Kansas Register Vol. 41, No. 9 March 3, 2022 - Kansas Secretary of State

Kansas Register Vol. 41, No. 9 March 3, 2022 - Kansas Secretary of State
Kansas Register
Vol. 41, No. 9   March 3, 2022   Pages 331-372
332                                                                                                                                                         Table of Contents
                                                                                  Kansas Register
In this issue …                                                                                                                    Page           The Kansas Register is an official
                                                                                                                                                  publication of the state of Kansas,
Rates                                                                                                                                             published by authority of K.S.A.
   Pooled Money Investment Board                                                                                                                  75-430. The Kansas Register is pub-
                                                                                                                                                  lished weekly and a cumulative
     Notice of Investment Rates.....................................................................................................333           index is published annually by the
   Secretary of State                                                                                                                             Kansas Secretary of State.
     Code Mortgage Rate for March.............................................................................................333
                                                                                                                                                  © Kansas Secretary of State 2022.
                                                                                                                                                  Reproduction of the publication in
Notices                                                                                                                                           its entirety or for commercial pur-
   Kyle Railroad Company                                                                                                                          poses is prohibited without prior
     Request for Proposals for Concordia Subdivision Rail Improvement Project................333                                                  permission. Official enactments of
                                                                                                                                                  the Kansas Legislature and pro-
   Kansas State University                                                                                                                        posed and adopted administrative
     Notice of Intent to Lease Land...............................................................................................334             regulations of state agencies may
   Campus Credit Union                                                                                                                            be reproduced in any form without
     Notice of Field of Membership Change................................................................................334
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Facilities and Property Management                                                             Current and back issues of the Kan-
     Notice of Commencement of Negotiations for Wichita State University                                                                          sas Register (HTML and PDF Format)
       Construction Manager At-Risk Services............................................................................334                       can be found at https://www.sos.
   Kansas Turnpike Authority                                                                                                                      html.
     Notice of Public Auction.........................................................................................................335
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment – Division of Health Care Finance
   Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
     Notices of Amendments to the Medicaid State Plan...................................................335, 336
   Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency, Inc.
     Notice to Bidders for Flint Hills Garden and Dillon’s West Loop Bus Stops..................336
   Kansas State Board of Regents Universities
     Notice to Bidders......................................................................................................................337
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Procurement and Contracts
     Notice to Bidders for State Purchase.....................................................................................337
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment
     Notice Concerning Water Pollution Control Permits and Applications..........................338
   Kansas Department of Transportation
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Bridge
       Repair Project in Neosho County.......................................................................................339                         Register Office:
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Chip Seal                                                                           1st Floor, Memorial Hall
       Projects in Decatur, Osborne, Rawlins, Rooks, and Russell Counties..........................340                                                    785-368-8095
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing                                                                          kansasregister@ks.gov
       Project in Cowley County....................................................................................................341
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
       Projects in Logan County.....................................................................................................342
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
       Project in Lyon County........................................................................................................344
     Notices to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
       Projects in Marshall and Nemaha Counties..............................................................345, 346
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
       Project in Morris County......................................................................................................347
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
       Project in Osage County.......................................................................................................348
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
       Project in Wabaunsee County.............................................................................................349
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Sign
       Improvement Projects in Clay, Geary, Marshall, Pottawatomie, Riley,                                                                                Published by
       and Wabaunsee Counties.....................................................................................................351                     Scott Schwab
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors/                                                                                   Secretary of State
       Administrators for District 1, Area 2 – Olathe, Kansas...................................................352                                 1st Floor, Memorial Hall
     Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors/                                                                                   120 SW 10th Ave.
       Administrators for District 1, Area 4 – Topeka, Kansas..................................................353                                   Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Cover Artwork: Stairway Bannister, Capitol
Photo by Todd Caywood

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                                        Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022
Table of Contents/Rates/Notices                                                                                                                                                                                    333
                                                                                       Kansas Register
      Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors
       for District 5.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 355
      Notice to Consulting Firms for Embedded Construction Inspectors
       for District 6.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 356

   Attorney General
     Opinions 2021-1 through 2021-4................................................................................................................................................................... 357
   Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission
     Opinion 2022-01.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 358

Executive Branch
   Secretary of State
     Executive Appointments................................................................................................................................................................................ 358

Legislative Branch
   Legislative Administrative Services
     Legislative Bills and Resolutions Introduced February 17-23.................................................................................................................. 359

   Kansas Development Finance Authority
    Notice of Hearing on Proposed Agricultural Development Revenue Bonds........................................................................................ 360
    Notice of Hearing on Proposed Revenue Bonds........................................................................................................................................ 361

   Attorney General
     Notice of Hearing on Proposed Administrative Regulation.................................................................................................................... 361
   Kansas Lottery
     Temporary Administrative Regulations...................................................................................................................................................... 362

Index to administrative regulations..................................................................................................................................................... 370

State of Kansas                                                                                                   the definition of “code mortgage rate” set forth in K.S.A.
             Pooled Money Investment Board                                                                        16a-1-301(11)(b)(i) is discontinued, has become impracti-
                                                                                                                  cal to use, and/or is otherwise not readily ascertainable
                         Notice of Investment Rates                                                               from the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.
  The following rates are published in accordance with                                                                                                                                         Scott Schwab
K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are defined in                                                                                                                                  Secretary of State
                                                                                                                  Doc. No. 049871
K.S.A. 12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g).
                   Effective 2-28-22 through 3-6-22                                                                                  (Published in the Kansas Register March 3, 2022.)
                 Term                          Rate
              1-89 days                       0.08%                                                                                        Kyle Railroad Company
               3 months                       0.36%
                                                                                                                                                 Request for Proposals
               6 months                       0.68%
              12 months                       1.11%                                                                  The Kyle Railroad Company is requesting proposals
              18 months                       1.39%                                                               for a rail improvement project on the Concordia Subdi-
                2 years                       1.54%                                                               vision. The work consists of the following major items:
                                                                                                                  installation of 15,640 linear feet of rail, rehabilitation of
                                                                        Scott Miller                              2 grade crossings, and 1.5 miles of surfacing and ditch-
                                                           Director of Investments                                ing. This project is the recipient of a KDOT State Rail Ser-
Doc. No. 049870
                                                                                                                  vice Improvement Fund program grant and the contract
                                                                                                                  for work will be directly with Kyle Railroad Company,
State of Kansas                                                                                                   which reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Ques-
                              Secretary of State                                                                  tions regarding the project and interested bidders must
                                                                                                                  request bid documents from purchasing-rfp@gwrr.com.
                     Code Mortgage Rate for March
                                                                                                                                                                  Mark A. Koenig
  Pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 16a-1-301, Section                                                                                        Purchasing – Engineering Services
11, the code mortgage rate during the period of March                                                                                    Genesee & Wyoming Railroad Services, Inc.
1-31, 2022, is 12 percent. The reference rate referred to in                                                      Doc. No. 049869

                                                                            Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022                                                                             © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
334                                                                                                                            Notices
                                                                    Kansas Register
State of Kansas                                                              learning and career development to prospective students
                     Kansas State University                                 at the beginning of their higher education journey. The ap-
                                                                             proximately 8,000 gross square foot addition will create a
                    Notice of Intent to Lease Land                           new entry point on the south side of the building and will
                                                                             provide a connection to the Innovation Campus and pe-
   Public notice is hereby given, pursuant to K.S.A. 75-                     destrian mall. The project also includes an interior finish
430a(d), that Kansas State University intends to lease a                     refresh of the public areas of the building (reception/lob-
5-acre parcel of land at the Kansas River Valley Experi-                     by/lecture theater) as well as opening the corridor outside
ment Field, located one mile east of Rossville, Kansas on                    of the existing event rooms to create a “history walk” to
US-24 Highway, then 0.5 miles south on east side of Craw-                    feature WSU artifacts from the WSU Alumni Center col-
ford Road (GPS coordinates 39.1163, −95.9282; 39.1162,                       lection. The estimated construction budget is $2,920,000.
−95.9223; 39.1209, −95.9224; and 39.1216, −95.9281). Spec-                      The Construction Manager At-Risk (CMAR) will pro-
ifications and further information are available by email-                   vide services for both the pre-construction phase and the
ing the Interim Vice President for University Operations                     construction phase including: program evaluation and
at vpuo@k-state.edu.                                                         consultation; cost estimating, scheduling, constructabil-
                                             Ethan Erickson                  ity reviews and value engineering studies; procurement
           Interim Vice President for University Operations/                 of equipment, prequalify subcontractors, and take bids;
                                      Chief Financial Officer                review bids with the design team and owner for the de-
                                         105 Anderson Hall                   termination of bids to accept; prepare cost estimate(s) for
                                919 Mid-Campus Dr. North                     the unbid portion(s); provide a Guaranteed Maximum
                                       Manhattan, KS 66506                   Price (GMP) for the cost of the work and construction
Doc. No. 049874                                                              schedule; manage construction and track all construction
                                                                             costs for the design team and owner’s review.
                (Published in the Kansas Register March 3, 2022.)               To be considered for nomination to interview, the pro-
                                                                             posed CMAR Team proposals must show (1) up-to-date,
                       Campus Credit Union                                   relevant, and demonstrated successful similar project
            Notice of Field of Membership Change                             experience; (2) experience in CMAR delivery system; (3)
                                                                             references from design professionals and owners from
  Campus Credit Union, located at 1845 Fairmount,                            previous projects; (4) description of the construction
Box 65, Wichita, Kansas, intends to alter is field of mem-                   manager project management approach; (5) financial
bership. An application has been filed with the Kansas                       statements; and (6) bonding capacity.
Department of Credit Unions to alter its field of mem-                          Questions about the proposed scope of services should
bership to include people who reside in, are employed                        be submitted to Emily Patterson at 316-978-5829 or email at
in, or paid within the following counties: Allen, Ander-                     emily.patterson@wichita.edu. An architectural/engineer-
son, Atchison, Barton, Butler, Chase, Cowley, Crawford,                      ing program is available at https://admin.ks.gov/offices/
Dickinson, Douglas, Edwards, Ellis, Ellsworth, Finney,                       facilities-property-management/design-construction--
Ford, Franklin, Geary, Gray, Harvey, Haskell, Jackson,                       compliance/architectural--engineering-programs.
Johnson, Kiowa, Labette, Leavenworth, Lincoln, Lyon,                            To be considered, one (1) PDF file of the following should
McPherson, Marion, Mitchell, Montgomery, Morris,                             be provided: State of Kansas Professional Qualifications
Neosho, Osage, Pottawatomie, Pratt, Reno, Rice, Riley,                       DCC Forms 051 through 054, inclusive, and information
Russell, Saline, Sedgwick, Seward, Shawnee, Stafford,                        regarding similar projects. Forms may be found at https://
Sumner, and Wabaunsee.                                                       admin.ks.gov/offices/facilities-property-management/
                                                            Shawn Riley      design-construction--compliance/forms-and-documents.
                                                          President/CEO      State of Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC Form
Doc. No. 049875                                                              050 for each firm and consultant should be provided at
                                                                             the end of each proposal. Please include your firm name,
State of Kansas                                                              agency abbreviation, and an abbreviated project name in
                                                                             the title of the PDF document. Proposals should follow
        Department of Administration                                         the current State Building Advisory Commission guide-
Office of Facilities and Property Management                                 lines for Phase I of the Construction Management at Risk
                                                                             process, which can be found in Part B – Chapter 7 of the
         Notice of Commencement of Negotiations                              Building Design and Construction Manual at https://
         for Construction Manager At-Risk Services                           admin.ks.gov/offices/facilities-property-management/
   Notice is hereby given of the commencement of nego-                       design-construction--compliance/building-design-and-
tiations for construction management at-risk services for                    construction-manual-bdcm.
the Wichita State University (WSU) Marcus Welcome Cen-                          Proposals should be sent to professional.qualifications@
ter addition and interior finish upgrade. This project will                  ks.gov. Proposals received after the date and time noted
bring together the Office of Industry Engagement and Ap-                     below will not be forwarded to the State Building Adviso-
plied Learning and the Career Development Center with-                       ry Commission for review. If you have questions, please
in an addition to the Marcus Welcome Center on the north                     call 785-296-0749. The PDF proposal submissions shall be
end of campus. Locating these services alongside the ad-                     delivered to the attention of Randy Riveland by 2:00 p.m.
missions team will highlight the importance of applied                       on or before March 18, 2022.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                           Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                           335
                                                    Kansas Register
  The State of Kansas, as a matter of public policy, en-         for any improvements. Not responsible for accidents.
courages anyone doing business with the State of Kan-            Should a dispute arise after the auction, the seller’s re-
sas to take steps to discourage human trafficking. If pro-       cords will be conclusive in all respects.
spective bidders/vendors/contractors have any policies           Sold Subject to the Following
or participate in any initiatives that discourage human             Tract will be sold subject to the easement for the water-
trafficking, the prospective bidder/vendor/contractor is         line located on the west property line.
encouraged to submit same as part of their bid response.
                                                                 Required construction improvements
                                     Frank Burnam, Director        In accordance with city and fire requirements, pur-
              Office of Facilities and Property Management       chaser will be required to construct, based on approval
Doc. No. 049877
                                                                 by KTA inspection, a new driveway for access to the ad-
                                                                 jacent property along with fence and gate modifications
State of Kansas                                                  and a hammerhead style turnaround, prior to issuance
              Kansas Turnpike Authority                          of Quit Claim Deed from KTA. Minimum requirements
                                                                 for construction of the hammerhead and entrance can be
                  Notice of Public Auction                       obtained by request to Kristi Ericksen at 785-274-3655.
  The Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) will offer for sale          The prospective buyer is encouraged to research the
at public auction land that it owns in Topeka, Kansas,           chain of title of this tract.
which is no longer necessary to meet its lawful objectives.        KTA makes no representations concerning the condition,
  The property is located on SE 21st Street south of Cyprus      value, or suitability of use for this property or the improve-
and west of Croco, consisting of 2.44 acres, more or less.       ments, attachments, or fixtures thereof, if any. The proper-
  Inspection of Property will take place from 10:00 a.m.         ty and said improvements, etc. will be sold in the present
to 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 16, 2022.                         “as is” condition, without warranties or guarantees of any
  Sale will be conducted at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 7,        kind. It is not KTA’s intent to impose any restrictions not
2022, at the Kansas Turnpike Authority Topeka Mainte-            already in existence on the property. KTA has no specific
                                                                 knowledge about such restrictions, but does not warrant
nance Building, 3939 S. Topeka Blvd., Topeka, Kansas.
                                                                 the property to be free of restrictions either.
Opening and minimum acceptable bid will be $35,000.
                                                                   KTA ensures the acceptance of any bid pursuant to this
Seller reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A com-
                                                                 notice will be without discrimination on the grounds of sex,
plete legal description for the property can be obtained
                                                                 race, color, religion, physical handicap, or national origin.
by contacting Kristi Ericksen at 785-274-3655.
                                                                   For additional information contact Kristi Ericksen at
Access                                                           785-274-3655.
  There is an existing asphalt road extending onto the                                                         Steve Hewitt
property, currently a part of 21st Street. Access control will                                       Chief Executive Officer
remain in place along the north and east property lines.         Doc. No. 049899
  Public sewer is not available onsite. A city waterline         State of Kansas
runs along the west edge of the property and will be sub-          Department of Health and Environment
ject to easement.                                                     Division of Health Care Finance
Zoning                                                                              and
  The property has no zoning designation since it has            Department for Aging and Disability Services
been a part of highway right of way. Properties in the
area are zoned light industrial.                                                         Public Notice
Terms of Sale                                                      The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,
  Cashier’s check for $3,500 representing ten percent            Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) and the
(10%) of the minimum acceptable bid, is due at the time          Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services,
of the sale. The required construction improvements              Behavioral Health (BH) Commission, is amending the
must be completed and approved by KTA, and the bal-              Kansas Medicaid State Plan to remove age limits in mo-
ance of the purchase price paid by cashier’s check on or         bile crisis intervention.
before 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 10, 2022. Successful            The proposed effective date for the state plan amend-
bidder will receive a Contract to Purchase on the day of         ment (SPA) is May 01, 2022.
the sale and a Quit Claim Deed after balance is paid and                    Fee-For-                Estimated Federal
after additional construction requirements are met. If the                Service Only            Financial Participation
work is not complete and accepted by KTA, or the bal-
ance of the purchase price is not paid, on or before 5:00                   FFY 2022                     $179,279
p.m. Wednesday, August 10, 2022, the ten percent (10%)                      FFY 2023                     $743,750
down payment will be forfeited to the seller.                      To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a
  Any description of the property is for information pur-        comment, or to review comments, please contact Drew
poses only, and no representations, warranties, or guar-         Adkins, Assistant Commissioner Behavioral Health by
antees are made concerning locations, dimensions, tract          email at Drew.Adkins@ks.gov or by mail at:
size, nature or quality, or suitability for use of the tract                                                             (continued)

                                              Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022                              © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
336                                                                                                                                   Notices
                                                            Kansas Register
   Drew Adkins                                                                    (Published in the Kansas Register March 3, 2022.)
   Department for Aging and Disability Services                         Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency, Inc.
   Behavioral Health Commission
   503 S. Kansas Ave.                                                                         Notice to Bidders
   Topeka, KS 66603
                                                                           The Flint Hills Area Transportation Agency, Inc.
  The last day for public comment is April 4, 2022.                    (FHATA) is soliciting firm fixed bids for the construction
  Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at                of the following projects:
a Local Health Department (LHD).
                                                                         • Flint Hills Garden and Dillon’s West Loop Bus Stops
                                                     Sarah Fertig          in Manhattan, Kansas
                                         State Medicaid Director
                                 Division of Health Care Finance         Bids for construction of the project will be received at
                          Department of Health and Environment         the FHATA Facility, 5815 Marlatt Ave., Manhattan, Kan-
                                                                       sas, until 5:00 p.m. (CST) Monday, March 21, 2022. Bids
                                             Laura Howard              must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked:
                                                    Secretary          Bid #: FY22-2004.
                 Department for Aging and Disability Services            Public bid opening will be hosted in person and via
Doc. No. 049878                                                        Zoom at 1:00 p.m. (CST) March 22, 2022. The location
                                                                       and call information are provided in the bid documen-
State of Kansas                                                        tation (Section C Bid Schedule) at https://www.fhata.org/
  Department of Health and Environment                                   The project includes the following work:
     Division of Health Care Finance
                                                                         • Bus shelter fabrication and installation, ADA acces-
                   and                                                     sible sidewalks, curb and gutter, and all other work
Department for Aging and Disability Services                               include in the plans.
                                   Public Notice                         The issuing office for the bidding documents is Olsson,
                                                                       Inc., Attn: Brayson Benne, 302 S. 4th St., Suite 110, Man-
  The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,                     hattan, KS 66502.
Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) and the                      Bidding documents may be obtained from the office of
Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services,                   the engineer, Olsson, Inc. Prices for paper plans and proj-
Behavioral Health (BH) Commission, is amending the                     ect manuals are as follows:
Kansas Medicaid State Plan to add Family Psychothera-
py (without patient present) as a state plan service.                    • Full Size Plan Set and Project Manual: $100
  The proposed effective date for the state plan amend-                  • Half-Size Plan Set and Project Manual: $50
ment (SPA) is May 01, 2022.                                              • Digital CD or emailed PDF: No charge
             Fee-For-                        Estimated Federal           To request plans and project manuals, email Brayson
           Service Only                    Financial Participation     Benne at bbenne@olsson.com. Checks should be mailed to
             FFY 2022                                $0                Olsson, Inc., 302 S. 4th St., Suite 110, Manhattan, KS 66502.
                                                                         There is no pre-bid conference for this project. Any
             FFY 2023                                $0
                                                                       questions, comments, or requests for clarifications are
  To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a                   due by the end of day March 4, 2022 and should be pro-
comment, or to review comments, please contact Linda                   vided to Melanie Tuttle in writing via email at mtuttle@
Buchheister by email at Linda.Buchheister1@ks.gov by                   fhata.org or Brayson Benne at bbenne@olsson.com.
mail at:                                                                 Every successful bidder shall supply a performance
   Linda Buchheister                                                   bond and a payment bond executed by a corporate sure-
   Department for Aging and Disability Services                        ty license in the State of Kansas in an amount equal to
   Behavioral Health Commission                                        100% of the contract price as part of this contract.
   503 S. Kansas Ave.                                                    In connection with carrying out this project, the bidder
   Topeka, KS 66603                                                    shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant
                                                                       for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, age,
  The last day for public comment is April 4, 2022.                    national origin, or handicap. FHATA reserves the right
  Draft copies of the proposed SPA may also be found at                to solicit or to waive a new solicitation, for new bids if
a Local Health Department (LHD).                                       sufficient effort, as determined by FHATA, has not been
                                                     Sarah Fertig      made to comply with the DBE goals and requirements.
                                         State Medicaid Director         FHATA reserves the right to accept or to reject any and/
                                 Division of Health Care Finance       or all bids, to re-advertise for bids and to waive any in-
                          Department of Health and Environment         formality in any proposal and to determine the most re-
                                                                       sponsive bid by its own criteria, as described within the
                                             Laura Howard              specifications.
                                                    Secretary            All prospective bidders should notify Melanie Tuttle via
                 Department for Aging and Disability Services          email of intent to bid at mtuttle@fhata.org. It is the bid-
Doc. No. 049879                                                        der’s responsibility to check the website for any adden-

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                      Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                          337
                                                     Kansas Register
dums and signature sheets prior to submitting their bids          Purchasing Department, Mail Stop 2034, 3901 Rainbow
at https://www.fhata.org/open-solicitations. FHATA will           Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160.
not be responsible for communicating with firms that do             Wichita State University – Bid postings: http://www.
no not notify us of their interest in this solicitation.          wichita.edu/purchasing. Additional contact information:
                                        Melanie Tuttle, CPA       phone: 316-978-3080, fax: 316-978-3738, email: purchasing.
                                           Finance Director       office@wichita.edu. Mailing address: Wichita State Uni-
                                       913-738-4262 (Direct)      versity, Office of Purchasing, 1845 Fairmount Ave., Cam-
                                       785-537-6345 (Office)      pus Box 38, Wichita, KS 67260-0038.
Doc. No. 049872
                                                                                                           Kathy Herrman
                                                                                        Chair of Regents Purchasing Group
State of Kansas                                                                                        Purchasing Director
            Board of Regents Universities                                                        Fort Hays State University
                                                                  Doc. No. 049784
                     Notice to Bidders
   The universities of the Kansas Board of Regents encour-        State of Kansas
age interested vendors to visit the various universities’                  Department of Administration
purchasing offices’ websites for a listing of all transactions,          Office of Procurement and Contracts
including construction projects, for which the universities’
purchasing offices, or one of the consortia commonly uti-                              Notice to Bidders
lized by the universities, are seeking information, com-             Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Of-
petitive bids, or proposals. The referenced construction          fice of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the
projects may include project delivery construction pro-           date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376.
curement act projects pursuant to K.S.A. 76-7,125 et seq.            All bids are to be submitted via email only to
  Emporia State University – Bid postings: https://www.           procurement@ks.gov. For more information, please visit
emporia.edu/about-emporia-state-university/business-              https://admin.ks.gov/docs/default-source/ofpm/procure-
office/purchasing. Additional contact information: phone:         ment-contracts/bid-submission-via-email-12-7-2020.pdf.
620-341-5137, email: purchaseorders@emporia.edu. Mail-            03/10/2022 EVT0008421     Handicap Accessible Van
ing address: Emporia State University Purchasing, Cam-            03/10/2022 EVT0008426     Irrigation Well Repair
pus Box 4021, 1 Kellogg Circle, Emporia, KS 66801.                03/22/2022 EVT0008404     Streambank Stabilizations –
  Fort Hays State University – Electronic bid post-               		                        Cottonwood River
                                                                  03/22/2022 EVT0008424     Tractor Lease
ings: http://www.fhsu.edu/purchasing/bids. Additional
                                                                  03/22/2022 EVT0008432     Skid Steer Lease
contact information: phone: 785- 628-4251, fax: 785-628-          03/22/2022 EVT0008433     State Park Merchandise
4046, email: purchasing@fhsu.edu. Mailing address: Fort           03/24/2022 EVT0008428     Haying Permit – Osage City
Hays State University Purchasing Office, 601 Park St.,            		                        State Fishing Lake
Sheridan Hall 318, Hays, KS 67601.                                03/25/2022 EVT0008429     Chief Forensic Psychologist
  Kansas State University – Bid postings: https://dfs.            03/31/2022 EVT0008420     Health Center and Wellness
ksucloud.net/rfq. All bids must be submitted via Kan-             04/04/2022 EVT0008437     Motor Vehicle Registration System
sas State University’s Vendor Bid Submission Secure               04/04/2022 EVT0008438     Pest Services – Larned State
File Upload portal, https://www.k-state.edu/finsvcs/              		                        Hospital
purchasing/bidsubmission.html.      Additional contact
information: phone: 785-532-6214, fax: 785-532-5577,                The above referenced bid documents can be down-
email: kspurch@k-state.edu. Mailing address: Division of          loaded at the following website:
Financial Services/Purchasing, 2323 Anderson Ave., Kan-           https://supplier.sok.ks.gov/psc/sokfsprdsup/SUPPLIER/
sas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.                        ERP/c/SCP_PUBLIC_MENU_FL.SCP_PUB_BID_CMP_
  Pittsburg State University – Bid postings: https://www.                                  FL.GBL
pittstate.edu/office/purchasing. Additional contact infor-           Additional files may be located at the following web-
mation: phone: 620-235-4169, email: sburke@pittstate.edu.         site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for
Mailing address: Pittsburg State University, Purchasing           any changes/addenda):
Office, 1701 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762.                    http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/
   University of Kansas – Electronic bid postings: http://                  additional-files-for-bid-solicitations
www.procurement.ku.edu. Due to Covid-19, the Univer-
sity of Kansas will not be accepting paper bids until fur-                       There are No Bids Under this
ther notice. Additional contact information: phone: 785-                       Website Closing in this Week’s Ad
864-5800, email: purchasing@ku.edu.                                 Information regarding prequalification, projects, and
  University of Kansas Medical Center – Electronic bid            bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or http://
postings: http://www.kumc.edu/finance/purchasing/bid-             admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc.
opportunities.html. Additional contact information:                                                 Richard Beattie, Director
phone: 913-588-1117, email: hunkemoore@kumc.edu.                                       Office of Procurement and Contracts
Mailing address: University of Kansas Medical Center,             Doc. No. 049882

                                               Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022                            © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
338                                                                                                                                          Notices
                                                                 Kansas Register
State of Kansas                                                                 Kansas Permit No. A-CIST-S001
     Department of Health and Environment                                       The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
                                                                                  facility for 8,880 head (888 animal units) of swine 55 pounds or less.
          Notice Concerning Kansas/Federal Water                                  There will be no change in the operation or permitted number of
         Pollution Control Permits and Applications                               animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an approved
                                                                                  Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
   In accordance with Kansas Administrative Regula-
tions 28-16-57a through 63, 28-18-1 through 17, 28-18a-1                                     Public Notice No. KS-AG-R-22-003
through 31 and 33, 28-16-150 through 154, 28-46-7, and
the authority vested with the state by the administrator                          Per Kansas Statutes Annotated 65-171d, the following
of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, various                            registration has been received for a proposed facility:
draft water pollution control documents (permits, notic-                        Name and Address         Legal Description        County
es to revoke and reissue, notices to terminate) have been                       of Registrant
prepared and/or permit applications have been received                          Lawson Wideman           NW/4 of Section 10       Clark
for discharges to waters of the United States and the state                     LB Land, LLC             T31S, R24W
of Kansas for the class of discharges described below.                          804 CR 11
                                                                                Minneola, KS 67865
   The proposed actions concerning the draft documents
are based on staff review, applying the appropriate stan-
dards, regulations, and effluent limitations of the state of                                    Public Notice No. KS-Q-22-014
Kansas and the Environmental Protection Agency. The                               The requirements of the draft permit public noticed
final action will result in a Federal National Pollutant Dis-                   below are pursuant to the Kansas Surface Water Quali-
charge Elimination System Authorization and/or a Kansas                         ty Standards, K.A.R. 28-16-28(b-g), and Federal Surface
Water Pollution Control permit being issued, subject to                         Water Criteria.
certain conditions, revocation, and reissuance of the des-                      Name and Address         Receiving Stream         Type of Discharge
ignated permit or termination of the designated permit.                         of Applicant
                                                                                APAC - Kansas            Kansas River via         Process Wastewater
               Public Notice No. KS-AG-22-063/065                               PO Box 23910             Mill Creek via
     Pending Permits for Confined Feeding Facilities                            Overland Park, KS        Hayes Creek
Name and Address               Legal Description      Receiving Water
of Applicant                                                                    Kansas Permit No. I-KS27-PO27
                                                                                Federal Permit No. KS0086932
Ford County Feed               All of Section 29 &    Upper Arkansas
  Yard, Inc.                   SE/4 of Section 20 &   River Basin               Legal Description: W½, S1, T12S, R23E, Johnson County, Kansas
Danny Herrmann                 SW/4 of Section 28                               Facility Name: Shawnee Pit #1
12466 US-400 Hwy.              T27S, R22W
Ford, KS 67482                 Ford County                                      The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for an
                                                                                  existing facility. This facility is engaged in a limestone quarry opera-
Kansas Permit No. A-UAFO-C009                                                     tion with no rock washing. Outfalls 001A and 002A consists of only
Federal Permit No. KS0115657                                                      pit drainage and storm-water runoff from the active quarry area and
The proposed action is to modify and reissue an existing State/NPDES per-         haul roads. Wastewater from the other outfalls on-site are all regulat-
  mit for a facility for 54,000 head (54,000 animal units) of cattle weighing     ed either by the Bureau of Waste Management (Permit #263) or by a
  greater than 700 pounds. This permit is being modified to provide a Flu-        general, industrial stormwater permit (G-KS68-OO02). The proposed
  ids Movement Engineering Review which will be completed and sub-                permit contains generic language to protect the waters of the state.
  mitted to KDHE. West of the current facility an unidentified pen area,
  not part of the current permit has been observed. Current utilization
  of this pen area will be evaluated. There is no change in the permitted         Persons wishing to comment on or object to the draft
  number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an         documents and/or permit applications must submit their
  approved Nutrient Management Plan on file with KDHE.                          comments in writing to the Kansas Department of Health
Name and Address               Legal Description      Receiving Water           and Environment (KDHE) if they wish to have the com-
of Applicant                                                                    ments or objections considered in the decision-making
Cottonwood Hog Farm SE/4 of Section 24                Little Arkansas           process. All written comments regarding the draft docu-
Anthony Unruh       T22S, R01W                        River Basin               ments, application or registration notices received on or be-
7829 NW 96th St.    Harvey County                                               fore April 2, 2022 will be considered in the formulation of
Hesston, KS 67062
                                                                                the final determination regarding this public notice. Please
Kansas Permit No. A-LAHV-H002                                                   refer to the appropriate Kansas document number (KS-
Federal Permit No. KS0094331
                                                                                AG-22-063/065, KS-AG-R-22-003, KS-Q-22-014) and name
The proposed action is to reissue an existing NPDES permit for an exist-        of the applicant/permittee when preparing comments.
  ing facility for 4,200 head (1,680 animal units) of swine weighing more
  than 55 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permitted           All comments received will be responded to at the
  number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an         time the Secretary of Health and Environment issues a
  approved Nutrient Management Plan on file with KDHE.                          determination regarding final agency action on each
Name and Address               Legal Description      Receiving Water           draft document/application. If response to any draft doc-
of Applicant                                                                    ument/application indicates significant public interest, a
Seaboard Foods, LLC - SW/4 of Section 21              Cimarron River            public hearing may be held in conformance with K.A.R.
  Shore Nursery #108 T30S, R40W                       Basin                     28-16-61 (28-46-21 for UIC). A request for public hearing
420 E. Road 23        Stanton County                                            must be submitted in writing and shall state the nature
Johnson, KS 67855                                                               of the issues proposed to be raised during the hearing.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                          Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                              339
                                                   Kansas Register
   Comments or objections for agricultural related draft                      Table 1: Background and Scope of Project
documents, permit applications, registrations or actions        Project Number            Background and Scope of Project
should be submitted to the attention of Paige Drury,                                Project manager and inspectors as necessary to
Livestock Waste Management Section at the KDHE, Bu-                               inspect: Pavement patching, subgrade/base, HMA
reau of Environmental Field Services (BEFS), 1000 SW              KA-6134-01      roadway, concrete, bridge, traffic control, CMS or
Jackson, Suite 430, Topeka, KS 66612. Comments or ob-                              AASHTOWare data entry, all project records, all
                                                                                     project paperwork, and final paperwork, etc.
jections for all other proposed permits or actions should
be sent to Michael Beezhold at the KDHE, Bureau of Wa-                               Table 2: Project Summary
ter, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612.
                                                                Project Number      Route and Scope           Project Location
   All draft documents/applications and the supporting
information including any comments received are on                                 Machine prep. (1”),
file and may be inspected at the offices of the KDHE. For                            patch deck, PCC
agricultural related draft documents or applications an                           overlay (1.5”), drain  Bridge #054 (Rock Creek)
appointment can be scheduled, or copies requested by              KA-6134-01
                                                                                   extension with con- on K-146 in Neosho County
contacting Mirina Landry at 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite                             crete surface repair. located 6.22 miles east of
                                                                                  Add 13 feet approach             US-59
430, Topeka, KS 66612, telephone 785-296-0076 or email                               slab, 50 feet mill
at kdhe.feedlots@ks.gov. For all other proposed permits                           with asphalt overlay
or actions an appointment can be scheduled, or copies                                   transition.
requested by contacting Christopher Zwiener, Bureau of          Anticipated Consultant Scope
Water, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612,          KDOT anticipates the following to be included in the
telephone 785-296-3056 or email at Christopher.Zwiener@         consultant’s scope: Construction Inspection/Testing.
ks.gov. These documents are available upon request at             This effort will be managed out of the KDOT office in
the copying cost assessed by KDHE. Application infor-           Pittsburg, Kansas.
mation and components of plans and specifications for all
new and expanding swine facilities are available at http://     Anticipated Schedule and Key Dates
www.kdhe.ks.gov/livestock. Division of Environment of-           1. Proposals are due by or before 12:00 p.m. (CST)
fices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through          March 18, 2022
Friday, excluding holidays.                                      2. Anticipated Start Date: May 16, 2022
                                                                 3. Estimated Working Days: 85 days
                                             Janet Stanek
                                         Acting Secretary       Instructions for Proposal
Doc. No. 049876                                                   1. No cost or pricing information shall be submitted
                                                                     with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pric-
State of Kansas                                                      ing information will be considered non-responsive
                                                                     and withdrawn from further consideration.
            Department of Transportation                          2. The consultant’s proposal must not exceed 4 pages
                                                                     total (including any cover letter, index, etc.)
                  Notice to Consulting Firms
                                                                  3. A PDF (2MB maximum size) of the proposal must
  The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)                     be emailed to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by
is seeking a qualified consulting firm or team of firms              the proposal due date and time.
to perform professional services for the project(s) de-           4. The subject line of the email and the PDF file name
scribed in Table 1 below. Interested consultants must                must read:
email a proposal to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by                   a. “KA-6134-01–ConstInsp BrRepair in Neosho
12:00 p.m. (CST) March 18, 2022, to be considered for                   Co_FIRM NAME”
selection.                                                        5. The proposal must be accompanied by Special At-
Consultant Prequalification                                          tachments No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”) and
   Interested consulting firms must be prequalified by               No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). If
KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in Catego-               you need a Tax Clearance Certificate, you can request
ry 241 Construction Inspection and Testing.                          one at https://www.ksrevenue.gov/taxclearance.
   If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT, a                html. Allow 2-3 business days for processing.
proposal may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified           6. The outline in Table 3 below describes the expected
must also provide documentation that demonstrates                    proposal organization and content sections.
the firm is qualified for each specified category listed          7. Table 4 lists the evaluation criteria and associated
in this notice for the project. Firms must use the KDOT              weights which will be used to make a selection.
prequalification form to provide this documentation.                                 Table 3: Proposal Content
KDOT 1050 Prequalification Category Definitions (Blue               Section                     Description of Intent
Book) can be found at http://www.ksdot.org/descons.               Cover Letter   (no more than 1 page)
asp. Consultants may create a team to meet the prequal-                          Describe how your firm will meet the
ification requirements. All firms doing business with           Project Approach
                                                                                 fluctuating inspection needs of the project.
KDOT must be registered and in good standing under                               Describe methods or procedures your
the laws of the State of Kansas at the time of contract-          Approach to
                                                                                 firm will use to provide all services with
                                                                Quality Control
ing and must comply with applicable state and federal                            professional quality and technical accuracy.
laws, rules, and regulations.                                                                                               (continued)

                                               Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022                                © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
340                                                                                                                                   Notices
                                                                 Kansas Register
       Section                         Description of Intent                 Consultant Prequalification
                                                                                Interested consulting firms must be prequalified by
                         For key personnel to be assigned to the project
                         provide names, qualifications, education,           KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in Catego-
                         training, and expertise. Identify their area(s)     ry 241 Construction Inspection and Testing.
  and Experience
                         of responsibility and percent of their time            If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT, a pro-
                         dedicated to the project. List work for which       posal may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified must
                         you do not have in-house capability and name
                         the firm you propose to subcontract with.           also provide documentation that demonstrates the firm is
                                                                             qualified for each specified category listed in this notice
                 Describe team’s past performance with
                 respect to ability to meet project schedules;               for the project. Firms must use the KDOT prequalification
                 quality of work; and ability to control costs               form to provide this documentation. KDOT 1050 Prequal-
Past Performance
                 on similar transportation projects, especially              ification Category Definitions (Blue Book) can be found at
                 those performed for KDOT. Include three                     http://www.ksdot.org/descons.asp. Consultants may cre-
                 references and contact information.
                                                                             ate a team to meet the prequalification requirements. All
                  Describe team’s familiarity with KDOT’s                    firms doing business with KDOT must be registered and
 Familiarity with
                  inspection processes and standards. Describe
   KDOT and
                  familiarity with the project area and any                  in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas at
   Project Area                                                              the time of contracting and must comply with applicable
                  identified special site conditions.
                                                                             state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.
                           Table 4: Evaluation Factors                                  Table 1: Background and Scope of Project

                           Evaluation Factor                        Weight   Project Number          Background and Scope of Project
The quality and completeness of the response                         10%                      Project manager and inspectors as necessary to
                                                                                               inspect: HIR, chip seal, traffic control, CMS or
Availability to respond to the work                                  20%       KA-6112-01
                                                                                              AASHTOWare data entry, all Project records, all
                                                                                                project paperwork, and final paperwork, etc.
Qualifications and experience of project manager and
                                                                     20%       KA-6205-01
other key project team members proposed for services                                           Project manager and inspectors as necessary to
                                                                               KA-6206-01     inspect: chip seal, traffic control, CMS or AASH-
Past performance history for similar projects/services                                        TOWare data entry, all project records, all project
                                                                     20%       KA-6269-01
for KDOT                                                                                            paperwork, and final paperwork, etc.
Understanding of the project area                                    10%
Understanding of KDOT contract administration and                                               Table 2: Project Summary
closeout procedures                                                          Project Number    Route and Scope             Project Location
Contract Terms and Conditions                                                                                          US-36 in Rawlins County
  A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and                                                    U036–077            beginning 0.18 miles west
                                                                               KA-6112-01     Surface recycle and    of east city limits of Atwood
technical services will be used for professional services                                          chip seal          thence east to the Rawlins/
projects. The following special attachments will need to                                                                  Decatur County line
be provided by the selected consultant and all subconsul-                                                               K-18 in Osborne County
tants with the signed work order following negotiations                                            K018–071
                                                                                                                     beginning at the Rooks/Os-
and will become attachments to the contract.                                   KA-6205-01                              borne County line thence
                                                                                                                       southeast to the Osborne/
   • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)                                                               Russell County line
   • Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sex-                                                                  K-18 in Russell County
     ual Harassment”)                                                                                                 beginning at the Osborne/
                                                                               KA-6206-01                             Russell County line thence
Questions                                                                                                              southeast to junction US-
  All questions regarding this request for proposals shall                                                                      281/K-18
be emailed to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov.                                                                             US-36 in Decatur County
                                                                                                  U036–020             from 0.82 mile east of the
  Questions can be submitted until March 10, 2022; an-                         KA-6269-01     Chip seal with CM-       east city limits of Oberlin
swers will be provided to all prequalified consultants on                                             L-2             east to the Decatur/Norton
March 14, 2022.                                                                                                                County line
                                                                                                                         K-18 in Rooks County
                           Marcia Turner, P.E., Contracts Manager                                                      beginning 0.48 miles east
                              Division of Engineering and Design                                   K018–082
                                                                               KA-6276-01                               of the east city limits of
                                                                                                   Chip seal
Doc. No. 049891                                                                                                        Plainville to the Osborne/
                                                                                                                           Rooks County line
State of Kansas                                                              Anticipated Consultant Scope
               Department of Transportation                                    KDOT anticipates the following to be included in the
                                                                             consultant’s scope: Construction Inspection/Testing.
                      Notice to Consulting Firms                               • Note 1: Projects KA-6112-01 and KA-6269-01 will
  The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is                              be managed out of the KDOT office in Atwood,
seeking a qualified consulting firm or team of firms to                          Kansas. Projects KA-6205-01, KA-6206-01, and KA-
perform professional services for the project(s) described                       6276-01 will be managed out of the KDOT office in
in Table 1 below. Interested consultants must email a                            Phillipsburg, Kansas.
proposal to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by 12:00                               • Note 2: KDOT has or plans to let Projects KA-6205-
p.m. (CST) March 18, 2022, to be considered for selection.                       01, KA-6206-01, KA-6269-01, and KA-6276-01 to the

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                          Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                                 341
                                                         Kansas Register
     same contractor; KA-6112-01 has been or will be let                             Describe team’s familiarity with KDOT’s
                                                                    Familiarity with
     to a different contractor. It is expected that the chip          KDOT and
                                                                                     inspection processes and standards. Describe
                                                                                     familiarity with the project area and any
     seal contractor will be the same on all projects and             Project Area
                                                                                     identified special site conditions.
     that those efforts will be worked consecutively.
                                                                                       Table 4: Evaluation Factors
Anticipated Schedule and Key Dates
 1. Proposals are due by or before 12:00 p.m. (CST)                                     Evaluation Factor                           Weight
    March 18, 2022                                                 The quality and completeness of the response                       10%
 2. Anticipated Start Date for KA-6112-01 Surface Re-              Availability to respond to the work                                20%
    cycle: May 1, 2022                                             Qualifications and experience of project manager and
                                                                   other key project team members proposed for services
 3. Anticipated Start Date for Chip Seals: June 1, 2022            Past performance history for similar projects/services
 4. Estimated Working Days:                                                                                                           20%
                                                                   for KDOT
    a. KA-6112-01: 25 days                                         Understanding of the project area                                  10%
    b. KA-6205-01: 10 days                                         Understanding of KDOT contract administration and
    c. KA-6206-01: 20 days                                         closeout procedures
    d. KA-6269-01: 25 days                                         Contract Terms and Conditions
    e. KA-6276-01: 10 days                                           A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and
                                                                   technical services will be used for professional services
Instructions for Proposal                                          projects. The following special attachments will need to
  1. No cost or pricing information shall be submitted             be provided by the selected consultant and all subconsul-
     with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pric-          tants with the signed work order following negotiations
     ing information will be considered non-responsive             and will become attachments to the contract.
     and withdrawn from further consideration.
                                                                     • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)
  2. The consultant’s proposal must not exceed 4 pages
                                                                     • Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sex-
     total (including any cover letter, index, etc.)
                                                                       ual Harassment”)
  3. A PDF (2MB maximum size) of the proposal must
     be emailed to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by                  Questions
     the proposal due date and time.                                 All questions regarding this request for proposals shall
  4. The subject line of the email and the PDF file name           be emailed to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov.
     must read:                                                      Questions can be submitted until March 10, 2022; an-
                                                                   swers will be provided to all prequalified consultants on
     a. “RFP for KA-6112,6205,06,69,76–ConstInsp for
                                                                   March 14, 2022.
        ChipSeal in Multiple Cos_FIRM NAME”
  5. The proposal must be accompanied by Special At-                                   Marcia Turner, P.E., Contracts Manager
     tachments No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”) and                                    Division of Engineering and Design
                                                                   Doc. No. 049885
     No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). If
     you need a Tax Clearance Certificate, you can request
                                                                   State of Kansas
     one at https://www.ksrevenue.gov/taxclearance.
     html. Allow 2-3 business days for processing.                             Department of Transportation
  6. The outline in Table 3 below describes the expected
     proposal organization and content sections.                                     Notice to Consulting Firms
  7. Table 4 lists the evaluation criteria and associated            The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is
     weights which will be used to make a selection.               seeking a qualified consulting firm or team of firms to
                    Table 3: Proposal Content
                                                                   perform professional services for the project(s) described
                                                                   in Table 1 below. Interested consultants must email a
    Section                     Description of Intent              proposal to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by 12:00
  Cover Letter   (no more than 1 page)                             p.m. (CST) March 18, 2022, to be considered for selection.
                 Describe how your firm will meet the
Project Approach                                                   Consultant Prequalification
                 fluctuating inspection needs of the project.
                 Describe methods or procedures your                  Interested consulting firms must be prequalified by
  Approach to
 Quality Control
                 firm will use to provide all services with        KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in Catego-
                 professional quality and technical accuracy.      ry 241 Construction Inspection and Testing.
                 For key personnel to be assigned to the project      If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT, a pro-
                 provide names, qualifications, education,
                 training, and expertise. Identify their area(s)
                                                                   posal may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified must
  Qualifications                                                   also provide documentation that demonstrates the firm is
                 of responsibility and percent of their time
 and Experience
                 dedicated to the project. List work for which     qualified for each specified category listed in this notice
                 you do not have in-house capability and name      for the project. Firms must use the KDOT prequalification
                 the firm you propose to subcontract with.
                                                                   form to provide this documentation. KDOT 1050 Prequal-
                 Describe team’s past performance with
                 respect to ability to meet project schedules;
                                                                   ification Category Definitions (Blue Book) can be found at
                 quality of work; and ability to control costs     http://www.ksdot.org/descons.asp. Consultants may cre-
Past Performance
                 on similar transportation projects, especially    ate a team to meet the prequalification requirements. All
                 those performed for KDOT. Include three           firms doing business with KDOT must be registered and
                 references and contact information.                                                                           (continued)

                                                  Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022                                © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
342                                                                                                                                      Notices
                                                                   Kansas Register
in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas at                                        For key personnel to be assigned to the project
the time of contracting and must comply with applicable                                          provide names, qualifications, education,
state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.                                                  training, and expertise. Identify their area(s)
                                                                                                 of responsibility and percent of their time
                 Table 1: Background and Scope of Project                        and Experience
                                                                                                 dedicated to the project. List work for which
                                                                                                 you do not have in-house capability and name
Project Number                     Background and Scope of Project
                                                                                                 the firm you propose to subcontract with.
                          Three inspectors for HMA plant, HMA roadway,                           Describe team’s past performance with
                       traffic control, and CMS or AASHTOWare data entry.                        respect to ability to meet project schedules;
                                                                                                 quality of work; and ability to control costs
                                                                                Past Performance
                            Table 2: Project Summary                                             on similar transportation projects, especially
                                                                                                 those performed for KDOT. Include three
Project Number            Route and Scope             Project Location                           references and contact information.
                              U077–018                                                           Describe team’s familiarity with KDOT’s
                                                                                Familiarity with
                          Ultra-thin bonded       US-77 in Cowley County                         inspection processes and standards. Describe
                                                                                   KDOT and
                          asphalt surfacing      beginning 0.009 miles west                      familiarity with the project area and any
                                                                                   Project Area
    KA-6224-01             (UBAS), patch if        of 4th Street (concrete/                      identified special site conditions.
                         needed and rumble        asphalt limits) to junction
                         strips on centerline            US-77/K-15                                 Table 4: Evaluation Factors
                            and shoulders
                                                                                                     Evaluation Factor                      Weight
Anticipated Consultant Scope                                                    The quality and completeness of the response                 10%
  KDOT anticipates the following to be included in the                          Availability to respond to the work                          20%
consultant’s scope: Construction Inspection/Testing.                            Qualifications and experience of project manager and
  This effort will be managed out of the KDOT office in                         other key project team members proposed for services
                                                                                Past performance history for similar projects/services
Winfield, Kansas.                                                               for KDOT
Anticipated Schedule and Key Dates                                              Understanding of the project area                            10%
 1. Proposals are due by or before 12:00 p.m. (CST)                             Understanding of KDOT contract administration and
    March 18, 2022                                                              closeout procedures
 2. Anticipated Start Date: June 6, 2022                                        Contract Terms and Conditions
 3. Estimated Working Days: 25 days                                               A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and
                                                                                technical services will be used for professional services
Instructions for Proposal
                                                                                projects. The following special attachments will need to
  1. No cost or pricing information shall be submitted
                                                                                be provided by the selected consultant and all subconsul-
     with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pric-                       tants with the signed work order following negotiations
     ing information will be considered non-responsive                          and will become attachments to the contract.
     and withdrawn from further consideration.
  2. The consultant’s proposal must not exceed 4 pages                            • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)
     total (including any cover letter, index, etc.)                              • Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sex-
  3. A PDF (2MB maximum size) of the proposal must                                  ual Harassment”)
     be emailed to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by                               Questions
     the proposal due date and time.                                              All questions regarding this request for proposals shall
  4. The subject line of the email and the PDF file name                        be emailed to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov.
     must read:                                                                   Questions can be submitted until March 10, 2022; an-
     a. “KA-6224–ConstInsp Pvmt Resurf in Cowley                                swers will be provided to all prequalified consultants on
        Co_FIRM NAME”                                                           March 14, 2022.
  5. The proposal must be accompanied by Special At-                                                Marcia Turner, P.E., Contracts Manager
     tachments No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”) and                                                 Division of Engineering and Design
     No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). If                          Doc. No. 049884
     you need a Tax Clearance Certificate, you can request
     one at https://www.ksrevenue.gov/taxclearance.                             State of Kansas
     html. Allow 2-3 business days for processing.
  6. The outline in Table 3 below describes the expected
                                                                                            Department of Transportation
     proposal organization and content sections.                                                  Notice to Consulting Firms
  7. Table 4 lists the evaluation criteria and associated
     weights which will be used to make a selection.                              The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is
                                                                                seeking a qualified consulting firm or team of firms to
                            Table 3: Proposal Content
                                                                                perform professional services for the project(s) described
       Section                           Description of Intent                  in Table 1 below. Interested consultants must email a
    Cover Letter         (no more than 1 page)                                  proposal to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by 12:00
                         Describe how your firm will meet the                   p.m. (CST) March 18, 2022, to be considered for selection.
Project Approach
                         fluctuating inspection needs of the project.           Consultant Prequalification
  Approach to
                 Describe methods or procedures your                              Interested consulting firms must be prequalified by
                 firm will use to provide all services with                     KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in Catego-
 Quality Control
                 professional quality and technical accuracy.
                                                                                ry 241 Construction Inspection and Testing.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                           Vol. 41, No. 9, March 3, 2022
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