Jalon Mobility Awards - edition 2019 - Jalon MTL

Page created by Roger Duncan
Jalon Mobility Awards - edition 2019 - Jalon MTL
Jalon Mobility

Jalon Mobility Awards - edition 2019 - Jalon MTL
Three programs that advance                                                            Message from Jalon
    smart and sustainable
    mobility projects
                                                                                           We have a rich and agile                             Jean-François Tremblay
                                                                                                                                                    President and CEO
                                                                                           ecosystem that can shape                                        Jalon
                                                                                           the mobility of tomorrow.
                        Synergy showcase
                                                                                           It is with great pride that we are launching this first edition of the Jalon
                        A showcase that guides and supports
                                                                                           Mobility Awards.
                        Quebec start-ups.
                                                                                           Why so much pride? Because almost 60 organizations submitted more
                                                                                           than 100 different projects, which far exceeded any of our expectations.
                        In collaboration with

                                                                                           The mobility and transportation industry is in a state of profound trans-
                                                                                           formation. Technological advances, technical feats, world firsts, Québec
                                                                                           firsts: the Jalon awards celebrate all of this and highlight the need for

                        Mobilization and support                                           mobility solutions for people and goods on a local and human scale. The
                                                                                           richness and diversity of the initiatives put forward tonight confirm the
                        for companies                                                      vitality and relevance of the mobility organizations and companies here
                                                                                           in Québec.
                        Whether you’re a big or a small company, we can help you
                        in the exploratory or initial phase of your project in Montréal.
                                                                                           Mobility players on the world stage are rapidly changing the way people
                                                                                           and merchandise get around. The Jalon Mobility Awards demonstrate
                        In collaboration with
                                                                                           that, though our ecosystem in Montréal and Québec is still young, it is a
                                                                                           booming industry driven by a unique passion. Our local stakeholders are
                                                                                           all making important contributions to the global effort. And that’s what
                                                                                           makes us so proud tonight.

                        Experimental program                                               It’s up to all of us to dream big and strive to be among the best in the
                        A launching pad for experimental projects that
                        foster the creation or use of mobility data.

                        In collaboration with

    Contact us to find out more!
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    Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Jalon Mobility Awards - edition 2019 - Jalon MTL
A word from                                                                     A message from
    the Minister                                                                    the Mayor

    The Québec government would like to high-           Pierre Fitzgibbon           Every day, Montréal shows its determination to            Valérie Plante
                                                    Minister of Economy and                                                                  Mayor of Montréal
    light the organization of this first edition of                                 support sustainable and smart mobility and to be
                                                     Innovation and Minister
    the Jalon Mobility Awards, which showcases         Responsible for the          involved in the quest for innovative solutions.
    the efforts deployed by those whose work            Lanaudière Region
    is contributing to advancing sustainable                                        In order to fight against climate change and to reach greenhouse gas
    mobility in Québec. The government’s vision to this effect is unequivocal:      emission reduction objectives, we are counting first and foremost on
    to help the ground transportation equipment industry meet existing chal-        active and collective transportation.
    lenges and make sustainable mobility a source of growth and prosperity
                                                                                    In this respect, major projects are currently in progress in our metropolis
    for the Québec economy.
                                                                                    and elsewhere.
    It is in this spirit that the Québec government supports Jalon and its intel-
                                                                                    The magnitude of the challenges we are faced with is striking, and it is by
    ligent mobility data and experiment-sharing project aimed at facilitating
                                                                                    joining forces that we will manage to make a difference.
    the exchange of relevant mobility data and fostering the development of
    new innovative apps. This initiative will undoubtedly increase growth and       I am thrilled to see this award being handed out to players in the smart
    competitiveness opportunities for emerging businesses.                          and sustainable mobility ecosystem across the province. What’s more,
                                                                                    the trophy that will be awarded tonight was created by a local design
    This achievement, together with those who will be honoured this evening,
                                                                                    firm, from the wooden braking system used in Montréal’s metro system.
    will help Québec meet the challenges pertaining to sustainable mobi-
                                                                                    I would like to congratulate Jalon for this choice that reflects Montréal’s
    lity—namely investing in research and innovation demonstrating new
                                                                                    sustainable development approach.
    products—and to ensure the growth of its economy in keeping with sus-
    tainable development principles. Moreover, the Québec government’s              To all of you, who help shape our city’s smart and sustainable mobility
    greening initiative involves a greater use of hydroelectricity, wherever pos-   through your innovative solutions, we say: “Thank you!”
    sible, as well as batteries and the electrification of transportation.
                                                                                    Developing your ideas and integrating them in our policies and lifestyles
    Congratulations to all of the finalists and recipients of the Jalon Mobility    will enable us to reach our common goals.
    Awards! You are a true source of inspiration.
                                                                                    I would also like to congratulate Jalon on this first edition of the Jalon
                                                                                    Mobility Awards, along with every one of its winners.

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Jalon Mobility Awards - edition 2019 - Jalon MTL
Coworking spaces for rent starting in January 2020
    Contact us to find out more!

6   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Jalon Mobility Awards - edition 2019 - Jalon MTL
Technological innovation                                                                presented by

                          Eos – Autonomous Vision                                                            E-SMART fuel and speed
                                                                                                             management system
                                                                            Winner                           E-SMART

    Eos is software that can be embedded in any digital vision system. It delivers      An intelligent speed management system that uses GPS technology to accu-
    improvements in perception accuracy of 30% to 60% compared to other pro-            rately determine a driver’s location in real time and cap the maximum speed
    ducts on the market. This helps autonomous vehicles better adapt to a variety       that the vehicle can attain in a posted speed zone. E-SMART also offers a
    of difficult conditions and situations like low light, bad weather, snow and fog.   geo-fencing feature that allows a fleet to set specific speed limits to a parti-
                                                                                        cular location, leading to significant fuel savings.

                          80-bike trailer                                                                   Cooperative truck
                                                                                                            platooning systems

    To better redistribute bikes at BIXI stations during rush hour, BIXI designed a     FPInnovations, Transport Canada, Resolute Forest Products and Auburn
    double-capacity trailer that holds 80 bikes instead of 40. Designed in Québec,      University made history with their successful road test of forestry truck
    this innovation ensures that more bikes are made available to users at peak         platooning, where only the lead truck has a driver and the rest of the convoy
    times.                                                                              is autonomous. To date, two phases have been successfully conducted in
                                                                                        Rivière-aux-Rats, Québec, with a combined trial run total of 1,500 km.

                          Pavé C                                                                            Autonomous and electric
                                                                                                            agricultural robot
                                                                                                            Innovative Vehicle Institute

    The “pavés”—heavy slabs or plates that anchor the BIXI stations—could only          Innovative Vehicle Institute has developed an autonomous agricultural robot
    hold four bikes at a time. The “pavé C,” installed between the existing plates,     with an electric motor and a self-driving navigation system capable of
    proved to be a simple way to double the anchor points, optimizing the use of        performing repetitive agricultural tasks such as mechanical weeding, soil and
    urban space.                                                                        plant identification and characterization. Now in its final prototype stage, this
                                                                                        project—which has a minimal impact on the environment and fills a real need in
                                                                                        the agricultural sector—will lead to positive social and economic repercussions.

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Technological innovation                                                                   presented by

                          Shared drone service                                                                 Leddar Pixell
                          IVÉO                                                                                 LeddarTech

     A pilot project with the goal of providing a shared drone service for a group of      Leddar Pixell is a 3D flash LiDAR-enabling detection cocoon with a 180-degree
     municipalities so that they can pool resources and knowledge. This opens the          field of view. Designed specifically for heavy and commercial vehicles and
     door to several innovations in everything from fire management and large-             buses (autonomous or not), the Pixell offers complete coverage of blind spots,
     scale event planning to public works.                                                 improving road safety for everyone.

                           Bulk purchase of GEEBEE scooters                                                    Smart Pole
                           IVÉO                                                                                Morelli

     The bulk purchase of GEEBEE all-terrain electric scooters enables employees           With the urban Smart Pole lighting system, cities can add security, commu-
     and citizens to get around cities without the use of traditional vehicles.            nication and loading systems in a way that ensures public safety, privacy of
     In some cities, the scooters are also offered to citizens as part of shared           information and mobility. The Smart Pole can also be incorporated into other
     mobility programs.                                                                    urban furniture structures, like benches, bike racks or trash cans.

                           HD mapping                                                                          Infrastructure and vehicle
                                                                                                               connectivity platform
                                                                                                               Orange Traffic – Intersect                       Mention

     Jakarto makes high-definition maps using 4K cameras and high-precision                An open technological platform for vehicles and urban assets that collects
     LiDARs. By combining these two sources (LiDAR measurements of over                    data on roads and infrastructure usage and opens the door to new operational
     2 million points per second and 360-degree imagery), Jakarto is able to create        paradigms. It enables the deployment of smart city apps through an open
     a virtual twin of a city’s entire infrastructure, which can then be integrated into   platform that fosters sharing. Orange Traffic is the first Canadian company,
     the mapping systems of self-driving vehicles.                                         and only the third company in the world, to earn the internationally renowned
                                                                                           OmniAir Certification for Connected Vehicles.

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Technological innovation                                                                   presented by

                           On-board contactless                                                                 Arterial Manager – Centralized road
                           credit card payment                                                                  network management system
                           Société de transport de Laval (STL)                                                  Ville de Québec

     The first pilot project of its kind in Canada to test Visa or Mastercard credit       The implementation of the Arterial Manager, a system made up of four inter-
     card payments on buses. The ease of payment encourages less frequent users,           connected components developed entirely by the Ville, enables the centralized
     in particular, to use public transit. To date, the STL remains the only bus service   management of traffic lights, data collection and processing as well as the
     in Québec to offer this option.                                                       real-time surveillance of road networks with timely interventions (e.g. measures
                                                                                           that grant right of way to buses).

                           Orca: electric watercraft
                           Taiga Motors

     The first all-electric watercraft, the Orca moves quietly and produces no green-
     house gases (GHGs). Its smart dashboard, complete with GPS, LTE, Wi-Fi and
     Bluetooth, also delivers unprecedented connectivity.

                           Centralized Preemption System
                           Ville de Montréal

     The Ville de Montréal has implemented a centralized preemption system for
     traffic lights across the island of Montréal, which gives right of way to buses
     at traffic lights, facilitates the flow of emergency vehicles and optimizes their
     arrival time and safety while on the road.

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Start-up companies                                                                       presented by

                         Blaise Transit                                                                       Eva

     Blaise Transit is developing AI-based software that enables transit operators       Eva is a cooperative ridesharing service that brings drivers and riders together.
     to run on-demand bus services using their existing vehicles. Blaise Transit has     Their app, created in Montréal, uses a decentralized technology—blockchain—
     started working with the STL on a feasibility study, the objective of which is to   to protect confidential information.
     use STL data to do a cost-benefit analysis of an on-demand service in Laval.

                         C2RO Cloud Robotics                                                                  Jakarto

     C2RO uses real-time cloud AI to analyze video footage for the use of public         Jakarto makes high-definition maps using 4K cameras and high-precision
     transit services. This solution creates opportunities for significant operational   LiDARs. By combining these two sources (LiDAR measurements of over
     improvements.                                                                       2 million points per second and 360-degree imagery), Jakarto is able to create
                                                                                         a virtual twin of a city’s entire infrastructure, which can then be integrated into
                                                                                         the mapping systems of self-driving vehicles.

                         Copenhagenize Design Co.                                                             La roue libre

     A social consulting firm that puts bicycles at the heart of urban planning          An electric cargo-bike merchandise delivery service that uses trailers equipped
     on a human scale. Their Desire Lines Analysis Tool was used in Montréal at          with secure waterproof cases capable of transporting up to 400 pounds. The
     the Berri/Cherrier and Saint-Urbain/Maisonneuve intersections to study              service is adapted to the North American/winter context and enjoys a part-
     cyclist behaviour with regards to existing infrastructure and to come up with       nership with Communauto. Each cargo bike helps reduce GHGs by more than
     thoughtful urban planning recommendations for users.                                three tons a year.

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Start-up companies                                                                       presented by

                         Momentum Transport                                                                   Rinse

     Momentum is a transport consultancy that puts mobility at the heart of urban        Rinse encourages active mobility by listing areas where cyclists or runners can
     planning projects. As part of their integrated service offering, they share their   shower and change as needed. The app lets users book and pay online with a
     vision, design and technical analysis for the movement of people and goods in       network of partners, including gyms and yoga centres. Created in Montréal,
     complex environments. Momentum developed a case study that simulated the            the app is the only one of its kind in the world.
     pedestrianization of downtown Montréal for 24 hours in the summer, the goal
     of which was to understand traffic patterns and consider alternative modes
     of transportation.

                         Orange Traffic – Intersect                                                           Vélo-Transit

     Intersect is a spin-off of Orange Traffic, which provides traffic control cabi-     With a service offering that covers all aspects of e-bike use, Vélo-Transit is
     nets, cities and individuals with new ways to connect their assets. This            looking to position itself as a major player in active mobility in Québec. Since
     innovative product made Intersect the first Canadian company, and only the          its founding, Vélo-Transit has launched several experimental and pilot projects,
     third company in the world, to earn the internationally renowned OmniAir            one of which encouraged employees in large companies to use e-bikes as part
     Certification for Connected Vehicles in 2018.                                       of their daily commute.

                         REKAB – Multimodal                                                                   Xpedigo
                         carpooling for enterprise

     REKAB offers a ridesharing app for businesses that integrates multimodality.        Xpedigo has developed a mobile app that pairs the sharing economy with a
     Neighbours and work colleagues can carpool to and from work as needed and           routing algorithm for small vehicles, enabling the pick-up and delivery of pack-
     share the costs of the trip. The unique algorithm of the tool also enables users    ages in less than 4 hours in large urban centres. The AIDA (Artificial Intelligent
     to integrate carpooling with cycling or public transit.                             Dispatch Algorithm) optimizes routes to respect time constraints, package
                                                                                         sizes and vehicle sizes, all while minimizing the distances covered.

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Collective and shared mobility

                         OPUS card                                                                           exo duo
                         BIXI                                                                                exo

     Thanks to a collaboration with the STM, the OPUS card has become a universal        The “exo duo” service is all about offering two modes of transit and more
     form of BIXI rental. The use of the OPUS card generates a massive quantity of       frequency options. It led to six new departures of the 300 bus line outside of
     data that will lead to a better understanding of user behaviour, both for BIXI      rush hour, configured along the same route as the Mont-Saint-Hilaire train line.
     and for the STM, making the OPUS card one of the keys to intermodality.             Users enjoy hourly service throughout the corridor, despite the impossibility of
                                                                                         adding new train departures.

                         Feasibility study –                                                                 Tarif Taxi 12-17
                         On-demand bus service
                                                                                                             MRC de Memphrémagog
                         Blaise Transit

     Blaise Transit is developing AI-based software that enables transit operators       An affordable taxi service for youth aged 12 to 17, to facilitate their comings
     to run on-demand bus services using their existing vehicles. Blaise Transit has     and goings within the town limits and to certain points of interest further
     started working with the STL on a feasibility study, the objective of which is to   afield. The service is offered every evening during the school year and from
     use STL data to do a cost-benefit analysis of an on-demand service in Laval.        8 a.m. to 11 p.m. during the summer, on weekends and on civic holidays.

                         Taxi Registry                                                                       NANA
                         Bureau du taxi de Montréal                                                          Navette Nature

     An interactive data platform that collects real-time data on the location and       Navette Nature (NANA) uses school buses to offer affordable rides to natural
     availability of all taxis in service. The registry provides a global overview of    and protected sites in Québec. NANA has taken more than 5,000 people to
     supply and demand, enabling clients to see the taxis closest to them based on       natural spaces in the Montréal area since 2016. Two of the seven expeditions
     a specific set of criteria.                                                         currently offered cost less than $10, making it accessible to a large number of

18   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Collective and shared mobility

                         Montreal Heart Institute                                                          REKAB app
                         Technology Project
                                                                                                           REKAB – Multimodal carpooling for enterprise
                         Netlift                                           Mention

     Netlift developed a carpooling and micro-shuttle program with the Montreal        REKAB offers a ridesharing app for businesses that integrates multimodality.
     Heart Institute to optimize the number of employees per parking spot and          Neighbours and work colleagues can carpool to and from work as needed and
     offer participants a door-to-door solution. They also collaborated with the       share the costs of the trip. The unique algorithm of the tool also enables users
     Ville de Montréal to implement street parking permits for carpool users.          to integrate carpooling with cycling or public transit.

                         Electric taxi-sharing technology                                                  On-demand RTL:
                                                                                                           a micro-transit service
                                                                                                           Réseau de transport de Longueuil (RTL)             Mention

     OpenFleet develops carsharing technologies that have been commercialized in       On-demand RTL is a pilot project for citizens in an outlying neighbourhood of
     Canada, the US and France. Téo Taxi has used the technology for permits, fleet    Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville. Powered by a micro-transit app on a smartphone,
     use, working time management and tip distribution.                                it provides taxi ridesharing services to key access points like train stations,
                                                                                       park-and-ride facilities or big commercial centres, all for the same price as a
                                                                                       bus or metro ticket.

                         NÉArque Project                                                                   ECHO Project –
                                                                                                           Social fare program
                         Parc olympique
                                                                                                           Société de transport de l’Outaouais                Mention

     The first autonomous shuttle pilot project on open roads. It provides an alter-   The ECHO social fare program, a first in Québec, makes public transit acces-
     native mode of transportation for visitors and for Desjardins employees, who      sible to people from lower income brackets. The results—from increased usage
     recently set up offices in the Montréal Tower. The autonomous electric shuttles   by existing users to increased services during rush hour and on weekends—
     have been deployed in freezing rain, snow and temperatures as low as -11°C, a     indicates that the program fosters integration, counters isolation and keeps
     first in Canada.                                                                  people active on the job market.

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Collective and shared mobility

                          Ecomobility Corridor                                                                 Transit+
                          Société de transport du Saguenay                                                     Transit

     The Ecomobility Corridor connects the five key travel hubs in Chicoutimi. The         A unique feature in the world of navigation apps, the Transit+ multimodal route
     project includes the construction of two multimodal stations, reserved lanes          planning app displays routes that combine bike sharing, scooters, personal
     for buses, a park-and-ride facility, the implementation of a traffic circle,          bikes, or on-demand rides to metro or train stations. Transit+ also enables the
     sidewalks, bike paths, crosswalks, 17 new bus shelters and the acquisition of         integration of various forms of payment within the app itself.
     self-service electric bikes and cars.

                          LocoMotion                                                                           Arterial Manager – Bus preemption
                          Solon Collectif                                                                      Ville de Québec

     LocoMotion is a multi-vehicle ridesharing program among neighbours.                   The Ville de Québec has developed and implemented the Arterial Manager, a
     It includes the use of cars, trailers, cargo bikes and electric bikes, giving citi-   system that enables the centralized management of traffic lights, including a
     zens the chance to transform their mobility options and strengthen their ties         preemption system for buses complete with priority traffic lights. La Ville de
     with fellow community members. LocoMotion is local, ecological, economical            Québec is the first municipality in the province to opt for a centralized preemp-
     (neighbours can share the costs of owning the vehicles and equipment) and it          tion system, which is deployed at almost a third of its traffic lights.
     fosters active and shared mobility.

                          Comédie Express
                          TESLA RP

     To draw attention to the lack of reserved lanes on a segment of Highway
     15, the MRC of Thérèse-De Blainville has enlisted the support of the TESLA
     PR public relations firm to launch the Comédie Express campaign, a comedy
     festival that takes place on buses during rush hour and uses humour to under-
     line the absurdity of the situation.

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Active mobility                                                                         presented by

                         TRIXI                                                                               SmartHalo 2
                         BIXI                                                                                SmartHalo

     The TRIXI is an electric bike equipped with a 12-bike trailer that can transport   A new version of the device that breathes life into the biking experience with
     bikes from station to station. The ecological solution was designed and made       unique features like a navigation system specifically designed for bikes, an anti-
     by a Québec company and is driven by BIXI employees. The innovation inte-          theft alarm, automatic lighting and smart tracking of performance metrics.
     grates active mobility as part of the company’s operations.

                         Vélorution Saint-Michel                                                             Accès Vélo
                         Cyclo Nord-Sud                                                                      Société de transport du Saguenay

     Vélorution Saint-Michel equips people in the Saint-Michel neighbourhood of         A self-service bike system that complements Chicoutimi’s public transit
     Montréal with bicycles and draws attention to their value in a variety of ways,    system offering. The membership card can be used for both bike rentals and
     including permanent and pop-up mechanical workshops, community repair              bus tickets. Currently, the bike fleet includes 19 electric bikes dispersed across
     workshops, the Cycliste Averti program (a joint initiative with Vélo Québec that   four stations located at strategic points in the city.
     teaches good riding practices to school-age cyclists), mechanic apprenticeship
     training, bike-sharing fleets, bike rentals and more.

                         Rinse                                                                               Electric bike fleet
                                                                                                             for corporate use

     Rinse encourages active mobility by listing areas where cyclists or runners can    Vélo-Transit offers employers the possibility to rent or purchase a fleet of elec-
     shower and change as needed. The app lets users book and pay online with a         tric bikes complete with training, management and repair support. Twelve
     network of partners, including gyms and yoga centres. Created in Montréal,         companies with a total of 30,000 employees have participated in the pilot
     the app is the only one of its kind in the world.                                  project, with 800 bikes used and more than 112,000 km traveled (with the
                                                                                        average ride totalling 14 km in 30 minutes).

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Active mobility                      presented by

                         New guide for pedestrian crossing
                         signals with digital countdowns
                         Ville de Montréal

     This new guide unveils the city’s intent to implement practical change by
     creating a friendlier and safer environment for pedestrians crossing the street.
     The goal is to put pedestrians at the heart of the design and to encourage
     walking as a mode of transport that fosters better health and a more stream-
     lined use of urban space.

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Digital innovation                                                                       presented by

                         Eos – Autonomous Vision                                                              Smart Sustainable Mobility
                                                                                                              via Machine Vision
                                                                                                              C2RO Cloud Robotics

     Eos is software that can be embedded in any digital vision system. It delivers      C2RO uses real-time cloud AI to analyze video footage for the use of public
     improvements in perception accuracy of 30% to 60% compared to other pro-            transit services. This solution creates opportunities for significant operational
     ducts on the market. This helps autonomous vehicles better adapt to a variety       improvements.
     of difficult conditions and situations like low light, bad weather, snow and fog.

                         AMIS BIXI                                                                            ChargeHub Central
                         BIXI                                                                                 ChargeHub

     The AMIS BIXI reward program is a smartphone app that fosters the                   ChargeHub aggregates more than 5,000 public charging stations across
     eco-friendly distribution of inventory by encouraging users to take bikes from      Canada within a single app. The tool displays the usage data of all of the
     crowded stations or bring them back to empty (or almost empty) ones. The            stations within a given sector and enables operators and owners of charging
     number of points offered varies depending on the urgency of the need to fill or     stations to use the same interface to manage all of the stations at their
     empty any given station.                                                            disposal no matter where they are located.

                         Taxi Registry                                                                        Real-time data Integration,
                                                                                                              processing and dissemination
                         Bureau du taxi de Montréal
                                                                             Mention                          Civilia

     An interactive data platform that collects real-time data on the location and       Civilia is developing a real-time platform of data integration, processing and
     availability of all taxis in service. The registry provides a global overview of    dissemination. The platform is composed of different modules that offer
     supply and demand, enabling clients to see the taxis closest to them based on       various public transit solutions like the location of buses, scheduled times,
     a specific set of criteria.                                                         predictions of arrival times, etc. The solution is currently in use in Sherbrooke,
                                                                                         Trois-Rivières and Saguenay.

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Digital innovation                                                                       presented by

                         Ville de Montréal road network history                                              Projet Trafic
                         via traffic camera images
                                                                                                             Momentum Technologies

     An algorithm that deduces historical traffic conditions by analyzing images         A proof of concept that aggregates open data that can have an impact on
     captured on Ville de Montréal traffic cameras. A cost-effective method that         the traffic in Québec City (e.g. weather, road congestion, class schedules, civic
     enables the extraction of new data and a better understanding of traffic to         holidays, etc.) in order to make traffic predictions 24 hours in advance. The
     anticipate how it will evolve.                                                      predictive models can be used for both companies and municipalities looking
                                                                                         to better understand traffic patterns.

                         Service parking                                                                     Electric taxi-sharing technology
                         Burlington, Ontario

     Electromega’s solution uses smart cameras to provide a real-time count of the       OpenFleet develops carsharing technologies that have been commercialized in
     number of parking spots available or in use. A sustainable solution available       Canada, the US and France. Téo Taxi has used the technology for permits, fleet
     in solar or electric mode, it can adapt to existing infrastructure without the      use, working time management and tip distribution.
     need to modify the landscape or the urban furniture or to install additional
     IT infrastructure. The solution also has dashboards that facilitate parking lot

                         HD mapping                                                                          SmartPixel.tv
                         Jakarto                                                                             Smartpixel

     Jakarto makes high-definition maps using 4K cameras and high-precision              SmartPixel.tv uses custom interactive touchscreen interfaces and real-time 3D
     LiDARs. By combining these two sources (LiDAR measurements of over 2                modeling to represent an urban environment in all its visual and architectural
     million points per second and 360-degree imagery), Jakarto is able to create a      complexity. The system can be used to illustrate a past, present or potential
     virtual twin of a city’s entire infrastructure, which can then be integrated into   future problem and can leverage real-time data to illustrate the dynamic
     the mapping systems of self-driving vehicles.                                       nature of mobility.

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Digital innovation                                                                       presented by

                         Preferential bus measures                                                           Information system indicating
                                                                                                             the availability of parking spots
                         Société de transport de Laval (STL)
                                                                                                             for commuters
                                                                                                              Ville de Candiac

     The STL has equipped all of its vehicles and 232 traffic lights—90% of its whole    This pilot project, jointly developed by the Ville de Candiac and exo, provides
     network—with a smart communication system. Unlike regular systems, the              commuters with real-time information on the 389 parking spots inside the
     STL system only requests right of way when buses are running late and its           Montcalm-Candiac park-and-ride facility.
     algorithm also takes into consideration the number of passengers on board.

                         Transport Hub Electric Simulator (THES)

     Designed for operators of vehicle fleets, this tool facilitates the management
     of the physical and logistical constraints of a garage (e.g. the number and
     configuration of parking spots) and incorporates the complexities associated
     with electric charging. It also makes it possible for operators to develop models
     and simulations and to optimize operations based on their business realities.

                         Real-time forecast model
                         for public transit
                         Transit                                             Winner

     A real-time forecast system for public transit based on machine-learning
     technologies that have helped improve the precision of iBUS and STM fore-
     casts by 15%. The system uses data supplied by the STM as well as anonymized
     histo-rical data supplied by users of Transit thanks to the GO geolocation tool.

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Urban planning

                          Dépôt sans intervenant                                                              Ecomobility Corridor
                          BIXI                                                                                Société de transport du Saguenay

     The Dépôt sans intervenant (DSI) is a light “Québec arm” with a locker attached       The Ecomobility Corridor connects the five key travel hubs in Chicoutimi. The
     to a station that leads to a significant increase in capacity. Made in Québec,        project includes the construction of two multimodal stations, reserved lanes
     each DSI can hold 20 to 30 more bikes than a standard station and replaces 15         for buses, a park-and-ride facility, the implementation of a traffic circle,
     hours of transport by trucks.                                                         sidewalks, bike paths, crosswalks, 17 new bus shelters and the acquisition of
                                                                                           self-service electric bikes and cars.

                          Inspiring streets:
                          inventory to take action
                          Centre d’écologie urbaine de Montréal

     L’Inventaire des rues inspirantes (“The inventory of inspiring streets”) is a refe-
     rence document that gives professionals, municipalities and the general public
     access to documentation on several case studies done in Québec. It collects
     information on implementation, costs of completion, methodologies, design
     concepts and the various stages involved in the creation of lively streets.


     SmartPixel uses ultra-realistic animated 3D maps presented on multiple touch-
     screens to represent an urban environment in all its visual and architectural
     complexity. This technology was used during MIPIM in Europe to showcase the
     Ville de Montréal and its many important real estate projects.

34   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Urban logistics                                                                        presented by

                         Zero-emission delivery trucks                                                      Livraison Vélo Montréal
                         Earth Day (Fonds Eco IGA)                                                          Livraison Vélo Montréal (LVM)

     The electric conversion of four refrigerated home delivery light trucks made      A reliable, eco-friendly and human delivery service that uses an adapted fleet
     the delivery of food items in zero-emission trucks possible for the very first    of bicycles. The LVM teams support local artisans, designers and entrepre-
     time in Canada. Four IGA stores had the chance to win the delivery trucks in      neurs in their growth. LVM is one of the few bike delivery companies that pays
     a random draw. They are now in use in Montréal, Sherbrooke, Rouyn-Noranda         their drivers by the hour and supplies them with the materials they need to do
     and La Baie.                                                                      their work safely.

                         Lion8                                                                              MESH
                         La Compagnie Électrique Lion                                                       Locketgo

     The Lion8 is the first ever 100% electric urban truck made in Québec and the      A pilot project that makes smart electronic lockers available for the last mile of
     first of its kind in North America. It has a range of up to 400 kilometres. The   urban deliveries. The lockers can also be used to return parcels to senders and
     use of a single Lion8 saves 100 tons of GHGs per year and represents approxi-     for the transfer of merchandise between individuals (e.g. Kijiji, Marketplace).
     mately 22 fewer cars on the streets.

                         La roue libre                                                                      Xpedigo, delivery reinvented
                         La roue libre                                                                      Xpedigo

     An electric cargo-bike merchandise delivery service that uses trailers equipped   Xpedigo has developed a mobile app that pairs the sharing economy with a
     with secure waterproof cases capable of transporting up to 400 pounds. The        routing algorithm for small vehicles, enabling the pick-up and delivery of pack-
     service is adapted to the North American/winter context and enjoys a part-        ages in less than 4 hours in large urban centres. The AIDA (Artificial Intelligent
     nership with Communauto. Each cargo bike helps reduce GHGs by more than           Dispatch Algorithm) optimizes routes to respect time constraints, package
     three tons a year.                                                                sizes and vehicle sizes, all while minimizing the distances covered.

36   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Human experience

                         Participatory approach regarding the                                                Mercier Taxibus: a free and local service
                         future of Gatineau’s Smart Centres

     Arpent is a non-profit urban planning firm that offers a wide range of services     A free ridesharing taxi in Mercier that is responding to the growing mobility
     in land use planning. It led a participatory public consultation process on the     needs of the population. Before, only one regional ridesharing service was
     future of the Smart Centres on Gatineau’s Boulevard du Plateau. At the heart        available in the area and it didn’t cover the citizens’ local mobility needs to
     of the group’s concerns were questions about the safety of non-motorized            hospitals, CLSCs, shopping centres, etc. This line of taxibuses operates seven
     modes of travel, the general accessibility of the site and the promotion of         days a week from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
     active transit.

                         Desire Lines Analysis Tool                                                          LionC
                         Copenhagenize Design Co.                                                            La Compagnie Électrique Lion

     A social consulting firm that puts bicycles at the heart of urban planning          The LionC is a 100% electric zero-emission school bus and the only option of
     on a human scale. Their Desire Lines Analysis Tool was used in Montréal at          its kind in the school transportation sector. One LionC eliminates 23 tons of
     the Berri/Cherrier and Saint-Urbain/Maisonneuve intersections to study              GHGs, the equivalent of five cars on the road.
     cyclist behaviour with regards to existing infrastructure and to come up with
     thoughtful urban planning recommendations for users.

                         Non-conscious response                                                              Electric vehicle charging stations
                         to autonomous vehicles                                                              Hydro-Québec
                         CubeHX                                                                              Morelli

     CubeHX has a technology capable of measuring the excitability and cognitive         The development of charging stations for electric vehicles that put the user at
     level of people in various circumstances (e.g. while interacting with a website).   the heart of the design. The intuitive-use stations foster access to a cleaner
     The company has evolved its solution to be used in autonomous vehicles,             and more responsible mode of transportation across Québec.
     making it possible to capture data that was unobtainable until now.

38   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Human experience

                         NANA                                                                                NÉArque Project
                         Navette Nature                                                                      Parc olympique

     Navette Nature (NANA) uses school buses to offer affordable rides to natural        The first autonomous shuttle pilot project on open roads. It provides an alter-
     and protected sites in Québec. NANA has taken more than 5,000 people to             native mode of transportation for visitors and for Desjardins employees, who
     natural spaces in the Montréal area since 2016. Two of the seven expeditions        recently set up offices in the Montréal Tower. The autonomous electric shuttles
     currently offered cost less than $10, making it accessible to a large number of     have been deployed in freezing rain, snow and temperatures as low as -11°C, a
     clients.                                                                            first in Canada.

                         Ogustine                                                                            Autonomous shuttle
                                                                                                             for food safety
       Ogustine          Ogust
                                                                                                             Quartier de l’innovation (Qi)

     Experts in the sector of personal home services (housekeeping, tutoring,            A pre-project study is underway for the implementation—as early as the spring
     elderly care, babysitting, gardening, etc.), Ogust recently developed a solution    of 2020—of an all-electric autonomous social and food delivery shuttle in the
     enabling consumers to book the services of local professionals and pay online       Petite-Bourgogne neighbourhood. Two UQAM researchers are working with
     with ease, significantly reducing the need to travel back and forth for admin-      the Qi on the development of this project. Residents and community organiza-
     istrative reasons.                                                                  tions are being consulted and informed of the project’s progress on a regular
                                                                                         basis to validate and enrich the process.

                         Mouvement #1000joursAH                                                              PPassage: audit on the potential
                                                                                                             for safe and active pedestrianization
                                                                             Mention                         Société Logique                                   Mention

     A non-profit organization whose mission is to simplify daily life for people with   Société Logique is a non-profit organization that promotes, creates and
     reduced mobility. The goal of their #1000joursAH movement (“1000 days for           develops new urban planning practices across Québec that are inclusive and
     accessible humans”) is to map the accessibility of all public spaces between now    responsible. The PPassage audit documents the walkability performance of
     and 2022 and make that information available to citizens. The movement helps        neighbourhoods by analyzing the safety, functionality and comfort of urban
     people make the most of the accessible options available today while working to     planning for pedestrians. The data collected is available to the public free of
     build a more accessible tomorrow—universal accessibility—for everyone.              charge.

40   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Human experience

                          Solon Collectif

     LocoMotion is a multi-vehicle ridesharing program among neighbours.
     It includes the use of cars, trailers, cargo bikes and electric bikes, giving citi-
     zens the chance to transform their mobility options and strengthen their ties
     with fellow community members. LocoMotion is local, ecological, economical
     (neighbours can share the costs of owning the vehicles and equipment) and it
     fosters active and shared mobility.

                          Transit Reward Program

     The Transit Reward Program was launched as a pilot project in the summer
     of 2019, giving users the chance to earn Transit points by activating the GO
     participatory production tool when they take the bus, rent a BIXI or use
     Communauto. Users can redeem their points for rewards, like a free BIXI ride
     or a free hour with Communauto.

42   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Presentation of the jury                                                                            At the crossroads of digital techno-
                                                                                                         logies and the business world, Patrick
                                                                                                         is an innovation aficionado. His exper-
                                                                                                         ience goes from the development
                                                                                                         of start-ups to large corporations,
                                                                                                         where he displayed his strategic
                                                                                                         acumen and marketing skills. He has
                                                                                                         been passionate about urban mobi-
                                                                                                         lity ever since he contributed to the
                                                                                                         development of P$ Service Mobile,
                                                                                                         the Stationnement de Montréal
                                                                                                         payment app. He helped found Téo
                                                                                 Patrick Gagné
                                                                                                         Taxi and served as general manager
                                                                              Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                      OSMO               in 2017. He is now the CEO of the
                                                                                                         OSMO Foundation (Notman House)
                                                                                                         and an administrator for Bonjour
                                                                                                         Startup MTL.

                                    Nathalie Dion has been on the Board                                  Sarah Houde spent her earlier career
                                    of Directors for the Ordre des archi-                                as a communications and public
                                    tectes du Québec since 2005. She                                     relations director in the private and
                                    became president of the Ordre in                                     non-profit sectors before becoming
                                    2013 and has demonstrated a keen                                     executive director of the pan-Ca-
                                    sensibility for the social and cultural                              nadian organization Youth Fusion,
                                    importance of architecture and                                       which doubled in size in the three
                                    the role that architects can play in                                 years under her leadership. She then
                                    Québec. In the performance of her                                    joined private equity firm XPND
                                    duties for the Ordre des architectes,                                Capital as vice-president of public
                                    Nathalie has provided tremendous                                     and government affairs, where she
                                    leadership for the architectural                                     spearheaded a number of transport
           Nathalie Dion                                                           Sarah Houde
                                    and political communities. She was                                   electrification projects. She has been
              President                                                        Chief Executive Officer
         Ordre des architectes      instrumental in launching the first         Propulsion Québec        CEO of Propulsion Québec since the
              du Québec             Stratégie québécoise de l’architec-                                  fall of 2017.
                                    ture last April.

44   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Jury’s Choice Award
                                     As President and CEO of the
                                     Chamber       of    Commerce       of
                                     Metropolitan     Montreal,     Michel

                                                                             Jury’s Choice Award
                                     Leblanc is the official spokesperson
                                     of the organization. He also oversees
                                     the planning, management, coor-
                                     dination and follow-up of the all of
                                     the Chamber of Commerce’s oper-
                                                                             After assessing all of the projects submitted, the jury wanted
                                     ations. An economist by training, he
                                                                             to draw attention to the organizations that stood out for them.
                                     has a keen grasp of economic issues
                                     and understands the realities of
                                     business people and the challenges      Here are the winners.
            Michel Leblanc
                                     they face. He has held several upper
           President and CEO
         Chamber of Commerce         management roles, most notably at
        of Metropolitan Montréal     SECOR, Génome Québec, Montréal
                                     International and L’Institut de
                                     recherches en politiques publiques.
                                     He was also an economist for the
                                     Department of Finance Canada.

                                                                                               Société de transport de Laval (STL)
                                     Catherine Morency is a civil engi-
                                     neer and professor at Polytechnique
                                     Montréal. She is the Chairholder
                                     of the Research Chair in Mobility,
                                     where she is looking at the imple-
                                     mentation of sustainability in                            MRC de Memphrémagog
                                     transportation. She is also the
                                     Chairholder of the Canada Research
                                     Chair in the Mobility of People, and
                                     is working on an integrated under-
                                     standing of the roles played by
                                     different modes of transportation in
          Catherine Morency
                                     people’s daily lives.
       Polytechnique Montréal and
        Research Chair in Mobility

46   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
A word from the STM

     Mobility is central to the daily lives of millions of       Philippe Schnobb
                                                               Chairman of the Board
     people in Québec. The growing number of mobil-
                                                               of Directors, Société de
     ity stakeholders and evolving technologies are            transport de Montréal
     very good news for customers. However, they
     expect a diversified and attractive offer that makes their trips easier. With
     approximately 365.2 million trips made within its bus and metro network
     in 2018, the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) plays a leading role in
     mobility. Nonetheless, it recognizes the importance of fostering dialogue
     among the various stakeholders so that Montréal can be at the forefront
     of sustainable and integrated mobility.

     The Jalon Mobility Awards are a catalyst for advancing mobility and
     bringing together the agents of change in this changing ecosystem. The
     STM welcomes this initiative and is proud to be associated with it by crea-
     ting the Coup de pouce STM award. This award will provide the winner
     with coaching from STM’s teams, who will combine their expertise with
     that of an innovative solutions developer to help the winning company
     advance its project.

     The Jalon Awards are the first gathering for creativity and innovation in
     mobility. I wish all candidates the best of luck and encourage them to con-
     tinue their efforts so that together we can achieve sustainable, intelligent
     and attractive mobility. We will all come out winners!

48   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
Coup de pouce Award
                                                                                    Momentum Technologies

                                                                                    Momentum Consultants en transport
     A leader in mobility and sustainable development thanks to its bus and
     metro network, the STM has partnered with the Jalon Mobility Awards
     to offer to share its expertise with promoters of innovative public transit-   Navette Nature
     related solutions. The recipient of the STM Coup de pouce Award will
     receive support from the STM in the form of advice, totaling up to 400
     hours* depending on the jointly identified needs, thus empowering it to
     further evolve its product or service and help it go to market.                OnRoule.org
     *Hours offered between October 2019 and December 2020

                                                                                    Orange Traffic – Intersect

                  Blaise Transit                                                    REKAB – Multimodal carpooling for enterprise

                  C2RO Cloud Robotics                                               Smartpixel

                  E-SMART                                                           Solon Collectif

                  LeddarTech                                                        Transit

                  Locketgo                                                          Vélo-Transit

50   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
The Jalon team
     Jean-François Tremblay                  Victor Char
                                                                         Event partners
     President and CEO                       Urban Mobility Consultant

     Sébastien Beaudoin                      Loriane Chaudot
     Vice-President,                         Urban Mobility Consultant
     Operations and Digital Services
                                             Antoine Sambin
     Diane Harrison                          Urban Mobility Consultant
     Director of Operations
     and Human Resources                     Véronique Laurin
                                             Communications and
     Randall Ascui                           Marketing Manager
     Director of Financing
     and Communities of Interest             Tomy Mestas
     Karim Er-Rafia
     Director, Data                          Stéphanie Paré
     Valorization Strategy                   Analyst

     Mickael Brard                           Carmen Trempe
     Urban Mobility Consultant               Accountant

     Board of Directors
     Raymond Leduc                           Lucie Lazar
     Chairperson of the Board of Directors   Administrator

     Danielle Charest                        Pierre Thibault
     Administrator                           Administrator

     Marie Côté                              Martin Trépanier
     Administrator                           Administrator

     Richard Gold                            Laure Waridel
     Administrator                           Administrator

52   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
A word from EY

     It’s a great honour for me and for EY to             Marc Brazeau
     partner in the very first edition of the          Partner and Leader
                                                      of the Infrastructure
     Jalon Mobility Awards. From the moment
                                                     Advisory for Québec, EY
     it was presented, it was clear the idea was
     a fit with our vision of today’s business
     world: Building a better working world is
     our tagline at EY.

     The conventional automotive industry is going through a time of profound
     challenges. Urbanization, changing consumer expectations and emerging
     digital technologies are driving a wave of disruptive innovation. To succeed
     in this new world of mobility and smart manufacturing, companies will
     have to make transformative changes at unprecedented speed. New busi-
     ness models will require new cultures and practices: mature companies will
     need to think like start-ups, tap into new talent and engage consumers.
     The prize for those who do is a world of new commercial opportunity. And
     that is precisely what EY can do, help you get there today, for tomorrow.

     A very special mention for all the nominees: you fully deserve this visibil-
     ity in the Québec business community. I only hope this recognition means
     that change makers will see their efforts rewarded and that it will provide
     added thrust to make Greater Montréal and Québec world-class models.

54   Jalon Mobility Awards - 2019
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