Join the Spartan Family - Attend SJSU -

Page created by Alfredo Carroll
Join the Spartan Family - Attend SJSU -
Join the
Spartan Family –
Attend SJSU
Join the Spartan Family - Attend SJSU -
Spartan Life
When you become                           Clubs                                                   Performing Arts
                                          SJSU is home to more than 400 student                   San José State’s Hammer Theatre is a modern
a student at San José                     organizations and clubs, which are great ways to        performance venue in the heart of downtown
State University, you’re                  get involved on campus.                                 San José, providing music, theatre, dance and
                                                                                                  guest speaker events with student, local, and
not just beginning your                   Downtown                                                international talent.
                                          SJSU is located in downtown San José, a dynamic
college experience,                       scene home to major sports, museums, fine               Region
you’re joining a new,                     restaurants, and shops easily accessible by public      Located in northern California’s Silicon Valley, 48 miles
                                          transportation.                                         south of San Francisco, San José is the 10th largest city
extended family. The                                                                              in the country, and the 3rd largest in California.
Spartan family is a                       Eateries
                                          There are a number of places to eat on and near         Safety
diverse, close-knit                       campus, offering a wide variety of choices, from        San José State’s police department is a full-service
community that                            pizza, hamburgers and sandwiches, to Vietnamese,        police department that provides a number of
                                          Indian and Mexican cuisine.                             services, including escorts and shuttle rides for
supports, encourages,                                                                             students so they can avoid walking alone at night,
                                          Event Center                                            and blue light phones throughout campus that can
and guides new                            Enjoy SJSU sporting events, including basketball        be used to contact university police.
students along a                          games and gymnastics meets, comedy shows, and
                                          concerts on campus at the Provident Credit Union        Sports
path toward success                       Event Center, which has featured performances by        In addition to our Division I athletic teams, SJSU
at the largest public                     Drake, Kendrick Lamar, Shawn Mendes, Panic! at          offers opportunities for students to compete
                                          the Disco, The 1975, and David Guetta.                  against other students in various intramural sports
university in Silicon                                                                             and on Club Sports teams, which represent SJSU
                                          Fraternities and Sororities
Valley. Here’s a                          If you’re interested in Greek Life, we have a number
                                                                                                  at inter-collegiate competitions locally, across
                                                                                                  California, and even nationally.
glimpse of what our                       of fraternities and sororities to choose from
                                          with more than 40 recognized chapters that are          Student Media
community offers                          members of four governing councils: Interfraternity     • Student Newspaper - Spartan Daily
new members of the                        Council, National Panhellenic Council, Panhellenic      • Student Magazine - Access Magazine, SHIFT,
                                          Council, and the United Sorority and Fraternity           The Spear
Spartan family.                           Council.                                                • Student Radio Station - KSJS 90.5 FM
                                          Fitness Center                                          • Student TV Program - Equal Time (airs on
                                          Enjoy our newly built $130 million Spartan                local PBS station)
                                          Recreation and Aquatic Center, a 128,000-square-        • Student Film Production - Spartan Film Studios
                                          foot structure that offers something for every          Student Union
                                          student, including fitness classes, sporting and        The Diaz Compean Student Union is a place where
                                          recreation clubs, rock-climbing, and pick-up games.     students can relax, study, grab a bite to eat, and
                                          The SRAC offers a variety of features and amenities:    utilize campus resources as well as attend social
                                          • Five workout areas featuring 20,000 feet of           events such as movie screenings in the Student
                                             cardio and strength equipment                        Union Theater, game nights in the Bowling Center,
                                          • Three full-court gyms for basketball, volleyball,     DIY food events, and live music.
                                             and badminton
                                          • Four exercise studios for yoga, spin, Les Mills       Study Abroad and Away
                                             GRIT™ Strength training, and aerobics                Whether you want to spend a year, a semester, or
                                                                                                  a few weeks increasing your global awareness, SJSU
                                          • 1/8-mile indoor track
                                                                                                  offers study abroad programs that fit your needs
                                          • Rock wall and bouldering area                         and provide you with opportunities to learn about
                                          • 50-meter lap pool                                     different cultures, ideas, and most importantly about
                                          • Recreation pool with sundeck and barbecue area        yourself. We also offer domestic Alternative Spring
                                          • Two casual lounges                                    Break programs (non-credit) and Faculty-Led Programs
                                          • Group fitness classes from Aqua to Zumba              (credit) during the spring and summer breaks.
                                          • Personal trainers                                     Transportation
                                          Location                                                San José has a number of public transportation
                                          With 300 days of sunshine per year, San José is         options that serve the region, including:
                                          ranked as one of the ‘Best Places to Live’ in America   • BART (Bay Area Regional Transit)
                                          by U.S. News & World Report.                            • ACE Rail (Altamont Corridor Express)
                                                                                                  • Highway 17 Express Bus
                                          Mobile App
                                          San José State has its own mobile app that allows       • SamTrans Bus
                                          students to connect with one another online, view       • VTA Lightrail
                                          upcoming campus events, and access important            • Caltrain
                                          information about university housing, dining on         • Amtrak (Capitol Corridor)
                                          campus, student organizations, and alternative          There are also alternative transportation options
                                          transportation. The SJSU Sammy App can be               for people to get to SJSU, including carsharing,
                                          downloaded to a smartphone or tablet via the            carpooling, and even riding your bicycle.
                                          Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
                                                                                                  Weeks of Welcome
                                          Outdoor Activities                                      During the first weeks of the fall semester, there
                                          Through the Spartan Recreation and Aquatic              are many social events to help students get
                                          Center, students have the chance to participate in      connected and build friendships, educational
                                          various outdoor activities such as hiking, camping,     programs to support students as they develop their
                                          surfing, rock climbing, and mountain biking.            independence, and academic workshops to assist
                                                                                                  students in preparing for their classes.
Join the Spartan Family - Attend SJSU -
Spartan Support
                  Accessible Education Center (AEC)                                        Library (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library)
                  The AEC proudly presents its vision of redefining ability by providing   The library offers more than 2.5 million print books and e-books,
                  comprehensive services in support of the educational development         over 800 electronic databases and over 200,000 e-journals, as
                  and success of students with disabilities.                               well as personalized research guidance and access to technology
                                                                                           services which enables students to explore and succeed.
                  Academic Advising and Retention Services
                                                                    MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center
                  Academic Advising and Retention Services provides advising for 
                  General Education, Undeclared-PreNursing students, students              The MOSAIC Cross Cultural Center provides support services and
                  requiring supported instruction, international students and those        advocacy for historically underrepresented identity groups, along
                  on probation or who have been disqualified.                              with programming, events, and leadership opportunities for all
                                                                                           students, staff, faculty and San José community members.
                  African-American/Black Student Success Center
                                                 New Student and Family Programs
                  The African-American/Black Student Success Center’s primary    
                  mission is retaining, empowering, and successfully graduating            New Student and Family Programs offers several programs to
                  African-American/Black students at SJSU.                                 support new students and their parent(s)/family as they transition
                                                                                           into SJSU, including a Parent and Family Portal, which provides a
                  Career Center                                                            way for parents and families to stay involved with their Spartan at
                                                            San José State.
                  The Career Center will help you explore majors and careers, build
                  experience, and identify and launch your career path.                    Office of the Registrar
                  Cesar E. Chavez Community Action Center (CCCAC)                          The Office of the Registrar processes, maintains, and protects all
                                      of the official student records at SJSU, from admission to after
                  The CCCAC connects students with community service                       students graduate.
                  opportunities that deepen educational experience while promoting
                  lifelong commitment to civic activism and social justice.                Peer Connections (Tutoring and Mentoring)
                  Chicanx/Latinx Student Success Center (CLSSC)                            Peer Connections offers free mentoring, tutoring, and
                                                        supplemental instruction services for students at SJSU.
                  The CLSSC is devoted to providing inclusive and welcoming
                  community spaces that affirm students’ intersecting identities,          Pride Center
                  validate their capabilities, develop their skills, and foster positive
                  interactions and relationships.                                          Through programming and educational outreach the PRIDE Center
                                                                                           seeks to improve the campus climate for LGBTQ+ students and
                  College Student Success Centers                                          advocate for the respect and safety of all members of the campus
                  Each college at San José State provides hands-on advising for
                  students pursuing an academic program (major) within that college.       SJSU Cares
                  Advisors provide assistance with general advising, changing majors
                  and academic policy-related questions.                                   SJSU Cares assists students who are facing an unforeseen
                                                                                           economic crisis by providing direct support and referrals around
                  Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)                             basic needs, including food, housing, and emergency assistance.
                  CAPS advances personal development, enhances student learning,           Student Health Center
                  and addresses life crises by providing culturally inclusive mental
                  health services and educational counseling.                              When you enroll at SJSU, you gain access to our fully accredited
                                                                                           medical facility located on campus in the Student Wellness Center
                  Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)                                    that provides treatment and care in support of the student
                                                                     community’s well-being.
                  The Educational Opportunity Program is designed to improve
                  student academic support of first-generation, low-income and             Student Involvement
                  educationally disadvantaged students. The program provides     
                  admission, academic, and financial assistance to EOP-eligible            Student Involvement provides co-curricular activities that help
                  undergraduate students considered California residents or AB540          students in a number of ways, including: develop critical thinking
                  students.                                                                skills, practice effective communication, build multicultural
                                                                                           competence, learn the importance of active citizenship; gain
                  Financial Aid and Scholarship Office (FASO)                              practical competence/life skills; discover their leadership and
                                                                    interpersonal style; and overall, feel more connected to their
                  The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office helps students and their        peers, staff, faculty, and the overall campus community.
                  families with available funding programs to help cover the cost of
                  their education through grants, loans, work study, and scholarships.     UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center
                  Gender Equity Center (GenEC)                                             The UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center (USRC) works
                                                                   alongside undocumented/AB540 students and allies to create a
                  The GenEC strives to empower our students and educate the                campus community that is welcoming and inclusive of all students
                  campus on a multitude of issues facing society based on gender.          regardless of their immigration status.
                  Guardian Scholars Program (GSP)                                          Veterans Resource Center
                  The GSP provides holistic support services for former and current        The Veterans Resource Center assists eligible student veterans, active
                  foster youth, wards of the court, unaccompanied homeless youth,          duty service persons, dependents, reservists, and National Guard
                  and youth under legal guardianship. Guardian Scholars is part of the     members with state and federal education benefit programs.
                  Educational Opportunity Program (EOP).
                                                                                           Writing Center
                                                                                           The Writing Center offers a variety of resources to help students
                                                                                           become better writers, and all of our services are free for SJSU students.
Join the Spartan Family - Attend SJSU -
Spartan Pride
                 Ranked seventh among top
                 public universities in the
                 western U.S. by U.S. News
                 & World Report.

                                              Photo by: Christina Olivas

                                              With $60 million in annual
                                              research, SJSU is a top-200
                                              school nationally in terms
                                              of research spending.

                Photo by: David Schmitz

                Named one of the Nation’s
                Best Value Colleges by
                Forbes magazine.

                                              Photo by: Dan Liberti

                                              Of SJSU’s 22 NCAA Division I
                                              men’s and women’s sports
                                              teams, an all-time high 57
                                              athletes were named to the
                                              Academic All-Mountain
                                              West team.

                Photo by: Dan Liberti

                Number one supplier of
                education, engineering,
                computer science and
                business graduates to
                Silicon Valley, the world’s
                high-tech capital.

                                              Photo by: Christina Olivas
Top Hiring Employers
Among the nation’s top                                            Adobe Systems
veterans serving academic
institutions.                                                     Amazon
                                                                  City of San José
                                Photo by: David Schmitz
                                                                  County of Santa Clara
                                                                  Enterprise Rent-A-Car
                                History                           EY
                                With a history that spans
                                more than 150 years, SJSU is      Facebook
                                the founding campus of the
                                23-campus California State
                                                                  Google LLC
                                University (CSU) system.          Grant Thornton
                                                                  Intel Corporation
Photo by: Dan Liberti                                             Kaiser Permanente
                                                                  KPMG LLP
Social Mobility                                                   Lockheed Martin
SJSU is one of the top public                                     Oracle
universities in the West for
enrolling and graduating                                          San José State University
economically disadvantaged
students eligible for Pell                                        San José Unified School District
Grants.                                                           SAP Center
                                Photo by: Bruce Cramer
                                                                  Stanford University
                                                                  Starbucks Coffee Company
                                SJSU is considered one of the
                                                                  Target Corporation
                                “Most Innovative Schools”         Tesla
                                among public universities in
                                the West for making the most      Uplift Family Services
                                innovative improvements           Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
                                in terms of curriculum,
                                faculty, students, campus life,   Western Digital
                                technology, and facilities.
Photo by: Stan Olszewski

Ranked third among public
universities in the West for
ethnic diversity by U.S. News
& World Report.

                                Photo by: Carlos Morenos
One Washington Square | San José, CA 95192 | 408-283-7500 |


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                                                                                           @SJSU on Instagram


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Main photos by Dan Liberti

©2020 San José State University
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