Journal of Field Ornithology - David Lahti
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Journal of Field Ornithology J. Field Ornithol. 80(4):438–444, 2009 DOI: 10.1111/j.1557-9263.2009.00252.x RECENT LITERATURE Edited by Bridget J. M. Stutchbury BOOK REVIEWS before I knew anything about the bird we were insulting. Lost Land of the Dodo: The Ecolog- One reason for our cavalier attitude toward ical History of Mauritius, Reunion, this bird, toward the ecological condition of and Rodrigues. Mauritius, and toward nature in general, is that A. Cheke and J. Hume. 2008. Yale University people have tended to assume that nature is re- Press, New Haven, CT. 480 pp. $55.00. silient to anything we can throw at it. The notion (hardcover) that we could cause a species to go extinct was Just over 200 years ago, Jacques-Henri occasionally entertained, for instance by Buffon, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre served with the French but it was clearly not a majority view and the military on a small Indian Ocean island we possibility was still fiercely debated as recently now call Mauritius. He was inspired by its lush as the 1800s! The Dodo was at the center of this forests and volcanic geography to set an idyllic controversy, and as it became the first officially romance there (Paul and Virginia), with the recognized extinction, a major change began to theme of avoiding the corruption of society happen (slowly) in our perception of nature, one by immersing oneself in wild nature. History that would eventually fit very well with Dar- itself served as a cynical sequel to this novel, win’s ideas. Just as the Dodo’s flightlessness and however. Even as he wrote back in France, society fearlessness would be recognized as hallmarks of was busy destroying the ecology of Mauritius, having adapted to an island free of predators, its a destruction that would continue until only disappearance would become the first step in our vestiges (though still beautiful) remained. realization that nature is continuously bubbling In fact, a century before Bernardin ever visited with speciation and extinction, and that we the island, a species of bird that once lived humans can contribute to the latter. Thus, with only on Mauritius had been abused until it an evolutionary perspective, the Dodo’s vulgar disappeared. The poor Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) symbolism becomes helpful: the frivolous phrase has always tended to make a wretched impres- “dead as a Dodo” becomes a sobering object sion on those who become casually acquainted lesson about the ephemerality of species and the with it. The only thing the Oxford English finality of extinction. Dictionary had to say about this bird, aside Lost Land of the Dodo lavishly and metic- from it having lived on Mauritius, is that it ulously elaborates such lessons—with respect was clumsy and its wings didn’t work. Its very not only to the Dodo, but more broadly to name apparently derives from a Portuguese word the vertebrate fauna and, to some extent, the for “simpleton,” and its scientific name was ecosystems of the Mascarene Islands of Mauri- once Didus ineptus. Opinions even of scientists tius, Réunion, and Rodrigues. Most of the book once ranged from considering it to have been is the product of a lifetime of investigation of just asking for extinction, to disbelieving that the Mascarenes by Anthony Cheke, an ecologist it ever existed. Despite the intriguing effect it and ornithologist who also (while running a had on those who saw it, its extinction only bookstore) became the world’s expert on Mas- decades after it was first discovered occurred with carene ecological history. Julian Hume is a hardly a notice: “Oh, we haven’t seen Dodos in paleontologist involved in several excavations a while.” Today we generally treat its demise on Mauritius, the most recent of which are with similar nonchalance, and are content to described in an appendix. Hume is also an use this portly pigeon as a symbol of stupidity artist, and contributed 39 color plates and three and defenselessness in the face of annihilation. jacket illustrations of the communities that once I remember saying “dodobird” and “dodobrain” thrived on the Mascarenes. He also wrote 38 while growing up (and hearing them said to me) informative boxes, each describing a group of C 2009 The Author(s). Journal compilation C 2009 Association of Field Ornithologists 438
Vol. 80, No. 4 Recent Literature 439 Mascarene vertebrates and featuring historical logical relationships that suffuses this chapter quotations. Finally, a chapter on practical con- is similar in its effect on reader psychology servation is contributed by Carl Jones, a con- to the sudden resolution of some novels— servationist and the Scientific Director for the relief and refreshment—and contributes to the Mauritius Wildlife Foundation. In this role, he book’s unity. Two chapters remain: Chapter 9 was responsible for the captive breeding program is a somewhat arduous chronicle of accounts that rescued the Mauritius Kestrel (Falco puncta- of the smaller isles near Mauritius: Round, tus), despite the pessimism of the academics; he Flat, and Serpent. Chapter 11 is a collection continues to lead efforts to restore and maintain of insights, asides and arguments on subjects the native biota. such as breeding programs, introducing species Eleven chapters comprise the main text. They that are analogous to extinct endemics, and the are arranged in rough historical order, with ini- paradox of using alien species to control other tial emphasis on the original fauna and early con- alien species. There is no conclusion per se— tact, followed by development and habitat de- no summary statement or explicit take-home struction, and ending with conservation efforts. message—although the reader will get the gist of Chapter 1 is a short introduction to Mascarene the book even from the title. If I were to hazard geography past and present. Chapter 2 is mainly a concluding statement, it would start with a a summary and evaluation of early accounts sentence from the guest-authored conservation and controversies about Mascarene birds, real chapter: “An important part of conservation and imagined. Chapters 3 and 4 describe more work is to compile ecological histories of the objectively the precontact fauna of the islands islands, so we can try [to] understand how and how the animals got there, respectively. The these systems functioned, and then to use these (unnumbered) color plates appear in Chapter data to reconstruct them” (p.226). To this I 4; the animals and plants, nearly all extinct, are would add that the ecological history of the painted with an idyllic serenity that is poignant, Mascarenes is an intense reminder of human sometimes even eerie. folly, lest we continue to assume the endless In the chapters that follow, the authors survey resilience of species and ecosystems, and lest we and interpret the economic, social, and result- take centuries to realize and attempt to mitigate ing ecological history of the islands following the damage we cause. human contact. Chapter 5 covers the seven- An incredible amount of ancillary informa- teenth century and Chapter 6 the eighteenth, tion is included in the endnotes of this book, when rampant species introductions and slaugh- information that is either tangential or would ter were the predominant drivers of ecological hamper the flow of the narrative for the casual degradation and extinction. For instance, by reader. These notes contribute significantly to 1740, only one eighth of the land on Mauritius the book’s reference value. The hundreds of ac- had been cleared, but the endemic fauna had al- counts and musings enrich the Lost Land story, ready been virtually eliminated. Chapter 7 doc- including a debunking of evidence (based on uments settlement and massive land conversion a bird) that Indians discovered Mauritius (ch.2 in the nineteenth century, when sugar and other n.29), a reminder that no European artist ever crops decimated the arable land on Réunion saw the Dodo in nature (ch.3 n.72), a presage of and Mauritius, and slash-and-burn practices natural selection in seventeenth century writing destroyed the forests of Rodrigues. Only in the about Mauritius (ch.4 n.1), the fact that almost 1860s and 1870s did governments survey the all native Mauritian plants were inedible to hu- situation and begin to legislate land use, and did mans (ch.5 n.75), a hypothesis about why pro- the long lost Dodo get some publicity. However, tected species tend to acquire magical or med- as described in Chapter 8, serious consideration ical properties (ch.8 n.351), and the personal of the native species did not occur for another side of how Carl Jones saved the Mauritius century. Kestrel (ch.11 n.29), to name a few. I believe (in Chapter 10 is an overview of conserva- disagreement with an impatient reviewer of this tion efforts and recommendations. The sharp book for Science) that the authors have chosen contrast between the abandon and ignorance the best way to set forth this material. The described in the previous chapters and the sen- notes are too voluminous for the main text or sitivity and appreciation for species and eco- footnotes, but the experience and research they
440 Recent Literature J. Field Ornithol. represent are certainly worth the space. Those Overall, the text is clear, engaging, good- aggravated by having to flip to the back are free humored, and bold. Arguments are presented to ignore them. with care and a weighing of all relevant evi- Probably the most significant virtues of this dence. On controversial or uncertain matters, book are its abundant details of natural and Cheke presents the evidence and the range of social history, and the integration of this knowl- opinion, and then (usually) presents a case for edge into explanations and hypotheses. Ap- a particular view. For this reason, “definitive” is pendices 2–8, to illustrate, graph the pres- almost the wrong word because it seems to end ence/absence of observations of all native and consideration of a subject, whereas the issues introduced land vertebrates on the Mascarenes here are presented as alive, changing with time, (the three main islands and the islets off the and subject to future research and increased Mauritian coast) over the last four centuries. understanding. When need be, however, with Tables such as the one in Chapter 4 on the refreshing candor, the author’s critique spares origins of the Mascarene vertebrate fauna are neither inept leader nor careless writer, living similarly impressive, and demonstrate not only or dead. If Casela Bird Park does more harm a careful and extensive integration of literature than good, if the supposed importance of the and personal experience, but also significant Dodo for seed dispersal of a native tree is a interpretation. Another example, or rather cat- “Tambalacoque and bull story,” and if the Office egory of examples, is the excellent case studies National des Forêts (at least in the ‘70s) hadn’t that provide insights into the causes and conse- a clue about forest ecology, the author will quences of ecological change. For instance, cy- certainly let us in on these secrets. clones and scale insects on Rodrigues show how For the most part, the tone of the book natural or seminatural disasters can exacerbate balances the demand for readability by the the damage caused more directly by humans. casual ecophile with the quest for detail by the Cheke also contributes impressively on some academic or other enthusiast. The compromises hotly debated topics, such as the theory of island made to cover both bases are necessary ones. For biogeography and the factors influencing success instance, the progression would be more fluid of introduced species. His historical research is as if many chapters were not composed of three careful and thorough as his biological research, separate accounts, one for each of the main is- as can be seen in his clarifying a plethora of lands. However, combining them would obscure confusions about what early visitors saw (or important ecological and historical differences. thought they saw), how writers have used (and In fact, the differences among the islands pro- misused) each others’ accounts, and how and vide the clearest demonstration of how patterns why land management policies went wrong or of settlement, species introductions, land use, right. and policy interact with the native biota and Aside from the book’s biological and his- geography to determine the ecological fate of an torical merits, one of its chief values is that island. it is spicy as well as nutritious. From the The main drawbacks of the book are in second chapter onward (including the notes), organization and large-scale presentation, and we are made privy to scandals, controversies, are problematic partly because they are in such investigations, and other tales that are bound contrast to the book’s enormous strengths of to give a reader, say, nonacademic reasons to detail and comprehensiveness. Chapters and pick up the book. Here, the discursive or topics are sometimes poorly introduced and peregrine qualities of the volume are a benefit, summarized in an apparent desire just to get just as we would rather an herb be distributed to the juicy details as soon as possible, and throughout a dish than be concentrated in one to stay there. The Preface, for example, reads place. To illustrate, the author frequently assesses as though we already know about the Dodo the authenticity of a claim or a source with and Mauritius (and Chapter 3 treats the Ro- a comprehensive command of past accounts, drigues Solitaire [Pezophaps solitaria] in the same sometimes tracing an error (usually with sig- way). The Introduction begins promisingly with nificant biological implications) to a hasty state- “Imagine you are a Dutch sailor in 1598,” but ment or incorrect drawing somewhere along the this narrative unfortunately soon gives way to a line. few paragraphs about oceanic islands in general.
Vol. 80, No. 4 Recent Literature 441 In fact, nowhere are we actually told what the diverse trove, but only those who know it well book as a whole is about. The subtitle is “An will know where to look for something. Roughly Ecological History of Mauritius, Réunion, and half of the book is devoted to interesting and Rodrigues,” but a reader should be aware that highly informative boxes, illustrations, maps, ta- this book is mainly (though not exclusively) a bles, appendices, endnotes, and references. The history of the amniotes—essentially the lizards, index is somewhat uneven, however (e.g., the bats, and birds—of these islands. Until I real- entry on the Rodrigues Solitaire omits the book’s ized this (for instance, when the faunal tables longest section about it on page 45), and the excluded invertebrates and there were no floral best way to locate some facts or topics is simply tables), I had been expecting broader coverage to flip through the book. The facility of this because of the subtitle and the very general first volume for reference would have been greatly chapter on geography. With the exception of improved if the index had been more expansive a discussion about conservation at the end of (especially to cover the copious endnotes), and if the book, the reader should be content with the tables, boxes, and maps had been listed after the occasional mention of plants, crabs, and the Table of Contents. Perhaps this book will insects rather than a sustained treatment of soon be scanned, which would alleviate these them. This contentment should not be hard difficulties; considering the incredible amount to manage, especially for ornithologists, because of information it contains, a searchable text the book absolutely excels in its coverage of birds would be especially valuable. and other land vertebrates. Although readable After reading this book straight through, one enough for the general public, this book comes will not likely be thinking of indexing or subti- off sometimes as a book by ornithologists for tling, but of Didosaurus and the Raven Parrot, of ornithologists (or at least for birders). pigs and rats running rampant through Eden, of Sometimes chapters seem to wander as un- blinkered government agencies, of (thank good- predictably as a Mascarene Swiftlet. Formatting ness) the Gerald Durrell Trust, and, of course, is to blame for some of this. In Chapter 3, for the stocky columbid looking over its shoulder on instance, Rodrigues, the smallest of the three the cover. This book is at once our best ecological islands, is the only one with a section devoted to history of the region, like William Cronon’s its forests, and roughly half of a section entitled Changes in the Land is for New England; an “Surviving cyclones” consists of an explanation exciting chronicle of the discovery of nature, like of the practical difficulties of figuring out what Darwin’s Voyage of the Beagle; a clear window into species used to live on an island. These and island biogeography and conservation biology in other examples (Chapter 4 and others start action, like Jonathan Weiner’s Beak of the Finch; with similar problems) are so blatant that I and an inspiration for positive efforts on behalf suspect the appropriate section headings were of the environment to mitigate our past failings, omitted in error. In other cases, the source like Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. Moreover, of confusion is not formatting, but a (usually unlike these other books, Lost Land of the wonderful) discursive overflow of information Dodo provides comprehensive checklists of the that can result in tidbits falling into odd places region’s reptiles, birds, and mammals, past and in the text. Thus, glacial history is covered in the present, and contains not only extensive reviews chapter on early settlement instead of geography, of disparate historical and scientific fields, but and a fascinating story about how Cuvier was several original contributions to these fields as finally convinced of the existence of the Solitaire well. and Dodo in 1830 appears in a section about Perhaps most importantly, Lost Land of the tortoises. Dodo, while avoiding a moralizing or activist The voracious casual reader of Lost Land of tone, implicitly encourages reflection about our the Dodo will not much mind this situation, any own species and how we interact with nature. more than one mind’s time warps or digressions The examples can be highly divergent, ranging in a good novel or conversation, as the disconti- from those who held squawking parrots to nuities usually seem natural. Those who wish to attract conspecifics merely for the pleasure of consult the book, on the other hand, might be clubbing them; to the overlooked exile François frustrated. As a reference work, Lost Land of the Leguat, whose careful field notes have become Dodo is like a tropical rainforest: a superb and one of our most valuable sources of information
442 Recent Literature J. Field Ornithol. about native Mascarene ecology; and to the vi- population dynamics, population genetics, and sion and ambition of largely English expatriates disease transmission. Although these achieve- over the last few decades who are saving birds ments are well established in the scientific lit- like the Mauritius Kestrel, Echo Parakeet (Psit- erature, many scientists may be surprised to tacula eques), Pink Pigeon (Columba mayeri), learn that the validity of bird banding as a scien- and Mauritius Fody (Foudia rubra) from other- tific method was seriously questioned when the wise certain extinction. The Mascarene situation concept was proposed over 100 years ago, and serves as an illustration of the extravagance of ornithologists were initially slow to recognize nature, together with the ambivalence of human the potential of bird banding to address research attitudes toward it. Some of us would as soon questions. destroy an island as step onto it if there were The history and role of bird banding in North anything to be gained by it, whereas others American ornithology is the subject of this book, would devote their careers to its conservation a product of the symposium held at the Third and restoration. Bernardin, that old French North American Ornithological Conference at writer who fell in love with the Mauritian New Orleans, Louisiana, in 2002 celebrating wildlands, proposed one solution: he thought, the 100th anniversary of the first bird banded in like Rousseau, that we’d be more virtuous and North America. When Dr. Paul Bartsch banded more perceptive of the value of nature if we 23 Black-crowned Night-Herons (Nycticorax were to grow up in a wild environment rather nycticorax) in Washington, D.C., in 1902, little than in society. Most today would instead em- did he know that he was about to revolutionize phasize environmental education that is, fos- the study of ornithology. This book provides tering knowledge about nature, especially an a thorough history of bird banding in North understanding of the species and communities America and the major contributions to science that still exist, so that we become familiar with resulting from this technique, presented in 13 them and in turn respect them. But perhaps chapters derived from presentations delivered at for some, the most potent stories might not be the 2002 symposium. of the nature that still exists, but that which is Jerry Jackson summarizes the early history gone, particularly that which is gone because of bird banding in North America in the first of our neglect. There is something mysterious chapter. During these formative years, vision- and captivating about a lost land and, if we aries such as Leon Cole and Percy Taverner ourselves are responsible for having lost it, there in North America and their counterparts in is a conscientious pensiveness as well. Gone is the Europe led efforts to establish bird banding as a Rodrigues Solitaire, gone is the Réunion Ibis, valid approach for the study of bird movements. gone is the Dodo, and similarly for dozens of These efforts were modest by today’s standards, other Mascarene species. . . Let’s try not to do but the fact that a few recaptures resulted from that again. these efforts demonstrated the potential value of this technique. However, considerable skepti- David C. Lahti, Department of Biology, Mor- cism remained in the ornithological community, rill Science Center, University of Massachusetts, and bird banding remained within the realm of a Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA small handful of practitioners in North America prior to 1920. When Samuel Baldwin presented Bird Banding in North America: The the paper “Bird Banding by Systematic Trap- First Hundred Years. ping” at the 1919 AOU meeting, the wealth J. A. Jackson, W. E. Davis, Jr., and J. Tautin, eds. of data available from that study caused the 2008. Memoirs of the Nuttall Ornithological ornithological community to wake up and take Club No. 15. Cambridge, MA. 280 pp. notice. Any skepticism quickly vanished. This $40.00 (hardcover). first chapter provides a fascinating perspective Bird banding is now taken for granted as on the development of innovative scientific a research tool used by modern ornitholo- methods during the early twentieth century and gists. Marking birds with aluminum bands and the reaction of the scientific community to these other types of markers has vastly expanded our methods. knowledge of many aspects of avian biology, The next two chapters expand on the history ecology, behavior, management, conservation, of bird banding during the twentieth century.
Vol. 80, No. 4 Recent Literature 443 Chapter Two by Sara Morris et al. describes the roles of bird banding would have been a welcome evolution of and contributions from the various addition, especially given some of the cutting- bird banding organizations, and Chapter Three edge advances recently reported in the literature. provides a history of the Bird Banding Labora- The importance of bird banding as a scientific tory (BBL). Written by former BBL Chief John tool used by ornithologists around the globe Tautin, this chapter provides interesting insights cannot be overstated, and this informative book into the operations of the BBL beginning with serves as a landmark publication documenting its founding under Frederick Lincoln. Although the many contributions of bird banding to the times have changed as bird banding has evolved growth of North American ornithology during from an entirely paper-driven process into the the previous century. electronic era of the twenty-first century, many issues surrounding the relationship between bird Bruce Peterjohn, Chief, Bird Banding Labo- banders and the BBL have remained surprisingly ratory, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, constant over the decades. Laurel, MD 20708, USA. The remaining chapters explore the use of bird banding data for the conservation and manage- The Birds of Costa Rica: A Field Guide. ment of bird populations and in other realms R. Garrigues and R. Dean. 2007. Zona Trop- of ornithology. Banding data were instrumental ical, San Jose, Costa Rica. 387 pp. $29.95 in the development of quantitative population (softcover). ecology, with a well-written chapter authored “The Birds of Costa Rica” guide was an by James Nichols and John Tautin providing a integral part of my recent field research con- concise summary of the development of pop- ducted at La Selva Biological Research Station, ulation estimation methods and the applica- in Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, located on the east- tion of these methods for wildlife management. ern Caribbean slope of Costa Rica. Previously, Other management-related chapters summarize the standard for Costa Rican bird guides was the role of bird banding in the restoration of set by Stiles and Skutch’s “Guide to the Birds extirpated and declining populations and in of Costa Rica,” and no other guide compared. migratory bird hunting. From a conservation Although certainly a different style of field guide, perspective, there are chapters describing the Garrigues and Dean have provided a more than contributions of bird banding to international suitable alternative to the oversized, hard-to- waterbird conservation, investigations of disease carry editions of the Skutch guide. and economic issues related to the interactions This new field guide provides excellent field- of birds with humans, and the role of banding in mark keys for identification and a clear, easy-to- monitoring changes in bird populations. Chap- use format with pictures on every page. This is ters summarizing the role of banding in avian certainly an advantage, especially for the average ecotoxicology research and behavioral studies birder, because it not only permits quick identi- provide two examples of how banding has con- fication of the bird in question, but provides tributed towards advancing our understanding supplementary information about the species of birds. on the same page. This is a major difference As in any compilation of papers, the content between the two guides. In addition, the organi- and depth of discussion of these topics varies zation of birds into clear groups permits much among chapters. The entire volume is well quicker identification than flipping through the written and edited, with every chapter providing laminates in the Skutch guide (which many a thorough summary of their respective subjects birders remove and carry separately from the combined with fairly extensive bibliographies rest of the book’s thoroughly detailed pages). that allow exploration of the relevant litera- Although the Skutch guide provides more detail ture in greater detail. No new information is about each species and is arguably better suited presented, so the chapters may be less use- for advanced birders who require (and demand) ful for scientists already familiar with these more detailed information about behavior, habi- subjects. tat, and identifying characteristics, the Garrigues My only criticism is that the entire volume and Dean guide is more than adequate for use looks backward to the accomplishments of the as a basic identification guide and the pictures, past. A chapter looking forward into the future in my opinion, are clearer and easier to use.
444 Recent Literature J. Field Ornithol. Another nice feature of this guide is the ucation. This is especially important in many inclusion of range maps for each species. As a areas of Costa Rica because ecotourism and birder new to Costa Rica, I found the range birders make important contributions to the maps incredibly helpful; allowing me to identify economy. birds quickly by using the maps to eliminating I would also recommend that, in future edi- species unlikely to be in the area. Being able to tions of the English-version of this field guide, quickly glance at a map to find a bird’s range and the Spanish names of each species should be distribution was easier than having to read about included (and vice versa for future Spanish- it in the text, which is the format of choice in version editions) so that tourists visiting Costa the Skutch guide. Again, the trade-off between Rica to enjoy the great diversity of birds can compact size and overly thorough detail made take home more than just photographs. When this guide much easier to use and, especially, to they show friends and family their Costa Ri- carry during long days in the field. can slideshow, they can also explain how the One suggestion for the authors and publishers Golden-hooded Tanager is so colorful that it of this book would be to print a Spanish edition. inspired the local population to call it “Siete Having had the pleasure to meet individuals Colores,” which means “seven colors,” or how associated with “Zona Tropical Publications” another tanager (Passerini’s Tanager) is called while in Costa Rica, it sounds like a Spanish “Sargento” (sergeant) because the bright red edition is planned and, if so, it will certainly patch on its rump was reminiscent of a sergeant’s be useful for the local Spanish-speaking pop- epaulette. ulation. For educational purposes, a Spanish- version edition will allow educators to use the Tyler Done, Department of Biology, York Uni- guide to enhance bird and environmental ed- versity, Toronto, Canada ON M3J 1P3.
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