Journalism Summer School - London - News Associates

Page created by Edwin Moody
Journalism Summer School - London - News Associates
Journalism Summer School - London - News Associates

We can make you one promise –
your two weeks with us will fly by
because this is an intensive study
programme, designed to give you
a taste of what it takes to become
a journalist.

In your two weeks you will cover     JOURNALISM SUMMER SCHOOL
the following:                       - AN INTRODUCTION
lN  ewsgathering and news writing
lF  eature and magazine writing     Our hugely popular two-week summer         provide foundation skills and it should
lV  ideo journalism skills          school runs in our London office and is    appeal to those working on student           “Doing my training at
lJ  ournalism ethics and            an intensive course that covers the        media, blogs, websites and community
  responsible reporting              basics of journalism, from news            projects. Many will join us as a way of
                                                                                                                             News Associates
lT  he basics of media law          reporting to feature writing, with an      dipping their toe into the water and after   massively helped me
l Interviewing techniques           added emphasis on the growing              two weeks we are confident they will be      in a newsroom. No
lR  eviewing and comment            importance of broadcast skills.            ready to take the plunge.
lA  n introduction to shorthand
                                                                                                                             matter how good you
lG  etting into freelance writing   And if all that sounds complicated then    We pride ourselves on the individual         think you are as a
lS  ports journalism                our aim is simple – providing a creative   attention we give to our trainees as they    young journalist, you
lP  olitical journalism             environment to get you thinking about a    think about entering this most satisfying
lA  rts and culture journalism      career whose lure remains undiminished.    and exciting of professions.
                                                                                                                             will get much better
                                     News Associates is officially the UK’s                                                  and more refined with
You will also get a chance to        number one NCTJ journalism school                 Advice and assistance is never        training.”
produce stories for our partners     and has been for the past five                        far away from our full-time
South West Londoner.                 years. On top of that, our fast-                       tutors, editors and              Shingi Mararike,
                                     track journalism course has                             journalists, who want our       Sky News
Sessions are conducted by our        been the top-ranked for the                             newsroom to be your
award-winning training team and      last seven straight years and                           classroom.
there will be talks from industry    we have been named the best
guest speakers.                      performing journalism                                    We look forward to             APPLY NOW
                                     school in London for the                                   working with you.
                                                                                                                             or call 0203 026 3781 for an application
                                     past decade.
                                                                                                   James Toney,
                                     Our summer school aims to                                    Managing Editor
Journalism Summer School - London - News Associates

                                SUMMER SCHOOL -                                                                         COURSE
                                FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS                                                              FEEDBACK
                                What does the course cost?                  Is there any recommended reading?
                                Our two-week journalism summer              We will provide a full range of course
                                school costs £645 and the course fee        and study notes for you as part of your
                                must be paid in advance. Limited places     course fee.
                                are available on the course, so a
                                non-refundable £195 deposit is required     Will this study programme be enough
                                to confirm your attendance.                 to get me a journalism job?
                                                                            Our journalism summer school is aimed
                                Where does the course run?                  at providing essential foundation skills.
                                The course currently runs in our London     Throughout the course we will give you
                                office only.                                a broad understanding of the demands
                                                                            of the industry.
                                What are the registration
                                requirements?                               Many of those who study at the summer
                                There are no specific entry requirements    school move on to further National
                                but a good standard of written English is   Council for the Training of Journalists
                                essential if you are going to take full     training with News Associates.
                                advantages of the study programme.
                                You will be required to complete an entry   News Associates runs this training in
                                document and all decisions as to            London and Manchester, with full- and
                                suitability are made at our discretion.     part-time study options, lasting between    News Associates is proud to be the         interesting and engaging. If people were    to tips for reviewing. We had a great
                                                                            22 and 40 weeks.                            UK’s number one journalism school.         to attend this course, at the very least,   group and the tutors were first class. I
                                Is the course residential?                                                              Here’s what some recent attendees of       their writing would improve.”               couldn’t recommend the summer school
                                There are many local hotels within                                                      the summer school made of their two-       Max Dunmore                                 more to an aspiring journalist.”
                                walking distance which offer                                                            week study programme with us.                                                          Nicola Harding
                                accommodation at reasonable rates. We                                                                                              “I can’t believe how much I learned in
                                can provide information on request.                                                     “The best aspect about the course was      two weeks. The summer school                “I’d been involved with student media at
                                                                                                                        the range of teaching. For each topic we   certainly didn’t feel like school and it    university but I wasn’t 100 percent sure
                                What are the hours of study?                                                            had a different teacher. This kept the     only made me more determined to             that journalism was for me. Now I
                                This is an intensive study programme.                                                   sessions fresh, offered us different       pursue a career in journalism. I’d          absolutely want this to be my career. I
                                The course starts each day at 10am and                                                  insights on the routes into journalism,    absolutely recommend it, it was great       can’t thank the staff at News Associates
                                concludes at 5pm (with a one-hour                                                       and illustrated the various areas within   fun and I didn’t want it to end.”           more - learning from working journalists
                                lunch break). The course runs Monday-                                                   journalism.                                Andrea Greene                               was so much better than reading from a
                                Friday.                                                                                 “Secondly, the course improved my                                                      textbook.”
                                                                                                                        writing generally. The advice was          “We got a glimpse into every aspect of      Chris Francis
                                                                                                                        consistent and clear. The writing          journalism from shorthand to media law,
                                                                                                                        exercises were not just challenging, but   understanding how to use social media
Journalism Summer School - London - News Associates

                                WHO ARE NEWS ASSOCIATES?                                                               HOW TO FIND US
 “My time at News
 Associates gave me             News Associates is officially the UK’s      Our unrivalled alumni network stretches                                                      AMPERSAND HOUSE,
                                number one NCTJ journalism school,          around the world with former trainees                                                        49-53 YORK STREET,
 the hands-on                   with our trainees consistently achieving    working across the UK, in Australia,
                                                                                                                           Station                                       LONDON TW1 3LP
 experience and skill           the best exam results in the UK.            New Zealand, Canada, the United
 set to enter the world                                                     States, Hong Kong and throughout                                                             Ampersand House is a five-minute walk
                                Based in the media heartlands of            Europe.                                                                                      from Twickenham train station. Come
 of journalism with             London and Manchester, we are home                                                                                                       out of the station and walk left over the
 confidence and                 to one of the country’s busiest press       We train more NCTJ-accredited                                                                bridge down London Road then take a
 invaluable knowledge.          agencies and our industry-leading           journalists in the UK every year than                                                        left turn down Arragon Road and follow
                                journalism training is set against the      anyone else.                                                                                 the road round. Turn left onto Richmond
 I would not have               backdrop of a hectic working                                                                                                             Road and the office is on the left-hand
 survived one day in a          newsroom.                                   And in the past three years our trainees                                                     side.
 real-life newsroom                                                         have dominated the NCTJ Awards for                          News Associates
                                Our recent graduates can be found in        Excellence, which are open to journalism                                                     If you are coming from Richmond train
 without them.”                 the newsrooms of national newspapers        schools across the country.                                                                  or tube (District line) station then the 33
 Rachel Mortimer,               across the world, including The Sunday                                                                                                   bus (Elton Street, stop L) takes just six
                                Times, The Guardian, The New York           In recent years, News Associates has                                                         minutes (eight stops), get off at York
 The Telegraph                  Times, The Sun, The Daily Mail and The      also trained more journalists who have                                                       Street Twickenham (Stop G) and walk
                                Wall Street Journal. You’ll also see them   qualified as senior reporters, via their                                                     one minute back up Richmond Road
                                presenting on BBC, ITV and Sky and          NQJ qualification (formerly NCE), than                                                       (keep Pizza Express and Zizzi on your
 “I wouldn’t have even          working at international news agencies      any other training provider. And the top                                      River Thames   left) and the office will be on your left.
 considered applying            such as Reuters and the Associated
                                                                            marks in the national NQJ qualification
                                                                            are invariably secured by those we
 for my job if it wasn’t                                                    trained.
 for the skills and
 confidence I gained at
 News Associates. The
 expert tutors go
 above and beyond to
 prepare you for all
 aspects of being a
 Kyle O’Sullivan,
 Daily Mirror
Journalism Summer School - London - News Associates
News Associates London,
Ampersand House,
49-53 York Street,

News Associates Manchester,
Carlton House
16-18 Albert Square
M2 5PE
0203 026 3781
Journalism Summer School - London - News Associates
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