Jubilee celebrations ideas - Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style - Buckinghamshire ...

Page created by Andy Diaz
Jubilee celebrations ideas - Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style - Buckinghamshire ...
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Jubilee celebrations ideas

25/03/2022                                     1       1
Jubilee celebrations ideas - Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style - Buckinghamshire ...
The Queens Platinum Jubilee is a once in a lifetime celebration event for us and our young people.

  Bucks is working towards enabling all of our residents, schools and community groups to celebrate how they like. We have had a particular focus in
supporting The Queen’s Green Canopy tree planting initiative so there is environmental influence in some of the activities we have been looking at.

In this pack we have provided some suggestions of projects/activities you may want to take up in your home as a family or with friends and neighbours.
  They aim to be low cost and engaging. They are entirely adaptable to how you would like to approach them. Whatever you do, we would just love to
               hear about your Jubilee activity on social media @BucksCouncil or e-mail PlatinumJubilee-activities@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

By submitting images and/or recordings to Buckinghamshire Council, you are giving consent that they can be published on social media channels and in
                        the media. Please complete this Consent Form to confirm parents/guardians have given permission.

 Please note we have sent these packs directly to schools and care homes in the area to encourage inter-generational opportunities, and these versions
                                                have specific adjustments to be suitable for their settings.

These activities should be ones for the books so future generations can look back at how Buckinghamshire celebrated this key milestone of our monarchs

                                                                         Thank you,
                                                        Buckinghamshire Council’s Jubilee Project Team
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Veteran Tree recognition
   and appreciation
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• Find/explore veteran trees in the local area to
           add to the directory of veteran trees. You can
           use the Woodland Trust Ancient Tree Inventory

         • Name the tree

         • Identify the tree breed:
         Leaf identification for kids - Nature Detectives

         • Learn what makes each different type of tree a
           ‘veteran’ tree; recognising different trees; the
           impact the environment and changing
           landscapes have on the life cycle of trees.

         • Learn about what the tree has seen in it’s
           lifetime in Buckinghamshire
         • Involve other local environmental groups to
           work with the settings to find local veteran trees,
           history groups to explore the history

         • Measure your tree using this measuring guide

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Wildflower Areas
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• Can you grow wild flowers at home
  or with a community group?

• Explore the bio-diversity and wildlife
  in meadows and in your own garden
  if you have one

• Initiate a spring watch- what insects
  does this attract? Minibeast flying
  identification for kids - Nature
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Tree Stories
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•   Use this Story Pack to see how you can create your own tree and develop it’s story.
•   Linking to the first activity, this could be based on a discovered/explored veteran tree.

Create a woodland Spirit character for your story!
•   Green man and woodland spirits activity for kids – Nature Detectives
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Jubilee Street Parties
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Throw yourselves a Jubilee Street Party!
More info on our main webpage: Organise a Jubilee street party
| Buckinghamshire Council

Application deadline is 6th May 2022.
Make a Jubilee crown
Make yourselves a crown fit for
a Queen or King

How to make paper crown| Easy
Paper DIY | craft ideas | paper
crown making at home –
YouTube – More advanced

Make a Paper Crown | Pop'n'Olly
| Olly Pike – YouTube – Easier
Commemorative Plates
Design a
commemorative plate to
celebrate the Jubilee!

•   Consider your
•   Use paint or pens or
    coloured paper
•   Go classic or create a
    whole new design
    you’d be proud to
Letter Template
Letters and Recorded oral history
There is an aspiration to create      Dear…
pieces of written and recorded
history for our future generations    My name is [first name only] and I go to [name
to discover. Records of stories and
thoughts on this upcoming Jubilee,    of school].
Her Majesty’s 70 year reign, the
milestone occasions and Jubilee’s     We have been learning about the Queen’s
past.                                 coronation. In my school we will be celebrating
We have already asked schools         the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by [students share
and care homes to take part in        some information about how their school will
this, so please check with your
local ones before reaching out to     be celebrating the Jubilee].
them to engage in recording
history, but you could also           Students then ask some or all of the following
consider family members of            questions:
different generations or your
neighbours you could do this with.    Do you remember the Queen’s coronation?
                                      Did you celebrate it? How did you celebrate
We have provided a letter
template for a starting point.
                                      Will you celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee this
                                      How have things changed since the Queen’s
70 Trees for 70 Years
Get involved in the Bucks 70 Trees for 70 Years campaign (deadline 1st May
2022): 70 Trees for 70 Years | Buckinghamshire Council
Commonwealth Song
On 2nd June 2022 choirs throughout the four nations of
the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth are being
invited to join together in local collaboration and sing the
newly written song for Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum
You can share you recordings on social media
@BucksCouncil or e-mail PlatinumJubilee-

Sheet music and lyrics can be found: A Song for the
Commonwealth - Commonwealth Resounds
Invitation: Calling all Commonwealth Choirs (Poster)
Jubilee Exhibitions
                                                   Touring Jubilee Exhibitions

Buckinghamshire Council’ s Libraries and Archives team are working together to curate and host a touring Jubilee Exhibition across
                            the county. More information on this and other library activities to come.

 The Archives S ervice are keen to record how Buckinghamshire celebrates the Queen’ s Jubilee. I f any resident would like to send
 examples of the intergenerational work they create for permanent preservation, we would be glad to receive them. They would
                             then be preserved and made accessible to current and future generations.

            Further information about the Archive Service can be found on the Buckinghamshire Archives webpages.
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