Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap

Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
EDITION 32   MAY 2011

Johnnie Walker
ACA All*Star
Teams of the

• Ricky Ponting tribute
• Big Bash League update
• Masters wrap
                                            ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011           1
Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
ACA Welcome

After the disappointment of the Ashes and World Cup,
Cricket Australia has committed to undertake a review
of Australian cricket’s high performance processes,
structures and systems in order to provide the best
chance of sustained future success.

                                                                                                        Paul Marsh

CA should be complimented for recruiting a        As CEO I couldn’t have been prouder of the        Another ACA Masters season has concluded
review group comprising Don Argus, Malcolm        current group of players in January when          and once again we were able to promote
Speed, Allan Border, Mark Taylor and Steve        they all banded together to donate in excess      the game of cricket and raise money for
Waugh, and the ACA has been advised we            of $190,000 from their own pockets for            local communities in far flung areas across
will be formally involved in the review.          victims of the floods in Queensland, Western      the country. Our Masters players continue to
We have prepared for this review by meeting       Australia and Victoria and the bushfires in       be terrific ambassadors for the ACA and the
individually with various senior players,         Western Australia.                                game of cricket and I thank all of them for
conducting a survey of all members and            The efforts of the Queensland past and            their continued support.
dedicating much of our February Executive         present players, in particular, in helping out    Our membership numbers have grown again
and Delegates meeting to discussing the           their own was an inspiration to all at the ACA    from last year’s record high of 949. At the
players’ view of the various issues that need     and we have detailed some of what took            time of writing we have reached 980 with a
to be addressed in order to return Australia to   place within.                                     few more still trickling in. We set ourselves a
the top of world cricket.                         With the end of the domestic season comes         goal of reaching 1,000 this year and it will be
There is an overwhelming view from ACA            the various individual and team awards and        touch and go as to whether we get there this
members that there is no quick fix to the         I take this opportunity to congratulate all       year but regardless I thank all members for
current issues. They believe the major issues     winners. Congratulations also to the Tigers,      their support of the ACA again in 2010-11.
are systemic and as such the review needs to      Bushrangers and Redbacks on their success in      In finishing, the World Cup saw the end of
be focussed in this direction. Issues such as     the respective domestic competitions.             an era with Ricky Ponting stepping aside
coaching, selection, the quality and structure    Congratulations also to the Southern Stars on     as Australian Captain. Australian cricket
of our pathway competitions and the level         their amazing come from behind win in the         has been fortunate to have had such an
of co-operation between CA and its State          one-off Ashes Test in January. Test matches       outstanding leader at its helm for the past
Associations have all been identified by ACA      are few and far between for our female            nine years and I’m sure all members will join
members as priorities for the review.             members and this match was of the highest         me in congratulating Ricky on all he has
The ACA and our members welcome this              tension and quality. Congratulations also to      achieved.
review and expect it will contribute to           the Breakers and Spirit on their success in the   Michael Clarke was appointed as Ricky’s
returning Australia back to the top of world      WNCL domestic competitions.                       successor and I wish Michael every success in
cricket.                                          A special congratulations to Allan Border         the role. Whilst he has a tough act to follow,
ACA and CA have been in ongoing                   Medallist Shane Watson who took out               I’m certain he will do a terrific job.
negotiations around the next MOU and the          Australian cricket’s highest individual honour    Regards
rules, regulations and player payment model       for a second consecutive year.                    PAUL MARSH
for the expanded Big Bash League.                 Congratulations to all other award winners        Chief Executive
As has been publicly reported, negotiations       presented at the Allan Border Medal, all those
between ACA and CA came to a standstill           who made the Johnnie Walker ACA Teams
over two major issues we have been unable         of the Year and all those who won the ACA
to resolve. At the time of writing both parties   MVP Awards. Details on these awards are
have started talking again, however, the          contained within.
issues remain unresolved.
Any negotiation of this nature will have
its difficulties, however ACA and CA have                                       Benefits For Competition
historically been able to resolve major issues                                  • Greater likelihood of competitive balance on an annual basis
in the past. I’m hopeful we’ll do so again in
                                                                                • Greater interest in games as competition increases
this instance.
                                                                                • Greatest interest delivers greater revenues
                                                                                • More exciting games may spike viewership of televised games in
                                                                                  markets not currently served but with the economic potential to
                                                                                  support a Big Bash team. This could lead to future expansion.
                                                                                • Industrial relations stability
                                                                                • Decreased likelihood of legal challenges to system
                                                                                  by players

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Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
ACA pushes for free agency
   With CA’s decision to expand the Big Bash League from six State teams to                              include a common salary cap, a set minimum
   eight City teams from the start of the 2011-12 season, a new agreement                                retainer and no set maximum retainer.
                                                                                                         It is important to note that this competition
   covering the various player rules and regulations and a player payment
                                                                                                         will be impacted by two major constraints in
   model needed to be negotiated between CA and ACA.                                                     its initial years.
   At the time of writing, negotiations were         • Each squad will have Supplementary Lists          Firstly, CA’s current domestic television rights
   continuing, however, good progress had been         of 6 players. These can be drawn upon if          deal doesn’t expire until the end of the 2012-
   made with the majority of key issues having         replacement players are needed but their          13 season. As such, income from television
   been resolved.                                      major purpose is to increase the number of        rights will not increase for the first two years
                                                       eligible players for the teams that qualify       of the expanded competition. This will impact
   The ACA’s major objectives from these                                                                 player payments initially - which will in turn
   negotiations were to secure a player allocation     for the CLT20.
                                                                                                         impact the quality of players (particularly
   model of free agency, provide terms and           • Two contracting periods - the first to take
                                                                                                         those from overseas) who will play in the
   conditions that would attract and retain            place in July with an obligation for teams
   players in the competition and to ensure the        to contract a minimum of 14 players in this
   competition would be appealing to fans.             period and the second to conclude seven           The second issue is the scheduling clash
                                                       days prior to the commencement of the             between Big Bash and International cricket.
   Despite the ongoing negotiations the ACA is                                                           For at least the first season, our Test players
                                                       event with lists of 18 to be finalised.
   confident these objectives will largely be met.                                                       will not be available for the Big Bash. Beyond
                                                     • The competition will pay for re-location
   We have reached agreement in principle                                                                this it is uncertain as to International player
                                                       expenses for any relevant domestic players
   with CA on the following player rules and                                                             availability.
                                                       and the franchises will cover such costs for
   regulations:                                                                                          The absence of star players is likely to impact
                                                       overseas players.
   • Squad sizes of 18.                                                                                  the Big Bash in its formative years, however,
                                                     Player payment details will be subject to the
   • Maximum of two overseas players in any                                                              in time we all hope that the competition
                                                     broader MOU negotiations and as such it
     team or squad, however with the ability to                                                          will be successful enough to allow CA to
                                                     is premature to be communicating specific
     replace such players should they become                                                             find a clear window for it so that there is no
                                                     numbers, however we expect the model to
     unavailable at any time.                                                                            scheduling clash.

   Onside caught up with ACA Chief                   proposal and this was driven by our strong          – the competition itself, players, teams and
   Executive Paul Marsh to discuss his               belief that market mechanisms operate to            the fans. (This is re-produced in the table
   thoughts on the structure of the new              ensure that resources are allocated to where        below.)
   domestic Twenty20 competition.                    they are most valued.                               It’s important to note that free agency exists
   Sixers, Scorchers, Renegades and Heat are         When combined with a common salary cap,             in some form in nearly every professional
   among the names we’ll see in this new             we are convinced that the free agency model         sporting competition in the world. The model
   venture but obviously there’s a lot more          will best deliver the outcome of annually           allows poorer performing teams to improve
   to be worked through. What are the                competitively balanced teams.                       in a relatively short period of time, helping
   priorities for the ACA?                                                                               the competition and teams to “sell hope” to
                                                     Why not a draft model as had been
   To be successful the Big Bash needs a high                                                            fans and other stakeholders. They can recruit
                                                     proposed in some circles?
   level of fan engagement. To achieve this, we                                                          according to their specific needs.
                                                     We strongly oppose a draft because our
   believe the competition needs high quality        research shows that this model neither              Why would the ACA agree to a salary
   home-grown and international players,             provides an effective mechanism to deliver          cap?
   playing conditions and facilities that promote    annual competitive balance nor does it in           With the MOU revenue sharing agreement
   attractive cricket and scheduling at an optimal   anyway benefit players. There are also various      model we currently have in place, players
   time for fans and players. Importantly, the       legal and conceptual issues with a draft.           receive 26% of Australian Cricket Revenue.
   league must also be competitively balanced                                                            This is distributed to all Australian and State
                                                     We will always have a problem with a model
   on an annual basis with all eight teams a                                                             players and the Big Bash payments will come
                                                     that forces a player to play for a team he may
   chance to win in any given year.                                                                      from the same pool.
                                                     not want to play for. The ability to choose
   How is competitive balance achieved?              where you work should be a fundamental              Given this model, and it is a model we
   The ACA has negotiated hard for a player          right of any employee.                              strongly believe in, it is important that we
   allocation model of free agency combined                                                              position Big Bash player payments in such
                                                     What are the benefits of free agency?
   with a common salary cap for all teams.                                                               a way that players are still motivated to
                                                     In the proposal we developed for CA, we
   We have put a mountain of work into                                                                   prioritise international cricket. A salary cap
                                                     outlined what we believed the benefits of
   researching and developing a free agency                                                              helps us achieve that.
                                                     free agency would be for all key stakeholders

Benefits For Players                  Benefits For Teams                                                 Benefits For Fans
• Greater self-determination          • Greater revenues due to competitively balanced                   • More exciting games as each team has the
• Greater potential to play for         competition                                                        potential to win
  a winning team both through         • More competitive games, thus greater interest and                • May not have to wait extensive periods for
  movement to another team and          higher attendance for all clubs                                    their team to excel
  greater competitiveness of team     • Ability to quickly improve the team from year to year            • More off-season intrigue through player
• Ability to maximise salary          • Opportunity to fill specific holes in their squads with proven     movement mechanisms
• Potential to play for team            players without competitors’ involvement or consent              • Knowledge that each player actually is playing
  with best personal and              • Ability to consider team dynamics and put together the             for the team of his choice and therefore
  professional fit                      players that work best together                                    wants to play for the fans’ team

                                                                                                                ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011                       3
Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
Johnnie Walker ACA

        All*Star Teams of the Year
        At the State Cricket Awards held at Bellerive Oval in Hobart the 2010-11 Johnnie
        Walker Australian Cricketers’ Association (ACA) All*Star Teams for the Interstate Four-
        Day, One-Day and Twenty20 competitions were announced.

        Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star                      Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star                     Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star
        Interstate Four-Day Team of the Year             Interstate One-Day Team of the Year             Interstate Twenty20 Team of the Year
        1. Wesley Robinson WA                            1. Ed Cowan TAS                                 1. Daniel Harris SA
        2. Shaun Marsh WA                                2. Aaron Finch VIC                              2. Aaron Finch VIC
        3. Usman Khawaja NSW                             3. Brad Hodge VIC                               3. Shaun Marsh WA
        4. Mark Cosgrove TAS                             4. George Bailey (c) TAS                        4. James Hopes (vc) QLD
        5. Robert Quiney VIC                             5. Marcus North (vc) WA                         5. George Bailey (c) TAS
        6. James Hopes (c) QLD                           6. Daniel Christian SA                          6. Kieron Pollard SA
        7. Graham Manou SA                               7. Matthew Wade VIC                             7. Ben Rohrer NSW
        8. Luke Butterworth TAS                          8. Brett Lee NSW                                8. Luke Ronchi WA
        9. Nathan Hauritz (vc) NSW                       9. Brendan Drew TAS                             9. Nathan Lyon SA
        10. Peter Siddle VIC                             10. Xavier Doherty TAS                          10. Stuart Clark NSW
        11. Trent Copeland NSW                           11. Ben Edmondson SA                            11. Patrick Cummins NSW
        12th man Andrew McDonald VIC                     12th man Adam Voges WA                          12th man Daniel Christian SA

        Tasmanian skipper George Bailey capped an        consistency throughout the season. Thanks       “To make the Team of Year is unbelievable,
        outstanding season to be named captain of        once again to the wonderful support shown       I’m over the moon.”
        both the Interstate One-Day and Twenty20         from Johnnie Walker and the ACA.”               The paceman will have a chance to further
        teams.                                           Teenage paceman Patrick Cummins, in his         his development in the Champions League
        “It is always special to be recognised by your   debut season, underlined his impressive start   Twenty20 later in the year.
        peers and the members of the ACA Teams           at interstate level by making the Twenty20      “I’ve never played on the subcontinent, so it
        of the Year should be justly proud of their      side.                                           will be a great challenge to bowl over there
        achievements,” he said.                          “I was thrilled to play just one game so        against some pretty formidable batsmen,”
        “All three teams are very strong, so to          to play as many as I did was more than I        he said.
        be named Captain of two of them is an            could’ve dreamed of,” he said.
        honour and probably reflective of Tasmania's

		   Peter Siddle, George Bailey & Patrick Cummins

        4         ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011
Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
Ricky Ponting, take a bow
                                                  Tributes have flowed for Ricky Ponting after his decision to stand down
                                                  as Australian captain following the team’s World Cup campaign.

Since taking over the reins from Steve Waugh      Darren Lehmann:                                  ACA Chief Executive Paul Marsh also paid
in both the One-Day (2002) and Test (2004)        “He gave so much to me and the team as a         tribute to Ponting.
formats, Ponting led the sides with distinction   player and supported us in all facets. I loved   “Ricky is one of the best players to have
and success.                                      the way he led us and the current team for       represented Australia and deserves all of the
His world record for the most wins in Test        so long, and his record is second-to-none        accolades that he has received over his long
(48) and One-Day (164) cricket underlines his     as a captain and player.                         career,” he said.
enormous contribution.                            “He is comfortably our best player since         “His achievements as captain – including the
Steering Australia to two ICC Cricket World       Bradman. I’m sure he will continue to play       most victories in both Tests and ODI’s – bear
Cups in 2003 and 2007, two ICC Champions          with the same pride and success as he has in     testimony to his leadership, determination and
Trophies in 2006 and 2009, the first Ashes        the coming period and I hope he now has a        endurance. He has led a rebuilding team with
whitewash in 86 years, a record-equalling 16      bit more time to spend with his family.”         distinction and is a revered figure by players
consecutive Test victories and a phenomenal       Andy Bichel:                                     right throughout Australia, beyond those
overall winning percentage speak volumes for                                                       who’ve shared a dressing room with him.
                                                  "A good bloke, brilliant batsman and as a
his contribution.                                                                                  “He has been a focussed and thoughtful
                                                  captain was prepared to give blokes a fair
In many cases, he has emphatically ‘led from      go - not to mention the fact that he has an      leader off the field as well, always concerned
the front’, such as his peerless 140 in the       awesome record.                                  with what has been best for the collective
2003 World Cup final and as recently as the                                                        playing group rather than himself.
                                                  “I was very lucky to play in the same team
quarter final of this year’s tournament where                                                      “I would love nothing more than to see Ricky
                                                  as Ricky. He was a devastating batsman for
his fighting ton was again the cornerstone of                                                      continue to perform at his best and help his
                                                  many years and still is, a special someone
the Australian innings.                                                                            successor steer the team back to the top of
                                                  that would have been hard to bowl at when
Many of those who played under Ponting            he was in a destructive mood. I enjoyed a        world cricket standings.”
were effusive in their praise.                    very successful time playing with Ricky and
                                                  we share some great memories. I wish him         Ricky Ponting as Test and ODI Captain
                                                  only the best of luck and happiness for
                                                                                                           Games Win       Loss   Draw % Won
                                                  the remainder of his playing career and
                                                  the years that follow.”                          Tests    77     48      16       13   62.33
                                                                                                   ODI      228    164     50      14*   76.38
                                                                                                   (*denotes 2 Ties)

                                                                                                   Source: CA statistician Ross Dundas

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Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
Masters players with Milo in2CRICKET kids, Darren Lehmann

                       ACA Masters finish on a high
        The ACA Masters finished season 2010-11 on a high with                                             was a crowd favourite while Matthew Elliott
        a resounding win over the Central Coast Cricket Association                                        looked as comfortable as ever at the batting
        in Wyong recently.
                                                                                                           The ACA Masters took on their New Zealand
                                                                                                           counterparts in a lively match in Hamilton,
                                                                                                           NZ in February. The match, televised live
        Skipper Greg Ritchie was more than pleased       in the wicket preparation while spin guru Terry   on Fox Sports saw former greats like Craig
        with the result, which ensured he would          Jenner - who played for Moonta in the 1970’s      McDermott, Andy Bichel and Brad Hogg
        take an unbeaten record (one win) into next      – and ABC commentator Roger Wills were            take on Stephen Fleming, Dion Nash and
        season. Greg Matthews’ five wicket haul was      other spectators in one of the many marquees      Mark Greatbatch. Ryan Campbell’s 89 off 52
        a highlight.                                     flanking the oval. Ryan Campbell skippered        balls was a standout for the ACA Masters,
        The opening tour for the season proved           the side to a much needed victory.                although Greatbatch and Bryan Young
        fruitful for Jimmy Maher, who revelled in        The ACA Masters were outclassed against the       combined to swing the game the home side’s
        his home State to compile a crisp century        combined side from the Australian Country         way. All profits from the match went to the
        in Gympie. This was only the second ton in       Cricket Championships in Bunbury. However,        Christchurch Earthquake Relief Fund.
        the three-year history of the Masters, but       the tour marked the Masters debut for Merv        The 2010-11 ACA Masters season was again
        unfortunately the bowlers couldn’t quite         Hughes, who noted that, ”there’s a fine line      a great success overall, with the matches,
        match this level of performance and a narrow     between warm-up and fatigue!” after his           youth scholarships, sportsman’s nights, Milo
        loss was recorded. This followed a similar       opening spell.                                    in2CRICKET clinics and various community
        result in Bundaberg a couple of days prior.      Unfortunately, the match in Alice Springs as      engagement activities well received. The
        The game at Port Pirie, South Australia, saw     part of the Imparja Cup was washed out as         program continues to be a wonderful
        former Australian spinners Peter Sleep and       the effects of Cyclone Yasi made their way to     promotional tool for cricket throughout
        Dan Cullen in Masters colours for the first      Central Australia.                                regional Australia. It provides members with
        time, alongside fellow tweakers Matthews         The Victorian tour was marked by a stark          a vehicle for keeping in touch with the game
        and Brad Young – who blasted six 6s and four     contrast in weather conditions. The Ballarat      and other former players whilst making a
        4s in his innings of 70.                         match was warmly supported but the mercury        strong contribution to the community.
        On the same tour, the match at Moonta            barely reached double figures. Mick Lewis         The ACA greatly appreciates the support
        featured a celebrity curtain raiser, including   was dispatched over long off from the first       provided by our key partners in the Masters:
        many current and former Adelaide Crows           ball of the home side’s innings, but Jo Angel’s   Choice Hotels, Milo and also appreciates the
        players, and some legendary cricket figures      fine spell netted four wickets. Ballarat was      assistance of State Associations through their
        were in attendance. Former Adelaide Oval         too good, but the Masters returned to the         regional cricket managers and CA.
        curator Les Burdett had provided his expertise   winners’ list in Mildura. Local lad Mark Cleary

		   Masters team members

        6         ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011
Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
Fiona McDonald

Fiona finds feet
Beyond the Boundary
SA Scorpions all-rounder and aspiring lawyer Fiona
McDonald was a member who recently participated in the
ACA’s Beyond the Boundary program and offered some
feedback on her experience (see letter, left).

                    Beyond the Boundary is part of the ACA’s
                    Professional Development Program and
                    focuses on providing current playing
                    members with work experience opportunities
                    in a range of different environments outside
                    the sport. This supports the ACA’s strong
                    commitment to the off-field development of
                    its members, and a significant focus is on a
                    smooth career transition from professional
                    sport to a satisfying post playing career.
                    The ACA engages Infront Sports Consulting
                    to roll out Beyond the Boundary. They are
                    specialist providers of elite athlete career
                    development and transition services.
                    Players interested in getting involved in the
                    Beyond the Boundary program can contact
                    Ben Smith at the ACA on 03 9698 7216 or
                    If you are a host company interested in
                    participating in the program please call Erin
                    Devlin 0403 212 761 or Michael Bokody
                    0405 735 131 at Infront Sports Consulting.

                           ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011                      7
Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
Past & present Queensland players assist with flood recovery

 Cricketers go into
 bat for disaster relief
                                                                                                    clubs as far afield as Gold Coast and Sunshine
 Australian and State cricketers provided an enormous                                               Coast who turned up to help throughout the
                                                                                                    broader south east region.
 response to the flood and bushfire disasters throughout
                                                                                                    “The ACA generously provided funds for a
 the country over the summer.                                                                       generator, which was invaluable in running
                                                                                                    machinery like power cleaners and blowers.
                                                                                                    We were also concerned about feeding all the
                                                                                                    volunteers but food came from everywhere:
 They donated money and signed playing shirts     Dawes was able to assemble a working party
                                                                                                    sausage sizzles on the backs of utes; girls
 for auction, visited some of the communities     of current and former players to help some of
                                                                                                    too little to help with the clean-up delivered
 affected and in many cases actively helped on    those affected by the deluge.
                                                                                                    cupcakes up and down the street; and Ryan
 the ground in areas hit hard by the disasters.   One of those was Bulls quick Scott Walter,        Broad’s wife provided about 40 pizzas free
 Australian players donated match payments,       who contacted Dawes to get some assistance.       of charge through her work at Domino’s. We
 with players from all State squads following     “When we got to Scotty’s place, the section       were so grateful for all of it.
 suit and donating varying amounts of money       underneath the house was already waist deep       “One of the moments that stands out for
 to help those affected across the country.       in water – and this was a day or two before       me was late on the second day when a
 ACA President Michael Kasprowicz made a          the waters were expected to peak,” Dawes          young couple returned to their unit, which
 presentation to the Queensland Premier’s         said.                                             was completely submerged. The girl was
 Disaster Relief Appeal of $140,000 on behalf     “We gathered as much furniture as we could,       sobbing and initially we thought they hadn’t
 of all the players and the ACA during an ODI     which we transported to Queensland Cricket        been home when the chaos hit and she was
 against England. This total was made up of       headquarters, who had generously given us         overwhelmed by the devastation. It turned out
 the match fees of the Australian players as      some space for storage.                           the main cause of her distress was that she’d
 well as those of players from South Australia,                                                     lost her grandmother’s jewellery. A group of
                                                  A former teammate of Dawes, champion
 Tasmania and New South Wales – who                                                                 our guys started searching in the darkness
                                                  batsman Martin Love, was also among those
 donated match fees from Big Bash games. The                                                        throughout their place and miraculously
                                                  to get hit. The lower level of Love’s house
 ACA also contributed to this total.                                                                managed to locate a bag containing the
                                                  in Brisbane’s southern suburbs was virtually
 Over and above the $140,000 donation,            gutted before Dawes’ gumboot and mop              missing jewellery. The girl collapsed with
 players from the other three States donated      army arrived to help with the painstaking         emotion. It was just one memory of many I’ll
 money for victims of the Queensland and          clean-up.                                         never forget.”
 Victorian floods and the bushfire recovery on
                                                  “I got the call from Lovey at 4.30am the
 the outskirts of Perth.
                                                  next morning. I made some calls myself and

 All up the collective player group donated       by 5.30am there were 15 or 16 people at
 in excess of $190,000 to the victims of the      his place. The response was amazing. There              We gathered as much
 disasters.                                       were current players like Ben Cutting and
 Members of the Australian team visited           Chris Simpson, as well as former players like           furniture as we could,
 Goodna, a suburb of Ipswich, while Australian    Jimmy Maher and Darren Lehmann – who was
 and State cricketers rattled tins at grounds     staying with Mahbo at the time. Incredibly,             which we transported
 throughout the Twenty20 Internationals and       Scott Walter was there with three of his family
 Commonwealth Bank ODI Series.                    members, ready to return the favour.                    to Queensland Cricket
 For Joe Dawes, the impact of the floods was      “Along with Terry Oliver and his wife, we               headquarters, who had
 close to home. The former Queensland quick       put together a plan to make the best use
 currently works as the Bulls’ bowling coach      of the working party, whose numbers had                 generously given us some

 and Player Development Manager. It was the       grown to about 50. In fact, the support was
 latter role – and his previous experience as     so overwhelming we sent teams of people to              space for storage.
 a policeman - that came to the fore when         help out Lovey’s neighbours as well. People’s
 the floods hit and ‘troops’ needed to be         willingness to assist was incredible. There
 mobilised.                                       were about 120 grade cricketers from various

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Where are they now?
                                                      Geoffrey Forsaith played just the one first-class game
                                                      but his involvement in cricket has been life-long.

                                                      What work were you pursuing during                 cricketing circles, and it has produced many
                                                      your cricket career, and what have you             strong friendships. When the ACA was
                                                      been doing since?                                  formed it provided an ideal base for me to
                                                      After completing a Science degree at WA            continue these friendships and be updated on
                                                      University I commenced working in the              the state of the game.
                                                      Insurance Broking industry in 1952, later          The annual lunches at Test matches are also
                                                      specialising in aviation insurance. I moved        most enjoyable. Last year I visited Perth for the
                                                      family and home to Sydney in 1963 where            Ashes Test and it was a reunion of sorts. It was
                                                      business prospects were better. I then shifted     great to meet so many cricketers I had played
                                                      to Queensland in 1981 and now live in              with or against during the 1950s and 60s.
                                                      Brisbane. Although semi-retired, I still dabble    It is also encouraging to know that players
                                                      in my chosen profession.                           who may not be travelling too well can
Thanks for taking the time to talk to us              In 1978 I was asked to be a member of the          be helped by the ACA through the Player
Geoff. Can you give our readers a little              World Series Cricket Governing Committee           Hardship Fund. For this reason alone I would
background on your cricket career?                    and was appointed Manager of the Australian        ensure I retain my membership.
                                                      team for the two years WSC was active.             Finally, I feel that because cricket has been such
I played first grade club cricket for 18 years
with University in Perth and Gordon in Sydney.        What was your motivation for taking the            a big influence on my life I should continue
I was honoured to be selected in University’s         roles?                                             my interest in the game and encourage other
Team of the 20th century, and was recently            Initially I was honoured and thrilled when         players to do so. I still try to find the time to
awarded Life Membership at the club.                  asked to be involved in WSC, as I felt my          attend matches played at the Gabba.
Unfortunately my medium pacers failed to impress      enthusiasm for the game had provided me            What are your thoughts on the current
the selectors, so I only played the one first-class   with the opportunity to be involved with           state of the game? Is it heading in the right
game for WA against New Zealand. Although             an innovational project headlined by 23 of         direction with the mix between Country
I was a part of WA’s State Practice squad from        Australia’s leading cricketers. When we had        Vs Country Test and ODI matches and the
1957 to 1962 – the WACA didn’t have a 2nd XI          difficulty finding a Manager for the Australian    emergence of Club Twenty20 competitions
or development squad in those days.                   Team and I was asked if I was available, I had     (i.e. the new Big Bash, IPL, etc)?
                                                      no hesitation in accepting. I felt I could carry   I prefer to leave the organisation of the game
What are your fondest memories of your                out the managerial tasks due to previous
time as a player in that era?                                                                            to the ICC and Cricket Australia, but I must
                                                      player friendships made off the field.             admit it’s sometimes hard to get enthusiastic
Playing against the Black Caps stands out
because of the nature of the occasion. I even         What was the mood amongst the players              about Twenty20.
snaffled two wickets courtesy of Keith Slater’s       at the time?                                       I do long though, for a return of crowds
bucket hands at backward square. Aside                All the players were in very good spirits and      to Sheffield Shield cricket. There is some
from that, winning four premierships with             excited to be involved in a new project, an        fantastic cricket played in this competition
University is a highlight.                            extension of playing cricket for their country     and it is deserving of more than the pathetic
                                                      at the highest level. The fact they were           number of spectators that do attend.
Likewise my final two seasons with Gordon,
                                                      finally being satisfactorily rewarded for their
where I played under the captaincy of the
                                                      efforts was a bonus. I think that all of the
legendary Sid Carroll.
                                                      players respected the Packer cooperative
Player earnings have risen steadily in the            input instead of the ACB’s control. They were
last 13 years since the introduction of the           absolutely helpful, dedicated and behaved
ACA. What were your earnings per game                 accordingly. They participated in WSC
back in your era?                                     marketing projects and it was obvious that
I still have a copy of a letter from the WACA         they enjoyed their cricket. They had great
which advised me of selection. It notes my            support from their captain Ian Chappell.
match allowance was a whopping £2 per                 Could you sense the significance of what
day. I suspect contracts are a little different       was taking place in the broader context
now. It is interesting to note that when the          of cricket? Could the players?
massive change to players’ salaries came
                                                      Personally I did not sense any significant
with the advent of World Series Cricket in
                                                      change, although the advent of lights and
1978, the average payment to a player was
                                                      night cricket was a big influence. The physical
approximately $30,000 for the season.
                                                      side of the game did not appear to change.
Which players from your era would
                                                      You have been a great supporter of ACA
have adapted best to the game’s newest
                                                      membership. What is it that encourages
format, Twenty20?
                                                      you to remain an ACA member?
Keith Miller, Neil Harvey, Norman O’Neill and
                                                      My family ensured I had an absorbing
Doug Walters – although it’s hard to imagine
                                                      passion for cricket, and I’ve always enjoyed
them amongst the histrionics of the IPL.
                                                      discussions about all aspects of the game
None of them would have needed the reverse            (both on and off the field). This interest has
sweep either!                                         never waned. I’ve always been involved in
                                                                                                                                                   Ian Chappell

                                                                                                                ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011                       9
Johnnie Walker ACA All*Star Teams of the Year - THIS ISSUE Ricky Ponting tribute Big Bash League update Masters wrap
Members get their diets on
       target with Metabolic Jumpstart
       Well over 100 ACA members and their partners have already been
       Jumpstarted to eat well, move more and build a healthy metabolism                              How to register using your
       with Matt O’Neill’s Metabolic Jumpstart. Here’s what’s been                                    special code
       happening and how to get involved.                                                             ACA Members and their partners, who are
                                                                                                      aged 18-65 years can register be entering the
                                                                                                      special Voucher Code below in the green box
                                                                                                      when prompted in the personal profile:
       “Since my daughter was born three years        Now Michael says the motivational nutrition     To get started, go to: www.
       ago, I’ve not given as much attention to       program, designed by Channel 7 Sunrise
       fitness and have felt my wellbeing slide,”     Nutritionist, Matt O’Neill was, “… just the
       reported former Queensland player Michael      nudge I needed to get back into the game.       Enter Voucher Code – MJCACA – in your
       Sippel before he registered for Metabolic      I feel I’ve got more energy, have lost 5 cms    online Profile (not the shopping cart) so you
       Jumpstart.                                     off my waist. I’m enjoying walking around       don’t pay.
                                                      picking my pants up all the time.”              All registrations are confidential. If you have
                                                      Metabolic Jumpstart is being offered to all     any queries or difficulties registering, email
                                                      ACA Members as part of our commitment 
                                                      to member wellness. It’s a benefit, valued      Get the Jumpstart we all need
                                                      at $80, which includes Matt’s metabolically
                                                      matched diet plan, report, 4-week program       With colder weather on the way, Metabolic
                                                      and club membership.                            Jumpstart is a great opportunity for you and
                                                                                                      your partner to avoid winter weight gain and
                                                                                                      feel fantastic.

		Michael Sippel

       Skin Cancer Checks                                                                                                                   Matt O'Neill

       Despite a wet summer with seemingly more rain than sun in many
       parts of the country, the free skin cancer checks continued to be front
       of mind for many members, and were again a key health and wellbeing
       service offered by the ACA’s Professional Development Program.

       Some 332 members attended a Skin Patrol        There was limited knowledge among               times a year. This way, should a change
       Early Detection clinic in February and March   members about the types of skin cancer          occur in a lesion the individual is aware and
       of this year.                                  and the importance of self-checking. Many       can seek medical advice immediately. They
                                                      members indicated that they were concerned      also recommend an annual skin check by a
       Key Statistics for ACA Members                 about skin cancer but had little knowledge of   medical practitioner.
       The doctor diagnosed 34 members requiring      how to self-check and therefore were not in     The ACA will continue to provide this
       further consultation from a dermatologist.     the habit of doing so.                          free service and invest in other health and
       Of these, 15 were diagnosed as requiring       Skin Patrol recommends that people get to       wellbeing initiatives.
       further treatment of at least one lesion.      know their own skin by self-checking four

       10       ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011
Memorable Match:
                                                  Sheffield Shield Final 1985-86
                                                  Following Tasmania’s tight five-day struggle to secure the Sheffield Shield
                                                  recently against New South Wales, we go back in time to look at an epic
                                                  Shield final in the summer of 1985-86. Onside caught up with the skipper
                                                  of the NSW side, Dirk Wellham, and Queensland century maker Glenn
                                                  Trimble to get their reflections on what was a memorable match.

In just the fourth Shield final since its            At 6/149 in reply, Queensland held the upper
inception in 1982-83, New South Wales                hand until some sound rear-guard resistance
was up against Queensland. In the previous           by Waugh and Dyer saw them pass the
season’s finale, NSW’s last wicket pair of Peter     follow-on, squeezing out 294.
Clifford and David Gilbert had put on 14 runs        With a deficit of 142 on a wicket slowing
to wrench the title away from the still Shield-      up and spinning increasingly, NSW strangled
less Queensland.                                     the Queensland second innings. A stuttering
“Both teams had players unavailable due to           7/133 off 46 overs was not the plan, but a
Australian commitments,” Wellham said.               lead of 275 was still significant.
“We were missing Steve Waugh, Greg                   “In our second innings I remember going in
Matthews and David Gilbert, and Queensland           at four to get quick runs so we could declare
was without Allan Border, Craig McDermott            with enough time to have a go at bowling
and Greg Ritchie.                                    them out. I think I got run out without facing
“That added to the intrigue because it meant         a ball and we just couldn’t seem to get the
many inexperienced players were involved.            runs moving,” Trimble said.
We had seven players in just their first Shield      It is interesting to note that Taylor took 4/31
season: Mark Taylor, Mark Waugh, Mark                in this innings, in just his third first-class
O'Neill, Rod Bower, Peter Taylor, Steve Small        match and a full 22 months before being
and Greg Dyer.                                       picked to make his celebrated Test debut.
“Apart from Mike Whitney, our pace                   Maybe it wasn’t that left-field a Test selection
bowling stocks were low, so much so that             after all!
Mark Waugh opened the bowling and his                Jeff Thomson, in his final year of first-class
Bankstown teammate Bower bowled first                cricket, again bowled first change for
change, even though he’d rarely bowled at            Queensland. While not quite at the fearful
even club level prior to the final. Our strength     pace of his peak, Thomson still managed to
lay in three quality spinners: Bob Holland,          be the competition’s leading wicket-taker for
                                                                                   Ian Chappell
Murray Bennett and the emerging Peter                the season, taking 42 wickets at 31.
Taylor.”                                             Taylor, Small and Wellham started well, and at
Queensland won the toss and took the                 2/115 things were going as planned for NSW.
advantage of batting first on a wicket that          Taylor’s 30 runs made him the highest run-
was going to wear, with the unlikely Bower           scorer for the season with 903 at 53.
claiming the first wicket for the match. Kepler      A collapse triggered by the slow right-arm
Wessels was immovable, however, and he               mediums of Wessels - as well as two run-outs
dominated the first day. Glenn Trimble played        - almost proved fatal but not for the resistant
an attacking role against the NSW spin trio          Peter Taylor. Taylor’s 42 was coincidentally the
and their partnership of 179 saw Queensland          same score as he made on his Test debut at
finish with 436. Whitney's 6/65 from 34 overs        the same ground.
was inspirational for the NSW team.
                                                     “We only had two wickets remaining and
Trimble’s knock continued a great season             about 30 runs to get, it was getting gloomy
where he made 531 runs at 38 and took 25                                                                                               Dirk Wellham
                                                     and still half an hour from stumps on the fifth
wickets at 27.                                       day,” Wellham said.
He recalls some key aspects of the match                                                                For Trimble and the vanquished Queensland
                                                     “Both teams had played hard-fought                 team, the wait for the elusive title continued.
vividly.                                             first-class cricket over five tough days and
“Mike (Whitney) was really fired up on the           wouldn’t give an inch. It was a very tense         “It was a great game, it was aggressive, we
first day and he just kept charging in every         finish but Murray Bennett and Bob Holland          just ran out of time on the last day and it was
spell,” he said.                                     managed to hang on for a draw to win us the        deflating after feeling on top for most of the
                                                     Shield.”                                           game,” he said.
“Kepler played just sensationally - he was
a real rock, so determined. It was a great

                                                           We only had two wickets remaining and about
                                                           30 runs to get, it was getting gloomy and still
                                                           half an hour from stumps on the fifth day.
                                                                                                               ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011                   11
With season 2010-11 complete, the
ACA extends its warm congratulations
to the award winners listed below.
                                                                            Chief Executive Officer
                                                                            Paul Marsh

                                                                            Manager Cricket Operations &
                                                                            Peter Roach
ACA MVP Awards                                                    

Overall International MVP                   WNCL MVP                        Legal Counsel
Shane Watson                                Kris Britt                      Michael Abrahams
Women’s International MVP                   Weet-Bix Sheffield Shield MVP
Shelley Nitschke                            Luke Butterworth
                                                                            National Professional
Test MVP                                    Ryobi One Day Cup MVP           Development Manager
Mitchell Johnson                            Daniel Christian                Ben Smith
ODI MVP                                     KFC Big Bash MVP      
Shane Watson                                Daniel Harris
                                                                            Manager Events & Commercial
T20 MVP                                     Women’s Twenty20 MVP            Services
David Hussey                                Karen Rolton
                                                                            Sarah Mitchell
Overall Interstate MVP                                            
Daniel Christian
                                                                            Communications Manager
                                                                            Eivion Bowen

                                                                            Office Manager
                                                                            Gabrielle Bortoli
Johnnie Walker ACA Player of the Month Awards
March – James Hopes (Queensland)                                            Events & Communications
February - George Bailey & Luke Butterworth (Tasmania)                      Coordinator
                                                                            Sharn Best
January - Daniel Harris (South Australia)
December - Nathan Hauritz (New South Wales)
November - Chris Swan (Queensland)                                          Administration Assistant
October - Brad Hodge (Victoria)                                             Megan Fedke

                                                                            Australian Cricketers’ Association Inc.
Other Awards
                                                                            Level 1, 2 Ross Place
Allan Border Medal                                                          PO Box 395
Shane Watson                                                                South Melbourne VIC 3205
                                                                            Phone: 03 9698 7200
Test Player of the Year
Shane Watson                                                                Fax: 03 9698 7299
One-Day International Player of the Year
Shane Watson                                                                Email:
                                                                            Twitter: @ACA_Players
Twenty20 Player of the Year
David Hussey
                                                                            Photos courtesy of Getty Images,
Women’s International Cricketer of the Year                                 Queensland Cricket & South Australian
Shelley Nitschke                                                            Cricket Association
State Player of the Year
Usman Khawaja
Bradman Young Cricketer of the Year
Trent Copeland

   12       ACA ONSIDE MAY 2011
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