July 2021 - Beasley Allen Law Firm
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I. been on a quest to secure signatures from leaders in every state. Alabama State Supreme Court Chief Jus- tice Tom Parker is one of the many Alabamians who CAPITOL OBSERVATIONS have signed the tribute, which was notarized on Na- tional Constitution Day in September 2020. There are over 190 signatures from U.S. citizens reflecting The Goal: A More Perfect Union diversity in race, religion, politics, age, gender and America is at a crossroads today, and we are in a battle vision for the future. I am proud to have been an to save our democracy. Recently Flag Day was celebrated early signer. in our country, and it should have made us take stock A five-year master strategy will involve engaging of where we are in America. The American Flag offers signers in a planned National Joint Blue-Ribbon a shared symbolism of patriotism, and it embraces the Commission for A More Perfect Union. There will American spirit. The United States of America, a Repub- be seven working groups. Each group will represent lic, is relatively young, having come into existence less one of the seven parts of the Preamble, and each than 250 years ago. The question now is how long will working group will include three components – re- our Republic last? search, decision-making and action plan. Toby ex- While our flag’s patriotic value and symbolism have re- plains: mained the same over the years, there has been a marked demise of patriotism in the country. We are more divid- The U.S. Trust pledges to advance a needed emphasis ed today than ever. Patriotism should not be conflated, for A More Perfect Union. To this end, we shall honor as it has been recently, with nationalism. Patriotism is our Constitution in these most important pursuits support and devotion to your country. While national- and practices to promote the general welfare and to ism has a similar basis, it is often expressed in a way that secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our excludes or is detrimental to other nations or people of posterity. different nationalities. The amalgamation of patriotism and nationalism has This Sept. 13–17, the group plans to celebrate “A led to a shift in discourse in our country. What once was More Perfect Union Week for the General Welfare a healthy debate among varying opinions on the national of the People.” It will encourage activities each day stage has become bloated with animus-filled diatribes. that are designed to promote a more perfect union. This shift has taken us to the brink of a dark abyss filled with far too much fear and hate resulting in the weak- ening of our Republic. This does not reflect all that our country has stood for nearly two-and-a-half centuries. IN THIS ISSUE We must support our country during the good and bad times. While we can disagree, we must work together in I. Capitol Observations....................................................2 critical areas of concern for the common good. We must II. The Talc Litigation.........................................................3 strive to make things better for our country and all Amer- III. The JUUL Litigation...................................................... 4 icans. As we stand at this crossroads, now is the time, as a IV. Opiod Litigation..............................................................6 nation, that we take a step back and assess where we are V. The Whistleblower Litigation....................................8 and where we want to go. VI. Product Liability Update............................................ 11 Two recent examples of patriotism have demonstrat- VII. Update on Motor Vehicle Litigation...................... 12 ed that it isn’t too late for our country to turn things VIII. Aviation Litigation.......................................................14 around. IX. Premises Liability Litigation.................................... 15 X. Workplace Hazards.................................................... 15 A More Perfect Union XI. Mass Torts Litigation.................................................. 17 A movement born in Lee County, Alabama, has XII. Shareholder Litigation............................................... 19 gained national prominence and support. The XIII. Toxic Tort Litigation..................................................... 19 group is spearheading an initiative called “A More XIV. The Ongoing Roundup Litigation..........................20 Perfect Union,” prompted by the vision of the late XV. Class Action Litigation............................................... 21 Lieutenant General (LTG) Hal Moore, who resided XVI. Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) Litigation...24 in Lee County until his death in February 2017. Toby XVII. The National Scene........................................................25 Warren, also a longtime Lee County resident, prom- XVIII. The Consumer Corner...............................................25 ised his mentor, LTG Moore, that he would contin- XIX. Current Case Activity at Beasley Allen.............. 27 ue the work the two had championed – to create a XX. A Look at Damages Under the Jones Act.........28 better future for the country, especially for veterans XXI. Resources to Help Your Law Practice.................29 and youth. XXII. Practice Tips of the Month For Trial Lawyers...29 XXIII. Recalls Update............................................................30 Eleven months after LTG Moore’s death, Toby draft- XXIV. Beasley Allen Employee Spotlights.....................30 ed the Declaration for a More Perfect Union to hon- XXV. Special Recognitions................................................32 or the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution. Since then, XXVI. Favorite Bible Verses.................................................32 he established the United States Trust (U.S. Trust) to XXVII. Closing Observations................................................33 compliment the efforts of the National Endowment XXVIII. Our Monthly Reminders............................................34 for the Humanities in preparation for the country’s XXIX. Parting Words..............................................................35 250th-anniversary celebration in 2026. Toby has also 2 BeasleyAllen.com
America is not perfect, but it is a nation that has sur- the country. The MDL team has finished up the plaintiff, vived a bloody civil war, two world wars and several re- fact witness and expert depositions for the bellwether gional wars with Americans participating in them. Each cases. The bellwether cases are a mix of plaintiff picks, war has left its mark on our union. But those marks, rec- defense picks and random selections from the court. ognized and appropriately addressed, can shine as sym- The MDL has continued to work on corporate liability bols of a maturing nation – exhibiting the strength and discovery depositions, with several additional deposi- unity demanded of a more perfect nation. tions taken in May, including continuing a number of While we live in a country where “freedom and justice depositions that have gone for multiple days. Other lia- for all” is promised to all of its citizens, that hasn’t always bility depositions are planned for July. Some former and been the case. Slavery in America is one of the ugliest current Johnson & Johnson employees were identified scars our nation bears. But we should let that scar serve and researched for this project. as a reminder of our failure and embolden us to strive In state court, Beasley Allen’s trial schedule has been together to do better. It is our obligation to make “free- moving forward without any further Covid delays. In St. dom and justice for all” a reality in America. Clair County, Illinois, the Cadagin case is set to begin on July 12. Preliminary hearings are complete, and discus- Juneteenth sions continue about the jury selection process as well Last month, President Biden signed legislation for- as Covid-related accommodations. mally recognizing Juneteenth as a national holiday. In Philadelphia, the Kleiner case’s July 29 start remains It was another patriotic effort to move the U.S. to- on track, with preliminary hearings and conferences on- wards a more perfect union. The holiday commem- going. The Beasley Allen team has several additional tri- orates June 19, 1865, which was the day Union Ma- al-ready dates in Philadelphia, with the Wilson case to jor General Gordon Granger announced the end of be set within 90 days of May 5th and additional settings slavery in Galveston, Texas, in accordance with the possible throughout the year. Emancipation Proclamation President Abraham Lin- In Georgia, the Brower retrial is still being reset, with coln had created two years earlier. Juneteenth has plans to retry this case as soon as it can be safely sched- been celebrated for 149 years, and formalizing the uled in 2021. While working on getting the Brower retrial day as a federal holiday was a symbolic step towards set, additional discovery efforts have continued against remembering and admitting a part of our country’s Johnson & Johnson’s longtime talc packager/manufac- history that is painful and regretful. turer PTI, which has a significant presence in Georgia and Missouri. The multi-plaintiff trial in St. Louis, Mis- In signing the law, President Biden urged Americans souri, involving three plaintiffs, remains set in August, to make the day about reflection and action, saying, with several additional potential trial dates in St. Louis “We can’t rest until the promise of equality is ful- throughout the rest of the year and into 2022. filled for every one of us in every corner of this na- Along with multiple trials already set in Missouri, Illi- tion. That to me is the meaning of Juneteenth.” nois, and Pennsylvania for 2021 and the potential trial in Like our flag, Juneteenth now stands as a symbol for Georgia in 2021, the Beasley Allen team is now moving a turning point in our country. One that we hope forward with the Carl and Balderrama trials in Atlantic will serve as an enduring reminder of patriotism City, with potential trial dates in early 2022. The team and a recommitment to the principles and values on is also exploring South Florida as a potential venue for which our country was founded. additional trials in 2021 and 2022. It has been working on discovery efforts against various retailers of talcum “Old Glory” has seen our country through good times powder throughout the states. and bad. Our flag has stood the test of time, and we For additional information on these cases, contact should look to it with reverence and appreciation for its Ted Meadows, Leigh O’Dell, or Brittany Scott at 800- meaning of freedom and love for the country regardless 898-2034 or by email at Ted.Meadows@BeasleyAllen. of the political party in power. We must strive together com, Leigh.ODell@BeasleyAllen.com, or Brittany.Scott@ to truly make America “the land of the free and the home BeasleyAllen.com. of the brave” and a nation where “liberty and justice for all” is a reality. The goal is for a more perfect union. I am U.S. Supreme Court Denies J&J Petition To confident America will survive the current division, but Review Talcum Powder Verdict we must all work together and strive to make that goal a reality. Nearly seven months after the Missouri Supreme Court declined to review the matter, Johnson & Johnson Sources: East Alabama Living and CNN received another defeat. The U.S. Supreme Court refused II. to take on its challenge to a $2.1 billion verdict awarded in Missouri to almost two dozen women who blamed the asbestos in its talcum powder for their ovarian cancer. THE TALC LITIGATION The company argued that too many claims were com- bined for a single trial. Still, the Court followed prece- dents in both state and federal law regarding due pro- Talcum Powder Litigation Update cess and plaintiffs’ ability with common claims to come together in seeking justice. Beasley Allen’s Talc Litigation Team continues to prog- Among other arguments, J&J asserted that the consol- ress in both the MDL and state courts. There are numer- idation of claims from 22 women, led by named plaintiff ous trials rapidly approaching in state courts throughout BeasleyAllen.com 3
Gail Ingham, violated its due process rights and that the O’Dell (Leigh.Odell@BeasleyAllen.com), Ted Meadows trial court lacks personal jurisdiction over plaintiffs who (Ted.Meadows@BeasleyAllen.com), Kelli Alfreds (Kel- never lived in Missouri nor purchased or used the prod- li.Alfreds@BeasleyAllen.com), Ryan Beattie (Ryan.Be- ucts there. attie@BeasleyAllen.com), Beau Darley (Beau.Darley@ The high court’s decision comes nearly three years BeasleyAllen.com), David Dearing David.Dearling@ after jurors awarded $550 million in compensatory and BeasleyAllen.com), Liz Eiland (Liz.Eiland@BeasleyAllen. $4.14 billion in punitive damages against J&J and its sub- com), Jennifer Emmel (Jennifer.Emmel@BeasleyAllen. sidiary Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. over claims com), Jenna Fulk (Jenna.Fulk@BeasleyAllen.com), Lauren their talcum powder products contained asbestos, James (Lauren.James@BeasleyAllen.com), James Lamp- which caused the women to develop ovarian cancer. kin (James.Lampkin@BeasleyAllen.com), Caty O’Quinn A Missouri appeals court reduced the verdict to $2.1 in (Caty.OQuinn@BeasleyAllen.com), Cristina Rodriguez June 2020. The court dismissed the awards for two out- (Cristina.Rodriguez@BeasleyAllen.com), Brittany Scott of-state plaintiffs on jurisdictional grounds as they only (Brittany.Scott@BeasleyAllen.com), Charlie Stern (Char- used products manufactured in Georgia while finding lie.Stern@BeasleyAllen.com), Will Sutton William.Sut- jurisdiction concerning the other 15 non-Missouri plain- ton@BeasleyAllen.com), Matt Teague (Matt.Teague@ tiffs. That was because J&J had contracted with a Missou- BeasleyAllen.com) and Margaret Thompson (Margaret. ri-based business to manufacture a product the women Thompson@BeasleyAllen.com). used. The Missouri Supreme Court later refused to wade into the dispute. The plaintiffs are represented by Kenneth W. Starr, W. III. Mark Lanier, Kevin P. Parker, Arthur R. Miller, Benjamin T. Major, Harvey Brown and K. Rachel Lanier of The Lanier THE JUUL LITIGATION Law Firm; David C. Frederick, Ariela M. Migdal and Mat- thew N. Drecun of Kellogg Hansen, Todd Figel & Freder- An Update On The JUUL Litigation ick PLLC; Thomas C. Goldstein and Kevin K. Russell of Goldstein & Russell PC; Eric D. Holland and Patrick R. JUUL has agreed to pay North Carolina $40 million Dowd of Holland Law Firm; and John D. Ashcroft. The to settle the first of several lawsuits brought by states case is Johnson & Johnson et al. (case number 20-1223) involving the company’s marketing practices that fu- in the Supreme Court of the United States. eled widespread addiction among young people to its high-nicotine e-cigarettes. The settlement was an- Beasley Allen Talc Litigation Team nounced on June 28 by North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, who sued the company in May 2019. The Talc litigation continues around the country at a The consent decree requires JUUL to sell its products record pace, as indicated above, with no quick end in only behind the counter in North Carolina stores, and sight. The lawyers on our Talc Litigation Team have been to use third-party age verification systems for online very busy preparing for upcoming trials. Beasley Allen sales. The order also commits JUUL to sending teenage lawyers Ted Meadows and Leigh O’Dell head up the Bea- “mystery shoppers” to 1,000 stores each year, to check sley Allen Talc Litigation Team. The team handles claims whether they are selling to minors. It also bars the com- of ovarian cancer linked to talcum powder use for fem- pany from using models under age 35 in advertisements inine hygiene. Will Sutton and Charlie Stern are on the and states that no advertisements should be posted near team, but they are exclusively handling mesothelioma schools. claims. Will and Charlie are looking at cases of indus- The North Carolina complaint accused JUUL of design- trial, occupational, and secondary asbestos exposure ing, marketing and selling e-cigarettes to attract young resulting in lung cancer or mesothelioma and claims of people, and of misrepresenting the potency and danger asbestos-related talc products linked to mesothelioma. of nicotine in the company’s products, in violation of The Talc Litigation Team at Beasley Allen has followed the state’s Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act. closely to the filings of the U.S. Supreme Court in Ing- Thirteen states, including California, Massachusetts ham v. Johnson & Johnson, et al. Beasley Allen lawyers and New York, as well as the District of Columbia, have Ted Meadows and Leigh O’Dell (Co-Lead Counsel in the filed similar lawsuits. The central claim in each case is MDL) stated: that JUUL knew, or should have known, that it was it was As we move forward in the MDL, thousands of “hooking teenagers on pods that contained high levels women and families who have been devastated by of nicotine.” Some of the youths in the cases claimed se- a deadly disease because they used talcum powder rious harm, including possible lung damage and mood products will have their voices heard. The scores of disorders. peer-reviewed medical studies demonstrating the A group of 39 attorneys general have spent the past link between ovarian cancer and talc-based powders 16 months investigating JUUL for its marketing and sales will be further validated. Soon New Jersey juries will practices, as has the Food and Drug Administration have the opportunity to hear and see evidence of (FDA). JUUL also faces other legal threats. The Federal Johnson & Johnson’s reprehensible conduct in hiding Trade Commission (FTC) is suing JUUL, Altria and relat- the cancer-causing propensities of the company’s ed parties, seeking to unwind the 2018 deal which gave products for decades, needlessly putting at risk mil- Altria 35% of JUUL. Altria, the nation’s largest tobacco lions of mothers, sisters, and daughters. company, paid $12.8 billion for that stake, but has since written down the value of the investment to $1.5 billion. Members of the Talc Litigation Team include Leigh The FTC says that the two companies entered into a 4 BeasleyAllen.com
series of agreements, including Altria’s investment, that Francisco headquarters, sixty interviews with former eliminated competition in violation of federal antitrust and current JUUL personnel, interviews with doctors, re- laws. The Commission also claims that Altria and JUUL searcher, public health officials, vaping industry insiders, started as competitors in the e-cigarette markets, but and lawmakers. Her reporting interviews included the that as JUUL became more popular, Altria dealt with the company’s founders, James Monsees and Adam Bowen, threat by taking its own Mark Ten e-cigarette off the and other executives such as former CEO Kevin Burns. market in exchange for a share of JUUL’s profits. During the book’s preparation, these three declined to There is also multi-district litigation in U.S. District give further interviews. Court for the Northern District of California. That ex- The book brilliantly tells the origin story of JUUL Labs, tremely important litigation consolidates cases on three Inc. (JLI), or PAX Labs, Inc, as it was initially called. Ducha- tracks: personal injury, which includes plaintiffs claim- rme details the relevant biography of Monsees and Bow- ing addiction, lung injuries and other health problems; en, their studying of big tobacco tactics as Stanford stu- a consumer class action track, claiming that individuals dents, and their e-cigarette prototypes, objectives, and paid too much for a product that addicted them; and a early business moves. Ducharme skillfully weaves the key government entity track, consisting of school districts players, warning signs, government actions, public reac- and counties seeking monetary reimbursement for va- tions, and consequences of all kinds into a reliable and ping-relating damages. Investors in JUUL, like Altria reserved chronicle. and other entities, are also involved. Depositions have Big Vape reveals the naivety and false assumptions of begun, and the first case is scheduled to go to trial in JUUL’s founders, as well as their academic and engineer- February 2022. ing genius. The book shows that warnings about the ad- Beyond all the legal challenges, the company is await- dictiveness and youth appeal of JUUL were regularly ig- ing a decision from the FDA on whether its products can nored within the young start-up, as the company seemed remain on the market. The agency must decide by ear- to have instead intentionally amplified and benefited ly September whether JUUL and other new tobacco and from these qualities and other misrepresentations. vaping products are “appropriate for the protection of Big Vapes’ online listings have uniformly four or five- public health” and can continue to be sold. star ratings by the public, and its review from critics has The JUUL MDL has been very active. Three of the four been equally as positive. The book has been called “a personal injury bellwether cases in the MDL are Beas- landmark piece of investigative reporting,” “brilliantly ley Allen clients. Our firm is honored to represent these reported and elegantly written . . . an exceedingly im- three individuals in the three cases who were lured by portant story,” and “an instructive tale.” JUUL’s conduct as minors and became severely addicted As Big Vape details, JUUL created a super-charge nic- to nicotine. Beasley Allen looks forward to working with otine product with maximum youth appealability and the JUUL Plaintiff Steering Committee (PSC) to pres- intentionally marketed this product to youth. Beasley ent our clients’ cases to juries. The bellwether trials are Allen continues to play a leading role in multidistrict lit- scheduled to start in February 2022, with five trials to igation against JUUL. Beasley Allen has devoted a team take place in 2022. of talented lawyers to work on this critical litigation. The Approximately 2,187 cases are pending in the JUUL firm represents hundreds of youths who became severe- MDL, consisting of individual personal injury and gov- ly addicted to nicotine because of JUUL and suffered ernment entity public nuisance cases. A total of 2,734 other serious physical injuries. The firm also represents cases are pending in the California state court litigation hundreds of school districts suing JUUL for the public pending in Los Angeles Superior Court. nuisance its products have caused in schools around the Beasley Allen’s Joseph VanZandt serves on the JUUL country. Beasley Allen’s Joseph VanZandt serves on the PSC. He and Mass Torts Section Head Andy Birchfield plaintiff steering committee (PSC) in the federal JUUL heads our firm’s efforts to hold JUUL accountable for the MDL, and Beasley Allen lawyer Beau Darley serves on damage they have done to thousands of youth around the PSC in the California state court consolidated litiga- the country. Beasley Allen’s Beau Darley serves on the tion against JUUL. If you or a loved one has experienced PSC for the California state court litigation. Lawyers at physical, mental, or emotional harm from using a JUUL Beasley Allen continue to take new JUUL cases for indi- product, call 800-898-2034 or email Joseph.VanZandt@ viduals, school districts, and other government entities BeasleyAllen.com or Beau.Darley@BeasleyAllen.com. that JUUL has impacted. You can contact Joseph VanZan- dt (Joseph.Vanzandt@BeasleyAllen.com) or Beau Darley FTC Administrative Trial On Altria – JUUL Deal (Beau.Darley@BeasleyAllen.com) if you want to discuss The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)’s administrative a case. trial on antitrust claims in the Matter of Altria Group/ JUUL Labs, Inc. (Case #: 191-0075) began on June 2. Typ- New Book Details The Rise Of JUUL ically, this type of proceeding takes place at the FTC’s Big Vape: The Incendiary Rise of JUUL, largely com- headquarters in Washington, D.C., but this trial is be- pleted over 2019 and 2020 by Times magazine journalist ing conducted remotely because of the ongoing public Jamie Ducharme, was published on May 25, 2021. Ducha- health concerns and is the FTC’s first entirely virtual rme is a staff writer at the magazine and covers health, administrative trial. A key question at trial is why Altria, science, and medicine. Before publishing Big Vape, she when it was in talks with JUUL, stopped selling its e-cig- reported on JUUL and the e-cigarette industry for sev- arettes. eral years. In October 2018, Altria announced it was halting the Ducharme synthesized the book from her prior re- sale of its pod-based and fruity-flavored e-cigarettes in porting on JUUL, visits to JUUL Labs, Inc.’s (JLI) San response to the Food and Drug Administration’s call for BeasleyAllen.com 5
e-cigarette makers to help stem a surge in vaping among ing this issue to the printer. Johnson & Johnson (J&J) children and teens. Then in December of that year, two reached a $230 million settlement with New York state weeks before Altria acquired a 35% stake in JUUL, Altria and two Long Island counties in the case that was set to pulled its remaining e-cigarettes off the market. go to trial on June 28. The settlement payments will be The FTC’s enforcement action alleges that the Al- made over nine years. The two Long Island counties in tria-JUUL deal was part of an illegal agreement between the settlement are Suffolk and Nassau. This changes the the companies not to compete. In opening remarks at makeup of defendants in the nation’s first jury trial over the antitrust trial, the FTC argued that Altria pulled its the crisis. e-cigarettes off the U.S. market illegally at the insistence J&J’s settlement includes the company’s agreement of JUUL as the two companies were discussing a deal. to end its national sales of opioids. New York Attorney Altria argued that its e-cigarettes were failures, and it General Letitia James announced the settlement, which dropped them amid regulatory pressure and an inter- was negotiated in coordination with a larger global set- nal reckoning about the company’s inability to develop tlement. Talks are still ongoing among additional parties. a vaping product that consumers liked. JUUL and Altria The announcement of the J&J settlement came a day argued that since the deal was struck, competition in the after Walmart, CVS and Rite Aid settled and were severed e-cigarette market has increased, not decreased. JUUL’s from the trial. These pharmacies all reached settlements market share has fallen, as have e-cigarette prices. with the state and counties for an undisclosed amount. If the FTC prevails, it could unwind Altria’s 35% interest The remaining defendants in the trial are Walgreens in JUUL, which the cigarette maker bought in December (the sole remaining pharmacy defendant), Endo Pharma- 2018 for $12.8 billion. The agency is seeking to force Al- ceuticals, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Allergan, Cardinal Health, tria to divest its stake and terminate the companies’ non- AmerisourceBergen, McKesson Corp. and Anda Inc. compete agreement. The case is being heard by an ad- Opening arguments were set to start on June 29 in the ministrative law judge, who will make the initial decision; trial, to be held at Touro College’s Jacob D. Fuchsberg the agency’s commissioners will then vote on the matter. Law Center. If it goes forward now against the remain- Stay tuned! ing defendants, will be not only the first case over the Sources: FTV.gov, Law360.com and WSJ.com opioid epidemic to be heard by a jury, but also the first trial against defendants across the opioid supply chain. The JUUL Litigation Team The counties and New York state contend that the com- panies accelerated the opioid crisis by playing down the Beasley Allen lawyers, led by Joseph VanZandt, are risks of addiction and turning a blind eye to suspiciously heavily involved in the JUUL litigation. They currently large drug orders. represent individuals who are suing JUUL, the top U.S. There are two other ongoing bench trials over the opi- vape maker, for the negative impact its products have oid epidemic, one in California state court and the other had on their lives. Beasley Allen also represents *a num- in West Virginia federal court. J&J lost the first opioid ber of school systems in the JUUL litigation. Lawyers on trial in 2019 in Oklahoma state court when a judge con- our firm’s JUUL Litigation Team have filed JUUL lawsuits cluded that it owed a $465 million judgment for creating on behalf of school districts nationwide. This litigation a public nuisance in the state for its opioid marketing. seeks to protect students and recover resources spent The trial in California, which began in mid-April, pits fighting the vaping epidemic. the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, and Santa Clara, If you have a potential claim or need more informa- along with the City of Oakland, against pharmaceutical tion on JUUL, contact any of the lawyers on the JUUL manufacturers Johnson & Johnson, Endo Pharmaceuti- Litigation team at 800-898-2034 or by email. Members cals, Teva Pharmaceuticals, and Allergan PLC. are Joseph.VanZandt@BeasleyAllen.com, Sydney.Ever- Another ongoing trial started in May in West Virgin- ett@BeasleyAllen.com, Beau.Darley@BeasleyAllen.com, ia federal court, is ongoing. Cabell County and its seat, Davis.Vaughn@BeasleyAllen.com, Seth.Harding@Beas- Huntington, are up against the Big 3 pharmaceutical leyAllen.com or SooSeok.Yang@BeasleyAllen.com. Andy distributors: AmerisourceBergen Corp., Cardinal Health Birchfield (Andy.Birchfield@BeasleyAllen.com), who Inc., and McKesson Corp. The trial’s first few weeks fea- heads up the firm’s Mass Torts Section, works with the tured testimony from a wide range of witnesses, includ- team on the JUUL litigation. ing drug company executives, fire and police profession- IV. als, academics, regulators, and doctors. The trial could continue until August. The State of Alabama’s case against Endo Health Solu- OPIOID LITIGATION tions and McKesson Corp. has a trial set for November 1, 2021. Beasley Allen and the Tuscaloosa firm Price, Glover and Hayes, have joined Alabama Attorney General Steve Opioid Litigation Update: Ongoing Cases To Follow Marshall to represent the State of Alabama in the case. There are other upcoming opioid trials to take place The pressure cooker of opioid litigation continues to over the next few months. One will start on July 26 in heat up with long-awaited trials across the country along Tennessee state court, and another on October 4 in Ohio with some very recent settlements. There are several trials for the first multidistrict litigation trial against pharma- set for the coming weeks and months. It doesn’t appear cies. I believe these cases will likely be settled because of that COVID-19, which delayed some trials that were ready the overwhelming evidence that juries will see and hear to go in 2020, is now a major problem in getting trials set. if the cases are tried. Stay tuned! A major development took place as we were send- Source: Law360.com 6 BeasleyAllen.com
A Look At Purdue’s New Chapter 11 Plan Docs Chapter 11 plan of reorganization that is largely premised And Claims Trust Framework on the Sackler family giving up their ownership in the company and contributing $4.275 billion to a trust set up Purdue Pharma has asked U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Rob- to pay out on opioid-related claims. The company would ert Drain to extend the injunction pausing suits over be owned by an opioid abatement trust and run for the opioid sales against the company and its owners, the public benefit, using profits to address issues created by Sackler family. Purdue requested a 75-day extension, say- the opioid crisis. ing they need protection as they seek confirmation of its As stated above, the Sacklers seek releases of all claims Chapter 11 plan. against them in exchange for their contributions. The On May 26, Bankruptcy Judge Drain gave preliminary family has made it clear there will be no settlement with- approval to Purdue’s Chapter 11 plan disclosure, hold- out the releases, and claimants would be forced to bring ing an approval order until Purdue clears up some set- their claims through individual litigation. tlement details. The preliminary approval came after a Judge Drain has given preliminary approval to Purdue›s virtual hearing that scrutinized Purdue’s disclosures Chapter 11 plan disclosure statement and, on June 3, en- intended to inform creditors on how to vote regarding tered an order giving Purdue approval to send the plan Purdue’s bankruptcy plan. to its creditors for a vote. The order sets July 14 as the In its filings, Purdue’s plan provided new informa- voting deadline, July 19 as the deadline for plan objec- tion about how private claims against the company will tions and Aug. 9 as the beginning of the plan confirma- be handled under its Chapter 11 plan, including how a tion hearing. personal injury trust will be funded and disbursed. The An examiner has been approved for appointment three funds are described below: by Judge Drain, a decision that came on the heels of a • The personal injury trust will receive between filed examiner motion that questioned the integrity of $700 million and $750 million, depending on the the bankruptcy proceedings. Temple University’s Beas- amount of proceeds Purdue receives from its in- ley School of Law professor Jonathan C. Lipson, in his surers, and the lion’s share of that money will be examiner motion on behalf of an opioid victim’s father, directed to cover the claims of those who suffered alleged that Purdue’s board of directors was unduly in- a personal injury from their opioid use. Those fluenced by the Sacklers when presenting the Chapter claimants are projected to receive between $3,500 11 plan currently under consideration. The examiner, and $48,000 each, depending on the nature and appointed by Judge Drain, will be limited to the narrow severity of their claimed injury. task of assessing the independence of the Purdue board of directors from the Sackler family when it approved • A group of claimants suffering from neonatal ab- the submission of the Chapter 11 plan featured in the stinence syndrome (sometimes referred to as NAS settlement. babies) will share a $45 million portion of the per- The case is In re: Purdue Pharma LP (case number 7:19- sonal injury trust funds. Each claimant is projected bk-23649) in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern to receive about $7,000 under the plan. District of New York. • A third fund will be created under the plan to cover Source: Law360.com the claims of third-party payors to the tune of $365 million, with a third, $250 million trust to cover the Opioid Bellwether Trials Against Pharmacies To claims of hospital systems. About $60 million will Be Bifurcated be set aside to provide funding for NAS monitoring services to track the needs of the NAS babies who U.S. District Judge Dan Polster has split five upcom- were exposed to opioids while in the womb. ing bellwether trials in the opioid multidistrict litigation against pharmacies into two phases. The public nuisance Personal injury claimants will have the option to opt- claims by local governments alleging that the pharma- out of the trust distribution plans and pursue their cies created a public nuisance by overlooking suspicious claims against Purdue in the civil court system. If a claim- orders will go first. All other claims will be stayed. Judge ant chooses to seek recovery through the courts and re- Polster says this will simplify the trials and make the cas- ceives a judgment, those judgments will also come out es more manageable. He says that bifurcating the claims of the trust funds and would likely reduce the recoveries allows the local governments and the pharmacy chains available to other claimants. to give a “more coherent presentation” of the legal is- We have mentioned before that the plan includes re- sues surrounding the companies’ alleged liability for leases of claims against Purdue and also its owners — the making a public nuisance. Judge Polster said further: Sackler family. So, claimants won’t be able to sue those entities if they opt to litigate their claims. It appears the Bifurcating the public nuisance claims asserted opt-out suits would be against the trust itself. against the pharmacy defendants will allow the As previously reported, Purdue filed for Chapter 11 court to focus its attention on development and protection in September 2019 in the wake of a tentative litigation of these issues and claims, which are likely settlement with 24 states that sued to hold the compa- to be applicable in many other MDL actions against ny responsible for damages caused by opioid addiction. these and similar defendants on a bellwether basis. Under the deal, Purdue would be turned over to a public This may also help facilitate settlement. trust and share profits with claimants against the estate The order applies to five new bellwethers recently se- and fund programs addressing the opioid crisis. lected by Judge Polster in April. Those cases are Durham You will recall that in March, Purdue filed its proposed County, North Carolina, in the Fourth Circuit; Tarrant BeasleyAllen.com 7
County, Texas, in the Fifth Circuit; Montgomery County, 3:21-md-02996) in the U.S. District Court for the North- Ohio, in the Sixth Circuit; Santa Fe County, New Mexico, ern District of California. in the Tenth Circuit; and Cobb County, Georgia, in the Source: Law360.com Eleventh Circuit. The pharmacies had opposed bifurcation, instead The Beasley Allen Opioid Litigation Team suggesting that the cases be remanded to their original districts, and the judges there would decide whether to Our Opioid Litigation Team has a heavy workload, and split them. The trial had been delayed due to COVID-19; they continue to be very busy. As we stated in the last in December, Judge Polster pushed back a May start date issue, activity in opioid litigation has intensified nation- to the fall. ally. There has been no slowdown, but it appears more The MDL is In re: National Prescription Opiate Liti- settlements will be happening. gation (case number 1:17-md-02804) in the U.S. District Lawyers in our firm’s Opioid Litigation Team continue Court for the Northern District of Ohio. to work in the national opioid MDL. Beasley Allen law- yers represent the State of Alabama, the State of Geor- Source: Law360.com gia, and numerous local governments and other entities and handle individual claims on behalf of victims in this JPML Sends McKinsey Opioid Cases To New MDL litigation. The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) The team includes Rhon Jones (Rhon.Jones@Beas- on June 7 created a new MDL in California federal court leyAllen.com), Parker Miller (Parker.Miller@BeasleyAl- for a number of lawsuits over the role of McKinsey & Co. len.com), Ken Wilson (Ken.Wilson@BeasleyAllen.com), in prescription opioid marketing. This will keep the cas- David Diab (David.Diab@BeasleyAllen.com), Rick Strat- es out of the existing Opioid MDL in Ohio federal court. ton (Rick.Stratton@BeasleyAllen.com), Will Sutton (Wil- This development follows oral arguments on May 27 liam.Sutton@BeasleyAllen.com), Jeff Price (Jeff.Price@ over how to handle dozens of pending lawsuits from cit- BeasleyAllen.com), Gavin King (Gavin.King@BeasleyAl- ies, counties and tribes in the wake of $640 million in len.com), Tucker Osborne (Tucker.Osborne@BeasleyAl- settlements that McKinsey reached with states over its len.com) and Matt Griffith (Matt.Griffith@BeasleyAllen. consulting for OxyContin seller Purdue Pharma LP and com). This team of lawyers represents the State of Ala- other drugmakers. bama, the State of Georgia, numerous local governments Most plaintiffs had wanted McKinsey’s cases sent to and other entities, and individual claims on behalf of the existing MDL, with some other plaintiffs recom- victims. mending the Southern District of Illinois. McKinsey ad- If you need more information on the Opioid Litiga- vocated a new MDL in the Southern District of New York. tion, contact one of the lawyers on the team at 800-898- So California’s selection came as a surprise. The panel 2034 or by email. V. wrote in selecting the California court: In the unique circumstances that are presented by this nationwide litigation, we are persuaded that the Northern District of California is the appropri- THE WHISTLEBLOWER LITIGATION ate transferee district for this litigation. In selecting [U.S. District] Judge Charles R. Breyer as the trans- feree judge, we are choosing a jurist who is familiar Whistleblower Asks U.S. Supreme Court To with [the existing MDL], as he was a member of this Review Dismissal Standard For FCA Claims panel when that docket was initially centralized. Whistleblower Cimznhca LLC, represented by Beasley The JPML noted that Judge Breyer is presiding over a Allen, has petitioned the Supreme Court of the United bellwether case brought by San Francisco in the existing States to review a Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals deci- MDL. That role «likely has afforded Judge Breyer granular sion that dismissed its case centering around a kickback insight into the federal opioid litigation that few other scheme for doctors to prescribe defendant’s drug treat- judges have obtained,» the panel wrote, adding: ment for Crohn’s disease. However, at the end of May, the federal government requested that the Supreme Judge Breyer has presided over a total of 11 MDL Court not review the Seventh Circuit decision. Cimzn- dockets, and he possesses tremendous insight into hca’s case centered around allegations that the defen- the conduct of multidistrict litigation. dant provided multiple kickbacks to doctors, who would then give out prescriptions for brand-name prescription It should be noted that the existing MDL primarily in- drug Cimzia over competing treatments. volves lawsuits against drug manufacturers, distributors The Seventh Circuit decision added to several other and pharmacies. McKinsey is a management consulting court decisions grappling with how courts should con- firm. The company has argued that it is a unique defen- sider the federal government’s motion to dismiss an FCA dant and an improper target for lawsuits seeking money case after it declines to participate in the litigation. After to deal with rampant abuse of prescription and illicit the 2018 Granston memo — a DOJ directive for govern- narcotics. ment lawyers to reduce FCA cases –the DOJ has sought The matter is In re: McKinsey & Co. Inc., National Pre- to dismiss numerous whistleblower cases in addition to scription Opiate Consultant Litigation (case number simply declining to participate. In the case at hand, the 2996) in the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation. government refused to intervene in late 2017, yet more The new MDL is In re: McKinsey & Co. Inc., National than one year later decided to ask the court to dismiss Prescription Opiate Consultant Litigation (case number 8 BeasleyAllen.com
the case in December 2018. of the money Navistar is returning to the Government. Almost all cases have been analyzed using one of two If you are aware of fraud committed against the federal standards: the D.C. Circuit’s Swift standard, which essen- or state governments, you could be rewarded for report- tially gives the DOJ an “unfettered right” of dismissal, ing the fraud. If you have any questions about whether and the Ninth Circuit’s Sequoia Orange standard, which you qualify as a whistleblower, please contact a lawyer requires the dismissal to be related to a valid govern- at Beasley Allen for a free and confidential evaluation of ment purpose. The Seventh Circuit, however, declined your claim. There is a contact form on this website, or to apply either of these standards. you may email one of the lawyers on our whistleblower Cimznhca argued that the Seventh Circuit lacked ju- litigation team: Lance Gould, Larry Golston, Leslie Pes- risdiction to review a lower court’s denial of the gov- cia, Paul Evans, Lauren Miles or Tyner Helms. ernment’s motion to dismiss the case because it failed Source: Department of Justice News Release to meet the standards for review of an interlocutory ap- peal. Still, the Seventh Circuit decided to treat the gov- Contractor In Nuclear Cleanup Settles False ernment’s motion as a motion to intervene (despite the Claims Suit government expressly noting numerous times that it was declining to intervene). A U.S. Department of Energy contractor has agreed to In doing so, the Seventh Circuit improperly side- pay more than $3 million to resolve claims that it falsely stepped analysis of the standard entirely and wrongfully presented two subcontractors as HUBZone small busi- exercised appellate jurisdiction. By treating the motion nesses in billing for a nuclear waste remediation con- to dismiss as a motion to intervene, the Seventh Circuit tract worth $7 billion. analyzed the motion under an inapplicable standard. The settlement, announced on June 4 by the U.S. At- Worse, although the Seventh Circuit dismissed the case, torney’s Office for the Eastern District of Washington, is it did so without prejudice to the government, yet with set to resolve and end more than seven years of False prejudice to the whistleblower. On behalf of our clients, Claims Act litigation against CH2M Hill Plateau Remedi- Cimznhca, we argue that doing so dramatically under- ation Co., a unit of CH2M Hill Cos. Ltd. mines the purpose behind the FCA and deprives whis- The whistleblower in the case, Savage Logistics LLC, is tleblowers of due process rights. also expected to receive more than $865,000 from the In addition to jurisdiction, on behalf of Cimznhca, we settlement. DOE Inspector General Teri Donaldson said have asked the Supreme Court to apply the Sequoia Or- in a statement: ange as the uniform standard for government dismissals This settlement affirms the [Office of Inspector and permit the district court’s ruling to stand. General’s] commitment to protecting the integrity of The whistleblower Cimznhca is represented by Beasley the Department of Energy’s procurement process to Allen lawyers Lance Gould and Leslie Pescia. The Peti- provide opportunities for small and disadvantaged tion for Writ of Certiorari was docketed for the court’s businesses. June 24, 2021 conference. We will keep our readers post- ed on the progress of this appeal. The case involved CH2M’s contract to clean up the central plateau of the DOE’s Hanford site in Washington, Navistar Defense Agrees To Pay $50 Million To where plutonium for U.S. nuclear defense programs was Settle FCA Case produced for more than 40 years. The five-year reme- Navistar Defense LLC (Navistar) has agreed to pay diation contract was valued at $4.5 billion when CH2M the Government $50 million to resolve allegations that landed its prime contractor role in 2008. That figure lat- Navistar used falsified documents to induce the U.S. Ma- er increased to $7.16 billion to cover CH2M’s operations rine Corps to purchase Navistar products at artificially into December 2020, according to a summary of major inflated prices. According to the lawsuit, Navistar vio- contracts the Office of Environmental Management lated the False Claims Act (FCA) by fraudulently induc- published in September. ing the Government to enter into a contract to produce As part of its winning submission, CH2M included a Mine-Resistant, Ambush-Protected (MRAP) vehicles. small-business subcontracting plan that outlined its ap- During contract negotiations with the Government, proach to “meeting or exceeding socioeconomic goals Navistar was asked to provide commercial sales informa- specified by the DOE.” The contractor said it would sub- tion on the contract parts to assess the reasonableness contract a percentage of its work to companies regis- of Navistar’s proposed prices. The government alleges tered with the Small Business Administration, including Navistar created and presented fraudulent commercial firms involved in its Historically Underutilized Business sales invoices to artificially inflate the cost of the MRAP Zone (HUBZones) program. However, at least one of vehicles. According to the Department of Justice, the CH2M’s subcontractors, Indian Eyes LLC, had already government relied on these fake invoices in deciding to been disqualified from the program when it started accept the inflated rates of the contract. working for CH2M. Indian Eyes settled its part of the FCA The settlement resolves a whistleblower lawsuit litigation with the whistleblower, Savage, in October. brought by a former Navistar employee under the qui tam The whistleblower also challenged CH2M’s subcon- provisions of the FCA. The FCA allows private individu- tract award to Phoenix-ABC A Joint Venture, a company als with knowledge of fraud against the government to Savage Logistics claimed was set up by a much larger bring a lawsuit on behalf of the government and to share firm, Federal Engineers and Constructors, “for the sole in the recovery. As part of the resolution with Navistar, purpose of obtaining federal contracts as a HUBZone the whistleblower will receive approximately $11 million contractor.” Despite that aim, Savage said that minimal due diligence — such as calling the SBA or checking its BeasleyAllen.com 9
HUBZone database — which CH2M committed to in its scored partial wins in the case of Suzanne Ivie, who al- subcontracting plan would have informed CH2M that leged the company fired her after she raised concerns of the joint venture was not certified. off-label marketing. While a federal jury in Oregon found Litigation in the case was temporarily halted in 2016 that AstraZeneca violated the whistleblower statute by while the U.S. Supreme Court reached a decision in firing Ms. Ivie after she made a “good faith” report of Universal Health Services Inc. v. Escobar and resumed alleged marketing misconduct, jurors rejected allega- after the justices determined that firms could face tions of age discrimination. Neither did the jury hold the FCA liability for billing the federal government while drugmaker liable under the False Claims Act for market- out of compliance with regulations that aren›t explicit ing violations. conditions of the payment. An initial notice of settle- After a trial that started in mid-June, jurors awarded ment issued in April fell apart that same month when the Ms. Ivie, the whistleblower, $2.4 million. She will receive parties couldn’t agree on the wording of the settlement. $1.87 million in damages plus another $510,423 for wages But in a joint status report, the parties now say they have lost. Ms. Ivie lost her job in 2019 after 19 years with the settled their differences and resolved the matter. company. During her career, Ivie worked in the compa- Savage is represented by Bruce P. Babbitt and Matthew ny’s respiratory division. After a new director took over T. Adamson of Jameson Pepple Cantu PLLC and Brad J. in 2018, the director allegedly pushed the team to pro- Moore and Karen K. Koehler of Stritmatter Kessler Whel- mote certain AstraZeneca drugs for uses that the FDA an Koehler Moore Kahler. didn’t approve. When Ms. Ivie refused to play ball and The government is represented by Tyler Tornabene complained to the company, a pattern of retaliation and Daniel H. Fruchter of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for emerged. the Eastern District of Washington. The case is U.S. et al. After raising concerns, Ms. Ivie said she was removed v. CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Co. et al. (case number from leadership roles, had her bonus slashed and more 4:14-cv-05002) in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern retaliatory measures imposed. AstraZeneca claimed she District of Washington. was fired for failing to do her work as a district sales Source: Law360.com manager. The Beasley Allen Whistleblower Litigation Team Avis Car Rental To Pay $10 Million For Overcharged Insurance Our prediction that there would be no slowdown in the False Claims Act (FCA) litigation now appears to Car rental giant Avis Budget Group Inc. will pay $10.1 have been squarely on target. Lawyers on Beasley Allen’s million to settle claims that it overcharged the U.S. gov- Whistleblower Litigation Team continue to be very busy ernment over vehicle liability and accident insurance handling cases around the country under the FCA. Fraud payments. The U.S. attorney’s office said that from Janu- against the federal government by all too many indus- ary 2014 to December 2019, Avis Budget filed false claims tries in this country, especially in the health care field, to the government requesting overpayment and charged remains a huge problem. During the pandemic, fraud extra amounts for supplementary car insurance. These against the federal government has increased dramat- payments were already included in the government’s car ically. The combination of the national mishandling of rental payment, according to acting U.S. Attorney Ra- the coronavirus pandemic by the Trump Administration chael A. Honig. and corporate greed has been a significant factor in the The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said Avis Budget increase in FCA violations. received «unallowable» additional charges from the We continue to stress that whistleblowers are essen- U.S. government, including collision damage waiver tial and the key to exposing corporate wrongdoing and insurance, supplemental liability coverage, personal ac- government fraud. Their role has intensified dramatically cident insurance, and late turn-in fees. and will continue in that direction in the immediate fu- According to the settlement agreement, Avis Budget ture and beyond. A person who has first-hand knowledge provided rental car services to the U.S. government, in- of fraud or other wrongdoing may have a whistleblower cluding the DOJ, under a deal managed by the U.S. De- case. Before you report suspected fraud or other mis- fense Travel Management Office. Under the agreement, conduct – before you “blow the whistle” – it is essential military service members and government employees can to make sure you have a valid claim and that you prepare rent vehicles from the company. But the Department of for what lies ahead. The experienced group of lawyers on Defense and Defense Criminal Investigative Service later our team is dedicated to handling whistleblower cases. discovered that the company overcharged government If you are aware of any fraudulent activity in Corpo- employees for car insurance payments for five years. rate America against the federal or state governments, Avis Budget has agreed to pay over $10.1 million for the you could be rewarded for reporting the fraud. If you claims, including $6 million in restitution to be trans- have any questions about whether you qualify as a whis- ferred back to the government. The United States is rep- tleblower, you can contact one of the lawyers on Beasley resented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark C. Orlowski of Allen’s Whistleblower Litigation Team for a free and con- the U.S. Attorney’s Government Fraud Unit in Newark. fidential evaluation of your claim. There is also a contact Source: Law360.com form on the Beasley Allen website that you can use. The Beasley Allen lawyers set out below are on the Jury Awards Former AstraZeneca Sales Manager Whistleblower Litigation Team: Larry Golston (Lar- $2.4 Million In Whistleblower Retaliation Case ry.Golston@BeasleyAllen.com), Lance Gould (Lance. Gould@BeasleyAllen.com), James Eubank (James.Eu- AstraZeneca and a former sales manager have each bank@BeasleyAllen.com), Paul Evans (Paul.Evans@Beas- 10 BeasleyAllen.com
leyAllen.com), Leslie Pescia (Leslie.Pescia@BeasleyAllen. vehicles and failed to inform the customer their tires com), Leon Hampton (Leon.Hampton@BeasleyAllen. needed to be replaced. com), Tyner Helms (Tyner.Helms@BeasleyAllen.com) For instance, our lawyers resolved a case for a client and Lauren Miles (Lauren.Miles@BeasleyAllen.com). Dee whose son suffered an amputated leg when his mother’s Miles (Dee.Miles@BeasleyAllen.com) heads our Con- vehicle sustained a tread belt separation and overturned. sumer Fraud & Commercial Litigation Section, partic- One week before the crash, the vehicle’s brakes had been ipates in whistleblower litigation, and works with the serviced, the tires were removed for servicing, and the Litigation Team. The lawyers can be reached by phone at client inquired if the tires needed to be replaced. She 800-898-2034 or by email. was told the tires were in good condition and did not VI. need replacing. In reality, the tires were over ten years old and should have been taken out of service. Our product liability lawyers successfully handled PRODUCT LIABILITY UPDATE another case where a service center placed 14-year-old tires on a vehicle. Two weeks later, one of the tires suf- fered a tread belt separation leaving the client with a se- Tire Aging And Used Tires Produce vere spinal cord injury. Catastrophic Results Such tragedies could be avoided if the service cen- ters would warn consumers about the age of their tires. Many people do not think of tires as a safety device; Moreover, many consumers do not know how to read the however, they are one of the most important safety de- DOT number of a tire. The last four digits of a DOT num- vices on a vehicle. Tire failures, such as blowouts and ber on a tire sidewall provide the week and year of man- tread separations, can lead to loss of vehicle control and ufacture. For instance, DOT Y2XX PQRT 3109 means that result in serious and fatal injuries. The condition and age the tire was manufactured on week 31 of 2009. There- of a tire can be contributing factors leading to tire fail- fore, in tire defect cases, not only does liability rest with ures. the tire manufacturer, but in many cases, the used tire Often tires are kept on a vehicle well past their ser- dealer and service center are liable for selling, servicing vice life. Many consumers are aware of the importance and / or failing to warn the consumer of the age of a tire. of looking at the tread depth of a tire, but many are un- If you need more information or have questions, con- aware that the tire’s age is a factor that should be con- tact Mary Leah Miller, a lawyer in our Personal Injury & sidered when replacing tires. It is recommended within Products Liability Section. She handles product liability the industry that tires be replaced at six years of age and cases at 800-898-2034 or by email at MaryLeah.Miller@ no later than age ten. This is because the rubber compo- BeasleyAllen.com. nents begin to break down over time, allowing oxygen to permeate the rubber, resulting in internal damage to Split Decision In Two 3M Bellwether Trials the tire. Alleging Faulty Earplugs While many people are familiar with dry rot on the outer appearance of a tire, the internal components are There have now been two more bellwether trials what hold the tire together. Those components suffer against 3M. The second trial resulted in a win for the de- from age and exposure to oxygen over time. This in- fendant, with the third ending with a $1.7 million plain- creases the likelihood of a tread belt separation, leading tiff’s verdict. The cases are a part of the class action over to losing control of a vehicle and serious injury or death claims that 3M’s combat earplugs didn’t protect service to vehicle occupants. members’ hearing the way they were supposed to. While tires are an essential safety device on a vehicle, The federal jury in the trial in Pensacola, Florida, they can also be costly to replace. Thus, leading to the found that 3M was not responsible for the hearing loss growing number of used tire dealers and the purchase of Dustin McCombs, an Afghanistan veteran. He expe- of used tires by consumers. If the tread depth appears rienced an IED explosion there in 2009, which started sufficient and the outer appearance of the tire seems a tinnitus problem that worsened when McCombs was to look satisfactory, neither the used tire dealer nor the later stationed at Fort Richardson in Alaska. McCombs consumer pays attention to the tire’s age. A consumer said the earplugs made by 3M predecessor Aearo were could purchase a fourteen-year-old tire that should nev- supposed to protect him better. er have been sold and instead should have been taken A Florida federal court jury on June 18 said that Lloyd out of service. Baker, a service member, sustained $1.7 million in hear- Compounding the problem are automobile service ing loss damages from 3M’s combat earplugs. The jury centers that will place these used tires on vehicles with- noted that 3M was 62% responsible, finding that 3M out checking the tire’s age when they should be doing so failed to warn of issues with the earplugs. But the jurors and warning the consumer that the tire is past its service also said that plaintiff Baker was 38% at fault. life. In addition to service centers that place the tires on Some 235,000 service members have brought claims vehicles, many service centers will service the vehicle, in the nation’s largest-ever MDL, saying the earplugs including the tires, yet fail to provide the customer in- failed to protect their hearing in ultra-loud training and formation on the tire’s age. combat environments. In this third trial, Baker, a former Beasley Allen has successfully litigated cases against infantryman and M240 machine gun operator said he ex- tire manufacturers for design and manufacturing de- perienced muffled hearing and ringing beginning when fects. It has also litigated cases against service centers he had training at Fort Lewis in Washington state in 2005 that installed tires well past their service life or serviced and 2006 before going to Iraq. Baker was diagnosed with BeasleyAllen.com 11
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