JBC Papers in Press. Published on January 2, 2020 as Manuscript RA119.011083

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JBC Papers in Press. Published on January 2, 2020 as Manuscript RA119.011083
JBC Papers in Press. Published on January 2, 2020 as Manuscript RA119.011083
       The latest version is at http://www.jbc.org/cgi/doi/10.1074/jbc.RA119.011083

 Mass spectrometry-based selectivity profiling identifies a highly selective inhibitor of the kinase MELK
                                that delays mitotic entry in cancer cells

   Ian M. McDonald1,2, Gavin D. Grant2,3, Michael P. East1,2, Thomas S. K. Gilbert1,4, Emily M.
   Wilkerson1,4, Dennis Goldfarb5,6, Joshua Beri1,4, Laura E. Herring1,4, Cyrus Vaziri2,7, Jeanette
                  Gowen Cook2,3, Michael J. Emanuele1,2, and Lee M. Graves1,2,4*

 From the 1Department of Pharmacology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
27599; 2Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
 Hill, NC 27599; 3Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of North Carolina at Chapel
  Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; 4UNC Michael Hooker Proteomics Core Facility, University of North
     Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; 5Department of Cell Biology and Physiology,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110; 6Institute for Informatics, Washington
    University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110; 7Department of Pathology and Laboratory
             Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

                      Running title: MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

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*To whom correspondence should be addressed: Lee M. Graves: Department of Pharmacology,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; lmg@med.unc.edu; Tel.(919) 966-

Keywords: maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK), multiplexed kinase inhibitor beads/mass
spectrometry (MIB/MS), kinome profiling, inhibitor selectivity, NVS-MELK8a, mitotic delay, G2/M
checkpoint, cell cycle, AMPK family, cell proliferation

ABSTRACT                                                  and immunoblotting, we observed that MELK
         The maternal embryonic leucine zipper            inhibition delays mitotic entry, which was
kinase (MELK) has been implicated in the                  associated with delayed activation of Aurora A,
regulation of cancer cell proliferation. RNAi-            Aurora B, and cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1).
mediated MELK depletion impairs growth and                Following this delay, cells entered and completed
causes G2/M arrest in numerous cancers, but the           mitosis. Using live-cell microscopy of cells
mechanisms underlying these effects are poorly            harboring fluorescent proliferating cell nuclear
understood. Furthermore, the MELK inhibitor               antigen (PCNA), we confirmed that 8a significantly
OTSSP167 has recently been shown to have poor             and dose-dependently lengthens G2 phase.
selectivity for MELK, complicating the use of this        Collectively, our results provide a rationale for
inhibitor as a tool compound to investigate MELK          using 8a as a tool compound for functional studies
function. Here, using a cell-based proteomics             of MELK and indicate that MELK inhibition delays
technique called multiplexed kinase inhibitor             mitotic entry, likely via transient G2/M checkpoint
beads/mass spectrometry (MIB/MS), we profiled             activation.
the selectivity of two additional MELK inhibitors,
NVS-MELK8a (8a) and HTH-01-091. Our results
revealed that 8a is a highly selective MELK                       The maternal embryonic leucine zipper
inhibitor, which we further used for functional           kinase (MELK), also known as MPK38 or pEg3, is
studies. Resazurin and crystal violet assays              a highly conserved member of the AMPK family of
indicated that 8a decreases triple-negative breast        kinases (1, 2). The proposed role of MELK in
cancer cell viability, and immunoblotting revealed        regulation of cell growth has been controversial.
that impaired growth is due to perturbation of cell       MELK expression is increased in cancer relative to
cycle progression rather than induction of                normal tissue (3), and high levels of MELK are
apoptosis. Using double thymidine synchronization

JBC Papers in Press. Published on January 2, 2020 as Manuscript RA119.011083
MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

correlated with tumor grade, poor prognosis,                the need for a more comprehensive understanding
radioresistance, and recurrence in multiple cancers         of MELK function. MELK has been reported to
(4–10). RNAi-mediated depletion of MELK has                 function in a multitude of processes including cell
been shown to cause impaired proliferation in a             cycle progression (3, 4, 28), maintenance of cancer
variety of cancers, including basal-like breast (4),        cell stemness (5, 29, 30), protein synthesis (31), and
glioma (5), acute myeloid leukemia (11), high-risk          apoptosis, (8, 32–34). Many of the functional
neuroblastoma (10), and hepatocellular carcinoma            studies of MELK have focused on the role of this
(9). In triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC),               kinase in the cell cycle. MELK mRNA is cell cycle
knockdown of MELK caused shrinking and                      regulated, and accordingly, protein levels of MELK
radiosensitization    of     xenografts    (4,    7).       oscillate throughout the cell cycle, with expression
Significantly, numerous studies have shown that             reaching a maximum in G2/mitosis (M) phase,
RNAi effects on growth are due specifically to              before declining upon mitotic exit (4, 35, 36).
MELK depletion by demonstrating rescue with                 Depletion of MELK has been shown to cause a
ectopic MELK expression (4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13).               G2/M arrest in cells (3, 4, 17, 37). Some studies
Complicating the interpretation of these findings,          have attributed this effect to a role for MELK in the
the requirement of MELK for cancer cell                     G2/M DNA damage checkpoint, potentially
proliferation has been challenged by studies                mediated through interaction with CDC25B, a

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showing that genomic deletion of MELK with                  phosphatase that regulates CDK1 activity at the
CRISPR/Cas9 caused no growth effects (14–16).               G2/M checkpoint (38). Additionally, loss of
Other studies contend that genomic MELK deletion            MELK activity may cause activation of the
does cause impaired proliferation of cancer cells           ATM/Chk2 DNA damage response (39). Other
(17), although this effect may only manifest under          studies indicate that MELK knockdown
certain growth conditions (18).                             specifically impairs mitotic progression. A circular
         The discordant results between acute               relationship between MELK and FoxM1 has been
MELK knockdown and longer-term genetic                      described, whereby MELK expression is both
inactivation is reminiscent of other key cell cycle         regulated by this mitotic transcription factor, and
proteins whose essential roles are evident in               phosphorylation by MELK regulates the activity
experiments following acute inactivation by RNAi            and expression of FoxM1 (28, 39). MELK may
or with small-molecules, but less clear in knockout         also regulate synthesis of the anti-apoptotic protein
experiments. Two examples in particular illustrate          MCL1 in M via interaction with eIF4B (31).
this phenomenon. First, the cyclin D-CDK4/6                 Overall, while a number of studies have uncovered
complex is non-essential for proliferation in               putative functions of MELK at G2/M, a
knockout cell lines and virtually all mouse tissue          comprehensive understanding of the role of MELK
(19, 20), but chemical inhibitors halt progression          at these phases of the cell cycle remains elusive.
into S phase in cell lines with a functional                         One of the key challenges in studying the
retinoblastoma protein (21). This example is                biological functions of MELK has been the lack of
particularly relevant given the growing clinical use        a selective inhibitor. The most commonly used
of CDK4/6 inhibitors for the treatment of cancer            MELK inhibitor, OTSSP167 (OTS), also referred
(22). Second, recent results using CRISPR/Cas9              to as OTS167, has shown potent antiproliferative
gene editing suggest Bub1 is non-essential for              and apoptotic effects against multiple cancer types,
mitotic spindle checkpoint function in humans (23,          including TNBC, acute myeloid leukemia, and
24), but it was later shown that these “knockout”           high-risk neuroblastoma (4, 10, 11, 40, 41).
cells express low levels of a truncated Bub1 protein,       Consequently, OTS is currently in multiple phase I
accounting for the negative results and lack of a           clinical trials for the treatment of patients with
phenotype (25–27).         Together, these results          advanced TNBC and refractory or relapsed
highlight the importance of examining protein               leukemia       (NCT01910545,           NCT02795520,
function using multiple, orthogonal approaches and          NCT02768519, NCT02926690).                 While an
for using caution in interpreting negative results          effective inhibitor of cancer cell viability, OTS is
from gene knockout experiments.                             poorly selective for MELK. Recent publications
         The recent controversy concerning the              have shown that OTS is a broad-spectrum inhibitor
requirement of MELK in cancer has underscored               that inhibits numerous kinases that are vital for

JBC Papers in Press. Published on January 2, 2020 as Manuscript RA119.011083
MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

proliferation, including multiple mitotic kinases          comprehensively define the selectivity of all
(42, 43). A number of studies have relied upon             clinical and FDA-approved kinase inhibitors,
OTS as a means to investigate the biological               validating the use of this approach for measuring
function of MELK; however, these results must be           inhibitor selectivity in cells (42). We used the
interpreted with caution due to the poor selectivity       competition MIB/MS approach to profile the
of this inhibitor. More recently, additional MELK          selectivity of 8a and HTH in an effort to identify a
inhibitors have been developed, including MELK-            highly selective MELK inhibitor suitable for
T1 (39), NVS-MELK8a (8a) (44), HTH-01-091                  functional studies.
(HTH) (15), IN17 (45), and others (8, 46). 8a and                   We first determined the kinase target
HTH in particular appear to have more favorable            landscape of OTS, HTH, and 8a at a single
selectivity profiles than OTS based upon kinase            concentration. MDA-MB-468 cells were selected
activity profiling assays (15, 44).                        for initial experiments, as many previous studies
         The key objectives of this study were to          utilized this and other TNBC cell lines. MDA-MB-
evaluate the selectivity profiles of three MELK            468 cells were treated with 1 μM of each putative
inhibitors, 8a, HTH, and OTS, using a cell-based           MELK inhibitor or DMSO for 30 minutes. Lysates
assay, in order to identify a highly selective             from DMSO- or inhibitor-treated cells were flowed
inhibitor to subsequently investigate MELK                 over columns packed with MIBs. Kinases bound to

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function. To this end, we utilized a chemical              MIBs in the absence or presence of inhibitors were
proteomics approach called multiplexed kinase              eluted and quantified by MS using label-free
inhibitor beads/mass spectrometry (MIB/MS) to              quantification in MaxQuant with integrated
characterize the selectivity of these MELK                 Andromeda search engine. The specificity of each
inhibitors in TNBC cells (47, 48). OTS was                 inhibitor was analyzed for a total of 235 protein
observed to be highly non-selective, in agreement          kinases quantified in this assay (Fig. S1).
with previous studies, and HTH did not effectively         Examining the 20 protein kinases detected in lowest
inhibit MELK in cells. In contrast, we found the           abundance after OTS, HTH, or 8a treatment of cells
inhibitor 8a to be highly selective for MELK,              (i.e. most prevented from binding to MIBs), relative
providing the first reliable alternative to OTS for        to DMSO treatment, revealed stark differences in
functional MELK studies. Using 8a as a tool                the selectivity and potency of these three
compound to probe the function of MELK, we                 compounds (Fig. 2A). As previously reported, OTS
observed that MELK inhibition perturbed cell cycle         exhibited broad specificity, with 52 protein kinases
progression by delaying entry into M, without an           including MELK captured by MIBs with at least 4-
induction of apoptosis. Collectively, our results          fold decreased abundance relative to DMSO (OTS
provide a rationale to utilize 8a for functional           / DMSO
JBC Papers in Press. Published on January 2, 2020 as Manuscript RA119.011083
MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

MIB/MS.                                                                 While STK11 and MAP2K4 appear to
         Due to the striking specificity and potency           exhibit decreased binding in a somewhat dose-
differences between 8a and HTH, we sought to                   dependent manner, it should be noted that neither
further validate these results in biological triplicate,       exhibited significantly reduced binding with 1 μM
again at a single concentration of 1 μM.                       8a treatment in biological triplicate (Fig. 2B). We
Subsequent competition MIB/MS results are                      further tested the binding affinity of 8a for these
displayed as volcano plots to assess both kinase               kinases      using     the   Eurofins     DiscoverX
fold-change magnitude and significance (Fig. 2B).              KINOMEscan™ assay, which quantitatively
With 8a treatment, MELK was the only kinase that               measures the ability of an inhibitor to compete with
displayed statistically significant decreased binding          a kinase ligand. 8a was found to have no detectable
to MIBs, confirming the high selectivity of this               binding affinity for STK11 (Kd > 30 μM) or
compound. As observed previously (Fig. 2A),                    MAP2K4 (Kd = 17 μM) at 3 μM or lower, while
HTH treatment did not significantly decrease                   high affinity for MELK was observed (Kd = 14 nM)
MELK capture, whereas binding of GAK,                          (Fig. S4). Taken together, results from this cell-
CSNK2A2, CSNK2B, CSNK2A1, PIP4K2C, and                         based selectivity profiling assay indicate that
RIPK2 were significantly decreased. These results              treatment of cells with 8a at 1 μM to 3 μM
further confirm that 8a is a highly selective MELK             concentrations are sufficient for moderately strong

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inhibitor in cells, and underscore the importance of           levels of inhibition to near-total inhibition of
determining compound selectivity in a cellular                 MELK, respectively, while maintaining high
context prior to biological studies.                           selectivity for this kinase.
         Competition MIB/MS was next used to
profile the selectivity of 8a at 10, 100, and 1000 nM.         Effects of MELK inhibition on TNBC cell viability
As expected, we observed a dose-dependent                               MELK has been reported to play a role in
decrease in MELK binding to MIBs, with no major                TNBC proliferation and radioresistance (4, 6, 7). In
off-target inhibition over this concentration range            TNBC and other cancers, RNAi-mediated
(Fig. S2). While high selectivity was maintained at            depletion of this kinase impairs growth, an effect
1 μM 8a, we did not observe greater than 90% loss              that can be reversed with exogenous MELK rescue,
of MELK binding to MIBs, suggesting incomplete                 indicating MELK may be an attractive therapeutic
inhibition. Since the percent inhibition of MELK               target (4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13). Recent results
required to elicit a phenotype is not well-defined,            demonstrating that genetic knockout of MELK may
we tested higher concentrations of 8a (3 and 10                cause no growth phenotype have called into
μM), with the goal of assessing selectivity at                 question the approach of inhibiting this kinase as a
concentrations required for near-total inhibition of           cancer monotherapy (14, 15). In light of these
binding to MIBs. Following MIB/MS, 221 protein                 disparate results, we sought to test whether
kinases were quantified by label-free quantification           selective MELK inhibition with 8a impaired the
as above (Fig. S3), and the data were filtered to              proliferation of two TNBC cell lines. Treatment of
remove any protein kinases that did not exhibit                MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 cells with 8a for
reduced binding at all three concentrations, in a              72 hours caused decreased cell viability, as
dose-dependent manner. The 32 protein kinases                  measured by resazurin assay, with an IC50 of 1.7
that met these criteria are displayed in a heat map            μM +/- 0.4 and 2.3 μM +/- 0.4, respectively (Fig.
(Fig. 2C). At 1 μM, 8a was again observed to be                3A). We further measured the viability effects of
highly selective for MELK, with only MELK,                     8a using long-term crystal violet cell staining
STK11, and MAP2K4 captured with 4-fold less                    assays. MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 cells
abundance, relative to DMSO.                   Notably,        were treated with 8a for 8 or 14 days, respectively,
competition MIB/MS results indicated that MELK                 prior to staining with crystal violet. Similar IC50
was not detected at quantifiable levels following 3            values of between 1 and 3 μM were obtained for
μM 8a treatment, suggesting total loss of MELK                 both cell lines (Fig. 3B), in agreement with shorter-
binding to MIBs, while maintaining a high level of             term resazurin assay results.          Notably, this
selectivity at this concentration. At 10 μM,                   inhibition of cell viability was observed at the same
however, the specificity of 8a was decreased, with             concentrations found to result in selective,
robust off-target kinase inhibition observed.                  moderately strong to near-total inhibition of MELK

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

(Fig. 2C).                                                 characterized       response      to     cell    cycle
         We next examined whether reduced cell             synchronization methods. We first confirmed that
viability was mediated through the induction of            HeLaS3 cells exhibit similar sensitivity to 8a (IC50
apoptosis or perturbation of cell cycle progression.       of 1.9 μM +/- 0.5) as TNBC cell lines (Fig. S6A).
MDA-MB-468 cells were treated with 0.5, 1, or 3            We further observed that 8a treatment caused the
μM 8a, or DMSO vehicle control, and cells were             same dose-dependent decrease in p-H3 (S10), with
collected over a 24h time course. Samples were             no effect on PARP cleavage or abundance of the
immunoblotted for PARP/cleaved PARP, cyclins               measured cyclins, in HeLaS3 cells as in MDA-MB-
E1, A2, and B1, and p-Histone H3 (S10), to                 468 cells (Fig. S6B). MELK expression levels were
measure effects on apoptosis and cell cycle                found to be similar between HeLaS3, U2OS, and
distribution (Fig. 3C). PARP cleavage was not              TNBC cell lines as well (Fig. S6C).
observed at any concentration or timepoint,                          To specifically examine effects on
indicating that 8a did not induce apoptosis. 8a            progression through G2 and M, HeLaS3 cells were
treatment also had no effect on the abundance of the       synchronized with double thymidine block and
measured cyclins, but there was a dose-dependent           released into media containing DMSO, 1 μM, or 3
decrease in p-H3 (S10), a marker of M that is              μM 8a, and harvested every 2h over a 12h time
induced in G2 and dephosphorylated upon mitotic            course. Samples were immunoblotted for cell cycle

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exit. This decrease was observed as early as 1h            markers to determine the effect of 8a treatment on
post-treatment and maintained through 24h.                 progression through S phase and into M (Fig. 4A).
         Histone H3 is phosphorylated at Ser10 by          No differences in cyclin E1 or A2 abundance were
Aurora B (50). To be certain that the observed             observed after 8a treatment from 0h to 8h,
decrease in p-H3 (S10) was not due to direct               indicating that S phase progression was unaffected
inhibition of the Aurora kinases, we utilized the          by MELK inhibition. At 8h post-release, p-H3
Thermo Fisher SelectScreen kinase assay to test the        (S10) abundance was lower in 3 μM 8a-treated cells
effects of 8a on Aurora A and B activity.                  relative to DMSO- and 1 μM 8a-treated cells.
Concentrations below 10 μM 8a did not inhibit              Further, at 10h post-release, cyclins A2 and B1, and
Aurora A. The IC50 for inhibition of Aurora B was          p-H3 (S10) abundances were greater with 3 μM 8a
24 μM, and only 10% and 21% inhibition was                 treatment, indicating that entry into and progression
observed with 1.2 and 3.7 μM 8a treatment,                 through M was delayed (Fig. 4B). At the 12h
respectively. The potency of 8a for the Aurora             timepoint, cells appeared to have completed M,
kinases was 1000-fold lower than that observed for         evident by major decreases in signal for cyclins E1,
MELK (IC50 = 17 nM) (Fig. S5), indicating that 8a          A2, and B1, and p-H3 (S10). Cyclin E1 abundance
does not significantly inhibit Aurora A and B. It          was decreased by 3 μM 8a at 12h, relative to other
should also be noted that these data were from a           conditions, suggesting the effects of mitotic delay
cell-free enzymatic assay, so inhibition in cells is       may persist after M. Treatment with 1 μM 8a had
likely to be considerably weaker at these                  little effect on cell cycle progression as measured
concentrations. In agreement with this, we did not         using this thymidine synchronization technique.
observe substantial decreases in Aurora A or B             Therefore, 3 μM 8a was used in subsequent
binding to MIBs with 3 μM 8a or lower (Figs. S1            synchronization experiments.
and S3). Collectively, these results show that                       To further investigate this apparent delay in
MELK inhibition with 8a caused decreased                   mitotic entry, we completed another double
viability through impaired cell cycle progression,         thymidine synchronization experiment with more
specifically in G2/M phases.                               frequent collections around M (8-12h post-release).
                                                           Cells were not collected between 0h and 6h post-
MELK inhibition results in delayed mitotic entry           release, as no differences were observed with 8a
mediated through delayed activation of Aurora A,           over this timeframe in the previous experiment
Aurora B, and CDK1                                         (Fig. 4A). Additionally, we sought to investigate
        Our results prompted further investigation         the mechanism underlying this mitotic delay further
into the effects of MELK inhibition on cell cycle          by expanding the number of cell cycle proteins that
progression. For subsequent experiments, HeLaS3            were measured by immunoblotting. Aurora A and
cells were used because of their robust and well-          B have critical roles in mitotic entry and

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

progression, and their activity is regulated by             of multiple kinases essential for this process,
autophosphorylation at T288 and T232,                       namely Aurora A and B, and CDK1.
respectively (51, 52). CDK1, regarded as the key
kinase for promoting M, is activated by cyclin              MELK inhibition does not impair mitotic
binding and dephosphorylation of Y15 and T14.               completion
These regulatory sites are phosphorylated by Wee1                    After observing that MELK inhibition
and Myt1 in interphase, respectively, and are               results in a delay in mitotic entry, we next asked
dephosphorylated by CDC25B (53).                  We        whether it also had an effect on mitotic progression
immunoblotted for Aurora A and B and their                  and completion.        Following the previously
regulatory phosphorylation sites, CDK1 and its              described synchronization/release approach, cells
regulatory phosphorylation sites, Myt1, Wee1,               were collected over a 20h time course and
CDC25B, and the cell cycle markers used                     immunoblotted for the same cell cycle markers
previously (Fig. 5).                                        (Fig. 6). Again, degradation of cyclins A2 and B1,
         With more frequent timepoints, the delay in        and induction of p-H3 (S10) were delayed by 3 μM
onset of M caused by 3 μM 8a was even more                  8a treatment, correlating with delayed activation of
apparent than in the previous experiment. This was          Aurora A and B and CDK1. Despite this delay,
evident by delayed degradation of cyclins A2 and            cells treated with 3 μM 8a appeared to progress

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B1, delayed accumulation of the mitotic marker p-           through and complete M in a similar amount of
H3 (S10), delayed phosphorylation and activation            time, once M began. This was evident by a return
of Aurora A and B, and delayed activation of CDK1           of p-H3 (S10) to steady-state levels at 14h,
by dephosphorylation of Y15 and T14. In control             compared       to    12h     for    DMSO,        and
cells, cyclin A2 accumulation peaked at 7h post-            dephosphorylation of Myt1, resulting in a faster
release and persisted through 8.5h, after which it          migrating band relative to hyperphosphorylated
was rapidly degraded. In 3 μM 8a-treated cells,             mitotic Myt1. MELK expression also decreased
cyclin A2 accumulated similarly, but expression             rapidly immediately following completion of M, as
persisted through 11h. Cyclin B1 accumulation               described in other studies (4, 35). HeLaS3 cells
was also unaffected by 8a, but its degradation upon         treated with 3 μM 8a re-entered the subsequent cell
mitotic exit was delayed by approximately 3h,               cycle, as observed by an induction of cyclin E1 at
beginning at 9h in control cells and 12h in 8a-             14h, compared to 12h for DMSO. Levels of this
treated cells. Consistent with this, p-H3 (S10)             G1/S phase cyclin peak at ~16-18h with 3 μM 8a
accumulation began at 8h and decreased after 10h            treatment, which is 2h later than control cells,
in control cells, compared to accumulation                  where cyclin E1 peaks at 14-16h. These results
beginning at 9h, peaking at 11h, and persisting at          indicate that the length of M appears to be largely
high levels through 12h in 8a-treated cells. The            unaffected by MELK inhibition, despite mitotic
activation of Aurora A and                   B by           entry being delayed. These observations, along
autophosphorylation was also delayed, correlating           with delayed activation of Aurora A and B and
precisely with p-H3 (S10) patterns.            CDK1         CDK1 are consistent with activation of the G2/M
activation by dephosphorylation of Y15 and T14              checkpoint (54). Since M occurs quite rapidly (~30
began at 8.5h in control cells, compared to 11h in          min), we sought to further examine these results
8a-treated cells, while CDK1 expression was                 using live-cell imaging for greater temporal
unaffected. Interestingly, the dynamics of Wee1             resolution.
expression appeared mostly unchanged between
control and 8a conditions, while inactivation of            Live-cell imaging quantifies the mitotic entry
Myt1 by hyperphosphorylation (slower migrating              delay caused by MELK inhibition
band on gel) mirrors the delayed dephosphorylation                  To more precisely measure the lengths of
pattern observed with CDK1 T14 and Y15. Finally,            G2 and M phases in response to 8a treatment, we
the accumulation pattern of CDC25B may also be              conducted live-cell imaging of U2OS osteosarcoma
unaffected by MELK inhibition, though peak levels           cells stably expressing a fluorescent cell cycle
of CDC25B may be decreased relative to control.             reporter based on PCNA localization (55). U2OS
These results indicate that MELK inhibition results         cells are routinely used for cell cycle studies,
in delayed mitotic entry due to a delay in activation       particularly with imaging methods, and our results

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

indicate that MELK expression is similar between            being investigated is likely complex, rather than
U2OS and TNBC cells (Fig. S6C). This live-cell              evidence that one set of results is incorrect in its
imaging approach employs tracking of individual             entirety. It is quite possible that the total loss of
cells from an unperturbed, asynchronous                     protein expression and activity, via knockout, could
population. Fluorescent PCNA delineated the start           have different effects than partial inhibition of
and end of S phase, while nuclear envelope                  activity with unperturbed expression, via
breakdown and cytokinesis delineated the start and          pharmacological inhibition. Further, and because
end of M. Cells were treated with DMSO, 1 or 3              of the inherent differences between these
μM 8a, and G2 length was measured. We observed              techniques, it is also possible that genomic
significant, dose-dependent G2 lengthening in cells         knockout could result in cellular reprogramming of
treated with either 1 μM or 3 μM 8a, compared to            signaling networks such that compensation for
DMSO-treated cells (Fig. 7A). In contrast to the            growth defects occurs, whereas partial inhibition or
lower time resolution immunoblotting experiments            depletion of the same enzyme may not result in the
with synchronized cells (Fig. 4), the increased             same changes. As described in the introduction,
sensitivity of live-cell imaging revealed that G2           divergent phenotypes have been observed, but not
was indeed significantly lengthened by 1 μM 8a              yet fully explained, between cyclin D-CDK4/6
treatment (~30% increase, 81 min). Following 3              knockout and inhibition, demonstrating that this
μM 8a treatment, median G2 length was markedly

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                                                            phenomenon is not constrained solely to MELK
increased (>250% increase, 426 min) compared to             (19–21). At this point, these potential explanations
untreated cells (Fig 7C).                                   are purely speculative, but this will undoubtedly be
         Live-cell imaging was next used to                 an important area of investigation for future MELK
quantify the length of M phase. While no                    studies.
significant difference in time to complete M was                     This controversy has underscored the fact
observed between cells treated with DMSO and 1              that our understanding of the function of MELK in
μM 8a, 3 μM 8a caused detectable lengthening of             cancer is still lacking. As a further complication,
M in two of three replicates (Figs. 7B and S7). This        functional studies of MELK have long relied upon
increase in mitotic length from 24 minutes in               OTS, an inhibitor with a remarkable lack of
control cells to 36 minutes in 3 μM 8a-treated cells        selectivity, to complement results obtained using
was much smaller in magnitude than the observed             knockdown and other techniques. While RNAi-
increase in G2 (Fig. 7C), which likely explains why         mediated knockdown and genomic knockout
it was not detected using synchronization methods.          approaches obviously have their merits, the use of
An increase in G2 length appears to be the                  a pharmacological inhibitor has distinct advantages
predominant phenotype resulting from MELK                   as well. First, pharmacological inhibition generally
inhibition. Taken together, our results indicate that       allows for much tighter temporal control than other
selective MELK inhibition causes a delay in mitotic         techniques, such that effects can be measured on a
entry that is consistent with transient G2 arrest.          short timescale before significant changes in
                                                            signaling networks occur. Second, inhibition of
Discussion                                                  kinase activity often does not directly affect
         Currently, one of the main questions in the        expression of the inhibited kinase, which allows for
MELK field is how to rectify the seemingly                  differentiation between activity-dependent and -
disparate observations that RNAi-mediated MELK              independent functions. Thus, a selective MELK
depletion and pharmacological inhibition cause a            inhibitor would clearly be a valuable addition to the
strong growth defect in cancer cells (3–5, 9, 12, 28,       toolkit available for studying the mechanistic
31, 37, 39, 44), whereas CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of            underpinnings of this kinase in cancer.
MELK may have conditional or no effect on                            In an effort to identify a selective MELK
proliferation (14–18). It is vital to recognize that        inhibitor, we used competition MIB/MS
genomic knockout techniques are not identical to            technology to evaluate the selectivity profiles of
RNAi-mediated knockdown or inhibition, but                  OTS, HTH, and 8a. Our results (Fig. 2A) are in
rather that all are valuable orthogonal approaches.         agreement with other studies in demonstrating that
Thus, divergent results should be interpreted as            OTS is highly non-selective, and therefore is
evidence that the functional role of the protein            unsuitable for mechanistic studies of MELK

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

biology (42, 43). In contrast to published enzyme            overexpression of MELK may induce a G2/M
assay data demonstrating HTH to be a potent                  accumulation of cells as well (3, 38). Other studies
MELK inhibitor, we found that this inhibitor did             have used more specific techniques to differentiate
not significantly affect MELK binding to MIBs                between G2 and M phase effects.                MELK
(Fig. 2, A and B) (15). This illustrates the disparate       knockdown has been reported to impair mitotic
results that can be observed between enzyme- and             progression by varied mechanisms, including by
cell-based      selectivity    profiling     methods,        decreasing activity and expression of the oncogenic
emphasizing the importance of evaluating                     mitotic transcription factor FoxM1 (28, 39), by
compound selectivity in a cellular context. Our              regulating MCL1 synthesis in M (31), by inducing
results indicating that 8a exhibits high selectivity         mitotic catastrophe (8), and by causing cytokinetic
for MELK (Fig. 2, A-C) are the first to characterize         defects (4, 58, 59). A role for MELK in G2, distinct
an exquisitely selective MELK inhibitor in cells,            from M, has been described as well. Davezac et al.
and thus rationalize the use of 8a for future                observed that ectopic expression of MELK
functional studies. Since thoroughly validated               (formerly known as pEg3) caused an accumulation
MELK substrates are lacking, one intriguing                  of cells in G2, which could be rescued by co-
possibility is to use MS to compare the                      expression of CDC25B. MELK was found to
phosphoproteome of cells treated with 8a to control          directly interact with CDC25B in Xenopus, and

                                                                                                                      Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 1, 2020
cells, in an effort to identify novel MELK                   phosphorylate this phosphatase in vitro, leading the
substrates. Such studies could serve to establish a          authors to hypothesize that MELK negatively
much-needed cellular readout for MELK activity,              regulates the G2/M checkpoint through interaction
and to further elucidate the role of MELK in the cell        with CDC25B (38).
cycle and cancer.               To date, MELK                         As there is no clear consensus as to whether
phosphoproteomics studies have only been                     MELK plays a role in G2, M, or both, we used 8a,
completed using a mutant null allele of the MELK             as an alternative to RNAi knockdown, to further
homolog in Caenorhabditis elegans (pig-1) (56), or           investigate the cell cycle function of MELK. Time-
with OTS treatment (13).                                     lapse microscopy experiments (Fig. 7) indicated
         As previously described, 8a treatment               that MELK inhibition caused a major, significant
caused decreased viability of TNBC cells (Fig. 3, A          lengthening of G2 phase. Of note, we observed
and B) at concentration ranges that significantly            many cells that delayed in G2 phase after exposure
prevented MELK binding to MIBs (Fig. 2C) (44).               to 8a within that same cell cycle, suggesting that the
We did not observe an induction of apoptosis with            G2 delay phenotype is proximal to MELK
8a (Fig. 3C), despite some others describing this            inhibition. An additional minor delay in mitotic
effect as a result of MELK knockdown (4, 9, 17,              progression was observed, warranting further
31). It is possible that the longest time point used         investigation in light of previous studies indicating
in our study (24h) is not sufficient for induction of        that MELK has mitotic functions. However, we
apoptosis with 8a, and that the observed cell cycle          focused on the more predominant delay in mitotic
perturbation precedes apoptosis. Both pro-survival           entry. Using thymidine synchronization techniques
and pro-apoptotic roles have been attributed to              (Figs. 4-6), we observed that MELK inhibition
MELK, and the specific contexts that determine               caused delayed mitotic entry, likely mediated
these opposing functions remain to be elucidated             through delayed activation of CDK1, which was
(34).                                                        ultimately overcome to allow cells to complete M
         While many studies describe a role for              and begin the subsequent cell cycle. These
MELK in cell cycle progression, the precise details          observations are consistent with a transient
of this role are not well understood. In response to         activation of the G2/M checkpoint (54). Further
MELK silencing with RNAi, numerous studies                   studies are required to elucidate the underlying
have reported an accumulation of cells in G2/M               mechanism, though it is possible to speculate based
phases (3, 17, 37, 44, 57). It should be noted that          upon the work of others.
due to the methods used (quantification of cellular                   One potential explanation for the observed
DNA by flow cytometry) these particular studies              G2 delay phenotype is that MELK positively
were not able to differentiate between an                    regulates CDC25B in G2, such that inhibition of
accumulation in G2 versus M. Paradoxically,                  MELK causes CDC25B to be unable to

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

dephosphorylate and activate CDK1, thereby
delaying mitotic entry. MELK phosphorylates                 Cell culture and viability assays
multiple sites on CDC25B to regulate both                            MDA-MB-468 and MDA-MB-231 cells
progression through the G2/M checkpoint, and                were kindly provided by Dr. Gary Johnson (UNC).
CDC25B localization to centrosomes during M (38,            These cell lines were cultured in RPMI 1640
60). Importantly, this putative interaction has never       (Gibco) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum
been examined in the context of cancer. A possible          (FBS, Millipore) and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic
interaction with CDC25C, which has a critical role          (Sigma). HeLaS3 cells were kindly provided by Dr.
at the G2/M checkpoint and shares high sequence             Michael Emanuele (UNC), and were cultured in
homology with CDC25B, has not been explored                 Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM),
either. Additional studies are needed to more               high glucose (Gibco) supplemented with 10% FBS
clearly define the interaction between MELK and             and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic.
the CDC25 phosphatases in cancer. An alternative                     Resazurin assays were completed as
hypothesis is that MELK inhibition causes DNA               described previously (62). Briefly, MDA-MB-231
damage, which subsequently activates the G2/M               (1500 cells/well), MDA-MB-468 (4000 cells/well),
checkpoint. A study by Beke et al. found that               or HeLaS3 (1000 cells/well) cells were plated on a
MELK inhibition with MELK-T1 caused                         96-well plate. After 24h, media was aspirated and

                                                                                                                   Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 1, 2020
replication stress in MCF-7 cells, manifesting in           replaced with fresh media containing 8a at
replication fork stalling and DNA double strand             concentrations ranging from 1 nM to 30 µM, or
breaks.     This resulted in activation of the              DMSO (negative control).           Each treatment
ATM/Chk2 DNA damage repair pathway, which                   condition was tested in technical quadruplicate.
stimulates the G2/M checkpoint (39, 61). While              Cells were incubated in media with 8a or DMSO
this pathway would certainly explain the putative           for 72h prior to addition of resazurin dye (0.6 mM,
checkpoint activation, one would also expect strong         Acros Organics 62758-13-8). After color change
ATM activation to lengthen S phase, which was not           was observed (3h for MDA-MB-231, 2h for MDA-
observed in our study (Fig. 4).                             MB-468, 0.75h for HeLaS3), signaling that
         In conclusion, we have validated 8a as a           measurable reduction of resazurin to resorufin had
highly selective MELK inhibitor suitable for                occurred, fluorescence intensity was measured
functional studies, and have shown that MELK                using a PHERAstar (BMG Labtech) plate reader
inhibition causes a mitotic delay consistent with           with fluorescence module (FI: 540-20, 590-20).
activation of the G2/M checkpoint.                          Dose-response curves were created and IC50 values
                                                            calculated using GraphPad Prism version 8.
Experimental procedures                                              For crystal violet assays, MDA-MB-231
Antibodies and reagents                                     and MDA-MB-468 cells were seeded at a density
        MELK-8a hydrochloride was purchased                 of 5000 and 10000 cells per well, respectively, on
from MedChemExpress (HY-100368A). HTH-01-                   each well of a cell culture-treated 6-well plate
091 was a generous gift from Dr. Nathanael Gray             (Corning). The following day, media was aspirated
(Harvard). The following primary antibodies were            from all wells and replaced with media
used in this study. Aurora A (14475, 1:1000),               supplemented with either DMSO or 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3,
Aurora B (3094, 1:1000), CDC25B (9525, 1:1000),             or 10 µM 8a. Every 2 days throughout the course
cyclin A2 (4656, 1:2000), cyclin E1 (4129, 1:2500),         of the assay, media was replaced on all wells with
MELK (2274, 1:1000), Myt1 (4282, 1:1000),                   fresh media containing 8a or DMSO. Cells were
PARP (9532, 1:1000), p-Aurora A/B/C (2914,                  observed daily using a bright-field microscope and
1:1000), p-CDK1 (T14) (2543, 1:1000), p-CDK1                confluency was noted. The assay was continued
(Y15) (4539, 1:1000), and p-Histone H3 (S10)                until cells in the DMSO well were observed to be
(9701, 1:1000) were purchased from Cell Signaling           near-confluent (~8d for MDA-MB-231, and ~14d
Technology.     β-actin (SC47778, 1:500) was                for MDA-MB-468). Media was then aspirated
purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. CDK1               from all wells, and cells were washed gently with
(MAB8878, 1:2000) was purchased from                        ice-cold phosphate buffered saline (PBS, Gibco).
Millipore. Cyclin B1 (ab32053, 1:10000) was                 Next, 2 mL crystal violet stain (0.5% crystal violet
purchased from Abcam.                                       (w/v) (Sigma), 20% methanol (Fisher)) was gently

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

added to each well and plates incubated for 10                was added to each lysate (42 units/sample) and
minutes at room temperature.      Wells were                  samples were incubated on ice for 10 minutes.
subsequently washed three times with water,                   Lysates were clarified by centrifugation at 21000
allowed to dry, and plates were imaged with a                 rcf, 4°C for 15 minutes. Protein concentrations
Canon LiDE 110 document scanner.                              were normalized by Bradford assay (Bio-Rad), and
                                                              prepared for SDS-PAGE by addition of 4x
Double thymidine synchronization                              Laemmli sample buffer (250 mM Tris pH 6.8, 40%
         HeLaS3 cells were seeded on 6 cm plates              glycerol, 8% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 8% β-
and allowed to adhere overnight. During this and              mercaptoethanol, 0.4% bromophenol blue).
all subsequent incubation steps, cells were                   Samples (10-30 µg) were applied to a 10% SDS-
maintained in a humidified chamber with 5% CO2                PAGE gel for separation of proteins, after which
at 37°C. DMEM was aspirated from all plates                   proteins were transferred to a PVDF membrane
(except for asynchronous control plates, which                (Bio-Rad). Membranes were blocked for 1h with
were maintained in an incubator until the end of the          5% non-fat dry milk or 5% bovine serum albumin
assay) and replaced with media supplemented with              (BSA, for phospho-specific antibodies) in TBS-T
2 mM thymidine (Sigma). 16h after thymidine                   (20 mM Tris pH 7.6, 137 mM NaCl, 0.05% Tween-
block, media was aspirated, plates were washed                20). Membranes were incubated in primary

                                                                                                                     Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 1, 2020
with warm PBS (1x) and warm DMEM (2x), and                    antibody dilutions (described above) in 5% BSA
fresh media was added for release from block.                 made in TBS-T, at 4°C with gentle shaking.
Plates were incubated for 9h, at which point media            Following overnight incubation, membranes were
was aspirated and again replaced with DMEM                    washed with TBS-T three times and incubated for
supplemented with 2 mM thymidine and incubated                1h at room temperature with anti-mouse or -rabbit
for 16h. Media was aspirated and cells washed as              IgG-HRP      conjugated     secondary    antibody
above, and released from thymidine block into                 (Promega) dilutions in 5% milk in TBS-T.
DMEM supplemented with 8a or DMSO. 0h                         Membranes were again washed three times in TBS-
timepoints were collected at the time of release, and         T, and bands imaged using a Chemi-Doc Touch
subsequent collections were completed at the                  Imaging System (Bio-Rad) after addition of Clarity
timepoints shown in figures. Cells were collected             ECL reagent (Bio-Rad).
by scraping in media and cell suspension was
transferred to a 15 mL conical. Cells were pelleted           MIB/MS selectivity profiling sample preparation
at 3000 rcf in a centrifuge with swinging bucket                       The selectivity of MELK inhibitors for
rotor, washed with cold PBS, and stored at -80°C.             kinase targets was profiled using competition
After all timepoints were collected, cell pellets were        MIB/MS. MDA-MB-468 cells were treated with
lysed and prepared for immunoblotting as described            MELK inhibitor, at concentrations listed in figure
below.                                                        legends, or DMSO for 30 minutes. This timepoint
                                                              is sufficient for kinase engagement and inhibition
Immunoblotting                                                by compound, but insufficient for major
         HeLaS3 cells were plated in 6-well plates            expression-level changes. Cells were then washed
and treated with DMSO or 0.5, 1, or 3 µM 8a for               twice with ice-cold PBS before being scrape-
1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 12h, or 24h. Cells were collected as          harvested in PBS. Cell lysis, sample preparation,
described     above      for  double     thymidine            and MIB kinase enrichment was completed as
synchronization protocol.           Pellets from              previously described (63), with the exception of the
asynchronous and synchronized experiments were                composition of the kinase inhibitor mix used for
lysed by addition of RIPA buffer (20 mM Tris pH               enrichment. To enrich for kinases in each sample,
7.4, 137 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, 0.5% sodium                   a 350 µL volume of the following kinase inhibitors,
deoxycholate, 1% Nonidet P-40 substitute (Fluka),             immobilized on beads, was applied to one Poly-
0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 2 mM EDTA)                       Prep® chromatography column (Bio-Rad) per
supplemented with protease and phosphatase                    sample: CTx-0294885, PP58, Purvalanol B,
inhibitors (2 mM Na(VO3)4, 10 mM NaF, 0.0125                  UNC2147A, VI-16832, UNC8088A.
µM calyculin A, and cOmplete EDTA-free
Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (Roche). Benzonase                LC-MS/MS Analysis

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

        Samples were analyzed by LC-MS/MS                  quantified in all three replicates in at least one
using a Thermo Easy nLC 1200 coupled to an                 condition within each analysis were removed.
Orbitrap Q Exactive HF mass spectrometer                   Missing LFQ values were then imputed by
equipped with an EasySpray nano source. Samples            randomly sampling from a normal distribution with
were loaded onto an EasySpray C18 column (75               a mean of 1.8 standard deviations lower than the
µm ID X 25cm, 2 µm particle size) and eluted over          mean in the original data, and a standard deviation
a 120 min method. The gradient for separation              of 0.3 times the standard deviation in the original
consisted 5-40% B at a 250 nL/min flow rate, where         data. Data were Log2 transformed and moderated
mobile phase A [water, 0.1% formic acid] and               t-tests were computed using the Limma package
mobile phase B [80% acetonitrile, 0.1% formic              (67). Briefly, a linear model predicting signal
acid]. The Q Exactive HF was operated in data-             intensity given treatment condition was fit for each
dependent mode where the 15 most intense                   kinase, followed by t-statistics calculated by
precursors were selected for subsequent                    empirical Bayes moderation of standard errors
fragmentation. Resolution for the precursor scan           towards the standard error estimated from all
(m/z 350–1700) was set to 120,000 with a target            kinases. Multiple test correction was performed
value of 3 × 106 ions, 100 ms max IT. MS/MS                using the Benjamini-Hochberg method to control
scans resolution was set to 15,000 with a target           for a 5% FDR (68). The mass spectrometry

                                                                                                                  Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 1, 2020
value of 1 × 105 ions, 75 ms max IT. The                   proteomics data have been deposited to the
normalized collision energy was set to 27% for             ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE (69)
HCD. Dynamic exclusion was set to 30 s and                 partner repository with the dataset identifier
precursors with unknown charge or a charge state           PXD016022.
of 1 and ≥ 8 were excluded.
                                                           Live-cell imaging
MS data analysis                                                    U2OS cells were a gift from Dr. Michael
          Data was processed using the MaxQuant            Whitfield (Dartmouth College) and maintained in
software suite (version (64, 65). The data        DMEM (Sigma) supplemented with 10% FBS
were searched against a reviewed Uniprot human             (Sigma), 1x penicillin-streptomycin, and 4 mM L-
database (downloaded in February 2018)                     glutamine and incubated at 5% CO2. Cells were
containing 20,245 sequences. Precursor mass                transduced with fluorescent PCNA (pLenti-Hyg-
tolerance was set to 4.5 ppm and fragment mass             turq2-PCNA) and histone H2B (pBabe-Puro-mCh-
tolerance was set to 20 ppm. A maximum of two              H2B) using standard techniques, as described
missed tryptic cleavages were allowed. The fixed           previously (55). One day prior to imaging, cells
modification specified was carbamidomethylation            were plated on #1.5 glass-bottom plates (Cellvis) in
of cysteine residues. The variable modification            FluoroBrite DMEM (Gibco) supplemented with
specified was oxidation of methionine. A default           FBS, penicillin-streptomycin, and L-glutamine, as
protein false discovery rate (FDR) of 1% was used          above. Imaging was performed on a Nikon Ti
to filter all data within MaxQuant. Proteins were          Eclipse inverted microscope using a 40x (NA 0.95)
quantified across all samples using MaxLFQ (66).           Plan Apochromat dry objective lens and the Nikon
Matching between runs was allowed with the                 Perfect Focus System. Still images were captured
default retention time window. Kinases were                using an Andor Zyla 4.2 sCMOS detector with 12-
parsed from the dataset and those with >1 unique           bit resolution.      During imaging cells were
peptide were quantified using label-free                   maintained in a humidified chamber with 5% CO2
quantification (LFQ). Kinases with >50% missing            at 37°C. Filter sets were CFP - 436/20 nm; 455 nm;
values were removed and LFQ intensities for the            480/40 nm (excitation; beam splitter; emission
missing values were imputed using a constant value         filter) and mCherry - 560/40 nm; 585 nm; 630/75
(average lower 10% of all LFQ intensities). The            nm (Chroma). Images were obtained every 6
ratio of the LFQ intensity for each kinase in MELK         minutes using NIS-Elements AR software. No
inhibitor conditions to that kinase in DMSO control        photobleaching or phototoxicity was observed in
was computed. GraphPad Prism version 8 was used            cells imaged with this protocol.
to generate bar plots and heat maps. For data used                  8a or DMSO (negative control) was added
to generate volcano plots, kinases that were not           24 hours after the beginning of the imaging run as

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

described in the figure legends. Cells were              Three individual biological replicates were imaged
manually tracked and scored. The onset and end of        with 50 cells counted per condition per replicate.
S phase were determined visually using the DNA           Cells that traveled out of the field of view or did not
replication associated patterns of PCNA                  complete a cell cycle (S phase to cytokinesis) were
localization in the nucleus. Mitosis length was          excluded from the analysis.
defined visually by the length of time between
nuclear envelope breakdown and cytokinesis.

                                                                                                                   Downloaded from http://www.jbc.org/ by guest on October 1, 2020

MELK inhibition causes delayed mitotic entry

Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Thomas Bonacci for sharing protocols and reagents with us,
as well as Emily Fennell and Lucas Aponte-Collazo for assistance with experimental troubleshooting. We
would also like to thank Dr. Nathanael Gray for the generous gift of the compound HTH-01-091.

Data availability: The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange
Consortium via the PRIDE (69) partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD016022.

Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this
article. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official
views of the National Institutes of Health.

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