Kansas Register Vol. 41, No. 19 May 12, 2022 - Kansas Secretary of State

Kansas Register Vol. 41, No. 19 May 12, 2022 - Kansas Secretary of State
Kansas Register
Vol. 41, No. 19   May 12, 2022   Pages 885-934
886                                                                                                                                                        Table of Contents
                                                                                  Kansas Register
In this issue …                                                                                                                   Page           The Kansas Register is an official
                                                                                                                                                 publication of the state of Kansas,
Rates                                                                                                                                            published by authority of K.S.A.
   Pooled Money Investment Board                                                                                                                 75-430. The Kansas Register is pub-
                                                                                                                                                 lished weekly and a cumulative
     Notice of Investment Rates.....................................................................................................887          index is published annually by the
                                                                                                                                                 Kansas Secretary of State.
                                                                                                                                                 © Kansas Secretary of State 2022.
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Accounts and Reports
                                                                                                                                                 Reproduction of the publication in
    Notice of Petroleum Storage Tank Release Trust Fund Unobligated Balances...............887                                                   its entirety or for commercial pur-
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Facilities and Property Management                                                            poses is prohibited without prior
    Notices of Requested Architectural Services...............................................................887, 888                           permission. Official enactments of
                                                                                                                                                 the Kansas Legislature and pro-
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Procurement and Contracts                                                                     posed and adopted administrative
    Notice to Bidders for State Purchase.....................................................................................888                 regulations of state agencies may
   Kansas State Board of Regents Universities                                                                                                    be reproduced in any form without
    Notice to Bidders......................................................................................................................889
   Wichita State University                                                                                                                      Current and back issues of the Kan-
    Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property................................................................................889                   sas Register (HTML and PDF Format)
                                                                                                                                                 can be found at https://www.sos.
   Kansas Department of Agriculture – Division of Conservation
    Notice to Contractors for Wakarusa Watershed Joint District No. 35 Dam                                                                       html.
      Improvement Project............................................................................................................890
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment
    Notice of Fee Suspension for Vital Statistic Identity Documents.....................................890
    Notice Concerning Proposed Air Quality Class I Operating Permit................................890
    Notices Concerning Proposed Air Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewals....891, 892
    Notice Concerning Water Pollution Control Permits and Applications..........................892
   Kansas Department of Transportation
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Bridge
      Replacement Project in Cheyenne County........................................................................895
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Bridge
      Replacement Project in Sumner County............................................................................896
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Pavement
      Reconstruction Project in McPherson County..................................................................897
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
      Project in Cherokee County.................................................................................................898
                                                                                                                                                        Register Office:
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
                                                                                                                                                   1st Floor, Memorial Hall
      Project in Labette County.....................................................................................................899
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
      Project in Lyon County........................................................................................................900
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
      Project in Morris County......................................................................................................901
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
      Project in Osage County.......................................................................................................902
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
      Project in Pawnee County....................................................................................................904
    Notice to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection for Resurfacing
      Projects in Shawnee and Wabaunsee Counties................................................................905
    Notice to Consulting Firms for K-33 Roadway and Bridge Reconstruction
      Project in Franklin County...................................................................................................906
    Notice to Consulting Firms for K-33 Roadway and Bridge Rehabilitation/
      Reconstruction Improvement Project in Franklin and Douglas Counties....................908
    Request for Qualifications for US-54/US-400 Sedgwick and Butler
      County Progressive Design-Build Project.........................................................................910
                                                                                                                                                         Published by
                                                                                                                                                         Scott Schwab
Legislative Branch
                                                                                                                                                       Secretary of State
   Legislative Administrative Services                                                                                                             1st Floor, Memorial Hall
     Legislative Bills and Resolutions Introduced April 28.......................................................910                                   120 SW 10th Ave.
                                                                                                                                                    Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Cover Artwork: Kansas Capitol, Topeka
Photo by Todd Caywood

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                                        Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022
Table of Contents/Rates/Notices                                                                                                                                                                                887
                                                                                     Kansas Register
   Kansas Development Finance Authority
     Notice of Hearing on Proposed Agricultural Development Revenue Bonds........................................................................................ 911
   City of Basehor, Kansas
     Summary Notice of Bond Sale...................................................................................................................................................................... 911

New State Laws
      Senate Bill 366, concerning offender registration; relating to the Kansas offender registration
       act; providing a mechanism to seek relief from registration requirements for drug offenders;
       expungement for such offenses; requiring registration for certain violations of breach of
       privacy, internet trading in child pornography and aggravated internet trading in child
       pornography................................................................................................................................................................................................. 912

   Office of the State Bank Commissioner
     Permanent Administrative Regulation........................................................................................................................................................ 919
   Kansas Lottery
     Temporary Administrative Regulations...................................................................................................................................................... 919

Index to administrative regulations..................................................................................................................................................... 930

State of Kansas                                                                                                 State of Kansas
            Pooled Money Investment Board                                                                               Department of Administration
                                                                                                                Office of Facilities and Property Management
                        Notice of Investment Rates
  The following rates are published in accordance with                                                                     Notice of Requested Architectural Services
K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are defined in                                                          Notice is hereby given of the commencement of the se-
K.S.A. 12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g).                                                                 lection process for architectural services for the program-
                  Effective 5-9-22 through 5-15-22                                                              ming phase of the remodel of Morse Central Hall at Em-
                Term                           Rate                                                             poria State University. Emporia State University (ESU) is
             1-89 days                        0.62%                                                             seeking architectural services for the programming phase
              3 months                        0.96%                                                             of a planned move of its nursing program into a building
              6 months                        1.45%                                                             to be remodeled. ESU plans to relocate the Department
             12 months                        2.16%                                                             of Nursing from a leased off-campus facility (Cora Mill-
             18 months                        2.54%                                                             er Hall) into a portion of an existing building on-cam-
               2 years                        2.72%                                                             pus (Morse Central). Aside from the fiscal optimization,
                                                                                                                this relocation will reconnect nursing students’ and fac-
                                                                       Scott Miller                             ulty’s experiences to the main campus, an opportunity
                                                          Director of Investments                               not leveraged due to their current off-campus location.
Doc. No. 050111
                                                                                                                This move allows campus consolidation of space and
                                                                                                                programming, creates state-of-the-art learning spaces for
State of Kansas                                                                                                 our students, and will enable a more focused and delib-
               Department of Administration                                                                     erate investment in interdisciplinary program technolo-
               Office of Accounts and Reports                                                                   gies, such as healthcare cybersecurity, forensic science,
                                                                                                                and pre-med programs. The priority for this space is to
                                     Public Notice                                                              build capacity and enhance our Department of Nursing
                                                                                                                program(s). The use of the remaining space will be deter-
  Under requirements of K.S.A. 65-34,117(c), as amend-
                                                                                                                mined as the space optimization review of campus con-
ed, records of the Office of Accounts and Reports show
                                                                                                                tinues. A successful programming phase may lead to the
the unobligated balances are $7,968,647.64 in the Under-
                                                                                                                firm being retained for design and construction phase
ground Petroleum Storage Tank Release Trust Fund and
                                                                                                                services. The construction budget is $5,695,000.
$2,461,508.36 in the Aboveground Petroleum Storage
                                                                                                                   For more information contact Bill McKernan at
Tank Release Trust Fund at April 30, 2022.   
                                                                                                                wmckerna@emporia.edu, phone 620-341-5331.
                                                   Jocelyn Gunter, Director                                        To be considered, one (1) PDF file of the following
                                            Office of Accounts and Reports                                      should be provided: State of Kansas Professional Quali-
Doc. No. 050112                                                                                                                                                                                      (continued)

                                                                           Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022                                                                          © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
888                                                                                                                 Notices
                                                     Kansas Register
fications DCC Forms 051-054, inclusive, and information          fications DCC Forms 051-054, inclusive, and information
regarding similar projects. These forms may be found at          regarding similar projects. These forms may be found at
https://admin.ks.gov/offices/facilities-property-manage-         https://admin.ks.gov/offices/facilities-property-manage-
ment/design-construction--compliance/forms-and-docu-             ment/design-construction--compliance/forms-and-docu-
ments. State of Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC           ments. State of Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC
Form 050 for each firm and consultant should be provid-          Form 050 for each firm and consultant should be provid-
ed at the end of each proposal. Please include your firm         ed at the end of each proposal. Please include your firm
name, agency abbreviation, and an abbreviated project            name, agency abbreviation, and an abbreviated project
name in the title of the PDF document. Proposals should          name in the title of the PDF document. Proposals should
be less than 5 Mb and follow the current State Building          be less than 5 Mb and follow the current State Building
Advisory Commission guidelines which can be found in             Advisory Commission guidelines which can be found in
Part B – Chapter 2 of the Building Design and Construction       Part B – Chapter 2 of the Building Design and Construction
Manual at https://admin.ks.gov/offices/facilities-proper-        Manual at https://admin.ks.gov/offices/facilities-proper-
ty-management/design-construction--compliance/build-             ty-management/design-construction--compliance/build-
ing-design-and-construction-manual-bdcm.                         ing-design-and-construction-manual-bdcm. Paper cop-
   Paper copies and flash drives containing copies of the        ies and flash drives containing copies of the proposals
proposals are not required.                                      are not required.
   Proposals should be sent to professional.qualifications@         Proposals should be sent to professional.qualifications@
ks.gov. Proposals received after the date and time noted         ks.gov. Proposals received after the date and time noted
below will not be forwarded to the State Building Advi-          below will not be forwarded to the State Building Advi-
sory Commission for review. If you have questions, call          sory Commission for review. If you have questions, call
785-296-0749. The PDF proposal submissions shall be de-          785-296-0749. The PDF proposal submissions shall be de-
livered to the attention of Randy Riveland by 2:00 p.m. on       livered to the attention of Randy Riveland by 2:00 p.m. on
or before May 27, 2022.                                          or before May 27, 2022.
   The State of Kansas, as a matter of public policy, en-           The State of Kansas, as a matter of public policy, en-
courages anyone doing business with the State of Kansas          courages anyone doing business with the State of Kan-
to take steps to discourage human trafficking. If prospec-       sas to take steps to discourage human trafficking. If pro-
tive bidders/vendors/contractors have any policies or            spective bidders/vendors/contractors have any policies
participate in any initiatives that discourage human traf-       or participate in any initiatives that discourage human
ficking, then the prospective bidder/vendor/contractor is        trafficking, then the prospective bidder/vendor/contrac-
encouraged to submit same as part of their bid response.         tor is encouraged to submit same as part of their bid
                                        Frank Burnam, Director   response.
                 Office of Facilities and Property Management                                         Frank Burnam, Director
Doc. No. 050118                                                                Office of Facilities and Property Management
                                                                 Doc. No. 050119
State of Kansas
        Department of Administration                             State of Kansas
Office of Facilities and Property Management                              Department of Administration
                                                                        Office of Procurement and Contracts
         Notice of Requested Architectural Services
   Notice is hereby given of the commencement of the se-                               Notice to Bidders
lection process for architectural services for the Seaton           Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Of-
Hall West Architectural Engineering Renovation at Kan-           fice of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the
sas State University. The project includes an upgrade of         date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376.
HVAC systems in the entire 1950s wing of Seaton Hall                All bids are to be submitted via email only to
West. The current system consists of a combination of            procurement@ks.gov. For more information, please visit
steam heat/radiators, window air conditioning units,             https://supplier.sok.ks.gov/psc/sokfsprdsup/SUPPLIER/
through-wall fan coil units, split system furnace/AC             ERP/c/SCP_PUBLIC_MENU_FL.SCP_PUB_BID_CMP_
units and rooftop units. Refresh the exterior of Seaton          FL.GBL.
West with new, energy-efficient glazing systems. Con-            05/24/2022 EVT0008596        Virtual Seminar and Certification
vert Seaton 2009 and 2011A into a 72-seat state of the art       05/26/2022 EVT0008598        Book Purchase
lecture classroom, office, and mechanical room. Refresh          05/30/2022 EVT0008591        Shipping and Packing Supplies
finishes throughout department to include new lighting,          06/01/2022 EVT0008594        Elevator Upgrades/
carpet, paint, ceiling, doors, and hardware. Install wet         		                           Modernizations – KHP Salina
fire sprinkler system through the ARE department.                06/02/2022 EVT0008599        Security Camera System and
   An architectural/engineering program is available at          		                           Installation
http://admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc/arch-eng-programs.          06/06/2022 EVT0008592        STERO U-31A/A2 Pot, Pan, and
For more information contact Rosanna Carvalho at                 		                           Utensil Washer
rcarvalho@ksu.edu, phone 785-532-1732.                           06/08/2022 EVT0008573        Telemedicine Psychiatrist
   To be considered, one (1) PDF file of the following             The above referenced bid documents can be down-
should be provided: State of Kansas Professional Quali-          loaded at the following website:

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022               Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                          889
                                                    Kansas Register
https://supplier.sok.ks.gov/psc/sokfsprdsup/SUPPLIER/            email: kspurch@k-state.edu. Mailing address: Division of
ERP/c/SCP_PUBLIC_MENU_FL.SCP_PUB_BID_CMP_                        Financial Services/Purchasing, 2323 Anderson Ave., Kan-
                         FL.GBL                                  sas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.
   Additional files may be located at the following web-           Pittsburg State University – Bid postings: https://www.
site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for         pittstate.edu/office/purchasing. Additional contact infor-
any changes/addenda):                                            mation: phone: 620-235-4169, email: sburke@pittstate.edu.
  https://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-contracts/            Mailing address: Pittsburg State University, Purchasing
    bidding--contracts/additional-bid-opportunities              Office, 1701 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, KS 66762.
05/26/2022 A-014321         ESU; King Hall – Make Up Air            University of Kansas – Electronic bid postings: http://
		                          Improvements New RTU                 www.procurement.ku.edu. Due to Covid-19, the Univer-
05/26/2022 A-014326         KDOT; Area Shop and Office and       sity of Kansas will not be accepting paper bids until fur-
		                          Construction Office                  ther notice. Additional contact information: phone: 785-
 Additional Bid Opportunities: Statewide – Depart-               864-5800, email: purchasing@ku.edu.
ment of Administration:                                             University of Kansas Medical Center – Electronic bid
                                                                 postings: http://www.kumc.edu/finance/purchasing/bid-
                                                                 opportunities.html. Additional contact information:
                                                                 phone: 913-588-1117, email: hunkemoore@kumc.edu.
04/30/2023 EVT0000MCS                DOA; Master Consulting      Mailing address: University of Kansas Medical Center,
		                                   Services – Multi-Award      Purchasing Department, Mail Stop 2034, 3901 Rainbow
		                                   Opportunity                 Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160.
  Information regarding prequalification, projects, and            Wichita State University – Bid postings: http://www.
bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or http://         wichita.edu/purchasing. Additional contact information:
admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc.                                   phone: 316-978-3080, fax: 316-978-3738, email: purchasing.
                                  Richard Beattie, Director      office@wichita.edu. Mailing address: Wichita State Uni-
                     Office of Procurement and Contracts         versity, Office of Purchasing, 1845 Fairmount Ave., Cam-
Doc. No. 050136                                                  pus Box 38, Wichita, KS 67260-0038.
                                                                                                           Kathy Herrman
State of Kansas                                                                        Chair of Regents Purchasing Group
            Board of Regents Universities                                                              Purchasing Director
                                                                                                 Fort Hays State University
                     Notice to Bidders                           Doc. No. 049784

   The universities of the Kansas Board of Regents en-
courage interested vendors to visit the various universi-        State of Kansas
ties’ purchasing offices’ websites for a listing of all trans-                     Wichita State University
actions, including construction projects, for which the
universities’ purchasing offices, or one of the consortia                  Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property
commonly utilized by the universities, are seeking infor-           Public notice is hereby given that Wichita State Univer-
mation, competitive bids, or proposals. The referenced           sity (WSU), directly or through its affiliate corporation
construction projects may include project delivery con-          Wichita State Innovation Alliance, Inc., intends to lease,
struction procurement act projects pursuant to K.S.A. 76-        subject to all required state approvals, up to four acres
7,125 et seq.                                                    of real property located on the Wichita State Universi-
  Emporia State University – Bid postings: https://www.          ty’s campus designated as the “Innovation Campus,” for
emporia.edu/about-emporia-state-university/business-             the private development and operation of a partnership
office/purchasing. Additional contact information: phone:        building or buildings. The university is interested in leas-
620-341-5137, email: purchaseorders@emporia.edu. Mail-           ing such ground to any individual, organization, or entity
ing address: Emporia State University Purchasing, Cam-           whose presence on campus would advance the universi-
pus Box 4021, 1 Kellogg Circle, Emporia, KS 66801.               ty’s applied learning vision or its mission as an education-
                                                                 al, cultural, and economic driver for Kansas and the great-
  Fort Hays State University – Electronic bid post-
                                                                 er public good. The university intends to lease such space
ings: http://www.fhsu.edu/purchasing/bids. Additional
                                                                 for a mutually agreeable period of time up to sixty years,
contact information: phone: 785- 628-4251, fax: 785-628-
                                                                 but extended terms and renewal options would be con-
4046, email: purchasing@fhsu.edu. Mailing address: Fort
                                                                 sidered. Interested tenants must be willing to be a good
Hays State University Purchasing Office, 601 Park St.,
                                                                 fit with the university’s educational mission and identify
Sheridan Hall 318, Hays, KS 67601.
                                                                 anticipated benefits to the university, its students, and the
  Kansas State University – Bid postings: https://dfs.           WSU community (i.e. applied learning, joint research, fac-
ksucloud.net/rfq. All bids must be submitted via Kan-            ulty start-up, WSU curriculum or program support, etc.),
sas State University’s Vendor Bid Submission Secure              and must agree to the essential ground lease terms and
File Upload portal, https://www.k-state.edu/finsvcs/             restrictive covenants. Interested tenants will be evaluated
purchasing/bidsubmission.html.     Additional contact            on: proposal terms, demonstrated benefit to WSU, design
information: phone: 785-532-6214, fax: 785-532-5577,                                                                    (continued)

                                              Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022                             © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
890                                                                                                                     Notices
                                                          Kansas Register
concepts, financial stability, and proposed use. Interested           a misunderstanding concerning the quantities of work or
tenants will be required to construct adjacent and adequate           the nature of the work to be done.
surface parking that will not be included in the leased                 The owner reserves the right to accept or reject any and
ground. Rental rate shall be based on fair market value               all bids and to waive any technicalities or irregularities
and negotiable based on term of lease, purpose/use of                 therein. No bidder may withdraw their bid for a peri-
building improvement, and benefit to the university. The              od of sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening
university will consider serious offers and inquiries with            thereof. Other bid and contract requirements and stipu-
detailed proposal terms from any financially qualified                lations are included in the information for bidders within
individual, group, organization. If interested, please con-           the said contract documents.
tact Senior Vice President for Industry and Defense Pro-                Each bid shall be accompanied by either a cashier’s
grams, Dr. John Tomblin at john.tomblin@wichita.edu or                check, a certified check drawn on an acceptable bank, or
Property Manager Crystal Stegeman at crystal.stegeman@                an acceptable bid bond made payable without conditions
wichita.edu. This publication is being published pursuant             to the Wakarusa Watershed Joint District No. 35, Over-
to K.S.A. 75-430a(d), to the extent applicable.                       brook, Kansas, in an amount not less than five percent
                                                 Crystal Stegeman     (5%) of the total amount of the bid. The bidder should
                                    University Property Manager       review the instructions to bidders in the contract docu-
                                   Office of the Vice President for   ments for other requirements and stipulations.
                                     Administration and Finance         The bidder to whom a contract for the work is award-
Doc. No. 050070
                                                                      ed will be required to furnish insurance certificates along
                                                                      with a performance bond and a payment bond, each in the
State of Kansas                                                       amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the awarded
                                                                      contract amount, with a corporate surety approved by Wa-
                  Department of Agriculture                           karusa Watershed Joint District No. 35, Overbrook, Kansas.
                  Division of Conservation                                                                        Andrew Lyon
                           Notice to Contractors                                                              Executive Director
                                                                      Doc. No. 050121
  Separate sealed bids for the construction of Dam Im-
provements for GSDD No. 117 will be received until                    State of Kansas
10:00 a.m. (CDT) Friday June 17, 2022, by the Wakarusa
Watershed Joint District No. 35, PO Box 139, Overbrook,                   Department of Health and Environment
KS 66524-0139. At the said location, date, and time all                                      Public Notice
sealed bids received will be publicly opened and read
aloud. Any bid received after the said date and time will                On April 29, 2022, the following counties in Kansas
be returned un-opened.                                                experienced severe weather that destroyed or damaged
  All bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes ad-                 homes and property: Butler, Dickinson, Greenwood,
dressed to Contracting Officer, Wakarusa Watershed                    Jackson, Jefferson, Marion, Morris, Pottawatomie, Sedg-
Joint District No. 35, PO Box 139, Overbrook, KS 66524-               wick, Wabaunsee, and Washington. This resulted in
0139, and plainly marked on the outside as a Bid for Dam              many individuals needing to replace their identity docu-
Improvements for GSDD 117, along with the bidder’s                    ments. The individuals will be required to obtain a certi-
name, address, and license number, if applicable.                     fied copy of their respective birth certificate and possibly
  Hard copies of the contract documents (full size plans              a marriage license to replace their official documents.
and specification) may be obtained or examined at the                    Therefore, I, Janet Stanek, Secretary of the Kansas De-
office of Sunflower Design, LLC, 3601 SW 29th St., Suite              partment of Health and Environment, do suspend the
125, Topeka, KS 66614 (telephone 785-249-1885) upon a                 provisions of the regulatory statutes and rules and regu-
non-refundable payment of $50 for each set. Digital cop-              lations prescribing the requirement for fee assessment to
ies are available at no cost.                                         obtain certified copies of birth and marriage certificates
  The project consists of approximately 3,500 cubic yards             for victims of this disaster.
of fill to raise the top of the dam by 2.25 feet, removal and         Dated May 2, 2022.
replacement of the intake structure (including the trash
                                                                                                                    Janet Stanek
rack), removal and replacement of the drawdown pipe
including the gate valve, installation of in-situ liner pipe          Doc. No. 050116
(0.5”) inside the primary spillway pipe (24” CMP), place-
ment of 2,000 cubic yards of riprap, installation of 2350             State of Kansas
feet of bio log, installation of 8500 square yards of erosion
control blanket, installation of pipe support at the prima-               Department of Health and Environment
ry spillway outfall, regrade the stilling basin, regrade the
auxiliary spillway, and miscellaneous other items.                                Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas
  Bidders must satisfy themselves of the accuracy of the                          Air Quality Class I Operating Permit
estimated quantities in the bid schedule by examination                 Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
of the project site and a reviewing the project drawings              Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments
and specifications, including addenda. After bids have                regarding a proposed air quality operating permit. Koch
been submitted, the bidder shall not assert that there was            and Company, Inc. has applied for a Class I operating

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                   Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                         891
                                                   Kansas Register
permit in accordance with the provisions of K.A.R. 28-19-       State of Kansas
510 et al. The purpose of a Class I permit is to identify the      Department of Health and Environment
sources and types of regulated air pollutants emitted from
the facility; the emission limitations, standards, and re-              Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas Air
quirements applicable to each source; and the monitoring,              Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal
record keeping, and reporting requirements applicable to
each source as of the effective date of permit issuance.           Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
   Koch and Company, Inc., 1809 North St., Seneca, KS           Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments
66538, owns and operates a cabinet manufacturing facili-        regarding a proposed air quality operating permit. Fri-
ty located at 111 N. 1st St., Seneca, KS 66538.                 to-Lay, Inc. has applied for a Class I operating permit re-
   A copy of the proposed permit, permit application, all       newal in accordance with the provisions of K.A.R. 28-19-
supporting documentation, and all information relied            510 et al. The purpose of a Class I permit is to identify the
upon during the permit application review process are           sources and types of regulated air pollutants emitted from
available for public review, during normal business hours,      the facility; the emission limitations, standards, and re-
at the KDHE, Bureau of Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite        quirements applicable to each source; and the monitoring,
310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366 and at the Northeast District        record keeping, and reporting requirements applicable to
Office, 800 W. 24th St., Lawrence, KS 66046. To obtain or       each source as of the effective date of permit issuance.
review the proposed permit and supporting documenta-               Frito-Lay Inc., 4236 SW Kirklawn Ave., Topeka, KS
tion, contact Rumela Bhadra, 785-291-3271, at the central       66609, owns and operates a snack production facility lo-
office of KDHE or Wendi Kessler, 785-330-8611, at the           cated at 4236 SW Kirklawn Ave., Topeka, KS 66609.
Northeast District Office. The standard departmental cost          A copy of the proposed permit, permit application,
will be assessed for any copies requested. The proposed         all supporting documentation, and all information re-
permit, accompanied with supporting information, is             lied upon during the permit application review process
available, free of charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice        are available for public review during normal business
website at https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/413/Public-Notices.          hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the KDHE, Bureau
   Please direct written comments or questions regarding        of Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
the proposed permit to Rumela Bhadra, KDHE, BOA,                66612-1366 and at the Northeast District Office, 800 W.
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In           24th St., Lawrence, KS 66046. To obtain or review the
                                                                proposed permit and supporting documentation, con-
order to be considered in formulating a final permit de-
                                                                tact Eric Parker, 785-296-4174, at the central office of the
cision, written comments must be received no later than
                                                                KDHE or Wendi Kessler, 785-842-4600, at the Northeast
12:00 p.m. Monday, June 13, 2022.
                                                                District Office. The standard departmental cost will be
   A person may request a public hearing be held on the
                                                                assessed for any copies requested. The proposed permit,
proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall
                                                                accompanied with supporting information, is available,
be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The
                                                                free of charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice website
written request must be submitted to Rumela Bhadra,
                                                                at https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/413/Public-Notices.
KDHE, BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
                                                                   Please direct written comments or questions regarding
66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, June 13,
                                                                the proposed permit to Eric Parker, KDHE, BOA, 1000
2022, in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-
                                                                SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In order
ment to consider the request.
                                                                to be considered in formulating a final permit decision,
   The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a
                                                                written comments must be received no later than 12:00
45-day review period, which will start concurrently with
                                                                p.m. Monday, June 13, 2022.
the public comment period, within which to object to the
                                                                   A person may request a public hearing be held on the
proposed permit. If the EPA has not objected in writing
                                                                proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall
to the issuance of the permit within the 45-day review
                                                                be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The
period, any person may petition the administrator of the
                                                                written request must be submitted to Eric Parker, KDHE
EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-
                                                                BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366,
riod will directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period.
                                                                no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, June 13, 2022, in order
Interested parties may contact KDHE to determine if the
                                                                for the Secretary of Health and Environment to consider
EPA’s 45-day review period has been waived.
                                                                the request.
   Any such petition shall be based only on objections to the
                                                                   The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a
permit that were raised with reasonable specificity during
                                                                45-day review period, which will start concurrently with
the public comment period provided for in this notice, un-
                                                                the public comment period, within which to object to the
less the petitioner demonstrates that it was impracticable
                                                                proposed permit. If the EPA has not objected in writing
to raise such objections within such period, or unless the
                                                                to the issuance of the permit within the 45-day review
grounds for such objection arose after such period. Con-
                                                                period, any person may petition the administrator of the
tact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA, Region 7, Air Permitting and
                                                                EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-
Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd., Lenexa, KS 66219,
                                                                riod will directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period.
913-551-7960, to determine when the 45-day EPA review
                                                                Interested parties may contact KDHE to determine if the
period ends and the 60-day petition period commences.
                                                                EPA’s 45-day review period has been waived.
                                               Janet Stanek        Any such petition shall be based only on objections to
                                                  Secretary     the permit that were raised with reasonable specificity
Doc. No. 050115                                                                                                        (continued)

                                             Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022                             © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
892                                                                                                                  Notices
                                                  Kansas Register
during the public comment period provided for in this         66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, June 13,
notice, unless the petitioner demonstrates that it was im-    2022, in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-
practicable to raise such objections within such period,      ment to consider the request.
or unless the grounds for such objection arose after such       The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a
period. Contact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA, Region 7, Air        45-day review period, which will start concurrently with
Permitting and Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd.,         the public comment period, within which to object to the
Lenexa, KS 66219, 913-551-7960, to determine when the         proposed permit. If the EPA has not objected in writing
45-day EPA review period ends and the 60-day petition         to the issuance of the permit within the 45-day review
period commences.                                             period, any person may petition the administrator of the
                                                              EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-
                                              Janet Stanek
                                                              riod will directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period.
Doc. No. 050113
                                                              Interested parties may contact KDHE to determine if the
                                                              EPA’s 45-day review period has been waived.
State of Kansas                                                 Any such petition shall be based only on objections to
                                                              the permit that were raised with reasonable specificity
     Department of Health and Environment                     during the public comment period provided for in this
                                                              notice, unless the petitioner demonstrates that it was im-
           Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas Air              practicable to raise such objections within such period,
          Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal            or unless the grounds for such objection arose after such
   Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of       period. Contact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA, Region 7, Air
Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments          Permitting and Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd.,
regarding a proposed air quality operating permit. Oak        Lenexa, KS 66219, 913-551-7960, to determine when the
Grove Power Producers, LLC has applied for a Class I          45-day EPA review period ends and the 60-day petition
operating permit renewal in accordance with the provi-        period commences.
sions of K.A.R. 28-19-510 et al. The purpose of a Class I                                                      Janet Stanek
permit is to identify the sources and types of regulated                                                          Secretary
air pollutants emitted from the facility; the emission lim-   Doc. No. 050114
itations, standards, and requirements applicable to each
source; and the monitoring, record keeping, and report-       State of Kansas
ing requirements applicable to each source as of the ef-
fective date of permit issuance.
                                                                  Department of Health and Environment
   Oak Grove Power Producers, LLC, 1000 Windward                      Notice Concerning Kansas/Federal Water
Concourse, Suite 150, Alpharetta, GA 30005, owns and                 Pollution Control Permits and Applications
operates electric power generation located at 1150 E.
700th Ave., Arcadia, KS 66711.                                   In accordance with Kansas Administrative Regula-
   A copy of the proposed permit, permit application,         tions 28-16-57a through 63, 28-18-1 through 17, 28-18a-1
all supporting documentation, and all information re-         through 31 and 33, 28-16-150 through 154, 28-46-7, and
lied upon during the permit application review process        the authority vested with the state by the administrator
are available for public review during normal business        of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, various
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the KDHE, Bureau           draft water pollution control documents (permits, notic-
of Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS          es to revoke and reissue, notices to terminate) have been
66612-1366 and at the Southeast District Office, 308 W.       prepared and/or permit applications have been received
14th St., Chanute, KS 66720. To obtain or review the pro-     for discharges to waters of the United States and the state
posed permit and supporting documentation, contact            of Kansas for the class of discharges described below.
Christy Thurman, 785-296-3589, at the central office of          The proposed actions concerning the draft documents
the KDHE or Doug Cole, 620-431-2390, at the Southeast         are based on staff review, applying the appropriate stan-
District Office. The standard departmental cost will be       dards, regulations, and effluent limitations of the state of
assessed for any copies requested. The proposed permit,       Kansas and the Environmental Protection Agency. The
accompanied with supporting information, is available,        final action will result in a Federal National Pollutant Dis-
free of charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice website         charge Elimination System Authorization and/or a Kansas
at https://www.kdhe.ks.gov/413/Public-Notices.                Water Pollution Control permit being issued, subject to
   Please direct written comments or questions regarding      certain conditions, revocation, and reissuance of the des-
the proposed permit to Christy Thurman, KDHE, BOA,            ignated permit or termination of the designated permit.
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In                           Public Notice No. KS-AG-22-116
order to be considered in formulating a final permit de-
cision, written comments must be received no later than           Application(s) for New or Expansion of Existing
12:00 p.m. Monday, June 13, 2022.                                                 Swine Facilities
   A person may request a public hearing be held on the       Name and Address                 Owner of Property Where
proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall       of Applicant                     Facility Will Be Located
be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The    Seaboard Foods, LLC              Seaboard Foods, LLC
written request must be submitted to Christy Thurman,         2801 Hurliman Rd.                2801 Hurliman Rd.
                                                              Guymon, OK 73942                 Guymon, OK 73942
KDHE BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022           Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                                            893
                                                             Kansas Register
Legal Description                   Receiving Water                         5,850 animal units. There is no change in the permitted number of ani-
                                                                            mal units from the previous permit. This permit is also being modified
E/2 of Section 12,                  Smoky Hill River Basin                  to add approximately 6.2 acres of open lot pens that will drain to WSP
NE/4 of Section 13                                                          3 and increase the wastewater storage of WSP 3. This facility has an
T16S, R40W and                                                              approved Nutrient Management Plan on file with KDHE.
W/2 of Section 07,
N/2 & SW/4 of Section 18,                                                 Name and Address         Legal Description         Receiving Water
SE/4 of Section 19,                                                       of Applicant
NE/4 & S/2 of Section 20,                                                 Fairleigh Feed Yard      All of Section 25         Upper Arkansas
SW/4 of Section 21,                                                       7400 S. Falcon Rd.       T19S, R34W and            River Basin
N/2 of Section 29                                                         Scott City, KS 67871     All of Section 30
T16S, R39W                                                                                         T19S, R33W
Greeley County                                                                                     Scott County
Kansas Permit No. A-SHGL-H001                                             Kansas Permit No. A-UASC-C001
Federal Permit No. KS0100315                                              Federal Permit No. KS0038059
This is notification KDHE has received a complete permit application      The proposed action is to modify and reissue the existing State/NPDES
  for modifications to the operation of a swine waste management fa-        permit for a facility for a proposed maximum capacity of 100,000
  cility capable of housing 198,000 head (79,200 animal units) of swine     head (100,000 animal units) of cattle weighing greater than 700
  weighing more than 55 pounds each. The complete application               pounds. This represents an increase in the permitted animal units
  can be viewed at the office of the Greeley County Clerk, the KDHE         from the previous permit. This permit is also being modified to in-
  Southwest District Office in Dodge City, Kansas or the KDHE Main          crease the size of Area E and add an additional retention structure
  Office in Topeka, KS. A permit to operate the proposed modified           inter-connected to RS E Cell 1 (RS E Cell 2). The modified RS E Cell
  swine waste management system will not be issued without addi-            1 and RS E Cell 2 will together contain runoff from expanding Area
  tional public notice.                                                     E. This facility has an approved Nutrient Management Plan on file
                                                                            with KDHE.
           Public Notice No. KS-AG-21-117/122                             Name and Address         Legal Description         Receiving Water
                                                                          of Applicant
    Pending Permits for Confined Feeding Facilities                       Prairie Wind Heifer      E/2 of Section 01         Cimarron River
Name and Address        Legal Description       Receiving Water             Development, LLC       T28S, R41W and            Basin
of Applicant                                                              TJ McClure               W/2 of Section 06
                                                                          PO Box 98                T28S, R40W
Seaboard Foods, LLC -   E/2 of Section 12,      Smoky Hill River          Johnson, KS 67855        Stanton County
  Ladder Creek          NE/4 of Section 13      Basin
  East Site             T16S, R40W and                                    Kansas Permit No. A-CIST-C008
Road D and Road 20      W/2 of Section 07,                                Federal Permit No. KS0097390
Tribune, KS 67879       N/2 & SW/4 of                                     The proposed action is to modify and reissue the existing NPDES per-
                        Section 18,                                         mit for a facility for a proposed maximum capacity of 14,000 head
                        SE/4 of Section 19,                                 (14,000 animal units) of cattle weighing greater than 700 pounds, and
                        NE/4 & S/2 of                                       5 head (10 animal units) of horses, for a total of 14,010 animal units.
                        Section 20,                                         This represents an increase in the permitted animal units from the
                        SW/4 of Section 21,                                 previous permit. This permit is also being modified to add addition-
                        N/2 of Section 29                                   al pens, sediment basin, and retention control structure to the south
                        T16S, R39W                                          side of the facility.
                        Greeley County                                    Name and Address         Legal Description         Receiving Water
Kansas Permit No. A-SHGL-H001                                             of Applicant
Federal Permit No. KS0100315                                              Mull Land and            S/2 & NW/4 of             Lower Arkansas
The proposed action is to modify and reissue the existing State/NP-         Cattle Feedlot, Inc.   Section 19                River Basin
  DES permit for a facility for a proposed maximum capacity of            23495 49th Ave.          T25S, R17W
  198,000 head (79,200 animal units) of swine weighing more than 55       Haviland, KS 67059       Edwards County
  pounds. This represents a decrease in the permitted animal units        Kansas Permit No. A-ARED-C004
  from the previous permit. This permit is also being modified to re-     Federal Permit No. KS0097403
  flect proposed changes to the existing waste management system.
  The proposed modifications are to modify eight (8) existing earthen     The proposed action is to reissue an existing NPDES permit for an exist-
  wastewater retention structures to be utilized as covered anaerobic       ing facility for 3,000 head (3,000 animal units) of cattle weighing more
  methane digesters to capture biogas for beneficial use, construct six     than 700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permit-
  (6) new earthen wastewater retention structures and use six (6) ex-       ted number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has
  isting earthen wastewater retention structures. This facility has an      an approved Nutrient Management Plan on file with KDHE.
  approved Nutrient Management Plan on file with KDHE.                    Name and Address         Legal Description         Receiving Water
                                                                          of Applicant
Name and Address        Legal Description       Receiving Water
of Applicant                                                              Hilltop Hog & Grain      SE/4 of Section 34 &      Missouri River Basin
                                                                          2526 E Rd.               SW/4 of Section 35
Mazanec Cattle          NW/4 of                 Upper Republican          Baileyville, KS 66404    T01S, R11E
  Company, LLC          Section 16 &            River Basin                                        Nemaha County
Cole Mazanec            NE/4 of Section 17
1655 CR 15              T08S, R34W                                        Kansas Permit No. A-MONM-S013
Colby, KS 67701         Thomas County                                     The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an exist-
Kansas Permit No. A-URTH-C004                                               ing facility for 1,400 head (560 animal units) of swine more than 55
Federal Permit No. KS0092461                                                pounds, 1,160 head (116 animal units) of swine 55 pounds or less,
                                                                            and 150 head (150 animal units) of cattle more than 700 pounds, for
The proposed action is to modify and reissue the existing NPDES permit      a total of 826 animal units. There will be no change in the operation
  for a facility with a maximum capacity of 4,850 head (4,850 animal        or permitted number of animal units from the previous permit. This
  units) of cattle weighing more than 700 pounds and 2,000 head (1,000      facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
  animal units) of cattle weighing less than 700 pounds for a total of                                                                    (continued)

                                                    Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022                                         © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
894                                                                                                                                   Notices
                                                               Kansas Register
                Public Notice No. KS-AG-R-22-008                              on-site but does not have a discharge, except for stormwater runoff.
                                                                              Outfall 001A consists of treated wash-water, stormwater, and some
  Per Kansas Statutes Annotated 65-171d, the following                        stockpile runoff, which is treated by Settling Pond (SP01). Outfall
registration has been received for a proposed facility:                       002A consists of stormwater runoff from the asphalt plant, which is
Name and Address               Legal Description     County                   treated by Settling Pond (SP02).
of Registrant
Austin Stallbaumer             NE/4 of SE/4 of       Nemaha                    Persons wishing to comment on or object to the draft
1549 F Rd.                     Section 23                                   documents and/or permit applications must submit their
Centralia, KS 66415            T03S, R11E                                   comments in writing to the Kansas Department of Health
                                                                            and Environment (KDHE) if they wish to have the com-
                Public Notice No. KS-Q-22-044/046                           ments or objections considered in the decision-making
  The requirements of the draft permit public noticed                       process. All written comments regarding the draft doc-
below are pursuant to the Kansas Surface Water Quali-                       uments, application or registration notices received on
ty Standards, K.A.R. 28-16-28(b-g), and Federal Surface                     or before June 11, 2022 will be considered in the formu-
Water Criteria.                                                             lation of the final determination regarding this public
                                                                            notice. Please refer to the appropriate Kansas document
Name and Address               Receiving Stream      Type of Discharge      number (KS-AG-22-116/122, KS-AG-R-22-008, KS-Q-22-
of Applicant
                                                                            044/046) and name of the applicant/permittee when pre-
APAC Kansas                    Kansas River via      Process Wastewater     paring comments.
PO Box 23910                   Kill Creek via
Overland Park, KS              Unnamed Tributary                               All comments received will be responded to at the
  66283                                                                     time the Secretary of Health and Environment issues
Kansas Permit No. I-KS20-PO01                                               a determination regarding final agency action on each
Federal Permit No. KS0098957                                                draft document/application. If response to any draft
Legal Description: SW¼, S13, T14S, R22E, Johnson County, Kansas             document/application indicates significant public inter-
                                                                            est, a public hearing may be held in conformance with
Facility Name: Gardner Quarry
                                                                            K.A.R. 28-16-61 (28-46-21 for UIC). A request for public
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for        hearing must be submitted in writing and shall state the
  an existing facility. This facility is a limestone quarrying and crush-
  ing operation, with no rock washing. A majority of the site has been      nature of the issues proposed to be raised during the
  reclaimed and the quarry is inactive most of the time. However,           hearing.
  rock will be quarried on demand. Outfalls 001A and 002A consist of           Comments or objections for agricultural related draft
  stormwater runoff from the exposed quarry area, after the stormwa-        documents, permit applications, registrations or actions
  ter has been treated by an onsite pond. The proposed permit contains
  generic language to protect the waters of the state.
                                                                            should be submitted to the attention of Paige Drury,
                                                                            Livestock Waste Management Section at the KDHE, Bu-
Name and Address               Receiving Stream      Type of Discharge
of Applicant                                                                reau of Environmental Field Services (BEFS), 1000 SW
                                                                            Jackson, Suite 430, Topeka, KS 66612. Comments or ob-
Harshman                       Verdigris River via   Process Wastewater
  Construction, LLC            Fall River via                               jections for all other proposed permits or actions should
1632 F P Rd.                   Otter Creek via                              be sent to Michael Beezhold at the KDHE, Bureau of Wa-
Cedar Point, KS 66843          Tadpole Creek via                            ter, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612.
                               Unnamed Tributary                               All draft documents/applications and the supporting
Kansas Permit No. I-VE08-PO02                                               information including any comments received are on
Federal Permit No. KS0098892                                                file and may be inspected at the offices of the KDHE. For
Legal Description: NW¼, SW¼, S3, T27S, R10E, Greenwood                      agricultural related draft documents or applications an
  County, Kansas                                                            appointment can be scheduled, or copies requested by
Facility Name: Braden Quarry                                                contacting Mirina Landry at 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for        430, Topeka, KS 66612, telephone 785-296-0076 or email
  an existing facility. This facility is a limestone quarrying and crush-   at kdhe.feedlots@ks.gov. For all other proposed permits
  ing operation with no washing. Outfall 001A consists of stormwater        or actions an appointment can be scheduled, or copies
  runoff and pit water that may leave the site after a heavy rain. The
  proposed permit contains generic language to protect the waters of
                                                                            requested by contacting Christopher Zwiener, Bureau of
  the state.                                                                Water, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612,
Name and Address               Receiving Stream      Type of Discharge
                                                                            telephone 785-296-3056 or email at Christopher.Zwiener@
of Applicant                                                                ks.gov. These documents are available upon request at
Mid-States Materials,          Verdigris River via   Process Wastewater
                                                                            the copying cost assessed by KDHE. Application infor-
  LLC                          Caney Creek via                              mation and components of plans and specifications for all
PO Box 236                     Shrader Branch                               new and expanding swine facilities are available at http://
Topeka, KS 66601               Creek                                        www.kdhe.ks.gov/livestock. Division of Environment of-
Kansas Permit No. I-VE19-PO01                                               fices are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Federal Permit No. KS0101168                                                Friday, excluding holidays.
Legal Description: NW¼, S10, T31S, R8E, Elk County, Kansas
                                                                                                                                  Janet Stanek
Facility Name: Grand Summit Quarry                                                                                                   Secretary
The proposed action is to reissue an existing State/NPDES permit for        Doc. No. 050120
  an existing facility. This facility is a limestone quarrying and crush-
  ing operation with some rock washing. A portable asphalt plant is

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                         Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022
Notices                                                                                                                                        895
                                                            Kansas Register
State of Kansas                                                            3. A single PDF (2MB maximum size) of the propos-
          Department of Transportation                                        al including all attachments must be emailed to
                                                                              KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by the proposal
                 Notice to Consulting Firms                                   due date and time.
                                                                           4. The subject line of the email and the PDF file name
  The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is                           must read:
seeking a qualified consulting firm or team of firms to                       a. “KA-3933-01 – ConstInsp Br Rplcmt CN Co_
perform professional services for the project(s) described                       FIRM NAME”
in Table 1 below. Interested consultants must email a                      5. The proposal must be accompanied by Special At-
proposal to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by 12:00                              tachments No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”) and
p.m. (CDT) June 1, 2022, to be considered for selection.                      No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). If
Consultant Prequalification                                                   you need a Tax Clearance Certificate, you can request
   Interested consulting firms must be prequalified by                        one at https://www.ksrevenue.gov/taxclearance.
KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in catego-                        html. Allow 2-3 business days for processing.
ry 241 Construction Inspection and Testing.                                6. The outline in Table 3 below describes the expected
   If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT, a pro-                    proposal organization and content sections.
posal may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified must                  7. Table 4 lists the evaluation criteria and associated
also provide documentation that demonstrates the firm is                      weights which will be used to make a selection.
qualified for each specified category listed in this notice                                   Table 3: Proposal Content
for the project. Firms must use the KDOT prequalification                     Section                     Description of Intent
form to provide this documentation. KDOT 1050 Prequal-
                                                                           Cover Letter     (No more than 1 page)
ification Category Definitions (Blue Book) can be found at
http://www.ksdot.org/descons.asp. Consultants may cre-                                      Describe how your firm will meet the
                                                                         Project Approach
                                                                                            fluctuating inspection needs of the project.
ate a team to meet the prequalification requirements. All
firms doing business with KDOT must be registered and                                     Describe methods or procedures your
                                                                           Approach to
                                                                                          firm will use to provide all services with
in good standing under the laws of the State of Kansas at                 Quality Control
                                                                                          professional quality and technical accuracy.
the time of contracting and must comply with applicable
                                                                                            For key personnel to be assigned to the project
state and federal laws, rules, and regulations.                                             provide names, qualifications, education,
            Table 1: Resource and Inspection Needs                                          training, and expertise. Identify their area(s)
                                                                                            of responsibility and percent of their time
Project Number             Resource and Inspection Needs                  and Experience
                                                                                            dedicated to the project. List work for which
                    Project manager and inspectors as necessary to                          you do not have in-house capability and name
                  inspect: Grading, HMA roadway, bridge, seeding,                           the firm you propose to subcontract with.
  KA-3933-01        erosion control, traffic control, CMS or AASH-                        Describe team’s past performance with
                   TOWare data entry, all project records, all project                    respect to ability to meet project schedules;
                         paperwork, and final paperwork, etc.                             quality of work; and ability to control costs
                                                                         Past Performance
                                                                                          on similar transportation projects, especially
                     Table 2: Project Summary                                             those performed for KDOT. Include three
Project Number    Route and Scope             Project Location                            references and contact information.
                                                                                          Describe team’s familiarity with KDOT’s
                                    Bridge #005 on K-27 located          Familiarity with
                      K027–012                                                            inspection processes and standards. Describe
  KA-3933-01                        1.29 miles north of the Chey-          KDOT and
                 Bridge Replacement                                                       familiarity with the project area and any
                                     enne/Sherman County line              Project Area
                                                                                          identified special site conditions.
Anticipated Consultant Scope
  KDOT anticipates the following to be included in the                                        Table 4: Evaluation Factors
consultant’s scope: Construction Inspection/Testing.                                          Evaluation Factor                            Weight
  KA-3933-01 will be managed out of the KDOT office in                   The quality and completeness of the response                        10%
Atwood, Kansas.                                                          Availability to respond to the work                                 20%
Anticipated Schedule and Key Dates                                       Qualifications and experience of project manager and
 1. Proposals are due by or before 12:00 p.m. (CDT)                      other key project team members proposed for services
    June 1, 2022                                                         Past performance history for similar projects/services
 2. Anticipated Start Date: October 1, 2022                              for KDOT
 3. Estimated Working Days: 175 days                                     Understanding of the project area                                   10%
Instructions for Proposal                                                Understanding of KDOT contract administration and
  1. No cost or pricing information shall be submitted                   closeout procedures
     with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pric-                Contract Terms and Conditions
     ing information will be considered non-responsive                     A standard KDOT agreement for engineering and
     and withdrawn from further consideration.                           technical services will be used for professional services
  2. The consultant’s proposal must not exceed 4 pag-                    projects. The following special attachments will need to
     es total (including any cover letter, index, etc.). All             be provided by the selected consultant and all subconsul-
     pages shall be standard letter size (8.5” x 11”). Any               tants with the signed work order following negotiations
     page larger than standard letter size will be count as              and will become attachments to the contract.
     two or more pages depending on size.                                                                                             (continued)

                                                    Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022                                     © Kansas Secretary of State 2022
896                                                                                                                                       Notices
                                                                  Kansas Register
   • Special Attachment No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”)                    Anticipated Schedule and Key Dates
   • Special Attachment No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sex-                          1. Proposals are due by or before 12:00 p.m. (CDT)
     ual Harassment”)                                                              June 1, 2022
Questions                                                                       2. Anticipated Start Date: July 1, 2022
                                                                                3. Estimated Working Days: 210 days
  All questions regarding this request for proposals shall
be emailed to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov.                                     Instructions for Proposal
  Questions can be submitted until May 20, 2022; an-                             1. No cost or pricing information shall be submitted
swers will be provided to all prequalified consultants on                           with the proposal. Proposals including cost or pric-
May 25, 2022.                                                                       ing information will be considered non-responsive
                                                                                    and withdrawn from further consideration.
                           Marcia Turner, P.E., Contracts Manager
                                                                                 2. The consultant’s proposal must not exceed 4 pag-
                                          Division of Engineering
                                                                                    es total (including any cover letter, index, etc.). All
Doc. No. 050129
                                                                                    pages shall be standard letter size (8.5” x 11”). Any
                                                                                    page larger than standard letter size will be count as
State of Kansas
                                                                                    two or more pages depending on size.
               Department of Transportation                                      3. A single PDF (2MB maximum size) of the propos-
                                                                                    al including all attachments must be emailed to
                      Notice to Consulting Firms                                    KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by the proposal
  The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is                                 due date and time.
seeking a qualified consulting firm or team of firms to                          4. The subject line of the email and the PDF file name
perform professional services for the project(s) described                          must read:
in Table 1 below. Interested consultants must email a                               a. “KA-3887-01 ConstInsp for Br Rplcmt CN Co_
proposal to KDOT.DesignContracts@ks.gov by 12:00                                       FIRM NAME”
p.m. (CDT) June 1, 2022, to be considered for selection.                         5. The proposal must be accompanied by Special At-
                                                                                    tachments No. 8 (“Tax Clearance Certificate”) and
Consultant Prequalification                                                         No. 10 (“Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment”). If
   Interested consulting firms must be prequalified by                              you need a Tax Clearance Certificate, you can request
KDOT or otherwise demonstrate qualification in catego-                              one at https://www.ksrevenue.gov/taxclearance.
ry 241 Construction Inspection and Testing.                                         html. Allow 2-3 business days for processing.
   If a firm is not currently prequalified by KDOT, a                            6. The outline in Table 3 below describes the expected
proposal may still be submitted. Firms not prequalified                             proposal organization and content sections.
must also provide documentation that demonstrates                                7. Table 4 lists the evaluation criteria and associated
the firm is qualified for each specified category listed                            weights which will be used to make a selection.
in this notice for the project. Firms must use the KDOT                                             Table 3: Proposal Content
prequalification form to provide this documentation.
KDOT 1050 Prequalification Category Definitions (Blue                               Section                     Description of Intent
Book) can be found at http://www.ksdot.org/descons.                              Cover Letter     (No more than 1 page)
asp. Consultants may create a team to meet the prequal-                                           Describe how your firm will meet the
                                                                               Project Approach
ification requirements. All firms doing business with                                             fluctuating inspection needs of the project.
KDOT must be registered and in good standing under                                              Describe methods or procedures your
                                                                                 Approach to
the laws of the State of Kansas at the time of contract-                        Quality Control
                                                                                                firm will use to provide all services with
ing and must comply with applicable state and federal                                           professional quality and technical accuracy.
laws, rules, and regulations.                                                                     For key personnel to be assigned to the project
                                                                                                  provide names, qualifications, education,
                  Table 1: Resource and Inspection Needs                                          training, and expertise. Identify their area(s)
Project Number                     Resource and Inspection Needs                                  of responsibility and percent of their time
                                                                                and Experience
                                                                                                  dedicated to the project. List work for which
                        Project manager and inspectors as necessary to in-                        you do not have in-house capability and name
                         spect: Grading, Concrete, bridge, seeding, erosion                       the firm you propose to subcontract with.
    KA-3887-01          control, traffic control, CMS or AASHTOWare data
                          entry, all project records, all project paperwork,                    Describe team’s past performance with
                                       and final paperwork, etc.                                respect to ability to meet project schedules;
                                                                                                quality of work; and ability to control costs
                                                                               Past Performance
                                                                                                on similar transportation projects, especially
                            Table 2: Project Summary
                                                                                                those performed for KDOT. Include three
Project Number           Route and Scope            Project Location                            references and contact information.
                                              Bridge #116 on K-55 located                        Describe team’s familiarity with KDOT’s
                            K055–096                                            Familiarity with
    KA-3887-01                                  7.63 miles east of US-81                         inspection processes and standards. Describe
                       Bridge Replacement                                         KDOT and
                                                   in Sumner County                              familiarity with the project area and any
                                                                                  Project Area
                                                                                                 identified special site conditions.
Anticipated Consultant Scope
  KDOT anticipates the following to be included in the                                             Table 4: Evaluation Factors
consultant’s scope: Construction Inspection/Testing.                                                Evaluation Factor                            Weight
  KA-3887-01 will be managed out of the KDOT office in
                                                                               The quality and completeness of the response                       10%
Winfield, Kansas.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2022                          Vol. 41, No. 19, May 12, 2022
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