JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...

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JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...
Gwendoline Smith
Jack Beaumont
Sue Williams
Laura Bloom                         NEW ZEALAND
Tracie White with Ronald W Davis       new books
JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...
                Jack Beaumont
                               Allen & Unwin
                9781760529383 | $32.99 |     | PB | Fiction

A gripping debut thriller based on the real-life experiences of a
             former French intelligence operative.

Alec de Payns is an operative in the secretive Y Division of the
DGSE, France's famed foreign intelligence service. He's the agent
at the sharp end of clandestine intelligence missions, responsible
for thwarting terror plots and disrupting illegal nuclear and
biological weapons programs. The element the missions have in
common is danger—to de Payns, his team and to those who stand
in his way. But increasingly it's not just the enemies of France
that are being damaged by de Payns' actions. His own marriage
is under strain, and at the back of his mind lurks the fear that
haunts every operative with a family—what if they come after my

This is fiction, but based on the experiences of a real French spy.
The knowledge and tradecraft that lie behind Jack Beaumont's
taut plotting and brilliant eye for detail enliven every page,
making The Frenchman all the more plausible, and all the more

Jack Beaumont is the pseudonym of a former operative in the
clandestine operations branch of the French foreign secret
service, the DGSE.
JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...
          Sue Williams
                               Allen & Unwin
                9781760631345 | $32.99 |     | PB | Fiction

The story of how two women, who should have been bitter foes,
  combined their courage and wisdom to wield extraordinary
 power and influence behind the scenes of the fledgling colony

There was a moment in Australia's European history when two
women wielded extraordinary power and influence behind the
scenes of the fledgling colony.

One was Elizabeth Macquarie, the wife of the new governor
Lachlan Macquarie, nudging him towards social reform and
magnificent buildings and town planning. The other was Elizabeth
Macarthur, the wife of John Macarthur, a dangerous enemy of the
establishment, who is herself credited with creating Australia's
wool industry.

These women should, in normal circumstances, have been bitter
foes. But this fascinating work of historical fiction explores what
happens when two women of vision and courage are thrown
together in impossible times.

Sue Williams is a bestselling author and award-winning
journalist. She lives in Sydney's Kings Cross.
JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...
          Laura Bloom
                              Allen & Unwin
               9781760528652 | $32.99 |     | PB | Fiction

    A kind of Monkey Grip meets Nine to Five, The Women and
   The Girls explores the price—and the rewards—of family and
friendship in the Age of Aquarius—and at the dawning of the Age
                            of Divorce

It's 1977, and warm, bohemian Libby Kinsella—stay-at-home
mother, genius entertainer and gifted cook—is lonely. And so
when two other mothers suddenly decide to leave their husbands
and move out, along with their children, she joins them, forming
a household which is part hippy commune, and part strict group
home. Their exes aren't happy about it, though, and neither are
their children.

Set against a backdrop of inner-city grunge, far-out parties and
Abba songs, The Women and The Girls is a funny, questioning and
moving novel about love, work, friendship and freedom.

Laura Bloom is a screenwriter and acclaimed author of
Augustine's Lunch. She lives in the Northern Rivers region of
JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...
        Sarah J. Maas
                9781526633453 | $32.99 |  | PB | Fiction

  Sarah J. Maas's sexy, richly imagined A Court of Thorns and
 Roses series continues with the journey of Feyre's fiery sister,

Nesta Archeron has always been prickly and proud, swift to anger
and slow to forgive. And since the war—since being made High Fae
against her will—she's struggled to forget the horrors she endured
and find a place for herself within the strange and deadly Night
Court. The person who ignites her temper more than any other
is Cassian, the battle-scarred, winged warrior who is there at
Nesta's every turn. But her temper isn't the only thing Cassian
ignites. And when they are forced to train in battle together,
sparks become flame.

As the threat of war casts its shadow over them once again,
Nesta and Cassian must fight monsters from within and without
if they are to stand a chance of halting the enemies of their
court. But the ultimate risk will be searching for acceptance—and
healing—in each other's arms.

Sarah J. Maas is the global #1 bestselling author of the Throne
of Glass, A Court of Thorns and Roses and Crescent City series.
Her books have sold nine million copies worldwide and have
been translated into 37 languages. She lives in the USA.
JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...
THE ARREST                                       FREEMAN'S LOVE                                         THE NOTHING MAN
         Jonathan Lethem                                    Ed. John Freeman                                     Catherine Ryan Howard
                      Atlantic                                            Atlantic                                                 Corvus
     9781838952167 | $32.99 |    | PB | Fiction      9781611854527 | $27.99 |      | PB | Literary Essays        9781786496591 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction

The Arrest isn't post-apocalypse. It isn't        The newest issue of this acclaimed series                 I was the girl who survived the Nothing
a dystopia. It isn't a utopia. It's just what     exploring the force of love brings together               Man. Now I am the woman who is going to
happens when much of what we take                 literary heavyweights like Richard Russo,                 catch him . . . You've just read the opening
for granted—cars, guns, computers and             Anne Carson, Sandra Cisneros, Louise                      words of The Nothing Man, the true crime
airplanes, for starters—stops working. This is    Erdrich, Haruki Murakami, Tommy Orange                    memoir Eve Black has written about her
an utterly original yarn about two siblings,      and Nobel Prize winner Olga Tokarczuk.                    obsessive search for the man who killed her
the man that came between them, and a             Together, the pieces comprise a stunning                  family nearly two decades ago. Supermarket
nuclear-powered super car. Written with           exploration of the complexities of love,                  security guard Jim Doyle is reading it too,
unrepentant joy and shot through with just        tracing it from its earliest stirrings, to the            and with each turn of the page his rage
the right amount of contemporary dread,           forbidden places where it emerges against                 grows. Because Jim was—is—the Nothing
The Arrest is speculative fiction at its          reason, to loss so deep it changes the colour             Man.
absolute finest.                                  of perception. It promises what only love can
                                                  bring: a balm of complexity and warmth.                   Catherine Ryan Howard is the acclaimed
Jonathan Lethem is the award-winning                                                                        author of Distress Signals, The Liar's Girl
author of The Feral Detective and                 John Freeman was the editor of Granta and                 and Rewind. She lives in Dublin.
Motherless Brooklyn. He lives in California.      is the author of The Tyranny of Email and
                                                  How to Read a Novelist.
JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...
THE WINDSOR KNOT                                       SCAR TISSUE                            GENDER SWAPPED FAIRY
         SJ Bennett                                          Ollie Ollerton                                 TALES
                                                                                                       Karrie Fransman,
                       Zaffre                                            Blink                        Jonathan Plackett
     9781838774158 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction        9781788703819 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction
An exciting new mystery series in which          Ex-special forces soldier Alex Abbott
                                                                                                       9780571360185 | $45.00 |   | HB | Fiction
Queen Elizabeth II is a secret amateur           escaped the Middle East under a cloud
detective. Windsor Palace, 2016. The             and now lives hand-to-mouth in Singapore.
morning after her ninetieth birthday             Scraping a living as a gun for hire and          Imagine a world where kings prick their
celebrations, the Queen is shocked to            estranged from his family, Abbott is haunted     fingers as they sew and princesses race to
discover that one of her guests has been         by ghosts of the past, drinking to dull the      rescue sleeping princes . . . People have
found dead in his room. It quickly becomes       pain. Life's tough, but there is one upside—at   been telling fairy tales to their children for
clear that his death was no accident,            least he's not in Baghdad. But that’s about      hundreds of years. These are not retellings
but when MI5 begin to suspect her loyal          to change . . . The first Alex Abbott thriller   of the classics but the classics with one vital
servants, she knows that they are looking in     from the former-Special Forces soldier           change—all the genders have been switched.
the wrong place. It's up to the Queen to find    turned number one bestselling author.            It might not sound like that much of a
the real killer—before they strike again.                                                         change, but you'll be dazzled by the world
                                                 Matthew 'Ollie' Ollerton is a former Special     this swap creates—and amazed by the new
SJ Bennett is an award-winning author of         Forces soldier and bestselling author of         heroes you're about to discover.
YA fiction. She lives in London.                 Break Point and Battle Ready. He lives in
                                                 the UK.                                          Karrie Fransman creates visual stories and
                                                                                                  comics. Jonathan Plackett is a copywriter
                                                                                                  and art director. They live in the UK.
JANUARY 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Gwendoline Smith Jack Beaumont Sue Williams Laura Bloom Tracie White with Ronald W Davis - Allen & Unwin ...
AT NIGHT ALL BLOOD IS                                    CUTTING EDGE                                        POST MORTEM
         BLACK                                              Noir stories by women                              Elliot Rook, QC: Book 2
        David Diop                                     Ed. Joyce Carol Oates                                          Gary Bell

                      Pushkin                                       Pushkin Vertigo                                      Raven Books
     9781782275862 | $27.99 |   | HB | Fiction        9781782276517 | $24.99 |      | PB | Fiction        9781526612397 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction

Alfa and Mademba are two of the many             The outdated noir narrative gets a radical          Thirteen men have died in a London prison.
Senegalese tirailleurs who fight in the Great    feminist update in this fresh anthology             Barrister Elliot Rook QC, who risks losing
War under the French flag. When Mademba          featuring some of the world's most                  everything if his secret criminal past is
is mortally wounded, Alfa is alone amidst        celebrated female authors including                 revealed, must defend Charli Meadows,
the savagery of the trenches, far from all he    Margaret Atwood, Steph Cha, Edwidge                 the vulnerable single mother accused of
holds dear. He throws himself into combat        Danticat and more. Here, noir queen Joyce           smuggling the deadly tainted drugs inside.
with renewed vigour, but soon begins to          Carol Oates has curated a wide range of             But just as Rook becomes suspicious of
scare even his own comrades. At Night All        stylistically diverse stories and poems that        those closest to Charli, a note arrives at his
Blood Is Black captures the tragedy of a         could not feel timelier. At times wickedly          flat. Can Rook keep his criminal past a secret
young man hurtling towards madness and           funny, slyly subversive and always gripping,        when facing the most dangerous case of his
the little-heard story of the Senegalese who     this striking collection places the voices          life?
fought for France on the Western Front.          historically consigned to noir's edges front
                                                 and centre.                                         Gary Bell QC is an acclaimed British
David Diop grew up in Senegal and lives in                                                           barrister and former criminal.
France. At Night All Blood is Black won the      Joyce Carol Oates is a recipient of the PEN
Prix Goncourt des Lycéens.                       America Lifetime Achievement Award.
THE ELECTRIC                                      CHARLOTTE PASS                                    THE FOUNDLING
                      HOTEL                                             Lee Christine                                     Stacey Halls
                      Dominic Smith

                      NEW IN PAPERBACK                                  NEW IN PAPERBACK                                  NEW IN PAPERBACK
                      Allen & Unwin                                     Allen & Unwin                                     Manilla
                      9781760878634 | $22.99 |                          9781760878955 | $18.99 |                          9781838771409 | $22.99 |

A luminous novel tracing the intertwined fates    A shocking discovery deep in the Snowy             An exploration of families, secrets, class,
of a silent film director and his muse from the   Mountains. A killer who will do anything to keep   equality, power and the meaning of
award-winning author of The Last Painting of      secrets buried.                                    motherhood, from the bestselling author of
Sara de Vos.                                                                                         The Familiars.

                      THE RICH MAN'S                                    BODY LANGUAGE                                     THE HEAVENS
                      HOUSE                                             A. K. Turner                                      Sandra Newman
                      Andrew McGahan

                      NEW IN PAPERBACK                                  NEW IN PAPERBACK                                  NEW IN PAPERBACK
                      Allen & Unwin                                     Zaffre                                            Granta
                      9781760878597 | $24.99 |                          9781838770044 | $22.99 |                          9781783784868 | $22.99 |

An unputdownable final novel from the Miles       Meet Cassie Raven. Goth. Londoner. Mortuary        A mind-expanding story of love complicated by
Franklin Award-winning author of The White        assistant.                                         time travel.
            How to understand and manage anxiety

                 Gwendoline Smith
                                Allen & Unwin
          9781988547695 | $24.99 |      | PB | Personal Development

Anxiety, in its many forms, explained in simple, clear language;
   plus more detailed advice on dealing with social anxiety

The current world situation is causing a great deal of fear,
concern, insecurity and uncertainty. This state of angst can be
overwhelming. Renowned clinical psychologist Gwendoline Smith
describes the many manifestations of anxiety, giving you an
understanding as well as recommended treatment methods.

She also provides detail about Social Anxiety Disorder which is
often under diagnosed but is, by far, one of the most crippling
of the many anxiety disorders. Written and illustrated in an
accessible and humorous style, The Book of Angst is based on
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and will help you cope with

Gwendoline Smith B Soc Sci, M Soc Sci (hons), Dip Clin Psych
is a clinical psychologist, speaker, blogger and the author
of bestselling books The Book of Overthinking, The Book of
Knowing and others. She also goes by the name Dr Know and
lives in New Zealand.
A scientist's desperate hunt to cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
                       and save his son
  Tracie White with Ronald W Davis
                               Allen & Unwin
                9781760875695 | $36.99 |     | PB | Memoir

 Based on a viral article, the gripping medical mystery story of
  Ron Davis, a world-class Stanford geneticist who has put his
career on the line to find the cure for chronic fatigue syndrome,
                    the disease killing his son

For the past six years, Whitney Dafoe has been confined to a
bedroom unable to walk, to eat, to speak. In desperation, Whitney
and his parents went from one specialist to another, and still no
answers. Then, finally, a diagnosis: the mysterious disease myalgic
encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Today, ME/CFS affects 20 million people around the world. Those
afflicted largely suffer in silence as the disease is little known and
much misunderstood. Often disbelieved, they're abandoned by
family and friends.

In one way, Whitney has been lucky. He could reach out to his
father, a world-renowned scientist, for answers. The Puzzle
Solver follows Ron as he unravels the molecular trail within his
own son's donated blood and genome, to began to find answers.
He confirms this is a biological disease and uncovers new
possibilities for treatments and potentially a cure. At its heart,
The Puzzle Solver is about more than just cutting edge research—
it's about the unbreakable bond between a father and his son,
and the lengths to which a parent will go to save their child's life.

Tracie White is an award-winning journalist and a science
writer for Stanford University. Ron Davis is a professor of
Biochemistry and Genetics at Stanford University.
INTIMACY AND SOLITUDE                                     SOUTHEAST ASIA                                                 SOLO
 Finding new closeness and self-trust in a                    An introductory history                How to work alone (and not lose your mind)
             distanced world                                   Milton Osborne                                       Rebecca Seal
         Stephanie Dowrick
                                                                         Bloomsbury                                       Souvenir Press
                    Allen & Unwin                        9781760877132 | $32.99 |   | PB | History   9781788164856 | $32.99 |    | PB | Personal Development
    9781760879556 | $36.99 |      | PB | Personal
                    Development                     A lively and easy-to-read guide written by       More people are working solo than ever
                                                    one of the world's pre-eminent historians        before but while there is an abundance of
Social distancing under COVID has                   of the area. The first edition of Southeast      advice on success, happiness, business and
thrown us more deeply into our intimate             Asia: An introductory history was published      productivity, no one addresses a crucial
relationships, and kept us achingly apart           in 1979 and immediately filled a need for        topic: how to cope with working alone.
from family, friends and others. Stephanie          travellers and students. Subsequent editions     Drawing on the latest ideas in psychology,
Dowrick's classic Intimacy and Solitude             have continued to document with great            economics, business and social science, Solo
is the wise guide we need to help us find           perception the enormous changes and              covers topics from how to best shape your
our personal ground, whatever challenges            dramatic growth experienced in the region.       surroundings and build a network to how to
we face. This revised and updated edition           Clearly written and extensively illustrated,     deal with feeling stuck and whether solitude
includes a new introduction and shows how           this thirteenth edition remains a classic in     might actually help you to thrive. Solo
possible it is to experience the pleasures of       the field.                                       teaches you how to work alone—and like it.
self-acceptance—and the joy of satisfying
connections with others.                            Dr Milton Osborne is a writer and                Rebecca Seal is a freelance journalist,
                                                    consultant on Asian issues. He is a Non-         editor, TV presenter and author based in
Stephanie Dowrick, PhD, is Australia's most         resident Fellow at the Lowy Institute for        London.
successful personal development writer.             International Policy, Sydney.
DRAWING ON THE                                           THE SCHOOLGIRL                               THE LANGUAGE LOVER'S
          DOMINANT EYE                                               STRANGLER                                      PUZZLE BOOK
 Decoding the way we perceive, create and                          Katherine Kovacic                                  Alex Bellos
              Betty Edwards                                                        Echo                                           Guardian Books
                                                              9781760686635 | $36.99 |    | PB | True Crime    9781783352180 | $32.99 |     | HB | Puzzles & Quizzes
                      Souvenir Press
9781788167932 | $45.00 |     | HB | Personal Development   Melbourne, 1930. 12-year-old Mena Griffiths        The Language Lover's Puzzle Book is a
                                                           was playing in the park when she was lured         book of more than 100 surprising and
Research shows that much like being                        away by an unknown man. Hours later, her           entertaining puzzles that celebrate the
right-handed or left-handed, each of us                    strangled body was found, mouth gagged             amazing diversity of words and language.
has a dominant eye corresponding to the                    and hands crossed over her chest. What             Featuring a huge variety of ancient, modern
dominant side of our brain. Once you learn                 followed was years of bungled investigations       and even invented languages, this collection
the difference and try your hand at simple                 and the tragic deaths of three more girls          of problems will introduce you to unusual
drawing exercises, you'll gain fresh insights              before the murderer was caught. With all the       alphabets and scripts, curious vocabularies
into how you perceive, think and create. This              pace of a thriller, this is the extraordinary,     and phonologies, and global variations in
remarkable tour through art, psychology                    chilling true story of a homicidal maniac          simple behaviours like counting, telling
and the creative process is a must-read for                with a Jekyll and Hyde personality, and the        the time and naming children. Whether
anyone looking for a richer understanding of               families shattered when four innocent lives        you are a crossword solver, a code-breaker
our minds and ourselves. You'll learn how to               were cruelly taken.                                or a Scrabble addict, these puzzles are
not just look but truly see.                                                                                  guaranteed to sharpen your mind.
                                                           Katherine Kovacic is the acclaimed author
Betty Edwards is an art teacher and                        of the Alex Clayton art mystery series             Alex Bellos is the bestselling author of
bestselling author of Drawing on the Right                 including The Portrait of Molly Dean. She          Alex's Adventures in Numberland and Can
Side of the Brain. She lives in California.                lives in Melbourne.                                You Solve My Problems? He lives in the UK.
STRONGMEN                             FIGURING OUT THE PAST                                GRANTA 153: SECOND
     How they rise, why they succeed,             The 3,495 vital statistics that explain world               NATURE
              how they fall                                          history
                                                                                                            Isabella Tree
            Ruth Ben-Ghiat                                 Peter Turchin and
                                                             Daniel Hoyer                                                   Granta
                       Profile                                                                          9781909889361 | $27.99 |   | PB | Anthologies
     9781788164764 | $36.99 |    | PB | History                          Profile
                                                       9781788161923 | $32.99 |    | HB | History   Guest-edited by Isabella Tree, author
Ours is the age of the strongman. Russia,                                                           of Wilding, this nature issue touches on
India, Turkey and America are ruled by men        We are used to thinking about history in          every continent in the world and features
who, as they have risen to the top, have          terms of stories. Yet we understand our           award-winning writers, expert scientists
reshaped their countries around them,             own world through data: vast arrays of            and activists from the frontlines of the
creating cults of personality. And as they do     statistics that reveal the workings of our        climate crisis including Indigenous elder Rod
so, they employ behaviour established by          societies. Drawing on the Seshat project, a       Mason and environmentalist Tim Flannery.
figures such as Mussolini, Gaddafi and Hitler.    staggeringly ambitious attempt to log each        It encapsulates the state of nature and
                                                  piece of demographic and econometric              our different cultural relationships with it
Strongmen draws on analysis of everything         information that can be reliably estimated        worldwide.
from gender and sexuality to diplomatic           for every society that has ever existed,
strategy to explain who these political           Figuring Out The Past does more than tell         Isabella Tree is the award-winning author
figures are—and how they manipulate our           the story of the past: it shows you the large-    of five books. She lives in the UK.
own history, fears and desires in search of       scale patterns.
power at any cost.
                                                  Professor Peter Turchin and Dr Dan Hoyer
Ruth Ben-Ghiat is Professor of History and        are part of the Seshat: Global History
Italian Studies at New York University.           Databank Project.
VALENTINO ROSSI                                            BEGINNERS                                                  AGELESS
          The definitive biography                    The curious power of lifelong learning                 The new science of getting older without
             Stuart Barker                                      Tom Vanderbilt                                             getting old
                                                                                                                         Andrew Steele
                     John Blake                                            Atlantic
    9781789462951 | $45.00 |    | HB | Biography     9781786493101 | $32.99 |      | PB | Popular Science                         Bloomsbury
                                                                                                              9781526608291 | $32.99 |    | PB | Popular Science
Valentino Rossi is an icon: the most               For many of us, the last time we learned a
successful and most loved motorcycle racer         new skill was during childhood. But could                What if we could slow down the process of
of all time, he has transcended MotoGP             we benefit from embracing new skills, even               ageing—or even stop it? Ageless introduces
to become a symbol of courage, risk and            if we're initially hopeless? Tom Vanderbilt              us to the cutting-edge research that is
daring. Using exclusive new interviews             sets out to find the answer, tasking himself             paving the way for a revolution in medicine.
with those who have been part of Rossi's           with acquiring several new skills under the              It takes us inside the laboratories where
story from start to finish, this is the most       tutelage of professionals, including drawing,            scientists are studying every aspect of the
in-depth book ever written about the Italian       juggling, surfing and more. Witty and often              cell—DNA, mitochondria, stems cells, our
superstar—a tale of speed, love and loss in all    surprisingly profound, Beginners is an                   immune systems, even age—all in an effort
its adrenalin-charged, high-octane glory.          uplifting exploration of the science of brain            to forestall or reverse the body's decline. It
                                                   plasticity and how we can learn how to learn             offers reality-based hope, explaining what is
Stuart Barker is a critically acclaimed and        anew.                                                    happening as we age and practical ways we
bestselling motorsport author. He lives in                                                                  can help slow down the process.
the UK.                                            Tom Vanderbilt writes on design,
                                                   technology, science and culture, and is                  Dr Andrew Steele is a British
                                                   the author of the international bestseller               computational biologist.
                                                   Traffic. He is based in New York.
HOLLYWOOD                                          SEX POWER
                                                                           WANTS TO KILL                                      MONEY
                                                                           YOU                                                Sara Pascoe
                                                                           Michael Brooks,
                                                                           Rick Edwards

                                                                                                                              NEW IN PAPERBACK
                                                                           NEW IN PAPERBACK
                                                                                                                              9780571336005 | $24.99 |
                                                                           9781786496959 | $24.99 |
                                                      An hilarious popular science book from the        The award-winning comedian turns her
   EAT BETTER FOREVER                                 bestselling authors of Science(ish).              attention to the things that really matter to
   7 simple ways to transform your diet                                                                 humans—sex, power and money.
  Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
   9781526602800 | $47.99 |     | HB | Food & Drink
                                                                           THE ART OF REST                                    THE CROWN 2
In Eat Better Forever, Hugh Fearnley-                                      How to find respite in the
Whittingstall gives you all the tools to
                                                                                                                              Robert Lacey
                                                                           modern age
improve your eating habits, and therefore
your life—permanently. And to help it all
                                                                           Claudia Hammond
happen, he's added his 100 healthiest
recipes yet. Hugh extracts the knowledge,
advice and healthy habits from cutting edge
research to produce simple strategies that                                 NEW IN PAPERBACK                                   NEW IN PAPERBACK
will transform your diet and your health.                                  Canongate                                          Blink
Clear, believable and achievable, he guides                                9781786892829 | $24.99 |                           9781788701822 | $24.99 |
us to a better way of eating that will last us
our whole lives.                                      Drawing on brand new research, this is an         The fascinating royal and social history that
                                                      examination of rest and why it matters.           inspired the second and third seasons of The
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a writer,                                                                Crown, from the show's historical consultant.
broadcaster, campaigner and author of the
award-winning River Cottage cookbooks.
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COVER IMAGE : The Book of Angst, By Gwendoline
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