JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard

Page created by Gabriel Potter
JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard
JUNE 2021
JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard
input from the
                 RULES TO REMEMBER
estate manager

birth flowers     ROAD CLOSURES      Cover photo
JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard
CONTENTS                                                                                                                              This magazine is designed & published in partnership by :

Input from the Estate Manager              04
                                                                                                                                                 A division of GLOVent Solutions
Board of Directors for Glen Erasmia        06                                                                                              www.glovent.co.za | chandi@glovent.co.za

AGM                                        07
Road Closures                              10
                                                                                                                                                       A division of Fabmags

Rules to Remember                          11
                                                                                                                                                            ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES
Emergency Contact Details                  12
                                                                                                                                                        Contact the Digi Sales Team
Refuse Collection                          14
                                                                                                                                                                Savannah Greyvenstein
June & July Birth Flowers                  15                                                                                                                          Cell: 081 491 2110
Back to Basics                             16                                                                                                                            Tel: 032 946 0357
                                                                                                                                              E-mail: savannah@fabmags.co.za
                                                                                                                                                              Next issue: August 2021

Disclaimer: This digimag is produced especially for residents in Glen Erasmia Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by GLOVent Media & Fab Creative, on
behalf of the homeowners’ association (HOA) of Glen Erasmia Estate. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, the HOA and/or the publisher cannot be held liable
for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.
JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard
input from the

Dear Residents

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on 12 June 2021 after three
previous attempts to hold it had failed due to, firstly insufficient numbers to
form a quorum and then load shedding. The AGM is the highest decision-
making body of the estate. We thank everyone who attended for their
involvement in the affairs of the estate. (See feedback elsewhere in the

We had a turnout of 97 people — 54 members present and 43 proxies

Greta Bezuidenhout
Estate Manager                                                                    4
JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard
The following owners were elected to the board of directors
for the year 2021/22

•   Callie Van Eck        •   Louis Avenant           • Walter Warden
•   Cornelius Koekemoer   •   Marius Van Wyk          • Wayne Teich
•   George Labuschagne    •   Nick Verhoef            • Wessel Hattingh
•   Herman Small          •   Nico Van Noordwyk
•   Jacques Du Preez      •   Nireen Venkatas
•   Jean De Villiers      •   Sergio Da Silva Phino
•   Johan Stoffberg       •   Tanya Du Preez
•   Leon De Wet           •   Tumelo Shakwane
JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard
The following are the most important       Ratification of amended Rules
decisions/resolutions approved at the
AGM on 12 June 2021:                       Rule Amendment 1: Letting and Sale of
Levy increase of R70.00 per month,         Current rule — “The owner/rental agent
excluding the amount of R19.90 (Nineteen   shall ensure that any person to whom he
Rand Ninety Cents) per month, backdated    sells or leases his / her property is aware
to 1 March 2021. Owners will receive the   of, and bound to all the Estate rules and
backdated amount on their next Levy        the regulations, including the Architectural
Statement.                                 guidelines (Section “B”).” and “It is the owner’s
                                           responsibility to ensure that the lessee
The Glen Erasmia Boulevard HOA NPC         complies with the Consumer Protection Act.”
BUDGET 2021/22 proposed budget for
the year ending 28 February 2022.          Proposed rule amendment —“The owner/
                                           rental agent shall ensure that any person to
Approval of the Glen Erasmia Boulevard     whom he sells or leases his / her property is
HOA NPC AGM Chairperson’s Annual           aware of, and bound by all the Estate rules
Report for the period June 2019 to May     and regulations, including the Architectural
2021                                       guidelines (Section “B”).”
JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard

Rental period — “The owner/rental agent is           Rule Amendment 2: Operating a Business               unreasonably withheld. The parking of business
prohibited from renting out his / her property       Current rule — “Should any resident wish to run a    customers’ vehicles shall conform to the rules of
for a period that is less than six (6) months in     business from home, a written application shall      the Estate.”
duration.”                                           be handed to the Board of Directors for approval
                                                     prior to inception, however, the municipal by-       The following types of businesses are not
“The owner/rental agent shall not enter into any     laws shall be complied with at all times. Written    permitted within the Estate:
lease agreement wherein he / she leases his / her    response shall be given to the resident and          • Any business where the owner’s property is let
property for a period of less than six months with   approval, and it shall not be unreasonably             out for holiday or short-term accommodation
the same lessee.”                                    withheld. The parking of customer vehicles shall       (Air BnB)
                                                     be within the rules of the Estate.”                  • Any business that contravenes the terms
The abovementioned six-month period may                                                                     of the HOA “good neighbourliness” rule (i.e.
be shortened, provided the owner/rental agent        Proposed rule amendment – “Should any                  noise).
obtains written approval from the Homeowners         resident wish to run a business from home, a         • Any business that poses a security risk to the
Association Board to enter into a lease agreement    written application shall be submitted to the HOA      Estate
for a period of less than six months.                Board of Directors for approval prior to inception
                                                     of said business.                                    Rule Amendment 3: Parking
Sub-Rental — “Sub-leasing of any property is                                                              Current rule — Streets and Traffic
strictly prohibited.”                                The Board’s decision shall not supersede any         “Parking on sidewalks and in the street opposite
                                                     municipal by-law that may be applicable to the       or within traffic islands is not permitted.
“The owner/rental agent shall not enter into any     business request, and same shall be complied
lease agreement which allows for the sub-leasing     with at all times. Written response shall be given   The blocking of access to properties shall not
of the property or any part of the property.”        to the resident, where approval shall not be         be permitted, where possible both sides of the 7
JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard

roadways shall be kept free of stationary vehicles.”

“Vehicles are not permitted to park in the boundaries of the boulevard.”

Proposed rule amendment — “Parking shall not be permitted for either residents
or visitors:
• In streets and so obstructing traffic;
• On any neighboring property; and
• On common property, common property sidewalks or islands
• Dedicated parking bays must only be used for the intended purpose and on an
   occasional basis.”
• Two mobile cameras have been budgeted for and will be purchased, as
   approved at the AGM.
• Logistics as to the “mobility” of the proposed cameras and sanctions/
   penalties to be imposed to be decided by the new board.

Aesthetics Survey
Click here to view

JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard
7 JUNE TO 14
Notification has been received that
Blaauwklippen Road will be closed from
Monday, 7 June 2021 to 14 October

The road will be re-opened as soon as
the upgrading of external roads and
services for Harvest Place (shopping
centre) have been completed.

JUNE 2021 - Glen Erasmia Boulevard
Rules To Remember
Backwashing of swimming Pools                    an Ekurhuleni/Eskom problem and we try to
We have been experiencing an increase            communicate as much information as we
in incidents where pools are backwashed          receive to residents. The matter is raised on a
into the streets. - Rule 2.3.10 Swimming         regular basis with the councillors concerned.
pool / fishpond / water feature water may
not be emptied into the streets, Boulevard,      COVID-19: REGULATIONS
or the neighbouring properties, but shall be     We request every owner/resident to observe
channelled into the property’s drainage system   the Covid-protocols when leaving their homes.
(gully). This is in accordance with Council      Too many people/children are still seen not
Regulation P3 (4).                               wearing a mask when on the Boulevard. Mask
                                                 wearing is compulsory, as our President has
Draining of pool water into                      stated.
streets R1000.00* per offence
                                                 With the third wave of infections now hitting
REGULAR POWER OUTAGES IN ESTATE                  the country, we really do rely on the co-
Our residents, as well as the rest of Kempton    operation of every resident. Your safety and
Park, have experienced frustration with the      that of others is at stake.
regular power outages taking place. This is                                                        11
                                            First call, all hours:
                                        Reaction Officer: 083 778 9217

                               Second call during office hours:
                                      Estate Manager: 083 700 8631

                                               Second call after hours:
                              Wickes Pretorius: 072 933 8513 or Johan
                                              Stoffberg 078 322 1095

                           Please ensure that these telephone numbers
                        are stored on your phone in case of any security

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone
who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”
- Franz Kafka
Collection of Refuse for APRIL
AND MAY 2021
                                        LEVIES: R1,495.00 per month.
MONDAYS                                 Account enquiries can be directed
7, 14, 21 And 28 June 2021              to martin@mcadmin.co.za
5, 12, 19 And 26 July 2021              and erika@mcadmin.co.za,
                                        or phone MC Admin at 011 394
Refuse will always be removed except    9625.
when a Monday falls on Christmas Day.
                                        An increase of R70-00 p/m per
Please note that refuse must be put     household was approved by the
out in a municipal wheelie bin on the   AGM and will be backdated to
morning of collection.                  1 March 2021 through your levy
                                        statements from MC Admin            14
The Rose represents:                          The Larkspur represents:
Love, Beauty, Honour, Faith & Devotion.   Posivity, Open Heart, Dignity, Grace, & First Love   15
• Adhere to the speed limit - maximum     • Trailers must be locked away in
  of 20 kilometers per hour.                garages/behind a closed gate or
• Stop at stop streets! We are watching     parked out of sight inside owners’
  and viewing random CCTV footage.          premises. They may not parked
• Secure your animals in 			                outside such premises under any
  your property.                            circumstances. This is not a new rule
• Walk your dog on a leash. Pick up         and must be adhered to at all times.
  excrement as per estate rules —         • We have noticed various dogs
  nobody wants to step in or have to        roaming the estate and request
  clean up your animal’s “parcels”,         residents to keep their animals
  which are solely your responsibility.     secure in their own premises. Please
• Please pay attention to your dog’s        remember that your animal is your
  constant barking and ensure they          responsibility — dogs and cats alike.
  have a nametag.                           We thank you in advance for your
• Lawnmowers and machinery may              co-operation in this matter.
  only be used on Sundays between
  09:00 and13:00. No exceptions.
Thank You
  For keeping the trees growing strong, steady and enjoying them -
     we are proud of this as that makes Glen Erasmia Boulevard
                    such a beautiful place to live in…
       For always putting garbage out on the collection days…
    For always keeping your pet dog safely behind locked gates…
     For being sensitive about the continuous barking of dogs...
For maintaining gardens, making it aesthetically pleasing at all times…
  For keeping the Boulevard tidy and not throwing rubbish around…
               For driving slowly, taking the children and
                    pedestrians into consideration…
Thank you for treating the guards with respect and motivating them to
                deliver better and friendly service to all…
     To all residents that pay their levies on time, thank you very
                  much as this maintains the Estate…
         To be part of our big family is to take each other into
                       consideration at all times…

If you would like to market your business in
                                    The Glen Erasmia Digimag please give me
                                        a call on 081 491 2110 or pop me a
                                        mail on savannah@fabmags.co.za
 Savannah Greyvenstein

Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”- Mark Twain
           C ON T A C T M E F O R A F UL L LIS T O F O T HE R E S T A T E S A ND R A T E C A R D S
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