two brown bears walking through a green, grassy area.              0.743
      Three bears walking on dried grass
                                           A simple plain clear vase with a dead twig and water inside.         0.439
        toward the green wooded area.
                                                   A man using a phone next to a motorcycle.                    0.128

Table 1: Examples of different sentence pairs (X, Y) and their corresponding pairwise similarity scores F(X, Y).

  Algorithm 1: Primary/Secondary Identification
   Input :Input sentence X = (x1 , ..., x|X| );
             Paraphrased sentence Y = (y1 , ..., y|Y| );
             Primary content threshold αp ;
             Importance measurement function G(·, ·, ·).
 1 Xp ← {}; Xs ← {};                                                    Figure 2: For each token, the score from the PSI algo-
 2 for i = 1 to N do
                                                                        rithm is presented. The words in red is the identified
 3      X0 ← X xi ;
 4      if G(xi ; X, Y) > αp then                                       primary content and the rest words make up the sec-
 5           Xp ← xi and Xs ← [MASK];                                   ondary content.
 6      else
 7           Xp ← [MASK] and Xs ← xi ;
 8      end                                                         since we do not have access to the target sentence
 9 end
10 Xp ← joinmask(Xp ); Xs ← joinmask(Xs ).;
                                                                    Y. To this end, we propose two alternative ap-
   Output :Primary Content Xp ;                                     proaches. For the first one, we simply identify the
             Secondary Content Xs .                                 primary and secondary content using the input sen-
                                                                    tence X as X0p , X0s = PSI(X, X). For the second
                                                                    one, we train a neural sequence tagger S based on
   Putting this together, the detailed description                  the labels provided by PSI(X, Y). Then we extract
for splitting the input sentence X into the primary                 the content using the input X as X0p , X0s = S(X).
content Xp and secondary content Xs is given in                     In the experiment section, we provide more de-
Algorithm 1, where the token [MASK] is used                         tailed comparisons between these approaches.
as a special placeholder and the threshold αp is
tuned based on the performance on the validation                        4    Neural Paraphrase Generator
set1 . The joinmask(·) operation joins consecutive
[MASK] tokens into a single [MASK] token. We                            Overview Given the input sentence X, it is first
note that the incorporation of the [MASK] token is                      partitioned into the primary and secondary con-
crucial. Because, in this way, the generation model                     tent using the PSI algorithm. Then the identified
could have access to the original source sentence                       content is independently processed by the primary
structure by simply overlapping the primary and                         encoder and the secondary encoder. Finally, an ag-
secondary content. In the experiments, we found                         gregation decoder integrates the outputs from both
that removing [MASK] from the identified content                        encoders and generates the result. In Figure 3, we
causes a significant drop in model performance as                       provide an illustration of the proposed framework.
the model can no longer have access to the original
                                                                        Encoder Stacks In this work, we use the trans-
sentence structure.
                                                                        former architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) to con-
   In Figure 2, we show the computed results from
                                                                        struct the primary and secondary encoders. For-
PSI of an example presented in Figure 1. We can
                                                                        mally, the Multi-Head Attention is defined as
see that the primary content is effectively identified.
                                                                        MultiHead(Q, K, V), where Q, K, V are query,
Inference During inference, given an input sen-                         key and value. Each encoder has NE layers. Given
tence, the primary and secondary content could                          the input X, the first layer operates as
not be directly identified as Xp , Xs = PSI(X, Y)                            (1)
                                                                            VX = MultiHead(E(X), E(X), E(X)), (3)
    In this work, we set αp as 0.1 for all experiments based on                           (1)             (1)
    the model performance on the validation set.                                        OX = FFN(VX ),                     (4)

Figure 3: Overview of the proposed framework: Italic and Boldface denote the inputs and outputs at each stage.
For a better illustration, we separately draw the encoder and decoder of the paraphrase generator. (a) During
training, the primary and secondary content of the input sentence are identified by the PSI algorithm using the
input and target sentence. During inference, the content is identified solely based on the input sentence. (b) The
identified results are then encoded by separate encoders. (c) The aggregation decoder takes the encoded primary
and secondary content as input and produces the probability of the target sentence. It should be noted that, during
the training stage, the encoder and decoder are jointly trained in an end-to-end fashion.

where E(X) is the input sequence embedding and                      Similarly, the result VYm
                                                                                            s from the encoded sec-
FFN(·) is a feed-forward layer. For other layers:                                            (N )
                                                                    ondary content OXsE is computed as
    (n)                   (n−1)      (n−1)     (n−1)
  VX = MultiHead(OX               , OX       , OX      ),                   (1)                       (1)        (N )       (N )
                                                        (5)       VYm  s = MultiHead(VY , OX
                                                                                            m     s
                                                                                                     , OXsE )).
                  (n)              (n)                                                                         (9)
                OX = FFN(VX ),                         (6)                              (1)
                                                                The first layer output OY is then acquired as
where n = 2, ..., NE .
                                                                              (1)                         (1)         (1)
   Given the primary content Xp and secondary                               VYi = LayerNorm(VYp + VYm
                                                                                                    s ),                           (10)
content Xs of the input sequence, their representa-                                          (1)                (1)
        (N )                  (N )                                                      OY = FFN(VYi ).                            (11)
tions OXpE ∈ R|Xp |×d and OXsE ∈ R|Xs |×d are
computed by the primary and secondary encoder                                                      (N )
                                                                   The final output OY D ∈ R|Y|×d is computed
respectively and d is the model size.                           via a stack of ND layers. The final probability of
Decoder Stacks We design an aggregation de-                     Y is produced by a linear softmax operation.
coder to integrate information coming from both
                                                                    Learning Finally, given the input primary con-
encoders. Given the target sentence Y, it is first
                                                                    tent Xp , secondary content Xs and the target se-
encoded via a masked multi-head attention as
                                                                    quence Y, the learning objective is defined as
  (1)                                                                                  |Y|
VYm = Mask-MultiHead(E(Y), E(Y), E(Y)).                                                X
                                                                                  L=         log p(Yt |Y
The Quora dataset was developed for the task of                         other options that we can use. We will explore
duplicated question detection. Each data instance                          these options in the future work. But by evaluating
consists of one source sentence and one target sen-                        IANet+ref we can show an upper bound on how
tence. In the experiment, we randomly select one                           much could be improved in this way.
sentence as the source and the other as the target.
   The MSCOCO dataset was originally developed                             6.2   Implementation Details
for the image captioning task. In this dataset, each                   We implement our model with PyTorch (Paszke
image is associated with five human-written cap-                       et al., 2017). For the primary and secondary en-
tions. Although there is no guarantee that these                       coders, we use a 3-layer transformer with model
captions must be paraphrases as they could de-                         size of 256 and heads of 8. Since the decoder has
scribe different objects in the image, most of these                   to integrate the information from both encoders,
captions are generally close to each, therefore the                    we build it with a larger capacity. The number of
overall quality of this dataset is favorable and it is                 layers is set to 4. The model size and the attention
widely used for the paraphrase generation task.                        heads are set to be 512 and 8. For the sequence
   Following Li et al. (2019) and Fu et al. (2019),                    tagger S that is used in the IANet+S model, we
for the Quora dataset, we split the size of training,                  use a 2-layer LSTM with hidden size of 512.
validation and test sets as 100k, 4k and 20k. The                         In the experiments, we adopt pretrained 300-
MSCOCO dataset is split into 93k, 4k and 20k. The                      dimensional FastText Embeddings (Bojanowski
maximum sentence length for these two datasets                         et al., 2017) to perform the PSI algorithm. Dur-
is set as 16. The vocabulary size of the Quora and                     ing training , we use Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015)
MSCOCO datasest are set to be 8k and 11k.                              to optimize our model with a learning rate of 1e-4.
                                                                       In all experiments, we set αp in Algorithm 1 as 0.1
6       Experiments                                                    based on the performance on the validation set.
6.1       Model Comparisons                                                6.3   Evaluation Metrics
We compare the proposed model with several rep-                            Following previous studies (Prakash et al., 2016;
resentative baselines, including Residual-LSTM                             Fu et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019), we report results
(Prakash et al., 2016), β-VAE (Higgins et al., 2017),                      on several automatic metrics, including BLEU (Pa-
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), DNPG (Li                               pineni et al., 2002) and ROUGE (Lin, 2004). All
et al., 2019), LBOW-Topk and LBOW-Gumbel (Fu                               lower n-gram metrics (1-4 grams in BLEU and 1-2
et al., 2019)3 . To compare different inference ap-                        grams in ROUGE) are reported. In addition, we
proaches, three variants of our model are used.                            include iBLEU (i-B) (Sun and Zhou, 2012) as an-
IANet+X: Given the input sentence X, this                                  other evaluation metric, which penalizes repeating
model extracts the primary and secondary con-                              the source sentence in its paraphrase.
tent using the approximated PSI(X, X) algorithm.
                                                                           6.4   Main Results
Then, the paraphrase generator produces the para-
phrased sentence using the identified content.                         Table 2 lists the results on both datasets. We
                                                                       see that the transformer baseline already achieves
IANet+S: In this case, a neural sequence tagger                        pretty strong results. This is because the capac-
S is first trained based on the labels provided by                     ity of transformer model is large enough to fit the
PSI(X, Y). During inference, the model extracts                        datasets quite well. Nonetheless, in most of the
the primary and secondary content of the input as                      evaluation metrics, our model outperforms previ-
X0p , X0s = S(X) and then perform generation.                          ous studies by a notable margin, demonstrating the
IANet+ref: In contrast to previous variants, this                      effectiveness of the proposed approach.
model obtains the primary and secondary content                           By comparing different variants of our model,
using the exact PSI(X, Y) algorithm against the                        we see that IANet-ref achieves the best results on
reference Y. The reason to include this model is                       all metrics. This is expected as it uses the reference
that, besides our proposed alternatives, there are                     sentence in determining the primary and secondary
                                                                       content. It is worth emphasising that the IANet+ref
    The hyperparameter setups and optimization in all baseline         model, like everything else, does not receive the
    models are the same as their original works. For methods
    that do not release their code, we directly use the results in     target sentence, it just gets inputs X and has their
    their original papers.                                             primary and secondary content more accurately

                       Models                            B-1      B-2         B-3      B-4     i-B     R-1     R-2     R-L
         Residual-LSTM (Prakash et al., 2016)           53.59    39.49       30.25    23.69   15.93   55.10   33.86   53.61
        β-VAE, β = 10−4 (Higgins et al., 2017)          47.86    33.21       24.96    19.73   10.28   47.62   25.49   45.46
          Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)            53.56    40.47       32.11    25.01   17.98   57.82   32.58   56.26
                DNPG (Li et al., 2019)                    -        -           -      25.03   18.01   63.73   37.75     -
             LBOW-Topk (Fu et al., 2019)                55.79    42.03       32.71    26.17   19.03   58.79   34.57   56.43
           LBOW-Gumbel (Fu et al., 2019)                55.75    41.96       32.66    26.14   18.97   58.60   34.47   56.23
                     IANet+X                            56.06    42.69       33.38    26.52   19.62   59.33   35.01   57.13
                      IANet+S                           56.72    43.21       33.96    27.09   20.11   59.98   36.02   58.01
               IANet+ref (upperbound)                   58.32    44.81       35.46    28.71   21.76   61.89   38.86   59.43

                       Models                            B-1   B-2            B-3      B-4     i-B     R-1     R-2     R-L
         Residual-LSTM (Prakash et al., 2016)           70.24 48.65          34.04    23.66   18.72   41.07   15.26   37.35
        β-VAE, β = 10−4 (Higgins et al., 2017)          70.04 47.59          32.29    22.54   18.34   40.72   14.75   36.75
          Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)            71.31 49.86          35.55    24.68   19.81   41.49   15.84   37.09
             LBOW-Topk (Fu et al., 2019)                72.60 51.14          35.66    25.27   21.07   42.08   16.13   38.16
           LBOW-Gumbel (Fu et al., 2019)                72.37 50.81          35.32    24.98   20.92   42.12   16.05   38.13
                     IANet+X                            72.10 52.22          37.39    26.06   21.28   43.81   16.35   39.65
                      IANet+S                           73.01 53.09          38.12    26.90   22.03   44.66   17.13   40.58
               IANet+ref (upperbound)                   75.29 55.09          41.01    29.65   24.72   46.36   19.13   42.23

Table 2: Evaluation results on the Quora and MSCOCO dataset. B for BLEU and R for ROUGE. Where possible
we copy results from DNPG (Li et al., 2019) as they did not release their code.

identified. This suggests that the deomposition of                                             Fluency   Accuracy     Diversity
our approach is beneficial, and further work can                                Agreement       0.582     0.543        0.498
                                                                              Residual-LSTM      1.57      1.41         1.29
be focused more on the identification step. On the
                                                                               Transformer       1.63      1.50         1.40
other hand, without using the target sentence, both
                                                                               LBOW-Topk         1.61      1.49         1.43
IANet+X and IANet+S must use an approximated                                     IANet+S         1.71      1.57         1.61
approach at the inference time, which inevitably in-                            Reference        1.85      1.78         1.68
troduces noise in the identified content. As a result,
the performance is lower than IANet+ref. We will                                     Table 3: Human Evaluation Results
provide more analysis in the analysis section.

6.5    Human Evaluation                                                      • Accuracy: Whether the content in the gener-
We also conduct a human evaluation to assess our                               ated paraphrase is consistent with the content
model, using graders proficient in English from an                             in the original sentence.
internal grading platform. We randomly select 150                            • Diversity: Whether the generated sentence
examples from the Quora test set and compare our                               structure differs from the reference sentence.
model with three representative baselines4 . Three                           To measure the agreement between the annota-
annotators are asked to rate the generated results                        tors, we use the Fleiss0 kappa coefficient (Fleiss
from different models on a 3-point Likert scale (0,                       et al., 1971). The agreement results are shown in
1, or 2) with respect to the following features5 :                        the first row of Table 3, indicating moderate agree-
                                                                          ment between annotators on all metrics.
    • Fluency: Whether the generated paraphrase is
                                                                             From Table 3, we see that our model achieves
      grammatically correct and easily understood.
                                                                          the best result on all metrics, which demonstrates
  Because the authors of DNPG (Li et al., 2019) did not release           the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Espe-
  their code, thus we are not able to reproduce their results and         cially, on the diversity metric, our model signifi-
  are not able to include this model in the human evaluation.
  More details of the human evaluation guideline can be found             cantly outperforms other baselines (Sign Test, with
  in the supplementary material.                                          p-value < 0.05) and performs comparably with the

Rec.(%)   Prec.(%)   F1(%)    B-4     R-L                  Metric       B-2     B-4     R-2     R-L
   PSI(X, X)     71.2       88.5      78.9   26.52   57.13                 Cosine      50.34   24.91   14.78   37.62
    Tagger S     78.1       90.1      83.7   27.09   58.01
                                                                         Spearman ρ̂   53.09   26.90   17.13   40.58
   PSI(X, Y)     87.4       91.3      89.3   28.71   59.43

                                                                   Table 5: Result comparison between the cosine similar-
Table 4: Comparisons between the identification per-
                                                                   ity and the Spearman’s ρ̂ on the MSCOCO dataset.
formances of different algorithms on Quora dataset

                                                                     Figure 5: Effect of αp on the model performance
      Figure 4: Comparison of similarity distribution
                                                               6.6.2 Similarity Measurement Comparison
reference sentence (p-value = 0.23). The improve-              In this part, we analyze the differences between
ment in the diversity metric mainly comes from                 different similarity measurements. As described
the two-step nature of our generation framework.               in Eq. (1) and Algorithm 1, the pairwise similar-
By first determining which parts of the sentence               ity measurement F(X, Y) is the basis of the PSI
to keep (primary) or to change (secondary), our                algorithm. To see how different similarity measure-
model could then focus on maintaining the primary              ments affect the system performance, we compare
content while rewriting the secondary content, re-             the adopted Spearman’s ρ̂ with the cosine similarity
sulting in a more accurate and diverse paraphrase.             which is commonly used for measuring text simi-
                                                               larity. We use both metrics to measure the training
6.6     Further Analysis                                       pair similarity of the MSCOCO dataset and the re-
In this section, we present further discussions and            sults are shown in Figure 4. As it can be seen that
empirical analysis of the proposed approach.                   the distribution of cosine similarity is condensed
                                                               in a much smaller interval comparing with the one
6.6.1 Inference Algorithms Comparison
                                                               from Spearman’s ρ̂, showing that the Spearman’s ρ̂
As shown in Table 2, IANet-ref outperforms IANet-              is more discriminative and can detect more subtle
X and IANet-S on both datasets. Our analysis is                differences between the sentence pairs. Therefore,
that IANet-ref could more accurately identify the              it can better identify the primary content, leading to
primary content from the source comparing with                 better model performance. For further analysis, we
the other variants. To provide more analysis, we               run experiments on the MSCOCO dataset using co-
separately use PSI(X, X), the sequence tagger S,               sine similarity as the measurement approach. The
and PSI(X, Y) to identify the words that both ap-              results of IANet+S using both metrics are shown
pear in the source and target sentences in the Quora           in Table 5 which also demonstrate the fact that a
dataset. The results are shown in Table 4. We see              more discriminative measurement approach leads
that all three methods perform comparably on the               to a better model performance.
precision (prec.) metric. However, PSI(X, Y) sig-
nificantly outperforms other methods on the recall             6.6.3 Effect of αp in PSI
(rec.) metric, showing that it can accurately extract          As described in Algorithm 1, the proposed PSI
more primary content from the source. From Table               algorithm relies on a predefined threshold αp to
4, we also observe that better identification results          perform the extraction of primary and secondary
lead to better generation performances. Therefore,             content. In this part, we examine the effect of
to improve the model performance, future work                  different αp on the model performance. We vary
could be focused more on the identification step.              the value of αp and measure the results of IANet+S

Input Sentence                                         Reference Sentence
              what are some of the best young adult fiction novels ?      which are the best young adult novels / films ?
                 Input Sentence with Identified Components                           Generated Paraphrase
 IANet+ref   what are some of the best young adult fiction novels ?          which are the best young adult novels ?
  IANet+S    what are some of the best young adult fiction novels ? which is a good young adult fiction novel you have read ?
  IANet+X    what are some of the best young adult fiction novels ?       which are the best fiction novels ever written ?
                                              Controlled Paraphrase Generation
             what are some of the best young adult fiction novels ?         which are some good adult fiction novels ?
             what are some of the best young adult fiction novels ?              which is the best fiction novel ?
             what are some of the best young adult fiction novels ?          which are some good novels of all time ?

Table 6: Paraphrase Generation Samples from Quora dataset: To compare different inference algorithms, we
present the results of different model variants for the sampled instance. To examine the generation controllability of
the proposed model, we generate sentences by manually decomposing the input sentence. Specifically, we choose
different parts of the input sentence as the primary content (highlighted in blue ) and the rest as the secondary
content. The results on the right side are the corresponding generated paraphrases.

model on the Quora dataset. The results of three                 can generate paraphrase that is closer to the refer-
metrics (B-1, R-1, and R-L) are depicted in Figure               ence sentence, leading to higher performances in
5. We see that the optimal value of αp is 0.1 and                different evaluation metrics as shown in Table 2.
by further decreasing or increasing αp , the model
                                                                6.6.5 Controllable Paraphrase Generation
performance drops. Our analysis is that, when
αp is too small, the words that only cause small                Since the identification of the primary and sec-
variation in the pairwise similarity (Eq. (1)) will             ondary content of the input are separated from the
be misclassified as primary. Therefore, extra noise             neural generator, we therefore have the flexibility
might be introduced to the model input which in                 to manually choose these content. In this way, we
turns decreases the model performance. On the                   can more precisely control the generation process.
other hand, when αp is too large, some important                   To examine the controllability of the proposed
words that should be classified as primary content              approach, we manually select the primary and sec-
might be excluded by the PSI algorithm, which                   ondary content of the sampled instance and use the
also leads to the decrease of model performance.                IANet+S model to generate paraphrases accord-
                                                                ingly. The results based on different selections are
6.6.4   Case Study                                              presented in Table 6. As demonstrated by the ex-
As described in section §6.6.1, the reason why                  amples, our model is flexible to generate different
IANet+ref outperforms IANet+X and IANet+S is                    paraphrases given different combinations of the pri-
that it can more accurately identify the primary con-           mary and secondary content. We can observe in
tent in order to generate a paraphrase that is similar          the generated paraphrases that the selected primary
to the reference sentence. On the other hand, both              content is largely maintained while the secondary
IANet+X and IANet+S adopt an approximated al-                   content is properly rephrased.
gorithm which would inevitably introduce extra                     This controllable attribute could make our model
noise in the identified content.                                useful for other tasks such as task-oriented dialogue
   For a better illustration, we sample one test case           generation. Suppose we want to generate more ut-
from Quora dataset and present the results gener-               terances with the same meaning of the user utter-
ated by our different model variants in Table 6. We             ance “book a great restaurant in London tonight”.
can see that, given the input sentence, all model               The slot values can be fixed as the primary content
variants can generate a sentence that is similar to             and our model could produce more utterances with
the reference paraphrase. By further comparing                  the same intent, e.g. “make a reservation at the best
the primary content (words in blue ), we can see                London restaurant for this evening”. This remains
that only the IANet+ref successfully identifies all             to be rigorously tested in future work.
the primary content that are also contained in the
                                                                 7   Conclusion
reference sentence. On the other hand, IANet+S
misses the word best and IANet+X ignores the                     In this work, we propose a novel IA framework to
words young and adult. As a result, IANet+ref                    tackle the paraphrase generation task. Addition-

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