January 2021 - CUPE Local 1091

Page created by Bernice Yang
January 2021 - CUPE Local 1091
January 2021
                   LOCAL 1091
                      Supporting Delta Schools

  In this issue:             Happy New Year! I think we can all agree that it was good to say goodbye to 2020.
                             Then I look back and think of the many ways we all came together. The Hearts in the
                             Window, people in Italy singing from their balconies, 7pm pot banging, sirens blaring at
                             hospitals and many other coming together moments in the world and here in Delta. As
Page 1                       we and the world became quarantined in March it was a scary time for all but we also
                             found Self-Regulation strategies we never knew we had. Technology ended up being
•Letter from the
                             the best way to access friends, family and colleagues; through Zoom, WebEx, FaceTime
 President                   and many more. We realized we can do anything when we support each other and do
                             it together. These messages became loud in clear in 2020 and I believe it will help us
Page 2                       get through 2021. May this year bring you good health and joy in the precious
•Use of non-medical          moments that 2020 showed us cannot be taken for granted.
•BC Schools COVID-19         A reminder to continue to check for COVID updates from Cathryn Tucker,
 Exposures                   Communications Manager on First Class, All Staff. Added to that continue to check your
•A light-hearted             workplace/school COVID updates. Lastly continue to check Fraser Health Schools
 approach to the             COVID notification link at: https://www.fraserhealth.ca/health-topics-a-to-z/coronavirus/
 serious subject of          school-notifications
 mental health
                             This month’s edition of ‘Did You Know’ is on member Larry Johnston. Larry advocates
•CUPE 1091                   every day for the custodians and our union. He’s also a hardworking, honest person
 Notifications                full of integrity and heart. His activism in the Union is greatly appreciated. Hope you
•CUPE K-12 Bulletins         enjoy learning about Larry!
•Delta School District
 #37 COVID-19 Safety         Historically, January is the time for CLC – Canadian Labor Congress-Winter School at
 Plan                        Harrison Hot Springs Resort. Members have been attending Winter School for many
•By-election for 2nd         years. This year the same high standards in education continue but virtually. We have
 Vice President              members attending Benefits Bargaining, Parliamentary Procedures and Public
                             Speaking, Mental Health First Aid, Bullying and Harassment, Provincial Labor Law, Labor
                             and Arbitration. CLC is also offering excellent evening sessions that are open to any
Page 3
                             member. Please see the list in this newsletter. On January 22 we also have the CUPE
•Canadian Labour             OH&S Site Reps taking BCFed-OH&S Level 1 training. It’s a busy month!! All this
 Congress Evening            education is to support all of you in the work you do every day.
•Upcoming Events             CUPE K-12 has a new Facebook Page and Twitter account: @CUPEK12BC. Make sure
•Did You Know                you’re following them. Their latest updates include information on upcoming Surveys
                             for the Joint Health and Safety Committees and Support Staff Education. We will share
Page 4                       the surveys on MASTER/CUPE1091 to your personal emails when we get them. Also an
•Comfort Committee           upcoming webinar on A light-hearted approach to the serious subject of Mental Health.
•CUPE Local 1091             Look for details and a registration link in this Horizons issue.
 Roles & Contact
                             Your next General Membership meeting is on Saturday, January 16th by Zoom starting
 Information                 at 9:30am sharp! This meeting is open for nominations of positions on the Executive
•Member Resources            Board of Second and Third Vice-Presidents. You must have attended 5 General
                             Membership meetings in the last year to be nominated.

                             Remember, our Local is stronger when we all work together. I look forward to seeing
                             you on Saturday!
 Have an article, photo,
 or event you'd like to      Be Safe everyone!
 see in our newsletter?
                             In Solidarity,
 Submit it to:

 Page 1                               Horizons Newsletter - www.cupe1091.ca
January 2021 - CUPE Local 1091
Delta School District #37
     Use Of Non-Medical                                        COVID-19 Safety Plan
Staff are required to wear a non-medical
mask, a face covering or a face shield (in      Rigorous hand washing with plain soap and water is the most
which case a non-medical mask should            effective way to reduce the spread of illness. Both students and
be worn in addition to the face shield) in      staff can pick up and spread germs easily, from objects, surfaces,
high traffic areas such as buses and in           food and people. Everyone should practice diligent hand hygiene.
common areas such as hallways, or any           Parents, caregivers and staff will teach and reinforce these
time outside of their learning group            practices amongst students.
whenever physical distancing cannot be
maintained (e.g., itinerant teachers/
specialists interacting with multiple
learning groups). Staff can also wear a
mask, a face covering or a face shield
within their classroom or learning group if
that is their personal preference.

    BC Schools COVID-19
See the listings of all BC Schools COVID-
19 exposures on Fraser Health's website:

    topics-a-to-z/coronavirus/school-           Staff will assist younger students with hand hygiene as needed.
                                                A handwashing poster is provided in Appendix E. This poster will be
Please check this regularilly.                  posted at all sinks and washrooms within the District.

                                                Washing with soap and water is the preferred method. However, if
A light-hearted approach                        soap and water is not readily available, use alcohol-based hand
to the serious subject of                       sanitizer to disinfect your hands until you are able to wash with
                                                soap and water.
      Mental Health
                                                Consider the maximum number of staff and students required to
Please join us on January 19 at 5:30–7:00       wash their hands at peak times. Stagger handwashing breaks/times
PM (Pacific Time) for an online                  when needed to ensure that effective hand washing and sanitizing
presentation with counsellor and stand-         can be maintained.
up comedian David Granirer and his
Stand-up for Mental Health comics. Q&A          The District will provide hand sanitizing stations at school
to follow. The presentation is open to          entrances and office areas, in every secondary classroom and
CUPE K-12 members. Find detailed                every elementary classroom that does not have a sink.
information at bcschools.cupe.ca
Register at:                                    For more information please see the full "COVID-19 Safety Plan"
https://zoom.us/j/99922521194?                  published as "Updated COVID-19 Health Check" under "All Staff" on
pwd=Zm9hdTYwS0hXUjJnbG5uUUgzNmo                 First Class, or contact your Site Safety Rep.

 CUPE 1091 Notifications                             Coming up at the January 16 General
     Subscribe to our mailing list on                     Membership Meeting:
 CUPE1091.ca (on the right side of the
main page) to receive email notifications          Notice of By-election for the Executive positions of
 of new website posts and newsletters.
                                                                    2nd Vice President
  CUPE BC K-12 Bulletins                                            3rd Vice President
      Keep up to date on the latest             All Members must have attended 5 General Membership meetings
      CUPE news in BC Schools K-12.
                                                in the last 12 months to be nominated for an Executive position.
       Read the latest bulletins at:
                                                If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact the
                                                union office for further information.

 Page 2                                Horizons Newsletter - www.cupe1091.ca
January 2021 - CUPE Local 1091
Canadian Labour Congress                                              Did you know:
          Evening Sessions                                               Trustee Larry Johnston

        Monday Night Political Panel
The topics of the panels are;

Jan 11 - Long Term Care - The Path Forward
Jan 18 - Pandemic Recovery and Good Jobs
Jan 25 - Opioid Crisis and What Labour Can Do to Help
Feb 1 - Impact of COVID on Women

Please register for each session that you are interested
in and share with friends
                                                                                Larry leading chants at the North Delta Rally
https://zoom.us/webinar/register/                                               Against Racism on July 25 2020 and making
WN_RJRUzWs2QGKKNEAqJR-HLg                                                                  signs to show support.

  Tuesday Night with Sgt. Dave Smith,
     “Police and Labour Disputes”
Single session. Choose any one date to attend.

Jan 12 @ 7PM            Jan 19 @ 7PM
Jan 26 @ 7PM            Feb 2 @ 7PM

                                                           I am Larry Johnston. I am a Trustee of the Local Union
                                                           and Custodial Unit Chair. I have been with the District
                                                           for eight years, working as a custodian and a
         Wednesday Night Webinar                           groundsperson.
The topics are:                                            I am a lifelong union activist and advocate for social
                                                           justice. I joined CUPE in 1974 as a sanitation worker
Jan 13 - Long Term Disability Plans. Union Rights and      in Winnipeg. Since then I have worked in several
         Responsibilities                                  other jobs and been part of several other unions,
Jan 20 - TBA                                               Including the Unites Steelworkers and International
                                                           Association of Machinists. In 1976 as a member of
Jan 27 - COVID and Labour Law. Presented by Victory        CUPE I helped organized the General Strike against
         Square Law Office                                   Wage Controls. As a member of the United
Feb 3 - TBA                                                Steelworkers I fought to democratize the union and to
                                                           force Stelco, where I was employed, to hire women in
https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UeKX8W61SW-            production for the first time since World War II.
                                                           I have also been involved in the struggle against
                                                           Apartheid in South Africa, the struggle against racism
                                                           and for native rights. Social issues are important for
                                                           our unions. Supporting people who face oppression or
 Upcoming Events                                           discrimination are key to strengthening our union. As
                                                           union members we have to build solidarity with our
                                                           coworkers and workers in general or we cease to be a
 General Membership Meeting                                union.
 Saturday, Jan 16, 2021 | 9:30am | Zoom
                                                           As Trustees we audit the finances of our local union
 A light-hearted approach to the serious                   and ensure that all funds are dispersed properly.
 subject of Mental Health (Webinar)                        Annually we report our findings and any
 Saturday, Jan 19 2021 | 5:30pm | Zoom                     recommendations to the executive and the local
 General Membership Meeting                                union. We are often also asked to conduct local union
 Saturday, Feb 20, 2021 | 9:30am | Zoom                    elections. As Custodial Unit Chair I advocate for the
                                                           custodians to ensure that our union takes up any
 General Membership Meeting                                issues faced by them. I also ensure that the custodial
 Saturday, Mar 27, 2021 | 9:30am | Zoom                    shop steward positions and custodial positions on
                                                           committees are filled.
 Check out www.cupe1091.ca for more details

   Page 3                               Horizons Newsletter - www.cupe1091.ca
January 2021 - CUPE Local 1091
Comfort Committee
Bereavement                                             Illness                               Thank you notes received
With heartfelt sympathy for your loss                   Wishing you a speedy recovery
                                                                                              Brenda Duffus
                                                        Yashweeni Lal     MC                          – Thank you   for flowers
Leigh D’Angelo MC        Loss   of   Mother-In Law      Sandy Singh       JA                  Morag Van Tol
Morag Van Tol    SD      Loss   of   Brother            Jessica Secrest   IL                          – Thank you   for flowers
                                                        Danica Payne      IL                  Barb Capadouca
Harjinder Aujlay SH      Loss   of   Father                                                           – Thank you   for Fruit
Bonnie Ostafiew GB        Loss   of   Mother-In-Law                                                     Basket
                                                        Thank you for Xmas Basket!            Micheal Reed
April Weldon     IP      Loss   of   Mother             Lori Winichuk  Tanya Bayley                   – Thank you   for Flowers
Roy Chen-Campbell SE     Loss   of   Mother             Dave Bowers    Joel Panado
                                                        Ross Dayton    Sam Connolly
                                                        Bill Husband   Hardip Basi
                                                        Julie Riva     Diane Parsons
                                                        Roger Dack     Cathy Mittlestead

President                             Sergeant-at-Arms
Daun Frederickson                     Joanne Gill
604-312-7595                          Communications Officer
                                      Kevin Pencer
1st Vice President                    com.officer@cupe1091.ca
Jonathan McCune
1vp@cupe1091.ca                       Trustees
                                      Sherryann Weber
2nd Vice President                    Cyndi Smith                                             CUPE Local 1091 Office
Vacant                                Larry Johnston
                                                                                           Unit #105
                                      Unit Chairpersons
                                                                                           7560A Vantage Way
3rd Vice President                    Clerical - Heather Bowling & Barb Turner
Vacant                                Custodial - Larry Johnston                           Delta, BC. V4G 1H1
ohs.officer@cupe1091.ca                 EA - Mirjam Vandop & Michelle Silveri
                                      Maintenance - Kevin Pencer                           Phone: 604-940-8596
Secretary-Treasurer                                                                        Fax: 604-940-8597
Deborah Kabesh                        Chief Shop Steward                                   Email: local1091@telus.net
                                      Gord Fuller
Recording Secretary                   chief.shopsteward@cupe1091.ca                        Monday to Friday
Shaney Labrosse                       604-290-7375                                         8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

                                                     LifeWorks is confidential support and services for work, life, family,
                                                     health, money, and everything in between. The program includes 24/7
                                                     consultations, information, and resources; access to counselling (by
                                                     phone, live video, chat, and in person); community referrals; a secure
                                                     desktop website, and a mobile app.

Ways to connect with LifeWorks:

1. Toll-free: 1-888-307-0590, call 24/7, whenever you like, as often as you like. A professional consultant can provide
advice and resources to assist you with a wide range of issues.
2. Online: Go to login.lifeworks.com, and enter the group/shared username and password (Username: deltaschool
Password: healthy). Here you can access hundreds of articles, eBooks, infographics, audio recordings, toolkits, and
more. You can also chat live with a consultant.
3. By mobile app. The app is the best way to access LifeWorks on the go. Simply click on your device’s store icon and
search Lifeworks to go to the download page. Once you’ve downloaded the app, follow the instructions to log in with
your shared/group username and password.

             Call LifeWorks toll-free, 24/7:                                     Online: login.lifeworks.com
                     1-888-307-0590                                               Username: deltaschool
                  TTY: 1-877-371-9979                                                Password: healthy

   Page 4                                  Horizons Newsletter - www.cupe1091.ca
January 2021 - CUPE Local 1091 January 2021 - CUPE Local 1091
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